Senior Newsletter
Senior Newsletter
Activities & Events The Levy Center June – July 2016 A WORD FROM THE SUPERVISOR...William M. Mayer William M. Mayer SUPERVISOR Patricia Mayoral-Stach CLERK TRUSTEES Alyssia Benford Ken Burgess Maripat Oliver Sheldon Watts Patricia Holloway COLLECTOR Jean Kelly ASSESSOR (630) 759-1315 DUPAGE TOWNSHIP (630) 759-1317 fax: (630) 759-3412 EMAIL WEBSITE DUPAGE TOWNSHIP THE LEVY SENIOR CENTER 251 Canterbury Lane Bolingbrook, IL 60440 (630) 759-3411 fax: (630) 759-3472 Maureen Fox SENIOR PROGRAM DIRECTOR Lynne Woodard SENIOR RECREATION DIRECTOR Hello Seniors, +RSHWKLVÀQGVDOORI\RXGRLQJZHOODQGJRRGDQGHQMR\LQJWKHEHJLQQLQJ RIWKLVEHDXWLIXOVXPPHU7KHUHKDVEHHQTXLWHDELWRIUDLQKRZHYHU, NQRZWKDWWKHUDLQFDQRQO\EHJRRGIRURXUJDUGHQ7KHPHQDUHGRLQJ WKHLUXVXDOIDQWDVWLFMRERXWWKHUH,I\RXKDYHQ·WYLVLWHGLW\HWSOHDVHEH VXUHWRJRDQGHQMR\WKHVZHHWVPHOODQGEHDXW\RIRXUZRQGHUIXOJDUGHQ 7KDQN\RXWRDOOZKRSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKH$QQXDO/HWWHU&DUULHU)RRG'ULYH 7KLVLVYHU\PXFKDSSUHFLDWHGE\WKHUHFLSLHQWVDVZHOODVPH,WZDUPV P\KHDUWWRVHHDFRPPXQLW\SXOOWRJHWKHUDQGKHOSÀOORQHDQRWKHU·V QHHGVHVSHFLDOO\LQWRGD\·VHFRQRP\0XFKWKDQNVWRDOOZKRJDYH /RRNIRUZDUGWRWKH&URVVWRZQJDPH7KDWLVRQHRIP\IDYRULWHHYHQWVRIWKH\HDU6KRXOGEHDUHDO H[FLWLQJJDPHZLWKWKHZD\%27+WHDPVDUHSOD\LQJWKLV\HDU ,ZDVKRQRUHGWRKDYHKRVWHG\RXU9HWHUDQ·V%UHDNIDVWJDWKHULQJ ODVWPRQWK,WLVWUXO\P\SOHDVXUHWRKRQRUWKHPHQDQGZRPHQ ZKRVHUYHGRXUFRXQWU\DQG,SHUVRQDOO\ZRXOGOLNHWRVD\WKDQN \RXWRDOOWKDWVHUYHG :HKDYHVRPHH[FLWLQJHYHQWVFRPLQJXS'RQ·WIRUJHWWRPDUN\RXU FDOHQGDUVIRUWKHVHHYHQWV,ZRXOGORYHWRVHH\RXWKHUH7KHUH ZLOOEHPRUHGHWDLOVWRIROORZ6RPHRIWKHVHXSFRPLQJHYHQWVDUH 1. Village Picnic – Sunday, June 26th time...behind the Village Hall 2. 7th Annual Family Fun Fest – Sunday, July 31st Noon–4:00 pm at DuPage Township 3. 26th Annual Village Jubilee – August 19-21 at the Village Hall 4. Pathways Parade – Sunday, September 11th...2:00 pm starting at Bolingbrook High School ending at the Village Hall with a Mini-fest ,ZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQNDOORI\RXIRU\RXUFRQWLQXHGVXSSRUWDQG LQWHUHVWWKDW\RXKDYHLQ'X3DJH7RZQVKLS:HDUHORRNLQJ IRUZDUGWRPDNLQJWKLV\HDURXUEHVWHYHU$VDOZD\VLIWKHUHLV DQ\WKLQJZHFDQGRWRDVVLVW\RXSOHDVHOHWXVNQRZ 5HPHPEHUWKDWWKH/HY\&HQWHULVDFRROLQJFHQWHUDQGVKRXOGEH XVHGDVVXFKLQFDVHRIDQHPHUJHQF\<RXFDQDOZD\VUHOD[DQG FRRORIIDQGEHFRPIRUWDEOHULJKWKHUHDW\RXUYHU\RZQFHQWHU +DYHDJUHDWVXPPHU $VDOZD\V <2856XSHUYLVRU Bill Mayer DuPage Township Supervisor June - July 2016 Oldies But Goodies 1 Activities & Events 1 in 3 America adults is at risk for kidney disease. ARE YOU ONE? FREE Kidney & Diabetes Screening! No appointment necessary, must be 18 years or older. Monday, June 20, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm The Levy Center • blood pressure • blood sugar* • body mass index (BMI) • waist circumference • blood draw (if necessary) • tour the KidneyMobile® • talk about your results with a doctor or nurse *Fasting not required **Urine sample will be required 251 Canterbury Lane, Bolingbrook, IL 60440 For more information, contact the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois: 312-321-1500 ZZZQNÀRUJ 2 Oldies But Goodies June - July 2016 Activities & Events ART DABBLERS BOLINGBROOK SENIOR CLUB Please come out on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. We GR ZDWHUFRORU FKDUFRDOV DQG SHQFLOV (YHU\WKLQJ EXW RLOV &DOO 3DW &ROOLQV DW IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ Our annual Senior Club picnic will be held on Tuesday, July 19th at the Levy Center. 'RRUV RSHQ DW DP ZLWK WKH %ROLQJEURRN 3DUN 'LVWULFW SURYLGLQJ JDPHVWREHSOD\HG7KHQPHPEHUVRIHDFKWDEOHZLOOEHVLQJLQJIRUWKHLUOXQFK ZRUGVSURYLGHG/XQFKZLOOEHKDPEXUJHUVDQGKRWGRJVZLWKDOOWKHWULPPLQJV SOXVZDWHUPHORQSRUNDQGEHDQVDQGLFHFUHDPGUXPVWLFNVIRUGHVVHUW%LQJRZLOO IROORZ7LFNHWVDUHIUHHWRPHPEHUVDQGZLOOEHDYDLODEOHEHJLQQLQJ-XQHthIURP 7UHDVXUHU5LWD$UPVWURQJ2Q\RXUWLFNHW\RXZLOOFKRRVHDKRWGRJRUDKDPEXUJHU VRZHFDQJHWDFRXQW1RIRUPDOPHHWLQJMXVWDJRRGWLPHPLQJOLQJ Pat Collins BOARD GAMES The 2 and the 4th Wednesdays of the month at Noon. Wii is from 10 am – Noon. :H KDYH VHYHUDO VHWV RI 'RPLQRHV 6FUDEEOH FDUGV DQG UXPP\FXEHV 2FFDVLRQDOO\ WKH GDWHV DUHFKDQJHG3OHDVHFKHFNWKHFDOHQGDU We also have Bridge on 2nd and the 4th Wednesday, at 1 pm &RQWDFW -XG\ %UHGHZHJ GLUHFWO\ RU 5RJHU )OHHV DW IRUUHVHUYDWLRQV nd CANASTA CLUB Do you enjoy Rummy? &DQDVWDLVTXLWHVLPLODU:H ZRXOG OLNH WR VWDUW WKLV XS DJDLQRQ7XHVGD\V /HDYHZRUGZLWK'LDQHLILQWHUHVWHG July also begins the planning for our Bunco fundraiser scheduled for Wednesday, August 10th. Tickets are $5.00 and will be available at the Club picnic. 7KLVHYHQW LVRSHQWRWKHSXEOLFDQGKHOGLQWKHHYHQLQJ,WKDVEHFRPHDYHU\SRSXODUHYHQW DQGUHTXLUHVDORWRIZRUNWRKRVWRYHUSOD\HUV Which brings me to our next subject. Volunteering!0DQ\RI\RXKDYHDVNHGKRZ \RXFDQKHOS6LJQXSVKHHWVIRUYDULRXVMREVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHWKUHHZHHNVEHIRUH WKHHYHQW6ROLFLWDWLRQVIRU%XQFRSUL]HVRUJLIWFDUGVFDQEHJLQDQ\WLPHDQGWXUQHG LQWRWKH3UHVLGHQW,I\RXQHHGDOHWWHULGHQWLI\LQJ\RXUVHOIDVDPHPEHURIWKHFOXE SOHDVHVHH-XG\%UHGHZHJ (QMR\ WKH VXPPHU 7KH 9LOODJH RI %ROLQJEURRN KDV PDQ\ DFWLYLWLHV ZLWK WKH &DYDOFDGHRI3ODQHVWKH9LOODJH3LFQLFDQGFRQFHUWVRQWKHKLOOLQ-XQH7DNHWLPH WRZDONDURXQGWKHJDUGHQVXUURXQGLQJWKH/HY\&HQWHU,WLVDEHDXWLIXOVSRWZLWKDOO WKHÁRZHUVLQEORRP5HPHPEHUWKH/HY\&HQWHULVDFRROLQJFHQWHU1RUHDVRQWR VWD\KRPHGXULQJWKLVZDUPZHDWKHU Judy Bredeweg, President CRAFTY SENIORS CERAMICS The class meets in the solarium every Tuesday at 9:30 am.0RQLHVZLOOEH FROOHFWHG ZKHQ ZH QHHG SDLQWV 'RQ·W ZRUU\ DERXW QRW NQRZLQJ KRZWRGRLW :HKDYHRXWRZQNLOQKHUH&DOO&DWK\DW Feeling crafty? Feeling bored? Come join us for our weekly dose of Crafty Seniors on Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Solarium. :H GR PDQ\ GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI FUDIWV VR ,·P VXUH \RX·OO ÀQG VRPHWKLQJ \RX·OO HQMR\ )HHO IUHH WREULQJ\RXURZQLGHDVWRVKDUHPlease come and check out our Craft sales on June 7th in the Solarium from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. 2XUGXHVDUH$SHU PRQWK&RPHMRLQXVIRUFUDIWVFRQYHUVDWLRQDQGFRPSDQ\ Grace Zabel Cathy Hess !! MAUREEN’S BUNCO !! Wednesday June 15 and Wednesday, July 20 Time: 12:30 PM Fee: $2.00 June - July 2016 MACHINE EMBROIDERY CLUB <RXUHDOO\QHHGDQ(PEURLGHU\0DFKLQHWRVHZ ZLWKWKLVJURXS:HZLOOEHGRLQJDGLIIHUHQWSURMHFW HDFKPRQWK7KHFODVVVL]HLVOLPLWHGWRSHRSOH 7LPHLV²DP This club will meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. ,I\RX·UHLQWHUHVWHGSOHDVHFRQWDFW6XVDQ6ODPDUDW Oldies But Goodies 3 Activities & Events MEN’S ACTIVITIES EXERCISE CLASS We routinely have 15 - 18 people attending our Zumba Gold class on Mondays at 9:00 am. Exercise is Tuesday, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:00 am. All classes are at the Levy Center. The price for class is $2.00. EVERY 10TH CLASS IS FREE. Live longer, feel better and meet others like yourself who want to walk ZLWKFRQÀGHQFH Carla Williams CROCHETING Come join our group of crocheters and knitters. We are not a formal club, but rather wish to share our patterns and skills with others. We meet on Mondays at 9:30 am. There are no dues, no rules. Hope to see you there. Esther Stachiewicz D. I. G. (DuPage Intergenerational Garden) Do you like to garden?? Well our head gardener Bud Simonton needs help maintaining the garden. So shine up your green thumb and come join us. LINE DANCING Line dancing starts at 10:15 on Fridays. We have added a beginner’s class. See Jerry to enroll. The cost is $2. Jerry Fuzak and Rita Savane NOTE: To All SENIORS and CAREGIVERS: We are a SENIOR WELLNESS center What that means, really, is we are NOT a drop off adult day care center. Our seniors are active, motivated and driven to exercise, plan activities, volunteer, deliver meals, help prepare meals for shut-ins. Line dance, Zumba Dance, share recipes, crochet, make ceramics, bowl and sometimes go to the basketball courts. If this is not you or your parent, ZHZLOOKHOS\RXÀQGDSODFH which is very suited for yourself. Join the Men’s Club! All are welcome for $20 per year. The Men’s Club activities are as follows: Tues. Pinochle 12:30 – 4:30 pm Wed. Poker type games, Pinochle 1:00 – 4:30 pm Thurs. No activities Fri. Poker type games 12:30 – 4:30 pm ,I DQ\RQH ZRXOG OLNH WR MRLQ WKH 0HQ·V &OXE FRQWDFW 5XVVHOO +LOG 3UHVLGHQW DW RU 'DQ /DYHUW\ PINOCHLE Men and women are invited to play. Tuesday and Wednesday 12:30 – 4:30 pm For more information, contact Al Knapp at 630-972-1852 RENEWAL NOTES CHORUS We meet on Thursdays from 9:30 – 11:30 am. We also sing at local Nursing Homes and Assisted Living facilities. On the third Thursday, we sing at Autumn Leaves Memory Care facility in Bolingbrook. Call 630-759-3411 for more info. Darleen Kay QUILTERS We have regular meetings on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm and for those who can spare the time, we meet on Mondays at 10:30 am. Also, crocheting is in the Main Room or the solarium on Mondays starting at 9:30 am. Come on down for lots of laughs and learn what the others are making or just for conversation. DON’T FORGET! You can drop off your OLD PRESCRIPTIONS at THE LEVY CENTER and we will make sure they get disposed properly. Shirley Armstrong Marguerite Harbin We have an EQUIPMENT LOAN CLOSET. We are in need of wheelchairs. Call us for some short term loans. 630-759-3411 4 BOWLING We are looking for bowlers on the Senior OWLS league on Mondays at NOON at Brunswick Zone in Romeoville. Fee: $13 per week: bowling ball and shoes are needed. Contact: Larry Duda: 630-738-1557 or Marianne Jacobson: 630-739-4225 for more information. Oldies But Goodies June - July 2016 Activities Activities & & Events Events NOTES FROM THE ASSESSOR ,·GOLNHWRLQWURGXFHP\VHOIDV\RXUQHZ$VVHVVRU,·YHEHHQZRUNLQJDORQJVLGH-RKQ 5DQGDOOIRUWKHODVW\HDUVDVD'HSXW\$VVHVVRU,·YHEHHQWUDLQLQJZLWKKLPWR SURYLGHDVPRRWKWUDQVLWLRQDWWKHWLPHRIKLVUHWLUHPHQW,·YHOHDUQHGIURPWKHEHVW ,PRYHGWR%ROLQJEURRNLQDQG,·YHEHHQD5HDO(VWDWH%URNHUVLQFH,·YH EHHQDFWLYHLQWKHFRPPXQLW\DQGLVDPHPEHURIWKH%ROLQJEURRN:RPHQ·V&OXE DQGWKH/DGLHV$X[LOLDU\WRWKH9):3RVW,DPDOVRDSDVWERDUGPHPEHURQ WKH&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH,KDYHFKLOGUHQDJHV 3OHDVHIHHOIUHHWRVWRSE\DQGLQWURGXFH\RXUVHOIRUVFKHGXOHDQDSSRLQWPHQWLI\RX KDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVDERXW\RXUDVVHVVPHQW 7D[ ELOOV FDPH RXW LQ 0D\ 3OHDVH FKHFN WKHP WR VHH WKDW \RX UHFHLYHG DOO RI \RXUH[HPSWLRQV :HKDYHWKH6HQLRU)UHH]H)RUPVDYDLODEOH,I\RXQHHGKHOSÀOOLQJRXWWKH 6HQLRUH[HPSWLRQIRUPZKHQ\RXWXUQRUWKH)UHH]HIRUPVSOHDVHVWRSE\RXU RIÀFHDQGZHFDQKHOS\RXÀOOWKRVHRXW 7KHUHLVDQHZGLVDEOHGYHWHUDQH[HPSWLRQIRUDYHWHUDQZLWKDVHUYLFHFRQQHFWHG GLVDELOLW\RIRUPRUH +RSH\RXKDYHDQLFHVXPPHU ,I\RXKDYHDVVHVVPHQWTXHVWLRQVSOHDVHFRQWDFWXVDW ASSESSOR OFFICE (next door to the Levy Center) Hours: 9AM to 4PM Monday-Friday Jean Kelly IMPORTANT MEETINGS DTCOS Wednesday, June 22 9:30 am SAVE THE DATE! How are you today? Friends of the Levy Board Wednesday, June 29 9:00 am Chicago CUBS vs Miami MARLINS Wednesday, August 3 Game starts @ 1:20 pm Cost: $53.00 CRISIS LINE OF WILL COUNTY REASSURANCE CALLS (SUNSHINE PROGRAM) Every day, Crisis Line calls elderly, disabled and homebound individuals with a friendly chat to check on their well-being. If needed Crisis Line volunteer operators will remind an individual to take their medication, increasing an individual’s independence and VHOIVXIÀFLHQF\7KHSURJUDPSURYLGHVDQLQGLYLGXDODQGRUWKHLUIDPLO\ the security of knowing that someone is checking on them. If interested in the “Sunshine Program” or for more information please call the administrative line at (815) 744-5280 June - July 2016 Oldies But Goodies ATTENTION !!! June 7 Detective Cunningham BOLINGBROOK POLICE DEPTARTMENT 11:30 am June 7 FOUNTAINDALE BOOKMOBILE – 10:30 am June 7 John Fernbach – AUTUMN LEAVES Not all Dementia is created equal 12:15 pm June 7 Will County Supervisor of Assessments assist with 2015 Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption application 241 Canterbury, Bolingbrook 10:00 am – 1:00 pm June 14 Rachel Bottari ACTIVE CARE HOME CARE Games 12:15 pm June 20 FREE KIDNEY & DIABETES SCREENING! 10:00 am – 2:00 pm June 21 Kate Meehan – HERITAGE CORRIDOR Local Tourism 12:15 pm June 28 FOUNTAINDALE BOOKMOBILE – 10:30 am June 28 ANGELS GRACE HOSPICE Volunteering July 5 FOUNTAINDALE BOOKMOBILE – 10:30 am July 5 Jean Kelly DUPAGE TOWNSHIP ASSESSOR Assessment overview 12:15 pm July 12 Sharon Lee GENTOX Are you taking too much medication? July 19 – NO SPEAKER July 19 FOUNTAINDALE BOOKMOBILE – 10:30 am July 26 Gail Gauger – HARBOR LIGHT Christmas in July – 12:15 pm July 28 LIFE LINE SCREENING 8:30 am – 4:00 pm 5 Activities Activities & & Events Events NOTES FROM THE DIRECTOR %HJLQQLQJ \RX ZLOO QHHG \RXU WD[ LQIRUPDWLRQ WR FRPSOHWH D %($0DSSOLFDWLRQ.HHSLQPLQGZHDUH DOZD\V D \HDU EHKLQG MXVW OLNH WD[HV %($0 EHQHÀWV LQFOXGH D UHGXFWLRQ RQ \RXU OLFHQVH SODWHV DQG D ULGH IUHH SURJUDPKDQGOHGE\9HQWUD %($0 UHTXLUHPHQWV DUH LI \RX PDNH OHVV WKDQ $ IRU RQH SHUVRQ KRXVHKROG DQG $ IRU D WZR SHUVRQ KRXVHKROG , DP DOVR DYDLODEOH IRU)RRG6WDPSVDSSOLFDWLRQVDQGZLWK 0HGLFDUH $ % & RU ' 3OHDVH FDOO DW :H DOVR GR 57$ DSSOLFDWLRQV IRU \HDUV DQG ROGHU UHGXFHGIDUHSHUPLWRUIUHHIDUHSHUPLW 3OHDVH GRQ·W KHVLWDWH WR FDOO PH ZLWK DQ\TXHVWLRQVRUFRQFHUQV Family Fun Fest FREE ! Sunday, July 31th Noon – 4:00 PM 241 Canterbury Lane in Bolingbrook LIMITED SEATING! Please bring your own lawn chairs. LIVE MUSIC presented by KEITH SEMPLE of the reality show, THE VOICE Pop, Beer & Mike’s Hard Lemonade available for purchase. For more information, visit or call 630-759-1317 Like us on Follow us on Maureen Fox BEAM Senior Services of Joliet will have an intake worker here to do BEAM Applications and Medicare Part D assistance 9:00 am on Tuesdays You must have an appointment, call 815-723-9713. Ask for BEAM appointments (at the Levy Center). Please bring all sources of 2014 income, a picture ID and social security card , property taxes paid and/or rent receipts. FOOD PANTRY 719 Parkwood, Romeoville &ODVVHVIRU&RPSXWHUVDQG)RUNOLIW7UDLQLQJ The Power Connection 999 Remington Blvd., Suite F, Bolingbrook, IL 60440 You may come in Monday – Friday (10:00 am – 4:00 pm) or call 630) 679-6899 to register for scheduled classes. IRUPRUHLQIRRQRXU)RRG &RQQHFWLRQ5HVDOH&RQQHFWLRQDQGPRUH AARP SMART DRIVER CLASSES For those drivers wishing to save $ on your insurance, come to the two 4 hour classes to be held: Thursday, July 21st and Friday, July 22nd from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Pre-registration is required. STUDENTS MUST ATTEND BOTH CLASSES TO RECEIVE YOUR CERTIFICATE. $ 15 – AARP member $20 – non-AARP member Call 630-759-3411 for reservations. (815) 886 -7986 MEMBERSHIP Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm If you are “Out of DuPage Township”, you must pay $12.00 per calendar year – January through December, yearly to get a newsletter and to go on all trips. If you did not get your newsletter, you are probably not a current member. Please use the swipe card at the front desk when entering the building. If you are not getting the current listing, see Diane or call 630-759-3411. Remember, your new dues are due now, January 1, 2016 If you are a DuPage Township resident and you have a hard time stretching your food budget, you may come in 2x per month. 6 POWER CONNECTION Oldies But Goodies June - July 2016 Activities Activities & & Events Events ATTENTION VETERANS!!! The Veterans Assistance Commission of Will County, LVDYDLODEOHWRKHOSZLWKÀOOLQJRXWIRUPVEXW\RXPXVW go to Joliet for this service. You must call and make an DSSRLQWPHQWWRVHHWKHPÀUVWDW WOMEN take note: If you are a veteran, you, too, are entitled to Veteran Assistance. 7KH\ KDYH D 'RFWRU·V RIÀFH LQ -ROLHW DW WKH ROG 6LOYHU Cross Hospital which will treat you, or they will bus you to Hines Hospital for treatment. The bus leaves daily, H[FHSWFRXQW\RUIHGHUDOKROLGD\VIURPWKH9$RIÀFH DWDPWKH9$FOLQLFRQ*OHQZRRG$YHLQ-ROLHW at 8:20 am, and at 8:45 am from the Spartan Square Parking lot in Romeoville (Rt. 53 & Normantown Rd.), it returns to Joliet no later than 2:30 pm. You need to make an appointment to ride the bus. Please keep your appointments since space is limited. Veterans can now get prescription drugs for $7 - $15 apiece from the VA if you meet the income guidelines. $OVR LI VRPHRQH LV LQ D QXUVLQJ KRPH RU DVVLVWHG supp. living and had a spouse who served during WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan, they are entitled to a stipend to assist with the cost of placement, — Monthly rent. 7KHRIÀFHLVORFDWHGDW*OHQZRRG$YH-ROLHW,/ &DOOWKH-ROLHWRIÀFHDWIRULQIRUPDWLRQ RED HAT CLUB The Red Hats meet once a month and do different activities, however, membership is closed for now. Lurine Hild, President ATTENTION: Seniors Taking Our Trips Payment must be made at the time of the trip registration. In the event of cancellation, all efforts will be made to resell their tickets to Levy Center members. If we cannot, no refund can be given. We’re sorry for any inconvenience. In Memory The following people were known to the DuPage Township Levy Senior Center and loved ones. If we did not print someone’s name, please forgive us and let us know so that we can print them in the next issue. Dorothy Maloney RAY PETERSON LEVY CENTER CLOSED Monday, July 4 ..........................................INDEPENDENCE DAY Visit Our SPA DAY!!! Fridays Starting at 9:00 am June - July 2016 SUSIE’S Hair Do’s, Cuts $ 8.00 Oldies But Goodies Experienced chair massage WKHUDSLVWUHÁH[RORJ\ and 2nd degree Reiki will be here on FRIDAYS offering chair and hand massages or foot massage – $8.00 each. Please sign up at the front desk. 7 Activities & Events Schedules BUS SCHEDULE SCHEDULED STOPS 6WDUW*UHHQOHDI 9:00 am Bus service runs on the noted Fridays. Due to lack of participation, the shopping bus will pick up at Greenleaf Apartments one time. The bus will arrive at 9:00 am, and returns approximately 11:30 am or 12:00 Noon. Also, due to rising costs of fuel, the charge for each one-way ride will be $1.00. It will also be necessary to provide your membership ID card so that we can identify every passenger riding. To First Midwest Bank 9:10 am To Marquette Bank 9:30 am To McKenzie Falls (if reserved) 9:35 am To Briarcliff 9:40 am To Wal-Mart 9:45 am To Dollar Store 9:50 am To Lily Cache 10:00 am To Naperville Road 10:15 am To Meijer 10:30 am To Jewel/Target/Kohls 10:40 am To Boughton 11:00 am 7R*UHHQOHDI 11:30 am or NOON NOTE: The bus will run every other week: Friday, June 10 Friday, June 24 PLEASE KEEP THIS CALENDAR FOR READY REFERENCE Friday, July 8 Friday, July 22 EXERCISE CLASSES DAY TIME CLASS PLACE Monday 9:00 – 10:00 am ZUMBA Levy Center Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 – 10:00 am Exercise Levy Center Friday 9:00 – 10:00 am Exercise %()25(*(77,1*67$57(',1$1(;(5&,6(352*5$0 Levy Center (A) Consult your physician before starting an extensive exercise program (C) Adapt your routine to suit your lifestyle (B) Pick activities that you enjoy (D) Set realistic and measurable goals Carla Williams The Nutrition Program has volunteer opportunities available: SUBSTITUTE DRIVERS: Call 630-759-3411 and ask for Theresa SENIOR SERVICES OF WILL COUNTY : 815-723-9713 or 815-726-0094 (NUTRITION) DO YOU HAVE ANY OLD GLASSES OR CELL PHONES?? NUTRITION UPDATE Join us for Lunch at the Levy Center for Congregate Meals, Monday – Friday at 11:30 am. ---- ALL We collect them and then donate them to Bolingbrook Lion’s Club. The Lion’s donation box is located in the coatroom of the Levy Center. Contact Theresa to make reservations 5 days in advance. Call 630-759-3411 Monday through Friday between 8:30 am – 11:30 pm. A suggested donation of $3.00 is appreciated. THANK YOU 8 ARE INVITED ---- Oldies But Goodies June - July 2016 MONDAY TUESDAY 1 DP([HUFLVH DP&HUDPLFV JUNE 2016 Activities & Events WEDNESDAY 1 DP([HUFLVH DP0DFKLQH 10:30 pm Fountaindale Library (PEURLGHU\ DP1XWULWLRQ DP1XWULWLRQ 11:30 pm Detective Cunningham, SP3LQRFKOH Bolingbrook Police Dept. SP$UW'DEEOHUV SP3LQRFKOH SP0HQ·V&OXE SP6HQLRU&OXE0HHWLQJ 1:00 pm Red Hat’s Meeting SP4XLOWLQJ&DQDVWD THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 3 DP&UDIW\6HQLRUV DP5HQHZDO&KRUXV DP1XWULWLRQ SP%LQJR DP6XH+DLUGUHVVHU 5D\·V0DVVDJH DP([HUFLVH DP/LQH'DQFLQJ DP1XWULWLRQ SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV 9 10 FANNY MAY NOON – 2:00 PM 6 DP=XPED DP&URFKHWLQJ DP6HZ:KDW" DP1XWULWLRQ 1:00 pm FREE MOVIE: Star Wars: The Force Awakens 7 DP([HUFLVH DP&HUDPLFV 8 DP([HUFLVH DPWii 10:30 am Fountaindale Bookmobile DP1XWULWLRQ DP1XWULWLRQ 1RRQ%RDUG*DPHV 12:15 pm Autumn Leaves – SP3LQRFKOH Not all Dementia is created equal SP$UW'DEEOHUV SP3LQRFKOH SP6RFLDO%ULGJH SP6HQLRU&OXE0HHWLQJ SP4XLOWLQJ&DQDVWD SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV DP&UDIW\6HQLRUV DP5HQHZDO&KRUXV DP1XWULWLRQ SP%LQJR LEVY BUS DAY DP6XH+DLUGUHVVHU 5D\·V0DVVDJH DP([HUFLVH DP/LQH'DQFLQJ DP1XWULWLRQ SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV SENIOR CRAFT FAIR 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM 13 DP=XPED DP&URFKHWLQJ DP6HZ:KDW" DP1XWULWLRQ 14 DP([HUFLVH DP&HUDPLFV DP1XWULWLRQ 12:15 pm Active Care - Games 1:00 pm FREE MOVIE: Big SP3LQRFKOH SP6HQLRU&OXE SP4XLOWLQJ&DQDVWD 20 21 DP12=XPED DP&URFKHWLQJ DP6HZ:KDW" DP1XWULWLRQ 1:00 pm FREE MOVIE: Benjamin Button FREE KIDNEY & DIABETES SCREENING! 27 DP=XPED DP&URFKHWLQJ DP6HZ:KDW" DP1XWULWLRQ Noon FREE MOVIE: Titanic June - July 2016 DP([HUFLVH DP&HUDPLFV 10:30 am Fountaindale Bookmobile DP1XWULWLRQ 12:15 pm Heritage Corridor Local Tourism SP3LQRFKOH SP6HQLRU&OXE SP4XLOWLQJ&DQDVWD 28 15 DP([HUFLVH DP0DFKLQH (PEURLGHU\ DP1XWULWLRQ 12:30 pm Maureen’s Bunco 17 23 24 SP3LQRFKOH SP$UW'DEEOHUV SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV 22 DP([HUFLVH DPWii DP1XWULWLRQ 1RRQ%RDUG*DPHV SP3LQRFKOH SP$UW'DEEOHUV SP6RFLDO%ULGJH SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV 29 DP([HUFLVH DP0DFKLQH (PEURLGHU\ 12:15 pm Angels Grace Hospice DP1XWULWLRQ Volunteering opportunities SP3LQRFKOH SP3LQRFKOH SP$UW'DEEOHUV SP6HQLRU&OXE SP6RFLDO%ULGJH SP4XLOWLQJ&DQDVWD SP0HQ·V&OXE DP([HUFLVH DP&HUDPLFV DP1XWULWLRQ 16 DP&UDIW\6HQLRUV DP5HQHZDO&KRUXV DP1XWULWLRQ SP%LQJR Oldies But Goodies DP&UDIW\6HQLRUV DP5HQHZDO&KRUXV 1RWHVWR$XWXPQ/HDYHV DP1XWULWLRQ SP%LQJR 30 DP&UDIW\6HQLRUV DPC&KRUXV DP1XWULWLRQ SP%LQJR DP6XH+DLUGUHVVHU 5D\·V0DVVDJH DP([HUFLVH DP/LQH'DQFLQJ DP1XWULWLRQ SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV LEVY BUS DAY DP6XH+DLUGUHVVHU 5D\·V0DVVDJH DP([HUFLVH DP/LQH'DQFLQJ DP1XWULWLRQ SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV 29 LEVY BUS DAY DP6XH+DLUGUHVVHU 5D\·V0DVVDJH DP12([HUFLVH DP12/LQH'DQFLQJ DP1XWULWLRQ SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV 9 MONDAY TUESDAY 3 DP([HUFLVH DP&HUDPLFV DP&HUDPLFV DP1XWULWLRQ JULY 2016 Activities & Events WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 4 5 1 6 7 8 DP([HUFLVH DP0DFKLQH(PEURLGHU\ DP1XWULWLRQ SP3LQRFKOH 11:30 am Detective Cunningham, BPD SP$UW'DEEOHUV SP,/&RPSWROOHURIÀFH² SP6RFLDO%ULGJH Identity Theft & Fraud SP0HQ·V&OXE SP3LQRFKOH SP6HQLRU&OXE 1:00 pm Red Hat’s Meeting SP4XLOWLQJ&DQDVWD DP&UDIW\6HQLRUV DP5HQHZDO1RWHV DP1XWULWLRQ SP%LQJR DP6XH+DLUGUHVVHU 5D\·V0DVVDJH DP([HUFLVH DP/LQH'DQFLQJ DP1XWULWLRQ SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV Dinner & Movie SENIOR CRAFT FAIR 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM 4 DP12=XPED DP12&URFKHWLQJ DP126HZ:KDW" DP1XWULWLRQ CENTER CLOSED INDEPENDENCE DAY SUINDEPENDENCER DAY/RESOURCE FAIR 1:00 pm NO FREE MOVIE 5 DP([HUFLVH DP&HUDPLFV 10:30 am Fountaindale Bookmobile DP1XWULWLRQ 12:15 pm Supervisor Assessor Assessment Overview SP3LQRFKOH SP6HQLRU&OXE SP4XLOWLQJ&DQDVWD DP([HUFLVH DP1XWULWLRQ SP3LQRFKOH SP$UW'DEEOHUV SP0HQ·V&OXE 1:00 pm Red Hat’s Meeting DP&UDIW\6HQLRUV DP5HQHZDO1RWHV DP1XWULWLRQ SP%LQJR LEVY BUS DAY 14 15 DP6XH+DLUGUHVVHU 5D\·V0DVVDJH DP([HUFLVH DP/LQH'DQFLQJ DP1XWULWLRQ SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM 11 DP=XPED DP&URFKHWLQJ DP6HZ:KDW" DP1XWULWLRQ 1:00 pm FREE MOVIE: 27 Dresses 12 DP([HUFLVH DP&HUDPLFV DP1XWULWLRQ 12:15 pm Gentox Medication Overview SP3LQRFKOH SP6HQLRU&OXE SP4XLOWLQJ&DQDVWD CROSSTOWN 18 DP&URFKHWLQJ DP6HZ:KDW" DP=XPED DP1XWULWLRQ 1:00 pm FREE MOVIE: Driving Miss Daisy 25 DP=XPED DP&URFKHWLQJ DP6HZ:KDW" DP1XWULWLRQ 1:00 pm FREE MOVIE: Liar Liar 10 19 DP([HUFLVH DP&HUDPLFV 10:30 am Fountaindale Bookmobile DP1XWULWLRQ 12:15 pm NO SPEAKER SP3LQRFKOH SP6HQLRU&OXE SP4XLOWLQJ&DQDVWD 26 DP([HUFLVH DP&HUDPLFV DP1XWULWLRQ 12:15 pm Harbor Lights Christmas in July SP3LQRFKOH SP6HQLRU&OXE SP4XLOWLQJ&DQDVWD 13 DP([HUFLVH DP&UDIW\6HQLRUV DP0DFKLQH(PEURLGHU\ DP5HQHZDO1RWHV DP:LL DP1XWULWLRQ DP1XWULWLRQ SP%LQJR 1RRQ%RDUG*DPHV SP3LQRFKOH SP6RFLDO%ULGJH SP$UW'DEEOHUV SP0HQ·V&OXE DP6XH+DLUGUHVVHU 5D\·V0DVVDJH DP([HUFLVH DP/LQH'DQFLQJ DP1XWULWLRQ SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV 20 21 22 DP([HUFLVH DP1XWULWLRQ SP3LQRFKOH 12:30 pm Maureen’s Bunco SP$UW'DEEOHUV SP0HQ·V&OXE DP12&UDIW\6HQLRUV DP5HQHZDO1RWHV WR$XWXPQ/HDYHV DP1XWULWLRQ SP%LQJR LEVY BUS DAY AARP 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM 27 DP([HUFLVH DP:LL DP/XQFK 1RRQ%RDUG*DPHV SP3LQRFKOH SP$UW'DEEOHUV SP6RFLDO%ULGJH SP0HQ·V&OXE Oldies But Goodies 28 DP&UDIW\6HQLRUV DP5HQHZDO1RWHV DP/XQFK SP%LQJR LIFE LINE SCREENING 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM DP6XH+DLUGUHVVHU 5D\·V0DVVDJH DP([HUFLVH DP/LQH'DQFLQJ DP1XWULWLRQ SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV AARP 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM 29 DP6XH+DLUGUHVVHU 5D\·V0DVVDJH DP([HUFLVH DP/LQH'DQFLQJ DP1XWULWLRQ SP0HQ·V$FWLYLWLHV June - July 2016 Activities & Events Now Showing Mondays 1:00 pm! FREE Popcorn & Refreshments! At the MOVIES MONDAY, June 6, 2016 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Three decades after the defeat of the Galactic Empire, a new threat arises. The Firs Order attempts to rule the galaxy and only a ragtag group of heroes can stop them, along with the help of the Resistance. PG-13 MONDAY, June 13, 2016 BIG The classic story about a boy who grew up overnight , Josh who is all of twelve year old wants to be big. But when his wish is granted beyond his wildest GUHDPV-RVKÀQGVDQHZIDFHLQWKHPLUURUKLVRZQDWDJH1RZDLGHGRQO\E\KLVERLVWHURXVEHVWIULHQGKH·OOKDYHWRNHHSKLVWUXHDJHVHFUHW DVKHWULHVWRÀOOKLVRZQRYHUVL]HGVKRHV%XWDVKLVLQQRFHQWFKDUPVKHOSKLPULVHWRWKHWRSRIWKHDGXOWZRUOG-RVKZLOOIDFHWKHELJJHVWGHFLVLRQ of his life-return to his own age, or remain big for ever! PG-13 MONDAY, June 20, 2016 Benjamin Button ´ZDVERUQXQGHUXQXVXDOFLUFXPVWDQFHV«µ7KXVEHJLQV7KH&XULRXVFDVHRI%HQMDPLQ%XWWRQWKH$FDGHP\$ZDUGZLQQLQJÀOPVWDUULQJ%UDG3LWWDV a man who is born in his eighties and ages backward, and Cate Blanchett as the woman he destined to lover forever. PG-13 MONDAY, June 27, 2016 ***NOON**** Titanic /HRQDUGR 'L&DSULR DQG .DWH :LQVOHW OLJKW XS WKH VFUHHQ DV -DFN DQG 5RVH WKH \RXQJ ORYHUV ZKR ÀQG RQH DQRWKHU RQ WKH PDLGHQ YR\DJH RI “unsinkable” Titanic. But when the doomed luxury liner collides with an iceberg in the frigid North Atlantic, their passionate love affair becomes a thrilling race for survival. PG-13 MONDAY, July 4, 2016 CENTER CLOSED for FOURTH OF JULY MONDAY, July 11, 2016 27 Dresses .DWKHULQH+HLJOOLJKWVXSWKHVFUHHQLQWKLVFKDUPLQJURPDQWLFFRPHG\+HLJOVWDUVDV-DQHDURPDQWLFFRPSOHWHO\VHOÁHVVZRPDQZKR·VEHHQD happy helpful bridesmaid no less than 27 times. But her own fairy-tale wedding seems to nowhere in sight, until younger sister Tess captures the hear of Jane’s boss with whom she’s secretly in love with-inspiring Jane to change her “always a bridesmaid” destiny. PG-13 MONDAY, July 18, 2016 Driving Miss Daisy 0LVV 'DLV\ -HVVLFD 7DQG\ WHOOV RI JHQWHHO EXW VWULQJZLOOHG $WODQWD PDWURQ 'DLV\ DQG KHU SDWLHQW EXW HTXDOO\ GHWHUPLQHG FKDXIIHXU 0RUJDQ )UHHPDQ)RU7ZRVRGLIIHUHQWWKH\KDYHDORWLQFRPPRQ$QGWKHEXPS\URDGWKH\WUDYHOOHHDGVWRWKHIULHQGVKLSRIDOLIHWLPH MONDAY, July 25, 2016 Liar Liar Jim Carrey stars as a fast-talking attorney and habitual liar who, forced by his son’s birthday wish, must tell the truth for the next 24 hours. PG-13 June - July 2016 Oldies But Goodies 11 Activities Events Meals on&Wheels MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY JUNE 2016 LUNCHEON: 2 DAYS/WEEK TUESDAY FRIDAY JUNE 2016 JUNE 7 *ULOOHG&KLFNHQ6DODGZ bacon ranch dressing Butternut Squash Bisque Banana JUNE 14 7XUNH\6SLQDFK:UDSZ red pepper aioli Bean Soup Fresh Melon JUNE 21 ,WDOLDQ%HHIZZKLWH American cheese Split Pea Soup Pineapple Tid bits JUNE 28 Parmesan Tuna Salad Sliders Roasted Tomato Soup Whole Apple JUNE 3 Fried Chicken Red Skin Mashed Potatoes %DE\&DUURWVZGLOO Cole Slaw JUNE 10 Roast Turkey Breast Sage Dressing Kernel Corn Rotini Pasta Salad JUNE 17 Baked Ham Au Gratin Potatoes Green Beans, Peas & Carrots, Fruit Salad JUNE 24 &KLFNHQ%UHDVWZJUDY\ Red Skin Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Grape Clusters JULY 2 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY JULY 2016 JULY 5 JULY 1 Chicken Caesar Salad Cream of Broccoli Soup Fresh Melon Mostaccioli Italian Sausage Wedges Green Beans Grape Cluster JULY 12 5RDVW/RLQRI3RUNZJUDY\ Au Gratin Potatoes California Blend Vegetables Fresh Fruit Salad JULY 8 +DPEXUJHUZZKHDWEXQ Baked Beans Mixed Vegetables Fruit Sunburst JULY 19 Italian Sausage ZZKHDWEXQ Bean Soup Fresh Melon JULY 26 Chicken Waldorf Salad Split Pea Soup Pineapple Tid bits JULY 15 0HDWORDIZJUDY\ Whipped Potatoes Glazed Baby Carrots Cantaloupe Wedge JULY 22 Seasoned Baked Chicken Rosemary Potatoes Buttered Corn Melon JULY 29 0HDWEDOOVZ%XUJXQG\ Gravy Buttered Egg Noodles Peas & Carrots Fresh Fruit ALL MEALS INCLUDE 1% MILK ABOVE MEALS: Menu Items Subject To Change Without TUESDAY LUNCHEON: Reservations required at Notice. Please Call 815-740-4225 To Cancel Meal Deliveries least 3 days in advance. Call 630-759-3411 ext. 228 NUTRITION REMINDER…. The senior nutrition meal program in compliance with rules and regulations set forth by the Agency on Aging does not allow food items to be removed from the dining room. All food should be consumed at the meal time. These measures are taken seriously and will be enforced at the senior dining programs. 12 Oldies But Goodies Suggested donation $3.00 LUNCH IS SERVED AT 11:30 AM Please make reservation the WEDNESDAY before. Menu items subject to change without notice June - July 2016 Activities & Events Trips & Activities Lynne’s Trips and Activities – June 2016 LUNCH BUNCH I WHERE: AODAKE – ROMEOVILLE WHEN: THURDAY, JUNE 2 TIME: 11:30 AM FEE: $1 LIMIT: 40 Nestled in the city of and Romeoville, Aodake serves a delightful blend of hibachi and sushi delicacies in a casual, family-friendly atmosphere. Their restaurant features a Chef’s Sushi Bar, several unique Japanese display tables, as well as classic hibachi grills. All dishes on their menu may be ordered at any dining area. The Aodake menu features an array of items ranging from soups and salads to tempura appetizers to over forty specialty sushi rolls. In addition, they are always more than happy to custom-create a dish to your desire. Friends and families may indulge in their Banana Tempura Ice Cream, Ice Cream Mochi (rice cake), Ramune (a Japanese cream soda), as well as sake. This is a second go around for us and is a fun experience! SIGN UP TODAY!! JOLIET SLAMMERS WHEN: THURSDAY, JUNE 9 TIME: 5:00 PM FEE: $8 LIMIT: 25 THIRSY THURSDAYS!! A NEW PROMOTION PRESENTED BY THE JOLIET SLAMMERS!! BEER AND SODA ARE AVAILABLE FOR $2! Come out and experience the fun and excitement we have at this annual event. Dinner will be on your own at one of the many food vendors that are available. MANY NEW ITEMS HAVE BEEN ADDED! 7KH2XWÀHOG3LFQLF6WDQGORFDWHGLQWKHSLFQLFDUHDRIIHUVKRWGRJVSHDQXWVDYDULHW\RIKRPHPDGHSL]]DDQGRWKHUVWDGLXPFODVVLFV7RKHOSIDQVFRRO GRZQVRGDDQGEHHUDUHRIIHUHGDORQJZLWKWKH3DUW\<DUG)UR]HQ'ULQN6SHFLDO/RFDWHGDORQJWKHÀUVWEDVHVLGHLVWKH6WRQH&LW\*ULOORIIHULQJD:LOG Pitch Chicken Sandwich, Home Run Dog or a Grand Slam Sausage. At the Stone City Grill you can enjoy a special meal of a Slammer Dog, fries and D6RGD$OVRORFDWHGDORQJWKHÀUVWEDVHVLGHLV8QLRQ6WDWLRQZKLFKRIIHUVPDQ\IDQIDYRULWHVOLNH%DOO3DUN3HDQXWVDQG3RS)O\3RSFRUQDORQJZLWK %XGZHLVHUDQG3HSVLSURGXFWV%HDQ(QFRXQWHUVORFDWHGQHDUOHIWÀHOGLVDYDLODEOHIRUHYHU\FRIIHHORYHU·VGHOLJKWZLWKFXVWRPODWWHVFRIIHHVDQGIUR]HQ treats. Our regular stop to the Creamery will be a perfect ending to a perfect night!! DON’T MISS THIS FUN EVENT!! SIGN UP TODAY!! CHICAGO WHITE SOX SUPER SENIOR DAY GAME WHEN: SATURDAY, JUNE 11 TIME: 9:30 AM FEE: $50 LIMIT: 25 Okay...calling all CHICAGO WHITE SOX FANS!! This trip includes great seats, a meal ticket and transportation to and from &HOOXODU)LHOG/XQFKZLOOEHJLQDWDPDQGFRQWLQXHIRUDQKRXUDQGDKDOIDQGZLOOFRQVLVWRIDOOWKHÀ[LQ·VRIDQDOO American barbeque! You will feast on all-you-can-eat hot dogs, hamburgers, fried and bbq chicken, ribs, along with potato salad, pasta salad, and Cole slaw. Beer, wine and soda are also provided. Unfortunately, there will be no BINGO this year, as the only available days they gave me were a bit too chilly. However, they did agree to offer the same great food and a great round of baseball. After lunch, we will proceed to our seats in the stands as we watch the WHITE SOX take on the ROYALS! PLAAAAAAY BALL!!! COMEON’ SOX FANS….PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS!!!! SIGN UP QUICKLY! THIS W-I-L-L G-O- F-A-S-T!! MORTON ARBORETUM WHERE: LISLE WHEN: THURSDAY, JUNE 16 TIME: 9:30 AM FEE: $15 LIMIT: 40 Whether we have 60 minutes or all day, The Morton Arboretum is a special destination for our group outing. We will get to know the Park—on foot and or on the Acorn Express open-air tram. The Arboretum is an outdoor museum. You will be most comfortable if you dress for the weather and wear casual clothing with comfortable walking shoes. The Acorn Express is an exciting journey through the ever-changing landscape of The Morton Arboretum. This one-hour narrated tour is conducted on the Arboretum’s Acorn Express open-air tram. On the Acorn Express you may feel a breeze as the tram travels up to 15 miles per hour—dress warmly in cool weather! Insect repellent may be helpful during the summer. The Acorn Express Tram is accessible for up to two wheelchairs. Please inform me if any wheelchairs will be boarding the Acorn Express. We will enjoy lunch on our own at the Ginkgo Restaurant right there on the grounds. They have some new dishes in store for hungry visitors! Later, we will spend some time on foot (if you wish) exploring the grounds. This will be a wonderful day, and THIS TRIP WILL GO FAST!! SIGN UP TODAY!! LUNCH BUNCH I WHERE: PAPPADEAUX - WESTMONT WHEN: THURSDAY, JUNE 23 TIME: 11:30 AM FEE: $2 LIMIT: 40 With warm, inviting atmospheres, Pappas offer a wide range of cuisines, all served in generous portions by their highly trained, attentive wait staff. The success has been built on a passion for quality food and service, careful attention to detail, and a determination to treat every person as a welcome guest. Pappas offers something for everyone. Enjoy Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen for fresh seafood and Louisiana-style favorites; Pappasito’s Cantina for legendary Tex-Mex, Pappas Bar-B-Q for the best slow-smoked, pit barbeque around, Pappas Bros. 6WHDNKRXVHIRUSULPHGU\DJHGVWHDNVLQDQH[TXLVLWHÀQHGLQLQJHQYLURQPHQW3DSSDV%XUJHUIRUDPRXWKZDWHULQJ7H[DVVL]HGSULPHEHHIEXUJHUV<LD <LD0DU\·V*UHHN.LWFKHQIRUXQLTXHÁDYRUIXOFXLVLQHIURPWKH0HGLWHUUDQHDQDQG3DSSDV6HDIRRG+RXVHIRUWKHIUHVKHVW*XOI&RDVWVHDIRRGDURXQG Huge portions, hand-crafted drinks and a friendly, expertly-trained staff are all hallmarks of the Pappadeaux experience. From shore to dock, prep table to dining room table, the name Pappadeaux has become synonymous with fresh, delicious seafood served in a fun, festive atmosphere that you can’t ÀQGDQ\ZKHUHHOVH$WWKHUHTXHVWRIPDQ\ZHDUHUHWXUQLQJWRWKLV(;&(//(17HVWDEOLVKPHQW,I\RX·YHQRWH[SHULHQFHGLWLQWKHSDVWEHVXUHWRFRPH along with us this time. You won’t be sorry! June - July 2016 Oldies But Goodies 13 Activities & Events Trips & Activities Lynne’s Trips & Activities – June & July 2016 VILLAGE PICNIC SENIOR TENT WHERE: BEHIND VILLAGE HALL WHEN: SUNDAY, JUNE 26 TIME: NOON FREE!!!! All Bolingbrook Residents are invited to the 32ND Annual Picnic behind Town Center for a picnic and a whole lot more! THINGS TO DO . . . COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS SELLING FOOD, CLIMBING TREADWALL, PETTING ZOO, FREE HOT DOGS, BINGO, FUN FAIR, GAMES, HOT DOG EATING CONTEST, AMATEUR ART & PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW. Activities Include...PADDLE BOAT, PONY RIDES, and KIDDIE OBSTACLE, FISHING DERBY, SEA OF BALLS, SENIOR TENT, KIDS GAMES, AND MUCH MORE!!! As you can see, there is PLENTY for the whole family to do at the annual picnic. However, in particular, we will have OUR OWN Senior Tent on the grounds. That’s right folks; DUPAGE TOWNSHIP sponsors our personal space for the picnic. We will provide a fabulous lunch, consisting of burgers and brats on WKHJULOODQGDOOWKHÀ[LQVIRUDSLFQLF3XWWKDWWRJHWKHUZLWKORWVRIIUHHJLYHDZD\VDQGVQDFNV/HW·VQRWIRUJHWWKHIUHHSRSDQGEHHUDVZHOO$VDOZD\V LWZLOOEHDIXQÀOOHGGD\DQGZHGHÀQLWHO\GRQ·WZDQW\RXWRPLVVRXWRQLW:(/22.)25:$5'726((,1*<282877+(5( Please remember, this is a “SENIORS ONLY” tent, and is only for those 55 & older. NO EXCEPTIONS. FOUR WINDS CASINO WHERE: NEW BUFFALO, MI WHEN: THURSDAY, JUNE 30 TIME: 9:00 AM FEE: $25 LIMIT: 100 Four Winds Casino is the premiere casino in the Midwest. The odds are in your favor when you play the hottest casino games in New Buffalo. Four Winds Casino has 3000 of the most sought after slots, a special high-limit slot area for maximum exhilaration. This is the ONLY casino in the area to offer million dollar jackpots! The fee includes $15.00 instant slot play credit immediately downloaded to your player’s card, along with $10.00 food credit to any of the food vendors. At the buffet, indulge in a wide array of offerings including traditional American fare, Asian cuisine, seafood, and more. The food is always fresh, from appetizers to soups, salads, burgers, hot dogs, oven baked or hand crafted sandwiches, and even pizzas!, THIS TRIP ALWAYS FILLS UP QUICKLY!! SIGN UP TODAY!! TASTE OF CHICAGO WHEN: THURSDAY, JULY 7 TIME: 10:00 AM FEE: $3 LIMIT: 25 The Taste of Chicago, which is the world’s largest food festival, is one of the most popular events in Chicago. Each day at the taste of Chicago Festival features more than 60 local restaurateurs. They offer a delicious combination of ethnic items, family favorites, exotic and Chicago specialties. Over three million people attend the Taste of Chicago, which takes place in Grant Park, in downtown Chicago. Some of the highlights of the Taste of Chicago festival include a Gourmet Dining Pavilion, a variety of musical entertainment on three stages, and cooking demonstrations led by the city and country’s top chefs The entertainment usually features local musicians, however, entertainers have included celebrity musicians, such as Kenny Rogers and Billy Idol. Along with some of Chicago’s staple dishes, including ribs, cheesecake, Italian beef, Chicago-style hotdogs and Chicago-style pizza, participants at a Taste of Chicago can sample dishes from some of the city’s top gourmet restaurants. These tickets offer visitors a real “taste” of Chicago cuisine. 7KHÀUVW7DVWHRI&KLFDJR)HVWLYDOZDVKHOGLQWKHVXPPHURI,WZDVWKHEUDLQFKLOGRI-DQH%\UQHZKRZDVWKHSUHVLGLQJ0D\RURI&KLFDJRDW WKDWWLPH$WÀUVWWKH7DVWHRI&KLFDJRZDVDRQHGD\HYHQWKHOGRQWKH)RXUWKRI-XO\,WWRRNSODFHDORQJGRZQWRZQ&KLFDJR·V1RUWK0LFKLJDQ$YHQXH Due to its popularity, it was moved to Grant Park, and expanded to a ten-day festival. Entrance into the festival is FREE admission. Food and beverage tickets are sold in strips of 12 tickets for $8.50 (includes $2.50 charge for Taste amenities). Smaller “Taste of Portions” is available at each food vendor and is between 1-5 tickets. Food and beverage ticket strips will be available for purchase at the festival. ALWAYS A GREAT TIME!! DON’T WAIT!! SIGN UP TODAY!! LUNCH BUNCH WHERE: CHAMA-GAUCHA WHEN: THURSDAY, JULY 14 TIME: 11:30 AM FEE: $2 LIMIT: 40 Chama Gaucha in Downers Grove is a long way from Brazil, but it may be as close as many North American diners will ever get to savoring the traditional Brazilian steakhouse experience. One meal will demonstrate why this distinctive fare is so popular with diners. 7\SLFDORIWKHFKXUUDVFRVW\OHUHVWDXUDQWRQHÀQGVDODYLVKZDONXSVDODGEDUDVZHOODVDOOPDQQHURIVNHZHUHGFKDUFRDOURDVWHGPHDWV deftly carved tableside by waiters garbed in time-honored dark accordion-pleated trousers known as bombachas. 7KHDOOLQFOXVLYHÀ[HGSULFHPHQXLVDSHUVRQDWOXQFK$OVRDYDLODEOHLVDVDODGEDURQO\RSWLRQIRUDWOXQFK*UD]HUVYLVLWLQJWKHFROGIRRGV WDEOHZLOOÀQGSULVWLQHURPDLQHVSLQDFKDQGRWKHUJUHHQVDKDOIGR]HQVDODGGUHVVLQJVLPSRUWHGFKHHVHSURVFLXWWRDVSDUDJXVDUWLFKRNHKHDUWVEHHWV green beans and marinated mushrooms. There’s also several delicatessen-style salads and fresh fruit. Two favorites among the meats that I personally have sampled were perfectly seasoned lamb chops and a house specialty known as Picanha — a prime cut of medium-rare sirloin. Close contenders were EDFRQZUDSSHGPLQLÀOHWPLJQRQPDULQDWHGFKLFNHQOHJDQGPHDW\SRUNULEV$OVRQRWHZRUWK\ZDVOLQJXLoDDVPRNHFXUHGSRUNVDXVDJHVHDVRQHGZLWK garlic and paprika. 'LQHUVDW&KDPD*DXFKDVHWWKHPHDO·VSDFHE\ÁLSSLQJDWLQ\GLVNIURPUHGWRJUHHQWRLQGLFDWHWKHLUUHDGLQHVVWRLQWHUDFWZLWKWKHQRQVWRSSDUDGHRI meat-bearing gaucho chefs. Want seconds (or thirds)? No problem: just keep your disk green side up. Each meal is accompanied by bite-sized pão de queijo, addictive Parmesan cheese rolls wonderfully crispy outside but amazingly soft and chewy inside. Also brought to the table were three sides: fried polenta, mashed potatoes and fried banana. The spacious restaurant comfortably seats 200 at white-linen-covered tables. Lively recorded Brazilian music plays in the background. Chama Gaucha’s full bar stocks enticing domestic and international wines. Guaranteed to be treated like royalty! It is a second go around for us and so worth the trip. I PROMISE you won’t be disappointed!! 14 Oldies But Goodies June - July 2016 Activities & Events Trips & Activities Lynne’s Trips & Activities – July 2016 “I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE” WHERE: WHITE PINES THEATRE - OREGON, IL WHEN: THURSDAY, JULY 20 TIME: 9:30 AM FEE: $50 LIMIT: 50 This price includes a fabulous home-cooked buffet with three meats, salads, vegetable du jour, homemade mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh-baked breads, beverage and a dessert. Theatre ticket, gratuity, and a motor coach are also included. A warm welcome is waiting for you at White Pines Dinner Theatre near Oregon, Illinois and White Pines State Park! Enjoy a live stage show with talented singers, actors and comedians and a delicious home cooked meal! Guests love the nostalgic musicals and charming entertainers who perform in the White Pines intimate 125-seat, open-beamed log cabin lodge. ,KHDUGWKURXJKWKHJUDSHYLQHWKDW*UHJRU\-DPHVUHFHLYHGWZRVWDQGLQJRYDWLRQVWKHÀUVWWLPHKHSHUIRUPHGDW:KLWH3LQHV,QQ6RPDQ\RIXV missed out on the opportunity to see this unbelievably talented performer. James performs songs by Al Green, The Four Tops, The Temptations, The Manhattans, Marvin Gaye, The Spinners, Stevie Wonder, and many more. A MUST SEE!!! DON’T HOLD BACK ON THIS ONE!! IT W.I.L.L. GO F-A-S-T!!!! CROSSTOWN GAME - CUBS VS SOX WHERE: THE LEVY CENTER WHEN: TUESDAY, JULY 26 TIME: 5:30 PM FEE: $10 LIMIT: 250 Well its ONE, TWO, THREE strikes you’re out in the old ball game!!! This is one of our super fun events here at the Levy Center!! Come on out and support your favorite Chicago Team! We will get together for a picnic-style dinner, consisting of hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings, baked beans, pasta salad and potato salad. We will have a variety of snacks such as popcorn, peanuts, and ice FUHDPEDUVDYDLODEOHIRUVDOHZLWK\RXU´%,//<%8&.6µ7KHJDPHEHJLQV#DQGZLOOÀQLVKDWDSSUR[LPDWHO\ZLWKRXWH[WUDLQQLQJVRI course. Come and stay for the whole game or even half the game. It should really be fun this year with the way BOTH teams are playing!! BE SURE TO WEAR YOUR TEAM’S COLORS!! SIGN UP TODAY!!!! “LET’S GO CUBBIES!!!!!” JOLIET SLAMMERS WHEN: THURSDAY, JULY 28 TIME: 5:00 PM FEE: $8 LIMIT: 25 This is always a fun time! Join us for our SECOND round at the Silver Cross Stadium. If you’ve never been, then consider coming out to spend an evening with the Joliet Slammers. These fellows always play a fantastic game, and there is so PXFKDFWLYLW\JRLQJRQLQWKHÀHOG3ODQWRKDYHGLQQHUWKHUHRQ\RXURZQDWRQHRIWKHLUPDQ\FRQFHVVLRQVWDQGV+DUGWR FKRRVHIURPZKHQWKHDLULVÀOOHGZLWKVRPDQ\DURPDVIURPGLIIHUHQWIRRGVWDQGV2IFRXUVHDVSDUWRIRXUWUDGLWLRQZHZLOOEHVWRSSLQJRQWKH way home at the “Creamery” for one of your favorite ice cream treats! SIGN UP TODAY!! FAMILY FUN FEST WHERE: DUPAGE TOWNSHIP GROUNDS WHEN: SUNDAY, JULY 31 TIME: NOON FREE!!! It returns offering interactive activities, music and FUN for all ages. Join us as we kick off another event that allows us to thank you for your business. Learn about local community resources while enjoying the day with a variety of fun, family based activities. Plan to enjoy some brats, hot dogs, chips, and beverages along with some LIVE music presented by “KEITH SEMPLE” of THE VOICE” reality TV show. Keith is a native of Northern Ireland and has been forming since the age of 16. Be prepared to see a phenomenal show!! Dancing, games and more will prove to provide an awesome event for the day! Be sure to mark you calendars’!! PROBLEMS WITH PACE? Call PACE Hotline and voice your complaints!! (847) 364-7223 ATTENTION: PACE BUS RIDERS! Anyone riding the Pace Bus must apply for a Pace bus card 3 – 4 weeks before they intend to ride on the bus. PACE DIAL-A-RIDE 1-800-244-4410 (NOTE – NEW NUMBER!) Call within a week before the trip is to be scheduled. Please call the Thursday before the week requested. (/,*,%,/,7<Service is available to persons 65 years of age or older, and persons with a disability. SERVICE HOURS – Monday – Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Apply at the LEVY CENTER, 251 Canterbury Lane, Bolingbrook, during normal business hours. June - July 2016 $ Oldies But Goodies 1.00 ONE-WAY FARE 15 Activities Events Oldies But&Goodies DuPage Township The Levy Center 251 Canterbury Lane Bolingbrook, IL 60440-2834 (630) 759-3411 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Bolingbrook, IL Permit No. 278 Willi M. William M Mayer M Supervisor Patricia Mayoral-Stach Clerk TRUSTEES Alyssia Benford 16 Ken Burgess Maripat Oliver Jean Kelly Assessor Patricia Holloway Collector Oldies But Goodies Sheldon Watts June - July 2016