Sutarties Nr, Specialiqiq sqlygq I priedas VI KLAIPEDOS VALSTYBINIO JURU UOSTO DIREKCIJA TVIRTINU Vf Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosto direkcijos infrastruktriros direktorius Algirdas Kamarauskas JURU UOSTO sraunnvro rR PrETrNro yBA) rR DALTES KURSTU NBRTJOS Sr,arro ARENGIMO IR,,KLAIPEDOS VALSTYBINIO ilt S)R POVEIKIO BOS.. APLINKAI TECHNINE UZDUOTIS NR" 2015_......_ Klaipeda Pagrindines s4vokos: BangolauZis - Nr. 2100 2020 9012 vandens uosto statinys, saugantis uost4 nuo bangq. Siaurinio bangolauZio unikalus (adresas: Vetros g. Klaipeda); pietinio bangolauZio unikalus Nr. 2100 2020 B0t5 (adresas: Smiltynes g. Klaipeda). Kursiq nerijos Slaito povandeninio Slaito stabiluma. tvirtinimas: statinys arba irenginys, kurio funkcija uZtikrinti Kursiq rLerijos nys Kur5iq mariq Siaurineje dalyje, kurio pagrindine iojantis Lietuvos Respublikoje (privalomas visie,ms uosto direkcija. (statyb osto iiaurinio ir pietinio bangolauiiry rekonstra'vinnas o jur4 tv ir pasira ir pie statyb uosto iiqurinio pietinio bangolauiit4 irtinimas,, projektavimo ir statybos darbai. vino auiit1 kirno I.IVADAS objekto Kuriiq r::;:",ini;ll*ro;i:,:::l#;:i,:;;; :i;i,i: projektiniq pasiulymq pu."ngi_o i. ,, Ltosto ,l pie pietinitl ir platinimo), inimo bei iios TTT skvririe ngolttuiit4 ,poveikio n Detaliau uZduotys aprasytos III skyriuje ,,uZdaviniai ir atsakomybe,,. Tiekejas tures pasiriipint{ veftimu lietuviq l<albos II. PATEIKIAMI ISEITIES DOKUMENTAI ISeities duomenys, uZduotyje: i kuriuos reikia atsiZvelgti, teikiant paslaugas, numatytas Sioje technirreje kos instituto parengti Klaipedos valstybinio jDrq uosto m. aipedos valstybinio jr)rq irosto Kur5iq nerijos Sla.ito imo rlokumentai, 2015 m. Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosto pietinio ir nimo dokum entai, 2015 m. edos valstybinio sia'ri'io jury uosto l4ivybos kanalo gilinirno ir pedos valstybinio SGD terminalo jiirq ir uosto lair,ybos kanalo gilininno auk5to slegio dujotiekio kranLte askaita, 2012 m. os valstybinio jDrq uosto haujojo i5orinio iplaukos 5 iki 15,5 m gylio atrankos del poveikio aplinkai - ICoMos ataskaita. Atsakomosios stebdsenos misijos, vykusios 2015 m. sausio lg-22 d. Kursiq nerijoje, ,/ o ,,Klaipedos jurq uosto lair,ybos kanalo .valstybinio geologiniq tyrimq ataskaitb, 2010 m. Siaurines ddlies inZinerinio geologinio U teritorijos - Lietuvos geologijos tarnybos parengla Klaipedos valstybinio jurq uosto teritorijos pietines dalies inZinerinio geologinio kartografavimo M t,sttoo ataskaita, 2009 m. s uosto iplaukos rekonstrukcijos projekto geologiniq m. s uosto iplaukos rekonstrirkcijos projekto geolo55iniq m. as prie tos, 1999^Klaipedos m. uosto iplaukos rekonstmkr:ijos Klaipedos jlrq uosto ipfaukos kanalo ir SiaLurines projektas, 1998 m, 4 os uosto varfq rekonstruftcijos projektas (pirminio s m, osto vartq rekonstrukcijos projekto poveikio aplirrkai - Frederic R. Hanis B. v. parengtas Klaipedos uosto iplaukos rekonstntkcijos projektas (galutine ataskaita), 1999 m. - Klaipedos valstybinio jlry uosto pietinio bangolauZio specialiosios apZi{ros ataskaitos ir technirriai pasai. - Klaipedos valstybinio techniniai pasai. j[rq uosto Siaurinio bangolauZio specialiosigs apZiuros ataskaitos ir Batimetriniq - Klaipedos va 2015 m. tiekejas: uAB akovu suderintas ribas. 015 m' ,,Geteli monitoringo ataskailos, Anglq kalba pateikiami dokumentai, kuriuos, esant poreikiui, i lietuviq kalf4 issiverdia pats paslaugq - Japonijos tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo agentDros parengta uosto flletros projekto Lietuvos Respublikoje studija, 2004 m. ra5as. 2000. - wL Delft Hydraulics Klaipeda Port, Lithuania Additional three dimensiQnal physical model 1ests. Tiekejas privalo vadovautis sutartimi, LR teises aktais, taip patjq n{ujausiais pakeitimais ir nais, EAU 2012 rekom acijomis. tere;ui Tiekejui privalomi ir visi sutarties wkrilymo me1 naujai priinrti i"1i:'j]#:i.;"::y,:g:?,,TtT teises aktai, jeigu jie susijg su iro rro.lekto igyvendinimu. p;;i";;;"ri .i,#"J;rilffifi:xl" III. UZDAVINIAI IR ATSAKOMYBB sutarti optimal kurios gali tapti biiti Pagal ieskodamas toliau detaliai i5vardintas uZduotis, jomis neapsiribodarnas, ikalui, atlikdamas ir papildomas pagridtai numatomas uZduotis, ingai jvykdyti siffasraugq sutarri. 3 Tikslai Atlikti jutq uosto lairybos kanalo naviga[iniq uosto laivybos kanalo krypti ir parametrus. Klaipedos. valstybinio nustat5rti Klaipedos valstybinio jlrq s4lygq tyrimusi ir Naujam lairybos kanalui atlikti hidrodinamini modeliavim4 ir nustat5rti Klaipedos valsfybinio jiirq uosto vartq (pietinio ir Siaurinio bangolauZiq) planing padeti, geometrii4 i,r fi"ii,ninu.rl klnsmrtini sprendini, Remiantis Kursiq nerijos povandeninio Slaito stabilumo skaidiavimais ir liitais duomenimis, nustiflrti Kur5iq nerijos Slaito sutvirtinimo vietas iki pK2g. jlrq uosto pietinio ir Siaurinio bangolauZilq rekonstravimo (sta.tybos) tvirtinimo projektinius pasiiilymus ir kt. i5eities dfromenis, reikalingusriokiq lstybinio dalie statiniq ir Uiduoties apimtis 1.1. Esamos situacijos analiz6: 1'1'1' Meteorologiniq, hidrologinil, _hidrografiniq salygq Klaitriddos uoste anali:26 ir apibendrinimas' Surinkti meteorologinius, hidrologiniu"s ir hicirograilnius auorrlenis, kurie bus reikalingi modeliavimui atlikti ir projektui parengti. Atlikti $iq-duomenra u"ufr"9 ir,;;;Fkiui, atlikti papilclornris tyrimus. l,l "2. InLineriniq geolo gini g tyrim q afl ikim as. Atlikti planuojamos teritorijos geologiniq s4lygq cha Vadovaujantis STR 1.04.02: 2011 ,]nhjneriniai fyr1mrai,,, parengti projektiniq inZineriniq geologiniq Wrimu p.,s.urnu. ia sud tarnyba ir inZinerinius geologinius ryrimus ui#l#:. ataskait4: indZiamas inZineriniq darbq aip 12 niame iniu koloniniu brldu gr a. tarp pK13 ir pK2g. zondavimo (CPT) bandymai. Gauti rezultatai patei suvestindse lentelese; 1.1.2'2.3, vadovaujantis Lietuvos standaftu LST ,,Eurokodas 7, Geotechninis projektavimas (1 ir 2 inZineriniam geologiniam sluoksniui IGS. Laborator nus, ISO EN lggT-I:2005 - LST EN lggT-2:2007 ::i{,i:"ilfff:"i::::,^13,11'_:ffii?[3,ffi:.;,ff1H"iil,,1,1T;.";;illi; LL2.2.5. nustatlti agresyvum4 metalui ir betonui; l'I'2'2'6' grgZimo darbq metu neaptikus ri5liq (molingq) gruntq, vien4 $rgZini i5grgZti kuriame br)tq pasiekta risliq (molingq) gruntq storymd, r.; ' j ' lsigilinani i:+ o, -.t iki gylio, l'1'2'2'7, bandymus, nurodytus, ir 1.L2.2.5 punktuose] atlikti laboratorijoje. l'1'3' Geofiziniq tyrimrl interpretacija. Atlikti geofiziniq tyrimq archy'yines medZiagos anali,,zE ir esamq geofiziniq duomenq interpretacij4, sudaryti teritoiijos geodin nini mod{li, nurodant kotiruoiarLdius inZinerinius geologinius sluoksnir s, .1r1- inzinr.in", g"oiogiies ir ridrogeolqgines s4lygas bei fizines mechanines sar.ybes. l'2'Laivybos s4lygq tyrimai ir nau.io i5orinio laivybos kanalo krypties nustatymas. 1'2'1' fvertinanttai, kad i5orinis laivybos kanalas bus gilinamas iki 17,5 im gylio, o vidinis lairlrbos kanalas iki 17,0 m g.yl]-o, atlikti navigaciniq s4lygq i5oriniame"lair.ybos kanale ii Klaipedos uosto vzrftuose tyrimus, isanalizuoti. iSorinio iplaukos tu-nato purukimo galimybes (laivq vedlines asies trajektorijos pakeitim4) ir nusta'tyti optimali4 iplaukos kanalo krypti, nuroiint klekvieno lpiuurfor tunalo krypties keitimo varianto privalumus ir tr[kumus, analizuojant Sias situacijas: esam4 situacij4, l'2'l'2' Klai n1 uosto laivybos kanalo maksimalaus gilinimo ir platinimo galimybiq pletros pl , kai Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosfo iplaukos kanalo tr;ryptis keidiama 10"-12. iisi lo a5ies; l '2'l '3. ne maliaukaip 2 naujus iplaukos kanalo krypties keitimo variantuts. 1'2'2' Nustat5rti optimalq iplaukos kanalo ploti i5orineje dalyje (uZ uostp vartq), uosto vartuLose ir vidinio lairybos kanalo ploti iki pK2 g. l'2'3'Parengti Klaipedos valstybinio.jtirq uosto naujo laivybos kanalo ridu schem+ ir j4 suclerinti Uosto kapitono tarnyba. l'2'4' Atsizvelgiant i naujo i5orinio lailybos kanalo krypti navigaciniq Zenklq perkelim4 (i5dest m4). ir parametrjus, su numat5rti vedlinrjs bei Kur5iq nerijos braito tvirtinimo vietq ir parametrq nustatymas. Remiantis inZineriniq geologiniq tyrimq duomenimis atlikti stabilumo skaidiavimus ir, atsiZvelgiani parengta Klaipeclos vals i maksimalaus gilinimo ir platinimo galirnybiq pletros plan4, naui4 Klai lairybos kanalo ribq schem4 ir ivertinant tai, kad viiinis' laivybos k praplatinant, patikslinti, kuriuos Kur5iq nerijos priekrantes ruoius Siaurineje Klaipedos uosto dalyje iki pX:2g reikes tvirtinti povandenine stabilizuojandia sienute, o kur bus galima formuoti ,ratu.alq Slait4, norint .victini laivybos kanal4 i5gilinti iki 17,0 m pagal nauj4 laivytos kanalo iltinirno ir platinimo ribq schem4. 1'4' ApibendlT^. visa surinkt4 medLiag4 ir prie5 tai min6tuose pun(tuose gaut4 inf'orrnLacij4 irvadovaujantis EAU 2012, srR 1.04.b1:200s,nsamq statiniq fyrimai66 ir kf. Lietuvos Respublikoje galiojaniiais istatymais, statybos techniniais reglamentais ir nor natyviniafs dokumentais ivertinti pietinio ir xiaurinio bangolauziq statinio techning bukrg i. uiiiil.if sU metu galiojanrtiems ;" normafyviniams ir techniniams dokumentarns. 1.3. 1'5. Parengti Klaip6dos valstybinio jurq uosto pietinio . (statybos) ir dalies Kursirl nerijos staito tvirtinimo projlktinius bangotauzitr ir Kiaurinio bari golauZiq rekonstravimo pasiiilymus. 1.5. L alternatyvry l (statybos) !:'0,i,!:?,u:;:",,##,,lfi';",W"{o;",::;",;,,,:; o::,ii;,';i ft jiirq Slaito 5.1.1, parengti Klaipedos valstybinio ir Kur5iq nerijos Siaurines dalies virno nariq riliio ibirs. ybrls, trinno l'5'l'2' Alternatyvq sprendiniai turi biiti projektuojami taip, kad ateityje biitq galima vystlrti isorinio 'i uosto pletr4 prie Siaurinio bangolauZio siaurineje ktaipeaos uosto daryje ; 1'5'1'3' rengiant Alternatyvas ivertinti, kad pietinio bangolauZio Saknies padetis nekeidiama; t/) l'5'I'4' rengiant Alternatyvas koncepcijos sprendinius; atsiZvelgti iKlaipedos valstybinio- jurq pietiniq vartq tec,hnines -'-f -' r' J--1 uolto Klaipddos valstybinio jDrq frosto lairybos kanalas bus l'l i;i,-l'j::11t-1lj:TlWas,ivertinti,.kad ir.plallngas dviem etapais: I etape planuojama pasukti kanal4, iii gi linti |"1:l_llT?t,gilinamas iplaukos isorini ipraulos r.unuia Li mt'o*o'#iili;rJii,'"ii"'ffi1ffJ:'ffit"n{?li*:T,:ffiitJ'i]Iili -----'--'" '*''J !7,5 laivybos kanal4 iki PK26 isgilinti lti ti,o m gyli; ir praplatinti pagalnaujai' raivybc,s karnaro i1'#*n,1""+,1,:1]"nfilu_,i:*tl,ij'-'_l'-,T;9.,t ,ry6,11 flloruj'nti i tr praplatinti uidinl "pugui luivybos kanalq iuo ",,31i,i,r",.*to pi*o ,ffrirur.iimo rato GK:26) iki [illT,,lllYl:l*,T:^" ,Sgli_ Kiaules Nugaros salos (lpK877; 1.5.I.7. numat;zti galimus Alternatyvos igyv galima pradeti objekto statybos ir laivybos tanato git - l'5,1'8' rengianl; Alternatyvas, jq sprendiniai turi bDti projektuojami tokfe, kad nebtitq pablogintos laivybos s4lvgos lairybos kanale, o butq uztikrintos geresnes hi;yr;"; ,;ii;;;,"ilr".";. situacijoje; 1'5'1'9' rengiant Alternatyvas, jq sprendiniai turi brti projektuojami tokie, kad erozijaneturetq itakos Kur5iq nerijos krantams ties Baltijos juia; _ 1"5,1.10. rengiant Alternatyvas ivertinti galimas pasekmes gamtines aplin\os komponentams ir tokiq pasekmiq prevencijos, kompensavimo arba maZinimo prilmones; 1 , projektuojant Alternatyrq -nauj sprendinius ivertinti galimybes pandudoti esam4 bangoltauZiq konstrukffv q b angolauLi q statyb ai pagal 4 p lanin g padeti ; tureti Kursi sprendiniams igyvendinti ivertinti visas kitas aplinkybes, kurios gali konstrukciniam sprendiniui (teritoriiq pianavimo dokumenlus, kiekvienos Alternatyvos diai ir t.); zI; apskaidiuoti kiekvienos Alternatyvos preriminari4 orientacing igy{rendinimo kain4. I'5.2' Palyginti ir pasiulyti prioritetines Alternatyvas, atliekant palyginamSq anatizg: odinamini modeli, kurio rezulriatq ir duomenq palcatritq pagristi. Modelis turi ivertinti $angq, druskingo varrderns erijos ir Baltijos juros kranfq erozijos klausimus (ais Atlikti esqmos situaciios ir Alternatyvoms modeliav i mo darbus ne maiiau kaip6 planinitl-fronstrukciniq sprendini4 ; l' Projektavimo parametrry @angu ,rdory*o, ir analize; rekonstrukctjai, duomenry bazes ir sroviq), reikaring4 statybai / - Vejo ir bangq tyrimai Baltijos priekrantes Lietuvos teritoriniuose vandeny$e; - tekmiq struktiiros tyrimai Baltijos priekrantes Lietuvos teritoriniuos" uurrdlnur". L5.2,3.2. Bangt1 sklaidos modeliavimas uosto ne maiiau kaip ieiioms Alternatyvoms (ne ma\iau ka me - Baltijos priekrantes (Lietuvos teritoriniai iva (esant stipriems pV, :iir"-i?1'J:lr:,::T; b - bangq sklaidos modeliavimas uosto vidineje akvatorijoje visoms alternatyvoms situacij oj e, esant ivairioms meteorologinems s4lygoms i - bangq parametrq analizd uosto vidineji akvatorijoje (navigaciniame kanale ivairiomis meteorologinemis s4lygomis, lyginant visas alternatlrvas su e.umu situacija. ir ir esamoje prie krantiniq) I'5'2'3.3' Baltiio_s priekrantes (Lietuvos teritoriniai vandenys), Klaipehos sqsiaurio ir iicturines Kuriiry mariry dalies hidrodinaminis moderiavimas esamoie sitiac'ijoje fu *oznu kaip irziioms lln, Alternatyvoms (ne maiiau kaip 7 situacijos): - Vandens apykaitos sqlygq tarp jriros ir Kursiq mariq (Klaipedos s4siaurio pralaidumo) anelize lyginant visas alternatyvas su esama situacija, kai s4siauriu teka ivairiq dydZiq il krypdiq debitai, ivertinant pietinius uosto vaftus; - hidrodina.miniq pokydiq analize manevravimo zonose, prie juros krantiniq bei Kursiq nerijos kranto lyginant visas alternatyvas su hidrometeorologinemis s4lygomis (s4siauriu tekant ivairiems; debitams bei vejams). 1'5'2'3'4' Baltijos priekrantes (Lietuvos teritoriniai vandenys) nesmenD pernaios ir ne maiiau kaip ieiioms' Alternatyvoms (ne maziau kaip 7 tilui"ijo4; esamoie situaciioje modelicrvitnqs e barigolauZiq galvq ir ipl.aukos rololinemis s4lygomis (pud iant maZiausiai 20 km pakrante! ruoZe (i Siaurg ir pietus i keltos PV, V ir SV stipriq veJe ir vidutiniams me,tamr, a stipriem (ne5menq ant visas SV - iplaukos kanalo kasmetiniq gilinimo apimdiq 1'5'2,3'5. Krantotvarkos priemoniq tailrymo juros situacijoje ir ne maiiau kaip ieiioms Alternatyvoms. ituacija, ivair.iomis metams; tiniams metarns. ir Kuriit| mariq lcrafte modeliavimas es.Tmoie l'5'2'4. Parengti- su.stambint4 galimq aplinkosauginirl ir ekonominiq p{sekmiq, laivybos sqlygq, statybos darbq technologijos, eksploatacijos s4lygq lu.ilitrirna kiekvienos nagrinetos Alternatyros igyvendinimo atveju, L5.2'6. Numatyti reikalingq navigaciniq priemoniq irerrgim4 / perkelim4 ir patekim4 prie jq. l'5'2'7 ' AtsiZvelgti iKlaipedos valstybinio j[rq uosto direkcijos ir Uosto k{pitono tarnybos pastabas, kurios gali buti pateiktos tiekejui per vis4 paslaugq teikimo laikotarpi. obj spr.endZiami apribojimai, jeigu tokiq butq l'5'2'8' Pasiulyti tadijas, kad b[tq dokumentq, aplin anoma igyvendint L5.2.9. Esant poreikiui, atliekant poveikio projektiniq pasiulymq sprendinius ir atliktus pakeitimu etaoais, kol bus prioritetine altematyva isines aplinkos s4lygoti l, 5.3. Gauti specialiuosius architektiirinius rei Rezuhatai Ataskaitos su prista[4os KVJUD technines tarybos posedyjE ir po 2 ataskaitq by,lq ,i5vadomis egzempliorius lietuviq kalba ir po 1 egz. skaitmenineje laikmencrje pIjF format" prtbil.ti Uisakovui. ,7 Paslaugry trukme_ s parengti per 3 menesiud nuo sutarties pasira5y,mo Tikslai Atlikti poveikio aplinkai vertinim4 vertinim4 TINESCO Pasaulio paveldo at|vilgiu, iiorinio ir vidinio laivybos kanalo tobulinimo rekonstravimo (statybos), dalies Kuriiry nerijos galimybiq, PaslaugU ribos: Poveikio aplinkai vertinimas tures biiti atliek Kursiq trims p ;ii'#;:1ff.':; II statybos etapas - dambos ir marinos bei atliekant Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosto laivybos k Paslaugu etapai o o o o o Poveikio aplinkai vertinimo programos parengimas. Tiriamieji darbai. Poveikio aplinkai vertinimo ataskaitos parengirnas. Visuomenes informavimas ir poveikio aplinkai vertinimo dokumentu derinimas. Technines uZduoties gilinimo darbq projektui parengimas ir sudeririimas su Uosto direkciia. Uiduoties apimtis 2.1. Parengti poveikio aplinkai vertinimo (toliau _ pA\t) program4: . 2'L1' Programa luri nustatyti: nagrinejamas alternatyvas, veftinamus aplinkos komponentuLs; vertinamus kultDros paveldo komponentus, iemiantis Kur5iq nerijos isrr.i.ti"e.-{is'uotines vertes aprasu; poveikio visuomends sveikatai vertinimo aspektus; PAV ataskaitos turin! ir dagrinejamus klausirnus; tiriamqjq darbq apimtis; metodus, taikomus poveikiui aplinkai ir paveldui progngzuoti, jo svarbai nustalyti ir ivertinti, ir kt. inform aaii4pagarpAV istatyme nustatJztus reir<aravimus, 2'l'2' Yisuomends informavimas apie paringt4 PAV programa Aphlrkos ministerijos n'statl4a tvarka, 2' 1'3' PAV programos derinimas ir tvirtinimas atsakingose institucijose. 2'2' Atlikti privalomuosius tiriamuosius darbus, jeigu sie fyrimai nrage) kranto ruoZq s; nebprvo aflikti 1 uzduotyje: ir uosto pietines dalies Kurr5iq ertinim4; darbq rajonais blsiribojandiose Naturrn 2000 2.3. Parengti poveikio aplinkai vertinimo ataskaita: ines dalis: ir apraiiymas, iSskiriant rfuHng tris pagrindines apus; informacija apie v[et4 (saugomos teritorilos, z.J.t.Z. veiktq igyvendinimo technologinio tvarkymas ir kt.); 2.3.l.4. poveikio visuomends sveikatai vertinima: ?1I5 poveikio paveldui verrinim4 trNESCo pusaurio paverdo atLvngiu; monitoring4; . alternatyvq analizes apraiym4 ir kt" duomenis. ataskaitoje rurl buti oull rssKl isskirti ir iverrinti sie aktualus aspektai: uc turi i"l:*:**":.:ertinimo Planuojamos veiklos poveikis ,,Natura 2000* ir kitoms saugomoms teritorij oms; "rtilbj; ;plinkoje esand;ioms 2'3 '2'2' planuojarnos veiklos poveikis IJNESCO Pasaulio paveldo status4 tlrrindiai vietovei Kuriiiu nerijai; ili statytus reikalavimus. ,rir^rilrfj^iil"ulfll PAV ataskait4 pristatvti Uosto direkcijos technines talrybos pos6dyje ir s;auti 2'5' organizuoti visuomen6s supaiindinima su PAV ataskaita ir a(titti poveikio aplirnkai vertinimo dokumentr; derinimo procediiras pagal PAV lstafyme nustatytus reillalavimus. 2'6'Pagal poveikio aplinkai vertinimo sprendinius, esant poreikiui, patikslinti projektini's pasitrlymus. q 10 Rezultatai l IKSIAI Konsultuoti Uisakov4 siekiant uZtikrinti, kad TDP biitr4 rengiamas kokybigkai ir laiku, Uiduoties apimtis_ 3.1. Dalyvauti vidiniuose ir isoriniuose projekto susitikimuose. .kompetencii4, turds deleguoti kompetentingus speciaristus su projekto i i 3.2. ruolating konsultavimo pagalbauZs duomenq ir 3.3. katenrlnrino pateiktus, klausimus ir '^ ;: juos ra5tu '""" ^'o'* lateikti UZsakovui per 5 I Rezultatai UZsakovui teikiama nuolatine proj ekto konsultavimo pagalba. Paslaugl! trukme IV. KITIREIKALAVIMAI visus triikstamus duomenis, kurie reikalingi kokybibkiems Alternatyvri sprendiniams parinkti, modeliavimui atlikti ir projektiniams pasi[lymams iur"ngti, iadiau kuriq nepatelks UZsakovas, parengia Tiekejas. Tiekejas tures parengti i5samias nagrinejamq Altematyvq ir parengtq projektiniq pasiDlvmq ir esant poreikiui jas pristatyti T;hn;ei tarybai, Uosto tarybai ir I alba Pletojimo tarybai. lii paslauga neitraukta bendr4 paslaugq atlikimo i termin4. prezentacijas Lt v. SALYGOS VI KVruD Pletros ir akvatorijos direktorius prieZiuros deparramento (para5as) Vidmantas Pauk5te (data) VI KVruD uosto kapitonas (para5as) Adomas Alekna (data) VI KVJUD Statybos ir j<sploatacijos d"purtu,n",rto';ii;;;ir{*"'" (para5as) Gediminas Zumaras (data) VI KVruD Pletros skyri (paraSas) Algimantas Kungys (data) Lus vir5ininkas /Tr ans I ali on fr om Lit hu ani an/ Contract No. Annex 1 of Speciil Conditions SE KLAIPEDA STATE SEAPO]RT AUTHORIT+ APPROVED ... .....,.,.1.., tor e Sf:aport Authority GeireraL Algirdas Kamarauskas TECHNICAL TASK NO. OF THE PREPARATION OF PROJE ,,RECONSTRUCTION (CONSTRUCITIO BREAKWATERS AND REINFORCEME SLOPE'' AND THE PERFORMANCE OF OF THE PROJECT "IMPROVEMTTNT ( OUTER AND INNER SHIPPING CHANN REINFORCEMENT OF A PART OF CONSTR.UCTION OF THE SOUTHERN GATES OF THE PORT'' 2015 Klaipeda Main definitions: protects the port from waries. The unique number Vetros Str. Klaipeda); The southern gate of the port _ a Lagoon, whose main function is preventive environ STR - construction technical regulatio participants) Customer - the state enterprise Klaipe Reconstruction (construc Klaipeda State Seaport and reinforcement of a part Project - design and construction wo the northern and southern breala.uaters of KlaipOda Curonian Spit slope" Contractor - the winner esta contract on the performa.nce of design and (construction) ofthe northern and siuthern a part of the Curonian Spit slope', in accordance with the Contractor's Agreement) will be signed. Object Technical specifications _ a docume By this I.IN'TORDUCTION technical Customer) purchases the (construction) of the north thl unique number of fte 2 l' To prepare project proposals on the recon_struction (construction) ofthe northern and southern of Klaipeda State seaport and the reinforcemenf oi a pu.t of the curonian Spit slope (T.ask li;uu*uttt' 2. To carty out the environmental rmpact assessment procedures for projected economic activities (Task 2); projects ffii#tfiffi1XX??;lfil'icar and working (or technicar work) ail in Chapter III ,,Tasks and responsibilities,,. The Project's construction works will be financed from the EU structural funds for the perio<l 2014-2020. ironmental impact assessment the need to cany ou1 context occurs, the provision of these services shall II. PROVIDED SUBSTANTIATING DOCUMENTS Substantiating data that must be taken into account in the provision of setvices specified in technical task: thLis - The feasibility development plan on the maximuand expdnsion of the shippi'g of the Klaipeda state Seaport prepared by uAB 9lt_g:"g ,,swEco Lietuva,, and uAB ,,Sweoo Hidroproj ektas,,, 20 I 4. - The fe on the maximum 9l:d_glng and widbning of the shippirrg channel of the Lietuvai' and uAB "swec6 Hidroprojektas". channel :::3ff*,,'i.rt"t";,tyECo hern gate of Klaipeda Stat$ Seaport prepared b,y of selection of the projeot on reinfbrcement of d by Coastal Research and planning Institutr:, - Documentu o" impact assessment of selection of the project on reinforcement.f "lY11olmental the curonian Spit slope of Klaipeda State Seaport prepared by coastal R.r"u..il and planning Institute, 20t5. - Environmental impact assessment report on the possibilities of expansion of the shippin,g ptizs of the nofthern part of Klaipeia State Seaport prepared by the Lithuanian channel between PKO and Energy Institute, 2007. underwater slope of the Curonian Spit of thrt I befi,,rreen pKO and pK2g of the northern part y Institute, 2009. dredging and expansion ofthe shipping channel rgy Institute,2010. d expansion of the shipping channel of Klaipeda ,2077. /6 3 of a - Report on engineering geologic al and,geotechnical research of the object ,,construction of a part pipeline befween the planneJ LNd te'ninaiand th; hi;-h-;;.ssure pipeline onshore,,, 2012. ll;,t T3ilT":#T;'tffi:u.i:?::ffiJff,1ffJ:T;t$li:jt;ilf - Report by the ICoMos reactive monitoring mission that took place on 19-22 January the Curonian Spit. 201.5 in dredging and expansion works projektas ir Ko',, 2010. part of Klaipeda State Seaport :5000 of the southern part of Klaipeda State Seaport survey of the Klaipeda port entrance channel ir Ko,, (Volume l: Annex A). 1999. entrance channel ) in 1999. peda porl entrance: s of the ter:hnical project on dredging of the entrancer (PK-I7) to pKO prepared by UAn;,Geoprojektar; ir. the inner channel of the northern part of Klaip€da 'Geopro.jektas ir Ko,', 2009. of the entrance channel and the northern water of, rgy Institute, 1999. ipeda Port,s Gate Reconstruction project prepared - Klaipeda Poft's Gate Reconstruction Project prepared by Frederic \. Harris Report), 1999. - Special inspection reports and technical passports of the southern brealtwater (Firral of the Klaipeca State Seaport. - B. V. Special inspection reports and technical passporls of the northern breakwater of the Klaiperla State Seaport. - Bathymetfic measurements data in and coordinated with the Customer. accordance with the boundaries provided by the service provider - Environmental rnonitoring report of the Klaipeda State Seaport for 2004-2015. uo" ,,o.lf,?r1,t];;li. *o"ns of the northern and soutliern breakwaters of the Klaipeda porr prepared try Documents in English, which, if necessary, shall be translated into the Lithianian language by service provider: - survey of the development project of the Seaport in the Republic of Lithuania prepared by C ooperation Japan Internati onal Agency,' 20 0 4 tlLe thLe . - Description of the universal value of the Curonian Spit. on the impact on the assessment of lrNESCo world Heritage objects approved by the International Council onMonuments and Sit"s lrCOnlOS), 201L - Recommendations - wL Delft Hydraulics - WL Delft Hydraulics - WL Delft Hydraulics (Appendices), 1998, Delft Hydraulics tests, 2';YL port of Klaipeda full mission simulation, r996. Improvement of Klaipeda harbour entrance Feasibility study, 1998, Improvement of Klaipeda harbour entrance Feasibility Study Klaipeda Port, Lithuania Additional three-dimensionpl physical model of Lifhuania as well as the equirdd to comply with all the implementation of the III. TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4q According to the contract, the Supplier shall perform rthe tasks specified below, but not limiteclto, to find optimal solutions and, if necessary, carrying out reasonably foreseeable additional tasks ".t5!tgmay be a necessaly which precondition for the ,u"."rrrriroilpi"ti- of the service conffacr. Goqls To perform the research of the navigations conditions of the shipping channel of the Klaiprjda State Seaport and establish the direction and the parameters of the sh ipping channel of the Klaipeda stat<r Seaport. To carry out hydrodynamic simulalion r9r_!lre new stripping channel and establish the position, geometry and preliminary structural solution of Klaipeda s;tati se apo rt gate (southern and nofthrs'r breakwaters). Based on the calculations of the stability of the curonian Spit under.water slope and other data, tc, determine the slope reinfbrcement places of the"curoniun pK2g. spit rrpto To prepare the project proposals for the reconstruction (construction) of the nofthem and southr:rn breakwaters of the Klaipeda State Seaport and reinforcement oi a part of the curoilian Spit slop and other source data necessary to carry out the design of such structures, Scope of the tqsk: 1.1" Analysis of the current situation: meteorological, hydrological and hydrograplrric llect meteorological, hydrological and irydrogruphi" prepare the project. To perform an analysis ofth.r. 1.1.2. Performance of engineering geological research. I.l2.1. chara .04.02:20 To perform an analysis of the I.1.2.2.In accordance with STR 1 n. ,, ; ut engineering geological survey works. One progra designed engineering geological boreholes shall ts; oratory tests for each enginepring geological layer the following physical properties of the soil shall natural moisture, natural humidity, yield humidity; ve strength, calculating the specific cohesion of thr: (clavey) soils, odometr]ic compression testrs ishing the maximum an{ minimum density of //( 5 l'1'2'2'4' Following LST ISO/TS 17-892-4:2005, granulometric analysis tests of each engineening geological layer IGL shall be performed and the soil shallbe identified in aicordance with LST ISo and DIN 18196 standards; | 'L2'2'5 ' The aggressiveness in respect to metal and ooncrete shall be established; during the boring works no cohesive (clayey) soils will be found, one borehole shall be bored to a depth in which a cohimn of cohesive (clayeyj"soil is reached, penetrating into it l'r'2'2'6' If for meters; lw,c l'1'2'2'7' The tests refeffed to in clauses, and shall be carried out in accredited I aboratories. To perform an analysis of the archival materials ranrl a geoclynamic model of the tenitory, indicating ng geological and hydrogeological condition, ,rnii Survey of shipping conditions and determining of the direction of the new shippiing; "lrunrr"tl'2' 1'2'l' considering the fact that the outer shipping channel will be dredged to a depth of 17.5 nL change of the entrance channel direction while analysing the following situations: The curent situation: an on the feasibility of the maximum dredging and a State Seaport, when the diiection of the entian,ce 0o-72" to the north of the cunent channel axis; of the dir.ection of the entranbe channel. | '2'2' To determine the optimum width of the entrance bhannel in the outer parl (outside the porl gate) and at the port gate and the width of the internal shipping channel up to pK2g, r'2'3' To prepare a scheme on the boundaries of the entrance channel seaport and coordinate it with the Harbour Master,s office, of the Klaipeda StzLte l'2'4' Given the new direetion and the parameters of the new outer entrance channel, to provirce for the transfer of the leacling line and the navigational signs (arrangement). 1'3' Establishment of the Curonian Spit slope anchor points and parameters. expanded, to specifz what coastal stretches of th Klaipeda up to PK28 must be reinforced with the he there it will be possible to form a natural slope in ord in accordance with the scheme on the boundaries of d 1.4. After summarizing of the coll d information and following EAU 2012l:04201 "s applicable laws, building regulations and normati t' to assess the technical condition of the structure o ;s compliance with the existing normative and techni . 1-5' To prepare-project proposals on the reconstruction (construction) of the northem and southern breakwaters of Klaipeda State Seaport and reinforcement of a part of the clronian spit slope. ves of th,e proiect propoipals on the concept ctf rt (southern and northbrn brealanaters)-, th'e re chann the To prepare at least 7 Alternatives of the reconstruction (construction) of the northern and reinforcement of a part of the Curonian Spit slope oposals on ffiT?ll y'' 6 changing of the southern breakwater is changed and when the location of both the southern and northem breakwaters are changed), evaluating the direction and boundaries of the new shipping channel and taldng into account the construction technilogy, natural and operating conditions, and all other circumstancers which may influence.the-planned poriion of the breakwaters or structural solutions of the (tenit.rizrl planning documents, the Curonian S'pit national values, etc.i; l'5'l'2' Alternative solutions must be designed in such away so in the future it would be possible to perform the developnnent of the outer port in thJnorthe- p-rt of the Klaipeda Seaport; 1'5'l'3' While. preparing the Alternatives, to southern breakwater will assess whether be changed; l'5'l'4' whll: preparing the Alternatives, to consi<ler southern gate of the Klaipeda State Seaport; 1.5, 1.5, State Seaport port with l7.0 the position of the root of the the technical concept solutions of thr: While preparing will be rotated, dre ?9" the lco t tcr lg_{rydee and expand the inner (PKs7); II, shil tnct l'5'1.6' To anarvse and compare at reast three variants of prelimina construction of the southern and northern breakwaters in the new pranned structural solution variants of the reconstruction of the southern and northern situation, including the reinforcement of the norlhern slope oiin" cr.onian rhe *o )nl Spit; possible l'5'l'7' To provide possible implementation stages of the Alternatives to start the works of the consiruction of the iject and the dredging in order it would shipping channel as soon as possible; be and expansion of the 1'5' 1'8' when preparing the Alternatives, their solutions must be designed !o as not to impede the shipping conditions in the shipping channel, and to ensure better shipping tenns than in the curent situationl 1'5'l'9' when preparing the Alternatives, their solutions must be designed such that the erosir:n would not affect the shores of the curonian Spit at the Baltic sea; 1'5'1'10' when preparing the Alternatives, to assess the possible on the natu.al of the environment rd the measures for prevention, compensation "onr.{r"n"es or mitigation of components consequences; such l'5'l'11' when desigring the solutions of the Alternatives, to assess the possibilities to use the current structural elements of the breakwaters for the construction of the breakwatirs in accordance with the new planned position; l'5'l'r2' To consider all the other circumstances which may affect the pfanned position of the breakwaters and the designed solutions (tenitorial planning docrLrments, the curonian Spit national values, etc.); 1'5'1'13' Forthe implementation of the solutions of each Alternative, to dJscribe the technology of the construction works; 1'5'l'14' To calculate the preliminary reference implementation cost of each Alternative. I'5'2' To compare and offer priority Alternatives while performing a compalafive analysis; To prepare a repoft on the Alternatives whose hydrodynamic simrilation will be carried -- .1'5'2'I' out' This repoft must contain textual and graphical information on the solutions of the Alternatives fo,r which hydrodynamic simulation will be caried out, as well as to describe the uAed source data. This repoft shall be presented in the Technical council of the Seaport Authority and its approval must bre obtained' Upon approval of this repoft, to prepare a hydrodynamic model for those Alternatives. r'5'2'2' To make at least a 2D hydrodynamic model, the results and the data of which would br: sufficient to assess the solutions of the Alternatives. The model .u.t ur."oin" iirru", of waves, salt water inflow into the curonian lagoon, sediments, erosion of the curonian spit unJ tie Baltic Sea coast (but not limited to). 1 + 7 I'5'2'3' To perform the simulation work of the <:uruent situation construction solutions of the Alternative; aryd at least 6 plan,ed- l'5'2'3'1' Development and analysis of the database of the design parameters (waves and currents) requiredfor the construction / reconstruction ofthe breakwaters; - Wind and waves survey in the Baltic coastal Lithuanian territorial waters; - Survey of the currents structures in the Baltic coastalL Lithuanian tenitorial waters. 1'5'2'3'2' Wave spread simulation in the inner and outer harbour waters in the curyent situation,, andfor at least six Alternatives (at least Z situations); - wave spread simulation of the coastal zone of the Baltic sea (Lithuanian territorial waters.) in various meteorological conditions (in case of strong sw, w and NW winds) for all Alternatives and thr> current Alternative; - wave parametric analysis of the outer harbour waters (in the zones of the new pier area ancl manoeuvring areas) in different meteorological conditions, comparing all the Alternatives to the current situation; wave spread simulation in the internal waters of the port for all Alterndtives and in the cument i situation, under various meteorological conditions; - wave parametric analysis of the inner port waters (in the shipping chdrmel and atthe bertilrs) under different meteorological conditions, comparing all the Alternatives to the current situation. L5'2'3'3 t;;t:":;(":';, ulation of the Baltic coas't (Lithuanian terriibrial waters), Klaipeda, e curonian Lagoon in tthe cu*ent situation, and in at teait ,six - Analysis of the water circulation conditions between the sea and the curonian Lagoon (Klaipeda Strait.permeability) comparing all the Alternatives to the cunent situation when different sizes and directions of flows take prace in the Strait, considerirg southern port gates; - Analysis of hydrodynamic changes ,tf:tffJ.?tlnji:lYT:ixi:,T1,: at the quays and the iuronian Spit compTar hydrometeorologic conditions 1in case of d strait and ,irorrg SW, W and NW winds). i I'5'2'3'4' simulation of sediment carriage of the Baltic coast (Lithuania\ territorial waters) in (at least 7 situations); the current situation and at least six Alternatives the b differ storm "ffiHii the heads or ation, under e of a single ons \w,E' w'r (when - changes in sediment flow on the sea coast in a coastal'stretch of at least20km (to the north arLd south of the port entrance) in a short term (a storm caused by strong sw, w an{ NW winds), over am average year, comparing all Alternatives to the current sifuation; - Establishment of the changes of the shoreline comparing situation, under different hydrometeoiologic conditions (when an average yeaf; all the Alterhatives to the current strons SW, W and NW wind blow). over - The assessment of the volumes (alluvial sediments) channel over an average year. of the annual dre{ging of the entranc,e I'5'2'3'5' Simulatio-n of the application of coast arrangement lneasures on the sea and the Curonian lagoon coast in the current sination and-at least for six Alternatives. 1'5'2'4' shi implementation conditions' d assessment of possible environniental and, economic ion technology, aJ ' the operating conditions in case of ngbyt ection, rnative r V I n measuresi necessary to be implemented in order to s. To submit prepared prpject proposals with tlLe TechnLical Council and obtain th. approval of'ttLe prepare the documentation on the environmental them. l'5'2'6' To provide the installation / transfer of the necessary navigationil tools and an access to 1'5'2'7 ' To take into account the remarks of the Klaipr:da state Seaport Agthority and the Master's office that can be given to the Supplier during the entire period of servibe. HarbrouLr start developing the T:.ffHnHti3li: l'5'2'9' If necessary, while carrying out the procedures of the environmental impactassessment, solutions of the prepared prJ;ect proposurr unJ .vrzith .oordinate th.-t-qil"nted fiJS::|?J|: TDB, changes 1'5'3' To receive special architectural requirements and conditions for the preparation of th<: Results Reports with findings are presented in the meeting of the KSSA Technical council and 2 copiesr language and 1 cop-y in the digitar media the pDF :jr'l',":T:I#'J"'lJl'"rithuanian in meeting format of the KSSA Tbchnical Council. are T,he proposals on paper in the Lithuanian langu age and attachrnents), Text data i4 the digital media are - in the DWG and pDF fornlats. Lensth of the service The beginning of the provi of the service provided for in this t submission of the final docume months from the effective date of the Contract, r-^r...r:.^^ aL^ ---, propOSalS to proposals tO the KSSA Technical Techninql (1nrr-^it Council and ^-r provided by the Supplier witfrin 3 months from the Goals vv,.olr uv.tult uJ u purl oJ [ne Lurontan Spit slope, Limits of the service: The environmental impact assessment shall be carried out for the followiilg planned economir; activities: - Reconstruction (constru Seaport and for the reinforcement ,p.rifi.d in Task l and chosen (fo 11 and southern breala4taters oJ'the Klaipeda sitate accordance with the Aiternatives ,":'ff :fl:.:rt^ou,tn up to 17.0 m in depth in 1s of the newly fonned am and a marine, the formalion of the eastem coasit rformed before the pK26 dredging works of th,e f a dam, a marine and a qlray in Alksnyne (to br: shipping channel of the Klqipeda State Seaport up Phases qfthe services . Preparation of the environmental impact assessment lprogram. . Survey works. . Preparation ojthe report on environrnental impact assessment. ' Informing of the public and coordination of the documentation assessment. ' on thq environmental impacl, Preparation of the technical task for the dredging works project and itg coordination with the Seaport Authority. Scope o-f the task 2,1. To prepare an environmentar impact assessment (hereinaf'ter - ErA) program: 2.1.1, L. r, r, The r ut; program pr_ogram snall shall contam: contain: the r tmportance of identiSzing and requirements of the EIA. evaluating and ot 2'l'2'lnfotming of the public about the prepared procedure set forth by the Ministry of Environment. of the EIA program in accordance with the 2' 1'3 ' Coordination and approval of the EIA program at the competent authbrities. Tu.k 1,2'2' To perform the compulsory survey work, if these suryeys have nJt been performed in o the port gates (Kopgalis .l I Melnrage) and the part of the port: the coast and underwater slope 2'2'5'The assessment of the visual impact on_the scenery of the Curonian Spit; 2.2.6. Research of'birds, u'us' rrsrl fish anq -----e' ur and naDltat habiiat m in the Natura Natura2000 I territories borderine the areas of thr: planned works; 2'2'1'und 2'2'8' rr re reduce or compens ological surveys in the areas of the planned works: ifv for each Aiternative the c; "d,;;;p;;;il;;;;;,+.es in order to avoid, t0 10 2'2'9' other surveys' if such are required to perforrn the environmentaf impact were not performed in Task L assessment arLd 2.3. To prepare the environmental impact assessment report: 2'3.1' The EIA report shalr include the folrowing maj.r sections: operations, specifring lbe zerc and three basic al Alternatives; informlation about the location ocuments), etc.; plementalion technological process (construction. ponents of the environment and the environmentaLl and physical effects, untlerground, biodiversriry,, sures aimed 2.3.1,6. 2.3'1,7, to avoid re{uce or compensate Assessrnent of the impact on public health; Assessment of the impact on the LTNESCO world Heritage Site; Monitor.insl Arralysis of the anarysis of the Alternatives and other data. 2.3.2. The environmental tmpact assessment report must speci$z relevant aspects: and assessed the followinl; The impact of the planned activities on the Natura 2000 and other areas in the location; 2'3 th,o near:b1, '2'2' The impact of the planned activities on the area with the UNESCO world Heritage - the Curonian Spit; status; Impact of the port hydraulic . (construction) of the southern and northern breakw construction of the po channel on the seaside measures, the principal 1 Ottrer information in accordance wit 2'4' To introduce the prepared ErA report at the meeting of the seaport Authoriity Technical Council and obtain the afproval for its iublicity. 2'5' To atio^rr of the public presentation with the EIA report and carry out the s of the i.nfaci ur.".l-"nt documentation under the EIA "nui"oo-"ntar 2.6. According to the solutions of the envi the project proposals. 2.7. Basing on the received environmental assessment of the impact on the UNESCO Wor project on the dredging and expansion of the shi Authority. To obtain the approval of the Seapo task. Results A decision of the responsible authorities that the planned economic activity' is permitted. 3 copies in the Lithuanian language and :f,f,"at"ff"ltts If needed, I copy in a^digital media in the pDF-format provided to ttre ropo.sals in thg Lithuanian languag,e and I copy in the in the digital medi A technical task submitted Lithuanian language and l ll*,:::;il',':l-::t-*:l;Fiil, rrovided to thb customer, Text dal;a c - in the cAD and PDF formats. 1?'"i'fA'i:',T';'iHii:i'ln: copy in the digital media in the word fbrmat). Length of the service ') .l 1,1 Goals To consult the Customer seeking to ensure that the TDB would be developed qualitatively on time. ianri Scope of the task 3,1. To participate in intemal and extemal project.meetings. The Supplier, having regard to th<r necessary expertise, will delegate to competent pro-fessionars t"o the proje? r.pi"."?r"rion_relatecr meetings. 3'2' To provide any other permanent advisory assistance to the Customel on the source data design offers solutions prepareA Uy ttre Supplier. 3'3' To prepare answers to the questions of the customer and submit rtrng to customer fhem in writi er within 5 calendar days from the date of the receipt q""riions by fax or e-mail. Results receifr;i;;il;,ffi;Ti"; "ih" etncl tiher The Customer is provided permanent advisory assistance. Length of the service date of the signing of the Contra,ct. for the Project iA received. preliminary concluded betr*een the Custom". u,rd IV. OTHER REQUIREMENTS Any missin ilT|il;'r?:ld g data that will be required to select high-quality prepare the project proposals, that arcnot prouiiLa Alternatilve solutions, perform be provided try ty trre custome[, shall The Supplier will have- to prepare detailed presentations of the Alternatives and the prepared project proposals and, if needed, to'introduce them tb the Technical Board, the pbrt Board and / or the Development Board' This service is not included in the overall ."."i"" a"ri"#;#" V. TERMS AND CONDITIONS In all cases, when the Supplier is required to advise the customer, such aa.{rice shall be based on (factorsj. r;th" customei would de offered alternative llffi:'"'""il11"'":13i"::t:I11,_,:f"ystances Director of SE IGSA Area Development Department Supervision and Director of SE KSSA Con$truction and Operation Departrnent (Signature) Vidmantas Pauk5te (Signature) Gediminas Ztmaras (- 12 (Date) (D"t.)---r SE KSSA Harbour Master (Signature) Adomas Alekna (Date) Head of SE KSSA Dev{lopment Department (Signature) Algimantas Kungys (Date) Translated by JSC ,,Holtse of languages,,. H' Manto 36, Klaipeda LT92233, the Repubric of Lithuania, E-mqir: The Translator is aware of criminar tiabitityfor deliberate incorreq ftans Article 235 of the Criminal Code of the Repubtic of L
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