Boys Fallston Cup 2011 Results
Boys Fallston Cup 2011 Results
18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U8 Gold Bracket (8 v 8) Green Division Orange Division Teams Coaches aFallston United Bob Andrus bLazers Gabriel Vera cLTSC Galaxy Curtis Grieveson dForest Hill Force W L T II PTS I 0 II I 6 Keith Smith I I I 5 eLightning Aaron Urban-Zukerberg I I I 4 fDiablo Scott Buete I I I 4 gOverlea Dragons Mike Santoro hBel Air Blue Devils Bill Kegley III G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 8 III III Red Cards 0 9 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D SATURDAY TIMES LOCATION - Main REC Complex Field #3 SCORE GAMES SCORE 8am - 9am 1 Fallston United vs Lazers 0 9am - 10am 0 Lightning vs Diablo 0 10am - 11am 0 Overlea Dragons vs Bel Air Blue Devils 6 11am - Noon 2 Fallston United vs LTSC Galaxy 1 Noon - 1pm 0 Lazers vs Forest Hill Force 1 1pm - 2pm 3 Lightning vs Overlea Dragons 1 2pm - 3pm 0 Diablo vs Bel Air Blue Devils 1 3pm - 4pm 1 LTSC Galaxy vs Forest Hill Force 0 F I E L D SUNDAY TIMES LOCATION - Main REC Complex Field #3 SCORE GAMES SCORE 8am - 9am 2 Fallston United vs Forest Hill Force 2 9am - 10am 0 Lazers vs LTSC Galaxy 4 10am - 11am 1 Lightning vs Bel Air Blue Devils 2 11am - Noon 2 Diablo vs Overlea Dragons 1 FINAL 1:30pm - MainREC Field #3 Bel Air 0 CHAMPIONS vs Fallston 2 Fallston United 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U8 Silver Bracket (8 v 8) Teams Coaches Mike Lott bBel Air Blue Devils Richard Lynard Orange Division aFallston F.C. W L T PTS II 2 I II I Jesse Kaplin I Brian Hook II eLazers Chris Skandails I fCardiff FC Sean Ledford I Green Division cTowson United Thunder dLutherville (LTSC) I I Red Cards G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 3 I 5 I 7 II 5 I 4 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D LOCATION - Main REC Complex Field #11 SATURDAY TIMES SCORE GAMES SCORE 8am - 9am 0 Fallston F.C. vs Bel Air Blue Devils 1 9am - 10am 0 Lutherville (LTSC) vs Lazers 0 11am - Noon 2 Fallston F.C. vs Towson United Thunder 2 Noon - 1pm 2 Lutherville (LTSC) vs Cardiff FC 1 2pm - 3pm 0 Bel Air Blue Devils vs Towson United Thunder 1 3pm - 4pm 0 Lazers vs Cardiff FC 0 SUNDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 0 8am - 9am 9am - 10am 10am - 11am 1pm - 2pm SUNDAY GAMES GAMES FIELDS SCORE MainREC Field #11 MainREC Field #11A u Towson United Thunder vs Lazers 1 3 Lutherville vs Bel Air 0 u 0 Fallston FC vs Cardiff 1 u FINAL 12:00pm - MainREC Field #11 Hickory Lazers in O.T. 3 v 3 CHAMPIONS 3 vs LTSC 2 Hickory Lazers 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U8 Bronze Bracket (8 v 8) Teams Coaches W L T Tom Karle I Mike Epstein III Orange Division aFallston All-Stars bCarroll Manor All-Stars II cBel Air All-Stars Kathy Brock II I Franco Pastore I I eAkron Nitro Matthew Wingenroth fJarrettsville All-Stars Darren Petty G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 1 3 +2 1 3 +2 0 3 I II I Red Cards 6 dPHWM Vipers Green Division PTS I 5 0 I 5 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D LOCATION - Main REC Complex Field #11A SATURDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 5 PHWM Vipers vs Akron Nitro GAMES SCORE 0 9am - 10am 0 Fallston All-Stars vs Carroll Manor All-Stars 3 11am - Noon 1 PHWM Vipers vs Jarrettsville All-Stars 1 Noon - 1pm 0 Fallston All-Stars vs Bel Air All-Stars 2 2pm - 3pm 0 Akron Nitro vs Jarrettsville All-Stars 4 3pm - 4pm 3 Carroll Manor All-Stars vs Bel Air All-Stars 1 10am - 11am 1pm - 2pm SUNDAY GAMES GAMES FIELDS MainREC Field #11 SUNDAY TIMES SCORE 9am - 10am 0 Akron vs Fallston Storm 5 10am - 11am 2 Bel Air vs PHWM 1 10am - 11am 3 Carroll Manor vs Jarrettsville 0 FINAL 12:00pm - MainREC Field #11A Bel Air Carroll Manor vs CHAMPIONS Carroll Manor All-Stars SCORE MainREC Field #11A u u u 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U9 Gold Bracket (8 v 8) Division Teams Coaches W L T aFallston Flames Mike Rothenheber III bBlue Devils Lisa Schultz II cBaltimore Bays Crush 03 Joe Lambert I I 11 I 7 IIII dTowson Tornadoes Sanjay Trivedi II eNC Rage Mike McQuaid I Red Cards G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 0 II III PTS 9 3 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D FRIDAY TIMES SCORE 6pm - 7pm 2 F I E L D SATURDAY TIMES LOCATION LOCATION - Main REC Complex Field #5 GAMES Fallston Flames vs Blue Devils - SCORE SCORE 1 Annies Playground Complex (Smith Lane) Field #3 GAMES SCORE 8am - 9am 9am - 10am 10am - 11am 0 Baltimore Bays Crush 03 vs NC Rage 3 11am - Noon 0 Blue Devils vs Towson Tornadoes 0 1pm - 2pm 2 Fallston Flames vs Baltimore Bays Crush 03 0 2pm - 3pm 2 Towson Tornadoes vs NC Rage 0 Noon - 1pm 3pm - 4pm F I E L D LOCATION - Annies Playground Complex (Smith Lane) Field #3 SUNDAY TIMES SCORE GAMES SCORE 8am - 9am 5 Blue Devils vs NC Rage 0 10am - 11am 1 Towson Tornadoes vs Fallston Flames 1 11am - Noon 4 Blue Devils vs Baltimore Bays Crush 03 0 1pm - 2pm 1 NC Rage vs Fallston Flames 2 2pm - 3pm 0 Baltimore Bays Crush 03 vs Towson Tornadoes 4 9am - 10am Noon - 1pm Runner-Up CHAMPIONS Towson Tornadoes Fallston Flames 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U9 Silver Bracket (8 v 8) Coaches W L T aFallston Fireballs Ben Flatau bForest Hill Force David Miller II cHSC HotSpur Gerard O'Neil II dHickory Lazers Dominic DeFazio I eN.E. Wolverines Erik Lane fBlue Devils Rick Arcilesi II gCarroll Manor Crush James Ritchie III hNorth Carroll Dynamite John Zeigenfuse iSacred Heart Warriors Erik Gonder jPipeline Red Justin Holbrook Green Division Red Division Orange Division Teams Red Cards G.A. G.F. Goal Diff III I I II II I I II II II I I I III kTowsontowne Red Rockets Paul Schramm I lLTSC Strikers Chris Lord II mTowson United Jeremy Snyder I nLazers Dan Vest Blue Division PTS I I I III POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. SATURDAY GAMES FIELDS SATURDAY TIMES SCORE GAMES 8am - 9am 2 Towson United vs LTSC Strikers 2 8am - 9am 1 Sacred Heart Warriors vs Pipeline Red 3 9am - 10am 0 Hickory Lazers vs HSC HotSpur 6 9am - 10am 0 Fallston Fireballs vs Forest Hill Force 11 10am - 11am 0 N.E. Wolverines vs Blue Devils 1 10am - 11am 4 Carroll Manor Crush vs North Carroll Dynamite 0 11am - Noon 0 Lazers vs LTSC Strikers 2 11am - Noon 3 Towsontowne Red Rockets vs Sacred Heart Warriors 3 Noon - 1pm 0 Fallston Fireballs vs HSC HotSpur 9 Noon - 1pm 0 Hickory Lazers vs Forest Hill Force 4 1pm - 2pm 2 North Carroll Dynamite vs Blue Devils 5 1pm - 2pm 5 Carroll Manor Crush vs N.E. Wolverines 2 2pm - 3pm 0 Lazers vs Towson United 2 2pm - 3pm 1 Towsontowne Red Rockets vs Pipeline Red 3 SUNDAY SCORE 8am - 9am 1 North Carroll Dynamite vs N.E. Wolverines 1 8am - 9am 1 HSC HotSpur vs Forest Hill Force 1 9am - 10am 1 Sacred Heart Warriors vs LTSC Strikers 2 9am - 10am 0 Fallston Fireballs vs Hickory Lazers 5 9am - 10am 1 Carroll Manor Crush vs Blue Devils 0 10am - 11am 3 Pipeline Red vs Towson United 2 10am - 11am 3 Towsontowne Red Rockets vs Lazers 0 0 vs u u u u u u u u u u u u u FIELDS SCORE GAMES Semi-Final 12:00pm - Annies Field #1 Annies Field #2 u GAMES SUNDAY TIMES CM Crush Annies Field #1 SCORE Annies Field #1 Pipeline 1 2 FINAL 2:00pm - Annies Field #1 LTSC 1 CHAMPIONS vs Hotspur 2 Hotspur vs u u u u u u HSC Hotspur 3 Annies Field #3 u Semi-Final 12:00pm - Annies Field #2 LTSC Strikers Annies Field #2 in O.T. 5v5 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U10 Gold Bracket (8 v 8) Green Division Orange Division Teams Coaches W L T aFallston Cyclones Len Barwick II bPHWM FC Marlins Dave Morfe I cTowson Thunder Dean Johnson dLTSC Lightning Jeff Marshall eTowson United Steve Farling fPipeline SC Black Joesph O'Rourke gCarroll Manor Cobras Chuck Sabia I I hForest Hill Force Mike Feinour II I PTS Red Cards G.A. G.F. Goal Diff I 8 3 7 +4 I 8 2 9 +7 I 8 II III II III II I 6 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin Flip. F I E L D FRIDAY TIMES LOCATION 7pm - 8pm Main REC Complex Field #5 GAMES 3 F I E L D SATURDAY GAMES - SCORE Fallston Cyclones vs PHWM FC Marlins LOCATION - SCORE 2 Main REC Complex Field #10 SCORE GAMES SCORE 8am - 9am 0 Towson Thunder vs LTSC Lightning 3 9am - 10am 0 Towson United vs Pipeline SC Black 4 10am - 11am 1 Carroll Manor Cobras vs Forest Hill Force 3 11am - 12pm 3 Fallston Cyclones vs Towson Thunder 0 12pm - 1pm 1 PHWM FC Marlins vs LTSC Lightning 5 1pm - 2pm 2 Pipeline SC Black vs Forest Hill Force 1 2pm - 3pm 0 Towson United vs Carroll Manor Cobras 4 F I E L D Sunday Times LOCATION - Main REC Complex Field #10 Score Games Score 8am - 9am 1 Fallston Cyclones vs LTSC Lightning 1 9am - 10am 4 PHWM FC Marlins vs Towson Thunder 1 10am - 11am 0 Towson United vs Forest Hill Force 4 11am - 12am 1 Pipeline SC Black vs Carroll Manor Cobras 1 FINAL 1:00pm - MainREC Field #10 Pipeline 1 CHAMPIONS vs LTSC Lightning 4 LTSC Lightning 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U10 Silver Bracket (8 v 8) Green Division Purple Division Blue Division Orange Division Teams Coaches W L T aFallston Phantoms Rob Budke II bKTSA Warriors Carrier Smith I cCockeysville Bob lhle I I I II I dTowsontowne RedBulls Scott French I G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 8 1 4 +3 9 0 9 +9 9 0 5 +5 8 3 7 +4 PTS Red Cards II eStrikers Scott Krugman II fSacred Heart Vipers Tyrell Thomas III gCrush Mark Chenowith I hHickory Lazers United Mike Sweat iBaltimore Kickers Larry Luis I jFCB MD 02 Sean MacCubbin III kBlue Hawks Rick Fletcher I I II III lMt. Washington Tigers Peter Garver mAFC Bulldogs Wes Rich I nPipeline SC Red Duane Sherman II oFC Koln Scott LeFevre pTowsontowne Mike Regan I I I I III I I I III II I POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D L O C AT IO N - Main REC Complex Field #5 FRIDAY TIMES Score Games Score 8pm - 9pm 2 SATURDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 2 Towsontowne RedBulls vs Cockeysville 1 8am - 9am 0 Strikers vs Sacred Heart Vipers 3 8am - 9am 5 Crush vs Hickory Lazers United 1 9am - 10am 0 Baltimore Kickers vs FCB MD 02 3 u 10am - 11am 0 FC Koln vs Towsontowne 2 u 10am - 11am 1 Blue Hawks vs Mt. Washington Tigers 0 10am - 11am 1 Pipeline SC Red vs AFC Bulldogs 1 11am - 12pm 1 KTSA Warriors vs Towsontowne RedBulls 0 11am - 12pm 3 Strikers vs Crush 0 11am - 12pm 1 Fallston Phantoms vs Cockeysville 1 u 12pm - 1pm 0 Hickory Lazers United vs Sacred Heart Vipers 3 u 1pm - 2pm 4 AFC Bulldogs vs FC Koln 0 1pm - 2pm 1 FCB MD 02 vs Mt. Washington Tigers 0 1pm - 2pm 3 Pipeline SC Red vs Towsontowne 1 u 2pm - 3pm 0 Blue Hawks vs Baltimore Kickers 0 u Fallston Phantoms vs KTSA Warriors SAT U R D AY 0 G AMES FIELDS GAMES SU N D AY SCORE GAMES 8am - 9am 6 Strikers vs Hickory Lazers United 0 SCORE 8am - 9am 1 KTSA Warriors vs Cockeysville 2 9am - 10am 0 Blue Hawks vs FCB MD 02 1 9am - 10am 2 Baltimore Kickers vs Mt. Washington Tigers 1 9am - 10am 1 Fallston Phantoms vs Towsontowne RedBulls 0 10am - 11am 5 Pipeline SC Red vs FC Koln 1 10am - 11am 3 Sacred Heart Vipers vs Crush 0 10am - 11am 1 AFC Bulldogs vs Towsontowne 2 Semi-Final 12:00pm - Middle School Field #2 Pipeline 0 FINAL 2:00pm - MainREC Field #5A Pipeline SC Red 0 CHAMPIONS vs Sacred Heart Vipers 1 Sacred Heart Vipers Middle School Field #3 u u u u u u u u FIELDS SCORE Semi-Final 12:00pm MainREC Field #7 Fallston Sacred Heart vs Phantoms Middle School Field #2 u G AMES SUNDAY TIMES 5 MainREC Field #7 vs FCB MD 02 MainREC Field #7 Middle School Field #2 Middle School Field #3 u u u u u u u u 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U10 Bronze Bracket (8 v 8) Division Teams Coaches W L T aFallston All-Stars George Fabula bBel Air All-Stars Kathy Brock II cRevolution Andrew Wishart II dCMRC Titans Matt Woods eBlitz George Ebner II II I I II III III G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 10 2 8 +6 10 1 6 +5 PTS Red Cards I I POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. SATURDAY GAMES GMAES FIELDS SATURDAY TIMES SCORE 9am - 10am 1 Fallston All-Stars vs Revolution 3 9am - 10am 0 CMRC Titans vs Blitz 1 12pm - 1pm 0 Revolution vs Blitz 0 12pm - 1pm 2 Bel Air All-Stars vs Fallston All-Stars 0 3pm - 4pm 1 Bel Air All-Stars vs CMRC Titans 0 SUNDAY SCORE GAMES u u u FIELDS Middle School Field #2 8am - 9am 0 Bel Air All-Stars vs Blitz 5 u 11am - 12pm 1 Bel Air All-Stars vs Revolution 3 u 11am - 12pm 1 CMRC Titans vs Fallston All-Stars 1 2pm - 3pm 2 Revolution vs CMRC Titans 0 2pm - 3pm 2 Blitz vs Fallston All-Stars 1 CHAMPIONS Revolution SCORE Middle School Field #3 u SCORE Blitz Middle School Field #2 u SUNDAY TIMES Runner-Up GAMES Annies Field #1 Middle School Field #3 u u u 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U11 Gold Bracket (8 v 8) Green Division Orange Division Teams Coaches W L T aFallston Flash Mark Swatling I bUnited Mark Bender III cRed Wolves Jim Kappes I dGriffons Crisman Boggan eAFC Shadow Wolves Dennis Garcia fCardiff FC Jim Lassen gTowson United Christian Merlo III hBSC Blackhawks John Gayleard I PTS I Red Cards G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 5 9 I I 5 III 0 II I 6 I II 3 9 III 0 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D FRIDAY TIMES LOCATION 9pm - 10pm Main REC Complex Field #5 GAMES 0 F I E L D SATURDAY TIMES - SCORE Fallston Flash vs United LOCATION - SCORE 3 Main REC Complex Field #5A SCORE GAMES SCORE 8am - 9am 6 Red Wolves vs Griffons 0 9am - 10am 2 AFC Shadow Wolves vs Cardiff FC 1 10am - 11am 5 Towson United vs BSC Blackhawks 0 11am - Noon 3 Fallston Flash vs Red Wolves 3 Noon - 1pm 7 United vs Griffons 1 1pm - 2pm 0 AFC Shadow Wolves vs Towson United 4 2pm - 3pm 3 Cardiff FC vs BSC Blackhawks 2 Sunday SUNDAY TIMES Games SCORE FIELDS GAMES SCORE MainREC Field #5A 9am - 10am 6 United vs Red Wolves 1 u 10am - 11am 4 Fallston Flash vs Griffons 0 u 11am - Noon 0 Cardiff FC vs Towson United 3 u 11am - Noon 2 AFC Shadow Wolves vs BSC Blackhawks 1 FINAL 1:00pm - MainREC Field #5A LTRC United 2 CHAMPIONS vs Towson United 0 LTRC United MainREC Field #7 u 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U11 Silver Bracket (8 v 8) Teams Coaches G.F. Goal Diff 1 9 +8 9 2 8 +6 9 0 6 +6 PTS III 0 Dave Richenderfer bLizards Sam Stevens III cTowson United - White Scott Vogel I II 3 dSHG Lightning Adam Bertsch II I 6 eTowsontowne Red Fury Brooks Amiot III 0 fBel Air Blue Devils Sean Moran III gBlue Devils Ryan Vogel III hLazers Dan Kennedy iSharks Skip Shipley jCockeysville Bandits George McCaffray Orange Division aFallston Fire Blue Division Green Division G.A. W L T Red Cards 9 II I I 2 I I 3 I II 3 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. S A T U R D A Y G A M E S FIELDS GAMES SCORE Fox Meadows Field #2 SATURDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 1 Fallston Fire vs Lizards 4 u 9am - 10am 5 SHG Lightning vs Towsontowne Red Fury 1 u 10am - 11am 2 Blue Devils vs Lazers 0 u 10am - 11am 0 Sharks vs Cockeysville Bandits 0 11am - Noon 1 Fallston Fire vs Towson United - White 3 u Noon - 1pm 2 SHG Lightning vs Bel Air Blue Devils 4 u 1pm - 2pm 1 Blue Devils vs Sharks 0 u 1pm - 2pm 1 Lazers vs Cockeysville Bandits 1 2pm - 3pm 5 Lizards vs Towson United - White 3 u 3pm - 4pm 0 Towsontowne Red Fury vs Bel Air Blue Devils 3 u SUNDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 5 Blue Devils vs Cockeysville Bandits 0 S U N D A Y SCORE 8am - 9am 0 Fallston Fire vs SHG Lightning 1 0 Lazers vs Sharks 2 10am - 11am 3 Lizards vs Towsontowne Red Fury 0 10am - 11am 0 Towson United - White vs Bel Air Blue Devils 2 5 vs u FIELDS GAMES 9am - 10am Lizards u G A M E S Semi-Final 12:00pm - Fox Meadows Field #2 MainREC Field #5 Fox Meadows Field #2 MainREC Field #5 u u u u u Semi-Final 12:00pm - MainREC Field #5 Bel Air Blue Devils SHG Lightning 0 1 FINAL 2:00pm - MainREC Field #10 LTSC 3 CHAMPIONS vs Blue Devils (Vogel) 2 LTSC Lizards vs Blue Devils (Vogel) 2 MainREC Field #5A in O.T. 5v5 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U11 Bronze Bracket (8 v 8) Division Teams Coaches W L T aSacred Heart Knights Ray Burris bCMRC Thomas Beckwith III II III cForce Christopher Persing dBlue Devils Chris Brandt eParkville United Mike Long PTS I 2 I 11 I I 6 III I 2 II 10 II Red Cards G.A. G.F. Goal Diff POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D LOCATION - Main REC Complex Field #5 SATURDAY TIMES SCORE GAMES SCORE 8am - 9am 0 Sacred Heart Knights vs Parkville United 5 9am - 10am 0 Blue Devils vs Force 2 11am - Noon 0 Sacred Heart Knights vs CMRC 6 Noon - 1pm 2 Force vs Parkville United 2 4 CMRC vs Blue Devils 1 10am - 11am 1pm - 2pm 2pm - 3pm S U N D A Y G A M E S GAMES FIELDS SUNDAY TIMES SCORE SCORE 8am - 9am 0 Sacred Heart Knights vs Force 2 9am - 10am 1 CMRC vs Parkville United 1 11am - Noon 2 Sacred Heart Knights vs Blue Devils 2 Noon - 1pm 3 CMRC vs Force 1 1pm - 2pm 1 Parkville United vs Blue Devils 0 Fox Meadows Field #2 MainREC Field #5 MainREC Field #10 u u 10am - 11am Runner-Up CHAMPIONS Parkville United CMRC u u u 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U12 Silver Bracket (8 v 8) Green Division Orange Division Teams Coaches W L T PTS III 0 II 3 aFallston All-Stars Paul Masserelli bPipeline White Nico Bermudez I cTSC Napoli Dede Abu III dBel Air Blue Devils Tom Kunkel II I ePHWM-FC Tornadoes Ed Beranek I I fStorm United Joshua Crabtree II gBel Air All Stars Kathy Brock hForest Hill Force United Joe Haney G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 9 6 I 3 I 6 III I Red Cards 0 II 2 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D LOCATION SATURDAY TIMES - Fallston High School Fire Station (Carrs Mill Road) Field #1 SCORE GAMES SCORE 8am - 9am 0 Fallston All-Stars vs Pipeline White 3 9am - 10am 2 TSC Napoli vs Bel Air Blue Devils 1 10am - 11am 0 PHWM-FC Tornadoes vs Storm United 3 11am - Noon 0 Bel Air All Stars vs Forest Hill Force United 2 Noon - 1pm 0 Fallston All-Stars vs TSC Napoli 3 1pm - 2pm 1 Pipeline White vs Bel Air Blue Devils 3 2pm - 3pm 0 Storm United vs Forest Hill Force United 0 3pm - 4pm 1 PHWM-FC Tornadoes vs Bel Air All Stars 0 F I E L D SUNDAY TIMES LOCATION - Fallston High School Fire Station (Carrs Mill Road) Field #1 SCORE GAMES SCORE 8am - 9am 0 Fallston All-Stars vs Bel Air Blue Devils 6 9am - 10am 0 Pipeline White vs TSC Napoli 2 10am - 11am 2 Storm United vs Bel Air All Stars 1 11am - Noon 0 PHWM-FC Tornadoes vs Forest Hill Force United 0 FINAL 1:00pm - High School Firestation Field #1 TSC Napoli 1 CHAMPIONS vs Storm United 2 Storm United 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U12 Gold Bracket (11 v 11) Teams Coaches W L T Brady Slater I bLTSC Lightning Scott Menegatti III cColonial Revolution Nichola Liska II dBel Air Blue Devils Rusty Fleming II eFewster FC Force Rich Zinkand fLightning Mike Santoro Green Division Orange Division aHanover Inferno I II PTS Red Cards G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 3 9 I 6 I 6 III 0 II 3 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. SATURDAY GAMES GAMES FIELDS SCORE MainREC Field #8 SATURDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 0 Hanover Inferno vs Colonial Revolution 1 u 10am - 11am 6 Bel Air Blue Devils vs Fewster FC Force 1 u 11am - Noon 0 Hanover Inferno vs LTSC Lightning 5 u 1pm - 2pm 2 Lightning vs Fewster FC Force 1 u 2pm - 3pm 1 LTSC Lightning vs Colonial Revolution 0 u 4pm - 5pm 1 Bel Air Blue Devils vs Lightning 0 SUNDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 1 LTRC Lightning vs Overlea Lightning 0 u 9am - 10am 1 Bel Air vs Colonial Revolution 2 u 1 Hanover Inferno vs Fewster 0 u MainREC TURF 9am - 10am Noon - 1pm 3pm - 4pm SUNDAY u GAMES GAMES FIELDS SCORE MainREC Field #8 10am - 11am 11am - Noon FINAL 1:00pm - MainREC Field #9 LTRC 1 CHAMPIONS vs Colonial Revolution 0 LTRC Litghning MainREC Field #9 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U12 Silver Bracket (11 v 11) Teams Coaches W L T Chris Drusano II bFCB Papale Danny Papale II cSacred Heart Randy Chait Orange Division aFallston Cougars I Blue Division G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 8 III II Red Cards 6 I dFallston Athletic Club (AC) Cyrus Etemad-Moghadam Green Division PTS 0 I 2 II 7 eHereford Hurricanes Don Cain I fTowson Vipers Todd Harman II gHereford United Marco Avila hLTSC Ricardo Lema III iForest Hill Force Ray Smith I II 3 jColonial ROCK Marc Weinstein II I 6 I 6 III 0 9 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D LOCATION FRIDAY TIMES SCORE 6pm - 7pm 0 SATURDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 0 9am - 10am 9am - 10am - MainREC Complex the TURF Field "The Bowl" GAMES SCORE Fallston Cougars vs FCB Papale S A T U R D A Y 2 G A M E S FIELDS GAMES SCORE Hereford United vs LTSC 7 1 Forest Hill Force vs Colonial ROCK 3 1 Fallston Athletic Club (AC) vs Hereford Hurricanes 1 MainREC Field #8 MainREC Field #9 Middle School Field #1 MainREC TURF FIELD u u u 10am - 11am u 11am - 12pm 2 FCB Papale vs Sacred Heart 0 12pm - 1pm 0 Fallston Athletic Club (AC) vs Towson Vipers 4 12pm - 1pm 4 Forest Hill Force vs Hereford United 0 u 1pm - 2pm 1 Colonial ROCK vs LTSC 2 u 3pm - 4pm 2 Hereford Hurricanes vs Towson Vipers 1 5pm - 6pm 7 Fallston Cougars vs Sacred Heart 0 S U N D A Y SUNDAY TIMES SCORE u u u G A M E S FIELDS GAMES SCORE Fox Meadows Field #1 Middle School Field #1 8am - 9am 5 Colonial ROCK vs Hereford United 0 u 9am - 10am 1 Forest Hill Force vs LTSC 2 u 10am - 11am 5 Fallston Cougars vs Fallston Athletic Club (AC) 0 u 11am - 12pm 2 FCB Papale vs Hereford Hurricanes 2 11am - 12pm 0 Sacred Heart vs Towson Vipers 4 Semi-Final 1:00pm - Middle School Field #1 LTSC 0 vs Semi-Final 1:00pm - MainREC Field #8 Towson FCB Papale 2 2 FINAL 3:00pm - MainREC TURF Field Towson 0 CHAMPIONS u u vs FCB Papale 2 FCB Papale vs Hereford Hurricanes 0 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U13 Gold Bracket (11 v 11) Green Division Orange Division Teams Coaches W L T PTS II I 2 II I 2 aFallston Rush Tim Kassir bRevolution Tim Grace cPumas Ken Davis II dHSA Blue Devils John Roche III eTowson United Peter Kannam fForest Hill Force Geri Riley gEastfield Arsenal 98 John Brummet, Jr II hWestminster Wolves '98 Paul Seegren III I Red Cards G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 6 9 II I 1 II I 1 I 6 9 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D FRIDAY TIMES 7pm - 8pm LOCATION - MainREC Complex the TURF Field "The Bowl" SCORE GAMES 1 Fallston Rush vs Revolution S A T U R D A Y SATURDAY TIMES SCORE 1 G A M E S SCORE GAMES FIELDS SCORE MainREC Field #9 8am - 9am 0 Pumas vs HSA Blue Devils 2 u 9am - 10am 0 Towson United vs Forest Hill Force 0 u 10am - 11am 0 Eastfield Arsenal 98 vs Westminster Wolves '98 1 u Noon - 1pm 0 Revolution vs HSA Blue Devils 2 u Noon - 1pm 0 Fallston Rush vs Pumas 1 1pm - 2pm 0 Forest Hill Force vs Westminster Wolves '98 3 u 2pm - 3pm 1 Towson United vs Eastfield Arsenal 98 3 u MainREC TURF FIELD 11am - Noon S U N D A Y SUNDAY TIMES G A M E S SCORE GAMES u FIELDS SCORE MainREC Field #9 MainREC TURF FIELD 8am - 9am 9am - 10am 0 Revolution vs Pumas 1 u 10am - 11am 0 Towson United vs Westminster Wolves '98 2 u 11am - Noon 2 Forest Hill Force vs Eastfield Arsenal 98 5 u 11am - Noon 0 Fallston Rush vs HSA Blue Devils 2 FINAL 1:00pm - MainREC Turf Field "The Bowl" HSA Blue Westminster Wolves vs Devils '98 0 CHAMPIONS 1 Westminster Wolves '98 u 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U13 Silver Bracket (11 v 11) Teams Coaches W L T PTS Stephen Zebron I bRampage Michael Hood III cTowsontowne Pride Tim Hurley I I dAFC Cyclones Phil Amrhein II I 6 eBlue Devils Tony Battaglia I II 3 fTowson United Drew Talbott III 0 Green Division Orange Division aFallston Comets I I Red Cards 1 G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 3 1 -2 1 0 -1 6 I 1 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D LOCATION - Fox Meadows Complex Field #1 SATURDAY TIMES SCORE GAMES SCORE 8am - 9am 1 Fallston Comets vs Rampage 3 9am - 10am 1 AFC Cyclones vs Blue Devils 0 11am - Noon 0 Fallston Comets vs Towsontowne Pride 0 Noon - 1pm 1 AFC Cyclones vs Towson United 0 2pm - 3pm 1 Rampage vs Towsontowne Pride 0 3pm - 4pm 4 Blue Devils vs Towson United 0 10am - 11am 1pm - 2pm F I E L D LOCATION - Fox Meadows Complex Field #1 SUNDAY TIMES SCORE GAMES 8am - 9am 1 Rampage vs Blue Devils 0 9am - 10am 1 AFC Cyclones vs Townsontowne Pride 2 10am - 11am 2 Fallston Comets vs Towson United 0 FINAL 1:00pm - Fox Meadows Complex Field #1 Rampage vs 0 CHAMPIONS Towsontowne Pride 1 Towsontowne Pride SCORE 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U14 Gold Bracket (11 v 11) Teams Coaches Dave Hefner I bWSA CrossFire Keith Bodden I I Orange Division aFallston Fuel cLTSC United Greg French dStrikers Donny Lala eForest Hill Force Rick Bishop Blue Division Green Division W L T I I fCentral Carroll Blue Devils Chuck Greensfelder I 4 II 5 I I 5 II I 2 II II gThunder Challenge Nick DePinto I hAFC Cougars Ed Kiley III iFC YORK 97 Premier Jim Shenk jCrofton United Black Eddie Hegewisch PTS Red Cards G.A. G.F. Goal Diff I 2 3 +1 2 2 0 3 I II 8 3 9 III 0 I 6 II POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D LOCATION - MainREC Complex the TURF Field "The Bowl" FRIDAY TIMES SCORE GAMES SCORE 8pm - 9pm 0 SATURDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 0 FC YORK 97 Premier vs Crofton United Black 3 u 9am - 10am 0 Thunder Challenge vs AFC Cougars 5 u 10am - 11am 0 Fallston Fuel vs LTSC United 1 u 11am - Noon 4 Forest Hill Force vs Strikers 0 u 1pm - 2pm 1 FC YORK 97 Premier vs Thunder Challenge 3 u 2pm - 3pm 1 Central Carroll Blue Devils vs Strikers 1 u 3pm - 4pm 1 AFC Cougars vs Crofton United Black 0 u 3pm - 4pm 1 WSA CrossFire vs LTSC United 1 6pm - 7pm 1 Forest Hill Force vs Central Carroll Blue Devils 2 SUNDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 0 Thunder Challenge vs Crofton United Black 3 8am - 9am 2 Fallston Fuel vs Strikers 1 u 9am - 10am 0 FC YORK 97 Premier vs AFC Cougars 3 u 10am - 11am 0 LTSC United vs Central Carroll Blue Devils 1 10am - 11am 2 WSA CrossFire vs Forest Hill Force 1 Fallston Fuel vs WSA CrossFire S A T U R D A Y 0 G A M E S FIELDS GAMES SCORE MainREC Field #9 MainREC TURF FIELD Noon - 1pm S U N D A Y 0 AFC Cougars 1 FINAL 2:00pm - MainREC Turf Field "The Bowl" Crofton United AFC Cougars vs Black CHAMPIONS FIELDS SCORE Semi-Final 12:00pm - MainREC Field #9 1 2 u G A M E S GAMES Semi-Final 12:00pm - MainREC Field #8 Central Carroll Blue Crofton United vs Devils Black u 3 Crofton United Black vs WSA Crossfire 0 MainREC Field #8 MainREC Field #9 MainREC TURF FIELD u u u 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U14 Silver Bracket (11 v 11) Green Division Orange Division Teams Coaches aGlyndon Wave Lee Wroe bExtreme Roger Kim cThunder Crew Gandalf French dSouth Carroll Camels eNESC U-14 Boys Hawks W L T II I PTS I II 3 I I 4 Paul Donohoe I I I 3 Marty Ryan II I 8 fNC Gladiators Mike McQuaid II gLocomotive FC Joseph Mills hSCCSA Fury Duane Bruno I 6 III 0 I G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 6 I I Red Cards I 5 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. S A T U R D A Y SATURDAY TIMES G A M E S SCORE GAMES FIELDS SCORE Reckord Reckord Rd Field #1 Rd Field #2 u 8am - 9am 3 Glyndon Wave vs Extreme 2 8am - 9am 0 Thunder Crew vs South Carroll Camels 1 9am - 10am 2 NESC U-14 Boys Hawks vs NC Gladiators 1 u 10am - 11am 1 Locomotive FC vs SCCSA Fury 2 u 11am - Noon 1 Glyndon Wave vs Thunder Crew 2 u 11am - Noon 0 Extreme vs South Carroll Camels 0 Noon - 1pm 5 NESC U-14 Boys Hawks vs Locomotive FC 0 u 1pm - 2pm 1 NC Gladiators vs SCCSA Fury 0 u S U N D A Y SUNDAY TIMES G A M E S SCORE GAMES 1 Glyndon Wave vs South Carroll Camels 0 8am - 9am 2 Extreme vs Thunder Crew 2 9am - 10am 1 NC Gladiators vs Locomotive FC 0 9am - 10am 1 NESC U-14 Boys Hawks vs SCCSA Fury 1 Glyndon Wave 2 CHAMPIONS vs NESC Hawks 1 Glyndon Wave u FIELDS SCORE 8am - 9am FINAL 12:00pm - Reckord Road Field #2 u Reckord Reckord Rd Field #1 Rd Field #2 u u u u 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U14 Bronze Bracket (11 v 11) Teams Coaches Webb Corbin bTSC Fusion Gandalf French cHickory Lazers dTowsontowne eParkville United Randy Staines fLTSC Crew Matt Rockstroh Green Division Orange Division aFallston Flames W L T PTS II 0 II I Jeff Prusak I II David Baker II II II I Red Cards G.A. G.F. Goal Diff 3 4 +1 2 5 +3 6 3 I 5 I 0 I 5 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. S A T U R D A Y SATURDAY TIMES G A M E S SCORE FIELDS GAMES SCORE Reckord Rd Field #2 Reckord Rd Field #3 8am - 9am 9am - 10am 2 Towsontowne vs Parkville United 1 9am - 10am 0 Fallston Flames vs Hickory Lazers 1 12pm - 1pm 1 TSC Fusion vs Hickory Lazers 0 12pm - 1pm 2 Towsontowne vs LTSC Crew 2 3pm - 4pm 0 Fallston Flames vs TSC Fusion 3 3pm - 4pm 0 Parkville United vs LTSC Crew 3 SUNDAY TIMES SCORE 11am - 12pm 0 11am - 12pm 1 11am - 12pm 0 u u 10am - 11am 11am - 12pm u u 1pm - 2pm 2pm - 3pm S U N D A Y TSC Fusion vs Towsontowne Hickory Lazers vs LTRC Crew FINAL 1:00pm - Reckord Road Field #3 Towsontowne vs CHAMPIONS FIELDS SCORE in O.T. 5v5 in O.T. 5v5 Fallston Flames vs Parkville United 3 u G A M E S GAMES LTRC Crew u 0 LTRC Crew Reckord Rd Field #1 Reckord Rd Field #2 u 1 u 2 0 Reckord Rd Field #3 u 18th Annual Fallston Cup - 2011 U15 Gold Bracket (11 v 11) Teams Coaches W L T Eric Schnaack bNESC Vikings Philip Kratochvil cFreedom Renegades Kevin Maskell II dAFC United Ernie Nichols I eTSC Real Hal Kenny III fCSA Cobras Black Keith Williams I Green Division Orange Division aFallston Flames I I PTS Red Cards G.A. G.F. Goal Diff I 4 2 4 +2 I 4 1 3 +2 III II 3 6 II 0 POINTS: 3pts for win, 2pts for a tie with a score, 2pts for win by forfeit (1-0), 1pt for a scoreless tie, 0pts for loss, -1pt each red card given (not 2 yellow). TIE-BREAKERS: 1) Points; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # advance; 7) Penalty Kicks. SEEDINGS (IF REQ'D FOR BRACKET): 1) Pts; 2) Head to Head; 3) Goal Diff - max 3; 4) Goals against - max 3; 5) Goals for - max 3; 6) Red cards - least # seeded higher; 7) Coin flip. F I E L D LOCAT ION - MainREC Complex the TURF Field "The Bowl" FRIDAY TIMES SCORE GAMES 9pm - 10pm 3 SATURDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 0 AFC United vs TSC Real 5 u 10am - 11am 1 Fallston Flames vs Freedom Renegades 1 u 11am - 12pm 2 TSC Real vs CSA Cobras Black 1 u 2pm - 3pm 0 NESC Vikings vs Freedom Renegades 2 2pm - 3pm 2 AFC United vs CSA Cobras Black 0 SUNDAY TIMES SCORE 8am - 9am 2 Renegades vs AFC United 0 u 9am - 10am 3 TSC Real vs Fallston Flames 1 u 10am - 11am 0 NESC Vikings vs CSA Cobras 2 u Fallston Flames vs NESC Vikings S A T U R D A Y SCORE 1 G A M E S GAMES FIELDS SCORE Reckord Rd Reckord Rd Field #2 Field #3 9am - 10am 12pm - 1pm 1pm - 2pm S U N D A Y G A M E S GAMES FINAL 12:00pm - Reckord Road Field #3 Freedom Renegades 2 CHAMPIONS TSC Real vs 1 Freedom Renegades u u FIELDS SCORE Reckord Rd Reckord Rd Field #2 Field #3