Admissions Viewbook
Admissions Viewbook
The ICCP Experience It’s about YOU 217 Cottage Hill Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 630.530.3460 • DISCOVER WHAT On behalf of the Board of Directors, administration, faculty and staff, we would like to welcome you to IC Catholic Prep. Located in the heart of Elmhurst, we are a co-educational, college preparatory high school built on the solid foundation of the Catholic faith. At ICCP, it’s about YOU. For over 79 years, our talented faculty and staff have taken a genuine interest in each and every one of their students, empowering them to succeed. At ICCP, you will be challenged, motivated, and nurtured. You’ll receive the guidance and academic rigor of a true college prep curriculum, but it does not stop there. You’ll also develop character, selflessness, and confidence. Students at ICCP capitalize on their opportunity to get involved and build a solid resume that allows them to enter the college of their choice. Pamela M. Levar President/Principal But don’t take our word for it – we invite you to discover ICCP for yourself! Do your research and talk to students who have graduated from or currently attend ICCP. Join us for an open house, shadow day, upcoming sporting event, or go on a tour of our campus. You will experience first-hand why IC Catholic Prep is the right choice for YOU! CAN MEAN TO YOU Very Reverend Thomas L. Paul, V. F. Pastor HOME OF THE KNIGHTS 1 Centrally located in the heart of suburban Elmhurst IC Catholic Prep named among state’s best CATHOLIC & Private high schools 2015. ICCP ranked No. 9 for Catholic High Schools and ranked No. 29 for Private High Schools. The report ranked 3,880 high schools based on key student statistics and more than 120,000 opinions from 16,000 students and parents. A high ranking indicates that the school is an exceptional academic institution with a diverse set of high-achieving students who rate their experience very highly. Elmhurst Reports from Elmhurst was named among Top 10 Chicago Suburbs for families.Great schools, low crime, short commutes and high household income helped Elmhurst earn the No. 6 spot on this list. By Morgan Searles (Patch Staff) May 7, 2015 1 Walking distance to several town attractions & Transportation Elmhurst College, the Elmhurst Metra Station, and Historical Museum, a s well as the Elmhurst City Centre are within walking distance of ICCP. Across the street is Wilder Park - a cultural hub that is home to: • Elmhurst Public Library • Elmhurst Art Museum • Lizzadro Museum • Wilder Mansion • Wilder Park Conservatory & Formal Gardens 3 How You’ll Learn Page 6 How You’ll Grow Page 14 The ICCP Experience Succeed It’s About YOU How You’ll Page 22 5 BY THE NUMBERS How You’ll Learn The ICCP Experience will prepare you for college and life beyond. In an environment like ours, you have the ability to experience incredible growth. You’ll quickly discover that our faculty, staff, moderators and coaches take being professional mentors very seriously. They’ll take the time to get to know you - your interests, goals, and ambitions - and keep you on the right path. Are YOU up for the challenge? in the classroom ACADEMIC PROGRAMS IC Catholic Prep offers a rigorous college preparatory curriculum with emphasis on the core subject areas essential for college admission. Our core subjects include English, Mathematics, Laboratory Sciences, Social Sciences and Foreign Languages. Additionally, ICCP requires course work in Religious Studies, Business, Computer Science and Physical Education. Elective courses are offered so that you may pursue your unique interests. At ICCP you will be challenged and encouraged to achieve success according to your level of ability. HONORS PROGRAM IC Catholic Prep’s Honors Program is designed for students with high ability or special interests. You are invited to participate based on your entrance exam scores and academic performance. These courses cover more advanced material, move at a faster pace, and contain more independent work. Honors courses carry a weighted grade. All courses not designated as “Honors” are college preparatory. ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) PROGRAM Advanced Placement (AP) courses are equivalent to college courses. The purpose of an AP course is to prepare you to successfully complete the corresponding College Board AP Examination given at the end of the school year so that you may earn college credit. Therefore, AP classes require high levels of reading, critical thinking, and especially writing skills. You must be able to perform at an accelerated level to accommodate large amounts of subject content. ICCP offers Advanced Placement courses in English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Science. ELMHURST COLLEGE SENIOR OPTION IC Catholic Prep has a partnership with Elmhurst College which allows an ICCP student to take up to two (2) courses at the college and earn college credit. If you qualify for the Elmhurst College Senior Option, the course can be taken at no additional cost (included as part of ICCP tuition). This option is only available if you have successfully completed the offered AP Classes at ICCP and fulfilled your graduation requirements. 100% of our 2015 graduates are continuing their education. 6.9 million is the combined total of COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED to our 2015 graduates. 32 is the average ACT SCORE of the TOP 10% of the class of 2015. 19:1 is the average instructional class size. 39% of the class of 2015 were members of the National Honor Society (NHS). 7 Michael Hoffman Grade School/Parish: Visitation Grade: Sophomore / Class of 2018 EXTRA CURRICULARS & ATHLETICS: Athletic Leadership Council, Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Knight Ambassador, Math Team and Student Council MY ICCP EXPERIENCE: I consider myself lucky to follow in my dad and brother’s footsteps and become an ICCP Knight! Since my very first day as a freshman, I have felt welcomed and encouraged. Every teacher, coach and staff member has helped me to realize why I should stay involved and take advantage of all the opportunities surrounding me. I am only a sophomore, but I have taken this advice to heart. I am proud to have achieved success academically, receiving high honor roll; meaning I earn strictly A’s or B’s and maintain a GPA of 3.70 or higher. Staying on high honor roll all throughout high school is a goal I will strive to achieve. While succeeding in academics is critical, I also understand that participating in extra curricular clubs and athletics is important too. As the President of the sophomore class, I take being a role model and representative of my class very seriously. I try to lead by example and make an impact by enhancing student life on campus and through encouraging participation in school activities and events. I have also been selected to be part of the Athletic Leadership Council. This is a huge honor. As members, we develop confidence, character and pride. We are taught good sportsmanship and how to become better leaders and teammates. Participating in golf, basketball, math team, knight ambassadors and baseball has also been a fun experience. I’ve learned how to manage my time, and have met so many new friends as well. I realize these are all great achievements to build a solid resume for college, but they are also life skills that will help me to become a better person in the eyes of God. After I graduate, I plan to attend college and study engineering or medicine. ICCP has and continues to prepare me for what lies ahead in my life. After one full year as a Knight, I have been able to call ICCP a part of my family. As I look toward my future, ICCP will always remain a big part of me - and I am proud and grateful. college prep curriculum Students are required to earn 23.5 credits. English 4.0 credits Theology 4.0 credits Mathematics 3.0 credits Science (laboratory) 3.0 credits Social Studies 3.0 credits Foreign Language/Fine Art 2.0 credits Physical Education 2.0 credits Health 0.5 credit Computer Application /Consumer Literacy 0.5 credit Electives 1.5 credits 40 Hours of Community Service honors courses English I, II & III (H) Adv. Algebra I (H) Adv. Geometry (H) Adv. Algebra II/Trig (H) Pre-Calculus (H) Biology (H) Adv. Chemistry (H) Adv. Physics (H) Economics (H) Italian III & IV (H) Spanish III & IV (H) advanced placement (ap) AP English Literature & Composition AP Calculus AP Biology* AP Chemistry* AP US Government and Politics AP US History AP World History AP Spanish Language AP Spanish IV *alternate years elmhurst college senior option There is no restriction in terms of subject area on the 2 courses that you can t ake at Elmhurst College. 9 technology At IC Catholic Prep you’ll discover a better way of learning as we embrace the always connected classroom through cloud computing, using Google Apps for Education, Google Classroom, and Office 365. You can be connected with your classmates and your teachers anywhere, any time, on any device. Essential to making academic programs successful, technology is integrated into the curriculum daily. ICCP's courses are engaging with interactive and collaborative projects where you are continually challenged to transform information into knowledge. Having courses that use learning technologies, you will be prepared for college and beyond. ICCP students and faculty utilize HP EliteBook Revolve 810 Tablets in the classrooms loaded with Windows 10, MS Office 2013, and more. Elizabeth Maloney Grade School/Parish: Visitation Grade: Junior / Class of 2017 EXTRA CURRICULARS & ATHLETICS: Art Club, Athletic Leadership Council, Basketball, Dance Team, Eucharistic Minister, Knight Ambassador, Math Team, Spanish Club, Soccer, Student Council, Volleyball and Yearbook MY ICCP EXPERIENCE: As you can see by my current list of activities, I am a student with drive. I recognized from day one that getting good grades and staying involved in clubs, sports, and activities is critical to my success and my future. I can honestly say that all my teachers know me. While they’re tough, they encourage me each day. They challenge me in my AP and Honors courses, but also push me to do more outside the classroom. Living as a Christian and service to others are not just things we talk about - we put them into practice. We’re like a family at IC - and we’re especially close as a community through our love for Christ. I have had the opportunity to explore my relationship with God through theology classes, mass, retreats, service projects and personal prayer. And this is not something that I take for granted. Realizing the importance of service led me to start volunteering at Elmhurst Memorial Hospital where I’ve provided over 100 service hours over the last 2 years. I also discovered my interest for the medical field. After graduation, I will go to college and plan to pursue a career in nursing. ICCP has prepared me with a rigorous academic schedule and encouraged me to get involved. Without the guidance of my teachers and coaches, I would not have grown into the student, athlete, friend, and most importantly, Catholic that I am today. Thank you to my entire team of supporters. I will always be proud to call ICCP my second family. 11 1839 is the average SAT TEST SCORE (Reading, Math, Writing) from ICCP graduates over last 5 years. 23.6% of the class of 2015 were admitted directly into the Honors Programs at their selected college/university. 37% of the class of 2015 have a cumulative 3.75 GPA or above. TOP COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY ACCEPTANCE COLLEGES: Augustana College Beloit College Coe College Cornell College DePauw University Goucher College Hillsdale College Illinois Wesleyan University Kalamazoo College Lawrence University Knox College Lake Forest College St. Anselm College St. Mary’s College of Maryland St. Norbert College Stonehill College U. S. Military Academy U. S. Naval Academy UNIVERSITIES: American University Arizona State University Baylor University Boston College Boston University Carnegie Mellon Univ. Case Western Reserve Univ. Catholic Univ. of America DePaul University Emory University Florida State University Fordham University Hofstra University Illinois Institute of Tech Indiana Univ. at Bloomington Iowa State University Loyola University Chicago Marquette University Miami University, Oxford Michigan State University Northeastern University Northwestern University Ohio State University Ohio University Pepperdine University Purdue University Rice University Rutgers University Seton Hall University St. Louis University Syracuse University Tulane University Univ. of California at LA Univ. of Chicago Univ. of Cincinnati Univ. of Colorado at Boulder Univ. of Connecticut Univ. of Dayton Univ. of Delaware Univ. of Denver Univ. of Illinois at U/C Univ. of Iowa Univ. of Kansas Univ. of Kentucky Univ. of Miami Univ. of Michigan Univ. of Minn., Twin Cities Univ. of Missouri Columbia Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln Univ. of North Carolina Univ. of New Hampshire Univ. of Notre Dame Univ. of Oklahoma Univ. of Pittsburgh Univ. of Rochester Univ. of San Diego Univ. of St. Thomas Univ. of Wisc., Madison Washington Univ., St. Louis Over the last 5 years, ICCP seniors have been accepted into the TOP 100 NATIONAL LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGES and the TOP 130 NATIONAL UNIVERSITIES listed on left (US News & World Reports). 18% of the class of 2015 were ILLINOIS STATE SCHOLARS. 4.5 is the average AP TEST SCORE of the TOP 25% of the classes of 2014-15. 33% of the class of 2015 were PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARS. 13 How You’ll Grow The ICCP Experience will help you grow in faith. ICCP is a Catholic school where we promote spiritual growth and the development of a relationship with Christ and the Church. At ICCP, students aspire to become stewards of God. You’ll deepen your faith through monthly school liturgies, class retreats, service projects and more. You will find that you continue to make a difference in the lives of others even after you graduate. Serving others will become a natural extension of your personal and professional life. Are YOU ready to be a servant of God? STUDENTS OF THE CENACLE The ultimate goal of Students of the Cenacle at ICCP is to encourage you to become a role model and live out your faith by expressing Christian values within the school and throughout your community. At ICCP, you’ll soon find that living in service to others becomes a natural extension of your daily life. God Squad, as the students call it, is a wonderful opportunity for you to live and share your faith, develop leadership skills and deepen your own relationship with God. RETREATS If you talk to a current ICCP student or graduate, we can promise you that one of their favorite experiences during their high school journey are the retreats. Each year you’ll spend time with fellow classmates reflecting on the presence of God in your lives. There is a retreat experience for every student each year. Freshman and sophomore retreats are on campus, while the junior retreat is held overnight off campus. Seniors have the option to attend Kairos, which is an overnight, off campus, peer led retreat, where you will discern your relationship with your peers, and ultimately with God. LITURGICAL MINISTRY Work with faculty to assist in Liturgy planning for our school masses and prayer services. Participate as a sacristan, altar server, lector, usher, or Eucharistic Minister. Students also share their talents through music and choir. 6,612 Hours of community service provided by the class of 2015 over their 4 years at ICCP. 15 academic & extra curricular highlights ART Individual MSC Conference First Place (Modern Art) BUSINESS Individual Qualifier for Business Professionals of America National Conference for Computer Modeling (2nd consecutive year) FOREIGN LANGUAGE AATSP National Spanish Exam • Individual Gold Award (95th percentile and above) • 7 individual Silver Awards (85th to 94th percentile) • 7 individual Bronze Awards (75th to 84th percentile) • 23 individual Honorable Mention Awards (Above 50th percentile) extra curricular clubs & activities GENERAL ACADEMICS • 1 individual named Commended Student in the National Merit Program • 15 individuals* qualified for AP Scholar Awards for exceptional performance on Advanced Placement (AP) Exams * * * * 1 individual received National AP Scholar Award 3 individuals received AP Scholar with Distinction Award 5 individuals received AP Scholar with Honor Award 7 individuals received AP Scholar Award *one student earned National and AP Scholar with Distinction • 2 individuals named to the Daily Herald Leadership Team (Honorable Mention) • 2 individuals nominated to the Daily Herald Academic Team MATH • ICTM Team State Qualifier (2nd consecutive year) • Richard Rhoad Award Winner for Most Improved School in Illinois Division 1A • ICTM State Finals (7th Place Division 1A including 2 “Top Three” finishes) SCIENCE • 13 students participated in Argonne National Laboratory Workshop • 3 female students participated in Women in Engineering Conference at Argonne National Laboratory The ICCP Experience will open your eyes to a wide variety of academic clubs and activities. Join on your own, but don’t be surprised when our faculty and staff recognize hidden talents and encourage you to step outside your comfort zone to explore new interests. You’ll meet new friends and shine in ways you never thought were possible. Are YOU ready to find your new passion? ART CLUB BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA CHORAL GROUP/CHOIR ECOLOGY CLUB ENGINEERING CLUB ITALIAN CLUB KNIGHT AMBASSADORS KNIGHT TIMES NEWSPAPER KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE KNIGHTS THEATRE/DRAMA LIBRARY CLUB LITURGICAL MINISTRY MATH TEAM MODEL UNITED NATIONS NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY (NHS) SPANISH CLUB STUDENTS OF THE CENACLE STUDENT COUNCIL YEARBOOK 17 Kayla Wilson GradE School/Parish: extra curricular student profile here Living Word Christian Academy GRADE: Junior / Class of 2017 EXTRA CURRICULARS & ATHLETICS: Cheerleading, Choir, Guitar and Knights Theatre MY ICCP EXPERIENCE: I’m a girl who’s going to give it to you straight. I didn’t come to ICCP knowing a lot of other students, but I can confidently say that I call ICCP a second home now. Like any high school, you’ll have your good days and you’ll have your not so good days. It’s the people surrounding you at ICCP that will help you to focus on the good. Someone who has had a big impact on my high school journey is Ms. P. Ms. Ann Pasteur is the Chair of the Fine Arts Department, in charge of the SCC Fine Arts Festival, Art Show, and Art Club. I am proud to call Ms. P my mentor because she has taught me to be myself. She encouraged me to get involved and be creative not just in my artwork, but in my daily life as well. She once told me, “Be the one who makes a difference. Be the one who shines brighter than the others. Be you.” I never thought that I would find a teacher like Ms. P at high school, but I thank God every day that I did. While I am passionate about the arts - dance, guitar, singing and theater - one of my favorite things about ICCP is the retreats. They help you form better relationships with your peers and bring you closer to God. I got closer to a lot of the people in my grade and learned some pretty amazing things that I would never have known about them if I didn’t open up on our retreat. It’s a pretty incredible experience. I am the person I am today due to my experiences at ICCP. In three short years I have grown academically, creatively and spiritually. After I graduate, I plan to attend a 4-year college and major in the performing arts. I will continue to pursue my passion for music after college and stay in touch with my favorite teachers and fellow graduates. athletics The ICCP experience will provide you with the tools necessary to thrive as a student athlete. We have a variety of opportunities for you to pursue your athletic interests and compete on your field of play. As an ICCP Knight, you’ll develop character, learn to show superior sportsmanship, and realize the value of treating your coaches, teammates, and opponents with respect. fall sports Cheerleading (boys & girls) Cross country (boys & girls) dance (girls) football (boys) golf (boys & girls) soccer (boys) tennis (girls) volleyball (girls) Winter sports basketball (boys & girls) bowling (boys & girls) cheerleading (boys & girls) dance (girls) hockey (boys) wrestling (boys) spring sports baseball (boys) bass fishing (boys & girls) lacrosse (boys) soccer (girls) softball (girls) track & field (boys & girls) 19 17 Anjella Farmer Grade School/Parish: Jane Addams / Sacred Heart Grade: Senior / Class of 2016 EXTRA CURRICULARS & ATHLETICS: Athletic Leadership Council, Basketball, Knights of the Round Table (KORT), and Softball Athletic Highlights (2013-2015 school years) • 1 Team State Championship (Girls Volleyball 2013) • 2 Team State Finals (4th Place - Girls Basketball 2014 & 2015) • 21 Individual State Qualifiers (2) Girls Golf, (2) Girls Tennis, (1) Boys Golf, (1) Wrestling, (10) Track • 5 All-State Athletes (Best in State of Illinois) • 71 All-Conference Athletes (Best in Conference) • 1 Academic All-State Athlete • 125 Academic All-Conference (Varsity Athletes with min GPA of 3.7 or above for current grading period) • 289 Students participated in at least 1 sport in 2014-15 • 21 Student Athletes who continued their athletic careers in college MY ICCP EXPERIENCE: 90% ICCP STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN ONE OR MORE EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES OR SPORTS IN 2014-15. IC Catholic Prep has provided me with countless opportunities for success. Whether it’s in academics, athletics, my faith, or my personal life, I feel fortunate to be a student at ICCP. Personally, I have found my strong suit to be in athletics. I have always been interested in sports growing up, but I never thought I would be the student athlete that I am today. Hard work, commitment, and love for the game have helped me to succeed, but it’s the admirable dedication and competence from our coaching staff that has made me the kind of player and teammate I am proud to be. My coaches have truly set the bar for a program that helps us grow as student athletes. They stress that academics always come first and are constantly providing guidance so we can achieve our goals as a team and as individuals. One coach who has had a big impact on my life was our former girls head varsity basketball coach, Aubree Schuett. As a freshman, I couldn’t even make a simple lefthanded layup. She was able to transform me into an All-Conference Team member and a back to back IHSA Girls State Basketball team qualifier. In addition, I have had the honor to be named an Esmark All American, Daily Herald player of the week, and even the Chicago Tribune player of the month. Coach Aubree is one of my role models. Her focus and diligence with us as players, along with her positive mindset taught me that anything is possible if you just “Do You.” The ICCP community overall is very positive. Our teams and clubs are continuously participating in service projects. We also join together for retreats such as Kairos. Retreats are a phenomenal experience. You can’t even begin to imagine the kind of bonds you make with your classmates. It’s unforgettable and you create friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. Not only do you get the chance to discover more about the people you’re surrounded by in the hallways every day, but you get the chance to discover who you truly are and your relationship with God. My junior retreat undoubtedly helped pave goals for my future. I’ve decided to pursue a degree in Social Work after graduation. Helping others help themselves is a top priority of mine, but the best part about it is that I don’t have to wait until the future to make this possible, I can start today. 21 How You’ll Succeed The ICCP Experience will help YOU succeed beyond your expectations. Whether you’re in the classroom, working on a service project, performing on stage, or even on your field of play, at ICCP you’ll advance because you are challenged to pursue all opportunities afforded to you. You’ll make a difference because you’ve been inspired to think as independent young men and women and encouraged to open your spirit, mind and body to new concepts and ideas. Are YOU ready to become an ICCP KNIGHT? Global Studies Can you think of a better way to gain perspective on the world around you than to have the opportunity to travel and experience it first hand? Eligible junior and senior students at ICCP have the opportunity to participate in a holistic, global experience that encompasses culture, history, literature, and contemporary issues, as well as to prepare them for future opportunities to work and study around the globe. MISSION TRIPS ICCP also offers spring break and summer mission trips that offer real life community based learning experiences through Habitat for Humanity and our partnership with St. Mary’s Mission Parish and School of Red Lake, MN. These immersion opportunities provide a lens for you to look through, into the world of social justice. It’s a life altering experience and ICCP students are happy to answer the call to serve as they strive to create deeper connections to their Catholic faith. 23 Jimmy Kenneally GradE School/Parish: Immaculate Conception GRADE: Junior / Class of 2017 EXTRA CURRICULARS & ATHLETICS: Athletic Leadership Council, Football, Illinois Leadership Seminar, Knight Ambassadors, Lacrosse, Math Team, Newspaper, Students of the Cenacle and Student Council MY ICCP EXPERIENCE: ICCP has been influential in helping me to become the best person I can be. The positive learning environment motivates me to perform my best academically, while a constant recognition of God’s presence throughout the school day strengthens my personal relationship with God. Being involved in numerous activities has helped build my leadership skills and steered me in the direction of determining a future career. BUILDING YOUR RESUME FOR COLLEGE Do you know what top colleges and universities are looking for? They desire well rounded students with an exceptional GPA, rigorous course of study, high ACT/SAT scores, participation and leadership roles in extracurricular activities and athletics, and finally students who partake in service opportunities within their school, community or even around the globe. IC Catholic Prep’s size gives our faculty, staff and students an advantage. Faculty and staff will get to know you and help you realize your strengths in order for you to reach your f ull potential. ICCP will assist you in building a strong resume for college and motivate you to set and achieve goals. You will be encouraged to stay focused, get involved and try new things. And finally, ICCP will help you to develop into a more confident leader that will go out into the world and make it a better place. Are YOU ready to build your future? At ICCP, I am challenged to not only improve myself, but also those around me. The importance of service to others and forming a community contribute to what makes IC Catholic Prep so special. Volunteering and retreats inspire me to constantly look for ways to help others. And I’ve found that every teacher, coach, and staff member puts in an enormous amount of effort to aid in my success because they genuinely want me to fulfill my potential and succeed. Last year, I was fortunate enough to be selected to attend the Illinois Leadership Seminar. This was a life changing experience - I learned so much and have come back a more confident student, athlete, Christian and peer. All accolades that I’ve received in high school are the reward for listening to the many people at ICCP that have challenged, motivated and aided me to reach my potential and not accept anything less. Intangible lessons taught on a daily basis benefit my character. The classes at ICCP prepare me for college - and in more than my understanding of definitions and theorems. The life skills instilled on a daily basis at ICCP will benefit my college and professional career. After graduation, I aspire to attend the United States Naval Academy where the values of leadership, commitment, intelligence, honor, and strength developed at ICCP will continue to contribute to my success. At ICCP, you do matter more. I know I do. 25 23 important dates & info OPEN HOUSE Meet the administration, faculty, coaches, students and even some current ICCP parents. Take a guided tour and learn everything one could want to know about ICCP. Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Sunday, November 8, 2015 @ 6:30pm - Presentation starts in the IC Gym – @ 2pm - Presentation starts in the IC Gym JUST FOR STUDENTS SHADOW DAYS Spend a day with us for a sneak peek at life as an ICCP Knight. 8th graders shadow in the fall and 7th graders shadow in the spring. JUNIOR HIGH DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT 7th and 8th grade students Double elimination tournament with proceeds going to the charity of the winning team’s choice. Saturday, November 7, 2015 @ 6:45pm - IC Gym JUNIOR HIGH ACADEMIC OLYMPIAD TRIVIA KNIGHT 7th and 8th grade students Saturday, November 21, 2015 Check-in @ 6:45pm ICCP - Cafeteria/Costello Hall ENTRANCE EXAM WORKSHOP & EXAM 8th grade students only. Registration required ($35). 7th and 8th grade students Scholarships awarded to the highest scoring 8th grade individuals and will be applied to freshman year tuition, after the student is accepted and registered. Saturday, November 14, 2015 Check-In @ 8:00am ICCP - Cafeteria/Costello Hall Play Games! Join Raffles! Win Prizes! Cheer on the KNIGHTS to victory! FREE admission for all grade school students. Football (HOMECOMING) Knights Under the Lights! Friday, September 25, 2015 ICCP Knights vs. Aurora Central Catholic @ 5pm - Plunkett Athletic Complex Volleybal Thursday, October 1, 2015 ICCP Knights vs. Fenton @ 5:30pm - IC Gym Girls Basketball Thursday, December 10, 2015 Thursday, January 7, 2016 ICCP Knights vs. Fenton @ 6pm - IC Gym Saturday, January 9, 2016 Boys Basketball Workshop @ 6:30pm MATH CONTEST SPORTS YOUTH KNIGHTS Exam starts promptly @ 8am Check in at the ICCP Main Office Transportation offered to and from test. Please contact 630.530.3484 for more information. Friday, December 18, 2015 ICCP Knights vs. Wheaton Academy @ 6pm - IC Gym 27 JUST FOR PARENTS Beyond our Open Houses, we wanted to create some events that are just for parents! BREAKFAST WITH THE PRESIDENT/PRINCIPAL An informal setting for some good old fashioned Q&A’s. Ask the tough questions and find out if ICCP is the right choice for your family. We’ll be serving coffee, fruit and breakfast pastries. Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 @ 8:30am IC Parish Administration Center 2nd Floor - Marian Room PLANNING FOR HIGH SCHOOL & BEYOND Learn more about the admissions process and financial aid offerings at ICCP. We’ll also have representation from the Admissions & Financial Aid offices of Elmhurst College to share: “What are colleges/universities actually looking for?” and discuss why attending ICCP provides a great return on your investment. Planning for High School & Beyond cont. Wednesday, NOVEMBER 4, 2015 @ 7pm IC Parish Administration Center Floor 2 - Marian Room PARENT SHADOW DAYS Go back in time and put yourself in your child’s shoes or seat - literally! Experience a morning with us for a sneak preview of what life would be like for your child as an ICCP Knight. Wednesday, NOVEMBER 11, 2015 and Thursday, NOVEMBER 12, 2015 CAMPUS TOURS The ICCP Admissions Department understands the demands of working parents and hectic schedules, so if you can’t make it to any of our events, we would be happy to schedule a private tour for you and your family. Contact Mrs. Kate (Kinsella ‘96) Luburic in our Admissions Office at 630.530.3484 or email her at for more details on any of these events or to schedule your parent shadow day or campus tour today! CAMPUS ADDRESS INFORMATION: IC Catholic Prep (ICCP): 217 Cottage Hill Avenue, Elmhurst, IL IC Gym: 202 South York Street, Elmhurst, IL IC Parish Administration Center: 134 Arthur Street, Elmhurst, IL Plunkett Athletic Complex: 160 S. West Avenue, Elmhurst, IL TRANSPORTATION ICCP offers bus transportation to our families. Routes are assessed every year based on the number of students within a geographic location (some restrictions apply). Bus schedules are developed in the spring following registration. The Metra Union Pacific West Line station is also a great option. It’s an easy two block walk from campus and services 10 towns to the west of Elmhurst and six towns to the east. Tuition Tuition for the 2015-16 school year has been established at $10,900. IC Catholic Prep offers financial assistance, scholarship opportunities and sibling discounts. Entrance Exam/Academic Scholarship Academic scholarships are awarded to the top test takers on the Entrance Exam given at ICCP on January 9, 2016. Top scholars are awarded in the amounts of $1,000 to $2,500 renewable annually. All scholarship recipients must maintain a high standard of academic excellence as well as practice an exemplary code of conduct. Families applying for financial assistance must do so every year as changes in family financial status may occur. Students receiving academic scholarships may also apply for financial aid. Visit for more information. 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