Island Chatter Spring Summer 08 Final


Island Chatter Spring Summer 08 Final
WAPHC Nets $5,800 for Alzheimer’s Research!
In this issue:
New Year’s Eve Cruise
Wrap Up and
Presentation to the
Alzheimer’s Association
Featured WAPHC
Committee: CHARITY
Member Profiles:
- Jan Holliday
- Julie Hovden
I DID IT - Report on
Janice Easley’s 2008
Avon Walk for Breast
Annual Wreath Laying
at Arlington Cemetery
Member Profiles:
- Mike Lindsay
- Kathleen Maloney
Wearing WAPHC shirts, from left, Event Lead Rock Kulisch, club president Libby Barker, and club secretary Joanne
Richcreek present a check for $5,800 to Anthony ("Tony") Sudler, president and CEO of the National
Capital Area of the Alzheimer's Association. Also in attendance from the Alzheimer's Association were Kate Owens and
Susan Cherney. The proceeds came from the New Year's Eve Potomac River cruise.
On New Year’s Eve, 2008, the
evening, followed by the four hour cruise, which
Washington Area Parrot Head Club hosted
CD Review –by Glenn a party on the Cherry Blossom and Partied
With A Purpose once again to raise
Editorial Notes
money for the Alzheimer’s Association.
Upcoming WAPHC
The party attracted Parrot Heads and non-
from decorating the boat to manning the club
Parrot Heads alike to see in the new year
store to selling raffle tickets, and much much
with two great bands, Tall Paul and
Crawdaddy and Smalltown
A pre-party with raffles, basket raffles,
50/50s , music, and festivity started off the
featured a buffet dinner, catered by Mango
mikes, open bar , and champagne at midnight.
Contributing to the night’s success were many
WAPHC volunteers who helped with everything
A good time was had by all!
Planning is already underway for New Year’s
Eve 2009!!! Watch the TWiP or this publication
for details!!
Page 2
WAPHC member Glenn
Richcreek donates blood at the
INOVA donor center in
Annandale on a Saturday
morning. Club members can
donate blood at any time under the
WAPHC INOVA account.
Jan and
Julie in
Featured Committee: CHARITY
Chairs: Jan Holliday and Julie Hovden
The WAPHC Charity Committee is responsible for exploring and recommending to the membership worthy
service projects to pursue and worthy service organizations to support in connection with the purposes and
mission of PHIP, Inc. and the Club. Plainly stated, they are the folks finding the “purpose” for our “Party
with a Purpose” slogan.
Charitable Organizations that the WAPHC has worked with are the following: American Red Cross,
Alzheimer’s Association, National Kidney Foundation, National Race for the Cure, Avon Walk for the Cure,
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Capital Area Food Bank, Alice Ferguson Foundation (Potomac river
cleanup) , INOVA Blood Donor Center, Toys for Tots, Fund for Alexandria’s Child, Fisher House, the MS
Society , and the American Cancer Society.
WAPHC Parrot Heads Participating in Charitable Activities
Dishing out a
“bowl of red”
during a recent
DC 101 Chili
Cook-off, to
benefit the
National Kidney
Annual Potomac
River Cleanup
Parrot Head Crew
(benefitting the Alice
Ferguson Foundation)
Just some of the trash cleaned out of the
Potomac River during the cleanup
Page 3
Member Profile: Jan Holliday
Earliest musical interest: Roy
Clark and Roger Miller 8-tracks;
Barry Manilow’s Greatest Hits
If you won the lottery:
Take our entire extended
families on a cruise.
Favorite book: All of them. I am
not kidding. The Fairfax County
library sends people to me to
borrow books.
What about you says
'parrothead': Um…my
license plates?
Favorite movie: “Officer and a
CD you most like to listen to:
Lately, “License to Chill.”
Craziest thing you've done: Join
the Army so I could write a book
about it. It’s 20 years later and I
still haven’t written the book.
Favorite place to vacation:
Anywhere with a beach.
Hobbies: Swimming,
sailing, golf, going to the
gym, reading.
Favorite WAPHC
activity: Probably Boat
Drinks Bacchanal in
Lewes, even though it
isn’t technically a
Profession: Soldier
Pets/kids/spouse: Rick/Rick/Rick. He
fits all three.
Hometown/college: Great Bend,
Kansas…University of Kansas
Jayhawks. Rock Chalk.
Anything else?: Nope. I’m sure that is
WAY more than anyone ever wanted to
know about me.
Member Profile: Julie Hovden
Craziest thing you've done: Moved to
DC for a job and traveled to Europe
twice by myself in my 40s
Favorite place to vacation: Warm
climates with white sand beaches, clear
blue water, and lots of sunshine
Earliest musical interest: The Beatles;
The Monkees
Favorite book: Even Cowgirls Get the
Blues; Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
Favorite movie: The Big Chill;
Shawshank Redemption; Philadelphia
CD you most like to listen to: Live from
Anguilla; Magic
If you won the lottery: Give to charity,
buy a beach house, and travel around
the world
What about you says “parrot head”:
Wearing flip flops, sipping margaritas,
enjoying what life has to offer
Hobbies: Cooking, gardening, biking
Favorite WAPHC activity:
Socials, Potomac River
clean-up, Fisher House
Profession: Homeless
Programs Specialist at HUD
Pets/kids/spouse: One
grown son;
University of WisconsinMadison
Anything else?: Love being
a grandma. I hope to retire
where close-toed shoes are
not necessary!
three grandchildren
Page 4
Laying a wreath on a
servicman’s grave,
WAPHC Member Jan
Holliday participated
with an handful of
members in the
annual “Wreaths
Across America” at
Arlington National
promised them we would visit
Russell at Arlington.
We easily located his gravesite
during the wreath event and left
him a wreath alongside the
beautiful Christmas decorations
his parents had placed there a
few weeks earlier. Bruce took
this picture for me to send his
parents. This was their reply:
“Dear Janet,
WAPHC Members take part in the
annual “Wreaths Across
America” at Arlington Cemetery
- by Jan Holliday
Several members of WAPHC joined
thousands of other volunteers for the
“Wreaths Across America” at Arlington
National Cemetery on 15 December 2007.
Club members Bruce Cwalina, Julie Hovden,
Jan Holliday and John and Karen Kuch met
up before the event, and members Glenn
Richcreek and Don and Janice Easley as well
as others attended on their own.
It touches our hearts
that you took the time to visit
our Russell's gravesite and
place the wreath. It is people
like you and Rick that warm our
hearts and help us to go on,
especially during this time of
year. You have earned a very
special place in our hearts.
God bless you and
Happy Holidays,
Volunteers met at Arlington Cemetery to lay
wreaths on over 30,000 graves in to
commemorate the service to our country of the
brave soldiers buried there, in observance of the
holiday season. This annual event is an amazing
effort by many volunteers to cover each grave
with a wreath, all in the same day. It is a beautiful
and moving remembrance of those who gave their
lives for our country.
The other gravesite I insisted
on visiting was that of 1LT
Kenneth Ballard. Ken died in
August 2004 in an odd accident
Our group laid wreaths on the graves of
in Iraq. While turning his
Karen’s mother, a military spouse, and John’s Bradley fighting vehicle to
uncle, who died in World War II. Glenn laid
return to base after a firefight, a
wreaths at the graves of two WWII Army
tree branch became entangled
Infantry lieutenants from Ohio in honor of his in the firing mechanism of the
father's service. Our group then took wreaths machine gun on the turret. The
to Section 60, reserved for those who died in branches depressed the trigger,
Iraq and Afghanistan, to find the gravesites of killing Ken instantly. Due to the
two service members with personal
fog of war, Ken’s death was
connections to me.
initially attributed to enemy fire.
We did not find out the truth
until almost two years later
While on a day sail in Puerto Vallarta last
when I was working at Army
November, Rick and I met the parents of
Casualty here in DC.
United States Marine Corps Lance Corporal
Russell White. Although the beautiful, sunny
day on the water seemed incongruous with
the subject, Gregg White and his wife of
Dagsboro, Delaware, related to us how their
son was killed in 2004 in Afghanistan. They
are still unsure if his shooting by another
Marine was intentional or an accident, but
their pain at losing their son was evident. I
like to think it was therapeutic for them to tell
us the story and about Russell’s life while we
sipped margaritas on a beautiful sailboat in
the ocean, just off the coast of Mexico. As we
parted, I
Ken’s mother, Karen Meredith,
is a friend of Cindy Sheehan’s
and a frequent protester
against both the war and the
current administration. I
accompanied the Army official
who had to fly to San
Francisco to explain to her,
two years later, how her son
died. It was a very painful
experience to watch as the old
wounds were opened and we
tried to both comfort Karen and
assure her that the Army had
not intentionally misled her
about the death.
(continued on page 5)
Page 5
“Wreaths Across America” continued from page 4
Karen eventually came to understand the difficulties inherent in the
casualty reporting process and has become a great champion of
both the Army and a valuable assistant in fixing casualty processes.
She and I have stayed in touch, and I was honored to be able to lay
a wreath at Ken’s grave as well. I sent Karen a picture as well and
this was her response:
“Janet-How nice to see your name in my mailbox! Thanks so
much for the photos and for thinking of Ken. Sometimes
Arlington (and Ken) feel so far away and it makes my heart
happy to know that Ken has visitors. I was at Arlington in
Sept and couldn't believe how many more new graves there
were at Section 60.
As we were leaving Arlington, we happened
across Don and Janice Easley, who were
searching for the grave of a Marine veteran to
decorate in honor of Don’s father. All in all, the
event was both touching and uplifting, and one
we hope to continue in our Parrothead
repertoire of helping others.
I DID IT!!! My Fourth Avon Walk for Breast
- by Janice Easley
On May 3-4, I completed the
Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
Why do I continue to push
myself to participate in these
events? Why do I continue to
fundraise and train?
My first reason is personal as I
continue to experience the
stress of worrying when a new
lump is detected and awaiting
test results. It’s been 23 years
since my first biopsy, and,
lucky for me, my results have
always been benign. A
woman living in the U.S. has
a 1 in 8 chance of
breast cancer in her lifetime! And
let’s not forget that men can also be
diagnosed with breast cancer. I stood
beside a young man in his 30s last
year who was a breast cancer
In addition to my personal reason,
memories from previous breast cancer
walks make me smile when I think
about the people I met and the money
I helped raise. When I first started
participating in these events, I knew
only one person who had been
touched by breast cancer. Now I know
more than I can count. In May, I
walked to help more than 200,000
people in the US who will be
diagnosed with breast cancer this year
and in memory of more than 40,000
people who will die of breast cancer.
In the time it takes to read this
newsletter, someone else will be
diagnosed with breast cancer!
Day One – Opening Ceremony 6:00
a.m. – a very inspirational and moving
ceremony while 3,500 walkers
prepared to hit the trail. I stood behind
two sisters with signs on their backs
that said: “My Avon Walk – For Mom –
I love you!”
One of my teammates, a
40-year-old mother of two,
diagnosed with breast cancer this
year following her FIRST
mammogram proudly wore her sign
that said: “My Avon Walk – for ME
and my other breast cancer sisters.”
At the end of day one, I completed
a marathon (26.2 miles).
Day One took us past the beautiful
monuments of Washington, D.C.,
through Georgetown, down
Embassy Row past the National
Cathedral and Glen Echo and
through neighborhoods where
children had set up snack and
lemonade stands for us. People
lined the streets cheering for us, and
horns beeped as we walked
together. I can still see the man
cheering for us with a sign that said:
“Thank you for walking for my wife.”
(continued on page 6)
Page 6
Janice Easley—Breast Cancer
Walk (continued from page 5)
Crew: Numbering several hundred
strong, a very enthusiastic Avon
Walk Crew (all volunteers)
entertained us along the route.
Rest stops provided us with food,
fluids, and medical attention. Each
stop had themes that made us
laugh and take our minds off the
aches and pains. Themes
included “Saving Second Base,
Life’s a Beach" (with inner tube
bras) and the Big Top for lunch
featuring "Barnum and Boobies.”
The “Pope” even greeted us at
lunch on Sunday and “thanked us
for visiting.”
Wellness Village: Eleven hours
later, I arrived in Bethesda at the
Wellness Village, otherwise known
as camp for the night! Memories of
the wellness village include: hot
showers in semi-trucks, lots of
port-a-potties, good food, and
setting up our tents.
Sounds that you heard during the night: tent
zippers as campers made their way to the
port-a-potties and their doors slamming,
and the sound of flip flops passing by the
Day Two – started VERY early,
before sunrise. The saying is that,
when the first person gets up in
camp, EVERYONE gets up! The
course opened at 7:30, and we hit
the trail for a half-marathon (13.1
Five and a half hours later, I was
back in D.C. Welcoming walkers
crossing the finish line was one of
the highlights of the weekend. I
stood by a family with two young
boys waiting for their mother. They
wore T-shirts that said: “My Mom is
a Survivor.” As the two boys crossed
the finish line with their mom, there
wasn’t a dry eye to be seen.
Closing Ceremony – Reese
Witherspoon joined us to celebrate
our accomplishment and present the
$8.1 million in checks to area
To participate in this event, I was
required to raise at least $1,800.
I am happy to say that I had my
best fundraising year ever! My
total fundraising was $6,224,
and $1,533 of that was donated
by WAPHC members and/or
WAPHC raffles
That brings me to a total of
approximately $25,000 that I
have personally raised during
my Four Avon Walks for
Breast Cancer! Thank you
again to everyone that helped
me meet this personal challenge
and for supporting breast cancer
research with your generous
Page 7
“State of the Phlock”
- from PHIP
Bob Heffelfinger, Director of Membership, for Parrot Heads
in Paradise, Inc., posted the following information on Here is some of what Bob reported:
"We’ve also added several new chapters to the
PHiP family already this year, with more on the
horizon. At this writing, our organization stands
at 227 chapters in the United States, Canada,
and Australia … 3 different countries, 47 states,
3 Canadian provinces, and one U.S. Territory.
Our total membership remains steady with more
than 25,000 dedicated, fun-loving Parrot Heads
among the ranks."
He went on to say:
The WAPHC MOTM 2007 basket was won by a member of
the Houston, Texas PH Club. In the middle of the photo is
MOTM Raffle Chairman Joel Oates and to the right is WAPHC
secretary Joanne Richcreek.
"In 2007, Parrot Head Clubs collectively raised for
and/or donated to charitable organizations
approximately $2.9 million. Perhaps more importantly,
Parrot Heads carried on the tradition of volunteerism,
as 2007 saw chapters worldwide donate more than
181,000 man-hours to philanthropic and
environmental activities."
Kenny Jenkins
Parrot Heads “being themselves”….
and Paul Peevy
reminiscing in
Key West on
Paul’s 50th
Birthday at
MOTM in 2007!
Dave Olkowski
enjoying a recent
Parrot Head event.
Glenn Richcreek and Mike Lindsay at a recent
Could that gleam in
Washington Nationals Game, with a glimpse of Larry
his eye be due to the
Murray in back right (hand up)
fact that he was
going to be a daddy?
Page 8
A Parrot Head By Any Other Name Would Still Be A
Parrot Head - contributed by Glenn Richcreek
Just how DO you say “Parrot Head” in different languages?
Here are a few of the ways!
Spanish - repita cabeza cabeza de loro
French - tête de perroquet
Bulgarian - така главата
German - Plappern Sie Kopf nach
Croatian - papiga glavu
Italian - ripetere a pappagallo la testa
Dutch - Het papegaaihoofd
Portuguese - cabeça de papagaio
Czech - papoušek hlavu
Danish - papegøje hovedet
Russian - голова попугая
Greek - παπαγάλος κεφάλι
Norwegian - papegøyehode
Romanian -papagalul cap
Swedish - papegoja huvudet
Polish głowę Papuga
Source: Google, compiled by Glenn Richcreek
“Blame It On The Margaritas”
by ‘Howard Livingston and Mile Marker 24’
- CD Review, by Glenn Richcreek
Howard Livingston and Mile Marker 24 has
come up with a nice 'chillin’ to' CD. When
you've had a rough day and just want to sit
back and relax, this is for you!! Howard plus the
seven-piece Mile Marker 24 band have come
up with a delightful combination of sounds sure
to give music fans a smile.
It's Trop-Rock at its mellowest, yet it keeps
moving so you don't have to. By the second
listen, you'll be singing along to the title track,
“Blame It On The Margaritas.” “Local On The
Eights” will have you considering whether to
pack it in and head south. “Coconut Rum” has
several uses (other than the usual) for that
through with this, their third release.
This 11-song CD was released in 2007, just in time for
MOTM. The Howard Livingston and Mile Marker 24 web
site lists several scheduled performances at MOTM 2008,
including two hours on Saturday, Nov. 1, from 6 to 8 pm.
FYI: “Mile Marker 24” is a reference to Howard Livingston's
home – 24 miles from Key West – so the guy knows the
Page 9
Member Profile: Mike Lindsay
If I won the lottery: I might jump
off a bridge into a lake. I might buy
a house in Key West. I would
definitely put A1A in the CD player,
put Animal House in the DVD
player, take good care of the family,
donate a lot to cancer and
Alzheimer’s research, and buy you
a beer.
Earliest musical
interest: John Denver (mom played
his records all the time).
Favorite book: Fear and Loathing in
Las Vegas (Dr. Hunter Thompson –
the late great satirist)
Favorite movie: Braveheart or
Animal House
CD I most like to listen to: A1A by
Craziest thing ever done: Jumped
off an interstate bridge into a lake in
Favorite place to vacation: Key
What about you says “parrot
head”: If you can’t have sunshine,
there is always a cold drink, a
tropical shirt, good music, and good
camaraderie to make you feel
Hobbies: Sunshine, cold drinks,
tropical shirts, good music, and
good times with family and friends.
Favorite WAPHC
activity: Potomac River Cleanups
(charitable) and Concert Days
Profession: Asset Manager and
Assistant Vice President for Wells
Fargo Multifamily Capital (McLean,
Pets/kids/spouse: No pets (past
or present). One son – Connor
(born September 2006). One wife
– Andrea (married July 2002).
Member Profile: Kitty Maloney
Earliest musical interest: Elvis,
Irish music, Cheap Trick
Favorite book: Pride and
Favorite movie: Casablanca,
Star Wars
CD you most like to listen to:
Cheap Trick Live at Budokan,
Bob Marley Legend
Craziest thing you've done:
Drove across country in 1989
Ford Escort that was losing bolts
from the engine compartment
Favorite place to vacation: St.
If you won the lottery: Buy a
house by the beach and find a
charity to volunteer with to
contribute back to the greater
What about you says 'parrot
head': Desk at work/house; “Cali
girl” at heart….
Hobbies: Half-marathons (7 so
far, and yes, one full marathon!);
photography, wine
Favorite WAPHC activity: Too
many to name
Hometown/College: Born and
raised in Alexandria, VA. Attended
James Madison University
(Harrisonburg, VA) from 1982 to
Anything else?: Two great
quotes to live by:
1) Life is a waste of time and time
is a waste of life. Get wasted all of
the time and have the time of your
2) Only when the tide goes out do
you discover who has been
swimming naked.
Time for another team drink!
Profession: Attorney/Sr. Law
Firm Management
Pets/kids/spouse: Do plants
Hometown/college: Camarillo,
Calif./Long Beach, Calif.
Anything else?: Originally from
Cocoa Beach, Fla.
Page 10
Pineapple Mojito’s
Margarita Ice Cream
Add the cream and then
softly whip until thick and
smooth but not stiff.
1/2 cup lime juice
2 tablespoons tequila
3 tablespoons orange
liqueur (recommended:
Cointreau or Triple Sec)
1 1/4 cups powdered sugar
2 cups heavy cream
Selected Summer
- submitted by Lisa Craun
Spoon into an airtight
container to freeze
overnight. This ice cream
does not need ripening
(softening before serving),
as it will not freeze too hard
12 fresh mint leaves
2 teaspoons sugar
1 lime, quartered
Ice cubes
4 tablespoons pineapple juice
1/2 cup white rum
1/2 cup club soda
Sugar cane sticks, for serving,
and melts speedily and
Help us to Find You, and Know You!
If you are not receiving your newsletter, please contact Bob
Weschler, the Director of Membership at You need to actually sign up on the
Yahoo Group in order to receive your news letter, but in
order to do so, you need an invite .
You may have received one when you joined and have not
responded. Thing is, till you join the Yahoo Group, you will
Divide the mint, sugar, and lime
wedges among 4 old-fashioned
glasses. Using a pestle (from a
mortar and pestle) or the end of a
wooden spoon, mash the mint,
sugar, and lime together. Add
some ice and top off with some
pineapple juice concentrate, white
rum, and club soda. Swirl with a
sugar cane stick and serve.
miss out on receiving the TWiP, and also other important
club news that is sent via the Yahoo Group as a blaster…
Coming up in the next issue of Island Chatter:
But it is not too late! Email Bob today, and get your invite
Spotlight Committee: Membership, Chaired by John and Karen Kuch
Police Unity Tour story and pictures
“Fostering the Future” Cruise article and pictures
Alzheimer’s Memory Walk Information
Pictures from the Annual WAPHC Membership Picnic, and from our
to sign up if you have done so already! Fins Up!
first ever float in the Fairfax 4th of July Parade…
… and much, much more! Stay tuned, and keep your fins up!
Attention: Parrot Head business
The proceeds from this will go to defray the cost of producing this
owners and others who would like to
newsletter, with anything left over going towards the other
reach the WAPHC Parrot Head “world”:
administrative expenses of the club…
Would you like to reach a targeted audience of
What an opportunity! If you are a member, or a business we
Parrot Heads on a regular basis (at least 3-4 times
frequent, and you want us to know about YOU, you can advertise
a year), with a promotion for your business?
HERE, for as little as $20 an issue!
Now you can! Starting with the next issue of Island
And what is more, our newsletter is loaded online, and can be read
Chatter, we will be offering business card size ads
by an even wider, larger audience there, too! What a great way to
to businesses who want to promote their goods or
get the word out, and support the work and events of WAPHC in
services to our members! The price per issue will
the process!
be a very affordable $20 per ad!
For more information, or to arrange to sign up your business or
service, contact Thank you in
advance for all your support!
A Special “ Thank You”…..
Page 11
To Beth Olkowski, co-Lead of the
WAPHC Communications Committee.
Does your family pet have that island spirit? If so, send
Beth took on the task of first layout of
his or her picture in for an upcoming
this newsletter, while days away from
feature on pets!
the delivery of her new daughter,
In fact, she arranged to leave the
newsletter on a disk for pick up if she
had to suddenly go to the hospital…
This shows tremendous dedication to
the Communications Committee and to
Lucy Ann Buffett (Jimmy’s sister!) at 2007
getting the newsletter out! For that, all
MOTM with a Florida Club Member’s
of us who have worked on the
Marty, one of the Olkowski
service dog
family dogs, is ready to attend the
newsletter want to recognize Beth for
her hard work and tremendous Parrot
Head Spirit!
Congratulations to Beth, and her
husband, Dave Olkowski, on the birth
of their daughter, Emily, in June!
next luau!
Editor’s Notes: Contributors to WAPHC Island
Chatter this issue were the following:
Glenn Richcreek
Joanne Richcreek
Lisa Craun
Jan Holliday
Rock Kulisch
Janice Easley
Beth Olkowski
Joanne Young– Chewning
Want to contribute? Send articles, recipes,
reviews, etc., to!
Looking for WAPHC Parrot Head Merchandise? Check out the Club Store!!!
The WAPHC CLUB STORE has great WAPHC merchandise available at the
Kilroy's and Mango Mike's socials each month and also by request
by emailing treasurer@waphc. com.
WAPHC Club Store merchandise available is as follows:
* ALOHA SHIRTS - button-down Hawaiian shirts with embroidered WAPHC
club name on the sleeve for $40.
* WAPHC T-SHIRTS - silk-screened club logo on the back with small
logo on the front for $20
* WAPHC BEERNECKS - Beer bottle koozies with club logo with
attached neck strap and bottle opener in red, green, and purple for
* HAPPY SHARKS - Adhesive shark in a variety of colors for your car
or anywhere you like for $6
Sleeve of a WAPHC Club Shirt
The Washington Area Parrot Head Club was created to promote friendships and organize
social activities for people with similar interests, including enjoyment of the tropical spirit
of Jimmy Buffett’s music. In the process of making new friends and having fun, we believe
in leaving something positive behind. We are a non-profit organization that provides a
variety of volunteer efforts in the local, regional and national community for social and
environmental causes. Our club is open to anyone with the tropical spirit and desire to
contribute to the betterment of our community.
Address Label goes here!
P.O. Box 1075
Springfield, VA. 22151
Don’t forget to watch
the TWIP for the latest
Upcoming Events!
news and updates!
Still to come, later this year:
Friday, July 25—Jerry Jeff
Walker at the Birchmere—meet
in the bar @no charge!
Saturday, July 26: Party at the
End of the Bay— Join our
details in the TWiP soon!
Maryland Parrot Head Phriends to
“Party with a Purpose” details in the
Saturday August 30 and
Monday, September 1—
Jimmy Buffett in Concert at
Nissan Pavilion!! Stay tuned for
related activities!! Details are being
worked out for the concert and events
surrounding that week!
Parrot Head Paul Rabinowitz– The “Town
Crier” on the Megaphone while volunteering at
the DC 101 Chili Cook-off that benefited the
National Kidney Foundation
October, 2008—Alzheimer’s
Association Memory Walk—
October 31-November 3–
MOTM in Key West - Annual
Phlocking of Parrot Heads in
Paradise—see details at http://
December, 2008– WAPHC
Holiday Party and Collection
of Toys for Tots
December , 2008– Annual
Wreath Laying at Arlington
Cemetery - details TBD
December 31, 2008—NYE
2009 Party– details TBD!
… and much more!!