Chemistry Teaching Jobs in England
Chemistry Teaching Jobs in England
Chemistry Teaching Jobs in England Teacher Placement & Retention COMPANY DESCRIPTION The Uteach mission is to develop the careers of able overseas teachers by placing and supporting them in teaching jobs in England. Uteach provides a comprehensive three-stage training programme to ensure you are fully prepared for your job in England. SECONDARY TEACHER VACANCY DETAILS JOB TITLE: Chemistry Teachers NUMBER OF POSITIONS: 4 START DATE: October 2016 JOB DESCRIPTION Our schools are mainly located in the South East of England and the majority are rated “Outstanding” or “Good” by the English school regulation body (OFSTED). Our schools are well connected to the centre of London and London airports. If you were successful in securing one of our positions, we offer contracts of 1 or 2 years in duration with Uteach. Through the Uteach contract you will have access to the following services: 1. FREE TRAINING: You are provided with online training on the UK curriculum before you leave Spain and online training to prepare you for an interview. 2. SUPPORT: Our Education team will support you with a variety of issues you may encounter at your school. During your contract you have access to a subject specific mentors and a database of lesson plans and materials. Our Placement team help you on all aspects of moving to England, including finding suitable accommodation, opening a bank account etc. EURES provides funding for attending interviews in the UK and relocation. 3. PLACEMENT: in a supportive school that is a good fit for the teacher and to ensure the necessary support is provided to help the teacher adapt to teaching and living in a new country. REQUIREMENTS To be eligible to apply for these positions you are required to: • Be a qualified or soon to be qualified teacher (Masters Degree in Secondary Education or CAP). • Fluency in the English language is compulsory to minimum B2+ levels. This will assessed during the application process through online video interview and written grammar test. SALARY Starting between £22,620 (€26,194) - £28,080 (€32,517) annual Gross pay for M1 rate, depending on location. Interview Day 26th September in London A chance to be interviewed by multiple UK Head Teachers in one day. To apply send an English version of your CV and a cover letter to Applications must be received by 19 September 2016 +34 616 19 19 94 Computer Science Teaching Jobs in England Teacher Placement & Retention COMPANY DESCRIPTION The Uteach mission is to develop the careers of able overseas teachers by placing and supporting them in teaching jobs in England. Uteach provides a comprehensive three-stage training programme to ensure you are fully prepared for your job in England. SECONDARY TEACHER VACANCY DETAILS JOB TITLE: Computer Science Teachers NUMBER OF POSITIONS: START DATE: October 2016 JOB DESCRIPTION Our schools are mainly located in the South East of England and the majority are rated “Outstanding” or “Good” by the English school regulation body (OFSTED). Our schools are well connected to the centre of London and London airports. If you were successful in securing one of our positions, we offer contracts of 1 or 2 years in duration with Uteach. Through the Uteach contract you will have access to the following services: 1. FREE TRAINING: You are provided with online training on the UK curriculum before you leave Spain and online training to prepare you for an interview. 2. SUPPORT: Our Education team will support you with a variety of issues you may encounter at your school. During your contract you have access to a subject specific mentors and a database of lesson plans and materials. Our Placement team help you on all aspects of moving to England, including finding suitable accommodation, opening a bank account etc. EURES provides funding for attending interviews in the UK and relocation. 3. PLACEMENT: in a supportive school that is a good fit for the teacher and to ensure the necessary support is provided to help the teacher adapt to teaching and living in a new country. REQUIREMENTS To be eligible to apply for these positions you are required to: • Be a qualified or soon to be qualified teacher (Masters Degree in Secondary Education or CAP). • Fluency in the English language is compulsory to minimum B2+ levels. This will assessed during the application process through online video interview and written grammar test. SALARY Starting between £22,620 (€26,194) - £28,080 (€32,517) annual Gross pay for M1 rate, depending on location. Interview Day 26th September in London A chance to be interviewed by multiple UK Head Teachers in one day. To apply send an English version of your CV and a cover letter to Applications must be received by 19 September 2016 +34 616 19 19 94 Maths Teaching Jobs in England Teacher Placement & Retention COMPANY DESCRIPTION The Uteach mission is to develop the careers of able overseas teachers by placing and supporting them in teaching jobs in England. Uteach provides a comprehensive three-stage training programme to ensure you are fully prepared for your job in England. SECONDARY TEACHER VACANCY DETAILS JOB TITLE: Maths Teachers NUMBER OF POSITIONS: 10 START DATE: October 2016 JOB DESCRIPTION Our schools are mainly located in the South East of England and the majority are rated “Outstanding” or “Good” by the English school regulation body (OFSTED). Our schools are well connected to the centre of London and London airports. If you were successful in securing one of our positions, we offer contracts of 1 or 2 years in duration with Uteach. Through the Uteach contract you will have access to the following services: 1. FREE TRAINING: You are provided with online training on the UK curriculum before you leave Spain and online training to prepare you for an interview. 2. SUPPORT: Our Education team will support you with a variety of issues you may encounter at your school. During your contract you have access to a subject specific mentors and a database of lesson plans and materials. Our Placement team help you on all aspects of moving to England, including finding suitable accommodation, opening a bank account etc. EURES provides funding for attending interviews in the UK and relocation. 3. PLACEMENT: in a supportive school that is a good fit for the teacher and to ensure the necessary support is provided to help the teacher adapt to teaching and living in a new country. REQUIREMENTS To be eligible to apply for these positions you are required to: • Be a qualified or soon to be qualified teacher (Masters Degree in Secondary Education or CAP). • Fluency in the English language is compulsory to minimum B2+ levels. This will assessed during the application process through online video interview and written grammar test. SALARY Starting between £22,620 (€26,194) - £28,080 (€32,517) annual Gross pay for M1 rate, depending on location. Interview Day 26th September in London A chance to be interviewed by multiple UK Head Teachers in one day. To apply send an English version of your CV and a cover letter to Applications must be received by 19th September 2016 +34 616 19 19 94 Physics Teaching Jobs in England Teacher Placement & Retention COMPANY DESCRIPTION The Uteach mission is to develop the careers of able overseas teachers by placing and supporting them in teaching jobs in England. Uteach provides a comprehensive three-stage training programme to ensure you are fully prepared for your job in England. SECONDARY TEACHER VACANCY DETAILS JOB TITLE: Physics Teachers NUMBER OF POSITIONS: 4 START DATE: October 2016 JOB DESCRIPTION Our schools are mainly located in the South East of England and the majority are rated “Outstanding” or “Good” by the English school regulation body (OFSTED). Our schools are well connected to the centre of London and London airports. If you were successful in securing one of our positions, we offer contracts of 1 or 2 years in duration with Uteach. Through the Uteach contract you will have access to the following services: 1. FREE TRAINING: You are provided with online training on the UK curriculum before you leave Spain and online training to prepare you for an interview. 2. SUPPORT: Our Education team will support you with a variety of issues you may encounter at your school. During your contract you have access to a subject specific mentors and a database of lesson plans and materials. Our Placement team help you on all aspects of moving to England, including finding suitable accommodation, opening a bank account etc. EURES provides funding for attending interviews in the UK and relocation. 3. PLACEMENT: in a supportive school that is a good fit for the teacher and to ensure the necessary support is provided to help the teacher adapt to teaching and living in a new country. REQUIREMENTS To be eligible to apply for these positions you are required to: • Be a qualified or soon to be qualified teacher (Masters Degree in Secondary Education or CAP). • Fluency in the English language is compulsory to minimum B2+ levels. This will assessed during the application process through online video interview and written grammar test. SALARY Starting between £22,620 (€26,194) - £28,080 (€32,517) annual Gross pay for M1 rate, depending on location. Interview Day 26th September in London A chance to be interviewed by multiple UK Head Teachers in one day. To apply send an English version of your CV and a cover letter to Applications must be received by 19 September 2016 +34 616 19 19 94 General Science Teaching Jobs in England Teacher Placement & Retention COMPANY DESCRIPTION The Uteach mission is to develop the careers of able overseas teachers by placing and supporting them in teaching jobs in England. Uteach provides a comprehensive three-stage training programme to ensure you are fully prepared for your job in England. SECONDARY TEACHER VACANCY DETAILS JOB TITLE: General Science Teachers NUMBER OF POSITIONS: 6 START DATE: October 2016 JOB DESCRIPTION Our schools are mainly located in the South East of England and the majority are rated “Outstanding” or “Good” by the English school regulation body (OFSTED). Our schools are well connected to the centre of London and London airports. If you were successful in securing one of our positions, we offer contracts of 1 or 2 years in duration with Uteach. Through the Uteach contract you will have access to the following services: 1. FREE TRAINING: You are provided with online training on the UK curriculum before you leave Spain and online training to prepare you for an interview. 2. SUPPORT: Our Education team will support you with a variety of issues you may encounter at your school. During your contract you have access to a subject specific mentors and a database of lesson plans and materials. Our Placement team help you on all aspects of moving to England, including finding suitable accommodation, opening a bank account etc. EURES provides funding for attending interviews in the UK and relocation. 3. PLACEMENT: in a supportive school that is a good fit for the teacher and to ensure the necessary support is provided to help the teacher adapt to teaching and living in a new country. REQUIREMENTS To be eligible to apply for these positions you are required to: • Be a qualified or soon to be qualified teacher (Masters Degree in Secondary Education or CAP). • Fluency in the English language is compulsory to minimum B2+ levels. This will assessed during the application process through online video interview and written grammar test. SALARY Starting between £22,620 (€26,194) - £28,080 (€32,517) annual Gross pay for M1 rate, depending on location. Interview Day 26th September in London A chance to be interviewed by multiple UK Head Teachers in one day. To apply send an English version of your CV and a cover letter to Applications must be received by 19th September 2016 +34 616 19 19 94 PROCESO DE SELECCIÓN EURES PROFESOR/A DE SECUNDARIA PARA INGLATERRA Curso escolar 2016-2017 Cerrando el proceso de selección de especialistas para su incorporación en Octubre 2016. Se ofrecen plazas de Matemáticas (10), Biología y Ciencias en general,(6), Química (4),Física (4) e Informática/TIC (7) para Colegios públicos y privados ingleses de las regiones del sudeste inglés y alrededores de Londres La Agencia UTEACH, Training&Placement Specialists, se dedica a seleccionar, preparar e incorporar profesores procedentes de España en el sistema escolar británico. UTEACH ofrece un Programa de Apoyo, con formación inicial, instalación en UK, acompañamiento a lo largo del curso para garantizar esta incorporación satisfactoria a una plaza de docente de secundaria en un Centro Público o Privado. Uteach sólo trabaja para centros con niveles de cualificación “Outstanding” o “Good” de la Agencia oficial OFSTED. Ofrece contrato de uno o dos años, con posibilidad de incorporación indefinida en plantilla del centro. Requisitos imprescindibles para optar a una vacante de profesor de Secundaria son: 1.-Estar en posesión de la cualificación adecuada (Licenciatura, Diplomatura o Grado, más CAP o Máster de Profesorado) para poder obtener el QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) británico. Información en cuanto a la obtención del QTS en la página siguiente. 2.- Un nivel suficiente de inglés para ejercer la docencia en este idioma: mínimo, B-2+, ¿COMO PARTICIPAR? Enviar CV y carta de presentación en INGLÉS a con copia a Fecha límite: 19/09/2016. 26 SEPTIEMBRE: JORNADA DE ENTREVISTAS EN DIRECTO EN LONDRES. Los candidatos seleccionados serán entrevistados por los Directores Académicos de los diversos centros educativos el 26 de septiembre en Londres. *Modelos y consejos para el CV y carta de presentación en: AGOSTO 2016 Página 1 OBTENCION DEL QTS PARA EJERCER DE PROFESOR DE SECUNDARIA EN REINO UNIDO: Reconocimiento de la profesión de "Profesor/a de Educación Secundaria" en el Reino Unido En el Reino Unido para ejercer la profesión es imprescindible obtener un reconocimiento profesional (QTS “Qualified Teacher Status”). En Inglaterra y Gales, la autoridad competente para obtener el QTS es el National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), agencia acreditada por el Department for Education, (DfE) británico. Se puede obtener información sobre requisitos, documentación y procedimientos en • La solicitud del QTS ante la NCTL se puede hacer totalmente “on line” siempre que en el momento de iniciar la solicitud, se tenga preparados los documentos requeridos con su correspondiente traducción jurada, y escaneados o fotografiados en formato pdf o jpg. La titulación necesaria para obtener el QTS un profesor de secundaria formado en España es el título de Grado, o Licenciatura o Diplomatura + el CAP o Máster de Profesorado de Secundaria, con sus debidas traducciones juradas. Certificación Supletoria provisional del título* En el supuesto de que aún no se tenga físicamente el Título de Grado o del Máster en el formato oficial, una vez tramitada la solicitud del mismo en la Universidad donde se ha cursado la formación, se debe solicitar la “Certificación Supletoria provisional” firmada por el rector, que debe contener los datos identificativos del titulado, del título y del número de registro nacional de titulados universitarios oficiales, certificación regulada en el R.Decreto 1002/2010 y que tienen efectos legales equiparables al Título en sí. SUBVENCION TU PRIMER TRABAJO EURES-FONDO SOCIAL EUROPEO Infórmate de las subvenciones para acudir a la entrevista, y/o para el posterior traslado a UK si resultas contratado, requisitos y trámites a seguir en: primer_empleo_eures.html O contacta con el Consejero Eures de tu provincia: nsejeros.html AGOSTO 2016 Página 2