discover the award nominees
discover the award nominees
EQUIP’BAIE AND METAL EXPO 2008 Paris Expo – Porte de Versailles 18 to 21 November 2008 doc. Equip’Baie Press release / october 2008 on-line on the website and DISCOVER THE AWARD NOMINEES With just one month to go before the exhibition, we are delighted to send you the list of 2008 Performance Award nominees. The jury met for the first time on 30 September to assess the entries submitted by the exhibitors. This first edition of the competition has proved a resounding success with 44 entries – as many as the joinery category for BATIMAT’s Innovation Competition!! Environmental concerns, safety, reducing thermal bridges and keeping buildings cool in summer were key factors influencing the judges’ decision. Manufacturer 3M France AGC France ANCRAGE MOBILE SERVICES ATELIERS PERRAULT FRERES FRANCIAFLEX INTERNORM FENETRES JOINT DUAL PROFILS SYSTEMES PROFILS SYSTEMES RAICO France SIKA TREMCO ILLBRUCK Product VHB BALUSTRA L GLASSILED SYAM GRANDS BOULEVARDS RENOSOFT ED[IT]ION 4 VETRO DESIGN SEUIL 20/58-68 MAG SATIN ROAD SIRENA FRAME+ SIKASIL WT-485 ILLMOD TRIO Stand M86 F31 H08 J88 N15 K23 G86 L27 L27 E24 M88 F64 / M67 Show EQB MEX EQB EQB EQB EQB EQB EQB EQB MEX EQB EQB Visit the press sections on our websites for high-definition photos of the shortlisted products to illustrate your articles. All the innovations presented are featured in the Performance Award guide, which is part of the Official Directory which will be given to you at the exhibition. You are invited to come and find out who the winners are at 6.30 pm on 18 November at the exhibition Forum. You will shortly be receiving a personal invitation. picture available for downloading on 2, Place Cap Ouest - B.P. 169 - 17005 La Rochelle Cedex 1 - France Tel. +33 (0)5 46 50 15 15 - Fax +33 (0)5 46 50 15 19 e-mail : - Website: EQUIP’BAIE & METAL EXPO 2008 PERFORMANCE AWARD NOMINEES VHB TE02 R Pressure-sensitive adhesive strip made from 100% acrylic foam that does not polymerise, but adheres by simple pressure with no further energy requirement. Its visco-elastic behaviour provides it with great adhesion and relaxation of stresses. Suitable for structural glazing, it is capable of deforming by 300% over its length and by 30% in its thickness. Target markets: all markets, external walls, windows, partitions. Distribution channels: direct sales, builders’ merchants. Launch date: January 2009. 3M FRANCE Boulevard de l’Oise - 95006 CERGY PONTOISE Cedex France Tel.: +33 (0)1 30 31 61 78 - Fax: +33 (0)1 30 31 78 62 E-mail: g Stand : M86 Exhibition: Equip’Baie BALUSTRA L GLASSILED picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication TE01 R Glass balustrade system, restrained continuously at the bottom, with or without a handrail, incorporating RGB or monochrome electroluminescent diodes (LEDs). It combines personal safety (balustrade function) with creative design. The electrical supply to the LEDs is provided by an invisible conductive layer. It is available in thickness of 88.4 to 15.15.4. The 6 mm thick Glassiled component is added using a PVB spacer. Target markets: residential, commercial, service industries. Distribution channels: AGC network of concessionaires or agents. Launch date: September 2008. AGC FRANCE 114 bureau de la Colline - 92213 SAINT CLOUD Cedex France Tel.: +33 (0)1 57 58 30 00 - Fax: +33 (0)1 57 58 30 01 E-mail: g Stand : F31 Exhibition: Métal Expo SYAM picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication TG01 R Telescopic safety-harness anchoring structure, installed at the point of operation in less than two minutes and supported on the ground or against walls. Transportable in a rucksack, it is installed indoors and allows two people to work over a void in complete safety. Target markets: joiners, blind fixers, metal workers, cleaning companies, electricians, painters, air-conditioning installers, mechanical services, heating installers, conservatory builders. Distribution channels: direct sales. Indicative trade price: €1649 excl. VAT. Indicative retail price: €1972 incl. VAT. Launch date: August 2007. ANCRAGE MOBILE SERVICES Le Parc de Moninsable - 8 chemin des Tards Venus - 69530 BRIGNAIS France Tel.: +33 (0)4 72 31 75 33 - Fax: +33 (0)4 72 31 11 79 E-mail: g Stand : H08 Exhibition: Equip’Baie picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication GRANDS BOULEVARDS TA03 R Mixed timber and aluminium joinery units, made to measure, in which the aluminium is welded at the corners and is not machined after treatment in order to reduce the degradation of the aluminium. Matching the traditional appearance of 19th-century joinery, which enables the units to be used in the refurbishment of old buildings, they have good resistance over time thanks to their welded corners, powder-coating and treatment of the aluminium, and their weathering strip in solid aluminium. The windows, casement doors, square or curved in elevation, with or without a fanlight, can be built into new-build or refurbishment projects and into passive housing. The components used can accept wide variations in temperatures (from -50°C to +80°C). The timber comes from sustainably-managed forests. The treatment products for the aluminium are in aqueous phase. Quality index: Qualicoat approval, French air/water/wind category A*4 E*7B V*C2, acoustic attenuation of up to 44 dB, Uw-value up to 1.05 W/m²K, intruder-resistance category 3, bullet-proof category 2, ½ hr fire resistance. Target markets: residential, offices, hotels, catering. Distribution channels: network of concessionaires or agents, direct sales, approved installers. ATELIERS PERRAULT FRERES 30 rue Sébastien Cady - 49290 SAINT LAURENT DE LA PLAINE France Tel.: +33 (0)2 41 23 37 22 - Fax: +33 (0)2 41 22 37 37 E-mail: g Stand : J88 Exhibition: Equip’Baie picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication RENOSOFT TB03 R Refurbishment roller shutter with aluminium double-skin shutter, the final slat of which, thanks to its insulating profile, draws a second weather-tight textile skin, also housed in the casing and penetrating into the slide-rail. The air gap between the aluminium double skin and the second skin provides the shutter with additional thermal insulation of more than 0.20. The insulation provided by this shutter is greater than that of a PVC shutter. The shutter protects the second skin from the wind. Target markets: residential. Distribution channels: DIY outlets, supermarkets, builders’ merchants, independent or corporate professional installers. Indicative trade price: €300 excl. VAT. Indicative retail price: €700 incl. VAT. Launch date: March 2009. FRANCIAFLEX BP 29 - 13 avenue Gustave Eiffel - 45430 CHECY France Tel.: +33 (0)2 38 60 41 41 - Fax: +33 (0)2 38 91 46 48 E-mail: g Stand : N15 Exhibition: Equip’Baie picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication ED[IT]ION 4 VETRO DESIGN TA01 R Composite window constructed with a frame in timber-aluminium profiles 93 mm thick, incorporating an insulating foam between the two materials, a timber casement with double or triple insulating glazing and a casement that is 100% glass, without a surround. A blind for solar and visual protection is installed between the two casements, which protects it from dirt. The fittings are invisible. The water drainage is visible or invisible. An air-seal is provided by three levels of gaskets. The blinds can be operated electrically. The thermal insulation with the standard triple glazing is a Uw-value of 0.99 W/m².K, which can come down to 0.63 W/m².K with appropriate glazing. The sound insulation is 41 dB. The components are certified for passive housing. This joinery is available in all sizes. Target markets: all markets. Distribution channels: network of concessionaires or agents. Indicative trade price: €900 excl. VAT. Indicative retail price: €1600 incl. VAT. Launch date: March 2007. INTERNORM FENETRES Zone Actipolis II - BP 20073 - 2 rue de l’Artois - 68392 SAUSHEIM CEDEX France Tel.: +33 (0)3 89 31 68 10 - Fax: +33 (0)3 89 61 81 69 E-mail: g Stand : K23 Exhibition: Equip’Baie picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication SEUIL 20/58-68 MAG TA14 R 20 mm aluminium door threshold, for timber doors, complying with the French Decree of 30 November 2007 concerning accessibility for the disabled. It enables high levels of sealing performance thanks to a weather drip and two integral magnets that join as the door closes to provide an improved seal. It is available in five powder-coated finishes with Qualicoat approval. Quality index: French air/water/wind category A4 E7B VC3. Target markets: all markets, residential, commercial, service industries, industry. Distribution channels: direct sales. Indicative trade price: €17 excl. VAT per m. Launch date: November 2008. JOINT DUAL 100 allée des Ormeaux - 69760 LIMONEST France Tel.: +33 (0)4 78 66 46 30 - Fax: +33 (0)4 78 66 46 40 E-mail: g Stand : G86 Exhibition: Equip’Baie SATIN ROAD picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication TA12 R Range of high energy-performance aluminium profiles, designed for the manufacture of sliding doors and windows with a thermal break. This range has been especially designed to meet present-day requirements for a reduction in energy costs and for great simplicity in installation. This system can take glazing of 24 to 32 mm. The levels of performance are in excess of RT 2005. The thermal insulation value Uw for double glazing is 1.6 W/m²K, of which Ug = 1.1 W/m²K and that for triple glazing is 1.4 W/m²K of which Ug = 0.8 W/m²K. This range is available in a wide range of colours. Target markets: all markets, residential, commercial, service industries, industry, available in 2, 3, 4 or 6 casements for new-build and refurbishment. Distribution channels: network of concessionaires or agents, approved installers, joinery manufacturers. Launch date: December 2008. PROFILS SYSTEMES Parc d’activités Massane - 10 rue Alfred Sauvy - 34670 BAILLARGUES France Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 87 67 87 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 87 67 88 E-mail: g Stand : L27 Exhibition: Equip’Baie SIRENA picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication TA13 R Intelligent door handle with battery-powered alarm system, built directly into the door leaf and not visible. The dwelling is immediately protected by the alarm. The DomoTag system only has to be connected to a socket outlet to activate the security system. Ready for use, the security system triggers before the intrusion and avoids false alarms. Remotely-managed via the mobile phone network by sending texts, it enables remote video-monitoring (coupled with VisioTag for confirmation via PC or the mobile phone network). Target markets: all markets, multi-family dwellings, private houses, commercial, service industries, industry. Distribution channels: network of concessionaires or agents, approved installers, joinery manufacturers. Indicative trade price: €1400 excl. VAT for central unit + 2 tags + 8 handles. Indicative retail price: €2500 incl. VAT installed. Launch date: January 2009. PROFILS SYSTEMES Parc d’activités Massane - 10 rue Alfred Sauvy 34670 BAILLARGUES France Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 87 67 87 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 87 67 88 E-mail: g Stand : L27 Exhibition: Equip’Baie picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication FRAME+ TA02 R Aluminium window system with very high thermal insulation due to the optimised design of the system and the Thermorit material used for the insulation bar. It provides freedom of design and application thanks to its modular construction based on a single system using components that are common to all of the alternatives, such as the inner and outer shells, gaskets, accessories, fittings and manufacturing tools. The system is available in two depths, three thermal insulation options, the choice between installation within an opening or in curtain walling, an additional version with a concealed casement, and alternative use of the system as a combined window and external wall. The Thermorit material can withstand high temperatures and it transmits 40% less heat than the usual polyamide thermal break. Uf factor = 1.3 W/m²K for the window frame with standard frame and casement, and Uw = 0.9 W/m²K for the complete window with standard frame and casement and triple glazing. Quality tests in accordance with standard EN 14351-1. Target markets: service industries, industry. Distribution channels: approved installers. Launch date: October 2008. RAICO FRANCE 7 rue Icare - 67960 ENTZHEIM France Tel.: +33 (0)3 88 78 48 94 - Fax: +33 (0)3 88 78 21 07 E-mail: g Stand : E24 Exhibition: Métal Expo picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication SIKASIL WT-485 TE03 R Two-part VOC-free structural silicone adhesive, developing rapidly after mixing, with high mechanical strength and good adhesion. Suitable for structural silicone glazing in the field of joinery, it remains flexible over a wide temperature range and provides excellent UV-resistance. It makes the rigidity of the glass participate in that of the casement. It enables the level of acoustic performance of the joinery to be improved. Quality index: complies with standards EOTA ETAG 002 and EN 15434. Target markets: all markets. Distribution channels: direct sales. Launch date: January 2008. SIKA 84 rue Edouard Vaillant - BP 104 - 93351 LE BOURGET Cedex France Tel.: +33 (0)1 49 92 81 39 - Fax: +33 (0)1 49 92 80 97 E-mail: g Stand : M88 Exhibition: Equip’Baie picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication ILLMOD TRIO TA10 R “3-in-1” weatherproofing system, air-tight and resistant to driving rain but water-vapour-permeable (no stagnant moisture in the joint). Having high levels of thermal (U=0.8 to 0.6 W/m²C) and acoustic (45 dB for a 10 mm joint) performance, it is used for the building-in of external joinery in passive or other low energy-consumption houses. In great widths, it is made from impregnated, pre-compressed polyurethane foam. Target markets: all markets. Distribution channels: direct sales. Indicative trade price: €11 excl. VAT per metre. Launch date: November 2008. TREMCO ILLBRUCK CS 73003 - 67033 STRASBOURG Cedex 2 France Tel.: +33 (0)3 88 10 30 60 - Fax: +33 (0)3 88 76 15 56 E-mail: g Stand : F64 / M67 Exhibition: Equip’Baie picture available upon request at Agence Schilling Communication Houda ASARSA - Responsable Communication & Animations - Communication & Event Manager - REED EXPOSITIONS FRANCE For further information please contact: Equip’Baie – Métal Expo Tour Vista – 52-54 quai de Dion Bouton – CS 80001 92806 Puteaux Cedex - France Tel. +33 (0)1 47 56 51 72 – Fax +33 (0)1 47 56 50 75 – www Computer files available upon request 2, Place Cap Ouest - B.P. 169 - 17005 La Rochelle Cedex 1 - France Tel. +33 (0)5 46 50 15 15 - Fax +33 (0)5 46 50 15 19 e-mail : - Website: