training conference - State of New York Police Juvenile Officers
training conference - State of New York Police Juvenile Officers
STATE OF NEW Y0RK POLICE JUVENILE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 39th ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE Attention: Police Juvenile Officers - DARE Officers School Resource Officers - Youth Officers - Training Officers Child Abuse Multi-Disciplinary Team Members Juvenile Justice Professionals - School Professionals Juvenile Aid Bureau Supervisors - School Safety Officers AUGUST 25TH through AUGUST 29TH, 2014 Crowne Plaza and Conference Center 701 E. Genesee Street Syracuse, NY 13210 “Dedicated to a Higher Standard of Service to Children and Families” Accomplished Through Training . CONFERENCE PROGRAM SUNDAY, AUGUST 24, 2014 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm……………………………. Early Registration 8:00 pm………………………………………... Executive Director’s Reception MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2014 7:00 am – 8:30 am …………………………. 7:30 am - 4:00pm…………………………... 8:30 am – 9:00am ………………………… 9:00 am –12:00 pm………………………… 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm…………………………. 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm…………………………. 6:00 pm…………..…………………………. Breakfast Registration Opening Ceremony Classes begin Lunch Classes resume Dinner TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2014 7:00 am - 8:30 am…………..……………. 8:00 am – 12:00 pm…………. ……………. 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm………… ………………. 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm ………………………… Breakfast Classes begin Lunch Classes resume WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2014 7:00 am - 8:30 am…………..………………. 8:00 am – 12:00 pm………….….…………. 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm………..……………….... 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm………………………..… Breakfast Classes begin Lunch Classes resume THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 2014 7:00 am - 8:30 am………...……………….. 8:00 am – 12:00 pm…………..…………… 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm…………………………. 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm ………………………… 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm……....………………..... 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm……... …………………. 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm ……………………….. Breakfast Classes begin Lunch Classes resume General Membership Meeting President’s Reception Banquet Dinner FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 2014 7:00 am - 8:30 am………………………….. 8:00 am – 12:00 pm……….. ……………… 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm………. ……………...… 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm……… …………………. Breakfast Classes begin Lunch Classes resume NOTE: TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE The State of New York Police Juvenile Officers Association was established in 1975 as an educational and training association. Membership is comprised of police juvenile officers and other juvenile justice professionals. . For the past 39 years the SNYPJOA has been dedicated to providing a higher standard of service to children and families. This Association is a recognized leader in New York State for developing and implementing DCJS certified curriculums. WHO SHOULD ATTEND Police Juvenile Officers D.A.R.E. Officers S.R.O.’s/Safety Officers Training Supervisors Probation and Parole Officers School Administrators Teachers and Guidance Counselors Juvenile Justice Professionals Service Agencies Runaway and Homeless Youth Agencies Youth Officers Community Policing Officers Juvenile Aid Bureau Supervisors Detectives/Investigators Child Protective Service Workers Social Workers County Attorneys/District Attorneys Youth Bureau Personnel Child Abuse Multi-Disciplinary Team Professionals CONFERENCE REGISTRATION INFORMATION Members in good standing: All courses (NON-REFUNDABLE) - $200 per person. Non-Members: All courses (NON-REFUNDABLE) – $250 per person. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION – PER DAY BASIS See “CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM – PER DAY BASIS” for Fees Registration includes: Course Training; Training Materials; Training Certificate; and Conference expenses. Commuting meal package (5 breakfasts, 5 lunches, breaks) available for purchase for full week commuter registrants. Membership Application and Fee may be submitted with Registration form. CONFERENCE INFORMATION & REMINDERS o Registration is available On-Line at in training section, Payment can be made by credit card on the web at the SNYPJOA store. o You may photocopy all brochure forms for submission to the SNYPJOA or Crowne Plaza, Syracuse. All forms are also available on website 2014 Annual Conference tab o Type or print your name (CAPITAL LETTERS) on your conference registration form as you want it to appear on your course certificate. o If you are staying at Crowne Plaza, Syracuse, NY, make sure you record your accommodations confirmation number. o We encourage members to bring items for our hospitality room and auction, including department patches. o Dress for conference is business casual; semi-formal attire for banquet on Thursday evening. Send Conference Registration Form, with your SIGNED agency voucher or check to: SNYPJOA, 1971 Western Ave PMB, Albany, NY 12203 To pay by Credit Card call 518-456-0704 or visit our website store at Make sure to indicate your course selection (and specific workshops, if applicable) CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM (Conference Registration Fees are not included in Hotel Registration fees) STATE OF NEW YORK POLICE JUVENILE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION . 39h Annual Training Conference Crowne Plaza Syracuse (Please duplicate – One form per person) Name ________________________________________________________________________ (Type or print your name, CAPITAL LETTERS, as you want it to appear on your course certificate) Agency _______________________________ Address ___________________________________ City ___________________________ County ______________ State _______ Zip ____________ Phone ________________ Fax _______________ E-Mail __________________________________ Training Course Choice:______________________________________________ (Indicate Course Letter and Title) NON-REFUNDABLE CONFERENCE FEES: [ [ ] Members $200. ] Non-Members $250. COMMUTER MEALS PKG. FEE: (for commuters only) Full week meals: [ ] $200.00 (includes 5 breakfast buffets, 5 deli lunches & breaks) Monday Theme Dinner [ ] $25.00 Thursday night banquet/cocktail hour: [ ] $50.00 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $_________________ Check or SIGNED Voucher MUST accompany this SNYPJOA Registration Form Signature __________________________________________________________________ (Above agrees to pay Registration Fees) Mail to or fax to: SNYPJOA, 1971 Western Ave PMB104 Albany, NY 12203 Fax: 518-456-0561 On-line Registration at [ ] Staying at Hotel [ Note: ] Commuter To paid by Credit Card please visit our website at at our SNYPJOA store or call the SNYPJOA Office At 518-456-0704 . CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM – PER DAY BASIS (CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE HOTEL REGISTRATION FEES) STATE OF NEW YORK POLICE JUVENILE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 39th Annual Training Conference Crowne Plaza, Syracuse, NY (Please duplicate – One form per person) Name __________________________________________________________________________ (Type or print your name, CAPITAL LETTERS, as you want it to appear on your course certificate) Agency ___________________________ Address _______________________________________ City _____________________________ County _________________ State ______ Zip _________ Phone ___________________ Fax ________________ E-Mail ______________________________ (Please check the course(s) you are planning on attending) [ [ ] Monday, 8/25 _______ _______ [ POLICING THE TEEN BRAIN (Part 1) Reduced Rate for this program, Sponsored by DCJS 8am to 5pm ] Wednesday, 8/27 _______ [ 9am to 12 pm 1pm to 5pm ] Tuesday, 8/26 ______ [ CURRENT DRUG TRENDS/UNDERAGE DRINKING SCHOOL SAFETY IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE POLICING THE TEEN BRAIN (Part 2) Reduced Rate for this program, Sponsored by DCJS 8am to 5pm ] Thursday, 8/28 ______ DARKER SIDE OF TECHNOLOGY ______ HUMAN TRAFFICING 8am to 12pm 1pm to 4pm ] Friday, 8/29 ________ 8am to 12pm BULLYING/DASA PER DAY NON-REFUNDABLE CONFERENCE FEE: Members $75 Non-Members $90 (Registration includes: Lunch, 2 Breaks, Course Training, Training Materials, and Certificate of Attendance) Policing the Teen Brain, (Sponsored by DCJS) Day fee : Member $40, Non-Member $50 HALF-DAY NON-REFUNDABLE CONFERENCE FEE: Members $40 Non-Members $60 (Registration includes: 1 Break, Course Training, Training Materials, and Certificate of Attendance) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $_________ Check or SIGNED Voucher MUST accompany this SNYPJOA Registration Form. Signature ______________________________________________________________ (Above agrees to pay Registration Fees) Mail to: SNYPJOA, 1971 Western Avenue PMB104, Albany, NY 12203 On Line Registration available at 2014 Conference tab Note: To paid by Credit Card please visit our website at at the SNYPJOA store or call the SNYPOA Office At 5186-456-0704 . SNY Police Juvenile Officers Hotel Registration Form 2014 Sunday, August 24-Friday, August 29, 2014 Crowne Plaza-Syracuse, New York Name: Phone: Address: City: State: Zip: Department: Email: Arrival Date: Departure Date: Roommates Name: (If Double Occupancy)____________________________ Package Includes: (5) Nights of Accommodation, (5) Breakfasts, (5) Lunches, (2) Dinners, (10) Breaks, and Daily Parking. Rates: Single Occupancy Package: $754.00* ($852.02 with taxes) Double Occupancy Package: $519.00* ($586.47 with taxes) Daily Guest Room ONLY Rate: $96.00/night* ($108.48 with taxes) (Please ensure arrival and departure dates are above) *Above rates do not include tax. Current tax rates are 8% NYS Tax, 5% Occupancy Tax. If you are Tax Exempt, form must be available on day of check in. All rooms are standard with (1) king, non-smoking or (2) double beds, non-smoking. Rooms are based upon availability at time of book. Please indicate bedding preference________________ Reservations must be guaranteed with a credit card or purchase order. Personal checks are not accepted. Purchase orders must be sent 14 days prior to arrival. Credit Card Type:______ Card #:_______________________________ Exp Date:_____________ Total amount enclosed/to be charged (payment must be in USD) $_________ Cancellation Policy: Registration cancellations received by Crowne Plaza Syracuse on or before Monday, August 18, 2014, 12PM, will receive a full refund. All cancellations request must be made in writing. Cancellations received after Monday, August 18, 2014 are nonrefundable. Special Requirements: It is important to us that you enjoy the Conference. If, due to a disability, you have special needs or requirements, please let us know by Monday, August 18, 2014 and we will do our best to accommodate you. Mail/Fax to: Crowne Plaza Syracuse SNYPJOA 2014 Conference Registration 701 East Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13212 Fax – 315-703-1996 E-mail: Questions? Phone: 315-703-1920 E-mail: Signature:________________________________________________________________** **This authorizes full payment to the above marked rates selected, non-refundable as of Monday, August 18, 2014 at 12PM . 2014 TRAINING COURSES Selection and Pre-Registration Are Required!! COURSE A BASIC POLICE JUVENILE OFFICERS COURSE August 25th thru August 29TH, 2014 NOTE: This course is intended for police officers, peace officers, youth officers, D.A.R.E. Officers, School Resource/Safety Officers assigned to youth services-juvenile aid bureaus, or other law enforcement personnel responsible for investigations of crimes committed by or against juveniles. OVERVIEW This course is intended for the new juvenile officer enter the field as a juvenile justice specialist, who will be dealing with juvenile issues within their community. It will give Officers a basic introduction to dealing with juvenile related issues, as well as an insight into the systems and programs available to officers when dealing with juvenile issues. It will also give an introduction to handling in depth investigations such as child abuse, sexual abuse, and missing persons. This course is a must for the officer who has been assigned and just entering the juvenile justice field. This 5-day, 38-hour DCJS-certified course curriculum will include: role of the juvenile officer, laws and procedures of juvenile custody, laws relating to juveniles and applicable case law, functions of related governmental agencies, juvenile diversion programs, investigative techniques, interview and interrogation skills, interviewing the child victim/witness, child abuse investigations, substance abuse, missing persons overview, signs of suicide, and current trends in juvenile crime. This course is coordinated by the SNYPJOA Board of Directors. A certificate will be issued by the Bureau of Municipal Police/Division of Criminal Justice Services, for all participants who are police officers. Presented By: DCJS Certified Instructors and Experts in the field of Juvenile Justice . 2014 TRAINING COURSES Selection and Pre-Registration Are Required!! COURSE B ADVANCED POLICE JUVENILE OFFICERS COURSE August 25th thru August 29TH, 2014 NOTE: This course is intended for Police Juvenile Officers, Youth Officers, D.A.R.E. Officers, School Resource Officers, County Attorneys, Prosecutors, and Probation Officers who have completed the Basic Police Juvenile Officers Course. OVERVIEW This 5-day, 38-hour DCJS-certified course curriculum is specifically designed to enhance the skills, knowledge and confidence of the attendee and meet the demands of the evolving complex world of Juvenile Justice. Emphasis is placed on finger printable juvenile custody, JAB record keeping, detention issues, responding to missing children and the Interstate Compact on Juveniles, relevant current information regarding legal issues, cutting and selfinjurious behavior, crime prevention through environmental design, S.A.V.E. legislation and adolescent lifestyles, including gothic and gangs. STUDENTS ARE ASKED TO BRING PREVENTION PROGRAMS IMPLIMENTED BY THEIR AGENCY. (Brochures, power point presentations, handouts, etc). This course is coordinated by the SNYPJOA Board of Directors. A certificate will be issued by the Bureau of Municipal Police/Division of Criminal Justice Services, for all participants who are police officers. Presented By: DCJS Certified Instructors and Experts in the field of Juvenile Justice . 2014 TRAINING COURSES Selection and Pre-Registration Are Required!! COURSE C BASIC SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER COURSE August 25TH thru August 29TH, 2014 NOTE: This course is intended for School Resource Officers, Police Juvenile Law Enforcement Officers, DARE Officers, School Liaison Officers and Supervisors of SRO’s, who would also benefit from taking this course. OVERVIEW This 5-day, 38 hours DCJS-certified course has been developed for the juvenile law enforcement officer who will be, or is interested in working in an educational environment. The attendees will be given a working knowledge of the School Resource Officer concept and other school based policing programs. They will be given information on the relationships that must be developed between the law enforcement community and the educational systems if they are to be successful. There will be a written examination and at least one graded practical exercise for each student. Core Topics: * History of School Based Policing * School Law Updates (Save Legislation) * Classroom Strategies for the Officer * Involvement in Student Activities * Crime Prevention Strategies * School Violence * Dysfunctional Families * Ethics and Professionalism * SRO Roles and Responsibilities * Interview and Counseling Techniques * Legal Aspects of School Base Policing * Law Related Education * Adolescent Stress and Suicide * Dealing with the Special Ed Student * Substance Abuse A certificate will be issued by the Bureau of Municipal Police/Division of Criminal Justice Services, for all participants who are police officers About The Instructors: All instructors of this course are experienced in both areas of law enforcement and education. They are recognized experts in their field that provide real life experience. Presented by: State of New York Police Juvenile Officers Assoc. & DCJS CERTIFITED INSTRUCTORS . 2014 TRAINING COURSES Selection and Pre-Registration Are Required!! COURSE D ADVANCED SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER COURSE August 25TH thru August 29TH, 2014 OVERVIEW This course has been developed as a direct result of the success of the Basic School Resource Officer Course. The skills that are developed in the basic class, or the practical experience that the officers or administrators have obtained, are refined and developed. Students will be given the opportunity to share the problems in their programs and work to find solutions, with the help of the other attendees. There will also be an opportunity for the student to discover ways to improve their performance and their entire program by developing new resources and discussing other specialized programs that they can adapt to better serve their students, schools and communities. Completion of the Basic School Resource Officer Class is not a requirement for taking or being successful in this class. Who should attend? Any Juvenile Law Enforcement Officers, D.A.R.E. Officers, School Liaison Officers, School Resource Officers, Law Enforcement Supervisors, Educators, School Administrators, Deans and parents will benefit from attending this training. Core Topics: Problem and Solution Identification, Interview and Interrogation in the Schools, Gang Identification and Intervention, School Violence Prevention, Update on Special Education, Trends in Adolescent Substance Abuse, Peer Mediation/Anger Management, Counseling and Teaching Skills Refinement, Search and Seizure in the Schools, and Conduct and Professionalism for School Based Law Enforcement Officers. A certificate will be issued by the Bureau of Municipal Police/Division of Criminal Justice Services, for all participants who are police officers Presented by: DCJS Certified Instructors and Experts in the field of Juvenile Justice . 2014 TRAINING COURSES Selection and Pre-Registration Are Required!! Course E 2014 SRO/JUVENILE UNIT SUPERVISORS COURSE SRO/JAB Unit Supervisor Course August 26th thru August 28th, 2014 This course is intended for police supervisors who are assigned to supervise School Resource/Safety officers assigned to Youth Services-Juvenile Aid Bureaus or other law enforcement personnel responsible for investigations of crimes committed by or against juveniles. This three day course is certified with the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. The curriculum includes: History and Background of School Resource Officer Recruitment and Selection of SRO’s Duties and Responsibilities of SRO Training Needs for SRO’s SRO’s and SRO Supervisors Working with School Administrators and School Staff Issues Related to Supervising SRO’s From Agency Heads to Unit Supervisors Legal Issues Ethical and Professional Considerations Program Funding/Sustainment & Contracts A certificate will be issued by the Bureau of Municipal Police/Division of Criminal Justice Services for all participants that hold the status of police officer. Presented By: DCJS Certified Instructors and Experts in the field of Juvenile Justice . Course F 2014 Continuing Education Specialized WORKSHOP SERIES MONDAY, AUGUST 25th, 2014 9:00am to 12:00pm CURRENT DRUG TRENDS And Underage Drinking TOPIC DESCRIPTION Substance abuse is particularly prevalent among young people, and it is important for juvenile officers to understand what substances young people are abusing, the effects that these substances will have on them, the laws regarding juvenile substance abuse, how schools and law enforcement can work together efficiently regarding substance abuse issues, why young people may resort to abusing drugs, and the types of prevention and treatment available for young people. This course will look into the ever growing world of substance abuse, with particular attention to the current drugs that are trending within the communities around the State of New York. It will also discuss the issues associated with underage drinking with the adolescent community. Presented by Sgt. Greenberg Mount Pleasant Police Dept. . MONDAY, AUGUST 25th, 2014 1:00pm to 5:00pm Introducing the New York State School Safety Improvement Initiative Presentation Description: Early in 2013 the School Safety Improvement Team was established in Education Law §2801b. The Team is composed of members from the Governor's Office of Public Safety, the Division of Criminal Justice Services, the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, the New York State Police and the State Education Department. Our website ( provides a valuable resource for School Administrators, School Safety Teams, First Responders (Fire, Police and EMS) and Parents. In addition to the website, we review school safety plan surveys and link identified training needs with available training resources. Webinars, training and technical assistance may be provided to raise awareness of current trends and issues facing our youth and integrates lessons learned in responding to emergencies at our schools. Leveraging resources from national and NYS agencies and associations and making those resources and opportunities available to our school and first responder communities to improve outcomes for our children is paramount. Goal: 1. Strengthen NYS response to issues affecting School Safety. 2. Review and analyses current NYS assets to identify strengths and gaps. 3. Examine issues and threats facing our School/Community partners and offer recommendations, solutions, best practices and lessons learned. Objectives: 1. Quickly identify and access actionable NYS resources from one centralized source. 2. Identify training resources from a wide variety of public training experts developed to meet specific NYS needs. 3. Provide on line training to support NYS schools and First Responders regarding School Safety topics. Presented by Janice M. Severson Cindee Diaz NYSP - School Safety Improvement Initiative TUESDAY, AUGUST 26th, 2014 . and WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27TH, 2014 8am to 5pm Policing the Teen Brain Model 2-Day Training Agenda This course has been sponsored and support by the NYS JJAG and DCJS Day 1: POLICING THE TEEN BRAIN: for Officers Part 1 The Teen Brain Understanding how the teen brain works differently with emphasis on differences in the way teens P>P>R: Perceive, Process, Respond Key elements of adolescent development Impacts of Peer Pressure on Behavior Communication Styles Tactics for de-escalation and face-saving in public situations Recognizing & Responding Effectively to Youth with Mental Health Issues One in 5 youth suffer from a mental health disorder. Current estimates suggest that somewhere between 50 and 75% of youth in the juvenile justice system have two or more mental health diagnoses for which they need treatment. This component will help officers recognize the most prevalent mental health issues among teens and learn tactics for de-escalation of interactions with them Recognizing & Responding Effectively to Traumatized Youth The role of trauma in youths’ responses is key to understanding many of their reactions to authority. This component describes sources of trauma in addition to the impact of trauma on youths’: brain functions, psyche, and behavior. Officers will learn tactics used by psychologists to respond effectively to youth and promote trauma-sensitive approaches. Ask the Good Doctor Officers are invited to ask the psychologist/psychiatrist questions about youth behavior they have witnessed as well as questions about handling situations they may encounter. Asserting Authority Effectively with Teens Summary of research and evidenced-based best practices for officers working with youth discussion with officers Presented by LISA H. THURAU Executive Director, Strategies for Youth, Inc. and DR. JEFF Q. BOSTIC, Training Psychiatrist WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27TH, 2014 . 8am to 5pm Policing the Teen Brain Model 2-Day Training Agenda Sponsored by the NYS JJAG and DCJS Day 2: THE TEEN BRAIN: for Officers Part 2 Community Demographics & Implications for Officers Review of risk factors present in communities and top predictors for involvement in delinquency, special emphasis on truancy and foster care youth, and share data on how gaps in safety nets become youth issues that lead to involvement of law enforcement. Risk Factors Protective Factors Cultural Factors Affecting Teens’ Behaviors Survey of cultural and media messages that compete with and oppose traditional authority. This component reviews topics including parenting, pervasive cultural views on conflict resolution, emphasis on manhood being a function of power/force, increased sexualization of youth, the role and power of social media, bullying. Juvenile Justice for Law Enforcement Part I Research on Impacts of Policing Approaches on Youth Offending U.S. Supreme Court Adoption of Developmental Approach State Court interpretation of Supreme Court post-JDB v. North Carolina Federal Policy trends and Pressures State Policy trends Implications for Law Enforcement Juvenile Justice for Law Enforcement Part II Overview of research on what works best with teens, with a special focus on key elements of effective responses: Research on Impacts of Policing Approaches on Youth Offending Pathways to Desistance studies & Aging Out Effective Programming What TO Do: Connecting Youth to Youth-Serving Community Based Programs Identify community-based assets Demonstrate impact of assets on offending Showcase youth-serving community based organizations and 4 program types Trying it On For Size Local youth participate in skits enacting typical school-based scenarios. The skits are interrupted to ask students why they respond to assertion of authority in the manner they do. In addition to the skits, a structured conversation is facilitated. Presented by LISA H. THURAU Executive Director, Strategies for Youth, Inc. and DR. JEFF Q. BOSTIC, Training Psychiatrist THURSDAY AUGUST 29TH, 2012 . 8am to 12pm The Darker Side of Technology Series SEXTING, SEXTORTION & CYBERBULLYING Course Description: Parents, students, teachers, advocates, law enforcement and anyone dealing with juveniles will benefit from the knowledge gained from attending this training. We are a market driven society and technology is often introduced before we become aware of many of the dangers! Cell phones and social networking have revolutionized communications among teens and even preteens. Recent studies have shown that 80% of middle school students now carry smartphones. Some school districts are writing cell phone policy for K-5! As a result incidents such as what happened in Steubenville, Ohio or to Jessica Logan are becoming more and more commonplace. Sexting, sextortion, stalking, harassment have all contributed to not only damaging the lives and self-esteem of many of our children, but it has even cost some their lives! Our children have very readily grasped the technology, but without the experience or maturity to understand the consequences of some of their actions. This is a unique and eye opening presentation will help raise the awareness of students and anyone dealing with children. We will discuss things such as sexting, supposedly self-destructing photo apps, secret messaging apps, information hidden in digital photos, location sharing, sextortion, and the way juveniles are hiding things from their parents, teachers, and police. However not only will we show you the dangers, but we will provide the tools, resources and advice to help mitigate the risk. Presented by: James A. Dill, Deputy Chief (Retired) Innovative Technology & Investigative Solutions, LLC 717-884-8167 THURSDAY August 28th, 2014 1pm to 4pm . Human Trafficing Overview: The presentation includes analyses of New York State criminal and civil law/regulations relevant to human trafficking. Discussion of case law, judicial approaches, and law enforcement perspectives will be addressed in the context of working with victims’ advocates and other stakeholders involved in human trafficking. Federal issues and efforts will also be referenced for purposes of collaboration and comparison. Presented By: Carl J. Boykin Director of Human Trafficking Prevention, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services FRIDAY August 29th, 2013 8am to 12pm Bullying and DASA Bullying is an explosive topic! Almost everyday we hear something related to bullying in the news media. In fact, the word “Bullying” is now applied purposely to invoke emotional responses. Those of us working with young people spend countless hours addressing “Bullying” issues, but what exactly is Bullying? What about Cyberbullying? Is Bullying against the law? Is there a “Profile” describing the typical Bully? What can we do about Bullying? This workshop will address these questions and topics. This course will also discuss the new mandates regarding DASA, Dignity for All Students Act. All children have the right to attend school in a safe and caring environment, and NYS has addressed that issue relative to bullying, harassment, cyberbulling and discrimination through the DASA. This course will be presented by Frank Kolarik, of Listen Up Safety Services. Frank is a retired police detective from Westchester County, NY with over 15 years of experience in working with schools as a youth officer. P.O. BOX 803 - PLEASANT VALLEY, NY 12569 (845)702-0770 - SNYPJOA’s . YOUTH OF THE YEAR 2013 KIM TRAN . SNYPJOA’s JUVENILE OFFICER OF THE YEAR 2013 CLIFFORD GABRIELSEN STATE OF NEW YORK POLICE JUVENILE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION JUVENILE OFFICER OF THE YEAR AWARD IN HONOR OF THE OUTGOING PRESIDENT Mike Hilla . The 39th Annual Award for Outstanding Achievement in, or contributing to, the prevention, control, or treatment of Juvenile Delinquency will be presented this year at the State of New York Police Juvenile Officers Association Conference to be held at the Crowne Plaza Downtown, Syracuse, N.Y. This award will be given to an active member of the Police Juvenile Officers Association in the form of a suitably inscribed plaque. Nominations for this distinguished award may be submitted for significant achievement in any of the following categories: Administration and Practice Leadership and Citizen Participation Education, Literature or Research Journalism The nomination should be in narrative form stating the nominee’s achievements and their significance, and should include the name, title and department or agency making the submission. Supportive letters from department members, other government/community agencies, organizations, etc. are welcome. NOMINATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY AUGUST 2nd, 2014 MAIL TO: SNYPJOA AWARD COMMITTEE, 1971 Western Ave. PMB104, Albany, NY 12203 Awards Committee Chairman – Brian K. Forte Nominees Name_____________________________________________________Rank____________________________________ Agency____________________________________________________________________________________________ Agency Address_____________________________________________________________________________________ Agency Phone___________________________________________ Supervisor__________________________________ Person making the nomination_________________________________________________________________________ (Please print or type name) Signature___________________________________________________________________________________________ Agency_____________________________________________Address_________________________________________ Phone____________________________________email______________________________________________________ JUVENILE OFFICER OF THE YEAR RECIPIENTS 1976 Lt. Patrick G. Looney Nassau County Police Dept. 1977 Sgt. Donald Fey Oneida County Sheriffs Off. 1978 Capt. Frank Daly New York City Police Dept. 1979 Sgt. Craig Collins Suffolk County Police Dept. 1980 PO Charles Reynolds Monticello Police Dept. 1981 PO Leo Armstead New York City Police Dept. . 1982 PO Louis DeJohn Newark Police Dept. 1983 Det. Sam Farace Rochester Police Dept. 1984 Det. Richard A. Pelliccio Tarrytown Police Dept. 1985 Sgt. Angelo Ottaviano City of Oneida Police Dept. 1986 Det. James V. Bosco Garden City Police Dept. 1987 Lt. Otto J Panara Rome Police Dept. 1988 Inv. Robert Siersma Rochester Police Dept. 1989 YO Del W. LeFeure Pleasantville Police Dept. 1990 Det.David N Favro Plattsburgh Police Dept. 1991 Det. Thomas McCabe Rochester Police Dept. 1992 PO Russell L Carson Guilderland Police Dept. 1993 Deputy Bert E Rowe St. Lawrence Co. Sheriffs Off. 1994 PO Mark R. Snyder Johnstown Police Dept. 1995 Sgt. Deborah K. Huff Wayne County Sheriff’s Off. 1996 Inv. Gene W Brundage Potsdam Police Dept. 1997 Sgt. Nelson E. Whitmore Town of Clay Police Dept. 1998 PO W. Frederick Snediker New Hartford Police Dept. 1999 Det. Sgt. John F Ctaldi Jr. Port Washington Police Dept. 2000 Sgt. Michael Torrillo Amherst Police Dept. 2001 Det. William J. Sleight, III City of Poughkeepsie Police Dept. 2002 Sgt. Stephen J Bonura Pleasantville Police Dept. 2003 Captain William J. Aiello City of Olean Police Dept. 2004 Inv. Richard J Salamone New Hartford Police Dept. 2005 Det. Beth Dzenkowski Southhold Police Dept. 2006 Det.Martin Greenberg Mount Pleasant Police Dept. 2007 Det. Douglas B. Tunno Monticello Police Dept. 2008 PO. Stephany Baldwin Geneva Police Dept. 2009 Sgt. Roger Ginder Guilderland Police Dept. 2010 Det. Frank Kolarik North Castle Police Dept. 2011 Sr. Ptlm. Brian K Forte Guilderland Police Dept. 2012 PO Michael Hilla Endicott Police Dept. 2013 PO Clifford Gabrielsen Croton on the Hudson Police Dept. S.N.Y.P.J.O.A. PAST PRESIDENTS 1976-1977 Patrick G. Looney Nassau County Police Dept. 1978 Francis J. Daly New York City Police Dept. 1979 Thomas P. DeVaney Geneva Police Dept. 1980 William J. Reidy 1981 Philip D Horner 1982 Sam A Farace . Syracuse Police Dept. Nassau Co. Police Dept. Rochester Police Dept. 1983 Richard A. Pelliccio Tarrytown Police Dept. 1984 Neal T. Older Saratoga Springs Police Dept. 1985 James P Howe Hempstead Police Dept. 1986 Francis S. Broski Sherrill Police Dept. 1987 Henry J. Kozierowski West Seneca Police Dept. 1988 Patrick R. Tortora Manlius Police Dept. 1989 Joseph A. Suda City of Olean Police Dept. 1990 Thomas E. Jaconski Lewis County Sheriff’s Off. 1991 Joseph L. Stepp Oneonta Police Dept. 1992 Thomas S. Grecco Middletown Police Dept. 1993 Michael N. Torrillo Amherst Police Dept. 1994 Russell L. Carson Guilderland Police Dept. 1995 John F. Cataldi, Jr. Port Washington Police Dept. 1996 David N. Favro Plattsburgh Police Dept. 1997 Dennis B. John Cattaraugus Co. Sherrif’s Off. 1998 Roy A. Boyce Dutchess Co. Sheriffs Off. 1999 Stephen J Bonura Pleasantaville Police Dept. 2000 William J Aiello City of Olean Police Dept. 2001 Joseph Clarke Hempstead Police Dept. 2002 Richard J. Salamone New Hartford Police Dept. 2003 William J Sleight III City of Poughkeepsie Police Dept. 2004 Timothy S. Whitcomb Cattaraugus Co. Sheriffs Off. 2005 Beth Dzenkowski Southhold Police Dept. 2006 Brian Lamica Ilion Police Dept. 2007 Kelly Grace Camillus Police Dept. 2008 Frank Kolarik North Castle Police Dept. 2009 Eric Butler Cattaraugus Co. Sheriff’s Off. 2010 Brian K. Forte Guilderland Police Dept. 2011 Darryl Lindsay Vestal Police Dept. 2012 John T. Hynes Pelham Police Dept. 2013 Nicholas Ingle Guilderland Police Dept. Past Presidents attending the 2013 Geneva Conference . From left to right: Nick Ingle 2013, John Hynes 2012, Darryl Lindsay 2011, Brian Forte 2010, Frank Kolarik 2008, Bill Aiello 2000 2014 President Mike Hilla . President Mike Hilla receives the Presidents Gavel from Past President Nick Ingle STATE OF NEW YORK POLICE JUVENILE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS This year the State of New York Police Juvenile Officers Association will be awarding two, $250 Scholarships in honor of all past Executive Directors: 1980-1982 -----Frank Daly 1983-1985 -----Philip D. Horner 1989-1992 -----Henry Kozierowski 1995-2004 -----John F. Cataldi, Jr. 1982-1983 -----Patrick G. Looney 1985-1989 -----Richard A. Pelliccio 1992-1995 -----Tomas S. Grecco 2005–2014-----William J Aiello . The scholarships will be awarded to the children of an active or associate member of this association. To be eligible the student must meet the following criteria: Graduated from high school in 2014, and intends or is presently enrolled on a full-time basis for the 2014-2015 school year. The scholarships will be chosen on a LOTTERY BASIS at the Association’s Annual Conference. The recipient will thereafter be notified and will be asked to provide proof of attendance to a college for the 20142015 school years. DO NOT SEND TRANSCRIPTS, SAT SCORES, OR ANYTHING ELSE WITH THIS APPLICATION! Only one application will be accepted per individual student. More than one student per family may submit an application. Previous recipients are not eligible. APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AUGUST 16th, 2014 MAIL TO: SNYPJOA, 1971 Western Ave. PMB 104, Albany, NY 12203 or email SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION (Print or type carefully) Association Member ___________________________________________________________ Agency/Address_______________________________________________________________ Student’s Name_______________________________ Home Phone _____________________ Student’s Address______________________________________________________________ Present School Attending________________________________________________________ School Address________________________________________________________________ Graduating High School ______________ College Year Certified By________________________________ ( Signature of School Official, Title 1 2 3 4 ) _____________________________ Telephone 2013 Conference Geneva NY . SNYPJOA’s Board in Action Board member met Coach Jim Boeheim of Syracuse basketball at the March BOD Meeting . 1997 Executive Director John Cataldi and board members honor Bob Denver, aka “Gilliagan”, who showed up at the SNYPJOA conference State of New York Police Juvenile Officer’s Association Inc. 1971 Western Avenue PMB104, Albany, NY 12203 Membership Application (All Information Confidential) PLEASE TYPE or PRINT CLEARLY NAME LAST FIRST MIDDLE CITY STATE HOME ADDRESS (OPTIONAL) . ZIP AGENCY RANK/TITLE AGENCY ADDRESS CITY AGENCY PHONE( ) AREA CODE AGENCY FAX( NUMBER ) STATE ZIP CELL PHONE ( ) AREA CODE NUMBER Email: AREA CODE NUMBER REGION NUMBER COUNTY DUES ARE PAYABLE ANNUALLY, NO LATER THAN JANUARY 31st. NEW MEMBER: $50.00 RENEWAL: $30.00 (MUST BE PAID MEMBER FROM THE YEAR PRIOR) CHECKS PAYABLE TO: S.N.Y.P.J.O.A. Note: New Member or Renewal applications are to be submitted with check for appropriate amount, payable to SNYPJOA, or Agency Voucher. Please check all applicable boxes: Mailing Preference: [ ] Agency [ ] Home Membership Type: [ ] Active [ ] Associate Do you want to be listed in the directory? [ ] Yes [ ] No Note: You can be listed in the Police Juvenile Officer-Juvenile Justice Professional section, (PJO), or in the School Resource Officer section, (SRO). Only Active police SRO’s will be listed in this section. If yes, which address & phone number: [ ] Agency [ ] Home Which section: [ ] PJO [ ] SRO If you are choosing SRO and want to use the school, please provide Name of School, complete address and phone number. STATE OF NEW YORK POLICE JUVENILE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013 - 2014 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR William J. Aiello Brian K Forte TRAINING COORDINATOR Brian K. Forte, Guilderland Police Department (Ret.) C. Edward Schmidt, New Hartford PD (Ret.) OFFICERS Michael Hilla - President Tod Kimmey - Vice President Leo Dylewski - Secretary Robert Monaco - Treasurer Endicott Police Department Painted Post Police Department City of Peekskill Police Department Dutchess Co Sheriff’s Office . REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Region 1 Open Region 2 Thomas Ruhle Region 3 Open Region 4 Mark Spain Region 5 Open Region 6 George Head Region 7 Matthew Seymour Region 8 Matt Darrow Region 9 Michael McCarthy Region 10 Gene Chichester Region 11 Rich Engler Region 12 Tina Owens Region 13 Open Region 14 Anthony Vacco PAST PRESIDENTS Nicholas Ingle John Hynes Darryl Lindsay Brian K. Forte Eric Butler Frank Kolarik Kelly E. Grace Timothy S. Whitcomb William Aiello Richard J. Salamone Stephen J. Bonura Michael N. Torrillo Sands Point Police Department Watervliet Police Department Clinton County Sheriff’s Office Potsdam Police Department Ilion Police Department Central Square Police Department Livingston County Sheriffs Office Town of Tonawanda Police Department Salamanca Police Department Ardsley Police Department Guilderland Police Deptemnt Pelham Police Department Vestal Police Department (Retired) Guilderland Police Department (Retired) Cattaraugus County Sheriff Office North Castle Police Department (Retired) Town of Camillus Police Department Cattaraugus County Sheriff’s Office Olean Police Department (Retired) New Hartford Police Department (Retired) Pleasantville Police Department (Retired) Amherst Police Department CONSULTANTS William Aiello, P.P. & Past Ex. Director John F. Cataldi, Jr. P.P & Past Ex. Director Joseph P. Marano, H.M. Elizabeth Frank, H.M. C. Edward Schmidt Leslie Herrick Keith Zobel Olean Police Department (Retired) Port Washington Police Department, (Retired) NYS Office of Children and Family Services (Retired) City of Poughkeepsie Police Department, (Retired) New Hartford Police Department, (Retired) Town of Cicero Police Department, (Retired) NYS Commission of Correction CHAPLIN Rev Dr. Anthony L. Evans Portville, NY COUNSEL Victor A. Civitillo, Esq. Dutchess County Attorney’s Office SNY Police Juvenile Officers Assoc. 1971 Western Ave. PMB 104 Albany, NY 12203 Return Service Requested: . TO: ****************************************************************************** CONFERENCE LOCATION: Crowne Plaza and Conference Center Syracuse 701 E. Genesee Street Syracuse, NY 13210 Phone: (315) 479-7000 .