CarePlus Provider Orientation
CarePlus Provider Orientation
CarePlus from ©2013 CeltiCare Health Plan of Massachusetts, Inc.™ 1 CarePlus Provider Orientation Provider Orientation Agenda: • • • • • Overview of CarePlus and Expansion Populations Provider Resources CarePlus Benefits Eligibility Verification and Provider Secure Portal Provider Access and Responsibilities • Specialty Partners • Medical Management Overview • Prior Authorization Requirements • Claims Submission • Credentialing and Re-credentialing • Quality Improvement 2 Overview of CarePlus and Expansion Populations 3 CarePlus Overview • The ACA now presents an opportunity for Massachusetts to build upon the gains in health insurance coverage achieved through state health care reform and the Waiver Programs by expanding MassHealth coverage. • In order to provide MassHealth coverage to this expansion population, EOHHS has created a new Coverage Type called MassHealth CarePlus. 4 Expansion Populations MassHealth CarePlus covers adults ages 21-64 with incomes up to 133 percent of the Federal Poverty Level and who are not eligible for MassHealth Standard (which covers adults who are disabled, pregnant, or parents or caretaker relatives of dependents under the age of 19). MassHealth CarePlus will include members who are new to subsidized insurance as well as members transitioning from the following programs: • Massachusetts Health Safety Net: Low-income adults who were uninsured • Commonwealth Care: Individuals up to 133 percent of the FPL who were eligible for coverage through other agencies, including the Commonwealth Health Connector Authority. (continuing till 3/31/14) • Medical Security Program: Individuals who received unemployment insurance benefits in the Medical Security Program. • MassHealth Basic: offered coverage to certain unemployed adults. • MassHealth Essential: offered coverage to certain long-term unemployed unemployed adults, not eligible for MassHealth Basic. • MassHealth Insurance Partnership: Individuals who received premium assistance through the Insurance Partnership 5 Your CeltiCare Health Resources CeltiCare Health offers our Provider Community support and resources to assist in providing the best care possible to CeltiCare Health CarePlus Members. These resources will be highlighted throughout this orientation, and include: • Provider public website housing information, tools, and resources that educate and inform: • CeltiCare Health’s Care Management & Quality Improvement Programs • Clinical and Payment Policies • Prior Authorization Requirements • Frequently Asked Questions • Documents and Forms (Provider Manual, Provider Billing Manual, Prior Authorization Forms) • Provider Secured Portal that allows our Providers to access: • Patient Benefits and Eligibility Information • Care Gaps • Patient Claims Information and Claim Submission • E-Prior Authorization Requests • Provider Relations Specialists who support, educate, and work collaboratively with you. • Provider Services Representatives who answer questions about day-to-day operations. 6 Provider Resources 7 Provider Relations CeltiCare Health's Provider Relations Department works closely with Providers to build and strengthen relationships with our Provider community. Provider Relations Representatives meet regularly with designated staff within their provider territories to: • Coordinate and conduct on-site orientation and training programs • Assist providers with the interpretation of policies and procedures related to reimbursement, prior authorization, clean claims submission and operational issues • Facilitate problem resolution and initiate Plan interdepartmental collaboration to resolve complex provider issues • Manage the flow of credentialing information to and from provider offices For more information or to schedule an appointment with your designated Provider Relations Specialist, please contact Customer Service at 1-855-678-6975 8 Provider Services Provider Services Representatives work with your Provider Relations Specialists to ensure that you receive the assistance you require when providing care to CeltiCare Health Members. Contact the Provider Services Department at 1-855-678-6975. Representatives are able to: • Answer inquiries from providers regarding claim and authorization status, member eligibility and covered benefits • Provide assistance regarding website registration, navigation and customerrelated inquires • Achieve first call resolution of your issues and concerns • Connect you to your designated Provider Relations Specialist 9 CarePlus Benefits 10 Your Responsibilities as a Provider CeltiCare Health encourages our Providers to build positive, enduring professional relationships with Members. We have included the following list of Provider Responsibilities so that all Providers are aware of their responsibilities to our Members, CeltiCare Health and MassHealth. For a complete listing of Provider Responsibilities, please refer to the CarePlus Provider Manual. Members have the right to be treated by Providers in a manner reflecting respect for their privacy and dignity as persons, without regard to age, gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, income status, veteran status, physical or mental condition or disability, pre-existing condition, occupation, and/or need for health care services. Providers are required to accept CeltiCare Health Members as patients in the same manner as other health plan members are accepted. Providers are to present all care and treatment options to Members, in a manner appropriate to Members conditions and their ability to understand, so as to ensure the quality and continuity of care. Providers are to be aware of and comply with the Member’s right to receive a second opinion on a medical procedure. CeltiCare Health requires Providers to coordinate Members’ care with other providers and CeltiCare Health, as appropriate. Providers are required to be aware of and comply with a Member’s rights to participate in decisions regarding his or her health, including the right to refuse treatment. Providers are to inform Members 18 years of age and older, of their rights to execute Advance Directives and are required to adhere to all requirements set forth under the Advance Directives section of the CeltiCare Health Provider Manual. Providers are required to maintain policies and procedures to ensure the confidentiality and security of Protected Health Information in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Providers are required to be sensitive and responsive to the linguistic, cultural, and other unique needs of Members of all minorities, whether homeless or disabled, deaf, hard-of-hearing or deaf blind. Providers are required to assist Members with linguistic needs by providing interpreter services, free of charge, and in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Members, when necessary. Interpreter services must be in compliance with all state and federal mandates. 11 CeltiCare Health CarePlus MCO Benefits For details on these benefits and authorization requirements, please visit the CeltiCare Health CarePlus Provider Manual. The CeltiCare Health CarePlus MCO Benefits include: Abortion Ambulatory Surgery/Outpatient Hospital Care Chiropractic Services Dialysis Family Planning Hospice Medical /Surgical Supplies Oxygen and Respiratory Therapy Physician (primary and specialty) Radiology and Diagnostic Tests Tertiary Services Transportation (non-emergent, to out-of-state locations at least 50 miles outside of MA Acupuncture Treatment Acute Inpatient Hospital Services Audiologist Behavioral Health Services Dental (emergency only) Diabetes Self-Management Training Durable Medical Equipment Emergency Services Hearing Aids Home Health Infertility (diagnosis and treatment of underlying medical condition) Laboratory Medical Nutritional Therapy Orthotics Prescription Drugs Over‐the‐Counter Drugs Podiatry Prosthetic Services and Devices Skilled Nursing Facility, Chronic or Rehabilitation Therapies- Physical, Occupational, Speech and Hospital Services (up to 100 days Hearing per contract year) Tobacco Cessation Services Transportation (emergent) Vision Care (medical component) Wigs 12 Non-CarePlus MCO Benefits CeltiCare Health will educate on the process for accessing and assist in coordinating Non-CarePlus MCO Covered Benefits provided by EOHHS. These services include: For services provided at either a chronic or rehabilitation hospital, or any combination thereof, that exceeds the 100 days per contract year, the Chronic or Rehabilitation Hospital Member will be disenrolled from CeltiCare Health , and such services will be Services covered by another MassHealth program. (Proper notification from CeltiCare Health required for this disenrollment, or CeltiCare Health remains responsible.) Dental Preventive and basic services for the prevention and control of dental diseases and the maintenance of oral health for adults as described in 130 CMR 420.000. Transportation (non-emergent to Ambulance (land), chair car, taxi, and common carriers that generally are prein-state location or location arranged to transport an Enrollee to and from a service that is located inwithin 50 miles of the state or within a 50-mile radius of the Massachusetts border. Massachusetts border) Vision Care (non-medical component) The prescription and dispensing of ophthalmic materials, including eyeglasses and other visual aids, excluding contacts. 13 Eligibility Verification and Provider Secure Portal 14 Verification of Eligibility Providers are required to verify Eligibility prior to providing any service. Eligibility can be verified in the following ways: • Verify eligibility through our Provider Secured Portal at; • Verify eligibility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through our Interactive Voice Response system by calling 1-855-678-6975; • Verify eligibility with a Provider Service Representative Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (EST) by calling 1-855-678-6975 • Or, verify eligibility by checking EVS at the time of each visit, as well as daily during an inpatient hospital stays; MassHealth EVS (AVR): 1800-554-0042 15 Verification on the Provider Portal 16 Verification on the Provider Portal • • • • • • • Overview – Patient Information, PCP Information, Eligibility History, Care gap information and the most recent Medical Activity Cost Sharing – Not Applicable for CarePlus; there is no Patient cost Obligation Assessments – Health Risk Assessment Form Health Record - Visits, Medications and Immunization for the patient Authorizations - View and create a patient authorization Coordination of Benefits Displays the other insurance information for the patient Claims – View and create claims for a patient. Claim auditing tool 17 Secure Provider Portal Reach out to your Provider Relations Specialist for Training on using our Secure Provider Portal! 18 Interactive Voice Response (IVR) The IVR provides greater access to information via voice commands and offers the following options: • • • • • Check PCP demographic information Obtain benefit information Check claims status Connect to Cenpatico Behavioral Health and NurseWise® Verify member demographic information • • • Obtain any pharmacy co-payment information when checking member eligibility (unless Member is exempted) Connect to medical management and referral specialists Connect with our vendors who supply medically necessary covered services IVR Phone Number:1-855-678-6975 19 Provider Access and Responsibilities 20 CeltiCare Health Provider Access CeltiCare Health Providers are required to provide access to medical services to CarePlus Members: Primary Care Providers are required to provide Members with access to Primary Care Services in accordance with the Member’s request for care within the following time frames: • • • Urgent Care: Within forty-eight (48) hours of the Member’s request Non-Urgent Symptomatic Care: Within ten (10) calendar days of the Member’s request Non-Symptomatic Care: Within forty-five days (45) calendar days of the Member’s request Specialists are required to provide Members with access to Specialty Care in accordance with the Member’s request for the care within the following time frames: • • • Urgent Care: Within forty-eight (48) hours of the Member’s request Non-Urgent Symptomatic Care: Within thirty (30) calendar days of the Member’s request Non-Symptomatic Care: Within sixty days (60) calendar days of the Member’s request 21 Specialty Companies 22 Specialty Companies • Cenpatico Behavioral Health - CeltiCare Health partners with our Behavioral Health affiliate, Cenpatico Behavioral Health, to deliver Behavioral Health (mental health and substance use disorder) services to our Members. For information regarding Behavioral Health Services, locating providers, or for assistance in coordinating services for a Member, contact CeltiCare Health’s Integrated Medical Management department from 8:00 am to 5 pm at 1-866-896-5053 for any Cenpatico questions. After hours use the same number and be connected with NurseWise. • Cenpatico Specialty Therapy Rehab Services authorizations (STRS) - CeltiCare Health offers our members access to all covered medically necessary outpatient and home health physical, occupational and speech therapy services through Cenpatico STRS. For more information regarding STRS services please call 855-678-6975. • National Imaging Associates (NIA) - High Tech Radiology Imaging Services, 1-800-635-2873 Provider Relations – Charmaine Gaymon • OptiCare – CeltiCare Health’s designated vendor for vision services 1-855-650-3794 Providers that interested in participating in OptiCare can contact the OptiCare Network Management team at • Univita - Home Health, DME and Home Infusion call: 1-888-914-2201, fax referrals to: 888-914-2202, Provider Relations –Brian Vines, 23 Pharmacy US Script is CeltiCare Health’s contracted Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) responsible to provide prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs. Certain medications do require Prior Authorization by US Script before being approved for coverage by CeltiCare Health. These include: – Some preferred drugs designated as “PA” on the PDL – Medications not listed on the CelitCare PDL Please contact US Scripts at 1-855-688-6592 for general information and 1-866-399-0929 for Prior Authorizations, or visit them at Detailed information on the CarePlus Preferred Drug List (PDL) can be found at: AcariaHealth (Specialty Drugs) – Administers the Prior Authorization process for Biopharmaceutical and Specialty Injectables. Call 1-855-535-1815 or visit 24 Medical Management Overview and Prior Authorization Requirements 25 Medical Management Overview Our Medical Management Team is comprised of skilled and licensed health care professionals whose primary goal is to optimize an enrollee's health status, sense of well-being, productivity, and access to quality health care, while at the same time actively managing cost trends. The Medical Management Team aims to provide services that are a covered benefits, medically necessary, appropriate to the patient's condition, rendered in the appropriate setting and meeting professionally recognized standards of care. Medical Management is responsible for the Care Coordination processes of: – Care Management - Utilization Management – Complex Care Management - Disease Management – Intensive Behavioral Health - Wellness Initiatives Clinical Management – Integrated Physical & Behavioral Health Care Please refer to CarePlus Provider Manual for full description of these programs. 26 Care Management Programs and Staff Care Management offers our CeltiCare Health Members added value to help support and promote their health and well-being. • Care Management : We help our Members address medical and behavioral situations and needs through coordination with disease management programs, wellness initiatives, and a full range of Care Management, Complex Care Management, and Behavioral Health Intensive Clinical Management activities. • Social Care Management : We assist and educate Members on available community resources, state/local social programs (WIC, housing, transportation) and pharmacy resources. • Program Coordinators : We identify Members for our disease management programs, as well as, outreach calls to early identify needs post hospitalization. • Member Connections : We connect Members to community and social service programs that can assist members who are in need of food, housing, and clothing. • NurseWise : Registered Nurses ready to answer your health questions 24 hours a day – every day of the year. Please contact us at 1-855-678-6975. 27 Disease Management Nurtur* is our Disease Management Partner that provides programs at no cost to our Members as part of our Members value-added Care Management programs. Nurtur focuses on managing specific diseases or conditions. Disease or Health Management are often partnered between a Care Manager and a disease management program that provides education, tools and resources to managing chronic diseases. Coaching and resources are available for the following conditions: • • • • • Asthma Diabetes Coronary Artery Disease COPD Heart Failure • • • • • Hyperlipidemia Hypertension Weight Management Lower Back Pain – Back Pain Management Tobacco Cessation *Nurtur is URAC accredited - To refer Members call CeltiCare Health 1-855-678-6975 Cenpatico** Behavioral Health provides care coordination for Depression and Substance Use conditions – To refer Members call** Cenpatico 1-866-896-5053 28 Care for Pregnant Women Members who become pregnant are eligible for comprehensive maternity care through other MassHealth programs. While awaiting transition to MassHealth Standard, CeltiCare Health provides coverage to pregnant women under the CarePlus benefit. • Providers are required to notify CeltiCare Health Care Management Department promptly when rendering prenatal care to a CeltiCare Health Member by calling:1-855-678-6975 • CeltiCare Health will notify MassHealth weekly based on this notification The following services describe the coverage available to pregnant women until the point of disenrollment from CeltiCare Health’s CarePlus Program: • CeltiCare Health will cover all medically necessary obstetrical and gynecological services through delivery of the child, as well as immediate post-partum care and the follow-up appointments within the first six weeks of delivery for the Mother. CeltiCare Health facilitates immediate transfer of newborns to the MassHealth eligibility process. • Providers should regularly check the MassHealth Eligibility Verification System for newborn eligibility and enrollment information. 29 Prior Authorization Submission Requirements CeltiCare Health has Prior Authorization (PA) requirements on all inpatient services, some outpatient medical procedures, some ancillary provider services such as Durable Medical Equipment (DME) or Home Health Care, services with Out-of-Network Providers, and for Behavioral Health Diversionary Services. For more detail about CeltiCare Health’s Prior Authorization requirements, please visit, or refer to our Provider Manual. Timeliness of Provider Notification to CeltiCare Health Providers are asked to be responsible for obtaining Prior Authorization as follows: • • • For all pre-scheduled services (i.e. standard requests) requiring prior authorization, providers should notify the plan prior to the requested service date. Facilities are required to notify the plan of all inpatient admissions within one (1) business day following the admission. Prior authorization is not required for emergent or urgent care services, or Poststabilization services. However, once the member’s emergency medical condition is stabilized, certification for hospital admission or authorization for follow-up care is required as stated above. 30 Prior Authorization Submission Requirements Prior Authorization can be requested in 3 ways: 1. Via the CeltiCare Health secure portal 2. Fax Prior Authorization Requests to1-866-614-1950 3. Call for Prior Authorization at 1-855-678-6975 Copies of Prior Authorization Forms can be found at: Failure to obtain authorization may result in an administrative denial, and Providers are prohibited from holding a Member financially responsible. 31 Prior Authorization UM Decision Making Timeframes Timeliness of CeltiCare Health UM Decision Making and Notifications Plan provides Prior Authorization decisions as expeditiously as Member’s health requires: • For Standard Authorization Decisions - no later than 14 calendar days after receipt of the request for services. • For Expedited Service Authorization Decisions - where standard timeframe could seriously jeopardize the member’s life or health or ability to attain, maintain or regain maximum function, Plan provides an expedited authorization decision and notice no later than 3 business days after receipt of the request. • A one-time extension not to exceed 14 calendar days is allowed for both standard and expedited decisions, when requested or additional information is necessary prior to decision. For Behavioral Health: • Prior authorization response time requires Plan availability 24 hours/day-7days/week for any inpatient service admission or 24-Hour Diversionary Service. • Initial authorization for all BH emergency inpatient admissions must be made verbally within 30 minutes, and within 2 hours for non-emergency inpatient authorization and in writing within 24 hours of admission. Please refer to the CarePlus Provider Manual for additional information. 32 Electronic PA Submission 33 NIA: Prior Authorization* for High Tech Imaging Providers wishing to order any of the imaging services below are responsible for obtaining authorization before these services are rendered. Providers rendering the services should verify that the necessary authorization has been obtained. Failure to do so may result in nonpayment of claims. To verify an authorization: Visit; or Call the NIA dedicated toll-free phone number at 1-800-635-2873. Outpatient Imaging Services Requiring Prior Authorization • • • • CT/CTA CCTA MRI/MRA PET • Nuclear Cardiology /Nuclear Stress / Myocardial Perfusion • Stress Echo • Echocardiography *Only non-emergent procedures performed in an outpatient setting require authorization with NIA 34 Claim Submissions 35 Claims Submission • CeltiCare Health accepts both electronic (EDI) and (red) paper claims • Payer Identification Numbers 68069 Medical 68068 Behavioral Health • Timely Filing (EDI or paper) – All claims must be filed within 90 days of the date of service – Claim adjustments must be received within 90 calendar days from the date of the Explanation of Payment • Paper Claims – CeltiCare Health only accepts original (red) claim forms CMS-1500 (08/05) CMS-1450 (UB04) 36 Claims Submission Claims may be submitted in 4 ways: 1. The secure web portal located at 2. Electronic Clearinghouse - For a listing of our Clearinghouses, please visit our website at 3. If you are interested in becoming a member or are an existing member of NEHEN, contact the Centene/CeltiCare EDI Service Desk at: or call: 1-800-225-2573 ext.25525 and begin to take advantage of the opportunities that NEHEN has to offer. 4. Original paper and corrected claims may be submitted to: Claims Department PO Box 3080 Farmington, MO 63640-3824 37 Member Grievances, Appeals & Board of Hearings CeltiCare Health has steps in place to encourage Members and Providers to contact us so that we may answer any questions, and address any issues or concerns that may arise regarding the health care of our Members. CeltiCare Health has developed the following processes to address Member Inquiries, Grievances, Adverse Actions and Appeals: • • • • • Internal Inquiry Internal Grievance Adverse Action Notices Internal Appeal External Review by EOHHS Board of Hearings (BOH) CeltiCare Health’s policies and procedures follow EOHHS’ requirements covering Grievances, Appeals, and Board of Hearings reviews. The Grievance and Appeals Process provides Members with options to file a grievance, two levels of appeal, expedited appeals, and external review by the Board of Hearings (BOH) when the Member is dissatisfied with an adverse action. Please refer to the Provider Manual for complete details on CeltiCare Health’s Grievance, Appeals and BOH policy and procedures. 38 Claims Appeals/Disputes Process • First point of contact should be to access the IVR or the web portal to check claim status. You may also contact Provider Services at 1-855-678-6975 and follow the prompts for claim status. • If you would like to request reconsideration of a claim, please submit a request in writing within 90 days of the EOP date. A “Request for Reconsideration” must be submitted prior to a dispute. If the request for reconsideration is denied then a “Claim Dispute” (2nd level appeal) can be submitted. • A Claim Dispute must be submitted within 90 calendar days of the resolution of your Request for Reconsideration. CeltiCare Health Claims Reconsiderations PO Box 3080 Farmington, MO 63640-3824 CeltiCare Health Claims Disputes PO Box 3000 Farmington, MO 63640-3800 39 PaySpan Health EFT/ERA • PaySpan Health is a secure, self-service website which can be utilized to manage and receive electronic payment and remittance advice. • Manage and access remittance data 24 hours a day • For more information please contact PaySpanHealth at 800-733-0908, • Register to attend a free webinar by calling 877-331-7154 or e-mail PaySpan at 40 Credentialing and Re-Credentialing 41 Credentialing, Demographic Updates and Re-Credentialing • New providers applying for participation must submit the required application and documentation to their Provider Relations Specialist. The application and document check list are available on our website: cklist_Current_201205.pdf?8c0b62 • CeltiCare Health will conduct an initial site visit and orientation for new providers • In order to maintain a current provider profile, providers are required to notify CeltiCare Health of any relevant changes 30 days prior to the change • CeltiCare Health conducts the re-credentialing process every 24 months from the date of provider’s initial participation effective date • Inquiries regarding a provider’s credentialing status and demographic changes can be resolved by contacting Provider Services at 1-855-678-6975 42 Quality Standards 43 Quality Standards Each PCP is responsible for maintaining sufficient facilities and personnel to provide covered physician service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Coverage must consist of one of the following means: • Answering service • Call forwarding to covering physician(s) • After-hours, on-call coverage 24-Hour Access of coverage requires: • After-hours coverage be accessible using the medical office’s daytime telephone number • The PCP, or covering medical professional, returns all calls within 30 minutes of the initial contact • Connecting the caller to someone who can render a clinical decision, reach the PCP for a clinical decision, or refer the caller to the emergency room CeltiCare Health will monitor appointment and after-hours availability on an ongoing basis through its Quality Improvement Program. 44 Quality Improvement Initiatives As part of CeltiCare Health’s Quality Management and Quality Improvement initiatives, you can expect the following activities at least annually from CeltiCare Health: • • • • Educating about our Provider Profiling activities to include: – Methodology and benchmarks for standards of care – Assessment of performance using clinical, administrative, and Member satisfaction. – Feedback mechanisms and action plans for improvement Establishing provider specific quality improvement goals; Developing and establishing activities and incentives to improve patient quality of care; Ongoing education and support in targeted areas such as issues concerning women, peoples with disability, special populations, and areas concerning adult preventive care. Visit CeltiCare Health’s Website for more information about our Quality Improvement programs at 45 Quality Improvement Information / 46 Educational Opportunities Ongoing Education for Primary Care Providers: • Ongoing education and training for Primary Care Providers (PCP) will occur periodically on program topics that will include Cultural Competency, integrated care management, and wellness initiatives, and if there is a request for refresher training on policies, procedures, systems, or workflows. • Additionally, training will be provided at least annually for PCPs on the Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder screening tools and how to identify Behavioral Health Service needs, including how to refer for services when needed Ongoing Education for Specialty Providers: • Education and training for Specialists will occur periodically to ensure their continued understanding of and ability to abide by the requirements of the program and on topics related to Cultural Competency, programs or initiatives CeltiCare Health is promoting and if there is a request for refresher or quality of care issue. Additionally, targeted periodic training, will occur regarding clinical tools and resources, Physical and Behavioral Health Integration, and Performance improvement initiatives. Training will be scheduled and published on the CeltiCare Health website indicating intended audiences and modality of training. 47 Cultural Competency • CeltiCare Health monitors the delivery of care and services in relation to the provision of culturally competent services through a comprehensive set of Quality Methods that include the CAHPS Member Satisfaction Survey and Provider Satisfaction Survey • Language Line medical translation services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in 140 languages to assist providers and members in communicating with each other during urgent/emergent situations, non-urgent/emergent appointments as requested, or when there are no other translators available for the language requested. The language line is accessed through Member Services during regular business hours or through NurseWise, CeltiCare Health’s medical triage advice line, after normal business hours • Additional information can be found at: CeltiCare Health Cultural Competency (hyperlink) or, or • By calling the Member Services Department at: 1-855-678-6975, Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 48 Provider Assistance with Public Health Services CeltiCare Health is partnering with EOHHS to coordinate with public health entities regarding the provision of public health services. We need your help in doing that by: Complying with public health reporting requirements regarding communicable diseases and/or diseases which are preventable by immunization as defined by Massachusetts law. Assisting in the notification or referral of any communicable disease outbreaks involving members to the local public health entity as defined by Massachusetts law. Referring to the local public health entity for tuberculosis contact investigation, evaluation, and the preventive treatment of persons with whom the Member has come into contact. Referring Members to the local public health entity for STD/HIV contact investigation, evaluation, and preventive treatment of persons whom the Member has come into contact. • Providing Serious Reportable Events (SREs) and Provider Preventable Conditions to DPH and CeltiCare Health within 7 days of discovery, with a follow-up report within 30 days of the initial notification; CeltiCare will inform MassHealth. Massachusetts Department of Public Health 1-617-624-6000 49 Provider Assistance with Public Health Services continued Providing all women of childbearing age with HIV counseling and offering them HIV testing at the initial prenatal care visit. All women who are infected with HIV are counseled about and offered treatment. Screening all pregnant Members for the Hepatitis B surface antigen. Referring Members for Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) services. Assisting in the coordination and follow-up of suspected or confirmed cases of childhood lead exposure (FYI for providers, does not apply to CarePlus Members. Assisting in the collection and verification of race/ethnicity and primary language data. Massachusetts Department of Public Health 1-617-624-6000 50 QUESTIONS? Call our Provider Service Department at 1-855-678-6975 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 51
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