rockhounding - Southwest Montana
rockhounding - Southwest Montana
Augusta 287 [ 287 200 ROCKHOUNDING Ovando Craig 200 Lincoln B l a c kf 15 G 141 T E Ò Spokane Bar GOLD WEST COUNTRY IS M Drummond i our NG EL RA 90 B ET ss Mi RN BI GA Riv o ot Wolf Creek er CONSIDERED A TREASURE Rive r 12 Li r R iv e Boulder Bo u Toll Mountain ve r 41 is on CC 41 Sheridan Indian Creek Ò 287 Polaris ss p Dillon RU ek BY AN E G Ruby River Reservoir Ò River of Gold RANGE C re R AI NG KT L RA Clark Canyon Reservoir AC E 287 BL M GE CR R AN OW ck ND NS Ro AI NT ES U T O Re d TE e Riv r UN OY MO 15 SN AD ho HE 278 r Ennis SON ER Gra AV pe ÒVirginia City MADI BE Nevada City Ruby Reservoir . T MTNS Ò Twin Bridges ROO Ò Crystal Park 278 287 O Crystal Butte r NS. BA MT 43 R iv e W Three Forks Whitehall 69 TO ER 2 Ri Wise River NE 90 Je ffe rs PIO 15 e le Ho g R. AC Bi Ò Ò ve 287 69 Radar Creek r 43 Ri AN Butte on Cre Fli nt D O N RA er Riv 90 E NG Missou ri r lde Anaconda A GEMS, MINERALS AND FOSSILS. Townsend 1 Georgetown Lake BECAUSE OF ITS SOIL RICH IN Mad is ek E I NS HIR NTA S APP MO U Lake 15 Ò Georgetown CHEST FOR ROCK COLLECTORS ry Fer 12 Cable Mtn. 38 Gem Mtn. 287 Deer Lodge Philipsburg Ò Helena NS Elliston AI r 12 River T C RE EK RAN GE ot on ny Ca ve Ri FLIN Philipsburg Blac k fo NT ttle Fork U k O Clar 1 MO TA I Lima UN AV EL LY Lower Red Rock L. TA NS Lima Reservoir GR IN S Monida Upper Red Rock L. © 2005 Gold West Country and Tempest Technologies, LLC WWW.GOLDWEST.VISITMT.COM 1-800-879-1159 Anaconda Area Old tailings of scheelite and epidote at Cable Mountain, northeast of Georgetown Lake. Argillite and quartzite can be found west of Georgetown. For information, call 406-563-7020 Boulder River Barite Nice cubic crystals of barite can be found about five miles west of the Whitehouse campground along the Boulder River. Take the Bernice exit off I-15 between Basin and Butte. It is about five miles to the campground. For information, call Montana Tech at 406-496-4395 Butte Area Smokey quartz and amethyst can be found in the porphyry deposits in the Delmoe Lake area. Take the Delmoe Lake exit off of I-90 on Homestake Pass east of Butte. For information, call Montana Tech at 406-496-4395 ROCKHOUNDING Calvert Hill Mine The Calvert Hill area west of Wise River is noted for epidote, aquamarine and garnets. The area is reached by driving about six miles west of Wise River on Highway 43 to the campground on the south side of the Dickey Bridge. From there it is about eight miles on a gravel road to the mine area. The minerals can be found in the country rock and mine dump. For information, call Montana Tech at 406-496-4395 Crystal Park Crystal Park is a unique recreation area at 7,800 feet in the Pioneer Mountains. Open to the public, you are welcome to dig for quartz crystal here if you follow the posted rules. There is a $5 per vehicle fee charged to help maintain the facilities. Brilliant amethyst and smokey quartz crystals can be found in the normal form as well as scepter, double terminated and Japanese Law Twin forms. Open from May 15 through October 15 weather conditions permitting. From the town of Wise River take the Pioneer Scenic Byway and drive 17 miles to the site. For information, call the Forest Service at 406-683-3900 GOLD WEST COUNTRY IS CONSIDERED A TREASURE CHEST FOR ROCK COLLECTORS BECAUSE OF ITS SOIL RICH IN GEMS, MINERALS AND FOSSILS. Helena Area The Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine and Gold Fever Rock Shop is the place to mine for beautiful Montana Sapphires. Located near the Missouri River, the Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine allows digging for a fee and will rent the proper equipment to you if you don't have your own. For information, call 406-227-8989 Philipsburg Area Search the dumps and tailings of old mining sites for tiny crystals of manganese minerals. Beautiful Montana sapphires can be “mined” year-round indoors at the Sapphire Gallery on Philipsburg’s main street and during the summer months at Gem Mountain off Highway 38. For information, call 406-859-3388 • 800-525-0169 Ruby Reservoir Calcite, opalite, and garnets are found south of Alder. Some people find gem quality almandine garnets by screening the gravel along the shores of the reservoir. For information, call 406-843-5555 Sheridan Area The area near Indian Creek offers white and banded masses of calcite. For information, call the Forest Service at 406-684-3972 Virginia City Area Flecks of gold still sparkle in tailings between Virginia City and Alder. Pan for gold at the River of Gold and visit Alder Gulch Mining Museum. For information, call 406-843-5555 • 800-829-2969 WWW.GOLDWEST.VISITMT.COM 1-800-879-1159