

Surveillance and evaluation of portfolio’s
performance and risk
Monitoring client portfolios and performance assessment are critical aspects of wealth management and are often the most important
for counsellors. To guarantee customer satisfaction and trust, it is crucial to ensure that their portfolios remain in line with their
objectives (risk profile) and provide transparent results. Irregular supervision can very quickly lead to irrecoverable situations. In
addition, counselors must ensure that the assets and the solutions they have recommended produce adequate results given the
entrusted mandate. Therefore, it is necessary to be alerted in time and make eventual changes to the client portfolio.
The aim of this seminar is to review some fundamental aspects of portfolio’s monitoring regarding client’s details information and risk
objectives taking into account the new regulations that should be adopted in 2016 by Swiss authorities.
The course will also evoke the last developments in the finance industry called “Finance 2.0” and the aftermath of these innovative and
disruptive elements on the traditional bank model.
Content – Effective portfolio’s monitoring process
– Evaluation of portfolio’s performance:
– Other aspects of performance evaluation
a. Various scenarios and examples
b. Benchmark
c. Risk adjusted
d. Compare to similar investors profiles
– Skills assessment of the counsellor: a. Comparison with different types of reference portfolios
b. The measurement of performance adjusted by risk:
Alpha Jensen, Sharpe Ratio, Treynor ratio
c. Comparison of wealth asset manager (ranking):
practical examples
– The new behaviour in finance: transparency by comparing
a. Big Data
b. Fintech: bank 2.0
c. Social network
AZEK Campus, Geneva, May 19, 2016
a. Management fees
b. Cost / income ratio
Who should attend?
Wealth asset managers
Portfolios manager
Private banking professionals
Credit Suisse, Rue de Lausanne 17, Geneva
Seminar fees
SFAA members´attendance is free of charge.
(Please refer to the Articles of Association,
For non SFAA members the fee is CHF 325.– and includes
documentation and refreshments.
Register online ( or apply with the
Registration form on the reverse.
May 19, 2016
For more information please contact the secretariat of AZEK at:
AZEK AG, Feldstrasse 80, 8180 Bulach, Switzerland, T+41 44 872 35 35, F+41 44 872 35 32
Time 09:00 – 12:30
Nicholas Hochstadter
Before founding Investment by Objectives in 2005, Nicholas Hochstadter worked as a portfolio manager at
Credit Suisse. Following this, he joined Ferrier Lullin & Cie as head of discretionary portfolio management.
At Credit Suisse, he led the PMnet project to design and implement a fully automated system for the portfolio
management process. Nicholas Hochstadter is a graduate of the Ecole de Management et de Communication
in Geneva.
Pascal Bétrisey
Is responsible for business development within Investment by Objectives. Prior joining IBO, Pascal was head
of the family office of Gonset-Holding and was in charge of the pension fund of the group. Before that, he
managed financials assets for private and institutional clients as an independent asset manager At Lombard
Odier he was fund manager and financial analyst for the US Market. Finally, he was senior advisor for
discretionary account at Credit Suisse. Pascal is certified Financial Analyst and Portfolio Manager (CFPI) and
is a graduate of the HEC Lausanne. He is president of the SFAA Vaud group.
Philippe Cornebise
Is an independent consultant in Strategy, Organisation, and Finance. He has gained particular expertise in the
financial segment over more than 20 years, with a particular focus on CRM and regulation. Among his various
mandates, he is a Board Member of Investment by Objectives and a Committee Member of the Self-Regulated
Organisation (SRO) for financial intermediaries, OAR-G, under supervision of the FINMA. Prior to founding
Cornebise & Co, Philippe held various positions at Schlumberger, Nomura, Eli Lilly, and Reuters. He holds a
Msc in Mathematics, Operations Research, from EPFL, and and an MBA from IMD International.
AZEK Campus, Geneva, May 19, 2016
AZEK Campus – Inscription
Inscriptions en ligne sur le site
Je m’inscris au séminaire «Surveillance and evaluation
of portfolio’s performance and risk»
de l’AZEK Campus du 19 mai 2016 à Genève
Je suis membre* de la SFAA
* Les membres de la SFAA doivent seulement indiquer leur nom, prénom et email.
NPA, lieu
Lieu et date
*Champs obligatoires
Veuillez envoyer ou faxer le formulaire dûment complété à l’adresse suivante :
AZEK, Feldstrasse 80, 8180 Bülach, F +41 44 872 35 32,,
Conditions générales
Les frais de participation au séminaire sont payables dès réception de la facture.
Un séminaire est organisé seulement si le nombre de participants est suffisant.
Si nécessaire, l’AZEK peut annuler un séminaire au plus tard 5 jours ouvrables avant
la date du séminaire.
AZEK Campus, Geneva, May 19, 2016