Municipal Planning Commission


Municipal Planning Commission
Municipal Planning Commission
December 15, 2015
3:00 PM
Main Floor, City Hall
910 – 4 Avenue South
Municipal Planning Commission
December 15, 2015
3:00 pm
Council Chambers, City Hall
Councillor – Jeff Coffman
Councillor – Blaine Hyggen
Councillor – Rob Miyashiro
Councillor – Bridget Mearns (Alternate)
Member at Large – Stephen Neis
Member at Large – Bruce Thurber
Member at Large – Kendal Hachkowski
Member at Large – Ian MacLachlan
Member at Large – Lorne Armstrong
1. Welcome – Chair
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
3.1. Additions
3.2. Deletions
4. Old Business
5. New Business
5.1. DEV007583, Development Officer: Pam Colling
6. Adjourn meeting
Municipal Planning Commission
MINUTES of a Regular Meeting of the MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION (MPC) held on Tuesday,
September 22, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. with the following in attendance:
J. Coffman
L. Armstrong
K. Hachkowski
I. MacLachlan
S. Neis
B. Thurber
Member at Large
Member at Large
Member at Large
Member at Large
Member at Large
M. Gaehring
P. Colling
J. Robinson
Community Planning Manager
Development Officer
Recording Secretary
B. Hyggen
R. Miyashiro
THAT the minutes of the Municipal Planning Commission of Tuesday July 14, 2015 be approved.
DEV07334, Ashcroft Master Builder Ltd, 722 – 17 Street South, proposes to construct a detached
garage with a secondary suite above and a request for a 2.53m (8’4”) waiver of the maximum building
Development Officer’s Presentation:
Pam Colling, Development Officer outlined the following information:
Application was received on March 18, 2015 to construct a detached garage with secondary suite above
and a request for a 2.53m (8’4”) waiver of the maximum building height.
The secondary suite is intended for living quarters for the nanny of the growing family that will be living
in the new single detached dwelling currently under construction on the parcel.
Application is before MPC because of the number of responses received in objection to this proposal.
Neighbourhood Notification Letters were sent to residents within a 60m radius of the subject parcel on
August 20, 2015.
Five letters of objection were received.
One letter of objection was rescinded after the neighbour spoke with the future owner of the property.
Once they learned of the reasoning for the secondary suite, they were no longer in objection to the
Due to the number of responses from the neighbours in objection, a decision was made to present this
application to the Municipal Planning Commission for consideration.
A second letter was sent to residents within a 60m radius advising of the date, time and location of the
MPC meeting on September 10, 2015. One letter was received as a result of this letter.
One additional off-street parking stall must be provided for the secondary suite
o 2 are provided in the detached garage, and
o 1 parking stall provided on a pad beside the detached garage.
One secondary suite is allowed per parcel.
A secondary suite, new means a second self-contained dwelling unit on a parcel in which the
principal use is a single detached dwelling. Secondary suite, new may include development
within the single detached dwelling or within or above a detached garage.
The only waiver required is of the maximum building height which is necessary to construct the
secondary suite above the detached garage.
Parcel is zoned R-L Low Density Residential District
o Purpose: Primarily for the development of single detached dwellings and compatible uses.
Accessory buildings and secondary suites are compatible uses.
o Accessory buildings are permitted uses in this district.
o Secondary Suites, New are discretionary uses in this district.
o Waiver of any of the requirements outlined in this district may be granted should they pose no
undue effect on the subject parcel or neighbouring parcels.
o Waivers for over-height detached garages are not uncommon. Building height waivers have
been granted for detached garages that do not have secondary suites in them. Waivers have
been granted for detached garages taller than this one.
Three vacant parcels of land of varying sizes and shapes were consolidated into one parcel and then
subdivided out into three 15.25m (50’0”) wide rectangular shaped parcels.
Due to previous drainage issues, a drainage swale has been constructed at the rear of this property
and the properties on either side with a grated drain connecting to the existing catch basin in the lane.
This was done at the time of subdivision to ensure that drainage is handled correctly from all three
properties. The swale is protected by an easement agreement registered on the affected titles. The
easement is described as the most westerly 3.00 meters of the said lands.
Due to the location of the swale at the rear of the property, it was necessary for the detached garage
to be moved into the property a minimum of 3.00m to avoid the garage being placed on or within the
easement. The easement states that you cannot erect any buildings or structures upon, over or under
the said Easement without the written consent of the Grantee. The detached garage has been placed
4.30m from the rear property line to ensure that it does not affect drainage. The additional rear setback
will ensure easy access to the detached garage from the lane and will not negatively impact access to
the neighbouring properties across the lane to the west.
The additional off-street parking stall required for the secondary suite has been placed alongside the
detached garage and accessed from the side so as to be accessible from the widest part of the lane.
Parking for both the single detached dwelling and the secondary suite are off of the lane and so will not
negatively impact on-street parking. Parking on-street will then be available for visitors and
neighbouring property owners.
The detached garage was designed so that windows in both the garage and suite are on the front and
rear elevations only. There are no windows on the side elevations. This will help to ensure that privacy
of neighbouring parcels is not negatively impacted.
The exterior finish of the detached garage will be in keeping with the exterior finish of the single
detached dwelling on the parcel. The roof pitch and style will be the same. The design of this detached
garage will also be complimentary to existing structures in this neighbourhood.
There are 3 other detached garages that use this lane for access.
There is only one parcel to the north of this that might see an effect on sunlight in their rear yard, 718
– 17 Street South. A parcel is not guaranteed/nor required to be provided sunlight through another
Land Use Bylaw 5700
o Section 1.4.3, Definitions
 Accessory Building
 Secondary Suite, New
o Section 9.22, Parking and Loading Requirements
o Section 14.5, R-L Low Density Residential District
Integrated Community Sustainability Plan/Municipal Development Plan:
o “6.2.1 – Lethbridge Has a Range of Housing that Meets Everyone’s Needs
o The intent of these policies is that everyone has safe and accessible housing in our City.
 2) Integrate a range of housing types throughout the City.
 3) Encourage and facilitate the adequate supply of housing for all income groups.
4) Develop accessible housing units in areas where ancillary neighborhood facilities
are currently available (e.g. schools, parks, transit routes, groceries) or will be
developed in the future.”
“6.2.2 – Lethbridge is a Welcoming and Diverse City
 The intent of these policies is to foster an environment of inclusivity and provide a
welcoming community for all residents and visitors.”
“6.4.1 – Lethbridge is a Compact City
 The intent of these policies is to minimize the urban footprint of Lethbridge by using
land more effectively.”
In conclusion, Ms. Colling stated that Development Services is in support of the application for the following
With the exception of the waiver of the maximum building height which is necessary for the secondary
suite to be constructed above the detached garage, this application meets the requirements of Land
Use Bylaw 5700.
Placement of the detached garage on the parcel ensures:
o no interference with overland drainage,
o better maneuverability for residents onto this parcel and,
o no negative impact for access to parcels across the lane to the west.
It meets the goals and policies of the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan / Municipal
Development Plan.
There appears to be no material or undue impact on the use, enjoyment, or value on neighbouring
properties or neighbourhood amenities.
Applicant’s Presentation:
Stephen Anderson, Ashcroft Master Builder Ltd, advised as follows:
Prior to the Development of this property there were complaints about the lots being vacant.
Tried to maintain the trees on the Parcel, and to make the house look like the other houses on the
No one has complained about the look of the building, they have complained about the building effecting
their sunlight.
o The 60ft tree in the yard would also block the sunlight, the garage will be smaller than said tree.
There is no concerns of emergency vehicle access
Have lowered the walls of the garage to minimize structural impact.
Other Presentations:
Ken Hale, Citizen, advised as follows:
• There have been close calls with collisions on the “T” intersection in the alleyway.
• Parking on the front is shared with regional hospital workers
• Applauds the efforts made by the developer, but feels by adding the suite on the garage it does not fit
with the single dwelling zone.
Kirsten & Michael Pirot, Home owners, advised as follows:
• The garage has to be detached to keep with the neighbourhood style.
• Suite is for a Nanny, provides them with dignity of not having to live in the basement.
• Once a nanny is no longer needed the suite will be used for family and friends to stay.
There was no response to the Chairman’s three calls for anyone else wishing to speak.
Mr. Anderson, Mr. Hale and Ms. Collings responded to questions regarding:
Garbage Pick-up in the Alley
Parking for the new home, as well as neighbor parking
Garage heights for other detached garages within the City be approved for increased height
Clarification on the external facing trim relief
Alternative roofs needing a waiver
Where the letters of objection were received in relation to parcel of land
Location and completion of the swale
The following motion was presented:
That this application for the a detached garage with secondary suite above and a request for a 2.53m (8’4”)
waiver of the maximum building height be approved with the following conditions:
1. A 2.53m (8’4”) building height waiver be granted, allowing the detached garage to have a
maximum building height of 7.03m (23’1”).
2. The accessory building with secondary suite shall be developed in accordance with the plans
submitted August 18, 2015. Any changes to these plans requires the approval of the Development
3. A minimum of three off-street parking stalls (2 for the single detached dwelling and 1 for the
secondary suite) shall be provided and maintained at all times.
4. The exterior appearance of the accessory building shall be in accordance with plans submitted
August 18, 2015 with the exception of additional attention to design of the side elevations to
minimize the visible mass of the building to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
THAT this meeting of the Municipal Planning Commission be adjourned.
Municipal Planning Commission
Item 5.1
December 15, 2015
New Business
Municipal Planning Commission
R-L Low Density
Residential District
Travis Magierowski
Page 1 of 8
236 Corvette Crescent South
Travis & Kristin Magierowski
Appendix A: Drawings
To construct a secondary suite in the basement of a single detached dwelling. The three (3) required offstreet parking stalls will be provided.
Single Detached Dwelling currently under construction
Single Detached Dwelling
Single Detached Dwelling
Single Detached Dwelling
Vacant Parcel
December 15, 2015
New Business
Municipal Planning Commission
Page 2 of 8
Appendix B: Notification Letter, Map &
28 letters were sent to residents within a 60m radius of the subject parcel on
November 12, 2015. Two letters in support of and 12 letters in objection to
this application have been received.
A second letter advising that this application would be presented to the
Municipal Planning Commission was sent to the same 28 residents on
December 1, 2015.
An application to construct a secondary suite in the basement of the single
detached dwelling currently under construction was received on
November 12, 2015.
As this application met the requirements of Land Use Bylaw 5700,
Neighbourhood Notification Letters were sent out.
Two letters in support of this application have been received. They have
stated that they do not feel that the secondary suite, new will have a
negative impact on the neighbourhood. These letters have been provided
in the agenda.
Twelve letters in objection to this application have also been received.
These letters are also in the agenda package. The reasons for objection
o Location of off-street parking for tenant.
o Location of entrance to the suite, next to neighbouring bedroom
o Possible damage of neighbouring landscaping by contractor.
o Zoning.
o Density. Large parcels being subdivided.
o Effect on sewer capacity.
o Precedence of approving secondary suites.
o Parking overflow from General Stewart School.
o Illegal suite on the same street.
o Parking of tenants at other properties.
o Tree located where driveway will be located.
December 15, 2015
New Business
Municipal Planning Commission
Page 3 of 8
Due to the number of responses from the neighbours in objection to this
application, a decision was made to present this application to the
Municipal Planning Commission at the next earliest meeting.
A second letter was sent to residents advising of the date, time and
location of the MPC meeting.
Use: Secondary Suite, New
Minimum Requirement
1 additional off-street
parking stall for the
tenants of the
secondary suite for a
total of 3
Number of Suites
Access to Suite
Application Meets or
5 off-street parking
stalls will be provided
Separate Access from
Separate Side Access
from Exterior provided
Shall Not Be Subject to
Separation from
Principal Dwelling
through Condo
Requirement Met
Requirement Met
Separate Entrance
through Common
Parcel Subdivision
Waiver Requested
Basement Suite Cannot
be Subdivided from
Single Detached
December 15, 2015
New Business
Municipal Planning Commission
This application is before the Commission because:
Page 4 of 8
Of the number of responses received in objection to this proposal.
One additional off-street parking stall must be provided for the
secondary suite.
o 2 off-street parking stalls are provided within the attached
garage, and
o 3 off-street parking stalls provided on the driveway in front of
the attached garage
o Exceeds the off-street parking requirement by 2 stalls.
One secondary suite is allowed per parcel:
o A secondary Suite, New means a second self-contained
dwelling unit on a parcel in which the principal use is a single
detached dwelling. Secondary Suite, New may include
development within the single detached dwelling or within or
above a detached garage.
The secondary suite must have a separate access either through
entryway from the exterior of the dwelling or through a separate
entrance within a common landing.
o This secondary suite has a separate side access to the
Parcel is zoned R-L Low Density Residential District
o Purpose: Primarily for the development of single detached
dwellings and compatible uses. Secondary suites are
considered to be a compatible use.
o Secondary Suites, New are discretionary uses in the R-L Low
Density Residential District. Secondary Suites are a low
density use.
Safe Living Accommodations
Alberta Safety Code Requirements – all construction (including the
secondary suite) must meet Alberta Safety Code requirements which
include Building, Electrical, Fire, Gas, Heating and Plumbing. He will
be making this a safe, legal suite.
December 15, 2015
New Business
Municipal Planning Commission
Page 5 of 8
Owner Occupied
The City of Lethbridge cannot require an owner to live at any property.
In this case though, the applicant and his young family will be living in
the remainder of this single detached dwelling. The applicant is only
interested in renting to a tenant that will be respectful of his young
family with regard to noise. It will not be rented if a suitable tenant
cannot be found.
Side Entrance
The City of Lethbridge does not have a requirement for where an
entrance to a suite is located. This can be a separate entrance from
the exterior or a shared entrance through a common landing.
The entrance could not be put at the rear of the home due to the
location of an existing tree on the parcel that is being retained.
Many homes have side and / or rear entrances (walkouts) without
having a suite.
The off-street parking stall for the tenant of the suite had originally
been at the rear of the property (accessing from lane). Upon speaking
with the applicant, it have been relocated to the front driveway so to
provide direct access to the suite. This will help to ensure that the
tenant will use the off-street parking versus parking on-street. Onstreet parking will then be available to residents and visitors.
The tree that is currently located where the new driveway will be
removed to allow for access to the front attached garage.
It has been confirmed by the City of Lethbridge Water/Wastewater
Department that the existing infrastructure is able to accommodate the
additional suite.
December 15, 2015
New Business
Municipal Planning Commission
Legislation & Policy
Page 6 of 8
Land Use Bylaw 5700
Section 1.4.3, Definitions
o Secondary Suite, New
Section 9.22, Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 14.5, R-L Low Density Residential District
Integrated Community Sustainability Plan/Municipal Development Plan:
“6.2.1 – Lethbridge Has a Range of Housing that Meets
Everyone’s Needs
The intent of these policies is that everyone has safe and accessible
housing in our City.
2) Integrate a range of housing types throughout the City.
3) Encourage and facilitate the adequate supply of housing for all
income groups.
4) Develop accessible housing units in areas where ancillary
neighborhood facilities are currently available (e.g. schools, parks,
transit routes, groceries) or will be developed in the future.”
“6.2.2 – Lethbridge is a Welcoming and Diverse City
The intent of these policies is to foster an environment of inclusivity
and provide a welcoming community for all residents and visitors.”
“6.4.1 – Lethbridge is a Compact City
The intent of these policies is to minimize the urban footprint of
Lethbridge by using land more effectively.”
South Saskatchewan Regional Plan 2014-2024
5. Efficient Use of Land
The amount of land that is required for development of the built
environment is minimized over time.
December 15, 2015
New Business
Municipal Planning Commission
Page 7 of 8
All land-use planners and decision-makers responsible for land-use
decisions are encouraged to consider the efficient use of land
principles in land-use planning and decision-making.
2. Utilize the minimum amount of land necessary for new
development and build at a higher density than current practice.
3. Increase the proportion of new development that takes place
within already developed or disturbed lands either through infill,
redevelopment and/or shared use, relative to new development
that takes place on previously undeveloped lands.
4. Plan, design and locate new development in a manner that best
utilizes existing infrastructure and minimizes the need for new or
expanded infrastructure.
The application for a secondary suite, new is supported for the following
reasons :
This application meets the requirements of Land Use Bylaw 5700
It meets the goals and policies of the Integrated Community
Sustainability Plan / Municipal Development Plan.
It meets the objectives, strategies and principles of the South
Saskatchewan Regional Plan 2014 – 2024.
There appears to be no material or undue impact on the use,
enjoyment, or value on neighbouring properties or neighbourhood
910 – 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6
Phone No. 403-320-3920
Fax No. 403-327-6571
December 1, 2015
This letter is being sent to property owners
within a 60m radius of:
You were previously informed that an application had been received to construct a
secondary suite in the basement of the single detached dwelling at the above-noted
address. The three (3) required off-street parking stalls will be provided.
No decision on this application has been made. This application will be considered by the
Municipal Planning Commission on December 15, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in Council
Chambers, Main Floor of City Hall.
If you feel you will be impacted by this development, please explain how and why in writing
and it will be submitted to the Commission. You may mail, email, or deliver it to the
Development Services Department for receipt not later than 4:30 p.m. on December 14,
2015. In addition or alternatively, you may speak to the Commission at the meeting. All
written material previously submitted to this office will be presented to the Commission.
Please note that all information you provide will be made public.
Pam Colling
Development Officer
cc: Applicant
Any personal information provided in response to this letter is collected under the Alberta Municipal Government Act
and in accordance with Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Please note that
such information may be made public. If you have any questions about the collection or use of the personal
information provided, please contact the Director of Planning & Development at 910 – 4 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1J
0P6 or phone 403-320-3920.
910 – 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6
Phone No. 403-320-3920
Fax No. 403-327-6571
November 12, 2015
This letter is being sent to property owners
within a 60m radius of:
An application has been received to construct a secondary suite in the basement of the
existing single detached dwelling at the above-noted address. The three (3) required offstreet parking stalls will be provided.
If you require any further information about this development application please contact
Development Services at 403-320-3920, by 4:30 p.m. on November 23, 2015.
If you feel that you will be impacted by this development, please explain how and why in
writing or by email on or before the above date. Please note that all information you
provide can be made public.
Pam Colling
Development Officer
cc: Applicant
Any personal information provided in response to this letter is collected under the Alberta Municipal Government Act
and in accordance with Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Please note that
such information may be made public. If you have any questions about the collection or use of the personal
information provided, please contact the Director of Planning & Development at 910 – 4 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1J
0P6 or phone 403-320-3920.
236 Corvette Crescent South
DISCLAIMER: This map is illustrative only. The City of Lethbridge offers this information in good faith, but makes no warranty or representation,
expressed or implied, with regard to the correctness, accuracy and/or reliability of this data.
All rights reserved. No part of this map may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written consent from the City of Lethbridge.
© 2015, City of Lethbridge, AB Canada
Printed by Pam Colling using Parcel Locator GIS Map Server.
Novembe r 2oth,2ot5
Pam Colling
Development Officer
Planning and Development Services
City of Lethbridge
910 - 4th Ave. S.
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6
Re: Notice for 236 Corvette Cres. S., for a Secondary Suite in the basement.
We fully support the application for the secondary suite.
We don't believe this will have any impact, in any way, to any of the residences
in the neighbourhood.
Note; we will not be applying for a secondary suite when we build on 240
Corvette Cres.
Yours truly
Kendall & Sandy Gibson
240 Corvette Cres.
Lethbridge AB TlJ 3X8
Jennifer Watt
Pam Colling
FW: Notice for 236 Corvette Cres. S., for a Secondary Suite in the basement
Monday, November 23, 2015 7:55:54 AM
Jennifer Watt
Development Services Clerk
Phone: (403)320-3195
Fax: (403)327-6571
Stay Informed. Follow us on
From: Bruce Nilsson []
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2015 3:19 PM
To: City of Lethbridge Development Services
Subject: Notice for 236 Corvette Cres. S., for a Secondary Suite in the basement
November 20th, 2015
Pam Colling
Development Officer
Planning and Development Services
City of Lethbridge
910 – 4th Ave. S.
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6
Re: Notice for 236 Corvette Cres. S., for a Secondary Suite in the basement.
We fully support the application for the secondary suite.
I don’t believe this will have any impact, in any way, to any of the residences in
the neighbourhood.
Yours truly
Bruce Nilsson
213 Dieppe Blvd S
Lethbridge AB T1J 3X8
December 15, 2015
New Business
Municipal Planning Commission
Page 8 of 8
Approval This application may be approved. Appropriate conditions should be cited.
If this application is approved:
• The applicant may appeal any of the conditions of approval.
• Any affected party present at the MPC meeting may appeal the
• The approval is advertized in the upcoming Saturday paper and any
affected party may appeal the approval.
Refusal This application may be refused. Specific reasons for refusal must be cited.
If this application is refused:
• The applicant may appeal the refusal.
• The applicant may wait 6 months and reapply for the same
development at the same location.
• The applicant may correct the aspects of the development that caused
it to be refused and reapply before 6 months has elapsed.
• The applicant may make an entirely new application for the same
proposal in a different location.
Tabling The application may be tabled: The cause of or reason for tabling should be
cited. Conditions or a time frame for lifting it from the table should be cited.
Instructions for re-advertising should be cited.
If this application is tabled, the application will again be brought before the
Municipal Planning Commission for consideration at the next scheduled
meeting date or when the item(s) that caused the application to be tabled is
(are) resolved. Attendees at the current meeting will have to make
arrangements to attend again in order to re-address the Commission in
person. There could possibly be other implications depending on the reason
for tabling.
That the application for the secondary suite, new be approved subject to the
following conditions:
1. The secondary suite is approved and shall be developed in accordance
with the plans submitted November 12, 2015. Any change to these plans
requires the approval of the Development Officer.
2. A minimum of three off-street parking stalls (2 for the single detached
dwelling and 1 for the secondary suite) shall be provided and maintained
at all times.