~he ~fficial pu,bIiCa~n of the GTia Triu~ph As~OCI.tiO." f2Tr:M~P-efJ 1~~~!~;:~r1d Membershipsexpjre December' 31 - beat DECEMBER GTAEVENTS In This Issue Director's Chair 1,3,10 Editor's Dribble 2 Director"s Chair 3 A LittleHistory 4.5 Painting Big Blue 5 Barry's Tech Place 6.7 Time To Get Involved 7 Things To Do Before You Go Racing 9 Birthday List 10 Damn the Torpedoes 11 Cure For ACommon Leak 12 AIAPAdvertisement 13 Renewal Form 14 Contributors Barry Rosenberg Hugh McAleer' GT A Bob Ragan GTA George ForsterGTA JerernyWhitehead GTA Ashford Little GTA MichaelCampsmith GTA Bill Castleberry GTA Tom Horvat Paul Logue GTA WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! Bill Oberholtzer, Gainesville,GA Mike Hill, Roswell, GA John Sheffield, Ball Ground, GA SEASON'S GREETINGS FROM THE GEORGIA TRIUMPH ASSOCIATION! I'd like to begin this month's ramblings by wishing you all a happy holiday season, and a pmsperous wrapping uptb- V~r New Year. Joan and I had a great time with the club this year. We met a lot of new people, made sorne new friends, and had some exciting adventures in the TR. So, here we are at the end of another year. We had joy, we had fun, but there wasn't very much sun. This was the wettest driving season that I can remember in a long time. It's not that the rains weren't welcome after' the dry years of the past, but did it always have to rain on the GTA? But we survived, and it will soon be time to get started again. I'd like to take this chance to thank all of you who pat'ticipated in the GTA in 2003, and j'd like to invite you back for another round of driving pleasure and TR fellowship in 2004. I'd especially like to invite those who didn't participate in 2003 to make a point of joining us on the I'oad in the coming year. How about a quick I'ecap of how the GTA spent the year? After the 2002 Polar Bear Run, we started putting the 2003 calendar together. The first event was Pat Sarno's Chili cookoff in the beginning of February That was followed by an SCCA Autocross driving school and a Bowling Night. The Georgia Triumph Association's Official Publication - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 This is being written Thanksgiving morning. I've read through the Happy Thanksgiving emails and responded to the few that needed a response and sent a few of my own. This is a time of year I usually reflect and determine how I did on my goals for the year. Keeping in touch with family and friends is top on my list. SecretantlTreasurer SUsan E. Bowen 770-416'9419 Home goals are coming along nicely. This year's yard improvements are almost done and the shop improvements are about as close to being finished as they will ever get. There is still that inside painting that just never seems to make it to the top of the list though. Work goals are about where I had expected them to be. Memberf)t l..J!rge Paul Logue Activities Dj,.ect:or Michael Carripsmitil 770414-8233 mcampsmith[i\lcdc.gov Phdtagraher The club related goals are way beyond what I had expected. If you had told me last Thanksgiving that I would be newsletter editor again, I would have called you crazy! However in the spring I was given the opportunity to take over the newsletter and have enjoyed doing it. I am thankful that the opportunity came along when it did. It does take a lot of time to complete and there are a lot of hands in the mix. I personally have enjoyed the tech articles and the history. Michael Altomare 770-425c 5376 VTR Liasian/ Asst, ActivitiesDirect;or Ronnie Babbitt I was only able to make a few meets other than the business meetings due to my work schedule. Those that I did attend were planned well and were a lot of fun. If you are one of the those that have not made it to a meet in 2003, you need to try to make some in 2004. 912-953-2261 The goals on my Triumphs are moving along at the pace I expected. I still think I'll be able to get the motor changed in the 250 before the end of the year. rbtr3a@cox;net Membership Director Mike Hurst I hope your holiday season is joyous, fun and that you can even work in a top down ride in the TR before the end of the year. 770'887-2143 dhut'stipd([1IaoLcDrn Webmaster H.Ashford LIttle Il t'alittle2@mirrdspring:com £404)350-9362 W€)bmaster@gatriurnph.com NeWs/ett?rEditor Member Profile Editor Hugh McAleer 22 Points PartiCipation Joe Earnest jeamestlQ)arnericasmartcorn The Trumpet is published monthly for the members of the Georgia Triurnph Association, Members are encouraged to submit articles, photographs or other materials of Ttl G' 'a Triu ph As oc'at' 11 Interest by mailing them to the club mailbox shown to the right. e eorgl. m SilO Members may also submit articles via email by sending them to: Post Office Box 1138 ~~.~J!I!:'I((j)ggJJJ1lI11fl!JJ;:Q!I:. We reserve the right to edit or change Tucker, Georgia 30085-1138 any material 10 suit the needs and space allowed for our newsletter, Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for any items you would like returned. The GTA newsletter cannot be held responsible for any items that may be lost, damaged or destroyed. Classified advertising is available free to members, $5.00 per ad for nonmembers. Classified ads run for one month. Commercial advertiSing is available at the rates below. GTA neither endorses nor warrants any product, service or method of service. written or advertised. One year commercial advertising rates (12 issues) are as follows: 1/8 page (business card) $40.00 1/4 page $70,00 112 page $100.00 The Georgia Triumph Association, Inc. is a nonprofit organization of Triumph motorcar owners and enthUSiasts interested in the preservation, res\oratiDn and driving of Triumph motorcars. We are a group of enthusiasts that maximize the enjoyment of driving a Triumph and emphasize camaraderie and sodal L~-'-'_-'---'-'~""""'_ _.......JL.i_nte_r...;ac...;tio...;n...:a...:m.;..ofl..!i...gT.riumph owners. The GTA is a chapter of the Vintage Triumph Register (VTR) , 2 Remember to return your ballot before the holiday party! The Georgia Triumph Association's Official Publication - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 lb. Dir.Gtor',Chair PU-£MfJE.\l. ,"OOl Wrapping upth~·Yt,ar l'.ontinuM from 'Pag& ·1) Our first driving event of the year took place in March, when we drove to Amicalola Falls for lunch. Some GTA members went to Panama City, Florida, for their British Car Day. April's Chris Gore Mountain Tour began with a visit to the Thunder Road stock car attraction in Dawsonville. There was a British Car Day in Pensacola, Florida, and the Walter Mitty historic races were held at Road Atlanta. May began with The Gathel'ing in Winston Salem, NC, and British Car Day in Townsend, Tennessee. Atlanta's British Car Day at Chateau Elan brought out the largest gathering of GTA members for the year - I think it was because of the barbecue luncheon on the lawn. We also saw a few members at Tallahassee's British Car Day in May. For our "Big Trip," we enjoyed a wet weekend at Fontana Village in the Smokey Mountains in June. The following week found the GTA at Lake Lanier for our Family Reunion Summer Picnic. We also participated in a classic car show in Athens and British Car Day in Louisville, Kentucky. Our largest driving tour for the year [so far) happened in July. The "Wings & Wheels Tour" took a group of about 50 assorted LBCs to Warner Robbins to tour the Air Museum. Russ Turner hosted a Pig Roast at his home at the end of the month. In August, there were 18 GTA members and 8 GTA Triumphs at the VTR National Convention at the Roadster Factory Summer Picnic in Pennsylvania. We brought home a nice assortment of awards from that show. Later in the month, a few brave souls tamed the rapids on our River Rafting Trip to the Oconee River in Tennessee. We ended August with an impromptu bowling night for the Labor Day weekend. September was a busy month for the GTA. We began with a day tl'ip to tour the Chickamauga Battlefield in northwest Georgia. The HSR Atlanta Historic Races were at Road Atlanta the following weekend. After that, the merchants of Historic Downtown Norcross hosted the 4th Annual British Car Fayre. We ended the month with an appearance at the Autumn in the Mountains British car show in Hendrsonville, North Carolina. The action continued in October. The Mini club invited several GTA members to attend a "Sport Drive" in the north Georgia mountains. We saw a few members at Le Petit LeMans at Road Atlanta for the big race. As the weather began to cool off, we took a trip to Blue Ridge for some scary movies at the Swan Drive In. Things finally began to slow down in November. A few of you attended Br'itish Car Day at the Chattanooga Chao-Chao, while a few others participated in a road rally with the Georgia Sports Car Club. I'm sure that there were other events and locations wher'e our member'S appeared. GTA Triumphs seemed to be everywhere! But we're not done yet. Decembel' means that it's time for the annual GTA Clwistmas Party, which will be held at the Norcross Station Cafe on December 7. The turnout for this event has outgrown the homes of those who had hosted it in the past, so we're having this year's party catered. To round out the year, Polar Bear IV will be run on Decembel' 27. 3 Please pay your dues early! (Continued on page 10) The Georgia Triumph Association's Official Publication - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 11-30-80 - On our way! The first meeting with officers discussed was prospective list of members, announcement cards to place on windshields, list of VTR members in our zone, annual dues set at $2. Most pressing issue - we need 10 members to gain a VTR charter. A Little History Please......... December 2003 Bob Ragan Two years ago, Hugh asked me if I would do a piece each month on the history of the club. I hope you have enjoyed some of what I have submitted during 2002 and 2003. You have seen a variety of early club documents including meeting notices, newsletters, lists of early members and officers, our VTR Charter, and membership cards. I have included several ''first'' events such as the first meeting notice (July 1980), first 10 members and their cars, first car show, first picnic, first British Car Day, and first lake trip. Recently you have seen reprints ofthe Trumpet as it developed into a great newsletter. 12-80 - First TRUMPET - two sheets plus a map. Recap of November meeting. Request for member feedback and contributions. Announcement of 1981 VTR national in PA. 12-15-80 - we had gathered a list of 15 names to solicit for membership. 4-81 After several meetings, second newsletter, second About 10 years ago, Hugh asked me if I could do a piece editor (Stan Goodman), Tom moved away. Interesting note each month on the history of the club. I wrote a series in the Trumpet - send suggestions, letters or articles to the titled "The GTA 10 Years Ago". It was a synopsis of our newsletter editor, send any COMPLAINTS to Mike Elder. activities taken from newsletters. I want to revive that 6-81 - Third Trumpet - now up to 5 pages - reported first series as "The GTA20 Years Ago". show, GreatAtlanta Flea Market &Collector show - 5 TRs there. Lenny Dinin's original TR4 took the club trophy. I will submit the first installment for January 2004, taken from the Trumpet of January 1984, to reflect on what we Nancy Stephens added as Events Chairperson, and Lenny were doing 20 years ago this month in the GTA. The Dinin as Membership Chairman. Announced Stone Mounintent is certainly not to dwell on the past, but as we move tain event. Announcement that BL had discontinued proforward towards our 25th year, it may be fun to remem- duction ofTR7s and 8s as of May 12th. ber some of what we were two decades ago. 7-81 -Trumpet published first vendor list - included among Before I begin with January 1984, let me briefly recap- others were Williams Imported Parts and The Roadster Factory. First Calloway Gardens trip announced. Tech arture the beginning of the club during 1980. ticle on cooling problems. 7-2-80 - The club was started by Mike Elder, with help from Terry Allen, and held its first meeting on this date, at 10-23-81 - Official Charter of the VTR signed by Bill Sohl Mike's apartment in Norcross. As I remember, there were and Steve Rossi, naming the Georgia Triumph Associafour fellows in attendance, it was named the Georgia- tion a chapter in full standing. Atlanta Zone of the VTR. This brings us up to date on the roots of the club. 7-30-80 - The second meeting - officers were elected During 1982 and 1983, the club struggled as several key simple process, we had an office for everyone there. members went back to school, moved away, changed jobs, etc. The club existed, but was for the most part, inactive, The first officers were: and in danger of losing the charter. President - Mike Elder Vice President - Terry Allen 5-1-83 - Hugh McAleer stepped forward to assume leadTreasurer - Bob Ragan ership of the club. Hugh sent out a questionnaire on memSecretary - Stan Goodman bers wishes, dues were $10, the Trumpet expanded, and Newsletter Editor - Tom Heinze (continued on page 5) 4 Remember to return your ballot before the holiday party! The Georgia Triumph Association's Official Publication - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 I'm a beginner, but enjoying the learning process of restoring my first automobile, a low mileage, rust free TR-6 which had been stored in a bam in Gasden, Alabama for IL.-S_ill_C_a_st_le_b_e_rry _ _...... the past 12 years. Each item completed on the "to do" list results in two more added, so I do not anticipate boredom setting in too soon with this project. Painting Old Blue Getting my TR-6 painted has been my last task completed. I quickly found that bids ranged from $1100 to $5500 for an on-frame paint job with minimal body work required. This prompted me to understand "the why' of such a range in price. The low bid involved light sanding, minimal dent repair, priming, then a one step finish coating which included a Sherwin Williams base and clear coat in combination. No disassembly of the automobile was to be included, only taping of bumpers, windshield, door handles, etc prior to painting. The high bid included using top quality automotive primers & paints like PPG or Dupont, significant preparation such as removal of windshield, bumpers, door handles & lights. Also, any realignment of doors, hoods, fenders needed would be accomplished prior to preparation for painting. The objective is a show quality paint job. I wanted the best, but the price was above my range. At Bob Kassow's suggestion, I contacted Morris BodyShop in Austell, Georgia. This is a family owned and . operated business for the past 22 years, involving TenY and Donna Morris and their two sons Donnie and Clint and a long service body repair specialist - Lee. They were great people to work with, delivering a top quality job on schedule at the quoted pricel They allowed me a bay to do my own disassembly, storage and reassembly of the automobile parts to minimize the need to tape, thus allowing me to save significantly on the total cost while obtaining a great quality job. The process took about 4 weeks. The body was sanded almost to bear metal; the rear quarter panel was sanded completely so old bondo could be removed and replaced. Then came dent filler, then a high build primer with hardener. The primer was dusted with black paint, blocked to locate any low spots which were filled, re-primed, dusted in black again and sanded. Sanding initially was with 400 grit paper and progressively with finer to 1500 grit paper to obtain a very smooth surface for the finished coating. The finish coating was done with PPG in a multistep process. The base coat, color code 136, was applied, followed by three coats of clear coat. The rocker and rear panels were then painted black and the wheel wells resealed with undercoat so there was no trace of over spray. Light sanding was done between coats, then buffing, then a temporary polish applied which allows the paint to cure prior to final waxing to be done about 8 weeks later. Special care was provided such as keeping the automobile on jack stands with wheels removed to avoid any over spray on the tires. If you are wanting to spruce up your automobile, I strongly recommend a call to Donna at Morris Body Shop, 770-944-9060. r---------, several events were planned. Vol II, #1 of the Trumpet was issued June '83. The cl ' I'Ized d' I haIf 0f 1983, WI·th a Stone Moun taOIn ub was revlta unng th east picnic, West Point lake tour, pool party, Road Atlanta SCCA meet, film fest, air show, and Christmas dinner. The club had 27 members at year-end. This brings us to the GTA 20 years ago .......Next month - January 1984 A Little History Please......... (continued from page 4) '-----------.....1 5 Please pay your dues early! -------------------------- ----- The Georgia Triumph Association's Official Publication - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 Each month, when I sit at my computer to write my article, I have some idea of what to write. This month I am drawing a blank. Ten minutes have now past and I have come up with a subject, little tidbits of info. As things come to me, I will type. Have you ever been putting an oil pan on and tightened each bolt as you installed it Only to have trouble getting the last one or two in? WeU, that is because the pan cannot shift around for the holes to line up. Always, start all the bolts (preferably by hand) first, then tighten them. No matter what part of the car you are working on, if there is more than one bolt, start all first before tightening any. While talking about bolts, let's talk about washers and locking chemicals. When you tighten or torque a bolt, you are stretching it. This elasticity is what keeps the bolt from backing out. The experts (from ARP bolts) say lock washers are not really needed. They say that the little bit of resistance that the standard split lock washer adds is so small that if a properly tightened bolt wanted to back out, it would not stop it. I once knew of a racer in SCCA that removed every lock washer on his car. He also replaced all the wiring with aluminum instead of copper. In his formula C car, he saved about 1.5 Ibs. Flat washers on the other hand, should be used. If you look carefully at good washers, not Ace Hard- STILLWATER SERVICES Barry Roseobel'g 434 Wesley Chapel Rd. Villa Rica, Ga. 30180 770-459·5282 britcars@bellsouth.net ware types, the inside edge of the hole is rounded. This eliminates the possibility that the head of the bolt will hit a sharp edge on what ever it is going thru, If you look carefully at good bolts, you will see a "filler' under the head. If this seats on a sharp edge, it could cause the head to break off. What about lock tabs, you ask? I like to use them. I do not always bend over the tab however. If they are bolts I cannot get to in the future, I Loctite the bolts. I use the lock tabs as a cushion under the bolt head. If you could ever watch a flywheel spin under power in an engine, you would be amazed at how much it wobbles and flexes. The lock tab is acting as a cushion for the flywheel bolts. With the flex of the flywheel, the bolts could be stretched and broken without something to absorb this flex. When using a liquid locking chemical, like Loctite, use only a drop or two per bolt. If your car sits outside much, take a can of spray lube that has one of those little tubes. Insert it into each door and trunk lock and squirt. Also lube door latch mechanism and the striker assembly. While you are looking at the latch assembly, tighten the screws that hold it on. If the screws spin and do not get tight. Don't try to put a bigger screw in there. Get one a little longer and screw it in. Then pull the door panel off, ra1se the window first, and put a nut on the inside. Most of these screws are %" fine thread and should not be that hard to find. If you get around to pulling your wheels either to clean the inside rim or check your brakes, take a close look at the rear cylinders (fronts also on 4 wheel drum cars). Pry back the edges of the boots to see if there is any fluid seeping out. It may be in the boot but, not visible yet in the drums, If you see any fluid, get kits and rebuild the cylinders. Also, look at your brake lines, especially the steel ones that run in front of the rear end. Make sure that they have never been pinched by tow companies using their big hooks to pull the cars onto the trucks. They reach underneath the car and snatch the diff. with that hook. If yours are pinched, I would suggest that you either fix or replace them. While on brakes. if you have one of those cars with a brake light switch in the line, check it for leaks every so often. They leak thru the switch. These switches are a pressure activated unit and have full brake line pressure going thru them. If it is leaking, replace it. You can usually get one from an old Chevy at Advance Auto or a NAPA or from Moss, etc. To replace this switch, get someone to help you as it can be done without bleeding the system. Have your helper apply slight pressure to the pedal. Then slowly unscrew the bad switch and have the helper slowly push the pedal down. Install the new switch and snug it up. When the pedal is released, no air can enter the system, Make sure that the new switch is the same as the original. 6 Remember to return your ballot before the holiday party! (Continued on page 7) The Georgia Triumph Association's Official Publication - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 Susie Bowen has given up wearing two hats as Secretary and Treasurer and now there will be two people serving in those positions. How she was able to do that, be a mother to two growing boys and a wife to a "born again" British car enthusiast, is beyond me. This split is another major change that will spread the member responsibilities a little, even though the secretary's job now falls on our Newsletter editor, who in terms of hours on the job, spends more time then anyone as a GTA volunteer. (Election results are not in the bag yet. Ed.) Other positions may require more depth of purpose in looking at the "big picture" of the GTA, but none will serve more time. My hafs off to Hugh and the GTA Newsletter. So now, in addition to giving re-birth to the GTA in the early 80s, Hugh is Editor, Secretary and Member Profile Editor of our current club. I was living in Columbus, Georgia when I bought my 1977 Spitfire in 1982. Soon after that, I began my first membership year in the GTA. I say first because I joined several times over the years and never realized I had been dropped from the roll because of the low profile way of renewing members back then in those early days. Months would go by before I would realize that I wasn't getting the newsletter anymore and then it would be more months before I would rejoin again. Anyway, since I was a hundred miles away, it didn't seem too important since I COUldn't participate in very many activities of the club. As you have seen from Bob Ragan's "A Little. HiStory P~ease', the club organization and management have undergone a stow change in style and purpose. The GTA has made some major changes along the way and none more important than the recent one of securing an assistant to the President. Oops, pardon me, I mean Director (one change in style). On paper, prior to this, it was the Newsletter Editor who was the Assistant to the Director and that was certainly asking too much of the editor. I know, since I served as editor for a year. So, my hat's off to George for biting the bullet and getting some good help. As a business pilot for a major corporation, I notice that company policy dictates that when a handful of the top executives go somewhere by air, they split up and go on more than one airplane. That way, if an airplane goes down, it will take a lesser number of the company leaders away from the company. A morbid thought, but business is business. So, in our case, if Hugh leaves, for whatever reason, we lose three key positions. Actually, I was surprised to see that George is willing to serve another year. With a handful of exceptions, George has pretty much single-handedly taken the GTA to a new level from the days before he took over. With a capable assistant such as Jeremy, I am sure they will improve the club even more. My plea is for all GTA members to think about what they can do to serve the club. Many other car clubs have twice the members serving in important club positions. Let's spread the responsibilities around. Hope to see you at the Christmas party. Paul Logue, Member at Large There are two types. One is pipe thread and the other is 3/8" thread and seals with a copper washer. They are not interchangeable. Remember to top up the fluid and always use Castrol LMA. (,.reat ••..•. . Tec~MI~~eJr~n¥ '. .. . .c\,,~:~i~~~~=~e).t. (,.ift Idea! Looking for "I • My Triumph" bracelets? They can be made in a variety of colors to match your car's color if you would like. They are available in pewter or sterling silver. The pewter bracelet is $25.00 while the sterling bracelet is only $35.00. If you are interested in purchasing this unique gift idea, contact Joan Forster at 770-266-6203 [home] or 770-845-6203 [cell). Well, I guess I can think of a lot of stuff to say. I will end with this. I hope y'all all had a great Thanksgiving and are anticipating a great holiday season, Christmas and Hanukkah. See y'all soon fjIft1 7 Please pay your dues early! The Georgia Triumph Association's Official Publication - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 THE 4th ANNUAL POLAR BEAR RUN Bob Kassow We encourage a "lighf' breakfast, as we will arrive at The Smith House in Dahlonega around 11 :00 AM. for a family style meal. The Smith House is renowned for it's bottomless platters of country style fare. We will depart Dahlonega no later than 1:00 PM for a short tour to Road Atlanta where we will visit the American racing icon Dick Barbour and the home of Dick Barbour Racing. Dick has immense poster collection of races from forty years to the present; he has amassed over 4,000 of them, with hundreds displayed on the walls of his facility at Road Atlanta. Many are signed by the most famous of drivers, and the sizes of the posters vary from small to eight feet square. The variety of designs and colors make this collection worthy of any person's interest. It's a "must see" attraction. For information regarding Dick Barbour and the team, visit their website at: http://www.dickbarbourracing.com/. We plan to arrive at Road Atlanta by 2:00 PM and depart for home by 3:30 or so. Afew notes on The 4!!l Annual Polar Bear Run: Date: Saturday December 27 th , 2003 Meet at: Starbuck's, comer of Mansell Road and Hwy 9 (Alpharetta Hwy) Time: By 8:30 AM Lunch: Smith House (cost per person $15 including drink and dessert) Dick Barbour Racing: Gearhead Nirvana UPt:.OMING. £V£N"ff> A full schedule may be found on the GTA Website or by contacting Michael Campsmith, the events chair. 770-414-8233 or via email (mgc4@cdc.gov) DU.£M~ :> Sunday, December 07th GTA Holiday Party - Norcross Station Cafe :> Tuesday, December 16th Pub Night - The Norcross Tavern > Saturday, December 27th Polar Bear Run >N>ri\ 14tb-'$tb ~o4 REMEMBERI Please return your ballots 18th Annual VTR Southeastern Regional Triumph Meet Tallahassee, FI http://www.templeoftriumph.org >;ruLV II-nth ~o4 VTR National, Richmond, VA. For further information visit the below website. http://www.richmondtriumphregister.com 8 Remember to return your ballot before the holiday party! The Georgia Triumph Association's Official Publication - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 hood, check for any loose nuts and bolts. Make sure your battery is well secured. In the last newsletter Jeremy Whitehead gave an excellent recap of our track day in Alabama at the Talladega Gran Prix track. We had a great time testing ourselves and our cars at the limit. But a few mechanical issues did cut into the fun-and ultimately could have had serious consequences. As experience is a good teacher, I thought I would share my experiences from that day on what to do BEFORE you venture out on the race track: 4) Check your belts and hoses. Even the best rubber part is going to deteriorate over time. When I first restored my car I wanted to keep it as original as possible, right down to reusing vacuum hoses, fan belt, etc. Bad idea!! You might want to keep those original parts for the concourse judging, but they are a liability on the track. Anything showing signs of age or wear needs to be replaced. 5) Check all your fluids. We all change our oil and coolant at the proper intervals (of course we do, right?), 1) Clean out your car, including the trunk. but did you know you need to change your brake fluid Things that normally ride around behind ,...---:::=;;::---..., from time to time? I didn't-and while my your seat-like empty beverage cans and ancient brake fluid was adequate for street back issues of the GTA Newsletterdriving it boiled like a tea kettle after a few should be removed periodically, and now spirited laps on the track. Luckily there was is the time. You don't want anything a track-side vendor with some high-temp loose in the cockpit that might slide under brake fluid for a reasonable price, and after your brake pedal at the most embarrassa quick fluid exchange I was back in the ing moment (like at the end of the back straight). game. Racing generates tremendous amounts of heat Besides, you will need that room to transport some for your coolant, engine oil, and brake fluid. Make sure essential track materials (see below). they are up to the task. 2) Critically examine your tires. Tire technology has come a long way since our cars were new. If you are still riding on the original Red Lines you are really taking a risk. Whatever the vintage, tires with cracked sidewalls or overly-wom tread are just not safe and should be replaced. Bring your tires up to the proper inflation for the drive to the track; once there you may need to adjust pressure to the track conditions and your driving style. And of course, tighten your lug nuts. 6) My incomplete list of essential track items: credit card and cash; spare fluids; good set of tools; tire gauge and air pump; flashlight; folding chair (you sit a lot waiting for your session); hat and sunscreen; drinking water; cooler full of snacks; extra hose clamps and wire ties; and of course the item you should never leave home without-DUCT TAPE. Looking back over this article, I see that this is all good advice for our everyday driving as well. For most of us, street driving doesn't stress our cars as much as track work (although some notable exceptions come to mind). But driving your car on the track really puts it to the test-for a fun and safe experience make sure it is up to the task before you get there. 3) Make sure all the nuts and bolts are tight. Get undemeath and check all your suspension linkages. Anything loose needs to be tightened; anything worn needs to be replaced. On cars of the Triumph vintage the steering rack can get especially sloppy: A quick fix is to tighten a piece of inner tube Hopefully we can get some more like-minded people to between the bracket and the rubber bushing. (I was join us at the next track session. Until then, amazed at how this took the wander out of my straight line steering on the street). Under the Happy motoring!! 9 Please pay your dues early! The Georgia Triumph Association's Official PuiJllcation - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 ....t>Ji£.M... ~. =t::~, It will be interesting to see what sort of crowd we draw after last year's turnout of 116 autos. If you haven't been to a drive all year, please don't miss this one. Then, it's time to start again. If you like what you read here, be sure to join us in the next season of Triumph motoring. If you think there's anything missing, then please tell us, so that we can do what you like - better yet, come get involved and host an event for us. Once again, it was a pleasure serving you as your Director. We're making a few changes to your GTA officers in 2004, so I have offered to stick around to get things off to a good start. If reelected, I promise to do less work myself, and encourage the participation of as many volunteers as possible. Please come and join us for the next year of GTA fun. I wish you all a safe and joyous holiday season! See you in 2004. Let's have some fun at the Holiday Party! Decorate your car to celebrate the season! Youmay even get your photo in the newsletter! Bob Bryan Richard White Janie Carter Forrest Bridges Jim Davis Carol Smith Brooks Bullock Laura Pruitt Rebecca Kohlhagen Jean Teare Tom Jugus Richard Walker 12/01 12/03 12/03 12/06 12110 12117 12/18 12118 12121 12125 12/28 12130 i·;:~~~3! ::i~~~I~~~1fJ~~l~r;'~(~~1 I won a contest and I decided to pass my good fortune on. The first member to respond WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER to the below trivia question via EMAIL wins a $5.00 coupon that can be redeemed at The Norcross Tavern at the December meeting. The first and only TR1 was first shown where AND in what month and year? All guesses must be sent to: Dinner/Busjness Meeting Will resume January 20th Dinner 6:00 pm Meeting 7:00 pm Norcross Station Cafe is located at 40 S. Peachtree Street, Norcross, GA 30071. Phone # is 770.409.9889. From 1-85: Take Jimmy Carter Blvd. West. Cross over Buford Hwy. and take the next Right turn (South Peachtree St.). Follow S. Peachtree. Norcross Station is on the Left in the Historic District. OR. take Indian Trail or Beaver ' - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1 Ruin road northwest (Indian Trail merges left onto Beaver Ruin). Cross Buford Highway and follow Lawrenceville St. into Historic Old Norcross. Lawrenceville St. turns right onto Jones St. Turn left on S. Peachtree (one block). the Station is on the right at that intersection. From 1-285: Take Buford Highway exit North. Cross Jimmy Carter Blvd. Turn Left at Norcross Tucker Road (traffic light at NOPI auto parts). Norcross Tucker merges with S. Peachtree St. The Station is on the Left. off at Norcross Station. Train: Just 10 Remember to return your ballot before the holiday party! The Georgia Triumph Association's Official Publication - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 ?~"=II'~~~~; ~: ~~~ee~!~~ ::~u~~:: ~:~~ the Torpedoes Rally and dismissed it as a lark, I highly recommend that you come out next year and see the start - that is if you don't join in on the race itself. I went over to Athens on Friday to see the boys and girls off, and it was cool. As I rounded a bend in the road I saw an old abandoned mill off to my left, and behind it were the approximately entrants. The sheer variety of cars was what made it so interesting to me. Sure to see 30 or so Triumphs lined up would be cool, but to see a Maserati Indy, a 66 Vette, a 66 Lincoln Convertible, nicknamed "Team Big Boat" and others was just too much. My understanding of the outcome of the race is that no one was left stranded. A coupe of folks were tracked down by the Law, but once again the winner was Rusty in his '67 Shelby GT350, followed by Victor in his '57 TR3. Victor has finished 2nd for four consecutive years. I guess raw horsepower is not the only requirement. Joe did finish a respectable 8th in the Herald. By the sound of the laughter the group was in high spirits, and all was well. To see more information on this year's event, be sure to visit the link below: http://www.angelfire.com/super2/ellisracing/dtt.html REM EM BERI. YOUR MEMBERSHIP EXPIRES ON DECEMBER 31 DLDE ENGLISH GARAGE 4495. Winfred Dr. Bldg .. 4. Marie~GA ~OO66.(770t92&40~~ Our 8,OOOsq,ft. facility is located ontwlJ·fenced acres in a Marietta business park. The oustomer waiting area has fresh coffee.oIassic car magazines, great pictures, a complete kitchen and clean bathrooms. The shoparea is clean, organized, fully equipped and staftedby ..... professional technicians who are passionate about the' qualityoftheirwork. I encourage you . I . . to .talkto any otollr c:ustotners. We take great pride in our shop anddllr work. SERVICES OFFERED I2J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Maintenance Collision repair Interiors and tops Electrical Engines. transmissions Metal repair. floorboards. etc, Suspension, brakes Complete restorations Performance kits, tuning Car storage Consignment sales Detailing Bodywork and Painting Sandblasting Directions from·GA 400 Exit WEST on Holcomb Br. Rd toward Woodstock Turn LEFT onto Canton Rd. southbound Turn LEFT onto Shallowford Rd. Turn first LEFT onto Winfred Dr. Turn RIGHT into # 4495 business park Bldg. 13.4 mi 1.7 mi ,1 mi ,1 mi 4,1 mi Directions from 1-285 Exit 1·285 onto 1-75 North Take exit 268 (1-575 N/GA 5N) toward Canton Turn RIGHT at exit #3 (Chastain Rd) Turn LEFT onto Canton Rd. toward Woodstock Turn RIGHT onto Shallowford Rd. Turn first LEFT onto Winfred Dr. Turn RIGHT into # 4485 business park Bldg. 11 Please pay your dues early! 8Ami 2.2mi 2.1 mi 1.5mi ,1 mi .1 mi 4,1 mi The Georgia Triumph Association's Official Publication - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 Cure For The Common Leak I have been bothered for years with oil leaks in the 250 - but not neces[Valve Coverthat is] sarily all coming from the expected areas. Among the other usual leaks, Hugh McAleer my car also blows it right passed the studs that hold the alloy valve cover on. I know the motor has a serious blowby problem, but I have always felt it was excessive. My motor is always covered with oil from the top down. I was having lunch last month with Tom Horvat and of course our bonnets came up as we are very prone to do when we both have our TRs with us when we get together. I remarked how clean the motor in his TR6 is and we began to compare notes. I had fiber washers that I had gotten at Home Depot on the studs that hold the valve cover on. Tom had washers on his also but his chrome valve cover was clean as a whistle. Mine was soaked in oil. I had to find out what the difference was. Tom said he had made washers to put on top of and below the cover and it totally stopped the oil from finding it's way to the top of the valve cover. I guess I looked a bit confused so he drew me a picture. His diagram is below. I did put his fix on my 250 the following week and I am very pleased to announce that there is not a drop of oil coming passed the valve cover studs anymore. Good thing is that it costs very little if anything to fix. Actually it cost me nothing since Tom made me a set. The suggestion is to use an old thin type of mouse pad, cut out your neoprene washers! seals and there you have your fix. Tom also made a washer for the oil filler cap out of the same material. LOCKNUTS VALV'; \;~ ~ i b::. .. I ~l. I Ii . II ;.~ (' ;~.j i ( ( -:.:;\ II ,.~,p ,.~..-.-j _~_~ Si.~~?SllER !;.!~;.", / _1_. Illustration by Tom Horvat. CYLINDER HEAD ... and from the Triumphs list... Attention: Triumph OwnersNintage Racers! Virginia International Raceway is the site for the Gold Cup Historic Races presented by Berry Hill Mansion Marriott on June 11-13, 2004. The event is expected to revive the Vintage Spirit. The meet will also feature the Vintage MotorsportTribute to Women in Racing and Moss Motors International Triumph Challenge There be a large British car show, sponsored by Moss Motors, and entry to the show is included in the price of admission. The official Triumph host hotel is the Sleep Inn in Danville, VA. Use keyword "Triumph" for special rate. (new hotel with all amenities) Check http://www.virclub.com/formoredetails.VIRislocatedat1245PineTreeRoadAlton.VA 24520 Phone: 434 822-7700 or 888 Race099 Fax: 434 822-8033 - email is info@virclub.com "If there is a heaven on earth, it is Virginia International Raceway". (Paul Newman) 12 Remember to return your ballot before the holiday party! - a The Georgia Triumph Association's Official Publication - The Trumpet DECEMBER, 2003 ATLANTA IMPORTED AUTO PARTS,INC 257 DEKALB IND WAY DECATUR, GA. 30030 404-299-5775 LOCAL 800-241-0869 TOLL FREE- 404-299-6155 FAX =..::.!.=="'"~~_'-'-'""'-~,,:c:-"="-'-'-' is the only uri you need to know!! Search for parts by part number, description, application, etc. Use the 'QUICKCART function to easily and quickly order your parts using either factory OE part numbers or MOSS motors part numbers. Place your orders with us and don't worry, we are a Thawte SSL ( Division of Verisign ) certified site. Order anytime, from anywhere you have an internet connection, 24/7. Register your information just one time, then when you return, all your information is saved. No having to re-enter the same information every time you order. We receive the orders immediately via email and if the parts are in our warehouse, we ship the next day [ same day if the order is received before 2PM EST!). Web specials are updated weekly, so check it out oftenl! Confirmed local Georgia British car club members receive fl'ee ground UPS shipping on minimum $50 orders in addition to great service and better prices. If ordering @ VVW}!lLfltlant.Gimpol'ted.corYl just enter GTA Club member in the gift message box on the website and we will remove the shipping costs the e-commerce software adds to your order automatically. Remember, we build engines, transmissions, brake calipers, some rear axle assemblies, SU carbs, and much more. We stock rebuilt overdrive transmissions for MGBs and TR6s. We have used early and late TR Spitfire transmission units for rebuild. Contact us fOI' more information. Better yet, come by and see us, we actually have a real building with over 6000 line items of parts in stock. A map and driving directions are available for printing on the website main page. Don't forget our huge collection of used parts. We also have an extensive collection of NOS ( new old stock 1discontinued, and weird parts that you can browse. We honor all the MOSS Motors sales and all MOSS Motors specials, so just contact and let us know what you need. We are your one stop shop for all your British cal' parts needs. We are the largest Moss Motors authorized distributor on the East Coast. On staff we have over 20 years of British car mechanical and service experience. Give us a try, you'll be glad you did!! 13 Please pay your dues early! - a GTA Membership Application - Short Form New [=::J Renewal [=::J GT A Numbel'___. VTR Member [=::J VTR Numbe l' _ _ _ _ __ Last Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ First Name, MI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birthday _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.State _ _ Zip-Code _ _ __ Partner's Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,HerjHis Birthday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Day Phone _ _ _ _ _ Night Phone _ _ _ _.E-mail address is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ British Cars (model year) Occupation_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Interests: [Put a check beside all that apply) Tech Sessions_ _ Rallys _ _ Driving Tours _ _ Car Shows _ _ Mail application and Autocross _ _Social Events___ Volunteer _ _ $24.00 to The GTA at the I would like to help with the leadership of the GTA. address listed on page 2. Applications may also be I would like to receive the Trumpet via email. processed on our Web As a member of the Georgia Triumph Association (GTA), I agree to hold the GTA. site at its Board of Directors. officers and organizers of events free from ail liability for any accident or injury which occurs in connection with club events. Signature Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please lJ.Q.NQ[include my pel'sonal information in the GTA Membership directory. YES ___ NO_ _ (This information would only be available to GTA members.) !l§l't!il,)itef(ii! aatriul]]l1JjJ;.QDl Cit' ELECTIONS TIME! The GTA is having an Election of Officers. All members should have received a ballot via snail mail. Members have until the holiday party to return their baUot. The ballots may be turned in at the holiday party. The Georgia Triumph Association Post Office Box 1138 Tucker, Georgia 30085·1138