the Parrot Head Press


the Parrot Head Press
the Parrot Head Press
A bi-monthly publication reporting the news & fun going on with
The Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club Inc.
~ Volume 13 ~ Issue 2 ~ March & April 2009
Sarasota Bay PHC 2008-2009
"Not-Bored" of Directors
Executive Board:
Dave Carpenter: 379-8991
Patti Myles: 727-0889
Vice President/Christmas Party
Beth Palumbo: 758-2070
Rich Myles: 727-0889
Treasurer & Golf Tournament
General Board:
Marla Hanratty: 966-2555
Lori Carpenter: 379-8991
Communications/Birthday Party
Al Palumbo: 758-2070
Environmental Director
Phil & Claudia Benz: 379-0197
David & Sherry Swartz: 358-0281
Environmental & Membership
Janet Norrell & Mary Zhender
Wayne & Sharen Sponseller: 496-7863
Tom Yorke: 536-0662
Rick Lenerise & Sandy Greiner:
Katie Fogarty-Zdebiak: 350-8729
John Pollock & Tami Mannel: 716-0560
Keets Committee
All phone numbers are area code (941)
Our Club Mission Statement:
The Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club Inc. is a
not for profit social organization formed to
participate in community and environmental
projects while providing a variety of social
activities for people with similar interests.
Our Purpose:
To foster awareness and understanding of
local environmental issues and to provide an
organized means for active participation in
projects which benefit Sarasota's environment. We are all fans of the music and
lifestyle of Jimmy Buffett.
It’s election time again, Parrot Heads. You have the opportunity to join in on the everyday running and decision making of your club by nominating yourself for a seat on our
“Not Bored” of directors. Anyone interested in a position
who is not sure what the commitment means should contact:
Patti Myles 941-727-0889 or and she
will fill you in on the responsibilities and requirements
involved. A short introduction/bio and photo should be sent to Patti as well.
Elections will be held at the May 28th meeting. Photo’s and bio’s of all
nominees will be listed in the May newsletter for your review.
Positions up for election for the 2009-2010 Not Bored of Directors :
Two year term - Executive Officers - Vice President and Treasurer
One year term - General Board - 10 Seats
Notes from the wandering mind of Dave:
It's getting close to that time of the year again…. Election Time!
This month I want to use my space to let you know what is involved
with being a member of the 'Not-Bored' of Directors. We have 15 seats on the
board, 4 executive officers with two - year terms which alternate election
years, 10 general board seats which are a one - year term and one seat reserved
for "Past President" which we open up as a general seat in years when we do
not have a past president. The Board, which is never bored (hence the phrase
"Not-Bored of Directors" was coined many years back), meets once a month
for approx. two hours to handle the club business and make most of the decisions that shape the club. Some of our business is done through email so you
do need daily access to the internet. Each Board Member is expected to head
a committee or chair an event thought the year and is responsible for helping
out at the monthly social meetings.
If you wish to throw your hat in the ring for a seat on the board, please
email Patti, our VP with a short bio/intro of yourself as well as a photo to be
included in May's newsletter. Once elections are over the Executive Board
looks over the new board to determine where each person's talents will benefit the club and appoints committees and responsibilities at that time.
Sound like something you want to commit to? It is a lot of work but
also rewarding and fun. I know I am looking forward to filling that "Past
President" seat in 2010!
Island Time Dave
Where I go I Know There’s Rum!
2009 SBPHC Upcoming Events
~ April ~
Friday 3 - Eternal Reef Casting
Contact Al to volunteer (Captain
Tony's Ball will be made this day)
Friday 3 - Night Golf at Suncoast Golf
Center 7741 15th Street East Sarasota,
FL 34243
April 4 - Mote's Benefit ‘Run for the
Turtles’ Siesta Beach
Saturday 18 - Great American
Cleanup and Island Party at Parrot
Head Island & Bay Island Park 10amTuesday 21 - Tuesday on the Island
Sunset Social Siesta Public Beach
Saturday 25 - Jimmy Buffett Concert
Thursday 30 - Social Meeting at
Eagles 501 N Beneva Rd
Accepting donations of pet supplies for
Nate’s Place- Honor Animal Rescue
~ May ~
Saturday 16 - Survivor VI Games
Tuesday 19 - Tuesday on the Island
Sunset Social Siesta Public Beach
Thursday 28 - Social Meeting at
Saramana Eagles 501 N Beneva Rd
Sarasota 6-9pm -Elections for the
2009-2010 "Not Bored" of Directors
Saturday 30 - Raftup/ Beach party at
South Lido Park/Big Pass 11am-?
~ June~
Monday 1 - Birthday Party
Registration Closes
Friday 12 - Eternal Reef Casting
Friday - Sunday 12-14 SBPHC's
Lucky 13th Birthday Bash at the
Holiday House, Venice
Tuesday 16 - Tuesday on the Island
Sunset Social Siesta Public Beach
Thursday 25 - Social Meeting at
Saramana Eagles 501 N Beneva Rd
Sarasota 6-9pm
~ July~
Sunday 12 - Raftup/ Beach Party at
South Lido Park/Big Pass 11am-?
Monday 13 - Eternal Reef
Deployment Contact Al to volunteer
Friday 17 - LeBarge Private Sunset
Cruise 7-9pm with Sunny Jim Get
your tickets at May & June meetings
~ May~ Continued
Saturday 18 - Captain Tony Memorial
reefball deployment
Tuesday 21- Tuesday on the Island
Sunset Social Siesta Public Beach
Thursday 30 - Social Meeting at
Saramana Eagles 501 N Beneva Rd
Sarasota 6-9pm -Accepting back to
school donations for Manatee Youth
Shelter/Family Resources
~ August~
Tuesday 18 - Tuesday on the Island
Sunset Social Siesta Public Beach
Saturday 22 - Raftup/ Beach party at
South Lido Park/Big Pass 11am-?
Thursday 27 - Social Meeting at
Saramana Eagles 501 N Beneva Rd
Wednesday 9 - Eternal Reef Casting
Contact Al Palumbo to volunteer
Tuesday 15 - Tuesday on the Island
Sunset Social Siesta Public Beach
Saturday 19 - International Coastal
Cleanup & Island Party at Parrot Head
Island & Bay Island Park 10am-?
Thursday 24 - Social Meeting at
Saramana Eagles 501 N Beneva Rd
Sarasota 6-9pm -Accepting donations
Saturday 26 - Peace River Canoe Trip
~ October~
Saturday 3 - 8th Annual Parrot Head
Open Golf Tournament
Tuesday 20 - Tuesday on the Island
Sunset Social Siesta Public Beach
Saturday 24 - Alzheimer's Memory
Walk Lido Beach
Thursday 29 - Social Meeting at
Saramana Eagles 501 N Beneva Rd
~ November~
Thursday - Sunday 5-8 Meeting of
the Minds (MOTM) "Floridays" Key
West Friday 6 - It's Another Bloody
Mary Mornin- SBPHC MOTM Party
at the Hog’s Breath Saloon, Key West
Thursday 19 - Social Meeting at
Saramana Eagles 501 N Beneva Rd
Sarasota 6-9pm-Meeting is one week
early due to Thanksgiving-Accepting
donations for All Faiths Food Bank &
Humane Society
~ December~
Sunday 6 - Christmas in the Caribbean
- SBPHC Holiday Party & Toys for
Tots Drive
More dates to be announced include:
-Margaritaville Orlando Bus Trip
-Multi-Club Tubing Trip (August)
-Pub Crawl (Sept or Oct)
“It’s Tuesday on the Island”
Along with
Saving Time
come sunset
AprilOctober join
your sun-worshiping friends
under the big oak tree by the volley
ball courts at the south end of Siesta
Public Beach to watch the always
awesome sunsets... listen to some
Buffett some volley a kite... toss a frisbee...
share some drinks.
We gather about an hour
before sunset and stay till the bugs
start biting. BYOE (Bring your own
everything chair, cooler, games.)
The sunsets are always free, and
someone always brings some tunes.
Sunny Jim plays most Tuesdays at
Captain Curts, enjoy the sunset on
your way to Curts.
Mote’s 23rd Annual Run for the
Turtles Sat April 4
7am on Siesta Beach
The National Great American
Clean-up ~ April 18
Okay it is that time of the year
again for the Great American
Clean-up. This year it is held on
Saturday April 18th. This will be
our second clean-up of the year and
I promise it will be much warmer
than the last one on January 31st.
The Great American Clean-up is a big cleanup for us. We will be getting some areas ready for the
Survivor Games in May. So we need your help! And
don't forget, you did take an oath to CLEAN the
We will be meeting at Bay Island Park on
Saturday, April 18th at 10:00 A.M. We will have the
famous Parrot Head Navy transport us over to
Edwards, Coconut and Cooks Islands to clean up and
then meet back at Edwards Island for a little picnic.
We will have a good supply of garbage bags and plastic gloves for everyone.
Our fabulous chefs will be preparing burgers
and hot dogs for everyone after the clean-up. We will
have water and soda but if you want something a little stronger you will have to bring it yourself. As I
said before, the weather should be much better and
even the water might be nice and warm for a swim.
This is a great way for new members and to
get involved and meet the rest of us. So please think
about coming out and roll up your sleeves for a little
work and a good time with the best Parrot head Club
in Florida.
We will have a sign up sheet at the March
Social meeting Thursday the 26th. Just look for Phil
or Claudia and sign up. We need to get a count of
who is coming for supplies and for food. If you can't
make the meeting contact me at Hope to see you at 10:00 A.M. Sat. April
If you haven't been to a cleanup yet the directions are, from 41, turn west on Siesta Drive, cross the
bridge and Bay Island Park is on your left. It will be
a great day on the island cleaning and partying with a
Eternal Reef Volunteer Days:
April 3
June 12 July 13 September 19
Contact Al Palumbo to see what it’s all about
and get involved 941-758-2070
Night Golf ~ April 3
Night Golf is Back!
At this past meeting we started signing
up for Night Golf for Friday April 3rd. We still
space left, this event has been a fun evening in
the past few years and those who have always
wanted to try the game of golf, without getting
too serious about it...this is your opportunity.
We usually have enough Parrot Heads to take
over the entire course, and run it as a shotgun
start. We are also set up to have a cookout, to
be provided by the golf center. Price for golf
and food is $15 per person, or just golf or food
is $7.50 per person.
Please email me at, if you are interested
in participating. ~ Al
April 30~ Meeting Charity Donations
At April’s Social Meeting at the Saramana Eagles we will be
collecting donations for Nate’s Place.
We will concentrate our donations on:
~ pet food dishes ~ cat or dog toys
~ cat litter
~ wet or dry pet food
Honor Sanctuary Animal
Rescue has opened Nate's Place, a
dog and cat adoption center in space
donated by the Benderson Corp. The
center is at 8459 Cooper Creek
Blvd., in the Cooper Creek
Shopping Center at University
Parkway and Interstate 75.
Nate's Place is always in
need of monetary donations for
medical needs of our animals, spaying/neutering, vaccinations, micro
chipping and sometimes extraordinary medical services are required.
We also need Volunteers, Foster families and we have a Wish
List with such items as animal crates, a conference table,
chairs, floor lamps, towels, pet food dishes, cat condos and
toys. Donations of cat litter and wet or dry pet food are being
accepted to help provide for the animals, which live with foster families.
Nate's Place adopts out a large number of companion
animals every month. We also bring other rescue groups in to
show their animals and find homes for them.
For more information, call 302-0933,
or send an e-mail to Volunteer Coordinator Ciera Lemoniades
at or visit
Parrot Head Bowling
50 Parrot Heads with balls in hand on Saturday, February 7th, started off at 5:00 meeting in bar area of the
Sarasota Lanes for a Happy Hour to build up a little strength to bowl the game of our dreams.
At 6:30 the alleys started lighting up and, Phil said, "Let the games begin!" Everyone went to their assigned
alley and just had a great time. The scores really didn't matter because it was just a great time with good friends. There
were no casualties, well. maybe a few sore muscles the next day, but a great time was had by all. Even Phil and Claudia
got to bowl a little. Thanks again for coming out and bowling. We can put away our shoes and balls for another year.
‘Challenge In The Bay Islands’
Parrot Head Survivor VI
Saturday May 16, 2009
Sign up at March/April Meeting
Only 48 contestant spots available
Cost : $20 per contestant
Don’t miss this exceptional day of fun
& challenges- spectators welcome
Contact Al Palumbo 941-758-2070
Parrot Heads & Ponies
On Sunday January 25th a large
group of Parrot Heads were at the
polo match for a "Football Fiesta".
A pre-superbowl party with horses.
Everyone was decked out in their
favorite football team jerseys and t-shirts. Even
a cheese head showed up. Thanks to Bill Wiley
there was even a set of yellow goal posts.
Lots of food and plenty of drink kept the
party going. We even celebrated a couple birthdays with
some cake.
Our group of tailgaters
won the prize for "most spirited". A gift basket full of stuff
will be donated for the upcoming SBPHC birthday party in June.
After the polo match we all headed over
to the pavilion for some entertainment by
Latitude. With a conga line and lots of dancing,
everyone had a great time.
March 15th Shamrock Shindig brought
the crowds out wearing green
and again a great day was shared
by everyone.
Our next tailgating event
is Sunday March 29. We will be
out there this time in western
attire. The theme is "Wild, Wild West". So grab
your cowboy hat, kick up your boots, and
mosey on out. Don't forget your chairs, cooler
full of your favorite beverages, sunscreen, and
food or dish to share. And look for the group
not far from the bleachers under the canopies.
It is only $10 per person to get in.
Key West Songs
- Live from Key West now available!
In February of 2009, Jimmy Buffett and Mac
McAnally played an impromptu show at the
Margaritaville Cafe in Key West, Florida. The
theme of the evening was Key West songs and also
included a performance of a brand new song - A Lot
To Drink About.
This digital download is now available at Mailboat
Records! Tracks included are audio mp3s of three
songs from that performance (I Heard I Was In
Town, Migration and A Lot To Drink About and a movie of A Lot To Drink About).
Who’s Going to
Maybe you....
If you were a contributor of POP’s from
Margaritaville Foods,
you may be a lucky winner! The ‘official’
announcement has not yet been made, but we have
been notified that our club won the trip for 2 to Las
Vegas for one of the November 2009 Buffett shows.
The winner will be drawn at our Lucky 13th
Birthday Bash in June, following the ‘official’
announcement from Margaritaville Foods.
There are 113 chances to win... how many times is
your name entered??? One for every pop you contributed.
Full details to be announced once we get
final info.....
04.18.09 PIZZA HUT PARK Dallas, TX
Charlotte, NC
Raleigh, NC
Irvine, CA
06.23.09 POST-GAZETTE PAVILION Pittsburgh, PA
06.25.09 COMCAST CENTER Mansfield, MA
06.27.09 COMCAST CENTER Mansfield, MA
08.06.09 RIVERBEND MUSIC CENTER Cincinnati, OH
08.08.09 TOYOTA PARK Bridgeview, IL
Noblesville, IN
08.15.09 TOYOTA PARK Bridgeview, IL
08.23.09 BOARDWALK HALL Atlantic City, NJ
Wantagh, NY
East Troy, WI
09.03.09 NISSAN PAVILION Bristow, VA
09.05.09 NISSAN PAVILION Bristow, VA
Chula Vista, CA
Las Vegas, NV
Seattle, WA
Las Vegas, NV
Raft Up Parties
It’s now officially spring
which means summer time fun is
just around the corner and the gulf
waters will be warming up soon and
that means it’s
Raft-Up Time!
Summer Beach/Raft Up parties
are scheduled fo:r
Saturday May 30
Sunday July 12
Saturday August 22.
These parties are held at
South Lido Park on Big Pass in
Sarasota. We’ll be gathering in the
farthest east picnic area. There are
plenty of picnic tables, grills and
shade. You can arrive by boat or by
car. BYOE, bring your own everything, beach/water toys, cooler,
food, sunscreen.
The party starts around
noon and lasts till we are
done....Whoever gets there first,
please save a bunch of tables for
us! This area is accessible by boat
or by car. Bring beach toys, grilling
foods, snacks to share and of course
your coolers full of beverages.
South Lido Park is located
on Ben Franklin Drive at the southern tip of Lido Key.
April 25 Jimmy Buffett Concert ~ Ford Ampatheater
Bus Info:
We have one (full) bus which will be
departing at 1:00pm from the parking lot
of the Burlington Coat Factory at
I-75/Bee Ridge Rd in Sarasota. For those
riding the bus, please arrive by 12:30.
Bring your tailgating supplies and don’t
forget the chairs! The bus will hopefully
be parking in the area where Tampa is
having their big tailgating party which begins at 1:00pm. If you are not riding the
bus, you may want to attempt to caravan behind the bus so we can all be together in the parking lot.
Club Tickets:
For those that ordered tickets through the club, we still (as usual) have no info as
to when the tickets will be available to us. As soon as we get word on this we will
notify you individually to make arrangements to get you your tickets.
Captain Tony’s Memorial Reef Ball
PHiP purchased a memorial reefball through our club to be
deployed on our Parrot Head Reef.
The date of Saturday, July 18th has
finally been set for this monumental event.
Al is getting together a list.
If you do not have a boat and want
to participate get your name on the
list....If you are interested in going
out to our reef site to witness this
event and have room on your boat
for a few extra Parrot Heads, please
let Al Palumbo know this as well. If
we cannot accommodate everyone
on our club members boats, we will
look into renting a charter boat to
transport us. We need to get working on this soon, so please get with
Al asap so arrangements can be
made. 941-758-2070
Love & Luck to John & Tami Pollack who
tied the knot at Sunset on Turtle Beach on
March 17th 2009.
The happy couple met through e-Harmony.
The Tampa Bay Parrot Heads Present the PHins Up PHrolic!
Benefiting the Clearwater Marine Aquarium
May 8-10 at the Holiday Inn SunSpree
6800 Sunshine Skyway Ln
St. Petersburg, FL 33711
Friday: Jack Mosley Performing Beachside from 6 to 10 pm.
Saturday: Pool Party with Shane as our DJ Poolside from 12 to 4 pm
Saturday afternoon: Silent Auction Benefiting the Clearwater Marine Aquarium
Saturday Night: Dinner/ Dance Starting at 6:00 pm “The PHins Up Tacky Prom”
Entertainment Provided by: Jim Asbell and the Tropiholics!
Registration is $39.50 for members (membership in good standing of a Parrot Head club),
$59.50 for non-members (and receive a one year membership to the Tampa Bay Parrot Head Club)..
More information about the event and how to purchase these tickets can be found at
Registration is limited to 200, so register TODAY!!!! It’s filling up FAST!
Rooms are available at the Holiday Inn SunSpree for just $99/night (First Come First Served).
Call the SunSpree at 727-867-1151 or 800-972-3356 and ask for the Tampa Bay Parrot Head rate.
You may also register by sending this form, along with your check or money order payable to TBPH to:
Phins Up PHrolic
c/o TBPH
P.O. Box 41343
St. Petersburg, FL 33743
One Form per Registrant Please. Individual Checks not Necessary.
NAME: __________________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________
CITY: ___________________________________________
STATE: ____________________ ZIP CODE: ___________
PHONE NUMBER: ___________________ EMAIL: ________________________________
PHIP CLUB AFFLIATION (if any): ________________________________________________________
______ Yes
______ No
______ How many
Size(s) (Circle):
Firkin & Fox Pre Concert Bash - And Fun Was Had By All!
Pre-Concert Party at Firkin & Fox
Friday, March 13th, 2009
The Sarasota Bay Parrot Head
Club, and friends, flocked from far and
wide to join in the fun and festivities on
the deck for the Pre-Concert Party at
Firkin & Fox. With about 100 Parrot
Heads in attendance throughout the
night, the fins were up, the feathers were
flashing, and the team at Firkin & Fox
showed their Parrot Head spirit and put
on a really fun event. The 2-4-1 drink
specials, buckets 'o beer and pitchers of
margaritas were rather hot commodities. The
grill was fired up and the Cheeseburgers in
Paradise (complete with Heinz 57) were, naturally, a dynamite hit with the crowd, while DJ
Cyber entertained us with Jimmy Buffett concerts playing on the big screen, great music and
even a little Buffett trivia.
As the sun went down and the moon
came out, the tiki torches were ablaze and the
dancing got really fired up! Sharen Sponseller
was the big winner of the hula-hoop contest and
went home with a $25 gift certificate for a
future visit. The competition was pretty hot, but
she sure knew how to move those hips to win
that prize! Sheree Cade gave her a pretty good run, but just couldn't beat
out Sharen. The conga line made its way all over the deck and into the bar
(several times) where the other patrons got quite a kick out of our enthusiasm and passion for a good time. We may have even had a few of them join
The party went well into the night with great conversation and dancing galore! One of the owners of the establishment, Joe Vallor, couldn't
keep his dancing feet still and cut a rug with the rest of the clan. Although
the wonderful wait staff really enjoyed taking care of us, they would have
much rather been joining the party with us!
It was a fantastic night and the folks at Firkin & Fox really went all
out for us and made this party something really special. All of those who
came up for the party sure got their cure for "Island Fever"! The PreConcert Party at Firkin & Fox sure turned out to be a really "Firkin" good
time that must be repeated!
Special Thanks & A Team Drink to club member
Sarah Bonneau for setting up this awesome night for us!
Have an idea of a cool place for us to flock to for a night of fun?
Let the board know so we can check it out!
Join the Party June 12-13-14
The Legend of Norman Paperman
Don't Stop the Carnival
Kinja was the name of the island when it
was British. The actual name was King
George the Third Island, but the Islanders
shorted that to Kinja. Now the name in the
maps and the guidebooks is Amerigo, but
everybody who lives there still calls it
Kinja. The United States acquired the
island peaceably in 1940 as part of the
shuffling of old destroyers and Caribbean
real estate that went on between Mr.
Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill. The details
of the transaction were and are vague to
the inhabitants. The West Indian is not
exactly hostile to change, but he's not
much inclined to believe in it. Meantime
in a fashion Amerigo is getting
Americanized. The inflow of cash is making everyone more prosperous. Most
Kinjans go along cheerily with this explosion of American energy in the Caribbean.
To them it seems a new harmless and
apparently endless Carnival. Sanders
Have you ever dreamed of escaping from
your dull existence to a new life on a tropical island? Our story is about a man who
did it - a real person, whose true adventure
has become a legend here in the
Caribbean. Welcome one and all to THE
SBPHC Celebrates our 13th Birthday with a
weekend bash to top all others. We know it’s
the “Magic of the Music” that draws the
crowd and each year. We try to bring in the
best of our favorites and introduce you to
some ‘new to us’ talent.
Jack Mosley and his Band will kick off
the party on Friday Night and get us in the
mood for a weekend packed full of fun.
Poolside music, back by popular demand, we
welcome back Jason Webb and his
Caribbean Chillers Duo Saturday Poolside to
keep us singing and dancing. Saturday Night
night, we are excited to bring you Jimmy
Parrish and the Ocean Waves Band, a 6 piece
band from Jacksonville, as they take the stage
for their first West Coast Parrot Head event.
Sunday poolside James Sunny Jim White and
John Frinzi will end the weekend of musical fun with their always
entertaining poolside show. Our DJ Albert will be filling in when there
is no music poolside through the weekend.
The theme for this years bash is “Don’t Stop the Carnival”
with Mardi Gras decorations to get you in that festive mood. The details
of Saturday’s dress up competition will be announced soon. We will
have a ‘jello shot’ volleyball competition on Saturday headed up by
Missy Dunn with practice and sign up on Friday, a conch horn blowing
contest, a horseshoe tournament and other poolside games on Saturday.
And, back by popular demand the Tropical Drink Contest.
Raffles are being handled by Sharen & Lisa and silent auction
by Lori, Katie & Sherry, with all proceeds going to our environmental
charities, Mote Marine Laboratory & Parrot Head Reef Projects. If you
have an item to donate to the causes please contact one of the Board
Members (phone numbers on pg 1.) or email Lori at: and I will get you the forms.
Registration is open!
The forms are included in this newsletter for this “Not-To-Be-Missed
Event.” Registration is half full don’t delay!
Host Hotel: Holiday House 455 Us 41 Bypass North, Venice
Parrot Head Rates $69/Nt.
For Reservations call the Hotel at 941-485-5411
The Hotel is pet friendly.
All rooms have a refrigerator and microwave.
T-Shirts and event pins are in the works, donations for our auction & raffle are coming in... all that’s left is for you to get yourself registered to attend the best 3- day party you’ll ever experience and do some
good along the way too. So call the hotel and book your room, send in
your registration forms, get your costumes together, get ready for a
weekend you may never forget... Cheers! ~ Lori
Dear Sis,
Calling all Parrot Heads
attending the Birthday Party
Okay Parrot Heads who are
coming to our 13th Annual Birthday
Bash-it's time to get creative and help
us raise money at our Birthday Party
silent auction. Get your creative
juices flowing and design and donate
a basket for our silent auction with a
value of at least $100 and you will get
party for the Birthday Party raffles.
Do it alone or con (or convince) some
other members to help you (you'll
have to share the raffle tickets).
If you're interesting in donating, please let Lori know as soon as
possible. She would like the donations brought to the May 28 meeting,
before the Birthday Party.
Last years basket donations
were all a huge hit and raised a lot of
money for our charities, please help
us if you can!
Birthday Volunteers Are Needed
We can’t have all this fun without a
bit of work involved! We need a
bunch of members to volunteer one
hour of their weekend to help during
this event. You can sell raffle tickets,
help at registration desk, decorate the
party room and pool areas, be a judge
at one of the special events or competitions, be a greeter at the door during
the night band events.... See Lori at
the meetings and I’ll find a spot
where you will fit.
I guess we will be coming up north a little later this year. The
Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club has scheduled their "13th Annual Birthday Bash"
for June 12th, 13th and 14th. You remember me telling you about last year's
party don't you? It was our first one, since we had just joined the Club in
October 2007. Remember, I drove the motorhome up to Illinois the first of
May and Laura flew up for Cathianne's graduation, then we both flew back,
specifically for the party. Yes, I thought at the time it was much ado for a
party.......but boy was I wrong!!! We had such a great time. We met tons
of people, some who can rarely make it to meetings or projects, but they would
never miss a "Birthday Bash". We even met a member from the Virgin Islands
and his girlfriend from California, whom we hooked up with again in Key West
last fall and may even go visit this year. This year's theme for the Bash is
"Don't Stop the Carnival".
The Club takes over the entire facility at a place called the 'Holiday
House' in Venice. 125 rooms; that means 300 Parrot Heads. From the time
we got there on Friday it was non stop fun. Friday evening everybody enjoyed
the show put on my our Official Club Disc Jockey: Albert, while we sat around
the pool. It was great, the hotel management allows us to bring our own
booze and snacks around the pool, but they still bring out a bar and food you
can purchase.
Friday night a local favorite named Jim Morris played on the inside in
a wonderfully decorated banquet room. Tropical Soul played on the outside stage
on Saturday while we all soaked up sun and played in the pool. These Parrot
Heads have some of the weirdest pool toys they you can ever imagine, Sis.
Shots of Rum Jumbie, free samples of Landshark beer, a Conch Blowing Contest
and poolside games, it was unbelievable. Saturday also began the Sand Volleyball
competition. Missy, the member who organized the Volleyball, made 300 jello
shots. For every kill and ace you got a jello shot. I had nine the first game.
Then Saturday night a dinner, another dance, featuring Jason and the Caribbean
Chillers, raffles, drawings, costume contests and a silent auction was held.
Remember the picture I sent you of our 'basket' we made? Ours brought
$135.00 and Laura ended up buying three for herself. The money raised went
to Mote Marine Laboratory and Parrot Head Reef Projects. "Party with a
Purpose"....that's our motto. Sunday, Latitude, you have heard me talk about
them also, played outside, and the party didn't break up until nearly 4pm.
So, Sis, regardless of the date, I pledge never to miss a Sarasota Bay
Parrot Head "Birthday Bash". Laura already has our room and
reservation completed. All I have to do is bring my suit and sandals and beverage. Isn't life great sometimes?
Your Brother
13th Birthday Entertainment Schedule:
Friday Night - Jack Mosley & Band
Saturday Poolside - Caribbean Chillers Duo
Saturday Night - Jimmy Parrish & the Ocean Waves Band
Sunday Poolside - Sunny Jim & John Frinzi
DJ Albert Poolside in the mornings and Friday Afternoon
Jack Mosley, originally
from Panama City
Florida, is considered
by many to be one of
the best "TropRock"
song writers and entertainers in the country.
As an entertainer, Jack
has performed all over
the United States and
the Caribbean and has
opened shows for artist such as Johnny Cash, Tanya
Tucker, Phil Vassar, The Warren Brothers, and Bad
Company to name a few. Jack is a natural born story
teller and that is obvious when you listen to the songs
he writes. It is no wonder that his early influences
were Dan Fogleberg, Harry Chapin and Jimmy
Buffett. Jack & His Band will kick off our party with
an awesome rockin show on Friday Night.
That's right. Together again on stage at the same
time. Sunny Jim & John Frinzi both said they're having a lot of fun doing this show and they're takin' it
on the road and bringin' it to you here at the 13th
Birthday Bash on Sunday. You won't want to miss
this one. James will get us goin' with our morning
exercise tune, ‘Blue Skys’ and ‘Monkey Party’. John
will keep us going with his ‘Songs to Sing’. What we
do know is that we'll positively have a wonderful
time watching and singing along with James & John.
Jimmy Parrish & the
Ocean Waves Band
Floridian and longtime resident of
Jacksonville, Jimmy’s
been singing and
playing for twentyseven years and performing
along the east coast since 1990. After forming The Ocean
Waves Band in 2000, his goal was to entertain the Parrot Heads
and audiences throughout the region with an island style tropical flavor.
Jimmy and The Ocean Waves Band’s music has grown
quite large in popularity over the years, especially with the
release of their 2007 all-original CD, “Let’s Go Fishin” and
continue to headline festivals, and perform at major resorts,
corporate functions, beachside tiki bars, and clubs from Myrtle
Beach to Miami.
The band won the Next Big Star Competition and last
August experienced the dream of a lifetime: opening for country superstar Kenny Chesney. This high energy band will help
kick off our big party in June. Wanna a taste of what's to come?
Plans are in order to expand their fan base by heading
where else….south, make a U-turn in Monroe County, then
continue up Florida’s west coast over to the panhandle up into
Alabama, all the while performing and promoting this new collection of island music.
The Trop-Rock genre has grown by leaps and bounds in
recent years, which in part explains why Jimmy performed 120
shows last year, and this year will top out around 150! The
Ocean Waves Band is made up of a group of incredibly talented musicians that have earned a significant and loyal following
in the northeast Florida area.
"Caribbean Chillers
Tropical Rockin' Duo”
Thanks to Jimmy Buffett’s
great music, it's always a
party when Jason and the
Chillers are on stage! The
full band rocked our socks
off at our 12th Birthday Bash
and we had to bring them back for our Luck 13th. This year
the duo will be performing poolside on Saturday afternoon.
2009 SBPHC Birthday Bash
Phone _________________________________
Email __________________________________
Club Affiliation (if Applicable)
June 12, 13 & 14, 2009
Holiday House & Club 4:55
455 US 41 Bypass Venice 941-485-5411
Parrot Head Discount Hotel Rates $69.00/nt
You must identify yourself as a
Parrot Head to reserve a room - Hotel is pet friendly
click on ‘reservations’, then ‘group rates’
Parrot Head Code: Lucky13
This a small venue and we have the run of the place
If you wish to sleep in late or go to bed early
please do not request a poolside room.
Registration $60.00pp includes
Event T-shirt & Pin
Entertainment Friday afternoon -Sunday afternoon
Three pool parties ~ Two night parties
Triple entree dinner buffet on Saturday Night
Food and drink specials all weekend
You must be registered to attend
Featured Entertainers:
DJ Albert - Friday
Jack Mosley & Band - Friday
Jason Webb ‘Caribbean Chillers’ Duo - Saturday
Jimmy Parrish & The Ocean Waves Band - Saturday
John Frinzi - Sunday
James ‘Sunny Jim’ White - Sunday
Shirt Size unisex (one per registrant)
Tee ____________ or Tank ____________
Today's Date__________________________
Amount Enclosed:
# _____ ppl X $60.00= $_________
Please Note:
~Registration closes at 300 ppl or June 1
whichever comes first.
~Registrations received after May 1 will not
be guaranteed requested shirt size.
~Registration fees are not refundable or
~You must be registered to attend this party
Mail this form along with your check to:
Sarasota Bay PHC/Birthday
P.O. Box 48814 Sarasota FL 34230
Join the Fun!
Volley Ball Competition - Saturday Afternoon
Conch Horn Blowing Competition - Saturday Morning
Dress Up Competition - Saturday Night
Island Drink Recipe Competition - Friday Evening
Horseshoe Tournament
Raffles 50/50 Drawings - Friday & Saturday
Silent Auction - Saturday Night
Raffle & Auction Donations are welcome!100% of proceeds will be donated to:
Welcome To The Party !
Joan & Dave
Every month I spotlight our new members that I have met at the meetings. When you
see them at the next event, please make them feel welcome. They all have a story to tell and
joined to make new friends, clean up the environment and have some fun.
The question I asked of the new members this time was: When you think of the
Parrot Head Club; what is your first thought i.e. what interested you about joining?
- Sherry Swartz
Joan Cannariato & Dave Elson
Grant Shepler
-Joan volunteers for the Sr. Resource Center -Grant lives in Ellenton & plays pool on our
coordinating activities for seniors interfacing club pool sharks team, Kris
with pets
-When asked who was the better player he
-Dave moved to Venice from Atlanta, where was very diplomatic, saying they are very
he was a member of the Manassas Parrot equal - they are both very good!
Head Club where he was in charge of the Q.-A. He thinks of fun times & good things
clubs involvement with Special Olympics
Ian Justice
-He is currently involved with Fire Patches -Ian is 17, he moved down from Ohio to live
for Firemen.
with his Grandparents where he fell in love
Q.-A. Joan thinks of barefoot men, tropical with SRQ. When he graduates from high
music, anything relaxing and warm. Dave school he wants to go into the Army.
agrees with it all except the barefoot men!
-When asked what he wants to do when he
Sid Johns
"grows up" he said he wants to help people
-Moved to SRQ 27 years ago, from Atlanta. and eventually join the National Guard after
He is a boater, & is interested in joining the his stint with the Army
Parrot Head Navy.
Q.-A. He thinks of the many environmental
-He drives one of the brightly colored SRQ projects the club does, he wants to help probuses, he esp. likes the blue and gold ones tect the environment
you know the one with the Gator colors on it
Brenda Tipton
- you got it, he is a big Gator fan.
-Brenda is single; she is a property manager
Q.- A. First thought is having fun & doing for a resort on Ana Maria Island.
environmental projects, esp. the Clean ups
-She moved from San Diego 12 years ago.
Bill Wallin
-She joined because saw our booth at E-fest
-Bill moved from Buffalo 12 years ago to Q.-A. She thought we were just a party
help his aging parents and decided to stay. group till she saw us at E-fest. She now
He is currently in the construction business- knows we not only party, but do a lot of good
Which causes him to "breath in, breath out- things for the environment
move on.”
Cindy McDowell
Q.-A. -He is a Jimmy Buffet fan and he -Cindy & one of our new members,
wants to meet party people, esp. single Kathleen, were college roommates
ladies. He enjoys working on Island Clean- -She is a famous Pre-school Director. The
ups and the Save our Seabirds Project.
Herald Trib. recently wrote an article on her
Noreen Martinson
and the great job she does at her school
-Noreen moved from St. Louis 4 1/2 years Q.-A. Her mind immediately goes to
ago, she lives in Bradenton, where she works Margaretville. She is excited about helping
for a Federal Credit Union.
with the clubs community projects.
- She doesn't have much free time as she
Dorothy Bedlin
does a lot of work with the Manatee -Dorothy is a long time member of the
Chamber of Commerce & other non- profits Tampa Bay club; having served on the
Q.-A. She thinks that the Parrot Heads are a board for many years.
fun group that do civic things; the things
-She loves parades and collects Betty Boop
she likes to do
Q.-A.-Friends, fun & helpful social and
environmental projects for the community.
Welcome New Members
Lynn Anderson
-She is friends with Sheri &
Shane who joined at the
December meeting and she joined
because of them.
-She is single and wants to make
new friends and have fun.
Q.-A. The first thing she thinks
about is Key West - she is interested in the environmental projects the club does and wants to
get involved with them.
Cat & Mike Darder
-Their nicknames are "Crazy
Cat" & "Mike the Legend."
-They are snowbirds; they spend
the other part of their year in
Buffalo Grove, Illinois. They
moved to SRQ knowing Cat's
friend of 50 years lived in
Venice….She had no idea that
Venice was so close to SRQ, they
have revived their friendship and
are now both SBPHC Parrot
Q.-A. They have no expectations
of the club. Their Son is a huge
Buffett fan, Cat enjoys reading
his books so they decided to join
and find out what it is all about.
Margaret Kristjanson
-Margaret moved down from
Illinois to take care of her aging
parents Ages 84 & 91.
-She worked at the University of
Illinois as the Athletic Director.
Q.-A. She was intrigued by the
add in Valpak - the thought of a
social club involved with environmental issues is something she
wants to get involved with.
The White Lei...
See Someone
Wearing One?
That means they
are a new member. Welcome
them to the Club
and tell them
how much
fun they are
gonna have
being a
Sarasota Bay
Parrot Head !!
New members
who join
through the
mail need to
stop by the
table at our
monthly social
to get their
official Parrot
Head name
tags and be
included in the
new member
Have you
registered for
our 13th
Bash yet?
It’s a great
way to spend
your income
tax refund!
Rod & Nancy Paradise
Lynn Anderson
Dorothy Bedlin
Theresa, Bruce, Chris & Gianna
Ian Jestice
Grant Shepler
Joan Cannariato & David Elson
Sidney Johns
Bill Wallin
Noreen Martinson
Brenda Tipton
Lee Hoffman
Peggy & Russ Jennings
Cathy & Mike Darder
Margaret Kristjanson
Renewing Members
Cindy Maka
Matt & Tracy Lehn
Norma Garber
Marge McKeever
Ann & Charlie Lee
Andrew Grivjack
Debra Bleck
Janet Daylor
Terry & Marianne Higgins
Missy, Daota & Skyler Dunn
Eric Fleming & Jordan Skaaland
Jim & Judy McFarlane
Victor Flieger
Sharen & Wayne Sponseller
Genie Williamson
Mike Fontaine
Brenda Vicario & Mike Lupo
Pam & Joe Bailey
Randy & Nancy Styrk
Bill Russo
Sid & Cathie Fleming
Larry & Marla Hanratty
Patty, Brain Hannah & Craig Koelling
R C & Mary Ryan
Phil & Claudia Benz
Larry Bausman
Newsletter submissions are always welcome! Send pictures and articles to Lori at
Articles over 350 words may be edited due to space. Please send pictures in 4X6 size!
MOTM 2008
L E E & C O M PA N Y
a poem by Victor Fleiger
We headed down to Key West for the Meeting of the Minds,
a Parrot Head gathering, of all different kinds.
Beginning with a "Welcome Phlockers" in Largo of the Keys,
"Margarita?"......... "Why thank you.... Yes,....... Please".
Weather was cool the opening part of our way,
but we didn't care, traveling down ole' A1A.
A New Generation of Travel Specialist
Ann Lee T.S.
Owner & Parrot Head
Office: 941-742-6476
Mobil: 941-448-1311
Fax : 941-708-6753
Made it to the room, excitement filling the air,
but to our surprise, there was someone there.
Jumped out into the hall and back to the desk,
so many Parrot Heads. Oh, what a mess.
Finally found the right room, with our own beds,
home for the week, for three Parrot Heads.
The party started as if with a gun,
"Libations for all, let's all have some fun"!
Musicians performing on stages all around,
people clapping, and singing, swaying to their sound.
There's Latitude, Sunny, Peter, Scott, and Mr. Morris,
Don't they sound great? Sing along, you know the chorus.
Lou Davis
Rum Jumbie shots always an arm's reach away,
Margaritas, Rum and beer every day.
There's even a bar, with a stage on top,
Where they play 'Rock' with just the right amount of 'Trop’.
So much excitement, so much fun,
so much music.........and so much sun. (ouch)
Mortgage Loan Officer
Office: 941-927-8293
Fax: 941-925-3563
3577 Clark Rd
Sarasota, FL 34231
your marketing solution
John Pollock
direct mail
Office / Fax 941-927-5744
Newsletter Advertising:
Business Card Size Ad:
$20.00 per issue or $100.00/yr
(guaranteed 6 issues)
Contact Lori:
Singles and groups singing songs all around,
everywhere we go such wonderful sound.
Parrot Heads with neon bands on their wrists,
that bright color it couldn't be missed.
"Don't I know you?," you might overhear,
"Didn't we dance last night over there?"
Truman's tree grows tall and proud,
circled by the ever growing crowd.
"Another Rum Jumbie shot for you Ken, Mon?"
The sombrero on this bottle just won't stay on.
Let's drink it all down, who's turn for a toast?
This place is so great don't know what I love most.
We lost Captain Tony while we were there,
and Buffett didn't to show for the umpteenth year.
But the great weather, the music,the friends and the beer,
kept us happy, sometimes goofy, and glad we were there.
So until next year we bade Key West farewell.
Everyone had a blast, as from these words you can tell.
Meeting of the Minds 2009 ~ Floridays~ Register Today at Special Music Guest ~ Little Feat!
Everyone Has A Story Cruising with John Frinzi & James "Sunny Jim" White
Picture yourself lounging,
on the back deck of a cruise ship
interviewing two of the most popular, not to mention handsome &
talented, entertainers in the field of
Trop Rock music. Well that was
my assignment in January while on
the John Frenzi/Sunny Jim Cruise
to Cozumel. I know, it's a tough
job, but some one has to do it!
Since John and Sunny Jim
will be playing on Sunday afternoon at our Lucky 13 Birthday
Bash, I wanted to go behind the
scenes and ask the tough questions…..Coffee or Tea? Wheat or
White Bread? Boxers or Briefs? I
think you get the picture. Here goes…..
Q. Where do you call home?
S.J. was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas.
J.F. A small town in New Jersey near Poconos.
Q. How did you and your family end up in Florida?
S.J. is married to Adela. They met in Grand Cayman
while he was a pool side strummer at the Hyatt Resort.
They had twin girls and wanted them to be raised in the
United States which moved their family to Brownsville,
Texas. After searching the country for a school for gifted
students they decided on Pineview in Sarasota. They
moved to Sarasota, where James continued to pursue his
musical career and Adela took care of the business aspects
of the job.
J.F. is also married; his wife's name is Margo. They
have a 4 year old son who is interested in music; he likes
the piano and drums. Margo also handled the business end
of John's career until she went back to school to be an elementary school teacher. They now live in Lakeland
Florida, where there is no snow in winter and it makes it
easier for John to travel to his many jobs in the area.
Q. What is your musical background?
S.J. has had about 6 months of piano lessons. He wrote
his first poetry in the 4th or 5th grade. He played his first
gig at age 15 at which he made about $25.00 per hour. At
age 18 or 19 he started seriously playing. He has been in
the music business for 27 years, and can play his guitar
with the best of them. SJ has always had the ability to
remember the words to any song, a night with S.J. can be
anything from the Rock & Roll to Country - Western to
Raggae to Buffett and a lot of his own music thrown in. It
is very common to see him sitting in with any band play-
ing the steel drums or guitar; he can
tell what cord some one is going to
play by watching the back of their
hand. James feels he is more a fan
of music, than a musician.
J.F. had years and years of piano
lessons and wrote his first song in
the 7th grade. The first band he
played in was in grade school, but
"HIS" first band was at age 16,
which made him popular with the
girls. It elevated him to "Rock Star"
status, at that point he was hooked!
John has a degree in TV and Radio.
He worked in the fashion industry
in Hoboken for a short period of
time, but decided that was not for
him. John was always the keyboard man in his Rock &
Roll band. After going thru 14 base players in the first year,
he decided to become a guitar player. The rest as they say
is history. John plays ballads, Sinatra, Rock & Roll, Trop
Rock, Buffett, his own music, and about anything else in
Q. James, how did you get the stage name "Sunny
S.J. In 1981 the drummer with whom he started a band,
Andy Arrow, called him that because of his relentless
cheerful outlook. Andy got the name from one of the characters in the Beatles movie, ‘Hard Day's Night.’ James
used the name in various gigs through out the 80's. In 1988
at the Treasure Island Resort in Cayman he & his band
"The Marvels" had a weekly game show for scuba instructors with "your host Sunny Jim" From that point everyone
on the island called him Sunny Jim. When he came to the
Parrot Head world in 1998 it stuck. Now you know the rest
of the story (God bless Paul Harvey)
Q. How do you feel when the place is rocking and every
one is singing and dancing to your music?
S.J. & J.F. They feel it is an honor to perform, and
have fans come out to listen to them. Nothing surprises
them anymore while performing, esp. S.J., when the monkeys start flying, people ride fake ponies, arms wave in the
air, Rum Jumbies are passed around. You just have to
come to their show on Sunday, June 14th and be part of the
fun these guys create. You will be singing and dancing
with two of the nicest, most down - to - earth people I have
ever had the privilege to interview.
Parrot Heads Can Do Anything We Put Our Minds To!
Progression of work at “Save Our Seabirds”
In the beginning, we had to determine, could we do it? Above: Project 1 –Repairing the Osprey cage Who are you? Have you seen my friend Dave Swartz? We’ve come a long way, but there is still so much more to be done. Cracker Jack door hanging crew SBPHC@YahooGroups.Com
On Going Community Service Projects:
Do you receive emails from this address? If you
do, then you are aware of all our club happenings.
"It's 5 O'Clock Monday"
In an effort to keep both my life and your
lives a bit more organized and to keep
emails timely, informative and to a minimum, I will be sending out a weekly
update each Monday to inform you of
what's up with our great Club, as well as
other events in the works. So check your email each
Monday night for your "It's 5 O'Clock Monday Update" to
stay in the loop and not miss any of the fun. These updates
are sent out via our club's yahoo group. If you are not subscribed to this email group, please visit our webpage and follow the link to join.
This is an announcement - only forum to promote
Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club activities and other Parrot
Head Club events we think our members may be interested in. We do not post private parties, yard sales, individual
businesses, Non-Parrot Head Club Events, musician
schedules, candle parties, house
parties, etc. There are many
places you can surf the web to
find these things out without the
Club overloading your mailbox .
Pop Tops/Pull Tabs:
Don’t throw them away! Save them all & bring
them to the monthly meetings. We collect these & turn
them in for cash which is donated to Alzheimer’s
Association towards out Memory Walk Fundraising. Just
another reason to drink more beer and Party with a
Ink Cartridges:
What do you do with your empty ink cartridges?
Bring them to the next meeting, we collect these & donate
them to local schools who get $3.00 per cartridge for
school supplies.
Flip Flops 4 Heroes:
Bring Flip Flops and Lip Balm to the monthly meetings
to be sent to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The ‘Not-Bored’ of Directors meets the 2nd
Wednesday of the month.
If you have an idea of a cool project you want the
board to look into, please contact any
Board Member to tell us about it.
Volunteers are always needed.
Let us know if you want to get more
involved with your club!
Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club Inc.
And Parrot Heads In Paradise Inc.
Member Renewal/ Application Form
__________Early or On Time Renewal
(within 30 days of due date- see your address label )
Member 1____________________________
Member 2____________________________
____________________Zip _______________
______ Couple $35.00
______ Single $25.00
______ keet $5.00 each
________New Member or _____ Late Renewal
______Couple $ 40.00
______Single $30.00
______Keets $5.00 each
Today’s Date______/______/09
Phone # (____)________________________
Amount Enclosed $__________________
Email ________________________________
Mail to: Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club Inc.
PO Box 48814 Sarasota Fl 34230
Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club Inc.
PO Box 48814
Sarasota FL 34230
Join the Fun!
Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club
Social Meetings
March 26, April 30, May 28- 6-9 PM
In the Courtyard of the Saramana Eagles
501 N. Beneva Rd Sarasota
~ Food & Drink Specials
~ Great Raffle Prizes
~ Bring your ‘Recycleables’
Ink Cartridges & Pop Top Pull Tabs
~ Bring Flip Flops or Lip Balm for the Troops
April: Sign up for Survivor Games, Bring donations
for the pet shelter, sign up for our 13th Birthday Bash
PERMIT No. 802
Caribbean Gold Jewelry
Original Designs
By Parrot Head
Buddy Hill
7650 S. Tamiami Tr
Nautical Jewelry
Custom Pieces
Unique Gifts
Cut & Redeem For
One Free Raffle Ticket at the April
Meeting in the Eagles Courtyard