HERE - Main Street Music Festival
HERE - Main Street Music Festival
Registraon Form 5 K Race Course First / Last Name: ________________________ Address: _________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Phone/Cell Phone: __________________________ Email: _________________________________ Date of Birth: __________ Age as of 7-30-15: ____ Please Select One: 5K Run____ Male___ Female___ Festival 5k Entry Fee $20 Early Registration Run $_________ $5 Late Registration $_________ Total Amount $_________ (postmarked by 7/24/15) Sponsoredby Waiver and Release: I, individually, (and/or as a parent, and/or a guardian of the named minor) for and in consideration of acceptance of this entry in the aforementioned event, do hereby release, remise, waive, and forever discharge the Albertville Chamber of Commerce and any and all other supporting groups of this said racing event, together with all their officers, agents, officials, and employees, from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes damage, including death, relating to any injury, illness, loss, and further state I am in proper physical condition to participate in this event. In addition, I agree that my participation in this event requires that I will not participate with roller blades, skateboards, animals, or anything which the race director deems dangerous to myself or other participants and the race director may remove me from this event for a violation of said policy. I further grant permission to this race and the organization conducting the race and/ or agents authorized by them to use any photographs, videotapes, motion picture, recordings and any other record of this event for any purpose. I also agree that if the event is cancelled for any reason that all entry fees are non-refundable. All bikers must provide their own helmets and wear them during entire race. Albert vil le, AL Saturday August8,2015 Signature: __________________________ 7:00am (must be signed by parent or guardian if under the age 19) Date: __________ No refunds or transfers. Race will only be cancelled/rescheduled under major weather emergency. 316EastSandMountainDrive-Albertville,AL35950 256-878-3821-Fax256-878-3822 Festival 5k Thank you to our 2015 Connuing Sponsors! Awards Chip Timing AwardsCeremonywillbeheld attheAlbertvilleChamberof Commercebeginningat 8:30am. Timingwillbeprovidedusingdisposable chip-basedshoetags.Shoetagsandbib numbersarelinked,thereforeyoumust runwithyourassignedbib.Theshoetag mustbeattachedbelowthekneeto registerthecorrecttimeelectronically. DoNOTswapbibnumbers!! Early Packet Pick-Up • Nolan & Vinson, LLP • Alexander Dodge Chrysler Jeep Earlypacketpick-upatAlbertville ChamberofCommerce,316East SandMountainDrive,Albertville, AL35950: Friday,8-7-15 10am-4pm OverallTopMaleandFemale Run—$50cashprize. MedalsawardedtotheTop3 MaleandFemalefinishers theseagegroups:0-15,16-21, 22-29,30-39,40-49,50-59, 60-69,70+. M a i l E n t r y To : Race Day Informaon Location:AlbertvilleChamberofCommerce Location: 316EastSandMountainDrive,Albertville (acrossthestreetfromFoodland) 6:00am—6:45am Registration 7:00am 5kBegins 8:30am AwardsCeremony Albertville Chamber of Commerce 316 East Sand Mountain Drive Albertville, AL 35950 Call 256256-878878-3821 for more information.