Notification of Decision on Student Admission - Haaga


Notification of Decision on Student Admission - Haaga
Notification of Decision on Student Admission
1 (3)
Welcome to start your studies in August 2015!
Congratulations! You have been admitted as student to the Degree Programme
in Business Information Technology at Haaga-Helia University of Applied
Sciences, Pasila Campus, to study for a BBA degree. The studies will be carried
out as full-time studies, comprising 210 credits and taking an estimated 3.5 years
to complete.
At the same time as you were admitted as student, your lower application
preferences, if any, were cancelled. However, you may still be admitted, from a
reserve place, to one of your higher preference alternatives until 12 August 2015
at 3 pm. In the “Direct application to Haaga-Helia´s Bachelor programmes, spring
2015” you can accept only one study place.
Important dates:
Accept the place of study: by 17 July 2015, at 15.00
Copies of certificates to Admission Services: by 17 July 2015, at 15.00
Orientation days and verification of original certificates: by 18 August 2015
Starting your studies
The studies are kicked off on the orientation days, starting on Tuesday 18
August 2015 at 9.00. Then you will first register and have your original
certificates verified on Pasila Campus (Ratapihantie 13, 00520 Helsinki).
After the registration the day continues in the venue 1003. Please find enclosed
the preliminary agenda for the orientation days. Attendance on the orientation
days is compulsory. The actual teaching starts on Monday 24 August 2015.
Accept your study place by 17 July 2015, at 15.00
You can accept your study place electronically at the website
( in Finnish) by 17 July 2015, at 15.00 Finnish time. The
electronic acceptance of study place requires that you log in to the service by
secure authentication, for example using your bank access codes or mobile security
code. If you cannot accept your study place electronically you can do it by
returning the enclosed confirmation of acceptance form by 17 July 2015 at 15.00,
to the address Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Student Affairs Office,
Ratapihantie 13, 00520 Helsinki. Please consider the time it takes for the post to
reach us; Haaga-Helia takes no responsibility for delays in mail delivery. If you
have not notified us that you accept your study place, by the deadline
given above, you will lose your study place.
If you have a higher preference application, and you are on the reserve list, you
can accept the study place offered now, either bindingly or conditionally. If
your acceptance of this study place is binding, all the higher preference
applications to which you are in reserve will be cancelled and you cannot obtain
any such study place during this application round. If your acceptance is
conditional, you can still keep the reserve place and, if you later are admitted to
your higher preference study place, this study place now offered in this letter, if
accepted conditionally, will be cancelled. If you are not admitted from a reserve
Notification of Decision on Student Admission
2 (3)
place to any of your higher preference alternatives, this conditionally accepted
study place becomes binding.
If you want to accept the study place conditionally, it can only be done
by returning the enclosed paper confirmation of acceptance by 17 July
2015 at 15.00, to the address Haaga-Helia University of Applied
Sciences, Student Affairs Office, Ratapihantie 13, 00520 Porvoo. You
cannot accept your study place electronically, if you want to wait for
higher study place.
If you cannot accept your study place electronically, then also send us the
enclosed personal data form properly filled in and signed to the Student Affairs
Office. By signing you confirm that you have acquainted yourself with the HaagaHelia online learning agreement (cf.  Services  IT
services  Rules and agreements  Online learning agreement) and the rules of
use drawn up by IT services (cf.  Services  IT
services  Rules and agreements  Online learning agreement  Rules of use)
and commit to abiding by these.
Enrolment for the academic year
Students have to enroll for present or absent each academic year. According to
the Polytechnics Act, a first-year student may register as absent for the academic
year for the following reasons only:
- service under the Conscription Act (1438/2007), Non-Military Service Act
(1446/2007), or Act on Women's Voluntary Military Service (194/1995)
- maternity, paternity or parental leave
- the student cannot begin studies due to being incapacitated by personal illness
or injury.
You may register your absence from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences,
but you must prove the legal grounds for your absence. Documents proving the
legal grounds for your absence should be sent via email or post, or presented to
the Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Admission Services (Ratapihantie
13, 00520 Helsinki). The documents must be supplied by 17 July 2015 at 3 pm at
the latest, at which time documents delivered by post must also be delivered.
Should the legal grounds for your absence apply only to the second academic
term (e.g. military service or maternity leave beginning in January), you may
register as absent for the entire academic year if you wish. You may also change
the status of your registration for the spring term from ‘attending’ to ‘absent’
during the spring term registration period.
If you register as absent in your first academic year, but fail to deliver sufficient
clarification regarding the grounds for your absence by 17 July 2015 at 3 pm to
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, you will lose your right to study. If you
wish to begin your studies at a later time, you must apply for readmission from
the Haaga-Helia UAS´s Student Affairs Office. Readmission does not require
participation in the student admissions procedure.
Notification of Decision on Student Admission
3 (3)
Documents that prove the legal grounds for your absence:
1) service under the Conscription Act (1438/2007), Non-Military Service Act
(1446/2007), or Act on Women's Voluntary Military Service (194/1995): Call-up
2) maternity, paternity or parental leave: Kela's certificate regarding maternity,
paternity or parental allowance period or, if the certificate has not yet been
received, a medical certificate regarding the pregnancy. Corresponding certificates
from the authorities of other countries regarding statutory parental leave.
3) the student cannot begin studies due to being incapacitated by personal illness
or injury: Sickness allowance decision or, if no decision exists, a medical
certificate. The medical certificate must state which illness or injury the student
suffers from, and that this condition prevents the student from beginning their
studies on 1 August 2015. Obstacles caused by the practical arrangements
required by the illness or injury: an adequate clarification, e.g. a certificate from
the student housing foundation that the student is on the waiting list for an
apartment required by his or her injury. The student's own notification is not an
adequate clarification.
The documents must be submitted in Finnish, Swedish or English
Verification of original certificates and conditionality of student admission
The student admission is conditional until the copies of the certificates and the
original certificates have been verified.
Submit copies of the school certificates you used when applying by 17.7.2015,
at 15.00 Finnish time to Haaga-Helia Student Affairs Office. Copies of the
certificates must be handed in although you register yourself as absent the first
term. The copies will not be returned.
Students registered as present must produce their original school
certificates on the orientation days. Students registered as absent will show
their original certificates when they register as present and start their studies.
Haaga-Helia UAS will terminate the student’s admission if he or she has not
produced his or her qualifications by the deadline, or if the student has given false
information in the joint application process.
Notification of Decision on Student Admission
Right to appeal
4 (3)
In case you feel that a mistake has occurred in the student selection or that the
admission criteria have not been adhered to correctly, you can submit a written
appeal within 14 days from the day the results of the student selection have been
announced. Please, first acquaint yourself with the admission criteria of the
degree programme in question and with the instructions on how to appeal. After
that, if necessary, contact the UAS or the university whose degree programme the
appeal concerns. You can make a written, individual appeal about the admissions
decision. Detailed instructions on making the appeal, as well as contact
information, can be found on the respective UAS’s or university’s web site and on
the application material. The appeal must be directed to the UAS or university
responsible for the degree programme, or to another institution mentioned in the
admission criteria, and delivered to the address mentioned in the admission
criteria by the deadline.
Recreation day for new students 1st September in Vierumäki
Haaga-Helia’s new student’s get-together and sports event will be held at the
Vierumäki campus on Tuesday 1st September. This is an awesome opportunity to
start the semester by attending many different activities with other freshman.
Please add this event into your calendar! More information will be published on
student’s extranet (MyNet) The registration link will be sent to you by email in August. The
recreation day is free of charge and its part of the compulsory orientation.
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
Jarmo Peltoniemi
Degree Programme Director
Sari Starkkila
Student Affairs Secretary
Confirmation of acceptance form (must be submitted if not done online)
Personal data form (must be submitted if not done online)
Notice of schooling language (must be submitted if not done online)
The attachments can be found on Haaga-Helia´s website
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
DP in Business Information Technology
Starting your studies
Starting the studies at Haaga-Helia
Dear Student,
Please read carefully the following information:
Orientation Days
The compulsory Orientation Days for the new students will be held at
Ratapihantie 13, 00520 Helsinki, Finland, on 18–20 August 2015
starting at 09:00.
Important documents for the very first Orientation Day
You must present the following documents on the very first Orientation Day
18 August 2015 at 09:00–10:00, venue 1003:
 Photo ID
 Original upper secondary school certificates
Admission to the degree programme is conditional upon the
receipt and acceptance of your original upper secondary school
Original School
Please take the original certificates with you to the orientation days. The
original certificates will then be compared with the copies you have sent us
before. Kindly note that if the documents are in a language other than
English, Finnish or Swedish, you must also present an authorized, original
translation of the diplomas and transcript. The polytechnic will
withdraw the admission, if the student has given false
Start of Classes
The classes of the Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
will start on Monday 24 August 2015 with the normal schedule set for
the new students.
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
DP in Business Information Technology
Starting your studies
Special info for international students
Student health care
If you come from outside Finland, kindly bring along any relevant
documents related to your state of health, e.g. vaccinations. This will
help you when you contact any members of medical services.
Health insurance
Students who are non-EU/EEA or non-Swiss citizens arriving in
Finland for the purpose of study are required to have health insurance, if
the study lasts for more than three months.
Health insurance is a requirement for obtaining a residence permit for studies.
Foreign students must have a health insurance policy that covers the costs
of medical care. If the duration of the studies is at least two years, it is
sufficient that the insurance policy covers pharmaceutical costs. The health
insurance must be in force upon entry into Finland. The insurance policy
must be issued by a reliable and financially sound company or institution.
Further information: / > choose English (see pages
Student financial aid
Information about student financial aid for Finnish students at:
Non-citizens of Finland can get financial aid for studies in Finland if they live
in Finland on a permanent basis for a purpose other than studying. If you
come to Finland solely for the purpose of attending a school, you cannot
get Finnish student financial aid. More information at:
Please note that Haaga-Helia will not arrange accommodation for you. More
information on accommodation on the web page of HOAS – The foundation
for student housing in the Helsinki region: / > choose English
Guide for International Students
Please see our new guide for international students, where you can find
useful information on studying and living in Finland: :
PROGRAMME of the Orientations Days (the course continues during the 1 semester)
Ratapihantie 13, 00520 Helsinki (Itä-Pasila)
Tuesday 18 August 2015 Getting to know the curriculum and each other
Venue 1003
9.00 – 10.00
Registration, show your passport (foreign citizens) or ID (Finnish citizens) and
Checking of the original certificates
10.00 -10.45
Welcoming words
DP in Business Information Technology, BIT
- aims for studies
- possibilities to specialize: study paths
- career opportunities after graduation
Jarmo Peltoniemi
Degree Programme Director
Academic year at HAAGA-HELIA
Structure and content of the curriculum
Courses and timetables
Codes for courses
Information on the enrolment for courses
Senior Lecturer, Academic Advisor
Riitta Blomster
Lunch with Bite’s tutors
13.15 -13.30
13.30 –13.45
13.45 -14.00
Information on the Finnish level test
Senior Lecturer Taija Hämäläinen
Information on the compulsory to all English level test Senior Lecturer Eija Hansén
Information on the Swedish level test
Senior Lecturer Maarit OhinenSalvén
14.00 -15.15
Getting to know each other
15.30 – 17.00
Finnish level test for students with previous
knowledge of Finnish
Senior Lecturer Taija Hämäläinen
Wednesday 19 August
10.00- 11.00
Getting to know the study environment
IT support, VDI, Office 365, Adobe Connect,
wireless networks
Venue 1008
IT Specialist Juho Uski
How to use Haaga-Helia’s email system
Enrolment for courses
Venues 4012M, 4013 M and 4014M
Getting to know the Pasila Campus
Lunch with tutors
Learning to use Moodle, Asio and Mynet
Venues 40124M, 4013 M and 4014M
16.00 – 18.00
Venue 2204: Optional, but highly recommended: Welcome to Finland Evening, Pasila
Organized by Student Union Helga. You will get important information about various
authorities that you will be dealing with when living in Finland.
Thursday 20 August Effective study
Venue 1008
10.00 - 10.40
10.40 - 11.00
11.00 - 12.00
Study at a university of applied sciences
Group works and Projects
Accreditation of prior learning and credit transfers
Senior Lecturer Kari Silpiö
Senior Lecturer Tuomo Ryynänen
Riitta Blomster and Jarmo
13.00- 13.30
The purpose of Student Guidance
How to enhance your studies with intensive courses,
summer courses and online courses
Riitta Blomster
13.30 -13.45
Study and working skills course – what is it about
Senior lecturers Juha Hinkula and
Tuomo Ryynänen
Future trends and challenges in IT and Haaga-Helia
Director of Business Information
Technology programmes
Friday 21 January Optional, but highly recommended
Helsinki City Walk
Departure from Pasila lobby
Student Union Helga
DP in Business Information Technology (BIT)
Preliminary assignment for the course "Orientation to
studying in HAAGA-HELIA"
Dear New Student,
Congratulations and welcome to HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences! We are excited
about you joining HAAGA-HELIA's professional student community.
Here is the preliminary assignment to be completed before your studies start.
We look forward to seeing you at HAAGA-HELIA!
Preliminary assignment: My future studies in BIT (‘Bite’)
Think carefully through the questions below and write a 2-3 pages long ESSAY based on the
topics. You will discuss your essay with your advisor later during your first semester. Please
remember to write your whole name on the essay!
Send the essay as an email attachment (doc, odt or pdf -file) to the following email address:
The deadline of this mandatory assignment is 20th August2015.
The essay will be discussed with your supervisors and are confidential if necessary. The objective
of the essay is help to manage the degree program successfully.
DP in Business Information Technology (BIT)
Preliminary assignment for the course "Orientation to
studying in HAAGA-HELIA"
The Questions
How did you learn about the Bite program (BIT)?
Why did you apply for Bite?
Was the Bite program your first choice when applying to HAAGA-HELIA? If not, for which
other programs did you apply?
Do you already have a university degree or earlier unfinished university studies? If yes,
what did you study and where? If you interrupted your studies, why did you do that?
What is the purpose of your studies and what do studies mean to you?
Do you have any earlier experience in ICT (studies, hobbies or work)? If yes, what kind of
What skills do you need for studying? What do you need for learning new things? What
learning methods are you used to? How are you going to develop your study skills?
Are there any known obstacles in your way?
What kind of support do you expect for your studies and for graduating in time?
Do you have to work while studying? If yes, how are you going to combine them? How
does working affect your graduation?
If your family is not in Finland, how does it affect your studying?
Where and in which role will you work after the graduation?
What IT -skills you currently have?
20 April 2015
Information on Finnish Language Entry Level Test
This notification is meant for those new BIT students who have studied some
Finnish or otherwise gained Finnish knowledge before starting their studies at
HAAGA-HELIA. In order to find a suitable Finnish language course for
everyone, an entry level test is organized for new students at the beginning of
each semester. It is compulsory to participate in the entry level test.
If you are a native Finnish speaker or a beginner with no previous knowledge
of Finnish, this test does naturally not concern you.
Have you studied Finnish before (but not at a University or University of Applied Sciences)?
If you have some previous Finnish studies you need to take a written
entry level test on Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 15.30–17.00.
Oral part of the entry level test will be organized later in the same week or at
the beginning of the following week. You’ll get the results of the written entry
level test and a schedule for the oral test by e-mail. After both parts of the test
the teacher will send you another e-mail letting you know which course level
to start your studies from.
Have you studied Finnish at another University or University of Applied Sciences?
If you have studied Finnish at another University or University of Applied
Sciences, your credits can be transferred - please follow HAAGA-HELIA’s
credit transfer application guidelines. You’ll get more information on this
possibility during the orientation week in January.
The Finnish language teachers and Aila Koivisto-Junni will help you choose
the right Finnish course for you at HAAGA-HELIA.
Tervetuloa opiskelemaan suomea!
HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences
Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
Taija Hämäläinen
Senior Lecturer, Finnish language and culture
Please complete this form carefully. Type or use block letters. Inadequately
completed applications not including requested documents will not be processed.
Last Name
First Name
Study Unit in the Degree Programme
Basic studies
Professional studies
Majoring studies
Earlier studies with which the applicant would like to replace the above mentioned study unit
Name of the course
Credit units/hours
Completed date
Grade received
Literature required for the
course (names and
authors) + other detailed
Applicant’s signature
Teacher’s decision
Student counsellor’s decision
Copies of the certificates
Details of the studies or degree in question (ex. study plan of the course)
Ruotsin kielen tasotesti
Opintojen alussa järjestetään ruotsin kielen tasotesti, jonka tarkoituksena on varmistaa, että jokaisella
opiskelijalla on riittävä kielitaito selviytyä amk-tutkintoon kuuluvista pakollisista toisen kotimaisen kielen
Tasotestissä testataan keskeisiä kielioppiasioita sekä yleissanaston hallintaa. Testiin ei tarvitse valmistautua
erikseen, mutta halutessasi voit kerrata perusasioita esim. jonkun aiemman kouluasteen ruotsin oppikirjan
avulla tai seuraavaa verkkomateriaalia hyödyntäen => Oppiaineet ja yo-kokeet =>
Käytämme sähköisessä oppimisympäristössä olevaa tasotestiä, joka on auki tiistaina 25.8. klo 16.00.-21.00.
Varaa siis jo nyt kalenteristasi ko. illalle aikaa testin tekemiseen sekä varmista, että sinulla on silloin
käytössäsi toimiva internet-yhteys, jotta pääset tekemään testin tietokoneella. Itse testin tekemiseen
menee aikaa vähän reilu tunti. Ohjausta oppimisympäristön käyttöön sekä ohjeet testiin ilmoittautumista
varten saat orientaatiopäivillä elokuussa.
HUOM! Vaikka tasotesti tehdään itsenäisesti ilman valvontaa, on tärkeää, että jokainen opiskelija tekee
testin täysin oman tämänhetkisen kielitaitonsa mukaan. Apuvälineiden käyttö ei ole siis sallittua testiä
tehdessä. Mahdollinen apuvälineiden käyttö testiä tehdessä vääristää osaamisen tasoa ja johtaa vaikeuksiin
selviytyä pakollisella oman ammattialan aiheita käsittelevällä ruotsin opintojaksolla.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a study method, where you complete a course / courses by showing
your prior learning. By utilizing the RPL method, you can complete your studies faster and you do not have
to study topics/skills you already know/have.
You can use the RPL method for completing both compulsory and elective/free-choice studies through the
academic year and the amount of credit points completed via RPL is unlimited. You can also complete your
work placement via RPL. Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis cannot be completed via RPL.
There are two ways to utilize the RPL method: direct transfer of credits and demonstration. From the
table below you can check which of the two ways can be used to identify your learning:
Place/experience where you have
gained your knowledge/skills
Courses/degree completed in another Finnish university/
university of applied sciences
Courses/degree completed in a foreign university/
university of applied sciences
Courses completed in a(n) open/summer university
12 months in NCO school or in reserve officer
training corps
Courses/degree completed in vocational school
Work place
Own company
Free time, e.g. hobbies
The way of RPL
Credit transfer
Credit transfer
Credit transfer
Credit transfer (6 credits, professional
or free-choice studies)
The ways of RPL:
Direct transfer of credits
The credits completed at other higher education institutions can be transferred to be part of your degree at
HAAGA-HELIA, if they fulfill the requirements set by the degree programme. The studies can be
completed either before or during the studies at HAAGA-HELIA. To be able to transfer credits from other
institutions, you need a certificate or a degree of those studies. When planning the transfer of credits, it is
good to notice that Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, does not take into account the credits
completed via direct transfer in their annual monitoring of study progress.
When you want to transfer credits completed at other institutions, is the RPL process the following:
1. Read the course description. Do you already have the required knowledge/skills?
2. Contact your Academic Advisor and tell which studies you would like to transfer and fill in the
application form(s).
The application forms are available on the Haaga-Helia web pages (
2B9EB > Bite:Credit transfer application). Please see the attached fill-in instructions.
3. The application with a copy of study certificates and a course description of the course(s),
completed earlier, should be returned to the Academic Advisor Riitta Blomster. When
returning the application, also the original study certificates must be presented.
4. Academic Advisor identifies the transfer(s) and negotiates (if necessary) with the teacher(s) of the
course in question.
5. Academic Advisor records the transfer(s) to your study register. For transfer of credit, the grade,
time and place, where you have completed the studies is also recorded.
6. The courses will be transferred to Haaga-Helia’s courses if they correspond to Bite’s compulsory
courses. (If the extent of the course is smaller than Bite’s course, you should consult the teacher of
the course in question.) If no such correspondence exists, the course or the courses will be
considered as elective studies or free choice studies and the original name will remain in the
study register.
7. Acknowledged credits will be entered in the student's study register in the WinhaPro-programme,
which can be viewed from Haaga-Helia's homepage. Please note, that later, it is NOT possible to
remove the transferred credits from study register. The amount of transferred credits can also
affect your possible summer university and online studies.
You can complete either whole or parts of courses by demonstrating your knowledge/skills learned in your
work/own company/free time. You can negotiate with the teacher responsible of the course about the
best way to demonstrate your learning.
The way(s) to demonstrate your skills can be for example
reflecting essay about your competence
learning diary
certificate/recommendation from your employee
demonstration of skills
project work
verbal assessment
written summary about your learning and experience
combination of the previous ways
The studies completed via demonstration are evaluated with the same criteria and grading as other studies (15). If you do not pass the demonstration, you can complete the course in the regular way.
If you have earlier university studies or skills that can be accredited, please present your applications
and certificates preferably during the Orientation days.
Please complete this form carefully. Type or use block letters. Inadequately
completed applications not including requested documents will not be processed.
Last Name
First Name
Business Information Technology
Study Unit in the Degree Programme
Introduction to Business
Basic studies
Professional studies
Majoring studies
Earlier studies with which the applicant would like to replace the above mentioned study unit
Name of the course
Basics of Business
Credit units/hours
20 credits
University of Southampton
Grade received
Literature required for the
course (names and
authors) + other detailed
Teacher’s decision
Student counsellor’s decision
Course description enclosed.
Applicant’s signature
Completed date
John Smith
Copies of the certificates
Details of the studies or degree in question (ex. study plan of the course)