REb-eArTh from 3-D to 13-D


REb-eArTh from 3-D to 13-D
REb-eArTh from 3-D to 13-D
Exponential Expansion of Consciousness
with 100% Experiential P.R.O.C.E.S.S
Wherever you live, you can NOW join KaVeeTa SuNiEl for this
magical workshop! 13 webinars over 13 weeks, it’s life-changing!
Now you can RECEIVE ALL THE Transmission -Activations-Initiations from the
SOURCE – right in the comfort and convenience of your own home, Utilising
the latest webinar technology, that is seamless and easy to use, KaVeeTa will
meet with you each week *live & ONLINE* wherever you live and whatever
your time-zone. The workshop is delivered using video, power point, voice
and more! It is totally interactive, so you can ask questions, make comments
& hear other students.
***Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse*** is the new cutting edge and
powerful healing Energy direct from Source Zero-Point which is available to
upgrade human consciousness and support us through this shift into the New
The Art of Zen, The Tao of Beingness, The field of Interconnectedness all
these states that took strict discipline to achieve through the process of many
lifetimes is now available to humanity by opening up the inherent connection
within to the Source-Void.
How will it benefit your personal life
and accelerate your Spiritual Journey?
Removes the old karmic 3/4D Gridlock (lower mental & astral grids
keeping you locked in the linear game of evolution and ascension)
and Upgrade to a 5D+ Scalar Wave Multi-dimensional Holographic
Grid!- “the most essential Upgrade for humanity right now in the Star
Gates cycle”
USP of the AwaKeNiN & TrANsForMaTioN Webinar is the tangible
Energetic re-set & Activation of your cells which will enable your
consciousness to constantly emit the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave
Photon Pulse™ (QVSWPP) to everyone you meet. Become an instant
healer and emit this Energy for your family & friends. 24/7, Activate
-Upgrade even when you go to bed. After the re-set there won’t be
any astral hooks, attacks or energy draining attachments in the dream
state. The dark night of the soul, peeling of the onion drama comes
to an end. Your spiritual progress is now from peak to peak, no more
abyss or plateaus.
The God-Seed (primordial atom) that made all in Oneness can be
received and transmitted at once without any Psychic Attacks or
complicated energy hygiene or hours of meditation to regain energy.
You will no longer need to protect yourself from anything dark or dense
as the force of QVSWPP does not permit any inorganic or dense energy
to stay in the new 5D+ Multidimensional Grids!
NOTE: This is no spiritual restructuring /clearing or healing only, this is awaKeNiN
to your Supra-SELF which accelerates and resets your Kosmic Self. The concept
is Universal and non-religious. It’s open to all no matter what religion they
follow or exploring other modalities. This Re-Set is your divine right to claim
your sovereign status as a galactic citizen.
The Live Webinars are 100% experiential participation and the 3 and
4-Dimensional dense – karmic- etheric- bodies can be tangibly felt before
releasing it back to the Source.
Kosmic Metamorphosis – integrating fire and Light in the body of clay
Removal of 3-D and 4-D Karmic Bodies and Re-connection to 5-D+
Multidimensional Scalar Wave HOLOGRAPHIC Light Grids made up
Plasma and Photons
SOUL CATALYST THERAPY® - Morphogenetic field clearing.
How is the old Grid / Net cleared and
a 5D+ Multidimensional Grid infused
KaVeeTa is a natural seer and can see the 3-D densities and 4D subtle
bodies, not just auras but as energy trails all the way up to the Causal
bodies and all other multi-dimensional templates. SuNiEl has the
access to the codes of the black hole. As the Quantum Vortex Scalar
wave -Photon Pulse comes directly from the Source in their Twin -rays
supra celestial Grids it helps to speed up the process for participants of
clearing such vast Akashic Field.
Bio-electromagnetic charge in the etheric body (Aura),3 and 4
Dimensional Astral and Mental bodies of participants are scanned by
themselves when taken in a deep state by them, turning the physical
body into a divine pendulum, the body gives signs and show symptoms
where the blocks and residual energy stagnation is stored.
The scan is done by retrieving information from the Akashic Records
and with the help from the participants Monadic Ray to read current
light quotient including ability to hold the photonic light, Metered left
over Karmic residue, curses, hexes, Black magic and reptilian mixed
gene diagnosis.
Why is it so crucial to upgrade now?
The Earth/Gaia/Tara is already in 5D and has activated her Starbody/
Sunship status but evolving human consciousness is highly unstable and
needs to upgrade their current Light Quotient.
The AwaKeNiN session is most essential to become Multi- Dimensional
being and match up to Earth’s new 5-D frequency and vibration. The
3-D/4-D karmic template hampers the Divine will and manifestations.
Once they are peeled off and the physical and soul body are free of
the lower densities, the consciousness is ready to be re-sketched as
per the original template of Wholeness. Time has come to press the
delete button and reformat the 3D blueprint. Earth has re-scripted her
Platinum/Golden Print, its time for us to rewrite our scripts.
What all is cleared, removed and
transmuted in the AwaKeNiN session
Dis-connectment from all vows, contracts, and promises made with
other souls from past lives which in this lifetime might be blocking
you from moving ahead and making you stuck in lower dramas and
games of Karma and cord entanglements. Retrieve parts of your Soul
stuck or lost in other dimensions and re-integrate them fully into your
being and clearing entities that are living off on your Light Essence.
• Clear curses and grid-locks, Heal past life Karma and current issues.
• Release miasmas and meme programmes.
•Re-aligning your Aura and etheric body, Repair holes, gashes,
cracks, crevices, abrasions etc in the etheric field.
• Removal of metal objects, devices and implants in the etheric body
by artificial intelligence.
•Seal and clear negative portals, vortices and whirlpools in your
energy grids to other dark dimensions.
•After the mega cleanse your meridian body and chi body recalibrates the sub-atomic vibrations of your God-Particle (Primordial
• The astral body is the one that holds the karmic template and this is
the desire body which makes the double etheric subtle body travel
into the astral realms when a soul goes to sleep. This is the one that
gets harvested and attacked by the dark team players in the lower
realms and even upper mental realms.
• The whole 3-Dimensional carbon based body is cleansed and the
whole lower karmic-Astral 4th Dimensional body is removed and a
5D+ Multi-Dimensional Crystalline Holographic Plasma Light Body is
What’s after installing the 5-D+ MultiDimnesional Scalar Wave Holographic Grid
Once the scalar wave multi-Dimensional Holographic Light Grid is
activated with Plasma and photonic Light, Kosmic Absolute Laws of
the Zero-Point will reveal on how to integrate alchemical Quantum
healings from the Source and become a multidimensional light
spinner, DNA encoder, transmitter, and receiver of bliss and ecstasy,
experiential practise sessions are done after each upgrade validating
how powerful each transmission, activation and initiation is, The force is
built up as we progress through each upgrade. In the 2 day intensive
supra activation processes each person becomes the transmitter of the
Zero Point field.
Sessions 1-7
Kosmic Equilibrium Synthesis
The fundamental truth of the Kosmic Absolute
It’s a primer discourse –meditation with complete
explanation of all upgrades is covered
All upgrades will be experiential to scan every person’s wave length
in space time continuum and resonance to sound and Meta ripples
of activations. The facts will be explained with energetic experiences
to each participant and quantum vortex scalar wave photon pulse
healings will be infused in each cell. Once we are only connected
to the SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS from which every single star has come
forth in many different universes we will feel completely at peace, as
it will become like our 2nd nature to trust the divine game of polarity
removing the negativity or fear to connect to our creator self. The whole
unified field of Zero Point will be infused with AS ABOVE SO BELOW, the
macro within the micro. Our human body mirrors the Kosmos will be
experienced. Our DNA is the inner-net which is in hyper -communicate
with the whole Kosmos.
Synthesis is the most important thing in the intense polarity integration
times. While listening to the Kosmic Absolute teachings with eyes
closed one can have immediate “I know this” “Goosebumps” ...ah!
Yes! Absolutely! Sensations felt in this session are beyond words.
Kosmic Re-Calibration
Quantum pulse initiation to activate the thymus chakra, it is the spiritual
heart without any polarity
In this PULSE re-activation, no instrument or machine is used but
powerful zero point field energy from the Source is transmitted via
KaVeeTa and SuNiEL’s thymus into the receiver’s thymus chakra. The
pulse from their thymus chakra - the spiritual heart ignites the receiver’s
thymus. The over whelming compassion and love of the creator flows
smoothly due to activation of the spiritual heart a.k.a The androgynous
SELF, where the divine masculine, the divine feminine and the divine
child become one.
This Pulse is currently also received by GAIA in the times of shift to attain
its multi-dimensional awakening. This pulse comes from the Source,
and is physically found as a belt or band of Photons in the Alcyone star
(it’s the higher mental body of our Sun) which is always stationed in the
galactic centre; this pulse has activated the heart beat of mother earth
to 11.11Htz and is still rising
Healing technique: How to connect to fellow travellers and healactivate and encode unconditional love through the Thymus is taught
after the activation. Thymus is the non-dual self and is the spiritual heart
of the human body
Core Transfiguration
Navel – Hara Line – Axiational Alignment
Quantum Dna Alignment
Transference of Meta data in Human body with Sio2 infusions to turn
the cell biology to crystalline
Core Transfiguration of the Navel- Hara line is for axiational alignment
with the Causal Plane after the soul’s Karmic Blueprint is re-set. After
the removal of the 3rd and 4th dimensional karmic etheric body and
cleaning of your Akashic records this re-set between the Causal Soul,
Higher Soul and Monadic Soul is a must.
The 2012 to 2017/2022 is the time for the sacred union of the Self
and the inner spirit. This axiational alignment is done through a guided
experiential energy correction felt by every single participant. Old
energy is scanned and then realigned back to the original Source
Platinum/Golden Print.
A great shift in the posture is felt and when the Hara is re-aligned to
its original axis the DNA starts to hold the crystalline structure for the 1st
time. This session is to teach your cells to comprehend the crystalline
Healing technique: After the Alignment how to heal others soul star
which resided in the belly (navel) is taught via simple energetic wave
Kosmic Re-Wiring
Galactic Kundalini Alignment
DNA- CODES activations by re-coding the DNA
Galactic Kundalini alignment is done through the Master Command
centre – THE PINEAL
DNA is re-wired, re-coded and re-activated for receiving new light
codes; the element of Fire created DNA and every star is a fireball
too. The divine fission of cells (DNA) will be re-coded with the new
infusions. The entire DNA based on your Spirit Design and Intent will be
activated and upgraded. All the Light bodies have to be re-wired and
re-calibration of DNA codes is essential. All the true connection will be
restored, in this session also the cosmic chakras are aligned from within
our universe to the many other light universes in our KOSMOS. Parallel
Universal bodies will be fused into one Kosmic Self. The merger of
your multidimensional chakras as one source chakra, will allow you to
travel in all the parallel dimensions, your DNA is an atom that can be
anywhere else after the re-activation for bi-location and teleportation.
What transmission will be done to re-align the Kosmic Spin which
is internal?
The old out of date Merkaba methods to activate Light bodies
are corrected by removing the residual charge of the spin. Kosmic
Recalibration allows me to re-set the spin back to normal if it was put
on an anti-spin of the healee’s Merkaba and teach the true Quantum
Light Body spin. The true spin is internal. Once you re-start your internal
spin the sensations in your bodies are beyond words. The tingling,
buzzing, pulsating and throbbing feeling is extremely empowering.
At the end of the session for the 1st time an internal charge and spin
can be experienced by every person
Healing technique: Galactic Kundalini Alignment makes the Soul to
re-connect with its Kosmic SELF. How to neutralize the Universal Akashic
Records is taught by Kosmic-sync- spin
Kosmic Cerebro Morphing
Restoring of the brain’s “pre-pattern” through re-programming and
help eliminate the existing patterns – subconscious and unconscious
This booster is to restore the Human Angelic Race to its original PREPATTERN, the design and intent in which the human race was created
as the Guardians of the Star Gates.
The main purpose served here is to clear the patterns and the process
by which is done is called Re-Patterning to restore it back to its original
Divine Pre-pattern. Each one has to re-learn to codify data and
release subconscious patterns. Here your star heritage friends from the
Cetaceans communities link up with you telepathically and they will
transfer vast amount of light cells into your brain cells, soothing the
trigger effect in which the pre-pattern is activated back to its original
design after the mega RE-connection with your Kosmic Light Bodies.
This is the most essential energy correction session for Healers, Psychics,
Channels and Mediums; all old past life templates are erased from
a powerful experiential process.
Here in this session all the cells in the brain are worked upon and we
get in touch with our Kosmic Crystalline Light Bodies and feel the new
Scalar wave force through are Higher self or Christed Consciousness.
Initiation with the Sonic Rainbow Vibration –has been observed that
this happens mainly men or women who have children from the New
Healing technique: 24/7 energetic transmission of Quantum Vortex
.How one becomes telepathically responsive to ALL THAT IS
Kosmic Neural Coherence Transmission
Reverse Energetic Osmosis of the cerebrospinal fluid (memory inserts)
The Reptilian, Limbic-mammalian brain is surrounded by the
cerebrospinal fluid to protect it and was manipulated when humans
were induced into a deep sleep causing loss of connection to the
The Nervous system is rinsed and cleansed with Crystalline Iridescent
light through reverse energetic osmosis to activate conscious scalar
wave memory that inter-connect you to the Multiple Universes and
links you with your Anti-Matter and Ultra terrestrial. The energetic
Osmosis process is used to reconnect humans to their True Monadic
heritage and GOD seed family. The Plasma Light can be used without
any UV light interference and the Pineal, Pituitary and Thalamus are
synchronized. This synchronization neutralizes the excess Feminine/
Masculine imbalances.
As above so below principle is applied in this session and therefore the
whole map of the Kosmos is infused via neural pathways giving you
clear understanding and conscious coherence of your true nature of
identity. From self to SELF.
Healing technique: This where the Scalar wave emission gets added
onto the Quantum Vortex. Cellular activation will be taught by simple
placement of hands
Kosmic Diamonoid Particle Infusion to
Awaken The Avatar Self
The only session where you are taught on how to upload and create
the Anthakarna –The Rainbow Bridge /supra consciousness
Here in this session we install God Seed Supra Celestial Body and
activate the GOD-CREATOR-CREATRIX astral body of pure love with
adamantine particles “micro-diamonids”. Supra platinum liquid Plasma
light particles are infused in the advanced God seed Body. Scalar
wave combined with diamond light upgrades the Multi Dimensional
Holographic GRID to the Avatar Self.
Initiation-Activation and Supra infusion is done while lying down in a
receiving position. The download will upgrade your etheric structures
and making your light invincible and immortal. Billions of us have
re-incarnated as humans here on earth to claim our angelic human
heritage and become the keepers of the light portals, Star gates- Black
Holes/White Holes. Photons fused with the inherent light within the DNA
activates the higher God-seed Astral body .Activation in this initiation
allows the Avatar Self to travel and explore into the Ultra and Meta
-Terrestrial star systems within the Multiverses while asleep. The Avatar
Self can explore the Kosmos. This is the only energetic session available
to humanity where our soul fuses with its Angelic Self, Ascended Master
Self, Non-physical Masters and Kosmic Masters as one, Oneness.
Healing technique: After the initiation of the Avatar God Seed Body
one automatically receives the photon pulse through the Galactic
centre. Emitting the photon pulse will validate that one has activated
their Avatar Self
The one and only modality where every Soul-Body
becomes a Transponder of the source – Zero Point
After the AwaKeNiN- TrANsForMaTioN intensive P.R.O.C.E.S.S the
SOURCE-ZERO POINT can be tangibly received as Quantum Vortex
Scalar Wave -Photon Pulse (QVSWPP) emissions. This energy waves
emit out from each person 24/7 even while asleep; this emissions
encode and activate everything around. All Grid Master who are light
spinners will be upgrading and grounding the 3D mass consciousness
into the new 5D+ consciousness. QVSWPP does not work only on the
bio-etheric/electromagnetic field like most healing modalities .It is
purely neutral (scalar) so free of female and male polarity. Neutral
energy is like (+ +). QVSWPP is spatial in nature and therefore can be
everywhere in the present moment
Just wanted to thank you again for the amazing energy and connection
I experienced in your 5D transformational workshop. Even though
guides & Angels urged me to participate, I had no preconceived idea
of what would occur or shift in my energy field. As a Reiki Master and
intuitive, I do lots of distance energy work for clients. I worked on my
first client two days after the workshop and still am in awe of how my
vision of the work and my connection shifted. Not only was it crystal
clear, but my connection was plugged right into source. Amazingly,
the clients leg pain, which he has received nerve block treatment for
several years, cleared immediately! He has contacted me several
times this week and believes it was a miracle! He feels so blessed to
be released from this horrible condition. Blessings to you Kaveeta and
SuNiEL for being the catalyst that will propel humanity to source and
clear pain on all levels across the planet.
Yours in Light, Helene O. Boston area, Massachusetts USA
The 0 - 7 sessions with Kosmic Fusion opened the door to something
so large, so original and so transformative, that I truly have difficulty
finding the right words. I felt and watched the “grid” that acts like
prison bars on all of us, drop away from me. Past events that used to
have a “charge” on them became neutralized, and the expansion
that ensued, the vibrant pulse of the Universe
began to take its rightful place. Imagine chains around your entire
being on all levels that suddenly and effortlessly drop away - that is the
experience of Kosmic Fusion.
And when the training ended, incredibly the transformation continued.
The power of the experience is truly endless.
If you value your freedom this is the experience for you.
Patricia Baker USA
For more testimonials, visit our website
AwaKeNiN, TrANsForMaTioN, TranScEnDeNcE
About KaVeeTa SuNiEl
KaVeeTa is one of the many Grid Masters on
Mission Gaia/Tara. She is a multi-dimensional
clairvoyant, who teaches how to handle
frequency shifts and upgrade current light
quotient. Her mission is to align the 3-earths
that are EARTH, GAIA and TARA, vibrating on
different dimensional planes in different universes. She activates the DNA
strands, dissolves the ego-self and removes negative ET interference that
inflicts all incarnated souls ready for ascension.
KaVeeTa & SuNiEl, founders of Kosmic Fusion, are one of the rare couples
who are fully enlightened Diamond Light Masters of Vibration and
Frequencies, with active imploding DNA codes in service on Earth in this
special time of 2012-2022. The Twin-Ray couple have been holding and
emitting the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse (QVSWPP), via
the Galactic Centre from the SOURCE OF ALLTHAT IS, since 2003. Their
Quantum Love is their USP.
What is their role as TwinRays?
The couple’s altruistic vision is to spread the message of bliss and ecstasy
that pulses out from the SOURCE by activating each soul they touch to emit
the same energy signature of The Unified Collective Consciousness, devoid
of hierarchies, dimensional games and battles of Polarity and duality
consciousness. They want to activate every grid and Field. Join the hearts
of every soul with each other.
What is their message?
Their message is that the non-doer, ever present consciousness is
experienced when one emits the QVSWPP from their every atom to every
atom around them. Oneness in tangible sense is understood. Knowledge
and wisdom without LOVE is felt for the 1st time. All The ones who emit it
are baffled by its mere inter-connectedness.
Can this bliss energy they share about be validated?
In every discourse and trainings, the receivers and Practioner’s felt they
were receiving the QVSWPP too, when someone another was receiving
the current. This truly is what makes each one understand that we are ONE
spark only embodied in 8.8 billion human bodies and many trillion stars.
The true reason e-motion/feeling/empathy were given to humans is
The profound Absolute state of BEING- In-PHI-nitely is felt as we are fractals
of the large SELF. Therefore Kosmic Fusion is the apt word through which
this gift is being brought forward. Through this inter-connectedness we can
truly remain in the golden age and prove that even if we are in the free
will universe of polarity and duality integration, we made it back together
as ONE spark.
How did the TwinRays connect to this energy that emits from the SourceZero Pont?
KaVeeTa and SuNiEl are TwinRays (which they found out on the same
day) Together they are here to share the secret that implosion is the only
way out of here! Which they experienced through a spontaneous coherent
merger with the SOURCE-Zero Point/Void on 9th Nov 2003.
They were in an intimate moment, when their cells started to implode
and felt braiding of their DNA strands with each other; entwined together
they travelled with their souls to the Source or the Zero Point –Void. The
implosion from being in the oneness state(deep union) made them see
themselves as fractals expanding-zooming out in spirals like a Vortex
towards the Great Nothingness, that one moment of letting go together
took them into a state of bliss and ecstasy.
They saw their 3-D grids, Astral and Mental bodies being taken off and had
an energetic infusion of Kosmic Grids of Light around their fields. As they
spiralled back into their bodies they felt zooming in like a fractal through
the White Hole like a Vortex via the Galactic Centre and a powerful
pulse activated their hearts. Since that day they both emit a Quantum
Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse. This bliss and ecstasy of implosions have
revealed to them the power of DIVINE LOVE.
Their Mantra for reaching out to the world is “From OUR h’earth’ to yours,
from our energy fields to yours”
How did they utilize this ultimate merger to share it with the world around
Their identity as one of the fully enlightened DNA-activated Diamond
Light Master Couple on our Earth was only revealed in 2011 as planned.
They have lived and been travelling the world (Asia, Europe, Africa and
Oceania) currently their base in New Zealand to fulfil their Divine mission
to which they are still adapting. In their eyes they are ordinary couple
intrinsically in love with each other, simple and down to earth.
infused in them as QUANTUM VORTEX for Awakening, Transformation and
Transcendence and they share it with the world.
Scalar wave-Photon pulse; accessed from the Shunyata (Nothing yet
everything –VOID). They can infuse and re-install the 5-D+ scalar wave
Holographic-Cosmic/Stellar/Celestial Grids by removing the 3-D grids
(karmic templates) completely and free every human from the game of
emotional and mental healings and clearings through their Supra Celestial
Twin Ray Energies which constantly spins in ONENESS with the Source. Once
past the 4D drama of polarity and alien interference nothing can hold
back any soul from the great merger.
Currently they are receiving training from the Omniscient Creator on how
to train others to take the Kosmic Fusion mission all around the planet.
They both receive supra Meta data in a form of download in their DNA’s
which KaVeeTa translates and transmits out to others.
The Meta data they receive is directly from the SOURCE. She is who reveals
the truth from the Source on what really Ascension is? And the Magic of
Star Gate alignments between 2012-2022(she loves to talk) where as he
holds the Quantum Pulse for transference (he loves to be)
SuNiEl is the backbone and the main anchor that helps KaVeeTa travel
and reach out to many by taking care of their worldly affairs. Their mission
is to mirror the SOURCE within ourselves.
For upcoming 5D+ AwaKeNiN & TrANsForMaTioN
Webinar and Physical Workshop dates & pricing,
please visit
All Days of the Workshop are experiential
Initiations, Activations, Transmissions and practise
sessions on how to heal others and self
On completion of 0-7 a certificate will be awarded
FREE Info session via LIVE Webinar is offered monthly to Scan and
Feel your dense 4-D (astral/mental bodies- grids-nets), when you feel
the density, you know they exist in your energy matrix no matter what
level of advanced work you might have done in the past.
Register via
Or Email
Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse
Certified Practitioner Training
Learn how to Witness and become aware of the QVSWPP and
how the Energies work on the healee. The types of deep and
Transformational healing done include Multi-Dimensional Holographic
Healing, Cellular Memory cleanse, Past-Life Cellular Regression and
Future Progression, Activation of Kundalini, Genetic and Addiction
Deprogramming, Vaccination Detox Cleanse, Healing all forms of
Trauma - Physical, Emotional and much more.
Emitting the QVSWPP from the Source Zero-Point, the healing is the
by-product, Self Referring (auto scanning) Spontaneous Healing. The
only modality where you receive a healing while giving one. USP of
this work, One Remains invigorated and Energized through out.
For dates & details about upcoming QVSWPP
Practitioner Training Workshops and Webinar Intensives,
please see our website
Upcoming Festivals
WELLfest Auckland, NZ
Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 October 2013
Vodafone Events Centre, Manukau
Mind Body Spirit Sydney
Thursday 31 Oct - Sunday 3 Nov 2013
Darling Harbour Exhibition Centre
Mind Body Spirit Melbourne
Friday 15 – Sunday 17 November 2013
Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Southbank
Upcoming 5D+ AwaKeNiN & TrANsForMaTioN Workshop
Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 October 2013 (Auckland, NZ)
Call or Text all Enquiries:
0404 368 121 or 0416 074 645 (Australia)
021354243 (New Zealand)
All information published in this flyer is intellectual property of Kosmic Fusion Limited and reproduction of any
content in part or whole is prohibited (unless by agreement) under applicable legal laws of copyright.