Copula Theory and Its Applications


Copula Theory and Its Applications
Piotr Jaworski . Fabrizio Durante .
Wolfgang Härdle . Tomasz Rychlik
Copula Theory and
Its Applications
Proceedings of the Workshop Held in
Warsaw, 25-26 September 2009
~ Springer Chapter 10
Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt,
Sandra Gaißer and Martin Ruppert
Abstract This chapter constitutes a survey on copula-based measures of multivari­
ate association - i.e. association in a d-dimensional random vector X = (XI1""Xd)
where d ~ 2. Some of the measures discussed are multivariate extensions of well­
known bivariate measures such as Spearman's rho, Kendall's tau, Blomqvist's beta
or Gini's gamma. Others rely on information theory or are based on Lp-distances
of copulas. Various measures of multivariate tai! dependence are derived by extend­
ing the coefficient of bivariate tai! dependence. Nonparametric estimation of these
measures based on the empirical copula is further addressed.
10.1 Introduction and Definitions
The measurement of bivariate association is weIl established and measures such
as Spearman's rho, Kendall's tau, Blomqvist's beta, Gini's gamma, Spearman's
Friedrich Schmid
Department of Economic and Social Statistics, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Rafael Schmidt Risk Control, Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland e-mail: Thomas Blumentritt
Department of Economic and Social Statistics, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Sandra Gaißer
Department of Economic and Social Statistics, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Martin Ruppert
Graduate School of Risk Management, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
P. Jaworski el al. (eds.), Copula Theory (/nd lts Applications, Lecture Notes in Statistics 198,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-12465-5_10, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt, Sandra Gaißer, et al.
footrule, and some lesser known are widely used in economics and social sciences.
All these measures share one important property: For continuous random variables
they are invariant with respect to the two marginal distributions, Le. they can be
expressed as a function of their copula. This property is also known as 'scale­
invariance'. Note that not all measures of association satisfy this property, e.g. Pear­
son's linear correlation coefficient (see [26] for related discussions).
It is natural to generalize these bivariate copula-based measures to the multivari­
ate case, i.e. to try to measure the amount of association in a d-dimensional random
vector X (X\, ... , Xd) where d > 2. This is of interest in many fields of application,
e.g. in risk management or in the multivariate analysis of financial asset returns. In
a multivariate setting, a number of additional problems and questions occur which
are not present in the bivariate case. In dimension d = 3 e.g., three perfectly neg­
atively associated variables do not exist. This is also expressed by the fact that the
lower Frechet-Hoeffding bound of a copula is not a copula itself for d ~ 3, implying
that a natural lower bound for the measures does not exist in this case. While desir­
able analytical properties of a bivariate measure of association are fairly cIear and
weil investigated, this is different for d ~ 3. Indeed, there might be differing views
concerning the normalization of the muItivariate measure or its preferred behaviour
regarding the addition, deletion or transformation of one or several components of
X = (Xl, "',Xd). We do not think that a best measure of muItivariate association,
satisfying all of the desirable features, has already been found or even exists. We
therefore give a survey and a short discussion of some of the measures which have
been suggested in the past. There is, however, room for further contributions. Note
that we focus on multivariate versions that take into account the multivariate as­
sociation structure as represented by the d-dimensional copula of X. We thus do
not consider the type of multivariate measures which is given by the average of
pairwise bivariate measures with respect to all distinct bivariate margins of the cop­
ula. We further do not address measures of complete or functional dependence (see
Throughout this chapter, we assurne that the d-dimensional random vector X
has distribution function F with continuous marginal distribution functions Fi, i =
I, ... ,d. The associated copula C of X is thus uniquely defined, which allows for
the definition of well-defined copula-based measures of multivariate association.
Regarding the case of non-continuous marginal distributions, we refer to Vanden­
hende and Lambert [112], Neslehova [80, 81], Oenuit and Lambert [19], Mesfioui
and Tajar [75J, Genest and Neslehova [37] as weIl as Feidt et al. [28J.
We further address the statistical estimation of the multivariate measures, which,
in our opinion, has not been sufficiently treated in the literature yet but needs fur­
ther consideration. To do so, we introduce additional notation and definitions in the
following, which are not given in Ourante and Sempi [22J. Note that, in order to
ease notation, we omit the subscript referring to the dimension in the notation of the
IO Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
Let (X j) j= 1,... ,n be a random sam pie of X and assurne that the distribution function
Fi, i = l, ... ,d, and the copula C of X are
completely unknown. The marginal distribution functions Fi are estimated by their
empirical counterparts
F, the marginal distribution functions
"'1{x..IJ ",x
,c} fori= 1, ... ,dandxEIFt
n """I
Further, set Vij,!l := All (Xi}) for i I, ... ,d, j
1, ... ,n, and Üj,/l = (VIj,Il, ... , Vdj,n)'
Since Vi},n
~(rank of Xi} in Xii, ... ,Xin ), we consider rank order statistics. The
copula C is then estimated by the empirical copula which is defined as
"'TIl{u'" --.}
, foru
n """li=1
(UI, ... ,Ud) E [0,1] .
(10.1 )
Empirical copulas were introduced by Rüschendorf [88] and Deheuvels [18]. The
asymptotic statistical theory for the related estimators of the multivariate measures
is based on the following proposition concerning the asymptotic behaviour of the
empirical copula process Cli = Vn {Cn(u) - C(u)}, which has been discussed e.g.
by Rüschendorf [88], Gänßler andStute [33], Fermanian et al. [29], and Tsukahara
Proposition 10.1.1. Let F be a continuous d-dimensional distributionfunction with
copula C. Under the additional assumption that the ith partial derivatives D;C(u)
exist and are continuousfor i = I, ... ,d, we have
Weak convergence takes place in foo ([0,
1]d) and
The vector u U) denotes the vector where all coordinates, except the ith coordinate of
u, are replaced by 1. The process ~c is a tight centered Gaussian process on [0, l]d
with covariance function
E {~c(u)~c(v)}
= C(u 1\ v) - C(u)C(v),
is a d-dimensional Brownian bridge.
A similar result can be obtained for the survival function C (cf. [94]). Consider
the estimator
-n "'TIl{u'
> }
ij.n Ui
j=1 i=1
(UI, ... ,Ud) E [0, IJ'd.
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt, Sandra Gaißer, et al.
Under the assumptions of Proposition 10.1.1, weak convergence of the process Cn =
vn{Cn(u) - C(u)} in fOO([O, I]d) to the Gaussian process Ge can be established,
where Ge has the form
Illie(u) -
with d-dimensional Brownian bridges Illic,Illie .
10.2 Aspects of Multivariate Association
The works by Renyi [86], Scarsini [9]] as weIl as Schweizer and Wolff [99] intro­
duce various axioms to characterize bivariate measures of association. However, the
derivation of a comparable set ofaxioms to comprehensively describe multivariate
measures of association is not straightforward. We thus concentrate on providing an
overview of existing criteria in the literature that are considered to be relevant for
distinguishing measures of multivariate association.
A measure of association is a functional
which we denote by A(C) or equivalently by A(X) = A (XI, ""Xd)' The fol­
lowing criteria summarize and extend those presented in Wolff [114], Taylor [109],
and Dolati and Ubeda-Flores [21]:
Well-definedness: The measure A is well-defined for every random vector
X = (Xl , ... , Xd) with continuous margina]s and is a function of the copula C E
"Cd, i.e. A (Xl, ''',Xd) = A (C).
A measure A satisfying W is invariant with respect to its marginal distributions; in
particular, moment assumptions are not required for A(X) to be defined.
Invariance with respect to permutations: For every permutation n we have
A (Xl, ... ,Xd ) .A (Xn:(l) , ""Xn:(d»)'
In general, the measures further vary regarding their range and maximal and
minimal arguments. We differentiate the following normalization attributes:
NI If n is the copula of X then A(X)
= o.
N2 If A (X) = 0 then X has copula n.
N3 If M is the copula ofX then A(X) = A(M)
N4 If A(X) = 1 then X has copula M or W in dimension d
then X has copula M in higher dimension.
= 2. If A(X)
10 Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
N5 If the joint distribution of X is muItivariate normal and all pairwise corre­
lations Pu of Xi and Xj are either nonnegative or nonpositive, then .4'(X) is a
strictly increasing function of the absolute value of each of the pairwise correla­
Note that N4 considers the lower Fn5chet-Hoeffding bound W in order to cover
those measures that are based on notions of distance to independence. It does not
impose a lower bound for the measure's range.
Multivariate measures of association further support different notions of order­
ings in the set of copulas. Here, we consider the partial order ;:j, where CI ;:j C2 if
and only if CI (u) ::; C2 (u) for all u E [0, t]d. Further, CI is smaller than C2 according
to the concordance (partial) order, denoted by CI ;:je C2, if and only if CI (u) ::; C2( u)
and CI (u) ::; C2(U) for all u E [0, I] .
Monotonicity and concordance:
Mt For n ;:j CI C2 ;:j M we have .41(C,) ::; .4'(C2).
M2 ForC, ;:j C2 we have .4l(CJ) < .4l(C2)'
M3 For C, ;:je C2 we have .41(CI) < .4'(C2)'
Note that M3 implies M2 which itself implies Mt. Criteria M2 and M3 are
equivalent for bivariate measures, cf. Joe [58]. MI is relevant for all measures rely­
ing on some notion of distance between an arbitrary copula and the independence
copula. M3 is important in the context of measures of concordance which are de­
fined later in this section.
If one or several components of a random vector X are transformed strictly
monotonously, then the copula either stays invariant or changes in a well-known
way. The behaviour of multivariate measures of association under strictly monot­
onous transformations of the random vector can be characterized by:
Behaviour under transformations:
Tl For strictly increasing and continuous transformations h we have
.4'(XI, ... ,Xd) .4l(h(Xd, .. ·,!d(Xd)),
T2 For strictly decreasing and continuous transformations D j of all components we have.4l (XI, .. ' ,Xd) =.4l (DI (XI), ... , Dd(Xd)). T3 For a strictly decreasing and continuous transformation D i of one arbitrary component i we have.4' (X], ... ,Xd) .4l (X" ... ,Di(Xi ), ... ,Xd)). Since the copulas of (XI, ... ,Xd) and (I, (Xt), ··.,Id(Xd)) are identical, Tl follows
from W. Wolff [114 J points out that T2 is equivalent to
.4l (X, , ... ,Xd)
.4l (-XI, ... , - Xd )
independent of the particular choice of transformations. The literature on concor­
dance measures refers to Eq. (10.5) as the DuaJity axiom. Note that criterion T3
implies T2 whereas the converse does not hold.
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt, Sandra Gaißer, et aL
The following criterion is technical and allows to consider sequences of random
Continuity: If (Xn)nEN is a sequence of random vectors and corresponding
copulas (Cn)nEN and if lim C,I(U) = C(u) for all u E [0, I]d and a copula C, then
tim .4l(Cn ) = .4l(C).
To generalize the bivariate axiom
-.4l( -X,Y) = -.4l(X, -Y) =.4l( -X,-Y),
validity of T2 as weIl as an additional symmetry property are required. Here, Tay­
lor [109] considers the following: Assurne that D (DI , ... ,Dd) is a vector of in­
dependent Rademacher variables, i.e. Di E { I; I} where probability 0.5 is as­
signed to each value. Furthermore, the random vector X and D are assumed to
be independent. For measures of concordance, Taylor [109] then assurnes that
.4l( DIXI, ... , DdXd) O. Calculating the conditional expectation given X ofthe left­
hand side of the latter equation yields the following criterion:
Reftection symmetry: Lc,E{-I;+I}'" Lctt E
I;+I} .4l(ctXI,'" ,cdXd) = O.
In contrast, Dolati and Ubeda-Flores [21] argue that there is no analogous multivari­
ate generalization of Eq. (10.6) and thus do not consider R .
The following criterion relates (d 1)- and d-dimensional measures of asso­
ciation in order to quantify changes in the measure that are solely caused by the
transition to a higher dimension:
Transition property: For every X (XI, ... ,Xd) a sequence (rd)d2:.3 exists,
such that rd- I .4l(X2,'" ,Xd) .4l(XI ,X2, .. ' ,Xd) +.4l( -XI ,X2,'" ,Xd).
A measure satisfying the afore listed properties except N2, N4, N5 and T3 is
called a measure of concordance. Whether or not R is required to hold depends on
the respective definition of Taylor [109] or Dolati and Ubeda-Flores [21]. For fur­
ther discussions on multivariate measures of concordance, see Joe [58] and Nelsen
The behaviour of multivariate measures of association may differ if an indepen­
dent component is added to the random vector X (cL [30]). This might be of interest
in portfolio analysis, when an additional independent asset is incorporated into an
existing portfolio.
Addition of an independent component:
Al.4l(XI, ... ,Xd) 2: .4l(X1,,,,,Xd,Xd+t) ifXd+l is independentof(XI,,,,,Xd).
A2.4l(XI, ...,Xd ) =.4l(Xt ,... ,Xd,Xd+l) ifXd+t is independentof(XI,".,Xd),
In order to justify the use of sophisticated multivariate measures of association,
we need to investigate whether they can be expressed as a function of lower dimen­
sional measures:
10 Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
Irreducibility: For every dimension d and every eopula C the measure Jit (C)
eannot be written as a funetion of lower dimensional measures {Ar (C') }cl E.3',
where § denotes the set of all marginal eopulas C' of C.
Note that even if I applies, there ean be exeeptions in partieular eases, e.g. for radi­
ally symmetrie eopulas (cf. [94, 114]).
10.3 Multivariate Generalizations of Spearman's Rho, Kendall's
Tau, Blomqvist's Beta, and Gini's Gamma
This seetion deseribes how the well-known measures of bivariate assoeiation Spear­
man 's rho, Kendall's tau, Blomqvist's beta, and Gini's gamma ean be generalized to
the multivariate ease. In the bivariate ease, these measures are often referred to as
measures of eoneordanee sinee they fulfill the set ofaxioms given by Searsini [91]
(cf. Seet. 10.2). As shown below, all multivariate versions can solely be expressed
in terms of the copula C of the random vector X and satisfy properties W, P, Tl, C,
and I; further properties are stated separately next. For similar discussions regarding
the measure of association Spearman's footrule we refer to Genest et al. [39] and
references therein.
10.3.1 Spearman's Rho
Spearman's rank eorrelation coeffieient (or Spearman 's rho) represents one of the
best-known measures to quantify the degree of association between two random
variables and was first studied by Spearman [106]. For the two random variables Xl
and X2 with bivariate distribution function Fand continuous univariate margins F[ ,
F2, Spearman's rho is defined as
Assuming that XI and X2 have copula C, this is equivalent to
P(C) -
fd Jri Ul u2dC( (UI
,U2) - (~)2 1)
11i l
0 .
UI, U2
)d d
- 3
because of '/[0,1]2 M(U[,U2) du[ du 2 = 1/3 and I[0,1]2 n(Ul ,U2) dUldu2 = 1/4. Thus,
p can be interpreted as the normalized average difference between the eopula C and
Several multivariate extensions of Spearman's rho and
the independence copula
their estimation have been discussed in the literature, we mention Ruymgaart and
van Zuijlen [89], Wolff [114], Joe [57], Neisen [76], Stepanova [107], and Sehmid
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas BlumentriU, Sandra Gaißer, et al.
and Schmidt [94]. Further, Schmid and Schmidt [92] suggest a related c1ass of mul­
tivariate measures of tail dependence, cf. SecL 10.6. Based on Eq. (10.7), the fol­
lowing d-dimensional extension of P is straightforward
f[o, 11" C(u)du
IrO,l]" M(u)du
IrO,l]" n(u)du
C(u)du -
with hp(d) (d 1)/ {2 d - (d + I)}. In a similar way, another multivariate version
of Spearman's rho can be derived, wh ich is given by
P2(C) = hp(d)
Nelsen [76] further considers the average of the two vers ions, i.e. P3 (PI P2) /2.
All three measures satisfy NI, N3, N4, M3, R, TP, and Al. In addition, T2 can
be verified for P3, which, thus represents a multivariate measure of concordance
according to Taylor [109]. For d
2, the three versions coincide and reduce to
Speannan's rho as given in (10.7). For d 3, Nelsen [76] points out that P3 is equal
to the average of the pairwise Spearman's rho coefficients, which is, for example,
discussed in Kendall [61]. A lower bound for Pi, i E {I, 2,3} is given by
1) !
I)} ,
d 2: 2,
see Nelsen [76]. However, to our knowledge, there exist no literature on the best­
possible lower bound for Pi (see e.g. Ubeda-Flores [111]). Consider further an index
set I C {I, ... ,d} with cardinality 2 :=; IlI < d and denote by CI the I/I-dimensional
marginal copula of C corresponding to those components Xi of X where i E I. Then,
the following relationship between PI and P2 holds (cf. Schmid and Schmidt [94]):
It immediately follows from this relationship that PI and P2 coincide in case the
copula C is radially symmetrie.
Statistical inference far Pi, i-I, 2, based on the empirical copula is discussed in
Schmid and Schmidt [94]. By replacing the copula C with its empirical counterpart
Cn , we obtain the following nonparametrie estimators for Pi, i = 1,2:
L TIUij,n -I}.
10 Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
Under the assumptions of the Proposition 1O.l.1 (ef. Seet. 10.1), it ean be shown
n --t 00, i = 1,2.
The varianees are given by
= 22d hp (d)2
2 2d hp (d)2
r r
E{Ge(U)Ge(v)} dudv,
./[0,1)" ./[0, lid
./[0, lid ./[0, lid
with the tight Gaussian proeesses Ge and Ge as stated in Eqs. (10.2) and (10.4).
Asymptotic normality of P3 ean analogously be established based on the weak eon­
vergenee of the proeess (Cn,C n). For an alternative derivation of the asymptotie
distribution of similar rank order statisties for Spearman's rho, see also Stepanova
[107]. If the eopula C is radially symmetrie, it follows that (J~ =
The asymp­
totie varianees ean only be explieitly eomputed for a few eopulas of simple form.
For example in ease of stoehastie independenee (i.e. C n), we obtain (cf. [94])
As Sehmid and Sehmidt [92] show, the asymptotic varianees ean eonsistently be
estimated by a nonparametrie bootstrap method otherwise. Tests for stoehastic in­
dependenee based on various multivariate vers ions of Spearman's rho with regard to
their asymptotic relative effieieney are eonsidered by Stepanova [107] and Quessy
10.3.2 Kendall's Tau
Let (XI,X2) and (YI, Y2) be independent and identically distributed random vee­
tors with distribution funetion F. In the bivariate ease, the population version of
Kendall's tau is defined as the probability of eoneordanee minus the probability of
diseordanee (see [60]):
If F has the bivariate eopula C, this is equal to
r(C) = 4
'/[0,1 j2
C(u, v)dC(u, v) - I,
see e.g. Nelsen [79]. For (bivariate) Arehimedean eopulas, Kendall's tau ean direetly
be ea1culated from the generator epe of the eopula through [35, 36]
epc(t) dt.
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt, Sandra Gaißer, et al.
For the relationship between Kendall's tau and Speannan's rho in the bivariate case,
see Genest and Neslehova [38] and references therein. Multivariate versions of
Kendall's tau are considered in Nelsen [76, 78J, Joe [57], and Taylor [109]. Let
X and Y be two independent d-dimensional random vectors with distribution func­
tion Fand let Dj = Xj Yj, j
I, ... ,d. Joe [57] suggests the following family of
generalizations of Kendall's tau
wkP{(D1, ... ,Dd) EBk,d-d,
with d' = L(d + I) /2 j and Bk,d-k being the subset of x = (XI, ... ,Xd) in ]Rd with k
positive components and d k negative or k negative components and d - k positive.
Some technical conditions on the coefficients Wk such that TI satisfies NI, N3, M3,
T2, R, and TP are given in Joe [57] and Taylor [109]. Hence, for certain choices of
Wk, the above generalization of Kendall's tau is a multivariate measure of concor­
dance according to Taylor [109], who also gives an alternative representation of Tl
in terms of the copula C of F. Note that the family studied by Joe [57] inc1udes both
the average pairwise Kendall's tau and the following generalization, given by
= 2d -: -
C(u)dC(u) -
which is also considered in Nelsen [76, 78]. For dimension d = 2, the latter reduces
to Kendall's tau as given in (10.9). According to Nelsen [76], a lower bound for
T2 is
1/ (2 d - 1 - I), which is also best possible and attained if at least one of the
bivariate margins of the copula C equals W as shown by Ubeda-Flores [111]. The
measure T2 equals the average of the pairwise Kendall's tau for dimension d 3 (cf.
Based on a random sampie (X j) j= I ,... ,n from X with distribution function F, the
sampie version of (10.10) is
In case C = fI, Tl is asymptotically nonnally distributed. Joe [57] calculates the
asymptotic variance of TI in this case and calculates corresponding asymptotic rel­
ative efficiencies for different families of copulas when the TI 's are used as test
statistics for multivariate independence, see also Stepanova [107]. Note that a natu­
ral estimator for T2 is given by
10 Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
with empirical copula CIl • According to Gänßler and Stute [33], 'r2(Cn ) is asymp­
totically normally distributed for dimension d = 2; for a discussion regarding d :2: 2
see Barbe et al. [3]. Other multivariate (sampie) versions of Kendall's tau are dis­
cussed in Simon [104, 105], Chop and Marden [11], EI Maache and Lepage [25],
and Taskinen et al. [108], mainly in the context of tests for stochastic independence.
For further nonparametric statistical analysis of Kendall's tau and related tests for
(serial) independence, see Genest et al. [41] and references therei n.
10.3.3 Blomqvist's Beta
Blomqvist [5] suggested a simple measure of association which is commonly re­
ferred to as Blomqvist's beta or the medial correlation coefficient. If XI and X2 are
two continuous random variables with medians Xl and X2, the population version of
Blomqvist's beta is given by
It can be expressed in terms of the copula C of (Xl, X2) via
2P{(XI -XI)(X2
) > O} -1 = 4C(1/2, 1/2)
C(I/2,1/2) n(I/2, 1/2) (7(1/2,1/2) 71(1/2,1/2)
M(J/2, 1/2) - n(I/2, 1/2) +M(I/2, 1/2) - n(I/2, 1/2)'
As Eq. (10.11) implies, Blomqvist's beta can be interpreted as a normalized dif­
ference between the copula C and the independence copula at (1/2, 1/2). Various
extensions of Blomqvist's beta to the multivariate case have been considered in
Joe [57], Nelsen [78], Taskinen et al. [108], Ubeda-Flores [111], and Sehmid and
Schmidt [93]. The following multivariate version is motivated by Eq. (10.11):
ß(C) - C(I/2) n(I/2)+C(I/2) 11(1/2)
M (1/2) - n (1/2) + M (1/2) - n (1/2)
= hß(d)
{C(I/2) +C(I/2) - 2 1- d },
with hß (d) := 2d - 1/ (2d - 1 I) and 1/2 := (1/2, ... , 1/2). It satisfies the properties
NI, N3, and M3. Ubeda-Flores [11 I] shows that the tower bound -1/(2d - 1 - I),
whieh is attained if at least one of the bivariate margins of C equals W, is best­
possible. Further, ß equals the average of pairwise Blomqvisf~ beta in dimension
d 3. Note that if the eopula C is radially symmetrie (i.e. C C), the expression in
(10.12) reduees to
2d C(I/2) - I
2d - 1 ­ 1
whieh eoineides with the multivariate version originally introdueed in Nelsen [78].
Aeeording to Taylor [109], this version also satisfies the properties Rand TP.
Sehmid and Sehmidt [93] studied more general extensions of Blomqvist's beta,
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentriu, Sandra Gaißer, et al.
which measure the association in the tail region of the copula (cf. Sect. 10.6) and
which include ß as defined in (10.12).
A natural estimator for ß is obtained by replacing the copula C and the survival
function C in the defining Eq. (10.12) with their empirical counterparts, i.e.
where C n denotes the empirical survival function as defined in Eq. (l0.3). U nder
weak assumptions on the copula C and the survival function C, Schmid and Schmidt
[93] establish asymptotic normality and consistency of ßn. Namely, ifthe i-th partial
derivatives DiC and DiC exist and are continuous at the point 1/2, we have
Vn (ß(Cn ) ß(C)) ~ Z
N(O, 0- 2 ).
The variance 0- 2 is given by 0- 2 = hß(d)2E[ {Gc(I/2) Ge(I/2)}2] with the tight
Gaussian processes Ge and Ge as stated in Eqs. (10.2) and (10.4). One main ad­
vantage of Blomqvist's beta over other copula-based measures such as Spearman's
rho or KendalI's tau is that the asymptotic variance of its estimator can explicitly be
calculated whenever the copula and its partial derivatives are of explicit form (see
Schmid and Schmidt [93] for related examples). For example if C = n, we have
2d -
In case the copula is of more complicated form, it can be shown that a nonparametrie
bootstrap method can be appIied to estimate the asymptotic variance. This makes it
possible to use (standardized) Blomqvist's beta as test statistic for testing stochastic
independence or more general dependence structures.
10.3.4 Gini's Gamma
Another measure of association is Gini's gamma (or Gini's rank association coeffi­
eient), which was proposed by Gini [43]. Its population version is quite similar to
Spearrnan's rho, which can be rewritten in the bivariate case as (cf. [78])
v-I)2 - (u - v)2}dC(u, v).
J[O, i]2
Gini's gamma now focuses on absolute values rather than on squares:
= 2
lu -
vl)dC(u, v)
( 1O.l3)
10 Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
see Nelsen [77, 78]. A multivariate extension of Gini's gamma has recently been
considered by Behboodian et al. [4]. By defining the function A(u) = {M(u) +
W(u)} /2, u E [0, 1]d, with corresponding survival function A, the expression in
Eq. (10.13) is equal to
4[ {
./[0, I]
{A(u, v) +A(u, v)}dC(u, v) - {
./[0, I]
{A(u, v)
A(u, v)}dn(u, v)],
as A(u, v) +A(u, v) - 1 u v+ 2A(u, v) for every (u, v) E [0,
version of Gini's gamma is then defined as
~ a(d)
[lo,w {A(u) +A(u) }dC(u)
IF. A multivariate
( 10.14)
with normalization constants a(d) and b(d) of the form
a(d) = (
{A(u) +A(u)}dn(u)
d + 1 + 2(d
f( - l)i (d)i 2(i +I I)! '
! + f=o
L 4i .
It immediately follows from the above definition that y = 0 if C = n and y = I if
C M; thus, Nt and N3 hold. For dimension d 3, yequals the average of pairwise
Gini's gamma. Another multivariate generalization is discussed by Taylor [109] in
the context of multivariate measures of concordance. Behboodian et aL [4] also pro­
vide a sampIe version for y as defined in (10.14). In the bivariate case, a sampie
version based on the empirical copula is considered in Nelsen [77] which coincides
with the traditional sam pIe version of Gini's gamma. The laUer plays an important
role in the context of tests for stochastic independence and has been discussed by
many authors. We refer to Genest et al. [39], Cifarelli and Regazzini [13] and ref­
erences therein (see also [12], who establish asymptotic normality of a generalized
class of bivariate statistics including Gini's gamma under suitable conditions). An
asymptotic theory for d > 3 is not yet available to our knowledge.
10.4 Inforrnation-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
Relative entropy (also known as Kullback-Leibler divergence, see [66, 67]) is a
measure of multivariate association that originated from information theory. This
section focuses on a solely copula-based representation that is therefore indepen­
dent of the marginal distributions. We will review theoretical aspects and consider
nonparametrie estimation techniques.
Joe [54,56] introduced relative entropy as a measure of multivariate association
in a random vector X = (XI, ... ,Xd ). It is defined as
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt, Sandra Gaißer, et al.
(10.15) where f is the density of the distribution of X (which is assumed to exist) and .fi are
the densities of the respective marginal distributions.
It is easy to prove that
8(C) =
log [c(u)] c(u)du,
where c is the density of the copula C of X. 8 therefore does not depend on the
marginal distributions of X but only on its copula C via its density c. If a density
of X does not exist 8 is usually set to infinity and thus satisfies Wand P. It is weIl
known that 8 = 0 if and on1y if c(u)
1, i.e. if C = n. Therefore properties NI and
N2 are satisfied.
The invariance of copu1as under increasing and continuous transformations implies
Tl, because the respective densities are invariant under these transformations as
weil. It is also easy to prove that properties T2 and T3 as weIl as A2 and I are sat­
isfied. For a sequence of copula densities (c1l)IlEN converging uniformly to a copula
density c one can see that C holds as weil.
Relative entropy can be calcu1ated explicitly for selected distributions. For the
Gaussian distribution it is given by
with I..EI being the determinant of the correlation matrix ..E. In case of an equicorre­
lated Gaussian distribution (where - d~ I < P < land..E = p( 11') + (1 - P )Id) we
8(X) =
-~ log [(1- P )d-l (I + (d -
I) p)]
which reduces to 8 = -(log[l - p2])/2 in the bivariate case. One can see that NS is
satisfied for 0 :::; p < 1 for a general d. As 8 is [0, oo]-valued a normalization 8* is
introduced by solving Eq. (10.16) for p; therefore 8* = Ip I (in case of an equicor­
related Gaussian copula). For d > 2 this has to be done numerically; in the bivariate
case, the normalization function is given explicitly as 8* = [1 - exp( -28)j1/2. N3
is satisfied asymptotically for the normalized relative entropy.
8 can be calculated not only for the Gaussian, but also for the Student's t distribution
with v degrees of freedom (see [44, 45]).
If we expand the function g(x) = x 10gx into a Taylor series at the point x* = 1,
we get under suitable regularity conditions
8(C) =
g(c(u))du =
~ -1)')
t=2 t t - 1 J[O,I]"
(c(u) - l)t du.
10 Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
The integral in the first summand is Iro,ll" (c(u) - 1)2 du and can be regarded as a
measure of the deviation of the copula density from the density of the independence
copula n. It is easy to see that
by substituting the densities on IRd for the copula density. This is the multivariate
version of Pearson's Phi-Square as given in Joe [56] (see also [82]).
Estimation of 5 can be based on n- I :LJ=llog[c(Uj )] or 1[0,1]" log[c(u)]c(u)du. In the latter case we have 5 = IrO,I]" log[c(u)]c(u)du = Ec(log[c(U)]) where Ec denotes the expectation with respect to the copula C with corresponding density c. An estimator for 5 is therefore given in both cases by 811 n- I :LJ=llog[c(Üj,n)], where c is an estimate of the copula density c based on pseudo-observations
Üj.1i (Olj,ll, ... ,Odj,ll) for j
l, ... ,n. As copula densities have compact support,
conventional kerne I density estimators are subject to boundary bias and thus have
to be complemented by boundary correction schemes. It would be preferable using
estimators that have compact support themselves.
Probably the best known estimator with compact support is the histogram (cf.
Ch U = ­
for u E Bk with hyper-rectangular bins Bk (k = 1, ... ,m; m E N). For the his­
togram we have the equality n- l :LJ=llog[c(Uj )] = 1[0,1]" log[c(u)]c(u)du and thus the equivalence of both estimation approaches. Another possible estimator is the k-nearest neighbour estimator A
Cknn(U) = - ,
where e = (2dk)d and d k denotes the distance in the maximum norm from u to its
k-nearest neighbour (cf. [103]). However, this estimator is not restricted to the unit
cube especially if k is large and if u is near the boundary. We therefore suggest
truncating the neighbourhood of u at the boundary. The modified estimator denoted
by Ctrunc differs from Ckflfl by the definition of the denominator, which is given for
the truncated estimator by
{dk + dkl{!li-dk~O}(Ui)l{lIi+dk I}(Ui)
The histogram and the nearest neighbour estimator suffer from the disadvantage
of being discontinuous. Additionally, the latter integrates to infinity (cf. [103]).
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt, Sandra Gaißer, et al.
There are, however, other estimators which combine the properties of continuity
and compact support with finite integral such as the Beta estimator, developed by
ehen [10]. It is given as
=n ~
( "
K Uij,n,
h + I, -h- + I
x a - I (1- x)ß-l
K(x,a,ß) =
for some xE [0, 1] denotes the univariate p.d.f. of the Beta distribution. Sancetta and Satchell [90] proposed using the density of the empirical Bernstein copula as this estimator is itself a copula density; it is given in Bouezmarni et. al. [8] as
withB v
x ... x
The performance of the different estimators with regard to the unnormalized rel­
ative entropy is compared in Blumentritt and Schmid [7]. The results indicate a
good performance of the truncated nearest neighbour estimator with respect to bias
and standard deviation.
Other simulation studies based on Kullback's and Leibler's original definition
(I0.15) of (j are due to Kraskov et al. [65] and Darbellay and Vajda [15]. Joe [55] as
weil as Hall and Morton [47] give results for the estimation of the Shannon entropy.
10.5 Measures of Multivariate Association Based on
Hoeffding [49] was the first to consider measures of association based on aLp-type
distance between a copula C and the independence copula fl. His work focuses
on p = 2 and was extended by Schweizer and Wolff [99] who introduce L,- and
Loo-based measures of bivariate association. We first outline the multivariate gen­
eralizations of these measures and describe their properties. Secondly, we discuss
their estimation and asymptotic behaviour.
10 Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
10.5.1 cp2 as a L2-Distance..Based Measure
Gaißer et al. [34] define a generalized multivariate version of Hoeffding's cp2 by
(C(u) - n(u))2 du.
The normalization factor h2 (d) is given by
h2(d) : =
. [0,1]"
((d + l~d+2)
dU) ,
d (
The latter explicit expression for h2(d) is derived in Gaißer et al. [34]. Note that
for dimension d - 2, h2(2) = 90 and CP2(C) reduces to the (bivariate) measure
originally considered by Hoeffding [49]. Extracting the square root, we obtain
L2(C) CP(C):= +JCP2(C). This measure allows for an interpretation as the nor­
malized distance between the copula C and the independence copula n with respect
to the L2-norm.
Due to their structure, all Lp-distance-based measures share a set of common
properties. lrrespective of the particular choice of p, the measures satisfy Wand P.
They further possess the strong property that they are zero if and only if n is the
copula of X, thus NI and N2 hold. Normalizing by means of the upper Frechet­
Hoeffding bound, N3 is assured. Consider a multivariate normal random vector X
for which all pairwise correlations Pu of Xi and Xj are either nonnegative or nonpos­
itive. Analogously to Wolff [114], it can be shown that all Lp-distance-based mea­
sures are a strictly increasing function of the absolute value of each of the pairwise
eorrelations. Thus NS is valid. In general, the Lp-distance-based measures further
satisfy MI, C, I and Tl. For dimension d 2': 3, T} usually does not hold exeept in
ease the eopula C is radially symmetrie, i.e. C = C.
We diseuss some important analytieal properties of cp2 next; analogous results
hold for cp (the respeetive proofs are given in Gaißer et al. [34]). The measure satis­
fies N4. With regard to NS, it is an open problem to determine the explicit form of
the funetion, cf. Schweizer and Wolff [99]. However, in the bivariate case apower
series expansion for cp2 given p is provided by Hoeffding [49].
Regarding property T, cp2 satisfies T2 and T3 in dimension d 2. In higher
dimensions, cp2 is invariant under strietly decreasing transformations of one eom­
ponent Xi, if one of the following two conditions holds: the remaining (d 1) eom­
ponents are either independent, i.e. their eopula is n, or they are independent of the
transformed component.
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt, Sandra Gaißer, et al.
In the particular case that an independent component Xd + 1 is added to a ddimensional random vector X
(XI, ... ,Xd ) with copula C, <p 2 (XI, ""Xd+d can
be expressed as a function of the d-dimensional measure:
Thus, criterion Al is satisfied, meaning that an independent variable Xd+ Ireduces
overall association in the enlarged vector.
Based on a random sampie (Xj ) j=I, ... ,n from X, the estimation of <p 2 (C) can be
performed by replacing the copula C with the empirical copula Cf!:
<p 2(Cn ) = h2(d)
= h2(d)
(CII(u) - n(u))2 du 1)2
;i ~k~JJ (1- max {Oij,Oid)
-2(l)d In (1 - 0ö) + (l)d}
The estimate is therefore easy to calculate even for large d. A bias reduction for
<p 2 (CII ) has been suggested in Gaißer et al. [34). Simulations have shown that the
estimator works weil for various copula families. Obviously, we obtain an estimator
2(CII ).
for the alternative measure <p by <P(Cn ) =
The asymptotic theory for <p 2 ( CII) is derived from the asymptotic behaviour of
the empirical copula process y'n(Cn(u) -C(u)) as provided by Proposition 10.1.1.
Then, asymptotic normality of the estimator <p 2 ( CII ) can be derived by means of the
functional delta method (see e.g. [113), p. 389). Under the assumptions ofProposi­
tion 10.1.1 and the additional presumption that C i- n it follows that
where Z<t>2
N(O, (J~2) and (J~2 = {2h 2 (d)f
r lrr
l[Q, l]eI
Q , I]d
Regarding the alternative measure <p we have
with Z<t>
N(O, (J~) and
10 Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
J[O, I]" E [{C(U) n(u) }Gc(u)Gc(v){ C(v)
frO,ll"{C(U) - n(u)} du
The proof is given in Gaißer et aL [34]. The above assumption C
that the Jimiting random variable is nondegenerate as impJied by the form of the
is considered in
variance a~2; the limiting behaviour of cp2 (Cf!) in case C =
Gaißer et al. [34].
as a Lt-Distance-Based Measure
Wolff [114] generalizes the L J-distance-based measure of Schweizer and Wolff [99]
to the multivariate case. It is defined by
where the normalizing factor hl (d) is given by
The measure satisfies N4. With regard to NS, an explicit form of the function is
derived in Schweizer and Wolff [99] for the bivariate case: a(Cp ) = %arcsin (I ~ I).
Except for taking the absolute value, this functional form matches the one that fan
be derived for Spearman's p, ilIustrating that the two measures are closely related.
A similar calculation as before shows that a satisfies Al, too:
The estimation of LI (C) has not yet been considered in detail. Various estimators
for this measure can be obtained by replacing C in the defining formulas with the
empirical copula C". However, no explicit expressions (as e.g. for cp2( Cn )) are avail­
able and the estimate must be determined numerically, which can be demanding for
large dimension d.
,. 10.5.3
as a Loo-Distance-Based Measure
A L",-distance-based multivariate measure is derived in Wolff [114] and investi­
gated in detail by Femandez-Fermindez and Gonzalez-Barrios [30]. The measure is
defined by
JC(C):= hoo(d) sup IC(u) - n(u) I.
_ ...
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt, Sandra Gaißer, et al.
Fernandez-Fernandez and Gonzalez-Barrios [30] do not normalize the population
version of the measure. We add a normalization factor hoo(d) in order to assure
comparability with alternative measures, which is given by
Wolff (114] proves that the measure satisfies all normalization criteria except for
N4. This is due to the fact that there exist other copulas than the upper FnSchet­
Hoeffding bound for which the measure attains its maximal value. With regard to
NS, an explicit form of the function is derived in Schweizer and Wolff [99] for
~ arcsin (Ip!). With respect to the addition of further
the bivariate case: 1((Cp )
components, the measure behaves differently than the measures discussed before. It
generally holds that
In particular, the measure satisfies A2 if an independent component is added to a
d-dimensional random vector X, i.e.
Estimation of 1('(C) from a sampie (X j ) j= I ,... ,Il from X can analogously be per­
formed by replacing all distribution functions with their empirical counterparts:
where Ull denotes the (univariate) distribution function of a uniformly distributed
random variable on the set {*, ... , ~ }. In order to reduce bias, the independence
copula is replaced by its discretized version
I Un (u j). Fernandez-Fernandez and
Gonzalez-Barrios [30] prove a strong law of large numbers for the unnormalized
statistic. An explicit asymptotic theory for this estimator is not available.
The measures introduced in this section offer a range of applications, whereas a
substantial strand of literature considers tests of stochastic independence: Hoeffding
[51] defines a test of independence based on cp2 in the bivariate case. Blum et al.
[6], Genest and Remillard [40] as weIl as Genest et aL [42] define related statistics
for testing multivariate independence.
10.6 Multivariate Tail Dependence
This section gives an overview of various measures of multivariate tail dependence.
Here, tail dependence quantifies the degree of dependence in the joint tail of a mul­
tivariate distribution function, i.e. the dependence between extreme events. For a
IO Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
bivariate distribution, tai! dependence is commonly defined as the limiting propor­
tion of exceedance of one margin over a certain threshold given that the other margin
has already exceeded that threshold. More precisely, the coefficient of lower tail de­
pendence AL ([ 102]) is defined by
tim C(u,u) = lim P(XI :; F1- 1(u) I X2 ::; F2- 1(u))
= lünP(V, ~
u I V2 ~ u)
= limP(V2
u I VI ~ u).
where X (X, ,X2) is a bivariate random vector with distribution function Fand
inverse marginal distribution functions FI- I , F2- 1• Further, Vi = Fj(Xi), i = 1,2.
Equivalently, the coefficient of upper tail dependence Au is
lim------'- = tim P(V,
> u I V2 > u)
if the above limits exist. Observe that 0 ~ AL, Au ~ I. We say C is lower (orthant)
taH dependent if AL > 0 or is upper (orthant) tail dependent if Au > O. Similarly C
is called lower and upper tail independent if AL = 0 and Au 0, respectively.
Joe [58J derives the coefficient of tail dependence for various families of bivari­
ate distributions. Tail dependence of elliptically contoured distributions and copu­
las is discussed in Hull and Lindskog [53], Schmidt [96], Abdous et al. [I], Klüp­
pelberg et al. [63], and Chan and Li [9]. Other copulas are for example consid­
ered in Schmidt [97], Li [71, 72], Joe et al. [59], see also reference therein. The
natural nonparametric estimator for AL from a random sampie (Xj)j=I,... ,n of X
is 'iL,n,k Cn (~,~) / (~) with suitably chosen parameter k k(n). The statistical
properties of 'iL,Jz,k have been investigated by several authors using techniques from
extreme value theory; we mention Huang [52], Ledford and Tawn [70], Dobric and
Schmid [20], Frahm et al. [31], and Schmidt and Stadtmüller [98]. Coles et al. [14]
and Draisma et al. [23] investigate the case of tail independence. For an overview
and background reading see also Falk et al. [27], and de Haan and Ferreira [16],
A natural way to model and analyze tail dependence is by considering extreme
value distributions wh ich arise as the Iimiting distribution of linearly normalized
(sampIe) componentwise maxima, as the sampie size tends to infinity; we refer to
the monograph by de Haan and Ferreira [16] for a detailed treatment. In particular,
a d-dimensional random vector X with distribution function F is in the domain of
attraction of a d-dimensional extreme value distribution G, if there exist constants
ami> 0 and bmi E IR, i = I, ... ,d, such that for alI (XI, ... ,Xd)' E IR~
The copula function of a d-dimensional extreme value distribution G is given by
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt, Sandra Gaißer, et al.
where the function V is homogeneous of order -I and called the exponent mea­
sure function. For a comprehensive discussion regarding extreme value copulas see
Gudendorf and Segers [46]. It can be shown that the following relationship holds
between the coefficient of upper tail dependence Au and a bivariate extreme value
distribution G with marginal distribution functions GI and G2 :
Equation (10.19) can be rewritten as follows
2 + log { CG (~ , ~) } = 2 - V (I, I),
( 10.20)
where CF and CG denote the copula of Fand G. Note that ] :; V( I, I) < 2.
Equations (10.19) and (10.20) yield various possibilities to generalize the coef­
ficient of bivariate tail dependence to a multidimensional tail-dependence measure.
For example, the findings of Eq. (10.20) suggest to consider the copula CG of a mul­
tivariate extreme value distribution G, which is defined in (10.18), and evaluate it at a
particular point such as ( 1/ e, ... , 1/ e). Alternatively we may consider the multivari­
ate version of the homogeneous function V in (10.18) and evaluate it at (1, ... , 1).
Appropriate normalization then yields a multivariate measure of tail dependence (or
extremal dependence) with values between 0 and l. Similarly to considering ex­
treme value distributions, alternatively one may consider so-called tail-dependence
functions which are e.g. discussed in Huang [52], Schmidt and Stadtmüller [98], de
Haan et al. [17], Einmahl et al. [24], Klüppelberg et al. [64], and Joe et al. [59], see
also reference therein.
In the following, we focus on the lower tail-dependence coefficient AL, noting
however that analogue definitions and results can be established for Au. In particu­
I~r, the copula C is upper (or lower) tail dependent if and only if the survival copula
Cis lower (or upper) tail dependent.
Suppose again that X = (XI, ... ,Xd) is a d-dimensional random vector with dis­
tribution function Fand copula C. Set Ui Fi(Xi). An evident generalization of AL,
as defined in the bivariate case Cl 0.17), is given by (cf. [72, 96])
Au = 2 -
tl~r;:, t {I
CF ( 1 -
~, I - ~ ) }
rl- I
' )= 'hm C(ul)
I·Im P ( Uj:S; u, J. 'F
1 Ui:S; u, lEI
C U(I)
for every 1 C {I, ..., d} ,I rf- 0 and C is said to be lower tai I dependent if AL,! > 0
for some I. The vector u(l) denotes the vector where all coordinates, except the ith
coordinate (i E !) of ul, are replaced by I. In the case of lower tail independence,
Le. AL,! = 0, the following multivariate measure l1L,I is useful
P (U[
:s; U, ... , Ud :s; u)
10 Copula-Based Measures of Multivariate Association
for u 1 O. The function if(u) is slowly varying as u 1 O. This type oftail-dependence
measure has been considered in Ledford and Tawn [69], Coles et al. [14], and Hef­
fernan [48] in the bivariate case. Corresponding statistical estimation is addressed
in Peng [83]. For an alternative multivariate measure of tail dependence of similar
type, we refer to Martins and Ferreira [73].
The following multivariate generalization of AL is considered in Frahm [32]:
I Im
1 - C(ul)
whereC(u, ... ,u) = P(UI > u"",Ud > u) denotes.-!he survival function ofe. Note
that the relationship between the survival copula C and the survival function is as
folIows: C(u, ... ,u) C(l-u, ... ,I-u), cf. Durante and Sempi [22] for related
Schmid and Schmidt [93,95] define multivariate generalizations of AL which are
based on conditional versions of Spearman's rho and Blomqvist's beta. Given the
following d-dimensional conditional version of Spearman's rho
0< p
a coefficient of multivariate lower tail dependence PL can be defined by
. d+ll
p!O p
pdC) :
in case the limit exists. Obviously 0
1. A possible estimator for PL is
with appropriate val ue k = k (n ), chosen by the statistician, and
Asymptotic norrnality of
(PdCn) - pdC)) can be established if k = k(n)
co and kin - t 0 as n
co. The asymptotic variance can be estimated using bootstrap
In a similar spirit, a d-dimensional conditional version of Blomqvist's beta is
defined by
ßu,v(C) := hu,v(d) [{ C(u) C(v)} - gu,v(d)]
for u, v E [0, 1]d where u ~ 1/2 ~ v and normalization is asssured by hu,v(d) and
gu,v(d). A coefficient of lower tail dependence can now be defined by
Friedrich Schmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt, Sandra Gaißer, et al.
ßdC) := lim ßpl,l(C) = lim C(pl) ~pd
if the limit exists.
Since tail dependence is limit-based, comparisons to the measures introduced in
previous sections are only possible with constraints. The tai! dependence measures
presented generally satisfy W, NI, N3, Tl, and I.
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