What services can you go to for information and/or help?
What services can you go to for information and/or help?
Leaflet 8 It’s like th is… if you are an und erage immig What servic e s can you go t for informa o t and/or help ion ? rant in Bel gium It’s like this… if you are an underage immigrant in Belgium go to for u yo n ca es ic rv se t ha W 8. t le Leaf information and/or help? I. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS WITH WHICH YOU MAY COME INTO CONTACT: Dienst Voogdij [Guardianship Service] of the Federal Department of Justice (DV) Waterloolaan 115 in 1000 Brussels Tel. 02/542.79.51(Fr) or 02/542.79.61(Nl) or Emergency number 078/15.43.24 (outside office hours) voogdij@just.fgov.be www.standbyme.be Any authority aware of an immigrant unaccompanied minor must inform the Guardianship Service so that a guardian can be designated to assist the foreign unaccompanied minor during their stay in Belgium. Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken [Aliens’ Office] of the Federal Department of Internal Affairs (DVZ) p1 It’s like this… if you are an underage immigrant in Belgium u go to for Leaflet 8. What services can yo information and/or help? World Trade Center, tower II Antwerpsesteenweg 59 B in 1000 Brussels Tel. 02/206.15.99 Helpdesk.dvzoe@dofi.fgov.be www.dofi.fgov.be North Gate I Albert II laan, 6 in 1000 Brussels Tel. 02/205.51.11 Fax 02/205.51.15 cgvs.info@ibz.fgov.be www.belgium.be/cvgs DVZ is the section of the Federal Department of Internal Affairs responsible for immigration in Belgium. 2 agencies within DVZ are responsible for minor immigrants: *the ‘Bureau Minderjarigen, directie asiel’ [Agency for Minors, Asylum division]: 02/205.54.62 *the ‘Bureau niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen’ [Agency for unaccompanied minor immigrants]: 02/205.55.22(Fr) or 02/205.55.65(Nl) The CGVS decides whether an asylum request is well founded and whether the asylum-seeker shall be recognised as a refugee. Commissariaat Generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatslozen [General Commissioner for Refugees and Displaced Persons] (CGVS) The RVV is an administrative court that has complete jurisdiction in immigration cases. For instance if the CGVS decides that an asylum request is unfounded, the asylum-seeker may submit an appeal against this to the RVV. Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen [Council for Immigration disputes] (RVV) Gaucheretstraat, 92-94 in 1030 Brussels Tel. 02/791.60.00 Info.rvv-cee@ibz.fgov.be www.rvv-cee.be An appeal can also be introduced to the RVV for instance against an ‘order to Quit the Territory’ from the DVZ. The Council of State (R.v.St.) Wetenschapstraat, 33 in 1040 Brussels Tel. 02/234.96.11 Fax 02/234.98.65 www.raadvst-consetat.be The Council of State can overturn decision of the Council for Immigration disputes if these are in breach of the law. The Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (Fedasil) Kartuizersstraat 21 in 1000 Brussels Tel. 02/213 44 11 Fax 02/213 44 22 info@fedasil.be www.fedasil.be Fedasil is responsible for the reception of asylum seekers in Belgium. p2 It’s like this… if you are an underage immigrant in Belgium go to for u yo n ca es ic rv se t ha W 8. t le Leaf information and/or help? II. SERVICES YOU CAN CONTACT FOR SUPPORT, INFORMATION AND HELP. Beweging voor Kinderen Zonder Papieren [Movement for Children Without Papers] Tel. 0477/40.62.19 nina.henkens@kinderenzonderpapieren.be www.kzp.be Families can contact the ‘Movement for children without papers’ for help and support if they have received a ‘BGV’ or have already been arrested. Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism Koningsstraat 138 in 1000 Brussels Tel. 0800/12.800 Fax 02/212.30.30 www.diversiteit.be p3 It’s like this… if you are an underage immigrant in Belgium u go to for Leaflet 8. What services can yo information and/or help? The main tasks of the CGKR are combating racism, immigrant law and new migrations, support for combating poverty, social insecurity and social exclusion and combating human trafficking. Délégue général aux droits de l’enfant [General Delegation on Children’s Rights] Rue des Poissonniers, 11-13 bte 5 in 1000 Brussels Tel. 02/223.36.99 Fax 02/223.36.46 dgde@cfwb.be www.cfwb.be/dgde The General Delegation on Children’s Rights is the Walloon counterpart to the Flemish Human Rights Commission. The Delegation consequently works for human rights in the FrenchSpeaking Community. Exil Avenue Brugmann, 43 in 1060 Brussels Tel. 02/534.53.30 Fax 02/534.9016 info@exil.be www.exil.be Exil is a medico-psychological centre where victims of human rights abuses or torture and refugees can come for support. International Organisation for Migration (IOM) IOM Brussels REAB-programme Montoyerstraat 40 in 1000 Brussels Tel. 02/290.33.86 Fax 02/282.45.83 MRFBrusselsREAB@iom.int www.belgium.iom.int/REAB/ p4 It’s like this… if you are an underage immigrant in Belgium go to for u yo n ca es ic rv se t ha W 8. t le Leaf information and/or help? Amongst others, the IOM organises ‘voluntary repatriation’ of immigrants to their homeland. Juna vzw Tel. 053/70.99.79 Fax 053/77.75.21 info@juna-vzw.eu Juna vzw is certified by the Flemish government in the framework of Special Youth Aid. Juna is a reception and guidance home for unaccompanied immigrant minors and minor victims of human trafficking. Kinderrechtencommissariaat [Commission for Children’s Rights] Leuvenseweg, 86 in 1000 Brussels Tel. 02/552.98.00 Fax 02/552.98.01 kinderrechten@vlaamsparlement.be www.kinderrechten.be The Flemish Commission for Children’s Rights was established to tell minors exactly what their rights are and to help them to exercise those rights. p5 Through its connection to the Flemish Parliament the Commission for Children’s rights is able to make the voices of children and young people sound through in policy. The KRC encourages politicians to be more concerned with matters relating to minors. Liga voor Mensenrechten [Human Rights League] Gebroeders De Smetstraat, 75 in 9000 Gent Tel. 09/223.07.38 Fax 09/223.08.48 info@mensenrechten.be www.mensenrechten.be The Human Rights League monitors the application of human rights and international law in Belgium. It’s like this… if you are an underage immigrant in Belgium u go to for Leaflet 8. What services can yo information and/or help? Medisch Steunpunt Mensen Zonder Papieren [Medical Support for Migrants without Papers] Gaucheretstraat, 164 in 1030 Brussels Tel. 02/274.14.33 Fax 02/274.14.48 info@medimmigrant.be www.medimmigrant.be The Medical Support for Migrants without Papers wants to guarantee healthcare for people without a legal residence and to orient them towards a useful and realistic residence perspective. This is realised both through individual aid and structural aid. Mentor Escale Opperstraat, 19 in 1050 Brussels Tel. 02/505.32.32 Fax 02/505.32.39 mentorescale@brutele.be Mentor Escale is a support centre for young people in flight. Minor-Ndako Vogelenzangstraat 76 in 1070 Anderlecht Tel. 02/ 503.56.29 fax: 02/ 503.47.45 info@minor-ndako.be www.minor-ndako.be Minor-Ndako vzw is certified by the Flemish Government in the framework of Special Youth Aid. It is a reception and support centre for foreign unaccompanied minors and minors who have been victims of human-trafficking. Het Openbaar Centrum voor MaatschappelijkWelzijn (OCMW) [The Public Welfare Agency] Contact information for the OCMW in your neighbourhood is given on their website: www.OCMW.be You can contact the OCMW under certain circumstances for social services in the form of material (sometimes also financial), social, medical or psychological aid. p6 It’s like this… if you are an underage immigrant in Belgium go to for u yo n ca es ic rv se t ha W 8. t le Leaf information and/or help? It’s like this… if you are an u go to for Leaflet 8. What services can yo information and/or help? tact the SDJ e.g. for legal information and advice. The SDJ can also assist you in searching for a lawyer if you should need one. The address of an SDJ in your neighbourhood can be requested via the contact details above. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Case Postale 2500 in CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt Suisse (Switzerland) Tel. 0041/22739 8111 www.unhcr.org The Red Cross Contact details for the Red Cross reception centres for asylum seekers and the Red Cross Tracing service are available from its website: www.redcross.be The Red Cross organises shelter for asylum seekers in a few reception centres and can also organise tracing of missing relatives through its Tracing Service. Services Droit des Jeunes [The Children’s Rights Service] Kiekenmarkt, 30 in 1000 Brussels Tel. 02/209.61.61 Fax 02/209.61.60 bruxelles@sdj.be www.sdj.be underage immigrant in Belgium The UNHCR coordinates international campaigns for the protection of refugees. Its main task is to watch over the rights and welfare of refugees worldwide. In addition you can also visit these websites for useful information about immigration law and children’s rights in Belgium: The website of the Walloon Cire: www.cire.irisnet.be The website of the Platform Kinderen op de Dool [Platform for Roaming Children]: www.nbm.be Unicef’s website: www.unicef.org The website of the Vlaams Minderhedencentrum [Flemish Centre for Minorities]: www.vmc.be The website of Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen [Flemish Refugee Action]: www.vluchtelingenwerk.be The Walloon SDJ’s strive for a society that respects the rights of children, young people and families.You can con- p8 p7 It’s like this… if you are an underage immigrant in Belgium go to for u yo n ca es ic rv se t ha W 8. t le Leaf information and/or help? III. MORE QUESTIONS? This leaflet is a part of an It’s Like This … - series of 8 separate leaflets about and for immigrant minors in which each has more information about a specific aspect of immigration law. The leaflets are available in Dutch, French, English, German, Spanish and Russian. The content of the 8 leaflets: 1. A few important concepts. 2. Who is responsible for you? 3. Procedures you can follow to get a residence permit in Belgium. 4. Reception of immigrant minors. 5. The right to education of immigrant minors. 6. The right to medical care of immigrant minors. 7. Repatriation to your country of origin (or a third safe country). 8. What services can you go to for information and/or help? It’s like this… if you are an underage immigrant in Belgium u go to for Leaflet 8. What services can yo information and/or help? In addition there are numerous specialised services that immigrant minors can contact for information and help. Their contact details are given in this leaflet. You can contact the Kinderrechtswinkel via: 070/21.00.71 info@kinderrechtswinkel.be www.kinderrechtswinkel.be These 8 leaflets and all the other folders from the “It’s Like this …” – series can be downloaded as PDF files from the website www.tzitemzo.be For more information about laws, regulations and judicial procedures, you can contact the Kinderrechtswinkel [Counter for Children’s Rights] (KRW) free and anonymously. You can write, email, telephone or drop in to the KRW in Bruges or Gent. p9 uitgave: augustus 2008 p10