April 3 - St. James Roman Catholic Church
April 3 - St. James Roman Catholic Church
WELCOME TO ST. JAMES PARISH April 3, 2016 Our Mission See a face, learn a name, hear a story. Love one another! (Please use a name tag. This will help in getting to know each other in our Community of Faith). This Week Monday, April 4, 2016 Ministry with Teens—6:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, 2016 Christian Yoga—12:00 to 1:15pm Wednesday, April 6, 2016 Christian Yoga—7:15pm to 8:30pm Thursday, April 7, 2016 1:30 p.m.—Prayer Shawl Ministry 7:30 p..—Ministry with Men Friday, April 8, 2016 Saturday, April 9, 2016 EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS: . OUR MINISTRIES Pastor: Rev. Thomas F. Lynch Associate Pastor: Rev. Rogerio Perri Deacons: Tom Masaryk, John Piatak Adult Pastoral Ministry Ministry with Men: Jim Travers, Bob Carriero,Tom Gilbertie, Jeff Noccioli, Mike Curran Ministry with Women: Angie deMello & Mary Tesla Communal Prayer—Deacon Tom Masaryk Worship Liturgical Ministers: April Dykes Liturgical Music: Barbara Mariconda Liturgical Environment: Michele Hoekenga Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 8:00 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday: 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 p.m. Sunday Masses: 7:30 a..m. 9:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m., 6:00.p.m Pastoral Services Faith Study: Betsy Redgate Principal St. James School: Jack Lynch Ministry with Teens Bob Nagy and Karen Smith PARISH CENTER CHAPEL Ministry with Sick & Shut-Ins: Pat Stockdale Eucharistic Adoration: Social Outreach: Jim Hodska Monday—Friday—9:00 a.m. –5:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet: Friday– 3:00 p.m. PATH—Debby Carroll Daily Rosary: M-F 5:00 p.m. St. James Prison Ministry - Alphonse DeJulio and Denis Granado Wheelchair accessible Prayer Shawl Ministry—Mary Perille PARISH CENTER HOURS: Gratitude Ministry— Suzanne Smith, Jane Begnino, Elaine Letcsch Monday—Friday—9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. St. James Young Adult Network—Ruwani Williams and Janine Walsh THE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: will be Mondays at the Support Services 8:00 a.m. Eucharist. Prior notice is not necessary. All those who are dealing with a serious illness and/or will be Finance Council: Dan Caron undergoing surgery during that week are invited to receive this Pastoral Stewardship: David Zamachaj and Maggie Granado sacrament. Business Manager: Natalia Zamachaj THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Parents must register with Business Office: Dolores Lathlean Patty D’Andrea at the Parish Center to schedule a baptism and to Parish Manager: Marcy Kelly receive information regarding a mandatory Pre-Baptism class. Administrative Assistant: Patty D’Andrea SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: (Church) Digital Ministry: Tonya Overby Saturdays: 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. , Thursday before First Friday: Parish Personnel Manager: Paul Fasold 4:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by appointment PARISH NURSES: If you would like to meet with a Parish Nurse, please call Margie Balint at 203- 3783081 or Marianne Laska at 203-301-0445 2110 Main Street, Stratford, CT 06615 Telephone 203-375-5887 Fax. 203-378-1562 - www.stjamesstratford.com Find us on Facebook: St. James Community of Faith St James Ministry with Men The Women of StJames St. James Young Adult Network Weekly Offertory In Church Collections Electronic Offertories Total 2016 $ 10,423.50 $ 4,220.74 $14,644.22 2015 $11,217.05 $ 2797.20 8:00 a.m. MASS INTENTIONS Monday, April 4, 2016 Donna Roach $14,014.25 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, 2016 St James Parishioners Living & Deceased 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 6, 2016 Connie Hodges 5:30p.m. Thursday, April 7, 2016 St James Parishioners Living & Deceased 8:00a.m. Friday, April 8, 2016 St James Parishioners Living & Deceased 8:00 a.m 4:30p.m. 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal 7:30a.m 9:15 a.m 11:15 a.m 6:00p.m Saturday, April 9, 2016 Frank W. Decerbo Joseph Michalek Sunday, April 10, 2016 Marcy Kelly—prayerful intentions Antonia Vargas LLorens David Griffin Jorge Gonzales If you have offered a mass for someone and would like to bring the gifts up, please see the acolyte 15 minutes prior to mass to sign in. PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING: “Dearest lord, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve you as you deserve; to give and not to count the cost.” — Ignatius of Loyola To date we raised $48,539.00 which brings us to 37.34% of our $130,000.00 goal. If you have already given Thank you, if you have not please consider joining us and let's change lives. Please consider the following options when deciding upon the best way to support the Annual Catholic Appeal : Make a pledge and spread out your payments over 5 months Donate on- line by going to the diocesan website, 2016ACAbridgeport.com Check if your employer will match your gift through the Corporate Matching Gift Program Donate a one - time gift Contribute a gift of appreciated stocks or securities Whatever you decide, your gift will be greatly appreciated and make a difference in the lives of others. SEVEN DAY VIGIL CANDLES: (4/2-4/8/16) Church Tabernacle: Jack Keegan Chapel Tabernacle: Blessings & Prayers for the McLaughlin Family CHAPEL INTERCESSORY CANDLES: Candles will burn for the following intentions: Candle #1: Our Homebound Parishioners Candle #2 : All men and women in the military Readings for April 10, 2016 1st Reading: Acts:5:27-32, 40b-41 Second Reading: Rv. 5:11-14 Gospel: Jn 21: 1-19 or 21:1-14 (48) FAITHFUL DEPARTED - Rosemary Matyasovsky PLEASE PRAY FOR: Jennie Michocko, Tom Kiefer, Erzsebet Batizfali, Marcy Kelly. Carl Ciarcia Jr, Carl Ciarcia, Sr., Patricia Ciarcia, John Andrade, Margaret Paoletti, Manuel Falcon., Rose White, Edward and James Ramos, Weezy Meeker, Stanley McFadden, Sigrid Rogowski, James Miller, Erica Christie, Mary Semedo, Mary Ann Hogan, Ethan Dorbat, Larry Nassef and Joan Nassef, Carmella DeCesare, Jenna Stickland, Emanuel Bell, Antonio Soares, Maggie Bell, Sonja Monk, Dee Stemmle, Carl Oliver, Ivor Fernandez, Frank Dempsey, Lori Hayes O’Brien.Matthew Montenegro Reyes, Gareth Mair, Bridget Pardee MINISTRY WITH SICK AND SHUT-IN Pat Stockdale - Please contact the Parish Center if you know of a parishioner who is in the hospital or nursing home so that we can arrange a visit from a member of our ministry. SOCIAL OUTREACH ADULT FORMATION Betsy Redgate Jim Hodska "Both The Food Pantry and The Bridge ministries continue to grow and thrive primarily due to our wonderful volunteers and the generosity of the St. James community. All the food for the pantry comes from you who bring bags of groceries to Church every week. The Bridge is able to give out all those tooth brushes, soap, etc. because of your continued generosity. It is your continued support of these and other ministries at St. James that enable us to serve the poor and marginalized. All our volunteers thank you for seeing the face of Christ in others." St James Prayer Shawl Ministry Will meet on Thursday April 7th, 2016 @1:30pm in the Parish Center. Our ministry welcomes new members. Come join us in prayer, knitting crocheting and create a shawl made with love and compassion for others. We welcome you to join us to knit, crochet and bond in prayer and friendship. We have given out over 1050 shawls for many in needs. The shawls are available to anyone seeking God’s embracing love during times of sickness, healing, loneliness or transition and are available at no cost through the Parrish Center. Any inquiries call Mary Perille at 203-377-1265. MINISTRY WITH WOMEN Angie DeMello and Mary Tesla Catching Fire, Becoming Flame- Wednesdays, April 6-May 11, 7:00-8:30p.m. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can become disciples in our broken world. Learn how to fan the flames ignited in our baptism so that we may pray and live in deeper intimacy with God and others! This program is open to all and is also preparation for adults wishing to be confirmed. Call or stop by the Parish Center to register. Cost is $15 and includes book. Adult Confirmation- If you wish to receive the sacrament of Confirmation in May, please enroll in Catching Fire, Becoming Flame. Christian Yoga Spring Session- starts Tuesday, March 8, 12:001:15 and Wednesday, March 9, 7:15-8:30. $75 for eight sessions or $12 for drop-ins. Register at the Parish Center. MINISTRY WITH MEN Jim Travers, Bob Carriero,Tom Gilbertie, Jeff Noccioli, Mike Curran Beloved Sons Our next Beloved Sons gathering is Thursday, April 7 (7:30 PM8:45 PM @ the Parish center). As we do every first Thursday (and third Saturday) men just like you gather for fellowship and faith sharing; all centered on the gospel story for that upcoming weekend, the third Sunday in Easter (John 21:1-19). Will you recognize Jesus? He won’t need a name tag for you. Happy Easter On behelf of all of us in men’s ministry, which by definition is all of you, each one of you a beloved son; a happy and joyous Easter to you and your families. “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.” St. James Community of Faith congratulates the following children as they receive their First Communion this weekend: Nazareth De la Borda, Joseph Francetic, Lukas Grinvalsky, Liza Powell, and Samantha Roman. Women’s Communion Breakfast Sunday, April 24, 2016 The Lord is My Strength 7:30 a.m. Mass at St. James Event—9:00 –12:00 p.m. at the Trumbull Marriott Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Tickets will be on sale the weekends of: April 2/3, April 9/10, and April 16/17 MINISTRY WITH TEENS/YOUTH Susan Nagy, Catie Lambert, Yaya Lopez, Bob Nagy, Eddie Perez, Karen Smith, Gary Williams ~~ATTENTION TEENS~~ Please join us at the Parish Center on Monday, April 4th from 6:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. We will start off with Mike Somers leading us in Holy Hour and end with games with Yaya. Hope to see you there and please bring a friend or two. Married or Single All are welcome. (Recommended age range: 19-35) 23 “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. ~ Luke 9:23 What does it mean to take up your cross daily? What does it mean to you personally? “So, "taking up your cross" refers to giving your whole life to God, as Jesus was about to give His life for us. This involves bearing burdens, but it is deeper than that. It is a total dedication of life. Our whole life is given to His service in anything He says. This will lead us to willingly deny self. Following Him then requires us to live as He lived His life (I Pet. 2:21; Matt. 10:34,35; I Cor. 11:1).” (from http://www.gospelway.com/topics/christian_life/ deny_self-carry_cross.php) I love this picture I found online (sorry couldn’t find who to credit the drawing to)… it shows that even though we are to face our burdens in life, even— sometimes especially—when we try to serve God, He is there for and with us. Gently, quietly. Making that cross a little lighter than it could be. Next Event: When: Saturday April 23 What: 4:30pm mass, then movie viewing Where: St. James Church Who: All are invited! Upcoming Events: Unless otherwise stated, we meet every 4th Sunday at 1:15pm at the Parish Center. Mar. 27th: No meeting; Easter Sunday. Sun April 23rd: Mass & a Movie May: Memorial Day Weekend Picnic (Date: TBD pending weather forecast). Coming soon: Bible Study Stay tuned on Facebook For more information contact: Ruwani (818) 472-7808 or Janine (203) 685-1856 yan.stjamesparish@gmail.com
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