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SITE REVIEW FIrSt & OnLY: tHE arMOUrY SPARTAN Airsoft nEStLED In tHE WOODS aLOnGSIDE BrIStOL aIrpOrt, Spartan aIrSOFt IS FaSt BECOMInG OnE OF tHE SOUtHWESt’S prEMIEr SItES. KrIS rOBErtS CHECKS It OUt… A KRIS ROBERTS Formerly a member of the TA, Kris has over a decade’s worth of airsoft experience. Not one to be swayed by Gucci kit, his philosophy is ‘keep it simple, safe and fun’ s the enormous passenger jet made its descent into Bristol International Airport, little did the travel-weary passengers on board know that just a few hundred feet beneath them the battle for supremacy was reaching fever pitch. Under the thick canopy of treetops the deafening whine from the twin turbine engines was enough to drown out all other noise, and the savviest among the attackers were quick to use the distraction as a chance to push forward. We were into the final minutes of a two-hour game, one that had seen the fighting range to all corners of the site, producing some truly awesome levels of play. The red team was defending, tasked with holding and securing a series of bases that were scattered along the road that weaved its way around the arena. The yellow team had a simple task: to attack these bases in sequence, clearing each of all opposition before moving on to the next. It was clear as the game’s end drew near that the yellows would not achieve all their goals. For the last 45 minutes the reds had held the road at the helicopter base against all odds, blocking the way for the yellows to move on and launch a final offensive on the reds’ last stronghold down at the Mortar Pits base. All focus had now fallen on this small junction in the road, and its capture or defence had become the defining battle of the whole day. I had been snapping away frantically with my camera since the game had started, and found myself embedded with the defenders during their last stand. With the sudden surge of incoming fire I chose discretion and wrapped my camera up in my jumper to protect it. There was no way for me to break away from the game without being lit up like a Christmas tree, so in the knowledge that at least my camera was now safe from harm, I took cover and prepared to ride out the coming storm of hellfire. Standing over me, a defender fired his squad support weapon into the tree line, raking the attackers with long bursts of rapid fire. For a few seconds he held his ground, until five well-aimed shots slammed into his chest and put him out of the game. The loss of 021 AA_021-023 Site review – Spartan Airsoft – R + DPS_rev3_MH.indd 21 31/10/2013 09:32 firepower was immediately apparent, and the attackers seized the initiative. At the same moment the marshals started their 30-second end-of-game countdown, and this served only to fuel the adrenaline even more. Pulling myself into the cabin of the helicopter to seek protection from the hail of incoming BBs, I saw the yellows breaking through the tree line and charge into the base. Grenades were exploding everywhere, and rounds were ricocheting off the metalwork at such a rate that the sound they created was one continuous roar. The marshals’ cry went up: “Game over!” The noise died in a heartbeat. I raised my head slowly and climbed out of the helicopter. Seeing a red player standing next to me, I turned and asked him who had won. A broad, beaming smile stretched across his face and without a word he walked away to join his teammates. Laughing to myself I understood his expression completely. Winning or losing was irrelevant; the game itself was a victory for all. Spartan Airsoft can be found in the thick woodland that borders the western edge of the runway at Bristol Airport. The terrain is on a gently sloping hill carved up by roads and gPlayers duke it out at the heli base – one of several cool features at Spartan Airsoft kAbandoned vehicles are used to great effect at the site pathways. In addition to the natural cover, several bases have been constructed which serve as objectives or reference points. At the village base, multiple hooches have been built. With some at ground level and others raised on stilts, each can house a host of players and provides a close quarters element when clearing them of opposition. Abandoned vehicles such as Land Rovers, armoured cars and a downed Wessex helicopter are also used to great effect throughout the site, and provide further cover. The site is owned and run by Malcolm Jarema, known to all as ‘Beard’. Beard 022 December 2013 AA_021-023 Site review – Spartan Airsoft – R + DPS_rev3_MH.indd 22 31/10/2013 09:33 SITE REVIEW Spartan AIRSOFT entered the paintball scene back in the late 1980s, and naturally picked up on airsoft as it grew in popularity. With a quarter of a century of experience behind him, Beard opened the gates to Spartan Airsoft in April 2012. It is clear when visiting the site that a high level of commitment and hard work has gone into making it a success in such little time. Beard is quick to acknowledge his team of loyal workers on this point. “In the months leading up to opening day they were on site with me every weekend. In rain or snow, we’d be out there building the hooches. We’d be dragging vehicles, “Grenades were expl o di n g everywhere, and rounds were ri c ocheti n g off the metal w ork at such a rate that the sound they created was one continuous roar” crates, barrels, anything we could get into the woods to build up the site. And that’s not even mentioning the safe zone. It could not have been done without them.” The safe zone is a large wooden-walled square, with sheltered seating and a kitchen which serves hot food throughout the day. The booking-in office houses all the rental kit, along with supplies of ammo and gas and a battery charging station. The square is where all safety and game briefs are made, and it acts as a social hub where players roam around comparing weapons and swapping war stories. Outside the safe zone, beyond the safety net, all chronoing is done on the site’s target range. The range is fitted out with man-size targets and provides the perfect spot for players to check their hop-ups and adjust their sights. The games themselves are varied and cover the whole site. Sometimes, players are given free rein, but other times are limited in their movements and are forced to add a bit of problem solving if they want to achieve their goals. It is here that I need to give a special mention to the marshals. Headed up by brothers Adam and Pete Watts, the team consists of experienced airsoft players. In the field they remain in constant contact with each other via radio, and with in-ear headphones they can share information without being overheard by nearby players. This system, along with their combined experience allows them to make instant decisions about the game, changing or evolving it as it progresses. For the players, this means that, should a game become bogged down, the marshals are on hand to circumvent the problem – and they are able to instantly communicate the changes to all players. The construction, planning and execution of every open game day provide the player with the best experience possible. Take, for example, the use of biodegradable ammunition. The site enforces the use of bio BBs, but instead of leaving it there, Beard has ordered in different makes, and has recruited a couple of people to test which is the best, so that they can be offered to players at the shop. It is hard to remain 100 per cent unbiased when writing an airsoft review, for the simple fact that I love airsoft. I love the game, the people, the equipment, and as such find myself drawn to it like a moth to a flame. It is a world in which I feel I belong. My review was conducted over three separate game days, and to prove my journalistic impartiality I looked hard to find a fault on which to report. In truth I couldn’t find one. The site, its staff, and the players I saw in action all conducted themselves in a manner on which this sport was built: honesty, fairness and fun. In concluding, I find that I also pay my greatest compliment of all. As an airsofter, walking on to the playing fields of Spartan Airsoft, it feels like coming home. INFORMATION Spartan Airsoft Location: Brockley Combe, Bristol, BS48 3DF Web: Tel: 07791176046 Prices: £20 walk on; £40 with hire kit Fps limit: 350 for standard RIFs; 450 for boltaction sniper rifles Info: Booking required; site is UKARA registered. 023 AA_021-023 Site review – Spartan Airsoft – R + DPS_rev3_MH.indd 23 31/10/2013 09:34
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