april /07 /21 /28 /14 sun mon tue wed thr fri sat /08 /22
april /07 /21 /28 /14 sun mon tue wed thr fri sat /08 /22
T H I S F E AT U R E D C O C K TA I L S BODEGA BUCK / $6 Old Heaven Hill Bonded Bourbon, Dry Oloroso Sherry, Honey, Lemon, Ginger Ale, Angostura Bitters RECORDS billy@ whistlerchicago.com GALLERY gallery@ whistlerchicago.com DESIGN hello@ weareplural.com COVER/BACKSIDE pb&j, hold the pb by Plural SUN MON TUE WED THR FRI SAT /01 /02 /03 /04 /05 /06 Improvisational Aesthetics w/ Radius & Leo123 Maxx Traxx: Boogie & Modern Funk w/ DJ Shred One Geoff Farina Chuuuch w/ DJ Cool Hand Luke (6 PM) DJ John Simmons (9:30PM) De lh i Co o le r E WESTERN L / S 9 TO 4 N A N /07 Old Lazarus’ Harp Folk Collective w/ Spitzer Space Telescope, Can I Get an Amen & Friends W @whistlerchicago LO G A N B O U L E VA R D 0 whistlerchicago. t u m b l r.c o m 9 whistlerchicago.com DIVERSEY IL PATIO OPEN UNTIL 11PM (12AM FRI & SAT) 21+ / NO COVER CALIFORNIA HOURS M on—Thr 6PM — 2AM Friday 5PM — 2AM Saturday 5PM — 3AM Sunday 5PM — 2AM M U K E E Ta ke # 74 FULLE RTON BU S or # 56 M I LWA UK E E B U S R E L A X AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: Nick Broste Trio KEDZIE 7 73-227-3530 APRIL W H I S T L E R JAZZ SERIES jazz@ whistlerchicago.com Gilbey’s London Dry Gin, Curry Nectar, Pineapple, Lime D I R E C T I O N S / C TA Ta ke t h e B LUE LI NE to LOGA N SQ UA R E or C A LI FOR NI A T H E BOOKING booking@ whistlerchicago.com Movieoke Bo d eg a Buc k A T GENERAL info@ whistlerchicago.com DELHI COOLER / $8 the WHISTLER 2421 N MI LWAU KEE AV E CHI CAGO I L / 60647 M O N T H ✖ FULLERTON /14 2 4 2 1 / N M I LW A U K E E AV E CHICAGO / IL / 60647 Star Tropics, PALACES /08 /09 C H I R P N I G H T: R E L A X AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: Les Racquet, Hemmingbirds /10 Marquis Hill Trio /15 /16 G L A D C LO U D AMBIENT MUSIC SERIES: R E L A X AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: Dustin Handsome Laurenzi Trio Tyrants, Peter Maunu & Ben Mjolsness /11 Bittersweet w/ DJ Peroxide, Pillars and Tongues TTTTotally Dudes /17 /18 /12 /13 Geoff Farina Brasstax (6 PM) Blunted Beats (9:30PM) Eddie Dixon, Jeremy Joyce /19 /20 Slo ‘Mo: Slow Geoff Farina Jams For (6 PM) Homos (And Their Fans) CIMMfest & Atmosphere Strut w/ Kid Color CIMMfest & Odd Obsession Foreign Film Series w/ Impala Sound Champions (9:30PM) 7 73-227-3530 /21 /22 whistlerchicago.com Power Haunts, Dead Native, Little Egypt You You Dark Forest /23 /24 R E L A X AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: Devin Hoff /25 Les Soubrettes Crimson Glow /26 /27 Geoff Farina Interstellar w/ DJ Marty Mars (6 PM) Cherries Records Presents (9:30PM) /28 Playing Favorites Playing Favorites SUNDAY / 07 WEDNESDAY / 10 WEDNESDAY / 17 MONDAY / 22 OLD LAZARUS’ HARP FOLK COLLECTIVE W/ SPITZER SPACE TELESCOPE, CAN I GET AN AMEN & FRIENDS BITTERSWEET W/ DJ PEROXIDE, PILLARS AND TONGUES EDDIE DIXON, JEREMY JOYCE DEAD NATIVE, YOU YOU DARK FOREST Old Lazarus' Harp is collective of folk musicians and likeminded artists who have been hosting square dances, hootenannies, and concerts around Chicago for much of the past year. Can I Get an Amen play energetic, oldtimey music with banjo, fiddle, guitar, and upright bass. Spitzer Space Telescope is a new addition to Chicago’s music scene. With just a guitar and fiddle, SST delivers powerful songs with raw and wild energy MONDAY / 08 DJ Philly Peroxide spins classic and contemporary dark alternative music: ethereal, dreampop, shoegaze and trip-hop (early in the night); post-punk, goth, darkwave, glam, deathrock, electronic, new wave, synthpop, minimal wave and indie (late night). Pillars and Tongues will perform a dreamy set of dark tunes.. SUNDAY / 14 PLAYING FAVORITES: STAR TROPICS, PALACES LES RACQUET, HEMMINGBIRDS Brett Callwood of the Detroit Metro Times asks, "Do you ever get the feeling that you're being told something important but you just can't take it all in? That's the vibe that Ferndale's own fuzz-meisters PALACES give off. ‘Black Corvair’ from the new self-titled EP, is like a sort of eastern, Buddhist chant, if the guru doing the chanting was really CHIRP Radio is a non-profit, volunteer-run, music-, arts- into Lou Reed, Girls Vs. Boys and the Stone Roses. Now , and culture-focused radio station transmitting live 365 that would get me to a yoga session." days a year at chirpradio.org. CHIRP Night is monthly fundraiser for the station that features a rotating cast of CHIRP DJs and live musical performances. This month’s headliner is Brooklyn-based Les Racquet. According to Deli Magazine, “There’s an almost schizophrenic cocktail here that moves from punk to Afrobeat to acid jazz in equal turns, but never pulls away from the meat and potatoes required of any ambitious young group. Like an iPod playlist come to life, this is a group you’ll find impossible to pin down, but easy to get down to.” Chicago indie pop band Hemmingbirds play first. R E L A X AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: Sun Rooms R E C O R D S Whistler Records Catalog All of th e se title s are available for p urch a se at th ewhi s tler. bi gcar tel . com 001 002 003 004 Karl Blau Blue Ribbon Glee Notes & Scratches White Mystery / AM (CD) Club A Cappella Über This Side (7”) Black Apple Alles (7”) Eddie Dixon is a Chicago based producer, singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist that has played with and/or produced acts such as Algebro, Adam Fitz, Serengeti, and You You Dark Forest play instrumental, ambient, and proMarvin Tate. Tonight he is performing solo with the aid of a gressive rock with a little bit of psychedelic rock thrown in looping pedal, homemade acoustic drum machine, and juthere for good measure. Think Syd Barrett-era Pink Floyd dicious use of radio static and open guitar tunings. Opener crossed with today’s indie aesthetic. Jeremy Joyce (St. Louis) blurs the lines between indie, country, and gospel on his new album, Sleeping With The Devil. THURSDAY / 18 SLO ‘MO: SLOW JAMS FOR HOMOS (AND THEIR FANS) CHIRP NIGHT: /30 F E AT U R I N G — CALENDAR F E AT U R E D EVENTS STOREFRONT GALLERY WHISTLER RECORDS APRIL 2013 /29 WEDNESDAY / 24 (7”) 005 006 008 009 Matt Ulery’s Loom Various Artists In Tall Buildings The Hood Internet The Queen (10”) Year One: The Festival In Tall Buildings & Kid Static (3xLp + Book) (CD, LP) Chi City (7”) 010 011 012 014 Shapers blink. The Architects In Tall Buildings This Is Cinema Virginia Reel (7”) (Cassette, MP3) Warm Rock (7”) Mädchen (7”) 016 017 018 019 Cains & Abels Cains & Abels This is Cinema Various Artists My Life Is Easy (LP) Stay Home Tonight (7") Cycles (LP, Cassette) Glad Cloud Ambient LES SOUBRETTES MONDAY / 15 GLAD CLOUD AMBIENT MUSIC SERIES: TUESDAY / 09 HANDSOME TYRANTS, PETER MAUNU & BEN MJOLSNESS RELAX ATTACK JAZZ SERIES: CIMMFEST Music Series: Vol 1 (Cassette, MP3) TUESDAY / 30 RELAX ATTACK JAZZ SERIES: MARQUIS HILL TRIO Every Tuesday, the Relax Attack Jazz Series presents Chicago's top jazz artists in a lively atmosphere, full of cocktail-shaking and spirited conversation. On April 9th we welcome the Marquis Hill Trio. At age 25, trumpeter Marquis Hill is already well-known in the Chicago jazz scene. After earning a Bachelor degree in Music Education and Jazz Studies at Northern Illinois University, Hill settled in Chicago, where he is now in the process of earning his Masters in Jazz Pedagogy. FRIDAY / 19—SATURDAY / 20 Punk rock meets avant-garde burlesque. Les Soubrettes wowed the Whistler crowd on New Years Eve and return tonight with an all-new performance. SUN ROOMS Handsome Tyrants is a duo comprised of Ryan Dempsey and Jeremy Alvarez. The duo use a multitude of synths, drum machines and software to shape their left field pop sound. Although their influences are rooted in the pioneers of electronic music, they explore modern hip-hop, industrial, and psych. The Tyrants will be releasing a six song tape this evening and will be playing an ambient set crafted specifically for the Glad Cloud Series with the help of long time collaborator Juan Sanchez. CIMMfest is the Chicago International Movies & Music Festival, a four-day showcase of outstanding films, concerts, VJ/DJ sets, Q&A’s, and live score performances. On Friday, April 19th Kid Color and Joe Carsello (Lazers and Jason Adasiewicz returns to the Whistler with his aweFast and Shit) present Atmosphere Strut, a night of disinspiring trio, Sun Rooms. “The vibraphone has become co-tinged dance tracks and hypnotic visuals. On Saturvery physical for me. I hit the instrument very hard…. day, April 20th, Brian Chankin, owner of Odd Obsession An aluminum bar feels like a brick wall, but you can get Movies, presents the 1978 Jamaican classic, Rockers, folspring from the cord that is suspending each bar of the lowed by a reggae/dub/dancehall party with the Impala instrument. I’ve felt most comfortable with trying to get Sound Champions DJs. those bars to resonate to the point of distortion…. I have never put away the drums.” G A L L E R Y Whistler Storefront Gallery The focus of the gallery is on three-dimensional works by Chicago a r t i s t s . If yo u’r e i n te r e s te d i n s u b m i t t i n g a project for consideration, please email us at gallery@whistlerchicago.com Parts of Being Wholly by Rebecca Hamlin Green Nylon, beeswax, and oil paint
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ica, you can then get freaky at the dance party to folmusic. Curated by Benjamin Mjolsness, the series prolow. As always, The Whistler’s bartenders will provide the