Back-to-School Beeline - Zion


Back-to-School Beeline - Zion
Zion-Benton Township High School District 126
Volume XLIV No. 1
August 2016
A District 126 Newsletter
Superintendent’s Welcome
In a few short weeks we will be welcoming back our returning
students and the Class of 2020 with enthusiasm for what promises to
be an exciting new school year.
Schedule Pickup & Fee Payment for all
District 126 Students at
Zion-Benton Twp. High School
Know that our faculty remains very committed to enhancing learning
opportunities, particularly in the area of instructional technology. In
2016-17, both our freshman and sophomore students will have
Chromebooks to support their learning. Additionally, teachers will
be expanding their use of student learning management software,
which will assist students in managing and succeeding in their
coursework through online resources. Student Services will also be
expanding its guidance support systems through expanded use of
Naviance and Parchment (see page eight for additional information).
We are very proud of the dedication of our staff and students during
the 2015-16 school year. Of particular note is the Navy League
naming our NJROTC unit as the number one most outstanding unit
in the Nation, our ZBTHS music program being honored with the Best
Communities for Music Education designation from the NAMM
Foundation, and New Tech High receiving a bronze medal for
educational excellence from “U.S. News and World Reports.”
Although we are very proud of these, as well as many other
significant accomplishments of our students and staff, we are also
very proud of the educational and extracurricular programs that go
on every single day in District 126 due to the faithful commitment of
our staff.
Numerous opportunities abound in District 126 that prepare students
for success. Parents—as you read this first Beeline newsletter of the
2016-17 school year, please do not underestimate your value and
importance in preparing your student for great opportunities in and
beyond high school. Please accept our invitation to be actively
involved in your student’s education. Visit our websites for frequent
updates. Login to Family Access to monitor your student’s on-time
class attendance and grades. Be involved in our Parent Bee Network.
Join our parent booster clubs. Access our college and career
advisement services. And, attend the myriad of extracurricular
activities and events that will occur throughout the year. By doing so
you will create lasting memories you and your student will cherish
for years to come.
Dr. Chris Clark, Superintendent
August 16 & 17 - 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
August 18 - 1:00-8:00 p.m.
First Day
Freshmen Only - August 23
ZBTHS–7:50-11:30 a.m.
NT@ZB–7:30-11:10 a.m.
First Full Day
All Students - August 24
ZBTHS –7:50 a.m.-2:38 p.m.
NT@ZB – 7:30 a.m.-2:24 p.m.
Any high school student who has moved into the
District or who has not yet registered for classes
should contact Student Services at 847-731-9353 or
9351 as soon as possible for information on how to
register for classes.
Parents/guardians should begin preparing now to
secure the required documentation that must be
presented at schedule pick-up. In order for a student
to attend a District 126 school, one (1) document
showing proper name and address from each of the
following two (2) categories are required for
verification of residency:
Continued on next page
Page 2
The Beeline
August 2016
Preparing for Schedule PickupAug. 16 & 17 – 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
and Aug. 18 – 1:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
(Continued from Page 1)
Category I
Most recent property tax bill and proof of payment
Most recent mortgage papers (homeowners)
Blue assessment card from Lake County Assessor’s Office
Closing statement for purchase of residence
Signed current lease plus proof of last month’s payment (cancelled checks or
landlord’s receipt.) Lease must list all school age children living in premises or a
notarized letter from the landlord must accompany the lease. Landlord’s name,
address, and phone number must be on the lease.
Category II
 Gas, electric or water bill dated within the last 60 days
 Telephone or cable bill dated within the last 60 days (land line only / no cell
 Car registration
 Voter Registration card
 Public Aid card
Questions regarding residency and proof of residency requirements should be
addressed to the Principals’ Office at 847-731-9303 (Zion-Benton Twp. High School)
or 847-731-9803 (New Tech High @ Zion-Benton East).
 Physical Exam & Immunizations – Illinois state law requires all students
entering ninth grade or transferring from another school to present a current
physical exam and proof of immunizations, including: two measles shots, polio,
Hepatits B, Varicella, Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussi, and Tdap. Dental exams and TB
skin test (intro dermal mantoux) are strongly recommended. Students must meet
these requirements prior to beginning schedule pickup. Failure to comply with
requirements by the first day of school will result in the student’s exclusion from
school until the required health forms are presented. Questions or concerns should
be directed to Health Services at 847-731-9351.
 Birth Certificate – All students must have a copy of their birth certificate on file.
 Free/Reduced Lunch Forms – The Free/Reduced Lunch Form has been
mailed to households. Please note deadline for turning in the completed form to
the Business Office is August 1, 2016. Contact the Business Office at 847-7319755 with questions.
 Fees – Please refer to the fee schedule and details regarding schedule pickup on
page 3. Parents have the option to pay student fees at before
schedule pickup by clicking District Links for Skyward Family Access. Paying
fees in full online will reduce your time in line. Otherwise, student fee payments
may be paid during schedule pickup via cash, check, or MasterCard/Visa. For
faster service, we recommend bringing several checks for various expenses.
NOTE: A new fee waiver application form will be utilized for 2016-17, which
requires additional financial documentation. See back cover for details.
 P.E. Uniform Requirements – Physical Education uniforms are required and
will be on sale during schedule pickup.
 Calculator – All freshman, sophomore, junior, and most senior courses require
graphing calculators. See course requirements in the Course Guide.
Note: the “Athlete-Parent Handbook”
is available for pickup in the District’s
Athletic Office (847-731-9361)
Mon., August 8 Practice – All Squads
Meet in Locker Room-8:00 a.m.
Wed., August 10 9:00 a.m.– All
Golfers Shiloh Golf Course
Wed., August 10 3:30 p.m.Pearce Fieldhouse
Wed., August 10 2:45 p.m.-Pool
Wed., August 10 8:00 a.m.-Fieldhouse
Wed., August 10 8:00 a.m.-Main Gym
Wed., August 10 9:00 a.m.–
Tennis Courts
Monday, August 15
6:30 p.m. – Fieldhouse – All freshmen,
transfers, and new athletes who will be
participating in any sport during the
2016-17 school year.
7:15 p.m. – Main Gym - fall athletes
only – general session at 7:15 p.m.
followed by individual team meetings
for fall sports.
August 2016
The Beeline
Page 3
AUGUST 16 & 17 – 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
August 18 – 1:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
ZBTHS South Cafeteria
Parking – South Staff Parking Lot
Enter – South Side Building Door “U”
All District 126 students
will report to ZionBenton Township High
School for schedule
pickup and fee
IMPORTANT—You do not have to arrive at 10:00 a.m. the first day. In fact, we encourage you to come in the afternoon to avoid
long lines. Please allow 45 minutes to two hours to complete the process (depending on the lines).
Students and/or their guardians may come on either August 16, 17, or 18. Please come prepared with the required documentation as listed below. If
you are unable to participate on either August 16, 17, or 18, you may have a friend, neighbor, or relative complete the process and pay your fees on
your behalf. Students failing to pick up their schedule and pay their fees or have someone else complete the process on August 16, 17, or 18,
must wait for late schedule pickup on August 23 at 1:30 p.m. at their campus. Questions? Please call 847-731-9303.
ALL stations must be visited in order and checked off by the station’s manager.
Proof of
Category I
 Most recent property tax bill and proof of payment
(one document
 Most recent mortgage papers (homeowners)
 Blue assessment card from Lake County Assessor’s Office
proper name
 Closing statement for purchase of residence
 Signed current lease plus proof of last month’s payment (cancelled checks or landlord’s receipt.) Lease
and address
must list all school age children living in premises or a notarized letter from the landlord must accompany
from each
the lease. Landlord’s name, address and phone number must be on the lease.
Category II
Health Office
Gas, electric or water bill dated within the last 60 days
Telephone or cable bill dated within the last 60 days (land line only / no cell phones)
Car registration
Voter Registration card
 Public Aid card
Freshmen and transfer students only - current physical exam and proof of immunizations. Important: students
failing to provide this information will not be allowed to continue the schedule pick-up process or begin
school. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors - updated proof of immunizations as required. Students new to the
state of Illinois must provide record of an eye exam and birth certificate. Unless the student is homeless, failure
to comply with the requirements by the first day of school will result in the student’s exclusion from school until
the required health forms are presented. All new students have 30 days following registration to comply with
health examinations and immunization regulations.
All students – class schedules will be distributed once fees are collected.
Parents have the option to pay student fees at before schedule pickup by clicking Skyward Family
Access. Families visiting New Tech High’s Website, simply click District Links for Skyward Family Access.
During schedule pickup fees are payable by cash, check, MasterCard/Visa, or Discover
The inclusive registration fee covers textbook rental, course fees, ID card, hallway locker, technology, and a
Student Planner. The freshman fee also includes a $5 P.E. lock charge.
In School
Registration Fee
Aug. 16, 17, 18
Registration Fee
After Aug. 18
Transfer students will also pay a $5 lock fee. NJROTC – NS1 students will pay an additional $30 fee. Freshmen can purchase optional
Chromebook insurance for $30. Additional fees for workbooks, paperback books, calculator, and supplies may be required throughout
the year. Please consult the Course Guide or individual instructor for workbook fees. NEW THIS YEAR – Families with financial
need must complete a separate fee waiver application form and provide financial documentation. See back cover for details.
Page 4
The Beeline
ID Pictures
P.E. Uniforms
August 2016
The 2016-17 Driver Education Behind the Wheel (BTW) fee is $275. An additional $20 driving permit fee,
payable to the State of Illinois, is required at start of semester the student is taking their driver education class.
All first and second semester students are required to pay their $275 BTW fee by August 18, and first semester
students must also submit their permit by August 18. Note: although the classroom portion of Driver Education
is a graduation requirement, students are not required to take the BTW portion of this course.
A photo ID will be taken of each student. IDs must be worn properly every day in school and are required in
order to ride the bus and to make cafeteria purchases. Important – students are to wear proper attire for their
ID picture—hats will not be permitted.
Students will be issued a bus route regardless if they will be driving their own vehicle or not.
NOTE: all bus routes are undergoing changes to ease overcrowding.
Students will be issued their IMC Cards. Overdue fees will be collected as well.
A pre-pay plan for cafeteria expenses is available to students. The minimum pre-pay amount is $20 and can be
increased by multiples of $5. Unused balances will carry over to the next school year; however, no refunds will
be given to graduating seniors or students who leave the district. All purchases must be made with a proper
picture ID card. Note: the school district cannot be responsible for purchases made with lost or stolen ID cards
or other fraudulent practices by unauthorized pre-pay plan participants. Cash or check is accepted.
New male and female P.E. uniforms will be on sale for your convenience. Maroon shorts and maroon/white
reversible and gray Z-B shirts are still acceptable.
ZBTHS freshmen will be issued their Chromebooks. Parents who have not completed required paperwork in
advance will be required to do so.
Students will receive a copy of the Student Handbook, which contains updated attendance, behavior, and
discipline guidelines to provide a safe learning environment free of disruptive influences that interfere with a
student’s right to learn. We encourage students and guardians to read the planner and use it as a positive
informational and organizational tool. Replacement Student Handbooks are $5 each.
Students will present their book list (provided at schedule pickup) and receive their textbooks. Please be aware
that the textbook fee is a rental fee and those students and/or guardians are financially responsible for lost or
damaged books, as well as books not returned by established deadlines. See Policies and Procedure on Page 11
of the August Beeline.
Congratulations, you have completed Schedule Pickup!
Order the 2016-2017 yearbook during registration week before midnight on August 21, 2016, to SAVE $10 off the
normal price. Cost for NT@ZB yearbooks by August 21 is $45; cost for ZBTHS yearbooks by August 21 is $50.
Order Yearbooks online at Simply enter your school code (19578 for NT@ZB or 8258
for ZBTHS) and search for your student’s name. To order by phone, call toll free at 866-287-3096; English and Spanish
operators are available.
August 23, 2016
August 24, 2016
The class of 2020 (freshmen only) will attend a special
orientation day on August 23. Buses will pick up
students at normal a.m. times and locations assigned.
The first full day of school is August 24. Classes begin
at 7:30 a.m. for NT@ZB and 7:50 a.m. for ZBTHS.
The warning bell for first period is at 7:25 a.m. for
NT@ZB and 7:45 a.m. for ZBTHS. Daily Class
Schedule information is found on the back of the
Student Planner.
The day will begin at 7:30 a.m. for NT@ZB and
7:50 a.m. for ZBTHS, with an assembly in the gym.
Advisories will meet, and freshmen will be introduced
to using their Chromebook devices. Then freshmen will
follow their daily class schedule. Teachers will share
expectations and course outlines. Dismissal will be at
11:10 a.m. for NT@ZB and 11:30 a.m. for ZBTHS.
Students are not to report before the 7:15 a.m. NT@ZB
and 7:35 a.m. ZBTHS building opening times unless
they have pre-arranged teacher appointments or to
access the cafeteria for breakfast.
August 2016
The Beeline
Page 5
Our Mission:
“To promote self-worth, social responsibility, and lifelong learning in partnership with our community.”
In order to comply with state laws, the Board of
Education enforces several important attendance
policies. Students and parents/guardians are asked to
familiarize themselves with the following policies
located in the Student Handbook.
Excused Absences
Section 26-2a of the Illinois School Code considers
valid cause for a student’s absence to be: personal
illness, observance of a religious holiday, death in the
immediate family, family emergency, circumstances
which cause reasonable concern to the
parent/guardian for the safety or health of the
student, and situations beyond the control of the
student as determined by the School Board or school
administration. Unexcused absences include, but are
not limited to: oversleeping, car trouble, missing the
bus, missing class to study for another class,
babysitting, shopping, personal appointments,
unapproved vacation, and callouts for lunch.
Compulsory Attendance
The Illinois Compulsory School Attendance Law
(Article 26 of the Illinois School Code) holds the
parent responsible for the enrollment and regular
attendance of children enrolled. District 126 expects
parents/guardians to make responsible efforts to
ensure the regular attendance of their students and to
inform the school of any absence and the reason for
the absence. When absences become excessive due
to illness, District 126 will require parents/guardians
to present medical documentation of physical and/or
emotional conditions causing a student’s absence.
Absences due to court appearance will necessitate
authorized documentation. State law identifies
students who have been absent from school for 9 of
the previous 180 regular attendance days without
valid cause as “chronic or habitual truants.” Such
students shall be reported to the Regional Office of
Education for excessive absences.
Truancy from School
Illinois School Code 105 ILSC 5/26-2a defines a
“truant” as a child subject to compulsory school
attendance and who is absent without valid cause
from such attendance for a school day or portion
thereof. “Chronic or habitual truant” shall be defined
as a child subject to compulsory school attendance
and who is absent without valid cause from such
attendance for 5% (9 days) or more of the previous
180 regular attendance days. Every effort will be
made to notify parents/guardians within 24 hours of
suspected truancy. Frequent truancy or lack of
parental cooperation in regard to truancy may cause
referral to the Regional Superintendent of Schools
for action under the truancy act of the Illinois School
For full details regarding attendance and truancy
policies, please see the Student Handbook.
The National School Lunch Program put in place
regulations that require school districts ensure their
paid lunch prices meet a new equity threshold. As a
result, the 2016-17 paid lunch price will increase to
$2.55. If you have any questions regarding this
requirement, please contact Chief School Business
Official Liddle at 847-731-9755.
Parking stickers will be available for ZBTHS seniors,
juniors, and sophomores for $100 in the Deans Office.
The student’s driver’s license and proof of insurance
must be presented. All students applying for a parking
sticker must have a “C” average from the previous
semester with no major discipline sanctions and no
prior referrals for driving abuses. Students who have
previously abused their driving privileges may not be
allowed to purchase a parking sticker. Every vehicle
in the lot must have a parking sticker properly
displayed. New Tech High students will secure
parking stickers at the New Tech Principal’s Office.
Page 6
The Beeline
August 2016
Students who need to recover credits will have an
opportunity to take a course during Zero and Ninth
Hour this fall at the ZBTHS campus. Courses will be
offered through APEX Learning digital curriculum
in all content areas. Zero or Ninth Hour will cost
$100 for a 15-week session. Applications for Zero
and Ninth Hour will be available Monday, August 15
in Student Services at both campuses or at Contact Student Services at 847731-9351 or 9352 with questions.
Zero Hour
Monday – Thursday, 6:45 – 7:45 a.m.
Starts: Monday, September 12
Ends: Thursday, January 5
Cost: $100
Ninth Hour
Monday – Thursday, 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Starts: Monday, September 12
Ends: Thursday, January 5
Cost: $100
Students will be able to take the 3:45 p.m. activity
bus home if needed.
Family Access is an internet based, secure and
password protected software program that allows
students and parents or guardians access to grades,
assignments, missing assignments, and attendance
and tardy information. In addition, users see student
activities, test scores, schedules, and view and
confirm basic demographic information such as
mailing addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses,
and emergency contacts.
To log on to Family Access, go to
and click the Family Access link under the bee’s
nose. If you have a question regarding Family
to New Tech families also
utilize ECHO to monitor student performance.
Please be aware that there are many factors that
determine how soon a teacher can assess and return
assignments. Essays and research papers take longer
to grade than a quiz or daily work. We urge parents
to be patient, as teachers do their best to return
assignments and make grade information available
as promptly as their schedule allows. We also would
caution that term grades are not "official" until the
term has ended and report cards are issued.
This year PBN will be planning and hosting several educational sessions. All District 126 parents are
strongly encouraged to join and participate in these PBN activities, which include partnering with
administration to improve student achievement. Meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. on designated dates in
the IMC of Zion-Benton Twp. High School. Parking is available in the south lot. To find
out more about these exciting opportunities, please contact the following:
Assistant Principal Jack Niemi at or at 847-731-9305
Dr. David Frusher at or at 847-731-9803
The website at Click school and then parents.
August 2016
The Beeline
Page 7
All student absences must be reported by a parent/legal guardian.
To report a NT@ZB student absence call 847-731-9813.
To report a ZBTHS student absence call the Attendance Office at 847-731-9300, press 2 at the recorded message.
(Monthly events, activities, and early release days will be reported in upcoming District newsletters and on websites.)
Tues., August 23, 2016
Wed., August 24, 2016
Mon., September 5, 2016
Wed., September 7, 2016
Wed., September 21, 2016
Thurs., October 6, 2016
Fri., October 7, 2016
Mon., October 10, 2016
Wed., October 19, 2016
Fri., October 28, 2016
Wed., November 2, 2016
Fri., November 11, 2016
Wed., November 16, 2016
Wed., November 23, 2016
Thurs., November 24, 2016
Fri., November 25, 2016
Wed., December 7, 2016
Fri., December 16, 2016
Mon., December 19, 2016 Fri., December 30, 2016
Mon., January 2, 2017
Wed., January 11, 2017
Thurs., January 12, 2017
Fri., January 13, 2017
Mon., January 16, 2017
Wed., January 25, 2017
Wed., February 8, 2017
Mon., February 20, 2017
Wed., February 22, 2017
Thurs., March 2, 2017
Fri., March 3, 2017
Mon., March 6, 2017
Fri., March 24, 2017
Fri., March 24, 2017
Mon., March 27, 2017
Fri., March 31, 2017
Mon., April 3, 2017
Wed., April 12, 2017
Mon., April 14, 2017
Wed., April 26, 2017
Wed., May 10, 2017
Mon., May 29, 2017
Tues., May 30, 2017
Wed., May 31, 2017
Thurs., June 1, 2017
Thurs., June 1, 2017
Fri., June 2, 2017
Fri., June 9, 2017
Freshmen Only – 7:50-11:30 a.m. ZBTHS & 7:30-11:10 a.m. NT@ZB
First Full Day for All Students
NO SCHOOL – Labor Day
Early Release – 12:40 p.m. ZBTHS – School Improvement Planning
Early Release – 12:40 p.m. ZBTHS – School Improvement Planning
Early Release – 12:51 p.m. ZBTHS & 12:35 p.m. NT@ZB – Parent/Guardian Conferences
1:30-3:30 p.m. and 6:00-8:00 p.m. for NT@ZB & 6:30-8:30 p.m. for ZBTHS
Early Release – 1:51 p.m. ZBTHS & 1:35 p.m. NT@ZB – Day after Conferences
NO SCHOOL – Columbus Day
Early Release – 11:45 a.m. ZBTHS & 11:25 NT@ZB –Assessment Day for Frosh., Soph., Jrs.
End of Quarter 1
NO SCHOOL – Teacher Institute Day
SCHOOL IS IN SESSION – Veterans’ Day – Recognition Activities Planned
Early Release – 12:40 p.m. ZBTHS – School Improvement Planning
NO SCHOOL – Day before Thanksgiving
NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Day
NO SCHOOL – Day after Thanksgiving Day
Early Release – 12:40 p.m. ZBTHS – School Improvement Planning
Early Release – 1:51 p.m. ZBTHS & 1:35 p.m. NT@ZB
NO SCHOOL – Winter Break
Classes Resume
Early Release – 1:20 p.m. ZBTHS & 1:04 p.m. NT@ZB – Exams
Early Release – 1:20 p.m. ZBTHS & 1:04 p.m. NT@ZB – Exams
Early Release – 11:45 a.m. ZBTHS & 11:25 a.m. NT@ZB – Exams and End of Semester One
NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King’s Birthday (Emergency Makeup Day #1)
Early Release – 12:40 p.m. ZBTHS – School Improvement Planning
NO SCHOOL – Teacher Institute Day
NO SCHOOL – Presidents Day (Emergency Makeup Day #2)
Early Release – 12:40 p.m. ZBTHS – School Improvement Planning
Parent/Teacher Conferences – 6:30-8:30 p.m. ZBTHS & 6:00-8:00 p.m. NT@ZB
Early Release – 1:51 p.m. ZBTHS & 1:35 p.m. NT@ZB – Day after Conferences
NO SCHOOL – Casimir Pulaski’s Birthday (Emergency Makeup Day #3)
Early Release – 1:51 p.m. ZBTHS & 1:35 p.m. NT@ZB
End of Quarter 3
NO SCHOOL – Spring Break
Classes Resume
Early Release – 12:40 p.m. ZBTHS – School Improvement Planning
NO SCHOOL – School Holiday (Emergency Makeup Day #4)
Early Release – 12:40 p.m. ZBTHS – School Improvement Planning
Early Release – 12:40 p.m. ZBTHS – School Improvement Planning
NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day Holiday
Early Release – 1:20 p.m. ZBTHS & 1:04 p.m. NT@ZB – Exams
Early Release – 1:20 p.m. ZBTHS & 1:04 p.m. NT@ZB – Exams
Early Release – 11:45 a.m. ZBTHS & 11:25 a.m. NT@ZB – Exams
NT@ZB Graduation (Last Day of School if No Makeup Needed)
NO SCHOOL – Teacher Institute Day & ZBTHS Graduation
Last Day of School if Maximum Emergency Days Used
*Note: Every Thursday is a 1:21 p.m. School Improvement/Staff Development early release schedule for NT@ZB students only.
**Note: Required spring state assessment information will be forthcoming in future newsletters and on
Page 8
The Beeline
August 2016
This testing schedule is important for college-bound sophomores, juniors, and seniors, and for those students who
are uncertain of future plans. It is not necessary to take both the ACT and SAT tests; most college admissions
offices will accept scores from either test. The SAT Subject Tests may be recommended or required by many highly
selective colleges. ONLY online registration is available for the ACT, SAT, and SAT Subject Tests. Fee waivers
that cover the regular registration fee are available for qualified students. The District is offering the ACT Test on
Saturday, April 8, 2017, at no charge to District 126 juniors. Sign up information will be distributed to all juniors
at a later date. Contact Ms. Zameck, ZBTHS College/Career Counselor, at 847-731-9348 or,
or Ms. Schuda, NT@ZB Counselor, at 847-731-9816 or for more information.
Zion-Benton Twp. High School Code is 144-515
Test Name
Website for Registration
Assessment Program
Check with the colleges
to determine if the ACT
must include the writing
Test Dates
New Tech High @ Zion-Benton East Code is 144-516
Late Fee
Registration Registration
Online Only
Online Only
9/17-9/30/16 ZBTHS
Other Site
*District 126 will offer a free ACT to juniors on April 8, 2017.
Sign up details will be distributed in advance.
Scholastic Aptitude Test
Test Cost
ACT (Plus
take this
Juniors and
ACT scores
are returned
4-6 weeks
after test
$27.50 Late
All Illinois high schools will be giving the SAT to juniors on April 5, 2017.
Please see Ms. Zameck or Ms. Schuda, upcoming newsletters, and regarding
SAT information.
Naviance is the College/Career planning web-based program District 126 uses. Juniors will use Naviance for
career and post-secondary exploration, research, and planning. Seniors will use Naviance for college comparison
and research, application planning, along with exploring scholarship opportunities. Juniors and Seniors, look for
the Naviance registration station during schedule pickup to get your registration code!
Parchment is an electronic transcript service or eTranscripts that will be starting this year. Seniors will use
Parchment to send high school transcripts electronically, securely, and confidentially to two- and four-year
colleges. Parchment allows real-time tracking and email updates as transcripts move through the request and
routing process. Students can also see exactly when the college receives the transcript. Seniors, look for the
Parchment registration station during schedule pick up to get your registration code!
August 2016
The Beeline
Page 9
ZEE-BEE Boosters
Volume 1
Summer 2016
***WHO ARE WE?***
The Athletic Boosters are a
volunteer organization that
supports all of Zion-Benton’s
athletic teams. We donate our
time and talents to make our
programs first class. We
provide help in areas that go
budget. We volunteer because
our contributions really help the studentathletes of ZBTHS District 126.
***WHAT WE DO!***
The Boosters raise funds through three primary
activities – concession sales, spiritwear sales,
and the Zee-Bee Booster golf outing. We are
always looking for help, as many hands make
light work! Right now we are gearing up for the
2016-17 school year. As of this printing, we are
working on our ZB golf outing. It is our biggest
and most important event of the year. In August
we will sell Booster season passes for all home
contests and organize workers for the
concession stand. Please consider calling us at
847-731-9361 to find out how you can help.
***HOW WE DO IT!***
The Boosters meet on the first Monday of every
month in the Athletic Conference Room at
7:00 p.m. We meet and discuss how we can
best help all of the athletes of Zion-Benton Twp.
High School District 126. Our efforts really do
help EVERY Zee-Bee sports team.
Just this past year, we helped purchase a tennis
ball pitching machine, golf bags, cheer banners,
soccer backpacks, football headsets, dance bars
and sport specific goods for track, softball,
baseball and basketball. We also pay for state
qualifiers’ expenses, indoor tennis court time,
and trainers’ goods and supplies. Obviously our
efforts really do make a difference, so please
join us!
We are proud to announce the numerous
highlights associated with the winter and
spring seasons of 2015-16.
Page 10
The Beeline
District 126
August 2016
Boys’ Basketball:
Girls’ Basketball:
Girls’ Bowling:
Girls’ Soccer:
Boys’ Swimming:
Boys’ Tennis:
Boys’ Track:
Girls’ Track:
Boys’ Volleyball:
Special “Congratulations” to the following Zee-Bee teams:
23rd Consecutive State Title
Girls’ Basketball: Regional Champions
Girls’ Softball:
Regional & Sectional Champions
WELL DONE BEES! We’d also like to recognize
numerous individuals for their special sports
Boys’ Track:
Girls’ Track:
Daniel Armstead (200M & Long
Jump), Michael Edwards (400M),
Thomas Mosely (800M), Daniel Armstead,
Tavarus Collins, Dinario Hickman, and
Michael Edwards (4x100 Relay)
Jalah Morris (Discus) and Jonel Morris
(Shot Put)
Khalil Johnson
Boys’ Basketball:
Girls’ Basketball:
Girls’ Soccer:
Boys’ Volleyball:
Brennan Ferguson
Kienan Baltimore, Demarquis Henry
Marquitta Easley, Ladellia Maggett,
Krystal Walker
Kirstin Barnett, Kianna Parks
Aneli Solis
Samantha Cunnigham, Allison Lopez,
Morgan Wade, Victoria Williams
Denali Ford, Adayah Paige
Kevin Curley, Lucas Miller
Boys’ Basketball:
Girls’ Soccer:
Girls’ Softball:
Boys’ Volleyball:
Robert Hunt
Jaalen Ray
Damaris Cifuentes, Heidi Stump
Julia Sanchez
Karl Torola
Giovanna Lopez
Brennan Ferguson
Kienan Baltimore
Marquitta Easley
Ariel Gonsowski
Kristin Barnett
Aneli Solis
Allison Lopez
Dominic Allard
Oscar Acosta
Michael Edwards
Jonel Morris
Kevin Curley
Khalil Johnson, Justin Williams
Victoria Williams- 2nd Team All-State
Allison Lopez- 3rd Team All-State
Thomas Mosely- 5th in State 800M
Jonel Morris- 3rd in State Shot Put
Boys’ Track:
Girls’ Track:
~ Winter & Spring ~
Karyn Abrego
Giselle Afre
Dominic Allard
Imani Bah
Liana Baldwin
Jeet Bhalala
Morgan Breyaert
Serena Christensen
Alana Cleveland
John Cruz
Samantha Cunningham
Kevin Curley
Graham Edwards
Michael Edwards
Brennan Ferguson
Shayla Fitzgerald
Vivek Gandhi
Jenny Gomez
Ariel Gonsowski
Michael Good
Jayla Green
Ryan Green
Lizzette Hernandez
Ziqiao Hua
Alyssa Imbery
Olivia Kluchka
Johann Lara Osorio
Giovanna Lopez
Joseph Loy
David Lynch-Phillips
Daniel Madry
Sarah Mazur
Sariah Monk
Jonel Morris
Abigail Murray
Craig Neal
Joseph Norris
Elizabeth O’Brien
Melanie Pelli
Ariana Perez
Rayna Ranson
Julia Sanchez
Aneli Solis
Jordan Stickelman
Amber Summers
Karl Torola
Sergio Vargas
Austin Weber
Jonathon Williams
Victoria Williams
Chrisjon Willis
Zachary Zarifan
Zakary Zugehoer
Academic Eligibility Requirements:
Junior or Senior status
Receiving Varsity Letter in season
3.5 or better CUMULATIVE grade point
August 2016
The Beeline
Page 11
Experience and research tells us that daily
on-time attendance is the foundation for
being successful. The Board of Education
and state law requires that students attend
school every day unless there is a valid excuse. Valid
cause for absence shall be illness, observation of religious
holiday, death in the immediate family, family
emergency, and other situations beyond the control of the
student. Any other absences may be considered truancy.
We ask that all appointments be made after school hours.
If a student needs to be released from school early, a
parent must call the Attendance Office with a verifiable
excuse. A verifiable early release excuse shall be a doctor
appointment, dental appointment, or a court appearance
and documentation substantiating the absence is required
or the absence will be considered unexcused. In each case
the student must bring a note to the Attendance Office
verifying the excused early release.
All students must use their picture ID
with bar code when purchasing
breakfast or lunch.
No other student may use another
student’s ID to make a purchase.
Replacement IDs must be purchased at the attendance
window at ZBTHS and the Principals Office at
Unused lunch funds will roll to the following year. No
refunds will be provided for graduates or students
who transfer.
Students are expected to pay the basic fees for textbook
rentals, PE, ID card, locker, etc., when they report for
schedule pickup. Additional workbook fees are to be paid
as soon as the student is informed by his or her instructors.
Required workbooks will be available for purchase during
schedule pickup. The following procedure will be used to
collect past due accounts:
 Accounts that remain overdue may be submitted to a
collection agency.
 Driver Education students will not be allowed to
participate in behind-the-wheel unless the fee is paid
in full by published deadlines.
 Students will not be allowed to participate in
extracurricular social functions, such as dances.
District 126 has aligned its student discipline policies
to comply with the recently adopted Senate Bill 100
legislation. A variety of progressive disciplinary
practices will be utilized, dependent upon the level
and frequency of infraction(s), up to and including a
recommendation for a hearing before the Board of
Education for possible expulsion and/or involvement
of local authorities. Details regarding student
disciplinary polies are located in the Student
Handbook and can be found on the district’s
websites. The administration desires all students to
be successful and remains committed to maintaining
a safe and drug-free environment conducive for
learning while complying with this recently adopted
legislation. District 126 also implements an Athlete
Random Drug Testing Program. Details are available
in the Athletic Handbook located in the Athletic
1. Parents may drop off and pick up students at the north
side of the building.
2. Students who ride the bus will get on and off at the
south and west sides of the building.
3. Students driving to school will park in the north lot
only. After school students will exit on 21st Street.
4. Students riding bicycles should follow the Rules of
the Road and pedal on the shoulder of the road with
traffic and not ride on the sidewalk. Bike racks are
provided at entrances. Please remember to lock bikes.
Students are required to return to the bookstore the same
books issued to them upon completion of the course at the
end of the semester or year. Failure to do so will mean
purchasing each book not returned to the Bookstore
by the published return deadline. Books will have a bar
code for issuing and returning that must not be damaged.
Books will NOT be accepted for credit if they have been
written in, defaced, water damaged, missing bar codes, or
returned after the published deadline.
Dates and times for students to return books will be
announced and published prior to the close of each
semester. It is the student’s responsibility to seek out this
information as well. These timelines must be followed as
inventories are taken and replacement books ordered.
One Z-B Way,
21st Street and Kenosha Road
Zion, Illinois 60099
District 126 has implemented a 1:1 Technology
Initiative for all freshman and sophomore students.
Parents/Guardians of these students must sign and return the
acknowledgement form showing they have received the Chromebook
Policies Packet. If you have not already submitted your form, they are
available in the ZBTHS Student Services Office. You may also
complete the necessary documents at schedule pickup. Students will
not be issued the required Chromebook until their parent/guardian has
returned this signed form. Additional information can be found at
U.S. Postage
Zion, Illinois
Permit No. 8
The Navy League selected ZBTHS Dist.
126 from over 600 schools in the nation as
the outstanding unit in Area 3 for the third
consecutive year and the most outstanding
unit in the nation, which is a first for
District 126. The NJROTC staff is
incredibly proud of our cadets for the time
and effort they have put in to get our unit to
this level and truly appreciative of the
support our administration and staff give to
our unit.
Families with significant financial need will need to complete a new fee waiver application this year and provide
supporting financial documentation unless they have Direct Certification from the State of Illinois. Interested families
must complete and submit to the Business Office (located at ZBTHS) the “District 126 Fee Waiver Income Verification
Form,” which was mailed to households this summer, and submit required supporting financial documentation. Failure
to provide supporting documentation will result in the application being denied. If approved, the waiver will only apply
to the current year registration fees, workbooks/novels, and Driver Education Behind the Wheel fee. Ten working days
will be required for processing applications. This fee waiver application process is separate from the free and reduced
lunch application process. Please call 847/731-9755 with any questions.