January 2015 - Duneland Ski Club
January 2015 - Duneland Ski Club
Volume 70 Issue 1 January 2015 DUNELAND SKI CLUB INSIDE e dg The Inside E — b u l C i k S uneland D PRESIDENT: Ginnie Moffitt VICE PRESIDENT: Cheryl Wytovicz SECRETARY: Cindy Kwallek TREASURER: JoAnn Cleek Board Charlie Cleek Hedy Kokidko Mel Maxwell Bill Stover Membership: Mel Maxwell Newsletter Editor: Janice ShifleyGordon Racing Director: Bill Leavitt Web Maintainer: Janice ShifleyGordon www.skiduneland.com Dunelandskier@gmail.com Facebook Who’s Who , This Month & Upcoming Events This Month Pg.1 President’s Word 2 6 Months Calendar of Events January 19th Board Mtg. 6:30 pm Gen. Mtg. 7:30 pm Nominations Important All the news, All the time. Trips Information See Inside for info Duneland meets 3 Ski Trips for 2015 4 at: Gary Sportsmen Club 10101 Madison St. Crown Point, IN 46307 See last page for directions ABSF date for 2015 5 Winter Carnival and Spring Fling 6 Birthdays, Credits, Announcements , & Others 7 Page 2 Volume 70 Issue 1 DUNELAND SKI CLUB—THE INSIDE EDGE President’s wo r d Duneland Ski Club January 2015 Hope your Christmas was merry! Thanks to Janice Shifley-Gordon for helping to make it merry with a great Christmas party. We had a good turn out, and if you weren’t there, you missed Gail and Hans who were back home in Indiana for a visit. Was good to see everyone. Can you believe that within the next month, our club will have participated in 2 ski trips-Marquette with the Nomads and Steamboat? After a layoff last year, I’m eager to get my ski legs again. I hope you are too, because we need your help: We’re still looking for about 8 people to fill the Boyne/Nubs trip. This trip is in danger of a full cancellation or becoming a you drive trip. The club would like to avoid loosing approximately $1,000 on the trip. So if you’re waiting until the last minute to sign up--don’t! We’ll need to make a decision about canceling the bus before January 5. Things that are happening this year will influence what is planned next year. This isn’t meant in a threatening way; it’s just the way things are with the number of members we have. If we can’t team with other clubs, or reasonably fill our own spots, there will be cut backs in what is planned. Money is deposited up front by the club for transportation and lodging. To continue to cancel back reservations tarnishes our reliability when doing business with trip coordinators, ski areas, and transport companies in the long run. The club will, in time, run out of money and lose its ability to make deposit deadlines if we absorb financial losses on a continuing basis. The board worked hard to put each trip together last summer with the hope that if we would build it, people would come. Now we know, until we have more members we have to plan for who we have and be a little more creative in our planning to make things work. With that thought in mind, this year’s board has decided to move nominations and elections up one month. The new board will need some extra time to seek partnering options and to collect trip destination data before the CMSC Trip Seminar in May. The nominations will take place at the January and February meetings. Elections will be at the March meeting. I hope to devote the April meeting to discussing options and plans for 2016. This agenda should make the April meeting as important to you as the election meeting in March. The new board will not be official until the May end of the year party because the old board will still have business--trip financial reports, etc. to do. New board members will be invited to sit in at these meetings to facilitate the transition between boards. If you’re interested in running for the board, have someone nominate you. The board does its most important work from April through June. That’s when it sets the meeting schedule, the summer activities schedule, and the winter trip schedule for 2016. You should be most dedicated to attending board meetings during those months. There may be a need for board meetings more than once a month. Some decisions are made by e-mail vote. In addition to nominations, trip packets will be distributed, or announcements for distribution of packets will be made at the January and February meetings. At the January meeting, we’ll know more about the status of the Boyne/Nubs trip. So hope to see all of you there. Happy New Year! Ginnie Next DSC Meeting January 19th, 2015 Board Mtg. 6:30 pm General Mtg. 7:30 p.m. Nominations begin Page 3 Volume 70 Issue 1 6 month Calendar 2015 January 2015 2-4 Marquette Trip/Nomads 19-Board Mtg.6:30 pm Gen Mtg. 7:30 pm Nominations 23-31 CMSC Ski Europe 24-31 DSC Steamboat February 1-3 CMSC Prague Extension 6-8 DSC Boyne Mt/Nubs Nob 6-8 ABSF Devils Head Weekend 16 Board Mtg.6:30 pm Gen Mtg. 7:30 pm Nominations 21-28 Chicago Week - Mt. Bachelor March 16- Board Mtg.6:30 pm Gen Mtg. 7:30 pm Elections April 10-15 CMSC Spring Fling - Breckenridge Short Trip 11-18 CMSC Spring Fling - Breckenridge Long Trip 20 Board Mtg.6:30 pm Gen Mtg. 7:30 pm Forum: Family Trips and Trip Destinations May 2 DSC End of Year Party 16 CMSC Trip Seminar 18 Board Mtg.6:30 pm Gen Mtg. 7:30 pm Newsletter Guidelines: Articles must describe an activity or event. Who, What , Where , When, Cost (Person in charge of activity with contact info. phone # and or email ) Articles regarding skiing or of the event, Articles to be one (1) page or less of typed information submitted to editor. No personal stories. No pictures. Remember, the club isn’t the only ones who views our newsletter. It also goes out on the internet as well. Feb. Newsletter Due Date - 01/25/15 Page 4 Volume 70 Issue 1 Trip Destinations Trip #1 January 2-4, 2015 Marquette Mt. Michigan Partnering with The Nomad Ski Club Price: Quad Occupancy per person $260, Triple: per person $275, Double: per person $300, Single: per person $380. Discount $10. 00 for 65 + and children 7-17 Trip Leaders: Mel Maxwell & Bill Stover Email :MelMaxwell@Icloud.com or MelMax47@comcast.net Trip #2 Phone: 219-940-3540 January 23-25, 2015 -ISC Races - Boyne Highlands , MI. The price of the trip is $328 per person (@ two people per room). Seniors over 70 years old receive e a $60 discount. Make checks payable to Indiana Ski Council. Trip Leader: Bill Leavitt SKIBILLL@aol.com (with3 L’s) 219-464-0595 (HOME) 219-789-5610 (CELL) Trip #3 January 24-31, 2015 Steamboat Springs Colorado Full Package Price of $1290 Ground Package Price $756 Trip Leaders: JoAnn Cleek & Ginnie Moffitt JoAnn’s Email: cjcleek@comcast.net Phone:219-926-5666 Home 219-983-2575/Cell Ginnie’s Email larrymoffitt2384@comcast.net Phone:219-663-0174 Trip #4 February 6-8, 2015 BOYNE MOUNTAIN/NUBS NOB Boyne, Michigan Under 65 65-69 70+ 80+ $432 $423 $372 $360 Trip Leaders: Lynn Vitkus & Pat Rosinski Send check made out to Duneland Ski Club to: Lynn Vitkus, 8719 Mathews St. Crown Point, IN. 46307 Trip #5 Feb 21st-28th, 2015 MT. BACHELOR/SUNRIVER RESORT, OREGON Chicago Week 2015 http://skicmsc.com/_ChicagoWeek2015.cfm for more info on this trip Full Package $1665.00 per person Ground Pkg. $1,100.00 Trip Leaders: Cindy Kwallek & Janice Shifley-Gordon Email: Kwallek @comcast.net Phone: 219-759-5392 Page 5 Volume 70 Issue 1 February 6-8, 2015 #6 # Page 6 Volume 70 Issue 1 DUNELAND SKI CLUB—THE INSIDE EDGE #7 CMSC Winter Carnival March 6-8, 2015 $282.00 per person Includes 2 nights lodging at the Lakeview Hotel guest rooms at Shanty Creek Resort, Michigan 1 two day super lift ticket 2 breakfasts 1 dinner Complimentary night skiing - night of arrival Lots of activities Seal Slide Frozen Fish Toss Shovel Race To book, please contact Phyllis Lockhart 231.533.3092 Slush Cup #8 CMSC Spring Fling 2015 Breckenridge, CO. April 4/11 -4/18 2015 Long Trip April 4/10-4/15 2015 Short Trip Air pkg. 7 nights - $1,190 5 nights - $1,030 Ground Pkg. 7 nights - $790 5 nights - $630 Ground package excludes the air and ground transfers between Denver & Breck For those driving out, the Village at Breckenridge charges $20/night for parking. There are cheaper options in town, but the car would not be right at the Village of Breck then. Contact Ed Gordon for sign up information @ Edskates-Indiana@yahoo.com DUNELAND SKI CLUB—THE INSIDE EDGE Page 7 Volume 70 Issue 1 *** Website *** Contact: www.skiduneland.com Duneland Ski Club Dunelandskier@gmail.com 12834 Connecticut St. Crown Point, IN 46307 Duneland meets at: It is 1 block west of Broadway on 101st. Please use South Entrance door that will lead into the meeting room. Gary Sportsmen Club 10101 Madison St. Crown Point, IN 46307 CMSC Liaison for Duneland /CMSC Regional VP Ed Gordon Edskates-indiana@yahoo.com CMSC Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month at 8:00 pm. Sawa’s Old Warsaw, 9200 Cermak Road, Broadview, IL 60155 www.skicmsc.org Happy January Birthday to: Henry Bottando Nancy Johnson Hedy Kokidko Ann Marie Leavitt John Hiatt