Live Debate
Live Debate
WORLD Powered by MBA TOUR TM Parties Introduction Live Debate QS World MBA Promo Campaign Tour & Benefits QS has been running the series of worldwide prestigious MBA fairs - QS World MBA Tour – for nearly 20 years, helping business professionals interested in personal and professional development through an international program to meet face-to-face with top business schools. The tour visits over 100 destinations throughout the year, working both in emerging markets and solid recruitment stomping grounds. The table-top format allows candidates to maximize the time spent at the fair and have quality interactions with business school representatives. The interactive seminars offer information about the admissions processes into various MBA programs and allow participants to discuss issues related to MBA research, funding and career options. Workshops designed to help improve GMAT™ scores Admissions strategy workshops Careers panel with MBA recruiters and alumni MBA Master Class from top professors Time line Projects and Partners Contact The Money Channel is the only business television in Romania. The station provides real-time information and summaries of all economic sectors and analysis of Romanian and international business. The program is addressed to business professionals, key actors in the business world, but also those who want to become familiar with the concepts behind the economic phenomenon. The Money Channel has a continuous dialogue with the business community in Romania, involving a direct provider of full, fair, relevant and real-time viewers. External Links The Money Channel`s bi-monthy business magazine ( 13000 copies/month) One of the most accesed news & business website in Romania Parties Introduction Live Debate QS World MBA Promo Campaign Tour & Benefits Business Event: 8 Oct 2012 – Bucharest Time line Projects and Partners Contact Live Debate: 5 Oct 2012 Air Time: 2h (6.00 PM – 8.00 PM) QS World MBA Tour in Bucharest Moderator: Andrei Cristea – (The Laws of Business TV Show producer & moderator) Debate Type: round table Bringing together top business schools and Romanian professionals interested in MBA programs. Our Fall 2011 Event was proof again that QS fills all types of business school classrooms: full-time and executive, general management and specialist, international and local. The QS World MBA Event in Bucharest attracted over 400 targeted candidates out of which 75% had relevant work experience. Candidates were equally interested in Full-time, Part-Time, Online and Executive MBA Programs. Premium Guest: An executive delegate from one of Romania`s top 5 companies in 2011. Guest Speakers: 6 delegates from business schools attending QS World MBA Tour Bucharest, Fall 2012 edition Debate Themes: asters or MBAs? - is it a rising trend that more and more M professionals choose master of business management, finance, corporate communications etc over the MBA programs MBAs across borders - getting international experience How MBA programs are adapting to current economic situations Is an MBA still a viable option? Yes/no? Why? Parties Introduction Live Debate QS World MBA Promo Campaign Tour & Benefits Time line Projects and Partners Contact Platinum Package (Eur 8000 + VAT) Location Branding: Brand visibility with logo and a roll-up banner (live debate location) TV (Money Channel): t v ad broadcasted 10 days before the debate (frequency: 3 times a day = 30 broadcasts, out of which 10 are on prime-time Money Channel, 5 days prior to the debate) pre-event filler, 2 minutes term, production + 8 broadcasts, 4 in prime-time 2 days in advance advertorial, 3 minutes length, production and 2 broadcasts in primetime, one day prior to the debate 1 speaker for the entire 2 hours, seated next to the host, for maximum visibility 1 minute interview with the business school representative on the day of QS World MBA Tour in Bucharest – 1 newscast + video hosted on and on the Business School profile on (Advance Profile) Money Magazine: 1 advertising page / advertorial / interview published in the magazine issue before the QS World MBA Tour in Bucharest partner’s logo in the article/ post-event review, published in the edition after the event + speaker quotes + speaker photo Online (,, newsletter): eader branding + 2 sky-skrapers (3 sides) newsletter 5 days prior H to the live debate, Money Channel data base + UNBR+ UNNPR data base - banner (122.000 unique/day), for 2 weeks prior to the live debate 1 article + photo on - 5 days prior to the live debate 1 banner on, website with the highest notoriety in the Romanian legal media, 2 weeks prior to the live debate 1 article + photo on 3-4 days prior to the live debate logo, newsletter special section after the live debate Signalistics: l ogo on the interior follow-up signalistic towards the live broadcasting hall logo on the plasma placed in the host’s background speaker background roll-up brochure/ flyer/ leaflet on the table in front of the host’s desk, during the live broadcast Parties Introduction Live Debate QS World MBA Promo Campaign Tour & Benefits Time line Projects and Partners Contact Gold Package (Eur 6000 + VAT) Location Branding: Brand visibility with logo and a roll-up banner ( live debate location) TV (Money Channel): re-event filler, 2 minutes term, production + 10 broadcasts, 4 in p prime-time 2 days prior to the live debate 1 speaker for the entire 2 hours, seated next to the host, for maximum visibility 1 minute interview with the business school representative on the day of QS World MBA Tour in Bucharest – 1 newscast + video hosted on and on the Business School profile on (Advance Profile) Money Magazine: 1 advertising page / advertorial / interview published in the magazine issue before the QS World MBA Tour in Bucharest partner’s logo in the article/ post-event review, published in the edition after the event + speaker quotes + speaker photo Online (,, newsletter): eader branding + 2 sky-skrapers (3 sides) newsletter 5 days prior H to the live debate, Money Channel data base + UNBR+ UNNPR data base - banner (122.000 unique/day), for 1 week prior to the live debate 1 article + photo on - 5 days prior to the live debate 1 article + photo on 3-4 days prior to the live debate logo, newsletter special section after the live debate Signalistics: logo on the plasma placed in the host’s background roll-up in the speaker’s background brochure on the table in front of the host’s desk, during the live broadcast Parties Introduction Live Debate QS World MBA Promo Campaign Tour & Benefits Time line Projects and Partners Contact Silver Package (Eur 4000 + VAT) TV (Money Channel): re-event filler, 2 minutes term, production + 10 broadcasts, 4 in p prime-time 2 days prior to the live debate 1 speaker for the entire 2 hours 1 minute interview with the business school representative on the day of QS World MBA Tour in Bucharest – 1 newscast + video hosted on and on the Business School profile on (Advance Profile) Money Magazine: 1 advertising page / advertorial / interview published in the magazine issue before the QS World MBA Tour in Bucharest partner’s logo in the article/ post-event review, published in the edition after the event + speaker quotes + speaker photo Online (,, newsletter): 1 banner on , website with the highest notoriety in the Romanian legal media, 2 weeks before the live debate 1 article + photo on - 5 days prior to the live debate 1 article + photo on - 3-4 days prior to the live debate Logo presence in the newsletter after the live debate Signalistics: logo on the plasma placed in the host’s background roll-up in the speaker’s background Parties Introduction Live Debate QS World MBA Promo Campaign Tour & Benefits Campaign promo timeline Time line Projects and Partners Contact 20.09.2012 – 08.10.2012 Deadline for signed contracts 10.09.2012 Support and materials 15.09.2012 Parties Introduction Live Debate QS World MBA Promo Campaign Tour & Benefits Time line Projects and Partners Contact Projects Partners CONSULTING & MANAGEMENT Parties Introduction Live Debate QS World MBA Promo Campaign Tour & Benefits Time line Projects and Partners Contact ANDREI CRISTEA General Manager Phone: +40748 142 182 E-mail: 15th Mântuleasa Street, building A, 1st floor, district 2, Bucharest Postal code: 023961 Phone/Fax: 004-021-3202022 Email: development client service Sergiu Spătaru Business Developer Phone: +40744 888 882 E-mail: Cristina stan Phone: +40748 331 654 E-mail: Editorial Bogdan Bârligea Editorial Director Phone: +40748 331 650 E-mail: Ioana cârstea Editor Phone: +40748 331 651 E-mail: