4. Field efect transistors - VGTU Elektronikos fakultetas
4. Field efect transistors - VGTU Elektronikos fakultetas
ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 1 2009 Field Effect Transistors A field-effect transistor (FET) is a three-terminal device in which current flows through a narrow conducting channel between two electrodes called source and drain. The current is modulated by the electric field caused by voltage applied at the third electrode called gate. Current flow along the channel is almost entirely due to the motion of majority carriers. So, the FET is a unipolar device and there are two types of FETs: n-channel devices and p-channel devices. Lauko tranzistoriuose (angl. FET – field effect transistor) srovę kuria specialiai sudaryto kanalo pagrindiniai krūvininkai. Kadangi srovę lemia vieno ženklo krūvininkai, šie tranzistoriai dar vadinami vienpoliais tranzistoriais. Kanalo laidumą ir juo tekančią srovę valdo statmenas srovės krypčiai elektrinis laukas. Lauko tranzistoriaus n arba p kanalo (angl. – channel) gale sudaromi du elektrodai. Elektrodas, per kurį į kanalą patenka pagrindiniai krūvininkai, vadinamas ištaka (source). Elektrodas, per kurį pagrindiniai krūvininkai išteka, vadinamas santaka (drain). Kanale tekančią srovę valdo trečiojo tranzistoriaus elektrodo – užtūros (gate) – įtampa. Pagal užtūros tipą lauko tranzistoriai skirstomi į lauko tranzistorius su valdančiosiomis pn sandūromis (sandūrinius lauko tranzistorius) ir lauko tranzistorius su izoliuotąja užtūra. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 2 2009 http://www.electro.patent-invent.com/electricity/inventions/fet.html#History History In 1926 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld applied for three patents. The first two, from 1926 and 1928, describe what we now call a field-effect transistor (FET) structure. The first patent (J.E. Lilienfeld, Method and apparatus for controlling electric currents, US Patent 1,745,175, application filed October 8, 1926, granted January 18, 1930) gives a MESFET or metal/semiconductor FET. The second patent (J.E. Lilienfeld, Device for controlling electric current, US Patent 1,900,018 application filed March 28, 1928, patented March 7, 1933) is derived from the first, and gives a depletion mode MOSFET. In 1960 Bell scientist John Atalla developed a new design (MOSFET) based on William Shockley's original field-effect theories. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 3 2009 Types of FETs The FET is simpler in concept than the bipolar transistor and can be constructed from a wide range of materials. The channel region of any FET is either doped to produce an Ntype semiconductor, giving an "N-channel" device, or with a P-type to give a "P-channel" device. The doping determines the polarity of gate operation. The different types of fieldeffect transistors can be distinguished by the method of insulation between channel and gate: The MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) utilizes an insulator (typically SiO2). The JFET (Junction Field-Effect Transistor) uses a p-n junction as the gate. The MESFET (Metal-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) substitutes the p-n-junction of the JFET with a Schottky barrier; used in GaAs and other III-V semiconductor materials. Using bandgap engineering in a ternary semiconductor like AlGaAs gives a HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor), also called an HFET (heterostructure FET). The fully depleted wide-band-gap material forms the isolation. The MODFET (Modulation-Doped Field Effect Transistor) uses a quantum well structure formed by graded doping of the active region. Among the more unusual body materials are amorphous silicon, polycrystalline silicon or other amorphous semiconductors in thin-film transistors or organic field effect transistors that are based on organic semiconductors and often apply organic gate insulators and electrodes. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 4 2009 Types of FETs The FET is simpler in concept than the bipolar transistor and can be constructed from a wide range of materials. The different types of field-effect transistors can be distinguished by the method of isolation between channel and gate: The MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) utilizes an isolator (typically SiO2). Power MOSFETs become less conductive with increasing temperature and can therefore be thought of as n-channel devices by default. Silicon devices that use electrons, rather than holes, as the majority carriers are slightly faster and can carry more current than their P-type counterparts. The same is true in GaAs devices. The JFET (Junction Field-Effect Transistor) uses a p-n junction as the gate. The MESFET (Metal-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) substitutes the p-n-junction of the JFET with a Schottky barrier; used in GaAs and other III-V semiconductor materials. Using bandgap engineering in a ternary semiconductor like AlGaAs gives a HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor), also named an HFET (heterostructure FET). The fully depleted wide-band-gap material forms the isolation. TFTs (thin-film transistor) use amorphous silicon, polycrystalline silicon or other amorphous semiconductors as body material. A subgroup of TFTs are organic field effect transistors that are based on organic semiconductors and often apply organic gate insulators and electrodes. The channel region of any FET is either doped to produce n-type semiconductor, giving an "N-channel" device, or with p-type to give a "P-channel" device. The doping determines the polarity of gate operation. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 5 2009 (FETs) Junction FETs (JFETs) LT su valdančiosiomis pn sandūromis – sandūriniai LT IG FETs, MISFETs, MOSFETs LT su izoliuotąja užtūra – MDP LT, MOP LT DE-MOSFETs LT su įterptuoju kanalu – nuskurdintosios-praturtintosios veikos LT E-MOSFETs LT su indukuotuoju kanalu - praturtintosios veikos LT GAAS FETs, MESFETs Metalo-puslaidininkio (MP) LT HEMTs Heterostruktūriniai LT – didelio elektronų judrumo LT VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 6 2009 Field Effect Transistors • Junction field effect transistors • MOSFETs • Parameters and equivalent circuits of FETs • Frequency properties and parameters Objectives: Knowledge of field-effect transistors (FET): • their structures and classification • principles of operation • static characteristics • parameters and equivalent circuits • frequency properties and parameters VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 7 2009 Structure and operation of JFETs If reverse bias voltage is applied to the gates, the space-charge layers extend into the channel. Thus, application of a reverse voltage to the gates governs the effective channel dimensions. The depletion-layer thickness occurs in the n-type channel region and the gate voltage effectively controls the channel thickness if the p-type gates are much more heavily doped than the n-channel. b = bn − 2d n VGTU EF ESK b = bn − 2 stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt 2ε (U GS + U b ) qN d ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 8 2009 Structure and operation of JFETs If we increase the gate-source voltage, the channel thickness decreases. At some voltage the thickness of the channel becomes 0. This voltage is called the pinchoff voltage. The gate voltage governs the effective channel thickness, the channel resistance and hence controls the drain current. At the pinch-off voltage the drain current becomes 0. The pinch-off voltage is negative for n-channel devices and positive for p-channel JFETs. b = bn − 2d n VGTU EF ESK b = bn − 2 2ε (U GS + U b ) qN d stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 9 2009 Structure and operation of JFETs The pinch-off voltage UP Drain current versus gate-source voltage VGTU EF ESK bn2 qN d = −Ub 8ε b = bn 1 − stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt U GS + U b UP +Ub ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 10 2009 Structure and operation of JFETs The drain current is dependent on the drain voltage. It increases with increase of the drain voltage. The thickness of the conducting channel at the drain end decreases if the drain voltage increases. At some drain voltage the space-charge regions from the gates meet. The channel becomes pinched-off. At drain voltages beyond pinch-off, the drain current becomes saturated and remains almost at some value. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 11 2009 Structure and operation of JFETs …Increase of the output voltage drops on the depletion layer and causes electric field. The field causes the drift of charge carriers to drain region. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 12 2009 Structure and operation of JFETs 1. JFETs are voltage-controlled devices. 2. JFETs have high input impedance. 3. There are four regions of JFET operation: the ohmic, saturation, breakdown and cut-off regions. 4. The input current of a JFET is small. The drain current is dependent on the input and output voltages. Therefore a JFET can be characterized by one set of I-U characteristics. In practice two sets are used: the commonsource transfer curves (perdavimo charakteristikos) and the commonsource output curves - drain characteristics (išėjimo charakteristikos). VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 13 2009 Structure and operation of JFETs In the pinch-off or saturation region the relationship between the output current and input voltage is non-linear and is defined by Shockley’s equation: U GS I D = I D max 1 − U GS0 VGTU EF ESK 2 stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 14 2009 Structures of JFETs Structure of (a) n-channel JFET and (b) MESFET If the drain current increases, the slope of the transfer characteristic also increases and higher gain is possible. However the gate-source voltage must be reverse to the gate junction. This condition limits increasing of drain current and gain. … pn junction can be changed by dielectric layer. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 15 2009 MOSFETs IG FETs, MISFETs, MOSFETs (LT su izoliuotąja užtūra – MDP LT, MOP LT) E-MOSFETs DE-MOSFETs (LT su įterptuoju kanalu – nuskurdintosios-praturtintosios veikos LT) (LT su indukuotuoju kanalu - praturtintosios veikos LT) HEMTs (Heterostruktūriniai LT – didelio elektronų judrumo LT) VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 16 2009 DE-MOSFETs DE-MOSFET – depletionenhancement MOSFET U I D = I DSs 1 − GS UP VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt 2 ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 17 2009 DE-MOSFETs (with induced channel) VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 18 2009 DE-MOSFETs (with induced channel) I S = K (U GS − U GS0 ) 2 VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 19 2009 I-U characteristics of FETs VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 20 2009 FETs: parameters, models and frequency properties IG = 0 I D = f (U GS , U DS ) d ID = ∂I D ∂I D 1 d U GS + d U DS = g m d U GS + d U DS ∂U GS ∂U DS ro I D = g m U GS + gm = S = ro = 1 U DS ro dI D at U DS = const dU GS d U DS at U GS = const d ID ∆I D gm = = 2 A(U GS − U GS0 ) = 2 A I D I D ≅ A(U GS − U GS0 ) ; ∆U GS g m / I CQ ≅ q/kT ≅ 40 V -1 >> g m / I DQ = 2 /(U GS − U GS0 ) 2 VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 21 2009 FETs: parameters, models and frequency properties g m / I KQ ≅ q / kT ≅ 40 V -1 >> g m / I SQ = 2 /(U UI − U UI 0 ) gm ~ µ lk Isolated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) The structure of a V-MOS transistor VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 22 2009 IGBT The IGBT combines the simple gate-drive characteristics of the MOSFETs with the highcurrent and low–saturation-voltage capability of bipolar transistors by combining an isolated gate FET for the control input, and a bipolar power transistor as a switch, in a single device. The IGBT is a fairly recent invention. The first-generation devices of the 1980s and early 1990s were relatively slow in switching ... Large IGBT modules typically consist of many devices in parallel and can have very high current handling capabilities in the order of hundreds of amps with blocking voltages of 6,000 V. Toyota's second generation hybrid Prius has a 50 kW IGBT inverter controlling two AC motor/generators connected to the DC battery pack.[ VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 23 2009 FETS: frequency properties The slope of the transfer characteristic decreases with frequency: S sin x − jx K ( jω) = = e S0 x x= ωτ 2 τ = lch / v max The unit-gain condition is reached when the input current becomes equal to the output drain current when the output is short-circuited. I G = jω(C GS + C GD )U GS fT = gm 1 = 2 π(CGS + CGD ) 2 πτ VGTU EF ESK I D = g m U GS fT = vmax 2πlch stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt IG = ID f max = fT 2 gm go ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 24 2009 The Π type model of a FET ∆I D gm = ∆U GS ∆U DS ro = ∆I D U DS = const U GS = const CGD = C12 CGS = C11 − C12 C DS = C 22 − C12 gm fT = 2 π(CGS + CGD ) 80 nm,… 400 GHz VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 25 2009 Field Effect Transistors 1. The charge carriers in an n-type channel of JFET are (holes, electrons). 2. As the charge carriers in a JFET move from the source region to the drain region they cross (no, 1, 2) junctions. 3. An n-channel JFET is in its CS configuration. Its maximal drain current is 20 mA and the pinch-off voltage is minus 10 V. What is its drain current when the gate-source voltage is zero volts? What value of output voltage is required to saturate the JFET if the gate-source voltage is minus 2 V? 4. An n-channel JFET is in its CS configuration. Its pinch-off voltage is minus 6 V and maximal drain current is 12 mA. Sketch the transfer characteristic of the FET. 5. Negative values of input voltage are required to (enhance, deplete) the channel of the n-channel DE-MOSFET while positive values of the voltage are required to (enhance, deplete) the channel. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 26 2009 Field Effect Transistors 6. Sketch the Π-type equivalent circuits of field effect and bipolar transistors and comment on them. 7. A JFET is used in its CS configuration. Its maximal drain current is 8 mA, the pinch-off voltage is minus 4 V. Find the slope of the transfer characteristic at input voltage of minus 1,5 V. 8. A JFET is used in its CS configuration. Its maximal drain current is 9 mA, the pinch-off voltage is minus 3 V. Find the slope of the transfer characteristic at drain current of 4 mA. Sketch the Π-type model. Find parameters of circuit elements. The input capacitance is 2 pF, the transfer capacitance is 1 pF, and the output capacitance is 1.5 pF. Find the gain-frequency product. 9. Explain why MOSFETs are typically shipped with their leads shortened together. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 27 2009 After years of research and experimentation involving literally hundreds of scientist from around the world, the final breakthrough in the development of the transistor was left to three men. Dr Walter Brattain, Dr John Bardeen and Dr William Shockley all three scientists working at Bell laboratories, are the men credited with this significant achievement. In December 1947 they made the historic discovery of the transistor effect and in so doing developed the very first transistor device. In 1956 their achievement was acknowledged when they were awarded the Nobel Prize for physics. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 28 2009 ___trailing the Transistor History.mht VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt
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