April, 2010
April, 2010
The Plymouth Courier 201 South Main St. Plymouth, MI 48170 April, 2010 Phone: (734) 453-1234 Fax: (734) 455-1892 courier@ci.plymouth.mi.us ~ Information From The City of Plymouth ~ E-News HAPPY EASTER AAPPRRIILL CCAALLEENND DAARR April 1- Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting-Cancelled April 2- City Offices CLOSED - Good Friday April 5- Plymouth City Commission Meeting 2nd Floor City Hall Commission Chambers- 7:00pm April 7- PCCA Officers & Board of Directors Mtg 2nd Floor City Hall Conference Room- 10:30am April 7- Historic District Commission Meeting 2nd Floor City Hall Commission Chambers- 7:00pm April 13- Plymouth Fall Festival Board Meeting 2nd Floor City Hall Commission Chambers- 7:30pm April 14- Planning Commission Meeting 2nd Floor City Hall Commission Chambers- 7:00pm April 15- Tax Day Tea Party Kellogg Park - 3-5pm April 15- Ply-Canton Coalition on Underage Drinking 2nd Floor City Hall Commission Chambers- 6:30pm April 18- Grand Opening Event-Ply Cultural Center1-5pm April 19- Plymouth City Commission Meeting 2nd Floor City Hall Commission Chambers- 7:00pm April 20- Last Filing Day for Planning Commission, ZBA and Historic District Commission Meetings 2nd Floor City Hall Building Department April 20- Stu Rockafellow Amateur Radio Society Signal - W8NJH 2nd Floor City Hall Commission Chambers- 7:00 p.m. April 25- Girl Scouts Stepping Out for a New Beginning Walk Sunday, Noon to 5:00pm April 26- Ply Community Youth Commission (PCYAC) 2nd Floor City Hall Commission Chambers- 5:15pm April 27- Fit4Life Bootcamp Kellogg Park 6-7pm Free http://www.ci.plymouth.mi.us Save the Date April 18, 2010 Time: 1pm - 5pm Location: 525 Farmer St, Plymouth, MI Come one come all, to the Grand Opening Event for the Plymouth Cultural Center. Come see our newly remodeled Reception & Meeting Rooms. The Plymouth Cultural Center is the perfect place to host your event. Whether it is a wedding reception, graduation party, business meeting or other special event, we have what you are looking for. Local vendors will be on hand to help with all your party needs, catering by Connie’s Catering, party accessories by Canton Canopy, invitations, and flowers. Raffle drawing for a complimentary nights stay at Comfort Inn Plymouth Clock Tower. You will also have a chance to win an Engagement photo session with Rawlinson Photography, and many other chances to win great party prizes. April 1st – Census Day Week of April 5th - Annual compost collection starting Reminder – April 15th is Tax Filing Deadline Saturday, April 24th & Saturday, May 8th – City of Plymouth Annual Spring Clean-up 2010 Saturday, April 24th – Plymouth Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day – 9am to 2pm Compuware Sports Arena Plymouth City Commission Mayor Daniel Dwyer Mayor Pro Tem Michael Wright Commissioner John Barrett Commissioner Ed Hingelberg Commissioner Ron Loiselle Commissioner Gerald Sabatini Commissioner David Workman 734-453-1234 ext. 260 ext. 266 ext. 264 ext. 261 ext. 262 ext. 265 ext. 263 DOG OW NERS Spring is here and the time is now to make sure that if you own a dog that you are a responsible dog parent. City Ordinances require that you pick up after your dog and that your dog is on a leash. Now that the snow is melting we find evidence that several dog owners failed to pick up after their dogs during the winter months in our City parks. This makes for a very messy spring. When your dog does its “business” please make sure that you clean up after it. It is the neighborly thing and courteous thing to do. Please make sure that you take a “poop bag” with you whenever you are walking your dog. If you need to order “poop bags” you can order Mutt Mitts, which are the same kind that the City uses in its neighborhood parks. You can order Mutt Mitts for home use on line at: http://www.pickupmitts.com/mm/default.asp?l=32 Just as a reminder; it is also very important for dog owners to make sure that they have a City dog license. This helps insure the proper vaccinations are on file and in the event that your dog gets away and is recovered by the Police, it will help return your dog quickly. If your dog is “chipped” and does not have a City dog license, it most likely will have to be taken to the Humane Society to have the “chip” read and you will have to pay a fee to retrieve your dog. Dog licenses are available at the City Treasurer’s Office at City Hall. Call 734-453-1234 ext. 245 for more information. COMPOST COLLECTION The City Department of Municipal Services will begin its annual compost collection starting next week (The week of April 5th). The compost collection is for containers or bags of yard waste material. Compost must be in the large brown paper compost bags or in separately marked 32 gallon sized or smaller containers. The containers should not exceed 35 pounds and be identified with a label “YARD WASTE” or with a large “C” or “X” on the container. Yard Waste Compost bags are available at local grocery stores and hardware stores. Collection of yard waste compostable materials will occur on your regular trash/recycle collection day. Residents are asked to help out the collectors by separating your trash cart from the recycle bin and from the yard waste compostable material. Keeping a little distance between each collection item will help make all of the collections more efficient. Persons with questions regarding the collection of yard waste compostable materials should contact the City of Plymouth Municipal Services Department at 734-453-7737. SPRING CLEAN-UP 2010 INFORMATION If you reside North of Ann Arbor Trail, you will have Spring Clean-Up on Saturday, April 24, 2010. If you reside South of Ann Arbor Trail, you will have Spring Clean-Up on Saturday, May 8, 2010. This will NOT interrupt your regular weekly trash and recycle pick- up TOP TEN THINGS TO REMEMBER FOR SPRING CLEAN-UP 2010 1. DO NOT place your brown, automated, trash cart out to the curb for Spring Clean Up; the non-automated trucks cannot empty them. 2. NO recycle or compost pick up will occur on Spring Clean-Up Day. 3. Each household is allowed eight (8) trash cans or the equivalent, plus two (2) “large items” (i.e. washer, dryer, couch, desk, etc.) 4. All small refuse must be placed in containers strong enough to hold the weight; (i.e. plastic bags, cans, and/or boxes; but must weigh less than 50 lbs.) 5. Appliances containing FREON; such as refrigerators, freezers, water coolers, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers, must have a valid certificate of FREON removal attached to the appliance. Contact any heating and cooling company for this service. It is against the law to place a refrigerator at the curb without removing the doors. 6. All items to be collected must be placed at curb in a neat and safe manner as not to pose any danger to the collectors or others. 7. DO NOT place materials at the curb prior to 24 hours in advance. (The Friday before your Saturday Spring Clean-Up). 8. All trash MUST be at the curb by 6:00A.M. on your Saturday collection day – OR IT MAY NOT BE PICKED UP. 9. PROHIBITED ITEMS: Tires; concrete or major construction debris; auto parts; piles of dirt and/or sod; extremely large items including, but not limited to: boats, cars, engines, motorcycles, and snowmobiles; hazardous materials including, but not limited to: gasoline, fuel and motor oil, paint thinners, pesticides, medical waste, etc. 10. Any questions, please call 734.455.1392 (Solid Waste) or 734.453.7737 (Office). The Spring Clean-up is for household disposal, NOT contractor disposal. Plymouth Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day Saturday, April 24, 2010 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Compuware Sports Arena www.ci.plymou th.mi.us City of Plymouth Municipal Services 734.453.7737 Office 734.455.1392 Solid Waste Join us on Facebook! 14900 Beck Road City of Plymouth and Plymouth Township Residents Only www.plymouthtwp.org Plymouth Township Public Services 734.453.8131 (ID required) Items Accepted: N N N N N N N N N N N N N Fluorescent light bulbs (unbroken) N Mercury N Drain openers Resins N Oil based Paints and Stain products N Driveway sealer Solvents N Polishes (furniture and metal) N Pool Chemicals Wood preservatives N Propane cylinders (20 lbs. or less) N Gasoline Computer Equipment N Adhesives Prescription and Over-the Counter Medications N Batteries (all types) Pesticides (all types, formulas and brands includes DDT) Aerosol cans (up to 12 inches tall—no cylinders or fire extinguishers) Automotive fluids (any type including used motor oil and antifreeze) Hobby or Laboratory Chemicals (silver nitrate, hydrochloric acid, etc.) Reactives (stump removal, water treatment compounds, peroxides, elemental metal-sodium potassium) Items labeled acid, flammable, caustic, poison, caution, toxic, danger or warning Lawn and garden products (fertilizers, herbicides, all types, formulas and brands includes dioxin compounds) Items NOT Accepted: N N N N Explosives, ammunition or fireworks N Radioactive materials N Medical Waste N PCB Containing Materials N Industrial size drums Latex Paint—Latex Paint can be disposed of by drying paint in cans completely. Completely dried cans may be placed with your regular trash collection. Smoke Detectors Tires This list is not indicative of all prohibited items; as such, the Event Organizers reserve the right to refuse collection of any and all additional items. øSee reverse side for 2010 Spring C le an U p Date s ø Curbside Compost Pick Up begins April 5th The City of Plymouth requires all compost materials be placed in a 32-gallon container marked “COMPOST” or brown paper yard waste bags. Containers or bags must not exceed 50 lbs. and must be manageable by one individual. Dirt is not a composting material since dirt is in its primary state. Composting materials are no longer accepted in landfills and cannot be collected in plastic bags. COMPOST IS NOT ACCEPTED when yard waste is mixed with solid waste or recyclables, dirt, rocks, and/or sod. March 30, 2010 Ozone Action Season begins May 1; Stay up-to-date on Facebook and Twitter The 17th year of Southeast Michigan’s voluntary program that helps keep the air clean begins on May 1. SEMCOG, Southeast Council of Governments, asks you to spread the air quality message to your residents, members, employees, and patrons. For the first year, Southeast Michigan’s Ozone Action program has a social media presence. Become a fan of us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! We will be using these pages in addition to our traditional e-mail notifications to keep you and your residents up-to-speed on a variety of air quality-related topics. Ground-level ozone is a result of hot, sunny days. Elevated levels can be a health hazard, particularly for the elderly, the young, and those suffering from respiratory ailments such as emphysema or asthma. Current standards are much tougher than in the past, making it even more important for residents to take action on Ozone Action days. The good news is that many of the actions that can make a difference for air quality can also save money during these difficult economic times. 1. Maintain your car with tune-ups, oil changes, clean air filters, and proper tire inflation. This can save you 23 gallons of gasoline per year on average. 2. Trip chain. Combining three trips into one each week could eliminate 200 miles on your vehicle, save 10 hours of time, and 10 gallons of gas a year. 3. Telecommute. Working from home one day a week can save the typical commuter 1,200 miles on their vehicle and over 58 gallons of gas a year. SEMCOG is a regional planning partnership of governmental units serving 4.8 million people in the seven-county region of Southeast Michigan striving to enhance the region’s quality of life. PPO OLLIICCEE D DEEPPA AR RTTM MEEN NTT 201 S. Main St., 734-453-1234 ext. 219 Going on a Spring Break Vacation? City of Plymouth Police Crime Prevention Specialist Officer Tony Angelosanto recommends that you complete a Household Vacation Check Request. This form provides police officers information on your home and when you will return. This will allow police officers the opportunity to stop by and check on your home while you are away. To complete a Vacation Check form; simply go to this link http://ci.plymouth.mi.us/DocumentView.aspx?DID=33 on the City’s web site. You can then complete the form and either scan it and email it back to the Police Department or drop it off 24 hours a day at City Hall. The City of Plymouth Police Department also offers FREE services such as residential and business security surveys. If you would like to schedule your home or business for a security survey or have any questions you can contact Officer Angelosanto at (734) 453-1234 x526 or at Ofc. Tony Angelosanto. Lt. Al Cox Acting Chief of Police PLEASE HELP! The City of Plymouth Police Department needs your assistance in keeping sidewalks and driveways free of obstructions. When parking a vehicle, please DO NOT block sidewalks or driveways. It is unlawful to park a vehicle so to obstruct a sidewalk in any fashion. It is also unlawful to block a driveway. Violators can be ticketed and/or towed. Bicycles- Spring is in the air and adults and kids alike will soon be riding bikes everywhere. In an effort to cut down on stolen bicycles, The City of Plymouth Police Dept. would like to remind everyone to keep their bicycles in their garages or sheds or locked up when they are not using them. Children should use the bicycle racks provided at schools and use a bicycle lock. The City of Plymouth Police Dept. also offers a bicycle registration service. For $2 you can register your bicycle at the Police Dept. and you will receive a numbered sticker to place on your bicycle. If your bicycle should be stolen and found elsewhere, the registration number will help us to return the bicycle to you. To register your bicycle, come into the Police Desk in City Hall between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and bring the brand name and serial number of your bicycle. On Street Parking Guidelines: There is no parking on ANY City streets between 3am-6am without a valid Parking Permit. For temporary needs to park a car in the street, contact the police department to be added to a temporary overnight list. Parking Permits are available for a fee with approved application from the police department. Applications are available on our website or may be picked up from the police department. Dog Licenses/Leashes: For the safety of your dog and our citizens, dogs are required to be on a leash or in a fenced yard and are required to be licensed. Owners can be ticketed for dogs running at large and for not having a license. Dog licenses need to be renewed each year as they expire every December 31st. Addresses-Residents should check to be sure that their addresses are easily visible in the day and at night. Emergency personnel must be able to easily locate your house at night in the event of an emergency. Reflective house numbers and adequate outside lighting can help improve visibility. Your local hardware or any home improvement store (Home Depot, Lowe’s, etc.) can help with these enhancements. Street Lights-If a street light is out, residents may call our Municipal Services Department, and they will issue an outage report on the resident’s behalf. When calling, you must provide the address location, the number that is on the pole if there is one, and if the pole is metal, wood or ornamental. PPLLYYM MO OU UTTH HD DO OW WN NTTO OW WN ND DEEVVEELLO OPPM MEEN NTT A AU UTTH HO OR RIITTYY 831 Penniman Ave. (734) 455-1453 Visit downtownplymouth.org for current Downtown Plymouth information. Tony Bruscato - Director of Operations John Buzuvis - DDA Business Operations/City Special Projects Director take 10 in 2010 visit 2010census.gov for more information WE CAN’T MOVE FORWARD UNTIL YOU MAIL IT BACK! “Take 10” and Help The City of Plymouth Get What it Needs for the Next 10 Years In March 2010, more than 130 million addresses received a 2010 Census form by mail or hand delivery. The 2010 Census will document the changes in our nation since the last decennial census in 2000, and tell us how we’ve evolved as a country. Because census data affect how more than $400 billion in federal funding is distributed to tribal, state and local governments, the census also will frame the future of our country and our community for the next 10 years. During Census 2000, the mail participation rate was 72 percent as of the April 2000 cut-off. About $85 million is saved for every one percent increase in mail participation. For these and many other reasons, we must work to encourage everyone’s participation in the census. Census Day is April 1, 2010. TTH HEE CCIITTYY O OFF PPLLYYM MO OU UTTH HR REECCR REEA ATTIIO ON ND DEEPPA AR RTTM MEEN NTT & & IICCEE A AR REEN NA A (734)455-6620 525 Farmer, Plymouth, MI 48170 March 1 - April 2 www.ci.plymouth.mi.us Open Skate Schedule Tuesday - Friday, 12:00pm-1:20pm Sunday, 4:00pm-5:50pm Sticks & Pucks March 1 - April 26 Monday - Friday, 2:00pm-3:50pm Drop-In Hockey March 1 - April 26 Tuesday, 4:00pm-5:20pm Days & Times Subject to Change Please contact our Open Skate Line (734)455-6620 or check our website www.ci.plymouth.mi.us for the up-to-date Open Skate schedule *Times are subject to change due to Camps and Clinics. Check back often! CLASSES NFL Youth Flag Football League (3rd - 8th Grade) Summer NFL Youth Flag Football Registration will take place from MARCH 1st to APRIL 16th. Registrations will be accepted at the Recreation Office during front counter hours (Monday-Friday, 12:00pm-4:30pm) or by mail or fax. **Make sure you fill out the NFL Youth Flag Football Registration Form, NOT the class registration from.** Due to NFL Flag Football regulations online registration is not available at this time. Roster size per division is limited. Each player will receive a reversible NFL football jersey and NFL flag belt. For more information contact the Recreation Department at (734)455-6620. Volunteer coaches will be needed!!! All Head Coaches children play for free. 2010 Co-Ed T-Ball League (5-6 yrs. old) T-Ball Registration will take place from MARCH 22 - APRIL 16. Registrations will be accepted at the Recreation Office during front counter hours (Monday-Friday, 12:00pm-4:30pm) or online 24/7. To register online, you must have an email address on file, and a username and password (PIN). For first time users, this can be set-up by the Recreation Department. To get set-up with a username and password, please e-mail us at recreation@ci.plymouth.mi.us or call us at (734)455-6620. Parents!!!!! We need volunteer coaches for the League to run. All Head Coaches children play for free. If you would like to volunteer, fill out the bottom of the player registration form during Open Registration. 1st Annual Golf Outing Come out, enjoy a day of golf, network, have fun, and help fund recreation programs, supplies, equipment and facility improvements in the community during the City of Plymouth Recreation 18 Hole Golf Outing. Thursday, August 12, 2010, 10:30am Shotgun Start. Please be at the course, The Inn at St. John’s, 44045 Five Mile Road, Plymouth, MI 48170, by 10:00am! For $125 per person you will get a cart (2 per foursome), golf, door prize, awards, on course beverages, lunch, dinner, 50/50 raffle, prize raffles, and memories! To register, either register online, mail in the form, fax in the form, or come into our office and pick up a form. The deadline for registration is July 22nd. *Make sure to use the Golf Outing form, not class registration form* Community Garage Sale It is Spring cleaning time! Start gathering up all those items that you no longer need, use, or want. Get an 8’x4’ spot inside the Plymouth Cultural Center Ice Arena, don’t worry the ice will be out, to sell everything and free up extra space in your house! For $20 you can reserve your spot, registration begins in March, space is limited! The Garage Sale will be held on June 12th. The event runs from 9:00 - 4:00pm so if you do not need to sell but need to buy come to the Plymouth Cultural Center and pick up a hidden treasure. June 12th – 9am to 4pm. *No food or drinks can be sold. *No weapons can be sold. Planet Protection & Conservation (Ages 4-10) Instructor: Gina Adams-Levy with Peace, Love and Planet Come celebrate Earth day 2010. Introducing an innovative and fun way to elevate you and your child’s environmental awareness. This 3 class workshop is designed for kids to learn why it's important to protect our planet and valuable tools to lead a sustainable life. Each class concludes with a creative art project made from recycled material. Curriculum targets children ages 4-10 with valuable information for the entire family. Parents are encouraged to stay and participate. Class 1: Earth. Explore air, land and water. Learn the valuable components of earth’s fragile eco-system and the impact of pollution. Examine our carbon footprint; energy, fuel consumption and life-cycle of a toy. Class 2: Trash. What is it, where does it go and why do we want to reduce it? Discover better alternatives to landfills and the importance of conservation. Class 3: Solutions. Evaluate the impact of our actions and importance of curbing our petroleum appetite. Learn simple steps to reduce our carbon footprint and benefits to leading a sustainable life. Class # 421510.01 421510.02 421510.03 421510.04 Ages 4 – 10 4 – 10 4 – 10 4 – 10 Day Monday Monday Monday Monday Date April 19, 26, May 3 April 19 ONLY April 26 ONLY May 3 ONLY Time 5:00 – 6:30pm 5:00 – 6:30pm 5:00 – 6:30pm 5:00 – 6:30pm Class Fee $80 (City of Plymouth Residents $65) $40 (City of Plymouth Residents $25) $40 (City of Plymouth Residents $25) $40 (City of Plymouth Residents $25) Barracuda Women’s Self Defense - Level 1 (Ages 13+) Instructor: Kids Power Karate Women’s Barracuda is a cutting edge self defense program that was designed specifically for women ages 13 and older. In this introductory course, the student will be taught prevention and evasion techniques as well as basic self defense. The moves taught are extremely effective and have been tried & tested against men of all sizes and abilities. We will introduce the use of pressure point manipulation and low level stun techniques. Minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Price includes: class, self-defense tool, DVD, and wallet card. Wednesdays, 6:15pm - 8:15pm April 28th Class # 426214.01 Fees: $45 (City of Plymouth Residents $30) Registration Deadline: April 26th Little Ninjas Karate (Ages 4-5) Instructor: Kids Power Karate The Little Ninjas Karate Program is an introductory karate class specifically designed for children ages 4 and 5. It focuses on teaching children 8 important main life skills: Focus, Memory, Teamwork, Discipline, Self-Control, Fitness, Balance, and Coordination. All this is achieved through exciting and fun games and activities! Wear loose fitting clothes. A responsible adult must remain in attendance during class. Wednesdays, 5:30pm - 6:00pm April 28 - June 2 Class # 421213.01 Fees: $45 (City of Plymouth Residents $30) Registration Deadline: April 26th Indoor Stability Ball Boot Camp (Adult) Instructor: Angela Hill - ACE Certified Personal Trainer Get ready to sweat and meet new friends as you transform your body and mind with this fun, but intense workout. Bring your willingness to work hard! Work at your own pace or challenge yourself to your next fitness level, but no matter what --- keep moving! This class will include strength training on the stability ball, blasts of cardio work, and light stretching. Bring water, stability ball (if you have - you don’t have to have a ball to take the class), one set of light weights (3 or 5 lbs), and/or one set of heavier weights (8-10)lbs. Class will run for 4 weeks. Mondays & Wednesdays, 7:30pm - 8:30pm Session 1: April 12 - May 5 Class # 423206.01 Registration Deadline: April 8th Fees: $95 (City of Plymouth Residents $80) Toning (Ages 12+) We ADDED “TONING” TO OUR Z-BOX™ name, because we wanted YOU to know that we plan to help YOU get toned and fit for the summer months ahead! Our one-hour Z-Box™ class is designed to offer the participant a safe, yet effective total body toning workout! Dance, Cardio Boxing, AND Body Toning, with a flair of ZEN (mimics Tai Chi). ALL fitness levels. Please bring hand weights and a mat to class. We’ll keep you motivated! The best price in town - 8week session! Certified Z-Box Instructor: Diamond. Thursdays, 5:30pm - 6:30pm Class # 423217.01 May 6th - June 24th Fees: $69 (City of Plymouth Residents $54) Registration Deadline: May 4th (Ages 12+) Our Zumba® class has proven to tone and sculpt the body. Latin/International/World Music used. Our Zumba® classes are fun, energetic, and addicting! Remember, it all depends on how you exert yourself; you could burn between 300 to 600 calories PER CLASS! Certified & Authorized Instructor and ZIN Member, Debbie Lim. The best price for Zumba! 8-week session! Class # 423216.01 Thursdays, 6:45pm - 7:30pm May 6th - June 24th Fees: $69 (City of Plymouth Residents $54) Registration Deadline: May 4th About Boating Safely (Ages 12+) The U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will be instructing the new, updated boating safety course, “About Boating Safely” on April 17, 2010 at the Plymouth Cultural Center, Plymouth, MI. The course is for students 12 years of age or older and includes the major topics of Introduction to Boating, Personal Safety Equipment, Operating Your Vessel Safely, Navigation, Legal Requirements of Boating and What to do in Boating Emergencies. A Course Certificate is issued upon successful completion of the course qualifying the student for operation of a Personal Water Craft (PWC). Class # Ages Day Date Time Class Fee 426801.01 12+ Saturday April 17 8:00am – 5:00pm $75.00 (City of Plymouth Residents $60 Babysitter’s Training (Ages 11-15) This one-day Babysitter’s Training course from the American Red Cross will teach you everything you need to know to be a great babysitter. This fun, interactive course teaches first aid and safety skills, so you can prevent and respond to emergencies. And, as a Red Cross-trained babysitter, you’ll gain confidence and valuable employment skills to impress parents. Each participant will receive, as part of their registration fee, a handbook, mini reference book, CD-ROM, first aid kit and Red Cross backpack to carry it all. Upon completion of the course, you will earn an American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Certificate. Please bring a sack lunch. This class will be held at the Plymouth Cultural Center. You’ll learn how to: Perform first aid and get professional help fast ♦ Identify common safety hazards and prevent injuries Make good, responsible decisions ♦ Supervise infants through school-age children Choose safe and age-appropriate toys and games ♦ Perform basic care routines like diapering, feeding, and dressing Prepare simple meals and snacks, handle bed-time issues ♦ Find and interview for babysitting jobs Class # 421501.01 Ages 11 – 15 Day Saturday Date April 24 Time 8:30am – 3:30pm Class Fee $95.00 (City of Plymouth Residents $80) Community Dog Training Classes Instructor: William “Dean” Gardner, ABC Certified Dog Trainer, Owner of Walk This Way Dog Training, LLC Designed specifically for the Plymouth Cultural Center, this 4-week program is a family-style class that uses positive reinforcement in a relaxed setting. Your dog will be socialized with other dogs, trained, and will learn all the skills to make the time invested a worthwhile and rewarding experience for your dog, yourself, and your family. Community Dog Training is an introduction to Sit, Down, Stay, Coming When Called, Walking on a Loose Leash, and Leave It. Written information provided for all classes. Bring collar, leash, and treats every week. Bring proof of vaccination or letter from vet to first class. All group classes are 4 weeks in length, and will take place one day a week for approximately 60 minutes. Some spring sessions are indoors and some are outdoors but all are at the Plymouth Cultural Center. Class Fee: $99.00 (City of Plymouth Residents $84) For more information visit walkthiswaydogtraining.com or call 734-812-2113 SPRING SESSION 1 - OUTDOOR Wednesdays @ 7:30pm April 28 – May 19 Class # 426506.01 Registration Deadline: March 29th Music at Plymouth Music Academy - Piano Adventures for Kids Enhance your child’s development through music! Recent studies suggest that playing and listening to music at a young age improves learning, memory, reasoning and general creativity. Children will learn about the fundamentals of music by following the adventures of Beethoven Bear and Mozart Mouse. Students will learn to play piano in a fun and exciting environment. Classes will focus on listening activates to develop ear training skills through songs that allow the students to experience music through singing, movement and response to rhythmic patterns. This is an excellent way to introduce your child to the world of music. Class # 421701.03 Ages 6-9 Days Times Wednesdays 5:30pm Dates April 14 - May 12 Fees $68.00 Musical Theater This program is for beginners who are interested in learning a theatrical vocal music style. Students will learn valuable vocal techniques and performance skills. Participants will be coached in tone, proper breath control, musical styles and performance techniques. Class # 421705.01 421705.02 Ages 7-12 13-16 Days Tuesdays Tuesdays Times 6:00pm 7:00pm Dates April 27 - June 8 April 27 - June 8 Fees $95.00 $95.00 Beginning Guitar (Children) Have you always wanted to play guitar but weren’t sure where to begin? We’ve got the class for you. Learn now in a fun group environment. Weather you are interested in rock, folk, jazz or classical playing this class is designed to teach you the proper techniques to begin. Classes for kids & adults. Class # 421704.01 421704.02 Ages 6-10 11+ Days Mondays Mondays Times 5:00pm 5:45pm Dates April 19 - June 7 *No Class 5/31 April 19 - June 7 *No Class 5/31 Fees $95.00 $95.00 CCLLEER RK K’’SS O OFFFFIICCEE 201 S. Main St., 734-453-1234 In addition to Passport services, the City Clerk's office provides Notary Services to the general public for $5.00 and must provide driver license for proof of identity. PPLLYYM MO OU UTTH H CCO OM MM MU UN NIITTYY SSEEN NIIO OR R TTR RA AN NSSPPO OR RTTA ATTIIO ON N 201 S. Main St., 734-453-1234 ext. 236 DAY PLACE PICK UP STARTS AT: RETURN TIMES Thur. April 1 Low Vision Meeting at the Plymouth Library Share advice on coping skills & adaptive technologies in a supportive atmosphere. A qualified facilitator will lead the group. Library staff will be on hand to provide assistance with Library equipment, services & offerings. 12:15 p.m. 2:15 p.m. Mon.April 5 Westland Mall ~Minimum of 8 riders~ 9:00 a.m. 2 Hours from drop off Mon.April 5 Bennigan’s Restaurant 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 2 Hours from drop off 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 3 Hours from drop off 10:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 2 Hours from drop off 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 2 Hours from drop off Mon.April 19 Canton Secretary of State, Miss Katie’s or Canton Crossroads Village Strip Mall (Stores include: Target, Kohl’s, Famous Footwear, Lane Bryant, Old Navy, Petsmart, Dress Barn, Radio Shack, Dots, Bath & Body Works, Claire’s Boutique and more!) ~Minimum of 8 riders~ Olympus Restaurant Plymouth Community Council on Aging Spring into Spring ~ with Lori Adams 1:30p.m.–3p.m. at the City of Plymouth Cult. Center RSVP to 734-453-1234 ext 236 FREE transportation for PCCA Members! 12 Oaks Mall ~Minimum of 8 riders~ "Annual Senior Spelling Bee" at Northville Senior Center 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Free lunch, prizes, raffles and gifts. Call 453-1234 x236 to sign up to spell or observe. Three Brother’s Restaurant Mon.April 19 FREE Bingo! at Plymouth Park Apartments Wed.April 7 Mon. April 12 Mon.April 12 Wed.April 14 Wed.April 14 Livonia Wal-mart & Target ~Minimum of 8 riders~ Hug Hearing Center will have free testing at the Mon.April 26 Library 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Call 453-1234 x236 to RSVP Ice Cream Social with State Representative Marc Corriveau Mon.April 26 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Cultural Center Call 453-1234 x236 to sign up Old Country Buffet Wed.April 28 ~Minimum of riders~ Wed.April 21 Fee - $1 per one way ride / $2 Round Trip -- unless otherwise specified For reservations please call: (734) 459-8888 DAY PLACE PICK UP RETURN TIMES Kroger (Ann Arbor Road / Sheldon Road) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Busch’s Market (Sheldon Road/5 Mile Rd) 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 60 and older receive 10% off on Tuesdays ~Excludes alcohol, tobacco products and pharmacy purchases~ Hillers (5 Mile Road / Haggerty Road) 8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Kroger (Ann Arbor Road / Sheldon Road) 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Meijer (Canton Center Road & Ford Road) 8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m. 1 Hour from drop off or 2 Hours from drop off 1 Hour from drop off or 2 Hours from drop off 1 Hour from drop off or 2 Hours from drop off 2 Hours from drop off Fee - $1 per one way ride / $2 Round Trip All of the above grocery stores will DOUBLE Manufacturer’s Coupons up to 50¢ everyday!! Please schedule doctor appointments accordingly DAY PLACE FEE Mon thru Fri Any destination within the Charter Township of Plymouth and the City of Plymouth $1 per one way ride $2 Round Trip Mon thru Fri Canton Medical Facilities $3 per one way ride $6 Round Trip Mon & Wed St. Mary Hospital in Livonia and Medical Mile surrounding St. Mary Hospital $3 per one way ride $6 Round Trip Providence Park Hospital in Novi U of M Hospital in Ann Arbor and Medical Mile surrounding U of M Hospital U of M East Medical Campus in Ann Arbor Tues & Thur VA Ann Arbor HEALTHCARE SYSTEM in Ann Arbor $5 per one way ride $10 Round Trip St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ypsilanti and Medical Mile surrounding St. Joseph Mercy Hospital NOTE: The Senior Transportation service will only make ONE trip TO Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti and ONE return trip FROM Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Pick up time TO Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Return Time FROM Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. For reservations please call: (734) 459 -8888