The purpose of my travel was to
The purpose of my travel was to
SUPPORT SERVICES The purpose of my travel was to: 1 3 DEC 2005 `wQUSC OF ASSEMBLY Visit the Kansas Legislature in Topeka, the Nebraska Legislature in Lincoln, attend the Husker Harvest Field Days in Nebraska which are operated by Rural Press. At the Legislatures discuss growing GM crops, tattooing and body piercing industries, education support for rural families and their legislative committees . Mondav, 5 September 2005 Fly Adelaide, Melbourne, Los Angeles, Denver, Kansas City. Private vehicle to Topeka. I am very grateful to Mr Gerry Bretz who collected me in Topeka and drove me around the USA. Tuesday, 6 September 2005 Appointments at Topeka with: " Ms Kim Ribelin, Secretary of State's Office (I am very grateful for Kim's assistance in organising many of my appointments) " Senate President Steve Morris " Mary Mulryan and David Lake, Board of Emergency Medical Services " Lunch with Secretary of State Ron Thornburgh " Secretary Adrian Pokansky, Department of Agriculture " Representative Tom Sloan, visit to his farm Wednesdav, 7 September 2005 Appointments at Topeka with: " Col . William Seck, Kansas Highway Patrol " State Capitol Tour " Lunch with Greg Foley, Conservation Commission " Speaker of the House, Doug Mays " Mary Lou Davis, Kansas Board of Cosmetology " Assistant Commissioner Dale Dennis, Kansas Department of Education. Wednesday afternoon travelled to Avaleen . Thursday, 8 September 2005 Thursday morning visited the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum. Travelled onto Lincoln, the capitol of Nebraska. Friday, 9September 2005 Friday had appointments at the Nebraska Legislature : " Rick Leonard, Legal Counsel to Senator Bob Kremer & Agriculture Committee " Tammy Barry, Legal Counsel to Senator Ron Raikes & Education Committee Monday, 12 September 2005 Monday morning first appointment was Fairbanks Carney Dealership with Warren Fairbanks . Visited Senator Chuck Hagel's office, and met Mary Bargman Crawford, State Agriculture Director, who supplies the money to the American Farm Bill which is important to farmers . Then we went to an ethanol plant and had a briefing . In the afternoon I visited Senator Ed Schrock and visited his farm where I saw the results of efficient irrigation, what can be grown and the latest farming techniques . Tuesday, 13 September 2005 Attended the Husker Harvest Field Days . Wednesdav, 14 September 2005 On the Wednesday at 1 pm I visited the Case/New Holland header (combine harvester) factory and they produce about 17 new headers a day. In the evening I went with Senator Ed Schrock to a meeting regarding legislation dealing with irrigation and aspects of water management in Nebraska - I was given the opportunity to address the meeting. Thursday, 15 Septemb er 2005 On Thursday morning we went to the Husker Harvest Field Days where I attended a briefing with the Secretary of State for Agriculture in the USA. The Husker Harvest Field Days are owned and operated by Rural Press South Australia. Fridav, 16 September 2005 Proceeded to Omaha where I met Mr Mike Walter from ConAgra Foods . Then in the afternoon departed Omaha, Chicago, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Adelaide . Sunday, 18 September 2005 Arrived in Adelaide I have again found the ability to visit the USA as a MP one of the most productive and educational experiences. The information I received was most helpful and will be put to good use. One of the first things that strikes you is the massive agricultural potential of the USA and its industrial capacity. I happened to be there when the typhoon hit New Orleans. The other most interesting aspect of the USA is the patriotism of people with the flag flying with great pride . Petrol was selling up to $2 .90 a gallon and people were complaining . On their highways as well as having a maximum speed limit they also have a minimum speed limit which I believe is important in traffic management . In my discussions in Kansas I was very keen to examine and understand their view in relation to genetically modified crops, bearing in mind soya beans and corn in the majority are modified, now release GM alph alpha (Lucerne) which is anticipated about 75000 acres planted this year. I had the chance to speak at length with the Secretary of State for Agriculture who is a wheat grower and had detailed discussions on what he believes was the future for GM crops. He is a strong supporter of GM crops and his concern was that people don't understand the technology involved and the benefits which can flow particularly in relation to increased production and other side benefits such as production of products which will help people with diseases . He is keen to see the grain growing country such as Australia cooperate in an education program because it would be fair assessment of the views he put across that the continued development of GM crops will be ongoing and inevitable that it will be the acceptance by the market place - which it currently doesn't. I also had a discussion with the President's staff in the Upper House in the Kansas City Legislature and in their legislature like a number of other states in USA the committee system is very powerful and all legislation has to go to a committee before it can be considered by the House . The committee has the power to kill legislation and it would appear to me there are some benefits in this system where more detailed and thorough debate and consideration, particularly major issues, takes place. I also had the opportunity of speaking with the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Lower House, the actual capitol building is a most impressive building . I was very grateful for the assistance of the Secretary of State and his staff. They were very helpful in organising my appointments. My discussions on the last Friday with Mike Walter from ConAgra Foods related to his views on where we were going with GM crops . Whether ~t was necessary to continue with research and the campaign launched b~ Peter which is the group that has campaigned vigorously against mulesing sheep. During this discussion Mr Walter provided me with information concerning the activities of Peter in the treatment of pests they had collected. It is clear from my discussions with ConAgra Foods that there will be ongoing development in the field of GM crops, the technology needs to be clearly explained to the community so they can make informed decisions . Unlike Australia, in the USA it is clear there is a general acceptance of GM crops eg. Soya beans, canola, round up ready Lucerne . It is clear that if we are going to have round-up ready wheat then there needs to be a clear market acceptance and before that happens there needs to be a clear explanation and acceptance . My discussions with the Director of Education in Kansas indicated to me that our one educational system across South Australia is highly beneficial and in my view leads to better educational outcomes. One of the interesting points he made was they don't have a system where school uniforms are worn . He indicated to me that we should never give up the right because once given up you will never get it back and it has proved to give them some difficulties . The second issue was that in Kansas and Nebraska in rural areas they have a system of driving licences which allows students under the normal age permission to drive to school with a special permit . I am not advocating this but it was an interesting point and maybe something worth looking at for the very isolated and difficult circumstances where people are having difficulties getting school buses. There is no doubt the ethanol industry in the United States is not only expanding but is encouraged to do so by government. It is estimated that there is well in excess of 300 jobs being created with the construction of each plant and estimated, because of the guarantees in place, that some extra 50,000 permanent jobs created, and a large amount of indirect jobs. One of the strong arguments used is that ethanol can reduce greenhouse gas emissions quite considerably. The American Liner Association has indicated that diesel and petrol contributes considerably to pollution . It does have advantages that is why I am firmly of the view we should be positively supporting the establishment of ethanol plants in this State and Nation as one way to conserve fuel. One of the interesting aspects of my trip was the continual and rapid development of technology in agriculture and the range of satellite guidance systems that are available to farmers in the USA. Another highlight was to visit the Husker Harvest Field Days. It is clear that satellite guidance systems are going to play a very significant role in cost reductions and efficiency in the future. From what I heard in the USA and what I know takes place in Australia hopefully the competition which is available in the USA will drive down the price and hopefully help farmers in Australia. More information about my trip to the USA can be obtained by contacting the Stuart Electorate Office at Parliament House . I am happy to have constructive discussions with anyone about my trip as I believe the opportunity for Members to look at new technologies and discuss with Legislatures in other parts of the World is invaluable and should be encouraged and not hindered . My visit to the USA again strengthened my opposition to citizens initiated referendum which has been an issue of discussion in South Australia. My discussion relating to body piercing and tattooing were invaluable to me as a Member of the South Australia Select Committee on Body Piercing and Tattooing which has just handed down its report to the Parliament. on Graham Gunh MP MEMBER FOR STUART S 'i D'-Y-' 'T'- 0 att t PORT ~~ SPEAKER FIOUSE OF ASSEMBLY 2005 Nebraska AgRelations Council Relations Dinner and Special Program Senator Ed Schrock Presentation "Nebraska Water Issues" MidTown Holiday Inn, Grand Island September 14 " During Husker Harvest Days Reception - 5:30 p.m. " Dinner - 6:30 p .m. LEAD Alumni Association Cooperating Special Program NAC President Craig Buescher - Master of Ceremonies Presentation - "Nebraska Water Issues," Senator Ed Schrock NAC is focusing this year on Nebraska water issues and this represents our beginning on the topic. A full days' program November 3, 2005 for Ag at the Crossroads will be presented . Look for the announcement . Buffet Dinner Menu : Wide selection of relishes and salads, plus mashed potatoes and gravy, and a combination of 3 meat entrees. Choice of coffee, tea, dinner rolls and dessert. SENATOR ED SCHROCK EXPERIENCE District No . 38 Legislative Address State Capitol Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 Office: (402) 471-2732 Home Address R.R . 1, Box 57 Elm Creek, Nebraska 68836 (308) 995-4665 (Holdrege) SENATOR TOM BAKER Nebraska Legislature 44`u District w AIFcO% REPUBLICA111 tbaker@unicam.state .ne .u s A IF U.S. CONGRESS www. hansonforcongress . com Paid for by the Hanson for Congress Commiffee. State Capitol PO Box 94604 Lincoln, NE 68509-4604 (402) 471-2805 FAX (402) 479-0944 HC 2, Box 140 Trenton, NE 69044 (308) 334-5403 VALUES oNi Ri JoanAdrian :com - Adrian Smith Republican Candidate-Nebraska's 3rd Congressional District 3321 Avenue 1, Suite 6 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (308) 220-3211 (phone) (308) 635-7412 (fax) www joinadrian .co m SENATOR ADRIAN M . SMITH Nebraska Legislature 48 111 District State Capitol, Box 94604 Lincoln, NE 68509-4604 (402) 471-2802 Fax: (402) 479-0948 3321 Avenue 1, Suite 6 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (308) 635-7542 Fax: (308) 635-7412 asruith@unicam.state .ne .u s SENATOR RONALD E . RAIKES Nebraska Legislature 25TH District MARY BARGMAN CRAWFORD State Agriculture Director Senator Chuck Hagel Nebraska 115 Railway Street, Suite C102 Washington, DC 20510-2705 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (202)2244224 (308) 632-6032 (202) 228-0436 (Fax) (308) 632-6295 (Fax) E-mail : mar ycmwford@hegel USDA State Capitol Lincoln, NE 68509 (402) 471-2731 3221 South 76th Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 E-MAIL .u s Larry V. Cundiff, PhD. Research Leader, Genetics& Breeding United States Department of Agriculture . Agricultural Research .Service U .S . Meat Animal Research Center''- - . , P .O. Box 166 . - Clay Center, Nebraska 68333-0166 Voice: 402;'62-4171 " FAX: 402/762-4-i Email : cundiff@email.marc .usda .gov JILL BECKER TODD WILTGEN LEGAL COUNSEL TRANSPORTATION AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE Constituent Services Representative 294 Federal Building Senator Chuck Hagel Nebraska 100 Centennial Mall North Lincoln, NE 68508 Washington, DC 20510-2705 (402) 476-1400 (202) 22.4-42291 (402) 476-0605 (Fax) (202) 228-5213 (Fax) E-mail : todd_wiltgen@hagel 7- Office of Senator Tom Baker, Chair State Capitol, Room 1101 f?0 . Box 94604 Lincoln, NE 68509-4604 (402) 471-2805 (402) 479-0944 jbecker@unicam .state .ne .us www.unicam.state .ne .us FAX PHONE : 308/324-2371 FAX : 308/324-5786 CELLULAR : 308/325-0789 www .krvn .co m E-Mail : jgittins@unicam .state .ne .us Jody Gittins Legal Counsel Natural Resources Committee State Capitol Room 1210 Lincoln, NE 68509 Phone : (402) 471-2732 Fax : (402) 479-0938 04.1 p see AIN2 RURAL RADIO MIKE LEPORTE farm service director P.O . Box 880 1007 Plum Creek Parkway Lexington, NE 68850-0880 e-mail : mleporte@krvn .co m 11NE Nebraska LEAD PrO9ram ALLEN G . BLEZEK O , COMPANY S 222A5 LARE~DO TRAIL 50003 1-800-362-2510 515-677-2605 Fax: 515-677-2716 ORIN BORCHERS Director District Manager Telephone : (402) 472-6810 FAX : (402) 472-6799 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Internet: ablezeki @ unl .ed u 318 BioChem Telex : 484340 Lincoln, NE USA 68583-0763 www .ianr.uni .edu/lead/ Home: 308-995-2049 Mobile : 308-991-8151 E-mail : orinb@nebi .com 603 Tibbals Holdrege, Nebraska 68949 State of Nebraska PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT FOR CROPS, INC. Nebrasltra Wheat B®c7rd Donna Sturdy Assistant Director Member NICCA/NAICC Board Certified Independent Crop Con Itant Bus . 9:80EY79Gg8_0° Res . (402) 652-3675 44 4(re -e-ma tpmg@j2ZMWnet P.O. Box 94912 301 Centennial Mall South Lincoln, NE 68509 USA www.nebraskawheat .co m Phone (402) 471-2358 Fax (402) 471-3446 Cell (402) 560-3055 Email: Tom Murphy Power Generation 710 E . 25th Ponderosa Mall Kearney, NE 68847 (308) 237-0506 lacki Refior Owner Generator Sales Engineer Cummins Central Power, LLC 5515 Center Street P.O. Box 6068 Omaha, NE 68106 (402) 951-2770 Fax : (402) 551-5352 Kearney, NE (308) 234-1994 Cell : (402) 680-3098 m Terry Butzirus Advertising Sales Representative BONNIE L POPPERT County Executive Director Phone: (308) 237-3118 Ext2 Buffalo County FSA Office Fax: (308) 236-5624 PO Box 2105 Kearney, NE 68848-2105 www fsa. usda .gov Farm Progress Companies . 5625 "O" Street Suite 5 Lincoln, NE 68510-2133 (402)489-9331 Fax (402)489-9335 tbutzirus @ tarmprogress .co m A RURAL PRESS LIMITED COMPANY Victor Bohuslavsky 3815 Touzalin Avenue Suite 101 Lincoln, NE 68507 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Office : (402) 441-3240 800-852-BEAN (2326) - Fax: (402) 441-3238 Cell: (402)432-5720 Email : soybeanl Rick Sorensen Commodity Manager rsorensen@kaapaethanol .com P. O. Box 238 8450 KAAPA Lane Minden, NE 68959 Richard R. Landell Tel: 308-743-2217 ext. 223 Sales Manager Fax: 308-743-2274 LANDELL-THELEN INC. 323 East Hwy. 30 Shelton, Nebraska 68876 308-647-6811 or 800-694-5674 Fax: 308-647-9100 Email: rich@landell-thelen .co m url : www.landell-thelen .com O STINE SEED COMPANY 2225 LAREDO TRAIL ADEL, IA 50003 STEVEN C. FAXON District Manager Toll Free: 1-800-362-2510 Office : 515-677-2605 Fax: 515-677-2716 Business: (402) 223-3612 Fax: (402) 223-3612 E-mail : stevef 152@hotmail .co m 27255 S .W. 61st Road Beatrice, NE 68310 Peter Morgan Manager NEW HOLLAND FAIRBANKS GRAND ISLAND Service is the foundation of our business. 3700 W. 2nd St. Grand Island, NE 68803 Website : www-fairbanksintl .com Email :grisales@fairbanksintl .co m w Toll Free : Bus : Fax : Res : Cell : (800) (308) (308) (308) (308) 422-8285 382-4781 382-1101 384-7150 390-6154 tti Neal, Deb, Tracy & Ed Weidig 83080 553 1/2 Ave. - Madison, NE 68748 Phone : (402) 454-2900 Ernail :- LEAD XXIII RON THORNBURGH, Kansas Secretary of State STATE OF KANSAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TOM SLOAN KIM A. RIBELIN REPRESENTATIVE, 45TH DISTRICT DOUGLAS COUNTY Executive Assistant STATE CAPITOL-446-N Memorial Hall, 1st Floor, 120 SW 10th Ave., Topeka, KS 66612-1594 TOPEKA, KS 772 HWY 40 (785) 296-4575 FAX: (7S5) 368-8033 kimrQkssos .org www.kssos .org O FFICE (785)6 296-7670 LAWRENCE, 74 KS 66049-4174 1-800-432-3924 (785) 841-1526 The least complicated, most accessible agency in state govemmeht. sloan@house .state .ks.u s STATE OF KANSAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONGRESSMAN JIM RYUN 2ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT KANSAS DOUG MAYS KEVIN GREGG SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE PHONE: 785-296-2302 FAX: 785-368-7074 E-MAIL: mays@house .state STATE CAPITOL ROOM 380-W TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 CONSTITUENT SERVICES DIRECTOR ! _ 800 SW JACKSON SUITE 100 TOPEKA, KS 66612 OFFICE: (785) 232-4500 FAX: (785) 232-4512 EMAIL: KEVIN.GREGG@MAIL.HOUSE .GOV STATE OF KANSAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RAY MERRICK SPEAKER PRO TEM STATE CAPITOL, RM . 330-N TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 PHONE: (785) 291-3500 FAX: (785) 2913888 6874 WEST 164TH TERR . STILWELL, KANSAS 66085 (913) 897-4014 9i.1le line Uattoo, One. STATE OF KANSAS SENATE CHAMBER 8 Todg nl iefeing STEPHEN MORRIS SENATOR, 39TH DISTRICT SENATE PRESIDENT STATE CAPITOL-359-E TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612-1504 600 TRINDLE ST. (785) 296-2419 HUGOTON, KANSAS 67951 1-800-432-3924 (620) 544-2084 Email: morris@senate.state .ks.u s One Of Kansas' Oldest & Experienced Studios . Family Owned and Operated With A Talented and Knowledgeable Staff FINE LINE TATTOO INC . Care And Warranty Card Must Be Presented For Service Sue Krische Chief of Staff to the Kansas Senate President State Capitol, Rm . 361-E Topeka, KS 66612 (785) 296-2419 FAX (785) 296-6718 414 Westchester Road Topeka, Ks 66606 (785) 272-8546 Tattoo Placement Topeka Date L ist www .finelinetattooinc .co m 1915 S .W. Gage (785)233-8288 Manhattan 622 N. Manhattan (785)537-0964 ° Junction City 1028 W. 6th (785)238-8238 KAN SAS David Lake www.hoovertarpsales .co m Board of Emergency Mc~li~- :Il Services Administrator ®V Landon 8t :ltc ()like IlmldI116 900 S'E1' .laclcsl~ll, Itll~~n) 11131 "DONT GO TARPLESS" Board of Emergency Medical Services Public Service Administrator Landon State Office Building 900 SW Jackson, Room 1031 Topeka, KS 66612-1228 Fax E5PRESSO BAR 785-296-6212 Jody Gittins Legal Counsel Natural Resources Committee Phone: (402) 471-2732 Fax: (402) 479-0938 KANSAS HIGHWAY PATROL ,WILLIAM R. SECK COLONEL SUPERINTENDENT GENERAL HEADQUARTERS OFFICE : (785) 296-6800 122 SW 7TH STREET FAX: (785) 296-3049 TOPEKA, KS 66603-3847 E-MAIL : WSECK@MAIL .KHP.STATE .KS.US GIFT SHOP 205 N.E . Third St . & Kirby Lane Abilene, KS 67410 Tel 785-263-7336 " Fax 785-263-1885 wwwkirby-hOUSe .COr11 E-Mail : jgittins@unicam.state .ne .us State Capitol Room 1210 Lincoln, NE 68509 s.4 KANSAS Mary Mulryan 785-296-6237 hTARp BELOW FACTORY DIRECT PRICES Mon . - Sat. Steve Hoover 7 :00 A.M . TO 7:00 RM . 785-598-2347 2976 Hwy. 15 FAX 785-598-2282 Abilene, Ks . 67410-6038 1-800-536-2348 "I'~Ihcka . k5 60612 785-296-7296 Ila\ 7')3-290-62i2 wvvw.k,hcm "; .wr} cl!sdl!~uinl : .cn ° ~~ -