INWCC June - Inland NorthWest Camaro Club
INWCC June - Inland NorthWest Camaro Club
June 2016 Edition Inside this Edition: President’s Garage Officers/Volunteers May Minutes Breakfast Cruise Camaro Show Ford Show INCCC DTS Show Upcoming Events: Next meeting June 21 Benefit Show for St Luke’s July 16th Downtown Car Show Thursday July 21st Camaro Show - Mark your Calendars ***August 13th*** Ford Show August 27th Holiday Party - Saturday January 7th 2017 Start working on your Ugly President’s Garage - Barry Iverson Hello Club Members, Election time is coming up fast, start thinking about someone to take on President and Newsletter Editor/Board Assistant, also Vice President is up for election. If you have someone in mind please chat with them and get their thoughts, remember they need to say Yes before you nominate them. I have loved serving as your President these last four years but now is the time for me to step down and give the reigns to someone new, someone with new ideas, and a vision for this club into the future. This is a great club, full of outstanding members, anyone of you would make a great President or Vice President or Newsletter Editor. So come on throw your name in the air and see where it lands. We can do greatness together!!! Half of the year is gone and it has been full of ups and downs including my falling-down. Last Tuesday we lost Kayse’s father to cancer, and in these last 6 months our combined family has lose 5 members. The one thing we have learned is to keep life going, always say what you want to say to someone, do not wait - for that moment may not come. Say “good-morning”, “good-night”, “good-job”, “great to see you”, “thank you” and always say I love you. See you at the next meeting, Barry The Next Meeting June 21st - 7pm @ Darcy’s Restaurant & Spirits 10502 E Sprague Spokane Valley Page 1 INWCC - Inland Northwest Camaro Club PO Box 4084 * Spokane WA 99220 WEB SITE : Meet the September 2014 to August 2016 Officers/Volunteers President: Barry Iverson (509) 999-9145 2002 Z28 RS Camaro Convertible - White Storm Trooper Vice President: Mike Penberthy (509) 981-0686 1969 Camaro SS - Silver Treasurer: Rich Petersen (509) 443-6912 2012 45th Anniversary Camaro - Carbon Treasurer Advisor: Craig Fairhurst (509) 927-6295 1968 Camaro - Corvette Bronze * 1970 Camaro Rally Sport * 2002 Camaro Z28 - Pewter Newsletter Editor / Board Assistant: Kayse Lyn Iverson (509) 999-9144 If you would like to send in items for publication please do so by emailing them to me within 4 days after the meeting. You are invited to send in stories about shows you attend, interesting articles and anything that may be of value to club members. Space is limited, so if your item is not time/date sensitive it may layover to a future issue. If you do not have email access, you can reach me at the above mentioned phone number to make arrangements. Activity Reminder Coordinator: Colleen Hagen (509) 467-1351 Webmaster: Michelle Knapp (509) 483-0381 New Website coming soon! Membership Recruiter: Jacquie Witham (509) 844-8428 1973 Camaro LT - White If you have any changes to your phone or address (email and snail mail) please let me know Show Committee Chair: Larry Hagen (509) 467-1351 Thank you, the 2015 show was Outstanding!!! Cheers to another great Show!!! Page 2 INWCC Meeting (May17th) CALL TO ORDER 7:00 – Barry presiding ROLL CALL Larry & Colleen Hagen, Tom & Michelle Knapp, Peter & Judy Coffin, Ken & Bonnie Holmes, Craig Fairhurst, Rich & Sally Petersen, Mike Penberthy, Al & Gail Gabbitas, Lory & Nancy Mace, Ted Davis, Steve Fritz, Peggy & Craig Bailey and Paul Reinhardt Jacquie is doing much better now and hopes to be at the next meeting REPORTS SECRETARY/NEWSLETTER Any takers for Newsletter Editor???? I really think the ideal person is someone who is retired or semi retired, who loves to talk and who surfs the net for interesting items to include in the newsletter. You do not need to be a writer or even a good speller, you just need a bit of time to gather things together. WEB REPORT Website is being put back together, 4 pages at present. Planned: Home Page, Camaro Show, Membership Cars and Contact pages. Found a Web programmer that will do it for us. Contact Mike if you have questions. Will have a Webmaster email address, items will then be routed to whomever TREASURERS REPORT Accounts in balance! We need to register with federal - new law that went into effect a couple of years ago. Rich is looking in it. MEMBERSHIP SHOW COMMITTEE Colleen is doing a great job of contacting/collecting donations for door prizes and goodie bags. We will be having goodie bags for the first 150 attendees and we hope to have the same amount if not more door prizes. Pete & Judy will store raffle items - Larry will collect items Mirabeau Park Hotel has a special offer for Friday and Saturday of the show. Peter doing photo for trophies. Have extra trophies from last year we can use, trophies for special awards - duplicate 2015’s Trophies are now only for 1st and 2nd awards and classes have been reduced T-shirts - Dash Plaques - YES Bring in the awareness of the charities we support with the show. Ideas: Maybe ask them if they would like to come to the show. Sell 50/50 tickets at the end of Registration where the attendees are handed their T-Shirts, then move it to the Raffle area or have it as a 2nd location for tickets. Also see if someone would like to walk around the sell tickets during the show. Need to increase the profits AutoNation wants to sponsor special AutoNation Best Of Show trophies: Camaro - Stock, Camaro - Modified, Camaro - Paint, Camaro - Engine We would then have the Best of Show Non-Camaro, and would be sponsored by whomever said they wanted them. Will be sending out an invoice to AutoNation for their donation. CAMARO CAFÉ July 16th St Luke’s Benefit Car Show, we have been asked to provide the food - Mark your calendars we need volunteers to man the café Price increase will go into effect with the next outing of the café Price list was handed out at meeting, the only thing that changed from the sheet was the price of Coffee $1.00 with free refills OLD BUSINESS: Elections coming up, be thinking about who wants to be President and Newsletter Editor/Board Assistant Charities for 2016 Hospice of Spokane Women & Children’s Free Restaurant & Community Kitchen Page 3 New BUSINESS: Check out there are lots of great things happening We were asked to handle the food at the Wendel Show on Fathers Day but it was decided that the St Luke's benefit show on July 16th was a better fit for the club. Thanks to the members who have been out there promoting the Camaro Café, you are doing a great job. Maybe one of these breakfast cruises we could have it more of a brunch, so that those of us who work late on Fridays or who just like to sleep in on the weekends can attend. Meeting ended 8:06 THE CAMARO CLUB BREAKFAST AND CRUISE ON May 21, 2016 Submitted by Peter Coffin On Saturday may 21, 2016 some members of the Inland Northwest Camaro Club gathered at 8:00 Am in the Spokane Valley Yokes parking lot to travel to the Blanchard Inn for breakfast. The members were: Larry and Coleen Hagen, Tom and Michelle Knapp, Mike and Diana Penberthy, Rich and Sally Peterson, and Pete and Judy Coffin. Passing through Rathdrum, Idaho the group picked up Lory and Nancy Mace. Peggy Bailey was waiting for the group at the Blanchard Inn. Nancy and Michelle had arranged for the breakfast and the Inn provided good service, good food and reasonable prices. Part of the breakfast plan included traveling on to Sandpoint to attend the “Lost in the Fifties car show. After breakfast the bad weather predicted for the area held off and following the leadership of Lory and Nancy the group (less Mike and Diana Penberthy and Peggy Bailey), headed north toward Newport, Washington on Idaho Highway 41. Just short of Newport Lory turned east on the Old Priest River Road with the explanation that it would take us around the graveled road construction on US Highway #2 in Priest River. His choice took us on a delightful winding road through the Idaho forest and into Priest River just east of the construction. After getting on Highway 2 the group traveled eastward to Sandpoint under partly cloudy, but dry skies. Arriving at Sandpoint Lory skillfully guided us to a parking area about four blocks from the car show. The Inland Northwest Camaro Club Group at the Sandpoint parking lot. Left to right: Judy Coffin, Nancy and Lory Mace, Coleen and Larry Hagen, Rich and Sally Petersen in front of Lory’s Camaro. (Continued on page 5) Page 4 (Continued from page 4) As we walked to the car show Craig Bailey’s 1941 Dodge truck was displayed on the first corner we came to. For its age and the fact that it is a dump truck it is in fine condition! Craig Bailey’s 1941 Dodge truck in Sandpoint. Further into the crowded streets the Camaro Club group became separated. The number and variety of cars being shown was very impressive. Perhaps one of the most impressive things was the number of displayed vehicles having Canadian license plates. However, there were license plates from a number of states with the majority from Idaho, Washington, and Montana. There were many cars displayed from the Spokane area that I had never seen before. In addition there was an impressive number of hot rods spread throughout the entire show. The crowd of visitors was impressive and oppressive making it difficult to get a clean photograph of a particular car. After several hours of wandering through the show Judy and I tired and left after seeing a very impressive car show. Believe it or not this was Judy’s favorite! Page 5 1. 26TH ANNUAL Inland Northwest Camaro Club Open Auto Show Mirabeau Meadows Park – Spokane Valley, Washington th SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 , 2016 One T-shirt to the first 150 entries on the day of the show Dash Plaques and “Goodie Bags” to the first 150 entries - plus Raffle Items and Door Prizes Please IN RESPECT OF THE SHOW STAFF, NO EARLY ARRIVALS Gate will open promptly at 9:00AM The Inland NW Camaro Show will be judged by a panel of judges Spokane Skyhounds Disc Dog Competition - Open to the public FOR MORE INFORMATION on disc dogs only REGISTRATION at 8:30 am/COMPETITION AT 9:00 am At MIRABEAU POINT PARK in the Spokane Valley CALL JOHN at 509‐995‐5458 SHOW INFO AND CAR CLASSES ON REVERSE 2016 Inland Northwest Camaro Club Open Auto Show Mirabeau Meadows Park - Spokane Valley, Washington Saturday - August 13th, 2016 Cost: $20.00 (CASH ONLY) per entry ENTRY AND REGISTRATION TIME: JUDGING PANEL BEGINS: AWARDS PRESENTED: 9:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. – 1:30 P.M. APPROXIMATELY 3:00 P.M. Class determination made by show staff is FINAL NOTE: DUE TO PARTICIPATION, CLASSES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Special awards will be presented for the following: *Best in Show – Camaro – Stock *Best in Show – Camaro – Modified *Best in Show – Non – Camaro *Best Paint *Best Engine CLASSES: #1 CAMARO 1ST GEN. - STOCK #14 CHEVROLET - MODIFIED #2 CAMARO 1ST GEN. - MODIFIED #15 G.M #3 CAMARO 2ND GEN. - STOCK #4 CAMARO 2 GEN. - MODIFIED #5 CAMARO 3 GEN. - STOCK #6 CAMARO 3 GEN. - MODIFIED ND RD RD #7 CAMARO 4TH GEN. - STOCK ALL EXCEPT CHEVROLET #16 FORD - LINCOLN - MERCURY - STOCK ALL INCLUDING MUSTANGS AND THUNDERBIRDS #17 FORD - LINCOLN - MERCURY - MODIFIED ALL INCLUDING MUSTANGS AND THUNDERBIRDS #8 CAMARO 4TH GEN. - MODIFIED #18 MOPAR – ALL INCLUDING PT CRUISER #9 CAMARO 5TH & 6TH GEN. - STOCK #19 TUNERS - ALL #10 CAMARO 5 & 6 GEN. #20 TRUCK - STOCK TH TH MODIFIED/FACTORY MODIFIED #21 TRUCK - MODIFIED #11 CORVETTE - ALL #22 STREET RODS - ALL #12 CHEVELLE - ALL #23 UNDER CONSTRUCTION #13 CHEVROLET - STOCK #24 OPEN (NO OTHER CLASS) FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE SHOW PLEASE CALL: LARRY HAGEN 509-467-1351 OR MIKE PENBERTHY 509-893-1309 INLAND NORTHWEST CAR CLUB COUNCIL DOWNTOWN SCHOLARSHIP CAR SHOW July 21st 2016 6:00 PM until 9:30 PM On Riverside Avenue INWCC - NEWS INWCC Monthly Newsletter ___________________________ Inland Northwest Camaro Club PO Box 4084 Spokane, WA 99220 To: