2012 Military and Rugged Use
2012 Military and Rugged Use
2012 Military and Rugged Use C A T A L O G MADE in the U.S.A. $9.99 M102 - Revolving Wire Display Free w/ 144 Mugs M104 - Modified Floor Display for Steins / Travel Mugs. Free w/ 108 Steins or Travel Mugs M105 - Cardboard Display Free w/ 36 Mugs M101 - Floor Display Free w/ 108 Mugs Cuppa Merchandising Systems are Always M100 - Counter Top Display Free w/ 36 Mugs FREE! Each Display Comes With a Colorful Header of Your Choice. 15oz. Coffee Mugs 2oz. Shot Glasses 16oz. Travel Mugs Ceramic Collectible Ornaments 22oz. Ceramic Steins is the World’s Only Brand Name Coffee Mug...! All of our ceramic products are industrial dishwasher safe, microwave safe and UV safe. Cuppa products offer more variety that will appeal to every customer! We feature the artwork of World-Famous Artists to bring you quality gift and souvenir products. Our free namedrop program lets you create a unique gift for your customer’s favorite recreation or travel destination. From coffee mugs to shot glasses, Cuppa is your one-stop shop for all of your collectible souvenirs. All designs are available on all products. Please order using the item number shown and signifying which product style you would like. Our customer service representatives are available to assist you and to update you on new product information. Please call us at: (800) 551-6541 Virtually All of Our Mugs Can Be Customized With Your Choice of a Name Drop. It’s the Perfect Way to Make Our Products Uniquely Your Own! Order 6 or More of Any Style At No extra charge! PROUD to SERVE 50015 - American Flag 11011 - Proud to Be An American 11001 - American Bald Eagle 1 11012 - American Bald Eagle 3 50021 - United We Stand 50017 - Proud to Be American 50020 - God Bless America 50019 - All Gave Some 50026 - Liberty Eagle 50018 - All Gave Some 9/11 50022 - In God We Trust 50016 - Proud to Serve 50023 - One Nation Under God 15119 - WWII Iwo Jima 15108 - Vietnam 15107 - Korea 50003 - Vietnam Women’s Memorial 15106 - POW/MIA page 6 call 800-551-6541 PROUD to SERVE 50004 - Colors of Courage THIS DESIGN IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE, SORRY! 50002 - Purple Heart 50000 - Gathering of Eagles 50001 - Walk of the Warrior 50005 - POW Medal 50079 - Iraqi Freedom Vet 50075 - Vietnam Vet 50077 - Iraq Campaign Vet 50076 - Afghanistan Vet 50078 - Desert Storm Vet 50044 - O.I.F. Veteran 53055 - Kuwait Naval Base Operation Iraqi Freedom 52211 - O.I.F. U.S. Army 54075 - O.I.F. U.S. Marines 50036 - O.I.F. Flag Background 50034 - O.I.F. Camo / Desert 50037 - Defending Freedom 52290 - Support Our Troops 101st Screaming Eagles email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 7 PROUD to SERVE 53080 - Support Our Sailors 52294 - Duty First 50045 - Support our Troops 15309 - Bouquet of Freedom 52308 Welcome Home 52273 - Afghanistan in RearView Mirror 52257 - Kuwait in Rear-View Mirror 52245 - Iraq in Rear-View Mirror 52229 - Army Flags 51288 - Air Force Flags 53061 - Navy Flags page 8 52185 - “Blank” in Rear-View Mirror [Customizable] 54064 - Marine Flags 55021 - Coast Guard Flags call 800-551-6541 ARMY 52001 - Army Crest Woodland Camo 52350 - Army Crest Digital Camo 52270 - Army Crest on White 52010 - 4th Division w/ Crest 52015 - 173rd Airborne w/ Crest 52011 - 1st Armored Div. Old Ironsides 52012 - 2nd Armored Div. Hell On Wheels 52013 - 3rd Armored Div. Spearhead 52014 - 4th Armored Div. Rolling 4th 52004 - 1st Cavalry w/ Crest 52002 - 82nd Airborne w/ Crest 52016 - 101st Airborne 52006 - Special Forces 52020 - Regimental Med 52009 - 2nd Div. w/ Crest 52024 - 23 Americal email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 9 ARMY 52025 - Engineer Com Vietnam 52026 - Airborne Ranger Lead The Way 52027 - 10th Mountain Div. Fort Drum 52008 - 1st Div w/ Crest 52007 - 3rd Div w/ Crest 52358 - 10th Mountain Div. 52037 - Special Forces: Oppressor 52039 - 32nd Division 52041 - 84th Division 52042 - 25th Infantry 52043 - 11th Divison 52044 - 9th Division 52047 - Women’s Army Corp 52049 - Sniper 52293 - Sapper 52280 - 1st Inf Div Duty First 52068 - 32nd Inf Div 52279 - 173rd Sky Soldier page 10 call 800-551-6541 ARMY Ranks All Army Ranks Available on Woodland or Digital Camo Background email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 11 ARMY 52083 - 18 Corps Airborne 52084 - MACV - SOG 52085 - MACV 52086 - Military Police K-9 Corps 52100 - Medical Corps 52106 - Army National Guard 52107 - Blessed are the Peacekeepers 52108 - Hooah! It’s an Army Thing 52125 - Military Police Corps 52117 - CH-47 Chinook 52023 - Psalm 23-4 52130 - Essayons 52142 - 2nd Infantry Proud to Serve 52163 - Military Police Badge 52156 - Army Engineers 52065 - Army Retired 52135 - Stay Army w/ Logo 52160 - A Band of Brothers page 12 call 800-551-6541 ARMY 52177 - 6th Ranger BN Training Blackhawk 52178 - 6th Ranger BN Training Raft 52182 - Middle of Nowhere Customizable 52183 - Send More Soldiers 52255 - UH-60 Blackhawk 52206 - M1 Abrams Tank 52207 - AH-64 Apache 52217 - OH-58 Delta Kioka Warrior 52224 - 1st Armored Division 52225 - 2nd Armored Division 52220 - 3rd Armored Division 52226 - 4th Armored Division 52236 - Army Crest on Desert BG 52238 - The Stryker 52266 - Blackhawk 52262 - M1 Abrams 50100 - Iraq Campaign Medal 52515 - Iraq War Veteran email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 13 ARMY Family Values! 52203 - Army Mom and Proud - Stars 52205 - Army Wife and Proud - Stars 52242 - Army Grandpa and Proud - Stars 52214 - Army Girlfriend and Proud - Stars/Camo 52216 - Army Brother and Proud - Stars/Camo 52242 - Army Grandpa and Proud - Stars 52204 - Army Dad and Proud - Stars 52241 - Army Grandma and Proud - Stars 52215 - Army Sister and Proud - Stars/Camo 52230 - Army Husband and Proud - Stars/Camo 52017- Army Mom and Proud Flag 52018 - Army Dad and Proud Flag 52077 - Army Wife and Proud Flag 52374 - Proud US Army Dad Stars/Stripes 52133 - Army Wife Toughest Job Red Rose 52373 - Proud US Army Mom Stars/Stripes 52429 - Army Dad ACU BG 52430 - Army Grandpa ACU BG 52428 - Army Brother ACU BG page 14 call 800-551-6541 ARMY Family Values! 52381 - I’m a Proud Husband 52382 - I’m a Proud Wife 52533 - 1st Infantry - Patch on ACU 52516 - 1st Infantry - Daughter 52517 - 1st Infantry - Son 52518 - 1st Infantry - Mom 52519 - 1st Infantry - Dad 52520 - 1st Infantry - Wife 52521 - 1st Infantry - Husband 52502 - 1st Cavalry - Mom 52503 - 1st Cavalry - Dad 52504 - 1st Cavalry - Husband 52505 - 1st Cavalry - Wife 52506 - 1st Cavalry - Daughter 52507 - 1st Cavalry - Son 52510 - 82nd Airborne Patch on ACU 52508 - 82nd Airborne - Mom 52509 - 82nd Airborne - Dad 52511 - 82nd Airborne - Wife 52512 - 82nd Airborne - Husband 52513 - 82nd Airborne - Daughter 52514 - 82nd Airborne - Son 52541 - Army Logo Proud Dad 52542 - Army Logo Proud Mom 52543 - Army Logo Proud Wife 52544 - Army Logo Proud Husband 52545 - Army Logo Proud Daughter 52546 - Army Logo Proud Son 52547 - Army Logo Proud Grandma 52548 - Army Logo Proud Grandpa 52549 - Proud Dad ACU 52550 - Proud Mom ACU 52551 - Proud Wife ACU 52552 - Proud Husband ACU 52553 - Proud Daughter ACU 52554 - Proud Son ACU 52555 - Proud Grandma ACU 52556 - Proud Grandpa ACU 52523 - Army Let Me Tell Son 52524 - Army Let Me Tell Daughter 52525 - Army Let Me Tell Grandson 52526 - Army Let Me Tell Sister 52527 - Army Let Me Tell Brother 52529 - Army Let Me Tell Mom 52530 - Army Let Me Tell Dad 52531 - Army Let Me Tell Wife 52538 - Army Wife Butterfly 52539 - Army Mom Butterfly 52537- Army Grandma Butterfly 52540 - Army Daughter Butterfly 52231 - I Love My Soldier 52372 - I Love My Soldier ACU BG email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 15 page 16 call 800-551-6541 ARMY Attitude! 52318 - US Army One Shot, One Kill 52325 - Special Forces / Skull 52347 - Special Forces Guns and Skull 52346 - 82nd Airborne Forever 52307 - 2nd Infantry Indian Head on Desert 52324 - Delta Force 52323 - Army Cavalry 52332 - Ranger Lead the Way 52348 - Army This We’ll Defend Forest 52331 - Army This We’ll Defend Skull 52327 - Army Green Cross 52301 - Airborne Death 52326 - De Oppresso Liber 52300 - Big Red One 52322 - Army This We’ll Defend Eagle 52302 101st Screaming Eagle w/ Scope 52305 - Army Rangers Iron Cross 52303 - Rock of the Marne email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 17 ARMY Attitude! 52304 - Army Camo Cross 52306 - Infantry Sandstorm 52852 - Air Assault 52854 - 1st Cavalry 52853 - Infantry Aces 52851 - Rangers Tribal 52855 - Army Eagle 52856 - Quiet Professionals 52522 - Army Home of the Brave Flag 52535 - Army Logo Area Secure Metallic 52536 - Army Logo Area Secure ACU 52534 - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 52437 - Army Logo Army Strong Green Tech 52436 - Army Logo Army Strong Soldiers on ACU 52431 - Warrior Ethos on ACU 52435 - Army Logo Army Strong w/ Eagle 52427 - 3ID Bulldog 52440 - Army Logo No Place Like Home page 18 call 800-551-6541 ARMY Attitude! 52869 - Armored Vehicles 52870 - Security Support / Flag 52868 - Support Vehicles 52871 - Silhouettes at Dusk 52863 - Army Logo Army Strong ACU BG 52861 - Army Strong Gold Stars 52864 - Army Strong White 52862 - Army Logo Army Strong Camo BG 52866 - Army Strong Red BG 50085 - Tunnel Rat 50087 - “Kill ‘em All” 50088 - Vietnam Dragon 52495 - US Army Soldier of the Future 52496 - US Army One Shot One Kill 52801 - Ranger Earned Not Issued 52800 - Ranger Legend 15101 - Infantry Creed email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 19 page 20 call 800-551-6541 AIR FORCE 51001 - Air Force Crest on Sky 51197 - Air Force Logo on Sky 51198 - Air Force Logo on Flag and Sky 51202 - Air Force Peacekeepers 49002 - Thunderbirds 51267 - Air Force Above All 51204 - Air National Guard 51322 - US Air Force Academy 51110 - AF Home of the Brave 51045 - AF Logo Area Secure Metallic 51046 - AF Logo Area Secure BDU 51422 - AF Logo BDU BG 51433 - AF No One Comes Close F-16 BDU BG 51434 - USAF w/BDU Letters 51234 - AF Retired email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 21 AIR FORCE Ranks page 22 call 800-551-6541 AIR FORCE Family Values! 51136 - Air Force Dad and Proud Flag 51250 - Air Force Wife Toughest Job - Yellow Rose 51002 - Air Force Mom and Proud Flag 51289 - I Love My Airman 51264 - AF Mom and Proud - Stars 51269 - AF Wife and Proud - Stars 51308 - AF Grandma and Proud - Stars 51037 - AF Logo Proud Dad 51038 - AF Logo Proud Mom 51039 - AF Logo Proud Wife 51040 - AF Logo Proud Husband 51041- AF Logo Proud Daughter 51042 - AF Logo Proud Son 51043 - AF Logo Proud Grandma 51044 - AF Logo Proud Grandpa 51184 - Air Force Wife and Proud Flag 51360 - I Love My Airman Sky BG 51265 - AF Dad and Proud - Stars 51321 - AF Girlfriend and Proud - Stars 51309 - AF Grandpa and Proud - Stars 51359 - Proud USAF Mom Stars / Stripes 51024 - AF Wife Butterfly 51022 - AF Mom Butterfly 51021- AF Grandma Butterfly 51023 - AF Daughter Butterfly 51025 - AF Let Me Tell Son 51026 - AF Let Me Tell Daughter 51027 - AF Let Me Tell Grandson 51028 - AF Let Me Tell Granddaught 51029 - AF Let Me Tell Sister 51030 - AF Let Me Tell Brother 51031 - AF Let Me Tell Mom 51032 - AF Let Me Tell Dad 51033 - AF Let Me Tell Wife 51034 - AF Let Me Tell Husband 51358 - Proud USAF Dad Stars / Stripes email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 23 page 24 call 800-551-6541 AIR FORCE Family Values! 51008 - AF Wife Above All Flag BG 51007 - AF Mom Above All Flag BG 51005 - AF Dad - One Force, One Family 51421 - AF Wife and Proud Pink BDU BG AIR FORCE Attitude! 51355 - USAF One with Skull 51350 - USAF Skull w/ Lightning 51351 - USAF Spec-Ops 51352 - USAF Iron Cross 51353 - USAF Cross into the Blue 51349 - AF Maintainer email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 25 AIR FORCE 51274 - T-38 Talon 51275 - T-37 Talon 51259 - AWACS E-3 51263 - U2 51281 - MH-53 51282 - F-15 51266 - KC-135 51277 - C5 Galaxy 51270 - F/A-22 Raptor 51287 - F-16 51261 - C-17 w/ AF Logo 51249 - B-52 51311 - Predator 51313 - KC-10 51318 - A-10 Thunderbolt II 51326 - F-117 Stealth Fighter 51333 - T-6A 51338 - Hellfire Predator page 26 call 800-551-6541 AIR FORCE 51348 - Global Hawk White 51346 - Global Hawk Black 51243 - C-130 51395 - AF Logo Above All w/ Eagle 51168 - Security Forces 51137 - Desert Storm w/ Air Force Crest 51373 - Air Defense Collage 51376 - Silhouettes / Eagle & Sky 51375 - Air Defense / Eagle & Flag 51374 - Security Support 51003 - AF Logo Above All Jet BG 51006 - AF Logo Above All Flag BG 51188 - Fire Protection 51137 - AF Desert Storm 51167 - Defenders of the Force 51142 - Defensor Fortis email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 27 page 28 call 800-551-6541 MARINES 54001 - Marine Crest 54014 - Semper Fi w/ Crest 54068 - EGA w/ Gold USMC on Red 54010 - 1st Division w/ Crest 54069 - EGA w/ Red USMC on Gold 54070 - EGA Parris Island, SC 54011 - 2nd Division w/ Crest 54003 - Desert Storm w/ Marine Crest 54071 - EGA w/ Gold USMC on Dark Green 54012 - 3rd Division w/ Crest 54038 - Marine Peacekeeper 54072 - USMC Honor, Courage, Commitment Parris Island 54013 - 4th Division w/ Crest 54064 - Marine Cross Flags 54031 - USMC Devil Dog 54036 - 4th Amphibian Assault 54032 - What Part of Marine Don’t You Understand? email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 29 MARINES 54017 - Marine Recon w/ Semper Fi 54027 - Marine Recon 2000 54041 - USMC Retired 54073 - Marine Raiders 54023 - Sniper Marine 54024 - Parris Island, SC 54074 - EGA on Black 54094 - President Reagan Quote w/ Crest 54124 - Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body USMC 54089 - Semper Fidelis Young Marines 54078 - Honor, Courage and Commitment 54093 - Ooo-Rah: It’s a Marine Corps THing 52476 - Marine Crest Still Serving 54135 - USMC Claw page 30 call 800-551-6541 MARINES Family Values! 54028 - Marine Wife and Proud Flag 54016 - Marine Dad and Proud Flag 54015 - Marine Mom and Proud Flag 54065 - My Son... A Marine 54066 - My Daughter... A Marine 54067 - My Grandson... A Marine 54058 - Marine Wife Toughest Job Yellow Rose 54076 - I Love My Marine 54092 - Marine Girlfriend & Proud on Camo email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 31 MARINES Ranks All Marine Ranks Available on Woodland or Digital Camo Background page 32 call 800-551-6541 MARINES Attitude! 54097 - Marines Enough Said 54104 - Marines Force Recon 54098 - Marine Cross 54121 - Marine Banner & Skull 54108 - Marines First to Fight Red 54125 - Marine Long Range Death 54105 - Marine Corps Skull 54107 - Marines First to Fight - Sky 54127 - Marine Eagle 54128 - Devil Dogs 54138 - The Tough Get Up Flag BG 54139 - Marines Always Ready 54140 - Marine Precise Control 54141 - The Tough Get Up Diamond Steel BG 54142 - Semper Fi Soldier ACU BG 54143 - Semper Fi Eagle 50087 - “Kill ‘em All” 54134 - Marine Bulldog email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 33 NAVY 53001 - Navy Crest on Angry Sea 53020 - Navy Crest w/ Border 53018 - Navy Crest w/ Eagle 53019 - Navy American Flag 53063 - New Navy Seal w/ Flag and Sea 53021 - Navy Peacekeeper 53004 - Navy Seals 53025 - Navy Retired 53002 - Desert Storm - Navy Crest 53003 - Blue Angels w/ One Jet 53006 - Blue Angels w/ Two Jets 53005 - Navy Chief’s Medal 53009 - Navy Chiefs Three Medals 53051 - Navy Chiefs 53052 - Navy Chief E7 53053 - Navy Senior Chief E8 53054 - Navy Master Chief E9 page 34 call 800-551-6541 NAVY 53032 - US Naval Academy 53042 - Navy Seal & JFK Quote 53043 - Navy: Accelerate Your Life 53010 - SeaBees Gold 53027 - SeaBees Silver 53012 - Navy Law Enforcement 53085 - Navy Fleet 53084 - Breakthrough Periscope 53065 - E6-Flag 53041 - E-6A 53060 - F-18 53082 - Breakthrough Fighter 53083 - Breakthrough Fighter w/ Flag 53091 - Navy Anytime Anywhere 53093 - Navy Don’t Tread on Me 53088 - Navy Cross 53092 - Navy Surf 53094 - Navy Carrier email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 35 NAVY Family Values! 53007 - Navy Dad & Proud Flag 53008 - Navy Mom & Proud Flag 53014 - Navy Wife & Proud Flag 53034 - Navy Wife White Rose 53044 - Navy Sister & Proud Stars 53050 - Navy Girlfriend & Proud Stars Also Available: 53048 - Navy Grandpa & Proud Stars 53047 - Navy Uncle & Proud Stars 53046 - Navy Aunt & Proud Stars 53045 - Navy Brother & Proud Stars 53049 - Navy Grandma & Proud Stars 53062 - I Love My Sailor 53095 - I Love My Sailor Sea BG 53116 - Navy Crest Still Serving 53090 - Navy: the Answer page 36 call 800-551-6541 53105 - SeaBees COAST GUARD 55001 - Coast Guard Crest on Angry Sea 55002 - Coast Guard Crest on Blue Sky 55005 - Desert Storm Coast Guard 55011 - Coast Guard Peacekeepers 55012 - Coast Guard Auxiliary 55014 - Coast Guard Retired 55022 - I Love My Coastie 55016 - Coast Guard Wife Toughest Job 55004 - Coast Guard Dad and Proud Flag 55003 - Coast Guard Mom and Proud Flag 55009 - Coast Guard Wife and Proud Flag 52477 - CG Crest Still Serving email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 37 Aviation History 49000 - B-2 Bomber 49001 - Born to Fly 49002 - Thunderbirds 49010 - F-4-U Corsair 49011 - Super Corsair 49012 - P-51D Mustang 49013 - P-40 Warhawk 49014 - P-47 Thunderbolt 49015 - P-38F Lightning 49016 - B-17 Flying Fortress 49017 - B-24 on US Flag 49018 - B-17 / 8th US Army 58002 - F-14 Alpha Strike page 38 58003 - B-17 Alpha Strike call 800-551-6541 email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 39 PROTECT and SERVE 61511 - Police 61504 - K-9 61510 - Sheriff 61010 - Firefighter 56047 - Firefighter’s Prayer 61000 - Fire & Rescue 61001 - Breakin’ It Down 61019 - Paramedic page 40 61002 - Firefighters 61020 - Emergency Med Tech call 800-551-6541 61021 - Emergency Med Services email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 41 The DICK KRAMERCollection 56038 - TAC Team 56037 - SWAT Squeeze 56058 - Follow the Leader 56039 - SWAT 56049 - County Sheriff 56051 - Make My Day 56040 - Firefighter Montage 56041 - Pulling the Hose 56042 - Firefighter Mask 56030 - The Grunt 56032 - Marine Recon 56031 - Sawman EGA 56034 - Sniper page 42 56035 - Tight 360 call 800-551-6541 The DICK KRAMERCollection 56048 - Halo 56054 - American Warrior I 56055 - American Warrior II 56056 - American Warrior III 56057 - American Warrior IV 56060 - Fallujah Warrior 56064 - One Shot One Kill 56066 - Medic Up 56062 - Homeland Heroes 56065 - Special Forces 56046 - Waiting for the Green 56059 - Ranger II 56033 - Navy Seal 56036 - Airborne email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 43 SECOND AMENDMENT Rights! 59021 - M-16 59020 - Glock 59023 - HK MP5 59022 - Browning Hi-Power 59024 - AK-47 59038 - Assault Rifle 59026 - 1911 59025 - Beretta 59027 - MAC 10 59028 - USP/MK23 59039 - FAL 59040 - CZ75 59041 - Garand 59042 - Classic SMG’s 59043 - SIG page 44 call 800-551-6541 SECOND AMENDMENT Rights! 59044 - 50 BMG’s 59046 - Thompson Sub 59047 - Walther Police Pistols 59045 - Luger 59049 - Modern SMG’s 59061 - 21st Century Pistols 59062 - 21st Century Assault Rifles 59003 - 2nd Amendment 59004 - 2nd Amend. w/ 1911 59000 - 2nd Amend. w/ 45 59001 - 2nd Amend. w/ 44 59002 - Western Style Six Shooter 50087 - “Kill ‘em All” email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 45 WILD WEST LIFE 39400 - Jesse James 39401 - Doc Holliday 39402 - Billy the Kid 39403 - Bat Masterson 39404 - Calamity Jane 39405 - Wyatt Earp 39406 - Wild Bill Hickock 39300 - Chief Red Cloud 39301 - Chief Joseph 39302 - Geronimo 39303 - Black Elk 39304 - Crazy Horse 39305 - Chief Sitting Bull 39306 - Original Homeland Security page 46 call 800-551-6541 CIVIL WAR GENERALS 58130 - General Lee 58131 - General Stuart 58132 - General Jackson 58133 - General Grant 58134 - General Sherman 58135 - General Thomas 58136 - General Forrest 58999 - These Colors Don’t Run Rise Again With Our Rebel Flag Mug...! email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 47 HOMELAND SECURITY Original 39306 - Original Homeland Security 68119 - OHS Loggers 68120 - OHS Indian Police 68116 - OHS Rangers 68122 - OHS Six Shooter 68121 - Arizona Rangers 68123 - OHS Rattlesnake page 48 68124 - OHS Buffalo Soldiers call 800-551-6541 OUTDOOR LIFE 11019 - Autumn Wolf 11365 - Ridge Runners 11714 - Primal Pursuit 38310 - Call of the Wild 11000 - Ken Jenkins Wolf 11626 - Gary Crandall Wolf 11679 - Riverbank Reflections 11680 - Riverside Quest 38311 - Grizzly Country 11688 - Breaking Cover 11150 - Grizzly Bear 11676 - Loggin’ On 11690 - First Snow Grizzly 11153 - Mountain Meadow Elk 11666 - High Country 11665 - Wilderness Sonata 38300 - Ladies First 38316 - Moose email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 49 OUTDOOR LIFE 11693 - Silent Waters Moose 11683 - Early Snow 38303 - White Tail Buck 38312 - Prime Time 11357 - Mule Deer 11325 - Last Look 11351 - Deer & Pine 11668 - Welcome Gathering 38302 - High Field Flush 38127 - Fencerow Pheasants 38150 - Ducks in Cattails 38102 - Ducks 16100 - Bass 16101 - Rainbow Trout 38304 - Black Crappies 38305 - Pumpkin Seed 11631 - Freedom Bird 11686 - Out of the Silence page 50 call 800-551-6541 COUNTRY ATTITUDE 39602 Cowboy Crossing 39600 Bad As Hell 39603 Eight Bull 39601 Thunder Buster 39604 Get A Grip 39503 Bronco Rider 39510 Clear Water Crossing 39511 Greased Lightning 39512 After the Storm 39513 Lightning in the Sky 39514 Last of the Wild Ones 39525 Open Range 39500 Blackie 39501 Eight Second Ride 39526 Morning in New Mexico 39527 Chuckwagon Serenade 39528 Rocky Creek Colts email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 51 COUNTRY ATTITUDE 39529 Morning on the Merced 39530 Cowtown 39531 Branding for the Boss Lady 39532 Captain Hays & Company 39533 Here Comes the Rain 39534 Fast and Furious 39535 Pickin’ Up Strays 39536 Hot Pursuit 39537 Sierra Sunrise 39538 Saddle Inspection 39505 Yippee Yi Yea 39515 Horse Whisperer 39516 Ride the Wind 39517 Maizie & Thunder 39518 Here Comes the Sun 36010 Range Wars page 52 39502 Roping Cowboy call 800-551-6541 PIRATES...! 14045 Captain Kidd 14046 Pursuit of Happiness 14047 Caught Nipping 14048 Pirate Gunners 14049 Blackbeard 14050 Lookout 13162 Mistress Black Widow 13165 Surrender the Booty 13166 Flogged Crew 14043 Pirate Banking 14044 Moonlight Duel 14095 Pirates Aboard 13167 Having Rum 14026 Pirate on the Beach 14051 Dead Men Tell No Tales email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 53 PIRATES...! 14052 Captain 14053 The Fort 14091 Barrel Wench 14092 Forty Thieves 14093 Jolly Roger 14094 Mary Read & Anne Bonney 13210 Sunning Mermaid 13075 Mermaid Carolanne 13178 Freckles the Mermaid 13208 Chasing the Wind 14168 Mermaid Marie 14169 Mermaid Sophie 68100 Train #1 68101 Silverbelle Run 68103 Rocky Climb 68104 Mighty Mike’s Dec. Run TRAINS 68102 Number 530 page 54 call 800-551-6541 SURFING U.S.A. 61056 Surf Woody 14077 Starting Line Up 14078 Buttercup Buick 14079 Surf’s Up 14080 Aloha Hawaii 14081 Surfer Girl 14082 Waikiki 14083 Cutie on Duty 35047 Surfboards 61054 Retro Surf 61055 Oldtime Surfers 61045 Cresting Wave 61049 Surf Trip 24109 The Pipes Are Calling 24110 Signs of Paradise email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 55 Great Gifts! page 56 Great Gifts! page 57 Great Gifts! page 58 Great Gifts! page 59 WILD HORSES 11718 Making Friends 11307 Band of Thunder 36050 Modern Day Horse 36075 Wild Horses 36076 Horse in Field 36100 Black Mesa 36125 Spring Creek Run 36126 Winter Run 36150 Sacred Passage 36077 Hillside Paint Horses 36135 Prairie Meadow Horses 37183 Wind Weaver 11698 Silent Thunder 11699 Spectacular Seven 36216 Give Me Wings 39514 Last of the Wild Ones 37185 Jumping for Joy 37187 Spots & Spirals page 60 call 800-551-6541 TAKE THE PLUNGE! 61057 Dive 16323 Marlin 16324 Snook & Trout 16325 Tarpon 16320 Snook 16321 West Coast Slam 16322 Dolphin 11742 Mahi Mahi 11750 Yellow Fin Tuna 24107 Underwater Garden 35043 Red Coral 35046 Reef Life 16130 On the Pacific Rim 11101 Jumping Dolphins 11102 Underwater Dolphin email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com page 61 What’s Inside: Proud To Serve ...page 6 Army ...page 9 Air Force...page 21 Marines ...page 29 Navy ...page 34 Coast Guard ...page 37 Law Enforcement ...page 40 Right to Bear Arms ...page 44 Wild West ...page 34 Civil War ...page 37 Original Homeland ...page 40 Security ...page 44 Outdoor Life Country Attitude ...page 44 Pirates!...page 44 Surfin USA...page 44 Muscle Cars ...page 44 Tools of the Trade ...page 44 call 800-551-6541 email: cuppa@tampabay.rr.com
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