Federated Italo-Americans of Southern California
Federated Italo-Americans of Southern California
Leaders of the rtalian organizations receiving official recognition by Federated Italo-Americans of Southern California on the occasion of Italy,s National Day PlcruRED (t'fl-i.ht): Bonm Row: IMa Metuhia,^villa.katobizi: si* l sd'ioi@a Fmista sa@c't" di Gtu: Antu Gihtup E*re@ ttsA, a,ia' ciiiii. Asorkziow hqti6' det sud cat: Mtu?d6 trot?t; ab@i. tbtstui ctub di cA, L'Ititto t*irdko; u* ir*',G|f ,i'ii" R'ba@ Detfino' hatitu AMi'@ Fom G@6oN ol nd): Ni, o* 4y,ii r*" nr*, *,0, iu,r^r, ,*,r,,r^ ,ri r^** coair.es. L*; o"n y. c*i na,* tii'i,i'L*,^ ",n t.,*, ca-y orsai,ts;ro? cni, e-^ n",a,.ir'"* eZi-'in.'ii n ., iG u,* o*. san pabe piosaciet: p*;; Ptut Ro,*. i;;;;ft#;;'rii"u^. ii,;; t t*t, t .t ,o to"1,c"ti":;"*G r7,;#*: Robb, t Lq,ri N"t ,ottu. Rdph a@iboLn* societv: ci* o,,aii. c,r.t a ii,il. rii,r* ca^t", ,1 c., * w;;:B;-Gb:".'ci;;fiio o1 *n ^toc.o. t*-,* vou"y, p@to Mitiozi, ta@t 4s;ini"* Pomr'a s*@_kidt4 REDq*sctd:M,i@dGdto.ui*,t,oi* nunir."'i4"ia. r,*airi"o"iii i,- c.;;i*;;;;;iklo"&*^,**krn rLN Aryet*. p oro cREDrr: At*Attch.ah Wfitslo gfirefitilil0 lAl nude crv. 8dmctr &SoS Iffi p€La4 Newspoper Fou&fi l9S f ItE rtlfCosrpr*cro-canr Publlshed by L'ltokc A,rnerican Faundction N.44 . cIoyEDi r Ssneki MWi ffi pageE tz r FO 8s lW, r@Cr, 91816 - Eq6Aq 3tr*r15 Novrunnr t#d Hf*p ru*la1O e**€k ffi @ *e*ps kmfm SE* HB& federated ltalo'A.mericans of Southern California rueZt La tradizione Usa in ltalia: dolcetto o scherzetto? BARBARA MINAFRA STAFF WRITER In Italiard una festa d?importazione. Halloween, che negli Stati Uniti si celebra la notte de-l 3l ottobre .e rimanda a tradizioni anti. che della cultura celtica e anglosassone, si. d diffusa in teirpi molti recenti;con il suo carico di wapponb, conil suo cariio di cul- tura profana e di usi e costumi ereditati dall'antico mondo contadino, alla festa religiosa di Ognissanti. Secondo il calendario celtico.in uso 2000 anni fa tra i popoli di In- ghilterra, Irlanda e Francia settentrionale, I' anno nuovo iniziava il lo novembre. Il giorno coincideva con la fine della stagione calda, celebrata la notte del 3 I ottobre con la festa di Samhain (dal- L'Italo-Americano would like to thank The Federated ltalo-Americans of Southern California for their special contribution L'ITALO.AMERICANO STAFF The Federated Italo-Americans of Southern California is an umbrella organization that unites significant value is its role in bringing together community leaders to plan celebrations of major events, to exchange and share ideas, to honor outstanding many clubs and societies suppor- individuals and organizations ting the Italian heritage in and to preserve the Italian herita- Southern California. Originally organized "to gather the strength of all Italo-American organizations and unifu their efforts," of ge. Two important commemorations highlight the year for all members: The first being Italy's Republic Day in June, which celebrates the anniversary of when ltaly became a Republic and promotes mutual apprecia- Fl l.l v z il ri tr |< a .A . ^: ..( ii' ! - tr :"J j,{ td7: s ,"!.q .? r:6 over 130, when adding the local chapters of Order Sons of ltaly Americans have contributed to the formation and growth of our Catholic Federation. in America and the ltalian "It's very important for the leaders of our community to great nation. Federated was fotrnded in 1947 by Louis J. Canepa and served as have a place where we cqn come its first president. Since then, share ideas and build a strong many distinguished community leaders have served as the head together, meet one another, Italian American presence together," says Ann Potenza, Executive Director of the San _ } . l,{ - -* ---- about that?|" Some of the l'IJnited Families of Federated", aS Potenza likes to refer, have$een around lon- { ,., .qr.1 -r.< -,r,b.* ,F d heritage; wha!'s not to love I 'srq;! -= '"{**r'l) i,ii ti 14 with the number increasing to America, Federated is made up of many strong, individual groups, all unique in identity, yet all united under a common umbrella for a greater good. Ours is perpetuating ltalian culture and A l-{ Day in October, harned after famed explorer Christopher Columbus, which celebrates what Italians and Italo- like the United States of Er Fl there are over 70 organizations under the umbrella of Federated, Gennaro Foundation and current President of Federated. "And just rq /l A vA -I of the organization. As of date, tion and friendship between the United States and Italy. The second event being Columbus 'i,. .,i .rri :. i::,J;*JL. ,i*r.l .""r.,.: "& '{i .- I l ,5,:yq -':: ger than others, such as the Gqribaldina Society, OSIA, .".- {!.H ""1 l/f ,UI\. t*,7 ,:( 4-;:<,F -, ,& ,,, !.a-F,\1 Italian Hall and L'Italo Americano, each dating back over a hundred years and all being vital links to the commu- r-r :Jl .'q '..i : - i;I ':*";i '-.d'1 -ll nity's Italian heritage. A - Ann Poterua, President of Federated Continued to page 18 l'antico irlaldese, significa "fine dell'estate"). Per popoli essenzialmente agricoli, l'arrivo dell'inverno era associato all'idea della morte e si gli spiriti esercitasloro potere sui raccolti dell'anno nuovo. NeI VIII secolo, Papa Gregorio III sposto la data Ctr credeva che sero il Ognissanti dal 13 maggio al 1 no- vembre facendola seguire dalla Commemorazione dei Defunti, creando cosi una continuiti cristiana con.la festa di Samhain per sottrarla alla cultura popolare e alle superstizioni (la festa del 1o novembre divenne un precetto re- ligioso nell'840). Di "Halloween" si comincia a XVI secolo: il nome d parlare nel una variante scozzese di All-Hallows-Even, ciod la notte prima di Ognissanti. .L'uso delle zucche risale alla tradizione di intagliare rape e farne lanterne per ricordare le anime bloccate nel Purgatorio. Si usavano in Irlanda e Scozia ma gli immigrati in Nord America iniziarono a impiegare la zvcca che era disponibile in quantitd molto pii elevate ed era molto pii grande e facile da intagliare. L'uso di mascherarsi risale in- vece al Medio Evo e si rifi alla pratica dell'elemosina, quando la gente povera andava porta a porta ad Ognissanti e riceveva cibo in cambio di preghiere per i loro morti nella Commemorazione dei defunti (il 2 novembre). rAtifj ru ffi ffiffiffi ffiffiffi ffiffiffi iiifffi _ I'..11.r&-,""''1,!i''-is!tq{.,eE@,.r.d"rI!aY"wt-*""'-1 .- Ibderated ltalo-f,m,ericans of southern ContinuedfromPage california - uniting Genentions since I Then, there are some of the- newest families, like the Feast of S! i t+ fi t fl Giovani, both of Los Angeles, L. Graziadio Center for Iialian Studies at CSULB, all attracting new generations of Italian Americans and lheGeorge I , . and American culture. ' Italy's regions. Tf,e catigories of organizations under Federated vary; from film festivals, Performance groups and festivals all the waY to language, religion, b-usiness and education, etc. I he common thread of all is celebrating and oreserving the ltalian culture' 'when digi'itaries from ltaly visit Southern California, the Federated members come together to welcome tle v-igiting 2009, undei the guidance of Past-Presidents Nick D'Egidio ' i i ;;;;,;,;;;i ,*,,, o*no,r,,**'*' at Repubtic Dav' casa ltatiana' rune from Rome visited or when there is a new arrival or deParture to the Consoloto Generale D'Italia 1' 2012 lost alons the waY if You didn't thi su7qort behind You when vou most needed it? " have Potenza may iust have a Point: Los Angeles, also considered a the United States, all of the like well as member"under Federated, in different shaPes Istituto Italiana di Cultura srouDs come ihe and the Itolian Tourism Board and associates. 'United we stand, divided we fall" is a famous coined Phrase that has been used bY manY People over the Years, from nations ind states to sPeeches and songs, and used as another reference bY Potenza when advocating for orsanizations to unite under the uribrella of Federated, "The basic concePt is that unless the people are united, it is easY to destroy them- IJ You are an active, passionate member of our Italiai American communitY, you've ProbablY Put in a lot o/ 'sweat Eeeping our culture alive and activi iione waY or anoth- be PrettY uPset work ifyour hard Preserving our er...wouldn't You fnd iizes. Most of the time theY so about their own business, isualtv celebrating their victories oi mourning their losses within their own grouP, but "Italian Heritage Month" and various citY-wide Columbus Dav celebrations held in Los Aneeles, Orange CountY, San DiJeo. Santa Barbara and San Pedio.'But at other times, when the need arises, the communitY also calls uPon each other to join forces to tr6tp their Italian broth- ers and sisters Preserve the in schools, or rn Italian and not Yet a member, You are welcome to attend a Federated meeting and meet the other lead- Church' Federated is not intended to take l"uttt *ot. "rmid them-PerhaPs You will about become involved and be ooe of the next leaders Preserving the Italian heritage in the Italo-American communitY! PEHONE TTTA|EL there are times theY must come tosether as one, to remind the ouiside communitY of the ltalian and Italo-American cultural contributions and gifts to this world, as thev do during October's organizalions are automaticallY inlluded on the roster and all are invited to attend meetings and Italo-Amirican organizations in L'Aquila. The Federated ltalo-Americans meet the third ThursdaY of every month in the Casa Italiana at St' Peter's Italian umbrella and there are no membership fees. All Italo-American functions, PreferablY with a rsvP for dinner. If You are interested in learning more about the local manv local fundraisers for the victims of the L'Aquila earthouake. Over $70,000 was eventually raised bY the communiry's efforts. with a Portion going to ourchase a van for the children of La Casa Famiglia OrPhanage . immersing themselves in ltalian One of the most visible Emilia Romagna earthquakes' In- was very instrumental in holding oassionate about networking and Federated members in Los lrrseles is St- Peter's ltalian Chirch, first founded on North Sorins in 1904 before relocating to ils"present location on North BroadwaY in 1915. St. Peter's is not onlv home to Federated's monthly meetings, but also to ICF Branch 67 and many socreties, including; Sr. AnthonY's, San Padre Pio, Santa Lucia, Canneto ColonY of Saints, San Trifone, Famiglia del Cuore di Gesu, Fameia Veneta, Sacro Cuore di Geiit arld Maria S'S' di C o s t ani inoP ol i, manY originating from where members immigrated, continuing local traditions and Saint's Feast daYs from the place of anY of the local clubi in the communitY, it is an times of greater devastation, such as afler the L'Aquila and' and Robert Barbera, Federated i 1947 nFFFllAM0'g r[ntrre Plu BASSE Gllitalia . PRENSTAZIONE BIGLIETTI FERROVIAHI . PRENOTAZIONI ALBERGHI O NOIfGGIO AUTO ifrtamffi0il: _ r ,-- -r , gCI?Sl Tel' [310] 8ss-2{m CA Pedru, $an ?ffiii. [if'"St"et, ' ' It a{o- Awteric ayrs of S out frern Cafrfarnia! A confederation to yromate ltafran actittities...To+ Strorug and growirug',' ,.', li r; ,i,,{|] I '.1 . ii lr, I ii ' , 1,r ': I''t: t, 'tit , 1., ':'lr":li; ', ii ,,:ii:: ii rqls !1r", t T.f; S P"SS &X.ffi ,il,s # ** h..*.ffiS. @ericonEducoiorofllolion"o'ighunit6d'As5ocio2ionePUglles6d€lsudco|ilomio* * * Foundollon . Conneto Coiony of solnls coso ltqliono oporo circolo liolio ' 6oslonero society ' collfomio 1q[on Ameicon Giovoni Los Angeles ' consoloto Generole D'ltolio * ToudsBi Boord' Fomeio venelo Fomiglio d6l socro Lor Angeles D.l,v.E.-Donn6 ltoliilne che Mvono oll' Blefo' ENIT - liollon tFondozicne Itolio Fondozione AaJn.o ' Goribqldino.lvl.B. Societ'George L' * ' Cuore di Gesu Society Fomilies of llolion Lineoge * di Los Angoles Newspopor I Uguti Nel Mondo ' lschio Son lL Cotfere doziodio Center for ilolion Studies ' Grondsoni of ltoty I * * ; of sonlo.Batboro liolion Americon club Le si.r* cry Foufldotion tslituio troliono di culfuro llolion Amerkon Bool club .-iltion lmericon club ol sonio Borboro Los Angeles llollon Americon Golf Foundolion " ltolion Am€ricon * Museum of Los Ang€les liolion Amoricon Heriioge Fcundolion . llolion Amgricon Lowyeis Associollon Ital'ron Americon * Itoliqn Arls council Bowe$ Museum * llolion . Renoissonce Foundqlion oc ltOlion Americon Young Adults of Los Angeles * * llollon loutism Boord Los Angeles colhotlc roundotion (45 bronchesl" liolion culturol Foundolion ltolion Heriioge Foundolion ' &;;;;ttu * e"i; ;;"-i;; riJu J ion r".ondo voley' coM]T.Es' canrnissione ' ' lldlonTrodecomm.l.sion-|cEllto|ionFilm,ltollonwomen'sclub*ltoly-Ameicochomberofcommercewesl*xnights-of * di Costonlinopoli Sociely ' Mini lt'olions of Los Columbus . Lo Dolce Vito llotion Fesfvot L'ltolo Americono Newspoper' Morio S.S. * ctuo ot iouinern colifornio ' Moiher cobrini chopel & Lib'rory commiitee NlaF-t.totlonol llolion ;G;-; oclr"rlr"ni womon's club ' oslA-order sons of ltoly in Americo {20 bronches} ' Polrons ot l*!ri"on Foundolion r oc Americon llolion * * di Jesus ' Son Diego ltolion Hlm tiotion Culfure * piemonlesi Nel Mondo PolNTers-ll,olion Geneology Group Socro Cuore * Gbnnoro LA'Son Juon Copislrono llolion fos;livd Fes{vol . Son Gob'tiel Chopler W.R.D.G. Son Gennoro Foundolion-Feosl Son . San Tilone Society i Sonto Lucio Sociely * Scolobdni House of Discemmenl ' Sic io Culfurole Society* 'y.Son podre pio Sociely peter,s *otian Church * Teolro d'Arte llolbno ' Troppeto Club of Son Pedro " Trenlino Oub ' UNICO SocieV " !t. Nolionol *"VV lo Scolobdni 'Vogo Venelo diAmerico' {list subiecl to chonde)i i"ft 7f7f,:f la villeggiatura resiste ma si n' t gtornt r:1 { a a ;i r r - \'amente nella propria casa di villeggiarura. La durata media delle vacanze estive 2011 d di 10 giorni, ma in generale, se nella maggioranza dei casi la durata sard identica a quella dello scorso anno, una quota consistente, pari al 22o/o, effettuerit Foundation L'Aquila Transportation Fund of California raised $73,000.00 to help the earthquake victims of L'Aquila vacanze pii corte, probabilmente in un'ottica di razronalizzaziote. cercando di risparmiare. Nonostante il rito 'agostano' coinvolga la maggior parte delle persone in villegeiatura, bet il 33o/o ha fatto la vacarua a giugno e/o luglio e una quota del 12% partird a settembre. Del 60% che resterd a casa e non si concedera alcun r.iaggio. la -rrande maggioranza ha addono come giustitrcazi,oae ]'.gslgqAza di risparmiare, meffie circa il 5% ha dichiarato di prefe- .l h rire i riag-ri in altri.periodi dell'anno. Le vacanze restano un tratto importante dello stile di vita di un numero consi- = a _t I stente i i di famiglie italiane. E se d vero si muoveri o si d gid mosso in questo periodo estivo, una quota del 20% di intervistati ha dichiarato di avere che 11 40o/o fatto un penodo di vacanza con almeno 3 pernottamenti fuori casa nella prima parte dell'anno. Giugno e luglio, dice la ricerca, sono stati mesi in "chiaroscuro" e non solo per i giorni di maltempo. Bene, benissimo, le cittdr d'arte, tiene sul piano delle presenze il turismo balneare, benino il turismo termale, specialmente quello pii) innovativo che propone i servizi pir) moderni a partire dai centri benessire. La presenza di turisti stranieri d a macchia di leopardo: spuntano sulle spiagge abruzzesi i norvegesi, con la complicitd di viaggi aerei a basso costo, europei, ma anche brasiliani e canadesi invadono Roma. E ospiti stranieri affollano Firenze. Venezia ed anche la Siracusa delle rappresentazioni al Teatro greco. Ma le mete turistiche del sud "soffrono" i soliti problemi di sempre, a partire dalla difficolta di raggiungerle. . "Sari un'estate nera per il turismo - d la profezia amara di Carlo Pileri, presidente dell'Adoc - solo un quinto degli italiani andrir in vacanza e la maggior parte di questi opteri per viaggi brevi e economicitt. L'associazione inoltre punta il dito sul rialzo dei prezzi per i trasporti: il costo per viaggiare in traghetto quest'anno d aumentato del70Yo, pari a circa 230 euro di aggravio rispetto allo scorso anno; un biglietto aereo di andata e ritorno costa in media 112 euro in pit, con un 1lalzo' del 25%; un biglietto del treno 11 7% in Anche viaggiare in auto comporteri un esborso maggiore di oltre 20 euro per pii. due pieni. Aumentano poi vacanza <tutto compreso (pit i pacchetti 1,6%) cosi come l'alloggio in un albergo a trezza pensione (per una settimana, 0,\oh it piir). Front row from left to.right: Ann Potenzq, Teresa Mottino-Thopson and reresa Autori Price. standing in the back form left to right: Pasquale Gabriele, Leslie (Les) Price, Robert Barbera, Nick M. D'Egidio, Lino cicone and Franco casciani The Story of Federated ItaloAmericans raising $40,500.00 April 6, 2009 few hours past midnight, L'Aquila suffers a major earthquake with a devastating force with major destruc- tion in the inner city of L'Aquila and many surrounding communities with loss of lives, exceeding 300 people, including relatives of members of our local community. Federated Italo-Americans of Southern California immediately created a committee to organize fundraisers on behalf of L'Aquila earthquake victims. The Board co4sisted of the following members to help and assist to raise funds: L'Aquila Fund Raiser Chairman Bartolomeo Inglese President of Federated Nick M. D'Egidio Recording Secretary, Theresa AutuoriPrice and Member Les Price Banquet Chairman, Lino Cicone Member Banquet Alex and Victor Cicone Member, Anna Di Masi-Riggs ICF Branch 67, President Ron Ferrara Member, Guy Masciotra and Eva Abnszzesi and Molisani, Steve Inglese Sons of Italy California State Pr6sident, Joe La Banca, ICF Executive Director of the Feast of San Gennaro LA, Ann Potenza Treasurer, Teresa Thompson, Member Ralph Thompson Corresponding Secretary, Rosemarie Vanderhaar, George Vanderhaar Pugliesi of Southern California, Vita Zaccharia Federated Italo-Americans commenced the fund raiser in June and concluded it in October within the greater Los Angeles community. We wish to thank many: the societies within St. Peter's Italian Church, Casa Italiana who allowed us to have ban- quet on August 23, 2009 and the Organizations of Southern California for their financial donations, Tony Ciaramitaro for the banquet on August 23 and many who donated food items for the banquet and the San Gennaro Feast in September, music donated by "The Sicilian Band" and every single individual and families that gave us financial support within our community. Masciotra Continued to page I I ENGEISIIS'ECT,I,O.il{;$ S,Franciseo,&rNo.C if-oiniaNews:, pages Los Angeles Community News Taste of \Vine The Italian Connection Dy MariaGtoria Calendar of Events pages 14-15 ' page 18 t2-I3 page 19 page 20 I TEUR,SD+Y, AUGUST 11, 2011 I'l8b-gunfruo PAGE ll Wfi,tsfo -ffiIf{f,rltflIIS f English $ection Polroas of lhfion fthur$ ffiffi'fi#JT ,;ffi - tilUtil ttrmm ltt$t ll OF E}ENTS Tlansportation Fund of California raised $73,000.00 to help the earthquake victims of L'Aquila Continuedfrom page I It was a great group who collectively gave time and effort to help our brother$ ahd sisters at a distance in L'Aquila. When it was all said and done Federated Italo-Americans rai- sed $40,500.00. During all of our fundraising activity there was not a single penny used from the funds collected for expenses. All the expenses required to raise the funds was incurred by Federated ItaloAmericans during the entire period including the visit to L'Aquila in December. Federated President was asked to visit L'Aquila at no expense to the Province, (but at the expense of a tourist group within L'Aquila) to present the funds raised by our community direc- tly in person to the President of L'Aquila Hon. Stefania P ezzopane. Federated president asked Com. Robert Barbera representing I-'Italo Americano smatl towns: Carnpotosto;..i1 Mrs. Ann Potenza Bugnara, Castel di Ieri, Mr.LesPrice Castelvecchio Sutequo, Fagnano Mr. Joe Ranieri Alto, Fontecchio, Gagliano' March27,2010) (Deceased Aterno and Goriano Sicoli which At this first meeting the board received more damage. When agreed on the name of the presenting the check, a number fundraiser "L'Italo American of tle mayors from the above Foundation l,'Aquila Transpocommunities where present. rtation Fund". The board memThe Director General of bers voted for various positions; L'Aquila invited our committee to be his guest with his family for a luncheon in Celano, L'Aquila on Sunday prior to our departure on Monday. At the end of our luncheon we asked if our community could be Chairperson, Nick M. D'Egidio, Recording Secretary, Theresa Autuori-Price and Treasurer Teresa Mottino-Thompson, all other membeis took separate responsibility, we discussed to have a firndraiser in May. Com. Robert Barbera and his wife offered their home in May 16, of any further assistance, he indicated that the community could use a transportation vehicle for 2010. A fundraiser bank account students and elderly. Upon retur- was established. At the concluning from L'Aquila and after the sion of our fundraising, we had Christmas Holidays in January in the bank account a total of 2010 the :'L'Italo Amerioan $33,000.00. We cannot thank Transp- enough Com. and Mrs. Robert ortation Fund" was bom. Barbera for providing not only The Story of L'Italo American their home but also their generq- Foundation L'Aquila presentation of the check to the President of L'Aquila. Included in photo are Com. Robert Barbera, Mr. Lino Cicone, Director General of L'Aquila Dott. Giovanni Di Pangrazia, President of Federgted Nick M. D'Egidio and local officials The the March 27,2010 and this cbanged agreed by the board to make a our mission. Additionally during check for the amount of the same time period of our fun- $32,885.36 with a separate check draising there was an election for the difference coming up to held in L'Aquila on March 2010. $33,000.00. The leadership 9f the Province Mrs. Ann Potenza presentqd and the Drector ueneral ano our direct contacts where no longer there or available to us. We were able to reach the past -;]..eqmm.: I Director General, Giovanni Di Pangrazio bufif'was cluding the "L'Italo American Foundation L'Aquila Transpor- Scipioni in L'Aquila. tation Fund". Many, many thanks to all those who. supported and contributed After a long pause from the conclusion.gf out fundraiser we . met in late 2010 and earlY part of January 201 l, to make decision as to which direction to go. Mrs. Ann Potenza had visited an orphanage in L'Aquila together with Joe Leone from New Jersey who also raised frrnds under the Name UNICO. The board decided to help the orphanage since we were receiving little to no communications from the Province. Weekly Newspaper and Mr. Foundation L'Aquila Transp- sity for the tremendous support, Lino Cicone born in the commu- ortation Fund raised $33,000.00 Upon returning from L'Aquila in January 2010, Com. Robert we thank the many Who donated and attended the event and for all Barbera, Mr. Nick M. D'Egidio and Lino Cicone discussed the idea of selecting some members of our community to help us with behalf of the transportation fund raiser. The committee worked in unison working extremely well together during the entire pro- our plan. CESS. nity of L'Aquila to accompany him . The Federated committee members arrived in L'Aquila on Thursday December ll-, 2009 presenting our funds on Friday December 12,2009 directly to the President of L'Aquila Hon. Stefania Pezzopane. The presen- After numerous telephone calls tation was set for Friday afternoon, the President of Federated a committee for the fundraising was created. The committee met for the first time on January 16, jointly with Com. Barbera and Mr. Cicone presented three plaques in the name of Federated Italo-Americans with pictures, to Hon. President P Stefania ezzopane, General Director Giovanni Di Pangrazio and Hon. Mayor Massimo Cialente. those who gave donation on We also made an,effort on'June lst via mail to obtain additional fr.rnds or discount for a donation L. A. from the newly elected CEO of Fiat Chrysler Sergio present agreed Marchionne. On June 28 they to take part and be involved in responded with the fact that they were in no position to give assi- 2010 at Eastside Market All the members exploring a fund raiser to purchase, with money raised, a vehicle. In the first meeting at Eastside Market, the committee members very small towns within contacled were as follows: Mrs. Theresa Autuori-Price Com. Roberl Barbera Mr. Franco Casciani Mr. Lino Cicone L'Aquila area which had damage from the earthquake. The Mr. Nick M. D'Egidio Mr. Pasquale Gabriele Frovince seiected the following Teresa Mottino-Thompson Our funds where delivered with the understanding that the Province would purchase computers for elementary schools of L The board approved to contact purchase of the Fiat Scudo was completed in May 201 I . stance. The funds raised could not be released to L'Aquila for the purchase of the vehicle. We had decided during the board meeting that Joe Ranieri would go to L'Aquila and purchase the passenger vehicle since he was from the area. Unfortunately we suffe- red a tremendous loss because Joe Ranieri'passed away on at "Portofino Ristorante Italiano" in La Habra in June. This was the final chapter con- very difficult to stay in contact. We were able to contact a Fiat dealership by the name of The I\ew Jersey. rne Doaro ted by Nick M. D'Egidio to attend one final dinner together Madre Superiore Sister Mirella Del Vecchio director of the orphanage "Casa Famiglia Immacolata Concezione, San Gregorio, L'Aquila, informing her that we wished to donate our fundraiser funds to purchase a vehicle for their use. Upon contacting Sister Del Vecchio she iesponded immediately. We asked her to visit the Scipioni Fiat Dealership in L'Aquila to check on the vehicld they were planning to buy. After numerous communications with the dealership and Sister Del Vecchio it was decided that they would purchase a "Fiat Scudo". Our funds alone were insufficient to purchase the vehicle outright, the orphanage making up the difference. The purchase of the Fiat Scudo was completed in May 2011 Sistei Mirella Del Vecchio was invited to attend a taping with Joe Leone in New Jersey March 2011, Mls. Ann Potenza was aiso invited to attend. It was to -our-mission helping,su1 brothers and sisters in L'Aquila. Compliments to the board for the unity and support in this endea' vor. Finally we wish to thank L'Italo Americano Weekly Newspaper for all of his support either with ads and for their com- munication to the community at large. We were certain that our community deserved a complete story of our fundraisings on behalf victims. of L'Aquila eartquake I