McMillan Responsive Part 1


McMillan Responsive Part 1
Daniel Wolkoff <>
Thursday, December 12, 2013 11:21 PM
Mandel Jon; Miller, Jeff (EOM); Newaldass, Shiv (EOM); McDuffie
Kenyan; Wells, Thomas (COUNCIL); Mendelson, Phil (COUNCIL); Cheh,
$250,000 spent at McMillan on maintenacnce?
Council-members, Jon Mandel, and Jeff Miller,
I haven't received any information from you on this question.
I sent you this email October 18, 2013
I have a question that you hopefully can answer. I have read that $250,000 a year
is spent by the district government to maintain the lawn at McMillan Park. Do
you know what this contract or fee is used for, how much is the accurate figure, if
this is accurate? Would Clint know?
I have asked Shiv Newaldess but he has not replied. Thanks for any information.
Seems like a lot of money, maybe it's just not accurate at all. The lack of
transparency contradicts what these candidates have said when running for office.
Thanks,,,Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
Adams Morgan Stained Glass
1231 Randolph Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Tel: 202-232-8391
kali h <>
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 11:09 PM
Callcott, Steve (OP); Yarnall, Bruce (OP); ATD OP HP; Mendelson, Phil
(COUNCIL);; Catania, David A. (COUNCIL);;;;
Graham, Jim (COUNCIL); Evans, Jack (COUNCIL); Cheh, Mary
(COUNCIL); Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL); Wells, Thomas (COUNCIL);
Alexander, Yvette (COUNCIL); Gray, Vincent (EOM)
Hoskins, Victor (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM); Newaldass, Shiv (EOM);
Tregoning, Harriet (OP);
: McMillan Park Reservoir Historic District, HPA #13-318
Dear Members of the Historic Preservation Review Board:
I urge the Historic Preservation Review Board to reject Vision McMillan Partners revised master
plan, design guidelines, and building designs proposed for McMillan Park Reservoir Historic District
(HPA #13-318). The VMP revisions will be a visual blight on the neighborhood. The height, scale,
and designs of the proposed buildings are inappropriate for the open McMillan Park site and are
inconsistent with the overall character, sense of place, aesthetics, and historic vistas of this
distinctive national landmark Olmsted park and engineering marvel. The proposed building designs
are also incompatible with the site’s existing historic buildings and with its above- and below-ground
historic structures.
Specifically, there has been notable destruction of historic fabric: demolition of the underground
caverns is a travesty and demolition of the walls framing the courts is unacceptable. Further,
the supermarket and the retail should be adaptively inserted into preserved sand filtration
chambers, which could easily be entered from the sidewalk at North Capitol Street.
Open space is vital to the historic sense of place at McMillan Park and any infill development is
inappropriate. This historic park has the potential to become another of D.C.'s premier visitor
destinations, as well as a vital resource for the local community. Please have greater vision
than Mayor Gray and Vision McMillan Partners. Please reject this application.
Thank you.
Pamela Hunter
Leonard, Victoria (COUNCIL) <>
Monday, September 19, 2011 1:30 PM
Kenner, Brian (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM)
FW: [Brookland] McMillan site visit Saturday
See below
From: John T. Salatti []
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 1:14 PM
To: Daniel Wolkoff
Cc: Thomas, Harry (COUNCIL); Nolan Treadway;; Catania, David A.
(COUNCIL); Evans, Jack (COUNCIL); Graham, Jim (COUNCIL);; Brown, Kwame
(COUNCIL); Kris Hammond; Barry, Marion (COUNCIL); Brown, Michael (Council); Cheh, Mary (COUNCIL);
Michael Henderson; Mendelson, Phil (COUNCIL); tim clark; Wells, Thomas (COUNCIL); Alexander, Yvette
(COUNCIL); Chase, Ayawna (COUNCIL); Leonard, Victoria (COUNCIL); Gwen Southerland; Norman,
Tony; Fournier, James; Roberts, Scott
Subject: Re: [Brookland] McMillan site visit Saturday
Let me offer two points in response to your thorough comments on the
weekend's tour, which was a great success bringing out over 70 people to
the McMillan Sand Filtration site.
First, notice. You are quite correct that notice for the tour was
insufficient. I wish it could have been otherwise. We first made requests for
the site to be open for public tours in mid-summer. However, we only
received final confirmation from the city about going forward with our
intended date of Sept. 17th on the 14th. Because of the short time to get
the word out, notice was neither as broad nor as deep as it should have
been. I am sorry we were unable to do better, but I am energized by the
fact that even with limited notice, we had a very strong turn out, including
people from Wards 1 & 3 that I met.
With that energy, we hope to do better soon, and MAG Chair Gwen
Southerland will be setting up another date with the Deputy Mayor's Office
for Planning and Economic Development for some time in the next month. I
have gotten many e-mail requests from people who could not make the tour
on Saturday and so we are confident that another date with better notice
would attrack at least as many people.
Second, as to your reference to community input or approval, as of this
date, not a single community organization has approved of any of the
designs put forward by the city and the development team. All the civic
associations in the area (Stronghold, Edgewood, Park Place, Eckington,
Bates, Bloomingdale, LeDroit Park, and Pleasant Plains (at minimum)) have
to review and vote on the plans. ANCs 1B and 5C both will have to review
and vote on the plans. And, of course, the MAG itself will have to review
and vote on the plans. My understanding is that the MAG is planning to
have a significant public review meeting within the net two months. The
MAG has already persuaded the city to hold off submitting its PUD for a little
while so that more concrete community comment and input is
possible. That also will give the MAG time as well to review and make public
the comments of an outside traffic consultant we recently received regarding
the revised traffic study from the developers that came out in August. And
of course, the entire PUD is available for anyone to review. We have had it
uploaded to a Dropbox site; please let me know if you would like more info
as to how to access that large document.
So the bigger point is that residents still have solid opportunities for input,
and we all should continue to work together to formulate a design for
McMillan that really suits the need of the city, the builders, and, of course,
the residents who live near and around the site.
I look forward to having you at the next McMillan Sand Filtration Site tour.
John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
Vice President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
(202) 986-2592
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"
On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 9:28 AM, Thomas, Harry (COUNCIL) <>
Within the next few weeks I will be holing a McMillan overview briefing in an effort to ensure
that everyone has continued input in this project, the tour that took place this past weekend was
organized by the McMillan advisory group and I will follow up with them to ensure that
information is getting out to ensure full participation.
Sent from my Harry2010 iPad
excuse typos sent from my iPad from the field”
Building Stronger Communities Together
On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:08 AM, "Daniel Wolkoff" <> wrote:
Nolan, Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association did not get any notice. At one of the
very orchestrated community meetings I said to Councilman Thomas , that much of the city
does not know anything about McMillan. That we should get more information out to the general
community on a centrally located 25 acre "Park", or developement, though parks are
development too( to normal people).
Councilman Thomas said " they do not need to know about it, it's just a neighborhood issue".
The clique of the "few" that controls this city , especially development, love to talk about how
"community input, this and community input that", but it's a manipulated farce. McMillanj Park
Committee worked for over 20 years and were coopted to be so- called Advisory Board.
Meetings are controlled to the point that no community member is allowed to speak. Alternatives
to the mega developemnt that will overrun McMillan with buildings are given no access at all.
Professor Miriam Gusevich of Catholic University designed an entire world class
development plan that included an underground city market in the existing galleries, brilliant
plan. The clique of the "few" is not resourceful enough to seek adaptive re-use of existing
structures. They only want the biggest, the most wasteful and the have no interest in the City
Beautiful Movement, or a gracious green city , only humongous projects that displace
our prakland. But Professor Gusevich access to the process has been blocked. This is a
prefferred developer who gave councilman donations in tens of thousands.
The "Great Places" like Mcmillan were planned as an emerald necklace of green space by Sen.
McMillans City Beautiful movement in 1906. A manic, obsessed group of hacks, city officials
have learned how to shmooz for votes, and give all our parks away, libraries, schools to their
developer clients. They are homogenizing the entire city with the same dull architecture and
inferior city planning. I was in a neighborhood park in Takoma PArk today, woods, ball field,
playground full of tots. How delightful, a green break from the residential streets. We need this
planning here even more so. The delusional have gotten control of the resources and they will
waste, and waste, and will not hear any other input. We are getting our land taken from us , when
every single thing on the McMillan development can be done elswhere, like Harris Teeter just
did on NY ave. Medical offices, housing, all done elswhere. The financil analasis prsumes that
only McMillan can bring revenue to DC wasteful govt. The healthiest thing that could happen to
these hacks , is to keep money away from them.
Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
1231 Randolph Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Tel: 202-232-8391
--- On Sat, 9/17/11, Nolan Treadway <> wrote:
From: Nolan Treadway <>
Subject: [Brookland] Re: [Eckington] Re McMillan site visit Saturday
Cc: "Thomas, Harry (COUNCIL)" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"Thomas, Carl D. (EOM)" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>, "ANC, 5B04
(ANC 5B04 )" <>, "ANC, 5B02 (ANC 5B02 )"
<>, "ANC, 5B07 (ANC 5B07 )" <>, "ANC,
5B10 (ANC 5B10 )" <>, "ANC, 5C10 (ANC 5C10 )"
<>, "ANC, 5C01 (ANC 5C01 )" <>, "ANC,
5C04 (ANC 5C04 )" <>, "ANC, 5C07 (ANC 5C07 )"
<>, "Washington, Sandi (ANC 5A01)" <>,
"Preston, Herman Rip (ANC 5A04)" <>, "ANC, 5A07"
<>, "ANC, 5A10 (ANC 5A10 )" <>
Date: Saturday, September 17, 2011, 10:47 AM
Councilmember Thomas,
Can you share with us some more information on this bullet point that was
included in your email:
At this stage of the project, the District and the design team have
produced a Planned Unit Development (PUD) application, which has
been submitted to community groups for their respective reviews.
Which "community groups" has the PUD application been submitted and what's
the process for providing feedback through these groups? (I've been trying to
keep pretty close tabs on the McMillian stuff, but I haven't seen any talk about it
in the civic associations or ANCs. But it's possible I missed it)
Thanks in advance for the info!
Nolan Treadway
22nd and Lawrence NE
On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Thomas, Harry (COUNCIL)
<> wrote:
Please don't miss those opportunity Saturday September 17, 2011 11 am to see
the McMillan site and the great potential it has for our community, below is some
background on the site.
The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, The Vision
McMillan Partners Development Team, and the Community have made significant
progress towards the redevelopment of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site. The
following are the key goals, milestones and next steps for the project:
On the McMillan site, the District of Columbia and the Vision McMillan Partners
venture to create a unique, mixed-use development that enhances its
surrounding communities.
o The project will create open spaces for the community, preserve the
historic integrity of the site, and provide housing, retail, and office
o Combined, these uses will bring retail services to the communities,
create jobs and business opportunities for District residents, and
increase the District’s tax base.
The District is utilizing the expertise of a world class design team lead by EEK,
Nelson, Byrd, Woltz, and EHT Traceries to ensure that the project achieves highquality design and historic preservation standards.
During the Fall of 2010, the District led a series of 10 community meetings that
allowed the stakeholders to provide critical input into the formulation of a
conceptual site plan. As a result of the community’s input and the design
team’s expertise, all parties reached an understanding in December 2010 on a
conceptual site plan set in themes of health and wellness, industrial history, and
water. This plan includes:
o significant historic preservation,
o +8 acres of community parks and open space,
o Pedestrian-friendly circulation throughout the site,
o housing, retail, and medical office uses, and
o cultural amenities.
At this stage of the project, the District and the design team have produced a
Planned Unit Development (PUD) application, which has been submitted to
community groups for their respective reviews.
Following the community’s review of the PUD application, the District intends
to submit the application to the Zoning Commission and the Historic
Preservation Review Board for approval. The approval processes are expected
to take 12- 15 months. The District expects construction on the McMillan
project may begin within 12 months following application approval.
I, (print name), hereby affirm that I have carefully read this Waiver,
Release, and Indemnification (the ``Release``) in its entirety. By my
signature below, I agree to each and every term and condition of this
1. I acknowledge that the District of Columbia (the ``District``) is the
owner of the real property with a street address of 2501 First Street NW,
Washington, D.C. 20017, commonly known as the ``McMillan Sand
Filtration Site``, together with all improvements located thereon (the
2. I represent that I will be visiting the Property at the date and time
DATE: September 17, 2011 TIME: 11:0 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
3. I hereby agree to abide by the orders and directions of the
representative(s) of the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and
Economic Development (ODMPED) while visiting the Property. If I fail
to comply with such orders or directions, ODMPED or its representatives
may, in its discretion, demand that I leave the Property in which event I
agree to do so immediately and without causing a disturbance.
4. I hereby acknowledge that the Property may be, either entirely or in
part, in a state of disrepair or otherwise hazardous. I hereby assume all
risks and accept full responsibility for any and all damage to myself or
others arising from or related to my presence on the Property. I
understand and agree that neither I, my heirs, personal representatives,
successors, grantees, and assigns, or anyone claiming any interest
through me, will bring any legal action whatsoever against the District,
its officials, officers, employees, and agents as a result of any damage,
injury, loss or death to myself or my property that arises out of my
presence on the Property in connection with the tour.
5. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the District, its officials,
officers, employees, and agents from all liabilities, obligations, damages,
penalties, claims, costs, charges, and expenses (including reasonable
attorney's fees), of whatsoever kind and for injury, including personal
injury or death of any person or persons, and for loss or damage to any
property caused by or occurring in connection with, or in any way arising
out of my presence on the Property pursuant to this Release. If any
action or proceeding as described in this paragraph is brought against
the District, its officials, officers, employees, or agents for which I bear
responsibility as expressly provided under this Release, upon written
notice from the District, I shall, pay any fees, costs or expenses incurred
by the District to resist or defend such action or proceeding.
6. I hereby acknowledge and agree that the assumption of risk, promise
not to sue, waiver of liability, and indemnification provided for in this
Release includes loss, injury or damage as a result of the negligent acts or
omissions by the District, its officials, officers, employees, and agents.
7. I hereby agree that nothing in this Release shall be deemed to waive
any rights of any kind that the District now has, or may hereinafter have,
to assert any claim against me, including, without limitation, claims with
respect to any and all past events or entry on the Property.
8. I hereby agree that if any provision of this Release is held to be illegal,
invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws, such provision
shall be fully severable and this Release shall be construed and enforced
as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never comprised
a part of this Release. The remaining provisions of this Release shall
remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal,
invalid or unenforceable provision or by its severance from this Release.
9. I hereby agree that this Release shall be construed under the laws of
the District of Columbia without reference to conflicts of laws principles;
10. I hereby waive (i) any objection to the venue of any action filed in any
court situated in the jurisdiction in which the property is located, (ii) any
right, claim, or power, under the doctrine of forum non conveniens or
otherwise, to transfer any such action to any other court, and (iii) trial by
jury in any action, proceeding, claim, or counterclaim brought in
connection with any matter arising out of or in any way connected with
this Release.
11. I hereby agree that this Release shall be binding upon my heirs,
personal representatives, successors, grantees, and assigns.
Date: __________________________, 20_____
Print Name:
Date: September 17, 2011
Print Name: McClinton Jackson III
Address: 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
Sent from my Harry2010 iPad
excuse typos sent from my iPad from the field”
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Kenner, Brian (EOM) <>
Monday, September 19, 2011 3:46 PM
Miller, Jeff (EOM); Jackson, McClinton (EOM)
FW: [Brookland] McMillan site visit Saturday - FYI
Brian Kenner | Chief of Staff
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
W 202.727.6705 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains
information which may be confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure. If you received this message in
error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing, copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this message in
error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all copies of the message.
From: Rodgers, Neil (COUNCIL) [mailto:NRodgers@DCCOUNCIL.US]
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 3:42 PM
To: Kenner, Brian (EOM)
Subject: FW: [Brookland] McMillan site visit Saturday - FYI
Just to share with you what is being said in the community.
Join Mayor Gray’s One City • One Hire - 10,000 Jobs Campaign
“Putting District Residents Back to Work – One Hire at a Time”
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From: John T. Salatti []
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 1:14 PM
To: Daniel Wolkoff
Cc: Thomas, Harry (COUNCIL); Nolan Treadway;; Catania, David A.
(COUNCIL); Evans, Jack (COUNCIL); Graham, Jim (COUNCIL);; Brown, Kwame
(COUNCIL); Kris Hammond; Barry, Marion (COUNCIL); Brown, Michael (Council); Cheh, Mary (COUNCIL);
Michael Henderson; Mendelson, Phil (COUNCIL); tim clark; Wells, Thomas (COUNCIL); Alexander, Yvette
(COUNCIL); Chase, Ayawna (COUNCIL); Leonard, Victoria (COUNCIL); Gwen Southerland; Norman,
Tony; Fournier, James; Roberts, Scott
Subject: Re: [Brookland] McMillan site visit Saturday
Let me offer two points in response to your thorough comments on the
weekend's tour, which was a great success bringing out over 70 people to
the McMillan Sand Filtration site.
First, notice. You are quite correct that notice for the tour was
insufficient. I wish it could have been otherwise. We first made requests for
the site to be open for public tours in mid-summer. However, we only
received final confirmation from the city about going forward with our
intended date of Sept. 17th on the 14th. Because of the short time to get
the word out, notice was neither as broad nor as deep as it should have
been. I am sorry we were unable to do better, but I am energized by the
fact that even with limited notice, we had a very strong turn out, including
people from Wards 1 & 3 that I met.
With that energy, we hope to do better soon, and MAG Chair Gwen
Southerland will be setting up another date with the Deputy Mayor's Office
for Planning and Economic Development for some time in the next month. I
have gotten many e-mail requests from people who could not make the tour
on Saturday and so we are confident that another date with better notice
would attrack at least as many people.
Second, as to your reference to community input or approval, as of this
date, not a single community organization has approved of any of the
designs put forward by the city and the development team. All the civic
associations in the area (Stronghold, Edgewood, Park Place, Eckington,
Bates, Bloomingdale, LeDroit Park, and Pleasant Plains (at minimum)) have
to review and vote on the plans. ANCs 1B and 5C both will have to review
and vote on the plans. And, of course, the MAG itself will have to review
and vote on the plans. My understanding is that the MAG is planning to
have a significant public review meeting within the net two months. The
MAG has already persuaded the city to hold off submitting its PUD for a little
while so that more concrete community comment and input is
possible. That also will give the MAG time as well to review and make public
the comments of an outside traffic consultant we recently received regarding
the revised traffic study from the developers that came out in August. And
of course, the entire PUD is available for anyone to review. We have had it
uploaded to a Dropbox site; please let me know if you would like more info
as to how to access that large document.
So the bigger point is that residents still have solid opportunities for input,
and we all should continue to work together to formulate a design for
McMillan that really suits the need of the city, the builders, and, of course,
the residents who live near and around the site.
I look forward to having you at the next McMillan Sand Filtration Site tour.
John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
Vice President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
(202) 986-2592
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"
On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 9:28 AM, Thomas, Harry (COUNCIL) <>
Within the next few weeks I will be holing a McMillan overview briefing in an effort to ensure
that everyone has continued input in this project, the tour that took place this past weekend was
organized by the McMillan advisory group and I will follow up with them to ensure that
information is getting out to ensure full participation.
Sent from my Harry2010 iPad
excuse typos sent from my iPad from the field”
Building Stronger Communities Together
On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:08 AM, "Daniel Wolkoff" <> wrote:
Nolan, Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association did not get any notice. At one of the
very orchestrated community meetings I said to Councilman Thomas , that much of the city
does not know anything about McMillan. That we should get more information out to the general
community on a centrally located 25 acre "Park", or developement, though parks are
development too( to normal people).
Councilman Thomas said " they do not need to know about it, it's just a neighborhood issue".
The clique of the "few" that controls this city , especially development, love to talk about how
"community input, this and community input that", but it's a manipulated farce. McMillanj Park
Committee worked for over 20 years and were coopted to be so- called Advisory Board.
Meetings are controlled to the point that no community member is allowed to speak. Alternatives
to the mega developemnt that will overrun McMillan with buildings are given no access at all.
Professor Miriam Gusevich of Catholic University designed an entire world class
development plan that included an underground city market in the existing galleries, brilliant
plan. The clique of the "few" is not resourceful enough to seek adaptive re-use of existing
structures. They only want the biggest, the most wasteful and the have no interest in the City
Beautiful Movement, or a gracious green city , only humongous projects that displace
our prakland. But Professor Gusevich access to the process has been blocked. This is a
prefferred developer who gave councilman donations in tens of thousands.
The "Great Places" like Mcmillan were planned as an emerald necklace of green space by Sen.
McMillans City Beautiful movement in 1906. A manic, obsessed group of hacks, city officials
have learned how to shmooz for votes, and give all our parks away, libraries, schools to their
developer clients. They are homogenizing the entire city with the same dull architecture and
inferior city planning. I was in a neighborhood park in Takoma PArk today, woods, ball field,
playground full of tots. How delightful, a green break from the residential streets. We need this
planning here even more so. The delusional have gotten control of the resources and they will
waste, and waste, and will not hear any other input. We are getting our land taken from us , when
every single thing on the McMillan development can be done elswhere, like Harris Teeter just
did on NY ave. Medical offices, housing, all done elswhere. The financil analasis prsumes that
only McMillan can bring revenue to DC wasteful govt. The healthiest thing that could happen to
these hacks , is to keep money away from them.
Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
1231 Randolph Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Tel: 202-232-8391
--- On Sat, 9/17/11, Nolan Treadway <> wrote:
From: Nolan Treadway <>
Subject: [Brookland] Re: [Eckington] Re McMillan site visit Saturday
Cc: "Thomas, Harry (COUNCIL)" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"Thomas, Carl D. (EOM)" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>, "ANC, 5B04
(ANC 5B04 )" <>, "ANC, 5B02 (ANC 5B02 )"
<>, "ANC, 5B07 (ANC 5B07 )" <>, "ANC,
5B10 (ANC 5B10 )" <>, "ANC, 5C10 (ANC 5C10 )"
<>, "ANC, 5C01 (ANC 5C01 )" <>, "ANC,
5C04 (ANC 5C04 )" <>, "ANC, 5C07 (ANC 5C07 )"
<>, "Washington, Sandi (ANC 5A01)" <>,
"Preston, Herman Rip (ANC 5A04)" <>, "ANC, 5A07"
<>, "ANC, 5A10 (ANC 5A10 )" <>
Date: Saturday, September 17, 2011, 10:47 AM
Councilmember Thomas,
Can you share with us some more information on this bullet point that was
included in your email:
At this stage of the project, the District and the design team have
produced a Planned Unit Development (PUD) application, which has
been submitted to community groups for their respective reviews.
Which "community groups" has the PUD application been submitted and what's
the process for providing feedback through these groups? (I've been trying to
keep pretty close tabs on the McMillian stuff, but I haven't seen any talk about it
in the civic associations or ANCs. But it's possible I missed it)
Thanks in advance for the info!
Nolan Treadway
22nd and Lawrence NE
On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Thomas, Harry (COUNCIL)
<> wrote:
Please don't miss those opportunity Saturday September 17, 2011 11 am to see
the McMillan site and the great potential it has for our community, below is some
background on the site.
The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, The Vision
McMillan Partners Development Team, and the Community have made significant
progress towards the redevelopment of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site. The
following are the key goals, milestones and next steps for the project:
On the McMillan site, the District of Columbia and the Vision McMillan Partners
venture to create a unique, mixed-use development that enhances its
surrounding communities.
o The project will create open spaces for the community, preserve the
historic integrity of the site, and provide housing, retail, and office
o Combined, these uses will bring retail services to the communities,
create jobs and business opportunities for District residents, and
increase the District’s tax base.
The District is utilizing the expertise of a world class design team lead by EEK,
Nelson, Byrd, Woltz, and EHT Traceries to ensure that the project achieves highquality design and historic preservation standards.
During the Fall of 2010, the District led a series of 10 community meetings that
allowed the stakeholders to provide critical input into the formulation of a
conceptual site plan. As a result of the community’s input and the design
team’s expertise, all parties reached an understanding in December 2010 on a
conceptual site plan set in themes of health and wellness, industrial history, and
water. This plan includes:
o significant historic preservation,
o +8 acres of community parks and open space,
o Pedestrian-friendly circulation throughout the site,
o housing, retail, and medical office uses, and
o cultural amenities.
At this stage of the project, the District and the design team have produced a
Planned Unit Development (PUD) application, which has been submitted to
community groups for their respective reviews.
Following the community’s review of the PUD application, the District intends
to submit the application to the Zoning Commission and the Historic
Preservation Review Board for approval. The approval processes are expected
to take 12- 15 months. The District expects construction on the McMillan
project may begin within 12 months following application approval.
I, (print name), hereby affirm that I have carefully read this Waiver,
Release, and Indemnification (the ``Release``) in its entirety. By my
signature below, I agree to each and every term and condition of this
1. I acknowledge that the District of Columbia (the ``District``) is the
owner of the real property with a street address of 2501 First Street NW,
Washington, D.C. 20017, commonly known as the ``McMillan Sand
Filtration Site``, together with all improvements located thereon (the
2. I represent that I will be visiting the Property at the date and time
DATE: September 17, 2011 TIME: 11:0 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
3. I hereby agree to abide by the orders and directions of the
representative(s) of the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and
Economic Development (ODMPED) while visiting the Property. If I fail
to comply with such orders or directions, ODMPED or its representatives
may, in its discretion, demand that I leave the Property in which event I
agree to do so immediately and without causing a disturbance.
4. I hereby acknowledge that the Property may be, either entirely or in
part, in a state of disrepair or otherwise hazardous. I hereby assume all
risks and accept full responsibility for any and all damage to myself or
others arising from or related to my presence on the Property. I
understand and agree that neither I, my heirs, personal representatives,
successors, grantees, and assigns, or anyone claiming any interest
through me, will bring any legal action whatsoever against the District,
its officials, officers, employees, and agents as a result of any damage,
injury, loss or death to myself or my property that arises out of my
presence on the Property in connection with the tour.
5. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the District, its officials,
officers, employees, and agents from all liabilities, obligations, damages,
penalties, claims, costs, charges, and expenses (including reasonable
attorney's fees), of whatsoever kind and for injury, including personal
injury or death of any person or persons, and for loss or damage to any
property caused by or occurring in connection with, or in any way arising
out of my presence on the Property pursuant to this Release. If any
action or proceeding as described in this paragraph is brought against
the District, its officials, officers, employees, or agents for which I bear
responsibility as expressly provided under this Release, upon written
notice from the District, I shall, pay any fees, costs or expenses incurred
by the District to resist or defend such action or proceeding.
6. I hereby acknowledge and agree that the assumption of risk, promise
not to sue, waiver of liability, and indemnification provided for in this
Release includes loss, injury or damage as a result of the negligent acts or
omissions by the District, its officials, officers, employees, and agents.
7. I hereby agree that nothing in this Release shall be deemed to waive
any rights of any kind that the District now has, or may hereinafter have,
to assert any claim against me, including, without limitation, claims with
respect to any and all past events or entry on the Property.
8. I hereby agree that if any provision of this Release is held to be illegal,
invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws, such provision
shall be fully severable and this Release shall be construed and enforced
as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never comprised
a part of this Release. The remaining provisions of this Release shall
remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal,
invalid or unenforceable provision or by its severance from this Release.
9. I hereby agree that this Release shall be construed under the laws of
the District of Columbia without reference to conflicts of laws principles;
10. I hereby waive (i) any objection to the venue of any action filed in any
court situated in the jurisdiction in which the property is located, (ii) any
right, claim, or power, under the doctrine of forum non conveniens or
otherwise, to transfer any such action to any other court, and (iii) trial by
jury in any action, proceeding, claim, or counterclaim brought in
connection with any matter arising out of or in any way connected with
this Release.
11. I hereby agree that this Release shall be binding upon my heirs,
personal representatives, successors, grantees, and assigns.
Date: __________________________, 20_____
Print Name:
Date: September 17, 2011
Print Name: McClinton Jackson III
Address: 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
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excuse typos sent from my iPad from the field”
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Miller, Jeff (EOM) <>
Friday, October 25, 2013 8:46 AM
Hoskins, Victor (EOM)
Accepted: Adam Weers, Trammel Crow
Tanesha Bailey <>
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 3:52 PM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
RE: Accepted: Coffee Break w/Jair Lynch & Jeff Miller
On the corner
Tanesha J. Bailey | Office Manager
JAIR LYNCH Development Partners
202.462.1092 | TJB@JAIRLYNCH.COM
-----Original Message----From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 3:52 PM
To: Tanesha Bailey
Subject: Accepted: Coffee Break w/Jair Lynch & Jeff Miller
Is this the Starbucks on the corner or in the Marriott?
DC Government hiring is going paperless! Beginning September 9th, all job applicants will submit online
only! Visit DCHR’s website <> for
a list of job openings and more information on the transition to online applications.
-----------------------------------------------------Teach CanIt if this mail (ID 0dKnvPRaQ) is spam:
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Forget vote:
Miller, Jeff (EOM) <>
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 3:52 PM
Tanesha Bailey
Accepted: Coffee Break w/Jair Lynch & Jeff Miller
Is this the Starbucks on the corner or in the Marriott?
Miller, Jeff (EOM) <>
Thursday, September 05, 2013 2:29 PM
Tanesha Bailey
Accepted: Coffee Break w/Jair Lynch & Jeff Miller
Jackson, McClinton (EOM) <>
Monday, August 08, 2011 4:51 PM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Accepted: Confirmed Meeting w/ Jair Lynch & Tanesha Bailey + Clint Re:
Discuss McMillan DMA
“One City Summer Fun … Something for Everyone”
Mayor Gray’s comprehensive summer program with fun activities, events and services for residents of
all ages
For more information visit or call 311
Scott, Fatima (EOM) <>
Monday, August 08, 2011 3:23 PM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Accepted: Confirmed Meeting w/ Jair Lynch & Tanesha Bailey Re: Discuss
McMillan DMA
Jackson, McClinton (EOM) <>
Monday, August 08, 2011 3:09 PM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Accepted: Confirmed Meeting w/ Jair Lynch & Tanesha Bailey Re: Discuss
McMillan DMA
“One City Summer Fun … Something for Everyone”
Mayor Gray’s comprehensive summer program with fun activities, events and services for residents of
all ages
For more information visit or call 311
Miller, Jeff (EOM) <>
Tuesday, May 06, 2014 4:00 PM
Hoskins, Victor (EOM)
Miller, Jeff (EOM) <>
Friday, October 18, 2013 11:49 AM
Hoskins, Victor (EOM)
Accepted: Jair Lynch Development Partners
Miller, Jeff (EOM) <>
Monday, December 02, 2013 8:32 AM
Hoskins, Victor (EOM)
Accepted: Jair Lynch Follow Up Meeting
Miller, Jeff (EOM) <>
Tuesday, January 03, 2012 11:03 AM
Hoskins, Victor (EOM)
Accepted: McMillan Development - John Salatti - ANC 5C04
Yahaut, Carine (EOM) <>
Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:32 AM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Accepted: Meeting with Jair Lynch re H St NE deal
Sankaran, Senthil (EOM) <>
Wednesday, September 07, 2011 9:24 AM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Accepted: Meeting with Jair Lynch re H St NE deal
Preventing terrorism is everybody’s business.
If you SEE something, SAY something. Call the Metropolitan Police Department at (202) 727-9099 or
email at SAR@DC.GOV to report suspicious activity or behavior that has already occurred. Call 911 to
report in-progress threats or emergencies.
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Join the District’s Observance of the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 - http:///
Miller, Jeff (EOM) <>
Monday, August 08, 2011 3:45 PM
Scott, Fatima (EOM)
Accepted: Miller - Meeting w/ Jair Lynch & Tanesha Bailey Re: Discuss
McMillan DMA
Adam Weers, Trammel Crow
Deputy Mayor Hoskins Office
Fri 11/8/2013 3:00 PM
Fri 11/8/2013 3:45 PM
Hoskins, Victor (EOM)
Discussion on McMillan Project
Adam Weers
Requestor Contact Info
Adam C. Weers
Trammell Crow Company
1055 Thomas Jefferson St., NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20007
202.295.3821 Direct
202.337.7364 Fax
McMillan Project
Internal Attendees
Jeff Miller
External Attendees
Adam Weers
Michele Hagans
Eric Fisher
Lead Staffer
Speaking Engagement
Comms Lead:
Talking Points? Who?
Requested Arrival Time
Transportation Mode
Mtg. Confirmed By
TWT by phone
Date Confirmed
Additional Contact(s)
Adam C. Weers
Trammell Crow Company
1055 Thomas Jefferson St., NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20007
202.295.3821 Direct
202.337.7364 Fax
Attachment 1
Serve DC is
proud to
Attachment 2
Ingrid P. Rios
od, a new,
DM’s Scheduler Info
free tool to
202.727.3971 - Direct
residents engage in meaningful service and connect with the causes and organizations they care about. Visit
NeighborGood at <>
Weers, Adam @ Washington DC <>
Monday, March 19, 2012 1:19 PM
Miller, Jeff (EOM); Castor, Jennifer (OAG); Lapan, Joseph P. (OAG); Jair
Lynch; Aakash Thakkar
RE: All, see attached executed McMillan Docs
Thank you sir.
Adam C. Weers
Trammell Crow Company
1055 Thomas Jefferson St., NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20007
202.295.3821 Direct
202.337.7364 Fax
Trammell Crow Company. Building value.
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 12:27 PM
To: Castor, Jennifer (OAG); Lapan, Joseph P. (OAG); Weers, Adam @ Washington DC; Jair Lynch;
Aakash Thakkar
Subject: All, see attached executed McMillan Docs
M. Jeffrey Miller | Director of Real Estate
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
W 202.727.2790 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains
information which may be confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure. If you received this message in
error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing, copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this message in
error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all copies of the message.
Join Mayor Gray’s One City • One Hire - 10,000 Jobs Campaign
“Putting District Residents Back to Work – One Hire at a Time”
Learn more at
Jair Lynch <>
Monday, July 16, 2012 8:59 AM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
RE: ANC 1B design committee
Got it – EEK, myself and Tania will be there.
Jair Lynch | President/CEO
JAIR LYNCH Development Partners
Capital Area Food Bank’s new distribution center opens this summer!
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 8:47 AM
To: Tanesha Bailey; Jair Lynch; Adam Weers; Aakash Thakkar
Subject: FW: ANC 1B design committee
See details of tonight's meeting, below.
M. Jeffrey Miller | Director of Real Estate
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
W 202.727.2790 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains
information which may be confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure. If you received this message in
error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing, copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this message in
error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all copies of the message.
From: Tony Norman <>
Reply-To: Tony Norman <>
To: Jeff Miller <>
Subject: Re: ANC 1B design committee
the time is 6:30 at the Thrugood Marshall Cente on 12th NW
-----Original Message----From: "Miller, Jeff (EOM)"
Sent: Jul 9, 2012 11:24 AM
To: Tony Norman
Subject: Re: ANC 1B design committee
The consultants and I will plan to attend. Please let me know the time and location.
M. Jeffrey Miller | Director of Real Estate
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
W 202.727.2790 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains
information which may be confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure. If you received this message in
error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing, copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this message in
error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all copies of the message.
From: Tony Norman <>
Reply-To: Tony Norman <>
To: Jeff Miller <>
Subject: ANC 1B design committee
We would once again like to invite the Deputy Mayor's Office of Economic Development (D.C.) and its
consultants to present your designs and concept plans for the McMillan site to ANC's 1B design committee
Monday July 16, 2012. if this date does not work for you we can set a date that would be more acceptable.
The city is the developer/applicant on this project and we would like to hear directly from the city and its
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Tanesha Bailey <>
Friday, July 13, 2012 11:22 AM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
RE: ANC 1B design committee
Any update as of yet?
Tanesha J. Bailey
JAIR LYNCH Development Partners
Capital Area Food Bank’s new distribution center opens this summer!
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:27 PM
To: Tanesha Bailey
Subject: Re: ANC 1B design committee
It has not been shared yet
M. Jeffrey Miller
Director of Real Estate
Office of the Deputy Mayor For Planning and Economic Development
202 727 2790
On Jul 12, 2012, at 12:22 PM, "Tanesha Bailey" <> wrote:
Hello –
Can you please tell me the time & location of the meeting for Monday, July 16th?
Tanesha J. Bailey
JAIR LYNCH Development Partners
Capital Area Food Bank’s new distribution center opens this summer!
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 1:17 PM
To: Adam Weers; Tania Jackson; Jair Lynch; Aakash Thakkar
Subject: Fwd: ANC 1B design committee
M. Jeffrey Miller
Director of Real Estate
Office of the Deputy Mayor For Planning and Economic Development
202 727 2790
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tony Norman <>
Date: July 9, 2012 12:45:21 PM EDT
To: "Miller, Jeff (EOM)" <>
Subject: ANC 1B design committee
Reply-To: Tony Norman <>
We would once again like to invite the Deputy Mayor's Office of
Economic Development (D.C.) and its consultants to present your
designs and concept plans for the McMillan site to ANC's 1B
design committee Monday July 16, 2012. if this date does not work
for you we can set a date that would be more acceptable.
The city is the developer/applicant on this project and we would
like to hear directly from the city and its consultants.
PeoplePC Online
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Tanesha Bailey <>
Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:24 PM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
RE: ANC 1B design committee
Ok, please keep me posted, so I can update Jair’s calendar.
Tanesha J. Bailey
JAIR LYNCH Development Partners
Capital Area Food Bank’s new distribution center opens this summer!
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:27 PM
To: Tanesha Bailey
Subject: Re: ANC 1B design committee
It has not been shared yet
M. Jeffrey Miller
Director of Real Estate
Office of the Deputy Mayor For Planning and Economic Development
202 727 2790
On Jul 12, 2012, at 12:22 PM, "Tanesha Bailey" <> wrote:
Hello –
Can you please tell me the time & location of the meeting for Monday, July 16th?
Tanesha J. Bailey
JAIR LYNCH Development Partners
Capital Area Food Bank’s new distribution center opens this summer!
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 1:17 PM
To: Adam Weers; Tania Jackson; Jair Lynch; Aakash Thakkar
Subject: Fwd: ANC 1B design committee
M. Jeffrey Miller
Director of Real Estate
Office of the Deputy Mayor For Planning and Economic Development
202 727 2790
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tony Norman <>
Date: July 9, 2012 12:45:21 PM EDT
To: "Miller, Jeff (EOM)" <>
Subject: ANC 1B design committee
Reply-To: Tony Norman <>
We would once again like to invite the Deputy Mayor's Office of
Economic Development (D.C.) and its consultants to present your
designs and concept plans for the McMillan site to ANC's 1B
design committee Monday July 16, 2012. if this date does not work
for you we can set a date that would be more acceptable.
The city is the developer/applicant on this project and we would
like to hear directly from the city and its consultants.
PeoplePC Online
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Miller, Jeff (EOM) <>
Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:27 PM
Tanesha Bailey
Re: ANC 1B design committee
It has not been shared yet
M. Jeffrey Miller
Director of Real Estate
Office of the Deputy Mayor For Planning and Economic Development
202 727 2790
On Jul 12, 2012, at 12:22 PM, "Tanesha Bailey" <> wrote:
Hello –
Can you please tell me the time & location of the meeting for Monday, July 16th?
Tanesha J. Bailey
JAIR LYNCH Development Partners
Capital Area Food Bank’s new distribution center opens this summer!
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 1:17 PM
To: Adam Weers; Tania Jackson; Jair Lynch; Aakash Thakkar
Subject: Fwd: ANC 1B design committee
M. Jeffrey Miller
Director of Real Estate
Office of the Deputy Mayor For Planning and Economic Development
202 727 2790
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tony Norman <>
Date: July 9, 2012 12:45:21 PM EDT
To: "Miller, Jeff (EOM)" <>
Subject: ANC 1B design committee
Reply-To: Tony Norman <>
We would once again like to invite the Deputy Mayor's Office of
Economic Development (D.C.) and its consultants to present your
designs and concept plans for the McMillan site to ANC's 1B
design committee Monday July 16, 2012. if this date does not work
for you we can set a date that would be more acceptable.
The city is the developer/applicant on this project and we would
like to hear directly from the city and its consultants.
PeoplePC Online
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Tanesha Bailey <>
Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:21 PM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
RE: ANC 1B design committee
Hello –
Can you please tell me the time & location of the meeting for Monday, July 16th?
Tanesha J. Bailey
JAIR LYNCH Development Partners
Capital Area Food Bank’s new distribution center opens this summer!
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 1:17 PM
To: Adam Weers; Tania Jackson; Jair Lynch; Aakash Thakkar
Subject: Fwd: ANC 1B design committee
M. Jeffrey Miller
Director of Real Estate
Office of the Deputy Mayor For Planning and Economic Development
202 727 2790
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tony Norman <>
Date: July 9, 2012 12:45:21 PM EDT
To: "Miller, Jeff (EOM)" <>
Subject: ANC 1B design committee
Reply-To: Tony Norman <>
We would once again like to invite the Deputy Mayor's Office of Economic
Development (D.C.) and its consultants to present your designs and concept plans
for the McMillan site to ANC's 1B design committee Monday July 16, 2012. if
this date does not work for you we can set a date that would be more acceptable.
The city is the developer/applicant on this project and we would like to hear
directly from the city and its consultants.
PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet
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tania jackson <>
Monday, July 09, 2012 1:54 PM
Jair Lynch
Miller, Jeff (EOM); Adam Weers; Aakash Thakkar; Anne Corbett
Re: ANC 1B design committee
Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse brevity and typos!
On Jul 9, 2012, at 1:41 PM, Jair Lynch <> wrote:
In all my other projects where we were buying city land that needed to get entitled the
developer was responsible for interaction and the process even though the city (as the
owner of the land prior to the commencement of construction) was the applicant. I do
think Jeff should respond that “consistent with other DMPED projects that need to
secure entitlements the developer VMP will take the lead in the presentation. They are
aware of this meeting and will be available. I too will try to make myself available but
please continue to march forward with or without me at the meeting.”
Jair Lynch | President/CEO
JAIR LYNCH Development Partners
Capital Area Food Bank’s new distribution center opens this summer!
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 1:17 PM
To: Adam Weers; Tania Jackson; Jair Lynch; Aakash Thakkar
Subject: Fwd: ANC 1B design committee
M. Jeffrey Miller
Director of Real Estate
Office of the Deputy Mayor For Planning and Economic Development
202 727 2790
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tony Norman <>
Date: July 9, 2012 12:45:21 PM EDT
To: "Miller, Jeff (EOM)" <>
Subject: ANC 1B design committee
Reply-To: Tony Norman <>
We would once again like to invite the Deputy Mayor's Office of
Economic Development (D.C.) and its consultants to present your
designs and concept plans for the McMillan site to ANC's 1B
design committee Monday July 16, 2012. if this date does not work
for you we can set a date that would be more acceptable.
The city is the developer/applicant on this project and we would
like to hear directly from the city and its consultants.
PeoplePC Online
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\t?-$? ?DC?c??L??M 8?D<?
Jair Lynch <>
Monday, July 09, 2012 1:42 PM
Miller, Jeff (EOM); Adam Weers; tania jackson; Aakash Thakkar
Anne Corbett (
RE: ANC 1B design committee
In all my other projects where we were buying city land that needed to get entitled the developer was
responsible for interaction and the process even though the city (as the owner of the land prior to the
commencement of construction) was the applicant. I do think Jeff should respond that “consistent with
other DMPED projects that need to secure entitlements the developer VMP will take the lead in the
presentation. They are aware of this meeting and will be available. I too will try to make myself
available but please continue to march forward with or without me at the meeting.”
Jair Lynch | President/CEO
JAIR LYNCH Development Partners
Capital Area Food Bank’s new distribution center opens this summer!
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 1:17 PM
To: Adam Weers; Tania Jackson; Jair Lynch; Aakash Thakkar
Subject: Fwd: ANC 1B design committee
M. Jeffrey Miller
Director of Real Estate
Office of the Deputy Mayor For Planning and Economic Development
202 727 2790
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tony Norman <>
Date: July 9, 2012 12:45:21 PM EDT
To: "Miller, Jeff (EOM)" <>
Subject: ANC 1B design committee
Reply-To: Tony Norman <>
We would once again like to invite the Deputy Mayor's Office of Economic
Development (D.C.) and its consultants to present your designs and concept plans
for the McMillan site to ANC's 1B design committee Monday July 16, 2012. if
this date does not work for you we can set a date that would be more acceptable.
The city is the developer/applicant on this project and we would like to hear
directly from the city and its consultants.
PeoplePC Online
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Jair Lynch <>
Monday, July 09, 2012 1:36 PM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Tania Jackson (
RE: ANC 1B design committee
This is planned and on track. We need his original invite if that exists or is buried in a larger email.
Jair Lynch | President/CEO
JAIR LYNCH Development Partners
Capital Area Food Bank’s new distribution center opens this summer!
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM) []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 1:17 PM
To: Adam Weers; Tania Jackson; Jair Lynch; Aakash Thakkar
Subject: Fwd: ANC 1B design committee
M. Jeffrey Miller
Director of Real Estate
Office of the Deputy Mayor For Planning and Economic Development
202 727 2790
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tony Norman <>
Date: July 9, 2012 12:45:21 PM EDT
To: "Miller, Jeff (EOM)" <>
Subject: ANC 1B design committee
Reply-To: Tony Norman <>
We would once again like to invite the Deputy Mayor's Office of Economic
Development (D.C.) and its consultants to present your designs and concept plans
for the McMillan site to ANC's 1B design committee Monday July 16, 2012. if
this date does not work for you we can set a date that would be more acceptable.
The city is the developer/applicant on this project and we would like to hear
directly from the city and its consultants.
PeoplePC Online
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Grade Your Government!
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Check out the new and give your feedback via web, text or social media.
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Edwards, Ronnie (ANC 5C11) <>
Tuesday, September 18, 2012 7:35 AM
Thomas, Carl D. (EOM)
Gray, Vincent (EOM);;;;
Newaldass, Shiv (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM)
RE: ANC 5C Meeting - Monday, September 17, 2012 (Emergency
Good Morning Carl,
Thanks very much for you assistance, and for attending the meeting last night. Eventhough we would
have loved to have the Mayor in attendance, our meeting went very well and the Mayor's Office was well
represented. In addition to you, Both Shiv Newaldass and Jeff Miller of the Deputy Mayor's Office were
present and provided outstanding representation. Because of the great showing we were able to
successfuly navigate the discussion and succeeded in passing not one, but two strong Resolutions in
support of the McMillan Development Project.
This won't be the last opportunity for the Mayor to attend our meeting and I look forward to hopefully
having him at one of our future meetings between now and December. In fact if the schedule permits, I
would love for the Mayor to attend our meeting this coming Tuesday, September 25th (7:00 pm) at the
Summit at St Martins. It would be a nice way to ensure that we stay on track and for us in Ward 5 to
continue showing our support for him and the OUTSTANDING job that he is doing.
Ronnie Edwards, 5C11, Chairman
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C
(202) 413-2715
Plan TODAY for what’s on the way. September is National Emergency Preparedness Month. To learn how
to prepare & to sign up for critical emergency alerts, go to
From: Edwards, Ronnie (ANC 5C11)
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 7:12 AM
To: Thomas, Carl D. (EOM)
Cc: Gray, Vincent (EOM);;;
Subject: FW: ANC 5C Meeting - Monday, September 17, 2012 (Emergency Meeting)
Carl - My Brother,
Attached is the agenda and meeting notice for tonight's meeting. As indicated in the Notice ANC 5C will
be holding its meeting tonight at 8:00 p.m. immediately following the Bloomingdale Civic Association
(BCA) Meeting which will be held at the St Martins Catholic Church (North Capitol and T Streets NW).
We are very close to getting the ANC to a point where we can vote on the proposed development plans
at McMillan. We're at a point where the community is screaming to hear from our elected
officials. In particular, they're wanting the government to back up what VMP has been saying about the
project and have questions about the proposed spending plan for the project. I have spoken with
Councilmember Brown and Councilmember McDuffie and they are on schedule to attend tonight's
meeting. I have shared with them the agenda as laid out below for the meeting.
As stated in my previous email, all I am waiting for is confirmation of attendance from the Deputy
Mayor's Office and it would do my heart good if I could get just five (5) minutes of the Mayor's time
tonight on the agenda. It would mean so much to the community and if that happens I'm
almost certain we could hit a HOME RUN for Mayor and McMillan tonight. This is truly ALL
HANDS ON DECK! We would have the Mayor at the top of the agenda at 8:00 and he could leave
immediately after he speaks if he chooses - especially if you guys can help get the Deputy Mayor or
sufficient representation from his office to also attend. The proposed agenda is as follows:
Introduction of Councilmember McDuffie
Opening Remarks and General Overview
Introduction of Councilmember Brown - discuss the September 19 Roundtable on McMillan and
the Council process going forward re: disposition on McMillan
Introduction of Deputy Mayor's Representative - who will provide a general summary of
where we are from the government's point of view; discuss the project's overall
budget/spending plan to the extent possible; and then introduce VMP
VMP will distribute and discuss the updated drawing/plans, etc. (only) and attempt to address
any known questions - focusing on the idea of helping and being responsive to possible
assistance with dealing with the Bloomingdale Flooding Issues - including the 350,000 gallon
underground storage tanks
Question and Answer Session (all participants above)
ANC 5C deliberations and Vote
The Meeting will end by 9:00 PM - no later than 9:30.
Thanks very much Carl for all you do in the Community. Congratulations again on your promotion and I
look forward to hearing from you and seeing you all tonight.
PS - Make sure any responses to this email intended for me also goes to my gmail address. That way I
can immediately receive and respond via blackberry.
Ronnie Edwards, 5C11, Chairman
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C
(202) 413-2715
From: Edwards, Ronnie (ANC 5C11)
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 7:50 AM
To: Thomas, Carl D. (EOM)
Subject: ANC 5C Meeting - Monday, September 17, 2012 (Emergency Meeting)
Good Morning Carl. Nice speaking with you on yesterday - again congratulations!
As we discussed yesterday, ANC 5C will be holding a Special Meeting on Monday at 8:00 to talk about the
revised plans for the development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site. We are holding the meeting in
order to prepare testimony for the Public Roundtable being held by Councilmember Brown on September
19, 2012. I was wondering if you could see if the Mayor would be available to stop by for a minute to
speak about the planned development. As you know there are some that are trying to block the
development and we have heard a lot from the developer but hardly nothing from the government. It
would really help me if the Mayor could come, and it would also be nice if the Deputy Mayor could come
(to answer specific questions). I have been told that the newly hired Project Manager in the Deputy
Mayor's office has been requested to attend the meeting but has not yet confirmed. I am trying to help
move the project along but not getting much support. Please let the Mayor know I would really
appreciate his attendance and any encouragement of getting the Deputy Mayor's office actively engaged
in the project. The community feels that for such a significant development (especially in light of the
ongoing flooding in Bloomingdale) that given the stated importance of the planned development, our
government and elected officials should be more involved in helping to promote the development. Any
help you can give me would really be appreciated.
Ronnie Edwards, 5C11, Chairman
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C
(202) 413-2715
Edwards, Ronnie (ANC 5C11) <>
Tuesday, September 18, 2012 7:35 AM
Thomas, Carl D. (EOM)
Gray, Vincent (EOM);;;;
Newaldass, Shiv (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM)
RE: ANC 5C Meeting - Monday, September 17, 2012 (Emergency
Good Morning Carl,
Thanks very much for you assistance, and for attending the meeting last night. Eventhough we would
have loved to have the Mayor in attendance, our meeting went very well and the Mayor's Office was well
represented. In addition to you, Both Shiv Newaldass and Jeff Miller of the Deputy Mayor's Office were
present and provided outstanding representation. Because of the great showing we were able to
successfuly navigate the discussion and succeeded in passing not one, but two strong Resolutions in
support of the McMillan Development Project.
This won't be the last opportunity for the Mayor to attend our meeting and I look forward to hopefully
having him at one of our future meetings between now and December. In fact if the schedule permits, I
would love for the Mayor to attend our meeting this coming Tuesday, September 25th (7:00 pm) at the
Summit at St Martins. It would be a nice way to ensure that we stay on track and for us in Ward 5 to
continue showing our support for him and the OUTSTANDING job that he is doing.
Ronnie Edwards, 5C11, Chairman
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C
(202) 413-2715
Plan TODAY for what’s on the way. September is National Emergency Preparedness Month. To learn how
to prepare & to sign up for critical emergency alerts, go to
From: Edwards, Ronnie (ANC 5C11)
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 7:12 AM
To: Thomas, Carl D. (EOM)
Cc: Gray, Vincent (EOM);;;
Subject: FW: ANC 5C Meeting - Monday, September 17, 2012 (Emergency Meeting)
Carl - My Brother,
Attached is the agenda and meeting notice for tonight's meeting. As indicated in the Notice ANC 5C will
be holding its meeting tonight at 8:00 p.m. immediately following the Bloomingdale Civic Association
(BCA) Meeting which will be held at the St Martins Catholic Church (North Capitol and T Streets NW).
We are very close to getting the ANC to a point where we can vote on the proposed development plans
at McMillan. We're at a point where the community is screaming to hear from our elected
officials. In particular, they're wanting the government to back up what VMP has been saying about the
project and have questions about the proposed spending plan for the project. I have spoken with
Councilmember Brown and Councilmember McDuffie and they are on schedule to attend tonight's
meeting. I have shared with them the agenda as laid out below for the meeting.
As stated in my previous email, all I am waiting for is confirmation of attendance from the Deputy
Mayor's Office and it would do my heart good if I could get just five (5) minutes of the Mayor's time
tonight on the agenda. It would mean so much to the community and if that happens I'm
almost certain we could hit a HOME RUN for Mayor and McMillan tonight. This is truly ALL
HANDS ON DECK! We would have the Mayor at the top of the agenda at 8:00 and he could leave
immediately after he speaks if he chooses - especially if you guys can help get the Deputy Mayor or
sufficient representation from his office to also attend. The proposed agenda is as follows:
Introduction of Councilmember McDuffie
Opening Remarks and General Overview
Introduction of Councilmember Brown - discuss the September 19 Roundtable on McMillan and
the Council process going forward re: disposition on McMillan
Introduction of Deputy Mayor's Representative - who will provide a general summary of
where we are from the government's point of view; discuss the project's overall
budget/spending plan to the extent possible; and then introduce VMP
VMP will distribute and discuss the updated drawing/plans, etc. (only) and attempt to address
any known questions - focusing on the idea of helping and being responsive to possible
assistance with dealing with the Bloomingdale Flooding Issues - including the 350,000 gallon
underground storage tanks
Question and Answer Session (all participants above)
ANC 5C deliberations and Vote
The Meeting will end by 9:00 PM - no later than 9:30.
Thanks very much Carl for all you do in the Community. Congratulations again on your promotion and I
look forward to hearing from you and seeing you all tonight.
PS - Make sure any responses to this email intended for me also goes to my gmail address. That way I
can immediately receive and respond via blackberry.
Ronnie Edwards, 5C11, Chairman
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C
(202) 413-2715
From: Edwards, Ronnie (ANC 5C11)
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 7:50 AM
To: Thomas, Carl D. (EOM)
Subject: ANC 5C Meeting - Monday, September 17, 2012 (Emergency Meeting)
Good Morning Carl. Nice speaking with you on yesterday - again congratulations!
As we discussed yesterday, ANC 5C will be holding a Special Meeting on Monday at 8:00 to talk about the
revised plans for the development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site. We are holding the meeting in
order to prepare testimony for the Public Roundtable being held by Councilmember Brown on September
19, 2012. I was wondering if you could see if the Mayor would be available to stop by for a minute to
speak about the planned development. As you know there are some that are trying to block the
development and we have heard a lot from the developer but hardly nothing from the government. It
would really help me if the Mayor could come, and it would also be nice if the Deputy Mayor could come
(to answer specific questions). I have been told that the newly hired Project Manager in the Deputy
Mayor's office has been requested to attend the meeting but has not yet confirmed. I am trying to help
move the project along but not getting much support. Please let the Mayor know I would really
appreciate his attendance and any encouragement of getting the Deputy Mayor's office actively engaged
in the project. The community feels that for such a significant development (especially in light of the
ongoing flooding in Bloomingdale) that given the stated importance of the planned development, our
government and elected officials should be more involved in helping to promote the development. Any
help you can give me would really be appreciated.
Ronnie Edwards, 5C11, Chairman
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C
(202) 413-2715
Nichols, Rich (EOM) <>
Sunday, August 11, 2013 1:25 PM
Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Newaldass, Shiv (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM); Hoskins, Victor (EOM)
Re: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding
development of McMillan Site
Thanks Chris.
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 11, 2013, at 10:40 AM, "Murphy, Christopher (EOM)" <>
From: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 10:26 AM
To: Kirby Vining
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Re: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr Vining - We would welcome your dropping off these petitions at ANY time.
No appointment is necessary.
From: Kirby Vining
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2013 10:37 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Re: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr. Murphy,
Thank you for your prompt response to my note, which my travel schedule
prevented a more timely response.
But my question was when could we arrange an appointment to deliver
these petitions
to the Mayor's office? That question is, of course, our wish to exercise the Petition
of the First Amendment, which the Mayor, consistent with his oath of office, is
obligated to
respond to, and the proposed development is the Mayor's initiative.
I have not included Mr. Miller or Mr. Newaldass on this reply both
because they have
been given copies of the petitions (during the Land Surplussing Hearing) and
they are appointed by the Mayor and our business is with elected officials.
The other concerns you raise are very familiar to us. But while many in
administration speak of "some" who support the proposed plan, we have
quantified one side of this equation, and seek to place these documents in the
hands of the Mayor, who, of course, would want to know about the positions of
his constituents on this and other issues. We have not seen any quantification or
description of those groups supporting the plan, which is odd, given the thousands
of persons we have spoken with. We have only your word to suggest they exist
and will accept that. I have met 19 persons who explicitly support the proposed
We look forward to your thoughts on a convenient time for us to present
of these petitions to the Mayor's office for his consideration.
Thank you, -Kirby Vining.
On Aug 6, 2013, at 6:44 PM, "Murphy, Christopher (EOM)"
<> wrote:
Mr. Vining – Thanks so much for sharing your concerns. Although we very much respect
your right to your views, we respectfully disagree and I think the mayor was simply
respectfully expressing that disagreement.
We are aware that there are some residents who have concerns about the current
development plan, but we also know that there are many residents who support the
plan – including the local ANC and Council Member McDuffie. I do not think the mayor
was suggesting that no one opposes the plan, just that there are also many reasonable
people who support it. Frankly, I think many people do not fully understand the details
of the current plan and do not understand the consequences of not moving forward
with it.
In fact, I am told that the ANC for the area supported the development plan outlined
last year – and that plan has recently been modified to add an additional two acres of
parkland (so presumably the ANC supports the new plan even more). The park now
proposed for the area is a full seven acres and, under the current plan, nearly half the
entire site will be green space. In addition, the plan anticipates several other
community amenities that many community members have long requested including
housing, a community center, and a grocery store.
And the unfortunate truth is that without a reasonable amount of development on the
land, there will be no funds to build out the community amenities many residents want
– including the park and the community center. We have a once in a generation
opportunity to revitalize the space and if we miss this window the property is almost
certain to remain as it is now indefinitely – dormant, fenced off from the community,
and increasingly unstable and dangerous. Those who believe it comes down to a choice
between the current plan of modest development that includes a seven acre park vs. a
plan in which the entire space is a park simply do not understand the economics of the
project and risk the site sitting as it currently is for several more decades. We have not
heard from anyone who has affirmatively advocated that path – although it is the
consequence of what some would have the city do.
I respect that reasonable people can have different opinions here and welcome you to
continue to share your thoughts with Jeff Miller and Shiv Newaldass on Deputy Mayor
Hoskin’s team. Jeff and Shiv are managing this project for the District.
Thanks again for reaching out.
DCPS starts up again on August 26th! Enroll your student today by
submitting completed forms to your child's school.
Need an enrollment form? Visit Have questions? Email
From: Kirby Vining []
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 1:29 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of
McMillan Site
Mr. Murphy, Mr. Williams,
On Friday, August 2nd, during his interview on the Kojo Nnamdi Show, the
Mayor responded to a caller's question concerning proposed development of the
McMillan Sand Filtration Site by saying "I've followed McMillan, and I haven't seen
thousands of people who have indicated a resistance, you know, or overwhelmingly come forward
and said, we wanna see parks at McMillan."
We the Friends of McMillan Park have spent seven years objecting to the
proposed development plans for McMillan and have been in involved in several
efforts to quantify the depth and extent of community opposition. Let me note
three examples, in particular.
First, many of us assisted then ANC 5C's and the McMillan Advisory
Group's effort to survey people about what they want and don't want at McMillan.
Over 1,000 people who live in the neighborhoods around McMillan
participated. 87% of those surveyed want to see at least 50% of the surface
remain as contiguous park space. Second, at the Deputy Mayor's community
meeting June 6th regarding surplussing McMillan, about 150 people attended and
well over 90% of those who testified, spoke against the Mayor's desire to surplus
McMillan. Finally, and most pertinent to the Mayor's comment on the Kojo
show, we have spent this summer gathering petition signatures from concerned
residents who in fact strongly object to the proposed development of the
McMillan and the destruction of the historical and recreational treasure which that
Site is.
Specifically, we have gathered over 5,200 signatures on this issue so far and we
would like to present copies of those petition signatures to the Mayor, to inform
him that there is truth to what the caller stated, to inform him that there is broadbased community objection to turning this historic park into Rosslyn or Tysons
Corner (as the Historic Preservation Review Board has commented).
Would you please provide a time when some members of the Friends of
McMillan Park could meet with the Mayor or his senior staff to present copies of
these petitions and discuss this matter? We seek a response from the Mayor on
this issue suitable for sharing with the media, Kojo Nnamdi and others.
Thank you,
Kirby Vining, for the Friends of McMillan Park, 202 213-2690
Beautification Day is a city-wide volunteer event to prepare DC Public Schools for the new
school year. Click here to volunteer with DCPS on August 24th!
Murphy, Christopher (EOM) <>
Sunday, August 11, 2013 10:41 AM
Newaldass, Shiv (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM); Hoskins, Victor (EOM);
Nichols, Rich (EOM)
Fw: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding
development of McMillan Site
From: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 10:26 AM
To: Kirby Vining
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Re: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr Vining - We would welcome your dropping off these petitions at ANY time. No appointment
is necessary.
From: Kirby Vining
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2013 10:37 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Re: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr. Murphy,
Thank you for your prompt response to my note, which my travel schedule unfortunately
prevented a more timely response.
But my question was when could we arrange an appointment to deliver these petitions
to the Mayor's office? That question is, of course, our wish to exercise the Petition Clause
of the First Amendment, which the Mayor, consistent with his oath of office, is obligated to
respond to, and the proposed development is the Mayor's initiative.
I have not included Mr. Miller or Mr. Newaldass on this reply both because they have
been given copies of the petitions (during the Land Surplussing Hearing) and because
they are appointed by the Mayor and our business is with elected officials.
The other concerns you raise are very familiar to us. But while many in the
administration speak of "some" who support the proposed plan, we have
quantified one side of this equation, and seek to place these documents in the
hands of the Mayor, who, of course, would want to know about the positions of
his constituents on this and other issues. We have not seen any quantification or
description of those groups supporting the plan, which is odd, given the thousands
of persons we have spoken with. We have only your word to suggest they exist
and will accept that. I have met 19 persons who explicitly support the proposed plan.
We look forward to your thoughts on a convenient time for us to present copies
of these petitions to the Mayor's office for his consideration.
Thank you, -Kirby Vining.
On Aug 6, 2013, at 6:44 PM, "Murphy, Christopher (EOM)" <>
Mr. Vining – Thanks so much for sharing your concerns. Although we very much respect your right to
your views, we respectfully disagree and I think the mayor was simply respectfully expressing that
We are aware that there are some residents who have concerns about the current development plan,
but we also know that there are many residents who support the plan – including the local ANC and
Council Member McDuffie. I do not think the mayor was suggesting that no one opposes the plan, just
that there are also many reasonable people who support it. Frankly, I think many people do not fully
understand the details of the current plan and do not understand the consequences of not moving
forward with it.
In fact, I am told that the ANC for the area supported the development plan outlined last year – and that
plan has recently been modified to add an additional two acres of parkland (so presumably the ANC
supports the new plan even more). The park now proposed for the area is a full seven acres and, under
the current plan, nearly half the entire site will be green space. In addition, the plan anticipates several
other community amenities that many community members have long requested including housing, a
community center, and a grocery store.
And the unfortunate truth is that without a reasonable amount of development on the land, there will
be no funds to build out the community amenities many residents want – including the park and the
community center. We have a once in a generation opportunity to revitalize the space and if we miss
this window the property is almost certain to remain as it is now indefinitely – dormant, fenced off from
the community, and increasingly unstable and dangerous. Those who believe it comes down to a choice
between the current plan of modest development that includes a seven acre park vs. a plan in which the
entire space is a park simply do not understand the economics of the project and risk the site sitting as it
currently is for several more decades. We have not heard from anyone who has affirmatively advocated
that path – although it is the consequence of what some would have the city do.
I respect that reasonable people can have different opinions here and welcome you to continue to share
your thoughts with Jeff Miller and Shiv Newaldass on Deputy Mayor Hoskin’s team. Jeff and Shiv are
managing this project for the District.
Thanks again for reaching out.
DCPS starts up again on August 26th! Enroll your student today by submitting completed forms
to your child's school.
Need an enrollment form? Visit Have questions? E-mail
From: Kirby Vining []
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 1:29 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr. Murphy, Mr. Williams,
On Friday, August 2nd, during his interview on the Kojo Nnamdi Show, the Mayor responded to
a caller's question concerning proposed development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site
by saying "I've followed McMillan, and I haven't seen thousands of people who have indicated a resistance, you
know, or overwhelmingly come forward and said, we wanna see parks at McMillan."
We the Friends of McMillan Park have spent seven years objecting to the proposed development
plans for McMillan and have been in involved in several efforts to quantify the depth and extent
of community opposition. Let me note three examples, in particular.
First, many of us assisted then ANC 5C's and the McMillan Advisory Group's effort to
survey people about what they want and don't want at McMillan. Over 1,000 people who live in
the neighborhoods around McMillan participated. 87% of those surveyed want to see at least
50% of the surface remain as contiguous park space. Second, at the Deputy Mayor's community
meeting June 6th regarding surplussing McMillan, about 150 people attended and well over 90%
of those who testified, spoke against the Mayor's desire to surplus McMillan. Finally, and most
pertinent to the Mayor's comment on the Kojo show, we have spent this summer gathering
petition signatures from concerned residents who in fact strongly object to the proposed
development of the McMillan and the destruction of the historical and recreational treasure
which that Site is.
Specifically, we have gathered over 5,200 signatures on this issue so far and we would like to
present copies of those petition signatures to the Mayor, to inform him that there is truth to what
the caller stated, to inform him that there is broad-based community objection to turning this
historic park into Rosslyn or Tysons Corner (as the Historic Preservation Review Board has
Would you please provide a time when some members of the Friends of McMillan Park could
meet with the Mayor or his senior staff to present copies of these petitions and discuss this
matter? We seek a response from the Mayor on this issue suitable for sharing with the media,
Kojo Nnamdi and others.
Thank you,
Kirby Vining, for the Friends of McMillan Park, 202 213-2690
Beautification Day is a city-wide volunteer event to prepare DC Public Schools for the new school year.
Click here to volunteer with DCPS on August 24th!
Murphy, Christopher (EOM) <>
Wednesday, August 07, 2013 2:26 PM
Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)
Williams, Marchim (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Re: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding
development of McMillan Site
Thanks much Shiv. We wouldn't have it any other way. Thx for all you do.
From: Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 1:11 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Subject: RE: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Thank you so much for this thorough and very thoughtful response. The District and the current
development team has spent years modifying plans to accommodate a host of circumstances, including
and especially community concerns. Many of the residents from the surrounding neighborhoods I’ve
interacted with want to see this project come to fruition. I’ve met with Friends of McMillan to discuss
their concerns and frankly their preferences are not feasible, exactly as you have outlined below. I truly
appreciate you and the Mayor taking such a firm stance in support of this meaningful project.
Keep well,
Shiv Newaldass | Project Manager
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
| W 202.674.2336 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains
information which may be confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure. If you received this message in
error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing, copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this message in
error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all copies of the message.
From: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 6:45 PM
To: Kirby Vining
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM); Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)
Subject: RE: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr. Vining – Thanks so much for sharing your concerns. Although we very much respect your right to
your views, we respectfully disagree and I think the mayor was simply respectfully expressing that
We are aware that there are some residents who have concerns about the current development plan,
but we also know that there are many residents who support the plan – including the local ANC and
Council Member McDuffie. I do not think the mayor was suggesting that no one opposes the plan, just
that there are also many reasonable people who support it. Frankly, I think many people do not fully
understand the details of the current plan and do not understand the consequences of not moving
forward with it.
In fact, I am told that the ANC for the area supported the development plan outlined last year – and that
plan has recently been modified to add an additional two acres of parkland (so presumably the ANC
supports the new plan even more). The park now proposed for the area is a full seven acres and, under
the current plan, nearly half the entire site will be green space. In addition, the plan anticipates several
other community amenities that many community members have long requested including housing, a
community center, and a grocery store.
And the unfortunate truth is that without a reasonable amount of development on the land, there will
be no funds to build out the community amenities many residents want – including the park and the
community center. We have a once in a generation opportunity to revitalize the space and if we miss
this window the property is almost certain to remain as it is now indefinitely – dormant, fenced off from
the community, and increasingly unstable and dangerous. Those who believe it comes down to a choice
between the current plan of modest development that includes a seven acre park vs. a plan in which the
entire space is a park simply do not understand the economics of the project and risk the site sitting as it
currently is for several more decades. We have not heard from anyone who has affirmatively advocated
that path – although it is the consequence of what some would have the city do.
I respect that reasonable people can have different opinions here and welcome you to continue to share
your thoughts with Jeff Miller and Shiv Newaldass on Deputy Mayor Hoskin’s team. Jeff and Shiv are
managing this project for the District.
Thanks again for reaching out.
DCPS starts up again on August 26th! Enroll your student today by submitting completed forms
to your child's school.
Need an enrollment form? Visit Have questions? E-mail
From: Kirby Vining []
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 1:29 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr. Murphy, Mr. Williams,
On Friday, August 2nd, during his interview on the Kojo Nnamdi Show, the Mayor responded to
a caller's question concerning proposed development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site
by saying "I've followed McMillan, and I haven't seen thousands of people who have indicated a resistance, you
know, or overwhelmingly come forward and said, we wanna see parks at McMillan."
We the Friends of McMillan Park have spent seven years objecting to the proposed development
plans for McMillan and have been in involved in several efforts to quantify the depth and extent
of community opposition. Let me note three examples, in particular.
First, many of us assisted then ANC 5C's and the McMillan Advisory Group's effort to
survey people about what they want and don't want at McMillan. Over 1,000 people who live in
the neighborhoods around McMillan participated. 87% of those surveyed want to see at least
50% of the surface remain as contiguous park space. Second, at the Deputy Mayor's community
meeting June 6th regarding surplussing McMillan, about 150 people attended and well over 90%
of those who testified, spoke against the Mayor's desire to surplus McMillan. Finally, and most
pertinent to the Mayor's comment on the Kojo show, we have spent this summer gathering
petition signatures from concerned residents who in fact strongly object to the proposed
development of the McMillan and the destruction of the historical and recreational treasure
which that Site is.
Specifically, we have gathered over 5,200 signatures on this issue so far and we would like to
present copies of those petition signatures to the Mayor, to inform him that there is truth to what
the caller stated, to inform him that there is broad-based community objection to turning this
historic park into Rosslyn or Tysons Corner (as the Historic Preservation Review Board has
Would you please provide a time when some members of the Friends of McMillan Park could
meet with the Mayor or his senior staff to present copies of these petitions and discuss this
matter? We seek a response from the Mayor on this issue suitable for sharing with the media,
Kojo Nnamdi and others.
Thank you,
Kirby Vining, for the Friends of McMillan Park, 202 213-2690
Newaldass, Shiv (EOM) <>
Wednesday, August 07, 2013 1:11 PM
Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Williams, Marchim (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM)
RE: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding
development of McMillan Site
Thank you so much for this thorough and very thoughtful response. The District and the current
development team has spent years modifying plans to accommodate a host of circumstances, including
and especially community concerns. Many of the residents from the surrounding neighborhoods I’ve
interacted with want to see this project come to fruition. I’ve met with Friends of McMillan to discuss
their concerns and frankly their preferences are not feasible, exactly as you have outlined below. I truly
appreciate you and the Mayor taking such a firm stance in support of this meaningful project.
Keep well,
Shiv Newaldass | Project Manager
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
| W 202.674.2336 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains
information which may be confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure. If you received this message in
error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing, copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this message in
error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all copies of the message.
From: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 6:45 PM
To: Kirby Vining
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM); Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)
Subject: RE: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr. Vining – Thanks so much for sharing your concerns. Although we very much respect your right to
your views, we respectfully disagree and I think the mayor was simply respectfully expressing that
We are aware that there are some residents who have concerns about the current development plan,
but we also know that there are many residents who support the plan – including the local ANC and
Council Member McDuffie. I do not think the mayor was suggesting that no one opposes the plan, just
that there are also many reasonable people who support it. Frankly, I think many people do not fully
understand the details of the current plan and do not understand the consequences of not moving
forward with it.
In fact, I am told that the ANC for the area supported the development plan outlined last year – and that
plan has recently been modified to add an additional two acres of parkland (so presumably the ANC
supports the new plan even more). The park now proposed for the area is a full seven acres and, under
the current plan, nearly half the entire site will be green space. In addition, the plan anticipates several
other community amenities that many community members have long requested including housing, a
community center, and a grocery store.
And the unfortunate truth is that without a reasonable amount of development on the land, there will
be no funds to build out the community amenities many residents want – including the park and the
community center. We have a once in a generation opportunity to revitalize the space and if we miss
this window the property is almost certain to remain as it is now indefinitely – dormant, fenced off from
the community, and increasingly unstable and dangerous. Those who believe it comes down to a choice
between the current plan of modest development that includes a seven acre park vs. a plan in which the
entire space is a park simply do not understand the economics of the project and risk the site sitting as it
currently is for several more decades. We have not heard from anyone who has affirmatively advocated
that path – although it is the consequence of what some would have the city do.
I respect that reasonable people can have different opinions here and welcome you to continue to share
your thoughts with Jeff Miller and Shiv Newaldass on Deputy Mayor Hoskin’s team. Jeff and Shiv are
managing this project for the District.
Thanks again for reaching out.
DCPS starts up again on August 26th! Enroll your student today by submitting completed forms
to your child's school.
Need an enrollment form? Visit Have questions? E-mail
From: Kirby Vining []
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 1:29 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr. Murphy, Mr. Williams,
On Friday, August 2nd, during his interview on the Kojo Nnamdi Show, the Mayor responded to
a caller's question concerning proposed development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site
by saying "I've followed McMillan, and I haven't seen thousands of people who have indicated a resistance, you
know, or overwhelmingly come forward and said, we wanna see parks at McMillan."
We the Friends of McMillan Park have spent seven years objecting to the proposed development
plans for McMillan and have been in involved in several efforts to quantify the depth and extent
of community opposition. Let me note three examples, in particular.
First, many of us assisted then ANC 5C's and the McMillan Advisory Group's effort to
survey people about what they want and don't want at McMillan. Over 1,000 people who live in
the neighborhoods around McMillan participated. 87% of those surveyed want to see at least
50% of the surface remain as contiguous park space. Second, at the Deputy Mayor's community
meeting June 6th regarding surplussing McMillan, about 150 people attended and well over 90%
of those who testified, spoke against the Mayor's desire to surplus McMillan. Finally, and most
pertinent to the Mayor's comment on the Kojo show, we have spent this summer gathering
petition signatures from concerned residents who in fact strongly object to the proposed
development of the McMillan and the destruction of the historical and recreational treasure
which that Site is.
Specifically, we have gathered over 5,200 signatures on this issue so far and we would like to
present copies of those petition signatures to the Mayor, to inform him that there is truth to what
the caller stated, to inform him that there is broad-based community objection to turning this
historic park into Rosslyn or Tysons Corner (as the Historic Preservation Review Board has
Would you please provide a time when some members of the Friends of McMillan Park could
meet with the Mayor or his senior staff to present copies of these petitions and discuss this
matter? We seek a response from the Mayor on this issue suitable for sharing with the media,
Kojo Nnamdi and others.
Thank you,
Kirby Vining, for the Friends of McMillan Park, 202 213-2690
Hoskins, Victor (EOM) <>
Wednesday, August 07, 2013 11:04 AM
Murphy, Christopher (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Nichols, Rich (EOM)
Re: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding
development of McMillan Site
Please follow up with Chris.
Sent from Mobile Device
Victor L. Hoskins, Deputy Mayor | Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic
Development | Executive Office of the Mayor | DC Government | O: 202-727-6365 | E:
On Aug 5, 2013, at 10:44 AM, "Murphy, Christopher (EOM)" <>
Who on your team can I refer him to?
DCPS starts up again on August 26th! Enroll your student today by
submitting completed forms to your child's school.
Need an enrollment form? Visit Have questions? E-mail
From: Kirby Vining []
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 1:29 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of
McMillan Site
Mr. Murphy, Mr. Williams,
On Friday, August 2nd, during his interview on the Kojo Nnamdi Show, the
Mayor responded to a caller's question concerning proposed development of the
McMillan Sand Filtration Site by saying "I've followed McMillan, and I haven't seen
thousands of people who have indicated a resistance, you know, or overwhelmingly come forward
and said, we wanna see parks at McMillan."
We the Friends of McMillan Park have spent seven years objecting to the
proposed development plans for McMillan and have been in involved in several
efforts to quantify the depth and extent of community opposition. Let me note
three examples, in particular.
First, many of us assisted then ANC 5C's and the McMillan Advisory
Group's effort to survey people about what they want and don't want at McMillan.
Over 1,000 people who live in the neighborhoods around McMillan
participated. 87% of those surveyed want to see at least 50% of the surface
remain as contiguous park space. Second, at the Deputy Mayor's community
meeting June 6th regarding surplussing McMillan, about 150 people attended and
well over 90% of those who testified, spoke against the Mayor's desire to surplus
McMillan. Finally, and most pertinent to the Mayor's comment on the Kojo
show, we have spent this summer gathering petition signatures from concerned
residents who in fact strongly object to the proposed development of the
McMillan and the destruction of the historical and recreational treasure which that
Site is.
Specifically, we have gathered over 5,200 signatures on this issue so far and we
would like to present copies of those petition signatures to the Mayor, to inform
him that there is truth to what the caller stated, to inform him that there is broadbased community objection to turning this historic park into Rosslyn or Tysons
Corner (as the Historic Preservation Review Board has commented).
Would you please provide a time when some members of the Friends of
McMillan Park could meet with the Mayor or his senior staff to present copies of
these petitions and discuss this matter? We seek a response from the Mayor on
this issue suitable for sharing with the media, Kojo Nnamdi and others.
Thank you,
Kirby Vining, for the Friends of McMillan Park, 202 213-2690
Murphy, Christopher (EOM) <>
Tuesday, August 06, 2013 7:35 PM
Miller, Jeff (EOM)
RE: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding
development of McMillan Site
Thanks. After I clicked send I got worried that I got something major wrong!
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 7:32 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Subject: Re: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Good stuff.
M. Jeffrey Miller | Director of Real Estate
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
W 202.727.2790 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains
information which may be confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure. If you received this message in
error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing, copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this message in
error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all copies of the message.
From: <Murphy>, Christopher Murphy <>
Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 6:44 PM
To: Kirby Vining <>
Cc: "Williams, Marchim (EOM)" <>, Jeff Miller <>,
"Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)" <>
Subject: RE: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan
Mr. Vining – Thanks so much for sharing your concerns. Although we very much respect your right to
your views, we respectfully disagree and I think the mayor was simply respectfully expressing that
We are aware that there are some residents who have concerns about the current development plan,
but we also know that there are many residents who support the plan – including the local ANC and
Council Member McDuffie. I do not think the mayor was suggesting that no one opposes the plan, just
that there are also many reasonable people who support it. Frankly, I think many people do not fully
understand the details of the current plan and do not understand the consequences of not moving
forward with it.
In fact, I am told that the ANC for the area supported the development plan outlined last year – and that
plan has recently been modified to add an additional two acres of parkland (so presumably the ANC
supports the new plan even more). The park now proposed for the area is a full seven acres and, under
the current plan, nearly half the entire site will be green space. In addition, the plan anticipates several
other community amenities that many community members have long requested including housing, a
community center, and a grocery store.
And the unfortunate truth is that without a reasonable amount of development on the land, there will
be no funds to build out the community amenities many residents want – including the park and the
community center. We have a once in a generation opportunity to revitalize the space and if we miss
this window the property is almost certain to remain as it is now indefinitely – dormant, fenced off from
the community, and increasingly unstable and dangerous. Those who believe it comes down to a choice
between the current plan of modest development that includes a seven acre park vs. a plan in which the
entire space is a park simply do not understand the economics of the project and risk the site sitting as it
currently is for several more decades. We have not heard from anyone who has affirmatively advocated
that path – although it is the consequence of what some would have the city do.
I respect that reasonable people can have different opinions here and welcome you to continue to share
your thoughts with Jeff Miller and Shiv Newaldass on Deputy Mayor Hoskin’s team. Jeff and Shiv are
managing this project for the District.
Thanks again for reaching out.
DCPS starts up again on August 26th! Enroll your student today by submitting completed forms
to your child's school.
Need an enrollment form? Visit Have questions? E-mail
From: Kirby Vining []
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 1:29 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr. Murphy, Mr. Williams,
On Friday, August 2nd, during his interview on the Kojo Nnamdi Show, the Mayor responded to
a caller's question concerning proposed development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site
by saying "I've followed McMillan, and I haven't seen thousands of people who have indicated a resistance, you
know, or overwhelmingly come forward and said, we wanna see parks at McMillan."
We the Friends of McMillan Park have spent seven years objecting to the proposed development
plans for McMillan and have been in involved in several efforts to quantify the depth and extent
of community opposition. Let me note three examples, in particular.
First, many of us assisted then ANC 5C's and the McMillan Advisory Group's effort to
survey people about what they want and don't want at McMillan. Over 1,000 people who live in
the neighborhoods around McMillan participated. 87% of those surveyed want to see at least
50% of the surface remain as contiguous park space. Second, at the Deputy Mayor's community
meeting June 6th regarding surplussing McMillan, about 150 people attended and well over 90%
of those who testified, spoke against the Mayor's desire to surplus McMillan. Finally, and most
pertinent to the Mayor's comment on the Kojo show, we have spent this summer gathering
petition signatures from concerned residents who in fact strongly object to the proposed
development of the McMillan and the destruction of the historical and recreational treasure
which that Site is.
Specifically, we have gathered over 5,200 signatures on this issue so far and we would like to
present copies of those petition signatures to the Mayor, to inform him that there is truth to what
the caller stated, to inform him that there is broad-based community objection to turning this
historic park into Rosslyn or Tysons Corner (as the Historic Preservation Review Board has
Would you please provide a time when some members of the Friends of McMillan Park could
meet with the Mayor or his senior staff to present copies of these petitions and discuss this
matter? We seek a response from the Mayor on this issue suitable for sharing with the media,
Kojo Nnamdi and others.
Thank you,
Kirby Vining, for the Friends of McMillan Park, 202 213-2690
Miller, Jeff (EOM) <>
Tuesday, August 06, 2013 7:32 PM
Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Re: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding
development of McMillan Site
Good stuff.
M. Jeffrey Miller | Director of Real Estate
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
W 202.727.2790 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains
information which may be confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure. If you received this message in
error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing, copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this message in
error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all copies of the message.
From: <Murphy>, Christopher Murphy <>
Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 6:44 PM
To: Kirby Vining <>
Cc: "Williams, Marchim (EOM)" <>, Jeff Miller <>,
"Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)" <>
Subject: RE: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan
Mr. Vining – Thanks so much for sharing your concerns. Although we very much respect your right to
your views, we respectfully disagree and I think the mayor was simply respectfully expressing that
We are aware that there are some residents who have concerns about the current development plan,
but we also know that there are many residents who support the plan – including the local ANC and
Council Member McDuffie. I do not think the mayor was suggesting that no one opposes the plan, just
that there are also many reasonable people who support it. Frankly, I think many people do not fully
understand the details of the current plan and do not understand the consequences of not moving
forward with it.
In fact, I am told that the ANC for the area supported the development plan outlined last year – and that
plan has recently been modified to add an additional two acres of parkland (so presumably the ANC
supports the new plan even more). The park now proposed for the area is a full seven acres and, under
the current plan, nearly half the entire site will be green space. In addition, the plan anticipates several
other community amenities that many community members have long requested including housing, a
community center, and a grocery store.
And the unfortunate truth is that without a reasonable amount of development on the land, there will
be no funds to build out the community amenities many residents want – including the park and the
community center. We have a once in a generation opportunity to revitalize the space and if we miss
this window the property is almost certain to remain as it is now indefinitely – dormant, fenced off from
the community, and increasingly unstable and dangerous. Those who believe it comes down to a choice
between the current plan of modest development that includes a seven acre park vs. a plan in which the
entire space is a park simply do not understand the economics of the project and risk the site sitting as it
currently is for several more decades. We have not heard from anyone who has affirmatively advocated
that path – although it is the consequence of what some would have the city do.
I respect that reasonable people can have different opinions here and welcome you to continue to share
your thoughts with Jeff Miller and Shiv Newaldass on Deputy Mayor Hoskin’s team. Jeff and Shiv are
managing this project for the District.
Thanks again for reaching out.
DCPS starts up again on August 26th! Enroll your student today by submitting completed forms
to your child's school.
Need an enrollment form? Visit Have questions? E-mail
From: Kirby Vining []
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 1:29 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr. Murphy, Mr. Williams,
On Friday, August 2nd, during his interview on the Kojo Nnamdi Show, the Mayor responded to
a caller's question concerning proposed development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site
by saying "I've followed McMillan, and I haven't seen thousands of people who have indicated a resistance, you
know, or overwhelmingly come forward and said, we wanna see parks at McMillan."
We the Friends of McMillan Park have spent seven years objecting to the proposed development
plans for McMillan and have been in involved in several efforts to quantify the depth and extent
of community opposition. Let me note three examples, in particular.
First, many of us assisted then ANC 5C's and the McMillan Advisory Group's effort to
survey people about what they want and don't want at McMillan. Over 1,000 people who live in
the neighborhoods around McMillan participated. 87% of those surveyed want to see at least
50% of the surface remain as contiguous park space. Second, at the Deputy Mayor's community
meeting June 6th regarding surplussing McMillan, about 150 people attended and well over 90%
of those who testified, spoke against the Mayor's desire to surplus McMillan. Finally, and most
pertinent to the Mayor's comment on the Kojo show, we have spent this summer gathering
petition signatures from concerned residents who in fact strongly object to the proposed
development of the McMillan and the destruction of the historical and recreational treasure
which that Site is.
Specifically, we have gathered over 5,200 signatures on this issue so far and we would like to
present copies of those petition signatures to the Mayor, to inform him that there is truth to what
the caller stated, to inform him that there is broad-based community objection to turning this
historic park into Rosslyn or Tysons Corner (as the Historic Preservation Review Board has
Would you please provide a time when some members of the Friends of McMillan Park could
meet with the Mayor or his senior staff to present copies of these petitions and discuss this
matter? We seek a response from the Mayor on this issue suitable for sharing with the media,
Kojo Nnamdi and others.
Thank you,
Kirby Vining, for the Friends of McMillan Park, 202 213-2690
Murphy, Christopher (EOM) <>
Tuesday, August 06, 2013 6:45 PM
Kirby Vining
Williams, Marchim (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM); Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)
RE: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding
development of McMillan Site
Mr. Vining – Thanks so much for sharing your concerns. Although we very much respect your right to
your views, we respectfully disagree and I think the mayor was simply respectfully expressing that
We are aware that there are some residents who have concerns about the current development plan,
but we also know that there are many residents who support the plan – including the local ANC and
Council Member McDuffie. I do not think the mayor was suggesting that no one opposes the plan, just
that there are also many reasonable people who support it. Frankly, I think many people do not fully
understand the details of the current plan and do not understand the consequences of not moving
forward with it.
In fact, I am told that the ANC for the area supported the development plan outlined last year – and that
plan has recently been modified to add an additional two acres of parkland (so presumably the ANC
supports the new plan even more). The park now proposed for the area is a full seven acres and, under
the current plan, nearly half the entire site will be green space. In addition, the plan anticipates several
other community amenities that many community members have long requested including housing, a
community center, and a grocery store.
And the unfortunate truth is that without a reasonable amount of development on the land, there will
be no funds to build out the community amenities many residents want – including the park and the
community center. We have a once in a generation opportunity to revitalize the space and if we miss
this window the property is almost certain to remain as it is now indefinitely – dormant, fenced off from
the community, and increasingly unstable and dangerous. Those who believe it comes down to a choice
between the current plan of modest development that includes a seven acre park vs. a plan in which the
entire space is a park simply do not understand the economics of the project and risk the site sitting as it
currently is for several more decades. We have not heard from anyone who has affirmatively advocated
that path – although it is the consequence of what some would have the city do.
I respect that reasonable people can have different opinions here and welcome you to continue to share
your thoughts with Jeff Miller and Shiv Newaldass on Deputy Mayor Hoskin’s team. Jeff and Shiv are
managing this project for the District.
Thanks again for reaching out.
DCPS starts up again on August 26th! Enroll your student today by submitting completed forms
to your child's school.
Need an enrollment form? Visit Have questions? E-mail
From: Kirby Vining []
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 1:29 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Cc: Williams, Marchim (EOM)
Subject: Appointment requested to present Mayor petitions regarding development of McMillan Site
Mr. Murphy, Mr. Williams,
On Friday, August 2nd, during his interview on the Kojo Nnamdi Show, the Mayor responded to
a caller's question concerning proposed development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site
by saying "I've followed McMillan, and I haven't seen thousands of people who have indicated a resistance, you
know, or overwhelmingly come forward and said, we wanna see parks at McMillan."
We the Friends of McMillan Park have spent seven years objecting to the proposed development
plans for McMillan and have been in involved in several efforts to quantify the depth and extent
of community opposition. Let me note three examples, in particular.
First, many of us assisted then ANC 5C's and the McMillan Advisory Group's effort to
survey people about what they want and don't want at McMillan. Over 1,000 people who live in
the neighborhoods around McMillan participated. 87% of those surveyed want to see at least
50% of the surface remain as contiguous park space. Second, at the Deputy Mayor's community
meeting June 6th regarding surplussing McMillan, about 150 people attended and well over 90%
of those who testified, spoke against the Mayor's desire to surplus McMillan. Finally, and most
pertinent to the Mayor's comment on the Kojo show, we have spent this summer gathering
petition signatures from concerned residents who in fact strongly object to the proposed
development of the McMillan and the destruction of the historical and recreational treasure
which that Site is.
Specifically, we have gathered over 5,200 signatures on this issue so far and we would like to
present copies of those petition signatures to the Mayor, to inform him that there is truth to what
the caller stated, to inform him that there is broad-based community objection to turning this
historic park into Rosslyn or Tysons Corner (as the Historic Preservation Review Board has
Would you please provide a time when some members of the Friends of McMillan Park could
meet with the Mayor or his senior staff to present copies of these petitions and discuss this
matter? We seek a response from the Mayor on this issue suitable for sharing with the media,
Kojo Nnamdi and others.
Thank you,
Kirby Vining, for the Friends of McMillan Park, 202 213-2690
Newaldass, Shiv (EOM) <>
Friday, April 04, 2014 9:37 AM
Hoskins, Victor (EOM)
Miller, Jeff (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM); Allen, Darin (EOM);
Nichols, Rich (EOM); Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce,
Ashley (EOM); Ferguson, Ursula (EOM); Fimbres, Francisco (EOM)
Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All
Nations' Baptist Church
Thank you sir. It went very well and was fairly constructive. That area has been heavily
congested for years and some of the mitigation recommendations will help disperse the clutter,
even as more vehicles come on line from the project. By creating accessible streets through
McMillan, there will be less of a need for vehicles to go through Bloomingdale to get to the
hospital complexes. Residents gave us preferences, asked for clarification on items in the study,
and of course, expressed concern about the unknowns and things we will never be able to
control. It was one most productive McMillan Community meetings I've ever been a part of.
VMP and their Transportation Consultants did a great job.
Shiv Newaldass | Project Manager
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
| W 202.674.2336 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended
only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains information which may be
confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from
disclosure. If you received this message in error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing,
copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this
message in error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all copies of the
On Apr 4, 2014, at 9:24 AM, "Hoskins, Victor (EOM)" <> wrote:
I hope it went well.
From: Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 09:49 PM
To: Hoskins, Victor (EOM)
Cc: Miller, Jeff (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM); Allen, Darin (EOM); Nichols, Rich
(EOM); Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM); Ferguson,
Ursula (EOM); Fimbres, Francisco (EOM)
Subject: Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations'
Baptist Church
As part of the PUD process, VMP has engaged the community on a number of
different issues, transportation being one of them. Our Transportation Impact
Study was a vigorous undertaking involving input from neighboring institutions
and helmed by arguably the best Transportation Consultants in the regionGorove/Slade. The gentleman's concerns about how the mitigation efforts will be
addressed are components of our Land Disposition Agreement with VMP. Also,
DDOT was an integral part of this study and their recommendations will be
incorporated into our Zoning Approvals. I plan on attending Thursday, but will
definitely work with Jeff to respond to him tomorrow. I just wanted to give the
group some context. Thanks.
Shiv Newaldass | Project Manager
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
| W 202.674.2336 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any
attachments, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and
contains information which may be confidential, legally privileged, proprietary
in nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure. If you received this
message in error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing, copying, or
distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this
message in error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all
copies of the message.
On Mar 31, 2014, at 8:38 PM, "Hoskins, Victor (EOM)"
<> wrote:
Thank you
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 08:32 PM
To: Hoskins, Victor (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM); Allen, Darin
(EOM); Nichols, Rich (EOM); Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)
Cc: Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM);
Ferguson, Ursula (EOM); Fimbres, Francisco (EOM)
Subject: Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00
at All Nations' Baptist Church
Thanks. We will address internally and understand the Mayor’s
M. Jeffrey Miller | Director of Real Estate
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
W 202.727.2790 | F 202.727.6703 |
From: <Hoskins>, Victor Hoskins <>
Date: Monday, March 31, 2014 at 8:30 PM
To: Christopher Murphy <>, "Allen, Darin
(EOM)" <>, Rich Nichols <>
Cc: "Bunn, Sheila (EOM)" <>, "Glaude, Steve (EOM)"
<>, "Pierce, Ashley (EOM)"
<>, "Ferguson, Ursula (EOM)"
<>, "Fimbres, Francisco (EOM)"
<>, Jeff Miller <>
Subject: Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00
at All Nations' Baptist Church
Thank you Chris.
Adding Jeff Miller.
From: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 04:36 PM
To: Hoskins, Victor (EOM); Allen, Darin (EOM); Nichols, Rich (EOM)
Cc: Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM);
Ferguson, Ursula (EOM); Fimbres, Francisco (EOM)
Subject: FW: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00
at All Nations' Baptist Church
Victor and Rich – FYI.
Darin, tomorrow afternoon can you respond and decline the info citing
the conflicts already on the mayor’s schedule?
From: Samuel Shipley []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:32 PM
To: Gray, Vincent (EOM)
Cc: Fimbres, Francisco (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Subject: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All
Nations' Baptist Church
March 31, 2014
The Honorable Vincent Gray
Washington, DC
Mayor Gray:
Earlier this month, the city-identified developers of the Historic
McMillan Sand Filtration Site (Vision McMillan Partners (VMP))
released their Traffic Impact Study (TIS). To help explain the
findings and discuss potential mitigation efforts, the McMillan
Advisory Group, in conjunction with VMP, is hosting a
community-wide presentation and discussion on the VMP TIS this
Thursday, April 3 at 7:00 PM at All Nations’ Baptist Church
on Rhode Island Avenue and North Capitol Street, NE. We request
your presence at this meeting.
The developers find that there will be an enormous increase in
vehicular (car) traffic in and around the boundary neighborhoods
of Wards 1 and 5, specifically on Michigan, 1st, and North Capitol
Streets, NW. For example, they find that there will be an increase
of nearly 1,900 cars per hour during the morning weekday
commute and over 2,000 cars per hour in the weekday afternoon
rush hour. As you are probably well-aware, these streets are
already choked with traffic during these times and neighbors are
extremely nervous of the future.
There is help, however! The developers have identified a number
of recommendations that must be implemented to help mitigate the
mess, but, it falls to the city to carry-out the implementation. It is
important that you and your staff attend this meeting so we can
begin to discuss what needs to be done and how the city is going to
accomplish that - to help lessen the impact of this car-oriented
Again, the meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on Thursday April
3rd at the All Nations’ Baptist Church on Rhode Island and
North Capitol Streets. If you have any questions or would like to
discuss with me, I can be reached at 202 330 1205 or at
Thank you,
Samuel Shipley
McMillan Advisory Group Traffic and Transportation Committee
Have questions about your new Supercan, trash can or larger
recycling bin? Check out this helpful FAQ from the Department of
Public Works.
April is National 9-1-1 Education Month!
Create a Safety Profile for your household at
It’s free, 100% private and secure.
Newaldass, Shiv (EOM) <>
Thursday, April 03, 2014 11:50 AM
Samuel Shipley
RE: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All
Nations' Baptist Church
Good Morning Mr. Shipley,
Thank you for your invitation. Unfortunately, due to prior commitment, the Mayor is unable to
attend. However, I do plan on being there. The McMillan Transportation Impact Study was a vigorous
undertaking that considered what’s intended for McMillan but also incorporated what neighboring
institutions have planned as well. The study itself was scoped in collaboration with the District
Department of Transportation, and utilized a fairly conservative methodology to assess the worst
potential impacts and identify mitigations. To address your concern about how the identified
mitigation recommendations will be implemented by the District of Columbia, certain aspects will done
as a component of our Land Disposition Agreement with Vision McMillan Partners. Additionally, as part
of the Zoning Commission hearings, DDOT will provide its independent review and assessment of the
impacts and mitigations to the Commission, and the Zoning Approvals traditionally will incorporate
certain commitments as well that must be complied with.
Thank you again for the invitation and I look forward to tonight’s meeting.
Shiv Newaldass | Project Manager
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
| W 202.674.2336 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains
information which may be confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure. If you received this message in
error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing, copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this message in
error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all copies of the message.
From: Samuel Shipley []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:50 PM
To: Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)
Subject: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations' Baptist Church
March 31, 2014
Shiv Newaldass
Project Manager
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
Mr. Newaldass:
Earlier this month, the city-identified developers of the Historic McMillan Sand Filtration Site (Vision
McMillan Partners (VMP)) released their Traffic Impact Study (TIS). To help explain the findings and
discuss potential mitigation efforts, the McMillan Advisory Group, in conjunction with VMP, is hosting a
community-wide presentation and discussion on the VMP TIS this Thursday, April 3 at 7:00 PM at All
Nations’ Baptist Church on Rhode Island Avenue and North Capitol Street, NE. We request your
presence at this meeting.
The developers find that there will be an enormous increase in vehicular (car) traffic in and around the
boundary neighborhoods of Wards 1 and 5, specifically on Michigan, 1st, and North Capitol Streets, NW.
For example, they find that there will be an increase of nearly 1,900 cars per hour during the morning
weekday commute and over 2,000 cars per hour in the weekday afternoon rush hour. As you are
probably well-aware, these streets are already choked with traffic during these times and neighbors are
extremely nervous of the future.
There is help, however! The developers have identified a number of recommendations that must be
implemented to help mitigate the mess, but, it falls to the city to carry-out the implementation. It is
important that you and your staff attend this meeting so we can begin to discuss what needs to be done
and how the city is going to accomplish that - to help lessen the impact of this car-oriented development.
Again, the meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on Thursday April 3rd at the All Nations’ Baptist
Church on Rhode Island and North Capitol Streets. If you have any questions or would like to discuss
with me, I can be reached at 202 330 1205 or at
Thank you,
Samuel Shipley
McMillan Advisory Group Traffic and Transportation Committee
Newaldass, Shiv (EOM) <>
Monday, March 31, 2014 9:49 PM
Hoskins, Victor (EOM)
Miller, Jeff (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM); Allen, Darin (EOM);
Nichols, Rich (EOM); Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce,
Ashley (EOM); Ferguson, Ursula (EOM); Fimbres, Francisco (EOM)
Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All
Nations' Baptist Church
As part of the PUD process, VMP has engaged the community on a number of different issues,
transportation being one of them. Our Transportation Impact Study was a vigorous undertaking
involving input from neighboring institutions and helmed by arguably the best Transportation
Consultants in the region- Gorove/Slade. The gentleman's concerns about how the mitigation
efforts will be addressed are components of our Land Disposition Agreement with VMP. Also,
DDOT was an integral part of this study and their recommendations will be incorporated into our
Zoning Approvals. I plan on attending Thursday, but will definitely work with Jeff to respond to
him tomorrow. I just wanted to give the group some context. Thanks.
Shiv Newaldass | Project Manager
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
| W 202.674.2336 | F 202.727.6703 |
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended
only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains information which may be
confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from
disclosure. If you received this message in error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing,
copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited. If you have received this
message in error, please telephone or reply to me immediately and delete all copies of the
On Mar 31, 2014, at 8:38 PM, "Hoskins, Victor (EOM)" <> wrote:
Thank you
From: Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 08:32 PM
To: Hoskins, Victor (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM); Allen, Darin (EOM); Nichols, Rich
(EOM); Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)
Cc: Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM); Ferguson, Ursula
(EOM); Fimbres, Francisco (EOM)
Subject: Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations'
Baptist Church
Thanks. We will address internally and understand the Mayor’s schedule.
M. Jeffrey Miller | Director of Real Estate
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
W 202.727.2790 | F 202.727.6703 |
From: <Hoskins>, Victor Hoskins <>
Date: Monday, March 31, 2014 at 8:30 PM
To: Christopher Murphy <>, "Allen, Darin (EOM)"
<>, Rich Nichols <>
Cc: "Bunn, Sheila (EOM)" <>, "Glaude, Steve (EOM)"
<>, "Pierce, Ashley (EOM)" <>, "Ferguson,
Ursula (EOM)" <>, "Fimbres, Francisco (EOM)"
<>, Jeff Miller <>
Subject: Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations'
Baptist Church
Thank you Chris.
Adding Jeff Miller.
From: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 04:36 PM
To: Hoskins, Victor (EOM); Allen, Darin (EOM); Nichols, Rich (EOM)
Cc: Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM); Ferguson, Ursula
(EOM); Fimbres, Francisco (EOM)
Subject: FW: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations'
Baptist Church
Victor and Rich – FYI.
Darin, tomorrow afternoon can you respond and decline the info citing the conflicts
already on the mayor’s schedule?
From: Samuel Shipley []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:32 PM
To: Gray, Vincent (EOM)
Cc: Fimbres, Francisco (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Subject: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations' Baptist
March 31, 2014
The Honorable Vincent Gray
Washington, DC
Mayor Gray:
Earlier this month, the city-identified developers of the Historic McMillan Sand
Filtration Site (Vision McMillan Partners (VMP)) released their Traffic Impact
Study (TIS). To help explain the findings and discuss potential mitigation efforts,
the McMillan Advisory Group, in conjunction with VMP, is hosting a
community-wide presentation and discussion on the VMP TIS this Thursday,
April 3 at 7:00 PM at All Nations’ Baptist Church on Rhode Island Avenue
and North Capitol Street, NE. We request your presence at this meeting.
The developers find that there will be an enormous increase in vehicular (car)
traffic in and around the boundary neighborhoods of Wards 1 and 5, specifically
on Michigan, 1st, and North Capitol Streets, NW. For example, they find that
there will be an increase of nearly 1,900 cars per hour during the morning
weekday commute and over 2,000 cars per hour in the weekday afternoon rush
hour. As you are probably well-aware, these streets are already choked with
traffic during these times and neighbors are extremely nervous of the future.
There is help, however! The developers have identified a number of
recommendations that must be implemented to help mitigate the mess, but, it falls
to the city to carry-out the implementation. It is important that you and your staff
attend this meeting so we can begin to discuss what needs to be done and how the
city is going to accomplish that - to help lessen the impact of this car-oriented
Again, the meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on Thursday April 3rd at the All
Nations’ Baptist Church on Rhode Island and North Capitol Streets. If you have
any questions or would like to discuss with me, I can be reached at 202 330 1205
or at
Thank you,
Samuel Shipley
McMillan Advisory Group Traffic and Transportation Committee
Have questions about your new Supercan, trash can or larger recycling bin?
Check out this helpful FAQ from the Department of Public Works.
Fimbres, Francisco (EOM) <>
Monday, March 31, 2014 8:35 PM
Hoskins, Victor (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM); Allen, Darin
(EOM); Nichols, Rich (EOM)
Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM);
Ferguson, Ursula (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All
Nations' Baptist Church
Thx DM H and JM.
From: Hoskins, Victor (EOM)
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 08:30 PM
To: Murphy, Christopher (EOM); Allen, Darin (EOM); Nichols, Rich (EOM)
Cc: Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM); Ferguson, Ursula (EOM); Fimbres,
Francisco (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Subject: Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations' Baptist Church
Thank you Chris.
Adding Jeff Miller.
From: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 04:36 PM
To: Hoskins, Victor (EOM); Allen, Darin (EOM); Nichols, Rich (EOM)
Cc: Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM); Ferguson, Ursula (EOM); Fimbres,
Francisco (EOM)
Subject: FW: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations' Baptist Church
Victor and Rich – FYI.
Darin, tomorrow afternoon can you respond and decline the info citing the conflicts already on the
mayor’s schedule?
From: Samuel Shipley []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:32 PM
To: Gray, Vincent (EOM)
Cc: Fimbres, Francisco (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Subject: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations' Baptist Church
March 31, 2014
The Honorable Vincent Gray
Washington, DC
Mayor Gray:
Earlier this month, the city-identified developers of the Historic McMillan Sand Filtration Site
(Vision McMillan Partners (VMP)) released their Traffic Impact Study (TIS). To help explain
the findings and discuss potential mitigation efforts, the McMillan Advisory Group, in
conjunction with VMP, is hosting a community-wide presentation and discussion on the VMP
TIS this Thursday, April 3 at 7:00 PM at All Nations’ Baptist Church on Rhode Island
Avenue and North Capitol Street, NE. We request your presence at this meeting.
The developers find that there will be an enormous increase in vehicular (car) traffic in and
around the boundary neighborhoods of Wards 1 and 5, specifically on Michigan, 1st, and North
Capitol Streets, NW. For example, they find that there will be an increase of nearly 1,900 cars
per hour during the morning weekday commute and over 2,000 cars per hour in the weekday
afternoon rush hour. As you are probably well-aware, these streets are already choked with
traffic during these times and neighbors are extremely nervous of the future.
There is help, however! The developers have identified a number of recommendations that must
be implemented to help mitigate the mess, but, it falls to the city to carry-out the implementation.
It is important that you and your staff attend this meeting so we can begin to discuss what needs
to be done and how the city is going to accomplish that - to help lessen the impact of this caroriented development.
Again, the meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on Thursday April 3rd at the All Nations’ Baptist
Church on Rhode Island and North Capitol Streets. If you have any questions or would like to
discuss with me, I can be reached at 202 330 1205 or at
Thank you,
Samuel Shipley
McMillan Advisory Group Traffic and Transportation Committee
Have questions about your new Supercan, trash can or larger recycling bin? Check out this
helpful FAQ from the Department of Public Works.
Miller, Jeff (EOM) <>
Monday, March 31, 2014 8:33 PM
Hoskins, Victor (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM); Allen, Darin
(EOM); Nichols, Rich (EOM); Newaldass, Shiv (EOM)
Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM);
Ferguson, Ursula (EOM); Fimbres, Francisco (EOM)
Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All
Nations' Baptist Church
Thanks. We will address internally and understand the Mayor’s schedule.
M. Jeffrey Miller | Director of Real Estate
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 317 | Washington, DC 20004
W 202.727.2790 | F 202.727.6703 |
From: <Hoskins>, Victor Hoskins <>
Date: Monday, March 31, 2014 at 8:30 PM
To: Christopher Murphy <>, "Allen, Darin (EOM)" <>,
Rich Nichols <>
Cc: "Bunn, Sheila (EOM)" <>, "Glaude, Steve (EOM)" <>,
"Pierce, Ashley (EOM)" <>, "Ferguson, Ursula (EOM)" <>,
"Fimbres, Francisco (EOM)" <>, Jeff Miller <>
Subject: Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations' Baptist Church
Thank you Chris.
Adding Jeff Miller.
From: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 04:36 PM
To: Hoskins, Victor (EOM); Allen, Darin (EOM); Nichols, Rich (EOM)
Cc: Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM); Ferguson, Ursula (EOM); Fimbres,
Francisco (EOM)
Subject: FW: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations' Baptist Church
Victor and Rich – FYI.
Darin, tomorrow afternoon can you respond and decline the info citing the conflicts already on the
mayor’s schedule?
From: Samuel Shipley []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:32 PM
To: Gray, Vincent (EOM)
Cc: Fimbres, Francisco (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Subject: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations' Baptist Church
March 31, 2014
The Honorable Vincent Gray
Washington, DC
Mayor Gray:
Earlier this month, the city-identified developers of the Historic McMillan Sand Filtration Site
(Vision McMillan Partners (VMP)) released their Traffic Impact Study (TIS). To help explain
the findings and discuss potential mitigation efforts, the McMillan Advisory Group, in
conjunction with VMP, is hosting a community-wide presentation and discussion on the VMP
TIS this Thursday, April 3 at 7:00 PM at All Nations’ Baptist Church on Rhode Island
Avenue and North Capitol Street, NE. We request your presence at this meeting.
The developers find that there will be an enormous increase in vehicular (car) traffic in and
around the boundary neighborhoods of Wards 1 and 5, specifically on Michigan, 1st, and North
Capitol Streets, NW. For example, they find that there will be an increase of nearly 1,900 cars
per hour during the morning weekday commute and over 2,000 cars per hour in the weekday
afternoon rush hour. As you are probably well-aware, these streets are already choked with
traffic during these times and neighbors are extremely nervous of the future.
There is help, however! The developers have identified a number of recommendations that must
be implemented to help mitigate the mess, but, it falls to the city to carry-out the implementation.
It is important that you and your staff attend this meeting so we can begin to discuss what needs
to be done and how the city is going to accomplish that - to help lessen the impact of this caroriented development.
Again, the meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on Thursday April 3rd at the All Nations’ Baptist
Church on Rhode Island and North Capitol Streets. If you have any questions or would like to
discuss with me, I can be reached at 202 330 1205 or at
Thank you,
Samuel Shipley
McMillan Advisory Group Traffic and Transportation Committee
Have questions about your new Supercan, trash can or larger recycling bin? Check out this
helpful FAQ from the Department of Public Works.
Hoskins, Victor (EOM) <>
Monday, March 31, 2014 8:30 PM
Murphy, Christopher (EOM); Allen, Darin (EOM); Nichols, Rich (EOM)
Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM);
Ferguson, Ursula (EOM); Fimbres, Francisco (EOM); Miller, Jeff (EOM)
Re: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All
Nations' Baptist Church
Thank you Chris.
Adding Jeff Miller.
From: Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 04:36 PM
To: Hoskins, Victor (EOM); Allen, Darin (EOM); Nichols, Rich (EOM)
Cc: Bunn, Sheila (EOM); Glaude, Steve (EOM); Pierce, Ashley (EOM); Ferguson, Ursula (EOM); Fimbres,
Francisco (EOM)
Subject: FW: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations' Baptist Church
Victor and Rich – FYI.
Darin, tomorrow afternoon can you respond and decline the info citing the conflicts already on the
mayor’s schedule?
From: Samuel Shipley []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:32 PM
To: Gray, Vincent (EOM)
Cc: Fimbres, Francisco (EOM); Murphy, Christopher (EOM)
Subject: April 3 McMillan Traffic and Transportation Meeting: 7:00 at All Nations' Baptist Church
March 31, 2014
The Honorable Vincent Gray
Washington, DC
Mayor Gray:
Earlier this month, the city-identified developers of the Historic McMillan Sand Filtration Site
(Vision McMillan Partners (VMP)) released their Traffic Impact Study (TIS). To help explain
the findings and discuss potential mitigation efforts, the McMillan Advisory Group, in
conjunction with VMP, is hosting a community-wide presentation and discussion on the VMP
TIS this Thursday, April 3 at 7:00 PM at All Nations’ Baptist Church on Rhode Island
Avenue and North Capitol Street, NE. We request your presence at this meeting.
The developers find that there will be an enormous increase in vehicular (car) traffic in and
around the boundary neighborhoods of Wards 1 and 5, specifically on Michigan, 1st, and North
Capitol Streets, NW. For example, they find that there will be an increase of nearly 1,900 cars
per hour during the morning weekday commute and over 2,000 cars per hour in the weekday
afternoon rush hour. As you are probably well-aware, these streets are already choked with
traffic during these times and neighbors are extremely nervous of the future.
There is help, however! The developers have identified a number of recommendations that must
be implemented to help mitigate the mess, but, it falls to the city to carry-out the implementation.
It is important that you and your staff attend this meeting so we can begin to discuss what needs
to be done and how the city is going to accomplish that - to help lessen the impact of this caroriented development.
Again, the meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on Thursday April 3rd at the All Nations’ Baptist
Church on Rhode Island and North Capitol Streets. If you have any questions or would like to
discuss with me, I can be reached at 202 330 1205 or at
Thank you,
Samuel Shipley
McMillan Advisory Group Traffic and Transportation Committee
Have questions about your new Supercan, trash can or larger recycling bin? Check out this
helpful FAQ from the Department of Public Works.