January 2015 - John Colet School
January 2015 - John Colet School
“Through hard work, inspiration, mutual respect and enjoyment, we will achieve success together.” JANUARY 2015 Contents: Message from Headteacher School Production News Quote of the Month Unplanned School Closure Senior Leadership Team 2015 Changes to School Uniform Year 11 –Ace Your Exams Special Treat for Effort Year 10 Holiday Dates Maths Quiz MESSAGE FROM THE HEADTEACHER Cyberbullying During January, our School Police Liaison Officer, PC Graham Briggenshaw, has been in all year groups’ assemblies talking to the students about cyberbullying and online safety. The Department for Education has recently published guidance for schools as well as a leaflet on advice for parents on cyberbullying. I would urge all parents/carers to find a few minutes to read the leaflet. The link to it is:- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/preventing-and-tacklingbullying Up-date of recent staff changes:Lucy Fleming has been appointed Acting Head of Year 9 to cover Mrs Froggatt’s maternity leave. Acting Head of Year 8 - Miss K Miller Form Tutor for 7B - Mrs A Collins and Mrs C Maynard Form Tutor for 7S - Mr A Smythe Form Tutor for 9D - Ms A Hill HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR READERS COMING SOON - SCHOOL PRODUCTION - LOSERVILLE Thursday 12 and Friday 13 March 2015 - Performance starts at 7:30pm Loserville follows the story of Michael Dork, a computer geek with a dream! He is determined to send the first email! The new girl, Holly, who wants a fresh start and to be recognised for her brain and not her beauty, quickly becomes the object of Michael’s affections. Michael and his gang, Lucas, Marvin and Francis, are working together to change the future for geeks worldwide but will Eddie Arch, the school bully and son of the richest man in town, be able to stop them? Book, Music & Lyrics by Elliot Davis and James Bourne Originally produced on the West End stage by T C Beech. This amateur production is presented by arrangement with:- UNPLANNED SCHOOL JOSEF WEINBERGER LTD. CLOSURE In the event of extreme weather conditions please check school closures on www.buckscc.gov.uk homepage QUOTE OF THE MONTH “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone” Up to date information is also given out on Mix 96 Ronald Reagan (1911—2004) The Colet Chronicle Page 2 Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Responsibilities from January 2015 With Mrs Absolm joining us, the revised SLT is in now in place and we have reorganised some of the areas of responsibility as a result. Mrs McLintock - Headteacher Strategic lead for Leadership and Management, link with the Governing Body, Academy Trust, Bucks Learning Trust and other external stakeholders Action Plan section responsible for: Leadership and Management Miss Palmer– Deputy Headteacher Strategic lead for school improvement, curriculum, equalities and narrowing the gaps Action Plan section responsible for: Science Mr Phillips– Assistant Headteacher Strategic lead for teaching and learning, professional tutor, trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers (NQTs). Action Plan sections responsible for: Quality of teaching Mrs Gould - Assistant Headteacher Strategic lead for attitudes to learning, inclusion and behaviour, designated teacher for students in care, School Council Action Plan section responsible for: Attitudes to Learning Mrs Absolm– Assistant Headteacher Strategic lead for student achievement, pupil premium, gifted and talented Action Plan section responsible for: Achievement Mrs Adair– Head of Resources and Designated Person for Safeguarding Strategic lead for personnel, safeguarding, CPD, School Counsellor and administration Mrs Hart – Head of Finance and Business and Academy Trust Company Secretary Strategic lead for finance, facilities, health and safety (including EVOLVE), data protection, ICT and Governing Body agendas All members of the Senior Leadership Team are responsible for community liaison. CHANGES TO JOHN COLET SCHOOL UNIFORM The uniform changes will be introduced from September 2015 with it being compulsory for all new Year 7 students. There will be a phased introduction for Years 8-11 for 2015/16 with it being optional but then compulsory for all from September 2016. During 2015-16, it will not be possible to buy any of the old regulation uniform. A regulation maroon blazer from an official supplier will replace the sweatshirt for boys and girls. The white Polo shirt to be replaced by a white shirt and clip on tie for boys and girls. Girls to have the option to wear a regulation pleated black skirt from an official supplier from Easter 2015. Girls and boys to wear black trousers; these will not be regulation trousers but will need to be purchased from a range of preferred outlets (for example supermarkets and department stores) from a list compiled by a parent consultation group. Girls and boys to have the option to wear a plain black v-neck jumper (suggested purchase list will be supplied with options from local stores and websites) in addition to (but not in place of) the blazer. Girls to wear sports polo and jersey to the colours of the boys PE kit both from an official supplier; names to be embroidered on tops. PE shorts to be non-regulation black shorts (suggested purchase list will be supplied with options from local stores and websites). Black football PE socks for boys and girls. The changes are not expected or intended to create higher uniform cost for parents/carers. The uniform supplier will be selected for best value for money and non-regulated items will be able to be purchased from a variety of local sources at a range of prices, selected by a parent consultation group. The Colet Chronicle Page 3 YOGA FOR TEENS Mon 7 to 7.45 pm St Anne’s Hall, Wendover Come & try out vinyasa flow yoga set to rockin’ music 01296 623543 sarahyoga@sky.com www.sarahyoga.co.uk Year 11 – Ace Your Exams Seminar To support our Year 11 students with their preparation for the forthcoming GCSE exams, the school arranged a seminar on 20 January 2015 run by Elevate Education, a company which specialises in educational programmes using young presenters who have recently completed their final years of education and can engage students on a level they are able to relate to. In an entertaining hour the presenter explained critical exam skills such as allocation of time, whilst also demonstrating that through thorough preparation additional exam marks are obtained. The feedback from the students was extremely positive with comments such as: ‘It was very useful and made it less stressful when planning how to revise’ ‘I learnt different things about how to best manage my time and organise myself’ ‘It’s helped me out and motivated me’ ‘I need to do practice papers and have a specific goal’ ‘I learnt how to deal with stress and how to plan and prepare for the exam’ ‘It was fun’ ‘It was interesting and helpful’ ‘Useful tips and relevant information’ We are looking forward to the next seminar on 23 March which will cover memory techniques. Mr Wilson Head of Year 11 Page 4 The Colet Chronicle QUIZ NIGHT FOR ARTHRITIS RESEARCH There is a team quiz night in support of Arthritis Research UK on Saturday 7th March at Weston Turville Village Hall. Arthritis Research UK is the charity for which Weston Turville's Paralympic Gold Medalist Pam Relph is an Ambassador and Pam will be in attendance on the evening to sign autographs, have pictures taken and present raffle prizes, which include Olympic and Paralympic Memorabilia. There is a paid bar and doors open at 7.00 with the quiz starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 per person and are available from Julie Relph - 07774 259120 or email: julie@yesconcept.com The Colet Chronicle Page 5 Page 6 The Colet Chronicle SPECIAL TREAT for EFFORT On the 10 of December eight pupils from 10B, including myself, were invited for a complimentary lunch. This was a reward for our efforts during the term. Mr McComb took us all to Costa Coffee where we could choose whatever we fancied with no expense spared! We all had a great time and enjoyed the food. Ben H 10B HOLIDAY DATES 2014 - 2015 SPRING TERM 2015 February 1/2 term: School closes at end of afternoon on Friday 13 February and re-opens morning of Monday 23 February. Easter Holiday: School closes at end of afternoon on Friday 27 March. SUMMER TERM 2015 School re-opens on morning of Tuesday 14 April. Bank Holiday: 4 May 2015 May 1/2 term: School closes at end of afternoon on Friday 22 May and re-opens on morning of Monday 1 June. Summer Holiday: School closes at 12.15p.m. on Wednesday 22 July. INSET DAYS: Monday 5 January 2015 and Monday 13 April 2015. CAN YOU DO MATHS UNDER PRESSURE? This is great fun! A really simple idea, well executed, this online game asks you a simple maths question and offers two possible solutions. All you have to do is click on the right answer to get the next question and start progressing up the levels. Get a question wrong, and its game over. But, to make matters more “interesting,” you only have a finite amount of time to answer each question and a repetitive (and slightly annoying) sound track plays, ramping up the pressure. As the levels get harder, it encourages pupils to develop strategies for swift mental arithmetic and processing – often you don’t need to work out the exact answer, but just which one could be the answer. The time questions are a great example of this, looking for shortcuts to a solution: that’s being mathematical – and doing it under pressure, too! Visit the site (link below), play the game yourself, try it with your friends and family and you could even share your results with your Maths teacher. http://games.usvsth3m.com/maths/ The school would like to thank all the advertisers, although John Colet School cannot endorse or accept liability for goods or services advertised. The Colet Chronicle Page 7 2 + 3 x 4 Does it equal 20 or does it equal 14? We can’t have two answers to one question – that would cause all sorts of confusion! So, back in the day, mathematicians got together and agreed to BODMAS – the order in which we do operations. The B is for brackets – we do them first. The O is the confusing one, it stands for “Order” which means squared, or cubed or to the power 7 etc. 52 is an example of an order, and means 5 squared, or 5×5 = 25. Some people use the term Indices instead of Order and so talk of BIDMAS, not BODMAS, but it all means the same. As we are talking Maths, you have probably guessed that the other letters stand for D – Division M – Multiply A – Addition S – Subtraction So to continue with our question from above: 2 + 3 x 4 there are no brackets, orders or divisions, so the first thing we do is multiply 2 + 3 x 4 becomes … answer is 14. 2 + 12. So the correct Remember – BODMAS tells us the order in which we do a sum. So now you know all about BODMAS, here is a little puzzle for you to try. Can you arrange all of the digits from 1 to 9 in each of the empty boxes below? You can only use each number once. Remember the rules of BODMAS! If you have a business or an event you would like to advertise in the John Colet Newsletter we would be delighted to help. We ask for a small fee of £5.00 per advertisement for each month which is paid into the John Colet School Fund and used to help purchase much needed equipment for the school. If you are interested in this facility please contact the school office on 01296 623348 or E Mail: admin@john colet.co.uk