Religious Orders: Apostles of the Interior Life Companions of the
Religious Orders: Apostles of the Interior Life Companions of the
Initials: Religious Orders: AVI: CC: CDP: CFR: CMST: CP: CP*: CRS: CSB: CSC: CSsR: CVI: DS: FMA: FPO: FSE: FSP: LHC: MS: OATH: OFM: OFM Cap: OMI: OP: OP*: OP**: OP***: OP****: SIPM: SJ/nSJ: OSB: OSC: SPHJM: SSVM: SVD *: JORGE ALVARADO, CC SR. KELLY BIDDLE, OP St. Vincent de Paul SR.MARÍAMADREDELAS AMÉRICASFLORES,SSVM SR.CATHERINE THOMAS BRENNAN, OP* St. Michael, Houston BRITTANY BROWN Έwith s/Ή St. Anne, Tomball SR. CHRISTIANA BUI, OP* Vietnamese Martyrs St. Helen WES FOERSTER, CSC St. Mary, Plantersville MARC FRYER, SJ St. Laurence St. Vincent de Paul DAVID LUGO, SJ SR. MELODY MOBLEY, CVI TIMOTHY MOUTON, CSC IVAN C. NAVARRO, CRS ROSIE ROBLETO, OP DAVID ROMERO Έwith CRS) St. Justin Martyr Sacred Heart, Conroe WILLIAM “TUCKER” REDDING, nSJ EDUARDO I. RIVERA, CSB St. Justin Martyr St. Rose of Lima St. Justin Martyr Corpus Christi RANDY GIBBENS, SJ St. Edith Stein St. Cyril of Alexandria SR. PETER THOMAS BURSON, OP* St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Charismatic Center RUBÉN CAMPBELL, CC OAK CHOOKLIN, CSB BR. JERRY CORNISH, OFM CĂƉ SR. ELIZABETH MARIE COTTER ΈwithKWΎΉ Christ the Good Shepherd Mary Queen, Friendswood BR.FRANCISOFHOUSTON GODKIN, FPO ÓSCAR FERNANDO GÓMEZ Έwith CRS) JUAN GONZÁLEZ Έwith CP) RACHEL GOSDA, SPHJM DANIEL A. NEVARES, nSJ SR. ANNA IMELDA NGUYEN, OP** EMANUEL HOC NGUYEN, CSB St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Elizabeth Ann Seton MANUEL ROMERO Έwith OMI) Immaculate Conception, Houston Assumption St. Anne, Houston Queen of Peace, Houston Our Lady of Lavang NGUYEN Έwith OFM Cap) ChristItheIncarnateWord/St.FrancisdeSales SR. ROSE MARIE SCHOPPE, CP* SR. MARIA CATHERINE TOON, OP* St. Luke the Evangelist Our Lady of Walsingham St. Laurence St. Anne, Houston SR. GABRIELA TORRES, CMST Sacred Heart, Conroe Apostles of the Interior Life Companions of the Cross Congregation of Divine Providence Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal Carmelite Missionaries of St. Teresa Passionist Community Passionist Nuns Somascan Fathers The Congregation of St. Basil (Basilian Fathers) Congregation of the Holy Cross Redemptorists Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament Disciples of Hope Salesian Sisters Franciscans of Primitive Observance Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist Daugthers of St. Paul Lovers of the Holy Cross Missionaries of LaSalette Oblate Apostles of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans) Order of Friars Minor Capuchin Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Dominican Sisters, Congregation of the Sacred Heart Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist Vietnamese Dominican Sisters Order of Preachers (Dominicans) Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Sociedad Juan Pablo II Magno Society of Jesus/Novitiate in Society of Jesus ( Jesuits) Benedictine Sisters of the Sacred Heart Monastery Poor Clare Sisters Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary Servants of the Lord Society of Divine Word Servants of Christ Jesus Catholic Charismatic Center Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart St. Andrew, Channelview VICTOR BARRON, DS MEGAN BENNETT, OP**** QUY DUONG, CSSR SR. LINDSAY A. DURHAM, FMA BR. PAUL VINCENT ERSAN, OATH SR. KATE FITZGERALD, CDP SR.COLETTEMARIEOFTHE LITTLE WAY KONKEL, CFR JOHN LE, SJ ANTONIO AQUINO Έwith WΉ St. Helen Christ the Incarnate Word MARY ANGELICA DOAN, OP** MINONA D’SOUZA, OSB St. Francis de Sales St. Francis de Sales SR. KATHY HAWKINS, OSC SR. MARY KOLBE HEFFERN, FSE BR. CLIFFORD HENNINGS, OFM JEFFREY HUBER Έwith CRS) BRYAN KELSCH* BR. BRIAN JOSEPH KIRK, OP*** SR. MARY AGNES NGUYEN, OP** BR. TOM NGUYEN, OFM CĂƉ JOHN NUGENT, SJ JUAN PABLO OROZCO, CC DAVID PATERNOSTRO, SJ BR. CARL PAUSTIAN, OP*** SR. LAN VY TRAN, FMA SR. MARY THOMAS TRAN, OP** St. Ignatius of Loyola Our Lady of Lavang St. Francis de Sales TREY CRESPO, MS St. Maximilian Kolbe Our Lady of Lourdes Vietnamese Martyrs Sacred Heart, Richmond Christ the King St. Cecilia Sacred Heart, Conroe THINH DUC TRAN, SVD SR. K. ANDREW MARIE TYLER, FSP Our Lady of Lourdes St. Rose of Lima St. Laurence St. Mary, League City dDͳEE VU, OP** Vietnamese Martyrs St. Clare of Asissi Holy Rosary, Houston St. Ignatius of Loyola MICHAEL WEGENKA, SJ St.Bartholomew/EpiphanyoftheLord St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Paul MIGUEL PÉREZ, CC Sacred Heart, Conroe BRYAN WILLIAMS, CSC St. Laurence/St. Thomas More St. Laurence St. John Fisher Christ the Incarnate Word TU QUYEN PHAM, OP** Our Lady of Lourdes BR. PETE ZAGONE, SJ All Saints/St. Ignatius of Loyola KƚŚĞƌŵĞŶĂŶĚǁŽŵĞŶŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶŶŽƚƉŝĐƚƵƌĞĚ͗ Natasha Hoang, LHC, Christ the Incarnate Word Nancy Ngo, LHC, Christ the Incarnate Word Andrew Higdon, CSC, St. Anthony of Padua José Antonio Montoya, SIPM, Assumption
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