May 1, 2016 - St. Nicholas Orthodox Church


May 1, 2016 - St. Nicholas Orthodox Church
‫كنيسة مار نقوال االنطاكية االرثوذكسية‬
St. Nicholas Weekly Bulletin
Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church
Antiochian Archdiocese of North America
Diocese of Los Angeles and the West
5200 Diamond Hts. Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94131
Tel: (415) 648-5200
Pastor, V. Rev. Fr. George Baalbaki
(586) 214-4428-
Pastor Emeritus, V. Rev. Fr. Gregory Ofiesh
Sub-Dn. Michel Khoury
Parish Council Chairman: Suheil Azar
Sunday, May 1st , 2016
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
Al Maseeh Qam! Haqan Qam!
Kristos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!
‫المسيح قام! حقا قام كل عام وأنتم بخير‬
Epistle: Acts: 1:1-8 In the first book, O Theophilos, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach,
until the day when he was taken up, after he had given commandment through the Holy Spirit to the apostles
whom he had chosen. To them he presented himself alive after his passion by any proofs, appearing to them
during forty days, and speaking of the kingdom of God. And while staying with them he charged them not to
depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, "you heard from me, for John
baptized with water, but before many days you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit." So when they had come
together, they asked him, "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom of Israel?" He said to them, "It is not
for you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you shall receive power
when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and
Samaria and to the end of the earth."
‫أنشأت الكالم االول يا ثاوفيـلس في جميع االمور التي ابتدأ يسوع يعمـلها ويعلّـم بها الى اليـوم الذي‬
‫ إني قد‬11-1:1 ‫ أعمال الرسل‬:‫الرسالة‬
‫ الذين اراهم ايضً ا نف َسه حيّا بعد تألمـه ببراهين كثيرة وهـو يتراءى لهم مـدة‬،‫الرسل الذين اصطفاهم‬
‫صعد فيه من بعد ان اوصى بالروح القدس‬
‫ وفيما هو مجتمع معـهم اوصاهم أن ال تبرحوا من اورشليم بل انتظـروا موعد اآلب الذي‬.‫اربعـين يو ًما ويكلمهم بما يختص بملكوت الـلـه‬
‫ يا رب أفي هذا‬:‫ فسألـه الـمجتمعون قائلين‬.‫ فإن يوحنا ع ّمـد بالـماء واما انتم فستع َّمدون بالروح القدس ال بعد هذه االيام بكثير‬،‫سمعتمـوه مني‬
‫ ليس لكم ان تعرفوا االزمنـة او االوقات التي جعلها اآلب في سلطانـه لكنكم ستنـالون قـوة بحلول‬:‫الـمــلـك الى اسرائيل؟ فقال لهم‬
‫الزمان تر ّد‬
.‫ وتكونون لي شهودًا في اورشليم وفي جميع اليهـودية والسامرة والى أقصى االرض‬،‫الروح القدس عليكم‬
Gospel: John 1:1-17 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He
was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that
was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness
has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came for testimony, to bear
witness to the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness to the
light. The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world
was made through him, yet the world knew him not. He came to his own home, and his own people received
him not. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God;
who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word
became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son
from the Father.
(John bore witness to him, and cried, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes after me ranks before me,
for he was before me.'") And from his fullness have we all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given
through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
‫ وبغيره لم يكـن شي ٌء‬،‫ كلٌّ بـه كان‬.‫ هذا كان في البدء عند الـلـه‬،‫ والكلمة كان عند الـله وإلهًا كان الكلمة‬،‫ في البدء كان الكلمة‬:1‫ يوحنا‬:‫اإلنجيل‬
‫ هذا‬.‫ كان انسان مر َسل من هللا اسمه يوحنا‬.‫ والنور في الظـلمة يضيء والظلمة لم تدركه‬،‫ به كانت الحياة والحياة كانت نور الناس‬.‫كون‬
ِّ ‫مما‬
ٍ ‫ كان النـو ُر الحقيقي الذي ينيـر كل انسان آ‬.‫ لم يكـن هو النـور بل كان ليشهد لـلنـور‬.‫ لكي يـؤمـِنَ الكلُّ بواسطته‬،‫جاء لـلشهادة ليشهد للنـور‬
‫ فأمـا كل الـذين قبـلوه فأعطاهم سلطانـًا ان‬،‫ الى خاصته اتى وخاصته لم تقبله‬.‫ والعالم لـم يعرفه‬،‫كـون‬
ِّ ‫ والعالم بـه‬،‫ فـي العالم كان‬.‫الى العالـم‬
‫ والكلمة صار جسدًا‬.‫ الذين ال من دم وال من مشيئـة لحم وال من مشيئة رجل لكن من الـله ُولـِدوا‬،‫يكـونوا اوالدًا هلل الـذين يـؤمنـون باسمه‬
‫قـلت عنـه إن الذي يأتي‬
‫ هذا هـو الذي‬:ً‫ ويوحنـا شهد له وصرخ قائال‬.‫وحـ َّل فينا (وقد أبصرْ نا مجده مج َد وحي ٍد من اآلب) مملـو ًءا نعـمة وحقًـا‬
‫ وأما النعمة والحق فبيسوع‬،‫ الن النامـوس بموسى أُعطي‬،‫ ومـن ِملئه نحـن ُكلنـا اخذنـا ونعمةً عوض نعم ٍة‬،‫بعدي صار قبلـي النـه متقـدِّمي‬
.‫الـمسيـح حصال‬
Holy Bread of oblation offered by:
 St. Nicholas church for the good health of those who have celebrated their birthdays this week: Emile
Khoury, David Habeeb, Samer Dabit, Liza Alhaj, Loubie Qutami, Noor Qutami, Cynthia Rantisi, Jaber
Hanhan, Jackie Faddoul, Munce Hinn, Sumaya Hourani, Hani Yaser. Happy Birthday. Many Years!
 Hayat Shiheiber and family in memory of Ibrahim and Amanda Shiheiber, Antwanette and Adel Khoury.
May their memory be eternal!
Good Friday Soup and Bagels:
We will have Soup, toasted Bagels and coffee after the Lamentation Service donated by
Sub-Deacon Michel Khoury & Leila Paolino for the good health of their families. God Bless. Many
Thank you to Maurice and Najwa Kari for donating the flowers for
Good Friday for the good health of their children: Esam, Jenin, Sereena, and Norana. God
Bless many years!
 Thank you to all the Ladies and families who contributed in making our Bake Sale very
successful by baking, donating items, helping in every way, as well as purchasing our sweets.
May God Bless you all!
 Thank you to Jeries Tannous and Rodi Baqleh, and everyone who donated and helped in
preparing the Easter breakfast God bless you and your families. Also thanks to Peter and Basma
Tannous for their donation towards Easter breakfast. May God bless you and your children.
 Thanks to Andoni & Rula Tannous for donating the breakfast on Holy Thursday for the good
health of their children: Speero & Natalie Tannous. God bless. Many Years!
 Thanks to Elias Batshon for his donation the Eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. May God bless
you and your family.
Agape Service - ‫ & صالة الباعوث‬children’s Eggs Hunt Sunday,
May 1st at 12:00 PM Agape (Vesper) Service
Easter Sunday at 12:00 PM, there will be an Agape vespers and the readings of
the Gospel of the Resurrection proclaimed to the four corners of the earth in the
languages of all mankind. Following the Service we will have the Easter Egg Hunt donated by
Almaza Tannous, Mike Tannous, Hani Tannous, Gihan Cosentino, Christine Jekelian and
their families in memory of Josef & Margarit Hanhan, Charles Tannous and Asal Tannous.
Also by Almaza Tannous for the good health of her children Mike, Hani, Gihan, Christine and their
families.Many Thanks. May God bless you and your families!
Holy and Great Good Friday, April 29th
Matins with the Lamentations at the Tomb at 7:00 PM )‫(تقاريظ جناز السيد المسيح‬
Holy and Great Saturday, April 03th )‫(خدمة الفصح المجيد‬
Starting Service
10:00 PM )‫(بداية الخدمة‬
Rush Hour
00:30 PM )‫(صالة الهجمة‬
Divine Liturgy
00:00 AM )‫(القداس االلهي‬
Followed by breakfast
Holy and Great Sunday, May 1st
12:00 PM )‫(صالة الباعوث‬
HOLY PASCHA: The Resurrection of Our Lord
Pascha (Easter)
Enjoy ye all the feast of faith; receive ye all the riches of lovingkindness.
(Sermon of St John Chrysostom, read at Paschal Matins)
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the center of the
Christian faith. St Paul says that if Christ is not raised from the dead,
then our preaching and faith are in vain (I Cor. 15:14). Indeed,
without the resurrection there would be no Christian preaching or
faith. The disciples of Christ would have remained the broken and
hopeless band which the Gospel of John describes as being in hiding behind locked doors for
fear of the Jews. They went nowhere and preached nothing until they met the risen Christ,
the doors being shut (John 20: 19). Then they touched the wounds of the nails and the spear;
they ate and drank with Him. The resurrection became the basis of everything they said and
did (Acts 2-4): “. . . for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see that I have” (Luke 24:39).
The resurrection reveals Jesus of Nazareth as not only the expected Messiah of Israel, but as
the King and Lord of a new Jerusalem: a new heaven and a new earth.
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. . . the holy city, new Jerusalem. And I heard a
great voice from the throne saying “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with men. He will
dwell with them, and they shall be his people. . . He will wipe away every tear from their
eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any
more, for the former things have passed away (Rev. 21:1-4).
In His death and resurrection, Christ defeats the last enemy, death, and thereby fulfills the
mandate of His Father to subject all things under His feet (I Cor. 15:24-26).
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and
honor and glory and blessing (Rev. 5: 12)
The Christian faith is celebrated in the liturgy of the Church. True celebration is always a
living participation. It is not a mere attendance at services. It is communion in the power of
the event being celebrated. It is God’s free gift of joy given to spiritual men as a reward for
their self-denial. It is the fulfillment of spiritual and physical effort and preparation. The
resurrection of Christ, being the center of the Christian faith, is the basis of the Church’s
liturgical life and the true model for all celebration. This is the chosen and holy day, first of
sabbaths, king and lord of days, the feast of feasts, holy day of holy days. On this day we
bless Christ forevermore (Irmos 8, Paschal Canon).
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
Al Maseeh Qam! Haqan Qam!
Kristos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!
‫المسيح قام! حقا قام‬
‫كل عام وأنتم بخير‬
Good Friday Flower Donations Offered by:
 Basima & Khader Atwan for the good health & prosperity of Lisa & Chris Atwan, and in
memory of: Sami, Naimeh, Basem, Issam & Anwar Jaghab, Hilweh Totah and Audeh and
Nabiha Atwan
 Karim and Dalal Rantisi for the good health & Prosperity of Karim, Dalal, Elyana, Eyad
and Micheal Rantisi, Fayiq and Georgette Rantisi. Many Years!
 Mimi Hanhan for the good health & Prosperity of Ellen Aho, Mimi Hanhan, Chuck &
Juliana Hanhan, Randy & Susie Hanhan , Nabil & Nadene Musalam. And their families
Many Years! Also in loving memory of Basem Hanhan, Shukri and Wadia Hanhan. May
their memory be eternal!
 Abdallah and Clemence Shami for the good health & prosperity of Abdallah and Clemence
Shami and family. Many years! Also in loving memory of Anthony, Anna, Jasmen, and
Jamelleh Shami.May their memories be eternal!
 Radi and Janet Baqleh for the good health & prosperity of their children and grandchildren.
Many Years!
 John and Trix Salih for all continued good health of their family. Many Years!
 Diana Batshon for the good health & prosperity of Diana Batshon and her children Hala,
Maha, Najib and Nadim Batshon. Many Years! And in loving memory of Michael
Batshon.May his memory be eternal!
 Elias and Rogette Bazouzi for the good health of Elias and Rogette Bazouzi, and Their
Children and Grandchildren. And in loving memory of George, Virginia, Jaleel, Kafa, Hanna
and Mike Bazouzi. May their memories be eternal!
 Aho’s Family for the good health of Ellen Aho, Issa & faten, Jack & Hani Aho and families
Many Years! Also in loving memory of Nakhleh and Afram Aho. May their memory be
 Riad and Irene Husary for the good health of Riad, Iren, Shukri and Samer Husary. Many
 Shawqi and Marina Khalaf for the good health of children, and their whole family. Many
 Nafsika ,Mary and Cynthia Zamboukos for the good health of Mother Nafsika
Zamboukos, Mary and Cynthia Zamboukos and Godchildren Panagiota Antonis, Dimitri
Makris, Tina(Fotini) and Lorenzo Petrakis, Sophia and Alexandra Zaboukos and Peter
Zoumboukos. Many Years! Also in loving memory of Fr.James Neal Zamboukos,
Grandparents, Rev. Fr Sotirios Katsoulos and Presrytera Maria Katsoulos, Nearchos and
Maria Zamboukos, Dear Aunt Adamantia Katsoulos and Godparents Anastasios and
Demostenes Frangopoulos and Lucy and John Malandaras.
May their memories be eternal!
 Simon and Aida Salfiti for the continued good health of beloved children & their families.
Many Years!
 Issam and Waffa Salfiti for the good health of Issam, Waffa and Children Deena and Simon.
Many Years!
 Andy and Nadia Azar for the good health of Andy, Nadia, Fadwa, Shukry, Omar and Ronny
Azar. Many Years!
 Hanna and Abeer Khoury for the good health of Hanna, Abeer, Kristina and Mousa, and
their families In Jordan Mousa, Layla Khoury Many Years!
 Daoud and Farida Srouji for the good health of their family: Lina and Joseph, Dina and
Eric, Ramzi and Tamara. Many Years!
 Izzat & Hala Asfour for the good health of Izzat, Hala, Fefe, Terry, Kamel, and Mike
Asfour. Many Years! Also in loving memory of Shukry, Nelly, and Fouad Husary. Kamel,
Afaf, Taghreed, Suha Asfour. May their memory be eternal!
 Suhaila Atwan in loving memory of Sprio, Mary, Jiries and Salwa Hishmeh. May their
memory be eternal!And good health of the family. Many Years!
 Maurice and Aida Kopti for the good health of Jeries & Marika Kopti, George & Hanna
Emsieh. Many Years!
 Gloria Lama in loving memory of Elmlia, Norma, George, Antone and Hanaa. May their
memories be eternal!
 Fuad Hanhan and family for the good health of Hanhan and Butros families. Many Years!
Also in loving memory of Berta Butros. May her memory be eternal!
 Inam Shami for the good health of Inam Shami and her children and Grandchildren. Many
Years! Also in loving memory of Salim Shami. May his memory be eternal!
 Adel Rantisi for the good health of Adel, Rana, Jessica and Diana Rantisi. Many Years!
 Jiries and Suhair Hanhan for the good health of Jiries, Suhair,Narmen, Amanda , Jaber and
Avodika Hanhan. Many Years!
 Jeries and Janet Azar for the good health of Jeries and Janet Azar and their children. Many
Years! Also in loving memory of Jaber & Loris Azar and Melia Awwad. May their memory
be eternal!
 Butros Awwad in loving memory of Melia Awwad. May her memory be eternal!
 Basem & Esther Khoury for the good health of Khoury and Wahab families. Many Years!
 Bishara and Nadia Wehab for the good health of Bishara, Nadia and all the kids: David,
Michael, Issa and Natalie. Many Years!
 Sami and Maritsa Wahhab for the good health of Sami, Maritsa and the kids Nawal, Farah,
Rami &Mothers Nawal Wahhab & Soad Khuri . Many Years!And in loving memory of
Fathers Farah Alwahhab & Jamil Khri. May their memory be eternal!
 Nadim and Basma Howell for the continued good health of Janan, Jennifer, Brandon,
Matthew, Jim, and Ivette Howell. Jane and Oscar Moran, & all the Howell and Ahwal
families. Many Years! Also in loving memory of Naim, Mitry, Miladeh, Wadie, Miriam,
Aziz, Louis, Jaleeleh, Qnu, Bassam and Widad Ahwal and all the departed ones from the
Howell and Ahwal families. May their memories be eternal!
 Salim and MonaRantisi for the good health of Salim, Mona, Cynthia, Krystle (Azar) and
Claudia Rantisi. Many Years!
 Isam and Ghadeer Rantisi for the good health Isam, Ghadeer, Sami, Genevien, Brandon
Rantisi. Many Years!
 Walid and Susan Rantisi for the good health of Walid, Susan, Sami, Justin, Natali Rantisi.
Many Years!
 Osama and Birjett Rantisi for the good health of Osama, Birjett Millisa, Andrew, Briyana
Rantisi. Many Years!
 Jamil and Abla Howell for the good health of Jamil, Abla, May, Arif, Malik, Tariq, Grace,
Jason, Anastacia, Grayson, Mitry and Hillary Howell. Many Years! And in loving memory of
Wadie, Miriam, Mitry, Meladeh, Jalileh, Aziz, Louie, Naim, Naimeh, Musa and Nader
Howell. May their memory be eternal!
 Matthew Nushwat in loving memory of Jamil Saleem Nushwat, Mary Nushwat, Mousa Agil
Nesheiwat, Fahdih Nesheiwat. May their memory be eternal!
 Karim and Samantha Saoud for the good health of Karim, Samantha, Adrianna, Elia, and
Anthony Saoud, Also for the good health of Issa, Vivian Dabai, and family. Many Years!
Also in loving memory of Elia and Clair Saoud. May their memory be eternal!
 Maha Esaid for the good health of Maha, Issa, Jane and Deena Esaid and Brother Ayman
Rantisi. Many Years! Also in loving memory of Saleeba Esaid, George and Refqa Rantisi.
May their memory be eternal
 Ayman Rantisi for the good health of sisters Maha Esaid & Suzi Rantisi. Many Years!!
 Issa Khoury and family in loving memory of Michael Khoury, Emile Khoury, Antwonette
Khoury, Georgette Khoury, Suhair AlJada, Adel Khoury. May their memory be eternal!
 Jeries Tannous in loving memory of Yousef Tannous, Khader Wahbeh, Georgett Wahbeh.
May their memory be eternal!
 Haitham Madanat for the good health of Haitham and Rita Madanat, and John and Sammy.
Many Years!
 Saliba Qaqundah for the Saliba, Amal Grace, Nicole, Peter and Eleanor Qaqundah. Many
Years! Also in loving memory of Mother and Grandmother Thuraya Qaqundah. May her
memory be eternal!
 Hanna Khoury and family for the good health of Gabriel and David. Many Years!
 Samer and Hind Bouri for the good health of Samer, Hind,Frank and Andrew Bouri. Many
Years! Also in loving memory of Nekhleh Aho and Fayik Bouri. May their memory be
 Marilyn Habeeb for the continued good health of her beloved children: David, Louise, Paul,
Annette and their families. Many Years!
 Marilyn Habeeb and family for the repose of Victor Habeeb, Hector and Louise Baida,
Tanios and Victoria Habeeb, Michael, Badia and Tony Habeeb. May their memory be
 Ghassan and Maria Rantisi for the good health of Ghassan, Maria, Angelina, and Juliana
Rantisi. Ayman and Suzi Rantisi and all brothers and sisters, and Anthony Brown and
family&George Danezis. Many Years! Also in loving memory of George and Refqa Rantisi
and Saleeba Esaid. May their memories be eternal!
 Maha Dabit for the good health of Maha, Alex, Christopher, and Alexis. Many Years! Also
in loving memory of Rimon Dabit and Nakleh Aho. May their memory be eternal!
 Elias and Hanady Batshon for the good health of their childrens Rana, Zeina, Abdallah, and
Amir Batshon. Many Years!And in loving memory of father Abdallah and sister Amal
Batshon and Issa, Samira Jijmeh. May their memory be eternal!
 Salim and Rima Qaru for the good health of mother Olga Hawit. Many Years! Also in
loving memory of their parents Elias and & Suad Qaru, Fuad Hawit. May their memories be
 Luay & Tamara Bouri for the good health Juliette Bouri and the family. Khader, Suhaila
Bouri and the family & Luay, Tamara, Angelina, Jessica, Tianna, and Joy Bouri. Many
Years! Also in loving memory of Fayeq Bouri. May his memory be eternal!
 Steve and Krystle Azar for the good health of their son Christian Azar, and all the Azar and
Rantisi families. God bless them. Many Years!
 Ibrahim Habash for the good health of Ibrahim, Muna, Judd Saliba Habash. & Salim, Nada,
and Emilia Joubran. Many Years!
 Maurice and Najwa Kari for the good health of Maurice & Najwa and their children Esam,
Jenin, Sereena, and Norana. Many Years! Also in loving memory Nakleh and Salma Qare,
Brothers: Khamis and Jeries and In Law Fouad I and Jamileh Ahwal. May their memories be
 Salim Qare, Fairouz Qare for the good health of Salim Qare and his sister Fairouz Qare.
Nakleh, Andre, Christopher and Daniel Qare and their families.Many Years! Also in loving
memory of wife Bertah and Parents Nakleh and Salma and brothers khamis and Jeries Qare.
May their memories be eternal!
 Badia Fashho in loving memory of Abid, Sameer, Badaly and Nadia Fashho and Adel
Khoury May their memory be eternal!
 Suhail Azar for the good health of Mother Olga Azar, Suhail Salameh, and Nina Azar, Mitri
and Vannessa Azar & family. Hala Mughnam and family. Many Years!
 Suhail Azar in loving memory of Mitri Musa Azar, Salim Mitri Azar, Hannah Azar, Shukri
Azar, Fadwa Azar. May their memory be eternal!
 Rania Hanhan for the good health of Rania, Nick and Alex Hanhan. Many Years!
 Michael and Nadia Rantisi for the good health of their children: Yousef, Tariq, and Rami
Rantisi.Many Years! Also in loving memory of Yousef Rantisi, and Jaber & Najah Hanhan.
May their memory be eternal!
 George L. Hanhan and family for the good health of family. Many Years! Also in loving
memory of Lutfi, Remond Hanhan. Jeries and Rima Abdallah. May their memory be eternal!
 Mousa& Nadia Husary for the good health of Mousa, Nadia,Issa, Joseph,Tamara. Ellen
&Emile, Gabby and David Saddah. Jasan & Lana Nazzal. Many Years!
 John and Joanne Saba for continued good health of children Nick, Jacob,Athena Saba. Also
good health of Rosette Saba and family, Simon and Rima Rantisi. Many Years!And in loving
memory of Nicola Saba, George Saba. May their memory be eternal!
 Rosette Saba for continued good health of Saba family. Many Years! Also in loving memory
of Nicola George Saba, and George Nicola Saba. May their memory be eternal!
 Rema kare and Tony Habash for the good health of Rema, Nakhleh Kare Tony, Marsiala,
Malake, Sareena, Jasmine Habash. Many Years! Also in loving memory of Khamis Kare,
Khalil, Malakeh, David Habash. May their memory be eternal!
 George and Evon Hanhan for the good health of George, Evon, Spiro, Anette and Nicole
Hanhan. Many Years! Also in loving memory of Spiro and Najlah Hanhan. May their
memorybe eternal!
 Shukry Azar for the good health of Neveen, Shukry, Simon Azar and Family. Many Years!
 Issa and Vivian Dabai for the good health of Issa, Vivian, Stella, Samer, Sam, Shireen
Dabai. Also good health of Samman, Stephanie, Isabella, Annabella Azzar. Also good health
of Karim, Samantha, Adrianna, Elia and Anthony Saoud. Many Years!
 Akram Nasser for the good health of Jalila, Akram, and Muna Nasser, Elias, Amy, John and
Lena. Many Years! Also in loving memory of Elias Oudi Nasser, Wajdy Nasser, and Shukry
and Fadwa Azar. May their memory be eternal!
 Julia Nasser for the good health of Julia, Louie, David, Lisa Nasser and their families, Many
Years!and in memory of Wajdy Nasser and Elias Oudi Nasser. May their memory be eternal!
 Zuhair and Maha Jada in loving memory of Khalil and Hilda Jada May their memory be
 Rimon and Sana Jada for the good health of Emily, Ramzi and Fadi Jada. Many Years! And
in memory of Mina Al Jada, Zuhair Al Jada, Ramzi Mina Al Jada. May their memory be
 Peter and Basma Tannous for the good health of Peter, Basma, Annie, William, Ava, Jace,
Speero Tannous. Many Years! Also in loving memory of Deena, Hannah, Spiro Tannous.
May their memory be eternal!
 Souraya Khoury and family in loving memory of Emile Fayeq Khoury, Antwanette Khoury,
and Adelle Khoury. May their memory be eternal!
 Maher & Vicky Al Jada for the good health of Maher, Vicky, Warda, Laith, Tamara Al
Jada. Many Years!And in memory of Abo Zuheir and Um Zuheir. Memory eternal.
 Julia Tannous in loving memory of Khader and Violet Asfour. May their memory be
 George and Hala Khoury for the good health of Emile, Sabrina Khoury. Many Years!
 Samar and Attallah Qura for the good health of Attallah Samar, Mariana, Elias and Luke
Qura. Many Years!
 Maha Kishek for the good health of Hanna Nabil Kishek& family. Many Years!
 Fuad Madanat and family for the good health of family. Many Years!
 Khaldoun Madanat and children for the good health of family. Many Years!
 Anwar & Mary Hanahn for the good health of Anwar, Mary Hanhan and family. Many
 Suheil& Randa Shatara for the good health of Suheil, Randa, Saba, Adrienne, Peter and
Nadeen Shatara. Many Years! Also in loving memory of Elias Shatara, Hanna and Nour
Najjar. May their memory be eternal!
 Yacoub and Sue Rantisi in loving memory of Clemance Salim Rantisi, Huda Katout Rantisi,
Elias Rantisi, Milad Rantisi,.George and Nasifa Katout, Ibrahim and Edward Katout, Huda
Katout Rantisi. May their memory be eternal!Also for the good health of their children Salim,
Mandy and Jacob Rantisi, Joseph, Munce and Samir Joseph Hinn. Many Years!
 Sally (Salma) Habeeb for the good health of Salma (Sally) Habeeb, Michael, Reem, Nicole,
Elias, and "Hazel" Habeeb, Julierose Habeeb, Dolores, Paul, Praxia Sally (Matt), Elisa, and
Athena Julie Apostle, Rose, Rick and Jeff Habib, and all our dear family and friends.Many
Years! Also in loving memory of Elias Habeeb, Sadie and Mittry Habeeb, Jimmy and Eddy
Habeeb, Louie and Julie Habib, George, Barbara, and Robert Habib, Amelia Rewak,
"Peanuts" Habeeb, Melvena and Tom Shahady, Louise Zeibak, and all departed loved
ones.May their memories be eternal!
 Ajia Habash for the good health of Ajia, Khalil, Ameer, Monika Habash. Many Years! Also
in loving memory of David K. Habash, Khalil and Malakah and Rasheed and Nada and
Rasheed Fanous. May their memory be eternal!
 Khaled Azar for the good health of Nancy, Khaled Azar. Many Years!
 Fadwa and Simon Azar for the good health of Fadwa and Simon and family. Many Years!
 Hanna & Aida Batshon for the good health of their family. Many Years!
 Aboud Jadelrab for the good health of Aboud, Darlene Jadelrab and their children. Many
Years. Also in loving memory of Hana, Wedad, George,Martha, Adeeba Jadelrab & Farah
Khalil, Bill and Alice Jabour. May their memories be eternal!
 Najib & Muna Batshon in memory of Deeb & Fifi Batshon. May their memory be eternal!
 Almaz Tannous for the good health of her children, Mike Tannous, Hani Tannous, Gihan
Cosentino, Christine Jekelian and their families!Many Years!
 Almaz Tannous and her children- Mike, Hani, Gihan and Christine in loving memory of
Khalil Charles Tannous, Asal Tannous and Josef and Margrit Hanhan. May there memory be
 Issa & Tammi Michael for the good health of their children. Many Years!
 Renee Turgman Khoury for the good health of her children. Many Years!
 Angel Salfiti for the good health of her family. Many Years! Also in loving memory of
parents Costandi & Ellen Salfiti, Brother Elias Salfiti & Niece Lana Arabiah. May their
memory be eternal!
 Dawud & Huda Rantisi for the good health of father and mother Fayek & Georgette Rantisi
and to all Rantisi family. Many Years!
 Emad & Rozana Maayeh for the good health of Emad, Rozana, Asmahan, Joann & Nouran.
Many Years! And in loving memory of Jubran, Asma & Hani Maayeh. May their memory be
 Nabil Hanhan and family for the good health of the family. Many Years!
 Nimer Halteh for the birth and good health of Grandson Nimer Pierre Halteh and his Mom
Lena Halteh and family.Many Years!
 Katy Shami in loving memory of beloved husband Jad Shami. May his memory be eternal!
 Katy Shami for the good health of her family. Many Years!
 Maher Shami for the good health of his wife and children. Many Years!
 Lillian Hanhan Ishaq for the good health of Emad & Sireen Ishaq & family, Sahar, Abeer,
Sima and Russia and their families. Many Years! And in loving memory of her husband
Michael Ishaq. May his memory be eternal.
 Nadia Shatara for the good health of her children and Grandchildren. Many Years! Also in
memory of Elias Shatara. May his memory be eternal!
 Saida Jaghab in loving memory of Basem Jaghab, Yacoub and Elias Louh. May their
memory be eternal! And for the good health of Jayson, Tanya, Yesmeen and Jacob Vieyra,
Sameer and Diana Beru, Maher and Randa Hanani and Mary Jaghab. Many Years!
 Simon Rantisi for the good health of Simon, Rima, Chris, Frank and Sima Rantisi and
family, John & Joanne Saba & family, Rami & Sendy Hatter and family, Fayek & Georgette
Rantisi and family Many Years.
 Joyce Jaber in loving memory of Fuad H. Jaber. May his memory be eternal! And for the
continued good health of Lamya F. Jaber. Many Years!
 Suad Husary for the good health of Suad Husary and Son John Rafidi. Many Years!Aind in
loving memory of Shukri, Nelly and Fouad Husary. May their memory be eternal!
 Souzan Katami in loving memory of Elias & Yacoub Louh and Isam Katami. May their
memory be eternal!
 Samer and Lamis Massad for the good health of children Shadi, Raed and Sema. Many
 Ghazi and Rachal Shami in thanks giving to God for his blessings.
 Laila & George Shami in thanks giving to God for his blessings.
 Jarjura family in loving memory of George & Najla Jarjura. May their memory be eternal!
 Wael & Lana Hanhan for the good health of the family. Many Years!
 Andoni amd Rula Tannous for the good health of their family. Many Years!
 Basil Hanhan for the good health of Basil, Ibtisam, Shukri,Betty, Shereen and their families.
Many Years!
 Nabela, Sam, Yessenia, Samia, Samar and Suhale Khoury for the continued good health
of Fawzi Khoury. Many Years!
 Elias & Nahil Hanhan in loving memory of Grandmother Nina Hanhan. May her memory
be eternal!
 Munir Shahin for the good health of his children and family. Many Years!
 Azar Azar and family for the good health of his children and family. Many Years!
 Mile and Dorine Habib in loving memory of Father Nicholas Habib and Khourieh Najiba
Habib. May there memory be eternal
 Mitri & Odette Najjar for good health of Mitri, Odette and their children. Many Years!
 Khalil Rantisi for the good health of Helaneh,Khalil, Mariam, Maya Rantisi,and Fathers
Ibrahim and Awed Rantisi, Brothers Suleman and Faten Rantisi. Many Years!
 Chuck Hanhan, Randy Hanhan ,Nadene Msalam and their families for the good health
of Mimi Hanhan and Ellen Aho. Many Years! Also in Loving memory of Basem Hanhan.
May his memory be eternal!
 Father Greogory & Kh. Mary-Jane Ofiesh for the good health of the Ofiesh family. Many
 Issa and Salwa Shnoudi for the good health of Issa, Salwa and children Naim, Nisreen and
Rami. Many Years!
 Issam and Mary Khoury for the good health of Renee, Monam Issam and Mary Khoury.
Many Years!
 Jeff and Ann-Marie Anderer in loving memory of Georgette Baba. May her memory be
 Afif and Najwa Baba in loving memory of Georgette Baba. May her memory be eternal!
 Jean Harb for the good health of her children Jim, Jerry, Diane, Paula. Many Years!
 Gabriel Rantisi and family for the good health of the family. Many Years!
 Raed Azar for the good health of Evelyn, Raed Azar and family. Many Years!
 Pat Arango for the good health of Pat, Bob, Alexi and Lee Ann. Many Years! Also in loving
memory of departed members of the family. May their memory be eternal!
 Nader and Summer Hanhan for the good health of Summer, Nader, and their children
Tamara, Ramzi, Talia, Naya and Timmur. And good health of Manawel, Nariman Hanhan &
their children Khader and SamerMany Years. And in memory of Khader and Nina Hanhan.
May their memory be eternal!
Many Thanks. May God bless you and your families.
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San Francisco, CA 94131
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