Cheyenne Sunrise Lions Board Meeting Minutes
Cheyenne Sunrise Lions Board Meeting Minutes
Cheyenne Sunrise Lions Board Meeting Minutes November 4, 2014 Attendance: Board members Officers President Vice President 2nd VP Sec/Memb Treasurer I. Past President Chairmen X X X X Steve Spier Gus Lopez Amber Tangeman David Orr Jim Reynolds - David Orr X -- Jim Dolan Harper (above) Michael Ryan Board Member(1) Board Member(1) Board member(2) Board Member(2) Lion Tamer/Tail Twister X X E X X Diane Tammen Brian Willis Sue Hume Lorraine Wittkorn John Harper Vision Screening Comm. Svc. Ldrshp.Dev. Literacy Literacy ---- Sue Hume (above) Steve Spier (above) Orr, D. (above) Reynolds, G. Orr, K Train Const./ByLaws Hearing Ride for Sight -- Reynolds, J. (above) Membership Name Name Name Name Name Breeden Favero Sr Frost, R Keyser Ryan Bruner Favero, Jr Fujinami Kiolbasa Scherr Delorey X Favero, M Hansen Landen Swilling X X Dillinger Fisher Hunter Layson T.Tammen Dykeman Foreman Jeffers, J. Lewis Weigner E Egge X Frost, M Jeffers, M. Russell Woods A quorum was present (8 of 10 board members) and 1 chairperson, as well as 4 additional club members. Total attendance was 14 (Guest: Brenden Tammen) November Birthdays: 2nd Dave Woods, 13th Marge Jeffers, 29th Diane Tammen Anniversaries: 8th Diane & Tom Tammen, 12th Michael & Helen Ryan I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Call to order at 6:30 AM, President Steve Spier, Flag Salute; Prayer, Lion Jim Reynolds Additions to emailed agenda a. 2017 District (State) Convention – Lions John Harper and Jim Reynolds – new business Approval of minutes of October Meetings, Secretary Dave Orr – Gus/Diane; unanimous Treasurer’s Report, Lion Jim Reynolds, Approved Jim R./Lorraine; unanimous Lion Jim clarified our procedure for drawing income at meetings: 50% of all raffle ticket sales funds go to the Administrative Account and 50% to Drawing fund. Correspondence A. None Committee Reports a. Blindness Awareness Event, Lion Dave Orr – Treasurer reports indicates that final total proceeds were $4,079.47 b. Budget for donations of proceeds for the Ride for Sight and “From Darkness into the Light:” See attached report Motion to use the distribution proposal presented by Lion Jim R./second Lorraine; unanimous c. Social Committee – Lion Jim Dolan 1. Christmas Party will be on Dec. 8, the regular meeting date for December. No regular meeting will be held in the morning that day. It was agreed that we should encourage members to bring a children’s book or a donation for the literacy program to the Christmas Party. 2. Lion Jim R. reported that a plated dinner could be served for $35 or $40. He will bring information on the room size and menu possibilities to the November 10 meeting. 3. Question – should we invite other Lions clubs in Laramie County. It was agreed that other clubs could be invited presuming space is available. Our members would have priority on seats, but the rest could be used on a first come, first served basis. 4. Future Events – The 5th Monday meeting on December 29 has been cancelled. The next one will fall on March 30. d. Vision Screening, Lions Sue Hume & Steve Foreman (absent) – Lion Dave reported that three screenings were held in October. Based on figured provided by Lion Steve, 29 children were screened and 2 referrals. There is a screening scheduled for tomorrow at 9AM at Montessori Academy on North Yellowstone. e. Literacy Committee, Lions Kathy Orr/Glenda Reynolds (neither present)– Lion Dave reported that Lion Kathy had to order 150 more books from Scholastic on the partnership program with LCI. f. Ride for Sight, Lion Jim Reynolds – Lion Jim presented a distribution schedule for the proceeds of RFS and the “From Darkness into the Light.” See item IV.b. above. g. Train, Lion John Harper – Christmas Parade is on November 29 1. Registration fee for Christmas parade $25. Motion by John H./Second Gus to pay $25 for parade registration. Unanimous. 2. Decoration night for the Train for the Christmas Parade will be on November 25 at Lion John’s house at 6:00 PM. 3. Everyone should bring stuffed animals to fill the seats in the train in the parade. 4. The train’s brakes are not working as well as when they were brand new, but solutions are being explored. 5. Lion Brian Willis will be providing candy for the Parade – twice as much as last year because we ran out. h. Hearing Committee – Lions Dave Orr & Lorraine Wittkorn – Nothing new to report i. Community Service – Lion Steve Spier 1. Carole Martin’s yard work – on hold till Spring 2. Highway Cleanup – Tentatively scheduled for November 15 – signup sheet at next meeting. j. Membership/Leadership, Lion Dave Orr 1. Don’t forget the Ask 1 Membership Campaign. 2. Lion Dave played the radio ads. The ads are running all across the state as both Public Service Ads and as paid ads. Locally, the Town Square Media group of stations are airing the ads. 3. New members are being worked on by Lions Jeff, Dave Woods and Dave Orr. 4. Lion Dave reported that he and Lion Dave Woods visited the Laramie Plains Lions Club on October 28. Lion Dave Woods also helped with a Laramie Plains Lions project helping do a clean-up at Curt Goudy State Park on October 25. VII. VIII. IX. X. 5. The Wyoming Lions Leadership Institute will be scheduled for August 14-16, 2015. We will make a special effort to promote it this time so more will sign up. District and International Officer Reports a. Past International Director – Lion John Harper 1. It was reported that a $100,000 grant to Wyoming/District 15 from LCIF was approved for the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute Foundation to help with the construction of the addition. 2. Lion John told about the Handicapped children’s playground that has been proposed for Cheyenne. He verified with Lion Diane that the Thankful Thursday for next week will be devoted to that project. He suggested that a grant from LCIF might be possible as well – similar to the grant for the RMLEIF mentioned above. b. Lions of Wyoming Foundation – Lion Dave Orr 1. Lion Dave reported that there has been some good progress on repairs to the Allen H. Stewart Lions Camp this fall. The Aid to Daily Living Trailer that was becoming a hazard has been demolished and removed from the Camp property. The Camp Board (management responsibility) and the Foundation Board (Camp owner) met jointly in Lander on November 1, and efforts are being made to better take care of the upkeep and maintenance of the camp. 2. Lion Dave spoke to a representative from the State Department of Education/Montgomery Trust. Lion Leslie Bechtal-VanOrman was optimistic that a grant to support the operation of the Summer School for Visually Impaired Youth was still possible. Old Business a. Program Chair – Dave Woods has programs arranged into next February b. Frontier Lions – Turkey Award 1. It was decided to sell chances for $5 each to win the bouquet of gift cards (total $75). Drawing at Nov. 24 meeting. 2. Funds from this raffle at our meetings would be submitted to the Frontier Lions as our entry in this contest. c. Tabled: Lions Centennial 1. Nolle Smith recognition for centennial year – 2. International Service Challenge 3. District Committee d. Tabled: By-laws change – Board meeting will be first Tuesday following a Monday each month. It was decided to remove this item from the table. It is not a significant issue. Explanation: The Board meeting can never fall on the 1st day of the month, and the first regular meeting come 13 days later. The first regular meeting will always be on the next Monday following the Board Meeting. New Business a. 2017 District (State) Convention – Lions John Harper and Jim Reynolds Laramie County Lions Clubs sponsor 2017 State/District Convention. Motion by John Harper to co-sponsor the 2017 District 15 Convention with the Lions Clubs of Laramie County/second Dave Orr, Unanimous. Lion John Harper has tentatively invited International 2nd VP Bob Corlew to be our guest for that convention. Adjourn: 7:47 AM Regular meetings – November 10 & 24 Board Meeting – December 2 Respectfully Submitted Lion David Orr, Secretary Programs/Events Calendar November – Program Chair – Lion Dave Woods 4 – Board Meeting 10 – Regular Meeting – District Governor James Rapp official visit 13 – Thankful Thursday at the Redwood Lounge to benefit a Handicapped Children’s Playground to be built in Cheyenne 24 – Regular Meeting – Bob Fecht, Exec. Director, Cheyenne Animal Shelter 24 – Train Decoration Night, 6:00 PM at John Harper’s house (1000 Laughlin Rd.) 29 – Train Event – Christmas Parade December – Program Chair – Lion Dave Woods 2 – Board Meeting 8 – Christmas Party (No regular meeting in AM) 23 – Regular Meeting 29 – Fifth Monday Upcoming events: August 9, 2015 – Ride for Sight Agenda Cheyenne Sunrise Lions Club October 7, 2014 October Birthdays: 17th Tony Layson Anniversaries: 23rd Dean & Sharon Berwick, 29th Frank Jr & Cheryl Favero XI. Call to order, 1st Vice President Gus Lopez Flag Salute; Prayer, Lion _________ XII. Additions to mailed agenda a. XIII. Approval of minutes of September Meetings, Secretary Dave Orr XIV. Treasurer’s Report, Lion Jim Reynolds – out of town, no report (see below) XV. Correspondence a. XVI. Committee Reports a. Blindness Awareness Event, Lion Dave Orr b. Social Committee – Lion Jim Dolan 1. Report on Milk Can Dinner 2. Future Events – Next 5th Monday is December 29 – see New Business c. Vision Screening, Lions Sue Hume & Steve Foreman d. Literacy Committee, Lions Kathy Orr/Glenda Reynolds e. Ride for Sight, Lion Jim Reynolds out of town f. Train, Lion John Harper – out of town – put Nov. 29 on your calendar – Christmas Parade g. Hearing Committee – Lions Dave Orr & Lorraine Wittkorn h. Community Service i. Membership/Leadership, Lion Dave Orr 1. Don’t forget the Ask 1 Membership Campaign. 2. District membership campaign (while viewing this document on your computer, if you double click, you should be able to listen to the recording of the radio spot). See email from Ted Wenckus regarding radio ads. Lions-01-What If.mp3 Lions-02-Get Involved.mp3 XVII. District and International Officer Reports a. Past International Director -- Lion John Harper & Lion Jim Reynolds – out of town at Quarterly International Directors Meeting in Phoeniz, AZ. b. Lions of Wyoming Foundation – Lion Dave Orr XVIII. Old Business a. Need program chair for January – Dave Woods and Lorraine Wittkorn b. Banner patches added by Lion Kathy. c. Tabled: By-laws change – Board meeting will be first Tuesday following a Monday each month. Next instance is September 1, 2015. Explanation: The Board meeting can never fall on the 1st day of the month, and the first regular meeting come 13 days later. The first regular meeting will always be on the next Monday following the Board Meeting. XIX. XX. New Business a. Future meetings: 1. No regular meeting on December 8 – Christmas Party at Little America 2. Cancel meeting on December 22? No need for programs in December except for the Christmas Party? 3. Fifth Monday on December 29th b. Lions Centennial 1. International Service Challenge 2. District Committee Adjourn: Regular meetings – October 13 & 27 Board Meeting – November 4 David Orr <> Radio Advertising 1 message Ted Wenckus <> Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 11:55 AM To: Bob Lauman <>, Dave Orr <>, Jim Rapp <> O.K. gentlemen, we are starting to ROCK! As of now, I have put PSA advertising on 9 stations that cover most of northeastern Wyoming. Sheridan Media stations include: KROE AM KZWY FM Q104.9 FM 98.5 FM KYTI FM and others Keep in mind, most markets have ‘cluster’ stations, meaning one owner of several stations. For our PSA’s, the ad ‘rotates’ through those stations with other PSA's. Stations that are popular with advertisers will play fewer psa ads, less popular with advertisers, we will get more exposure. I won’t know those schedules on each station, but we will have some presence on all we contract with. Hope that makes sense. I plan on using our ‘paid’ advertising on the more popular stations that will be running less of our PSA’s. Today, I will be sending PSAs to Casper Town Square Media, Cheyenne Town Square Media, Laramie Town Square Media, Rock Springs and Green River stations which cover Mountain View and Pinedale as well. Ads (PSAs) will start in those markets this coming week. I will be setting up the PSA spots for Gillette/Newcastle and Jackson this coming week as well. The delay for starting the PSA ads was a ‘glitch’ in most markets that require PSA ads have to be 20 sec. allowing for a 10 second tag by the stations, “this public service announcement brought to you by ___station name__________”. I re-cut an ad on Friday to meet this requirement. I am working on our ‘paid’ spots station orders, which will be the ads you’ve already heard/have with no tag. I figure to run approximately $300 in each location of about 10 areas, $3,000 total. We will discuss what we feel are the best areas to use the remaining $2,000 after we see what results we’ve gotten. I am requesting the PSA ads to run now through November 2014, first group of paid ads, which will be matched, to run during October. Remaining budget can be used during November in ‘key markets’ we decide to prioritize. That’s where we are as of now, so ‘listen up’, ads coming your way! If this sounds good to you or questions/suggestion, I’m all ears! BOB, I will use your Lions address for billing for the paid spots and give you a “heads up” prior to your receiving any invoices. I will let you know exactly what invoices to expect and for how much. I should have most of that info to you by the end of this coming week. Let me know if that is the best way to handle. Thats it for now. Ted Wenckus (307) 751-8690 “Training Creates Leaders” Lion James R. Rapp District Governor 28 Cottonwood Dr. Sheridan, WY 82801 District 15, 2014/2015 (H) 307-461-2829 (C) 307-752-1518 October 5, 2014 Dear Fellow Lions, The 2nd District 15 Cabinet Meeting of the 2014/2015 year is scheduled for Lander the 1st of November, at The Inn at Lander. The 1st meeting will be the Cabinet Meeting starting at 9 AM and followed by the Summit Committee Meeting, the Allen H. Stewart Lions Camp Board Meeting and concluding with the Lions of Wyoming Foundation Board Meeting about 5:30 PM. These meetings are open to ALL Wyoming Lions. Please try to attend and find out what goes on at the District level and meet fellow Lions from all over Wyoming. The Inn at Lander is located at 260 Grandview and you can call and make reservations at 307-332-2847 using the Lions Club rate code of 3375. The cost per night will be $83.00 for one person and $93.00 for double occupancy. Some of us will be spending both Friday and Saturday nights there. I have started the paperwork appointing 2nd VDG Gary Roadifer as District Centennial Coordinator for the Lions Centennial, which will be in 2017. Lions Clubs International is planning a large centennial celebration at the 2017 International Convention that will be held in Oak Brook, IL, home of LCI. I would hope many of you will be thinking about attending this convention. The Colorado Lions are in the planning stage of putting together a trip to Oak Brook for this convention via Amtrak and have invited the WY Lions to join them. Also, see the attached letter from Lion Gary. If your Club does not have a Vision Screening Program, Lions Clubs International has started a new program in the United States called Lions KidSight USA. The following is from an email I received from LCI, “Start Planning Your Vision Screening Program Today. Visit the KidSight USA website to learn more about becoming a vision screener and download the flyer so you can share it with your club today.” When at the USA/Canada Forum, we had a long visit with PDG Monte Weisser, formally from Newcastle. He told us the story about a screening he was involved with in Montana, where he now lives. A child they screened was referred and the parents took him immediately to an Optometrist to find out there was a tumor behind the eye and would have permanently lost the vision in that eye in about two weeks. Please, become involved, you never know when you may be able to save someone’s sight. Membership, just received the report for the month of September and I would like to pat everyone on the back. The District has 7 new Lions, 2 Lions moved away and I am sorry to inform you 2 Lions passed away. So we were a plus 3 for the month. Keep up the good work and remember Ask 1. We need to get the District Membership above the 1,250 members. The current membership of the District is 1,231. If each of these 1,231 members brought 1 or 2 prospective members to a Club meeting or activity, and if we only signed 25%, we would not have any membership problems. Let us keep up the good work. Remember, any new Lion that is a Veteran does not pay an entrance fee. For any of you that would like to increase your Lions knowledge, I hope it would be all of our members, a good place to start would be the Certified Guiding Lion Program. This is very informative and can be found on the LCI website, just go there and type in “Certified Guiding Lion Program” in the search box and it will take you there. While on the website, the 2014-2015 Webinar Schedule is out. Again, just use the search box. There are several good webinars scheduled and there is no cost. The Lions Clubs International Foundation report that came out the 1st part of September only had 1 contribution from District 15 so far this year. If your Club would be able to make a contribution to the Foundation, regardless how large or small, it would be greatly appreciated. If anyone would like to make a personal contribution to the Lions Clubs International Foundation, PID Lion John Harper has made such a contribution and would like to challenge you to do the same. He challenge is as follows, “I was challenged to put my money where my mouth is. Now I challenge each of you to make a contribution no matter how small to LCIF. As Lions this is your foundation. It is my foundation. It is the number one Non Governmental Organization in the world according to the United Nations. I suspect that we all give to diabetes, heart, cancer, special olympics or some other worthy causes. Why not give to your own charity, too?” Let’s step-up and do our share as Lion John has. The following several paragraphs were in last month’s letter, but I believe they are very important and are a reminder for the membership of things you may be able to do to help Wyoming Lionism. Any Clubs or individual Lions that have anything they would like to have in the “We Serve”, please send to Lion Glenda Reynolds at 5149 McCue Dr., Cheyenne, WY 82009 or email Her phone number is 307-638-9464. Please get some Club stories or any Lions interest stories to her. Please remember the most important project for your Club is to provide for the needs of your community first, before anything else. After that you may be able to support some of the projects supported by District 15 and Lions International. A couple of questions I have are, what can the District 15 Leadership do to assist your Club and what, in your opinion, should the leadership of District 15 do differently? Let me know. Remember, when at a meeting or a Club activity, Have Fun and Enjoy Yourself. Lions Club International Centennial 1917-2017 What an exciting time to be a LION! Lions Club is fast approaching celebrating its centennial, 100 years of service at the local, district, and international level. Lions Club International has launched a robust plan to celebrate our past, present, and future. In the calendar year 2014-15 Lions Clubs are asked to join the Centennial Service Challenge. The Goal is to serve 100 million people by 2017. There are 4 areas of the challenge: youth, vision, hunger, and environment. For more information go to centennial website at and watch the “Service Challenge” video. In 2015-16 the Centennial Membership Challenge will be launched, 2016-17 is designated for district celebration, and the big celebration will be in 2017-2018 with special events and activities. Take time at your meetings and events to share your moments of club history. At the centennial website you can find the “History Factory” and learn fascinating history facts about LIONS. A single act of service can change a life, but when 3.5 million members come together to serve, we can change the world. More to come about this latter. 2nd VDG Lion Gary Roadifer Programs/Events Calendar September – Program Chair – Lion Gus Lopez 22 – Regular Meeting, Program – Blindness Awareness Event, final arrangements “From Darkness into the Light” Amber Tangeman and Dave Orr 23 – Milk Can Dinner at John Harper’s house – thank you for support during his term as International Director. 29 – Fifth Monday Social October – Program Chair – Lion Gus Lopez 4 - “From Darkness into the Light” Dinner & Expo 5PM at American Legion Set up will begin at 3:00 PM. 7 – Board Meeting 13 – Regular Meeting 27 – Regular Meeting Upcoming events: Nov. 29 Christmas Parade – Train Event