recruits new member recruits new member


recruits new member recruits new member
Vol 54 No.1 2009
The magazine of the International Police Association
recruits new member
Police World
The magazine of the British Section of
the International Police Association
As the Section begins its sixtieth year, many challenges
The Peter Goodwin Memorial IPA Trophy
in association with Mallory Park (motorsport) Ltd & Ford Racing UK
A word from your President
face us. Once again, we have seen a decline in our overall
Lee Hemmings
membership, though it is heartening to note the healthy
number of new applications being received at BSAC.
There is no doubt that the ideals of the IPA are still alive
Deadline for article submission for
the next edition is 20 April 2009
and kicking and the desire for members to travel and
partake in a range of activities, whether sporting, cultural or
Come and join IPA
Leicestershire Branch,
at Mallory Park,
Leicestershire on
Sunday 26th July 2009
Enjoy a day of competitive motor
racing, Club Formula Ford
Championship with the use of a
hospitality suite.
For 2009, the cost of entry will be £1
per person over the age of 16, to include entry into a free raffle.
Once again we will have the use of the Hailwood Suite, and as last year, there will be NO refreshments
available within the suite. We have been allocated 200 tickets for the event.
This year large group bookings cannot be accepted.
Mallory Park is known as the friendly circuit. The venue offers a full range of refreshments on site, at the Lakeside
cafe, where tea, coffee, snacks, breakfasts and lunches, are available, as well as the usual burger vans etc.
just renewing old acquaintances, is evident in the amount
of reports I receive the length and breadth of the country.
Diana James
tel: +44 115 981 3638
I would have to admit there has been critism from some quarters. The presidency requires broad
concern no matter what its context, but change is needed if our association is to once again
flourish. We need to get the structure right and create a Section which is lean, prosperous and
General enquiries
offers benefits for the widest range of our membership both from here and overseas.
Arthur Troop House, 1 Fox Road,
West Bridgford,
Nottingham. NG2 6AJ
In recent months I have attended events as a member of my own Branch, but namely the
experience influenced them. Often potential new members ask me what IPA is about. I reply by
inviting them to join me at an event where I can show them. The net result has often been their
recruitment, and more importantly the retention of members who are now taking the lead in
organising events. I always return enthused!
However the presidency also has a serious side to it. Much work needs to be done and is being
Warwick Printing Ltd
Caswell Road, Leamington Spa.
Warwickshire. CV31 1QD
done. Final testing is being carried out on our new website and database, which should be live
by the time you read this foreword. The address ( remains the same, but the look
will be very different. The range of services available on it will be more dynamic than before: an
e-shop where members can purchase gifts and memorabilia more easily at a more competitive
Mallory Park is located in the village of
Kirkby Mallory just north of Hinckley,
between the A47 and the A447.
to remind me what the IPA is all about: renewing old friendships and making new ones, laughter
Printed by
Information on the Club Formula Ford Championship may be viewed at
Once booked, your tickets will be reserved for you, and available for collection on the day, at a point just inside the
main entrance to the circuit, between 10.30am and 12.45pm
Friendship Week in Cyprus and the annual Kohl-und-Pinkelfahrt in Germany. Both events served
and enjoyment, and seeing old friends join in such activities for the first time and how the
tel: +44 115 981 3638
fax: +44 115 981 3349
There are also facilities for Caravans and Motor Homes within the park.
Please note, no animals are allowed within Mallory Park.
In order to avoid disappointment, please contact Bob Gunnell by e-mail at
or write to BSAC, Arthur Troop House, 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 6AJ for ticket availability.
shoulders and tenacity to see through the important measures. Major change always causes
Membership is open to all serving
and retired (on full or medical
pension) members of any civil
Police Service.
price; a forum to encourage debate and enable more contact among members; more information
about the makeup of our distinct regions. I would implore you all to please use this great
resource to its fullest by sending anything and everything to BSAC so that it can be uploaded
immediately – this will ensure that all the activity and fun going on across our section is captured
and shows us in a good light.
Joining the IPA costs just £30 and
annual renewal is £25.
A national working party has begun the process of pulling together an eclectic timetable of
To apply either visit
or request an application form from
the general enquiries team.
mention the support already being offered by Branches nationwide to support the team fills me
events to celebrate our Diamond Jubilee in 2010. The enthusiasm and ideas put forward, not to
with pride in our many friends everywhere willing to help out. I know that the yearlong
timetable of events will be an outstanding success and place our section at the very heart
of the association.
It is comprehensively signed, and the
nearest motorway exit is on the M69
Junction I.
Servo per Amikeco
ISSN No: 0032-261X
Steve Connor, National President
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
Vol 54 No.1 2009
A Traveller’s Tale
New members
9 See who has recently joined the IPA
Service d'étalon or!
Rapid Response Unit?
Unidentified Police Object, sighted in Nanjing
Succession Planning
Mick Luke discusses succession planning
Northern Ireland Region Charity Lunch
Charity lunch in support of ‘tiny life’
Feel Good Factor
18-19 A round up of up and coming sporting events
Prize crossword
WIN a £25 Marks and Spencer voucher
Diary dates
Branch and regional dates and events
AGM meeting dates
24-25 Members have their say
Scotland Region celebrate Burns’s 250th birthday
IPA radio link on ‘Radio WM’
The Blues ‘n’ Twos team appear on TV
Burns Tributes
Holiday lets in the UK and around the world
Members visit West Midlands Police Museum
Viennese Football Marathon
A group from IPA Austria see 3 games in 3 days
National news
16-17 A round up of the news from the
British Section
International news
35th IEC conference, International diary
dates and more
A guide to Region numbers
1 - Scotland
2 - Northern Ireland
3 - Northern England
4 - Wales
5 - Midlands
6 - Central London
7 - South West England
8 - East Anglia
9 - North West London, Beds & Herts
10 - North East London & Essex
11 - South London & South East England
Retired member MIck Delaney from Kent wrote to us
recently about an IPA experience that simply warmed his
heart. Mick takes up the story:
My wife, Carol & I spent a long weekend in Angouleme, South
West France in September 2008. Carol simply loves all things
'Bugatti' so when a neighbour told me about the annual
'Circuit des Remparts' I booked our tickets as part of Carol's
birthday celebrations. What a fabulous treat we both enjoyed.
Grandstand seats with paddock passes for the city street
racing held over 2 days - 20 Euros each for the entire
weekend. Unbeatable value. It's like a mini Monaco with
vintage & classic cars racing each other. The only concession
to modernism was the requirement for drivers to wear suitably
Health and Safety approved headgear.
On a recent trip to China, Sussex Branch
members Frank Carter and Harry Hobbs
were in the city of Nanjing walking
though Confucius Square when they
sighted an object. Was it a golf buggy
posing as a police car or visa versa?
Perhaps the police in Nanjing are
allowed a round or two of golf while
on duty?
What is the IPA link you might be thinking? Unfortunately I
carelessly left our camera in Le Restaurant 'La Braise' on the
last evening before returning home. Having checked out of
our hotel the following morning we returned to the restaurant
to discover it was closed all day.
A plan was hatched. We attended the office of the Police
Municipale in the 'Mairie' and spoke with a delightfully helpful
officer - Monsieur Didier Lemaire. I explained our plight and
struggling along with my 'O' level French, suggested two
possible solutions. The first was for him to kindly contact the
key holder to attend the restaurant for us to retrieve the
camera. Secondly, if this was impractical, for someone to
retrieve it when the restaurant opens the following day and to
post it on to us.
I then introduced my IPA membership card into the equation.
A phone call was made & Monsieur Lemaire indicated that the
camera would be sent onward by courier. I attempted to
determine how I would pay for what would clearly be a service
attracting a cost. It was made abundantly clear to me that this
would be out of the question. I concluded that perhaps he
meant 'nothing to pay at this stage' and there would either be
an invoice or payment on delivery. I thanked Monsieur Lemaire
profusely for his courtesy and assistance. His response was to
smile and say "C'est normal". I truly believe him.
It could also be a top secret rapid
response vehicle, but only has a range
as long as its power cable!
We were due home that day and flew to Cyprus within a few
days to visit a friend, so I left £50 with our neighbour in
anticipation of payment on delivery that may be required in our
absence. I left a note on our front door for the postman /
courier. Upon our return from Cyprus not only did we receive
the camera from our neighbour, but it was accompanied by the
£50. Monsieur Didier Lemaire of the Police Municipale and the
offices of the Marie together with the staff of the Restaurant 'La
Braise' had provided a gold standard service which is simply
heart warming.
Sincerely yours,
Mick and Carol Delaney
A t t h e I PA , w e a r e a l w a y s l o o k i n g a t q u i c k e r a n d c h e a p e r w a y s o f
keeping our members up-to-date with any c hanges or latest news.
We f e e l t h a t t h e b e s t w a y t o d o t h i s i s by e - m a i l .
S o f a r, w e h a v e 3 4 3 1 o f y o u r e - m a i l a d d r e s s e s b u t w e wa n t m o r e !
P l e a s e l e t u s k n ow yo u r s by e - m a i l i n g u s a t : m a i l @ i p a - u k . o r g
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
is pictured he
re with the m
ystery vehicl
IPA Section France have just acquired a new house which is conveniently
located 20 minutes away by train from the heart of Paris. View online using the
code: FRPB. For a different perspective why not view the house on ‘Google
Earth’ to obtain a bird’s eye view of the location and its surroundings. Just key
in the address: 44 avenue Gallieni, 93250 Villemomble.
The accommodation includes:
We certainly will be returning to this beautiful city of
Angouleme in the future.
We want your e-m@il!
Harry Hobbs
Double occupancy – two twin size beds
Bathroom (all linen provided)
Small fully-equipped kitchen with Microwave
Satellite TV
Continental breakfast included
Pets allowed
Located near local restaurants and amenities
Disneyland 30 km
For availability please contact the house manager Gérard Henquel via or Tel:++33 1 45 28 34 34
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
New members
Succession Planning
Another letter, another opportune moment to
invite comment and debate on the subject of
succession planning which unless planned for
properly and well in advance can cause
branches and regions severe headaches each
time an office holder’s position becomes vacant.
The phrase “proper planning and preparation
prevents poor performance” is to me key in how each branch and region
does its business in order to sustain branch activity in terms of holding
successful events and thus retaining its members.
Whilst we constantly seek recruitment we must never lose sight of
retention. Once we have them committed on the dotted line, how we
keep them as members is the million-dollar question.
We probably all go about it in different ways and what we need to seek
out through the IPA branches is best practice.
We tend to knee jerk from one thing to another particularly in the police
service so with a little forethought we can often I believe avoid this knee
jerking in the IPA and look to a period of sustained recruitment and a
pathway for members old and new to remain active within branches for
years to come.
Each branch hopefully through a recruitment action plan strives to recruit
new members. We will put on events for members throughout the year
seeking a consensus of opinions in the branch meeting as to what sort of
activities they would like to see.
The question I ask though is how do we ensure that each new member
gets to these meeting / events and are introduced to the association.
How much effort do we put into engaging with them to find out why they
joined the IPA and what they want from it?
You may ask, I thought you were talking about succession planning. Well
I am and what I am trying to say is that each new member is potentially
the future of the branch by having them on the branch committee as an
office holder in the years ahead.
So what we do with them as new members in the initial stages of joining,
how we manage and engage with them to me is vital and crucial to their
retention and future in the IPA.
Their first impression of the IPA will be defined by how we as an
association treat them from day one, be that from branch, region or
national levels. If we get it wrong we potentially lose them forever and it
follows that they will tell their friends of their experience thus putting off
other potential members. We need to give them a quality of service that
they will remember and which they will then equally give to any friends
that they hopefully will recruit into the association.
knew or recognised – there was no one who fitted the bill however) and
for some form of common bond. Sound familiar. Maybe but I hope that
times are changing.
The IPA has the common bond already in what the association stands for
but how each branch engages with a new member or if someone turns
up at a meeting / activity differs. If we allow them to drift on their own,
they will not partake and the association will lose out in the long term. In
order to make them feel a sense of belonging we need to change the way
we do business. We need serving officers as our future office holders so
if we recruit them we need to retain them, nurture them and allow them to
explore the association.
My suggestion would be, which I shall propose at my next branch
meeting, is that for every new member joining, they will be assigned an
active member of the branch who will proactively engage with them in
order to bring them to future events and meetings. This is very similar I
would say to when I joined the police force and was tutored by an
experienced officer who showed the world of policing on my little patch.
The IPA is different as we have a whole world to go at but we need to
make members aware of what this world has to offer and the benefits to
them by being an active member.
This mentoring, I can’t thing of a better word at this time that would
adequately describe it, would I believe benefit the new member by not
being overawed into coming to any branch activity. The mentor would be
there to offer support, advice and offer any assistance for them to glean
as much knowledge of the IPA that they desire.
Once they are comfortable as members, they themselves can be the
mentors and as they evolve and experience the IPA these people can be
identified and shown a pathway to becoming an office holder.
They would also come into the association I hope with fresh ideas
themselves and a desire to move it forward for the enjoyment of all.
Succession planning starts when people join not when we need another
officer holder. We need to plan ahead and look when people are likely to
step down. We can achieve a natural and smooth succession time after
time with a steady stream of new people into the association if we
engage and include them from the start.
We all need to look at how we recruit, how we retain and how we
succession plan into office. We need best practice; we need to know
what each other is doing for the benefit of all. We need to hear
everyone’s voice, young or old, new member or a long serving member
as the best ideas often come from the grass root levels, not the top down.
Most people no doubt like myself come into the association for their own
reasons but blind to the variety of things the IPA has to offer. Other than
an introductory letter I had no contact from the branch and was on my
own for a number of years before I ventured off to a meeting.
Think of when you joined, your experiences, what could have been done
better. Hopefully with the benefit of hindsight we can get the future right.
This is only one idea and mine alone. I am sure there are others. I would
like to hear them.
My first impressions were not good, particularly as a fairly young serving
officer and what I was looking for was support (probably from someone I
Yours in friendship, Mick Luke
Nottinghamshire Branch Chair
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
Bruce Bennett
Allan Harley
David Irvine
James Graham
Alexander Craig
Amar Shakoor
Gary Craig
Bill Harvey
Barry Hotchkiss
Gary Finchett
Naushad Modak
Robert Lyons
Joyce Gaddas
David Pugh
Ross Atkinson
Dave Kirk
Paul Thomas
Ross Mather
Robert Jones
Roger Watkins
Martin Doherty
Mary Mitchell
Keith Lewis
Chris Milburn
Patrick Bunce
Joseph Trusselle
Graham Harrison
Benjamin Braun
Mark Lisney
Richard King
Simon Crowley
David Smith
Elizabeth Morgan
Nicholas Charlton
Kay Best
Christopher Ingram
Nick Wyer
Kingdom of Fife
Kingdom of Fife
Kingdom of Fife
Glasgow, Lomond and Clyde
Glasgow, Lomond and Clyde
Northern Ireland – Greater Belfast
Northern Ireland – Greater Belfast
Northern Ireland – Greater Belfast
Humberside North
Dyfed Powys
South Wales (East)
South Wales (East)
South Wales (East)
Warwickshire and Coventry
West Midlands
West Midlands
City of London and Westminster
City of London and Westminster
City of London and Westminster
New Scotland Yard
New Scotland Yard
New Scotland Yard
New Scotland Yard
Avon & Somerset North
Avon & Somerset North
By not doing this at the start we may cause ourselves problems, always
have a void, which year after year is harder to fill. We all know that we
need people to step up to the plate to take on the challenge as an officer
holder and bring fresh ideas. We cannot do the same old thing each year
as that is what we have always done. We cannot allow branches to
wither away as they are the foundations to the association.
Where I believe we fall down, as an association is a structure to nurture
them through early membership, giving them a proper insight into what
the IPA is about and then mentoring them to be our office holders if
they so wish.
There are 74 new members who have joined the Association since the last edition of Police World.
Congratulations to Bournemouth branch who have 9 new members.
We take this opportunity to warmly welcome you all to a world of ‘Service through friendship’.
Make the most of your
ipa membership visit
Andrew Brix
John Palmer-Snellin
Barry Ashdown
Richard Wilson
Phillip Austin-Smith
Michael Rogers
Richard Legg
Victoria Jeffery
Stephen Jefford
Nick Busby
Jasom Morley-Smith
Tyrone Power
Neil Constable
Matthew Ward
Bob Hunter
Bruce Galbraith
Ndidi Uwechue
Neil Fisher
Peter West
Terry Roberts
Linda Stuart
Graham Fenton
Brian Miller
Thomas Reilly
Robert Billaney
Shauna Taylor
Mark Butler
Christopher Jarret
Malcolm Sparks
Karen Llewellyn
Lynn Cooper
Andy Cruikshank
Mark Hooper
Anthony Smith
Sandra Marriot
Kim Brice
Philip Hill
Thames Valley North
Thames Valley South
Thames Valley South
Q Branch
P Branch
P Branch
Lothian & Borders
Kingdom of Fife
Kingdom of Fife
Durham & Cleveland
Humberside North
New Scotland Yard
New Scotland Yard
New Scotland Yard
New Scotland Yard
Thames Valley South
Following the successful reciprocal visits of the Glasgow, Lomond and
Clyde Branch to the IPA Branch in Upsalla (Sweden) the Branch
executive in considering a short visit to Germany this year. The
proposed visit being to either Munich or Berlin. The intention is for a
small group from the Branch to have a long weekend in either of the
above locations.
Should any of the members be interested in participating in the visit,
please contact the Branch expressing your interest via:
Due to the size of the group, places will be allocated on a
first come first served basis.
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
2 Region
Region 2 recently had a
, Beverley Gannon,
Briggs, Alice Gannon
charity lunch in support
From lef
present the cheque.
d Amanda Kernohan
of Tiny Life - Northern
Ireland's premature and
vulnerable baby charity, dedicated to
reducing premature birth, illness, disability
and death in babies.
Formerly known as NIMBA (Northern Ireland Mother and Baby
Action), TinyLife is committed to funding medical research into the
causes of premature birth, stillbirth and miscarriage and providing
information to professionals and parents-to-be to ensure that every
pregnancy has the best chance of a healthy outcome and a healthy
baby. TinyLife also offers practical and emotional support to ensure
that parents of premature and ill babies get all the help they need.
en Curten, Declan
From left to right: Aid
and Liam Fitzpatrick
From left to right: Ruth Greer, Andy wright,
Sam Olphert and Shirley Wright.
Region Five are currently conducting a scoping exercise into establishing an IPA house in Stratford Upon Avon. As part of
this it would be helpful to receive some constructive feedback from members. Please direct any response to Mick Luke at Thank you for your time.
Questions: 1. Have you visited Stratford upon Avon? 2. If not, would you consider visiting? 3. If yes would you visit again?
4. What has/ would attract you the most to visit? 5. How long would you / have you stayed? 6. Did you come as a family or
couple? 7. How much would you pay to stay in an IPA house? 8. How would you travel to Stratford Upon Avon? 9. Have you
stopped in an IPA house before? 10. Are you serving or retired? 11. Any other comments you would like to make?
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
The third event is the 'Blues 'n' Twos Golf Classic', see page 18.
The Blues ‘n’ Twos Team
Would you visit Stratford upon Avon?
The second event is a 'Blues 'n' Twos Comedy Night' which will be held
at the famous 'Frog & Bucket Comedy Store', 102, Oldham Street,
Manchester, on Wednesday 24th June 2009. see
The event was held at Newforge, new members and those who
have supported the region over the past 12 months were invited
along with regional and branch members. Regional Chair and
National Vice President, Mark Kernohan welcomed the quests,
who included two past presidents of IPA Section Ireland, Phyllis
Nolan and Joe Lynch.
Members from IPA branches in North and South Dublin, as well
as Donegal joined with IPA Scotland Secretary Andy Wright
and Ruth Greer from HotelshopUK to enjoy a bite of lunch
and refreshments.
The Blues 'n' Twos Team who are Manchester Branch members and
serving officers in Greater Manchester Police have participated in the
The Feelgood Factor. A televised event that centres around getting
teams fit and healthy for 2009, while supporting a charity. This is the
first of three exciting projects by the Blues 'n' Twos Team in their quest
to raise funds for 'The Christie' (formally known as Christie's Hospital).
'The Christie' - one of the largest cancer treatment centres in Europe.
nd Yard
I.P.A. New Scotla nch Spring Dinner
ou to the NSY Bra
At New Scotland
2009 at 6.30pm.
Friday 17th April
Dress, Black Tie.
£40.00 per head.
RSVP Steve Gale
you got
a twin?
Is it worth considering twinning
with another branch, region or
section? What are the benefits?
Readers of Police World would
like to hear your views. Perhaps
your branch or region already has
a long-standing relationship with
others? How did it start? What’s
happening now and what is
proposed for the future? What
advice would you give to anyone
contemplating the move to
twinning? Does your arrangement
involve other organisations or is it
exclusive to the International
Police Association?
Quite a few questions, however I
am sure that our members will
have the answers. If you would
like to contribute your thoughts
please drop an email to
Replies will be collated and
published in a future edition of
Police World."
Thank you
IPA would like to thank
Stagecoach, the official sponsors
of the new members giftpack.
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
5 Region’s
latest recruit
With such a great venue at their disposal at 28 York
Place ( ), Lothian and Borders
Branch may consider hosting further events and are
considering a “70’s Glam Rock Night” on 18th
April….watch this space!
Roman Szablewski,
an officer from the
, Andy
From left to right
and Ian Ramsa
Wright, Alister
Police Headquarters
helped recruit a new
member for the IPA.
Roman worked hard
after his shift at
3.30am to secure
Roman Szablewski with PC Sno
PC Snow’s signature.
Kenny McDonald, also a retired officer, served up a
flawless “Immortal Memory” whilst piper, Grant
Rolland, son a serving officer, gave a polished
performance and enjoyed his dram (of Irn Bru) in
toast to the Haggis.
Perhaps a measure of the success of the evening
can be reflected in the fact that No.1 Region
Secretary Andy Wright enjoyed the occasion so
much that his “watch stopped” causing him to miss
his return train to Falkirk. Not at all the sort of thing
that got poor Tam O’Shanter in to so much trouble.
Unlike the sober Andy, Tam got stuck in the boozer
with his “drouthy” neighbours:
“When Chapman billies leave the street
Burns Tributes
And drouthy neibours neibours meet
Anʼ folk begin to tak the gate
While we sit boozinʼ at the nappy
And getting fou and unco happy
It was a busy evening on 22nd January, 2009 as two
branches decided to celebrate the 250th birthday of the
Great Scottish poet Robert Burns.
Lothian and Borders Branch Tribute.
No.1 Region, Lothian and Borders Branch, under local
Chairman Ian Ramsey, got in to the theme of the Scottish
Year of Homecoming and hosted a Burns Night. The night
was a celebration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of
Robert Burns. Actually, it took place 249 years and 362
days after his birth but nobody was really counting.
The venue was 28 York Place, Edinburgh, the Lothian and
Borders Police Sport and Rec Association Club, where 84
revellers sat down to a beautifully prepared four-course
dinner, which of course, included the traditional haggis. The
meal was beautifully prepared, served, piping hot and was
interspersed with the wit and wisdom of Robert Burns
delivered by the members of the Folk Trio, Soupna. Former
DI, Peter McCulloch, fronts the trio and delivered one of the
most animated and entertaining renditions of “Tam
O’Shater” that any of the audience had previously enjoyed.
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
We think na on the lang Scots miles
The mosses, waters, slaps anʼ styles
That lie between us and our hame
Where sits our sulky, sullen dame
The Police Club, now trading as “28 York Place” is
located right in the heart of Edinburgh City Centre and
boasts 8 twin or double en-suite bedrooms and special
rates apply to police staff. The IPA Room is possibly the
best located in the building with wonderful views over the
Firth of Forth and across to Fife.
Ayrshire Branch Burns Tribute night a great success.
International Police Association members from Northern
Ireland, Scotland and England travelled to the event at
the Howard Park Hotel in Kilmarnock where they joined
with local members and friends and representatives from
East Ayrshire Council.
Guests were treated to the very best of what Robert
Burns has given our nation in music, poetry and history.
The haggis was addressed by David Johnstone; Tam
O’Shanter was performed by Iain Shaw and the toast to
the Lassies came from Willie Carson. Willie Stewart
performed some excellent versions of Burns’s songs and
the Toast to the Bard was presented by Donald Reid.
Pipe Major Iain McDowall ensured that there was plenty
of music to suit everyone.
Councillor Douglas Reid said: “This was a memorable
evening for all who attended and my congratulations go
to everyone involved in organising it. They managed to
attract people from England and Northern Ireland back
to the home of Rabbie Burns and this is what
Homecoming is all about.”
Robert Burns who was voted the Scotsman of the last
millennium was a local Ayrshire ploughman who through
his written work, music and poems provided the world
with an everlasting legacy. Over 2,000 tribute evenings
were held in the United Kingdom alone with thousands
more in countries like Russia, Canada, the U.S.A.
and China.
Such was the success of the event that the branch is
already planning for next year with the hotel offering
similar rates. The date is Saturday the 6th of February
2010 so, if you are interested consider registering now.
The cost will be around £22-£25 per person for the
evening with Hotel rates being around £40 per room Bed
and full Scottish Breakfast.
Snow Train!
Leader of the Council Douglas Reid had the opportunity
to meet up with another Douglas Reid who was actually
`coming home` for the event! Douglas, who has lived in
England for over 40 years and is a retired police officer,
said: “My wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed our trip
home and to join with old and new friends made that all
the more special.”
The local branch presented unique homecoming
certificates to visitors out with the Association on
the night.
Gathering her brows like a gathering storm
Nursing her wrath to keep it warm .........
Oʼ Tam! Hadʼst thou but been sae wise
As taʼen thy ain wife Kateʼs advice!
She tauld thee weel thou was a skellum
A bletherinʼ blisterinʼ drunken blellum”
Quite possibly the best poem ever written, it goes on
to tell of Tam’s dalliances on the way home and how
the alcohol induced bravery and muddled his
thoughts exposing him to all kinds of dangers.
Everyone should read it at least once in their life and
most websites carry a translation for the benefit of
those who prefer more formal English.
The train has arrived
From left to right Willie
Carson, David Johnsto
Greg Norwood, Bill Pe
therick, Donald Reid,
Shaw, Willie Stewart
and Iain McDowal
at platform 1, honestl
adian Associate Secre
Harry Summerton (Can
t in the Cana
for the UK) has said tha
ow in feet not inche
they measure their sn
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
IPA radio link on ‘Radio WM’
A recent trip to the West Midlands
Police museum included a live radio
link to ‘Radio WM’ and interviews with
a number of branch members.
Branch membe
rs at the museu
The museum now holds many of the old historical
service records of retired officers. These personnel
records are subject to closure for 75 years. Currently,
records are available for those officers who joined
Birmingham City Police prior to 1930. Records are not
available to third parties where a former officer is still in
receipt of a pension.
The museum houses over 160 years worth of police
memorabilia, including a range of pictures and
information to show the development of policing in and
around Birmingham. The West Midlands Police
Chris Spriggs live on air
Museum also has a rich collection of artifacts such as
Carl Chinn
uniforms, whistles, boots and other accessories,
including motorcycles which were once used on the streets of
the local area.
The museum is housed at the rear of Sparkhill Police Station,
Stratford Road, Birmingham and visitors are surprised to find such
The branch members
an array of historical information. The building is accessed via a
thoroughly enjoyed
separate entrance to the current police station and the main
their visit to the
displays are housed in the old magistrate’s courtroom.
museum and
The museum is used for a number of educational visits for local
additionally the
schools and the curator David Cross built up the collection
opportunity to promote
over many years.
the fantastic
opportunities available
Birmingham branch committee members David Sewell, Martin
to IPA members.
Sewell and Andy Gregory organised the trip and members and
guests were treated to an informative presentation from Dave
For further information
Cross and local historian and TV/radio presenter Carl
regarding the museum,
‘Chinny’ Chinn.
contact David Cross:
The informal presentation on the ‘History of Policing in Birmingham’
David is a retired officer
lasted for about an hour and then members were free to explore
now employed on a partthe museum and exhibits. Throughout the visit Carl Chinn coupled
time basis as the curator
Radio host Carl Chinn
his presentation with his ‘roving reporter’ role and interviewed six
and visits can be
members about their memories of policing across the Midlands and
arranged via the website
about their international experiences with the IPA. The live radio
link went out across ‘95.6 fm, BBC Radio WM’, one of the ‘most
For further information on Carl Chinn and his ‘Brummagem’
listened to’ stations in the Midlands. The breakfast show host Ed
Doolan and Carl Chinn were keen to hear about the International
Police Association and members’ trips to such places as USA,
Barcelona and the IPA conference centre in Gimborn, Germany.
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
Last October Gerhard Pulay from
IPA Austria, Vienna made a trip to
the North of England to see some
live English Premiership football.
skovits, Glen
left: Markus
from right to
and Gerhard
He booked tickets for the Manchester and West Bromwich
Albion game on the Saturday. On the Sunday he acquired
tickets for the Stoke city and Tottenham. “We wanted to
make the most of our short trip as we had to fly back to
Austria midday on the Tuesday. So we looked to see if
there was a Monday night game”, explained Gerhard.
With the help of IPA friend Glen Patterson, the football
liaison officer of Newcastle United it was possible to get
tickets for game in Newcastle. Glen organised a behind
the scenes tour of Saint James Park stadium and sorted
out accommodation.
Gerhard would like to thank Glen Patterson and also
Mark Hobson, liaison officer of Sunderland, and the IPA,
for the help and support, they gave us during their
"football holiday" in Newcastle
Gerhard also extends the hand of friendship and offers
an invitation to any IPA member in the UK who would
like to visit Vienna to get in touch. He can promise a
similar experience and welcome to an individual
member or group. You can contact Gerhard through
Markus Drask
ovits, Knarr
Wolfgang, To
Christian Ste
misser Peter
urer, Thomas
Bogad, Gerha
Wolfgang, E
rd Pulay, Lieb
rlinger Micha
el and Drask
officer Glen
ovits Josef w
ith liaison
Take a look at our new website,
you’ll be surprised.
Make the most of your ipa membership
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
National & Branch news
National & Branch news
End of an Era
40 years of friendship
Jurgen Saupe is probably one of the best known living Germans, at least in
IPA circles. As caretaker of IBZ Gimborn, he has been the welcoming face for
IPA members arriving at Cologne and Dusseldorf airports, en route to
seminars in Gimborn.
After 18 years sterling service with the IBZ, Jurgen has now retired. At the
recent AGM of the IBZ, Jurgen was presented with gifts from the IBZ and the
British Section.
He will now concentrate on coaching the local ladies football team. We wish
Jurgen a long and happy retirement.
Ypres Tour
A personal invitation was also received from Commandante
Liano Fantuzzi, di Polizia Municipale in Sasso Marconi
offering to host our delegation and local officer Federica
Mazzotti arranged an extensive itinerary including visits to
two of the main law enforcement agencies in Italy, namely
Carabinieri and State Police.
Credit crunch or not, making the most of the membership
fees is a priority in Dyfed Powys Branch. Last September
branch members took a coach tour of Flanders Fields in
Belgium, the scene of some fierce fighting in the 1914 – 18
War. With the aid of a professional guide the group were
given a brief account of the historical front line encounters
around Ypres and the final taking of Passchendaele village
on the 6th November 1917 at a great loss of life. Visiting
Passchendaele Cemetery where so many have been laid to
rest was a stark reminder of the human sacrifice of that time.
Of particular interest to our members was a surprise visit to
‘Artillery Wood Cemetery’ where our guide identified the
grave of ‘Hedd Wyn’ a Welsh Bard who died in the
Passchendaele Offensive. In that same year the bard was
posthumously awarded the Chair at the National Eisteddfod
for a prose he had compiled on the battlefield. The day came to
a close with a visit to the Menin Gate to attend the ‘Last Post’,
a service held daily since 1927 to commemorate the 54,896
officers and men of the Commonwealth Forces who gave their
life and whose names are inscribed on the memorial tablets.
Certainly a day to be remembered.
Following an invitation from the Mayor of Sasso Marconi in
Italy, IPA members
PC’s Alison Gessey
and Dave Vaughan
were accompanied by
PCSO’s Jon Bell and
Mark Mitchell of
Helston Police
Station to join the
Twinning delegation
to Sasso Marconi to
witness the signing
of the renewal of the Friendship pact, celebrating 40 years
of friendship between Helston and Sasso Marconi on 11th
October 2008.
It was with great pleasure that
on November 20th South
Wales (East) Branch
welcomed IPA colleague, Ian (‘Snow’)
Latham, to Cardiff from the distant shores of New Zealand.
Ian was following his beloved All Blacks rugby union team
around the UK as they left a trail of battered home teams in
their wake. During his visit to Cardiff members of the S. W.
East branch took the opportunity to act as hosts and show
off the magnificent Millennium Stadium.
The private tour, which included visiting security areas to
which the public are not permitted access, was followed by
a buffet attended by around twenty five members and family.
Andy Clarke (Branch Chair – right of photo) presented Ian
Latham with a South Wales Police helmet. In addition, Stuart
Since this was a working visit, Dave Vaughan, Jon Bell and
Mark Mitchell were tasked with looking at daily issues that
are reflective of our community whereas Alison Gessey
focussed on Domestic Violence, crimes against vulnerable
adults and working with partner agencies.
‘Venice of the North’ with its cobbled streets and architectural
buildings, a city included by UNESCO on the world heritage
list. There was that customary visit to a ‘water hole’, being a
tour of the local brewery to replenish those tired feet. Another
day was at Ostend, a tourist town with its long sea front
promenade on a delightfully warm summers day.
A valuable link was also made with an Italian member of the
IPA Roberto Toccarelli of the Squadra Mobile, Questura di
Bologna who has been a member of the IPA since 1998.
Alison and Roberto are hoping to keep in contact in order
to promote their IPA link. The IPA was significant in their
financial support of our visit.
We came home tired but better informed. We enjoyed our
interaction with the Italian Police, the hosting families, and
fellow Twinners. They extended an invitation to two
Carabiniers to visit Helston Flora Day in May 2009 which
has been accepted.
Winks (Secretary Wales Region) presented IPA memorabilia
of Welsh slate together with a few well rehearsed local
phrases which Ian was encouraged to attempt repeating
(a dismal failure however!).
The occasion was also taken as an opportunity to publicise
the value of IPA membership, with the result that four new
members who, overcome with the emotion of having trod the
hallowed Welsh stadium turf, immediately signed their
applications in blood. A successful evening all round and
another friend made from distant shores.
Denis Hunt, Branch Vice-Chair, South Wales (East)
The visit had its other interest, with a day in Bruges, the
National Council Meeting
Derbyshire Diamonds
The annual Christmas meeting of the Derbyshire Branch of
the IPA, took place at the Kestrel, Marehay, Ripley on the 17th
of December. There was an extremely good turn out, so
much so that extra places had to be set for the meal. Several
old friends came along together with a few new members.
After the usual business of the meeting, a very pleasant meal
was provided, and a good time had by all. The entertainment
for the evening consisted of nine ladies from the Gem
Connection, ladies barbershop choir. They call themselves
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
Friday to Sunday 8th to 10th May 2009
Hosted by Midlands, No. 5 Region
at the Barcelo Hinckley Island Hotel
Watling Street, Hinckley, LE10 3JA
Diamond Cut, and they sang many well known songs, with
the audience joining in. The final Christmas songs held
everyone spell bound.
Central Scotland Branch
Friendship Week
The Central Scotland Branch is organising a Friendship Week from
7th – 14th August 2010, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the
Branch and 60 years of the IPA. For more information contact via
All meals and entertainment, which includes a murder
mystery dinner, included in the cost.
For further details and booking visit:
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
IPA members from the Manchester Branch, Roy Tildsley,
Alex Doak John Shaw and Tom Hughes are set to increase
the £35,000 already raised for Christie's Hospital when
they present this very popular annual golf competition for
the sixth time. The Blues 'n' Twos Golf Society want to
ensure IPA membership have an early opportunity to
reserve their paces in what is guaranteed to be another
fully subscribed event.
IPA Section Croatia
9th May 2009 - 16th May 2009
The event will take place at in the waters of
Šibenik-Knin county, Croatia. Come and visit
The next event will take place on Tuesday 28th July 2009
at the excellent Formby Hall Golf Resort & Spa, Southport
Old Road, Formby, Merseyside.
The tried and tested format will include:Refreshments upon arrival,
Exciting 'shotgun start' on all 18 holes ,
Opportunity to win great prizes including a car,
Share the course with invited celebrities,
Four course evening meal, Comedian, Trophy
presentation, Charity Auction and Raffle,
Full details of this event and a facility to donate to the
Christie's Appeal is available via
or contact Roy Tildsley via email
Indoor Soccer
An international indoor soccer
tournament has been arranged
to be held in South Tyneside
on the
9th to 13th September 2009
This is an International Football Tournament
us in one of the most beautiful and pleasant
sailing areas in Europe for a packed week of
races and social events.
basis and places guaranteed on payment of
the deposit which will be the £100 team entry
fee. Please contact for
further details.
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics began in 1981 when USA Kansas Police Chief Richard
LaMunyon saw an urgent need to raise funds for and increase awareness of the Special Olympics.
Not only did it provide much needed funds but it increased
local law enforcement personnel involvement with the
community and with the Special Olympics organisation.
The programme continues to be hugely successful in
North America and is growing in Europe and beyond.
Police Service of Northern Ireland Inspector, Jeremy
Adams, is Western Europe regional coordinator. He has
been involved with the Torch Run since its introduction to
Northern Ireland in 1996 and proactively encourages his
Law Enforcement colleagues across Europe to get involved.
Entries shall be made using the Official Entry
form, completed in full and delivered not later
than 1st April 2009. Entry fee is 350,00 €
per crew member.
Hotel accommodation can be arranged
for all participants.
The internationally recognised aims of the Law Enforcement Torch
Run in support of Special Olympics are;
To raise awareness of the Special Olympics Movement
To fundraise for Special Olympics
To serve as guardians for the Flame of Hope.
For a booking form email
More information about the event is available
on and
International Police Association World Golf
Tournament event organised by Section Ireland
on the 30th August to 5th September. Venue:
Castleknock Hotel & Country Club. Visit for more details.
“Being involved with the Torch Run and Special Olympics is very
rewarding, not only to the cause of Special Olympics, but self
rewarding in seeing how special athletes motivate themselves to take part in
the games and to see the enjoyment, comradeship and active participation.”
There are two Torch Runs planned next year, one
for the Special Olympic GB Games held in
Leicester in July and one at the European Games
in Poland on September 10th.
If you have any queries or would like to get involved in the Law Enforcement Torch Run you can email Jeremy
IPA Netherlands Motor Society Jubilee held
between the 29-31 May 2009. Contact: for the full
details of the event.
Amicus Cup Golf Tournament will be held on
Monday 22nd June 2009 at De Vere Herons
Reach Golf Club, East Park Drive, Blackpool,
Lancashire.Contact Keith Shuck, via for more information.
IPA section Italy is organising a four day
Motorbike tour of Italy between the 29th May
– 1st June 2009. For more information and
bookings contact: Tuscany Tour – Chianciano
Terme, Ufficio prenotazioni I.P.A. e-mail
with teams expected from all around Europe places will be on a first come first served
Law Enforcement Agencies… Go on the Run
This seven a side IPA football tournament is set over 3 days.
Entertainment includes various events in the evening which include a
gala dinner, a visit to Barcelona and presentation of trophies.
For further information and reservations
please contact:
To register a team a deposit of 200 euros is required
before the 21st May 2009.
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
International news
Region Mechelen’s 40th Anniversary
Celebration to take place between the 14th and the 17th May 2009.
For the full program of events visit:
The Sports Group of the Municipal Police
of Ragusa, Sicily, Italy
is organising, from 18 to 24 May 2009, the third International 5-a-side
Football Tournament. The teams will be accommodated at Club Med with all
inclusive packages available. For more information visit:
10th Adriatic Trophy Football Tournament
From 14 to 17 May 2009, the 10th Adriatic Trophy 5-a-side football
tournament and the 4th Tennis Competition will be held in Giulianova. Contact for further details.
50 years of IPA-Branch Lüneburg
You are invited to join the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of IPA
Lüneburg from 21st to 24th of May 2009. For further details contact:
International Biker Weekend
takes place from 26th to 28th of June 2009 organised by IPA Münster.
For more information contact:
Motor Society Jubilee
You are invited to join the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the
Netherlands IPA Motor Society from 29th – 31st May 2009.
Contact: motorclub” for more information.
Cycle Tour
IPA Ardéche-Drome-Loire has arranged a cycle tour from the 19th - 22nd
June 2009. See page 18.
7-a-side International Police Football Championships
has been organised by IPA Tarragona in Cambrils, from the 11th to 13th June
2009. For more information contact:
Details of all international events can be found on-line:
The IPA offers great value accommodation in more
than 40 IPA houses in 20 different countries.
Prize crossword
Barcelona Friendship Week
1st to 6th of August 2009. Accommodation, entertainment, breakfast
and evening meals all provided. Visit for more details.
The 11th International IPA-Fly-In
takes place from 24th to 27th of July 2009 in the historic city of
Rothenburg ob der Tauber / Germany. This annual event attracts
pilots from throughout the IPA World. Information can be found at
Guided tours of Florence
The Italian National Secretariat Office has informed us that Mrs
Patrizia Marion is now operating as a licensed tourist guide for
Florence and surrounding areas. She speaks very good English,
Spanish and German and offers special rates for IPA members.
This could be a good opportunity for members wishing to visit and
discover beautiful Florence. For further details email:
For a chance to win a Marks and Spencer voucher
worth £25,
solve the crossword then send it in, the lucky winner
will be drawn from a hat.
Send the word to: Communications manager,
Arthur Troop House, 1 Fox Road,
West Bridgford. Nottingham. NG2 6AJ. Please include
your name, address and membership number.
1. Increases (4)
3. Wild prank (8)
Finland 50th Anniversary
IPA Section Finland are celebrating their 50th Anniversary on 4th
to the 7th June 2009 at the Sokos Hotel Hamburger Börs, Turku,
Finland. For more information and registration visit:
9. Wavering vocal quality (7)
11. Piece of cloth (3)
12. Steer (anag) (5)
13. Roost (5)
Section Sweden – Email Alert!
15. Vital body part (5)
We have been informed by Section Sweden that the e-mail address
of IPA House Rissne (Stockholm) has been taken over by hackers.
The e-mail address has been used to send out messages asking for
money, claiming an emergency situation and using the name Anette
Berg. Anyone receiving such a message should disregard it. Please
discontinue using the address ‘’. You will
be notified of the new e-mail address as soon as possible.
10. Coating (5)
17. Antelope (5)
18. Flee (3)
19. Principle of morality (5)
20. Enunicate (7)
21. Drop from the eye (8)
22. Vesicle (4)
Hong Kong birthday plans
To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of IPA Hong Kong Section,
we are going to organise Friendship Week 2010, probably in
November 2010.
With the experience gained from Friendship Week 2006, we are
confident that members will enjoy themselves if they join us in
our celebrations.
1. Paid announcement (13)
8. Made in bulk (4-8)
2. Rid of insect pests (5)
14. Cartilaginous tube (7)
4. Plumbing fixture (6)
16. Small summerhouse (6)
5. Foreboding (12)
18. Slender (5)
In Friendship Week 2006, we attracted 69 IPA members from 9
national sections. We would aim at 100 participants in the
Friendship Week 2010.
More details of the Friendship Week will be announced in
due course, inquiries should be sent to the Hong Kong Section.
6. From the East (7)
7. Amusement (13)
Jack Tam
Secretary General, IPA Hong Kong
Contact via email:
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
Diary dates
April 2009
5 Region - Staffordshire branch,
2nd April 2009: Meal at Drayton
Manor Golf Club Tamworth.
for further details.
3 Region - Durham and Cleveland branch,
6th April 2009: Branch meeting, Conference
room, Stockton Police Station, 7.30pm.
for further details.
3 Region - Merseyside branch,
14th April 2009: Branch meeting at the British
Legion, Maghull.
for further details.
7 Region - Cornwall branch,
15th April 2009: Branch meeting, Liskeard
Police Social Club, 8pm.
for further details.
5 Region - Leicestershire branch,
15th April 2009: branch meeting.
for further details.
5 Region - Northamptonshire branch,
26th April 2009: Sunday Lunch at White hart,
Grafton Regis, Northampton.
for further details.
5 Region - Staffordshire branch,
14th May 2009; Talk by visiting speaker,
“Planning of the Royal Train”. Venue
8.00 p.m. St. Leonards Sports and Social Club.
for further details.
5 Region - Leicestershire branch,
8-10th May 2009: National Council meeting,
Hinkley Island Hotel.Contact:
for further details.
Diary dates
3 Region - Durham and Cleveland branch,
11th May 2009: Branch meeting, Tythe Barn,
Durham City, 7.30pm.
for further details
3 Region - Merseyside branch,
12th May 2009: Branch meeting at the British
Legion, Maghull.
for further details.
5 Region - Nottinghamshire branch,
18th May 2009: branch meeting at Carlton
Police Station Bar. Contact:
for further details.
5 Region - Leicestershire branch,
20th May 2009: branch meeting.
for further details.
5 Region - Northamptonshire branch,
22nd May 2009: Social event, Wooton Hall
Sports and Social Club, 7.30pm.
for further details.
10 Region - K branch,
28th May 2009: Meeting, Belmont Room,
Chigwell. For further details contact:
11 Region - Kent branch,
29th May 2009; A Regional trip on Fred
Olsen's "Balmoral", Dover to Antwerp and
return. For further details contact:
Ju n e
3 Region - Durham and Cleveland branch,
1st June 2009: Branch meeting, Conference
room, Stockton Police Station, 7.30pm.
for further details
3 Region - Merseyside branch,
9th June 2009: Meeting in Formby.
for further details.
IBZ Gimborn course list
Gimborn lies around 30 miles east of Cologne with
regular flights from many UK airports. Full course
information along with details of how to book are on the
official Gimborn website:
Staff at BSAC can also help with details of member
discounts on 01159 813 638
11-15 May: ‘Gang culture and gang related crime –
judicial and social aspects’.(German/English)
7-13 June: German Language – advanced
and beginners course. (German/English)
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
5 Region - Staffordshire branch,
11th June 2009; Talk by visiting speaker.
Venue 8.00 p.m. St. Leonards Sports and
Social Club. For further details
11 Region - Kent branch,
13th June 2009; Day trip to France.
For further details contact:
5 Region - Leicestershire branch,
17th June 2009: branch meeting.
for further details.
7 Region - Cornwall branch,
17th June 2009: Branch meeting, Liskeard
Police Social Club, 8pm.
for further details.
5 Region - Leicestershire branch,
19th-21st June 2009: Visit IPA Rouen and IPA
Strasbourg (France). Contact:
for further details.
22nd June 2009 Amicus Cup Golf
Competition, Herons Reach Golf Club.
See page 18 for more details.
5 Region - Northamptonshire branch,
28th June 2009: Sunday Lunch venue to be
arranged. For further details contact:
Ju l y
3 Region - Durham and Cleveland branch,
6th July 2009: Branch meeting, Tythe Barn,
Durham City, 7.30pm.
for further details
5 Region - Staffordshire branch,
9th July 2009; Crown Green bowls. Venue
6.00.p.m. Victoria Park, Stafford. Contact for further details.
3 Region - Northern England 11th July 2009
IPA Charity Memorial Run 2009. Contact for further details.
24-28 August: Right wing extremism – between violent
Neo nazism and social protest . Causes, detection and
prevention. (English)
21-25 September: Internal Security and Personal
Rights in conflict – Possibilities and restrictions on
modern information gathering and digital surveillance.
19-23 October: Demographic change – A Europewide
trend: Causes and consequences for society and police.
16-20 November: Alternative forms of conflict resolution
– Justice, Police and community organisations seeking
new forms of justice (German/English)
Caravanning and Camping Group Rally list 2009
Ju l y
• Suffolk Rally (*New Venue)
Thursday 27 August to Thursday 3 September
2009 (7 nights) Venue: To be advised
Any enquiries to: Mick Ashton
• Pasty and Cream Rally
Wednesday 8 July to Wednesday 15 July
2009 (extended period Saturday 4 July
to Friday 31 July). Venue: Liskeard, Cornwall
Any enquiries to: John Tucker
• Norfolk Police Gala_ Day Rally
Thursday 3 September
___ D_to Monday 7 September
2009 (4_nights).
L_L__ Norwich,
___ CE
_ Mervyn Middleton
Any enquiries
• Broads Rally (*New Venue)
Wednesday 8 July to Monday
13 July 2009 (5 nights)
Venue: Ludham, Norfolk
Any enquiries to: Steve palmer
• Grindon Moor Rally
Thursday 6 August to Monday 10 August
2009 (4 nights)Venue: Grindon Moor,
Staffordshire. Any enquiries to: Peter Corbishley
• Clacton Rally
Provisionally August - date and details
to be confirmed
• Knaresborough Rally
Thursday 24 September to Tuesday 29 September
2009 (5 nights). Venue: Knaresborough, North
Yorkshire. Any enquiries to: Kevin Hullah
• Eden Camp Rally (*New Venue)
Friday 2 October to Sunday 4 October 2009
(2 nights). Venue: Eden Camp 2nd World War
Museum, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 6RT
Organiser: Kevin Hullah
All Rallies are open to family and friends of IPA members who wish to attend with their own units.
Interests and Contacts Bureau
If you wish to find out more about any of these requests please contact us at: British Section Administration Centre, Arthur Troop
House, 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 6AJ. Tel: 0115 981 3638 or Email:
We have been inundated with contact request for this edition. Listed
below are the people that want to make contact, if think you can assist
them or for more information contact BSAC at
Aniol Llamrich 12, from Spain. Seeks accommodation with a family for
2 weeks in August
Niklas Barthelmes 10, from Germany. Seeks accommodation with a family
for 2 to 3 weeks in 2009
Franz-Josef Haßdenteufel, from Germany requires an au-pair.
Sebastian Kuhnt 17, from Germany. Seeks accommodation for a couple of
weeks in the Summer 2009. A return exchange is offered.
Julie Morisot 13, from France. Seeks a pen pal with an exchange a possibility
in the future.
Daniel Munoz is a Police Officer from Spain seeks email correspondence to
practice his English.
Fiona and Gwen Heider 15 and 13, from Germany. They would like an
exchange during July/August 2009.
Tamara Kern 15, from Germany. She is looking for accommodation for one
month with a family in the UK.
Nestor Rodero Torres 15, from Spain. He is looking for accommodation for
one month with a family in the UK.
Juris Hojs 15, from Slovenia. He wishes to stay with a family in the UK for a
few weeks sometime in July/August 2009.
Reetta Arokoski 15, from Finland. She would like to stay with an English
Family for up to 3 weeks in July.
Veera Hautala 16, from Finland. Would like to stay with a family in the UK for
3 or 4 weeks this summer.
Kimmo Kinnunen is a member of the Finnish Section who would like to offer
a Girl aged 15-17 years from the UK a chance to have a holiday his family.
Birte Jeddeloh 12, from Germany. She would like a Pen/email friend.
Olivier Motsch is a 38 year Police Trainerin the South of France. He wishes
to correspond via email with an IPA member in the UK.
Sigrid Arabin-Morer is a 54 year old member of the German Section. She is
interested in making friends with other British IPA families.
Jan Hojs 17, from Slovenia. He wishes to stay with a family in the UK for a
few weeks sometime in July/August 2009.
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
Dear Editor
uccession Planning! Business Cycle! I commend our
President’s comments in the last issue of the 'Police World'
and I respect much of what he says. It would be easy to carry
out his ideas in the south where travel is relatively short to cover
Branch and Regions. However, in Scotland we had vast distances to
travel. As a former chairman of the Scottish region I have travelled
400 miles, at my own expense, to attend a Branch meeting which
was specially convened to stimulate interest and prevent its collapse.
One of the Scottish Branch chairmen travels 180 miles round trip to
attend his Branch meetings. Some of the members in that Branch
are so remote that their nearest railway station is Bergen, Norway!
Therefore their attendance at IPA events is almost impossible.
New members to my Branch: I used to contact them personally to
welcome them to the Association and to find out their interests.
Members who had not attended any IPA events for a time I also tried
to contact to stimulate them.
We must overcome complacency in Regional and Branch officials.
I remember recruiting a member to a Branch in England and he
cancelled his membership after two years because he had not
received any information from his Branch/Region other than 'Police
World'. I also recall attending an NCM and as I walked to the Friday
session I asked a fellow chairman what he thought of a certain item
on the agenda. His reply was that he had not read the agenda and
new nothing of its content! Unfortunately this member was regarded
by many delegates as a pillar of the Association.
I do not see the point of spending money on marketing when all we
need to do is look at our neighbours in Ireland who have a strong
membership and now own several holiday homes. Surely we can
learn from their policies.
Staff at BASC normally do a good job but I know of one member who
was travelling abroad to return sentimental property found at the
crash site of a WW 2 aircraft to the family of one of the victims. He
wrote to Arthur Troop House asking for a contact in the country
where he was going.
He received no reply. He was unaware of the proper procedure and I
had great difficulty persuading him not to leave the Association.
Despite not having a contact with the IPA in the country he visited he
was welcomed as a hero and received by several dignitaries there
and received much publicity. I feel that a great opportunity to
promote the IPA, albeit in another country, was lost because
someone did not bother to make a call to this member.
Number 3 Region have always had good communication with their
members because their officials take their duties seriously and I am
sure this is why they are so successful. I suggest that other Regions
take note!
Servo per Amikeco
Neil Bain, Honorary Life Member.
Letters / AGM dates
Dear Editor
y husband and I recently visited Malta for a 2 week holiday. Just
before travelling I was able to contact Joe Borda, a retired Malta
Officer, IPA member and avid collector of police memorabilia.
It was lovely to be able to meet with Joe and his wife Lillian and we spent a
lovely day with them visiting Mdina and Mosta. We then visited their home
where we were made most welcome, partaking in Maltese cuisine,
courtesy of Lillian, and seeing Joes impressive collection – he really has
his own museum.
We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Malta with all its wonderful history and
many thanks to the Joe and Lillian for their hospitality which hopefully we
can return one day.
Yous sincerely, Wendy Robson
South Yorkshire
Dear Editor
e had planned a 6
month visit to Canada
and after contacting the
British Section Administration
Centre at Fox Road we had been
put in touch with IPA
& Chris Colley,
From left to right Steve
represenatives Steve Colley and
Pauline & Me
his wife Chris, in Canada. With
everything organised it was with some apprehension that we arrived at
Vancouver International Airport. We were soon joined by Steve who we
followed back to his home and were soon made to feel very welcome. We
were expecting to be shown to a local motel or B&B, however Steve and
Chris had other ideas and we were told that we would be staying with them
at their home for the two nights we had arranged to stay in Chilliwack.
We would just like to thank everyone that helped us have such a memorable
holiday and experienced the marvellous bond and friendship that is the
essence of the IPA. Steve and Chris could not have done more for us and we
sincerely thank them (and look forward to them visiting us in Osoyoos)
Thanks also to Harry Summerton In Toronto and Harvey Creek in Vancouver.
Without their help we would
not have met Steve & Chris.
Yours sincerely, Mel Thorn,
British Section member
Dear Editor
he IPA has proven over
the years to be an ideal
From left to right Godfrey Hall,
way of meeting new
Major Khalid Al Musellam and
people and I have made a large Captain Ahmed Alnaim
number of very good friends
around the world through the IPA. Whilst on a recent trip to Bahrain October
2008 I had the good fortune to make some more. The photo was taken up
the observation tower on the border between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia along
the King Fahad Causeway.
Yours sincerely, Godfrey Hall,
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
Dear Editor
y family and I made a last minute decision that we would spend
Christmas with relatives in Germany. We had our travel plans
confirmed in early December and it was at that point that I
contacted Fox Road and asked if they could put me in contact with a
serving Police Officer from the city of Kaiserslautern.
To be honest, I knew I
had left it late so did not
really expect to be able
to get anything sorted
out. How wrong I was!
The ladies at Fox Road
gave me the details of a
Regional contact in
Germany. This person
gave me the e-mail
address for Robert
Gorris, the Branch Chairman for Kaiserslautern. Before I left England I sent
Robert an e-mail and was very impressed by his quick reply. Robert passed
me his contact details and we spoke over the phone as soon as we arrived
in Germany. My plan was to meet up with Robert and see if my children
and I could have a look around a local Police station. What actually
happened was that Robert and his son Oliver, who was also a serving
officer and IPA member, met us at the Kaiserslautern HQ. We were shown
around every part of the station and met many of Robert’s colleagues. We
saw the Communications room, the cells, the drugs department, the football
intervention department, the patrol department, the crime scenes
department and more. Everyone who we met was very welcoming. After 2
hours my children started to get a little bored so it was time for me to stop
asking questions and allow the officers to get back to their work!
The officers at Kaiserslautern Police Station have insisted that we must
come back next year when they will take us to see a football match and it
is hoped that a few of them will make the trek to visit us in Cornwall
this summer.
We have now established a good communication link between our two
Branches which was all made possible by the quick work at Fox Road, so
many thanks!
Dear Editor
am a member of the Australian Section and I work for the Recognition &
Ceremonial Section. As you may know we have a large group of
members in the Solomon Islands.
I know this is a bit of a long shot, but I've had real problems in locating any
information on the history of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force
All the information available only deals with very recent events, what I am
really after is when the RSIP was formed, by whom and who was the first
Commissioner etc etc - all the historical stuff.
Do you know of anyone in the IPA who may either know this or may have
contacts who could find it out? It is possible that there may be someone
from the UK who may be best placed to help me with this information,
because I suspect the histroy will stretch back to the colonial days of the
Solomon Islands.
If you can help with this or suggest anything to help his quest, then please
respond to
It is with deepest regret that after a long and resiliant battle
against illness, we must announce the passing away of
José Raymundo Nogueira dos Santos, President of the
IPA Section Brazil.
Bournemouth Branch is sad to announce the passing of
Peter James Southey on 15th. December 2008.
Peter was a Life Member of IPA and was a founder
member of the Bournemouth Branch. Sadly he suffered a
stroke in 2004 and was cared for in a Nursing Home until
his death. His funeral was held on 30th December 2008.
Notified by Peter Halliday.
Richard Hockin, Cornwall Branch Chairman
On Tuesday, 20th of January 2009, we said our final
farewells to Rosina Chalmers, better known as Rose.
Branch and Regional
AGM Dates 2009/2010
Notified by D.C. Stimson, K Branch.
No 3 Region (Northern England)
REGIONAL AGM – Friday 27th, Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th March
2010 REGIONAL AGM – Tuesday 12th January
No 7 Region (Thames Valley North)
2010 BRANCH AGM – Monday 15th February
No 9 Region (NW London, Beds and Herts)
REGIONAL AGM – Wednesday 25th March
No 10 Region (NE London and Essex)
Nick ‘Taffy’ Howells of P Branch died suddenly on 27th of
February 2009, aged 53. Our condolences to his sister
Ruth and niece Katie.
Notified by Dave Williams.
Nigel Rhodes was a member of the Caravan and
Camping Club and the Huddersfield Branch. Nigel sadly
died on 9th of November 2008, following a short illness.
Notified by Kevin Hullah.
REGIONAL AGM – Thursday 19th March at 19.30
No 11 Region (S London and SE England)
REGIONAL AGM – Saturday 21st March
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
CYPRUS: North Cyprus
Holiday Villa. Excellent
standard of accommodation.
Two bedrooms, two bathrooms,
private swimming pool. Sea and
mountain views. Airport
transfers included. IPA Member.
CRETE: Village House. Two
bedrooms, two bathrooms,
pool. Fully equipped with
Aircon. Shop and Bars nearby.
Car essential, Coast 10
Call Graham 01484 305155
CYPRUS: Stunning 3 Bedroom
luxury Villa (sleeps 8). At secret
valley. Paphos. Superb
Private pool, Paphos airport 10
minutes IPA member. Tel:
07711 848048
holiday cottages and guided
tours in South Bohemia.. Two
weeks for the price of one in
2008 and 20% discount for IPA
members. Tel Cindy on 01629
Holiday rental in small
residential complex, Sarasota,
Florida. Excellent location, 5
minutes drive to Siesta Key,
near shopping, restaurants and
golf. Special 20% discount from
June till December 2008
Telephone 01206 240281 or
visit our website
House sleeping 8, to let in
Dordogne area. Near
Rocamadour, Gouffre de
Padirac. Sarlat and other
Pool, garden £499/week.
Details, availability at:
Tel: 01323 733786
Mobile Home with veranda,
sleeps 4/5 private site, pools,
restaurant bar, near Monaco, St
Tropez, beaches nearby,
No Pets.
Tel: 07990 785836 (M) or
NEW YORK CITY: Furnished
Studio Flat, 15 minutes to
Manhatton/United Nations.
Private entrance, queen size
bed, full kitchen, tv/dvd/vcr toilet
and shower.
Close to all mass transit.
Available to IPA members only.
Owned and Managed by IPA life
member. Website:
Kusadasi: Luxury 2 bedroom
penthouse apartment, 2
bathrooms, sleeps 6. New
complex, 2 pools, childrens
area, central to town and
Tel: 07817 416431
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009
Holiday Home Website with
properties in UK, America and
New Zealand for Law
Enforcement Staff. Police
Sussex IPA member. Email:
Great Britain
Near Pickering, North
Yorkshire. The Old Forge.
S/C and B&B, private parking.
Bargain Breaks. 01751 477399
B&B, C16th Lakeland House,
en suite rooms, lounge, central
heating/log fire, large private
garden, parking. Within
walking distance of the village.
Also self catering. Discount IPA
Tel 015394 36219
Abersoch.- Three Bedroom
Chalet on private site, views
over Cardigan Bay and
Snowdonia. Ideal for walking,
beaches and golf..
Tel: 01758 740434 email:
Thimble Cottage, sleeps 4. 2
Bathrooms, Dishwasher /
Washing Machine. 7 mins walk
from sea. No Pets. Discount for
IPA. Tel: 01395 516111
or email:
ST IVES – CORNWALL: Detached 3
bedroom Bungalow at ‘Riviere
Towans’ Hayle. 100 yards from a long
sandy beach. Large lounge TV/DVD,
Patio, BBQ, sleeps 5.From £300
weekly. Contact Christine or Fred on
07840 761869
Need to Know What’s Involved?
We Give Honest Reliable Assistance.
Help in Finding 100% Legal Dream
(retired UK Police Officer)
delivers up to 1.25 tonnes, approx 17
cubic metres direct to your new home.
Call serving member Chris Cookson
on 07785 957065
Membership Items
Baseball Cap
only £5.99 inc P&P
High quality in navy with the IPA logo embroidered
on the front. British section embroided on one side
and the Union flag on the other.
Orders should include payment in advance with cheques
made payable to IPA and sent to BSAC, Arthur Troop
House, 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford,
Nottingham, NG2 6AJ.
Do you want your ad to reach at least 30,000
people? For just £25.85 you could do just that.
Classified words ........................................................
Total words
Our classified sections costs £25.85 (inc VAT) for up to 25 words (minimum
order). The cost is then £1 per extra word. All adverts must be paid for in
advance. Send us your advert in three easy step:
1. Fill in the form above using CAPITAL letters and number of words used.
2. Send a cheque made payable to IPA for the correct amount (£25.85 plus
£1 per extra word).
3. Send the completed form and cheque to: Classifieds, IPA, Arthur Troop
House, 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 6AJ
Your news and photos
Have you got any interesting news and photos that
could feature in this magazine and even the front page?
We always want to hear your IPA news no matter how
big or small. Please send these to the editor (details on
page 3). If sending digital pictures, please make sure
they are high resolution (300dpi)
and ideally in JPG format. If you have more than five
images to e-mail then please post these on a disc.
Moving house? Retiring?
Please remember to let BSAC know if you are moving
house as we have no way of tracing you. If BSAC have
been using your station address (particularly relevant to
members from PSNI) then you need to remember to
contact us when you’ve retired. Please phone us on
0115 981 3638 or email: or use the update form on the British
Section’s website at
Police World Vol 54 No.1 2009