

Volume 26, Issue 4 ∙ ∙ MARCH/APRIL, 2013
The purpose of MSIA is to teach Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself
as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality.
Next broadcasts with
John Morton
Live-In Person & On the Web
new day herald
In this issue:
Everything You Need to Register for The Conference of the Mystical Traveler
J-R on Insight
John Morton Shifting Into Neutrality
Early Days of MSIA
Interview with Russell Bishop
Link to to download this print version of the New Day Herald as an electronic pdf file!
In Los Angeles:
Live MSIA Seminar
John Morton
5 How Do You Get Insight? by John-Roger, DSS
Fri Mar 22 7:30 pm (PDT)
10 Shifting Into Neutrality: Moving Forward God’s Way,
by John Morton, DSS
Live: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens
3500 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018
How Do You Get Insight?
by John-Roger, 5
14 An Interview with Russell Bishop, by David Sand
25 Conference Registration and Event Listings
30 Boston Becomes an MSIA Community, by Carol Jones
32 A Tribute to Star Sabrina, by Lynn Cox
In Santa Monica:
34 The Miracle of Our Son’s Birth and Death, by Robert Peake
Easter Eve Seminar - Webcast
Sat Mar 30 3-4:30 pm (PDT)
volume 26, issue 4
(after WIL workshop)
John Morton
Tune in Live at or join us in person at
2101 Wilshire Blvd. in Santa Monica, CA.
Join John Morton and the entire MSIA
community in focusing and partaking in the
loving and grace of Easter with MSIA.
Cost for Live Seminar, only, in Santa Monica:
Adults $15; Children 13-17 $8;
Children 12 and under – free.
No cost to participate online (donations welcomed).
To register: Contact PTS at 323-737-1534 or email
For participants of WIL: Cost is included in WIL tuition.
For more than 10 years of Webcast Archives
Click on: Archived Webcasts with John Morton
(on right-hand side of screen)
MSIA’s founder John-Roger has
also been invited.
Visit MSIA’s Facebook page at
to find group gatherings worldwide.
35 The Circle of Light: Saying Good-Bye to Jim Peterson,
by John Morgan
Shifting Into Neutrality:
Moving Forward God’s Way
by John Morton, 10
36 Everyday Prayers Into the Kingdom, by Brooke Thompson
38 Events
42 Events At-A-Glance
43 Events Online and Other Worldwide Events
44 Directory of Organizations
Conference of the Mystical Traveler
Registration and Event Listings 25
45 MSIA Resources
Editorial Staff:
Editorial Director
John Morton
Editorial Advisor
Paul Kaye
David Sand
Staff Photographer
David Sand
Graphic Design
& Production
Greg Battes
David Sand
Angel Harper
Elissa Giges
Kim Guisinger
Mark Lurie
Julie Lurie
Elana Pesso
Debbie Roth
Antonietta Schulz
Mandy Weis
Sherie Wylie
The New Day Herald, P.O. Box 513935, Los Angeles, CA 90051. All rights reserved, except those
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express the sole opinions of the author, and do not constitute or reflect the teachings, doctrines and
policies of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.
The New Day Herald (issn 1040-2047, usps 986-360) is published bimonthly by The Church of the
Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, 3500 West Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018-1899. The
New Day Herald is sent to all MSIA Soul Awareness Discourse subscribers in the United States of
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Postmaster Send address changes to The New Day Herald, P.O. Box 513935, Los Angeles, CA 90051
W elcom e to the
Ne w D ay Herald
is published bi-monthly by the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA).
In it, you will find articles and information from John-Roger, John Morton, and
others to inspire and support you on your path of Soul Transcendence and practical spirituality. A section of Resources includes information about events, classes,
and workshops around the world; books, tapes, and other materials to further your
experience of these teachings; and valuable information about the MSIA ministry,
writing to John-Roger or John Morton, and more.
Designed to connect you with the network of MSIA-related organizations and
the MSIA community around the world, the NDH is a tool to enhance your experience and relationship with Spirit.
Please let us know if there is something you would like to see in the New Day
Herald to further support you on your journey. We love hearing from you. You can
contact us at:
“All that you want to be,
you already are.
All you have to do
is move your
awareness there
and recognize
the reality
of your own Soul.”
John-Roger, DSS
The New Day Herald
P.O. Box 513935, Los Angeles, CA 90051
Soul Transcendence
Out of God come all things
God loves all of Its creation
Not one Soul will be lost
The purpose of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) is to
teach Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as
one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. Your Soul is who you truly
are; it is more than your body, your thoughts, or your feelings. It is the highest
aspect of yourself, where you and God are one.
MSIA provides a variety of tools and techniques that allow you to experience
your Soul and enhance your awareness of God.
Equally important, MSIA presents an approach that focuses on incorporating spirituality into your everyday life. We call this “practical spirituality.” It
allows you to attune more deeply to your Soul and to increasingly live from
that awareness.
In MSIA, we respect any approach that encourages people on their path
home to God. We don’t claim to have the only way, but we do have a way that
is assisting thousands of people to do this while experiencing greater health, happiness, abundance, and joy.
The foundation of MSIA is loving, and it is in that spirit that we invite you
to participate with us in whatever way works for you.
If you would like more information about MSIA, or to further explore
its teachings, please visit our website at or contact us at:
800/ 899-2665 or
and lecturing worldwide on the principles and power of practical spirituality
and Soul Transcendence since 1963. For
over four decades, his wisdom, humor,
common sense, and love have helped
people to discover the Spirit within
themselves and find health, peace, and
Founder of MSIA
He has given over 5,000 seminars
and written more than 45 books, co-authoring the New York
Times #1 best-seller DO IT! Let’s Get Off Our Buts.
John-Roger’s life is a demonstration of how to be successful
in the physical world while living a life dedicated to Spirit.
How Do You
John MortonÕs life is dedicated to peace,
John-Roger has been teaching
John Morton,
MSIA Spiritual Director
. . . Insight Seminars are the
practical application. They
are not designed to get you to
heaven. They are designed to get
you in touch with those levels
in this world that you have not
been in touch with and that you
are not in control of, because
you have not overcome them.
And once you’ve done that, the
spiritual exercises are designed
to get you into heaven—not
Insight Training. Insight Training
breaks the “crystals”. . . . It’s
designed to break you free from
those crystallizations so you’re
here, and when you sit down to
do spiritual exercises that place
inside of you that kept blocking
you is now gone, and you can then
move rapidly into the Spirit.
(article continues next page)
Get Insight?
and to assisting people in discovering the Divinity
within themselves and in everything. In 1988, John
Morton became Spiritual Director of MSIA. John
began his studies in 1975. His book, The Blessings
Already Are, was released to widespread acclaim.
John is known for his ability to lift and inspire
people with his gentleness and practical approach.
In the work that he does, John focuses on the good
in all and sharing that goodness with others.
(From a seminar by John-Roger given March 2, 1978)
John-Roger with Russell Bishop (left), 1979
Some of you
have had difficulty dealing with
your body, mind and emotions. We come into MSIA
and many experiences take place inwardly. All of a
sudden an inner thing happens and you say, “My
God, what was that?” You just entered the next phase
of your inner existence and no one else around you
may know that has taken place. That’s fine, because
who cares anyway? Actually you and I do—and
mostly you, because I already have mine established.
I am just working with you on your establishment.
The Traveler works with Russell Bishop in doing
this work—not through him, but with him. It works
with everybody, but it works more closely with those
who say, “I will work more closely.” It’s as though the
Traveler is here and you’re there saying, “I’m going
to do that.” As you move, it moves right with you,
and as you move away, it also moves right with you.
It’s almost like a mirror—except it can encompass
you, whereas the mirror won’t necessarily do that.
And it is because of that ability, and Russell’s intention and commitment (which has turned out to be
100-plus-percent) that this really works. So after we
get through a seminar, we may turn the rest of the
seminar over to the “Insight team.” They might say,
“This is what we heard and here is the technique to
work that, so let’s make this thing bust across.You’ve
got the theory, you’ve heard it, the energy is present,
and now here is the training process.”
It’s pretty obvious to some of you now that I work
very closely with Insight Seminars. That’s one of my
babies, just like MSIA is one of my babies. Russell
Bishop pointed out a really beautiful thing. He said,
“J-R, I’m realizing that what you’re dealing with isn’t
grounded.” I said, “It isn’t meant to be grounded. I
deal in theory and I run the assumption that these
are intelligent people and they’ve been with me long
Sometimes there may be training processes that
enough that they can take what I’ve said theoretically and ground it themselves through a technique are applicable, and sometimes, because of the nature
of what goes on, there won’t be. But maybe the folor an experience.”
That may be true for those who have been here lowing week we’ll have worked out something, and
for a long time, but there are others who come in the the first part of the seminar will be turned over to
door for the first time and they may think, “Golly, that instead of to music and entertainment. But I
what a spiritual group. They’re really way out there. don’t want to get rid of the music and entertainment
I don’t know how to do that.” And so, after we get because I really love to have people come and share
through doing a seminar which comes from a the- their space and their talent. As good as it is and as
oretical approach, we can look more closely at the bad as it is, it’s all been perfect in my eyes, because
dynamics underlying it. Then we’ve addressed your you were there doing it. Then all you have to do is
individuality and you say, “Wow, that’s no longer tighten up the technique, refine it, and it becomes
theory.” This is exactly what I’ve been doing. But at great. Everybody who was great started out making
some point you may need a little bit more, and so we all the miscellaneous mistakes.
give you an extra “shot” of ability.
Nobody started out great, and we don’t expect
them to. If they do, then we’ll know that Jesus has
(continues on page 8)
he Traveler works with
Russell Bishop in doing
this work—not through
him, but with him. It
works with everybody,
but it works more
closely with those who
say, “I will work more
closely.” It’s as though
the Traveler is here and
you’re there saying,
“I’m going to do that.”
As you move, it moves
right with you, and as
you move away, it also
moves right with you.
It’s almost like a mirror—
except it can encompass
you, whereas the mirror
won’t necessarily do
that. And it is because
of that ability, and
Russell’s intention and
commitment (which has
turned out to be 100plus-percent) that this
really works. So after we
get through a seminar,
we may turn the rest
of the seminar over to
the “Insight team.” They
might say, “This is what
we heard and here is the
technique to work that,
so let’s make this thing
bust across.You’ve got
the theory, you’ve heard
it, the energy is present,
and now here is the
training process.”
send us your tribute
to J-R
h o n o r i n g
J-R’s 50th
John’s 25th
Anniversaries as our Travelers
in a
Tribute at Conference
This is an open invitation for anyone who would like to submit a “tribute”
to either J-R, John or both.
This tribute can include a picture, a short story, poem, words of appreciation or a combination.
This is an opportunity to share with them our love and appreciation
for what they have done for us over the years.
We are accepting photos in jpeg format (high resolution only).
You can send your submissions to Joey Hubbard at:
’ve said that even if you
put on a J-R seminar
and you walk away
and there’s nobody in
the room, that room
will be filled with
people who have
come to hear
it spiritually.
It stands to reason
then that we’re not
really interested in
physical bodies. We
are interested in levels
of consciousness, and
where that physical
body happens to be
is absolutely fine. If
it’s here, that’s fine,
and if it’s not, that’s
fine. But we want the
consciousness to be
in God’s love, because
that’s going to affect a
lot of people.
How Do You
Get Insight?
John-Roger, DSS
returned, and if he does I’m ready to give up this
seat really fast. Maybe he’ll lead an Insight Training. At least we’ll give him the opportunity to
participate, because he’s given us the opportunity
to participate. That’s something we’re looking forward to—expanding the scope of this work. This
shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone. I get letters
that say, “J-R, the Movement has changed over
the years and it’s not like it used to be,” and I say,
“Oh, thank God, because it wasn’t in God consciousness—and I think we can get it there.” I’m
not worried about me, but I think that as a group,
we can put aside our prejudices, our doubts, and
our nonsense and say, “For this time, anything is
possible.” The difficult we’ll do immediately, and
the impossible will take just a little bit longer.
And what can never be done, we’ll do next week.
That’s what we’re dealing with. We’re just
going to do it. We may not have all the techniques down tonight in Russell’s head or mine,
or the Insight staff’s. But it will appear, and we’re
going to share that with you and work that with
you. Back in 1971 I said that in 1978 the Movement would expand into a great force across the
planet, and many of the things we’d be doing we
don’t even know about because we’re not ready
and we don’t have the personnel trained yet. A
lot of this expansion is possible because many
people who are high level initiates, and who are
in the inner worlds and the inner seminars, have
given up their space for the new people. They
say, “I’d really like to be there, J-R, because I
want to sop all that up. But I’m there in the seminars on the inner now, and I’m able to know
that I’m there while I’m home reading a book or
watching television.”
A lot of them are saying, “I didn’t know that
I was present during the Insight Training, but
my husband or my wife would come home and
tell me these things, and I knew them already.
I’d been going through them all evening because
I was there in the electronic body,” or what we
call the higher body. Some of us who have the
ability to see are well aware that they were there,
and you’ve heard me talk to you about the various levels of consciousness that appear in these
seminars. I’ve said that even if you put on a J-R
seminar and you walk away and there’s nobody
in the room, that room will be filled with people
who have come to hear it spiritually.
the consciousness to be in God’s love, because
that’s going to affect a lot of people. We’re striving for that, not in terms of stressing ourselves,
but we’re setting that up. We’re allowing God to
participate more readily and openly in everything
we’re doing. You people who are here now, and
a lot of the new people who are here for the first
time physically, are not old or new to me. I’ve
known you for a long time. You’re part of this
even though you may never come back into these
seminars again. Everyone who leaves here and
goes out and badmouths me has advertised me.
And a lot of people have said, “I’m going to find
out for myself because that guy can’t be all that
good or all that bad. He’s either got to be God or
the Devil.” I say, “Come and find out.” Then they
come and find out and they say that this is the
work of Spirit.
I tell people, “Believe me if you want to, but
if you don’t believe me when I tell you I’m the
Mystical Traveler, then believe my works.” Just
look around at each other, for these are the very
works of Spirit. You don’t have to believe me at
all, just look in your heart. You can say, “Well,
I don’t know if that’s so or not…maybe he is…
and I don’t think he is…” Your heart will say,
“You know better.” All you have to do is look
around at the Light and the love that comes
into people’s eyes and in their heart and you say,
“Well, if this is the work of the devil, I can’t wait
to see God’s because it’s going to be so fantastic.”
Of course, I’ve never really known the negative
forces to do good works. I’ve never known them
to do anything except be members of the loyal
opposition and train us and strain us and make
us stronger, no matter what. I’ve never known
them to give grace.
I’ve often said, “Thank God they’re there.”
And people have said, “Do you mean, thank God
the devil is there?” And I say, yes, if there is such
a thing. Thank God because out of God came
all things, including the “devil.” And if God is
satisfied with that, who am I to sit here and say,
“Well, I think that’s terrible. I think we shouldn’t
have a devil.” How are we going to sandpaper and
get rid of the junk that comes around us? How
are we going to rise to that that is us?
In Insight we’ve said that you are worthy, and
last night I said that in the flesh in this world,
you’re not worthy, and you’ve never been and
It stands to reason then that we’re not really never will be worthy. But the you that resides in
interested in physical bodies. We are interested in the flesh is absolutely worthy. Even though we are
levels of consciousness, and where that physical not worthy in the flesh, we still present ourselves
body happens to be is absolutely fine. If it’s here, to God and approach it anyway, because in spirit
that’s fine, and if it’s not, that’s fine. But we want we are worthy.
In an Insight training, it was
said that if you’ve done 1000 hours
of spiritual exercises, what value is
that to you, just to sit and be a mechanical robot, repeating? But do
one in absolute 100% intention and
devotion, and it’s worth your 1000
hours. Do 1000 hours in absolute
perfect devotion, and you won’t be
here. Any time you want to leave,
that’s your best way out. Your body
will just be evaporated right up to
the next level. You’ll be able to take
it with you. Some of you don’t want
to, but I’m saying you could. Some
of you say, “I want to get it in a better
shape before I go,” but you’re waiting for somebody to come along and
help you, when help is here now—
that is, help in terms of Spirit.
The result appears spontaneously. Nobody has to tell you that
because you know in your heart of
hearts. And nobody can destroy that
because it has awakened itself to
you. It says, “Here, I am.” All I’ve
said to you is, “Validate your experience.” Don’t avoid the relationship
with your heart. Your heart of hearts
knows the truth.
And that applies here as well. This
body is not exempt any more than
your body is exempt. These emotions are not exempt. This mind is
not exempt. That’s why I know what
you do and what you go through. If
I didn’t have these things, I couldn’t
work with you and understand, because I wouldn’t have a vehicle with
which to do that. But I don’t let that
run me. The difference is often you
let it run you. Nothing is going to
run me—not a cigarette, not an alcoholic drink, not sex. I may run with
it as an experience, but when I get
tired, it isn’t going to beat me in the
head. I’m not going to grab a tiger by
the tail, because when you let go it
will devour you. That’s foolish, and
yet some of you grab it thinking that
when you let go, you’ll be exempt and
it won’t turn around and bite you.
That hurts. And yet, you’ll do
it over and over and mislead yourself —and I don’t do it to you even
once. You can go back and check
all the information I’ve given. Some
of it is contradictory, and I’ve told
you that, and then I contradicted
it, because I understand the nature
of the spiritual energies that come
through the mind. I’m not the one
doing that but I am the one describing that. And when you get
there you’ll say that was a good description. It did the same thing to
me, but it didn’t throw me because
I understood the theory.
Now we’re hoping that we can
get into more of the practical application of the teachings. Insight
Seminars are the practical application. They are not designed to get
you to heaven. They are designed to
get you in touch with those levels in
this world that you have not been
in touch with and that you are not
in control of, because you have not
overcome them. And once you’ve
done that, the spiritual exercises are
designed to get you into heaven—
not Insight Training. Insight Training breaks the crystals. Some of you
have gone through Insight Training and crystalized what it is—and
you’ll come back to another training and it will break up that crystal.
Then you’ll go to another and think,
“Well, that’s what it is,” and it will
break that up…and then you’ll go to
one trainer who does it one way and
go to another trainer who does it another way, and that will also break
up the crystals. It’s designed to break
you free from those crystallizations
so you’re here, and when you sit
down to do spiritual exercises that
place inside of you that kept blocking you is now gone, and you can
then move rapidly into the Spirit.
The planet is changing. It’s not
my idea. I’d like to have it the way
it was when I was eighteen, and to
have the body I had at eighteen but
with everything that I know now.
But I had to give up something to
get to what I have now. I didn’t know
the sacrifice had to be so severe or I
might not have done it. But it’s past
now and there’s nothing we can do
about that. So we can’t let who we
were at 18 or 20 or 25 indict us today. What happened to you in the
past is past, and yesterday should
not be brought in today to complain
about. The Bible says that the evil of
today is enough. Don’t carry it over
to tomorrow. Get it done and out of
the way and wake up in the morning
and ask yourself, “Who are you?”
tell people, “Believe
me if you want to,
but if you don’t
believe me when
I tell you I’m the
Mystical Traveler,
then believe my
works.” Just look
around at each
other, for these are
the very works of
Spirit. You don’t
have to believe me
at all, just look in
your heart.
Barush Bashan
alidate your
Don’t avoid the
relationship with
your heart. Your
heart of hearts
knows the truth.
Shifting Into
Moving Forward
God’s Way
ceptions of the limitations in our life. Judgments come in
many kinds and varieties. They can be financial, physical,
health-wise, or whatever involves our desires and interests.
We find out how we do in our judgments when what we
want or wish for doesn’t meet up with our experience. One
of the common experiences when that happens is disappointment, letdown, or frustration. When you’re in judgment, you might find yourself saying, “I’m upset” or “I’m
angry” or “I won’t try anymore.”
of your intenDo you recognize any of those experiences? They’re tions, choose
very common, ordinary and human. Rather than decide to be acceptthere’s something wrong or abnormal, it would be better to ing. That’s an
look at yourself as a spiritual being in process in this world. important first
You could realize, “I’m getting closer to who I am. I’m be- step. How do
ing more true to myself. I’m asking for spiritual assistance. you do that?
I’m asking to progress and to grow.”
to be
You may be then taken into what you need to experience and learn, and that’s right on track. You’re being suc- what they are
cessful with your learning and progression. But it doesn’t without resismean that it feels good. For example, nausea isn’t some- tance or objecthing that most people would say, “I love nausea. It’s such tion. That’s easy to say. It’s another thing when we don’t
a great experience.” But you can understand that nausea like it. We may disagree. We may feel impatient as in, “I
is temporary. You can do things to assist yourself so you want it now!” That’s fairly common and human. It’s our
don’t have to experience nausea or you can move through choice to shift back into neutrality, to accept as we do our
it with greater grace and ease. Maybe you drink some water best to move forward on our intentions, remembering it all
or you stop spinning around so you don’t get dizzy. There takes place in Spirit’s timing.
are always practical applications in the experiences for our
Spiritually, we do have it right here and now. It’s all
learning and growth.
present spiritually. However, this is the level where there’s
Look at what do you do to stay calm and in a peaceful the rub or friction. In the friction, we find out how strong
place rather than go into judgment, disappointment, or we are in our intention. We see how much willingness we
some kind of negativity. Part of it is simply claiming, “My have to keep going and adjusting to whatever is working
intention is to be calm and clear. I hold myself to that here and now.
consciousness. I breathe. I breathe naturally. I don’t make
myself be tense. I relax. I don’t judge my process.” That’s
shifting into neutrality.
Have you ever been in a science class
where they talked about light?
There are lights we see and then
there are other lights, such as
ultraviolet light, infra-red light
and x-ray light. There are a
number of light fields that we
don’t see through. They’re not
within our physical ability. Yet
they are part of the realm of
what’s to be seen. Just as it with
light, it’s awesome to consider
how much more there is to our
consciousness than what we’re
consciously dealing with.
John Morton , DSS
It’s important
not to judge our
experiences or awareness as normal or abnormal
but to move into neutrality. The concept of normal was derived through statistical analysis and
looks at the mean or average proportion of some
variable that’s been tracked. What does that really mean? Not much when your experience is
loving and caring toward God and God in kind
toward all of the creation.
are part of the realm of what’s to be seen. Just as
it with light, it’s awesome to consider how much
more there is to our consciousness than what
we’re consciously dealing with.
Have you ever been in a science class where
they talked about light? There are lights we see
and then there are other lights, such as ultraviolet
light, infra-red light and x-ray light. There are a
number of light fields that we don’t see through.
They’re not within our physical ability. Yet they
it’s magnificent.
The good news is that God is completely
involved in every level of our consciousness. So
we’re already covered. It’s a kind of insurance
plan, a divine one. No matter what you do,
you can’t go outside of God’s perfection. Yet
One of the things to consider is that most of part of the perfection involves your growing
our consciousness is not conscious. The part that and learning.
is conscious is similar to looking at how much we
You can get multiple, exponential value from
actually see physically. We know there is more your experiences. If you respond according to
than we can see with our eyes. In a similar way, the highest consciousness, let’s call that your spirthere is more in our consciousness than what we itual soul nature or true self, then understanding,
are aware of. It’s very human not to be aware of patience, beauty, love, and peace are part of what
everything in your consciousness. It’s ordinary you experience. In those qualities, you’re getting
as well.
into the field of what is going on spiritually, and
When we’re in a field of judgment, we are
learning about the relativity of what’s going on
for us. We’re learning about our choices and attitudes. Judgments are negative or erroneous per-
periences don’t
with what you
want in your
life, then that
points out you
have choices.
Choosing Neutrality with Others
You may wonder, “What if somebody doesn’t treat me
very nice? What’s that about?”
First of all it’s about them. It’s not first of all about you.
How someone expresses themselves is first about them.
“What if they’re saying things about me that are mean
and blaming? What if they’re finding me at fault?” You
can be neutral with that because that’s an option. It’s your
choice how you react. You can also look and see if there’s
information there for you. Maybe there’s an opportunity
for your learning.
For example, perhaps someone is upset with you because
you’re stepping on their toes, literally or figuratively. You
can move. You can adjust. Often how we get along is when
we move into the second law of Spirit which is cooperation.
When we choose to cooperate, we find out how to harmonize
with others, to be in accord. What cooperation asks of us is to
Acceptance and Neutrality
The first law of Spirit is acceptance and that means have vigilance or watchfulness. It asks us to have wakefulness
neutrality. When you’re neutral, you’re taking yourself out so we’re awake, alert and aware. Then we can respond accordof being charged up or down or in or out. Being neutral ingly and in cooperation for the greater good.
For another example, if you were going to leave a room
is allowing things to be what they are without any interferby trying to go directly through a wall instead of the doorence or judgment.
Being neutral doesn’t mean you have to stop being in- way, you wouldn’t be cooperating with what is there for
volved or moving forward. You may not have any choice but you as a better choice. You’ll run into the wall, and you
to be very much involved and active. If you’re in the midst won’t be able to leave the room. You could then choose to
of a raging river going downstream, you’re definitely moving. move into neutrality by seeing that experience as providThere are practical things to do, like keep your head above ing information to help you realize where you missed or
water if you want to get your next breath. There may be a are off track.
Some people might react with something like, “That
wall shouldn’t be there. That’s unfair! That’s a bad wall.”
They’re upset and indignant about the wall. They want to
I encourage people to have wonderful intentions. It’s move the wall and may even demand you move that wall.
very important to realize that we are creators. What we hold They don’t have to be all upset about the wall when there’s
in our consciousness creates. What we focus on creates. It’s an opening right there. However, they may still choose not
important to know what you want to do. And if your ex- to cooperate. They may reject an opening and say, “That’s
very intense desire to get that next breath. The divine power
inside can transcend what you think, feel or judge about your
experience just so you can get that next breath.
Regardless of your
intentions, choose to
be accepting. That’s an
important first step.
How do you do that?
By allowing things
to be what they are
without resistance or
objection. That’s easy
to say. It’s another
thing when we don’t
like it. We may
disagree. We may feel
impatient as in, “I want
it now!” That’s fairly
common and human.
It’s our choice to shift
back into neutrality,
to accept as we do our
best to move forward
on our intentions,
remembering it all
takes place in
Spirit’s timing.
Shifting Into Neutrality:
Moving Forward God’s Way
There’s a lot of responsibility
in this level to check
things out, to be aware
and conscious of your
experience. Keep moving
yourself into a place that’s
calm, clear, peaceful,
up, and enduring. If
something is difficult for
you, remember that one
of the great truths on this
level is this too shall pass.
There’s nothing in this
world that’s going to last.
A good way to get in tune with
the Christ consciousness
is to love yourself and
understand that you’ve
been chosen. You’ve
been chosen to pick up
your life and move it
into the Christ. We’ve all
been chosen. Some don’t
choose back or they do it
to a lesser degree. In the
Movement of Spiritual
Inner Awareness, we’re
going for the full one
hundred percent.
John Morton
not my opening. My opening should be right here where
What if nobody’s come up the sidewalk for six
this wall was.” Obviously, if people want to get upset, months? Why would you still shovel the sidewalk? It’s
that’s their option. They can find a reason to be upset. But an exercise in discipline. God knows what you are doing.
that’s not the best choice.
God walks to your house. So who are you really caring
If you hear yourself saying things like, “I’ve got a for? It’s part of a loving gift to God when you choose to
bad feeling today. I’ve just got a feeling it’s going to be shovel the sidewalk.
bad,” then ask yourself what you’re doing. Maybe you’re
aware that something very challenging is going to happen.
That’s different from bad. Bad is an interpretation. It’s a
judgment. Instead, you can move into neutrality and say,
“My consciousness is warning me to be careful, prepared
and have extra caution today.”
Ask yourself if your concerns are based in fear or
awareness. Awareness would be your natural knowing or
intuition. Be cautious with things like superstitions and
beliefs passed down from family or ancestors. You are
responsible to check things out. What is your experience?
What do you know in your natural knowing? If you don’t
have the experience yet, if you’re not clear inside, then stay
open to your learning.
These are the little victories available to us. By doing good, we can start overcoming anything like a down
feeling or a down moment. Choose to keep going after
each triumph. Do a little good here, a little good there.
It all adds up.
Looking at Karma with Neutrality
Sometimes life comes along and smacks you anyway.
Karma is like that sometimes. It can be unexpected, unwanted and it can hurt. Are you being punished? You
can look at your experiences in that way. But I encourage you instead to look at karma as an experience and a
balancing action.
When karma involves you, it’s yours. There’s no sense
in trying to deny it or reject it. Your protesting and denyCheck It Out
ing won’t help you. Move into acceptance. You’re going
Sometimes others can help you with their experi- to have to deal with whatever it is, so you might as well
ences and learning. For example, if someone says, “Hey, deal with it now. And dealing with it now may be about
I’ve been down that road and there’s a big cliff. Watch cleaning up a mess, making it better somehow or dusting
out!” that could be very helpful and caring. Then again, off yourself and moving on.
maybe they’re deceiving you. Maybe there’s something
Choose for the greater good, and remember that
really good down that road, but they don’t want you to go you’re learning. Your life is teaching you what you need
there for whatever are their personal reasons. Just because to learn. That applies to all the conditions, all the people,
somebody says something doesn’t mean it’s true. So check all the time. None of us are finished yet. We’re all moving
it out.
toward completion. So do more of those things that are
There’s a lot of responsibility in this level to check
things out, to be aware and conscious of your experience. Keep moving yourself into a place that’s calm, clear,
peaceful, up, and enduring. If something is difficult for
you, remember that one of the great truths on this level
is this too shall pass. There’s nothing in this world that’s
going to last.
for your fulfillment. As you choose your fulfillment, you
demonstrate that you’ve overcome the world. That’s the
Christ consciousness. That’s your heritage.
Christ Consciousness & Loving It All
A good way to get in tune with the Christ consciousness is to love yourself and understand that you’ve been
chosen. You’ve been chosen to pick up your life and move
In the spiritual realm, a lifetime in this world is a
it into the Christ. We’ve all been chosen. Some don’t
blink. It’s an important blink, but it’s still just a blink. It’s
choose back or they do it to a lesser degree. In the Movenot all that long. One of the things that happens in this
ment of Spiritual Inner Awareness, we’re going for the full
world is that God slows things down so we can handle
one hundred percent.
them. When you start understanding that, you can realThere’s an amazing aspect to that one hundred perize, “Things are really dense here, so I can learn at my
speed. As I learn, I move on and I graduate. I go on to cent. It’s called grace. So if you do the best you can,
then the Christ consciousness completes what you
something else that’s now on purpose for me.”
don’t do. The Christ consciousness picks up whatever
As we progress spiritually, we realize that a lot of things
is your debt or your incompletion. It picks it up, and
on this level are no longer our level of concern. We’ve
it fulfills it. Then you go free. Free is free. It’s not like
been there. We’ve done that. Or we’ve heard enough so
a limited version of freedom that’s still attached or in
we know we don’t want to go there.
bondage. It’s unconditional.
Every day we have opportunities to realize what’s on
We’re on a path where we’re going to triumph. So
purpose for us. We then make decisions accordingly. It
claim it. Then get busy matching up your intention
ends up being very ordinary, like putting food on our
with how that intention works in this world. There are
plate or gas in the car or shoveling snow off the sidewalk
some big keys, like the Spiritual Laws John-Roger has
--- ordinary practical things to take care of our level of
defined, and they’re primarily working through lovresponsibility in this world.
ing it all. More and more, it becomes a process where
For example, as a caring person, part of your caring you’re in grace. There’s more happiness, and there’s joy
may extend to making sure it’s not slippery when you and peace.
or someone else walks on the sidewalk near your home.
This world is not our world. It’s a temporary waystaYou care about yourself and you care about them. So you
tion, basically. But it’s an on-purpose waystation. This
shovel the snow off the sidewalk.
world is tremendously good in what it delivers for us Letting the Love Out
for our learning, upliftment and growth.
I encourage you to be very caring toward yourOne of the amazing qualities of this world is self, and extend that caring to others. Be nicer, so
how multi-dimensional it is. It’s vastly diversified. you’re nicer to yourself and nicer to others. It’s not
Yet what concerns us is right here and now. So you about your ability. It’s about your willingness.
don’t have to go anywhere. There’s nothing lacking
If you say what’s in your heart, you’re just speakor missing here and now. You just deal with what
ing what’s true. It’s not necessarily something you’re
you’re finding here in the present moment. These
going to be comfortable with. But if you’re willing
are often the little things that bring a smile to your
to do this, it will liberate you.
face or maybe a smile to somebody else’s face.
Nobody does well when they’re afraid to love. It’s
As I was driving the other day, I saw an older
a form of imprisonment, and the heart doesn’t like it.
man with a cane standing on the corner. He seemed
So you have to be your own liberator. Part of it is just
rather weak and frail. Nearby, was a young father
being more yourself and giving yourself permission to
with a baby carriage. The father had two babies in
do what you love. Then it’s liberating.
the carriage who were both very much awake and
Unconditional loving opens you up so it will
moving around. The older man smiled and waved to
the babies as they passed by him, but the father didn’t come through you. You’ll experience it. Often the
notice. He seemed caught up with getting into the way it reflects to us is as feeling love for a person or
car and on their way. I was struck that the older man thing. We may experience it as the love is out here
was noticing something really grand going on right in the world. The reality is we opened up to our love
then in that moment. Although he looked weak and inside, and it’s connected to whoever and whatever
even shaky, he turned to notice and appreciate the is reflecting it back to us. It could be the dog, your
joy in the moment while the father seemed to be neighbor, what’s in the sky or even the weather. Allow your loving to go out regardless.
preoccupied and in a rush.
You can always turn up your loving. You can be
In Spirit, there is no urgency. That’s one of the
that wherever you go you take the time to
basic teachings. So where’s the urgency? In our perceptions in the world. And what do we do when we be loving. Even if you’re waiting in line to pay for
are in a hurry? We often don’t catch what’s really on your groceries, you can specialize in loving the different kinds of gum at the checkout stand. Sounds silpurpose right now.
ly? Rather than judge your loving, you can choose to
Did you know that Christ walked right by you
love the different kinds of gum or the different colors
today? How would you know? Maybe the Christ
on the wrappers. You can appreciate the graphic artwas dressed like an old man or even a thief, and you
ist who designed the wrapper and the factory workdidn’t take a moment to look inside there and see the
ers who helped process the gum inside.
Christ. If you look from the eyes of the Christ conChoose to engage with your life more fully than
sciousness, you can see the Christ in others. You can
are doing. Instead of waiting for something
see the Christ even when someone’s disagreeing with
you or is upset with you. What a moment to say, “I to happen, like you’re waiting for your love’s ship
see the Christ in you.” You can choose to see what it to come in, be that love ship. It begins right here
where you are now. If you can solve it in this mois within them past their behavior or their words.
ment, it has the same application to the next moThe more you can see the Christ within, the
ment. So that means you know how to love. That
more you can realize your life doesn’t have anything
means you’re lovable. As soon as it happens once, it
missing in it. There’s no lack in it. Even if somebody
can happen again.
says, “You’re fired! Get your stuff out of the desk by
These moments will start transforming you, so
5:00!” there’s really nothing missing. You can choose
an attitude of neutrality which is on track with your you have a life that starts becoming different. You’re
letting the love out. That’s going to work. It has to.
spiritual progression.
It’s the greatest force in this world. So when people
As soon as you respond with dread, reluctance or
are unhappy or unsatisfied, they need to let the love
resistance, that’s not who you are in the truth of your
out. That’s the bottom line. We need to love and be
being. That’s moving away from neutrality and into
loved. That’s everybody’s truth. When we’re loving
a false self. So as soon as somebody expresses through
and being loved, everything is right.
that negativity, consider they’re saying, “I’m expressing my false self.” When we’re speaking from our
false self, that’s a misinterpretation of who we are.
Loving It All
John-Roger has said, “Out of God comes all
things.” So if you’re upset and in disagreement,
that’s an accusation that eventually goes to God.
Then you’re choosing to be in separation from
your divinity.
I suggest you come into good terms with God.
You can begin with neutrality where you just let go
of the issues. You can say, “God, I’m letting go of the
way you treated me in the form of __________.”
That can be in about a relationship, your work, your
body, etc. Instead of having an argument or disagreement with God, let go and trust. That’s a choice
that will let you be freed up so you can be more fully
in your life now.
Remember, everybody is doing the best they can
with what they know and with what they’re working
with considering the conditions they’re in. So why
judge anybody including yourself? Everyone is dealing
with their own pain, their own limitations, their own
learning. That’s why they behave the way they do.
When you come into understanding, which it
the third law of Spirit, then you won’t hold it against
them. You may not want to participate in it, which
is understandable. You have a responsibility to take
care of yourself. So that would mean you can say,
“No, I don’t want that” or “I don’t permit that.”
Some conditions in life are like, “Tough, it’s going to be that way anyway.” You may say to somebody “Stop hurting me,” and they may say “No, I’m
going to hurt you anyway.” If that happens, you still
have a choice not to allow how you’re being treated
to internalize. Don’t dishonor yourself when others
do things that seem dishonorable. Choose to hold in
your dignity and love yourself regardless.
Your dignity is always present with you. If we
erase the way you were treated, your dignity’s there.
And if we don’t erase it, your dignity is still there.
So go to your dignity. Go to your integrity. Say to
yourself, “I’m a good person regardless of how anyone treated me.”
No one is responsible for your happiness. So
choose to have more fun, more enjoyment, more appreciation, more smiling, particularly with the little
things in life, the routine things. The ordinary, practical little things have a way of transferring over to
greater things. So love the little things in your life.
Be in love with your life. Love your past, and
love your present. And when faced with challenges,
shift into neutrality. Choose acceptance as you love
it all. Then you are loving as God loves always in
all ways.
Father, we ask forYour blessing and Your light to clear whatever has been brought up here so we experience
the healing, joy, and the upliftment. We give ourself permission at every level, especially with the past and
our judgments towards ourself or others, so we set ourselves free. We release all these judgments and come
intoYour adoration, the love that is unconditional. We accept it, and we claim it as our divine heritage.
Baruch Bashan
One of the early pioneers
an interview with
DS: What is Insight and how does it differ from
MSIA and PTS programs such as MSS, DSS, etc?
RB: I think the best answer to that is to ask why
Insight in the first place? Back in 1977, as I was running personal growth and transformation workshops
for Lifespring, I was also about four years into the
teachings of J-R. I was calling in the Light in these
seminars and telling people about the Traveler, but
the organization was kind of resistant.
perience, they’re just pursuing different things that
I had been to a number of MSIA conferences symbolize that experience.
and retreats and saw people who were really leftover
hippies. It seemed like the prevalent idea was what I
called “poor is pure” thinking – that to study spiritually you couldn’t do okay in the physical world.
So one summer day in 1977 I wrote a note to J-R
saying, “The spiritual teachings are great and I can’t
tell how anyone is doing spiritually, but, boy oh boy,
people in MSIA sure seem to struggle with everyday
life in the world. I’d like to suggest a seminar that can
help people do well in the world while remaining in
alignment with the spiritual teachings.”
He called me a couple of days later, we talked
about it, and the long and short of it is that we elected to test what became known as Insight. We created
Insight asking ourselves, “How do you take these
spiritual teachings and translate them into something practical, something can help in the every day
process of living in the world?”
I suggested that Insight did not need to repeat
the spiritual teachings; rather we would focus on the
universal underpinnings of the spiritual work, something that would work for just about any religion,
dogma, or particular practice, including MSIA. We
tried to make it so that people from any walk of life
could benefit from Insight. For example, the ideas of
responsibility and accountability are both universal
as well as neutral in terms of any particular dogma
or religion. By taking this more universal approach,
we were looking to create something that work for
just about anyone regardless of religious or spiritual
reference points.
Loving is one of those universal principles that is
clearly not the domain of any given religion. My basic
premise was that the underlying motivation behind
just about every human behavior is that people are
hoping to experience security, peace, happiness and
love. For instance, the exercises dealing with symbols
vs. experience that we do in Insight are based on this
principle—that everyone is looking for the same ex14
in the field of large group
personal development,
Russell Bishop created Insight
Seminars with John-Roger in
1978. After many years as a
successful business consultant
and, more recently, blogger
and Editorial Director for the
Huffington Post’s GPS for the
Soul, he has started to work
more closely with Insight
again. We interviewed him
in February just after he
co-facilitated a large Insight
I in Santa Monica, California
that was attended by many
MSIA ministers and initiates,
including John Morton.
RB: My ministerial blessing is clarity. It’s about clar-
ity in thought, clarity in speech, and clarity in action;
So we said, “Let’s put a seminar together to help with the caveat “as long as I don’t try.” So for me, it’s
people explore what they’re doing in life, what results really about showing up and being present. When
it’s producing, what results they’d prefer, and then I’m present, the clarity comes in, and then I have an
give them practical tools to get there.” Metaphorical- ability to translate it into terms that are clear, and
ly speaking, if you keep making a left turn whenever then translate it into action choices that are clear.
it’s time to make a right turn, how do you notice the
J-R and I talked a lot about this both in the the
right turn sign when it shows up next time? That’s a creation of Insight as well as in the constant refining
general introduction to why we created Insight.
of the seminars once we got going. At the time, it
seemed as though some people were doing the teachDS: What was the relationship like between Insight ings at a more disconnected, less grounded level. We
and MSIA in those early days and how are things looked at how we could break the teachings down
different today?
into practical, observable steps which would make a
difference in people’s lives. In many ways, that’s an
RB: Whereas J-R has given us thousands, if not tens ongoing need which is still present.
of thousands of techniques, very few of us use even a
I think that’s one reason why I’ll be at the Best
handful. Over time, MSIA and PTS began offering
of Super II in May this year. In 2012, I wrote a letter
courses that take those teachings and techniques and
to J-R and said, “The Travelers do work at that level,
break them down into very small segments where peoand Michael does work at his level, and what I can
ple can experience practical steps. In many ways, that’s
add is the translation piece, ‘Now what are you going
the same thing that Insight is about: let’s go through it,
to do with all that?’” If you’ve been around MSIA
learn it, apply it, and take it away. So now we have an
long enough, you keep hearing the same questions
abundance of different classes and workshops.
over and over again, and sometimes it’s from the
We’re all taking the MSIA teachings that J-R has same people over and over again. The issue may be
brought forward and making them specific and prac- less about the answer and more about the ability to
tical. Insight is just more broad in its reach. We take translate the answer into something that helps move
the core spiritual teachings, deliver them in generic things forward on this level as well as working on the
terms and help people apply them to specific areas inner planes.
of their lives.
The work is all fruit from the same tree so in DS: I found the same thing. The way I see it, J-R
plays all the roles—he is extremely spiritual and exmany ways the work is the same, just different.
tremely grounded at the same time. And now that
DS: I was in the Insight I for the last few days, not J-R is not as active, we need different people to play
having done Insight in quite a while. The way I ex- all the different roles that J-R played on his own. So
perienced it was that it’s the same teachings as in to me it’s unlikely that there’s going to be one person
MSIA, but it felt more grounded. Often in MSIA up on stage anymore because J-R is so evolved that he
classes I know something has happened, and there are can have all those different aspects in one body, and
all kinds of shifts inside, but sometimes they are less that’s not a common occurrence.
definable. In Insight there was a clarity on the physical level that I really enjoyed.
RB: J-R has talked a lot about multi-dimensional karma, or what I needed to learn in this life—
consciousness, being simultaneously aware on all Insight wound up under the leadership of others.
the levels. And that’s obviously the great gift that I went out into the world and did what I could
J-R brings, to be able to be present on all of those to continue the work in different areas. I wound
levels. He will speak from one level, but he’s in all up doing my own business consulting work using
the tools we had developed in Insight combined
of them.
with lessons learned working with a variety of
DS: So after you created Insight with J-R, you left business organizations.
the organization and did other work for a while,
In many ways, I liken my sojourn to the jourand then came back. Why did you decide to do ney described in J-R’s seminar, “My Kingdom for
something else, and then why did you decide to a Horse.” I was out there learning lots of things.
come back?
One thing that became clear to me was that I was
RB: At the very beginning it was MSIA ministers
and initiates who took the Insight Trainings. But
there were only 5000 of us around the world, so
it was pretty clear that we were going to run out
of participants pretty quickly. We needed to have
new people coming in, graduating, and referring
new people.
The more we focused on making the work
more widely available, the more we understood
the need to run Insight as a business. It’s a service
business to be sure, but even the Salvation Army
has to bring in more money than it sends out, or it
isn’t going to be around. Insight was experiencing
the same issue.
When we started Insight, I didn’t know anything about business other than the simplest of
common sense. As we were growing and needed
better business skills, we were fortunate to have Jeff
Bowden come through Insight. Jeff was a senior
member of a major consulting firm and he could
see that we didn’t have some of the basic business
structures that we needed. He could also see we
were confusing our audience with too many offerings. Within the first two or three years we must
have had ten or fifteen different trainings, but there
was no order or logic to them, so the market would
get confused. People would think, “Well there’s too
many seminars, so I just won’t do anything.”
He suggested that first we focus on a core set
of offerings, so we created Insight I, II, III and IV.
We could offer workshops on different themes, but
there was a clear path that someone could follow.
So one of our first areas of focus, in business terms,
was to create a clearly defined product line.
But then there were issues with the actual dayto-day running of the business. Jeff volunteered to
give me what he called “an MBA in real time.” We
started reorganizing, and he showed us some very
basic accounting principles.
As Insight grew, we developed some businessoriented trainings in response to requests from
grads. David Allen joined me, and we began focusing on programs designed for the business community. At the same time, Insight was becoming
over-extended, with too much overhead, offices,
and staff. We basically ran afoul of good business
practices, and I wasn’t always the most gracious
person about that—a little “edgy” in contemporary terms, or what used to be called “arrogant.”
We created Insight Consulting Group (ICG)
to offer business-oriented programs within Insight. ICG brought in a lot of money for the
organization but eventually due to various personality conflicts—which could also be called my
All the buildings were shades of gray and on
the ground was this very colorful pool, much like
you see in a tropical setting, with some people
around. J-R said, “And that’s Insight down there.”
At first I thought he was saying, “And they’re just
down there playing around.” Then I began to see
that that’s the area that will attract people so they
can move to whatever the next layer of school is
for them.
This was right at the time of the trip to the UK
and J-R’s birthday. People were already out there
and with some nudging from Heide Banks, I got
learning lessons that would be valuable for the that I was supposed to go to London. So, I got on
Insight organization, but I didn’t know when it a plane, flew to London and hung out with Jsu,
would be used, or how, or any of that.
Nat and John, and got to spend a couple of hours
I think that one of the things that we didn’t do just sitting next to J-R on a couch—wherever in
very well over the years was to stay in touch with the universes J-R was—and I was right there being
who wants this work, how they want to receive it, zapped with the energy. After that trip I began to
etc. Basically, we didn’t adapt to changes in the get clearly that there was another role for me in
world of personal growth and awareness. By con- the Traveler’s work.
trast, MSIA and PTS recognized that they had a
That’s what started the notion of me doing
whole lot of people who would attend something the Best of Super II. So we created the November
online, and they now offer lots of programs that guest event for Best of Super II. We had we had
can be attended online as well as in person. I’ve about 150 people attend in person, and we went
conducted some PTS online workshops over the through a sampling of what the Best of Super II
past year and they’re great. If people have only a will be. John would work with a person, then
couple of hours, there are offerings for that, or if Michael, and then me. The response to that was
they have a couple of days, they can do something pretty strong. A lot of people said, “Wow, that relike the IHOP workshop, either in person or on- ally helped, that was the last little grounding piece
line. In other words, PTS has done a great job of that I needed,” as we talked about before.
recognizing and adapting to the way people want
That also opened up a conversation about Into consume this kind of information and work. sight. The seminars for years have been in decline in
The message remains the same, but the packaging enrollment but costs don’t decline. My point of view
has changed.
is that Insight still has enormous value and needs to
A couple of years ago, I started being called
inwardly to come back in. I had a lovely experience at the 2011 Living in Grace retreat where
some blocks were removed from me that opened
the door to even more awareness. Then this past
year I started having a lot of J-R dreams, experiences in s.e.’s, and J-R appearances, and sometime
around winter of 2012 I started getting that I just
needed to write. I wrote to J-R and John saying,
“Hey, I don’t know what this is, but it seems like
I’m being called forward again. I can imagine
helping any of these organizations, so if you want
me to do something, let me know.” There wasn’t
any response.
come back into a stronger presence. The work is superb as ever, so it’s not fixing anything about what
Insight offers; it’s about developing a strong presence
supported by sound business practices.
Earlier this year, I was invited to be on the board,
and to take a role in revitalizing the trainings along
with some of our business practices. Revitalization
looks like doing a couple of things. First of all, the
training had been shortened over the years, and a
few processes were deleted. So in the February Insight I in Santa Monica, we put some of that back
in along with a few new exercises. I am continuing
to work with Mary Ann Somerville, Joey Hubbard
and Candace and Stu Semigran to find the best forI “got” it again in the spring, so I wrote again. mat for the seminar, integrating the best of the new
This time I said I could start picking up where and original approaches.
Insight began, translating these teachings into the
We also need to take a look at what else we
practical, and I could imagine working in the Best can do to make Insight more relevant for today’s
of Super II. As we talked about earlier in this inter- world. The teachings are timeless, so it’s not about
view, the Traveler could do the Traveler’s teaching, a new teaching, but it’s about new packaging.
Michael Hayes could do the karmic flows, and I
People born in the last twenty to thirty years
could help people ground that in physical reality.
were born into a very different world than the
Somewhere in there, someone responded, world that saw Insight come into existence. In
“Hmmm… interesting,” and so we began a con- many ways, the issues are the same fundamentally,
versation. Then in the summer I had a very strong but the way those issues are presented is different.
J-R dream, where the whole MSIA family was When we created Insight, no one had texting and
at the top of the tallest building in a sea of tall cell phones and email and all those kinds of distracbuildings. J-R was pointing to different build- tions; the term 24/7 hadn’t been coined, much less
ings, saying, “Well, there’s work going on there, lived. People weren’t multi-tasking. In today’s world
and there’s work going on here…” The way I in- we need to think about how we take this information
terpreted it was that those are layers of conscious- and make it available to people who are living a more
ness where different mystery schools or teachings pressure-packed existence. Same message, but differwere taking place.
ent packaging.
So that’s where I am right now. I’m starting to
look at the core message and how it needs to be packaged for today’s always connected/never connected
world. What do we need to be distributing digitally?
What do we need to be distributing in person? In
fact, some friends of mine who are really big in the
millennial world are starting to notice that people
now are demanding more in-person work. They’re
noticing they can’t get the quality they want in just
purely digital form. So, we have another fun challenge – how to make this work available in many
different forms and formats.
We seem to be moving to a hybrid world, and
that’s what is so lovely about what Paul Kaye is doing with IHOP. You can be in the room during the
weekend workshop, or you can experience the same
work in an online format—so now we’ve started to
hybridize the experience, to let people match themselves to it, without saying “Well, you only get it in
format A.”
DS: You just co-facilitated an Insight I. What kinds
However, I think we need to engage in more
awareness marketing, targeting the issues
at that some more.” He was always good at looking
at something for a good year, or two, or three before people are struggling with. We just need to come out
he moved on it. He wanted to be certain he saw it ac- and name the real issues people are struggling with –
curately. So I’m not sure what it is that’s happening, relationships, money, career, insecurity, etc.
but something is happening.
It’s like the folks who were saying during the
Insight weekend, “Hey, go deep, go quick,
I think it could be a host of things. It could be
that people are bored to tears with reality shows, be- just cut to the chase.” One of the things I found is
cause there is no reality to them. It’s just animation that if you can name the issue someone’s struggling
and exaggeration of human experience. They’re look- with, they look at you differently. They think, “if you
ing at the amplitude between the people’s highs and know enough to ask that question, you must know a
lot about the answer.”
lows, as opposed to be where people usually live.
We need to frame the challenges that people are
I think so much has been made about the need
for connection, and so many tools have come into living in ways that match their reality. I think the bigthe world, whether it’s social media or Google Hang- gest challenge is to frame core life issues in ways that
outs or whatever. Google, Facebook and various so- assure people that we understand and that we can
cial media keep changing because they haven’t landed provide some measure of help, but that ultimately
on what it is, but they’ve landed on the nerve, which they already have the ability to resolve their own isis the need for connection. Facebook has become an sues. So it’s not about acquiring something you don’t
“everything,” a place to put up pictures, with ads and have, it’s about unlocking the access to the tools that
spam, etc. It’s become a platform that will have to you already have.
really figure out what purpose it’s serving if it really
wants to promote connection.
add to it, but he’d probably also say, “I’d like to look
The term “friend” has become an extremely useless term in cyberspace and yet people know that
there’s something they want called a “friend.” So what
does friendship really mean? Something is emerging
that’s almost like an existential angst that says that all
this stuff that is supposed to provide meaning isn’t
doing it.
So that deeper sense of felt need for meaning is
of differences have you noticed between the people at
trainings today and people who came when you first arising, and those of us who can meet that will provide a great service and do well in the process. And
started Insight?
I think that’s our challenge: Do great service and do
RB: What’s really interesting is that back in the ’70’s it well. In the conscious capitalism world they call
and ’80’s people were impatient in one respect, and it “Do well by doing good.” And that’s what’s ahead
people today are impatient but in another way. If of us.
you take someone who was thirty in the ’80’s there
was a quality of impatience that said, “I don’t have DS: It sounds almost as though you are talking about
time for this, let’s get on with it.” So their impatience a speeding up of people’s evolution, because in the
was “Don’t waste my time – I don’t see the value in past people had to go through a long period of experithis.” Today, the people who are in their twenties or encing the world to find out the emptiness of a lot of
thirties have a different kind of impatience. They the outer stuff, so that they would be motivated to go
say, “Don’t waste my time – I don’t have the patience back inside. And now there’s so much outer stuff that
to stay shallow, let’s go deep.” They’re really asking people are getting that learning faster.
how quickly can they get deep.
RB: Someone I was reading just recently described
That’s a very hopeful sign to me. People are startit as “We’re leaving the age of ‘me,’ and entering the
ing to notice that Facebook isn’t necessarily deep.
age of ‘we.’” You see that in people who are ecologiA Twitter account will never get deep. It might get
cally conscious, socially conscious, whether it’s anibroad, but it won’t get deep. I think people are startmal rights, or human rights, or just planetary rights.
ing to notice the gap and are asking for a quality,
There is a sense that there is a “we” here. Now, the
depth and richness of experience.
older folks who are running the banks and economic
During this last Insight, we had several of the systems may not get that yet. But people coming up
younger folks come up and say, “I’m struggling here.” underneath it are running from a different value set.
I’d ask, “What are you struggling about?” They’d say, How they got that value set could be from their par“Well, it’s not getting very deep very fast.” That’s very ents who went through the various ups and downs
different from, “I’m struggling with this because I and struggles, or it could be just because it’s karmidon’t see why this matters,” which is what I heard cally time for it on the planet. I don’t know, but it is
in the ’80’s. Now, I’m hearing, “I know this matters, definitely happening and moving faster.
can we stop pussyfooting around and get into it?”
DS: How will the marketing of Insight need to change
DS: So it sounds like you’re saying there’s a greater lev- to keep up with that?
el of awareness and sophistication about spirituality.
RB: What we used to do was simply talk about the
RB: There’s something happening there, but I don’t seminar and say, “Trust me, it’s good for you, so
know yet how to define that. I know if J-R were sit- come do it. And bring a friend.” That’s still a good
ting here with us, he’d probably have something to
thing and it can work pretty well.
Will social media be part of that? Sure. Not just in
some kind of friend or hangout, but much more in social engagement. We need to create places for people
to explore issues that they are facing. Many businesses
today are busy touting their solutions in a variety of
quick fix offerings. We need to frame the issues people
are dealing with, then suggest things that can be done,
and then give them a basket of choices.
People absolutely want choices today. They don’t
want “my way or the highway.” So marketing will be
very big. It will be marketing that offers something
of immediate value. For example, one of the things
we need to do is to have more free courses, so people
can come in, sample it, and find out if it’s for them.
They don’t have time to run around and spend five
days to find out that wasn’t it. We need look at what
we can do in an hour, or in five minutes.
We could develop some apps. I’m not sure exactly what kind yet, but maybe you’re struggling with
relationship issues, so we have a relationship-just-intime app. People find themselves in their stuff, like,
“Oh God, here I go again, now what?” And then an
app reminds you of a process, or it brings up a meditation that you and your partner can do together
right now. It could be a choice app, where you think,
“I’m stuck, I don’t know where to go,” and the app
goes, “Great, we’re going to give you a series of questions and as you answer you’ll start laying out your
roadmap for what to do.”
I’d also love to see us start generating communities and followings. It would be great if we had a
big Twitter account. David Allen [a well-known productivity consultant who has studied in Insight and
MSIA] has a million and a quarter Twitter followers,
and he’s simply tweeting out advice how to stay on
top of your overflowing in-basket. Well, what if we
There’s also whole new form of “gamification” had a million plus followers, because we’re tweeting
that is taking shape. Games always attract people, advice about how to deal with that relationship, or
they love to play and they love the notion of win- that challenging situation?
So I think at some point we need to get some
ning, etc., but historically, games have been structured as a win-lose proposition. There’s a new form numbers there, but the generic version of the goal
of gamification where you might share something right now is that we are self-sustaining out of opyou are working on or struggling with, and you post erations, and we use donations to fund expansion of
it through the social circle you wish to share it with. good work—not to fund the operations.
I notice your post, and go, “Hey, what’s up? Can I
So we need to be self-sustaining, and then… my
help?” Just by that response, I win points. I’m win- goodness, how big is the world? There are a lot of
ning points for my ability to engage and support. places we could go. We need to find out how we make
You come back and say “That was helpful.” Now my this available in Nigeria. That’s a hard question. If we
point value just went up, because it wasn’t just some run it from here, it’s based on U.S. economics, but
algorithm that says that if you use the right kind of Nigerian economics are way different. So how do we
words you win points. The user validated that it was make the work expand? How do we fund it, how do
useful, and my points go up. There are even some we have it self-sustaining, in a way that’s culturally
new players in this world that are pairing up “players” sensitive and as well as economically sensitive?
with social venture funds so that points can be turned
into donations to not-for-profit organizations. Now DS: It’s happened in some areas, like all of a sudden
we have people cooperating instead of competing in Bulgaria just exploded. How does that happen in a
ways that not only benefit them as individuals but country so far away?
good causes as well. Talk about Win-Win!
Where is this going to go? It beats the socks off of RB: Russia went really big, Omsk, and a few other
me. But one of the things we need to do—and I say places, Ukraine went big, Bulgaria went big. One of
that “we” meaning we MSIA, we PTS, we Insight, we the things that those countries all have in common
USM, we all of these organizations—we need to get is coming out of decades of oppression, where there
out of the small we, and get into the big we. What’s wasn’t even a concept anymore that you could have
the big we? Not just the little we that keeps talking to freedom of thought. There was a big need for this
itself, and congratulating itself on what good work it kind of work so we could make it available. The good
does. But how do you make that good work available news is that we have a licensing formula, where these
international locations can organize and can put on
so that people know it’s available?
seminars, and as long as they handle the licensing
That’s what I mean about how we need to meet
fee, they can price it however they want.
these folks where they live, where they are, on their
Insight went like crazy through South America,
iPhone, or online, or in their games, or wherever it
did not have the same kind of repressed culis. There are ways to do that. We just have to get inture as these former iron curtain countries
terested enough to ask the questions.
by a long shot. But they were countries
DS: Do you have goals that you have you’d like to see where people were starved for the next
for Insight, in terms of how and how much you want layer of depth. They had a lot of religious
connection, but not spiritual connection,
it to expand?
if you will. So people can feel that spiritual
RB: At this point, I don’t have particular numbers in connection and rise with it. And of course
mind, because it’s still a relatively new re-engagement J-R was very active all across those counfor me. But what I’d like to be able to see is to have tries for a long time which really helped.
us get to the place where we have four or five very
We have to understand that while
active geographical areas that are supporting people the message is universal, the packaging
in local Insight communities. What that might look has to be appropriate to the culture, to
like in traditional terms might mean we have four or the demographics, to the age group, etc.
five Insight I’s a year in a certain area, and a similar And then you have to find the right econumber of Insight II’s, and so forth.
nomic model to make it work in these
People are still consuming in these small formats,
and they will continue to do so. We simply need to
begin to make them more available. I was involved
creating an app with the Huffington Post called “GPS
for the Soul.” One of the promises there is that we can
start to create circles with whom we share what our
“GPS guides” are—things that get us back on course.
I also know that we need to create programs and
offerings that can be accessed anytime, anywhere –
digital formats ranging from live, streaming events
to on-demand seminars or workshops. The larger
objective here is to remove time, location and language as barriers so that virtually anyone can access
this kind of information and life-changing work regardless of situation or circumstance. We’re a long
way from that reality, but we are definitely looking
in this direction.
We’re all taking the MSIA
teachings that J-R has
brought forward and
making them specific and
practical. Insight is just
more broad in its reach.
We take the core spiritual
teachings, deliver them
in generic terms and help
people apply them to
specific areas of their lives.
The work is all fruit
from the same tree so in
many ways the work is
the same, just different.
various places.
So, boy do we need help. I know
enough to ask a bunch of the right questions, but I don’t even know the questions
that I don’t know to ask, much less how to
answer them. That’s the vision I’m holding
really, is to find the people who have that
understanding of the work, who have the
compassion for the work and the desire to
extend it—and then away we go!
The Way Out Book
by John-Roger, DSS
Now on audiobook Read by Paul Kaye
Unabridged — 7 CDs
To order call
323-737-4055 or go to
Also just released on CD: Joyful Meditations in Spanish
Meditaciones Gozosas
by John-Roger, DSS
Walking in the Light
Mar 29–30, 2013
You are invited to come relax into the very “essence” of who you are...
“Listen attentively to whatever comes forward out of the silence.
If things start to distract and disrupt you, bring your focus back to the silence. As many times
as the silence is broken, you can refocus on listening to the silence one more time.
When you practice bringing your presence into the silence, you will experience a
knowing and a wisdom that will start flowing within you. It will usually bring
you to a state of peace, calm, and clarity.
Then, if something comes to mind that needs to be done, instead of rushing into
it, you will know that it can be accomplished in a relaxed way without
breaking your connection with the inner silence.”
2101 Wilshire Blvd Santa Monica, CA
Registration Fri 9am
Workshop Fri 10am–7pm & Sat 9am–1:30pm
Easter Eve Webcast follows at 3pm–4:30pm
John Morton
will facilitate
n this workshop, students are
taught techniques, exercises, and
processes to keep prayer alive
for ourselves and others, to help
clear our consciousnesses and
our bodies, and to precipitate
from Spirit that which can be
manifest in this world. Each
exercise is a magnificent gift in
itself, and together they help us
develop a richer and more joyful
relationship with God.
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses or SATs
(if 12 years of Discourses completed)
Early Bird Tuition: $175 by March 8, 2013 end of day
Regular Tuition $250 March 9 – March 24 end of day
Final Call: $325 after March 24
Tuition includes the Easter Eve Webcast.
For cancellations through March 8 a full refund is available.
After March 8 the entire tuition becomes nonrefundable but it is transferable to
another person or scheduled event.
5 Ways to Register
To register online go to and then click on Event Calendar to find event listing.
Your registration will be processed on a secure server to protect your credit card information.
• E-mail PTS at (do not email credit card details)
• Mail your check to PTS, 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018.
• Fax PTS at (323) 328-9005.
• Call PTS at (323) 737-4055 with your credit card information.
• After hours, use x1309 to leave your registration on a secure voice mail.
—John-Roger, DSS
In the Presence
of the Beloved
— Silent Retreat
Lake Arrowhead, CA
May 22–May 27, 2013
Facilitator: Paul Kaye
The Cost: $550 for 5 Days
“Enough with such questions!
Let silence take you to the core of life.
All your talk is worthless
When compared to one whisper
of the Beloved.” –Rumi
See what others said about the Silent Retreat:
ince the retreat, I continue doing more SEs than
ever before. I feel my connection to Spirit is
more readily accessible, like the channel has been
cleaned out, and I go into chanting my tone much
more quickly, and stay inside for longer. I also notice
myself going back into “my essence” that I discovered
at the retreat and that has been a tremendous tool
for me. It’s hard to express how important and lifechanging this experience was for me. I felt like it was
an “advanced” retreat, and everyone there was so
fully committed. It was a rarefied atmosphere, to be
sure. - L.P.
y commitment to myself, to God, to my work
here as a co-creator has been upgraded in a
profound way. And I could go on describing so many
ways I’m taking better care of myself, keeping my
eyes on the Lord, working and living from an attitude and altitude of ‘god consciousness’, of love, of
joy ... but you get the picture. Whatever happened
was powerful for me. And the big point I’m trying
to make ... is that it has been LASTING in a new and
significant way. - Z.G.
ommuning with God in nature for the weekend
was a beautiful experience. I find myself more
reflective, choosing my words carefully if I speak or
even questioning myself if I need to speak and overall more at peace and in harmony within myself. As
I write this I am reminded of something I read or
heard: “Are my words true, are they necessary, are
they kind?” In the last few days, I also find myself
more aware of what I am doing and how I am being
in the world. I am creating subtle shifts in my life and
I know something amazing transpired within me at
the Silent Retreat. Thank you! - K.A.
Come present to the peace that's always available inside of you.
I love you. God bless you. Peace, be still.
What are you doing after Conference?
Join a free tour of Windermere Ranch
Mon July 8 or Tues July 9
IIWP Peacemaker Meetings
March–April 2013
Open to the public. All are welcome.
Leaving from Prana and the Sheraton
RSVP required.
Contact today!
We are here to learn one thing primarily, and that’s inner peace.”
—John-Roger, D S S, IIWP Founder
Birmingham, AL
2 – 3:30pm
Sunday, April 14
Mark your calendars for April 14!
Info: Sina Skates at
Branchburg, NJ
1 – 2:30pm
Saturdays, March 2 and April 6
Mark your calendars for May 4!
Info: Lin Mogitz at
Boston, MA
2 – 4pm
Saturdays, March 16 and April 20
Info: David Jenkins at 781-789-8745
Chicago, IL
sponsored by the
Institute for Individual
and World Peace (IIWP)
Questions? Contact
Debbie Roth at
or 323-328-1905
3 – 4:30pm
Sundays, March 24 and April 28
Info: Rebecca Bloomfield at
Europe via Skype
8 – 9:30pm GMT/BST (12 – 1:30pm PST/PDT)
Wednesdays, March 6, April 3, May 1
Info: Sherain Messenger at
Santa Fe, Argentina
5:45 - 7:15pm
Friday, April 5
Info: Cristina Rivero at
Caracas, Venezuela
3 – 4:30pm
Saturdays, March 16 & April 13
Info: Vania Grimalt at +58 412 9914413
Wo u
thro ug h grace?
Do you want simple tools to take care of yourself?
Join us for MSIA’s Tele-Workshops
coming up in March and April!
“Taking Care of
With Peter Bort & Tracy Uttley
Wed, March 20th 5:30 - 7PM PDT
Take time with the wisdom that lives inside of you
regarding your Self Care
Register Here for “Taking Care of Yourself”
“Receiving Through
With Mary Ann Somerville
Wed, April 17th 5:30 - 7PM PDT
the for
to you
To register
“The PowerofofSpirit
here and now.
Register for “Receiving Through Grace”
Questions? Contact Debbie Roth at
323-737-4055, x1179 or
“The Power of
2 Part Lineup
Part 1: Sat, Mar 23, 10AM PDT
Part 2: Sat, Apr 27, 10AM PDT
Come to one or come to both!
Align your intentions with Spirit and
springboard them into action.
➺ Register Here for Part 1
➺ Register Here for Part 2
Questions? Contact Sylvia Giussani-Baillie at
Now with upgraded dial in features for international participants! More info at:
PTS Offerings
Around the Planet
Classes in the L.A. Area
3726 West Adams Blvd, Los Angeles
Free Form Writing Class 7:30pm—9:00pm
Registration & Information: PTS 323-737-1534 or
(Every Wednesday in 2013, except July 3, November 27, and December 25) No Charge. Donations welcomed.
Next PTS Children’s Workshop!
here are PTS classes taking place in homes and public venues around the world, and there are
over 1000 PTS class facilitators worldwide. Check the PTS website,, to find out about classes
being held in your community and around the world.
Call PTS 323-737-1534 if you would like to create and/or promote classes in your area.
Sunday, April 7, from 10am-12pm
Ages 7-11
2101 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica
All are welcome! Free of charge.
Contact: Elizabeth Spanton at:
Weekly Seminars
and Workshops at Prana
conducted in Spanish
Every Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:30 pm
Light refreshments follow.
Come and partake of these light-filled and joyous Spanish 2-hour events.
Check our Spanish website for more details or call
Fernando Mercado 323-559-9575 or Jaime Ramos 323-877-2030
PTS Open Workshops
John Morton during the
MSIA trip to the East Coast
In Person Live & Broadcast Online
Inner Worlds of Meditation
Pittsburgh, PA
Wed April 24, 7:30 – 9:30pm
Contact info and registration: Susan Talbott 412-496-0979
or email:
Finding Peace in Today’s World
Washington, D.C.
OF SPIRIT, Open Workshop
Boulder Colorado
Facilitated by Tom Boyer.
May 11 from 1:00 - 5:30 pm
Location: Best Western in Boulder, 770 28th St., Boulder, CO 80303
Contact information: Madonna Smyth 303-596-5958 or email:
“Tom Boyer is one of the best listeners I know. The Traveler is very present in the midst with every PTS
gathering and especially for those who intend to be available listening and watching for the holy
presence within as a way to experience the soul.” –John Morton
Sat April 27, 7:30 – 9:30pm
Contact info and registration: Linda Mathieu
410-263-7644 or email
Gratitude – Philadelphia, PA
Wed May 1, 7:30 – 9:30 pm
Contact info and registration: Angie Nicolucci 913-302-3288
or email
We wholeheartedly invite you to join the MSIA family in Los Angeles for one of our most important events ever.
Sheraton Universal Hotel, Los Angeles, July 3 - 7, 2013
Celebrating and honoring John-Roger's 50 years, and John Morton's 25 years, as the Mystical Traveler
Finding Peace in Today’s World
New York, NY
Tue May 7, 7:30 – 9:30 pm
Contact information and Registration: Paula Beldengreen
212-339-9979 or email
Registration Form
PTS and MSIA Events
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Complete contact information only if changed:
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ___________ Country: ___________________
5 Ways To Register:
1. Register online at, or ndh.
org, and click on “Calendar” and type “Conference”
on the search bar. Click on your event to select.
You will be able to register for the Workshop,
Ministers Meeting, Ministers Luncheon, Initiates
Meeting, IIWP Gathering of Peacemakers in
one registration step. Your registration will be
processed on a secure server to protect your credit
card information.
2. Email (do not email credit
card details)
3. Mail to PTS, 3500 West Adams Blvd,
Los Angeles, CA 90018
4. Fax 323-328-9005
5. Call 323-737-1534
(after hours extension: 1309)
Important Credit
Card Information:
PTS will apply the tuition rate in effect on
the date the charge on your credit card is
approved. Please inform the PTS office if you
are paying by credit or debit card and if your
payment will exceed your daily limit.
An overflow room may be used for MSIA
Ministers and Initiates events and we
recommend you pre-register now.
We are asking that you pre-register for all
events by Monday, June 24. Registrations will
also be taken at the door.
Registration Times:
The Mystical Traveler Workshop
8:30-10:00 am Friday
MSIA Ministers Meeting
10:30-11:45 am Sunday
MSIA Initiates Meeting
3:15-3:45 pm Sunday
Latecomers arriving after 10 am for the
PTS Workshop, 12 noon for the Ministers
Meeting, and 4 pm for the Initiates Meeting
may not be admitted to the Ballroom.
Phone (day): _________________________________________ (eve): ____________________________________
Email address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Schedule of Events:
PTS Open Event—“Communicating Living Love” (Wed, July 3)
Free of Charge. Registration at the door only.
All Traveler Organizations Rep Meeting (Thursday, July 4)
Free of Charge. Registration at the door only.
PTS Masters & Doctorate Graduation (Thursday, July 4)
Free of Charge. Registration at the door only.
IIWP Gathering of Peacemakers (Thursday, July 4)
To register for the Gathering of Peacemakers:
Call the IIWP office at 323-328-1905; email; mail to
IIWP, 3500 West Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90403-5745
Please register me for:
q “The Mystical Traveler”
PTS Workshop
(Friday & Saturday, July 5-6)
Tuition: $275 through June 5
$350 June 6-June 27
$375 June 28 at the door
Please check choice of entrée:
❑ Beef ❑ Vegetarian
❑ Fish ❑ Not attending dinner
MSIA Events
Tuition: $625 for first-time participants paid in full by May 1, 2013
$700 after May 1. Audit Tuition is $375 for each training.
q PAT I (July 12-16)
❑ First-time participant q Audit
q PAT II (July 17-21)
q First-time participant q Audit
q PAT III (July 22-26)
q First-time participant q Audit
(Sunday, July 7)
q Ministers Meeting
MSIA Ministers only (no charge)
Latecomers may not be admitted to the ballroom.
q Ministers Luncheon
MSIA Ministers only (no charge)
Please register for the luncheon only if you plan to stay
for the meal.
q Initiates Meeting
MSIA Initiates only (no charge)
Latecomers may not be admitted to the ballroom.
Please check if appropriate:
❑ I am an active minister.
❑ I am an active initiate.
❑ I am an active subscriber to MSIA Discourses
(SATs if Discourse complete)
PTS PAT Trainings
Lake Arrowhead
Total amount enclosed: $____________
Make payments out to PTS. No cash please, unless hand-delivered.
Check #: _____________Money Order / Cashier’s Check
Credit Card #: ___________________________
Expiration date: ___________
Billing Zipcode: ___________
Name on credit card:
All Events Wed - Sat
Events in Detail
Hotel Rooms & Parking
Special Conference hotel room rates have been negotiated
at the Sheraton Universal Hotel - $169 for Single/Double,
$194 Triple, and $219 Quadruple occupancy. Lanai rooms
are $25 extra, Club Level is $40 extra, and Executive Suites are
$289. Reserve your room directly with the Sheraton this year, be
sure to say you are with MSIA. To reserve a room at these special
rates, bookings must be received on or before 12 noon on Monday,
June10; thereafter higher rates may apply. If you receive a message
there are no rooms available at our discounted rate, click (or ask)
to notify the hotel, and someone will get back with you. After June
10, there may be limited availability, first-come, first-served. A
credit card is needed to guarantee reservations. Reserve by calling
the Sheraton directly at 888-627-7186 or go online at, and click on Event Calendar. You can also go directly to the
following link to reserve a room: https://www.starwoodmeeting.
Parking: Day guests - validated self-parking $5 per car, valet $7
per day; non-validated $14 per day. Overnight guest parking - $9
for self-parking, $12 valet.
Communicating Living Love
“When you do live love, everything becomes fantastic. You live
here and now and receive God’s Grace.” –John-Roger, DSS
John-Roger and John Morton are invited to participate.
Wednesday July 3, 7-9 pm (registration from 6pm)
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace Parkway,
Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: None; open to the public
Registration: No pre-registration is available for this event. All
registrations will be at the door.
Sponsored by PTS
All Traveler Organizations
Rep Meeting
John-Roger and John Morton are invited to participate.
Thursday July 4, 9am – 1pm (registration from 8:30am)
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace Parkway,
Universal City, CA 91608
Key volunteers and representatives from all of the Traveler organizations are invited to come together as Lightbearers from around
the world and receive the grace of connecting with our Rep family
through an exquisite, participatory morning of coming present to
the Beloved. Please join us for this uplifting, fun, and joy-filled
gathering - we love you!
Prerequisites: This meeting is open to all MSIA, PTS, Heartfelt,
Insight, USM and IIWP Representatives, as well as MSIA Seminar
Leaders, MSIA Seminar Reps, Cable TV Reps, Product Reps, Ministerial Board Reps, and all of our key community volunteers are welcome.
Spouses are also invited.
Registration: No pre-registration is available. All registrations
will be at the door.
Sponsored by PTS
will be
Live & Broadcast Online!
PTS Masters & Doctorate
John-Roger and John Morton are invited to participate.
Thursday July 4, 3:30pm - 5pm
Come be a part of the celebration as students graduate from both
the Masters and Doctorate programs of Peace Theological Seminary
& College of Philosophy.
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace Parkway,
Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: None; everyone is invited
Registration: No registration required
Sponsored by PTS
IIWP Gathering of
John-Roger and John Morton are invited to participate.
Thursday July 4, 7pm - 9pm
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace Parkway,
Universal City, CA 91608
Join peacemakers around the world and receive the fellowship
and grace of coming together to choose the peace that is present.
Experience the blessings of J-R’s 9 magic words: “I love you. God
bless you. Peace, be still.” Participate with us, as we move within to
a place of peace and give that peace forth in loving service to the
planet. This is a public event and open to everyone. IIWP’s donors
and their families and guests are especially invited.
Prerequisites: This is a public event and open to all peacemakers.
Preregistration is requested.
Registration: 5 ways to register 1) Online at, or Click on “Calendar”, and
type “Conference” on the search bar. Click on your chosen event
to select. You will be able to register for the Workshop, Ministers
Meeting, Ministers Luncheon, Initiates Meeting, IIWP Gathering of
Peacemakers in one registration step.
2) Email (do not email credit card details)
3) Mail to PTS, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., LA CA 90018
4) Fax 323-328-9005
5) Call 323-737-1534 (Ext 1309 after hours).
We are asking that you pre-register for all events by Monday, June
24. Registrations will also be taken at the door.
Contact: Debbie Roth at or 323-328-1905, for
questions or to become an IIWP donor.
Sponsored by Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP)
The Mystical Traveler
NEW! PTS Workshop
Come witness with us and celebrate the
Mystical Traveler as we honor J-R’s 50 years and John’s 25
years of service as the Traveler.
What is the majesty of the Mystical Traveler?
How do you claim your spiritual heritage?
What is the key to your Spiritual Heart?
How do you know God?
Friday July 5: Registration 8:30am; Workshop 10am – 5pm
Saturday July 6: 9am – 9pm (including Gala)
John-Roger and John Morton are invited to participate.
Tuition: $275 through June 5; $350 June 6-June 27; $375 June 28
to at the door.
Cancellations: A full refund is available for cancellations through
June 5. After June 5 the entire tuition becomes nonrefundable but
it is transferable to another person or a scheduled event. No shows
(cancellations without notifying the PTS office before the first day of
event) are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses, or SATs if Discourses completed.
Registration: 5 ways to register - 1) Online at, or Click on “Calendar”, and type “Conference” on the search bar.
Click on your chosen event to select. You will be able to register for the
Workshop, Ministers Meeting, Ministers Luncheon, Initiates Meeting,
and IIWP Gathering of Peacemakers in one registration step.
2) Email (do not email credit card details)
3) Mail to PTS, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., LA CA 90018
4) Fax 323-328-9005 5) Call 323-737-1534 (Ext 1309 after hours).
We are asking that you pre-register for all events by Monday, June
24. Registrations will also be taken at the door.
Sponsored by PTS
Schedule of Events
Wed July 3
Communicating Living Love
Thu July 4
All Traveler Organizations Rep Meeting
PTS Masters & Doctorate Graduation
IIWP Gathering of Peacemakers
Fri & Sat July 5 & 6
The Mystical Traveler – PTS Workshop
Sun July 7
Ministers Meeting
Ministers Lunch
Initiates Meeting
Mon July 8
Windermere Post Conference Tours
Tues July 9
Windermere Post Conference Tours
Sunday Events will NOT
be broadcast online.
MSIA Gala At The Sheraton! Post Conference Windermere Ranch “Peace Tours”
Get out your most fancy duds and bring them with you to Conference because you’ll need them on Conference Saturday Night. That
night we’ll be honoring J-R for his 50th year... and John for his 25th.
Special tributes are being planned and the music is being rehearsed
for a great evening in which we show our loving to J-R and John,
enjoy laughter, swing around the dance floor, be surprised, have a
great dinner and look marvelous! (Of course, we’re MSIA, so wear
what you want.)
You wouldn’t want to miss this historic evening. See you there!
MSIA Ministers Meeting
John-Roger and John Morton are invited to participate.
Sunday July 7, 12 noon – 2pm
(registration 10:30am – 11:45am)
Latecomers may not be admitted to the Ballroom after 12 noon.
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace Parkway,
Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Minister in good standing
with a current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription.
Registration: 5 ways to register 1) Online at, or Click on “Calendar”, and
type “Conference” on the search bar. Click on your chosen event to
select. You will be able to register for the Workshop, Ministers Meeting, Ministers Luncheon, Initiates Meeting, and IIWP Gathering of
Peacemakers in one registration step.
2) Email (do not email credit card details)
3) Mail to PTS, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., LA CA 90018
4) Fax 323-328-9005
5) Call 323-737-1534 (Ext 1309 after hours).
We are asking that you pre-register for all events by Mon, June 24.
Registrations will also be taken at the door.
Sponsored by MSIA
Monday July 8 and Tuesday July 9
If you’ll still be in Los Angeles on the Monday and Tuesday following
Conference, the Institute for Individual and World Peace invites you to
take one of our “Peace Tours” and experience the peace of Windermere Ranch. Take a day to focus on your intentions for peace and
bring your Light and love to Windermere. Enjoy a docent tour of the
Ranch and plant Light columns on the land. Visit with the horses,
the llamas, Valentino and Casper, and our Beloved goats, sheep,
chickens, mini-cattle and turkeys, and meet Lucky the Lamb! We are
organizing round-trip transportation between LA and Windermere,
leaving in the morning on both days.
Contact: Debbie Roth at or 323-328-1905, for
more information or to RSVP.
RSVP in advance is required; limited space is available.
Sponsored by Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP)
PTS Peace Awareness
Trainings at
Lake Arrowhead
John-Roger and John Morton are invited to participate
PAT 1 July 12-16
PAT 2 July 17-21
PAT 3 July 22-26
Location: Lake Arrowhead in Lake Arrowhead, California
Tuition: $625 for first-time participants paid in full through
May 1, 2013; $700 after May 1. Audit Tuition is $375 for each
CANCELLATIONS: There is a cancellation fee of $100/each
training, until two weeks before the first day of the
training. After that date, the total nonrefundable, nontransferable
charge for cancellations is $150. At noon on the day before each
training, the entire tuition becomes nonrefundable and nontransferable. This cancellation fee also applies to “no shows” and “drop outs”.
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Discourses, or SATs if 12
years of Discourses completed; PAT 1 for PAT 2; PAT 2 for PAT 3.
Registration: 5 ways to register 1) Online at, or Click on “Calendar”, and
type “PAT” or “retreat” on the search bar. Click on your chosen event
to select. You will be able to register for one, two, or all three PATs in
one registration step.
2) Email (do not email credit card details)
3) Mail to PTS, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., LA CA 90018
4) Fax 323-328-9005 5) Call 323-737-1534 (Ext 1309 after hours)
Sponsored by PTS
For more PAT dates and locations, please see separate ad
John-Roger and John Morton are invited to participate.
John-Roger and John Morton are invited to participate.
Sunday July 7, 4pm – 6pm (registration 3:15pm – 3:45pm)
Latecomers may not be admitted to the ballroom after 4pm.
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace Parkway,
Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Initiate with a current MSIA
Discourse/SAT subscription.
Registration: as for Ministers Meeting
Sponsored by MSIA
New Column about MSIA CommunitiesWorldwide
And we’re looking for your memories
Have you ever wondered how MSIA London got started,
or Boston, Miami, Philly, Minneapolis? What about Kyoto and
Lagos? Omsk, for goodness sake! Me too!
I’m smiling because I happen to be fortunate enough to
know intimately (from my point of view as a Boston resident
in 1975) how Boston was sparked and ignited into a thriving
MSIA community.
Here’s what I’m looking for:
Sunday July 7, 2pm – 4pm
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace Parkway,
MSIA Initiates Meeting
Honoring J-R’s 50Years as the Traveler
Are you one of those who also know about how your
community began? I’m looking for you! As long as I keep
receiving your stories, this column will continue.
MSIA Ministers Luncheon –
MSIA Ministers only
Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Minister in good standing
with a current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription.
Please register for the luncheon, only if you plan to stay for the meal.
Registration: as for Ministers Meeting
Sponsored by MSIA
MSIA Beginnings
Around World
Sheraton Universal Hotel, Grand Ballroom
333 Universal Terrace Parkway
Universal City, California 91608
From Glendale & Pasadena: Take the 134 (Ventura Freeway) West to
Cahuenga Blvd. Turn left at the exit and follow Cahuenga to Lankershim Blvd.
Turn left on Lankershim. Go approximately 3 blocks; turn left at the billboard
advertising Universal Studios and Amphitheater. The hotel is the first right on
the hill.
From Downtown: Take the 101 (Hollywood Freeway) North to the
Lankershim Blvd exit. Make 3 consecutive right turns from the exit. This will
take you to the hotel driveway.
From the beaches and Beverly Hills: Take the 405 (San Diego
Freeway) North to the 101 (Ventura Freeway) East (it will say “To Los Angeles”).
Go to the 101 (Hollywood Freeway) South. Exit at Lankershim Blvd.
Make 4 consecutive right turns. This will take you to the hotel driveway.
A few paragraphs about your most memorable
moments/ hours/ days would be great. Perhaps these
questions would inspire you. Or whatever you want to
share with me.
1. What was it like when J-R came for the first time?
2. What was it like to be part of creating your community?
3. What was it like living where J-R seminars were held?
4. Do you remember the first taped J-R seminar in your town? What was the title?
5. Early staff visits to your town.
6. Anything else that inspires you to write about.
8. Send this to anyone else you think would like to contribute.
9. And if you have any photos you could send me or scan and email to me,
that would be helpful also.
—Carol Jones
Send to Carol Jones
Snail Mail:
3500 W. Adams Blvd.
Please email us your early memories of J-R and your community for the next installment:
Boston Becomes
an MSIA Community
by Carol
It was 1975 and I was studying a form of deep massage for
dancers and athletes’ injuries called “Muscular Therapy.” Ben, our
teacher, gathered his classes from Boston, New York, Philly, and
D.C. on Cape Cod for an intensive workshop/retreat. That’s when
I met Michael Bookbinder. He said he was an MSIA minister and
he had clairvoyant abilities. One reading with Michael is what
started MSIA in Boston. Michael, David Sprow and I looked all
over Boston for a suitable house that would become the Boston
Light Center. Then it became evident that my housemates, including my own boyfriend, would leave my house because they
weren’t resonating with the new and powerful spiritual focus we
were feverishly gathering. A search all over Boston resulted in my
very own house being transformed into the Light Center. David
Sprow, David Cleveland, Inez Westerhoek (Hayes) and I were
the first of a wonderful lineage of MSIAers to inhabit the Boston
Light Center on Westminster Avenue, Arlington Heights.
J-R’s first seminar was in 1976, just a scant year after the Light
Center was established—Odd Fellows Hall—dark portraits of the
Good Ole Boys lined the walls. Musty smells emanated from the old
overstuffed thrones. With all the light switches flipped up, it was
still dingy. But hey, the Traveler was with us, giving a seminar in
Boston for the first time! J-R was heard to say he would prefer not
to do a seminar in that place again!
From Monica Winston: Among the very
first people in Boston to be introduced to J-R by
Michael: I think the first time J-R came to Boston
to the Light Center in Arlington, he and the staff
were having dinner there and I was in charge of
the salad. I had gone out that day looking for the
freshest, most beautiful ingredients. But I didn’t
know about the no onion, no garlic rule, and so I
put scallions in the salad and made a dressing with
crushed garlic! I stayed in the kitchen and sent the
salad a little while someone came out to
say that J-R didn’t eat garlic or onion (although
the staff ate it that day), and was requesting a salad
without. But I had used all of my ingredients. So
I looked in the fridge and only found some old
iceberg lettuce, and some other things that were on
their last legs. I did my best to put together a salad
for him, and made a simple oil and vinegar dressing. I felt so bad that I was giving him such a poor
salad. Then he came out and thanked me for the
“beautiful salad.” It was an experience of being on
the receiving end of such graciousness, such kindness and loving, that I remember it vividly after all
of these years—37 years!
The next year, the house was whipped into
shape. We were ready. Here’s what Inez Hayes
remembers: The four of us, Carol, David Sprow,
David Cleveland and myself (all with cooperation
as our first area of karma), getting the old house
ready for staff appointments and all of us having
completely different tastes in what it should look
like. Yet in about a month we managed to put in
new wall-to-wall carpeting downstairs, new kitchen floors along with painting the cabinets and buying a new kitchen table and chairs; totally renovating the upstairs bathroom; new wood floors in
my bedroom, and painting all the rooms. David
Cleveland was still hammering upstairs minutes
before J-R and the staff arrived. And it all looked
really good!
their posts. J-R had to find their brigadier general
because he was the only one they would obey to
be dismissed.
What I remember most about the taped MSIA
seminars at the Light Center was almost everyone
crying through their contributions (myself included), and then the same people laughing and happy
after listening to J-R. (As a neophyte it continually
astounded me.)
These last memories are more personal experiences of how J-R let me know that he is always
with me: During my first aura balance in Boston,
J-R came upstairs to make sure my feet were warm
enough and covered them with a blanket. I wondered how he knew they were cold and I was very
touched that he cared so much for me. During
I remember J-R sitting in a rocker in the front the balance there was an inside joke, but when I
living room and telling stories. One was about came downstairs J-R knew the punch line.
when he traveled the road from Cambridge to
At my first live J-R seminar in Boston, I was in
Concord and there were still the souls of soldiers
the back of the auditorium finishing registration
on sentry duty from the time of the RevolutionThank you so much Carol for those early days, ary War hovering at their posts. When J-R told when a joy came up inside of me that I was “going
for bringing J-R to Boston....I am so grateful for them the war was over they still refused to leave home”, and when I looked at J-R (who was facing
the stage), he turned around and winked at me.
your ministry.
At one of the early taped MSIA seminars in
Arlington Heights, I put in the Light being more
aware of the Traveler in an ongoing way. The next
day I had a lot of errands to run and spent most
of the time driving. Every single car I stopped
behind had a J-R in the license plate. It got so
that I would pull up from a distance and think it
couldn’t happen again, but then it did!
2 taped seminars under their belt so to speak. I
offered an additional taped seminar in my small
and funky apartment in East Cambridge. I recall
Doug Gibson and about four other people coming so that they would be able to attend J-R’s live
seminar. Another memory I have from the Boston Light center from fairly early on was that J-R
When Insight first started, J-R and Rus- was coming to do Light Studies and services. He
sell Bishop went to New York CIty to the Light was in the middle of my Light Study and one of
Center there, which I think was on Canal Street. the cats walked into the room. It was one of the
There was discussion about what Insight was, but 6-toe varieties that show up in Boston on occamy recollection is that J-R said something like, sion. J-R said that the cat wanted to show him his
“Those who are working with me will do Insight.” extra toe, like he was bragging.
Dianne and I did the first NYC training and then
My brother John Cawley took me to a semimore and more.
nar on Long Island, one of the earliest in the
There was an Insight II, which was very impor- northeast. There was a young woman who was
tant to me. J-R was one of the facilitators. At one living with her parents and she did weekly semipoint, there were lots of people working separately nars often with no one but her. The night we were
somehow. At one point, J-R went to Dianne, who there it was just her, John and me. I heard that
was lying down. In about a minute or so, he worked J-R told Jody that although she had few people
very fast with Dianne’s legs. After he finished, he in this dimension attend, she had lots of other
said that her body became very fluid while he was beings attending.
J-R was sitting on a back porch, as I recall. I remember being worried that there weren’t enough
people participating in MSIA in the Boston area.
I remember that he was pleased with where we
were, and our future was in God’s hands. That
our job was not to make things happen “come
hell or high water” was shocking to me.
We found a fresh and inviting location for
a seminar: it was Longfellow Hall, Harvard
Square. Wow, we were stoked. It was in May,
and by now many of us knew that J-R brings the
weather with him when he travels. Well it was a
very late, wet snowstorm that laid so heavy on
the power lines that it took out the power just
about everywhere in Boston. From my point of
view, the most important thing was that the lilacs were already in bloom and the plan was to
decorate the stage with these beautiful flowers,
but when I looked at them they were bent almost to the ground with snow. It was my first
real evidence that the Light works. I prayed that
they would survive, thrive if possible—and they working with it. He had to work very quickly with
did! What a beautiful stage it was!
her. The time when she was open was very short.
He said that in a past life, she had been stretched
David Jenkins recalls: A number of us,
through torture and some important connections
including Dianne and I, were in a spiritual group
in her body and legs had been pulled apart. He
called Arica and quite pleased with it. Several of
was reconnecting them. This became an important
us heard about Michael Bookbinder who was givreference point for me.
ing what he called, Light Attunements as I recall.
Memories from Johanna Jenkins: I was
I had a reading from him as did a bunch of us. We
then found out that he was giving seminars in Ar- living in a supposedly Arica house in Arlington,
lington on Monday nights. Dianne and I started MA 1976-77. To my surprise and delight, Mary
going. After a bunch of weeks, Michael said that Ann Somerville was a housemate. I was already
his teacher was coming to town, and he’d recom- “into” MSIA, in that I’d read every J-R booklet
mend that we go hear him. He gave a seminar I could get my hands on (including Journey of a
in Central Square in a formal lodge hall of some Soul). That I shared this with Mary Ann emerged
kind. (This is Odd Fellows Hall as I described in a private conversation, and we shared the pleaabove.) There were big pictures on the wall and sure of a secret allegiance. I remember that at one
throne-like chairs on the four walls. We needed point, I was signed up for and doing a meditation
to listen to three taped seminars before we went. with Arica. Late every night I’d be sitting before
my altar, attempting to follow the Arica direcWe squeezed these in with some difficulty.
The seminar was a little strange. Michael Sun tions. Deeply tired, I would drift off and then
and Edgar Veytia sang at the beginning, which emerge from I knew not where chanting “HU”.
I remember seminars at Carol Jones’ place
(the Boston Light Center). I remember bringing
my daughter Emily, age 9, and her contributions.
I remember my first live seminar with J-R—sitting beside Mary Ann—gales of laughter for no
apparent reason. I know I’d already begun the
first Discourse, and had brought with me the letter asking J-R if I might study with him. I was too
shy to go up to him in person, so I handed it to
After that night, we followed J-R around the one of his staff members. He took it, asked what
East Coast for the rest of that East Coast trip. it was, and seemed entirely puzzled as to why I
We went to NYC, Philadelphia, Washington, was handing it to him, but agreed to pass it on to
Baltimore and maybe someplace in Connecticut. J-R. He did so—and J-R’s answer is evident. The
I took some days off, but I was working at Po- following year, I moved out to Seattle and began
laroid so we did a lot of driving back and forth. conducting seminars by myself. (The first people
Dianne and I had just signed up for a new Arica to join me there were the Funks.)
course. After three months, we noticed that we
From Alissa Meredith: Those were longhadn’t done anything on the Arica course. We ago days. I have a few specific memories. In one
said to ourselves, “It looks like we’ve just shifted of the early J-R seminars (it may have been at
into MSIA.”
the Odd fellows Hall), I recall an old building
The place where Michael held his seminars with a dark auditorium on the second floor somebecame the MSIA Light Center. Services were where in Mid Cambridge. In any case there were
held there. One time I went there for services and people from the Arica house who did not yet have
was really beautiful. J-R spoke for about an
hour. My thoughts about the talk were that what
he said was fine, nothing shocking or surprising.
But Dianne was blown away by it in some way
that really got my attention. She went up to J-R
afterward and said, “I love you.” This was totally
out of character for Dianne in those days. That
shook me awake that something important was
going on here.
From Carol Jones: I personally want to
thank the soul of Michael Bookbinder. Without
Michael it might have taken a lot longer for so
many of us to touch into J-R’s teachings. Michael
hung in in Boston until we were solidly established as lovers of Spirit and the Traveler, deeply
invested in studying the teachings as brought forward by our beloved wayshower, John-Roger.
And of course my deepest gratitude goes to
J-R who through all these years has loved me
more than I can say or imagine.
Please carry the torch with me and send me
your early memories of J-R and your community.
There’s so much to tell and share that opens our
hearts and warms us. Send to
God bless us all,
Please email us your early
memories of J-R and
your community for the
next installment:
I will always remember Star’s bright shining expression—a look of amused and eager expectation, especially if dinner was imminent. I’ve thought of her
often as the “little horse who could”—as she triumphed
over many extreme challenges, including a serious foot
injury and an attack by a mountain lion. Despite her
challenges, she was an amazing example of being in the
moment, of being happy with her life and grateful for
what she had. Numerous times I would go into her
stall, burdened by my latest “issue,” and immediately I
would be enfolded by Star’s aura of peace and loving,
which certainly would put my silly problem into perspective. When I think of Star, I imagine her running
about, kicking up her heels in delight, celebrating her
new way of being.
A Tribute to Star Sabrina
Dear Ones,
I am writing to let you know that
our beloved Star Sabrina passed gently
into God’s arms on January 7. As some
of you know, she had been dealing
with problems in her feet, and even in
the midst of that she remained happy
and vibrant. However, her condition
worsened, and we felt it was time to let
her go. Star’s essential quality of Peace is
“Clear Intention”. In honor of Star, here
are some beautiful sharings by dear
friends who loved her, plus an album
of nice photos.
God Bless Star and God Bless us all,
Lynn Cox
with much loving, Lynn
Oh Lynn!!
What a beautiful tribute to such a magnificient being that Star was. You served her so diligently and with such loving devotion. That was one of her many gifts to you I imagine. God Bless the
Light she brought to so many and to being your friend for so long. My heart is so full thinking of
her and you and what transpired between you. She was a great Blessing to you and to many. I take
in her quality of clear intention this year.
LL,and Blessings, Diane
I noticed last night that the sunset was exceptionally extraordinarily beautiful, so rich
with color that seemed to fill the entire sky. I
for me to see. She was happy as can be to eat,
thought, “That’s got to be Star, just letting us
rest, watcohh. But stick a bucket of food a few
know that she’s here with Lynn and that what
steps away and boy did her fortitude and clear
she’s experiencing is rich and glorious.”
intention come through. She would grab that
Much love to you, Linda bucket by its rim and yank it toward her as if to
say, “You’re not getting away from me that easy!”
Star demonstrated and modeled true acceptance
To Star
for me. Despite health challenges, she seemed
I’ve heard it said that one can be of service content and even pleased in her life. Thank you
simply by accepting service. Star, how many eyes for that, Star. While it was no work for you, it
of little girls lit up when they saw you? And how was a great gift for me. Kim
sweet it was to watch them love on you. And
how many of us older guys found ourselves quiWe feel so lucky to have gotten to be a part
etly settling into our own hearts when we were
of Star’s extended family. She had such pluck,
around you? such perseverance, such acceptance, and a shinI used to love it when you’d get within a
ing spirit. What a special soul she was and
couple feet of some amazing healthy treat Lynn
is. We also need to acknowledge how incredibly
had put together for you in a shallow bowl,
lucky she was to have had the wonderful life she
and rather than take that last step toward it,
had up at Windermere and, luckier still, the inyou’d reach out and pull it to you with your
credible care and devotion and love that Lynn
mouth. Classic. gave her throughout her life—that too has been
When we’d gotten word that you had beyond special! changed your residence, I immediately saw
From being a Star on earth, she is now a Star
you flying through the universe through a flurin heaven....
Love, Connie and Miranda ry of stars like a very good day for “my little
pony.” Thank you for bringing such a sweet dimension of service and loving to Windermere.
God Bless! Dave
The time I spent with you was comfortable.
I always felt so relaxed and calm around you.
Before meeting Star, I had chosen Clear
Intention as the quality I wanted to enhance
in my life. And then I met her and understood
exactly why this quality was hers. She had both
peace and determination. The peace was easiest
It was like we supported each other. And to
be able to do that with you was special to me.
Your strength is remarkable.
Always Loving You, Rachel
Freedom of Spirit
Dearest Star,
Clear Blue Eyes, Clear Intention
Throughout the year that I gratefully spent
with you,
Spirit of Service
I felt an awakening into Love - You taught
me this.
God Bless you, Janet
Ocean of Love and Mercy
Movement of Spirit
Exuberant Joy
Walking Together
Star has indeed made her way into many
of our hearts and will always be there for us. I
know that is so very true for me as her love is a
blessing in my life.
Her quality of clear intention stands as an
endearing and loving testament for all of us. I
loved her willingness to endure amidst such trying circumstances.
She never ever complained as she certainly
showed a great example as one who cherishes
Life regardless of (her) situation.
love, Robert
Star Sabrina, with her sweet accessibility
and her mystical blue eyes, touched so many
I would visit you in my pajamas to braid hearts through the years. She truly has been an
ambassador of light and peace, and her transiyour beautiful and graceful hair.
tion into freedom is cause for celebration. Then after, you would lay down with me;
with love, Linda
You rested your head on me while I rested mine
against you.
A Girl and Her Unicorn
Always in my Heart
Blessings, Ivy
I never viewed Star as a horse. Though reason to be happy. She inspired me to sing
she looked like a horse and smelled like a when I was around her. SING!!! How joyhorse, and Lord knows she certainly did love ful our visits were together!! Yes, I would
her alfalfa like a horse, she did not seem to say she brought out the very best in me, a
ME like a horse. Her little body was always me I could actually love, a me that could
so dwarfed by her enormous spiritual pres- actually make the world a better place. I am
ence which was as mighty as Mt. Everest and so blessed to have received these gifts from
THAT was all that I saw. She was simply Star and all her love. Love that will never
my friend. A very special friend who taught die and lessons I shall carry throughout the
me the value of another day of life, rain or rest of my life. So was she a horse? Maybe
shine, a precious gift to be enjoyed and ap- on the outside, but on the inside she was
preciated no matter what. She taught me one of my greatest teachers.
that the best place to be was in the present
I could never thank Lynn enough for gomoment and showed me, by her lightheart- ing the extra 10,000 miles of loving care for
ed, whimsical spirit why there was always a
Star to keep her in our lives as long as possible. The hours and hours, day or night,
of devotion and dedication that Lynn had
given to Star goes so far beyond this material world and into the realm of the divine,
and that is why these words could never
capture the depths of the meaning of the
word sacrifice. I could never thank Windermere enough
as well for trusting Lynn to do this job that
NO ONE else on this planet could have
done more lovingly and conscientiously,
that I know for sure.
The Miracle of Our Son’s Birth and Death
that came with the message), and that his destiny was
not the same as what we had hoped.
I explained how much I loved him, how I felt that
I knew him intimately, like an old friend. I explained
that when he was born, I became his father, and that
my fatherly love for him compelled me to respect his
destiny – to love him no matter what happened, to do
anything for him I could do to support him, including
letting him go. A profound peace settled on the room.
Robert Peake
James died in my arms three days after he was born.
We held him, sang songs to him, and loved him as
much as we could while he was dying. He went peacefully without struggle or pain, and looked ever more
beautiful as he was leaving our world. Even though we
don’t know if he could feel or perceive anything physically, we do know that he got our love, and the love of
so many during these precious three days.
One month after
we opened the final flap on the Advent Calendar, a child was born. Far
from the environment of a stable, the operating theatre
was brightly lit, clean smelling, and sterilized. Yet when
our son emerged, he did not cry. Three days later, he
died in my arms.
In the past, I would have defined a miracle as a significant, often inexplicable change in a course of events
toward an outcome I had been hoping for. The miracle
of James coming into our life, however, was something
I had never imagined would happen, and something
I would not wish on anyone. Yet I still call his birth a
miracle, because it transformed me. A miracle also, by
definition, can be difficult to fully understand with just
the mind.
Our son began communicating with me spiritually
soon after my wife Val became pregnant. He came to
me inwardly and said, “I am a boy and my name is
James.” The words were not like hearing voices, they
were more like hearing my own thoughts. The difference between this experience and my own thoughts,
however, was that along with the words came a profound experience of joy, and a deep and abiding sense
that all was well. The words were also extremely direct
and clear, yet given casually, as one would utter a simple
truth or foregone conclusion – there was no emphasis, pressure, or trying to convince me of the message.
There was just a simple telling of what is.
I noted these qualities carefully. They were very
much unexpected given the circumstances I found myself in at the time: pressure at work, financial concern
about having a baby. I was also ambivalent about the
gender or the name, whereas my wife has always been
very interested in naming. So, it was pretty clear to me
that this experience was not something I was necessarily
consciously creating for myself out of my own desires.
Still, I decided that it was important to check the information out as much as I could to see if it was accurate.
Sure enough, after the first sonogram, we discovered
the baby was, in fact, a boy.
I later found out that, at 7:00 pm that night, the
third year Doctoral class in Santa Monica went into a
silent meditation and prayer for all of our highest good
to come forward. They ended at 7:20. The doctor came
brought comfort to both of us, and so even though we in at 7:22 and discovered that James’ heart had stopped.
were in hospital, we were not concerned about James’ So many other miracles came forward, not the least of
well-being. It was entirely possible that he was simply which were the emails, cards, and phone calls offering
too tight in there, and ready to come out. The doctors support. Some people who had never spoken about the
and midwives thought so as well.
loss of their own child started to share with their family
So, our main focus was really on trying to have as a result of hearing about James. The story of James
a natural delivery and birth. Then James came to me and our love for him touched many people, including
again. “I’m coming out Caesarian, like you did,” he many we had never met before.
said. I was shocked. The same qualities as before, and
I was not changed into the father I was expecting
news I definitely didn’t want to hear. We had been pre- to be: toting my son around in a backpack on hikes
paring for months through night classes and volumes through the Ojai valley, changing diapers, and proudly
of literature to have a natural (non-surgical) birth. Yet displaying photos of first teeth in emails to overseas
when I told Val, the message seemed somehow accurate grandparents. I was transformed by the essence of fato her as well. Within a few minutes, the doctor came therhood: that pure and selfless love that compelled me
in and recommended a Caesarian delivery.
to do everything I could do to love and care for my son
James came out without a heartbeat or breathing, during those three days—and then to let him go.
but was revived very quickly, although he remained unJames did nothing more praiseworthy than simply
conscious. This, in combination with the blood tests being born, and yet I loved (and love) him so completenot showing any signs of oxygen deprivation in the re- ly that there is nothing I wouldn’t do for him. James
cent past, led everyone to believe that he was going to never had anything to prove, anything to accomplish,
be fine physically. Sometime after the birth, James came anything even to do in this world. Yet he was perfect to
to me again. “I’m OK. Everything is OK. But I’m not me, and precious beyond words. I returned from the
going to live with you physically.” If I was shocked at hospital with Val, completely stripped of my worldly
the idea of a Caesarian delivery, I was beside myself with ambitions. I knew that the only thing that mattered
this new information that James might not live. Yet it now was love.
came in with such profound love, joy, and simplicity. I
The Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky often
was shocked because, like the other messages, I knew it wrote, both directly and through his fiction, about the
was true. Yet I did not want to believe it, and doubted effect of his own experience of being condemned to
the truth of the message because it was so hard to ac- death, and then having his life spared moments before
cept. I withheld the information from Val and from my his execution. One swears in the moments before death
family, who were with us at the time. It felt like a great never again to take a moment of living for granted.
burden to carry.
Then, once spared, one often slips back into old hab-
My family had a hard time hearing the news from
the doctors as it came in over the next few days: that
they detected very little electrical activity in his brain,
and that he was not breathing on his own. Seeing their
pain, I realized that I had to explain to them what I
knew about what was going on. I sat them all down,
and explained how James had been coming to me, guiding me through the experience at just the right time. If
James came to me in spirit again when we were in he had told us about the Caesarian earlier, we would
hospital, waiting to see if my wife would be induced have been upset and doubtful. Yet he told us at just the
into labor. James had stopped moving, and the doc- right time, so we could understand and accept what
tors were concerned. As we were getting out of bed was going to happen. Somehow, we had to understand
that morning, again a message came to both me and and accept his latest message: that everything really was,
Val that everything was OK and that we could relax. It “OK” (an understatement, based on the waves of love
its as the veil of mundane living descends again. It has
been this way to some extent for me as well.
Yet this reference point of selfless love and surrender to the inevitable has stayed with me, like a lantern
in my heart, like a child both born and waiting to be
born again. Not a day goes by that I do not sense it.
It has taken me seven years to be able to acknowledge
that I do in fact feel blessed for having had those three
days with James. It transformed the seven years that followed, not only through grief, but also through love.
A child was born and a father was resurrected. In
the darkest days of winter, the light of a brilliant star.
Thank you, my son, for teaching me about miracles.
The Circle of Light:
Saying Good-Bye
to Jim Peterson
John Morgan
Friends gathered
at the Petersons’
home just after Jim passed. Jim’s body was still in his
bed and the room divided off by a curtain. The mortuary reps had come and gone, eventually to return,
and his wife Jackie intended to stay up into the evening until they returned and picked up Jim’s body.
Some friends and I would support her through that.
Attendants didn’t actually make it back to Jackie’s until about 9:30 pm. By 10:00, they were returning to
the mortuary as a completion to the day’s events, and
Jim and Jackie’s careful planning for “after” was being
put into practice.
Upon our arrival, we three Light-Circlers joined
the family at the dinner table for a meal full of genuine
caring and humor, as if Jim were right there. Doing
the dishes and other cleanup afterwards was a breeze.
(There’s nothing like PRANA training for times like
that!) Then we all gathered around the fire in the living
room and spoke or didn’t speak as the peace-that-waspresent so moved us. There would be those who looked
in on Jim’s repose for whatever completion was in that
for them and then came back. The family loving was
palpable and very nourishing. We were basking in the
loving environment that Jim and Jackie had brought
forward over 37 years together. What I particularly loved about being there was
witnessing how the younger ones, not just Elle, Mia,
and Dani, but how all of them deeply revere Jackie.
They orbited affectionately around her central presence, even while Elle, for example, tended to her own
loved ones. It was a scene so much about how, with all
the wackiness and imperfections of family living, the
teachings of the Traveler and the Christ can be put into
vibrant practice and the benefits fully reaped decades
later, as the family undergoes the passing of the torch
to the younger generations, and the older ones take off
for the greater place called Home. Eventually, the mortuary attendants came back,
respectfully transported Jim’s body to their facility,
and Jackie was free to retire for the night. We left the
house with grateful and greatly full hearts and with
a lingering awe for what we had just participated in.
Whether formal or informal, a Circle of Light comes
fully into manifestation in the Ministers present, and
those who ask for that blessing are supported into a
peaceful departure, as the Traveler again shows us all
the ways for each of us to find that greater liberation
we prepare for.
Thanks again for keeping the flame burning brightly for the Circle of Light. However we do it, I am just
glad that we can do it at all. And thank you, J-R, for
guiding us so lovingly into this practice, and thank
you, John, for steadfastly holding the Light as we move
it forward.
Blessings, John
Everyday Prayers Into the Kingdom
Brooke Thompson
It has been over a year
since my husband, Michael Thompson, died suddenly. In that time I have attended Living in Grace
twice, an MSIA Conference, had pneumonia and
shingles both for the first time ever, learned to pay
bills and to budget. Well, I’m still struggling with
the budget part. Let’s just say that I’ve made one but
we have not become good friends yet… It has been
a time of tremendous sadness but also, of the most
amazing growth. It has allowed me the opportunity
to deeply love a wide array of friends from around
the world and from across the street. I have made
new friends and deepened connections to existing
relationships. When Michael died, I had so much
love focused at one person, I didn’t realize how easy
it was to love so many others in his place. His absence created the space for me to spend more time
with my neighbors, my co-workers, my family, and
my fellow ministers. The love and tenderness they
lavished on me did so much to heal my wounded
heart. I almost immediately began to expand inside in order to fill the space he left. I feel like the
Grinch, my heart going from two sizes too small
when Michael died, to one that has been bursting
out of a box as I have learned that I have more than
enough love to go around. I still miss him every day,
but not every minute as I did for a long time.
I would end up being the one to publish this book.
I would often tell him, “You have enough prayers to
publish. When are you going to start working on
that?” He would say, “I just want to write; I don’t
want to work on that part yet.” When I began to
put this book together, I didn’t know where to begin. How did Michael want this organized? How
was I going to put two years worth of daily prayers
into any kind of order? I went onto his Facebook
page to try to see what he had posted, thinking I
would start there and immediately became lost in
the messages of love and condolences sent in the first
days after his death. I continued on, looking at messages he had sent to me and those I had sent back to
him, particularly on the day he died and the days before. I could feel myself sinking deeper and deeper
into grief and getting overwhelmed with all of it. I
closed my eyes and asked God and the Travelers to
come help me and started talking to Michael. “If
you want this done, please come show me what to
do. I really need your help.” I opened my eyes, followed the little purple light and went straight to
a folder on the Desktop called Books in Progress.
This contained a book called Everyday Prayers Into
the Kingdom. Michael had organized everything,
even the Table of Contents, the Dedication, and all
the prayers he wanted in each chapter. I quickly
realized he had started to get it ready for publication
after all! I added the last chapter, all the prayers he
posted from his birthday on August 18th until the
day he died on September 20th, 2011.
peoples, from varying disciplines from many cultures. Loving and forgiveness are the portals into a
greater spiritual awareness where we all can awaken into our sameness with the same loving Father
Mother God as his children. In prayer, our spirits are led to a single source, a place where we can
touch into the divine. I was inspired to begin the
writing of these prayers at the beginning of Lent.
My purpose was to give something of myself for
the Easter season by dedicating and committing to
the preparation and writing of a prayer each day
from the most sacred place I could connect to. My
blessings from this gift have been many, most precious, a visit each day into the Kingdom. It is my
prayer that others may find this a doorway where
they too can enter into the Kingdom.”
John Morton was also generous enough to
write a review to be included on the back cover
of the book. “Michael’s Prayers are gifts for every
soul who is traversing this world with a mission to
go to God. He is a Traveler’s trusted friend providing the words of comfort and guidance needed
to endure to the blessed welcome home.”
This book is now available on and
Amazon Europe. Feel free to buy many copies for
friends and loved ones and write a glowing review
on Amazon while you are there!! A portion of all
proceeds from the book will be donated to MSIA
and to John Morton Ministries.
One of the things that I did to help in the healing process was to put together and publish a book
The following prayer was written when my faof Michael’s prayers called “Everyday Prayers Into
the Kingdom”. They are a collection of the prayers
In the Introduction to the book he wrote, “In ther died in 2008. It brought me comfort then and
he wrote almost daily for the last two years of his life. my experience there is one God of all creation who continues to do so. God Bless You All Angels.
To me they are his dream and his legacy. I knew that is a God of loving, called by many names, by many
Prayer of Release
Lord, we are alive in you as we embrace the transient life on this earth and its passing.We are made awake in the
great wave of loving, as one we love is called to you.We honor the heartache, the physical loss, as we celebrate what
is gained. Every memory is enhanced as if bathed in golden light. Hold us, Lord, in the tenderness of all that has
been prepared for the reception of our loved one as he comes to you. Bless every mourner with the truth of what is
to come and bring them through the grieving and into an expanding and accepting peace. Lord, strengthen our
hearts’ connection and magnify our joy as we are all surrounded and protected in your eternal love.
f you build it, they
Will Come
PTS Events Being Created in Your Communities Now…
We are currently collecting $100 deposits to determine if there is
sufficient interest and support in creating these trainings. If you are
interested in attending any of these events, please contact the person
below as soon as possible for details and registration information.
Doctor of Spiritual Science-Year 1
starting October 2013—London, England
Peace Theological Seminary
College of Philosophy
Contact: Elissa Giges:, 323-328-1940
or Colin Bean:
“Expanding Into Oneness” Workshop
Miami, FL (TBD Jan 2014)
Contact: Terilee Wunderman: or 305-342-4186
Deposit: $100
Los Angeles Area Repeating EVENTS
G<8:<8N8I<E<JJC89PI@EK?>8I;<EJ G<8:<8N8I<E<JJC89PI@EK?
Date: Every Sunday
Time: 12:00 PM– 4:00 PM
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 West
Adams Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 90018
Fee: Visits & Tours: Free (with donations welcome)
Organic Teas & Fruit available for $1
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Contact: For information, contact the PALG Registrar at
323-737-4055 ext 1130; or
Sponsored By: PAL&G
Date: Every Monday
Time: 7:30-8:30pm
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W
Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018
Cost: Free of Charge (with donations welcome)
Prerequisites: Open to everyone
Contact: For more information contact the PALG Registrar
at; or
323-737-4055 ext 1130.
Date: 4th Tuesday of each month.
Time: 7.30 PM - 9.00 PM
Location: 2101 Wilshire Bldg, Santa Monica, CA 90403
Cost: Free of charge. (Donations are welcomed)
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone
Contact: For information, contact the PALG Registrar at
323-737-4055 ext 1130; or
Date: every Tuesday of every month, except the 4th Tuesday
of each month.
Time: 7.30 PM - 9.00 PM
Location: 2101 Wilshire Bldg, Santa Monica, CA 90403
Cost: Free of charge. (Donations are welcomed)
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone
Contact Info: PTS at
r Mar 05 Static in Your Channel
r Mar 12 Does God Abound In Your Heart
r Mar 19 Participation, Cooperation, Completion and Peace
r Mar 26 Sacred Tone
r Apr 02 Intention, Awareness and Christ Consciousness
r Apr 09 Everyday Soul
r Apr 16 Reference Points to Spirit
r Apr 23 Sacred Tone
r Apr 30 Is Your Purpose Your Message?
Date: Every Tuesday-Friday
Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 West
Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018
Fee: Visits & Tours: Free (with donations welcome)
Organic Tea, fruits available for $1
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone
Open to Everyone
Contact: Contact the PALG Registrar at
323-737-4055 ext 1130; or
Date: Every Wednesday except July 3, Nov 27, and Dec 25
Time: 7:30 PM– 9:00 PM
Location: Prana West, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles,
CA 90018
Cost: Free of Charge (Donations are welcomed)
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: For information, contact the PTS Registrar at
323-737-4055 ext. 1309 or
Sponsored By: PTS
r Exception: No Class July and Dec
Date: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Time: 7:30 PM– 9:00 PM
Location: 2101 Wilshire Bldg, Santa Monica, CA 90403
Cost: Free of Charge (Donations are welcomed)
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: For more information contact Alisha Hayes at; or visit; or
call us at 323-737-4055 ext 1130
Sponsored By: PTS
Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 7:30 PM– 9:30 PM
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens,
3500 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
Cost: Free of charge
Prerequisites: Open to all - no prerequisites
Contact: Fernando Mercado 323-559-9575; or
Sponsored By: PTS
Date: First Thursday of most months in 2012
Exception: 2nd Thurs in July (July 11). No Class Dec
Time: 7:30 PM– 9:00 PM
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens
3500 West Adams Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 90018
Fee: Free (Donations welcome)
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Contact: For more information visit or call PALG Registrar at
Date: Every Friday
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 West
Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018
Fee: Free (donations welcome). Light Refreshments Served.
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone
Contact: For information, contact the PALG Registrar at
323-737-4055 ext 1130; or
r Mar 1 Hold the Image of Completion
r Mar 8 How Are You Using Divine Energy?
r Mar 15 Liberation: Freedom from Materialism
r Mar 22 Live MSIA Seminar with John Morton
r Mar 29 Thoughts, Consciousness & Manifestation
r Apr 5 God is Intention
r Apr 12 Authentic Empowerment
r Apr 19 What is the One Accord?
r Apr 26 Christ Has Risen
Dates: 2nd Saturday of month
Time: 12:00 PM– 4:00 PM
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 West
Adams Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 90018
Cost: Tours & Labyrinth Instructions - Free (donations welcome)
Receive a complimentary journal
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: For information, contact the PALG Registrar
at 323-737-4055 ext 1130; or
Sponsored By: MSIA PAL&G
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Friday, March 15, 2013
Time: 10:00 AM– 3:00 PM
Location: Infinity Park Event Center, 4400 East Kentucky
Ave., Glendale, CO
Cost: $600.00 USD
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).
Registration: To register, please see contact information.
Contact Info: Call or email Roslyn George at roseoflight6@; 61 (0) 7 3379-7788
Sponsored By: MSIA
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Friday, March 15, 2013
Time: 8:00 PM–10:00 PM UTC+10
Location: Infinity Park Event Center, 4400 East Kentucky
Ave., Glendale, CO
Cost: $30.00 USD
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).
Registration: To register, please see contact information.
Contact Info: Call or email Roslyn George at; 61 (0) 7 3379-7788
Sponsored By: MSIA
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2013
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Time: 7:15 PM– 9:30 PM
Location: USM, 2107 Wilshire Boulevard, Santa Monica,
CA 90403
Details: Free event open to the public for prospective 2013
students, current USM students, and USM graduates.
Registration: R.S.V.P. to USM 310-829-7402 or via
Sponsored By: University of Santa Monica
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Friday, March 22, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM– 9:30 PM PST
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens &
Broadcast Live Online, 3500 W Adams Blvd., Los Angeles,
CA 90018
Suggested Donation:: $5
Prerequisites: Open to all - no prerequisites
Registration: For In-person: Sign-up at the door.
On-Line Viewing: Click on the link.
Contact Info: For information contact the PALG Registrar:
323.737.4055 x1137
Sponsored By: MSIA PAL&G
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Time: 5:30 PM– 7:00 PM PDT
Location: Worldwide Tele-Workshop
Cost: Free of charge (donations welcome)
Prerequisites: Open to all - no prerequisites
Contact Info: For information or questions, contact; 323.737.4055 x1179
Sponsored By: MSIA PAL&G
Date: Saturday, March 30, 2013
Time: 3:00 PM– 4:30 PM
Location: MSIA Building, 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Santa
Monica, CA 90403
Prerequisites: Open to MSIA Discourse subscribers and
their family and friends.
Registration: Register online through this website, call
(323) 737-1534 x1309 with your credit card information or
mail your check to PTS, 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los
Angeles, CA 90018.
Sponsored By: PTS
John Morton will facilitate, health & schedule permitting
Date: Sunday, March 31, 2013
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: Santa Monica Beach between lifeguard stations 22
& 24. See separate ad in this NDH issue.
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Sponsored By: PTS
John-Roger will attend health and schedule permitting
Date: Saturday, March 23, 2013 – Sunday, March 24, 2013
Time: 12:00 PM–12:00 AM PDT
Location: MSIA Building, 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Santa
Monica, CA 90403, USA
Contact Info: Phone Zoe Golightly 323-328-1927, email
Sponsored By: MSIA
Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 – Sunday, April 7, 2013
Time: 11:00 AM– 9:00 PM
Location: The University of Santa Monica Building, 2101
Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tuition: $1295 Standard Tuition; $695 Audit Tuition
Prerequisites: Insight I
Registration: For more information or to register, please go
to or contact Diana Heil at
800-311-8001 ext 110
Sponsored By: Insight University
Date: Sunday, March 24, 2013
Time: 3:30 PM– 5:00 PM
Location: Home of Rebecca Bloomfield, Chicago, Illinois
Donation: : Free (donations welcome)
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: Registration not available online. For more
information or to RSVP, contact Rebecca Bloomfield at
Sponsored By: IIWP
Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Time: 8:00 PM– 9:30 PM BST (British Summer Time)
Location: European Community via Skype!
Cost: Free (donations welcome).
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: Registration required (space limited). For more
information or to RSVP, contact Sherain Messenger at or +44 7815 663640.
Sponsored By: IIWP
John Morton will facilitate, health & schedule permitting
Date: Friday, March 29, 2013 – Saturday, March 30, 2013
Time: Friday: 10 am - 7 pm. Sat 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Location: MSIA Building, 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Santa
Monica, CA 90403
Tuition: $175 by Mar 8; $250 Mar 9-24; $325 after Mar 24
Cancellations: For cancellations through March 8 a full
refund is available. After March 9 the entire tuition becomes
nonrefundable but it is transferable to another person or a
scheduled event.
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).
Registration: Register online through this website, call
(323) 737-1534 x1309 with your credit card information or
mail your check to PTS, 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los
Angeles, CA 90018.
Sponsored By: PTS
Date: Thursday, April 4, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM– 9:00 PM
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 West
Adams Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA
Fee: : Free of charge (Donations welcome)
Prerequisites: Open to all - no prerequisites
Registration: No registration required.
Contact Info: For info, visit; or call
the PALG Registrar at 323.737.4055 ext 1130
Sponsored By: PAL&G PTS
Time: 10:00 AM– 1:00 PM
Location: Infinity Park Event Center, 4400 East Kentucky
Ave., Glendale, CO
Cost: Free of charge
Prerequisites: Must be an active ordained MSIA Minister
and/or Initiate in good standing; with a current MSIA
Discourse/SAT subscription
Registration: To register, please see contact information.
Contact Info: Call or email Roslyn George at; 61 (0) 7 3379-7788
Sponsored By: MSIA
Paul Kaye will facilitate
Date: Saturday, April 6, 2013 – Sunday, April 7, 2013
Time: 9:00 AM– 7:00 PM
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens &
Broadcast Live Online, 3500 W Adams Blvd., Los Angeles,
CA 90018
Contact Info: For more information, please contact Elissa
Giges ( or call 323-737-1534
Sponsored By: PTS
Date: Saturday, April 6, 2013
Time: 1:00 PM– 2:30 PM EST
Location: Home of Victor and Lisa Arencibia, Branchburg,
New Jersey
Cost: Free (donations welcome).
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: Registration not available online. For more
information and to register, contact Lin Mogitz at
Sponsored By: IIWP MSIA
Date: Saturday, April 13, 2013
Time: 12:00 PM– 4:00 PM
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 West
Adams Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA
Cost: : Free of charge (donations welcome)
Prerequisites: Open to all - no prerequisites
Registration: For more information, contact us at
323-737-4055 ext 1130; or
Contact Info: PALG Registrar: 323.737.4055 OR
Sponsored By: MSIA PAL&G
Date: Sunday, April 14, 2013
Time: 2:00 PM– 5:00 PM (pst)
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens &
Broadcast Live Online, 3500 W Adams Blvd., Los Angeles,
CA 90018
Cost: Free of charge (with donations welcome)
Prerequisites: Open to all - no prerequisites
Registration: For information, RSVP, Register Contact
PALG Registrar |
323-737-4055 ext 1137
Contact Info: PALG Registrar | 323-737-4055 ext 1137
Sponsored By: MSIA PAL&G
Date: Sunday, April 14, 2013
Time: 2:00 PM– 3:30 PM
Location: Home of Sina Skates, Birmingham, Alabama
Cost: Free (donations welcome).
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: Registration not available online. For
more information and to register, contact Sina Skates at
Sponsored By: IIWP
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Time: 5:30 PM– 7:00 PM PDT
Location: Worldwide Tele-Workshop
Cost:: Free of charge (with donations welcome)
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Contact Info: For questions or more information, contact
Debbie Roth at; or
323-737-4055 ext 1179
Sponsored By: MSIA
Date: Thursday, April 18, 2013 – Monday, April 22, 2013
Location: Infinity Park Event Center, 4400 East Kentucky
Ave., Glendale, CO
Tuition: Standard Tuition: $595; $495 if registered 30 days
in advance; $100 to Audit.
Registration: To register go to
Contact Info: Susan Schulz
Sponsored By: Insight University
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Sunday, April 21, 2013
Time: 1:30 PM– 3:00 PM EDT
Location: Boston, MA
Cost: Walking Meditation: $20 plus $5 parking;
Optional lunch: $25-$30
Prerequisites: Open to all - no prerequisites
Contact Info: Call to register or email Lisa Boone at or 508-385-5989
Sponsored By: MSIA
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2013 – Monday, April 29, 2013
Location: The Cape Codder Resort, 1225 Iyannough Rd,
Hyannis, MA 02601
Tuition: Standard Tuition: $595; $495 if registered 30 days
in advance; $100 to Audit.
Registration: To register go to
Contact Info: Diana Heil (800) 311-8001 ext 110 or
Sponsored By: Insight University
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Time: 8:00 PM– 9:30 PM BST (British Summer Time)
Location: European Community via Skype!
Cost: Free (donations welcome).
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: Registration required (space limited). For more
information or to RSVP, contact Sherain Messenger at or +44 7815 663640.
Sponsored By: IIWP
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 – Monday, May 6, 2013
Location: The University of Santa Monica Building, 2101
Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tuition: Standard Tuition: $595; $495 if registered 30 days
in advance
Audit tuition $295; $150 if you enroll a new person or
FREE if you enroll 2 or more new people
Registration: To register go to
Contact Info: Diana Heil 800-311-8001 ext. 110 or
Sponsored By: Insight University
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM– 9:30 PM EST
Location: Philadelphia (Rosemont), PA, Rosemont, PA
Cost: $15.00
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).
Registration: for more information contact Angie Nicolucci
Contact Info: Email
Sponsored By: MSIA
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Friday, May 3, 2013
Time: 6:00 PM–12:00 AM
Location: Philadelphia (Rosemont), PA, Rosemont, PA
Cost: $1500 for the lovely meal and an opportunity to ask a
question and $500 for the lovely meal and the chance enter
your name in a lottery to ask a question
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).
Registration: To Register please contact Elizabeth Frumin at or call at 610-667-8353
Contact Info: Call or email Elizabeth Frumin at
610-667-8353 or
Sponsored By: MSIA
Paul Kaye will facilitate
Date: Saturday, May 4, 2013 – Sunday, May 5, 2013
Time: 9:00 AM– 7:00 PM
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens &
Broadcast Live Online, 3500 W Adams Blvd., Los Angeles,
CA 90018
Contact Info: For more information, please contact
Elissa Giges ( or call 323-737-1534
Sponsored By: PTS
Date: Saturday, May 4, 2013
Time: 1:00 PM– 2:30 PM EST
Location: Home of Victor and Lisa Arencibia, Branchburg,
New Jersey
Cost: Free (donations welcome).
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: Registration not available online. For more
information and to register, contact Lin Mogitz at
Sponsored By: IIWP MSIA
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Friday, May 10, 2013 – Sunday, May 12, 2013
Location: Dolce Retreat Center, Norwalk, CT
Tuition: Regular rate: $815.
Special offer! $50 discount when you make a partial payment
of $500 by January 30 plus $265 by March 15 (Total $765)
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).
Contact Info: To register email Jay Winston at or call 617-924-1680
Sponsored By: PTS
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Sunday, May 12, 2013
Time: 3:00 PM– 5:00 PM EST
Location: Dolce Retreat Center, Norwalk, CT
Cost: $25.00
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).
Contact Info: Call or email Jeanne Edelen at 203-296-1487;
Sponsored By: MSIA
Date: Thursday, May 23, 2013 – Sunday, May 26, 2013
Time: 4:00 PM–11:00 PM
Location: Ojai, Ojai, CA
Cost: Contact Judi Goldfader at for
underwriter and participant costs
Contact Info: For more information or to register, please
contact Judi Goldfader at
Sponsored By: Insight University
Paul Kaye will facilitate
Date: Saturday, June 1, 2013 – Sunday, June 2, 2013
Time: 9:00 AM– 7:00 PM
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens &
Broadcast Live Online, 3500 W Adams Blvd., Los Angeles,
CA 90018
Contact Info: For more information, please contact Elissa
Giges ( or call 323-737-1534
Sponsored By: PTS
Date: Saturday, June 1, 2013
Time: 1:00 PM– 2:30 PM EST
Location: Home of Victor and Lisa Arencibia, Branchburg,
New Jersey
Cost: Free (donations welcome).
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: Registration not available online. For more
information and to register, contact Lin Mogitz at
Sponsored By: IIWP MSIA
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM– 9:30 PM CDT
Location: Austin - Citywide, Austin, Texas, USA
Cost: $25.00
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).
Contact Info: Call or email Katie Laine at 512-507-7777 c.;
Sponsored By: MSIA
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Saturday, June 8, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM– 9:30 PM MDT
Location: Boulder, CO, Boulder, CO
Cost: $15.00
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed)
and be reading Discourse #3, OR, an active subscription
to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of
Discourses completed), be reading Discourse #1 or #2 AND
have attended at least 3 live or home taped seminars over the
course of the two months preceding the seminar
Contact Info: Call or email Dan Kendrick at 303-485-9428;
Sponsored By: MSIA
John Morton plans to participate, health and schedule permitting.
Date: Sunday, June 9, 2013
Time: 6:00 PM–12:00 AM MDT
Location: Boulder, CO, Boulder, CO
Cost: $1500 for dinner and an opportunity to ask a question
$500 for dinner & participate in a lottery for asking a question.
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).
Contact Info: Call or email Liz Todd at 303-442-5191 or
Sponsored By: MSIA
Date: Thursday, June 27, 2013 – Sunday, June 30, 2013
Time: 2:00 PM– 8:00 PM
Location: The University of Santa Monica Building, 2101
Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tuition: $525
$425 if paid 30 days in advance
$100 audit fee
Registration: To register go to
Contact Info: Rachael Jayne, Director, Institute for Youth
Leadership, Insight Seminars - Continuing Education
Division, Insight University at or
1.800.311.8001 ext. 223.
Sponsored By: Insight University
Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Time: 7:00 PM– 9:00 PM
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace
Parkway, Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: Beginning 6:30pm at the door.
Sponsored By: PTS
Date: Thursday, July 4, 2013
Time: 9:00 AM– 1:00 PM
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace
Parkway, Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: Open to all MSIA, PTS, Heartfelt, Insight,
USM, or IIWP Representatives, as well as MSIA Seminar
Leaders, Seminar Leader Reps, Cable TV Reps, Product
Reps, Ministerial Board Reps, Spiritual Warriors Movie Team
Members, key community volunteers, and their spouses.
Registration: No Pre-registration. Registration opens 8:30am
Contact Info:
Sponsored By: PTS
Date: Thursday, July 4, 2013
Time: 3:30 PM– 5:00 PM
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace
Parkway, Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: 5 Ways to Register at PTS: 1) Register online
2) E-mail PTS at (do not email credit
card details). 3) Mail your check to PTS, 3500 West Adams
Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018. 4) Fax PTS at
(323) 328-9005. 5) Call PTS at (323) 737-1534 x1309 with
your credit card information.
Sponsored By: PTS
Date: Thursday, July 4, 2013
Time: 7:00 PM– 9:00 PM
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace
Parkway, Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: 5 Ways to Register at PTS: 1) Register online
2) E-mail PTS at (do not email credit
card details). 3) Mail your check to PTS, 3500 West Adams
Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018. 4) Fax PTS at
(323) 328-9005. 5) Call PTS at (323) 737-1534 x1309 with
your credit card information.
Sponsored By: IIWP
Date: Friday, July 5, 2013 – Saturday, July 6, 2013
Time: 10:00 AM– 7:00 PM
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace
Parkway, Universal City, CA 91608
Tuition: $275 thru June 5; $350 June 6-27; $375 June 28
thru “at the door”.
Cancellations: A full refund is available for cancellations
through June 5. After June 5 the entire tuition becomes
nonrefundable but it is transferable to another person or a
scheduled event. No shows (cancellations without notifying
the PTS office before the first day of event) are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs (if 12 years of Discourses completed).
Registration: 5 Ways to Register at PTS: 1) Register online
2) E-mail PTS at (do not email credit
card details). 3) Mail your check to PTS, 3500 West Adams
Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018. 4) Fax PTS at (323)
328-9005. 5) Call PTS at (323) 737-1534 x1309 with your
credit card information.
Sponsored By: PTS
Date: Sunday, July 7, 2013
Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace
Parkway, Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: Must be an active ordained MSIA Minister
and/or Initiate in good standing; with a current MSIA
Discourse/SAT subscription
Registration: 5 Ways to Register at PTS: 1) Register online
2) E-mail PTS at (do not email credit
card details). 3) Mail your check to PTS, 3500 West Adams
Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018. 4) Fax PTS at
(323) 328-9005. 5) Call PTS at (323) 737-1534 x1309 with
your credit card information.
Sponsored By: MSIA
Date: Sunday, July 7, 2013
Time: 2:00 PM– 4:00 PM
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace
Parkway, Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: Must be an active ordained MSIA Minister
and/or Initiate in good standing; with a current MSIA
Discourse/SAT subscription
Contact Info:
Sponsored By: MSIA
Date: Sunday, July 7, 2013
Time: 4:00 PM– 6:00 PM
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel, 333 Universal Terrace
Parkway, Universal City, CA 91608
Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Initiate in good
standing; with a current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription.
Registration: 5 Ways to Register at PTS: 1) Register online
2) E-mail PTS at (do not email credit
card details). 3) Mail your check to PTS, 3500 West Adams
Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018. 4) Fax PTS at
(323) 328-9005. 5) Call PTS at (323) 737-1534 x1309 with
your credit card information.
Sponsored By: MSIA
Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 – Sunday, July 14, 2013
Time: 9:00 AM– 8:30 PM
Location: The University of Santa Monica Building, 2101
Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tuition: Standard Tuition: $845
Early Tuition: $745 (if paid in full 30 days in advance
Audit (repeat): $200
Prerequisites: Teen Insight I and facilitator approval.
Contact Info: Rachael Jayne, Director, Institute for Youth
Leadership, Insight Seminars - Continuing Education
Division, Insight University at or
1.800.311.8001 ext. 223.
Sponsored By: Insight University
G<8:<8N8I<E<JJKI8@E@E>JG8KJ 8K
Date: Friday, July 12, 2013 – Friday, July 26, 2013
Time: 1:00 PM– 5:00 PM
Location: Lake Arrowhead, 388 Merrimack Dr., Lake
Arrowhead, CA 92352
Tuition: $625 for first time participants paid in full thru
May 1, 2013; $700 after May 1. Audit: $375 each training.
Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourses or SATs if Discourse #144 completed. Completion
of PAT 1 for PAT 2, completion of PAT 2 for PAT 3.
Contact Info: To register and for more information call PTS
at 323-737-1534.
Sponsored By: PTS
Date: Saturday, July 13, 2013
Time: 1:00 PM– 2:30 PM EST
Location: Home of Victor and Lisa Arencibia, Branchburg, NJ
Cost: Free (donations welcome).
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: Registration not available online. For more
information and to register, contact Lin Mogitz at
Sponsored By: IIWP MSIA
Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 – Sunday, July 28, 2013
Time: 11:00 AM– 9:00 PM
Location: The University of Santa Monica Building, 2101
Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tuition: $1295 Standard Tuition; $695 to Audit
Prerequisites: Insight I
Registration: For more information or to register, please go
to or contact Diana Heil at
800-311-8001 ext 110.
Sponsored By: Insight University
Date: Sunday, July 28, 2013 – Thursday, August 1, 2013
Time: 10:00 AM– 6:00 PM
Location: Lake Arrowhead, 388 Merrimack Dr., Lake
Arrowhead, CA 92352
Tuition: Standard Tuition: $1,045
Early Tuition: $945 (if paid in full 30 days in advance)
Audit(repeat): $400
Prerequisites: Teen Insight I and II and facilitator approval.
Contact Info: Rachael Jayne, Director, Institute for Youth
Leadership, Insight Seminars - Continuing Education
Division, Insight University at or
1.800.311.8001 ext. 223.
Sponsored By: Insight University
Date: Saturday, August 3, 2013
Time: 1:00 PM– 2:30 PM EST
Location: Home of Victor and Lisa Arencibia, Branchburg,
New Jersey
Cost: Free (donations welcome).
Prerequisites: None, open to everyone.
Registration: Registration not available online. For more
information and to register, contact Lin Mogitz at
Sponsored By: IIWP MSIA
events — at a glance
Branchburg, New Jersey, USA
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Branchburg, New Jersey, USA
Saturday, April 13, 2013 Los
Friday, March 8, 2013 to
Angeles, CA , USA
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Glendale, CO, USA
Sunday, April 14, 2013 Los
Angeles, CA, USA
Friday, March 15, 2013 Glendale,
Sunday, May 12, 2013 Norwalk,
Thursday, May 2, 2013 to Monday,
May 6, 2013 Santa Monica, CA,
Saturday, June 8, 2013 Boulder,
Friday, March 15, 2013 Glendale,
Xe[Gifjg\i`kp@?FG 1-$dfek_
Saturday, May 4, 2013 to Sunday,
May 5, 2013 Los Angeles, CA, USA
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013 to Sunday,
Glendale, CO, USA
May 26, 2013 Ojai, CA, USA
LJ81JFLK?<IE:8C@=FIE@8 ◆@ek\ek`fe#?\Xck_#Fg\ee\jj#
Xe[Gifjg\i`kp@?FG 1-$dfek_
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013 to Sunday,
2, 2013 Los Angeles, CA, USA
Los Angeles, CA , USA
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013 to Sunday,
June 30, 2013 Santa Monica, CA
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Los Angeles, CA , USA
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 Santa
City, CA
Sunday, March 24, 2013 Chicago,
Thursday, July 4, 2013 Universal
Friday, March 22, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Branchburg, New Jersey, USA
Thursday, July 4, 2013 Universal
Thursday, April 25, 2013 to
Friday, March 29, 2013 to
Monday, April 29, 2013 Hyannis,
Saturday, March 30, 2013 Santa
Monica, CA, USA
Thursday, July 4, 2013 Universal
City, CA
Saturday, March 30, 2013 Santa
Thursday, May 2, 2013 Rosemont,
Monica, CA, USA
◆=LE;I8@J<ID\XcXe[H8n`k_ Dfe`ZX1<Xjk\i;XpXkk_\9\XZ_
Sunday, March 31, 2013 Santa
Friday, May 3, 2013 Rosemont,
Friday, July 5, 2013 to Saturday,
Monica, CA, USA
July 6, 2013 Universal City, CA
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 to
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Sunday, April 7, 2013 Santa
Branchburg, New Jersey, USA
Sunday, July 7, 2013 Universal
Monica, CA, USA
City, CA
Friday, May 10, 2013 to Sunday,
Thursday, April 4, 2013 Los
May 12, 2013 Norwalk, CT, USA
Angeles, CA , USA
Sunday, July 7, 2013 Universal
Xe[Gifjg\i`kp@?FG 1-$dfek_
Saturday, June 1, 2013
gif^iXd=XZ`c`kXk\[YpGXlcBXp\# ◆)'(*:fe]\i\eZ\f]K_\Dpjk`ZXc
Branchburg, New Jersey, USA
Saturday, April 6, 2013 to Sunday, @e`k`Xk\jD\\k`e^
Sunday, July 7, 2013
April 7, 2013 Los Angeles, CA, USA
Universal City, CA
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Online and Other Worldwide Events
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 to
Sunday, July 14, 2013 Santa
Monica, CA, USA
Angeles, CA, USA
G8Kj XkCXb\8iifn_\X[
Friday, July 12, 2013 to Friday, July
26, 2013 Lake Arrowhead, CA, USA
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 to
Sunday, July 28, 2013 Santa
Monica, CA, USA
Sunday, July 28, 2013 to Thursday,
August 1, 2013 Lake Arrowhead,
Thursday, April 18, 2013 to
Monday, April 22, 2013 Glendale,
n`k_Af_eDfikfe`eCpfe 9flc[\i#
Sunday, June 9, 2013 Boulder,
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013 Glendale, CO, USA
Friday, March 15, 2013 Glendale, CO, USA
Saturday, March 16, 2013 Glendale, CO, USA
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013 Los Angeles, CA, USA
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
◆@ek\ek`fe#?\Xck_#Fg\ee\jj#Xe[Gifjg\i`kp@?FG 1-$dfek_gif$
Saturday, April 6, 2013 to Sunday, April 7, 2013 Los Angeles, CA, USA
Sunday, April 14, 2013 Los Angeles, CA, USA
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013 Rosemont, PA, USA
◆@ek\ek`fe#?\Xck_#Fg\ee\jj#Xe[Gifjg\i`kp@?FG 1-$dfek_gif$
Saturday, May 4, 2013 to Sunday, May 5, 2013 Los Angeles, CA, USA
◆@ek\ek`fe#?\Xck_#Fg\ee\jj#Xe[Gifjg\i`kp@?FG 1-$dfek_gif$
^iXd=XZ`c`kXk\[YpGXlcBXp\#;JJ1@?FGDfek_Saturday, June 1, 2013 to Sunday, June 2, 2013 Los Angeles, CA, USA
Saturday, June 8, 2013 Boulder, CO, USA
1) For more info about ONLINE BROADCASTS (including archived broadcasts!): or
(Click “Upcoming Live Broadcasts!” on top right of screen.
This page includes helpful tips for better broadcast viewing.
Click link on right side of page.)
*Questions? Email
2) For more info about ONLINE WEBCASTS (including archived webcasts!):
*Questions? Email
3) For more info about TELE-WORKSHOPS: Email
➺ To keep up with the Current Schedule of
Broadcast & Worldwide Events
➺ Please check regularly
This is because many events are not finalized in time to appear in the New Day Herald issues.
New broadcast events are added regularly – so please often check often!
“The journey of your Soul
is to return to an awareness of
and a oneness with God.”
teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of
oneself as a Soul, and, more than that, as one with God.
Soul Awareness Discourses are the heart of MSIA’s teachings.
They offer many practical keys to more successful living.
Even more important, they offer keys to greater spiritual
awareness and knowledge of the Soul. MSIA’s approach is
to present activities and techniques that direct us toward the
Spirit and loving that are the essence of who we are, and to
provide support for practicing those things if people choose
to use them.
In MSIA we respect any approach
that encourages people on their path
home to God. We certainly don’t
claim to have the only way, but we do
have a way that is assisting thousands
of people to do this while experiencing greater health, happiness, abundance, and joy. The
foundation of MSIA is loving, and it is in that spirit that we
invite you to participate with us in whatever way works for
MSIA, P.O. Box 513935,
L.A., CA 90051, (323) 737-4055
Have you traveled the MSIA Website yet?
          
Visitors may walk the hand-carved stone outdoor labyrinth,
enjoy a moment of peace in the meditation garden, attend
regular meditation events and seminars, and join the staff
and residents for lunch and dinner during the work-week.
Students in MSIA who come to Peace Awareness Labyrinth
and Gardens also enjoy volunteering in the offices and doing
spiritual exercises in the solarium.
Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens
3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90018
Phone: (323) 737-4055
PEACE® (IIWP) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3)
foundation whose mission is to identify and
present the processes that lead to peace. Its
unique approach is based on the principle that
peace is present and that it starts with us, as present
IIWP presents peace processes through speeches,
community peace projects, and workshops. Our workshops
are designed to anchor the experience and power of choosing
peace as a practical reality in one’s life.
IIWP also owns Windermere Ranch, in beautiful Santa
Barbara, California. Windermere offers people the opportunity to explore and experience peace in a natural setting
and includes a unique horse program based on communication and mutual respect.
IIWP, 3500 West Adams Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90018
(323) 328-1905
Join IIWP on Facebook:
(PTS) provides spiritual education to students in the
Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) and to the
general public to enhance awareness of Spirit. PTS offers
classes, workshops, retreats, correspondence courses, a
Master of Spiritual Science (MSS) degree, and a Doctor of
Spiritual Science (DSS) degree.
Founded in 1977 by John-Roger, PTS is a private,
non-denominational educational seminary that teaches
practical spirituality in our changing world. PTS maintains
that our primary relationship is with our own Soul, and the
business of PTS is to provide educational opportunities that
support students in becoming more aware of the Divine in
themselves. We invite you to join us in
expanding your consciousness, enhancing
your understanding, strengthening your
spiritual awareness, embracing your loving,
and allowing grace to lead the way.
Peace Theological Seminary
& College of Philosophy
3500 West Adams Blvd.
L.A., CA 90018, (323) 737-1534,
USM was founded in 1976 by John-Roger and is a private graduate
school offering Master’s degrees in Spiritual Psychology and
Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health,
and Healing.Known as the Worldwide Center
for the Study and Practice of Spiritual
Psychology, USM’s mission is communicating the principles and practices of
Spiritual Psychology worldwide through
the process of Soul-Centered education.
Soul-Centered education recognizes
spiritual reality and begins with the assertion that rather
than human beings who have a soul, we are more accurately
described as souls having a human experience. This assertion
evokes a radical paradigm shift, which results in a psychological
and educational process whose goal is to bring forth the beauty,
wisdom, and compassion inherent in every human being.
This experiential educational paradigm evokes in
students their own answers to the three essential questions:
Who am I?
Why am I here and what is my purpose?
How can I make a meaningful contribution in the world?
Peace awareness
Labyrinth &
Home of MSIA and PTS headquarters in Los Angeles, Peace
Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens
is a place where people can be in
retreat without leaving the city.
2107 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90403
Insight University is here to assist us in transforming
ourselves into loving so that the greater transformation of the
planet to loving will take place.
Insight University is an educational nonprofit 501(c) (3)
organization offering a doctorate degree from the School of
Transformational Leadership. The university’s Doctoral Program
is designed to create graduates fully empowered to step forward
into the world and educate and develop transformative leaders.
Within the University is the Continuing Education
Division consisting of four institutes that carry
on the work of Insight Seminars, which was
merged into Insight University on January 1,
2011. The institutes are: The John-Roger Institute
for Personal Transformation, The Institute for Youth Leadership,
The Institute for Leadership through Service, and The Institute for
Transformational Leadership.
John-Roger serves as Chancellor for Insight University. The
university is dedicated to expanding and solidifying heart-centered work and perpetuating a legacy of wisdom so that the work
continues to touch people’s lives for generations to come.
Insight University
411 St. Michaels Drive Suite 2
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Degree Granting Division
Continuing Education Division
THE HEARTFELT FOUNDATION, founded in 1979 by
John-Roger, is a volunteer-driven service organization which
is operated through the Church of
the Movement of
Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA),
a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
100% of donations received go to
those we serve. Heartfelt’s mission statement is: “Changing
people’s lives through the healing power of heartfelt service.”
People and the heart are a primary focus of our work,
and volunteers are the key to our success.
The Foundation’s service includes assisting at-risk
and in-need families, providing support and services to
disadvantaged or abused children, helping the homeless and
comforting the sick. Thousands of people in need have been
served by our loving volunteers.
An important part of Heartfelt’s work is the HeartReach
Program, which reaches out with food, medicine loving and
caring hearts and Light support to members of our spiritual
family who are undergoing life-challenging or medical crises.
As a result of the short-term support that HeartReach is able
to provide, people are cared for through difficult situations.
The Heartfelt Foundation
2101 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 117
Santa Monica, CA 90403 Phone (310) 829-7857,
& tours
Founded in 1975, Esprit serves our community and the general
public.Esprit’s Independent
Travel Department specializes
in creating individuallycrafted
cultural tours of Japan and
Asia that journey deep into the
arts,crafts, history, cuture and
cuisine of distant lands. Our custom tour itineraries deliver
extraordinary cultural travel experiences.
For more information about our tours, contact us at:
(800) 377-7481
r eso u rc e s
Audio or video seminars with John-Roger or John Morton are held
in many communities around the world. They are an excellent way to
lift your spirits and further your spiritual attunement. Contact your local
MSIA representative or call 323-737-4055 to find the closest home seminar in your area.
The educational arm of MSIA, Peace Theological Seminary &
College of Philosophy (PTS), offers experiential learning of Soul
Transcendence and practical spirituality in a variety of formats, including
evening classes, retreats, weekend offerings, e-mail and correspondence
courses, and a 2-year Master’s and 3-year Doctor of Spiritual Science
program. For more information, go to, call PTS at
323-737-1534, or e-mail
Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton are delivered daily to you via e-mail. Start your computer session with a daily
e-mail message of inspiration and loving. Available in four languages—
English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese—a subscription is free upon
request by visiting
Loving Each Day e-postcards, on an award-winning site, are also
available at
Visit the New Day Herald online at for up-to-themoment stories and travels with John-Roger and John Morton. The
e-NDH is a free online subscription which lets you know when new
articles and stories are posted on the web. For a free subscription, go to and click on “Subscribe to NDH by e-mail.”
A complete catalog of books, audio and videotapes, CDs, subscriptions,
and other materials is available at
WEB RING (explore the programs, classes, and events offered through PTS. Register for PTS classes, and
take a free e-mail class) (fresh news, articles by J-R and John Morton, daily stories and photos during the Travelers’
journeys for peace, and more…) (send a free e-mail postcard!) (news about John-Roger and John Morton and their books) (download a free spiritual warrior journal; discover your purpose) (look for a sample blessing) (Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens—news, events, information) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Tithe online!) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Seed online!)
The John-Roger Legacy Fund within MSIA
ensures that the teachings of the Mystical
Traveler are available for many years to those
who are looking for them. The Fund’s prime
objective is to continue to maintain the archives
of J-R’s spiritual work and to share it with the
world, and to support MSIA, as necessary, as
a conduit to maintain the availability of the
Traveler’s teachings and to preserve
John-Roger’s legacy.
How to Contribute to the
John-Roger Legacy Fund
1. By Mail: Mail check or credit card number with
dollar amount and indicate that your contribution
is for the John-Roger Legacy Fund:
MSIA, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018
2. By phone: 323.737.4055 to donate by credit card.
3. Donate online through the MSIA store at: or through the
God Is Your Partner website at:
If you are just starting the Soul Awareness Discourses, Discourse #1
explains initiation into the Sound Current. You may choose to study the
Discourses with the intention to be initiated on this path, or to simply
read them as information. If you do choose to study toward initiation, the
Traveler works with you more closely, and you may notice a greater spiritual awareness in your own consciousness as this work goes on.
If you are studying toward initiation, you need to write and mail a
letter to the Traveler that this is your intention. If you have written and
mailed your intention to the Traveler, you can apply for initiation when
you have completed Discourse 24.
The MSIA ministry is for initiates of the Traveler who are called inwardly
to serve the spirit of their hearts.
Service may be in any form, from volunteering for the Church to assisting
people in need or organizations that serve those people, and anything in between.
The only requirement is that the ministry is active and done regularly.
MSIA ministers may perform services, like marriages, that clergy of other
denominations are authorized to do as long as they comply with the laws of
the locality in which they serve.
People who have received initiation into the Sound Current through the
Traveler may request an Application for Ordination packet from:
Sometimes people reading Discourses, especially those studying toward
initiation, want to write to John Morton or John-Roger. Writing often
helps you let go of a troubling situation and open more to the Traveler’s
assistance inwardly.
As soon as you write to John Morton or John-Roger, they get the message on the spiritual levels, and they do what Spirit allows. Then, to let
go of the situation in your consciousness, you burn or mail your letter.
Whether you burn or mail what you wrote, you may find that you get
your answers on the inner levels, sometimes very quickly. You may also
experience greater calm, clarity, or peace, which can help you go through
whatever challenges you face.
We suggest that you place the situation in the Light, ask for clarification
during s.e.’s, dreams, etc., and then look for the answers within you. Often
reading a Discourse or listening to an MSIA tape (either at home or at a
seminar) will provide keys to assist you in handling your situation. You can
also refer to any of the numerous books by J-R and John to find information that relates to what you are dealing with. These two have shared so
much with us over the years, and we encourage you to send your letters via
e-mail, using these addresses:
For John-Roger:
For John Morton:
If you live in the United States and if you send your letter to J-R
or John in hard copy via the mail, you need to include a self-addressed
stamped envelope (SASE) if you want a reply from either of them.
Many hundreds of people write personal letters each month to
J-R and John, so please note that even if you do send a letter by e-mail or
if you do send in an SASE with your letter, you may not receive a response
back. This does not imply that your concern is not important or that you
are being ignored. There simply may be no need for a physical reply, or
there may be no answer available to you at the time you write.
In addition to the e-mail addresses above, mail to John Morton or
John-Roger can be sent to:
How to include MSIA, Heartfelt, or IIWP in
your will or living trust
s A planned gift in the form of a bequest in your will or
living trust is a great way to benefit the Traveler’s organizations. Information to make a donation through your
estate planning:
s Heartfelt Foundation: Full legal name: Heartfelt
Foundation d/b/a of the Church of the Movement of
Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA Federal tax
identification number 23-7137833
s IIWP: Full legal name: Institute for Individual & World
Peace d/b/a of Peace is Present Foundation. Federal tax
identification number 20-4583765
s MSIA: Full legal name: The Church of the Movement
of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA Federal tax
identification number 23-7137833. If you wish, you can
specify that your bequest goes to the John-Roger Legacy
Fund at MSIA.
(The above is not intended as tax or legal advice.
We recommend that you consult with a financial
or legal advisor for estate planning and tax advice
specific to your situation. If you have any questions
about giving to MSIA, Heartfelt or IIWP, please
contact Mark Lurie by email: or call 323.737.4055 , ext. 1150.)
Spiritual Exercises Retreat
Dolce Retreat Center, Norwalk, CT
John Morton will facilitate, health & schedule permitting.
May 10-12, 2013
Spiritual exercises are the primary form of spiritual practice in MSIA. They are vital to
students seeking to expand their awareness of Spirit and their Soul. Students work on
creating the loving attitude and time to spend with Spirit each day.
Prerequisites: Must be an active subscriber to MSIA Soul Awareness
Discourse or SAT’s (if 12 years of Discourses completed).
All $100 deposits become non-refundable when the event is confirmed.
• Early Tuition $715 if paid in full by January 31, 2013
• Regular Tuition $815 after January 31
• Special Offer partial payment of $500 by January 31 plus $265 by
March 15 (total of $765) provides a $50 discount
Peace Theological Seminary
College of Philosophy
Retreat grounds: Dolce Norwalk is an exceptionally beautiful retreat
center, with 66 acres of beautiful gardens and rolling Connecticut
countryside, private rooms with King beds, and gourmet food (Friday
evening through Sunday lunch) all included in the tuition.
Cancellations: A full refund is available for cancellations before the event
is confirmed. After the event is confirmed, a portion of the tuition
becomes nonrefundable but it is transferable to participants for this
event, based on the schedule below. Transfers are subject to approval,
based on the number of registrations for the event. No Shows
(cancellations without notifying the PTS office before the first day of
the event) are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Cancellation Schedule: Amounts are nonrefundable but are transferable to
participants for this event
• $100 when deposit is confirmed
• $300 after October 31, 2012
• $500 after January 31, 2013
• Entire tuition after April 30, 2013
Contact: Jay Winston at or 617-924-1680
workshops , classes , & retreats ‑ PTS
P e a c e T h e o l o g i c a l S e mi n a r y
C o lle g e of P h i lo s o p hy
workshops , classes , & retreats ‑ PTS
You see, God created us and He didn’t use any junk to do it. Sometimes you want
2012-2013 Master of
Spiritual Science Classes*
to take who you are as a creative being and make junk, thinking that’s going to be
acceptable. At the level we are working in this PTS doctorate program, I want to be
clear with you that it’s not.
“The thing we’re on the planet to learn is discipline toward God’s direction.
That discipline is not a punishment. It’s joy. And it’s a real thankful thing to have.”
—John-Roger, DSS
Check and for details
Master of
Spiritual Science
Santa Monica, California
DSS Year Two
DSS Year Four (AMS I)
DSS Year Five (AMS II)
MSS Year One
Los Angeles, California – English**
Los Angeles, California – Spanish**
The Master’s Program
Year One: Creating Through Grace
During year one, Creating Through Grace, students gain greater
awareness of how they live their lives—physically, emotionally,
and mentally—and of how they can bring these levels into greater
alignment and cooperation with their spiritual intention. In doing
this, students can increase their singleness of purpose so that,
regardless of outer circumstances, they can experience God as
their partner, and grace can be extended to them in greater ways.
Year Two: Fulfilling the Spiritual Promise
During year two, Fulfilling the Spiritual Promise, students focus
on aligning more with the Christ and awakening more to the promise that they were “born the Lord.” Processes are designed to give
students greater freedom in letting go of the past and rediscovering
the innocence of living in the present. As the course develops, students move more fully into the Beloved, “where the Soul replaces
the personality as the center of consciousness and energy.” The
spiritual promise is then experienced as an ongoing, living reality
that one chooses into each day.
Year Three: Living From The Inside Out (Optional)
By referencing all of the Master’s Program, the student can put
into practice those things that are the most impactful for them in
the moment to initiate significant, profound, and effective growth.
The student has the opportunity to take the teachings to deeper
levels of awareness, where simple changes can become invaluable
lessons for living an ordinary life. Taking this class is truly a way
to become aware on a daily basis how you are living the teachings
from the inside out. The possibilities for growth, expansion, and
revelation are unlimited.
Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses for at
least one year prior to beginning of program (12 complete) and
Active subscription to Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs).
Denver, Colorado**
Madrid, Spain
MSS Year Two
Los Angeles, California**
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bogota, Colombia
Mexico City, Mexico
Year Two Doctoral Program Prerequisites:
Successful completion of the PTS DSS Program Year One, active subscription to MSIA Soul
Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs), active MSIA initiate and MSIA
minister in good standing, regular tither to MSIA, and official acceptance by PTS administration.
March 15-17
April 19-21
May 17-19
June 14-16
Boulder, Colorado
DSS Year Four (AMS I)
**California, Colorado, and New Mexico classes can
be taken either for a Master of Spiritual Science
degree or for workshop credit. Classes in other
cities and countries are non-degree-granting workshops; however, program content is exactly the
same as in California. PTS reserves the right to
cancel classes based on enrollment.
Advanced Ministerial Studies, Part 1
March 8-10
April 5-7
May 3-5
June 7-9
Optional course work for students who have successfully completed DSS Years One, Two, and
Three and also meet the course prerequisites. The primary emphasis of this course is in-depth
development of the ministerial skills that the student has worked with in the course of the three
years of the DSS program. In addition, the course provides information on the legal and ethical
issues pertinent to ministers who are actively serving their communities.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
DSS Year Five (AMS II)
Throughout the program, students develop and apply a model or protocol using their Individual
Study topic as their specialty. In addition, there is a focus throughout the program on selfhealing. When a student receives their DSS degree they qualify for a certificate in Advanced
Ministerial Studies.
March 15-17
April 19-21
May 17-19
June 14-16
Year Four Doctoral Program Prerequisites:
Successful completion of the PTS DSS Program Year Three, active subscription to MSIA Soul
Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs), active MSIA initiate and MSIA
minister in good standing, regular tither to MSIA, three Reader approvals for Individual Study
direction, and official acceptance by PTS administration.
Sydney, Australia
DSS Year Three
* All classes are based on enrollment. For information on these classes, please contact: Elissa Giges,
PTS Director of Graduate Studies or
(323) 328-1940.
The Multidimensional Human, Part 2
March 1-3, 2013
April 5-7
May 3-5
May 31-June 2
June 28-30
August 2-4
September 6-8
October 11-13
November 8-10
Advanced Ministerial Studies, Part 2
Optional DSS course work for students who have successfully completed DSS Year Four and
meet the course prerequisites. In Year Five, the students continue developing their ministerial skills. In addition, each student designs and implements a year-long ministerial project.
Year Five Doctoral Program Prerequisites:
Successful completion of the PTS DSS Program Year Four, active subscription to MSIA
Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs), active MSIA initiate
and MSIA minister in good standing, regular tither to MSIA, and official acceptance by
PTS administration.
For information on these classes, please contact
Elissa Giges, PTS Director of Graduate Studies or (323) 328-1940
P e a c e T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a ry & C o l l e g e o f P h i l o s o p h y
Call now to Register (323) 737-1534 ■ fax (323) 328-9005 ■ ■
"Detach yourself from this earth, from memories of the past, from
Worldwide Center for the Study & Practice of Spiritual Psychology ®
university of santa monica
Master’s Programs
USM Presents
Exciting News to Share!
USM Online Program—it’s HERE!
experiences of the future. Do those things that bring you health,
wealth and happiness in a detached state and let all the rest go."
–John-Roger, DSS
A Spiritual Oasis in the City
Headquarters of MSIA
Complimentary oNLINE Course: An Introduction to
Spiritual Psychology
It is with great Joy and Gratitude that Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick announce the launch of the USM
Online Program with Course 1: “An Introduction to Spiritual Psychology.” This COMPLIMENTRY
Course provides a wonderful way to support yourself in discovering how utilizing the Principles and
Practices of Spiritual Psychology can support you in your spiritual awakening.
We invite you to participate in this engaging and interactive
Program. To enroll in Course 1, please visit
USM Online at
Wednesday, March 20, 2013, at 7:15 p.m
Please join us for USM’s Information Evening and learn more about USM’s Soul-Centered
education programs:
s M.A. in Spiritual Psychology
s M.A. in Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health, and Healing
s New! Soul-Centered Professional Coaching Six-Month Certificate Program
More people on the planet are being called to answer the questions: “Who am I?” “Why am I
here?” and “How can I make a more meaningful contribution in my world?” USM teaches the
Principles and Practices of Spiritual Psychology assisting you in discovering your own answers
and taking action steps to step more fully into a life that has heartfelt meaning for you.
We would love for you to be with us on Wednesday evening, March 20, because your presence
always makes the evening more special. And we invite you to bring someone you sense may be
asking the questions above—they may be called inwardly into the class of 2013-2014! If you
cannot attend in person, the Information Evening will be streamed LIVE Worldwide! Via Web
RSVP online or call USM at (310) 829-7402 or visit
Available Now—GPS for the Soul and Rhapsody of Roses
A Soul-Centered Mobile App Supporting Inner Peace & Balance
USM is excited to partner with The Huffington Post in a first-of-its-kind, FREE
Soul-Centered mobile app called GPS for the Soul. The University is thrilled
to be one of 20 launch partners contributing to this digital advancement,
including Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, among others. This is yet another
uplifting step in fulfilling the University’s mission and expanding the heart of
Spiritual Psychology around the globe.
Like a GPS system for a car, this mobile app helps users to “recalculate” and
guide them back to a desired location of inner peace and balance. Users have the freedom to
access GPS tools that help to facilitate the inner calm they desire anytime, anywhere.
USM’s first guide, Rhapsody of Roses, features photos from Mary’s garden paired with Ron and
Mary’s favorite Loyalty to Your Soul quotes and accompanied by a special composition from USM
grad and Grammy Award-Winning composer Jon Gilutin called “The Love in Mary’s Roses.”
Visit The Huffington Post, the Apple store, or to download the GPS for the
Soul app and enjoy USM’s Rhapsody of Roses.
Feel free to come early to walk the labyrinth and gardens.
To View Broadcasts Visit:
ant to attend an up close and personal
with MSIA’s Spiritual Director?
Live MSIA Seminar with John Morton
at the Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens
In Person + Broadcast Live Online
–with Spanish translation
Next Dates: Friday March 22 &
April – call for date coming soon!
7:30 pm (pDt) Suggested Donation: $5
to let go of judgments
more freely?
Detachment and Freedom Workshop
In Person + Broadcast Live Online
–with Spanish translation
Facilitated by Russell Bishop
Sunday April 14
2 - 5 pm (pDt)
Free of charge (donations welcome)
Light refreshments served. RSVP encouraged.
Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, A Spiritual Oasis in the City
3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90018
Public Visits & Tours, Labyrinth Walks
Sundays 12 – 4 pm
Tuesdays–Fridays 11am – 3pm
A Saturday Afternoon At The Labyrinth
2nd Sat of month 12 – 4 pm
Closed 1st Sunday of each month
thru June 2013
Buffet Dinners $9
M-Th 6 pm Fri 5:30 pm
Classes & Workshops
Ongoing Weekly & Monthly
Events unless otherwise noted are
Free of Charge & Open to All.
Information, RSVP, Register
–Contact PALG Registrar:
Peace Labyrinth
at the
John Morton
Sunday march 31, 2013
Santa Monica Beach between
10:00am–1:00pm Lifeguard Stations 22 & 24
with Spanish translation
& Broadcast Live Online
Join us
For English:
For Spanish:
for an Easter Morning Service
on the beach—a day of celebration of the
Christ with John Morton (John-Roger has
been invited). Come enjoy donations of
Urth Caffé pastries and coffee on this
Light filled morning with the Traveler.
Share with your family, friends and loved
ones in loving fellowship whilst basking in
the sun on the beach, gazing out onto the
ocean waters. And, kids of all ages can
come and enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt with
the Easter Bunny!
No registration required.
Donations welcomed.
Directions & What to Bring to
the Easter at the Beach Service
Bring your FM radio and headset
to hear the seminar.
This is an outdoor seminar. You will not be
able to hear without a radio. And, we also
suggest to bring a blanket or chair to sit on,
sunscreen and a hat.
From Prana or Downtown LA:
The event is between Lifeguard Stations 22 & 24
Take the 10 West Freeway
Exit at Lincoln and turn Left
Go to Pico and turn Right
Go to Ocean and turn Left. (When you turn
Left on Ocean it is a diagonal Left; if you make
a sharp Left you will be on Nielsson Way)
Go to the 2030 South Beach Parking Lot #4
and turn Right.