Eurongilly Public School


Eurongilly Public School
■ 2015 ■ Term 3 ■ Weeks 6 and 7
■ Rel Principal: James Burgess
Having fun while reading
Eurongilly – an excellent learning environment!
■ Phone: (02) 6924 5227
Educating, Enriching and Empowering Students
■ Fax: (02) 6924 5224
■ Email:
■ Website:
Eurongilly Public School
Eurongilly Road
Eurongilly NSW 2663
Eurongilly Public School
■ Rel Principal: James Burgess
Educating, Enriching and Empowering Students
■ Phone: (02) 6924 5227
■ Fax: (02) 6924 5224
Eurongilly Public School
■ Email:
Eurongilly Road
■ Website:
Eurongilly NSW 2663
■ 2015 ■ Term 3 ■ Weeks 6 and 7
Feature Photo
Term 3, Week 6
Tuesday 18 August
Thurs 20 – Friday 21
Term 3, Week 7
Tuesday 25 August
Anti-Racism training, 4:005:30pm
Riverina Primary Principals’
Anaphylaxis Course JPS 3:404:40pm and Miss Madden’s
Thursday 27 August
Touch Vs Yerong Creek PS
Friday 28 August
Coreena Clearance Sale - P&C to
Term 3, Week 8
Monday 31 August
Literacy and Numeracy Week
Riverina Athletics
Tuesday 1 Sept
Year 6 Transition JHS
Thursday 3 Sept
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Term 3, Week 9
Monday 7 Sept
Tuesday 8 Sept
Term 3, Week 10
Tuesday 15 Sept
■ Newsletter
K-2 enjoying our recently purchased
Children’s Book Award Books
In this issue...
A message from James ............................................................... 3
Music through the Decades ............................................ 3
Melbourne Excursion ......................................................... 3
Kangaroo March Ceremony
Premier’s Debating Challenge ........................................ 3
Anti-Racism training, 4:005:30pm
CDPSSA Athletics Carnival ............................................... 3
School Counsellor visit and Year
6 Transition JHS
Wednesday 16 Sept
School Concert, 5:30pm
Thursday 17 Sept
Term Assembly, 11:00am
Friday 18 Sept
Last day of term 3
Term 4, Week 1
Monday 5 October
Labour Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 6 October
Term 4 commences for all
Wednesday 7 Oct
Kinder Transition Program
Parent / Teacher Interviews ............................................. 3
CWA Luncheon ..................................................................... 3
School Uniforms................................................................... 3
Woolworths Earn and Learn ............................................ 4
Kinder Enrolments and Transition (reminder) .......... 4
End of Year Presentation Night ..................................... 4
P&C Newsflash .............................................................................. 4
Illabo Hotel raffle ................................................................. 4
Coreena Clearing Sale........................................................ 4
Father’s Day Raffle .............................................................. 5
Bunning’s Barbecue ............................................................ 5
Eurongilly Public School
A message from James
I’d like to give a big thank you to everyone who wore
their jeans and made a donation to support Jeans for
Genes Day which was held on Friday 7 August. Our
school was able to raise $75.00! This is a fantastic
achievement for a Small School with only 22 students.
Music through the Decades
time last week to visit our school and run a workshop
with our Primary students!
CDPSSA Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to our students on their commendable
performances at last week’s carnival. Our relay team
(Rhauri, Sam, Henry and Ashley) came second in the
Earl McGee Relay and our school came second in the
Handicap Trophy on the day.
Our school has been extremely busy rehearsing our
end of term concert that we can’t wait to share with
you. We have also been lucky enough to get our hands
on a portable stage that Wagga Wagga Public School
has kindly lent us, very exciting!
Don’t forget to look at the concert details attached to
the newsletter and make sure you save the date if you
haven’t done so already!
Photo courtesy of Tracey MacLeod
Other highlights include:
Ashley – 2 Shot Put
Sam –3 High Jump
Lachlan – 3 Discus
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Melbourne Excursion
Our Stage 2 and 3 end of year excursion has now been
finalised with permission and information notes being
sent home over the last couple of weeks. The P&C
have once again generously contributed $1000.00 to
the excursion which has brought each student’s
individual cost down to $230.00.
Premier’s Debating Challenge
I received an email last week from the Premier’s
Debating coordinator to let me know that Eurongilly
PS has progressed through to the Regional quarterfinals. Go Eurongilly! Our team will be playing the
winner of the Culcairn PS and Sturt PS challenge. Once
I have been contacted by the winning school, we will
arrange our quarter-final debate which will need to be
completed by 2 September.
I would also like to thank Mrs Heather Collins (a retired
teacher and PDC adjudicator) who volunteered her
On Thursday 3 September we will be having
Parent/Teacher Interviews throughout the day with
Miss Madden and myself. If you would like to make an
appointment to find out how your child is going both
socially and academically, or if you are having any
concerns, please fill out the attached form, indicating
times preferred.
CWA Luncheon
Our students and staff enjoyed another fantastic CWA
Luncheon on Tuesday 4 August. It was also a great
opportunity for our students to learn more about the
country of student, Italy. Kate Brabin shared a
wonderful Power Point presentation that we all
enjoyed. We would also like to give the CWA a big
thank you as well!
School Uniforms
Winter Uniform – Monday, Thursday and
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Eurongilly Public School
Sports Uniform – Tuesday and Wednesday
Dress purchased from Lowes in Wagga (ask for
Christian College Summer frock)
White socks/black shoes
Grey shorts
Grey shorts sleeved shirt
Grey socks/black shoes
Grey tartan pinafore (order through Lowes –
Beare and Ley style no. 93428)
White shirt
Black polo fleece/track top with Eurongilly
emblem –Hunters embroidery
White socks/black shoes
Grey tights
Grey trousers
Grey short
Grey socks/black shoes
Black Polo fleece/track top with Eurongilly
emblem - Hunters embroidery
collection box at the Gurwood Street and
Cootamundra Woolworths stores. Thank you for your
continued support allowing our school to obtain some
great new equipment!
Kinder Enrolments and Transition (reminder)
We are now taking expressions of interest for 2016
Kindergarten enrolments. If would like an information
pack, please contact the school. Our Kindergarten
transition program will commence on the first
Wednesday of Term 4, 2015, 7 October. The program
runs every Wednesday from Week 1 to Week 8.
End of Year Presentation Night
After reading the P&C Minutes I would like to clarify
that our end-of-year Presentation Night is on Tuesday
8 December not as indicated in the minutes on the
Wednesday night of that week. The Presentation Night
will commence at 6:30pm
James Burgess
Black shorts/black tracksuit
Grey/black polo shirt with Eurongilly emblem –
Eurongilly P&C
White socks/sport shoes
Black shorts/black tracksuit
Grey/black polo shirt with Eurongilly emblem –
Eurongilly P&C
White socks /sports shoes
School hats, jumpers and tracksuits are available
from Hunters Embroidery, Fitzmaurice Street,
Don’t forget to clearly label all your child’s
clothing so lost items can be identified and
returned to owners.
Woolworths Earn and Learn
The Woolworths Earn and
Learn program will continue
until Tuesday 8 September
with stickers collected from
Woolworths for every $10.00
tobacco and gift cards). Extra
sticker cards are available
from school when needed.
Please send cards / stickers
to school or drop into the
Page 4
Mr Malone
P&C Newsflash
Illabo Hotel raffle
Thank you to the Rankin family for selling raffle tickets
last Wednesday night and raising approximately
$80.00!! Thank you to everyone at the Illabo Hotel that
night for your support!
Coreena Clearing Sale
Just a reminder we are catering for Coreena’s surplus
sale on Friday 28 August. If everyone could please
supply a cake/slice/biscuits to sell with tea and coffee
that would be much appreciated. We will be in need of
eggs and some helpers on the day to cook on
barbecue and help with the serving. Thank you!!
Eurongilly Public School
Father’s Day Raffle
We will be selling raffle tickets at Junee IGA on Sunday
30 August. Shifts will be 9:00-11:00am, 11:00am1:00pm, 1:00-3:00pm, and 3:00-5:00pm. Ideally it
would be great to have two people on per shift.
Thank you to Julie who has already offered to do 9:0011:00am. If you are able to help please let me know!!
Could everyone please donate one or two items
toward our Father’s Day Raffle; something that dad
might like? Joe, when asked by our bunch, would like a
“whole lot of peace and quiet” for Father’s Day!
Bunning’s Barbecue
Another day to keep free!! Our annual fundraising
barbecue will be held Sunday 20 September. It is our
major fundraiser for the year and requires 5 people on
the first shift 8:30am-12:30pm and 4 people on the last
shift 12:30-4:30pm. It would be greatly appreciated if
we could have some blokes volunteer this year to help
out on the barbecue to give poor Ivan a break! Ha!
Sorry Steve but I can’t let you off the hook yet!! Thank
you all in advance.
I know! Term 3 has always been a busy fundraising
term! Thank you all for your help with our past
fundraisers this term and please keep fit and healthy
for the bunch of fundraisers coming up! Ha!!
Elissa Drew
P&C Secretary
Star Student
Zane Hindman-Olive
Achievement Award
Ashley Crawford
Improved Debating Skills
How 2 Learn
Samuel Rankin
Being accountable for his own
Eurongilly Public School
Quality teaching and learning
Excellent learning programs developing
articulate and successful students
Page 5
Eurongilly Public School
Community News
You can purchase your Junee Remembers Calendar
from our school office!
Don’t forget to download
our Skoolbag App!
Our Skoolbag App is available at no cost via your
Apple or Android App Store.
Keep up with what’s happening at school by
downloading this fantastic communication tool!
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Eurongilly Public School
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