Hülya Orki Anadolu University Art Faculty, Sociology Dept.
Hülya Orki Anadolu University Art Faculty, Sociology Dept.
Hülya Orki Anadolu University Art Faculty, Sociology Dept. Social Learning Theories ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Gabriel Tarde Albert Bandura Edwin Sutherland Roland Akers Laws of Imitation Bobo Doll Experiment Differential Association Teory Differential Reinforcement Theory Aim: Aim to reveal young individuals’ internet usage habits Research questions: questions ◦ "How much time young individuals spend on the Internet” ◦ “How do they use this time?", ◦ "Which computer games do they mostly play?". Quantitative methods UNIVERSE: high school students in Eskişehir Cluster sampling Vocational high school, general high school, Anatolian high school Simple random sampling Questionnaire : 565 students, 541 questionnaires Frequency, percentage distributions, chi-square, t-test and ANOVA Sex: Sex: 37% female, 63% male Age: mean 17 School type: type: 56% vocational high school, 32% general high school, 12% anatolian high school 25 Girls 20 Boys 15 10 Anatolian high 5 school 0 Vocational high less than 1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 and a half hours school 4-5 hours 5 and a half hours and over General high school Always Social networks Playing video games Girls Social networks Boys Playing video games Anatolian Vocational high school high school Research for homework Playing video games 60 Counter strike 50 Play station 40 Metin 2 Call of duty 30 GTA vice city 20 Need for speed 10 Fifa Knigth online 0 Game types 50 40 30 20 10 0 Girls Boys Consequently... Consequently... Thank you....