100th Infantry Division Roster 1944-1945
100th Infantry Division Roster 1944-1945
LastName A'Dessi Aaron Aaronson Abair Abate Abate Abbate Abbate Abbey Abbot Abbott Abbott Abbott Abbott Abbott Abehsira Abel Aber Abernathy Abernathy Abernathy Abert Abeyta Abler Abmeyer Abney Abolafia Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraitis Abramowitz Abrams Abrams Abrams Abramson Abramson Abramson Abshire FirstName Anthony Starling LesterH RichardJ FrankM Sam GeorgeJ WilliamJ DouglasB HarrisonL CharlesE JohnS LeslieR LesterA WilliamL David RobertB JohnE EmdenH LeonF MarionB EdwardR JoseG Paul NortonE RoyE Harry Michael John MauriceW JohnF Leon Jodie JodieW Murry Edward Geoge IrvingM CharlesF Rank Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Mjr SSg Pfc CWO T/4 Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 2Lt T/5 Pfc Pvt Cpl Unit 399-H 397-F 397-SV 397-L 397-A 373-SV 397-M 325-MB 398-F 399-A 397-L 397-HQ 398-E 397-F 398-I 399-F 397-E 374-HQ 325-EC 397-F 100-HQ 398-D 398-C 398-M 397-B 397-L 399-MD 399-B 100-SG 325-EB 373-B 397-K 399-C 399-2B 397-H 399-SV 375-A 397-L 399-K Status City Brooklyn State NY WIA KIA WIA NewHaven Chicago Detroit Lyndhurst NewYork NewYork Cleveland Seymore Portland Washington Blacksburg Scranton Taunton CT IL MI NJ NY NY OH TN IN DC VA PA MA KIA Hartford Shrewsbury Matthews Buford Lenox Sweetwater CT NJ NC GA MS MA WV Chesterfield Bummer Bronx Homestead Lawrence Santee Saginaw Bronx Macclesfield Tarboro FarRockaway Brooklyn Chelmsford Chicago Middleton MO KY NY PA MA NE MI NY NC NC NY NY MA IL IN WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Acanfrio Accardi Accomando Acerra Achatz Achilli Achuff Ackerman Ackerman Ackerman Ackerman Ackers Acosta Acree Acreman Acuna Acunzo Adair Adair Adam Adamcek Adamowicz Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams MichaelA FrankP JamesJ Michael WilliamA WilliamJ JamesT DanielG GeorgeM LeroyJ WayneA JamesE RichardC AllenT GeorgeW Rafael JohnA James JamesA DallasL CharlesS WalterC Arthur BillyR Bruce CarlJ EugeneL CouncilM FrankY DanielG GeorgeH DonaldE EarlL DelvinH DrueScott Glenn HaroldL HaroldP Henry HenryCJr SSg Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc WOJ Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc TSg T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc T/5 T/5 1Lt 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 398-I 399-A 398-M 398-AT 399-E 398-A 325-EH 398-G 399-K 397-C 397-I 397-1B 397-L 399-3B 397-I 398-G 397-I 399-A 399-L 375-C 399-B 398-CN 398-CN 397-1B 398-M 397-H 398-SV 399-E 325-MD 373-B 398-F 397-1B 399-E 399-F 399-K 373-B 399-HQ 398-L 100-QM 398-G WIA Rutherford Brooklyn NJ NY Mechanicville Newark EBridgewater Milwaukee Toledo Philadelphia Flint Merced NY NJ MA WI OH PA MI CA Maywood Calhoun Georgiana Lubbock Brooklyn Louisville NewCastle Emmaus Glastonbury Cromwell Union Albany BlueAsh NewLondon Elizabethtown NWilkesboro Greenville PilotMoutain Wilson NewtonSquare Princeton MtVernon Centerville CA GA AL TX NY KY DE PA CT CT SC MO OH CT NC NC SC NC NC PA NC TX TN Lebanon Texarkana Newport Millville IL TX TN NJ KIA POW WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adaowicz Addi Addis Addis Addy Adelman Adelson Adkins Adkins Adkins Adler Adler Adolph Adriance Aemisegger Affricano Agard Agate Agatiello Agel Ager Agieyeff Aglialoro Agreda JamesA WilliamR JamesF MelvinM JohnA Nelson JohnR JosephW JamesO JohnL JohnR Paul TroyL WaltonN WilliamJ JamesI WaselW RichardJ CalvinL Charles RogerP Benjamin IrvingG Coleman LawrenceA LeonardD ArnoldA PaulH NormanR HarryJ HerbertR BenjminF RobertW Salvatore DominickJ CharlesJ HaroldE FiedotJ GeorgeJ Harry Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl T/4 T/4 Pfc Pvt Sgt T/5 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 397-C 397-K 398-2B 398-E 397-E 100-HQ 925-HQ 399-E 397-B 398-K 100-SG 399-2B 397-E 325-MB 397-AT 399-K 397-A 399-F 398-F 398-F 325-EC 375-A 397-MD 399-K 397-I 399-A 397-F 800-OR 397-L 398-C 325-MB 397-CN 325-EC 399-SV 397-E 398-H 398-AT 399-M 375-HQ 100-SG WIA WIA Fairfax Navoo NewYork Coalmont Ronco Conshohocken Norwood Westminster Holt Jacksonille Caldwell RockHill Oakland Pavo Toledo Esterly JerseyCity Bronx Walhalla Walhalla Sandusky Chelsea Brooklyn Mubscott Plymouth Edmund Bronx FosterCenter NewYork Tioga Brooklyn WWillington Pottersville HowardBeach Brooklyn Bayonne NewRumley Chicago Brooklyn Dunn OK AL NY TN PA PA RI SC FL FL NJ SC CA GA OH PA NJ NY SC SC OH MA NY WV CT OK NY KY NY PA NY CT NY NY NY NJ OH IL NY NC Agrusa Aguilar Ahearn Ahearn Ahlborn Ahlers Ahlers Ahmeida Aho Aianello Aid Aigler Aigner Aiken Ailes Ainsworth Aisenbrey Aitchison Akana Akers Akers Akers Akey Akin Aksamit Alaimo Alamo Albala Albanese Albano Albaugh Albenga Albert Albert Albertelli Alberts Alberty Albino Alboum Albrecht James JoeL CorneliusF DanielS RobertP FrankR RichardD FrankD AlvarA Anthony Edward RobertLD HenryJ SamuelJ MiltonE HowardR AndrewJ JohnW WalterP JamesE Leroy WilliamJ WilliamP LowieC EdmondM Joseph ReneeL Jack DominickJ RussellL Jack Telesforo Joseph WalterT Edward Andrew WilliamC RobertE HowardM ArnoldW Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc 1Sg SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc SSg MSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc 397-L 397-B 373-A 399-2B 399-L 325-EH 398-L 398-3B 397-AT 325-EA 397-E 397-2B 374-A 397-A 398-2B 325-EH 399-M 397-HQ 399-MD 397-C 398-B 397-HQ 397-H 399-A 399-A 398-E 399-MD 399-HQ 397-3B 399-B 397-B 397-E 397-L 375-C 397-K 399-A 398-L 399-H 925-B 399-I KIA WIA WIA Detroit Baytown NewYork NewYork Pittsburgh Hoboken LongIsland MI TX NY NY PA NJ NY Ishperning Rutherford SilverSpring WebsterGrove Clementon Elrama MI NJ MD MO NJ PA Alexandria Alpena Roxbury Oneida Ward Ligon Belleville NewYork Roswell Chicago Brooklyn Bronx Bronx Brooklyn WHaven VA SD MA NY WV KY NJ NY NM IL NY NY NY NY CT Englewood Connellsville Manchester Philadelphia Detroit LongBeach Brooklyn Newark Hutchinson NJ PA MA PA MI CA NY NJ MN WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Albrecht Albrecht Albright Albright Albright Albright Albritton Alcaro Alcorn Alderson Aldo Aldridge Aldridge Alesia Alestuck Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexandrof Alfano Alfieri Alfonso Alfonso Alfonso Alford Alford JohnA PaulL. DonaldF EverettG JohnMack LouisS SamuelE Sam RobertG JamesF Frank GeneW JesseH PasqualeJ WilliamD AnthonyW ArthurP BishopW CarlA CostasJ EnochL FrederickP HerbertW HubertB WilliamN JB MartianE MorrisO NortonI Ralph StanleyE JohnJ VasilyV JosephP Louis CarlD FernandoM JohnG FranklinJ JuliusP Pfc T/5 Sgt 1Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-I 100-SG 399-SV 397-L 398-I 399-G 398-L 399-SV 397-2B 399-F 325-EA 325-EB 397-B 100-CR 398-B 397-F 100-QM 397-B 325-MD 398-I 398-L 397-SV 373-C 100-CR 399-L 925-C 397-B 397-C 925398-H 397-MD 373-B 397-HQ 397-E 397-L 399-L 325-MD 398-C 397-E 399-G WIA Camden NJ KIA Rochester PrettyPrarie Greensboro Birmingham SanBenito WI KS NC AL TX Osborn Columbia Seymour Owensboro RuralHill Brooklyn Clarkesburg SRiver Sacramento Wellington Decatur NewYork Warrior Columbia WBridgewater Concord Canton Mansfield Portales LosAngeles Philadelphia Cherryville Brunswick Napa Seattle California JerseyCity Gulfport Tampa FallRiver Paris Florence OH TN CT KY NC NY WV NJ CA TX IL NY PA SC MA CT NC TN NM CA PA NC ME CA WA PA NJ MS FL MA TN MS WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Alford Algarin Alger Alger Alger Algire Algozzine Alheim Aliberti Alicie Allard Allard Allburn Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen WilmontD JosephM DonaldJ RobertE RobertE CharlesW JohnL LouisG UmbertoJ MilburnW EdwardN JohnP JamesN ArthurP CarltonO HaroldK CharlesD Harry CharlesW HerbertA FrederickL GuyP CharlesG Edwin GuyE HughD JeffrieN JeromeJ JohnJ JohnW Otto JosephR PeteC KennethC RalphI LeoG Nicholas KarlM LeeR MarionL T/5 T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 1Lt Pfc Pvt CWO Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc T/4 T/4 SSg Pvt Pfc 100-DA 397-AT 397-K 375-SV 397-H 399-A 399-H 399-E 398-H 374-C 397397-G 398-A 398-2B 398-F 100-SG 398-F 375-C 399398-G 399-P 398-HQ 100-MP 399-HQ 397-C 399-2B 399-E 399-1B 398-C 397-A 398-E 398-I 397-SV 399-C 397-G 398-1B 399-SV 373-A 399-B 375-A WIA WIA WIA WIA FtWorth SanFrancisco Hudson SidneyCenter Canisteo Baltimore Cairo Chicago Bridgeport CedarBluff TX CA NY NY NY MD NY IL CT VA Albany Erie SanPedro Indianapolis Astoria Brentwood Phoenix NY PA CA IN NY CA NY Rome GA Bristol Scottsburg PinePlains MillHall Lavonia Welch Brooklyn ElPaso Paxton Swampton Brooklyn FtWorth StCloud AtlanticCity Glendale Astoria Elwood Brookston Kewanee CT IN NY PA GA WV NY TX MA KY NY TX MN NJ OR NY IN TX IL KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Allen Allen Allen Allers Alleva Alley Alley Alley Allgood Alligood Allin Allison Allison Allman Allman Allman Alloway Alloy Allport Allred Allsup Almeida Almeida Almeida Almoney Almquist Alongi Alonso Alpaugh Alper Alpert Alridge Alsman Alt Altamura Altaville Alterbaum Alters Althoff Altieri VasserJ WalterW WilsonC GeorgeA NicholasA CarrollM HaroldL MortonL JamesE GerbertA CharlesW WarrenJ WilliamW Herman MauriceL VerdieW LeroyW Alex RobertB CalvinH MaxE Antone FrankD James Richard CarlA EmanuelP DelimroV CharlesI SheldonR Marvin JesseH BynumG AlbertJ Frank Frank Bennie Albert JackL AnthonyP Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc LtC Pfv Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg 397-3B 399-K 399-K 397-E 398-D 398-L 397-MD 397-D 397-HQ 800-OR 399-3B 399-L 100-HQ 398-E 397-K 397-K 925-C 398-AT 374-HQ 398-I 399-M 925-C 398-L 397-K 398-2B 373-HQ 374-B 397-H 100-QM 397-AT 399-C 397-1B 399-2B 399-E 397-MD 373-A 800-OR 399-G 398-M 399-G WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Oxnard Brooklyn Rantool Bloomfield UpperDarby Hancock Newport LittleRock Elberton Hampton Seattle Jamaica SugarCreek CA NY IL NJ PA ME ME AR GA VA WA NY MO Englewood Trenton TN NJ Aberdeen Altus TerreHaute Swansea MountVernon NewBedford Lititz Washington NewYork NewYork AtlanticCity Chicago Philadelphia NC AR IN MA MY MA PA DC NY NY NJ IL PA Pleasantville RisingCity Pasadena Brooklyn Brooklyn Buffalo Freeport PortChester IN NE MD NY NY NY IL NY Altizer Altland Altman Alvarez Alvarez Alvis Alviti Amato Amatucci Ambach Amberger Ambers Ambrose Ambrose Ambrosio Ambrosio Ambrosio Ambrosio Amburgy Amen Amerson Amert Ames Amezuca Amici Amitrano Ammirato Ammons Amnicchiarico Amodeo Amorino Amoroso Amoroso Amos Amprazis Amsden Amshey Amszynski Amtmann Amtower DiamondL JosephC DonaldR EmanuelT Manuel Tony LawrenceG JamesA AngeloM PaulE Charles JosephP CharlesH Delay Frank Louis LouisC MichaelJ Bill DanielM WilliamT PaulR DonaldI Rudy Elio SamF ErnestF PorterL MichaelJ AnthonyA Joseph JamesJ JosephM RobertT BillD HaroldE EdwardP GeorgeA RichardJ LeslieC Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Sgt Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc T/3 Sgt Pfc Sgt SSg Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg T/5 Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pvt Sgt Pfc SSg T/5 Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt 397-M 398-HQ 399-C 399-E 399-CN 397-H 397-I 397-K 399-3B 399-G 399-AT 800-OR 398-L 399-K 398-CN 398-AT 397-A 325-MA 399-M 398-E 397-K 325-EH 100-BD 399-G 399-CN 397-C 398-I 325-EB 398-MD 398-AT 397-E 399-A 325-EC 398-2B 398-C 397-2B 398-1B 398-B 398-K 398-K KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA MIA Christian SpringGrove Troutdale SanAntonio Bridgeport WV PA OR TX CT WillowCreek Cleveland Brooklyn Brooklyn Amsterdam GarfieldHeights Brunswick Gardner RichmondHills Brooklyn NewYork Brooklyn Lerose Corona Thomson WRoxbury Adams LosAngeles Kimball Oneonta Brooklyn Whitmire JerseyCity Peekskill WNewYork CliffsidePark Philadelphia HighPoint Greensboro Manchester Haverhill Yonkers Philadelphia Laureldale PA OH NY NY NY OH ME MA NY NY NY NY KY NY GA MA MA CA WV NY NY SC NJ NY NJ NJ PA NC NC NH MA NY PA WV Amundson Ancona Anderholm Anders Andersen Andersen Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson NormanE Giagio MartinG HenryF HenryJ RobertH AlbertH AlexanderE AlfredT CharlesA ClarenceE DewayneM DonaldA DonaldJ DonaldW EarlJ EdwardK HenryO ElmerE Howard GeorgeA JamesC GeraldG GlendonV George GeorgeF GlenE JohnA JosephH LawrenceA LeorneW MartinC William MervinD RobertM RoyL ReiderM RussellE RichardS RobertE Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc TSg SSg Sgt Cpl TSg TSg Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg SSg Pfc T/4 1Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Sg SSg Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc 2Lt 374-C 375-B 397-A 398-AT 325-MB 325-MA 399-I 325-MA 100-SG 399-F 925-SV 398-I 100-HQ 397-K 399-G 398-E 398-1B 398-3B 399-M 399-B 397-L 398-M 374-HQ 398-I 399-SV 397-H 398-HQ 399-HQ 398-3B 399-M 398-G 398-K 374-A 100-DA 375-A 397-A 325-EC 399-B 325-EC 398-E WIA WIA MIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Seattle Detroit Gardner SiouxCity Cambridge RichmondHill Dunsmuir Bronx Ramsey Littlefork Waterford Sisseton Ogema EagleGrove Greenfield Baltimore Lewiston Artesia Chicago NewYork WA MI MA IA MA NY CA NY NJ MN NY SD WI IA OH MD UT MS IL NY Duluth CheyenneWells LaJunta Burlingame FtWayne CouncilBluffs LittleFerry SaltLakeCity Brooklyn Tacoma NewBaltimore NewYork Salem Towaco Robbinsville Brooklyn LibertyGrove DesMoines Dallas MN CO CO CA IN IA NJ UT NY WA MI NY NJ NJ NC NY IL IA TX Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Andinger Andrade Andras Andrelowicz Andreozzi Andress Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andria Andrle Androlowicz Andros Androsko Andrus Andrusco Andrusia Andrzejak Angel Angeli Angelier Angell Angelone Angier Angier Anglin Anglin Anglin Anglin OrlinW Richard RobertE SidneyE TerranceE Walter WalterC HenryJ HarryC JesusL JosephC JohnT DomenicA LawrenceE CharlesE JohnH JohnM JohnW ThomasP WilliamB EdwardA Rudolf JohnT FrankG FrankJ JohnT John Joseph RaymondL JamesA JamesA MelvinM CharlieG AngeloJ JohnC RobertW AlbertM HEugene HomerE LeoW Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt 1Sg T/4 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 Pvt Pvt SSg Pfc SSg 2Lt 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg 399-L 398-C 397-K 398-I 397-CN 397-K 100-DA 325-MB 100-HQ 399-K 398-G 397-AT 398-CN 398-F 398-G 399-F 398-CN 325-EC 925-C 398-B 397-E 397-AT 373-B 398-I 397-SV 375-SV 397-A 398-HQ 397-L 398-H 397-H 399-K 398-L 399-F 399-G 399-G 399-M 399-M 397-C WIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA Buchannon WV NewLondon Ottawa KansasCity Ensign Erie OH IL MO MI PA Baltimore Upland Chicago MD CA IL WChester Bradley Bristol PA AR CT Harrison Sorrento JerseyCity Delphos LongIsland Wilkes-Barre HydePark Columbia Oceanside Bronx NewBritain Trenton Willston Pawtucket Tuxedo Mocksville Lawrence Lawson StormLake Empire Wadley Wadley Milford NJ ME NJ KS NY PA NY SC NY NY CT NJ MO RI MD NC MA MO IA OR GA GA IN Angulo Angus Angyal Aniano Anihur Ankney Annicchiaico Annis Annis Annis Annunziato Ansel Anselmo Anselmo Anselmo Ansis Ansley Ansley Anson Antczak Anthis Antinozzi Antley Antognoli Anton Antonelli Antonisin Antonoff Antonoff Antonowicz Anuskowitz Apetz Apfelbaum Apgar Apgar Apgar Aplin Apple Appleman Applemann RexH DavidW Joseph Antonio JosephP RichardL MichaelJ AndrewJ HowardJ TrumanJ FrankM WilliamJ AlbertP BernardT JosephJ GeorgeJ BenC SamuelH HaroldR CharlesJ JohnI LouisR HerbieT OsvaldoB WalterW Angelo Michael HubertB LubenB StanleyA Joseph MilfordP MortonI GeorgeR HoraceV NormanM Leonard OrangeF PaulE JohnD Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl SSg Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc Sgt 398-K 399-E 100-QM 397-L 800-OR 399-I 398-MD 325-EC 399-K 397-I 398-F 399-L 398-E 399-A 373-SV 374-SV 397-AT 100-HQ 398-M 397-I 373-B 398-H 397-L 399-1B 374-HQ 397-E 398-K 100-HQ 397-H 397-1B 325-MC 397-I 399-HQ 397-E 397-C 397-K 397-B 398-MD 399-A 398-D KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Puente Nashua WNewYork Brooklyn CA NH NJ NY Defiance JerseyCity Baltimore Harmony SanDiego Hoboken Rosenberg Yonkers Pinelawn Brooklyn Brooklyn Selma GrandPrarie Muscatine Pittsburgh Winters Bayside Downsville NewYork Philadelphia Norwood Bayonne Chicago Chicago JerseyCity Metuhen Rochester NewYork Cortland Easton Lebanon Crestview Chicago Dunkirk ForkedRiver OH NJ MD ME CA NJ TX NY MO NY NY AL TX IA PA TX NY LA NY PA MA NJ IL IL NJ NJ NY NY NY PA NJ FL IL OH NJ Appleton Aquilar Aquilar Aracil Aragon Arakelian Aranjo Arant Arbegast Arbogast Archambault Archambeault Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archuletta Arciero Arconti Arcuillo Arent Arft Argirio Argiris Arheit Arivett Arkenbaut Arlio Arm Armbrust Armenta Armentano Armes Armon Armone Armour Arms CharlieR ArmandoM Pedro FrancisE CandidoT Garabed VictorM JamesW HarryW CloydL CalvinB PhilipL CharlesM EdwardC EdwinA GeorgeJ MauriceP OrloJ RichardC FrankV PaulA Gino NunzioS TheodoreE StewartC AngeloC VanC FrederickJ RobertL AlbertJ AnthonyA GeorgeD ClarenceE Alfonso Thomas FrankE Harold Gaetano BernardS RobertW Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/4 Pvt Pvt T/4 Pfc MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 397-C 398-A 397-F 325-EA 397-G 398-MD 399-MD 325-MA 398-M 325-MD 397-AT 325-EB 399-C 325-MD 399-B 375-HQ 399-3B 397-G 100-MP 399-AT 397-3B 397-K 397-M 398-2B 397-H 399-3B 399-L 398-K 399-I 397-G 398-A 397-G 375-A 398-I 399-CN 399-A 398-M 325-EB 399-2B 375-HQ POW WIA POW KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA POW WIA WellsPoint Pasadena Austin Hicksville Calexico Providence Bronx Pageland EBerlin Medina Haverhill Falls Houston Brooklyn KeatingSummit Burlington Burke Reading JohnsonCity DelNorte Brooklyn TX CA TX NY CA RI NY SC PA OH MA PA TX NY PA VT VA PA TN CO NY Brooklyn Brooklyn PleasantRidge Chicago Chicago Toledo LaCenter Harrison Bridgeport Carbonglow Columbus NY NY MI IL IL OH KY NY CT KY OH Astoria Brandywine Rochester Philadelphia Pawtucket Lancaster NY MD NY PA RI PA POW WIA Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Arndt Arndt Arndt Arndt Arner Arnett Arney Arnhart Arno Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnor Arntz Arnvig Aronson Aronstamm Arpino Arrico Arrington Arronson Arroyo Arsenault Arthur Arthur ClintonC RobertF DennisJ RobertL JamesD SamuelB LewisC RichardE EdmundM JohnJ OranR AlbertK GeorgeR GlenE Theodore CalvinC RalphF WilburG OatherA CarlW ArthurA ArthurE BenjaminH HarryV RobertS RobertT SamuelM Reynaldo HartmutN AngeL HowardA AlbertJ GennaroP RoccoA WilburC HowardA RaymondR WallaceH BurlJ EdwardJ Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc CWO Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc T/5 100-BD 398-C 397-K 398-I 398-F 397-MD 398-MD 398-C 397-SV 325-EB 398-CN 399-D 100-SG 397-E 398-2B 100-QM 398-CN 399-L 398-L 325-EA 373-B 398-G 397-I 100-DA 375-B 398-I 100-BD 398-AT 399-M 397-1B 399-D 325-MH 398-C 397-F 397-I 399-I 398-K 374-B 399-B 100-QM WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA POW WIA Brooklyn Clifftop Akron' Winnsboro Aragon DeLeon Kittery Norwichtown CentralFalls Bronx Cowen Bridgeport Riverside Toledo BluePoint Crawford Peoria Elgin Crabtree Illion Freemansburg Homewood Memphis Winston-Salem Harrisville Wyncote PacoletMills ElPaso Passaic ERockaway Chicago Bronx Brooklyn Cranston Findlay NY WV OH SC GA TX ME CT RI NY WV CT NJ OH NY NE IL IL AR NY PA IL TN NC RI PA SC TX NJ NY IL NY NY RI OH Brooklyn Manchester JohnsonCity Union NY CT TN SC Arthur Arthur Artis Arundel Arvia Arway Arzo Asaro Asay Aschoff Ash Ash Ash Ash Ash Ash Ashbrook Ashby Ashcraft Ashe Ashford Ashkin Ashley Ashton Ashworth Ashworth Askin Asman Asta Asti Astie Astin Atchison Atchley Athas Atherton Atigian Atkeison Atkins Atkins LeeH PaulW KoertC MartinD DominicS WalterV AdamJ WilliamJ FredB CarlR FrankJ Frederick Grover LomanA MyrtleG OwenC ParkR JamesE CharlesE CharlesE Leonard MiltonM ThomasJ RogerS CharlesB WillieL MiltonM Bernard John ArthurA GeorgeW Raymond MarvinF EdwardH Arthur WayneP WalterS WilliamL NormanW ThomasN Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl SSg 1Lt SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc 2Lt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpt Pfc Sgt T/5 399-I 397-I 397-F 100-HQ 397-1B 398-L 399-G 399-AT 399-H 398-MB 397-A 399-I 398-CN 399-D 398-M 399-A 399-M 397-L 397-K 397-3B 398-M 399-M 399-HQ 398-2B 399-B 398-K 399-M 397-I 100-QM 398-2B 398-HQ 325-MC 397-K 397-MD 374-A 100-HQ 375-C 397-I 399-A 398-HQ KIA KIA WIA WIA KIA MIA POW KIA Toledo Hamilton Clifford NewYork Chicago PerthAmboy Adna Brooklyn Natrona Burlington Upton Genison Harrah Friendly Hico Virginia BeaverFalls Lancaster Chandler Macon Osceola Brooklyn Detroit OH OH IN NY IL NJ WA NY PA IA WV MI OK WV TX MN PA PA OK GA OH NY MI JohnsonCity Sunrise Brooklyn PerthAmboy SOzonePark TN GA NY NJ NY Philadelphia Detroit Newman Knoxville Peabody Aurora Providence HickopryValley Roanoke Nacona PA MI GA TN MA IL RI TN VA TX KIA WIA WIA WIA Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Aton Attardi Attaway Attlee Atwater Atwater Aubel Aubertin Aud Audenino Audet Augello Augello Augenti Aughey Augustine Augustine Augustyniak Auld Aulicino Aulino Auman Auriti Ausburn Ausley Ausley Ausmus Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin ClaytonJ EarlD FreemanD JamesL LonzoE RichardS VernonT ThomasL Charles AndrewC VictorT JohnE RobertL Henry EdgarE EdwardT FrankA ArnoldG JosephA VincentJ Anthony JohnL John WilliamJ HenryS FredM Antonio Ralph Carl JosephP RobertC Domby ElbertW SD DelmarK ErnestD IrwinC LesterW MelvinO NorwoodK Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 T/4 SSg Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Sgt 2Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Pvt Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Cpl Pfc SSg Sgt 398-K 398-I 397-A 399-L 398-C 399-D 399-I 325-EH 100-BD 397-A 100-CR 399-HQ 100-ST 374-HQ 398-MD 397-E 399-L 397-A 398-D 397-CN 325-MC 399-3B 397-G 397-C 399-HQ 925-HQ 325-EM 100-QM 800-OR 325-EB 375-A 397-L 397-L 399-F 325-EH 397-F 399-D 373-B 374-A 398-M WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA Minneapolis Nevada Lebanon Ivor Rossville SnowHill ElDorado Baltimore Garfield Greenwood VeroBeach Spartanburg MN IA MO VA TN MD AR MD NJ SC FL SC Woodside Gary SilverSpring Bronx Westbrook LongIslandCity Brooklyn Nanticote Indianapolis Lowellville Cressona NiagraFalls Columbia JamaicaPlain Paterson Merrill Milbrook Astoria CoffeeSprings Samson Brookstone Denver LaCross Blissburg AtlanticCity EHaven Kalamazoo NY IN MD NY ME NY NY PA IN OH PA NY SC NY NJ WI NY NY AL AL TX CO WI PA NJ CT MI Austin Austin Austin Auten Autio Avancena Averill Avernick Avery Avila Aviles Avis Axe Axelson Axler Axson Ayala Ayer Ayer Ayers Ayles Aylward Ayotte Ayotte Ayres Ayscue Aziz Aziz Azzarello Azzarello Baba Babau Babb Babbitt Babbitt Babbony Babcheck Babcock Babcock Babon OrvilleJ SherburnC WellingtonJ MauriceW MarvinE FrancisH LynnL JosephF WilliamL JuanP ArturoM TonyR PaulE Emil HerbertH JohnR Blaze CharlesR RussellP JamesR RichardG MerlonR Daniel RichardE RedicA MelvinW GeorgeJ PhilipG AngeloC FrankJ Leo PeterT LeslieL ClaytonM RichardG ThomasE GeorgeB EdwardR RichardF AndrewW Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Sgt Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Cpl SSg Pfc T/5 T/5 Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl T/4 397-K 398-A 398-I 398-F 325-EB 399-G 398-B 399-D 399-K 397-L 397-G 397-H 398-C 399-M 374-SV 399-D 399-K 397-D 397-D 397-F 100-MP 399-M 925-A 374-HQ 398-E 399-K 925-HQ 399-MD 398-I 374-C 325-EB 398-I 399-H 397-B 398-MD 374-A 374-C 397-I 397-B 325-MC KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Moorehead Effingham Highgate Belmont Lead Washington Roxbury Philadelphia CoralGables SanAntonio Bronx MN IL VT NC SD DC MA PA FL TX NY StMarys Hamburg Philadelphia Neeses NewYork FraminghamCenter Chepiwanoxet Jonesville Lynn Elgin Lubec Concord LaGrange Henderson Gardner Lansing Buffalo Brooklyn Bristol Philadelphia Covington Ventura Belleville Uniontown Fairbank NewYork Morville Paramus OH NY PA SC NY MA RI NC MA IL ME NH GA NC MA MI NY NY CT PA IN CA NJ PA PA NY IA NJ Bacchi Bacha Bacher Bacigalupo Bacino Back Backus Backus Baclawski Bacon Bacos Bacsik Badalmente Bader Badertscher Badgett Badler Baer Baeschlin Bagan Baggett Baggett Baginski Bagley Bagley Bagwell Bagwell Bahm Bahner Bahr Baier Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey BenjaminJ RobertJ BurtonJ GeorgeJ Peter Carson ArthurG WalterA JosephA MiloR JohnM GeorgeT Sal HenryL Stanley HenryA Herman WinfieldO SidneyJ GeraldL FloydD JamesF JosephS LewistonJ RichardR ClintonL HenryL EdwardS AlbertR EugeneA MichaelF BraxtonE CecilW CharlesH CrawfordM RobertF ErnestC RoyD GeorgeV WayneW SSg Pfc Pfc MSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt T/5 SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Mjr 1Sg Cpl Pfc Pfc 2Lt T/5 Sgt Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 399-C 398-B 399-K 399-A 373-SV 399-A 398-A 100-SG 397-E 397-A 397-B 374-C 399-K 399-1B 374-HQ 397-K 398-C 399-L 398-L 375-HQ 325-MA 399-M 399-HQ 325-EC 399925-SV 375-A 100-MP 397-K 397-E 374-A 397-HQ 399-1B 398-B 398-A 399-SV 398-MD 398-D 398-F 325-EA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Youngstown NewYork Watertown Riverside Jeremiah Gad Manchester Brooklyn Minneapolis Brooklyn Trenton LongIslandCity OH NY MA NJ KY WV CT NY MN NY NJ NY Toledo MtAiry Bronx Mercer Vancouver McCook Andalusa RoanokeRapids Pittsburgh Astoria OH NC NY PA WA NE AL NC PA OR Birmingham Easley Denver Shamokin StPaul Philadelphia Selma Memphis Smithfield Cowan Union Middleburg Dallas Onancock Youngstown AL SC CO PA MN PA NC TN TX TN SC PA TX VA OH KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Baillargeon Baird Baird Baird Baisch Baisley Baiza Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker GeraldA WilliamB JayM WilliamD JayM WilliamH LewisW WilliamJ MarshallD Willie PaulB WillisA GeorgeW WoodrowW JamesR MarionC MerrillL FrancisJ HughM KennethT ArnieL JamesE JohnA Robert ForrestL Isaac StephenT ArthurL CharlesM CharlesR DanE ElmerE EmmettE FloydW FrankH FrankM FrederickM FrederickO GeorgeF Guy Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg Cpl 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg TSg Cpl 398-G 397-E 399-SV 397-E 399-SV 398-I 399-A 399-L 325-EC 398-F 397-D 398-K 100-BD 325-MA 374-HQ 398-L 397-G 398-B 399-D 399-L 399-F 375-A 398-SV 399-M 399-D 398-3B 397-1B 397-A 398-B 397-I 398-G 399-I 397-3B 398-L 397-2B 398-M 399-C 397-I 398-L 373-C POW MIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Edinboro StLouis Lewiston Corbin Lewistown Memphis Murray Worcester StCharles HotSprings Baltimore Chino Lambertville Salisbury Bartlesville Cecilton CentralCity Tewksbury Cleveland Charlotte Holyoke TarponSprings Broadalbin Indiana GrandRapids StoneyPoint Hillside OilCity Pahokee Norfolk Marietta Logansport Laurinburg Carlsbad Salisbury Clover PA MO PA KY PA TN UT MA SC AR MD CA NJ NC OK MD NE MA OH NC MA FL NY PA MI NY NJ PA FL VA OH IN NC NM NC SC Yonkers EKingston Dadeville NY RI FL Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Bakke Balaban Balas Balas Balcerzewski Balch Balchunas Baldassano Balding Baldridge Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Balen Balentine Balentyne Bales Bales Bales Balgley Balint Balis Baliskie IrvingM Kabot Robert KennethF RoyL ManfordA ThomasO MerilC RalphD LovieR MelvinL PaulH VernonE WalterL WilliamC WilliamH WilliamJ HansG. Stephen AladorB William Edwin OliverE SteveA LouisF DaleJ WilliamR Charles Franklin WalterL Charles GilbertL HarryI JohnC MyronH RobertV HowardL JamesG CharlesB WalterJ Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg T/5 Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg 398-E 397-A 399-G 397-B 397-I 399-C 397-M 399-B 397-2B 399-K 398-A 397-L 100-QM 398-3B 398-F 375-HQ 100-MP 397-M 397-AT 325-MA 398-B 398-E 398-F 399-F 325-MA 397-E 399-1B 925-C 397-1B 100-CR 800-OR 375-HQ 374-HQ 398-A 399-E 375-HQ 397-K 373-B 399-E 398-D KIA KIA POW KIA WIA WIA KIA Brooklyn NY Plattsburg Guttenberg Turlock Willards NY NJ CA MD StPaul Elvins Logansport Marysville Turlock Indianapolis Potsdam Westchester NewYork Troy Mankato Dunbar GardenCity NewYork Westfield Elgin Chicago StatenIsland Joe MN MO LA PA CA IN NY IL NY NY MN PA NY NY MA TX IL NY NC Middletown Baltimore Acra NY MD NY Abington Belvidere Wartburg Rosemeed FtWorth NewYork WFarmington HazelPark Berlin MA IL TN CA TX NY OH MI NJ WIA Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ballance Ballard Ballard Ballard Ballard Ballard Ballatore Ballie Balliet Balling Ballizia Balsam Balser Balsley Balter Bamback Bambargar Bambey Bambrick Bamesberger Banaan Banaan Banach Bandish Bandy Banich Banjo Bank Banke Banko Banko Banks Banks Banks AlbertH ElbertJ FosterH JohnH MalcolmA MarvinL GeorgeL EmmettR JamesJ OrvilleD WilliamD WilsonT PhilipB. DavidW WallaceE JessR LouisF JosephJ JohnnieH WilliamR DonaldA JohnM HaroldJ JamesE WilliamE FredE RaymondG TobiasF Anthony MatthewJ HarleyB MartinJ HerbertF RichardG EldonA Joseph MichaelD Alfred EstherA Harlan Pfc Pvt 2Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpt T/4 Cpl T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Cpt T/4 Pfc TSg Cpl T/5 T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc 397-L 399-D 397-3B 397-G 397-AT 398-C 398-E 398-G 399-K 399-I 397-D 398-D 398-AT 399-A 399-C 325-MD 397-L 375-B 397-M 397-1B 397-2B 399-AT 397-A 325-EA 399398-B 397-C 374-HQ 398-C 399-MD 373-B 399-C 374-B 397-2B 397-D 325-EH 397-K 397-I 100-CR 399-3B WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA MIA KIA WIA Barnsville Leaksville Derry JamaicaPlain Libertyville Bryan Lowland PigeonCreek Davidson Suffern NewarkValley OwingsMills Stratford Honolulu OH MS NH MA IL TX NC AL NC NY NY MD CT HI Tulsa Hazleton Brooklyn PondGap Connellsville Sacramento Islip WDecatur Pittsburgh Chicago Chicago Hartford Waterbury OK PA NY WV PA CA NY PA PA IL IL CT CT Trucksville Trion Decatur SaratogaSprings Newburg NebraskaCity Hollywood Cleveland CrystalLake Parrish PA GA IL NY NY NE WV OH IL AL Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Bannan Bannan Bansk Baragary Baragona Barajas Baran Barasch Baratta Barb Barb Barbato Barben Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barbera Barberio Barbien Barbien Barbour Barcal Barclay Bare Barg Barger Bargiel Barilla Barker Barker Barker Barker HarryE Richard Roger WalterE WillisM Charles CharlesJ Harlin JosephJ FrankS EmilioB MichaelJ Norman VincentJ John RalphJ LouisC HarryJ DanielA DonaldW EmbresD JessC Orville StanleyD AnthonyF DominickJ FrancisJ TullioL JohnR. RichardJ WalterM DaleN. FrancisE JamesL Eugene JamesJ FEllis GeorgeK RayW Robert Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpt Pfc T/3 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg 1Sg Pvt Mjr Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-G 397-G 399-CN 397-L 397-B 399-CN 399-HQ 399-K 398-L 398-E 399-A 399-F 398-HQ 399-E 800-OR 398-MD 399-CN 397-M 398-E 398-I 398-B 397-1B 398-A 397-HQ 397-E 399-M 398-I 397-SV 325-MD 398-B 397-HQ 375-C 398-C 399-I 100-SG 925-A 397-L 399-B 397-1B 399-G WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA WIA Brooklyn MillSpring Washingtom Paulina StJoseph EProvidence PortHuron Wrigley CedarRapids Hoboken Baytown Acworth NewYork Plymouth Warren Pittsburgh NewYork Whiteford Buffalo LosAngeles Gadsden Syracuse Ashland WhiteBear Washington Strasburg Yonkers Norwich Apponaug BlueIsland Wilkinsburg Bellmond StCloud Lorain Manchester Hartford Norwood BattleCreek Coleridge Plattsburg NY NC IA IA MI RI MI KY IA NJ TX NH NY MA OH PA NY MD NY CA AL NY KY MN DC PA NY NY RI IL PA IL MN OH NH CT RI MI NC NY Barker Barker Barker Barlet Barlett Barlett Barletti Barley Barley Barley Barlow Barmer Barnard Barnard Barnas Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnett Barnett Barnett Barnett Barnett Barney Barnhart Barnhart Barnhart Barnhart Barnhill WalterG WilliamC WilliamG JohnA JamesH WilliamM Martin James LewisM RichardP LutherB MaxwellR Arthur DeanS HarryC ArthurE ArthurJ CarltonN John ForrestH JohnA GeorgeF RobertW JackK JamesH FrankW HarryC JamesA WarrenA CrawfordT FranklnP HaroldL Lane SheldonM PeteJ PaulL RalphL RogerO WilliamR EdgarW. Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 T/4 T/4 Pfc T/5 T/4 2Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl T/5 Pvt Sgt Pfc SSg T/5 T/5 Cpl SSg Pfc 100-MP 398-F 375-B 398-L 397-F 325-MD 925-B 397-3B 398-MD 374-C 398-F 398-K 399-SV 399-L 397925-A 325-MD 397-2B 397-K 398-K 397-H 397-CN 398-I 398-3B 398-K 398-F 397-C 398-3B 398-D 398-MD 373-SV 397-L 398-L 398-1B 398-F 373-C 398-SV 397-H 398-K 398-F WIA WIA Boston Broughton Detroit NewCastle LincolnPark MA IL MI PA MI NewRochelle Durango StevensCity Linden NY MX VA AL Bridgeport WayneCity Hinsdale CT IL IL Methuen Teaneck Dallas Portland Bethany Larchmont Oshkosh Portland Clinton Milford StLouis Buffalo Camden Lawrence Albertville Sylacanga Horner Cordova Milwaukee Jenkins Elizabethtown Huntington Corry MtPleasant Suffolk MA NJ TX ME MO NY WI OR SC IN MO NY TN MA AL AL NE AL WI KY PA TN PA PA VA WIA WIA KIA WIA Barnhouse Barnish Barns Barnum Barnum Barnwell Baron Baron Barone Baroody Barr Barr Barr Barr Barr Barranco Barras Barrasso Barrasso Barre Barrera Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barretta Barringer Barringer Barron Barror Barrows Barry Barry LloydC Joseph CliffordD IvanC MiltonW JohnL CharlesJ JosephR FrankA AnthonyC EarlL GeorgeC HarryW LeroyR RobertW Ignacia WilliamE AntonioV ErnestoV JohnJ PedroR CharlieB EdwardG KennethH FrederickE Kenus GurneeH JamesA JamesM John GHinman HaroldE JamesJ Paul RobertD JosephR RaymondC FrancisW GordonL JamesD Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt SSg T/5 Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Mjr T/4 Sgt Pfc Mjr Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt SSg Pfc 397-H 399-CN 100-SG 397-L 375-HQ 398-3B 398-H 398-3B 325-EB 398-H 100-SG 398-L 100-HQ 398-AT 399-H 399-G 398-3B 397-K 399-1B 398-I 325-EC 325-MC 398-C 397-B 397-P 399-L 375-A 325-EB 373-SV 397-G 375-HQ 398-K 398-HQ 397-E 399-B 398399-G 398-3B 397-G 398-E WIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA Painesville Boonton Worcester Cadillac GreatBarrington Berkeley Webster OilCity Utica Brooklyn Carlisle Altoona PhenixCity Elyria Keyser LosAngeles Philadelphia OH NJ MA MI MA CA MA PA NY NY PA PA AL OH WV CA PA EBoston MA KarnesCity Manning Juliet StJohnsbury Geneva Felty NewYork Douglas Huma Willimantic NewYork Charleston TX SC IL VT OH KY NY AZ IL CT NY SC Goreville Fostoria IL OH Toledo EBridgewater Mechanicville Antelope OH MA NY TX Barry Barry Barry Barrz Barsam Barslow Barsotti Barta Bartfield Barth Barth Barthau Barthelman Bartholma Bartkowski Bartleson Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartley Bartley Bartman Barto Barto Bartock Bartoletti Bartolini Bartolo Bartomioli Barton Barton Barton Barton Bartos Bartozokos Bartscher Bartucci JohnJ JohnJ RichardW JohnJ HaigH FranklinP RoyJ JuliusJ Daniel GAllen Max FredH Burdett OttoC JosephC AlfredS ClaudeR Frank JackR RobertA ThomasB WilliamM KennethH WilliamW RalphG George Teddy JohnJ WilliamJ Lee Albert EnnioPeter BruceA EverettS MedfordF RobertR FrankJ Nicholas WilliamJ Benjamin Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl SSg Pvt T/4 Cpl Pfc Pvt Sgt Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt MSg Pvt Pfc Cpl Sgt Cpl Pfc T/5 Pvt T/5 Pfc SSg SSg Pvt SSg T/5 SSg 398-MD 325-EC 399-H 398399-L 800-OR 398-K 373-SV 398-AT 397-HQ 373-HQ 373-A 399-A 399-C 399-F 397-C 399-F 373-C 398-L 399-AT 399-CN 325-MH 397-F 399-CN 399-A 397-B 398-F 373-SV 397-L 325-EH 399-C 399-CN 398-I 100-HQ 325-EC 399-G 374-A 397-B 925-A 397-HQ WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Woburn Beverly Wren MA MA GA Fresno Holyoke Madeira Yockam CA MA CA TX Lakewood Brooklyn Newark Milwaukee Cleveland LongBeach Sodus Christianburg Medford Hamilton HighlandPark Eureka Lincoln Louisa NewCastle Middletown Youngstown Chesapeake Barnesboro Millsboro Southboro Stamford Bridgeport StGeorge Greenville WCaldwell Hartford NewHartford Philadelphia Woodhaven OH NY NJ WI OH NY NY VA MA OH IL CA NE KY PA CT OH VA PA PA MA CT PA UT SC NJ AL CT PA NY Bartus Bartuwicz Barys Barzdelis Basacchi Basanda Bashore Bashore Basile Basile Basileo Basilico Basinger Basler Basnight Bass Bass Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassi Bassler Bassuk Batakis Batchelder Batchelder Batchelor Batchelor Bate Bate Bate Bateman Bateman Bateman Bates Bates Bates Bates WilliamJ AnthonyB FrankJ StanleyF Rudolph RaymondC ArthurE JayL AnthonyJ JosephS VictorA Robert RoscoeR GeorgeJ WilliamC ArthurC MichaelA HaroldE JosephA RobertD WarrenH WilliamC HarryJ RoyH Seymour AlfredJ CecilK ErwinW FrankH StephenD CliffordE JohnL Savel ErnestL Richard RichardN ArthurH BufordR ClaudeE EdwardD Cpt TSg SSg T/4 Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 Pfc T/4 SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl 397-HQ 399-2B 398-E 399-F 397-B 398-E 399-E 399-B 399-MD 325-EC 398-F 373-C 398-E 399-MD 397-1B 397-2B 399-SV 800-OR 397-L 397-SV 397-H 373-A 925-A 100-MP 398-E 397-AT 397-SV 398-MD 398-1B 398-3B 397-A 397-K 397-G 375-HQ 399-CN 398-L 373-C 398-M 399-I 399-L WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Ambridge NewBritain Worcester PA CT MA LongIslandCity Hammond Akron Palmyra Bayonne Hartford Gloversville Astoria Salisbury Chelsea Wanchese Columbus ForestHills Southbury Fremont Cleveland Slatersville Miami Newark Mineral Brooklyn Burlington Arlington Arlington Monaca Palmerton Seattle Berlin Shelby Republic Midvale WHillsboro WBrookfield Morehouse Elkin Geneva NY IN OH PA NJ CT NY NY NC MA NC OH NY CT NH OH RI FL NJ WA NY MA MA MA PA PA WA NJ OH MO UT NC MA MO NC OH Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Bath Batory Batrus Batstone Battistone Baucom Baucom Baucom Baud Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Baum Baum Baum Baum Bauman Bauman Bauman Bauman Baumgardner Baumgardner Bautista Baxter Baxter Baxter Bayard Bayer Bayer Bayes Bayles Bays Bazilevich Beach Luther NormanA TheodoreH UlysisG WilliamJ JohnS ZigmundT FrederickD Kenneth ArthurL HenryC JackE WilliamH JohnD DanielF RalphC RobertR WalterR BertramM Max Morton Seymour AdolfE CarlH JohnC RichardH CharlesE WalterL JesseJ GeorgeI GeorgeL RobertJ TheodoreD EdwinT JohnM PeterO DeanT LowellF William Roy Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Cpl T/4 SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Cpt Pfc Pfc T/4 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 397-C 374-SV 398-I 399-F 397-F 397-E 374-B 399-K 325-EC 375-HQ 399-D 397-HQ 399-I 399-L 398-L 398-G 399-A 399-C 398-G 398-3B 375-HQ 325-EB 397-2B 800-OR 325-EC 398-A 399-I 397-K 397-L 398-B 398-1B 325-EA 398-L 397-C 397-3B 398-P 374-SV 398-M 399-MD 374-HQ WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Beaumont Talapoosa ClevelandHeights Brooklyn Melbourne WashingtonCourt Edwardsville Washington CentralNyack Pittsfield Athens Winfield Charloee Woodbine Flushing Unionville Napoleon Valparaiso Brooklyn NewYork Bronx Brooklyn Brooklyn Gleason Flushing GlenRock Bristol Dearborn SanLeandro NewHaven Resaca Cleveland HannaCity Schenectady Brooklyn LongIsland Cullom Bloomfield Cleveland Bridgeport TX GA OH NY AR PA PA DC NY MA AL KS NC NJ NY CT OH IN NY NY NY NY NY WI NY NJ VA MI CA CT GA OH IL NY NY NY IL IN OH CT Beach Beacham Beacham Beachum Beadling Beagle Beal Beal Beal Beale Beale Beales Beall Beam Beam Beaman Beamon Beamon Beams Bean Bean Bean Bean Bear Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Bearden Beardsley Beargie Beasley Beasley Beasley Beasley Woodrow LeonD RJ MarionW WesleyH KeithT Charles FrankE JamesL Andrew BarkleyD JohnC HowardS JasperN JohnH MarvinL ThomasM ThomasR JackO Albert JohnE LawrenceA PaulW Robert ClarenceB EltonB Haskel HoraceC JosephA LasterL LawsonR LesterL WalterS Albert WilliamJ Charles ClarenceG EliJ HarveyG RossH Pfc T/5 Pvt LtC Pfc Cpl MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pvt Cpl Cpt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 Pvt SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl 1Lt Cpl T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc 399-3B 399-B 100-SG 397-1B 398-M 397-E 399-SV 397-K 397-C 397-I 398-G 398374-SV 399-A 398-K 397-HQ 397-A 399-K 397-E 398-I 397-E 398-C 925-HQ 397-B 397-F 397-K 397-G 399-F 397-A 397-G 398-1B 397-2B 325-EA 397-A 397-MD 397-F 397-G 373-C 399-A 399-AT WIA WIA KIA WIA Holton Dublen Washington Columbia Rochester Bedford Lewiston Springfield Indianapoli FtEdward Nathalie IN GA DC SC NY PA PA MA IN NY VA Coshocton PaulsValley Grover OH OK NC Norfolk Danville Corbin Lancaster Clanton FultonCenter Denver Brownstone Braxton Linden Joaquin Tyler WGroton Martinsburg Knoxville VA VA KY NH AL NH CO PA GA TX TX TX MA WV TN Riverside Piedmont Woodbridge Cleveland Milford Winsboro WillowSprings Milford NJ MO NJ OH VA SC NC VA POW KIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Beatrice Beats Beattie Beatty Beaty Beauchamp Beauchesne Beaudoin Beaulier Beaupied Beautista Beaver Beaver Beaver Beaver Beaver Bebensee Becerril Becherer Becherer Bechlivanis Bechtold Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Beckerman Beckerman Beckett Frank RayK EldridgeW JamesF ClaudeH JamesP RaymondO EuclideP ErvinC IrvingG JesseI CharlesE LeonardC RalphE RaymondE RichardL JohnH RamonA ClarenceJ FrancisS Nicholas WilliamE AllenC Eugene FrederickM RobertA RobertE TheodoreR VictorC AlbertH CharlesR GustavL NormanC PaulL RaymondF Samuel WilliamF ClaudeR WilliamC Delbert Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt 399-M 398-K 397-AT 398-1B 399-L 397-HQ 397-HQ 398-3B 397-B 397-2B 397-3B 399-1B 100-QM 100-QM 925-HQ 399-K 398-L 398-M 398-G 397-2B 325-EA 399-I 397-C 100-QM 397-M 399-G 325-EA 373-HQ 399-M 397-2B 373-C 325-EC 397-F 325-MC 398-L 397-L 925-C 398-A 325-EC 399-M KIA WIA Quincy Morristown Blackstone Toledo Halstead Hopewell Allentown Troy Kenosha Ferndale MA TN MA OH KS VA NJ NY WI MI Macon Sebring Salisbury Harrisburg Waynesboro Brooklyn SanAntonio Belleville EStLouis Woburn Baltimore Burkesville NewPhiladelphia Pittsburg Dayton EOrange Bradford Harrick Pawtucket Bronx NewYork Buffalo SpringGrove Evansville NPlainfield LongIslandCity Chicago Chicago Sardis GA OH NC PA VA NY TX IL IL MA MD KY OH PA KY NJ PA IL RI NY NY NY PA IN NJ NY IL IL OH WIA WIA WIA WIA Beckman Beckmann Becraft Bedard Bedecker Bedenk Bederski Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedillion Beebe Beebe Beebe Beechler Beeckman Beehn Beekman Beemer Been Beene Beerens Beets Beggs Begley Begley Begley Begley Begly Behar Behie Behlen Behler Behm Behr Behr Behrens Beier Beigelman Beilhart TheodoreF WilliamA HaroldT WilliamP ElmerJ WilliamT RichardJ ClaytonS RaymondH WilliamG WilliamL EdwardR ElmerE JohnL RaymondW JohnJ RobertL JohnJ RoyD Irwin WilliamH HarveyJ RayK JamesC DesmondJ James SamuelA ThomasJ RichardR IsaacC SamuelF WilliamE WilliamA JohnG GeraldJ RobertV Warren LeroyT Ervan EarlO Sgt Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc T/5 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pvt 1Sg T/4 SSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Cpl 397-B 374-B 399-MD 397-G 399-M 398-HQ 398-P 100-SG 397-F 398-B 397-L 100-SG 397-C 397-M 399-A 398-F 397-E 398-F 398-E 398-1B 398-L 397-I 398-K 397-I 399-G 325-EC 399-G 397-E 399-2B 398-L 397-G 373-HQ 398-K 399-M 398-HQ 399-M 399-3B 398-F 374-C 100-DA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA MIA WIA WIA NewYork NewYork Ocala HoosickFalls Ransom Elmira EOrange Lynchburg Slem Atlanta Cleveland Roscoe Geneva Chincoteague Greenfield LongIslandCity MtCarmel LongIslandCity UnionCity Brooklyn Hixon LakeCity Morristown Carlisle Castleton Cohoes Corbin Plattsburg Brooklyn Seattle RichmondHill Cincinnati Wilkes-Barre LongIsland Plymouth JerseyCity LaCrosse Milwaukee Fullerton NY NY FL NY IL NY NJ TN MA GA OH SD NY VA OH NY IL NY NJ NY TX MI TN AR VT OR NY KY NY NY WA NY OH PA NY WI NJ WI WI MD Beinema Beisel Beitchman Beitler Beitman Beitmann Beitz Bejcek Belanger Belaski Belden Belgum Belinsky Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bellan Bellan Belland Belland Bellavia Bellina Bellino MarvinL FrankA Sidney HenryR Walter RobertI CharlesW MiltonJ AlbanyO Joseph JeanP DelaineG Gabriel BoydO CharlesE EgarR FrankW IrvingM JT JohnC RobertD JohnW RobertW LeonF RobertW PhilipF RichardW KennethJ RayW WadeE WilliamA WilliamL Wilson RobertM RobertM FrancisH FrancisH JosephJ DanielW FrankC Pfc Cpl Pfc T/4 T/5 Sgt 2Lt Cpt Cpl T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 Cpl 2Lt 1Sg Pfc 1Lt T/4 Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc 397-I 375-A 397-L 800-OR 925-HQ 373-HQ 398-2B 325-EH 374-A 397-CN 398-G 100-HQ 399-A 398-F 399-MD 399-MD 398-A 100-DA 398-B 325-EC 325-EH 397-AT 373-A 374-HQ 325-EA 398-G 398-B 397-HQ 399-M 397-H 397-AT 397-I 925-B 397-A 397-A 398-G 398-G 397-E 373-A 398-E KIA POW WIA WIA WIA Whitinsville Williamsport Philadelphia Zionsville Bridgeport Bronx MA PA PA PA CT NY Cicero NewBedford Hartford EOrange Albion Pawtucket Erie Cornelia Dover BirdsNest Auburn Memphis Petersburg Richmond Asheville Studley Springfield Cincinnati Cambridge LongBeach Galion Burlington IL MA CT NJ NE RI PA GA DE VA ME TN VA VA NC KS MA OH MO CA OH KS Windsor Atlanta Lamar Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Philadelphia Philadelphia Bergenfield Newark Yonkers NC GA SC PA PA PA PA NJ NJ NY Bellion Bellis Bellissimo Belliveau Bello Bellows Bellows Belongia Belser Belt Belto Beltowski Belveg Belvilacqua Belyea Belzer Bem Benassi Bench Benck Benck Benda Bender Bender Bendle Benech Benedetto Benedict Benes Benfield Bengson Benjamin Benjamin Benke Benke Benn Bennallack Benner Bennett Bennett BowardJ KennethW Frank Robert SantoN CHilton WilliamC JosephH AdolfL JohnA ErnestT FrankJ FrancisN DanoE StanleyR CliffordW RomanJ CarmelloJ AlfusE ClarenceH EugeneN CharlesR CharlesS ThomasB CharlesH RaymondC Gregory WalterC GeraldJ CharlieW GlendonO Morton TheodoreS JamesE RobertF RaymondE Douglas MarlandE AltonW ArthurL Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc 1Lt SSg Pfc Pvt Pvt Pvt SSg Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg T/4 Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc 398-I 399-E 325-MD 399-B 398-L 398-1B 397-3B 399-I 397-2B 399-L 397-1B 374-HQ 397-B 398-I 397-G 397-D 399-C 397-E 399-MD 397-2B 397-F 399-I 374-HQ 397-I 925-B 397-G 100-QM 397-SV 100-MP 398-L 397-L 325-EC 398-K 397398-G 398-F 397-A 397-H 399-1B 399-D WIA StAlbans Portland Cincinnati Leominster Brooklyn Roxbury Cheswick Watersmeet Philadelphia NY OR OH MA NY NY PA MI PA Livingston Detroit Binghampton TX MI NY Saugus Oskaloosa UnionCity Frankfort Madill Bloomfield Chicago Pigeon Youngstown Springhill Jeffersonville Campbell Cairo Poukeepsie Glendale NewBern Toledo Brooklyn Jacksonville MA IA PA KY OK NE IL MI OH TN NY CA NY NY NY NC OH NY FL Buffalo Gilbert Detroit Springfield Williamsville Rockland NY IA MI MA MO MA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Benning Bennis Benoit Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Bentivegna Bentley Bentley Benton Benton Benton Benton Benvenuto Benway Benza Benza,DDS Benzing BertramE HarveyV DendellR JohnP DonaldE JohnT EugeneW HaroldF DockB EdwardM Frank JudsonP LawrenceL LorenW Marcus RalphW RobertL WilliamE WillieC GordonF Christopher AllenR ClarenceH HenryF HenryW JohnA RolandL WadeW Salvatore ByronD EL DaleR HenryF JGuy RobertC VictorL WalterA AugustineJ FrankC DonaldE Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt SSg T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc 1Sg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpt Pfc 373-SV 399-AT 325-EC 399-D 399-1B 399-2B 398-C 373-SV 397-G 398-L 398-L 399-AT 325-MD 399-C 397-M 399-B 100-QM 325-EA 374-B 397-F 398-H 325-EB 399-H 374-C 398-A 397-C 373-HQ 325-MB 375-C 399-I 325-EC 325-EA 399-M 398-H 397-MD 397-CN 325-EC 325-EH 397-MD 399-HQ WIA WIA WIA Torrington SantaMaria Oakwood NewYork Dixon Bethlehem WhiteSulphurSpng Canton Media McComb Cherokee Belford Indianapolis Ames Newark Mayer Eastman Baltimore Clifton OrchardPark Kearny Chicago Waynesboro Astoria Portland Bronx Drunond Cleveland Brooklyn Davison Siluria Toledo Fults Bamberg OklahomaCity OldGreenwich Seekonk Binghampton Brooklyn Hamilton CT CA GA NY IL PA WV OH PA OH OK NJ IN IA NJ AZ GA MD OH NY NJ IL VA NY ME NY WI NC NY MI AL OH IL NC OK CT MA NY NY OH Berarick Berbaum Berberian Berends Berenhaus Berezin Berg Berg Berg Berg Bergdahl Berger Berger Berger Berger Bergeran Bergeran Berghammer Bergie Bergiel Bergmann Bergmann Bergner Bergreen Berjon Berk Berk Berkley Berkowitz Berland Berlin Berlly Berman Bermea Bernal Bernard Bernard Bernardi Bernardo Bernier PaulP ClarenceH William GeorgeE JosephM DavidA GeorgeE RobertF RoyW WilliamG WallaceR AlfredA GeorgeK LeroyC MelvinE Ferdinand RogerA HenryJ CharlesV Eugene ErnestE HarveyP RaymondM JosephM Charles AlphonseR AlphonseR BernardF SolC Stanley Trent Morris Milton Arturo FranciscoE HaroldL JeanB LowellD Joseph ArthurP Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-B 397-2B 397-CN 100-SG 397-MD 397-I 397-2B 399-C 398-M 399-1B 397-C 925-HQ 399-G 398-I 397-SV 397-I 925-HQ 398-CN 397-F 100-ST 397-D 100-QM 100-QM 397-G 398375-A 375-A 398-I 925-C 398-D 399-F 373-A 100-HQ 397-C 397-AT 399-C 397-1B 398-K 800-OR 398-F WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA POW ForestCity Champaign Harvey Spearville Brooklyn Chicago Chicago StPaul Chicago Bronx Cando StatenIsland Drums Youngstown NewYork Oscar CentrwlFalls Troy Cleveland PA IL IL KS NY IL IL MN IL NY ND NY PA OH NY LA RI NY OH Auburn Philadelphia NewRochelle Bronx NE PA NY NY Dormansville Glendale NewYork Brooklyn Oakland NY NY NY NY CA Bronx NY Harlingen Tucson BayStLouis Lawrence Huntingburg Bronx Greenville TX AZ MS MA IN NY NH Bernier Bernstein Bernstein Bernstein Bernstein Bernstein Beron Berrie Berrini Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Bersani Berschler Berstein Berthiaume Berthiaume Bertoldi Bertreau Besho Besner Bessent Bessette Bessey Bessonen Besst Best Best Betheil Betor Betsworth JosephE AaronH Bernard Harold IrwinM RolandP AlfredW JamesW JosephC EarlB ElvinA GarlandK JamesF JasonD LoydL PaulE PaulE Raymond RichmondM SwainsonC Uland Joseph DavidB MartinH FrancisJ WilliamE GeorgeH SoleyP AdolphM ErnestJ PaulS ClaytonC GrantH ArthurE DavidR EdwinI KennethE Joseph Michael MauriceL T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc T/5 SSg SSg T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 2Lt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc 100-SG 375-HQ 375-HQ 399-MD 399-HQ 373-HQ 325-EA 100-CR 397-A 800-OR 399-A 399-F 398-E 398-M 397-A 398-2B 399-I 398-B 398-CN 100-SG 398-D 373-C 325-MC 398-AT 397-I 397-D 398-2B 325-EA 399-M 373-C 399-1B 399-E 100-CR 397-C 399-I 100-QM 397-MD 325-MH 925-B 399-B WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA NewBedford Franklin Garfield Brooklyn Mattapan Duluth Natick Waterbury Wilkes-Barre MtSalem Morgantown Seagraves Braxton Walterboro Ryegate Ashland NQuincy MA PA NJ NY MA MN RI CT PA VA NC TX MS SC MT OH MA Chillicote TellicoPlains Vinton Bronx Philadelphia Brooklyn Buffalo Worcester IronMountain BentonHarbor DixonCity WarriorRun FairBluff StAlbans Merrill Detroit Canton Cairo WWindsor Bronx Albany Merrill MO TN LA NY PA NY NY MA MI MI PA PA NC VT WI MI OH NY VT NY NY IA Bett Bettinger Betts Betz Beverley Bevers Bevilacqua Bevilacqua Bevilacqua Bevins Bevins Beychock Beyrebach Beza Bezdek Bezold Bialek Bialski Bianchi Bianchi Bianchini Bianco Biancosini Biasi Bibb Bibeault Bice Bickford Bickley Bicofsky Bielacey Bielecki Bieleski Bielinski Bielowsky Bierer Bierhalter Biernat Biernat Bieterman WilliamJ JackR MartinG WardR RL LeonF AlfredC DarioE GeorgeJ Garrett Jonah MiltonR Albert DanielT HenryF John WalterJ TedS CarlP RoyL JosephJ Dominick NicholasJ JosephV RobertB RobertA. GlennL DavidA PaulH Sam TheodoreC EdwinS Frank Edmund Sol Leroy AugustM WalterL WilliamA JamesP Pfc Pfc SSg LtC Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Cpl TSg T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-H 398-CN 373100-HQ 397-F 397-1B 397-G 398-B 397-G 398-I 397-K 925-HQ 398-SV 398-B 398-E 397-H 398-HQ 374-B 398-AT 397-E 399-HQ 398-CN 397-G 398-F 398-AT 399-3B 398-HQ 397-L 397-K 399-L 398-M 398-B 397-K 399-G 398-B 398-F 397-AT 397-K 397-A 397-G Cleveland Dayton OH OH Lincoln Clermont Blair Ticonderoga Reno Philadelphia NE FL OK NY NZ PA Heisey Shreveport Glendale StPaul Abilene KY LA NY MN KS Reading Jackson Schenectady Niles Charleston Lyndhurst Camden Pennsauken Elkland Middletown Woodward Somerworth Marblehead Bronx Bronx CentralFalls Midvale GreenBay NewYork GreenBay SHaven Anoka Gary PA MI NY IL MA NJ NJ NJ PA CT IA NH OH NY NY RI OH WI NY WI MI MN IN MIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Bietz Biever Biggs Bigham Bilbee Bilby Bilder Bilder Bilicki Bilicki Billeaux Biller Billheim Billings Billis Bills Bilodeau Bindel Binder Bingham Bingham Binkley Binkley Binkley Biondo Bippen Birch Birch Birchall Birdsong Birdyshaw Birger Biringer Birkeland Birkhofer Birmingham Birmingham Birt Bis Bisaccia CharlesW VernonJ RoyP WalterJ BenjaminW LouisD JohnC Joseph JamesL JohnS WarrenT JamesA JohnE JosephA JosephA DannyH MauriceJ JeromeE RussellW HalG WillbornG Howard JohnW RobertF VitoM MartinJ DanielM RonaldS WilliamR JohnnyP HenryE ThomasE RichardF KennethW Carl JosephH Roland PaulA Bronislaw AlbertL 2Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc 2Lt Pfc SSg SSg 398-F 399-AT 398-L 397-D 399-A 397-B 399-AT 397-H 399-G 397-2B 398-L 397-C 397-I 398-D 397-HQ 398-D 398-L 398-M 398-G 399-F 397-K 397-1B 398-B 399-L 399-C 397-F 397-MD 397-MD 398-F 398-B 399-F 399-2B 398-AT 398-B 397-E 397-L 397-L 397-D 397397-SV WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA PortWashington Freeport Danbury Morrisville MillHall Evansville Akron StatenIsland Arnold Hobart Dixon Elkland Springfield WI TX CT PA PA IN OH NY PA IN CA PA MA Nowata Corinth Cleveland Media Anthony Crosbyton Delaplaine Clarksville Toledo NewYork Florissant Parkland Alameda Mariemont Dolph Tullahoma Chicago Toledo Clearbrook NewYork Baltimore PortOrange Lima OK NY OH PA KS TX AR TN OH NY MO WA CA OH AR TN IL OH MN NY MD FL OH Hartford CT Bisel Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Biskup,MD Bislick Biss Bissantz Bissell Bisson Bistany Bistrovic Bitale Bite Bitterman Bittner Bitts Biunno Bivens Biviano Bivona Bixby Bizzle Bizzozero Bjerke Bjers Bjornholt Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black GeorgeA EarlA HarrellE HenryC JamesE RaymondH GeorgeE BernardJ RobertJ HaroldB WilliamC Leopold Robert FrankJ NickJ JohnM DavidS FrankM GordonH MichaelJ NooteE OnofrioG JosephP LesterW HershalC HenryA MarshallG Richard ReubenE JamesW BruceC JohnS Henry VerneleyG HermanE JamesR CreedC Herbert JR WilliamW Sgt T/5 Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Cpt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 1Lt 397-D 100-DA 925-A 373325-EH 398-G 399-MD 100-HQ 397-M 398-H 398-E 398-2B 100-QM 399-A 398-B 374-HQ 374-HQ 399-C 374-C 399-2B 398-MD 397-L 399-I 398-I 397-H 397-E 398-K 399-E 398-C 399-C 397-G 399-SV 398-MD 399-F 398-C 399-K 399-1B 398-B 397-B 399-A KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA MIA WIA Danvill NewHaven Woodburn Grandby Woodbury StAlbans Latrobe BannerSprings Bellerose Amelia Newton Scranton Yonkers Richmond LasVegas Rye Broadway Chicago Lancaster Corona Knoxville Sherburne Bronx NewtonCenter StLouis MI CT IA VT GA VT PA TX NY OH CT PA NY NY NV NY NC IL PA NY TN NY NY MA MO Hoffman Chicago Emmet Easton ColoradoSprings Gaffney Springfield Rockland MN IL ND PA CO SC MA ME Wyandotte Paducah Farmingdale Mart Akron MI KY CT TX OH WIA Blackman Blackstone Blackwelder Blackwell Blackwell Blackwell Blaha Blaich Blain Blair Blair Blair Blair Blair Blair Blair Blais Blais Blake Blake Blake Blake Blakely Blakeman Blakeney Blakeslee Blalock Blanchard Blanchard Blanchard Blanchard Blanchette Blanco Blanco Bland Bland Bland Blaney Blaney Blankenship HenryF CharlesD ErnestH JamesD KennethJ RobertE RobertJ CharlesB WilliamJ Dan DeweyE GeorgeA HaroldR RoyH RufusE WilliamH LeonardF VincentR GeorgeC RobertG WilfredK WilliamT CliffordR FrankD RobertJ RaymondO CharlieG Arthur CharlesW WarrenG WilberA RobertF Frank LaurenceC JackL MiltonJ RichardE CarlM HenryJ Bennie Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc 1Lt T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc 1Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt TSg Cpl 2Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 374-A 397-F 397-E 397-I 397-1B 397-K 398-2B 800-OR 397-K 397-L 398-B 399-AT 399-M 399-AT 398-F 399-3B 397-I 373-HQ 325-EM 399-B 399-B 397-A 398-2B 398-SV 397-F 397-F 399-I 100-MP 399-E 397-I 397-2B 397-B 397-MD 925-A 398-D 398-L 397-AT 399-G 398-A 399-I WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Griffin Detroit Concord KansasCity Moosic Dahlonega SanDiego Cleveland GrandRapids Whitesburg Kelso Winthrop Seattle Louisville Roxmart JacksonsGap Southbridge HydePark EOrange EPalestine Madison Lumberton Knoxville MorganCity Philadelphia Buffalo ElkPark GlenRock Nortffield Utica Ludlow Salem NewYork NewYork PawleysIsland Lebanon Oakland Lynn GA MI NC MO PA GA CA OH MI KY WA MA WA KY GA AL MA MA NJ OH NJ NC TN LA PA NY NC NJ VT NY VT MA NY NY SC KY CA MA Crawley WV Blankenship Blankenship Blankenship Blanton Blanton Blanton Blasco Blaszynski Blatt Blaylock Blaylock Blazek Blazek Blazer Bledsoe Bledsoe Bledsoe Bledsoe Bless Blevins Blight Bliss Blissitt Blitz Blizard Block Block Blocker Blocki Blomeier Blomgren Blonigen Blood Bloodgood Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloomberg Bloomberg Cecil Claude WayneT Carl William WilliamE AngelF LouisC HowardW EarlE RossG JamesF John RobertK JoelG JohnW WilliamM WilliamW BertramO ThomasG Albert JamesJ WalterE Henry RobertA TomH WilliamG JohnH Edwin ErnestC RichardA LeCB CharlesA FrancisJ Irving LewisM Milton Theodore JasonF Marvin Pvt Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt Pfc Pvt TSg T/5 Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Cpl Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 398-I 397-K 397-K 325-EC 399-MD 398-A 374-HQ 325-MH 100-SG 399-I 398-B 398-C 325-EC 397-K 398-H 397-SV 398-L 399-2B 398-F 399-L 399-M 399-B 925-C 399-F 399-B 397-MD 397-M 397-F 397-G 397-M 397-L 397-F 399-C 398-G 398-SV 100-HQ 397-HQ 398-C 399-A 398-F WIA O'Keeffee Atlanta Indianapolis Shely WV IL IN NC POW SantaPaula Bronx Clearwater Reading Sonoma Pikeville Charleston Bronx Auburn Texarkana Conway Lakedale Alliance Brooklyn Portersville Detroit Woonsocket Leavenworth Lincoln Wilford Davenport Cleveland GreenCloveSpring Chicago Baltimore OakPark Paynesville CA NY FL PA CA TN OR NY IL TX AR NC NE NY CA MI RI WA NE MA IA OH FL IL MD IL MN Madison Brooklyn WI NY Meriden Brooklyn BattleCreek Huron CT NY MI SD WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA Bloomer Bloomer Bloomfield Bloss Blowers Blowers Blowers Bloxom Blozis Blubaugh Bluhm Blum Blum Blumberg Blumberg Blume Blumenfeld Blumenstock Blumenthal Blumenthal Blumer Blumfield Blundell Blute Blutter Bly Blydenburgh Boatman Boatwright Boban Bobbitt Bobcean Bobo Bobrowski Boccaccio Boccanfuso Bochino Bochniak Bochnock Bociek RoyE SidneyP RayJ GeorgeT AndrewO DavidA LeonardB WoodrowW JohnT WilliamH HarryD FrancisE Robert GlennM GlennM WoodrowW JacobP PaulE Bernard Irving' WilliamH JacobP JackD JosephM SidneyD HaroldW StuartM RalphA OscarJ GeorgeJ ThomasC FloydC RoyL StanleyW John James RalphF JosephN Joseph EdwardH Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt 1Sg Pfc Sgt Sgt SSg Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pvt 1Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc 397-B 100-SG 397-L 397-L 397-3B 399-E 373-B 373-C 397-G 325-MD 100-HQ 397-B 397-B 398-D 398-D 398-E 398-C 325-MD 373-C 399-I 398-B 398-C 399-E 373-A 398-F 325-MD 397-G 397-1B 399-1B 399-A 925-A 374-C 399-SV 373-HQ 399-2B 397-H 100-DA 399-B 397-HQ 399-MD WIA WIA POW POW POW WIA POW WIA WIA PineyFlats Brooklyn Clio Fairfield Perkinsville Syracuse Mechanicville Baltimore Rockford Shepherd Detroit Baltimore MtVernon MtHollySpring HollySprings Bamberg Memphis Carlisle Brooklyn NewYork Catonsville Memphis SanAntonio TN NY MI WA NY NY NY MD IL MI MI MD NY NewYork FranklinPark Delaware FtSmith FtMill Peekskill Henderson MtClemmons Inman NewYork Hartford Fords Bronx Minneapolis Detroit Lackawana NY MA OH AR SC NY NC MI SC NY CT NJ NY MN MI NY PA SC TN PA NY NY MD TN TX Bockmann Bocquet Boda Bodda Boddis Boden Boden Bodenheimer Bodin Bodiovick Bodner Bodo Boe Boehm Boehms Boes Boesch Boesen Boestler Bogacki Bogan Bogard Bogart Bogart Bogavich Bogda Bogdanowicz Boger Boggs Boggs Boggs Boggus Bogh Bogla Bohacik Bohanan Bohannon Bohigian Bohl Bohner EmilJ WalterJ Michael KennethR GeorgeR DonaldD LloydH CharlesA JohnA Tony Steve Russell GeorgeA JohnH SamH PaulL DonaldW JohnJ MontieH TheodoreR Sam Martin Christopher EdmundA Daniel HarryW JohnC ThomasA CharlesE Paul WilliamW Virgil NelsJ HarryW Steven GeorgeW LeeS RobertJ FrancisL WilliamH T/4 T/5 Pvt T/5 Pvt Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc TSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg 2Lt Sgt Pvt Pfc T/4 TSg Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Sgt 100-SG 399-F 399-E 397-G 399-C 397-E 397-M 373-A 397-H 397-G 397-E 325-EC 399-MD 375-C 399-A 397-M 397-2B 325-MC 399-1B 397-K 399-MD 397-3B 373-A 398-L 397-3B 397-F 800-OR 325-MH 398-I 397-HQ 399-L 398-SV 325-EC 397398-1B 398-K 399-L 397-L 925-HQ 399-D KIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Haddonfield Newark RuralRidge DeKalb NewYork Bloomington Seattle Manning Newark StLouis SGreensburg Waterviliet Sunburg Baltimore Nashville Cresson Erie Stanford Tulsa Camden Cleveland Chicago RidgefieldPark NJ NJ PA IL NY IL WA SC NJ MO PA NY MN MD TN PA PA CT OK NJ OH IL NJ Navarre Chicago Albany ColonialHeights Paragould Looneyville Birmingham OH IL NY VA AR WV AL Delta UT LongIsland Cowan Glendale Worcester NPlainfield Olton NY TN CA MA NJ TX WIA WIA Bohot Boice Boisvert Bolamperti Boland Bolcer Boley Bolin Boling Boll Boll Bollella Bollman Bolmanteer Bolno Bologna Bolognino Bolton Bolton Bolton Bolton Bomar Bomer Bommer Bonadona Bonamo Bonanni Bond Bond Bond Bonderowitz Bondisky Bonds Bondy Bonet Bonfiglio Bongiovanni Bonham Bonham Bonham AlvinH JohnS RaymondG Fred JamesF JosephW GilmerH JohnH ArchieE HerbertH JosephJ Joseph Harold Keith Harry AnthonyG CarlJ GordonE NelsonP RichardS SamuelC CliftonP HarryF CleanL JosephF RalphJ AnthonyA FredL RichardJ WayneE William PlacidoJ Ezekiel FrankL Cesar JoeM Sebastian CorwinE FloydH PerryE SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc TSg Pfc Sgt T/4 Cpl T/5 SSg Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-M 397-1B 397-A 398-F 374-A 397-AT 398-I 399-L 398-I 398-3B 100-CR 925-B 399-L 398-H 399-1B 375-A 375-B 398-C 397-1B 925-SV 398-G 100-DA 398-L 398925-A 100-BD 398-A 397-L 397-B 100-QM 374-SV 100-CR 397-L 375-C 375-B 399-AT 397-K 399-K 399-F 398-B WIA WIA WIA Guthrie Middletown Lowell Arleta Norwich Baltimore Russellville KansasCity Fairmont Quincy RichmondHill Bronx Hemstead OK IL MA CA NY MD WV MO SC IL NY NY NY Philadelphia Brooklyn Albany Ontario Philadelphia OceanCity Quarryville Memphis Dallas PA NY NY NY PA NJ PA TN TX Chicago IL Amsterdam KansasCity Delanson EStLouis NewYork Hammonton Manatee Brooklyn NewYork NY MO NY IL NY NJ FL NY NY NewBritain Tacoma Shenandoah SanLorenzo CT WA IA CA WIA WIA WIA KIA MIA WIA Bonk Bonn Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonsignore Bonte Bontell Bontorin Bontrager Booher Booher Book Bookbinder Booker Boone Boonen Boortz Boos Booten Booth Boothby Boothe Boquet Boratka Borboa Borcz Bordeau Borden Borders Borders Borgen Borgie Borgmeyer Borgstrom Boring Boring Borisch Borjon Joseph KeithJM BoydL CleonJ JohnF WilliamJ Ignazio KennethP JosephW HughJ JamesL RexI WesleyE HerbrtW Samuel RobertM EverettA CharlesL JamesW RobertD Martin JohnF LloydF George WalterJ John EdwardJ EugeneJ WilfredW GeorgeA JoeF JohnW LloydO RobertJ OmarH KurtV ErnestL GeorgeL DonaldE Charles SSg Pfc SSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl SSg 1Sg Pfc T/4 Sgt SSg 1Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt 399-K 397-MD 397-I 398-1B 398-SV 325-EB 398-CN 397-C 375-A 397-K 399-G 399-E 398-I 398-C 373-SV 398-D 325-EH 399-AT 398-E 398-G 374-HQ 399-E 398-F 397-M 399-F 399-K 397-A 397-D 399-K 100-SG 397-D 399-B 374-HQ 397-L 398-F 398-B 398-C 397-F 398-C 398-L WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Gardner Flushing Yorktown ArkansasPass Westfield Bridgeport Brooklyn Moline LenoxDale Detroit Goff GrundyCenter Washington Slipperyrock Burlington Baltimore Durham Blawenburgch Houston Chicago Bronx FtAtkinson Washta Cincinnati MA NY IN TX MA CT NY IL MA MI KS KS DC PA NJ MD NC NJ TX IL NY WI IA OH Johnstown Rirebaugh Darby Plattsburg Philadelphia Shelby Shelby Brooklyn Fargo StCharles Graham FtMadison Tulsa Milwaukee PA CA CT NY PA NC NC NY ND MO WA IA OK WI Borlan Born Born Bornstein Borodofsky Borresen Borri Borst Borth Bortolussi Bortz Borusiewicz Bosak Bosc Boschen Bosco Bossa Bosse Bossi Bossie Bost Bostick Boston Boswell Bosworth Bosworth Bosworth Botash Botley Botos Bottiglien Botto Bottoms Bottomstone Bouchard Bouchard Bouchard Bouchard Boucher Boudreaux Joseph MelvinC RobertH HerbertL Ralph IrvingH HughL JamesJ RaymondA Hugo BertM Joseph FrancisM PaulG ParkerL EugeneG GeorgeF ThomasE JamesG EmileJ HobertL JosephC Bernard JohnG Jack JulianE WilliamR RobertJ DarwinL AndrewGF VincentD Joseph JamesR WilliamW ArthurH Charles CharlesM Roland LawrenceC PerryJ T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Sgt T/4 SSg Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc MSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc T/4 SSg SSg T/5 Pvt 398-D 397-D 397-B 397-MD 397-K 397-CN 399-AT 397-M 397-F 325-EH 399-CN 397-AT 397-A 399-D 399-AT 373-SV 397-K 397-K 398-M 374-A 398-HQ 397-SV 398-3B 100-MP 325-MH 399-SV 397-A 399-I 397-I 397-F 925-SV 397-D 325-EC 325-MA 397-I 397-I 397-C 325-EB 374-HQ 399-C WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA NewBrunswick Tahlequah LosAngeles ChestnutHill ClevelandHeights SpringfieldGdns Clifton Reading Sheboygan Washington Brooklyn JerseyCity Gary TerreHaute Boston Corona Hoboken OldTown Philadelphia Lowell NJ OK CA PA OH NY NJ PA WI DC NY NJ IN IN MA NY NJ ME PA MA Bridgeville WNewYork Anderson Brooklyn Lexington Grandville DE NJ IN NY KY MI Newport Middletown Brooklyn StatenIsland Mackville Edgemere KY OH NY NY KY MD NewBedford Standish SPortland PortStLucie Lafayette MA CA MA FL LA Boulmetis Boumil Bounds Bouquet Bourcier Bourett Bourgeois Bourgeois Bourgeois Bourne Bourre Boutchard Bouthillier Boutin Bouwman Bouwman Bouwsma Bove Bovee Bowden Bowden Bowden Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Bower Bower Bower Bower Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowker ChristoJ CharlesJ MauriceA WalterJ HerbertE JackW LawrenceF Nelson RussellJ HenryT MarcelR ArthurH JosephA PaulE Albert JustinH CharlesE Charles RobertG AdelbertL HaroldR JamesH AustinC ElbaW FrancisL RalphW RobertW GuyA IrvingW LloydN WarrenC ClementH EricB FranklinC HarryG HowardB JamesL JeroldE RaymondW DonaldL Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Mjr Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl 398-L 100-QM 397-F 399-A 374-SV 100-DA 325-MB 399-A 397-B 399-G 398-M 397-I 397-2B 100-CR 399-3B 399-K 398-C 100-DM 397-E 397-G 325-MC 398-I 398-E 398-H 398-G 397-CN 374-A 397-I 399-B 399-L 399-1B 800-OR 398-G 399-D 399-B 100-CR 100-MP 397-M 399-D 397-L Millbury Dracut Verndale Newark Rhinelander DesMoines Menominee Hayes Remy Woodstock Sanford Taunton Rochester Manchester MA MA MN NJ WI IA MI LA LA VT ME MA NY NH Holland Lincoln Palmerton Rochester Pleasantville Farmington Philadelphia RockyMount Elizabethtwon Johnstown Palo Covington Floyd McHenry LaCrosse Brighton Susquehana Hayward Baltimore Morristown Ridgeway Baker Germantown Yardville Chicago MI NE PA NY NJ NH PA NC TN PA IL KY VA IL WI MA PA CA MD TN WV OR OH NJ IL KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Bowlds Bowler Bowlin Bowling Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowns Bowser Bowser Bowser Bowski Bowyer Boxtie Boyajian Boyce Boyce Boyce Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer LouisE VictorP Luther JosephE Albert BLowry BenjaminL Charles CharlesE DavidJ JamesA JamesL JosephP RalphE ThomasJ Harris Harry WalterJ Stanley WesleyO GeorgeT Samuel CharlesP ClarenceE RobertF AlbertE CharlesP Clarence DennisC FurmanH JamesL JohnP Joseph JosephW MelvinE RichardD EmmettE JamesW JeromeL JosephH 1Lt T/4 T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt 398-D 374-B 398-F 397-2B 399-M 397-I 397-I 398-C 397-E 397-G 399-I 398-F 398-H 397-2B 398-B 398-G 398-G 399-I 397-K 398-HQ 397-SV 375-HQ 398-E 375-HQ 397-1B 397-C 398-G 397-F 397-I 399-I 397-D 397-M 100-CR 398-B 397-F 398-2B 100-BD 925-A 397-K 397-1B KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Denver BeecherFalls Pressman'sHome NewFranklin GrandRapids Atlanta Atlanta Reading CalvertCity Revere Racine Clairfield Chicago Carnegie Cincinnati NewLebanon NewLebanon Pittsburgh Williamstown CO VT TN MO MI GA GA PA KY MA WI TN IL PA OH OH OH PA PA NewHartford Brockton Nashville Jamesville Canton Lakeland Devon Nashville Norfolk Langley Beaufort Birmingham Larchmont Kingsport Virden Claremore Harvey Titusville Edina Bearbrook CT MA IN WI OH GA PA GA VA SC NC AL NY TN IL OK IL PA MN PA Boyer Boyers Boyke Boyke Boykin Boykin Boyko Boyle Boyle Boyle Boyles Boyles Boyne Boynton Bozzanca Bozzo Bozzone Bracco Brace Bracewell Brackett Brackett Bradberry Bradberry Bradbrook Bradbury,MD Braddy Braden Bradfield Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley RobertJ LesterJ Frank HerbertH LemuelW LynchD Frank GilbertC JamesE RobertL Charles FredG JohnW WilliamD AnthonyJ AugustR Louis ThomasS HaroldM Marshall HenryG SamuelW JamesR JohnR RobertA FrancisW NelsonR VirgilC HerbertN DanielL Harold PerryJ PrestonW SamuelW AndrewW CharlesP Clyde EllieR HaroldF JohnJ T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc TSg T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc Cpt Sgt Pfc Pfc TSg SSg Cpl Pvt Pfc Cpt Sgt Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg T/5 Cpl TSg 397-HQ 399-B 397398-3B 397-2B 373-HQ 397-G 100-SG 398-B 373-HQ 398-H 399-3B 399-C 375-C 397-1B 399-HQ 398-B 374-A 397-K 375-SV 398-A 398-C 397-I 397-B 925-C 398-MD 398-C 397-E 397-E 397-L 398-F 399-AT 100-QM 399-1B 399-B 325-EA 373-A 398-SV 398-K 399-L WIA MIA POW KIA WIA WIA WIA ShakerHeights Morgantown OH WV Chicago Bluefield Boykin Wayne Cambridge Philadelphia Hillsboro Ancramdale Grafton Brooklyn Apponaus Brooklyn Bronx IL WV SC PA MA PA OH NY WV NY RI NY NY Brooklyn Lee Andalusia Baltimore Dorchester SanAugistne Lawrenceville Everett DoverFoxcroft Savannah Cosby Memphis Canton Norman CottageGrove Baltimore Philadelphia Elida NewYork Tallavast SHill Evansville Philadelphia NY MA AL MD MA TX GA MA ME GA TN TN IL OK OR MD PA NM NY FL KY IN PA Bradley Bradley Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Braeback Brafa Braga Bragers Bragg Brainard Brainard Brakarsh Brake Brakey Bralley Braman Bramante Bramble Bramblett Bramley Brammer Branch Branch Branco Brand Brandano Brandel Brandes Brandon Brandon Brandstein,MD LouisE ZerroA CarlH CharlesC ClaudieH JosephF KennethN GlennW JamesM JohnL JosephM RussellD ThomasM ClaudeM AndrewA ManuelJ JohnJ WaltonE AlfredF RaymondF JackJ OlenC HarryM BillyW OscarR ReneJ EwellB Louis Robert HerbertF ErnestC ErnestC FrankH HuberW DanielJ WilliamC GeorgeJ NelsonE RichardG Edward Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc WOJ T/5 T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt 1Lt T/4 1Sg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpt Cpl Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpt 399-B 398-K 397-F 399-C 325-MA 100-SG 398-HQ 374-C 397-D 397-F 399-M 100-HQ 397-MD 397-A 374-C 398-A 100-DA 397-MD 397-SV 398-P 398-HQ 925-C 398-K 398-2B 398-F 397-I 325-MB 397-CN 398-P 398-3B 325-MD 399-C 399-G 397-G 399-D 398-I 397-L 397-A 398-C 397-MD KIA POW WIA WIA KIA Baltimore SanteFe Washington Mooresville Greensboro Oswego NWildwood McKeesport CityPoint EOrange Philsdelphia Denver Uniontown Portland Baltimore Marlboro NewYork Esteline Lancaster Mahwah JacksonHeights Magazine StJoseph McKinney Norman Alameda NewCastle MD NM DC NC NC NY NJ PA FL NJ PA CO PA OR MD MA NY TX NH NJ NY AL MO TX OK CA DE Santuit Salineville LosAngeles LosAngeles Philadlphia Stonewall Malden Allegeny UnionCity Cranberry Mazomanie MA OH CA CA PA MS MA NY NJ PA WI Brandt Brandt Brandyberry Branham Brannam Brannen Brannick Brannock Brannon Brannon Brantley Brantley Brantley Brantley Branton Branwlini Brash Braswell Braswell Bratcher Bratton Bratton Braud Brauer Brault Braun Braun Braunhardt Braunlich Brauweiler Bravchok Braverman Braverman Bravo Bray Bray Bray Bray Brayall Brayall FrankO RalphE RobertG NormanB ThomasA SethF JohnM ThomasL LouisT PaulE HowardW MarionF SidneyE WilliamB CharlesR LorenW LeslieO CharlesW Ernest WaldemerD HiltonR LouisR EdgarL BernardE RosaireJ GraalF PaulH WilliamC CharlesG CarlF JosephJ Albert Murray Nester ObieL RoyE WalterW WalterW HowardM RussellE Sgt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg TSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt Sgt T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-HQ 100-QM 398-2B 397-3B 397-A 397-G 374-A 398-2B 100-ST 398-L 399-I 397-G 100-BD 397-3B 398-E 399-I 100-SG 397-F 100-MP 100-HQ 398-L 325-MA 100-DA 397-HQ 397-MD 397-L 397-G 397-MD 399-MD 399-K 325-MA 373-B 397-1B 397-F 100-QM 325-MD 397-E 397-E 398-M 399-B WIA WIA KansasCity Lebanon Piqua Winnsboro Belleville Mary's Minooka Cambridge MO PA OH SC AR CA IL MA Ferris Daphne Marshville EOrange Excel LaValle SantaMonica Barberton Loganville Alderson TX AL GA NJ AL WI CA OH GA OK Bruce NewOrleans Olney Biddeford Cincinnati Haynes Clinton Paterson Chicago NewYork Cedarhurst NewYork NewYork Commerce Gladewater KansasCity KansasCity Hartford Waterville MS LA IL ME OH CA MA NJ IL NY NY NY NY GA TX MO MO CT ME WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Brazer Brazier Brazukas Breadhoft Breal Breashears Breault Breaux Breck Breckenridge Breckinridge Bredeson Breeden Breeden Breeden Breedlove Breen Breen Breger Breger Breidigan Breier Breisemeister Breish Breiterman Breitman Breitstein Bremenour Brendel Brendinger Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brenner Brenner Brenson Brent Brenton Mischa GeorgeW MichaelE EdwardA CharlesJ GeorgeF RobertF JosephA KennethW William CasperC ChesterS CharlesF EGlenn ErnestL JosephL JohnJ ThomasJ EdwardM Harold WalterC RoberE EdwardF JohnW Paul Ralph HarryC Frank WilliamJ ErnestC EarlJ FrancisE JohnJ JohnW WilliamD GeorgeF Roy GeorgeA HenryC CharlesJ Pfc 2Lt T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 SSg Pvt Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc 100-QM 397-P 397-G 397-C 925-C 397-SV 399-AT 397-F 325-EH 399-SV 399-F 374-A 325-EA 398-E 325-MA 397-G 398-G 398-A 397-B 399-G 399-H 398-CN 399-F 398-K 397-I 399398-C 398-M 397-I 397-A 100-DA 100-QM 398-2B 398-CN 399-I 399-E 325-EA 397-B 397-F 399-AT KIA WIA KIA WIA MIA WIA Newark KansasCity Hartford Kalispell Biloxi Muskogee Medford Youngsville Sharon Canfield Summerville FergusFalls Lincoln Richmond Broadway Needmore Baltimore Birmingham Mattapan Chicago SummitStation Toledo Poynette Lianerch Brooklyn NJ KS CT MT MS OK MA LA KS OH WV MN AL VA VA NC MD MI MA IL PA OH WI PA NY Baltimore Cardale Philadelphia Heshbon Yonkers Lynbrook Carbondale AtlanticCity Desmoines Irvington Audubon Philadelphia NatronaHeights Brockton MD PA PA PA NY NY PA NJ IA NJ NJ PA PA MA Brenton Breseke Breshinsky Bresnahan Bress Bretherick Brett Breuer Brevard Brevick Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewington Brewinski Brickner Briddenstein Bridgeman Bridgens Bridges Bridges Briel Brier Briesemeister Brigandi Brigandi Brigandi Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briley Briley Brill Brill HenryI JamesH Solomon WilliamA SeymourC CletusO WarrenG AdamA Johathan JamesK HughA MaynardB RobertC QuentonD EdwardJ RichardL KeithG IvanJ HowardK GreenR SheltonS RobertF MichaelM EdwardF CharlesJ JohnG RalphJ DonaldE FrankM GeorgL HectorH HowardS JosephW LouisA MarionD PhillipM HaroldL SamuelL GeorgeD Lawrence TSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpt 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc 399-L 399-HQ 397-B 397-E 399-3B 397398-A 399-L 398-D 399-AT 398-SV 397-F 398-E 325-MA 399-F 399-K 397-1B 397-G 397-F 397-I 373-HQ 399-3B 397-A 399-F 399-L 398-3B 399-MD 397-B 399-A 397-F 397-F 397-A 397-B 398-C 397-L 399-B 399-D 397-1B 325-MB 399-A WIA MIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA Pittsburgh Rochester NewYork SilverSpring NewYork PA IN NY MD NY Providence Northfield Hendersonville Alma Marietta Louisburg Kane Savannah DicksonCity Delphos Terry Texarkana Watchung Parrott Quincy Belmont Philadelphia RI IL NC WI GA NC PA TN PA OH MT TX NJ GA FL NY PA Bayside LongIsland Brooklyn HighFalls Cincinnati Dalton FlagPond Torrington Albany NewHaven Brookfield Lincoln StLouis Austin Tamaqua Brooklyn NY NY NY NY OH MA TN VT GA CT MO NE MO TX PA NY Brine Bringenberg Brink Brinkerhoff Brinkley Brinkley Brinsley Brint Brisky Britian Britt Britt Britten Brizinsky Broadberry Broaddus Broadwater Brocato Brocinski Brock Brock Brock Brock Brockhoff Brockman Brockmiller Brockway Broderick Broderick Brodeur Brodie Brodie Brodsho Brodsky Brody Brogan Brogan Broitman Brokate Broker GilbertW HughD FredW RobertE JamesE NormanF WilliamE Irving WilliamF JosephW CharlesW GeraldV JohnW Philip JohnR WilliamR Willard JohnA Anthony ArnoldP DoyleL EdwardA JohnT LesterT ErvinE JohnC GeorgeE JohnJ Joseph RaymondT RaymondH RobertR DonaldO Stanley BenjaminS KyleW VirgilD Ralph RobertJ George T/5 Pvt SSg Mjr Pfc Cpl TSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl Pvt T/5 Pfc SSg SSg Pfc T/5 T/4 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 398-H 397-A 325-MB 398-3B 397-H 397-L 325-EH 399-F 399-D 397-I 399-A 397-M 399-2B 397-AT 397-I 397-SV 397-SV 398-D 397-HQ 397-I 398-SV 373-C 325-MC 399-K 325-EA 100-CR 397-A 373-B 398-AT 399-C 397-G 397-M 397-AT 398-A 100-SG 397-D 398-M 399-G 397-F 398-MD StLouis Hazleton Minneapolis Knoxville MO PA MN TN Kannapolis Springfield Philadlphia Cleveland Albuquerque Raleigh Lawler Schenectady Bronx NC OH PA OH NM NC IA NY NY Hannibal Boynton Shrevport Waynesburg SiouxRapids Jeffersonville Linden Monticello Brooklyn Omaha Brooklyn Brooklyn JerseyCity Hartford Oxford Cooperstown Pennsauken Bainville Brooklyn Bronx Sneedville Canton NewYork Bronx Brooklyn MO PA LA PA IA IN NC GA NY NE NY NY NJ CT MA NY NJ MT NY NY TN OH NY NY NY WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Broll Bromberg Bromfield Bromley Bromley Brongel Brooke Brookman Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Broome Broome Brophy Brophy Broschart Broshears Brosnahan Broster Brothers Brott Brott Brouder Brough Brouillet Brouns Brower Brower Brower Brown RalphQ Baberial SidneyJ CharlesP KennethS JohnJ RobertD JamesO AlvinD CharlesE EverettJ GeorgeS Gilbert JamesA JamesL Julianh Leon LorickV LyndonR NormanB PhilipD JackE ReaceL LawrenceV ThomasF GeraldJ DonaldS WilliamT BernardM CharlesH CharlesA EdwardW RobertG HerbertJ EricO Pierre KennethL LaneE LaneE AbrahamL Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Cpl Pfc 2Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Sgt SSg SSg Pvt 397-E 100-MP 100-DA 397-HQ 397-A 398-I 374-A 397-D 397-SV 397-E 399-F 397-K 373-MD 325-MB 398-D 397-L 397-I 398-H 397-3B 398-F 397-L 399-K 397-D 375-C 925-HQ 398-CN 397-K 399-F 397-AT 925-HQ 398-C 398-C 399-3B 398-L 397-F 398-MD 397-E 397-L 397-L 399-F KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Andover Hartford Brooklyn WebsterGrove Washington Chicago Anaheim Princeton RedHook Orting Huntington StJoseph ForestHills Brooksville EPoint Starkville Lancaster Davisboro Limington Caret Ironton Monroe Sumrall EOrange Bronx Brooklyn Boonville CT CT NY MO DC IL CA WV NY WA NY MO NY FL GA MS NH GA ME VA OH NC MS NJ NY NY IN Clarksville Richmond Plymouth Brooklyn Methuen LaGrange Randolph Wasington Trenton CanonCity CanonCity Rockford TN VA WI NY MA IL ME DC NJ CO CO NC Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown AlbertE AllenB AltonP ArlesO ArthurE CalvinD CalvinP ClarenceA CarlA ClarenceG CarlE Charles CharlesW CarlC CarlR CharlesW Dana DonaldJ DonaldQ EC EdgelD ErmalA JamesA FrankF JamesC FranklinD JamesJ George JamesLR GradyH JohnA Homer JohnW HubertD Joseph HunterB JosephB JackT JosephC FrederickC T/4 2Lt T/5 Sgt T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc 1Lt 397-B 397-E 397-1B 398-B 100-SG 397-G 399-I 397-MD 397-F 399-E 399-2B 325-EC 399-K 398-L 397-C 374-HQ 399-K 399-M 397-AT 398-A 374-B 398-I 397-K 375-HQ 399-H 399-K 398-L 397-C 325-MA 374-B 399-CN 397-A 397-B 399-E 397-L 397-G 398-H 397-HQ 398-A 325-MH WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA POW MIA KIA WIA MIA WIA WIA POW Reedy Rome Smyrna Canton Philadelphia Charlotte Wernersville Peninsula Denver Kingwood Wells Johnstown Bradford Grafton Harmony Troup WV GA GA NC PA NC PA OH CO WV ME PA PA WV NC TX Milwaukee Sodorus Abilene DexterCity English Columbia Brooklyn Brooklyn Boston Somerville Ludowici Asheville Gainesboro Greenwich Stockton LongBranch TerreHaute Dundalk StClairsville Allentown Lincoln Covington Franklin WI IL TX OH IN TN NY NY MA MA GA NC TN CT CA NJ IN MD OH PA IL KY MA Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown JosephE HarveyC JosephT HubertJ FrankR GeraldD HowardN IsaacJ KennethE Lawrence LawrenceA LeoA Leonard William Leroy WilliamA MarshallF WilliamE WilliamE NelsonH WilliamJ OscarT WilliamL PaulE WilliamL Rhett WilliamN RobertD WilliamP RobertM WilliamR RodneyF WilburS LesterJ RoyL MelvinE StanleyS NelsonF' VerlonE NelsonH Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Cpl Cpl Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc T/3 Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc 399-G 399-G 397-A 399-2B 397-E 397-D 397-F 397-B 397-I 398-B 399-1B 925-B 399-G 399-F 100-DA 398-3B 398-A 398-F 397-E 399-MD 398-K 397-F 398-MD 399-AT 100-QM 399-F 397-G 800-OR 398-B 398-1B 325-MD 374-HQ 397-B 397-F 397-E 398-D 925-HQ 375-C 398-G 325-MD WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA POW KansasCity Kennett Lafayette Marshall Centralia Saginaw BannerSprings PowhatanPoint Richmond Stephentown Penacook Philadelphia Kennard Hicksville Needham Nashville London NewHaven Pelzer Atlanta NewStraitsville Metz Schoolcraft Libertyville Waynesboro MO MO GA MI WA MI TN OH WV NY NH PA VA OH AL TN TX CT SC GA OH WV MI IL PA Rule Sparta Owensboro Darien Milwaukee Buffalo Richmond Brooklyn Anderson Syracuseny Baltimore Brunswick Evansville Lansdowne TX TN KY CT WI NY IN NY NC MD ME OH PA Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Browne Browne Browne Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownfield Browning Browning Browning Browning Browning Browning Brownlie Brownson Broyles Brozozowski Brubaker Brubeck Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruches Brucker Brucker Bruckner Bruder Walter ParkL RonaldH ThomasP WallaceE WaltonE RoyP Quenten RichardA RobertE RobertW RolandM FrancisT Robert ThomasF ElbertCI FrankAE WilliamR LloydD AlstonR EverettN JohnH JohnW Lyda Paul JamesR RaymondL RobertP LeoJ JamesF EdwinD ArvilL Goebel HerbertC HerbertS MorrisA EdwardA Peter GeorgeT MelvinL Pfc Cpt Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt T/5 T/4 T/4 Pvt Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc 398-D 399-1B 397-AT 399-G 399-K 398-I 375-B 374-HQ 397-MD 397-F 399-C 373-A 100-MP 399-1B 100-MP 398-K 398-C 397-SV 397-F 325-EB 397-C 397-K 397-CN 398-B 399-AT 397-C 398-K 325-EA 398398-H 399-L 397-H 925-C 399-K 399-F 397-1B 925-MD 398-C 397-D 398-E WIA MIA WIA WIA POW WIA KIA WIA Roanoke Glencoe Sadorus Chelsea Redby LosAngeles LithiaSprings Lavonia LaGrange WAllis SanFrancisco OwingsMills Bridgeport DelrayBeack AL IL IL MA MN CA GA GA ME WI CA MD CT FL Westport Swampscott Chicago Barnsville Govan Lorenzo Providence Jackson Asheville Stirrat OakPark GreatBarrington Lynbrook MA MA IL OH SC ID RI MI NC WV IL MA NY Dayton Indianapolis Knoxville Providence Summers Roebuck Bronx Chicago NewYork Bronx LaCrosse OH IN TN KY AR SC NY IL NY NY IN Brueggemann Brugere Brule Brumberg Brummond Brundidge Brundridge Bruner Bruner Brunett Brunhart Brunick Bruning Bruning Brunker Brunkow Brunner Brunnett Bruno Bruno Brunoli Brunskole Brunswick Brunton Bruorton Brusca Brust Bruzdoski Bruzonsky Bruzzese Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryazko Brygidyr Brykailo RaymondF GeneS ArmandA William DennisE TheodoreD ArthurD DonaldW RobertM RoberJ RoyO CliffordD LouisA LouisA WilliamT AlmonF DonaldW EdwardH AnthonyC GeorgeJ WilliamJ AnthonyJ Clifford RobertG DanielO LouisJ JohnJ RaymondC Gordon FrankF CharlesJ GilbertH RobertW GilbertL HaroldF JackK TB Arnil Michael PeterS Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg T/5 T/5 Pfc 2Lt Cpl SSg Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Cpl Pvt SSg SSg T/5 SSg Pfc MSg Sgt SSg 398-E 398-K 397-E 325-MC 397-L 399-E 399-L 399-A 398-1B 399-MD 397-A 398-K 374-B 374-B 399-F 398-M 399-A 325-EH 398-I 399-AT 100-CR 398-A 399-I 374-B 925-SV 397-D 397-E 399-G 399-F 397-HQ 374-C 398-D 397-2B 398-A 397-CN 398-H 399-L 100-HQ 399-B 397-HQ KIA WIA WIA WIA POW KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Belleville SiouxFalls Greene Brooklyn Casper Lansing Walden IL SD ME NY WY MI NY Cincinnati Rochdale Milwaukee Melrose Brooklyn Brooklyn Racine Tobias Portland Millbury EOrange Bronx Brooklyn Wickliffe Rockford Topeka Andrews Detroit LongIslandCity Southampton Duluth Utica Philadelphia Hammond DeerPark Columbia Hartwick Gravette Walhalla OH MA WI NY NY NY WI NE OR MA NJ NY NY OH NY KS SC MI NY NY MN NY PA IN NY KY NY AR SC NewYork RichfieldSprings NY NY Brynes Brzezinski Brzezinski Brzowski Brzozowski Bub Bucciarelli Bucciarelli Bucco Bucey Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buck Buck Buck Buck Buck Buckendahl Buckingham Buckius Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckman Buckwalter Buckway Budd Budds Budinger Budnick Budrawich Budrovich Budy Budz Budzisz Alex AlJ VirgilM VictorS LeoJ JohnJ Joseph SoccyL AngeloA EarlE JamesM KennethS Marshall RobertB EarlC JackC JacobJ LawrenceF RobertE CliffordR ByronB CharlesJ HaroldM Jeremiah JohnP MichaelJ Patrick WilliamA WilfredA LloydM Abraham WilliamD CharlesD Allen NormanE FrankR ZvonimirG AlbertG HenryR. MatthewJ Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 2Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Cpt Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt TSg Sgt Pfc 399-I 399-C 399-F 398-K 398-I 398-MD 398-L 397-E 375-B 399-C 397-E 399-G 397-E 399-H 399-1B 100-QM 398-C 399-3B 399-E 100-HQ 398-B 397-L 100-HQ 100-HQ 398-L 398-HQ 399-CN 398-1B 325-MC 398-E 398-H 398-B 100-HQ 398-G 398-G 373-SV 397-G 399-B 397-I 398-F WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Brooklyn Milwaukee Worcester Baltimore Bronx Lockport Sharpsville Hoboken NewCastle Brighton Nashville Paris Elmhurst Duluth LongIslandCity Portland Norway Bearden Chicago Narragansett Canton Queens Springfield Waukesha Brooklyn NewYork Hartford Teaneck Maurertown Ogden Bloomfield Charleston Coolidge Chicago Philadelphia StLouis Norwich Housatonic FallRiver NY WI MA MD NY NY PA NJ PA MA TN KY IL MN NY ME ME AR IL RI OH NY MA VA NY NY CT NJ VA UT NJ SC GA IL PA MO CT MA MA Bueller Buelow Buethe Buettel Buettner Buffo Bufford Bufkin Buford Buglass Buglione Buinicky Bujnowski Bukaveckas Bull Bull Bullard Bullard Bullard Bullard Bullard Bullen Bullens Bulliard Bullis Bullock Bullock Bullock Bullough Bulman Bumgarner Bumpus Bunch Bunch Bundey Bundren Bundy Bunecicky Bunn Bunn Fred ElmerA RobertA PaulM ArthurA Donato Dockie GradyH AndrewR WilliamJ Jerry HenryJ FrankB GodmondH HomerC WalterL JamesE RaultyL WarrenL WilliamC WilliamW LeighM JohnH Robert EdwardF GeorgeE LutherR OwenE JosephF JosephP RaymondA WilliamS HaroldG JamesH TheodoreE JohnW AlbertC ClarenceA FrankA WilliamM T/5 T/4 Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl TSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Cpl TSg Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc T/5 399-F 925-C 824-TD 100-SG 399-E 374-SV 399-I 399-L 374-HQ 399-M 398-CN 375-A 398-A 398-H 397-F 399-A 397-G 100-QM 399-C 397-K 399-HQ 397-E 375-C 399-2B 399-MD 100-QM 325-EH 397-E 397-AT 925-B 397-2B 399-G 800-OR 397397-3B 398-K 399-1B 398-A 325-MB 373-HQ KIA WIA WIA Waukesha WI Rahway Stockton Ossining Paragould Stringer Ranies Mauston Newark ClaremontJunction Amsterdam Rumford Corbett Dundalk Spiceland Delco Fayetteville Corinth Camilla Tutwiler Worcester Marthaville PleasantVlley Jackson Dallas Hansford Century Malden MesillaPark MtVernon Bushnell NJ CA NY AR MS TN WI NJ NH NY ME NY MD IN NC NC MS GA MS MA LA NY MS GA KY WV MA NM OH IL Allegheny Enid PA OK NBraddock NinetySix Frankfort PA SC NY WIA Bunson Buntin Buonafede Buonanno Buono Buoy Burbank Burch Burch Burchard Burd Burden Burdeshaw Burdette Buresh Burg Burgan Burge Burger Burger Burger Burgess Burgess Burgess Burgess Burgess Burgess Burgey Burgin Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke SydneyM Euell CrescenzoJ EugeneF JohnJ Harold John JamesH RalphA LeslieA HarryW WilliamF JohnP ThomasC Milo Irving LesterB OttmanW GlenH HenryE WilliamF GeorgeE HenryC HenryD JamesM JerryF RalphE VictorE WilburnG ArthurF CarltoG DanielF EdwardL ErnieS HaroldL JamesD JohnJ JohnL JohnT JosephM 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt 1Sg Pvt 397-P 100-SG 375-A 399-D 398-2B 397-A 397-HQ 397-F 373-C 398-C 398-CN 373-B 399-I 398-2B 398-I 397-C 100-HQ 397-L 399-K 399-AT 398-F 399-SV 325-EB 100-SG 397-A 100-QM 375-HQ 397-L 397-M 397-SV 925-C 397-F 397-G 399-M 100-SG 399-K 325-EA 399-C 325-EC 100-SG WIA WIA WIA WIA Boston Pensacola Bronx Canandaigua MA FL NY NY OverlandPark Dalton Weathersby Warrensburg Greenville ValleyCity PresqueIsle Pahokee Taylor Madison Philadelphia Onrville Craig SanFranciso KS MA MS NY MO MO ME FL PA NE PA OH MO CA Hamilton Dorchester Anderson Durham Reidsville Greenville Cranston Jacobsburg Hildebran Rutland Danville Whitestone Bakersfield Indianapolis Zeigler Brattleboro Scranton Taylorville Washington Manchester OH MA SC NC NC SC RI OH NC VT IL NY CA IN IL VT PA IL DC MA Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burkert Burket Burket Burkett Burkett Burkett Burkey Burkhalter Burkhart Burkholder Burks Burlack Burley Burlison Burmann Burnes Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnette Burnette Burnetti Burnham Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns RaymondM RussellD ShermanK ThomasF WilliamF WilliamJ CharlesG HaroldD RobertT CharlesH RobertL WalterJ LeonardH JohnZ IvanC OrvinH Andy PeterJ EmmettB RobertD Fred Justin BoydC Inslee JamesW LeonB RichardG GeorgeJ WilliamO BasilE JohnJ CharlesM JohnL FrankT JohnW JamesT JohnI ErnestR HughF JohnC Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Cpt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg 399-3B 398-I 397-3B 399-A 397-A 397-1B 325-MA 398-A 399-A 399-HQ 375-HQ 375-C 397-3B 399-B 100-QM 397-2B 397-E 397-F 824-TD 397-E 325-EB 399-HQ 399-3B 399-3B 398-I 100-SG 325-EB 397-F 397-D 399-F 100-BD 100-SG 100-HQ 397-E 398-C 397-E 399-CN 398-3B 375-HQ 397-2B WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Biloxi Colfax SanFrancisco Troy Brocton Troy Astoria Altoona Inglewood Independence Cranston BossierCity Columbus Langdale Shamrock York Liberty Derby MS KY CA NC MA NY NY PA CA IA RI LA OH AL TX PA TX CT Edmeston FranklinSquare Brookline ForestCity Knoxville DelNorte Gastonia NAdams Scranton Milwaukee Brooklyn Brooklyn Morgantown Boston Brooklyn StLouis Covington Portland Henderson Bronx Brooklyn NY NY MA NC TN CO NC MA PA WI WV NY WV MA NY MO LA ME KY NY NY Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burnside Burnson Burnson Burous Burr Burr Burr Burr Burress Burress Burress Burrill Burrington Burrola Burroughs Burroughs Burroughs Burrow Burrowes Burrows Burrows Burrows Burrows Burrows Burrows Burt Burt Burtner Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton JosephL Justin Robert RobertA RobertM DonaldL RobertH ThomasB LutherT GeorgeH GeraldA HeltonL Warren RobertN WithersA LutherT CharlesE ReynoldL FrankM ArmondR ReginaldC SamuelL HanceW JamesAR DouglasJ Frank JohnP WarrenC WilliamA WilliamA AlfredA CharlesL LloydO CaudeyJ DwightL HaroldL MartinM OtisT Troy WilliamB Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 MG Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Lt TSg Pfc 2Lt 1Lt T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc TSg Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-E 399-HQ 398-1B 399-M 397-D 397-B 399-E 100-CR 398925-HQ 397-B 397-AT 399-A 398-2B 100-HQ 398-I 397-G 100-DA 398-M 100-SG 398-P 398-K 398-K 397-1B 398-AT 399-AT 398-C 398-A 399-HQ 398-AT 397-B 397-H 397-2B 399-I 398-P 398-K 100-CR 397-A 398-A 398-K WIA WIA KIA POW MIA WIA DoverFoxcroft Lincoln WhitePlains Lynn Hickory Norwell ConeyIsland ME MA NY MA NC MA FL NY Camden NiagraFalls Bishopville Paulsboro Greensburg Lexington WhitePlains Skowhegan Brattleboro LosAngeles Perrtville Trenton McCall Morrilton Hendersonville Montgomery NJ NY SC NJ KY VA NY ME NY CA MD NJ SC AR NC AL Spotswood Detroit Roanoke Johnston Meridian Taunton Lebanon BerkeleySprings StPaul Creston NewYork Ottawa Rosiclare Vicksburg NJ MI VA RI MS MA IN WV MN KY NY KY IL MS Burton Burvee Burwell Burye Burzycki Burzynski Busbee Busby Busch Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bushey Bushong Bushway Busler Busser Bussere Bussey Bustle Busz Butcher Buteau Butensky Butfilowski Butheil Butka Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler WilliamL RobertE RobertJ ElmerC Edward George ThomasI CarlW EdwardA ByronJ DonaldW FrankJ GerardA NoahB Stanley WilburnH GeraldM WilliamB KennethC WilburJ MiltonC AngeloJ ArthurF Edward Nicholas DonaldL RolandC Joseph VictorA Joseph Dimitri AlbertG CharlesA CurranC Doyle FrancisC HowardE Joe JohnI JohnP T/5 2Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl TSg Sgt Pfc TSg Pvt Cpl Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg SSg 100-HQ 399-F 325-MC 399-I 399-CN 398-L 397-2B 399-I 397-2B 398-L 398-HQ 399-G 399-I 399-G 398-HQ 375-C 399-HQ 397-G 398-I 399-I 373-B 397-G 325-MD 397-M 397-K 397-K 398-H 399-D 100-DM 325-MH 325-MA 399-F 925-C 925-A 398-F 399-M 397-C 397-L 398-SV 399-L WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA KIA Knoxville TN QueensVilage McKeesport Norwich Chicago Orangeburg MarkedTree Paterson Worthington KansasCity Amsteredam Totowa Amsterdam NY PA CT IL SC AR NJ PA MO NY NJ NY BuenaVista Bradford Richmond Trenton Vinton Collingswood Lewiston Yonkers Covington Camden Zionsville Lancaster Bronx Elizabeth CoralGables Detroit TN PA CA NJ IA NJ ME NY KY NJ IN NH NY NJ FL MI Needham Greenville Douglas Salem Madison Holden RioGrande Tampa MA SC TX MA WI WV NJ FL Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butow Butrice Butters Buttiglieri Butts Butts Buursma Buzzard Buzzell Buzzell Buzzell Buzzelli Buzzutto Byerly Byerly Byers Byra Byram Byrd Byrd Byrd Byrd Byrd Byrd Byrne Byrne Byrne Byrne Byrne Byrnes Byrnes Byrnes Byrum JohnT JohnW RalphW RichardD RobertJ ShermanW WilfredS EdwardJ JohnA WesleyH CarmelloC JosephD RobertV WilliamD FritzG FreemanE HaroldW PaulR HermanJ HowardJ ArthurW RalphH GilbertL StanleyJ JosephR GeorgeD JamesE JohnC JohnW LewisM RobertC HughJ JohnG JohnM RobertF RobertL ArthurR GeorgeW ThomasS GeorgeA Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 TSg T/5 Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl 1Lt LtC Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Sgt WOJ Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 397-L 397-SV 397-AT 800-OR 399-A 397-L 374-C 397-G 398-3B 398-F 399-K 373-C 397-B 397-SV 925-A 399-L 399-HQ 375-C 399-C 398-E 397-F 399398-B 398399-MD 399-L 398-E 100-ST 398-B 398-A 398-CN 398-I 397-SV 397-AT 100-HQ 398-L 397-C 399-1B 100-MP 397-AT KIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Buffalo Washington BrookHaven Jackson Salem StAugistine Newark TomsRiver SPlainfield NY DC OH OH OR FL NJ NJ NJ Boston Wassaic DueWest Holland StJoseph Pittsfield OakHill Bradshaw Pittsburgh Pleasant Modesto MA NY SC MI IL MA FL MD PA NY CA Lawrenceville Passaic Nyssa Fries Poplarville Durham Union Benson Tuscumbia Hackensack Connellsville Medford Philadelphia NewYork Chicago JacksonHeights NewYork Edenton GA NJ OR VA MS NC SC NC AL NJ PA MA PA NY IL NY NY NC Bystrek Bystrom Caapla Cabana Cabana Cabe Cabera Cacace Cacala Cacciato Cacciputi Cacolins Cacozza Caddell Cadden Cade Cadile Caggiano Cagle Cagle Cagle Cahalan Cahill Cahilly Cahlin Cahoon Caikauskas Cain Cain Cain Cain Cain Cain Cain Cain Caine Caines Cairnes Cairnes Calabrese AnthonyJ NelsonA Anthony ArmandW MauriceJ WilliamD JoseG Joseph JohnJ BartolomeoB ErnestE HarryD WilliamB CharlesI JosephT CharlesA Frank Joseph EugeneC HoraceW LloydB EdwardA MichaelJ BernardE JosephH SamuelG PeterE Allen JamesH JamesM JohnA LloydR NeilC RobertL WilliamD JohnI LesterC John RobertE LeonardP T/4 1Sg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pvt 1Lt Pvt Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc T/5 T/4 Cpl 375-HQ 374-SV 399-F 397-MD 397-L 925-B 397-L 399-C 397-B 397-C 399-MD 397-F 398-A 398-M 398-2B 398-MD 399-F 398-MD 398-M 374-HQ 397-3B 325-EA 399-K 374-SV 398-L 398-MD 399-L 374-B 325-MD 399-D 399-C 398-E 100-QM 397-E 375-C 397-C 925-C 397-2B 399-1B 375-SV KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Middletown Elmira Wethersfield Nashua Manchester Claremore Edinburg Bordentown JohnsonCity Chicago Brooklyn Paterson Roshindale Spencer Jeffersonville Parsons Warren CT NY CT NH NH OK TX NJ NY IL NY NJ MA NC GA KS OH Cartersville Nauvoo Denison CentralFalls Collingdale Philadelphia NewYork Newark LondonderryHills Roseland Harrington Staley Greenbelt SwitzCity Roseland FreedomStation Gainesville NewHaven Winton Bellingham Brooklyn Brooklyn GA AL TX RI PA PA NY NJ NH FL DE NC MD IN FL OH GA CT PA WA NY NY Calabro Calaceto Calandro Calaruso Calchera Calder Calder Calderonello Caldwall Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caler Caletri Caley Calhoun Cali Calicckia Califf Calise Calise Calise Calish Calkins Call Callaghan Callaghan Callagner Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan LouisJ RalphO AnthonyM Frank EdwardJ GC VaughanE PeterJ LeonW BerlynG EarlJ FrankA James LytleC PaulH PaulH OtisE Alphonse GeorgeE AlvinF JosephV AlbertE JamesC BitoG CarloM RalphJ LeroyV LelandE RobertJ CyrilP PeterJ BernardA CorneliusJ DuaneL EdwardC JamesW JohnG PatrickB ThomasJ TimoJ T/5 Pvt T/4 Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 TSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc SSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 SSg MSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-MD 398-E 375-C 399-M 925-HQ 399-I 399-G 399-H 325-MD 398-D 925-C 374-HQ 399-L 397-H 398-3B 398-L 399-A 325-EC 399-C 398-AT 325-EA 399-M 100-QM 373-SV 399-C 399-H 399-M 399-B 375-C 398-D 325-EB 399925-HQ 399-HQ 399-B 374-HQ 325-MC 397399-B 397-K WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA NewYork Brooklyn NY NY Bridgeport Goldwaithe Richmond Brooklyn Salem Lynchburg DeQueen Jamaica Andover Republic Peoria Mathiston Centerville Wakefield Chicago Memphis PalisadesPark Providence Eaton Providence Brooklyn NewYork Brighton MasonCity AnnArbor Philadelphia NewYork CT TX VA NY VA VA AR NY MA PA IL MS ME RI IL TN NJ RI GA RI NY NY MA IA MI PA NY Winchester Brighton Philadelphia Baltimore Bronx Palmer Montclair MiddleVillage MA MA PA MD NY MA NJ NY Callarman Callas Callas Callas Callas Callen Callender Callerman Callery Calliendo Callogridis Callow Calloway Calodich Caltan Calucci Calvert Calvert Calvert Calvi Calvillo Calvin Caman Camardo Camarota Cambest Cambique Cambridge Camelli Camenisch Camera Camerer Camerlingo Cameron Cameron Camp Camp Camp Camp Campagna KennethL GeorgeF Joseph Paul William William GeorgeG KennethL JosephP JohnP Peter WilliamC JamesH StephenA WayneP Carmine AubreyG CecilB JamesT AndrewC JoeT CharlesJ DonaldW Camillo RichardJ MichaelA GeorgeJ AldonR SalvatoreT JamesG CheroJ DrexelJ Andrew Albert PaulJ BillyW HaroldN LaurenceA RaymondE Clarence Pfc T/5 Pvt 1Sg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Cpl Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc T/4 1Lt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt TSg T/5 Pvt 399-B 397-3B 373-B 397-L 373-B 398-I 399-D 399-K 397-AT 399-3B 100-HQ 398-D 398-H 397-B 399-E 399-MD 375-A 399-D 925-B 397-AT 397-L 373-A 100-CR 325-EA 325-MC 397-F 399-L 397-C 399-B 398-M 100-CR 399-E 325-EA 397-2B 399-AT 397-L 397-B 373-SV 375-HQ 398-H KIA WIA DNB WIA KIA DownersGrove Belmar PortOrange Cleveland NewYork Camden Pittaburgh DownersGrove Lowell EBridgewater Brooklyn Memphis MtAiry Brooklyn Conway IL NJ FL OH NY NJ PA IL MA MA NY TN NC NY MO CraneHill Dayton Scottsville Poultney Tulare JamaicaPlain Glendale StatenIsland Philadelphia Pittsburgh Waterbury Stuart Hoboken Aurora LosAngeles Dana NewYork AL OH KY VT CA MA CA NY PA PA CT IA NJ CA CA IN NY Buffalo Dallas NMontpelier Hayleville Glassboro Stamford NY TX VT NJ NJ NY Campagna Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campese Campion Campisi Camplese Camposo Campoux Canavan Cancelino Candela Candela Candurra Canfield Canina Canizzo Cann Cannata Cannavo Frank Albert CharlesA CharlesE ClarenceE ClincyC DanielT DortonT EmilJ ErnestB Leffel RussellM MarcusH StuartE PatrickV ThomasE RaymondA RichardT OrbinA Phil RaymondW WalterG WilliamC Benjamin RonanW JosephJ EttoreA RaggioL FrancisL JohnE VictorA ArnoldA LouisS VincentJ FrancisD RalphJ John BryceR RalphP JohnP Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt SSg 1Sg Pfc Pvt Sgt T/5 1Lt Pfc Cpt Cpl SSg TSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Sg Sgt Pvt Pfc 399-AT 398-3B 399-E 398-C 398-CN 398-M 397-3B 398-I 397-H 397-F 925-A 397-E 397-E 325-EC 325-EC 399-L 373-HQ 398-G 398-A 800-OR 100-QM 398-K 100-DA 397-A 399-C 397-3B 398-1B 398-1B 398398-A 397-C 399-3B 375-A 325-EC 375-A 398-H 398-MD 397-G 397-H 397-E KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA POW WIA POW WIA Lindenhurst Elizabeth Dayton Robbinsville York Elizabethtown Greenwood Leakesville Dorchester ShellCreek BlueRidge Haddix Cincinnati Willowbrook Madison Camden Rockwell Beaullen Placentia Birmingham VineyardHaven Jamaica Huntington Bronx Albany Woodhaven EBoston Cleveland NY NJ OH NC PA TN VA MS MA TN GA KY OH CA NJ AR IA MN CA AL MA NY WV NY NY NY MA OH LasVegas Herkimer NV NY Brooklyn Bronx Binghampton Cambridge NY NY NY MA PaloAlto SummitHill Quincy CA PA MA Cannizzo Cannizzo Cannon Cannon Cannuli Cansler Cantalamessa Cantin Cantor Cantor Cantore Cantrell Cantrell Cantrell Caouette Capaldo Capasso Capderoque Capek Capek Capela Capella Capellupo Caperton Caplinger Capone Caponera Caponigro Caporale Capozzi Cappadona Cappadora Cappella Cappello Cappen Capps Captain Capuano Caracciolo Caratello JohnJ Salvatore EunaD JamesD AnthonyG EdwinT RobertL LucianC AlvinD Harry ThomasA DonaldB JamesP WeldonB BertrandE Alfred Alexander Michael HenryJ WilliamE FrankD Caesar VincentF Berlin OmerC AnthonyW NicholasS RoccoR JohnH DanielL JohnF JohnJ CaesarC Prosper Anthony WilliamT JohnJ FrankR AlbertL PhilipF T/5 SSg Cpl SSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt Sgt Pfc Cpl T/5 Cpl T/4 Cpl T/5 T/4 398-MD 397-C 398-K 399-H 399-1B 397-I 397-CN 397-M 397-K 325-MD 325-EB 397-A 397-F 399-F 398-A 397-M 398-E 399-H 397-G 373-B 399-A 397-F 397-2B 399-G 399-H 399-1B 398-C 100-DA 398-K 399-G 399-H 399-L 397-F 397-D 925-A 397-C 375-HQ 398-B 800-OR 100-SG WIA KIA WIA POW Brockton MA Detroit Statesville Philadelphia Charlotte Republic Waterbury Buffalo Philadelphia Utica Ulysses SilverPoint Cooper IslandPond Brooklyn HydePark NewYork Cleveland NewBrunswick Conneaut MI NC PA NC PA CT NY PA NY KS TN TX VT NY NY NY OH NJ OH Glendale Louisa Akron ScotchPlains Brooklyn Montclair Chicago Bridgeport Hoboken Brooklyn Philadelphia Astoria Norwood NY KY OH NJ NY NJ IL CT NJ NY PA NY RI SaultSteMarie Brooklyn Philadelphia MI NY PA Carazza Carbanaro Carbaugh Carbo Carbone Carbone Carbrello Card Cardana Cardell Carden Cardenas Cardinal Cardinal Cardona Cardona Cardosa Cardozo Carell Caresella Carey Carey Carey Carey Carey Carey Carey Carey Carfora Carhart Cariati Cariello Carkhuff Carl Carleton Carlevale Carlin Carlino Carlisle Carlisle JamesJ Ralph HarryA IsmaelA MarianoR VincentA RichardJ HaroldR Lawrence RobertL ChesterB Luis LaurenceE WilfredJ Alfred David David StanleyT EdwinA FrankD CharlesF Clement DanielJ FrancisW JamesF PaulL ThomasF WalterO JosephF LeonardW Vincenzo NicholasG RalphW CharlesW JohnS HermanR FrankE AnthonyJ GilmanT JamesN Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc T/4 Pfc T/4 LtC T/5 Sgt Cpl SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc TSg T/3 T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pvt Pfc T/5 T/5 T/5 Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 397-F 325-EC 398-F 374-B 397-MD 397-K 397-HQ 373-A 399-C 100-DA 325-EC 398-F 373-B 398-K 398-L 399-I 399-B 399-L 397-I 325-EH 397-2B 100-HQ 374-A 399-F 399-A 399-B 399-K 397-A 398-A 397-F 100-QM 800-OR 399-SV 397-E 399-SV 397-A 399-K 398-1B 373-C 397-L WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA Albany Bronx NewColony NewYork Framingham Brooklyn Worcester Oneonta NewYork SanMurino Durham Wapato SWellfleet Vincennes Bronx Alice Weslaco Riberbank NY NY PA NY MA NY MA NY NY CA NC WA MA IN NY TX TX CA MtVernon Cheyenne Beacon Bronx NewHaven Greenfield Arrowsmith NewCastle NY WY NY NY CT OH IL PA NewYork Philadelphia NewYork UnionCity Linden Sampson Camden HydePark Pittsburgh Raritan Franklin PortHuron NY PA NY NJ NJ AL NY MA PA NJ TN MI Carlisle Carlisle Carll Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlsson Carlton Carlton Carlton Carlucci Carmack Carmichael Carmichael Carmingnani Carnahan Carnes Carney Carney Carney Carney Carolan Caron Caron Caron Caron Carone Carosella Caroselli Carp Carpenter Carpenter WarnerF WilliamF HarryL ArleighA AxelG BurdetteM CarlE CliffordP Gerhard NorrisF RichardJ RobertG RoyG WilliamH HasroldL James JohnS RolandH VictorA RobertE DennisR OlinD Angelo WilliamC WilliamE AlbertH EdwardJ LeonardJ SidneyE WilliamF ArthurR LaurentL LeoP RolandPat Ditty FrankD EdwinA JohnS AndrewB Boyce Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pvt Pvt Cpl Pvt T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Sgt 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-B 399-B 374-C 925-SV 325-EB 397-A 100-BD 398-3B 399-L 375-B 398-SV 398-F 399-MD 398-AT 399-MD 397-C 399-SV 399-L 398-MD 373-A 397-G 398-G 397-I 325-EB 374-HQ 100-HQ 100-HQ 374-A 397-A 100-SG 398-K 398-I 398-SV 399-E 399-M 325-EH 397-I 399-CN 399-F 325-MA WIA WIA WIA WIA Seville Kadoka Kane Cloquet ForestHills Plainfield Marquette Fitchburg LisbonFalls Akely LosAngeles Quincy Pencer Chicago Burlington North FL SD PA MN NY WI KS MA ME PA CA MA MN IL VT SC WBath Brooklyn Franklin Seattle Sylacauga Chicago NantyGlo Canton Seneca Washington Brooklyn White'sCreek NewYork Lewiston NewBedford Auburn LongBeach ME NY OH WA AL IL PA OH IL DC NY WV NY ME MA ME NY JerseyCity Hartford Cunky Rockingham NJ CT MS NC Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpino Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carratello Carraway Carreon Carrick Carrier Carrier Carrieri Carrillo Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carron Carrow William EdsonW JayB KennethD Mauridce ParkerL WalterL GeorgeE Thomas AlbertB AlvinJ CharlieB DonaldA EdwardC FrankP Harvey JohnR LyleK RaymondF RobertA RobertC WilliamV PhilipF JosephC ArturoB Joseph HerculesE KennethE PatrickF JosephJ EugeneG HerbertC JohnE MichaelL PaulT StephenH TroyR Vincent JohnA Harvey Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc SSg T/3 T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-M 325-EC 397-SV 397-F 397-D 399-B 398-B 397-B 397-I 398-F 398-A 397-H 375-HQ 100-QM 399-A 375-C 397-G 398-K 398-F 373-C 399-1B 374-HQ 100-SG 399-3B 398-AT 398-1B 398-B 398-MD 398-1B 398-AT 374-C 397-3B 397-K 397-HQ 399-AT 398-AT 397-I 398-SV 399-M 398-F WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KingsMountain Ypsilanti Beattie Greenfield Dayton Charlottesville Bremerton Asheville Kingston Newton NC MI KS MA OH VA WA NC NY MS Chewala Beverly Bronx Brooklyn BrownsMills Grafton Detroit Brooklyn Franklin Chester Carey Paterson Woodworth ElPaso Brooklyn Winooski Summerville PortChester Rochester Astoria Defiance WRoxbury Scranton McKenzie Lowel Gordo OceanSprings Chicago WA MA NY NY NJ WV MI NY MA PA OH NJ LA TX NY VT PA NY NY NY OH MA PA TN MA AL MS IL Carselle Carshall Carson Carswell Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Cartwright Cartwright Caruso Caruso Caruso Caruso Caruso Caruthers Carvey Casacchio Casados Casazza Cascaddan JDouglas CorneliusC FrancisW Luther BenjaminF Clyde EdwinJ ErnestC HowardN ErnestL JamesW FrankH Joe HarlanE HaroldL FrancisM GeorgeR Harley JohnE JohnH JohnP Lester LloydR MarionA Morris RichardL WalterE EdwardE ThomasJ AustinA JohnG JosephN Peter SamuelV CarlL RaymondT VincenzoA Albelino EdwardG DonaldF SSg T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt TSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/5 398-2B 398-A 925-C 397-F 398-K 397-HQ 325-EC 925-B 397-I 399-H 374-HQ 399-D 325-EA 398-MD 398-A 399-I 398-C 398-D 399-2B 325-MH 399-I 399-E 398-B 398-G 399-A 397-B 398-MD 399-H 397-I 925-B 398-MD 800-OR 397100-SG 100-HQ 100-SG 399-G 397-2B 399-1B 398-SV WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA StPaul Cakada Mechanicville Morganton Quitman Jamestown Raleigh PilotMountain Mangum RoanokeRapid NWilkeswboro SanDiego Waycross Barharbor KansasCity Latta Mishawaka Andalusia Harrisburg Albany Baltimore MN MN NY NC MS MS NC NC OK NC NC CA GA ME MO SC IN AL NC NY MD Carollton OklahomaCity Lawtey Brooklyn Morre Oldtown MD OK FL NY OK MD Orlando Albany AtlanticHighlands FL NY NJ Brooklyn Decatur Hydeville Thornwood SantaFe Brooklyn Metamora NY TX VT NY NM NY MI Cascaden Cascardo Caschera Case Case Case Case Casey Casey Casey Casey Cash Cash Cash Cash Cashman Casper Casper Casper Cass Cass Cassady Cassara Cassaro Cassel Cassel Cassell Casselman Cassiani Cassiere Cassimis Cassone Castellano Castellano Castellano Castellaw Castelleno Casteneda Casterline Castillo John RalphG Vincent DerylE EarlM RobertR ThomasW FrancisM FrancisP Thomas WilliamE FrankC GarlandE JohnR LeonardD RichardD EugeneO LewisP PeterS EarlL NeilS EltonG Peter SantoP RobertH WalterC HenryC LeroyF DanteE RichardA Spiros JohnJ AngeloA JosephA JosephP JuelD JosephP SantiagoF HenryJ RaymonD Cpl 1Sg TSg Pfc SSg T/5 Sgt SSg T/5 Sgt Pvt Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc T/4 SSg SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc MSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Cpl Sgt T/4 Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc 397-M 399-3B 399-K 397-1B 397-I 397-A 399-A 399-3B 925-C 398-SV 397-I 375-SV 399-A 397-A 399-F 397-F 925-HQ 397-SV 925-A 100-MP 397-F 397-M 398-2B 399-B 399-F 375-SV 398-F 925-B 399-B 399-G 374-A 398-D 100-HQ 925-SV 397-C 373397398-F 374-A 398-F WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Salem OzonePark Mechanicville Knoxville Arlington Stoughton SanFrancisco Brookline WHaven Alanson RobertLee Hamilton Henderson Creedmoor NJ NY NY TN VA MA CA MA CT MI TX GA NC NC Austin Salisbury Newark Burlington Huntington StJohnsbury Caneadea NewRochelle MN NC NJ VT IN VT NY NY Norristown Norristown Portsmouth Indianapolis NewtonCenter ShakerHeights NewYork Greenwich Newark NewYork Hoboken PA PA VA IN MA OH NY CT NJ NY NJ Maxwell Detroit Bastrop TX MI TX WIA KIA Castle Castle Castle Castle Casto Castro Castro Caswell Casy Catalano Catalano Cataldo Catalino Catalioto Catallier Catania Catapano Catena Catenacci Cathey Cathy Cation Caton Catron Cattell Caudill Caudill Caudillo Cauley Cavalier Cavallo Cavallo Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Cave Cavin Cawley Cawood Caylor IraD MiltonE RobertL Virgil OkeyL JohnF Jose WilliamH Glen ChesterT RussellJ LouisJ Neil MartinL EdwardT Mihael Frank SalvatoreJ Patsy JoeE JoeE PaulC HowardJ KellyH HerbertD DamonT GeorgeH RubenA FelixJ DavidT PasqualeC Paul EdwardJ PaulA WirtB WinstonL HaroldN HerbertC JesseV HenryC Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg SSg SSg T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-E 375-HQ 397-L 398-I 397-B 398-K 398-3B 399-M 399-F 399-B 397-A 397-B 374-C 397-L 398-I 397-D 397-I 373-B 397-G 397-C 399-B 373-HQ 398-L 397-K 397-1B 397-E 399-G 375-HQ 925-HQ 399-E 100-DA 398-E 100-HQ 397-MD 399-K 399-K 399-1B 397-E 397-D WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Albany Woodhaven Burlingame NY NY CA StaatsMills Cambridge NewYork Godeffroy WV MA NY NY Bronx Buffalo Altoona Roseta Lodi Cohoes Newark Brooklyn NewYoek Brooklyn Knoxville NY NY PA PA NJ NY NJ NY NY NY TN Peoria JerseyCity Saltville WesternSprings Newport Sturgis Riverside Rumford HarpersFerry IL NJ VA IL KY KY CA RI WV Hartford Youngstown Providence ChulaVista Brady Isabel Kearny Knoxville Tazewell CT OH RI CA TX KS NJ TN TN Caylor Caylor Ceapla Cearbaugh Cebula Cebulske Ceccolini Cecere Cekot Celentano Celli Celusnek Cemelli Cemmer Center Cerasali Cerbone Cerny Cerreta Cerrigione Cerry Cervantes Cerveny Cesareo Cesek Cetrano Cetta Ceyrolles Chabot Chabot Chadakoff Chadwick Chadwick Chadwick Chafee Chaffee Chain Chairs Chalkley Challoner LeweyL MaxD StanleyN RichardD JosephJ EdwardW FrankJ NicholasJ Nicholas PaulS Arno Mathew SalvatoreT ArthurH WMifflin WilliamV FrankJ GeorgeC Salvatore SalvatoreW OttoG EddieD Robert JohnB JohnJ SalvatoreB GrazioT HarryR DezielP EarlJ Sam DavidM Lloyd RobertF AllenW NormanG HermanS JeffersonM JohnE ThomasA Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 1Sg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Sgt T/4 Pfc Cpl SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 397-F 375-C 397-M 398-F 397-K 374-HQ 398-C 398-A 398-B 397-E 398-1B 398-A 399-B 398397-G 398-K 374-C 375-A 399-CN 398-3B 398-C 397-C 397-I 399-3B 397-B 399-F 325-EB 397-AT 398-L 399-K 325-EB 397-C 397-B 397-C 800-OR 398-C 375-HQ 397-L 100-QM 398-SV WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Whistler Dalton StLouis ColumbiaCity Chicago Detroit NTarrytown EHartford Egypt Leonia NewYork AL GA MO IN IL MI NY CT PA NJ NY Landstowne IronMountain Brooklyn Prague NewRochelle Hartford Chicago SanAntonio Cleveland Chicago Cleveland PA MI NY OK NY CT IL TX OH IL OH Brooklyn Coraopolis JewettCity Cohoes Brooklyn Straits NY PA CT NY NY NC Worcester CharlesRiver Mentor NewRochelle Pasadena BuenaVista Kingston MA MA OH NY MD GA MA Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlin Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambliss Champagne Champagne Champagne Champaux Champeny Champion Champion Champion Champion Champney Champour Chamulak Chancey Chandler Chandler Chandler Chaney Chang Changaris Chanis Chanley Chanley Channing Chanosky Chany Chapin Chapin HaroldI. StanleyB WilliamH ArlieH DavidA DonalR GeorgeL HarryM HubertH ReginaldD Robert WalterR PrestonR HectorEG RogerR UrsinA FLeo WallaceH Clifford HowardsMG RoyB TedC WayneA FrancisL William Melvin CalvinH DennisR HerbertG JamesM SeungW JamesS Charles PailE PaulE DonaldR GeorgeM KalmanJ BenJ GilesL T/5 Sgt Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 SSg Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Cpt Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc Cpl 399-E 325-EA 397-G 325-MH 398-A 325-EA 399-AT 399-1B 397-K 398-AT 325-EC 397-HQ 374-HQ 397-E 100-SG 398-F 398-3B 399-E 398-L 398-MD 397-L 373-B 398-K 399-HQ 398-F 397-I 398-H 397-G 398-M 398-F 397-I 397-CN 397-F 397-K 397-D 398-F 399-D 374-HQ 100-HQ 398-HQ POW WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Milton Auburn NewYork Memphis FtWayne Dennard Buffalo Springfield PolkCity Altoona NewBerlin Newcomerstown Dallas Woonsocket CentralFalls Matthew Lynn Oxford Gordi WardHill Yardville Charlotte Gains Saugus Albany Jacksonville Swansea Rombauer MtVernon Dallas NewYork Durham Worcester Jeffersville Jeffersville Lima Penn NewYork Watsonville Washington MA NY NY TN IN AR NY IL IA PA NY OH TX RI RI LA MA KS GA MA NJ NC PA MA NY FL NC MO NY TX NY NC MA IN KY OH PA NY CA DC Chapin Chapin Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chappell Charak Charczynski Chardos Charlton Charlton Charney Charron Chartock Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chasin Chastain Chastvin Chateau Chatel Chatin Chaty Chavez Chavez Chavez Chavis Chavis Chawaga Chayers Chayka Cheek Cheffee Chekitis NormanG RobertF CharlesH DouglasH Herman Leroy RichardC HenryJ Frank Andrew Alex CharlesE DonaldL WilliamM RomeoJ David DennisJ FrancisH HenryH Karroll WilliamC WilliamL Herman HermanL Samuel EdwardJ EdgarL Robert RaymondP JoseS LawrenceA NicolasA EdwardC VanceT Stephen ClarenceI BoleslawL PaulP NormanC Bruno 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc T/4 Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg Pvt T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt TSg Sgt Pvt TSg Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg 397-B 397-K 398-AT 397-F 325-EB 100-SG 397-G 925-A 397-MD 325-EA 325-EB 398-G 325-MB 374-SV 398-CN 397-SV 800-OR 325-MB 925-A 397-B 374-HQ 399-L 375-HQ 398-C 398-MD 373-SV 399-HQ 397-3B 398-G 397-E 399-K 397-B 398-CN 398-A 399-I 100-MP 398-SV 399-M 398-1B 398-E KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA POW WIA Stanton Monmouth Baltimore FtPlain Blakely MI IL MD NY GA Morganton GantisQuarry Chelsea NewHaven Bronx Cincinnati Malden Houtzdale Sebago NewYork NVassalboro Schuylerville Glendale HighlandPark Burlington Glendale NewRochelle Calhoun Akron Ogdensburg Holyoke NC AL MA CT NY OH MA PA ME NY ME NY CA MI VT CA NY GA OH NY MA Chicago Sena Flaqstaff LosAngeles Columbia Hamlet Chester PiperCity Parcais Belton IL NM AZ CA SC NC PA IL NJ SC Greenwood WI WIA Chelednik Cheliotes Chelstrom Cheney Chenoweth Cheras Cherney Chernick Chernikoff Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherullo Cherven Cheser Chesler Chesmore Chesney Chestnut Chestnut Chestnut Chestnut Chesunas Cheuvront Chiamulera Chibitty Chichester Chichester Chidester Chidnoff Child Childers Childers Childers Childres Childress Childs Childs Childs Childs Frank NicholasA RobertD RobertJ JackJ John JosephS David Philip EdgarW GordonE JohnF CarlO JosephJ Cleo PhilipL DonavonP RobertE AlbertF GeorgeJ GeraldM VercellM John RussellA Gene Mead IrvingF JohnG GeorgeF Harold DavidA HaroldR OwenH QuezH WillH ThomasR ArgoA EgbertJ PhilipR RichardL T/5 T/4 Pfc Sgt SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Mjr T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc WOJ Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc 100-SG 399-HQ 398-C 374-B 398-2B 925-HQ 397-D 397-3B 398-M 399-2B 399-M 100-MP 100-DA 398-A 399-M 399-CN 325-EC 398-K 399-I 399-D 397-C 397-K 374-A 399-E 399-HQ 399-F 398-SV 398-A 397-G 399-I 398-I 397-C 397-M 398-F 398-A 397-SV 399-G 397-G 399-A 325-MA KIA WIA WIA WIA Portage Manhasset Orion WRoxbury EOrange Whitinsville Dunmore Cranston Washington Eva TyTy Jacksonville Altoona Gardenville Bloomfield JerseyCity Mobridge StPaul Odon Gaylesville Taylorville Waverly Fayetteville Owings NewYork Lawton Atica SanFrancisco Frostburg Brooklyn Macon Lewiston HenryRiver Hiddenite Canoe Spartanburg Appleton Rochester Wynwood Taunton TN NY IL MA NJ MA PA RI DC TN GA FL PA NY KY NJ SD MN IN AL IL IA WV WV NY OK NY CA MD NY GA IL NC NC AL SC WI NY OK MA Childs Chillemi Chilver Chin Chinery Chini Chinn Chinnery Chiodo Chiodo Chipman Chippendale Chiras Chiri Chisano Chisholm Chitwood Chiuchiolo Chlopecki Chmura Choate Chobain Choiniere Choinski Chojnicki Cholakis Chouinard Chrietzberg Chrin Chrisman Chrispin Christ Christakos Christen Christenbury Christenbury Christensen Christensen Christensen Christensen RichardW John RobertL ArkG Richard EnricoR Jimmy JosephA CharlesF JosephM AveryV ArthurB Anthony GabrielA AlfredR JamesJ JamesL ArmandoT HenryF EdwardM JamesE Mike TheodoreJ VincentJ Henry JohnL ArthurW Abb Frank GlynnT JohnW HenryH Christos Albert CurtisF JW ArthurE ThomasH ArthurL JackN Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pvt Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Sgt T/5 T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Mjr Sgt Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 2Lt 397-F 397-E 399-E 399-K 925-A 925-C 398-2B 397-SV 399-F 100-SG 397-G 398-B 399-C 399-L 398-G 398-C 399-SV 100-QM 100-HQ 398-AT 397-F 397-M 397-D 397-H 375-B 373-C 397-G 925-HQ 374-B 397-M 397-MD 325-EM 397-D 398-HQ 925-B 399-K 397-C 800-OR 399-B 397-2B KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Centerville Berlin GrandRapids Aberdeen Maspeth Providence Oakland Bronx Lodi Lodi Gouldsboro Plainfield Marlboro Chicago Cliffside Dearborn Roanoke Chelsea Cleveland Cheektowaga Stonefort Lowber Milbury Worcester NewBritain RockawayBeach Waterbury Auburn Allentown Britton VanWert Bronx Lowell Berwyn Charlotte York Chicago RichmondHill Greenville Lincoln MA NJ MI WA NY RI CA NY NJ NJ ME NJ MA IL NJ MI VA MA OH NY IL PA MA MA CT NY CT IN PA TX OH NY MA IL NC SC IL NY MI NE Christensen Christensen Christensen Christensen Christensen Christian Christian Christiano Christianson Christie Christobek Christopher Christopherson Christos Christy Christy Christy Chromy Chrostal Chrzan Chrzan Chubb Chubbuck Chudy Chuey Church Church Church Church Church Church Churchwell Chwalek Chwirut Chynoweth Ciampichini Ciancanelli Ciancia Ciani Ciano KennethS RichardG RobertH Sigmund HowardW HobertC RichardC JamesT VernonL GeorgeD AnthonyS CharlesO Sigurdur LouisJ JamesE JamesW Paul Louis John BronislawS FredM HenryA CecilF HenryA JosephJ ColemanW Edward HarryS Herbert RichardS WilliamH FranklinJ JosephG. JohnJ JohnC ElmerJ RomoloE FrankJ WaldoA HaroldA Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 2Lt T/4 Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pvt Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-G 398-2B 399-B 399-A 325-EA 398-3B 399-M 399-C 399-K 397-I 374100-HQ 397-HQ 398-HQ 397-K 398-G 397-I 100-CR 325-MB 398-HQ 398398-AT 398-MD 325-MD 399-K 397-L 399-CN 398-F 373-HQ 397-M 399-K 397-M 398-K 397-E 398-F 399-I 397-G 399-HQ 100-HQ 397-B KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Audubon Salem MtPulaski SiouxCity Manchester Lancaster Dayton PortChester Sheldahl Buchanan Montgomery Duluth SanFrancisco Danbury Indianapolis Cincinnati Cincinnati Chicago Harrington Wilbraham IA MA IL IA CT TN OH NY IA MI PA GA CA CT IN OH OH IL DE MA Middletown Prentiss Milwaukee NewWaterford Hector Brooklyn TerreHaute Vilanova Pasadena Wise BrysonCity SBend Detroit Elmhurst Throop Beacon Washington NewYork TomsRiver PA ME WI OH AR NY IN PA MD VA NC IN MI IL PA NY DC NY NJ Ciarlante Ciarrocchi Cibart Cicciariello Ciccinatti Ciccone Cichy Cieply Cifarelli Cigrand Ciminale Cimino Cinguegrano Cinquegrano Cintia Cintron Cioffi Ciolkowski Ciotti Cipolla Cipriano Circelli Cirimele Ciszewski Cizek Clabro Claffey Clancy Clancy Clancy Clancy Clare Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark SalvatoreA AttilioJ AvernB PhilipL William JohnF EdwardS Joseph MartinT NicholasM PeterA FrankJ James Constantino John Santiago BiagioM RichardR Salvatore TonyP MatthewJ John NicholasP Benjamin EdwardF VincentT CharlesB John John JohnP RobertM Leonard CharlesC Charlie CliffordA CliffordL Coleman DavidS DonaldL DormanS Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg 397-L 399-CN 398-H 397-A 325-EA 398-CN 374-SV 398-A 397-G 399-D 374-B 398-K 397-G 398-F 398-E 397-I 399-MD 399397-G 398-G 399-H 397-H 397-MD 373-A 397-G 398-K 399-D 399-CN 399-CN 325-MA 398-HQ 399-HQ 397-F 397-H 100-SG 397-A 398-G 325-EB 398-F 398-3B KIA Bronx Philadelphia StHelen's LongIsland Brooklyn Laverne Chicago NY PA OR NY NY NY IL JerseyCity Cascade Camden Baltimore BallstonSpa Washington Universal NewYork Brooklyn NJ IA NJ MD NY DC PA NY NY Portsmouth Houston Burlington NH TX NJ SanFrancisco EHartford Denver SanFrancisco Hartford LongIslandCity LongIslandCity Hartford Brookline Bronx Saltville Star Newark Memphis Winnetka BayCity LittleFalls Gainsboro CA CT CO CA CT NY NY CT PA NY VA MS OH TN IL OR NY TN WIA WIA WIA WIA POW Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clarke Clarke EarlM Edgar EdwardO EdwardW EugeneJ EugeneW FielderE HarryE FrederickJ HenryE GeorgeR HerbertD HaroldH HarryB GeorgeR GeraldE HaroldW JamesM JohnJ JohnS Joseph LouisJ LyleF WestleyH MelvinD RaymondM RobertB NormanE RoggieW OLeslie RaymondH NelsonB OC OrvilleM Sheldon VincenE Wallace WalterJ AlvinM EdgarA Pfc Cpl 1Lt T/5 Pvt Pfc T/4 SSg 1Lt Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg Cpl T/5 Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Cpt Pvt MSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 LtC 398-K 399-I 100-HQ 325-EC 397-K 397-K 100-CR 397-G 398-HQ 399-E 398-SV 375-HQ 399-B 397-E 397-M 397-A 397-AT 398-K 325-MD 325-EH 398-L 399-L 398-F 325-MB 399-G 399-F 398-SV 398-I 375-HQ 399-SV 399-G 325-MC 398-G 398-MD 325-EB 100-MP 398-M 100-QM 397-3B 925-HQ WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA RapidCity Wilmington ChestnutHill EOrange NewYork Evansville Spencer Bridgeport IL DE PA NJ NY IN MA CT Chattanooga NewYork Hartford NewCumberland Pueblo Waco Breckenridge Glastonbury Bangor Harriman Glastonbury NewYork TN NY CT WV CO TX MI CT ME NY CT NY Rome Lenox Marion Morganton VeniceCenter Birmongham Haydenburg Clarkton OakPark Montreal Opp Pikeville Cannonville JacksonHeghts NY MA IA NC NY MI TN NC IL CN AL KY UT NY Oakley LosAngeles PortRepublic KS CA MD Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarkson Clarno Clary Clary Clary Classi Claunch Clausen Clausner Claves Claxton Clay Clayborne Clayton Clayton Clayton Clayton Cleary Clebock Clegg Cleghorn Cleland Clem Clemens Clement Clements Clements Clements Clemmons Clemons Clendenin Clenen Clepper Cleveland Cleveland EdwardJ JohnFG MichaelH PatrickJ RobertJ BerttieM FrancisH BenjaminF LeonW WilliamM Dominick CarlC RaymondL LesterJ StanleyW GradyA DavidD ThomasE FloydM JamesA JuneC RolandN JamesJ EdwardJ Eugene Robert Sherrill ArthurG JerryB JohnA HermanA Reed ThomasP RobertF Corbin Ralph FrancisW WilliamA EarlL RalphW T/5 Cpt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Cpt Pfc Pvt 325-EC 100-QM 397-3B 374-C 398-F 398-B 325-EA 397-H 398-G 397-H 398-C 397-A 397-D 100-SG 397-B 399-M 398-F 398-3B 399-B 399-A 397-E 325-EB 925-SV 398-E 373-SV 325-MD 398-F 399-3B 399-K 399-I 397-D 399-3B 100-QM 399-3B 399-1B 399-L 399-HQ 398-I 399-D 397-K WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA CentralBridge Tacoma WPittston NewYork Mamaroneck Kirksville WallaWalla Shelby Sulfa Montezuma Brooklyn Indianapolis Chicago Baltimore Jennings Dallas Columbus Worcester NewAlbany Charleston Trenton Philadelphia RebBank Davenport NY WA PA NY NY MO WA NC OK IN NY IN IL MD MO TX OH MA MS SC MI PA NJ FL Akron ArlingtonHeights Miami Halls Indianapolis Lewiston Rockmart Halifax Gadsden Fayette Brooklyn Sharon NewYork Oxford OH IL FL TN IN ID GA NC AL WV NY PA NY NY Clevenger Click Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford Clift Clifton Clifton Clifton Clifton Clinard Cline Cline Cline Cline Cline Clintron Clohecy Cloogman Close Clough Clough Clouse Cloutier Clow Cloyd Clubb Clutter Clyburn Coale Coates Coates Coates Coats Coats Cobb Cobbe Coble LoryW JosephP ForestK GeorgeJ HaroldJ HarryT RobertJ VStanley ArthurC GeorgeT MaynardR NeilG CharlesD ClaudeR DonE ElmerJ EverettC LacyE Santiago LawrenceH Harold JohnJ GrantW JohnR Mack RosarioG LevertW RaymondE. RoyD JamesH CliffordJ JosephH CecilB George HaroldP Earl GuyC RalphW William Paul Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc MSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg T/5 Sgt T/4 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt MSg Pvt SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt 325-MB 325-EA 398-F 397-AT 325-EB 399-K 925-HQ 399-AT 397-D 398-F 399-K 398-HQ 397-L 399-AT 100-SG 397-D 398-MD 399-I 397325-EA 398-CN 397-HQ 399-D 397-F 925-A 399-E 398-E 398-H 399-CN 398-F 398-G 398-G 397-SV 397-MD 397-G 398-L 397-L 397-G 399-AT 399-A WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA KIA KIA KIA WIA KIA LostCreek WeyersCove Syracuse Muskegon SanFrancisco Northboro Lynn LosAngeles Osceola Owenton Holston WEnglewood Franklin Independence GrandJunction Bemidji FtWorth Inez WV VA NY MI CA MA MA CA IN KY VA NJ KY VA CO MN TX KY Haverhill Chattanooga Pottsville Ashland Indiamapolis Nashville NWhitefield Madison Belleville Nampa NewMatamoras Alexandria NewCumberland Pelzer Corning WAllenhurst Gilroy Kingsport Bristol MA TN PA NH IN TN ME IL TX ID OH VA PA SC NY NJ CA TN VT Rockingham NC Coble Coburn Cochran Cochran Cochran Cochrane Cochrane Cochrane Cochrane Cockins Cockrell Cocoran Cocozza Codd Coddaire Codino Cody Cody Coe Coe Coelho Coenen Cofer Coffey Coffman Coffman Coffman Cogan Cogar Cogen Coggins Cognac Cogswell Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen VirgilL WinstonG EdwinH GuyP NoahE ByronD JamesC WilliamH WilliamJ SamuelD SethA JohnF AndrewP JohnE DonaldE HenryP John Leonard EverettR HerbertC LouisJ BernardT FreemanL JamesC GeorgeJ KaohlinM LloydA DonaldJ Austin HaroldT GrayM AlfredL AlphaG AbramG AlvinJ BenjaminM George Harold HaroldT Herbert Pfc 1Sg T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Cpt Pfc T/5 Sgt Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt 2Lt T/5 Pvt Cpl Pfc 397-F 399-B 399-HQ 397-HQ 397-1B 397-B 397-I 398-A 100-DA 100-HQ 399-G 397-MD 325-MB 399-C 100-HQ 399-I 397-F 398-3B 398-C 397-C 375-HQ 100-HQ 397-K 398-L 399-E 398-B 398-H 374-B 397-3B 375-A 374-HQ 398-L 397-H 398-2B 398-A 399-1B 398-SV 399-C 375-A 375-HQ WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA KIA WIA WIA KIA Bado Strafford Proviece Delaware Raven Boise Charlotte Scotia Warwick SantaMonica Homer LongIslandCity LakeGeorge Severna Attleboro Portland Toledo Tallahasse Paris PortByron Collinsville MO VT RI OH VA ID NC NY RI CA LA NY NY MD MA OR OH FL TN IL MA Dallas Monticello Akron Waynesboro Ridgeley Buffalo Sutton NewYork Mooresville Lowell Lakeview Brooklyn Trenton Pittsburgh Philadelphia Buffalo Brooklyn Revere TX KY OH PA WV NY WV NY NC MA MI NY NJ PA PA NY NY MA Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohlmeyer Cohn Cohn Colaizzi Colalillo Colangeli Colantuono Colarusso Colbath Colbert Colbert Colborn Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Hyman Irving JordanD JosephL LouisL MelvinB RaymondJ Robert RobertL Simon Solomon Melvin RobertD Harold RobertG EvaristoA Mike JosephD Pasquale Frank JasonE DonaldP FredM RussellJ DonaldE ElleryB ErnestL ErnestM GeorgeE HannibalL HermanB JohnC JohnC JohnK JohnP LemuelB NormanA OscoW RufusB VirgilB Sgt Cpl Cpl Sgt Pvt Pvt T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Cpt Sgt Pvt 398-I 374-C 375-HQ 397-D 100-QM 399-F 397-M 398-MD 397-I 399-B 100-MP 399-E 397-MD 375-A 325-EB 397-SV 398-C 100-QM 100-SG 399-M 397-C 925-SV 398-L 398-A 325-EB 399-L 399-1B 399-L 398-K 373-HQ 398-F 325-EA 399-E 375-B 325-EH 399-2B 399-3B 100-HQ 325-EA 399-F KIA KIA WIA WIA POW WIA Brooklyn Brooklyn Holyoke Nashville NY NY MA TN Lynn Bronx NewYork Annapolis Washington Pawtucket Brooklyn Richview Brooklyn NewYork Pittock Duluth Malden Brooklyn MA NY NY MD DC RI NY IL NY NY PA MN MA NY Adrian Southington Emeryville Scranton Townsend Patten Ferguson NewportNews Martinsburg Germantown Commerce Ruffsdale Svanston Wheaton CrossHill Chesnee ChesterDepot MI CT CA PA WI ME MO VA WV MD GA PA IL IL SC SC VT Haskel Cookville OK TX Cole Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coletti Coletti Colimore Colison Colison Colitti Collabolletta Colldeweih Colleran Collette Colley Collie Collie Collier Collier Collier Collier Collier Collings Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins WilliamD CarlF CharlesJ DanielJ EdwardJ FlemsteadL GeorgeJ HaroldB JamesA JamesE JosephF LonnieA RichardJ Walter WalterP Edward JohnC VincentJ CharlesV RobertA VictorJ ErnestJ CharlesH JohnR RichardF HowardF DominicJ JosephH AlvisH CliftonH DonaldL RichardC William CurtisC AsaL CewardV CharlesF CharlesR Francis Fred Pfc Sgt T/3 Cpl Pfc Mjr Pfc Cpl Cpl 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 1Lt Cpl Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-M 398-D 325-MC 100-MP 398-M 374-HQ 398-K 399-M 397-M 398-SV 398-F 399-B 398-G 398-A 325-EH 397-F 397-L 398-HQ 374-C 397-AT 397-K 398-3B 397-I 398-1B 397-G 399-L 399-L 397-B 398-I 399-B 397-K 373-B 397-SV 398-3B 397-I 398-F 397-L 399-B 399-E 399-C WIA WIA KIA KIA KIA WIA Norfolk NewYork EOrange Cambridge MidlandPark RockHill WSpringfield Detroit Wellsville Meridian NE NY NJ MA NJ SC MA MI OH MS Cottonwood Hyattstown Evansville LosAngeles Barre Quincy Baltimore Baltimore Collingswood Waterbury Tuckahoe Livermore Flushing Morrisville Charlottesville Rochester Danville MarkedTree Jeffersonville Jackson Louisburg Endwell OroGrande Saxis NFortville Troy HighPoint Schurz Dobson AZ MD IN CA VT MA MD MD NJ CT NY CA NY VT VA NY VA AR IN KY NC NY CA VA IN OH NC NV NC Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collison Collison Colone Colquitt Colson Colson Colt Columbo Colunga Colver Colweman Colyer Coman Coman Combel Combes Combs Combs Comedy Comer Comforti Comi GeorgeM HarrisC JC JosephF JamesM JosephM John PaulA JohnC JohnF JamesV JohnB JohnF RichmondE RobertJ Timothy WarrenG WilliamJ MalcolmD WilmerH AngeloJ RobertE ConradH KeithL RichardE JohnC LouisA LeoD Jay RobertL RobertM WalterR PeterP RichardS CliftonC ErvinJ LouisJ GalenE MichaelN StephenL 1Sg Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpt 2Lt Pfc Pfc TSg Pvt Sgt SSg Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg 399-D 397-K 397-2B 399-M 398-D 399-C 399-G 374-B 399-MD 398-M 399-SV 399-G 375-C 397-E 398-K 397-HQ 374-HQ 397-G 398-I 398-B 399-A 100-ST 399-HQ 397-H 398-D 925-C 398-G 397-3B 373-A 398-C 398-A 397-F 397-E 375-C 398-M 325-EA 397-D 399-AT 399-E 397-M KIA Sylvania Wichita GardenCity Greenville Elkin Arlington Toronto GardenCity Philadelphia Buffalo Andover EastHartford Thomaston Fremont Allston Morristown Rochester Mayo Savage NewYork GA KS NY SC NC VA OH NY PA NY MA CT GA OH MA TN NY MD MD NY Danbury Stromsburg Winstead Brooklyn Calton CT NE CT NY CA Lanett Owensboro Columbus Lynn Metarie Sheffield Warrensburg Venia Akron Eccles AL KY OH MA LA MA NY VA OH WV Pueblo CO WIA WIA WIA KIA MIA WIA Comita Communale Comparato Compo Compton Comstock Comtois Conboy Conboy Conby Conda Condle Condon Condrey Conely Coney Coneys Conforti Congo Conklin Conklin Conlan Conley Conley Conley Conley Conley Conley Conley Conliffe Conlin Conlon Conn Connell Connell Connell Connelly Connelly Connelly Conner Hugo RalphJ Frank EarlV CharlesE JohnC. PaulC MarkD RaymondE MarkD SamuelJ JosephP HomerB Eugene JohnR LawrenceG FrancisB MichaelN LouisC Furman JohnA EdwardF DallasE EdwardG FrederickS GeorgeF HermanH JohnR WalterM ArthurF NormanH EdwardF JohnF HaroldH JohnW TerryL JamesL NeilO WilliamM AlbertG Pfc Pvt T/4 Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Sgt TSg Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc 397-F 397-K 925-HQ 398-MD 398-G 397-H 398-C 397-D 399-SV 397375-B 398-B 100-CR 398-F 398-M 399-M 398-C 399-E 100-SG 397-MD 925-SV 399-C 398-F 397-B 397-A 925-MD 374-C 398-M 397-3B 374-C 399-CN 399-C 398-HQ 399-I 375-SV 374-B 398-HQ 397-3B 398-I 397-2B Winchester Wilmerding NewBrunswick Chicago Sylacouga Greenfield Berlin Philadelphia Neenah MA PA Burlington Coraopolis Brewer Donaldsville NJ PA ME GA WIA WIA Holland Weymouth Hobokrn Methuen StonyPoint Pomona MI MI NJ MA NY NY WIA Beaver TerreHaute Cranston Medford RockFalls Lubbock Lockhart NewYork Rochester Dorchester Ware Tampa Rochester Allisoma Ironton Maybrook Wilmington Byrdstown OH IN RI MA IL TX SC NY NY MA MA FL NY TN MO NY DE TN WIA WIA IL AL IN NH PA WI Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conners Conners Conners Conners Conningham Connizzo Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connor Connor Connor Connors Connors Connors Connors Conover Conover Conrad Conrad Conrad Conrad Conrad Conrey Conrow Conroy Conroy Conroy DonaldD HenryE JamesF JosephF LesterJ OttieM RobertE Fred RobertT StephenL WilliamP EdwinC Salvatore Austin EdmundV EdwardE JosephA RichardW StephenJ ThomasE WilliamE MartinJ PaulC ThomasJ FrancisG JohnF RichardT RobertT JacobT Walter Abe AlfredJ AlmonA CharlesA LloydE LawrenceA Robertg ClarenceE DurwoodH Harry Pfc T/4 SSg T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pvt Sgt SSg Cpl T/5 T/5 Cpl Cpl Cpl Sgt TSg Pfc 1Sg Pfc 1Lt TSg Pfc 2Lt T/5 Cpl Pvt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Mjr Pvt SSg Sgt Pfc 925-HQ 397-SV 397-M 398-L 399-M 399-C 399-L 397-M 399-2B 399-I 398-H 399-3B 399-C 100-QM 397-2B 100-QM 374-HQ 399-CN 374-HQ 399-C 399-F 398-K 399-I 100-ST 100-CR 398-F 398399800-OR 374-HQ 325-MC 325-MD 375-C 397-AT 398-K 399-HQ 397-A 399-L 398-B 397-CN WIA Greenport Gainesville Concord Crestview SMiami Kenbridge Hiram NY GA TN FL FL VA OH UnionCity Plattsburg Savannah NJ NY GA Paterson LongIslandCity JerseyCity Roxbury FtLee Germantown Pittsburgh NewYork Brockton Manchester Washington NJ NY NJ MA NJ PA PA NY MA NH DC Welles Waltham NewYork VT MA NY FtThomas NewCastle Steubenville Manchester MountainTop WinstonSalem Hillview Dearborn Binghampton CoeurD'Alene Memphis Philadelphia KY PA OH CT PA NC IL MI NY ID TN PA WIA WIA WIA POW Conroy Conroy Consorte Constantine Constantini Constantino Constantino Conte Conti Conti Conti Contino Contreras Contreri Convery Conway Conway Conway Conway Conyers Coody Coogan Coogan Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook JohnJ ThomasJ William Arthur Balilla JosephJ WilliamA Gary CharlesJ HaroldR RalphA AnthonyJ FelipeM CasperinoC ThomasA CharlesW GordonR Herbert Thomas SimonC EarlE RovbertF ThomasJ Henry ArchieL HenryB BennieR HerbertM ClarenceH GeraldL Arlie BufordC EdwardD JamesL JamesS JamesW JohnH KennethB LesterL RaymondW TSg Cpl T/3 Sgt T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pvt Pvt TSg Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt 397-L 375-C 398-MD 399-CN 398-A 399-MD 397-E 398-C 374-A 398-B 375-C 398-D 397-B 399-MD 397-E 397-B 374-B 100-SG 399-CN 397-M 399-HQ 397-L 373-C 399-CN 398-K 397-K 399-C 399-K 399-F 100-DA 397-F 399-I 399-A 399-L 398-K 397-M 399-K 397-I 397-3B 398-C KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA POW KIA WIA WIA MIA KIA LongIslandCity Bronx Brooklyn SanJose Swapscott Bronx ColdSpring NY NY NY CA MA NY NY Dorchester Derby Brooklyn LongIslandCity LasCruces NewYork Wilkes-Barre Bomoseen Greenville Kinston Philadelphia Timmonsville Waco Bridgeport Bronx Tacoma Vernon Goshen ByeonCity Fleming Blacksburg Cozad Democrat Magnolia Sedalia Middlesboro Baltimore Owings Bureau Pittsburgh Beacon Newark MA CT NY NY NM NY PA VT TN NC PA SC TX CT NY WA FL UT MI CO VA NE KY MS MO KY MD SC IL PA NY NJ Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cooke Cooke Cooke Cooke Cooke Cooley Cooley Coon Cooneys Coons Coons Coons Coons Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper MadisonH RichardT MiltonG RobertC PaulA RaymondR MarshallL NormanW RaymondH RobertP RylandW TedR WilliamG EdwardA GroverM JHoward JohnD VanceE CharlesW LeonE RobertVR FrancisR DeWittN EdwinC EdwinH HarryE CarvelC CharlesR CharlesR Daniel WilburR David WilliamH HenryG LeonardH Seymour MackF RaymondV SamuelA LewisR Pfc T/4 SSg 1Lt Pvt T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 1Lt Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Cpl 397-C 398-HQ 399-E 398-I 397-F 800-OR 925-C 398-C 397-G 398-L 399-F 397-F 375-HQ 397-I 373-MD 375-C 375-HQ 398-H 325-EC 399-I 398-K 398399-C 397-2B 399-3B 398-E 398-C 399-K 397-MD 399-F 399-F 399-K 373-C 100-QM 398-AT 398-G 398-B 397-H 397-E 374-HQ WIA KIA KIA KIA POW KIA RedLevel Elmira Brockton Toledo Wilmington Ogdensburg Ripley Lowell Hartford Yonkers Toledo Tulsa Weirton Washington Concord Bronx Philadelphia Drexel Mediapolis Pettus Geeenfield AL NY MA OH DE NY TN MA VT NY OH OK WV DC NH NY PA NC IA WV MA Plainville Stillwater Bemidji Monroe Conway O'Neil CT NY MN TN SC NE Plymouth Brooklyn WExeter Conway Revere Brooklyn Dugger Chicago NewYork Brooklyn PA NY NY SC MA NY IN IL NY NY Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooperman Cooperman Coover Cope Cope Cope Copeland Copeland Coplen Coplen Coplin Coporale Coppedge Coppersmith Copple Corace Coradini Corapi Corbert Corbett Corbett Corbin Corbin Corbin Corcoran Cordell Corder Corder Corder Cordero Cordora Corea Coreau Coreia QuentinR ThomasE VirgilW WarrenE DonaldR IrvingS Henry William RobertW BenjaminF HaroldL NobleG GarlandB StoyL LeonardE MauriceD. Grady VincentJ ErleW. Howard Emmett James JohnL WilliamB ArlingtonJ FrankJ JohnE RobertL Roy WilliamC JosephF HowardM DeanI HomerT JohnJ EdwardA JosephP James Arthur Mariano Sgt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Cpl TSg Cpl Pvt T/5 SSg SSg T/4 Pfc Sgt SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc 1Sg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt 397-AT 397-I 399-F 397-F 399-G 398-K 398-3B 373-HQ 398-E 325-EB 398-G 397-L 399-F 399-K 397-P 398-G 399-AT 399-1B 398-M 397-B 397-MD 397-3B 398-B 398-HQ 399-B 398-A 373-HQ 398-3B 399-D 398-L 397-2B 398-SV 399-A 398-K 399-K 398-G 399-SV 100-SG 398-C 397-E WIA WIA POW WIA POW MidlandPark Lovettsville Farragut Portland Colby Brooklyn Bronx Bronx SiouxCity Zebulon Eureka Indianapolis Elkins Crossville Newton Akron BrokenBow Webster BigRock Worcester Youngstown Brooklyn Memphis Erie Vernon NewYork Miami Doylestown Headsville Alton Maspeth FloralPark SaltLakeCity Stavens Chester SantaMargarita Pittston Chelsea OldOrchard NewBedford NJ VA IA OR KS NY NY NY IA NC KS IN AR TN MA OH OK MA TN MA OH NY TN PA AL NY FL PA WV IL NY NY UT KY SC CA PA MA ME MA Corey Corey Corey Coringrato Corkam Corleto Corlew Corley Corley Corley Corley Corliss Cornacchia Corneau Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornett Cornetta Cornier Cornier Cornish Cornwell Cornwell Corosanite Corr Corradi Corral Correica Correll Correll Corridan Corrigan Corrody Corry Corsanite Corsar Corsar CWilliam HerbertH WilliamM Alfred WilliamT RoccoA JohnJ LynchB RI ShermanB WilliamJ RobertF Frank Edward Arthur CarlE CharlesE JohnA Wayne Kelly CarmenJ Alfred DumasJ MalcolmS FredE WilburD JosephC Theodore AldoJ JulieM Mariano Tildon WilliamW ThomasJ ArthurJ GeorgeW TedH JosephC Charlie Charlie Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/5 T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc SSg Sgt Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Mjr Pfc Pvt Pvt 325-MA 399-F 397-P 375-HQ 398-HQ 399-CN 399-M 399-G 399-2B 397-C 399-D 397-SV 399-K 398-AT 399-G 397-A 373-HQ 398-2B 399-CN 397-CN 399-B 399-CN 397-I 374-MD 397-M 399-I 397-B 925925-SV 397-F 397397-L 398-E 325-EB 398-L 398-K 925-HQ 397-B 325-EA 397-B WIA WIA POW WIA WIA KIA WIA SaratogaSprings Greenville WRutland NewYork Concord Yorkville MtVernon Nashville Dallas England Brooklyn Pasadena Chicago Claremount ReedCity Jeffersonville Brentwood OakPark Sacramento Gordon Revere Moncton Rayne Oradell Shelby JunctionCity Philadelphia Davenport Gillepie SanAntonio NY SC VT NY MA NY IL TN TX AR NY CA IL NH MI IN TN IL CA KY MA CN LA NJ NC KS PA IA IL TX Delta Jackson StJohnsville Stockton OzonePark Geigertown Philadelphia Wewoka Wewoke KY MS NY CA NY PA PA OK OK Corsentino Corsiglia Corso Cortellessa Cortellino Cortellino Cortes Cortozzo Cory Cosby Cosgrove Coslett Cosmos Cosmos Cosner Cosorte Coss Cossaboon Costa Costa Costarella Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Coster Cote Cote Cote Cothren Cotler Cott Cottingham Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cottone LeonardJ GusL AnthonyS EugeneJ CharlesA CharlesA Mike AngeloM FrancisG JosephH EdwardJ CharlesF Henry Joseph DavidW William WalterJ John James MatthewJ Frank DanielD GeorgeE JohnT LawrenceF PaulA RichardT JamesT DonaldC LeroyJ RogerE LeeR Simon Arthur GeorgeR BennieD EarlH FrancisL HowardR Gerard Pfc SSg Pvt Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Sgt Pfc SSg SSg Pfc 2Lt T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc TSg T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 398-G 399-B 397-H 397-C 374-HQ 374-HQ 398-1B 100-DA 397-C 399-SV 100-MP 398-M 399-1B 399-1B 325-EH 398399-MD 398-MD 399-F 398-AT 397-A 397-L 398-K 398-A 100-SG 399-M 398-E 398-M 100-SG 399-B 375-HQ 398-K 373-A 925-A 399-F 325-MA 399-L 397-SV 374-SV 399-MD WIA WIA WIA WIA Oakland Chicago NewHaven Blackstone NewYork NewYork Boston Hawthorne StParis Corvallis Westboro Colome NewBedford NewBedford Independence CA IL CT MA NY NY PA NJ OH OR MA SD MA MA MO Johnstown Millville OH NJ Privincetown Elmont Worcester CrotonFalls LosAngeles Manchester Cincinnati NewYork Baltimore FtKent HolcombRusk Topsam Liberty NewYork NewYork Richmond Elizabethtown Charlestown Waltham Spencer Brooklyn MA NY MA NY CA CT OH NY MD ME WI ME MS NY NY VA KY WV MA NY NY Cottrell Cottrell Cottrell Cottrell Cottrill Cotumaccio Couch Couch Couch Coughan Coughlin Coulter Counce Council Council Counihan Courcier Courcier Cournoyer Coursey Courson Courter Courtney Courtney Courville Cousens Cousino Couture Couvaris Covault Cove Covell Coventon Covert Covey Cowan Cowan Cowan Cowan Coward ClarenceA GeorgeR LonnieS SeldonB HerbertK Ottavio RalphN. Virgil Willard LeonardL BernardL HaroldW GeorgeW HaroldW LeslieA JosephI CecilL Everett ErnewstR AlfredW JayE JohnF RobertG VictorD MurphyJ JamesB RaymondF NormandF TheodoreH RogerL DavidW DanielB HarlinW JackJ CarlS Carson GuyS JamesH RobertW CliftonE SSg Pvt Pfc Pvt TSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt 1Lt SSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc 1Lt Cpl Pfc MSg Pfc Pvt TSg Pfc Sgt 398-M 398-I 397-C 399-G 100-SG 925-A 399-B 398-M 399-K 399-L 925-B 925-C 398-B 397-L 100-MP 398-CN 397-B 398-G 397-G 399-L 398-AT 399-D 398-B 399-I 397-A 398-D 399-2B 397-AT 399-I 374-HQ 397-SV 100-HQ 397-D 374-A 374-SV 397-K 397-AT 398-B 399-L 325-MD WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Millville JunctionCity Louisburg Ivydale Erie NJ AR NC WV PA BrokenArrow Hotsprings UnionGrove Philadelphia Brookline Pittsfield Bells Memphis Tilton Stratford Lawton Grant Winchendon Baltimore Edinburg Downs Knoxville Shelburn Eunice SActon EssexJunction Oakland Woodhaven Fletcher Morristown Oneida Ada Detroit Joppa Detroit Elmira Appalachia LakeSunapee Scranton OK AR AL PA MA MA TN TN IL CT OK IA MA MD PA KS TN IN LA MA VT RI NY OH NJ NY OK MI MD MI NY PA NH PA Cowell Cowell Cowell Cowell Cowert Cowert Cowher Cowles Cowley Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Coxby Coyle Coyle Coyles CharlesL GlenW JohnR RayD ClarenceJ ThomasL EugeneS BartonP DanielG AllenJ Ralph DavidM RaymondW FredW RobertE HaroldL RobertE JohnB RobertL KendallK RussellW NeilJ SamP PaulA ThurstonE RaleighS WilliamA HarleyJ WilliamF JohnnieC WilliamW Paul FrancisC HowardF PaulM WillieF JosephH GordonW HaroldF John Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 T/5 Pfc Sgt SSg T/4 Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Cpl 2Lt Cpt Sgt Sgt Sgt Pvt Pfc 397-K 399-K 398-G 325-EC 397-E 397-E 397-I 399-K 398-SV 399-I 398-B 399-A 399-MD 397-CN 398-K 398-E 397-C 397-H 397-E 397-E 398-K 325-MD 399-K 399-D 399-I 397-M 397-SV 397-F 375-HQ 397-C 325-MA 399-2B 375-HQ 100-CR 399-2B 398-F 397-MD 397-G 399-AT 100-MP KIA WIA KIA KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Holcomb Shenandoah Sikestone EOtis Atlanta Savannah Detroit Flandreau Kingston SugarValley Galena Ashland Purling Melrose Houston MO IA MO MA GA GA MI SD NY GA MO OR NY MA TX Rushville Belhaven Hemphill Kalamazoo Columbia Hemmingway Lorris Poughkeepsie Durham IN NC WV MI SC SC SC NY NC Moore Joplin SC MO Logansport Norfolk Cordova Cortland SHadley NewBern JohnsonCity Corvaqllis Chinchella Pocahontas Arcata IN VA AL NY MA NC TX OR PA IL CA Crabtree Crabtree Craddock Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craig Craig Craig Craig Craig Craig Craig Craig Crain Cramer Cramer Crandall Crandell Crane Cranmer Cranmer Crannell Crapps Cravath Craven Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawley Crawley Craycraft Creasy Creatore Crebs Crecca Herman RoyO CharlesR CharlesW DanielC Earnest HarveyJ JamesE WilbernT WoodrowW CharlesJ Jack John JohnW JosephB RaymondB Roy ThomasR RichardP JosephL RobertE Clifford CharlesE CharlesD GilbertC WilliamC MarcusE WillieR LeonardM Willard CecilL GailV JosephT JohnS WilfredR WilliamE HubertH Ezio ChesterR Saverio Cpl SSg Cpt Pfc T/5 Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt T/4 Sgt Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-D 397-A 397-K 397-SV 399-F 398-HQ 398-K 397-2B 398-H 397-G 325-EH 100-MP 397-K 399-I 398-2B 399-M 325-MA 398-AT 398-HQ 925-C 399-B 397-E 325-MB 398-G 375-C 399-K 398-L 397-G 375-C 375-C 397-K 398-2B 397-L 397-HQ 398-C 100-CR 399-M 100-BD 399-A 925-C KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Livingston Shelbyville TN MO Worcester Waldo Mize Kingsport Worcester MA GA MS TN MA Scotlandville LA Temile Scotia Acworth JerseyCity MorrisPlains Summerville SpringLake Cincinnati Columbus Elmira Eldred ClearLake Oakland Woodlynne Houston Beloit Martin Brighton Hogansville Petaluma NewYork NewYork Tempe LongBeach Marshall Lynchburg Astoria Manchester Belleville OR NY GA NJ NJ OR NJ OH OH NY NY CA CA NJ TX KS MS MA GA CA NY NY AZ CA IN VA NY PA NJ Cree Creeck Creighton Creighton Crenshaw Crescitelli Cresta Cretella Creveling Crewell Crews Crichton Crickon Cridland Crigger Crim Crimmins Crinion Crintion Cripps Criscuolo Crismon Crispo Cristy Criswell Crites Crittenden Crittendon Croce Crocken Crocker Crockett Crockett Crocoll Crofts Croissant Crombach Crombie Cromer Cromwell AlbertA John EugeneF JosephL OtisF QuivinoE EttoreJ Louis HughC GalenN LDow RussellT Michael KemperJ ArtennisD EdwardV JohnL PatrickJ JamesE JamesM FrankC DeweyJ SamJ JohnE GlenM ErnestD EstilG FrankH Patsy NelsonJ AlbertJ ArthurJ JosephM William EdwardF ReneC GrantF RobertA ClydeG JohnT Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc T/5 MSg T/5 Pfc Cpl TSg Pfc TSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg T/5 Pvt 397-H 397-K 399-K 398-AT 373-HQ 325-EH 397-SV 398-HQ 397-D 397-I 397-I 399-HQ 399-F 397-E 325-EC 397-L 398-A 398-F 399-B 325-EB 397-G 100-CR 398-AT 398-H 399-D 399-H 399-L 397-G 398-E 398-A 398-B 399-1B 398-HQ 397-L 397-E 397-HQ 398-3B 399-H 374-SV 399-C WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Rutland LaGrange FishingCreek Garnerville Fairfax Watertown Westwood Girard MtMorris Bridgeport Memphis Glendale VT NC MD NY AL MA NJ OH NY IL TN NY Philadelphia Arlington Atlanta York Chicago Chicago Holderness NewYork NTulsa BoundBrook Woodstock Yeagerstown Keyser Louisville Hartwell NewYork Baltimore Waltham RichmondHill Washington Glendale Lockport NewYork SanAntonio Chicago Westminster LongIslandCity PA VA GA PA IL IL NH NY OK NJ IL PA WV KY GA NY MD MA NY DC NY NY NY TX IL SC NY Cronin Cronin Cronin Cronin Cronin Cronin Cronk Cronk Cronkhite Crook Cropley Cropper Crosby Crosby Crosier Crosley Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Crossin Crossman Crosswhite Croswell Croteau Crouch Crounse Crowe Crowe Crowell Crowley Crowley Crowley Crowley Crowley Crowley Crowley EdmundF Francis FrederickW GeorgeE JohnE TimothyL AllenA CalvinW RichardT LeslieS CharlesW Paul DeeW DonaldF GeorgeT CorneliusC ClarenceO EarlL EdgarP FrankB HarryW NormanW Roland CharlesN CharlesW Oswald WalterP EdwardL George RoyR JohnW RussellW EdH ClementB FrancisA GeorgeP JohnA JohnS JohnW Robert T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Sgt Pfc 1Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt SSg T/5 SSg Pvt 100-DA 398-E 100-HQ 399-B 325-MB 325-MD 397-G 397-B 399-1B 398-1B 325-MA 398-L 325-EH 100-MP 398-F 373-C 397-F 399-2B 399-M 399-HQ 399-1B 399-I 399-F 398-AT 397-L 398-F 398-H 397-K 399-C 398-C 100-SG 398-C 325-MD 397-K 398-B 375-A 398-G 375-HQ 397-1B 397-M WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Brighton Peabody Wellesley Henniken Worcester Haverhill MidlandPark Ridgewood Maplewood PalisadesPark SiouxCity Wilmington Panguitch NUxbridge MA MA MA NH MA MA NJ NJ NJ NJ IA DE UT MA NewYork FtWorth Augusta Freemont Cincinnati Pittsburgh Baxter Cortland Nesquehoning Bland Charleston Philadelphia HighlandPark Sharpsburg Schenectady Stonington WGastonia Hohenwald Avoca Milton Farmingdale Millville Methuen Andover Colebrook NY TX GA OH OH PA IA AL PA MO WV MS NJ KY NY CT NC TN MN MA NJ NJ MA MA NH Crowley Crowley Crown Croy Crudden Cruey Crum Crumnine Crump Crump Crusan Crutcher Crutchfield Cubby Cubic Cuccia Cuccia Cuccinello Cudia Cue Cuen Cuff Cuff Cuggy Cuifo Culbert Culbertson Culbertson Culkin Culkins Cullinan Culpepper Culver Cumberland Cumbo Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings WarrenL WilliamJ DavidJ GeorgeE RichardE SterlingW GlenF LinleyR JohnH RobertH ClaudeM AltonL PaulL Gorge CyrilJ Frank MichaelD Dominic VincentA BerkleyW ArmandN RobertG TheodoreJ GeorgeH Sylvester ArthurC AbnerC JohnM JohnF JohnW JohnM WinfredD LeoD JosephC JosephF DonaldE Frank FrankJ HubertJ LeonC T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Sgt 1Lt Pfc Cpt Pfc T/5 Cpl SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc 925-A 397-K 399-2B 398-L 399-K 925-A 398-A 100-HQ 373-SV 399-L 397-1B 397-E 398-AT 100-SG 398-K 325-EA 397-F 397-E 397-F 397-SV 399-C 325-EB 397-F 100-SG 398-B 397-H 397-F 399-E 399-K 397-F 398-A 398-C 397-L 100-MP 399-F 399-C 100-SG 398-E 397-F 399-B WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA Pittsfield Brooklyn NewYork Newton LittleRock DryRidge Mattoon Carmichael Mershom Albermale Baltimore Dover Huntville MA NY NY PA AR KY IL PA GA NC MD TN MO Bronx Bronx NewOrleans NY NY LA Rockford Providence ElPaso Holbrook Cambridge Bronx IL RI TX MA MA NY Beggs Spartanburg Topeka RichmondHill Concord Washington LittleRock Rochester LemmiMills StatenIsland OK SC KS NY MA DC AR MN PA NY Alliance Bancroft Newsome Yonkers OH WI TX NY Cummings Cummins Cunniffe Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunnoingham Cuosso Cuozzo Cupp Cupp Curbo Curcio Curcuruto Curde Curelli Curiale Curlew Curley Curley Curley Curran Curran Curran Currie Currier Currier Currier Curry Curry Curry RobertJ LyleR HubertG CharlesE CharlesH EdgarH Edwin EdwinC Warden JamesE JamesR JohnJ Leroy RussellL JamesM JamesM JosephJ JosephA LouisE RussellW LawrenceW AnthonyJ SylvioB EldredH Rudy Albert RenaldM DonaldW JamesP ThomasC CharlesE JohnW RobertF DonaldJ Claude Donaldt HaroldPJ CharlesH Harold HarryW Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc SSg Pvt Pvt Pfc Pvt SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc LtC SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-AT 397-D 373-A 398-F 398-G 397-G 925-A 399-I 397-2B 398-CN 397-E 397-K 397-D 397-MD 397-A 398-HQ 397-H 397-MD 398-A 397-H 398-F 397-MD 397-D 398-G 397-H 399-F 399-HQ 398-HQ 399-M 399-SV 398-HQ 325-MA 398-P 375-SV 399-A 398-A 398-L 100-SG 398-I 398-AT WIA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA Lenox Foster Dorchester Washburn SHialeah Hartford Magnolia Brooklyn Bartlesville NAndover Barry Baltimore Middletown Salesville Paris NewYork Cincinnati Yonkers Goth Stoutsville Whitehaven Bayonne Greenwich Watuga Roslindale MA KY MA ME FL WV NJ NY OK MA TX MD PA OH TX NY OH NY TN OH TN NJ CT TN MA Amagansett Bronx Danbury Johnsonburg NewMarion Saginaw Brighton Newtonville Flint Lancaster Rutland Davis WichitaFalls Bangor NY NY CT PA IN MI MA MA MI NH MA CA TX ME Curry Curry Curry Curtin Curtin Curtin Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Cusanelli Cusano Cushing Cussani Cusson Cusumano Cuthbert Cutland Cutlipp Cutrona Czapla Czarncki Czaslytko Czawlytko Czelnsniak Czerwinski Czetli Czyzycki D'Abate D'Addario,MD D'Agostino D'Aguanno D'Alesandro D'Alessandro D'Alessandro JohnG MichaelJ ThomasA DavidE JohnA JohnH ArthurN HarryA JamesJ JuliusN. LDV MartinH PaigeK Ralph Roy CarlF ArthurP LaurenceS Anthony Harvey Anthony LeonardE ArleyL EricJ JohnS AnthonyS SteveS DanielC DanielW MatthewJ Val EmilS ThaddeusA NicholasD AnthonyR SamJ John ErmanJ Almond AndrewJ Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Sgt Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pvt 2Lt Sgt Pfc Mjr Pfc T/5 Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl SSg Mjr T/5 Pfc Cpl SSg T/5 399-C 399-D 398-SV 375-B 397-3B 375-B 325-MB 399-D 397-M 399-AT 397-K 374-HQ 398-M 325-EA 398-K 397-AT 398-D 374-A 397-C 397397-E 399-G 100-DA 398-A 800-OR 399-F 399-K 398-F 398-2B 398-A 399-F 373-B 397-E 325-MA 399-HQ 397-2B 399-3B 397-AT 397-3B 325-EC WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Whittier Elmhurst Ballinger Quincy Lenox NewYork Minneapolis Liorain Maryville Indianapolis KansasCity Columbia Leupp Florissant Kendall Woodside Bridgeport Concord NewYork CA NY TX MA MA NY MN OH TN IN NO SC AZ CO NY NY CT NH NY WBrighton Copperton NY UT Lewisburg SilverCreek Hartford Chelsea Baltimore Baltimore Albany Cleveland CuyahogaFalls NewYork WV NY CT MA MD MD NY OH OH NY NewYork Jamaica Geneva Brockton Bronx NY NY NY MA NY D'Aloisio D'Ambola D'Ambrosia D'Amico D'Amico D'Angona D'Arpino D'Ascensio D'Aveta D'Luhosch D'Onotrio Dabbs Daggett Dagoverto Dague Dahl Dahlberg Dahlberg Dahlen Dahlgren Dahlin Dahlmann Dahlmeyer Dahm Daigle Daigle Daigle Daigle Daigneault Dailey Daily Dakoulis Dalaba Dale Daledovich Dalesandro Daley Daley Daley Dalgarno ElioF Angelo SamA JohnR RoccoJ AnthonyJ SamuelF PaulT Anthony JohnJ Anthony Olan CharlesB GarciaA WilliamE KarlE CarlG LloydO MarshallC JohnR JohnA JamesT WiardP EdwinH JamesJ JosephA LionelJ WelbertJ Raymond MorrisW WilliamC TonyG CleyonM RaymondD CarlosE ErmanJ EugeneW JosephF RobertF RobertL Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Sgt 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl T/5 T/5 T/4 Pfc 398-C 925-HQ 399-K 399-K 397-A 399-CN 399-A 397-2B 397-D 397-L 399-B 397-E 397-L 397-B 398-D 398-K 925-C 398-H 397-MD 398-B 325-EC 398-AT 325-MB 398-AT 399-D 398-SV 925-C 325-EA 398-B 325-EC 397-SV 397-I 397-G 399-E 399-A 397-AT 399-AT 398-E 100-HQ 398-CN WIA KIA KIA MIA WIA WIA WIA WOrange Rochester Springfield Dunmore Hartford MtVernon NJ NY MA PA CT NY Poughkeepsie Brooklyn PaulsValley Detroit LosAngeles Wadsworth Excelsior Wellston Chicago Duluth Chicago Worcester SanAntonio Norwalk Minneapolis Houlton Wilton Dover PortArthur Lowell Clinton NewAlbany Trinidad Olmstedville Providence Harrisburg Geneva NewMarlborough Newton Rutherford Harlowton NY NY OK MI CA OH MN OH IL MN IL MA TX CT MN ME ME NH TX MA TN IN CO NY RI IL NY MA MA NJ MT Dalhaus Dallas Dallesandro Dalmo Dalonas Dalton Dalton Dalverny Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Dalyai Damato Dambakly Dameron Damewood Damiani Damon Damron Dan Danca Danchik Dane Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniell Danieluk Danner Danner Dano Dansereau Danzig Daon DaPauw Darby HaroldD GarlandS Almond JohnM John RufusM HenryJ LeonardE JamesS JamesW PaulG RobertJ Thomas Zollie VincentJ LouisE ClintReed LloydC AndreB RichardC ClintR TomyT AnthonyR Samuel LewisC CharlesJ Ernest SidneyJ WalterA CurtisA ThurmanW JohnJ EdwardG FrederickE RalphE CharlesF Stanley George JamesH JamesG Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 1Lt MSg Cpl Pfc MSg Col T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl 1Lt T/4 2Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt 2Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 397-E 397-C 397-3B 398-G 399-E 397-H 100-QM 397-M 398-C 100-HQ 398-P 100-CR 398-E 397-M 397-3B 374-C 397-1B 399-2B 100-BD 100-HQ 397-1B 100-DA 397-CN 399-CN 397-B 398-K 397-AT 398-K 398-A 398-F 375-B 398-D 398-2B 398-A 325-EC 325-EA 100-SG 374-SV 397-F 397-AT WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Edwardsville Blairs IL VA Hibbing Norfolk Charlotte Bronx Morgan PortHuron Stamford Southport Hartford MN VA NC NY PA MI CT CT CT Filbert Bronx Brooklyn WV NY NY Spokane Richmond Honolulu RobinsonCreek NewYork Woburn Brooklyn Malden Russellville KansasCity Danielton Oxford StJoe LithiaSprings JewittCity Pittsburgh RedBluff ThousandIslands Belmont WA VA HI KY NY MA NY MA AL MO VA NC AR GA CT PA CA NY MA NewYork Kewanee StIgnace NY IL MI WIA KIA POW POW KIA Darby Darjor Darnell Darnell Darocy Darrow Darsch Darwin Dasher DaSilva Datuns Dauai Daub Daube Daugherty Daugherty Daumiller Davenport Davenport Daves David Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson,DDS Davie Davies Davies Davies Davies Davies Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis JamesA Oscar HubertA JamesA CharlesA Leonard DonaldP Earl AlfredC DomingoA Robert CartT GeraldM WilliamG Eugene LuciusL RobertW CharlesD DarylA WadeH RichardH GeorgeA JamesD RayO WilliamH VandaA PaulJ HughE JohnW RobertS ThomasE WilliamA BenW AlfredT BenjaminH AltonP ByronG Arthur ArthurJ AlfredV T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt TSg Pfc SSg Mjr 1Lt T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 2Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc 399-K 399-F 397-HQ 399-H 399-3B 398-G 325-MA 397-M 397-F 397-E 399-K 397-1B 397-F 925-HQ 398-I 399-H 800-OR 398-G 100-QM 399-2B 397-K 398-L 398-E 398-SV 399-1B 397-MD 398-2B 100-CR 397-K 398-G 399-M 399-L 398-I 397-2B 397-C 375-C 397-G 397-2B 925-HQ 399-MD KIA WIA WIA WIA Uniontown PA Alto Meridan Carteret Charlotte Baltimore NewYork Lebanon Cambridge GA MS NY MI MD NY PA MA Fitchburg Brooklyn Newark Chattanooga Jacksonville Beaver OklahomaCity Boulder Shelby Greensboro Casey GreatBarrington Pittsburgh MA NY NJ TN FL PA OK CO NC PA IL MA PA Ruston Indianapolis NewYork Brooklyn Hartford Cedarhurst Monessen Hasalwood FtWayne Nobelsville Kinston Raleigh UnionCity Gloucester Oakland LA IN NY NY CT NY NC NC IN IN NC NC NJ MA OK KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis ArchieC Arthur CarlE Clifford DaleP DonaldC DonaldH EarlD HarryL HenryJ EdwardB HerbertC ElmerH HowardG Ether HowardH FredT HughF GeorgeJ JD HaroldF JamesC HaroldH JamesV EllisD JasonW FloydB JessieF GilbertG EarlJ ElvaA GeorgeE HaroldG JohnA JohnB JohnR LeonardJ LeslieA WilliamL LutherH Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-I 397-SV 374-A 398-K 100-HQ 399-A 397-1B 397-E 325-EC 398-I 399-A 398-E 399-K 397-L 397-M 399-AT 399-2B 399-L 398-E 398-I 397-E 398-L 325-EA 399-K 325-EA 398-G 325-EH 398-I 397-C 398-K 398-G 325-EB 398-MD 399-I 399-AT 399-K 399-E 399-A 397-G 398-F WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA Candor Bronx Linden CarrizoSprings Prarie BlackRiverFalls Dayton Helena Powderly Brooklyn Merryville Wilmington Maryville Ellijay Louisville Waverly Memphis Bethel Flint NC NY NC TX WI WI OH TN AL NY TN NC TN GA KY NY TN OH MI Bethlehem Grenada Stuttgart Brooklyn Cope Durham Portland Columbus Summerville Lackawanna Williamville Uvalda Brooklyn Sanford Hartford VernonHill Rideway PA MS AR NY SC CA OR MS SC NY MO GA NY NC CT VA IL Greenfield CalhounCity IN MS Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davish Davison Davisson Davivo Dawe Dawley Dawson Dawson Dawson Dawson Dawson WilliamR WilliamR Nathan RobertL RobertL PaulJ RobertM PhillipO RolandM RandallE ShelbyD RaymondR ThelkeldM RichardL Thomas RobertE TommieL PaulE WalterB PrestonG WilburT RichardE RobertF PaulW Raymond Robert WilliamF WilliamL OliverE WilliamR CraigO WilliamH JosephT GeorgeW IvanW GlennM HoraceB LinwoodB RobertE RobertE Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt 2Lt Sgt 1Lt SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Sgt Pfc 398-F 398-C 399-AT 398-B 397-L 399-F 399-E 397-HQ 399-F 399-A 397-C 374-A 399-L 398-G 399-K 399-AT 397-F 398-A 325-EH 398-K 399-AT 398-G 398-L 397-SV 398-L 375-B 398-H 399-A 399-M 399-A 397-E 399-C 397-L 399-B 397-A 398-I 399-B 374-MD 397-E 100-CR WIA WIA MIA WIA WIA POW WIA Utica Shelborn Camden McCook Sheridan NY IN NJ NE IN Pataskaia Brooklyn Ellsworth Duncan Castalia Southington Spokane ElPaso StMichaels Peterborough Marietta NewYork OklahomaCity Portalis OH NY ME OK NC CT WA TX AZ NH OH NY OK NM Mosselton Vandalia Grandview Sunbright OH IL NC TN Hamlet MtPleasant Parsons Philadelphia Chicago Henriette Syracuse KansasCity Nelsonville Inglewood NewYork FallRiver Michelville Stevenson NC PA KS PA IL MO NY MO OH CA NY MA TN AL Dawson Day Day Day Day Dea Deak DeAmicis Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Deane DeAngelis DeAngelis DeAngelo DeAngelo Deardorff Deasey Deason DeAth DeAth Deaton Deavers DeBlasio DeBoer DeBolt DeBouter DeCandia DeCarlis DeCaro Decembrele DeCesare DeCesare WilliamT CliffordG Elbert JohnE JohnW LeeS John JohnA BernardL ClarenceW Edward HenryE KennethH Milford NicholasP RussellB WilliamS Thomas RichardE AnthonyM Frank Joseph DominickA Ralph VincentF WallaceR DaroldL HaroldL HurchelB MelvinW Arthur John RichardH JanB Mario PaulM JosephE AugistineS BrunoJ Louis T/4 Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/3 T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt 398-MD 398-SV 398-G 397-HQ 399-A 325-EA 397-D 397-F 398-E 399-K 399-MD 399-F 397-H 398-F 397-I 100-MP 399-K 399-L 398-D 325-MA 399-CN 399-E 399-L 398-1B 397-D 399-K 373-HQ 373-HQ 398-I 397-AT 397398-A 398-C 325-EC 397-D 925-SV 397-L 397-I 399-F 925-C WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA TurtleCreek Columbia LaurelCreek Columbus Portland Globe SprankleMills NewYork PennYan FrederickHall HydePark Atlanta Gimlet PA SC KY OH OR AZ PA NY NY VA MA GA KY Dawson Norwich RedondoBeach GA NY CA Schoolfield Schenectady Bronx Guttenberg Utica VA NY NY NJ NY NewYork Hurst Veedersburg Veedersburg Dierks Browntown NY IL IN IN AR VA Hull Wyandotte NewYork KingsPark Utica Philadephia IA MI NY NY NY PA Hancock Lynn MI MA DeChaine DeChambease DeChiara DeCiccio DeCicco Deck Decker Decker Decker Decker Decker DeClario DeConciliis DeCoskey DeCoteau DeCourley Decrembrele Dedman DeDona Dedrick Deeb Deem Deep Deer DeFabio DeFalco DeFeo DeFeudis DeFine DeForest DeForge DeFrancia DeFranco DeFranza DeFusco Degarimore DeGarmo Degenhardt Degenhart DeGennaro WilfredJ KentL JohnC AnthonyV Charles AlfredA JohnH JamesO Doss JohnP JohnP Alexander Louis JohnD RegnaldA JamesC AugustineS HaroldC AnieloE AndrewJ Abraham JamesE FarrisA GeneP ArthurJ NicholasV JohnJ FrancisV FrankW DurwardR HenryF JosephE Daniel NicholasC Ernesto EdwardE ArthurC AlbertM DonaldJ IgnazioP T/4 T/5 SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Cpl Pvt Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 374-A 399-F 100-CR 397-K 398-K 398-H 399-3B 397-A 373-B 399-G 397-HQ 397-L 399-F 374-A 398-CN 398-2B 397-I 397-L 397-L 397-H 398-A 398-K 397-D 397-F 397-AT 373-MD 373-HQ 398-A 398-C 398-HQ 398-MD 397-2B 397-M 925-A 399-F 399-I 399-B 398-I 399-K 800-OR KIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA KIA Marinette WI Newark Kingston Kingston Glenville Poughkeepsie Qulin Leitchfield Delhi Mena Bronx Oliver Galitzin Montpelier NJ NY NY CT NY MO KY NY AR NY PA PA VT Canton OldHickory Brooklyn WNewYork Masontown Harrisville Birmingham Indianapolis Malden Newark Hanerill Worcester Losangeles Schenectady Hartford LongIslandCity Columbus Newark MA TN NY NJ PA PA AL IN MA NJ MA MA CA NY CT NY OH NJ Portland Schuylerville Loyal Hollidaysburg Brooklyn OR NY WI PA NY DeGeorge DeGoutrie DeGraf DeGrange DeGraw DeGroot DeHarte DeHaven DeHaven DeHeer Deibler Deignan Deile Dein Deitch DeJarnette DeJohn DeJong DeKlerk DelaChevalleri DeLaMater Delaney Delaney Delaney Delaney Delaney Delaney DeLange Delano Delano Delano DeLapp DelBusso Delcher Delcour DeLeeuw DeLeo Delewski Delfine Delgado FrederckC JosephJ WilliamB EdgarP Frederick William JervaisP MarcellusE JamesH RobertG JackeE PaulJ WilliamG RichardJ Alex JamesW FrancisA GeorgeC William Frank ByronC LeonardJ JohnP HenryJ GerardJ' GeorgeF EdwardF WalterH WBeale JosephP AlbertS JohnA Anthony AlbertH HowardH John HenryR JohnS JosephA JoeD Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 1Sg Pvt Pfc T/5 LtC SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc Col Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc 398-K 397-H 397-A 398-K 398-M 398-I 397-F 399-E 399-A 397-M 800-OR 374-HQ 397-G 399-CN 373-C 399-L 375-HQ 399-L 397-C 100-HQ 100-HQ 373-MD 398-C 325-EB 397-L 375-A 398-G 100-DA 399-B 100-SG 397-H 397-F 374-A 397-K 397-F 397-L 397-B 399-F 399-1B 398-L WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA NewBurgle NewYork SanFrancisco Gainesville Ellendale OrganeCity Houma Dayton SpringFork Macon Ashland Worcester JerseyCity Bridgewaters Colchester Clarksville Syracuse Birnamwood Chicago Pittsfield Gary Peabody Portland Edgartown Brooklyn WRoxbury Somerville SanAntonio Warsaw Summit NewMarket Reidsville NewYork Baltimore StLouis Passaic Wellesley Toledo Canonsburg Weed NY NY CA VA DE IA LA OH MO MO OH MA NJ NY CT VA NY WI IL MA IN MA ME MA NY MA MA TX VA NJ IN NC NY MD MO NJ MA OH PA CA Delgardio Delia Delia Deliman DeLisi DeLisle Dell Dell Dell DellaBella DellaGalla DellaValle DellaVentura Dellick Delmer DelMese DelNegro DeLoach DeLong DelRio DelRio DeLuca DeLuca DeLuca DelVecchio DelVecchio DeMarco DeMarco DeMarco DeMarco DeMartini DeMartino DeMarzo Demasi DeMastrofrance DeMatteo DeMatteo DeMatteo DeMatteo DeMauro AnthonyJ Joseph Michael JosephP AlphonseJ RichardF DanielE JohnE JohnW Salvatore HenryA Frank Sal Thomas GeorgeC Julius TheodoreJ Charlesworth VernonE Fernando Ferdinand ArthurT James ValentineJ Michael Robert RemoL JosephC EdwardE Charles EdwardL FrankJ RalphL CarlF GeorgeJ JamesA Thomas JosephA AnthonyF SalvatoreD Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/4 1Sg Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc 2Lt SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-F 100-SG 397-M 399-HQ 100-CR 399-E 398-K 397-I 397-G 397-HQ 398-1B 375-A 374-HQ 398-MD 397-M 399-I 100-HQ 399-K 397-L 925-C 925-C 397-E 397-L 399-B 800-OR 375-SV 325-MC 399-L 373-HQ 397-CN 398-A 100-SG 398-2B 373-HQ 398-D 398-M 399-HQ 397-D 399-B 374-B WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Brooklyn Brooklyn JerseyCity Glassport Brooklyn Woburn Huntington Lansing Baltimore Montvale Utica NewYork NPlainfield Youngstown Glassport Bronx Brooklyn Savannah Antwerp NewYork NewYork Punxsutawney Chicago Schenectady Providence GlenRock HasbrouckHeights Brooklyn NewYork Brooklyn SanFrancisco NewYork MiddleVillage Brooklyn Bronx Youngstown Brooklyn NY NY NJ PA NY MA PA MI MD NJ NY NY NJ OH PA NY NY GA OH NY NY PA IL NY RI NJ NJ NY NY NY CA NY NY NY NY OH NY Philadelphia Lodi PA NJ Demauro Dembek Dembrosky Demel Dement Dement DeMeo Deming Demizio Demopoulos Demoracski Dempsey Dempsey Dempsey Demsky DeNardo Denault DeNauta Denby Denham DenHartog DeNigris DeNino Denman Dennehy Denney Denninghoff Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennison Dennison Denniston Denny Denny Denoncour Denton Denton AnthonyG LeonardR FrankJ Martin DavidG AlbertMac PeterG EdwardR PeterL George Peter JosephF GeraldM WilliamNB JohnT Michael HenryJ MasrioA EdwinS MelvinV CarlC AnthonyS AldinoJ RaymondO HaroldA EugeneJ JamesC CharlesL FloydA JohnJ SimonP TheodoreB WilbertD BillyB JackH Douglas EugeneJ HerbertN AlfredM ElmoreW Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 SSg Pfc 1Sg MSg T/5 Pfc Pfc T/3 SSg Cpl Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Cpl 398-F 399-M 398-HQ 398-3B 399-M 399-H 397-H 399-D 399-M 399-MD 325-EB 399-M 397-F 398-3B 100-SG 325-MB 325-EA 397-K 325-MA 399-F 397-A 397-E 397-B 397-L 397-G 397-A 399-1B 399-A 399-3B 100-MP 397-L 397-L 399-E 399-A 398-AT 375-HQ 397375-A 399-D 399-D WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Worcester MA Brooklyn Chesapeake Normandy Brooklyn Phoenix Elizabeth NewYork Blandford MorrisPlains RoyalCenter Evansville Plymouth Brooklyn Salem Cambridge Providence Snowflake NewSharon Bristol Hartford Summit Haverhill EOrange Wichita Stombugh Bushnell Lewiston HardinSprings Wilkes-Barre Pittsburgh Waco Dunmore Oriskany NY OH TN NY AZ NJ NY MA NJ IN IN PA NY MA MA RI AZ IA CT CT NJ MA NY KS MI IL ME KY PA PA TX PA NY Exeter Evansville WalnutSprings NH IN TX Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denzer DeOlivera Deonas DePalma DePalma Depaoli DePiazza DePietro Deragon Derasmo DeRemer Derenzo Derick Derickson Dermo DeRosa DeRosa DeRose DeRossi DeRouchie Deroy Derr Derreberry Derrico Derringer Derryberry DeRubeis DeSanctis DeSantis DeSantis DeSantis DeSanto Desautels Desch Deschenes HenryJ JackS WillieJ RamonE KennethM WilliamH Manuel Christ Mario JamesA JerryA FrankV HenryA ErnestJ WilliamJ EdwardJ NickS CyrilJ WilliamA CharlesR Anthony JoeJr ClementD FrederickJ ErnestL WilliamJ Harry Mackie ArthurR RoberA QuentinM JamesJ Albert LouisJ EdwardH Michael EdwardD AlfredJ RichardC Ernest Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Cpl SSg TSg Pvt Pfc T/5 Sgt T/5 Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 100-CR 398-G 398-M 325-EA 374-HQ 398-L 398-G 397-K 398-K 399-AT 397-L 398-G 398-L 100-QM 373-SV 325-EB 397-G 374-HQ 925-HQ 325-EH 399-CN 399-L 397-2B 325-EB 397-F 397-AT 100-ST 398-B 398-3B 399-3B 399-M 399-A 399-L 325-EA 373-C 398-3B 100-HQ 398-1B 398-C 397-AT WIA WIA WIA POW KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA NewRochelle LenoirCity HemlockStation NY TN SC Bradford Columbus Newark Brooklyn WHaven Waterford Stockton Roseville LongIslandCity Bayfield Bronx Jamaica Astoria Binghampton Stanton Marianna Nutley VT OH NJ NY CT NJ CA MI NY WI NY NY NY NY KY PA NJ Plainfield NewYork Detroit Mohegan NJ NY MI RI Letitia Washington Millvale Lima Toluca Bronx Syracuse Brooklyn Brooklyn Scranton Plattsburg FtWayne FallRiver NC PA PA OH IL NY NY NY NY PA NY IN MA Deshner DeSilva DeSilva DeSilva DeSimone DeSimone DeSimone DeSimone Deskevich Deskevich Desmarais DeSpirt Desroches Desrosiers Desrosiers Desrosiers DeStadler DeStefanis DeStefano Detgen Detmer Detmer Detrick Detrick Deupree Deutsch DeVane Dever Devereaux Devereaux Devereux Devescovi Deville DeVitis DeVito DeVliegher Devlin DeVore Devore Devotie Raymond Gilbert John WesleyA Thomas GeneC Anthony AnthonyF Joe John NalbertF AngeloL AndrewJ HerbertV JamesE RobertJ GeorgeH RichardE AndrewJ JohnR FrankJ RichardJ DonaldW JamesL Clyde VictorH ThomasE BernardA Leo JohnJ NicholasE Anthony Elbum AngeloA Joseph AloisC PatrickJ RalphL JohnR SterlingN T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Sgt T/4 1Lt SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpt T/5 Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 1Sg Mjr Pfc 1Lt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 800-OR 398-I 397-K 397-SV 397-A 399-AT 399-AT 374-B 398-F 398-F 375-SV 374-HQ 399-2B 397-MD 397-A 397-D 398-H 399-F 399-B 374-HQ 100-QM 397-L 399-I 374-C 398-L 399-2B 397-I 100-SG 399-F 398-I 374-HQ 399-3B 325-EB 398-K 397-I 325-EB 100-SG 398-E 325-EH 399-L Baltimore MD WIA Honolulu HI WIA Toledo Cleveland Bronx Springfield OH OH NY MA WIA NantyGlo Fisherville UnionCity Lowell Ashburnham JacksonHeights Fitchburg Fairfield Memphis JerseyCity Utica Sayreville Pontiac WMilton LaPorte Hugo Chicago Bovill Terentum PA MA NJ MA MA NY MA CT TN NJ NY NJ MI OH PA OK IL ID PA Philadelphia Utica Brooklyn Oakdale Akron Piermont Mishawaka NewYork Christianburg Brookhaven Greenville PA NY NY LA OH NY IN NY VA GA TN WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA DeWaalMalefyt Dewachter DeWahl DeWald DeWall DeWeese DeWester Dewey Dewhurst DeWitt DeWitt DeWitt DeWitt DeWolf Dewy Dexter DeYoung DeYoung DeYoung Dhrie Dial Diamantos Diamond Diamond Diamond Dian DiAngelo Diaz Diaz Diaz Diaz Diaz DiBarri DiBartolo DiBattista DiBella DiBella DiBello Dichiaro Dick Rudy ArthurL PaulJ OmarE KermitB JosephC JamesM AlanG FrederickA CarlL JohnO WalterS JosephH DonaldA AllenG EmersonV PeterC Raymond DouglasR Deron JamesB GeorgeL MartinE HowardB Dennis CharlesL VictorJ LeocabioV JoseDeJ Humbert HenryS AugustineC JohnJ Jerome Liberato JohnJ Michaelangel JohnF Peter JamesE Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt 1Sg Pfc Sgt SSg Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Sgt SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl TSg Pfc TSg Pfc TSg SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc 2Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc 374-HQ 397-B 398-AT 399-E 399-1B 397-I 399-MD 397399-1B 398-K 398-H 397-D 399-AT 397-SV 397-F 397-2B 397-G 397-L 399-F 399-F 398-B 399-B 397-B 398-F 325-EB 399-F 325-EA 397-HQ 399-G 399-F 398-A 397-L 399-3B 398-K 399-L 399-2B 397-I 375-C 100-ST 398-C POW WIA WIA WIA Ridgewood Monroe Minneapolis Williamsport Springfield Rochester Benkelman NJ MI MN PA IL NY NE Walpole Howard Oakland Elgin Birdseye Inglewood Wheatland Champaign McBain Chicago Kalamazoo MA OH MD PA IN CA WY IL MI IL MI PaulsValley Chicago Philadelphia OK IL PA Brooklyn Millville NewYork Boxford NY NJ NY MA Madrone LosAngeles EAurora GlenRock EBoston Danbury Rochester Somerville CA CA NY NJ MA CT NY MA MtVernon IN Dickerman Dickerson Dickerson Dickerson Dickerson Dickerson Dickerson Dickerson Dickerson Dickey Dickey Dickey Dickey Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickson Dickson Dickson Dickson DiDonato Didrickson Diefendorf Diehl Diel Dienemann Dierikx Diesel Dieteman Dieterly Dietz Dietzer DiFulco Diggs DiGilio DiGiulio Digney DiLaurenzio Dilavore Dildine KennethL HarveyE JessieR RobertM RodneyO WilliamB WilliamR Willroy Dillroy ThomasA WilliamG LowellW HenryR Kenneth CharlesS LemoineV ClaytonE CharlesL RobertL HaroldB JerryG BernardL DavidC KennethO MaxL EckhardtH PetrusJ EldonP FrancisJ CharlesE Norman Jay CarloJ JohnT JosephP JamesJ EdwardF HughN Charles BobbieJ Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt T/5 T/5 Pvt Pfc Sgt SSg T/4 T/4 T/5 TSg Sgt Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg SSg SSg Pfc 397-MD 399-B 373-HQ 375-SV 397-I 398-B 397-SV 398-MD 399-L 399-A 398-H 399-I 397-D 397-H 398-E 398-K 398-1B 398-H 397-K 373-HQ 325-EH 398-K 398-M 399-G 397-A 397-HQ 100-DA 800-OR 398-2B 374-C 397-3B 100-BD 398-C 397-A 398-K 399-SV 397-HQ 398-C 397-K 398-A WIA WIA KIA KIA Somerville Anniston Greenville SOrange Willsboro Bivalve Linton Bexley MA AL SC NJ NY MD IN MS Ashton Greenville Parnell Columbus Rochester Greeneville Washington Oxford Spartanburg Ringgold Canton Bronx Britton Buffalo Patterson TerreHaute Oceanside NewYork California StMary's Baltimore GreenValley Shelbyville IA OH IL IN NY MI DC GA SC GA OH NY SD NY CA IN NY NY KY PA MD AZ IN Lilesville LongIslandCity Elizabeth Bridgeport Torrington NC NY NJ CT CT Drummond OK Dilendick Dilgard Dilks Dilks Dillard Dillingham Dillman Dillon Dillon Dilopoulo DiLorenzo DiLorenzo DiMaggio DiMaria DiMartino DiMartino DiMarzio Dimas DiMauro Dimmick DiMona Dina Dinallo DiNapoli DiNardo DiNauta Dineen Ding Dinger Dinger Dinius Dinndorf Dinning Dinon Dinsmobe Dinsmore Dinsmore Dintrone Diotalevi DiPalma Stephen JackE Nels SamuelJ JamesD VestalJ RobertD JohnJ WilliamH GeorgeC James FrankJ Charles Peter SamuelA IV AlbertN GeorgeG FrankN JamesW NickR SalvatoreP Cosimo Massimino AldoR MarioA WilliamC William ClydeE WilliamJ FloydA LeoL WilliamM WilliamF JohnW JohnW JamesL VincentC Nazareno Albert Cpl T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc 399-3B 800-OR 399-A 397-SV 398-AT 397-L 399-G 398-G 397-L 374-SV 397-I 399-L 373-A 399-I 100-HQ 325-EA 399-AT 397-CN 398-C 397-G 399-K 398-M 100-SG 397-D 398-M 397925-A 325-EC 398-3B 397-M 398-C 399-F 397-HQ 398-B 375-C 375-C 398-1B 397-L 397-B 398-F KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Lawrence Gomania Pottstown Gloucester Anderson Barnardsville Bluffton Woolwine Wilmot Brooklyn Rochester WNewYork NewLondon Brooklyn Pittsburgh Camden MA WV PA NJ IN NC OH VA AR NY NY NJ CT NY PA NJ Denver Kent GulfPort Camden Bronx Brooklyn Chelsea Coraopolis CO OH FL NJ NY NY MA PA Syracuse Union Punxsutawney Princeton Warsaw StCloud SanFrancisco Troy StMarys StMary's Greenfield Bronx Bridgeport Gloversville NY NJ PA WV IN MN CA NY PA PA MA NY CT NY DiPaolantonio DiPastina DiPasuale DiPeri Dipert Diploma Dipoma DiPrimio DiPrimio DiPrizito Dirden DiRenzo Dirindin DiRossi DiSalvo DiSalvo DiScala Dismore Disney DiStefano DiStefano DiStefano Distel DiTaranto Ditmer Ditto Ditzel Ditzio DiVincenzo DiVito Dix Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon DominicJ AngeloB JamesV SalvatoreM JohnE DeweyL DeweyL AlfredF JosephV LouisG JamesO DonaldH ArthurR FredJ TheodoreA JohnJ Frank HermanI SanfordH Edwin Bernard PaulA Frank JosephF RexP WilliamM ChristianA FrankD ArmandD VitoA RaymondB DavidW ElmerR JamesA JohnT LanderL MinerR MonroeW RichardM SamuelS Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt TSg Sgt Cpl T/5 397-I 100-HQ 399-C 397-1B 399-HQ 398-B 398-1B 397-M 399-MD 398-K 398-3B 398-I 399-I 325-EB 397-M 397-HQ 399-D 399-L 100-DA 399-3B 325-MD 399-3B 399-C 398-CN 398-G 397-E 375-A 397-H 397-C 398-M 399-I 398-3B 399-L 398-CN 397-L 375-A 397-F 399-L 325-EC 399-AT WIA KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Philadelphia Trenton Somerville LongIslandCity Vanlue Ogden PA NJ NJ Greensburg Greensburg Barrington GraniteCity Topsham Chicago PA PA NJ IL ME IL Brooklyn Erie SNorwalk Wyatt NY PA CT MO Rome Quincy EHampton NY MA CT Camden Greenville Houston Baltimore Philadelphia Haverhill Buffalo Layton Cleveland Farmville Blaqckie Jefferson Charlotte Vienna Cambridge Reidsville Jay NJ OH TX MD PA MA NY UT OH NC KY KY NC GA MD NC FL OH UT Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Doak Dobbins Dobbs Dobbs Dobbs Dobensky Dobich Dobitsky Dobkin Dobkowski Dobry Dodd Dodd Dodd Dodds Dodge Dodge Dodson Dodson Dodson Dodson Dodson Doe Doering Doerlamm Doerr Doersam Doffing Doggett Doheny Doherty Doherty Doherty Doherty Doherty Doherty ThomasE WelmanN WilliamA WilliamB MelvinE PorterW BurneyS EarlB WalterA Theodore William FrankR SidneyM PeterC FrankC HarryJ RubenE WilfordL WilliamR RichardF WilliamH BeverlyB Frederick VernonW WilliamH WilliamV KennethJ HerbertL AlfredA OscarR AlvinG EugeneJ WilsonF StephenF CharlesG JohnE Michael MorrisE Robert RobertM Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Sgt Cpt Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt CWO SSg T/4 Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pvt T/5 Sgt 2Lt Pfc Cpl Cpt 373-A 397-F 399-B 397-D 399-B 397-G 100-HQ 100-SG 398-E 398-MD 925-B 374-C 398-B 399-K 397-F 399-1B 399-E 397-B 398-A 399-AT 925-A 399-L 399-I 397-F 374-HQ 397-G 100-HQ 373-B 373-SV 398-B 397-H 397-E 399-AT 399-F 398-SV 398-B 399-G 398-I 399-CN 397-CN WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA POW POW WIA WVanLear NewOrleans Waco WDecatur Easton Winston-Salem Waynesboro Haskell Flora Roslyn Alquippa Scitico Chicago Cleveland Baltimore Princeton Hobbs Campobello Bridgeport Yantic KY LA TX PA ME NC GA TX IL NY PA CT IL OH MD IN NM SC CT CT Richmond Madison Hillsboro Ridgefieldpark Graham Baltimore Jamaica GlenCove Eureka Warren Colwich Doswell Arlington Conimicut Roxbury Boston AtlanticCity Dudley Hollis VA NJ NC NJ NC MD NY NY SC OH KS VA MN RI MA MA NJ MA NY Doherty Doi Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dole Doles Dolman Dolphin Domblewski Dombroski Dombrowski Domenick Domenoe Dominguez Dominique Dominquez Dommer Donaghey Donaho Donahue Donahue Donahue Donald Donaldson Donaldson Donaldson Donati Dondaro Donegan Donehower Donelli Donelson Doniego Donlan Donnally Donnellan Donnelly Donnelly WilliamJ GeorgeA HenryE JosephF OrvilleF WilliamF RobertW HughW Joseph HowardF IgnatiusJ PeterF HenryS Frank AnthonyE Raul PhilbertC Ricardo EarlD MansonA PaulJ FrankE ThomasE VincentT Grady CharlesM GeorgeD HowardS DominicM JosephJ PeterJ WilliamF AllanA DaleM VincentJ LawrenceE StanleyM RichardA JamesA WilliamJ Pfc 2Lt Pfc Sgt Cpl Sgt Pvt 1Sg Pfc TSg T/4 T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt T/4 TSg Pfc 397-E 100-QM 398397-E 397-E 398-C 325-EA 399-HQ 399-F 398-G 399-A 399-D 399-I 398-G 397-L 398-MD 397-C 397-M 375-HQ 399-B 374-HQ 374-C 397-G 399-H 398-I 398-I 397-E 325-EB 397-E 399-G 397-H 397-C 399-H 399-K 397-E 374-HQ 397-I 374-B 399-F 398-G WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Lynn Gardena MA CA WarrenPoint PlatteCity Brooklyn Brooklyn FtValley NJ MO NY NY GA Manchester Schenectady Frackville Brooklyn Leesville Detroit Terrace Pascoag SanAntonio MtClemens ConcordHeights Hobart NewYork Gaviota Mahopac Dorsey Portsmouth Summit NewHaven SanFrancisco Winsted PalisadesPark Philadelphia Pittsburgh Polk Oradell Norwood Columbus Brooklyn Pleasantville Scranton PA NY PA NY OH MI CA RI TX MI NH OK NY CA NY MS OH GA CT CA CT NJ PA PA OH NJ MA OH NY NY PA Donoho Donohue Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donta Dooley Dooley Doolittle Doolittle Dooly Doonan Doorey Dora Doran Doran Doran Dorane Dorazio Dorfer Dorich Doriguzzi Dorman Dorman Dorman Dormo Dormoretsky Dorn Dorris Dorsett Dortch Doss Doss Doster Doto Dotson Dottl Douai Doucet OrvilleA GeorgeE JohnF SamuelL VictorR WilliamF WilliamS JosephF Thomas CharlesB NormanS DanielE CharlesH ThomasJ Rueben FrancisE HaroldH RichardD Anthony NathanH JohnW JohnT BrunoV IrwinS JamesW JeanE Charles Walter Reuben PaulD RobertA HaroldJ BenjaminF LuthetW Charlie LeonardA ArlisF HaroldV CarlT HomerD SSg Pfc Pvt Sgt 2Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl TSg T/5 Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Sgt T/4 Pvt TSg T/4 Cpl Cpl Pfc Sgt Sgt Cpl Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 398-G 397-L 397-D 925-B 397-2B 397-AT 325-MD 325-EC 375-B 399-F 399-K 374-A 398-H 374-A 398-1B 398-K 398-L 397-G 397-SV 397-M 100-HQ 398-B 398-B 374-HQ 398-H 325-EB 325-MH 925-C 398-C 398-AT 397-AT 397-CN 397-M 325-EC 375-HQ 397-HQ 399-K 398-C 397-1B 800-OR KIA POW KIA WIA Bluford Baltimore Brooklyn Sandersville IL MD NY GA Edison Cleveland Providence Brooklyn Edgefield Elmira Ridgewood NewYork UpperDarby NJ OH RI NY SC NY NJ NY PA Philadelphia Greenwich Tiftin Brooklyn Medford NewYork JacksonHeights BallstonLake Hartford FtWorth PA CT OH NY MA NY NY NY CT TX Bentletville Chelsea Lincoln Dracut NVernon Sturgie Trafford McKenzie Jefferson IronMountain Sabiaco Madison PA MA NE MA IN KY AL TN GA MI AR WI WilkesBarre PA Doucette Douda Dougan Dougan Dougharty Dougher Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglass Douthitt Douy Dove Dove Dovel Dovidio Dow Dowd Dowdell Dowdy Dowdy Dowdy Dowell Dower Dowers Dowing Dowler Dowling Downer Downey Downey WilfredF Stanley ArchieP RayE BernardW JohnW AlfredL BernardW ClintonC EdwardJ JamesA JamesE WilliamJ ArchA KennethT RobertH RobertR RobertW RobertT RobertL HaroldJ Foster JohnS MaynardA CosmoA JohnH PaulF AndrewJ AllenT HaroldG William RussellW WilliamT James Timothy DowL JohnE RobertP Daniel JamesA Pvt Cpl Cpt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Cpt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg 397-MD 399-L 100-HQ 399-A 397-C 397-3B 397-D 397397-MD 397-B 398-M 100-QM 399-L 373-B 375-HQ 399-B 397-2B 397-F 398-E 398-A 397397-A 397-A 397-L 397-H 100-HQ 399-A 397-G 399-E 397-A 399-E 397-C 398-I 399-HQ 397-2B 399-AT 399-AT 399-G 399-L 399-F WIA WIA WIA WIA Providence Colchester RI CT Competition Abilene NewYork Woodsfield MO TX NY OH Brainerd Bronx Butte Aldan Denver Pineville JerseyCity Kenosha MN NY MT PA CO NC NJ WI Wickliffe KY Bloomington IN Sulligent Camden Baltimore Somerville Clinton Cleveland WhitePlains Halltown Lebanon AL NJ MD MA MO OH NY MO TN Lancaster MtHope Saugus OH WV MA BirchTree Ridgefield Beaumont WPalmBeach MO CT TX FL WIA WIA KIA WIA Downey Downey Downey Downhour Downie Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downs Downs Dowrey Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Drabicki Draddy Drago Dragovich Drake Drake Dranchok Draper Draper Drasser Drayer Dreading Dredge Dreith Drescher Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew Drewek JohnH JohnR MalcolmE FrankW JohnW CadamusA CharlesH RossF ThomasF TimothyJ WilliamP StanleyL WilliamP AlbertE DanielA JohnW KennethJ SamuelC EdwardJ RobertH BenedictF James ElbertR FrankM Frank FredN FrederickE GeorgeE WilliamP JustusB HarryW Daniel JohnM ArthurG ErnestW FrederickE Fredrick HowardD ReginaldW AloisN Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg Pfc Pfc Cpt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 1Lt T/5 Cpt SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 398-G 374-B 397-C 399-H 100-HQ 398-SV 397-2B 398-A 374-C 398-F 398-K 397-E 398-F 374-C 399-M 399-A 398-HQ 399-M 398-B 325-MH 397-SV 325-EC 399-G 397-1B 398-MD 397-F 397-1B 397-L 925-B 397-B 399-K 100-SG 397-3B 375-HQ 398-HQ 399-G 399-3B 399-1B 397-C 399-D KIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA Wellington Granville Frost Elyria Washington Crenshaw Wolcott Stockton Rochester NBraddock Columbus Dover-Foxcroft Athens Lowell Palisades Macedon WHaven Bethesda Sharpsburg NewYork Hartford WNewYork Clendenin LosAngeles Binghampton BeaverDams Roxbury LongIslandCity Harborcreek Crestview Phoenix Clifton Clayton Casper Keytesville Derry EDetroit Faust Lowell Milwaukee OH NY TX OH DC MS IN CA NH PA OH ME GA MA NE NY CT MD PA NY CT NJ WV CA NY NY MA NY PA FL NY NJ MO WY MO NH MI NY MA WI Drewery Drewes Drewry Drews Dries Drinkard Driscoll Driscoll Driscoll Driver Driver Drogosch Droleskey Droll Droll Dronen Droste Druan Druch Drucker Drugan Drumheller Drumm Drumm Drummond Drury Drury Druzd Drybread Drye Drye Drys Duane Dubbelde Dube Dube Dubel Dubie DuBois Dubov FreyB Howard JohnE ElmerR RichardH HarryV CorneliusF EdwardX FrankJ DanielH HowardC AnthonyG AlbertF Ralph WilliamR RaymondA FredE EdwardJ Frank Clarence Thomas KennethC DennisW JamesM KentG GeorgeW RichardP AdamD RPaul Lonnie RalphW CharlesW JamesX MerlinN JosephJE PaulR JohnE RobertJ MelvinE Edwin T/4 2Lt Pfc Sgt Pvt Cpt TSg T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc TSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Pvt Pfc SSg Sgt Sgt T/5 Pfc Pvt Pvt T/5 100-CR 325-EH 100-QM 375-MD 375-HQ 100-SG 397-CN 397-MD 100-QM 399-K 397-K 397-HQ 325-MA 397-E 375-C 397-F 397-C 397-B 399-AT 397-C 800-OR 399-L 399-HQ 398-E 399-F 399-E 397-E 925-HQ 398-F 399-L 399-F 398-AT 373-B 398-A 925-C 398-B 399-E 397-I 397-B 100-HQ KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Fulton JerseyCity Memphis Detroit StAlbans OceanCity Salem Brooklyn Wilmington Louisville Memphis Detroit NewHartford KY NJ TN MI NY NJ MA NY DE KY TN MI NY Lowell Sharon Litchfield Waterbury Jones Chicago Lafayette Pottstown Nashua Collingdale Davenport Bowie Worchester Lackawanna MA ND IL CT OK IL LA PA NH PA IA MD MA NY Concord Nashville Dearborn Apponaug Garretson Exeter Providence Baltimore Portland Shiloh Bronx NC TN MI RI SD NH RI MD ME NJ NY Duby Ducati Duck Duckett Duckett Duckett Duckloe Dudek Duditch Dudley Dudley Dudley Dudzik Duef Duell Duerr Duerr Duesterhoft Duff Duffala Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy DuFrene Dugan Dugan Dugan Dugan Duggan Duggan Dugger Dugger Duhamell Duke Duke Duke Duke Duke PerryK AngeloJ Melvin JamesH JohnM Kirk HowardW MartinJ Hyman HaroldA HerbertL MartinE RaymondR OrisJ BurtonL HermanM JohnL Gustav RobinsonE ThomasR EdwardD FrancisL JohnR Thomas Thomas ErvingL HaroldA HughH JohnV WilliamF CharlesJ JohnJ HarryP RalphL ClarenceE AlfredB HV HaroldE JamesF MichaelJ Sgt SSg TSg Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 SSg T/5 Pfc Col Pfc Pvt T/4 Sgt Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 399-I 399-2B 397-E 325-EA 397-HQ 100-SG 373-B 398-I 398-CN 100-HQ 399-E 398-B 398-H 398-I 925-A 397-E 398-HQ 399-CN 398-HQ 399-H 398-D 925-C 397-L 399-L 399-3B 398-C 325-MA 100-QM 100-QM 397-HQ 399-B 399-H 399-K 399-B 397-L 325-EC 399-L 398-L 399-H 397-MD WIA WIA Amarillo NewYork AlexanderCity StPaul Williamsville Greenville Portland Baltimore Brooklyn Opelika Waynesboro Brooklyn Milwaukee CutOff Chestertown Copiague Mystic Hastings TX NY AL MN MO NC PA MD NY AL VA NY WI LA NY NY CT NE Akron Cincinnati Swedesboro LongIslandCity Phoenix KansasCity Venice JerseyCity Flushing Paterson Ogdensburg Brooklyn OH OH NJ NY AZ MO CA NJ NY NJ NY NY Scottsdale Unicoi Indianapolis Talbotton Dawson Ventura Murfreesboro Brooklyn PA TN IN GA TX CA NC NY Duke Duke Dukes Dukes Dula Dulaney Dulcette Duling Dull Duly Dumhart Dummert Dumproff Dunajecz Dunaway Dunay Dunay Dunbar Dunbar Dunbar Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Dunham Dunham Dunlap Dunlap Dunn Dunn RobertW WalterB CharlesP LenvilleG ArthurM CarlL JosephA MartinJ NedE RichardF HowardS MarvinR DanielJ DavidJ JamesL AnthonyJ Milton HowardC MiloJ HolliceE AmbroseF EdwinL FreelandR GeorgeE HubertL JackR JamesE JohnH JohnK LeoW MarvinH MiltonJ RobertM WilliamM LeroyS RobertE GeorgeW SamuelF HaroldA KennethD Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc 399-HQ 398-D 398-I 397-E 325-EH 399-B 100-QM 100-CR 397-L 397-L 397-G 398-K 397-F 398-D 397-3B 397-D 399-H 325-EC 325-MD 399-L 399-F 100-QM 397-F 325-MC 399-C 399-AT 399-B 398-B 397-E 373-A 399-E 399-A 398-E 397-L 375-SV 399-2B 325-EB 397-HQ 925-SV 397-B WIA WIA WIA WIA Raleigh Niles Greenville Deerfield Tulton EBoston Windsor VanWert StLouis Beverly Alexandria Brooklyn NewYork Molino Linden Roxbury Hartford Pelion NC MI KY VA MS MA VT OH MO NJ MN NY NY FL NJ MA CT SC FtBragg Richmond WichitaFalls Pontiac Surgoinsville CuyahogaFalls Mechanicsburg Concord Alexandria Miami Thurston CA VA TX MI TN OH PA TN VA FL NE Englewood Indianapolis Toledo Wileyville BroadChannel Lafayette Geneva Chillicothe CO IN OH WV NY LA OH OH Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunno Dunphy Dunseath DuPont Dupre Dupre Dupree Duprey DuPuis DuPuis Dupuis Dura DuRain Duran Durant Durante Durgin Durham Durkan Durkel Durkin Durkin Durling Durrett Dusza Dutch Dutchak Dutco Dutco Dutra Dutra Dutton Dutton Duvall Duvall RaofordT RobertT RobertW WilliamA William CharlesE JamesR DavidD ErnestJ EdwardF LeoN ThomasF RobertM HowardJE JohnP RaymondC JohnA WilliamF BaltzarL AlbertJ MichaelV CharlesE GeorgeE Luke JohnC JosephT VincentJ JohnO JohnR Francis ReginaldF PaulA John StephenJ ArthurW HermanR ArthurL LoganL Ardis Marvin Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 1Sg T/5 Pfc Pvt Pvt Sgt Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Sgt T/4 WOJ Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc TSg Pfc T/4 Cpl T/5 399-G 398-A 925-C 398-D 399-HQ 397-I 375-C 397-CN 373-HQ 397-D 397-F 397-1B 325-EB 398-C 397-L 397-F 398-M 397-1B 397-E 399-3B 399-1B 399-D 325-EB 375-C 397-HQ 398-I 398-M 375-HQ 397-3B 397-B 399-A 373-C 398-1B 398-K 398-K 800-OR 373-B 397-SV 398-L 399-F WIA KIA KIA WIA KIA FtWorth Millburn LaCrosse Troy TX NJ WI PA VanWert NewOrleans Fredericktown Nashua NewBedford CentralFalls Shreveport Adams BreauxBridge UnionCity Worcester Scranton Vineland Coachella Medford Conshohocken EBoston Palmyra Bronx Bronx Philadelphia WHaven NewMilford Nashville Southbridge Brewer DearbornHeights Bethlehem Bessemer Taunton Provincetown Simpsonville NewPhiladelphia OH LA PA NH MA RI LA MA LA NJ MA PA MO CA MA PA MA PA NY NY PA CT CT TN MA ME MI PA PA MA MA SC OH Duzlak Duzzie Dworkin Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dyal Dybas Dye Dye Dyer Dyer Dyke Dyke Dym Dymond Dyson Dzaogis Dziege Dziergowski Dzirisin Dzuba Dzurisin Eaatz Eades Eagan Eagle Eagles Eaker Eakins Eames Eanes Eanes Earhart Earl Earle Stanley AlbertA Carl BernardJ JeremiahH JohnE LinusF RobertE RobertE ThomasE OwenP AlexanderJ GlenE HubertG CarlosB VinsonW DonaldL GlennF Martin JosephS LyleI FrankC AdolphC WalterW George John George AlfredH LouisW MorrisR WillardH KennethE LloydC DonaldJ EugeneJ PaulE PaulE GradyH RichardV CharlesR Pfc Cpl SSg 2Lt Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc TSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl T/5 Cpl SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 T/5 Sgt Sgt 397-M 397-K 375-A 375-HQ 397-3B 398-B 398-B 397-M 100-QM 398-F 399-M 398-MD 398-B 399-A 399-1B 399-I 399-F 398-G 374-SV 397-A 398-I 399-3B 925-HQ 925-HQ 397-CN 399-MD 397-CN 398-AT 375-B 397-H 397-F 398-2B 398-H 398-MD 399-M 398-H 800-OR 399-1B 399-3B 398-C WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA POW Detroit Brooklyn Newberry Syracuse Buffalo Hawkins RiverForest SVirginia Riverside Jacksonville Amsterdam Wagoner SanAnselmo NewYork Waynesville Fulton LaCenter Flushing Falls MI NY MI NY NY NY IL MN CA FL NY OK CA NY NC IL KY NY PA LasVegas Adams Hoboken Trenton Carnegie Trenton Plainview Rome Birch LosAngeles Bend Morgantown Massena Columbus Atlanta Altavista Leesville Rutherford Easton NV MA NJ NJ PA NJ MN NY MI CA OR NC NY GA GA VA SC NJ PA Earley Earleywine Early Early Earnhardt Easley East Eastburn Eastepp Eastin Easton Easton Eastwold Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Eatson Ebberts Eberhardt Eberly Ebert Eberts Ebner Ebur Echelbarger Eck Eck Eckard Eckbert Eckblom Eckenrode Eckermann Eckersley Eckert Eckert Eckhardt Eckhardt Eckland Eckleberry MerwinC RectorM JohnH WallaceA. JosephL GeorgeK DonaldW JohnH LloydH Harold EdwinL HaroldE EdwardO AlbertN LeroyF ReubenW RobertJ BurtJ JohnH Alton RalphB CarlH HarryG DeaneA EdwinM Frederick Arthur Mick WilliamE WilliamF WilliamC RayL MilesB HerbertA CharlesW JohnD Alfred CharlesH KennethE KennethN T/4 Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc SSg SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg T/4 T/5 T/3 Pfc Pvt SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Sgt Cpt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc 2Lt 1Sg LtC Pfc 397-2B 398-L 397-G 397-L 100-MP 398-G 398-H 398-B 397-H 399-D 398-F 100-SG 398-K 374-C 397-M 325-MD 925-B 373-HQ 397-F 325-MA 100-HQ 399-3B 399-L 397-1B 397-AT 397-HQ 399-F 398-C 397-H 325-MH 399-A 373-C 399-AT 397-MD 398-SV 398-K 399-HQ 398-HQ 100-HQ 397-A KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Fayetteville SanDiego Manoa Shelby Oxford Independence EWilliston Springfield Clute Owasso DeGroff Pittsburgh Minneota Seabrook LittleDeerIsle Kent Calais Washington Vandalia Houston Philadelphia Chicago Whitsett SanDiego ProspectPark Fostoria Walsh BaxterSpring Oakdale SouthernPines StatenIsland Wilkes-Barre NewUlm Middletown Reading Charleston RockvilleCenter Dunellen FortWashington Nevada NC CA PA NC NC LA NY MO TX OK OH PA MN NH ME CT ME DC OH TX PA IL PA CA PA OH CO KS PA NC NY PA TX CT PA IL NY NJ MD OH Eckles Eckman Eckman Economidis Ecover Eddy Eddy Eddy Edelbach Edelbach Edelson Edenfield Edens Edgington Edinson Edmonds Edmund Edsall Edson Edwalds Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards RalphB FloydD LouisC NagJ James DwightK MiltonA WindleA AlbertN AlbertN Harold JamesH JeasP GeorgeL William ClarenceA RobertJ FloydL FrederickM RobertM AlfredG JamesM ArchieL JohnM Fred JohnS GeorgeMT JamesL BillyJ Garland GomerR JohnT NinianM OwenL RalphG RaymondM RaymondV RichardH RobertJ RobertM Pfc SSg Pvt Pvt 1Lt Cpt T/5 Sgt Sgt Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc 2Lt Pfc Cpl 1Lt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 SSg 1Sg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt 1Sg Pfc 399-G 398-F 398-E 397-B 399-F 399-1B 925-HQ 397-I 399-1B 399-1B 325-MB 397-HQ 398-A 325-EC 397-I 398-C 397-A 398-1B 397-M 398-MD 397-E 397-L 325-EB 397-3B 325-EC 375-HQ 398-E 399-C 100-CR 398-B 325-EA 398-A 373-HQ 398-C 397-CN 398-K 399-K 398-L 399-M 398-P WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA Sanford Brainerd Sebeka SanAngelo FL MN MN TX Hinesburg Hartford Wortham Plainview Bellerose NewYork Woodcliff Bartlesville Manchester Brooklyn Kenbridge Detroit Sparks Harlowton Maywood Franklin Woodstown RayCity Olden Arnot Baltimore Baken RockIsland Monett Petersburg Johnstown Urbana Tulsa SanDiego NewtonHeights WaterValley Germanton Troy Schaghticoke VT CT TX NY NY NY GA OK OH NY VA MI NV MT IL MA NJ GA TX PA MD FL IL MO VA PA OH OK CA MA MS NC NY NY Edwards Edwards Efferson Efstathou Efteland Egan Eged Eger Egeressy Egeressy Egers Egge Eggeling Egger Eggers Eggers Eggert Eggleing Egizi Egnation Ehehalt Ehret Ehrhard Ehring Ehrlich Ehrlich Ehrmantraut Ei Eibel Eichenauer Eichstedt Eidinger Eilers Einheuser Einheuser Einhorn Einsman Eischer Eisenbarth Eisenberg WinfredH Leon BerlinE JamesG MylesE Thomas GeorgeJ DanielM JohnJ JohnJ WilliamE WilletE JohnE EdwardP FredE LeonardG PaulS JohnE Constantino JamesF HaroldE HerbertL RussellI WilliamL David Jack ArvidL JuliusJ HenryA JohnC KennethW EdwinK RobertD Lawrence LawrenceB William MatthewB WulberG ElmerJ Marvin Pfc Pvt TSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 1Sg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 Sgt T/3 Pfc CWO T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Sg T/4 T/5 T/5 Pfc Pvt Cpl Cpt Pfc Pfc 2Lt 399-H 399-L 398-G 399-K 397-F 399-L 399-K 399-M 925-HQ 925-HQ 398-B 399-G 397-A 397-2B 398-B 398-D 397-CN 397-A 398-A 100-HQ 100-DM 399-MD 399-L 100-SG 325-EA 925-MD 399-A 397-G 925-B 325-MD 373-C 925-B 397-AT 398-A 398-A 399-AT 398-H 398-P 397-1B 397-1B WIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA POW WIA Philadelphia MS StatenIsland Chicago Erskine JacksonHeights Cleveland Kileville WHartford Hartford NewOrleans Allentown Phoenixville Akron BannerElk Seattle Indianapolis Phoenixville NewYork Lynn Lyndhurst Brooklyn StLouis CollegePoint Russell Brooklyn MtMorris Dundalk Bellaire Phoenix GreatBarrington Baltimore Kankakee Detroit Detroit Brooklyn Jamaica NY IL MN NY OH OH CT CT LA PA PA OH NC WA IN PA NY MA NJ NY MO NY KS NY MI MD NY AZ MA MD IL MI MI NY NY Indianapolis NBergen IN NJ KIA Eisenberg Eisenberg Eisenberg Eisenbise Eisenhower Eisenkraft Eisenman Eisinger Eitleman Eitzen Ekdahl Ekroos Elam Elardo Eldert Eldredge Eldridge Eldridge Eldridge Elias Eliasberg Eliasberg Eliason Eliot Eliot Eliscu Eliscu Elkins Elkins Elkins Elko Elledge Ellenberg Ellenbogen Elles Elliehausen Elliff Elligsen Ellinger Ellingson Nathan RobertM SeymourH GeorgeL RaymondL Gus TommieF FrancisJ LawrenceE LouisE EllwoodG ToivoE WilliamJ HarryR Clarence RoyN Hardin LewisK StanleyR WilliamC Mortimer Mortimer JohnA WarrenB WilliamS JacobS NelsonJ EdwardW KennethK NormanE MichaelJ KirgD Gerard Stanley EverettW ErnestH Joseph ArthurJ BillyG OrvilleS Pvt T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg 397-MD 100-QM 398-3B 397-F 397-K 325-MD 373-SV 398-3B 100-CR 397-C 397-G 325-EC 397-A 397-C 399-K 398-A 399-H 399-E 925-A 398-I 397-L 397397-A 398-L 399-M 100-DA 100-DA 399-C 399-K 399-L 375-B 398-I 397-CN 397-A 399-D 397-I 399-CN 397-HQ 397-H 398-B WIA KIA Brooklyn Hartford Brooklyn Norristown Williamsport Brooklyn Minco NewYork Poughkeepsie DeKalb Salisbury Harmony Baltimore Huntington Harwichport Cumberland Peru Framingham Stratford Brooklyn NY CT NY PA PA NY OK NY NY NY IL VT NC MD NY MA KY IN MA CT NY Philadelphia KansasCity Ridgewood Bronx NewYork PA MO NJ NY NY EastRyegate Piggott Hamden Smithville MillValley Brooklyn Madison York Winnetka Quincy Plymouth LosAngeles VT AR CT TN CA NY IN PA IL IL IN CA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA Ellinwood Elliot Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellisberg Ellison Ellison Ellsworth Ellsworth Elly Elmore Elmore Elrod Elsbury Elstad Elston Elswick Elvin Elwell DonaldE Earl WardenB ClaudF ClaytonF DonalM FloydC JamesG RobertW WilliamJ WilliamL WilliamW Albert BenjaminG Bernard EarleL EdwardJ HowardN JohnR JonnieF Raymond RobertM ThomasI VictorL WilliamA Bernard FrankL JohnW Leroy PhilipC ThomasD CharlesW WarrenC VanH PeterJ DonaldE BurtonC ChesterH JohnS RaymondG Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Cpl Pfc Sgt SSg T/5 T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Col Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt SSg Cpl Cpl Cpl Cpl Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc 1Lt 397-1B 399-F 399-A 373-SV 397-L 325-EA 398-M 398-A 398-H 399-M 399-D 100-QM 100-MP 100-SG 398-SV 397-I 398-D 398-HQ 398-L 399-D 325-EA 397-F 100-MP 398-F 397-HQ 374-MD 398-C 399-E 397-C 397-E 100-MP 397-B 399-L 373-MD 398-MD 397-M 399-AT 325-EA 399-A 100-SG WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Churchville NY Hillsboro OH Danville Alliance Chillicothe Cambria OakPark McConnelsville Crawford Irwin Lakeland DelrayBeach Brooklyn Windsor Bloomfield Indianapolis Brookline CedarHill Bonita Fulton Waterville SanMarcos WhitePlains NewYork Basin Milo FtSmith SBend Elizabeth Greenville NewCastle Sparta Marianna Lakeville Middletown Malvern Petaluma Frenchtown VA NE MO VA IL OH NE PA FL FL NY PA NJ IN MA TN TX KY ME TX NY NY WY ME AR IN NJ SC VA TN PA MN NY AR CA NJ Elzey Elzufon Emanuel Emanuelson Embree Embrey Emerick Emerson Emerson Emerson Emerson Emerson Emery Emery Emery Emery Emery Emlet Emmons Emmons Emond Emory Encabo Endecott Endich Endicott Endzvick Enfield Eng Eng Eng Engebretson Engel Engelberg Engelhardt Engelhardt Engelmann Engelmann England England HarryH EugeneE Eugene LouisF LyleW WorleyV PaulT AlfredG HarryS LewisC WilliamI WilliamT AndrewT ArchieL DonaldN DuncanM HomerE JacobE ErnestW GlenM RobertC HenryC RaymondP WilliamR MaxE WilliamE PeterD DonaldL BuckD JeeW SueyWah EllisA EdwinA Arthur Herbert WarrenW AdamM CarrollC CarlJ FrederickL Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl 1Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 1Sg T/5 Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc 397-H 398-B 373-HQ 373-C 398-MD 398-L 397-C 398-F 374-B 397-2B 398-C 398-E 399-I 397-3B 397-M 399-F 399-H 397-C 399-A 397-A 398-MD 398-A 399-L 397-E 397-HQ 925-B 397-E 397-3B 397-SV 373-HQ 100-CR 398-1B 100-DA 399-3B 399-B 399-C 397-CN 397-3B 399-E 398-2B WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Louisville Brooklyn Stockport Bridgeport GardenCity EFultonham Wilkes-Barre Lynn KY NY IA CT MO OH PA MA Columbia Hallock Winnsboro Okay Ashtabula Breckenridge Edmonds Glen YorkSprings Burlington Noblesville Lowell Atlanta SC MN LA OK OH MI WA NH PA NJ IN MA GA Crescent Peoria Albany Lakewood BattleLake NewYork Reading NewYork PelicanRapids Albany Canton OK IL NY OH MN NY PA NY MN NY OH Momence Philadelphia IL PA Calhoun IrvingtononHudsn GA NY England England England Engle Engle Englehaler Englemann Engler Engler Engles Engles English English English Engright Enlow Enneking Ennis Ennis Ennis Enoch Enquist Enright Enriquez Enroughty Ensign Enyart Eosso Eppehimer Epperson Epps Epps Epstein Epstein Epstein Era Eraser Erdman Erhardt Erickson George JamesA MarshallH HaroldV RaymonH GeorgeC CarrollC ForrestO ForrestO Bennie William JohnP ThomasJ WilliamN George WilliamR Alphonse AllenP JohnW Joseph JamesF WilliamI RobertJ GumesindoY JohnJ EdwinL EugeneA AnthonyJ HowardM JackL JohnA Vernon Erving Irving Isidore HarveyJ JuliusH CharlesR AlbertE DonaldW T/5 Pfc Mjr Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt 2Lt Pvt Sgt 1Lt T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 TSg T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-SV 397-E 373-HQ 325-EA 399-C 398-M 397-3B 397-AT 397-AT 398-HQ 100-SG 399-M 397-E 397-B 397-B 398-H 100-SG 374-HQ 325-EA 100-CR 398-F 399-1B 398-F 399-L 375-A 399-H 398-E 397-E 398-C 399-B 398-L 397-G 398-E 100-BD 100-BD 398-F 397398-L 100-SG 100-MP WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA LakeGeorge Alpharetta Warrensburg Yonkers Yonkers Yorkville SanFrancisco Bellevue Bellevue Wimbleton Hackensack Stoneham Providence KingsMountain Danison Indianapolis Batesville Maywood Philadelphia JamaicaPlain Nashvill Colville Madison CanogaPark Richmond Hartford Flint Metuchen Erie Cleveland KansasCity Catawba NewYork Bronx Brooklyn NewMarket NY GA IL NY NY IL CA OH OH ND NJ MA RI NC IA IN IN CA PA MA TN WA KS CA VA CT MI NJ PA TN MO NC NY NY NY MD Baltimore NewYork Rockford MD NY IL Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Ericson Erk Erler Ernsberger Ernst Erquiaga Errera Errichetti Errickson Ertsgaard Ervie Ervin Ervin Erwin Erwing Esaldo Esalnek Esbitt Escalera Eschenbach Escoube Eskin Eskinazi Eskovitz Eskridge Esler Espino Espinosa Espinosa Esposito ErickP FrancisV FrankE GustavR KennethG LouisG OscarF RichardJ RobertS WesleyJ LouisG WilliamC Stanleigh DonaldD GlennF Fernando SamuelJ JerryJ HaroldB RussellF DamonK EdW WilliamO GeorgeM DwightF AnthonyD Charles William MikeA AlbertE RobertA HerbertE Dave Irwin CharlesW EdwinH Victor AntonioG RodolfoD PaulJ Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/4 Cpl LtC T/5 Pfc SSg Cpt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg TSg 398-E 325-EC 397-F 325-EA 399-F 397-B 397-C 398-L 398-K 397-B 397399-B 325-EH 397-D 398-L 399-L 399-E 398-1B 399-K 397-K 398-A 399-HQ 925-C 399-A 397-A 398-B 925-B 399-HQ 399-C 398-E 399-C 100-ST 398-C 398-M 398-F 399-A 399-I 398-I 399-F 397-F WIA WIA WIA WIA POW KIA WIA MIA WIA Stanwood Marquam Chicago Chicago Brainerd Bronxville FtWorth ChippewaFalls Moorhead Milwaukee WA OR IL IL MN NY TX WI MN WI Honesdale Whitner Perrysville FtWayne MissionBeach Hammonton Newark Trenton Greene Bucklin Shelby Auburn Center Delmar Plainfield Stratford NewYork PA CA OH IN CA NJ NJ NJ NY MO NC IL AL NY NJ CT NY Williamsport Chicago Detroit NewYork Pittsburgh CulverCity Wayzata Peck Vacaville Nogales Philadelphia PA IL MI NY PA CA MN MN CA AZ PA Esquivel Esquivel Essa Esser Essex Essick Essig Essig Esslinger Esslinger Esslinger Estabrook Estaver Estelle Estep Estep Estep Estes Estes Estrada Etchison Etes Etherington Ethier Ethridge Ethridge Ethridge Etts Eubank Eubank Eugate Euscher Euskavech Eutsey Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans BonifacioM Epifanio PhillipW HowardA WilliamA MelvinR JamesL LesterC HowardH JohnJ JohnJ HaroldA PaulE RobertF HasfordR James WillardL GeraldA GlennF Jesse Roy BenjamanJ CliffordL Louis AltonE JackA RobertL HowardB. CiceroC GeorgeB HomerE MaratC WilliamE HarryT ThomasQ BrunelleJ WalterL DavidF JamesG Earl T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/3 Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl T/3 T/5 2Lt Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc Pvt SSg Pvt Pfc SSg SSg 398-CN 398-C 398-K 399-I 100-QM 800-OR 397-MD 397-P 374-C 397-MD 373-MD 397-E 398-H 398-E 399-H 397-F 398-A 397-I 399-M 397-F 399-A 398-AT 925-HQ 399-CN 325-EB 398-C 375-C 800-OR 397-HQ 399-M 398397-F 100-SG 398-F 399-B 100-QM 397-H 399-K 398-E 397-C POW KIA KIA WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA Brooklyn SanAntonio Chicago Allis Arlington Wilmington Dover Chicago BellowsFalls Minneapolis StPul LongBeach NewtonCenter Stillwater Hampton NY TX IL WI VA DE NJ IL VT MN MN CA MA MN TN Springfield AusableForks Lee'sSummit StPaul JunctionCity SaratogaSprings Newington Warren Andrews Macon Rome Margaretville Stanton Ingleside OH NY MO MN OR NY CT RI SC GA GA NY TN TX Roxbury BroadBrook IndianHead SaltLakeCity Memphis Columbia Tenstrike Newington Williamsburg MA CT PA UT TN SC MN GA KY Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evansha Evenson Evenson Everest Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everetts Everhart Everhart Everland Everly Eversole Everson Everson Evert Eveslage Evitt Ewan Ewan Ewaskovich Ewert Ewin Ewing Ewing Ewing Ewing JohnH HaydenC IvanW JamesC EdwardJ HenryP JohnW MarlynW RichardH ClaytonM DouglasE HaroldT HaroldL RayR Harold ClarenceB DavidC FrankG GeorgeW WileyJ HenryA MelvinM WeldonJ RobertS HarryL Paul Arthur WilliamT HarryF HermanJ GradyE BertramE ElmerE PeteM RaymondF EdmondG DwightF HughF HulingD JamesA Pvt Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt 1Lt Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-A 398-I 398-I 399-3B 399-I 397-K 375-HQ 398-K 397-C 399-E 398-B 398-C 925-C 398-I 399-1B 100-SG 397-I 397-D 399-D 398-C 397-G 399-D 399-F 397-G 397-1B 399-M 375-B 398-M 399-M 397-M 100-SG 397-L 397-D 399-HQ 398-K 399-C 397-A 399-L 398-F 399-L Selma Utica DillCity Grenada Saginaw Trenton MyrtleBeach Montevideo WWinfield SRygate Portsmouth Sunbury Mindora Sanisk Clinton Chester Wallingford Fayetteville Spartanburg Meridian Hillsboro Lexington Lexington NC NY OK MS MI NJ SC MN NY VT VA PA WI ND SC CT CT NC SC MS OH NC NC Zanesville OH WIA Brooklyn Dorchester Gary Belfast Jonesboro Hawesville Athens Weirton CrystalLake NY MA IN ME GA KY WI VA IL WIA KIA WIA Hico MingonJunction WV OH WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Ewing Exdahl Eyer Eylander Eynon Eyre Ezzell Fabian Fabian Fabrico Fabrizio Facchin Facci Facenda Facendola Fader Fagan Fager Fagerness Fagon Fahey Fahey Fahlman Fahr Fahrlender Fahrman Faia Faichio Fair Fairbanks Fairchilds Fairley Faist Faither Falank Falce Falcetta Falchi Falconer Falconer JohnC ElwoodG WilliamC EdwardS WilburH WayneM EdwinL Andrew JuliusF SamuelJ MarianoA DanielM NicholasJ EugeneR AnielloN VictorE ThomasJ HaroldA GeorgeW Hewlett JohnP ThomasF JosephJ RalphW LouisC LowellA FrederickS JohnA RobertR WalterA LaneyRC JohnL WilliamB Stanley Frank LouisJ LouisP AnthonyJ DavidJ LewisE Pvt Pvt Pfc 2Lt Sgt T/5 T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg SSg Pfc Sgt 2Lt T/5 Pfc Cpl Sgt T/5 Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl T/4 Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-AT 397-2B 397-2B 397-I 397-L 100-QM 100-HQ 399-3B 398-3B 397-MD 397-SV 925-A 397-HQ 399-F 397-M 397-A 398-G 399-1B 397-I 100-MP 100-DA 399-A 397-C 374-A 100-SG 398-L 398-K 375-B 399-D 100-CR 398-F 399-3B 399-E 397-K 374-SV 397-K 375-A 399-MD 325-EA 397-B Lisbon OH Carlinville Marysville Daguscahonda Burlington Tulsa Mercer Campbell AsburyPark Plainville IL WA PA MI OK PA OH NJ CT Johnstown Hoboken Hoboken Louisville Flushing StPaul Centralia Bath LongIslandCity Cleveland Beacon Collinsville Evansville Rochester LosAngeles EPoint LittleRock Orlando Kerz Richmond Bonifay Baltimore Binghamton Pittsburgh Manchester Hartford Astoria Hammond PA NJ NJ IL NY MN WA NY NY OH NY CT IN MN CA GA AR FL KY VA FL MD NY PA CT CT NY OR KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Falefewa Falk Falkenbury Falkenbury Fall Fallon Fallows Falls Falsetto Fama Famiano Fancher Fanloff Fann Fannin Fannin Fansler Fansler Fanto Fantry Farace Farah Farash Farawell Farber Farber Farbstein Fargnoli Faria Faria Farina Farina Farine Farino Farish Fark Farley Farley Farley Farlow Gilbert HerbertC Jack SethJ Osborne JohnA Robert SamuelF JosephA JosephF GennarinoJ BaileyH RobertF JoeK NormanF RoyE Charles MervinM Frank Thomas JosephJ GeorgeEP Abraham MichaelW Arnold RobertM Herbert AnthonyJ HarryR ManualV Anthony Anthony Frank CamilloJ ThomasW KennethA AlfredE JamesH WilliamR ThomasA Pvt T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc 1Sg Pfc 2Lt 399-F 397-D 800-OR 325-EH 397-AT 398-A 399-1B 325-EB 399-MD 374-C 398-L 398-2B 399-F 398-F 398-I 398-C 397-K 398-C 925-B 398-G 397-B 398-AT 925-B 397-C 397-G 399-HQ 375-A 398-E 398-E 397-SV 398-3B 399-SV 399-B 397-MD 399-A 399-I 398-M 374-A 398-B 100-DA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Fairhaven Statesboro Bronx Mayslanding ChaseCity CrestedButte Charlestown Providence Sarah VT GA NY NJ VA CO MA RI MS McMinnville Pasadena Portsmouth TN TX OH Grantville Brooklyn PA NY Bronx GreenBay Brooklyn JerseyCity StatenIsland ClevelandHeights Brooklyn Mechanicville Newark NewLondon Heading Bronx Grindstone Troy Astoria NewBremen Volga Pawtucket Jamestown Sophia NY WI NY NJ NY OH NY NY CA CT PA NY PA NY NY OH WV RI ND NC Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farnham Farnham Farny Farquer Farquhar Farquhar Farr Farr Farr Farrar Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrington Farris Farris Farris Farris Farwell Fary Fascia Fasiczki Fassbender Fassnacht Fassnaught Fast Fasting Fata Fatata Fatheryar JamesG JamesL LowellA Ray Wilson FrancisJ LavernA RobertP JamesR JamesV WilliamD ForrestF FrankB GorgeH JulianD CharlesJ FrancisJ FrancisS JamesM JamesV RaymondJ RobertL VincentR ArchieH BleaseT ByronE Cad JosephG AbelL RaymondW Amerigo GeorgeM HerbertJ Hugo RalphD JuliusO SverreK Oreste James DominicT Pvt Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc SSg Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Cpl T/4 Pfc 2Lt 399-C 398-M 398-AT 398-B 374-B 375-C 397397-G 399-I 397-M 325-MH 397-D 399-E 325-EA 398-I 399-HQ 397-2B 399-C 398-K 374-HQ 399-AT 399-1B 397-F 397-M 399-C 100-HQ 398-L 398-M 399-E 100-SG 373-B 375-HQ 397-L 398-3B 399-A 399-E 398-L 397-MD 925-B 398-L MIA WIA KIA WIA WIA MIA Twila Cressmont Wheeler Flint Hasty Waterbury KY KY TX MI AR VT MaysLanding Newton Hollywood Oberlin Seattle Billings Lavonia OklahomaCity Brooklyn Brooklyn Allston Minneapolis Philadelphia Brooklyn Lisbon Montebello SJacksonville Gastonia Anacoco Nocona Danbury Billings SilverSpring Harrison Olean Venice Valatie Hiawatha Collinsville MontourFalls Youngstown GoldHill Kingston NJ KS CA OH WA MT NY OK NY NY MA MN PA NY OH CA FL NC LA TX CT MT MD NJ NY CA NY KS OK NY OH NC PA Fattlar Faucett Fauci Faulk Faulkner Faulkner Faulkner Faus Fauset Faust Faust Faust Fauth Fave Favero Faw Fawcett Fawcett Fay Fazekas Fazio Fazzio Feagans Fears Feasel Featherly Fecteau Feczkanin Fedei Federici Federovich Federowicz Fedorko Fedyk Feely Feeney Feeney Feeser Feezor Fegles JosephE WillisJ VincentJ GeorgeR BaileyL JohnG KennethK Robert DorseyM EdwardP HowardR Robert Gilbert JohnL WilliamF MelvinL FredJ Montgomery LorrenD JoeA Chris AnthonyF ThomasJ JohnW MarionL HenryW RolandG John John EverettJ John Joseph John Nicholas PatrickJ DonaldP ThomasJ John HenryF DonalB Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg 397-E 398-M 398-B 398-C 397-SV 397-E 399-L 399-I 399-E 398-K 399-AT 399-I 399-CN 398-D 398-3B 398-F 325-MB 397-A 399-G 399-SV 398-I 374-SV 399-C 397-D 397-L 373-MD 397-1B 325-MB 397-I 397-AT 397-3B 375-HQ 399-I 399-AT 925-A 325-MC 375-C 398-C 397-L 100-CR WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Zanesville Brooklyn Newmanstown Pikeville CalvertCity OklahomaCity Harlan Greenville Galesburg Buffalo Winterset OH NY PA NC KY OK KY SC IL NY IA Glasgow UnionCity NiagraFalls Frankfort Youngstown Atlanta Westfield Cleveland Bronx NewYork Alexandria CharlotteCH Concordia ESyracuse Bristol Cleveland Erie Providence Winslow Bridgeport Leetsdale Perkiomenville Orange Cleveland Hartford Littlestown Benton Minneapolis MT NJ NY KS OH GA MA OH NY NY VA VA KS NY CT OH PA RI ME CT PA PA NJ OH CT PA KY MN Feher Fehling Feichtner Feigenbaum Feigenbaum Feigenheimer Feigin Feil Feilbach Feinberg Feinberg Feinberg Feinstein Feirstein Feiser Feldman Feldman Feldman Feldman Feldman Feldman Feldmann Fele Felefewa Felgar Felice Felice Felix Felix Felix Felker Fell Fellerman Fels Felsenfeld Felt Feltman Feltner Felton Fendley JosephJ FredC LeoV IrvingA LouisT MaxT HarryM Samuel RichardH Irving RichardA Sidney Howard George RobertD GeorgeM HerbertD IsadoreI Martin Nathan Saul JohnJ SalvatoreJ Gilbert DonaldN ArchieA Salvatore Freeman NoelA RogerH EdwinR JamesW SeymourE CurtJ Irving AllenF JamesS Mose LeeM Jack Cpl 1Sg Mjr Pfc T/4 Pfc LtC Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/4 Cpt Pfc SSg Pvt Pvt T/5 SSg MSg Pfc Cpl T/5 Sgt Pfc T/5 2Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt 398-M 398-G 100-DA 397-I 100-SG 398-HQ 100-DA 397-2B 398-L 325-EA 398-A 399-MD 397-1B 398-1B 925-C 397-L 925-HQ 398-MD 325-MC 800-OR 100-SG 399-HQ 100-HQ 399-F 397-G 399-H 397-E 925-SV 398-1B 397-H 399-G 397-L 399-HQ 399-1B 398-E 398-F 397-F 397-C 398-I 325-EB WIA KIA WIA Toledo Brooklyn CrotononHudson Newark Brooklyn NewYork Miami Bronx Bethlehem Elizabeth Cohoes Asheville OH NY NY NJ NY NY FL NY PA NJ NY NC Newark York Brooklyn Bronx NewYork Brooklyn Baltimore Brooklyn Saginaw StatenIsland NJ PA NY NY NY NY MD NY MI NY Alliance Bel OH LA Methuen PriorLake Faribault Portland Chicago Englewood NewYork NewYork MA MN MN OR IL NJ NY NY Stillwater Butterfly Muncie Fitzgerald OK KY IN GA WIA WIA MIA WIA WIA Fenello Fenlen Fennell Fenstemacher Fenton Fenwick Feragola Ference Ferger Fergueson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferlandy Ferlazzo Ferlin Fern Fernbach Ferraiole Ferrante Ferrara Ferrara Ferrara Ferrari Ferrari Ferrell Ferrell EdmundA RaymondH JosephP EdgarR DonaldB WilliamJ VincentJ PaulJ PhillipJ RichardJ BernardH Checker DeweyE FloydE FrankB JBruce Jack RaymondM JasonA RolandH JosephB WalterG NealR RalphR JohnD RalphP EugeneP AnthonyJ HenryJ ForrestF DonaldJ JamesA Manny GeremiahT John MichaelD JohnJ Maurice HerbertH VincentR SSg Cpl Pfc Cpt Pfc 2Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 2Lt Pfc 2Lt Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt 399-E 399-B 397-1B 399-AT 399-E 373-HQ 399-K 398-F 398-3B 399-SV 399-G 397-C 399-B 374-SV 398-F 399-1B 398-I 399-A 399-I 397-B 399-1B 398-G 398-G 399-SV 398-D 399-C 399-C 398-B 397-MD 397399-2B 399-3B 925-HQ 397-G 397-H 398-A 399-AT 399-A 397-G 397-2B WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA LosAngles Washington WOrange Hudson Maquokete McDonald Paterson Philadelphia Gaston Brooklyn Ottowa Dunlow SPittsburg Mitchell ChapelHill CA DC NJ MI IA PA NJ PA SC NY KS WV TN IN NC Hindsville Alva Wellington Chicago RosellePark Indianapolis Lawton Gainesville GreatFalls Memphis NewOrleans Brooklyn Joliet AR OK KS IL NJ OK OK GA SC TN LA NY IL FloralPark NewYork NY NY Providence Methuen SaratogaSprings NewYork Brooklyn Brunswick RI MA NY NY NY GA Ferren Ferrens Ferrero Ferrie Ferrin Ferrin Ferrini Ferris Ferris Ferris Ferrizz Ferro Ferruzza Fertig Fesmire Fessler Festa Festa Fetes Fetherston Fett Fetterolf Feudtner Feuer Fewless Ficarra Ficchi Fichman Fidel Fiebelkorn Fiechter Field Field Fielding Fields Fields Fields Fields Fields Fields EugeneW HaroldR John CharlesJ EugeneW Nelson RalphM George HarveyD PaulT JosephA OttoV MichaelJ RobertW BenP LeonardW HenryM JosephJ GeorgeJ RaymondJ RonaldR ChesterM Richard RaymondH EarlD DominickT PeterV JosephI MiltonH RogerH EdwardR JohnnieP RobertB CharlesH Bert FrankR HaroldE JamesJ RaymondJ WilliamW Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 2Lt TSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg TSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl T/5 T/4 Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl 398-I 397-2B 398-B 325-EC 398-3B 399-K 397-C 399-1B 325-EB 399-C 397-M 373-C 398-2B 397-L 325-EA 100-DA 325-EH 373-HQ 398-K 325-EB 399-G 399-D 399-C 399-C 397-B 398-E 325-EB 398-3B 397-A 397-3B 100-MP 397-C 374-SV 398-CN 399-L 373-B 374-C 398-M 399-A 398-CN WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA Healdsburg Baltimore Spokane Philadelphia CA MD WA PA Fairport Brockton NY MA NewtonCenter Oswosso Maspeth Astoria Lockport Sunbury Lexington MA MI NY NY NY PA TN TurtleCreek Worcester Tonawanda Pittsfield Judson Geneva ForestHills PA MA NY MA ND NY NY Tustin MI Utica Newark Drooklyn LakeOrion Rudolph Decatur Knoxville NewOrleans Southdown Wethersfield FtFairfield Charleston NewYork Castlewood NY NJ NY MI WI AL TN LA KY CT ME WV NY VA Fienman Fierle Figari Fike Fike File Filiault Filicoski Filipiak Filippini Filley Filosa Finch Finch Finch Finch Finch Fincham Fincher Findley Finger Fink Fink Fink Fink Finkelstein Finkelstein Finkle Finklestein Finklestein Finlaw Finlay Finley Finley Finn Finn Finn Finn Finneran Finnerly HarryH LeonardF RalphJ JamesF LloydR HoraceG RolandL Alexander LeoJ Frank CharlesF JohnM Harveyl JimC John JohnE JohnR IrvingJ JosephL RobertJ ElmerA EugeneA GeorgeH GeorgeW Louis Jack WalterL MiltonS Leonard Samuel JesseJ RobertT RogerH RoyL FrederickJ JamesF PeterJ RobertH VincentT JohnW Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/3 T/4 WOJ Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-I 373-HQ 397-MD 399-3B 925-B 100-SG 397-K 398-E 397-L 100-DA 398-1B 398-H 373-C 397-C 397-F 373-HQ 397-2B 325-MD 398-C 397-A 397-B 398-F 399-D 398-M 398-D 325-MD 325-EA 100-SG 399-2B 397-HQ 399-HQ 397-C 373-C 375-B 398-3B 399-A 398-L 399-F 398-HQ 925-C WIA Brighton MA Suisan Millersville Wellington MulberryGrove Wilbraham Albany Detroit CA PA AL IL MA NY MI SBend Brooklyn JohnsonCity Louisburg Greensboro Macon IN NY NY NC GA CA SilverSpring KansasCity Burbank Cleveland Pittsburgh Freemont EStLouis Chelsea Brooklyn NewYork Castleton Chelsea NewYork Salem PortWashington Ramsey EPoint Chelsea Detroit Brooklyn NiagraFalls Readsboro Wheeling MD MO CA OH PA IN IN MA NY NY NY MA NY NJ NY NJ GA MA MI NY NY VT WV WIA WIA WIA WIA Finney Finney Finocchio Fioravanti Fiordalisi Fiore Fiore Fiorenza Fiorenzo Fioretti Fiorini Firehammer Firesheets First Fischer Fischer Fischer Fischer Fischer Fischer Fischer Fischer Fischl Fiselli Fish Fish Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher DaleD HaroldD AlbertH JohnA JohnJ JohnE SaverioA Victor Stephen ElmerJ John RobertF WilliamT Harry CarlJ CharlesW EJ GlennD GlenwoodF Richard WilburG WilliamO FrankJ Albert HermanJ Sammie BoydW EdwinH GeorgeF GeorgeH GuyJ Harold HaroldL JackI JohnR KyleA LowellR PaulF RichardCH RobertD Cpl Pfc Sgt T/3 SSg Pfc TSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Cpl Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc 1Lt T/5 T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl Pfc 1Sg Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc 399-C 398-I 399-B 100-HQ 397-L 375-C 100-BD 399-I 399-F 398-F 399-L 399-E 399-I 399-L 398-K 397-F 399-F 399-L 399-3B 398-H 398-CN 399-B 399-D 398-H 398-H 397-E 399-E 925-C 325-EB 397-C 398-A 100-CR 325-EB 373-C 397-I 398-AT 399-E 399-K 399-AT 100-SG WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA POW Hibbing Palmyra Philadelphia NewYork WNewYork Brooklyn Brooklyn Dundalk GrandRapids Eynon Reading Franklin Deweyville Brooklyn Williamsport MN MO PA NY NJ NY NY MD MI PA PA MT TX NY PA Barnwell Chattanooga Shenendoah LongIslandCity Dillsboro Houston Bronx Detroit Hartford Wetumka Bloomsburg Philadelphia Lynn Reading WLebanon Bronx Wytheville MeadowGrove Ridgewood Salel LongBeach Philadelphia Superior Austin SC TN VA NY IN TX NY MI CT OK PA PA MA PA IN NY VA NE NJ WV CA PA WI TX Fisher Fisher Fishman Fishpaw Fisk Fiske Fistler Fite Fittery Fitts Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgibbons Fitzgibbons Fitzhugh Fitzmaurice Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick Fitzsimmons Fizer Fizz Flaa Flading Flaherty Flakney Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanders Flanders Flanigan SamuelA WilliamS Joseph EliI GordonF GeorgeS CharlesM WoodrowW RobertJ JohnH EarlN HenryL JosephG MichaelJ PrestonR ThomasF WilliamJ ThomasJ VincentE MarnisD PatrickJ ArthurS EdwardT FrancisJ JamesR WilliamF WilliamF Robert JamesR EarlR KennethE RichardJ JamesF RichardC HarryG ThomasA WilliamC GeraldW LawrenceM RobertV Pvt T/4 Cpt Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc WOJ Sgt Pvt Pfc T/5 SSg T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Cpl Sgt 1Lt Sgt Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl 373-B 399-F 398-3B 374-B 398-2B 397-2B 373-B 100-SG 398-G 100-CR 399-E 399-3B 375-SV 374-SV 399-M 325-EA 100-HQ 397-C 399-M 399-F 925-C 375-B 398-K 100-QM 397-AT 398-L 398-K 398-P 397-H 373-C 399-D 325-MA 397-D 398-K 399-B 398-AT 325-EB 399-E 925-HQ 399-M WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Bradford ElwoodCity PA PA Baltimore HudsonFalls AtlanticCity Hartford Stout Jamestown Marietta Bucklin Woodville NewHope Providence Roseland BellowsFalls Pittsburgh Buffalo MD NY NJ CT OH PA GA MO TX PA RI VA VT PA NY PineBluff LongIsland Utica JerseyCity Shelton Chicago Bradford Buffalo WRutland Ward FtMyers Minneapolis Homestead Portland AnnArbor Manhassat Cambridge Cleveland Tyndonville Northfield Amenia AR NY NY NJ CT IL PA NY VT WV FL MN PA ME MI NY MA OH VT MA NY Flannelly Flasck Flashner Flaszer Flathers Flatley Flatow Flatt Flaum Flavin Flax Fleck Fleck Fleischer Fleischmann Fleisher Flemate Fleming Fleming Fleming Fleming Fleming Fleming Flesch Fleshy Fleszar Fletcher Fletcher Fletcher Fliesher Fliger Flinch Flinner Flint Fliss Flock Flockerzi Flohre Flood Florence PerryL AlbertR Jesse EdmundS CharlesJ JohnW MeyerL ClayD SalemM CharlesM JohnJ CarlE JayE Samuel RobertJ John HenryR EdwardJ JoeE LeoJ PhilipV WilliamC WilliamH KarlJ RobertI EdmundS ArthurL HerbertJ Ray John EddieM WalterE ErnestE LloydM PhilipC FredH ThomasJ RobertN JamesC LommieW Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt 1Lt 1Sg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 WOJ Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc 399-L 100-BD 397-P 397-H 397-2B 397-AT 398-M 399-A 399-M 398-G 399-F 399-B 398-L 100-ST 325-EC 397-2B 397-F 398-MD 397-B 925-HQ 100-SG 100-DA 325-EH 100-BD 397-L 397-H 398-I 398-E 397-K 397-G 399-H 397-B 397-L 397-HQ 398-G 399-F 325-EC 398-M 399-D 399-D KIA Cincinnati Warren NewYork Auburn Lawrence NewOrleans Brooklyn Colton WNewYork Dorchester Schenectady Wyomissing Huntington OH OH NY NY MA LA NY CA NY MA NY PA PA Dayton OH SanJose OzonePark Jasper Pawtucket CA NY AL RI Viola Bloomsburg Trenton LosAngeles Auburn Detroit Cleveland LakeCity Chicago Stockton JerseyCity Greensburg Utica Hollywood MiddleVillage Lawrence Dayton Lumberton Ensley KS PA NJ CA NY MI OH AR IL CA NJ PA NY CA NY MA OH NC AL WIA KIA WIA MIA WIA WIA Flores Flores Flores Florio Florio Florit Flowers Flowers Floyd Floyd Floyd Fluger Fluss Fly Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Focer Fodor Fogarty Fogarty Fogel Fogle Foglia Foisy Foix Foland Folds Foley Foley Foley Foley Foley Foley Follard ErnestoD ErnestoL Jose FrankE ThomasA George CliftonA EugeneD Byrl ReamerR ThomasE Isadore Milton EarlD GeorgeW JohnJ LawrenceE LeesonJ Raymond RaymondJ RobertH ThomasJ FrankT CharlesL FrankA James Joseph JohnW NielR RolandI BertrandD CharlesH WilliamM EdwardJ EugeneO James JohnW PhilipE RichardE FrankH Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 TSg Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc T/5 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg Sgt Cpt Pvt SSg TSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg T/4 Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc 325-EB 397-A 398-I 325-MB 399-L 399-I 398-2B 397-MD 397-MD 325-MC 325-MC 398-MD 399-F 399-F 397-SV 399-B 398-A 397-F 397-G 398-H 397-MD 925-B 397-H 397-I 100-CR 399-CN 373-C 397-MD 325-EA 399-MD 397-E 398-E 398-A 399-M 373-MD 399-H 800-OR 325-MA 399-M 373-HQ WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Mercedes Laredo VonOrmy Brockton Brooklyn NewYork PortArthur Lincoln Ennis Scranton GallivantsFerry Brooklyn TX TX TX MA NY NY TX CA TX SC SC NY Odessa Inwood Belmont StPaul Waterford Lynn Plainfield Middletown RichmondHill Pittsburgh Aquilar Brooklyn Niles Philadelphia Cope LongIslandCity CentralFalls Covina Verona Gabbettville JerseyCity JamaicaPlains Brooklyn TX NY MA MN NY MA NJ CT NY PA CO NY OH PA SC NY RI CA NY GA NJ MA NY FairHaven Amigo Glendale VT WV NY Follmar Follo Folsom Fonda Fonda Fones Fontaine Fontaine Fontana Fontenot Fonteyne Fooks Foppiano Foran Forbes Forbes Forbes Forbing Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Forderer Fordham Forehand Forella Foreman Foreman Foren JohnR RudolphV RobertB Ervin IrwinR LeRoyH HowardF Paul ThomasJ Yves HenryCG NelsonI CharlesE Richard DouglasP PhilipJ WalterS JackB BoydB Charles CurtisG Daniel DelbertE EdwardJ EdwardW GeorgeP LouisR MaxL OrvilleA RichardE ST ThomasJ WilliamT ArthurE MarionC FrankL LawrenceF GlennW Max CarrollB Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc T/4 Col 1Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pvt 1Sg Pfc T/5 Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt SSg 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc 399-M 399-3B 800-OR 100-HQ 399-D 100-HQ 398-MD 399-A 373-C 398-MD 398-1B 398-HQ 373-HQ 399-F 399-I 100-SG 398-E 398-K 398-1B 399-C 399-A 373-SV 398-E 100-HQ 399-G 399-L 397-L 397-F 398-A 398-L 399-M 374-B 397-A 399-B 397-A 397-I 397-C 397-B 399-HQ 399-E WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA ChicagoHeights NewBritain Brainerd Beloit Beloit Albany Escanaba Attleboro Orange VillaPlatte NewBedford Cismont Louisville IL CT MN WI WI NY MI MA NJ LA MA VA KY Windsor Danbury Gastonia Forbing KeyWest CT CT NC LA FL Grubbs Charlestown Wichita Brooklyn Tulsa Lithonia Hallsville Houston HaleCenter Mooresville AshlandCity NewYork OklahomaCity Piedmont Tampa Hilltonia AR MA KS NY OK GA TX TX TX NC TN NY OK CA FL GA StClairsville Brooklyn SPortland OH NY ME Forezzi Forfia Forgione Forker Forman Forman Formichelli Forrest Forrest Forrest Forrest Forrester Forrster Forshaw Forster Forstman Forsythe Forte Fortenberry Forth Fortman Fortner Fortner Fortunato Foshee Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foty CharlesA BatistaE Mario WilliamH AlbertW Max Nicholas CharlesR HenryS MelvinB RichardA DonaldE EdgarW WalterH LeonardE JohnH CyrielB PeterF RalphN GaleE WalterP ArchieL CharlesC PasqualeJ ThomasE ChesterA ElmerE FrankE GordonJ GuyW HaroldS JamesC JohnD JohnH JohnH JohnS LeeR MaxW SamuelV BasilP Pvt Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc 2Lt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 2Lt Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc LtC Pfc Cpt 1Lt Pfc 397-I 925-B 399-F 399-AT 399-C 397-2B 397-D 397-3B 397-3B 325-EA 398-1B 397-MD 374-SV 397-L 397-D 397-L 397-H 397-E 399-K 399-G 399-L 399-A 399-F 374-C 399-3B 397-C 397-B 397-F 374-A 398-C 373-SV 398-C 398-E 397-F 397-3B 100-HQ 399-M 374-HQ 399-3B 398-K Albany Erie Haverhill Zanesville Albany Revere Brooklyn Funkstown Jeffs Indianola NY PA MA OH NY MA NY MD VA MS JerseyCity Baltimore Asheville Sedalia LongIslandcity Hagerstown Haskell Foxworth NJ MD NC MO NY MD NJ MS Cutbank Appalachin Watervalley SOzonePark Oxford Racine Pax Sykesville WisconsinDells Roanoke Camilla Madison Dayton LosAngeles Woodstock Birmingham Bradshaw SDaytona Gaffney Girard MT NY AR NY MS WI WV PA WI VA GA PA OH CA GA AL NE FL SC OH KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Fountain Fouquest Fournier Foust Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fozzard Fradella Frady Fraijo Frain Fraley Fraley Fraley Frame France Franceschino Francht Francis Omar PhilipE AdelardJ NormanL CL DelbertR DwinM JamesU JohnC MiltonW Ray SolomanH ArthurI JamesP JohnH ClaudeH JohnJ HarlandG JamesL CecilF DavidM HarryO JosephF LouisB Morton PaulJ ArthurI JamesE FrankJ IsaacG LiborioD MichaelJ Chester JohnS Lester ClaudeP WilliamP LouisG Joseph AcyE T/4 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc 325-EC 399-C 399-M 398-2B 399-C 398-K 397-I 398-C 398-K 399-HQ 374-B 399-H 399-F 398-F 100-SG 397-L 398-I 399-A 373-B 399-H 399-B 399-I 399-G 397-L 398-MD 100-MP 399-F 397-A 397-M 399-A 398-K 399-MD 399-A 399-F 399-A 399-H 398-MD 398-L 398-F 398-E WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA Dublin NewYork SHadleyFalls EBrady Bremen Emmett Flintville Gastonia Collingdale Augusta Fairmount Roxbury Bridgeport Johnstown Valparaiso Evansville Lebanon LaCross Oakwood Crystal Alexandria WolfSummit Trenton Detroit Buffalo Farmersburg Bridgeport Carterville Brooklyn Chatanooga Irwindale Audubon Tiptonville GA NY MA PA AL WV TN NC PA GA GA MA CT NY IN IN PA WI GA ND MO WV NJ MI NY IN CT IL NY TN CA NJ TN Hornbeck LosAngeles ScotchPlains Easton Brooklyn FountainRun TN CA NJ PA NY KY Francis Francis Francis Francischelli Francisco Francisco Franck Franck Franco Franco Franco Francois Francoviglia Franczyk Franham Franich Frank Frank Frank Frankel Frankel Frankfater Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklyn Franks Frantz Franzel Franzen Franzini Franzson Frasca Fraser Fraser Fraser AlbertR JohnW RobertJ NicholasJ Domingo EdwinB HenryI RobertE CharlesJ Francesco JosephA BurleyJ Charles StanleyA LavernA MurryJ EdwardA ElmerA JohnJ David William HaroldS CharlesM CharlesV GeorgeW HowardM James NathanM Robert William CarrollN ChesterG RobertP GaillardC NicholasD EverettW Gerard EdwinJ HowardH JuliusH T/4 Pfc Pfc T/4 SSg Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Cpl Pfc WOJ Pfc Cpl Cpl SSg T/4 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Cpl Sgt T/5 T/3 397-G 398-K 397-F 398-K 373-HQ 399-H 100-HQ 397-E 398-L 397-3B 373-A 397-F 399-CN 398-D 397-3B 373-C 397-I 325-EB 399-F 373-A 399-A 373-HQ 399-G 373-B 397-D 399-L 325-EH 397-1B 398-SV 399-SV 399-I 397-2B 399-3B 397-M 399-L 399-C 399-A 325-MA 375-SV 397-MD KIA Newark Blairsville Erie OH PA TN WIA WIA NewYork WCaldwell Piedmont Murray Riverside NY NJ CA IA NJ Brooklyn ChurchPoint NewYork NewSalem Toledo Gafield Poughkeepsie Bronx Gloversville NewYork Bridgeport Bronx Caldwell JonasRidge TempleCity GrandRapids Montavallo Moodus NewYork Pittsburg Brownwood SummitHill Sumatra SentinelButte HasbrouckHeights Huntington Brooklyn Baltimore Hartford Mooresboro NY LA NY PA OH NJ NY NY NY NY CT NY OH NC CA MI AL CT NY TX TX PA MT ND NJ NY NY MD CT NC POW KIA Fraser Fraser Fraser,Rev Frasher Frasier Frasier Frattaroli Frawley Fraysse Frazier Frazier Frazier Frazier Freccero Frederick Fredette Free Free Freechtle Freed Freed Freedman Freedman Freedman Freel Freeland Freeland Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freese Freese Freese Fregin Freid RobertA RobertE WilliamP WilliamA CassiusM FrankS SamA AllenJ AndreL GeorgeW HarryG RalphL Virgil FrankJ DarylW RichardB CharlesR Cyrus Lloyd Elwood Eugene Abraham SamuelA SamuelA LeonardJ WilfordJ WilliamG CharlesP DoyleH DwghtC' EugeneW GranvilleF OlneyR RobertJ ThomasF HarveyW RoyceG WilliamJ George BernardM Pfc SSg Cpt Pfc T/5 TSg Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc T/5 1Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc 399-G 398-A 399-HQ 399-L 399-AT 398-AT 397-M 398-A 100-HQ 398-HQ 397-A 398-E 399-CN 398-C 925-HQ 398-B 800-OR 800-OR 398-I 925-HQ 399-AT 375-B 397-3B 397-3B 399-SV 399-F 397-L 399-F 399-MD 100-BD 398-E 398-G 100-HQ 398-C 397-B 398-F 397-HQ 398-MD 375-B 398-F WIA WIA WIA Detroit UpperDarby Many Wyoming GlensFalls NewBedford Glassport Portland MI PA LA DE NY MA PA OR Trenton Jett Bethel BatonRouge Stockton Pittsburgh Worcester Clearfield Corinth SanFrancisco Hyndsville NJ KY OH LA CA PA MA PA MS CA NY Chelsea Haverhill Elizabeth ENPort GrandBay Hillsboro Colton Brooklyn Brigham Omaha Cambridge Colerain Troy Wayne Breda Minneapolis Caldwell Milwaukee Detroit MA MA NJ NY AL NC OR NY UT NE MA NC NY MI IA MN NJ WI MI Freije Freitag Freitas Freitas Frelka French French French French French French French French French French French Freo Frerichs Freshour Frew Frew Frey Frey Frey Freytag Fricke Friday Friday Friday Friebel Friedeman Friedland Friedlander Friedman Friedman Friedman Friedman Friedner Friel Friend George NormanD ArthurH FrankA NorbertC Barney BarryA Bruce ClarenceW CliffordE DonaldD GeorgeE HildraA HughJ JohnE TheodoreE JohnJ ErnestS RobertS LesterO RobertH HaroldA LewisT NormanG BernardV ArnoldF ArthurF PaulG RichardL LeoR OscarA Irvin LeonardE Jack JackB Seymour Irving MortimerS BarneyJ GeorgeW T/5 Pfc 2Lt T/5 Cpl SSg SSg Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpt Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc 397-L 399-B 398-1B 100-SG 925-MD 398-1B 397-G 397-G 100-HQ 399-1B 399-E 398-F 399-C 374-HQ 399-HQ 399-H 397-K 398-G 397-E 374-B 397-F 399-B 399-B 100-HQ 398-AT 397-D 397-A 398-1B 398-H 398-L 325-EA 398-A 399-HQ 325-MD 398-MD 398-D 398-P 325-MD 325-MD 398-C WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA Edmore ND Quincy Springfield Milwaukee StLouis SiousFalls VeroBeach Winnsborotx Canton Elkhart Flint BigSandy Savannah Minneapolis Casper Concord Tottenville Grenville EFreetown Churchville Bethlehem Slateford Hellertown Utica Hammond Schenectady Dalas Exeter Britton Stillwater Pittsburgh Altamount Bronx Brooklyn Monticello Brooklyn MA VT WI MO SD FL TX MA IN MI TN GA MN WY NH NY TN PA NY PA PA PA NY IN NY NC PA SD OK PA NY NY NY NY NY Philadelphia Urbana PA OH Friend Fries Frietag Frint Frisby Fritch Fritsch Fritsch Fritz Frizell Froberg Frodyma Froio Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frowein Froyseth Fruncek Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Frye Fryfelt Fryman Fryst Fucci Fucci Fuchs Fucillo Fueher Fuehrer Fuentes RobertM ClaytonH NormanD CharlesR RobertH WilliamE CarlE Francis LeoF HarveyM JimmieA John Frank BondsW ChesterH OliverH RichardB CharlesL Willard Samuel CharlesF ArneC BoleslausA DouglasL EllisB JohnH KeelinT KubinT AlanD RussellW DavidJ Virgie AxelA FrankR NicholasW JosephD GeorgeH RaymondG Allen Louis Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc SSg T/4 2Lt Pfc T/5 SSg SSg SSg Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 1Sg T/5 SSg 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 325-EB 399-B 399-B 399-A 373-C 398-M 375-HQ 375-HQ 399-G 399-E 397-L 397-M 399-L 398-D 399-A 397-L 398-L 397-G 398-F 398-AT 325-MC 325-EC 399-K 325-MH 325-EA 898-AA 325-MH 800-OR 100-DA 397-B 399-D 374-B 398-CN 325-EB 398-D 399-B 397-F 397-K 398-F 399-HQ WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Manchester CouncilBluffs Syracuse Caldwell Detroit Bronx Maplewood CT IA NY NJ MI NY NJ Amherst Lutz Chelan Suncook Brockton Bolivar Berwick Bridgeport Pittsburgh Camden Bussey Brooklyn Albany Astoria Milwaukee Toledo Newark NY FL WA NH MA TN ME CT PA SC IA NY NY OR WI OH NJ Wilmington DE Bremerto Chicago LosAngeles Cynthiana WA IL CA KY Boston Waltham NewOrleans Rockland SiouxCity MA MA LA MA IA Bronx NY Fuerst Fugate Fugate Fugini Fuka Fukes Fulenwider Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fulleylove Fullmer Fullom Fulmer Fulmer Fulton Fulton Funari Funari Funaro Funk Funk Funston Furey Furgeson Furgison Furlow Furman Furphy Furr Milton Alvin HomerE LewisW JosephJ Andrew EuelB ArthurJ CM CharlesC GeorgeW Granvilleg HaroldB JamesA JamesH JamesR JessieL JosephW LouisE WilliamG JohnJ PaulR RexR EltonC MaxE ReginaldH RogerH AnthonyB RobertJ Joseph RogerJ WilliamA JohnH JohnA JamesM HaroldW WilliamJ FrancisJ EdwardJ ElbridgeP T/5 SSg Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 2Lt Pvt Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pvt T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg 375-A 925-HQ 398-MD 325-EH 399-AT 398-E 398-A 399-D 398-M 398-G 399-A 397-E 398-M 325-MA 398-1B 398-E 100-HQ 397-3B 397-K 398-B 397-G 399-B 398-B 398-CN 399-I 397-AT 397-K 397-K 398-L 397-I 397-E 398-F 399-L 398-1B 398-M 397-M 399-I 374-HQ 925-A 397-M WIA POW WIA POW WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Brooklyn Hindman Oswego Chicora Cleveland JerseyCity Indianapolis Etna Hazelhurst Weilron PanamaCity Plano Norwich PhenixCity Wapato Fleichmanns Porterdale JerseyCity Baskin Luthersville PortWashington Williamsport Bloomfield Williston NewPhiladelphia Quincy Hamden Schenectady Trenton Mechanicville Brooklyn Newark StLouis Brooklyn FtPayne Antwerp Stonefort Trenton Manchester Concord NY KY KS PA OH NJ IN MY MS IL FL TX NY AL WA NY GA NJ LA GA NY PA IN SC OH MA CT NY NJ NY NY NJ MO NY AL NY IL NJ CT NC Furr Furseth Fuscaldo Fuscaldo Fusco Futy Fye Fyfe Fyrst Gaar Gabert Gable Gablemann Gabower Gabree Gabrich Gabriel Gabriel Gac Gacek Gaddie Gaddy Gadomski Gaffney Gagan Gagliardi Gagne Gagnon Gagnon Gagnon Gahagan Gainer Gainer Gaines Gaines Gaither Gajewski Galagan Galante Galbraith WilliamR MartinA Joseph PasqualeJ FrankC Stephen CarlW WilliamH AxelA MichaelJ LeonardM BernardE JamesF RobertF AlbertE JohnI OrlandW RichardF EdwardJ StanleyE RobertF CharlesL AntoniE ThomasJ JohnA Peter ArmanA GeorgeA PhilipL JosephL AlbertE JimT JohnE AlfredL JosephE ClarenceE RichardJ HerbertA PaulM Lincoln Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc 399-K 398-E 925-A 373-B 100-QM 397-CN 925-A 397-K 398-CN 398-1B 399-E 375-HQ 398-K 399-F 925-C 100-MP 399-L 398-F 399-C 399-K 325-MD 800-OR 397-SV 399-L 399-CN 399399-B 399-G 397-1B 399-L 398-G 398-A 325-EC 100-DM 374-B 398-G 397-CN 399-1B 398-H 398-C WIA Newton Albion CosCob CosCob Bronx Hazelton Newton Seattle Brooklyn Milwaukee Houston Columbia NC WI CT CT NY PA NC WA NY WI TX PA WIA Tomah NGrafton Elmhurst SherrillFord NewRochelle Hamtramch Chicago Detroit Kannapolis Riverside Boston GrassyPoint WI MA NY NC NY MI IL MI NC NJ MA NY Laconia Lewiston NH ME Caribou Ackerman Dover Worcester Shelbyville Washington Chicago Schuylerville Camden Bedford ME MS NJ MA KY DC IL NY NJ OH WIA WIA WIA Galdue Gale Gale Gale Galford Galgani Galiazzi Galica Galidas Galindo Galipo Galizzi Gall Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallant Gallegos Galles Galletta Galliher Gallimore Gallo Gallo Galloway Galloway Galloway Galloway Galloway Gallup Galos Galperin Galucci Gambale Gambaro Gambill Gamison GeraldP Manfred WalterT WillardT KermitR LouisG Joseph EugeneA Panos ManuelC Charles Joseph RobertW BernardA CharlesP EdwardJ John Thomaso William RolandA Jess DonaldG John RomanE HarryE Alfonzo AnnieloP HurginW JamesR LouisD RobertW WilliamR FrancisM Paul Leon CarmineJ Stanley FrankD RussellF George Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt MSg Cpl SSg T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc T/5 Pvt T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-CN 399-1B 399-I 398-B 325-EH 397-C 399-A 373-B 399-K 100-SG 399-H 399398-MD 399-1B 398-I 398-HQ 397-MD 397-1B 325-EC 325-EB 398-F 399-M 399-C 398-A 398-M 397-K 100-DA 325-EA 399-M 925-B 399-M 398-M 398-MD 397-F 373-HQ 399-MD 399-G 397-3B 397-E 398-L WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Bennington Annandale Millington KansasCity GlenBurnie Worcester Camden Chicopee NewYork Pasadena Cleveland VT VA MD MO MD MA NJ MA NY CA OH Washington Woburn Butler Danbury Yonkers Baltimore AtlanticCity Sanford DC MA PA CT NY MD NJ ME Casper Brooklyn Quincy Cambria Nadick EMeadow Sunbright Roosevelt RockHill Fayette Lexington Cobleskill SBend Brooklyn WappingersFalls NewYork StLouis EarlyBranch Maywood WY NY KS VA MA NY TN OK SC AL NC NY IN NY NY NY MO SC NJ Gammato Gammon Gancarz Ganeau Gangwisch Gann Gannaway Gannett Gantman Gantner Gantt Ganz Ganzer Gaouette Gappa Garabedian Garabedian Garabedian Garahan Garbatsky Garber Garbie Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Gardella Gardella Garden Gardiner Gardiner Gardner Ben HaywoodB StanleyP WilfredF OscarA SamH MalcolmD Alfred Samuel WilfredH JamesI Irving Steven Louis Paul Charles GeorgeS RichardA ThomasH David RobertE WalterE DagovertoA DanielJ Eduardo ErnestM Howard JosephM Louis Mauel NickP PeteS Ponciano Richard AldoL RaymondF WilliamA JamesE JamesG AlfredB Pvt Pfc T/5 Cpt Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpt Pfc T/4 Pfc 397-B 325-MA 375-B 398-M 397-E 399-2B 397-B 398-F 398-M 397-H 398-HQ 398-F 399-F 397-I 397-A 399-1B 399-C 375-B 398-E 373-B 399-G 398-C 397399-L 398-C 397-B 398-3B 374-B 399-C 399-B 925-B 397-MD 398-F 397-K 100-BD 397-C 397-E 397-G 397-B 399-I WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Cleveland Orange Adams OH CA MA JeffersonCity FtWorth Champaign EOrange Brooklyn Edgar Mooresboro Newark MO TX IL NJ NY WI NC NJ Boston GranadaHills Worcester Queens NewYork NewMarket NewYork MA CA MA NY NY VA NY NewLondon NewYork Brackettsville Rochester NewYork CT NY TX MA NY SanBenito OldAlbuquerque SanAntonio OrangeGrove TX NM TX TX NewYork Sparks Tuckahoe LosAngeles Philadelphia HighPoint NY NV NY CA PA NC Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gareis Garelick Garelick Garfield Garfinkle Gargia Garland Garlock Garman Garmero Garmon Garnant Garneau Garner Garner Garner Garner Garner Garner Garnier Garofalow Garra Garretson Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrigues CharlesW GeorgeM HerbertE HilaryC JamesJ JamesS KennethA OrvalD OscarA RodgerL DonaldH MartinI Nelson Alfred Erwin JohnP TrumanA SchellerL HarryC Pat BoyceF RaymondH VictorA CliffordH GeorgeW JamesW JohnC RoyF TaylorM GeorgeA AlfredL JosephJ WilliamW AlbertC GurleyP JesseJ JohnA SamuelA WesleyJ ElmerC Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Pvt Sgt Pfc SSg T/4 SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc 2Lt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt 1Lt SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 2Lt T/5 Sgt T/5 T/5 325-MD 374-A 374-MD 398-HQ 399-A 399-A 399-1B 100-QM 399-MD 398-B 398-G 397-SV 398-3B 325-EC 925-SV 373-A 398-D 375-HQ 399-D 399-F 399-G 399-K 397-3B 375-SV 399-D 325-EC 375-C 397-B 375-SV 399-AT 100-DA 398-B 398-F 375-SV 399-D 398-SV 399-2B 399-E 374-B 398-HQ WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Beals ChurchHill Georgetown Atlanta Bronx Crossett ME TN OH GA NY AR Detroit Columbia StPaul Snyder LongIslandCity MI OH MN NY NY Brooklyn Washington Pomona OklahomaCity Baltimore Lebanon NY DC CA OK MD PA Washington CedarRapids Cambridge Buchanan Pawtucket Edna Lakeview OklahomaCity SanAntonio Jamaica DC IA MA GA RI TX NC OK TX NY Yonkers Indianapolis PolkCounty NBirmingham Braselton SpringValley BaySprings StAlbans Glendora NY IN GA AL GA NY FL VT NJ Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrity Garsian Garst Gartiser Gartland Gartrell Gartrell Gartung Garvey Garvey Garvin Garwick Garwol Gary Garza Garza Gaskamp Gaskill Gaskins Gaspari Gasparre Gasper Gasper Gasser Gassett Gastel Gastka Gaston Gaston Gaston Gaston Gately Gately Gately Gates BufordM GeorgeG GeorgeW JamesE PaulF JohnA Robert RobertL JosephC JamesE MajorM Milton FrederickG DanielP GeorgeT WilliamF KennethW WalterC FrancisJ Antonio Harry LeonardA WilbertW HughW TrentT NicholasG DonaldR JosephF RobertA WilliamP WallaceJ WalterA BillyH JamesE LutherO RayH JamesE Paul ThomasL JamesE Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/4 Sgt Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt 100-QM 100-SG 398-L 925-MD 398-L 375-HQ 399-B 397-1B 398-E 399-A 375-C 375-C 398-F 399-H 399-CN 399-A 397-B 398-M 374-SV 398-L 100-HQ 397-K 397-G 375-B 398-AT 399-D 397-A 398-G 100-MP 398-M 100-QM 925-B 398-E 398-3B 398-3B 325-MH 100-DA 399-F 100-CR 399-E WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA UniversityofVA Woodside VA NY Florence Brooklyn NewYork UnionCity Hollins JerseyCity NewYork Wilson WPalmBeach Macksville Springfield Brooklyn PineCastle Minneapolis Buffalo Atlanta SanMarcus Tulsa Mosheim PortNorris NewBern WChester Yonkers Renesselaer Northampton StAlbans Dallas Hattiesburg Unionville Russelville Bonita Oglesby Lowrys Belmont SC NY NY NJ VA NJ NY NC FL KS MA NY FL MN NY GA TX OK TX NJ NC PA NY IN PA NY TX MS CT AL TX TX SC MA Bronx Eclectic NY AL Gates Gatewood Gatlin Gattinella Gattuso Gauby Gauch Gaudio Gauen Gauger Gaulin Gaulke Gault Gaultney Gautcher Gauthier Gauthier Gautreau Gautreaux Gavazzo Gavigan Gavin Gavin Gavin Gavula Gaw Gay Gaylor Gaylor Gaylord Gayrard Geary Gebala Gebauer Gebhardt Gebhardt Geddings Geddings Gedney Gedville NeilE SamA DonaldL Ignazio GuyJ RussellC Joseph Victor JohnF FrederickK RomeoE LavernH JosephL JohnO GerladP EdwardJ RaymondJ WillieS LeeR Joseph JVincent EdwardJ JohnF WilliamE George JesseT WalterJ ArthurW Theophilus ArnoldM RaoulU CharlesR WalterF RaymondR DonaldJ EdwardL HarveyB Paul DeWittC JohnH Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc T/4 WOJ T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 SSg T/5 Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg Cpl Pfc Pfc 399-C 398-A 398-M 397-B 375-C 398-HQ 325-EB 100-HQ 398-B 397-D 399-F 397-F 399-C 397398-C 398-MD 397-3B 325-EC 399-A 397-K 100-BD 397-K 100-QM 375-C 398-F 375-C 325-EC 398-HQ 397-B 397-CN 398-HQ 325-EC 399-2B 398-2B 397-M 398-AT 398-I 399-F 399-K 399-L MIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Corry Wadesboro Indianapolis Lawrence Punxsutawney Reading StAlbans Syracuse Bridger Cato PA NC IN MA PA PA NY NY MT NY Winona MN Dunkirk Southbridge Lowell Gonzales Freeport Buffalo Trenton JamaicaPlain Somerville LaCrosse Erie Celina ChicopeeFalls Dalhart Opelika Unionville SanFrancisco RapidCity Methuen Adams Warren LongIslandCity Bishopville NY MA MA LA TX NY NJ NY MA WI PA TN MA TX AL CT CA SD MA MA PA NY SC Brooklyn StLouis NY MO Geer Geers Geese Geesling Gehm Gehrett Gehring Geib Geier Geig Geiger Geiger Geiger Geis Geissel Geistman Gelb Geldermann Gelish Geller Geller Geller Gelletly Gelok Gelormini Gemberling Gemmell Gemmell Gemmer Gemza Gemza Gendreau Gendron Genetti Genheimer Gennari Gennaro Genova Genovese Genovesi MylesH ArthurC AlbertG ErnestB KurtA RobertR JosephB FredM WalterE WalterJ RalphP RobertC RussellE RobertW JohnH HaroldJ WalterJ JohnT FrankJ Max Milton NormanJ GordonE Ira GabrielA RichardF Donald JohnD ArthurH JosephJ MarionE EarlR EmeryO EmilJ DavidL GeorgeJ RichardA SalvatoreJ EdwardA ArmandQ 1Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 SSg T/3 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc LtC Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Sgt SSg 925-A 398-B 399-M 399-I 375-HQ 325-EH 800-OR 325-EB 397-CN 399-D 397-D 399-G 398-K 399-A 397-G 399-H 399-D 399-F 399-L 397-CN 398-F 399-F 397-G 399-3B 397-SV 398-L 399-L 399-L 398-1B 100-CR 398-M 925-A 398-L 325-MH 397-E 399-M 373-HQ 398-HQ 397-K 397-K WIA WIA WIA POW WIA Milltown Lexington Saginaw Hilham MonmouthCounty Lewistown Cincinnati UnionCity Cincinnati HolidaysCove Norfolk Troy EOrange Barrington Philadelphia Saginaw HolidaysCove Wilmette NJ KY MI TN PA PA OH NJ OH WV VA NY NJ IL PA MI WV IL Brooklyn Brooklyn NY NY Duluth Woodbridge JamaicaPlain Laporte SunCity Washington Indianapolis Danbury Buffalo Yreka Southbridge Channing Pstaskaka Providence Nutley Norristown Newton Barrington MN NJ MA IN AZ DC IN CT NY CA MA MI OH RI NJ PA MA RI Gens Gent Gentile Gentile Gentile Gentry Gentry Gentry Gentry Gentry Gentry Gentry Genzelman Geoffroy George George George George George George George George George Georgenik Georges Georgoulis Geortler Gerasci Gerber Gerber Gerbers Gercis Gerhards Gerhardt Gerhardt Gerhart Gerken Gerlach Gerlach Gerlach RobertW ThomasW AntonioJ LouisE RomeoM CarlJ Howard HowardL LeslieB RaymondL WilliamE WilliamH Simon KennethW BeaufordJ BernardW DewardW DonaldM JohnJ MarionL PaulR RobertH ThomasH John NickW Spiros KennethV JosephP GeorgeE HarveyS EdwardsJ Nick KarlH CharlesB GJackson PaulA FrederickE AlbertW CletusF EugeneH T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pvt T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-I 397-AT 397-C 399-G 397-F 100-HQ 397-H 325-MD 397-A 399-B 398-F 399-G 397-MD 100-BD 399-K 398-F 397-K 399-A 397-HQ 398-F 397-K 399-A 325-MC 398-A 397-HQ 398-F 397-E 398-K 398-AT 399-K 800-OR 325-MC 100-SG 398-C 399-H 375-A 398-1B 397-2B 398-I 100-SG WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA LaSalle Endicott Detroit Milford IL NY MI MA Hashville Arvel Beaumont CaveCity Bonaire Cleveland CollegeCorner Yonkers Solomon KansasCity NewKensington Kingsport Barberton TN KY TX KY GA TN OH NY KS MO PA TN OH Marion SanFrancisco LongIslandCity CentralIslip IL CA NY NY Rhinebck Wilson Audubon Corona Medford Brooklyn Edgerton SanLorenzo Yonkers Buffalo Loraine Reading Denville EAmherst McGrath NewHydePark NY NC NJ NY NJ NY IN CA NY NY IL PA NJ NY MN NY Gerlach Gerlach German German Germano Germsen Gernert Gernhart Gernon Gero Gerossie Gerow Gerrity Gerry Gershman Gersich Gerson Gerst Gerstein Gersten Gerszewski Gertzberg Geruso Gervasi Geryak Geryak Gerzina Geschwender Gesicki Gettleman Getz Getz Gewecke Gheant Ghericich Ghilardi Ghingo Giacchero Giacinto Giambrone HarveyA RichardD FrankW JuliusJ FrederickL HaroldC AlexM RamonD JohnE DonaldE JohnA DudleyF EdwardJ HenryE HerbertS MattH Max Eric Max William AdolphC Daniel PascoA Louis David JohnJ FrancisJ FranklinT JohnR Morris AdrianE MauriceB MarvinJ John JamesE FrankP Bruno CamilloF Anthony FredJ Cpl Pfc SSg Pvt 1Sg Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc T/5 TSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt T/5 T/5 T/4 TSg SSg Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 374-C 397-F 399-G 397-G 375-B 397925-B 397-I 398-I 399-G 800-OR 397-AT 398-K 399397-I 399-A 397-3B 397-MD 100-HQ 397-A 397-D 100-QM 325-EA 100-SG 397-3B 397-3B 100-BD 375-C 398-H 397-F 399-E 325-EC 397-F 325-EC 925-A 397-F 398-MD 399-L 397-F 325-MB Wayne Shreveport Haverhill Clifton Auburn NJ LA MA NJ NY KIA Bronx Pierson NY IA POW Malone Somerville Peekskill JerseyCity NY MA NY NJ Brooklyn Chisolm Cumberland Bridgeport NewYork Brooklyn GrandForks Albany Corinth Brooklyn Arlington Buffalo Erie Sanborn Edgar Detroit LaFontaine Dunellen Ohiowa Lancaster NY MA MD CT NY NY ND NY NY NY TX NY PA NY WI MI IN NJ NE SC Baltimore Astoria Portland NewYork NewYork MD NY OR NY NY WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA Giancola Giancola Gianetto Giannelli Giannelli Giannini Giannini Giannola Gianoukos Giarrantano Gibbard Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Giberson Gibey Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gicala JohnN JosephA JohnE GuidoA MichaelA DominickJ FrankM SalvatoreA AnthonyJ Christopher JohnW CharlesW JohnC ThomasJ GordonM MarionL WilsonE CarrollE Willaim Charles ClaudeH DelmerJ DotC DouglasH EarlB EverettM JackA JamesC Steven JeffersonW Wilkes JoeE WilliamH LawrenceW RobertS JesseF JosephC Peter WilliamR AnthonyJ Sgt Pfc 1Sg Sgt Sgt Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/3 2Lt Pfc Pvt Sgt MSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 TSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc SSg SSg Sgt Pfc 399-3B 398-G 100-SG 398-M 398-CN 399-C 925-SV 397-F 399-K 397-MD 397398-G 397-B 398-G 925-HQ 375-C 398-C 398-C 399-2B 398-L 397-1B 399-I 398-D 399-B 100-QM 397-L 925-B 398-F 374-B 399-HQ 397-F 325-EC 397-C 397-D 397-1B 374-HQ 100-QM 325-MD 398-G 925-A WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA WIA ValleyStream Stamford Everett SRange Brooklyn Brooklyn NewBritain Chicago Haverhill Brooklyn NY CT MA MI NY NY CT IL MA NY Chicago Bellaire Chicago Brooklyn SiouxCity Shoals Jerseyvill PointPleasantBch Winston-Salem Corydon Knoxville Birmingham Chaska Laona OklahomaCity Sherman Shippenville Wayneboro Riverview Thomasville Columbia MiddleRiver TenMile IL OH IL NY IA IN IL NJ NC IN TN AL MN WI OK TX PA VA AL NC TN MD TN Centenary Anderson EHemstead Freeman OzonePark SC SC NY WV NY Gidel Giduz Gieck Gieger Gielarowski Gier Giese Giffi Giffold Giffors Gigante Giglio Gihr Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbertson Gilbertson Gilchrest Gilchrist Gilchrist Gilden Giles Giles Gilfeather Gilfedder Gilfillan Giliberto Gill Gill Gill Gill Gill DonaldO Roland RaymondH JuliusB JosephN WadeS GeorgeW NicholasC RobertE GeraldK Joseph Nick KarlA BernardB BillyJ DaleI DonaldH RobertS WoodrowW HoraceC PaulE RandallA DonaldT Norman VerdieH EdwardA EdwardA John Jack EdwardS WilburH WilliamJ HughF KennethF Sebastiano AlfonzoP ClarenceC EdwardC EdwardJ GeorgeJ Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 1Lt T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 SSg Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Pfc 399-H 399-C 398-B 399-I 399-B 374-B 397-H 100-DA 398-K 397-G 398-SV 399-F 399-L 397-SV 398-I 398-H 399-3B 399-2B 399-A 925-SV 399-E 325-EH 399-AT 100-BD 399-F 325-EH 397-K 398-2B 398-G 100-SG 398-C 325-MD 399-L 398-C 398-B 399-F 100-CR 399-MD 399-MD 397-K WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA WIA LakeCity ChapelHill Peyton Gadsen Chicago NewKensington Trenton Ridgeway Washington SaltLakeCity Brooklyn IA NC CO AL IL PA NJ PA DC UT NY PineBush NewYork Altus Milford Danbury HydePark Reading DrexelHill Washington Elwood Pecatonia NGrafton Montevideo YorkVillage Scituate SilverCity FtWorth Albany Nashua WRutland LaPuenta Brooklyn Bronx Yuma McCallCreek NewYorkMills Plains Philadelphia NY NY OK IA CT NY PA PA DC NJ IL MA MN ME MA NM TX NY NH VT CA NY NY AZ MS NY PA PA Gill Gill Gillam Gillaspy Gilleland Gillen Gilles Gillespie Gillespie Gillespie Gillett Gilliam Gilliam Gilliam Gillick Gilliland Gillin Gillingham Gillmore Gilmaier Gilman Gilman Gilman Gilman Gilmer Gilmer Gilmet Gilmore Gilmore Gilmore Gilmore Gilmour Gilpin Gilroy Gilvin Gilvin Gilyard Gimmarella Gimmarella Ginard GeorgeJ KennethW Edwin StellL SamuelA MartinJ GilbertJ DonaldF LeonardA StephenW RichardE BennieV EdwardW GarlandM JohnT CurtisB HughC WilliamG JesseH Francis DonaldR MarshallG NorbertE TerranceL CharlesF Durell WilliamD AllanE ChaceR GeorgeE JohnC WilliamR PaulF ThomasJ LutherH MilfordL RaymondE FrankM FrankM John Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt SSg T/3 Pfc Mjr SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Sgt Sgt T/5 SSg SSg 2Lt Sgt T/5 Cpl 398-L 397-C 398-AT 397-E 399-F 925-B 398-K 100-SG 373398-I 375-A 397-2B 398-M 397-C 397-HQ 398-C 399-G 398-B 397-MD 373-A 398-L 398-3B 925-B 397-C 397-C 398-H 397-1B 375-A 397-F 925-HQ 325-EA 398-L 399-2B 399-C 399-I 397-3B 925-C 375-B 375-B 397-AT WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA Bronx Tulsa NY OK OklahomaCity BallGround Revere Electra Cleveland OK GA MA TX OH Troy Danville Ottomwa Lawrence Franklinton Bronx Boaz Pittsburg EndicottCity Chicago Amsterdam Buchanan Newport Adams GreatValley Jenkintown Memphis Alpena Riverside WChester Somerville Rosoe Kearny Lansing Brooklyn MtSterling Newport PortChester Garfield Garfield NewYork NY IL IA KS NC NY AL KS MO IL NY NY NH MA NY PA TN MI CA PA MA NY NJ MI NY KY KY NY NJ NJ NY Gingerich Gininger Ginn Ginna Ginsburg Ginsburg Ginsburg Ginsburg Giola Giolkowski Giordano Gioscio Giovinazzo Gipson Girard Girard Girhiny Giromini Gist Gitlin Gitthens Giullianelli Giunta Giunta Giusto Givens Givens Givner Giza Gizzi Gizzi Glabau Gladden Gladstone Gladstone Gladwell Glaeser Glandorf Glass Glass ErnestE Eanuel AbrahamE ArthurT CharlesL Manuel RoyS Seymour AnthonyJ RichardR Peter DominickJ PaschalN JamesT AlderJ RobertR BernardA JosephJ OllieW EdwardE LouisL ArcangeloN AnthonyP ArkleJ Biagio DavidB ERouzee Hyman WalterJ SalvatoreC VincentA CharlesL OscarR Erwin MilletE Jack Eldie KlausW Archie Elias Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl SSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc 1Lt TSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-C 374-HQ 398-C 399-M 925-C 375-C 398-MD 100-SG 399-3B 398-E 399-E 397-G 398374-C 398-K 399-K 398-G 374-MD 399-F 399-K 398-C 397-B 398-G 397-B 325-MC 397-K 398-L 100-HQ 398-C 398-K 373-B 374-A 399-G 399-2B 397-B 397-G 375-A 325-EC 399-M 397-2B WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA York Brooklyn Plainville Brooklyn Brooklyn Roxbury Toledo NewYork Brooklyn Ogden Fitchburg EBoston PA NY CT NY NY MA OH NY NY UT MA MA BowlingGreen Woonsocket Salem Pricedale Amaillo KY RI MA PA TX NewYork Stockton Mechanicville NY CA NY WChester Brona Joliet NewportNews Brooklyn Detroit Trenton Newark HasbrouckHeights Boyle Trenton Waltham Blakwell Taylor Baldwin Pensacola Bronx PA NY IL VA NY MI NJ NJ NJ MS NJ MA OK TX NY FL NY Glass Glass Glass Glass Glasscock Glasser Glassman Glasson Glatz Glaubitz Glavich Glaze Glazier Glazier Gleason Gleason Glebock Gleeson Gleeson Glendinning Glenn Glenn Glesby Glickel Glimcher Glime Gliner Globig Gloria Glos Glotzer Glovak Glover Glover Gloyna Gluck Gluck Gluckstern Gluesenkamp Gmerek IrvingC LloydM Richard SidneyM HaroldL JackI SanfordH JohnT JohnM Warner EdwardC JosephE EdwinC WilliamS VincentJ William EdwardJ ArthurW JosephF RobertM EarlL MiltonM RobertI Philip Joseph John Israel PaulJ Jose CharlesC HaroldA JosephB JamesL JohnD WalterA JacobW JuliusB Murray LesterO WilliamE Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 T/5 Cpl Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pfc SSg Pfc 398-K 399-G 398-G 373397-G 398-A 397-HQ 397-H 399-E 398-K 398-2B 397-M 925-A 399-1B 397-H 399-CN 398398-D 398-C 398-M 397-SV 399-K 397-L 398-MD 399-2B 397-M 325-MD 397-C 325-EA 398-AT 398-AT 397-A 397-G 398-K 399-L 398-AT 399-C 397-E 397-C 397-HQ KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Atlanta Gentry Baldwinsville GA AR NY Springfield NewYork Brooklyn NewYork Brooklyn Chicago Waynesville Gleveland Derby SGlastonbury Knoxville Worester MO NY NY NY NY IL NC GA CT CT TN MA Mechanicville Portsmouth FtCollins SiloamSprings Scranton NY RI CO AR KS PearlRiver Brooklyn Federalsburg Bronx Toledo Laredo Randallstown Brooklyn Detroit Malden Winchester Lockney Bronx Bronx Brooklyn StPeter Akron NY NY MD NY OH TX MD NY MI MO VA TX NY NY NY IL OH Goatz Gober Gober Goddard Godek Godfrey Godfrey Godfrey Godfrey Godina Godkin Godsey Godwin Godwin Goeb Goebeler Goeckel Goeschel Goetz Goetz Goetze Goff Goggins Gogolen Goguen Gohn Goho Goiangos Goins Goland Gold Gold Gold Goldau Goldbeck Goldberg Goldberg Goldberg Goldberg Goldberg RobertE OliverQ VictorJ QuentinT Lawrence GordonG HerbertG JamesE Richard LouisP JamesC GlenE CharlesH GeraldS JosephJ FrederickJ FrancisA IrvingS JackM RogerA BertrandC CharlesM AidenG EdwardR ArthurE WilliamH GarnerH John ArthurL David IrvingH Max Robert Ferdinand FrederickA Bernard HerbertN Isidore Joseph Nathan Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl T/5 2Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc Pvt 2Lt Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pvt 1Lt Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Cpl T/5 SSg T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 399-A 397-AT 397-MD 399-G 398-H 325-EA 397-D 397-C 325-EA 397-A 398-C 399-F 399-L 397-I 100-HQ 399-P 397-I 397-B 398-3B 398-1B 397-B 100-SG 398-K 398-A 399-D 397-H 398-D 374-MD 325-MB 399-A 373-SV 325-MC 373-B 375-C 373-C 399-B 325-MC 398-F 100-QM 373-C WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA POW FtWorth Montrose Minersville MeadowBridge CentralFalls Hydeville Williamsport CapeMayCH Walden Dunkirk Oswego Bristol Tillman Astoria SOzonePark Tuckahoe Wilkes-Barre Detroit NewYork Utica Chicago Syracuse JerseyCity Teaneck Fitchburg Buffalo Dnsville Hartford MtAiry NewYork Bronx Brooklyn TX AR PA WV RI VT PA WNewYork BuckHillFalls Syracuse Brooklyn NewYork StLouis NewYork NJ PA NY NY NY MO NY NY NY NY TN SC NY NY NY PA MI NY NY IL NY NJ NJ MA NY NY CT NC NY NY NY WIA Goldberg Golden Golden Golden Golden Golderman Goldman Goldman Goldman Goldman Goldsberry Goldsmith Goldsmith Goldstein Goldstein Goldstein Goldstein Golembiewski Goller Goltz Golub Golubman Gomben Gomes Gomez Goncher Gondolf Gonella Gonsalves Gonterman Gontowski Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gooch Gooch Good Seymour HarryP JamesW JohnB Martin Julius AndreD CharlesB HermanJ Morris JohnR Eugene LavernE David HarryB Philip Sydney ErnestA AbrahamM WilliamT EzraR Michael PeterG CorneliusR PedroJ JamesM EdwardR JohnD AnthonyJ ThomasB StanleyJ ArthurJ Cruz Jesus JoeC RaymondC Santiago RichardC VirgilJ GeorgeB Cpl Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg T/4 T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc TSg T/4 Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt 398-H 374-A 397-HQ 397-A 397-A 398-F 925-A 399-L 398-L 397-3B 374-C 375-B 397-A 398-B 100-QM 398-1B 373-SV 397-F 399-I 373-C 397-K 325-EB 398-A 399-L 374-HQ 398-K 399-I 398-C 397-G 399-G 397-C 373-HQ 397-I 397-C 325-EB 397-F 399-B 398-E 398-3B 399-1B WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA MIA Elizabeth Crawford Culberton Cleveland Wilmington Valatie Tucson Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn UnionvilleCenter NewYork Bend Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Everett Cleveland Lexington NorthHuntington Brooklyn Detroit Dyer Passaic Bronx ECleveland Camden Pittsburgh Stoughton StLouis Webster Malden Mercedes Lamesa SanAntonio Albuquerque Mercedes MillShoals NJ NE NC OH DE NY AZ NY NY NY OH NY OR NY NY NY MA OH KY PA NY MI IN NJ NY OH NJ PA MA MO MA MA TX TX TX NM TX IL Sellersville PA KIA Good Good Good Good Goodard Goode Goode Goodell Goodenow Goodenow Gooding Gooding Goodlow Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodner Goodnight Goodrich Goodrich Goodrich Goodrich Goodwill Goodwin Goodwin Goodwin Goodwin Goodwin Goodwin Goodwin Gooris Gooris Goos Gootch GeorgeT JRichard Joseph WilliamH Quenton GrancisI JohnF JamesH LeroyS RalphA ErnestW JohnW JohnW BowieG Daniel George Harry MorrisW PaulH Robert WilliamR WimberlyC RonaldD WilliamC CharlesS RobertE ThomasK WalterA GeorgeT AlbertC ColeyC DavidW ElmerE HaroldC RobertP WilliamF EdwardC RaymondJ RogerD VirgilJ Pfc TSg Pvt Cpt Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Mjr Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc T/4 T/4 SSg Pfc 398-E 398-H 375-A 399-CN 399-G 373-B 398-SV 399-A 399-E 399-L 397-F 325-EB 398-A 398-A 399-I 399-D 397-K 398-2B 325-MB 397-AT 374-B 925-C 398-F 399-3B 398-C 374-HQ 399-2B 398-CN 100-HQ 397-2B 398-G 374-HQ 399-L 397-K 399-I 397-K 399-MD 399397-B 398-M POW WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Ardsmore TurtleCreek LocustValley QueensVillage MeadowBridge JamaicaPlain Washington KansasCity NorthGrand Sherrill Kinston Wallace Castleton Austinvile Evanston Chicago Brooklyn Brooklyn Atlanta Roxbury Allson Temple Salisbury Chicago Glastonbury Muncie Sidney Bronx Malden Salisbury Haverhill Crossville Waterville WRoxbury Aberdeen Bronx OK PA NY NY WV MA DC KS PA NY NC NC NY VA IL IL NY NY GA MA MA CA TX NC IL CT IN NY NY MA NC MA TN OH MA MS NY Beaman Indianapolis IA IN Gopis Goralick Goranson Gordan Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gore Gore Gore Gorell Gorenstein Gorgenik Gorham Gorman Gorman Gorman Gorman Gormley Gormon Gormsen Gorovitz Gorynski Gorzinski Gosa Goss Goss Gosselin Gosselin Gossett Gossman Gostkowski Gotcher Chris Bernard RussellW JohnE Harold Hillard HomerD HowardE JackA JoephA JohnL JohnR KennnethW William EdwardM JamesH RalphM RobertL Bernard John HowardB AndrewJ DonaldJ JackS JamesH WilliamJ RobertE HaroldC JosephW PeterJ JohnJ WilliamR GeorgeA Mavin AdelardR MarcelJ JC AlbertJ WilliamJ RichardL Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt SSg Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt 2Lt TSg Pvt 399-E 373-A 398-2B 398-E 325-EA 398-B 100-HQ 397-L 100-BD 398-B 399-D 398-B 800-OR 100-BD 397-I 397-C 397-C 397-H 375-A 398-A 397-I 325-EA 325-MB 399-2B 398-K 398-1B 398-K 397-HQ 374-B 325-EA 399-A 398-1B 374-HQ 397-D 399-G 398-B 399-M 397-1B 397-B 399-D WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA POW POW WIA WIA NewYork Bronx Helena Laurelton NY NY MT NY Brooklyn Weldon GlenBurnie Memphis Newport Staton Lakeport WOrange Chelsea Albertville Charlotte Empire Almanor Bronx Fairfield Bridgeport EHartford SpringfieldGdns Brooklyn EAlton Philadelphia Martinsville Scarsdale NewYork NewYork ChicagoHeights Bremen Middlebury Forrest Lewiston Lewiston Dalton Chicago Northport McAlester NY CA MD TN RI TX NJ NJ MA AL NC GA CA NY CT CT CT NY NY IL PA IN NY NY NY IL AL CT MS ME ME GA IL NY OK Gott Gott Gottaqs Gottlieb Gottschalk Goud Gough Gough Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Goulding Gouveia Gowan Graas Grabowski Grabowski Grabowski Grace Gracia Gracie Graden Grady Grady Grady Grady Graef Graef Graeser Graeve Graf Graff Graff Graff Graffeo Grafton Graham Graham CharlesV CharlesV WilliamH Boas RobertA AllanF FloydE WilliamT EdwardS JohnH LeeC Robert RobertR JohnJ SeraphineA PaulJ CarlF AlfonseJ Anthony JosephF James Homer JohnW RichardC JeremiahP LeoM RoyL ThomasJ RoyH WilliamHR RonaldJ HenryC HenryL FredW JohnF William Joseph ErnestR CharlesF EdwinF Pfc Pfc 2Lt 1Lt T/5 Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc 399-H 399-H 399-3B 399-P 325-MB 397-HQ 399-A 100-SG 397-A 397-HQ 100-CR 399-E 399-1B 397-2B 399-2B 325-MD 397-L 325-EA 398-C 375-HQ 399-B 398-3B 399-MD 398-B 325-EC 399-M 399-HQ 397-D 397-I 325-MB 375-C 375-SV 325-EB 397-K 399-B 399-D 375-C 800-OR 397-M 399-B WIA MIA WIA KIA WIA KIA Manchester Manchester LasVegas JerseyCity NH NH NV NJ Camden EBend Hartford Dunkirk Cambridge ELynn NewYork Belvidere LongIslandCity NewBedford Inman Glendale Ansonia JerseyCity WRutland SC NC CT NY MA MA NY IL NY MA SC CA CT NJ VT Fairhaven Brooklyn Florence Worcester Cambridge Greensboro NewYork LaurysStation MahanoyCity CollegePoint Barrington Baltimore Pittsburgh RuralValley Atco Brooklyn Freeport Newville Raleigh MA NY OR MA MA NC NY PA PA NY NJ MD PA PA NJ NY PA PA NC Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Grainger Grajewski Grakus Gramer Grammer Gran Granat Grandeury Grandusky Grange Granito Granitz Granoff Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant FrancisH FrankR GeorgeA GeorgeC GeorgeD GordonH Lawrence HerbertL LewisT JamesC MarvinM JohnG JosephW JackC JamesM JohnR RobertJ ThomasH WilliamB HaroldJ JosephB FrankJ PaulJ HermanL HenryJ George LucienD HowardJ RobertW Dante Robert SasmuelJ CalebW DouglassR EdwardO EverettR WilliamJ GeorgeD JamesR PaulT Pfc SSg SSg Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt 1Lt SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pvt SSg 1Sg Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Sgt Sgt Pvt 397-I 399-B 325-EB 399-B 325-EH 398-E 325-EA 399-L 398-SV 397-3B 375-A 397-M 397-G 399-H 373-SV 399-F 398-F 398-E 100-MP 325-MD 397-2B 398-B 375-A 398-M 397-D 397-A 100-CR 399-A 397-K 397-G 399-B 374-HQ 325-EB 398-C 397-SV 398-H 399-E 399-A 399-AT 397-D KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Camden Seattle FortDuPont Cincinnati Apponaug Gilmonton Ftlee Piqua Townsend ClevelandHeights Rome Proctor Gurley Syracuse Brooklyn Brooklyn Pittsburgh NY WA DE OH RI NY NJ OH DE OH GA MN AL NY NY NY PA Tenafly Bakersfield Amsterdam Milton Roxbury Mart Irene Chicago NewOrleans Allegeny Berkeley Clifton Brooklyn Philadelphia NJ CA NY NY MA TX SD IL LA NY CA NJ NY PA Lynn Evansville Winchester Binghampton Chino Cincinnati Akron MA IN TN NY CA OH OH Grant Grant Grant Grant Grantham Grasso Gratopp Grattan Gratz Gratz Grauer Grauerholtz Gravel Gravely Graves Graves Graves Graves Graves Graves Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Graziano Graziano Grazul Greaney Greathouse Greaves PorterR ThomasW UlyssesJ GeorgeF KellyT HenryE MasonS CharlesL DanielH HarryC EdwardT MartinW CharlesA ErnestC EdwinH HayesF JohnW KennethK RobertE Walter AllenO CharlesR ChesterB EverettW GeorgeW KermitW LelandR RalphF RobertH RoyL ShermanP VaughnS WalterA WilliamF JohnC PeterA PeterS JosephF DonaldW WilliamE TSg 2Lt Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt TSg Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 2Lt T/5 Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg TSg Pfc Sgt TSg 398-G 397-H 397-I 398-MD 397-2B 397-I 399-B 373-HQ 399-A 397-E 399-L 399-HQ 398-K 399-C 325-EC 397-HQ 397-C 397-1B 397-F 399-F 397-L 398-B 398-3B 398-L 399-B 397-E 325-EB 397-M 397-3B 399-B 398-G 325-EH 398-F 399-C 398-L 397-2B 398-M 398-H 399-I 399-L WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Cortland Woodside Atoka SanFrancisco Sedgewickville Wakefield Birmingham NewYork Waterloo Oley SpringfieldGardns Ridgewood NSmithfield Spray Whatley Kalispell StateCollege Williston Wellesley NY NY OK CA MO RI MI NY IN PA NY NY RI NC MA MT PA ND MA Levelland Pontiac Rochester TX MI NY Burgaw Springfield Syracuse GasCity Muskegon King Winifrede Stockbridge Buffalo Langdale Bristol Newark Shamokin Dorchester PointPleasant Queenstown NC MO NY IN MI TX WV MA NY AL CT NJ PA MA WV MD Greci Greco Greco Greco Gredig Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Greenbaum Greenbaum Greenbaum Greenberg Greenberg Greenberg Greenberg Greenberg Greenberger Greene Greene Greene Greene WilliamJ CarmelloA Nick VincentP JohnJ Benjamin CGraham DanH HaroldJ IrvingM JWesley JennyB JohnL KentB LawrenceC OrbreyD RayT RevellW RobertL WilliamA RolandU WilliamE ThomasP VerbonE Vernon Thomas TolbertE Eugene MiltonM WalterM CharlesL HerbertW Jack SamuelJ William SylvanL AlanR AndersonB CarlW GWilliam T/5 T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Sg SSg Pfc Pfc SSg TSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc MSg Cpl Pfc Mjr Cpl Pfc Sgt 374-B 325-EA 398-L 399-C 325-MD 398-B 399-I 397-3B 399-E 397-F 398-I 399-H 398-B 100-SG 398-H 397-A 397-I 397-SV 397-B 398-B 399-L 397-A 398-C 397-C 399-E 399-HQ 398-MD 399-L 399-L 375-SV 925-HQ 398-K 398-C 100-QM 925-B 373-MD 374-HQ 399-E 399-B 100-MP Bloomfield Belmont CT MA WIA Brooklyn DelNorte Park Fitzgerald Raleigh NY CO WV GA NC WIA Arnold Herndon StonyFork Bradenton Shawnee Nashville Booneville Pittsburg RockIsland Lawndale Lonaconing Magazine Bloomfield Lynn Oneonta PineBluff PA WV NC FL OK TN MS KS IL CA MD AR CT MA AL AR Arcadia NewYork NewYork NewYork QueensVillage Bronx Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Astoria Plainfield Shelby Shelby Mooresboro FL NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NJ NC NC NC WIA WIA WIA KIA MIA WIA Greene Greene Greene Greene Greene Greene Greene Greene Greene Greenfield Greenfield Greenfield Greenfield Greenlaw Greenlaw Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenough Greenshields Greenspan Greenspan Greenwald Greenway Greenwell Greenwood Greenwood Greer Greer Greer Greer Grefe Gregersen Gregg Gregg Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory HaroldD HenryE JohnW KennethM LeoR LyleJ RichardA RobertJ WilliamE Abraham AlvinE Carl PhilipW HenryA RobertW LowellA Raymond Armand JohnB George Morton GeorgeE Gary CharlesE JW PeterS Clinton JosephH SteveO WilliamB FrancisB HarryF CharlesE MarionE ArthurH CharlesW ErnestT FrancisV JohnH LyleM SSg Cpl Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 TSg Pfc SSg Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc TSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 T/5 Pvt 399-L 399-A 373-B 397-1B 399-K 399-A 398-A 398-C 375-SV 325-EH 398-D 399-I 325-EC 100-SG 100-SG 397-HQ 399-CN 397-M 397-1B 100-SG 373-C 374-B 325-MC 398-G 399-MD 398-1B 373-A 399-I 325-MD 399-B 398-CN 925-A 399-E 100-MP 397-G 399-AT 399-E 397-SV 375-C 374-A WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA Lebanon LaGrange Babylon Preeble Stanley Lewiston Brooklyn Ellerbe Constableville Roxbury Baltimore NewYork Worcester Littleton Littleton Marquette Anson Winooski IN IL NY NY WI ID NY NC NY MA MD NY MA NH NY MI ME VT Laurelton Bronx NiagraFalls Brooklyn NewHaven Elba Seattle Tuscumbia Senoia Spartanburg Dadeville SpringfieldGrdns Rockford Pittsburgh CerroGordo Akron Morgantown Greensboro Orlando NSebago Wellesley NY NY NY NY KY AL WA AL GA SC AL NY IL PA IL OH WV NC FL ME MA WIA KIA POW WIA KIA Gregory Greifenhagen Grela Grendeski Gresh Gresham Gretfield Gretzinger Grezecki Gribas Gribben Gribbin Grieb Griesinger Grieve Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith MaxwellE Gordon VictorC LouisJ ClarenceH RichardR LesterW James Edward Joseph RichardE RobertM GeorgeF WilliamJ William CecilB CharlesR CharlesR CliffordSL David EdwardK EdwinR HaroldR HowardW HowardW JohnA JohnE NormanD RaymondW RobertA WilliamC WilliamH WilliamJ WilliamM CliftonF FrankW Harry JamesL JerreK MalcolmF Sgt Cpl SSg SSg SSg Pfc SSg Sgt Sgt T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 T/5 T/5 SSg Cpl T/5 Pfc T/5 T/5 T/5 Cpl SSg SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt Sgt 399-D 398-G 925-B 398-1B 398-D 100-SG 397399-M 399399-E 398-HQ 399-3B 325-EH 398-D 398-L 397-H 399-SV 325-EA 398-C 399-I 399-E 398-E 399-B 100-QM 397-HQ 398-SV 375-SV 925-A 398-3B 398-B 398-G 397-1B 399-AT 397-A 325-EH 398-D 399-CN 925-B 399-1B 399-3B KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Lewistown Houston NewtonFalls Chicago Reading Riverview PA TX NY IL PA WV Wichita KS Newark FairlessHills Union Philadelphia Evansville Toledo Macon Paterson CherryValley Sarasota Texarkana Macon ELake Muscatine WSuffield Dallas Roscoe Woodside Mansfield Brighton McComb Chicago NJ PA NJ PA IN OH GA NJ MA FL TX GA MA IA CT GA NY NY MA TN MS IL WNewton Nashville Catlett Marble IN TN VA NC Ararat Macon LaBelle NC GA FL Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Grifith Grigg Griggs Griggs Griggs Grigsby Grillo Grillo Grim Grimard Grimes Grimes Grimes Grimes Grimes Grimm Grimm Grimm Grimmie Grimmie Grimmie Grimmo Grimwood Grinavich Grindle Grindley Griner Grinnel Grisham Grissinger Grizanti Groat Grochowski Grodzicker Groff MorrisA MylesM NorrisA RoweV WilliamA HarveyC ThomasM GeorgeT Ray EveretC FrankW EdwardF PeterV StanleyE RichardA ChesterO JamesP Pearl WilliamA WilliamE FrederickW GeorgeF WilbertC ArthurC RichardE FrancisP ArthurC Donald AnthonyG JohnW Kenneth TalmageC RoyW EugeneM RobertS SamuelJ ClarenceM EdwardR Harry EarlD Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 SSg Cpl Cpt Pfc 397-2B 374-B 397-G 398-1B 100-HQ 397-AT 399-HQ 399-E 398-I 399-A 398-D 325-MB 100-CR 399-L 397-2B 399-L 397-E 397-I 374-SV 398-G 399-L 399-2B 398-G 399-A 399-A 399-A 399-B 397-MD 398-D 397-K 399-3B 397-SV 399-D 398-A 397-G 100-CR 398-G 399-D 325-MH 399-I WIA Prentiss Muskogee Branson ClevelandHeights Nauvoo Whitsett ValleyView MS OK MO OH AL NC KY Reno Shreveport WHartford NewYork York ChicopeeFalls LakeVilla Salem Symbol Atlanta Portsmouth NV LA CT NY PA MA IL IN KY GA VA Toledo Northville Berlin Berlin WestBerlin Alverton Sedgewick Luzerne NewHolland OH MI NJ NJ NJ PA KS PA GA Nashville Venicia Anna YorkSprings NiagraFalls Buffalo Webster Brooklyn NewPhiladelphia GA CA IL PA NY NY MA NY OH WIA KIA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA POW KIA WIA Groff Groff Groff Grogan Grogan Grogan Gronemeier Gronfein Gronowski Gropp Grose Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Grossetti Grossman Grosso Grostas Grosvenor Grotfild Groth Grout Grove Grove Grove Grover Groves Growel Grtaz Grubb Grubb Grubbs Grube Gruber Gruber Grubham FrancisH MalcolmA RobertF DouglasR JamesH WillieG HowardJ JohnJ RaymondA RobertC WayneA EdwardJ EdwardD Isidore JosephE LloydE RobertW WilliamH VictorE MiltonF MartinA GeorgeJ RayL LesterW FritzA JohnG JohnN RobertH RobertJ Melvin FloydN LouisA Harry JamesA RichardM AllenE JohnP RayE VelmerW HaroldR Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt SSg Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc SSg SSg Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 2Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-M 397-I 100-QM 397-HQ 397-C 398-C 397-M 399-3B 397-B 398-I 398-E 399-MD 397-E 373-SV 325-MB 399-E 397-I 398-F 399-C 397-B 374-A 398-CN 399-K 397-H 398-1B 397-L 398-A 398-HQ 398-A 399-SV 399-G 397-B 397-E 397-H 397-B 375-HQ 399-K 398-2B 397-2B 397-HQ Hanover Reidsville Quarryville Weatherford Bloomington Reidsville Bartlett EElmhurst Milwaukee MichiganCity Ogden AtlanticCity Sharon PA NC PA CT TN NC IL NY WI IN UT NJ PA Maplewood Reading ValleyStream Baltinore NJ PA NY MD WIA Allentown Paterson Philadelphia SiouxCity Kearney NewYork Portland BigSpring Hagerstown Waterloo Lakewood Tacoma Greensprings PA NJ PA IA NE NY OR MD MD IA NJ WA OH WIA KIA Salisbur Akron Livingston NewYork NC OH AL NY Waukegan Ashtabula IL OH WIA WIA WIA KIA Grubisa Gruchinsky Gruetzmacher Gruhn Grunke Grunwald Grunwald Grushinsky Gruss Grutkosky Grynewicz Grzelecki Grzesik Grzetich Guagliano Guarino Guasti Guattery Guay Gubach Guckavan Gudalewicz Gudmunson Guerrieri Guerry Guess Guest Guetti Guetzkow Guevara Guga Gugick Gugin Gugliano Guglielmo Guice Guida Guidry Guilbeault Guild Stanley Alex KennethF RobertA ErikB FrederickJ Joseph Alex RogerM ThomasS ToviaS Edward Edward JosephS Salvatore Carmelo FrankJ Lewis RodneyP GeorgeJ WilliamA John EugeneC PeterP JohnC WillardG RoyOH HenryA RaymondO SolomonJ EdwardJ Charles RaymondJ Salvatore Americo RaymondA MatthewP OlinS AdelardA DonaldM Pfc Sgt Pfc 1Lt T/5 T/5 Sgt 1Lt SSg SSg Sgt TSg Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc SSg TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 100-MP 397-P 397-K 399-2B 399-CN 397-HQ 399-CN 397-CN 398-3B 397-SV 397-A 399-B 100-HQ 399-B 398-I 399-L 398-G 398-CN 397-F 398-E 398-CN 375-HQ 397-L 399-M 398-D 399-D 399-B 397-MD 325-EC 397-A 398-2B 399-L 398-E 398398-I 399-F 399-2B 397-B 375-A 398-CN Millvale PA Cleveland Belmar OH NJ NewYork Brooklyn Faribault JerseyCity NAbington Ashuelot NewBedford Summit NewYork HopewellJunction SanDiego Middletown Woodsville Springfield Hazleton Whitman Southwick Garfield Jamestown Piedmont DelRio Bennington Excelsior Mooresville GlenCove NY NY MN NJ MA NH MA IL NY NY CA NY NH IL PA MA ID NJ SC MO TX VT MN IN NY SaultSteMarie MI NewYork Hendersonville Dumont Houma Woonsocket Pittsfield NY NC NJ LA RI MA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Guild Guilds Guile Guiles Guilfoyle Guill Guillen Guillet Guilliou Guinessey Guinn Guinn Guldemond Gulentz Gulino Gullborg Gulledge Gulley Gullick Gulrich Gunder Gundermuth Gundersdorf Gunn Gunn Gunnell Gunning Gunter Gunter Gunter Gunter Gunter Gunter Guntsch Gupton Gupton Gura Gural Guralnick Guralnick Phelps HarryG FrancisR WilliamF JosephM JamesM JosephJ BernardL WilliamB RichardC HowardD RusselV EvertE PaulH CharlesJ HarryE WilliamH RalphN JamesB Joseph CliffordE JohnF WilliamJ HerbertE JohnW Maxwell JamesE AaronU AaronW ClayF LawrenceH NelsonD WarrenL JamesL HoraceJ RyeC John William IrvingM Oscar T/4 Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 Sgt Pfc T/4 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt T/4 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt TSg Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc 374-HQ 398-AT 398-G 399-F 399-2B 398-G 397-M 800-OR 397-C 397-G 399-SV 399-L 399-L 397-K 397-K 399-A 399-L 398-G 373-C 397-L 398-H 398-F 398-AT 397-G 397-3B 397-2B 325-EA 399-K 800-OR 398-G 399-I 397-L 397-A 399-A 397-M 399-K 398-D 325-EB 373-HQ 398-MD WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA GlenRock Wilinnsburg Mechanicville SanFrancisco Brooklyn Woodsdale Chicago Woonsocket VanNuys Brooklyn Lockhart MtPleasant Middletown Sharon Ashtabula Chicago DaytonaBeach Scheller Thaxton Hoboken Elmont Union ElmwoodPark Waco Clayville Woodsbend Portland Carpenter Spartanburg Memphis Tampa Salem RiverFalls Toledo AshlandCity Neptune Elizabeth Jamaica NewYork NewYork NJ PA NY CA NY NC IL RI CA NY SC IA RI PA OH IL FL IL MS NJ NY MO NJ TX VA KY OR MS SC TN FL VA AL OH TN TN NJ NY NY NY Guresh Gurganus Gurgiolo Gurgouius Gurien Guritz Gurlanick Gurley Gurlich Gurney Gurovich Gushaw Guskamp Gustafson Gustafson Gustafson Gustafson Gusti Gustovich Guthrie Guthrie Guthrie Guthrie Guthrie Guthrie Gutierrez Gutierrez Gutowsky Gutsche Gutt Guttridge Guy Guzelides Gwillim Gwin Gwozdowski Haalniaker Haars Haas Haas Andrew CalvinO Charles Calvin Harvey John Oscar FrankL BernardE Fred CharlesM HarryA Leonard EdwardH EdwardM RobertE StanleyR Frank Mike CharlesM FrankJ HenryR LeonardH RaymondE RobertF Augustine Christopher EdwardA Walter VictorM HRichard Raymond Paul JohnF AllenB Alex Charles RichardA AlbertH HenryF Pvt MSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc SSg T/4 T/5 Pfc Pvt SSg Sgt Pfc Pvt T/5 Sgt Pfc Cpl 397-C 398-SV 398-L 398-SV 399-F 399-M 398-MD 399-A 399-1B 397-C 397-CN 397-SV 397-L 398-MD 399-E 399-K 397-G 398-G 399-K 399-E 397-K 399-I 397-F 398-M 397-G 399399-1B 398-HQ 925-A 398-D 397-I 397-A 397-A 397-M 399-1B 397-3B 399-F 398-1B 397-L 399-I WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Hudson Cordova SanAntonio Cordova Brooklyn Oakland PA AL TX AL NY MN 1626Romanens Sw Litchfield Baltimore Fork ME MD CA Berkley Buxton Ensign StPaul CA ND MI MN Cardale Richmond Nathalie Atlanta Odenton Glenfield Detroit PA VA VA GA MD PA MI Bronx Plainfield Nutley Bowler Youngstown Lawrence Astoria Lorain WPalmBeach Shutton NY NJ NJ WI OH MA NY OH FL MA CenterPoint CastleShannon Seguin IA PA TX Haas Haase Habbe Haber Haberer,Rev Habura Hackel Hackert Hackett Hackett Hackett Hackett Hackler Hackler Hackler Hackling Hackworth Hadaway Hadden Haden Hadik Hadley Hadley Hadley Hadsell Haduca Haefele Haefner Haefner Haegele Haen Haerer Haese Haesloop Hafele Hafeman Hafeman Hafer Haffner Hafner Max ClarenceW DeanE Sidney FrederickW LeonJ CharlesE WilfredR AlbertL EdwardM JohnJ RussellH CurtieE JacksonB Luther WilliamH WilliamL MelvinD WalterW StephenH JosephE DonaldW KeithJ Preston BernardR StanleyC EdwinT OttoJ WilliamG MarvinW EugeneB AlbertM GeorgeG CharlesP JosephA FrederickA MelvinR EarlE GeorgeJ WilliamG Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Cpl Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt SSg Pfc T/4 Sgt Cpl Pvt Sgt Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg TSg T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc 398-MD 325-EA 397-A 399-I 397-HQ 373-B 397-A 397-B 398-C 398-C 325-EA 399-L 399-G 399-A 399-M 399-M 397-A 397-F 398-E 375-HQ 399-2B 399-C 397-H 397-B 399-SV 397-F 399-A 100-MP 399-M 398-L 100-QM 100-HQ 399-1B 399-2B 100-HQ 399-L 399-I 399-C 398-L 399-M WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA NewYork ElkMound Louisville Brooklyn Detroit Chicago Detroit Salem OklahomaCity NY WI IL NY MI IL MI WI OK RidgefieldPark NJ Olton Pittsburg Bedford SouthMontrose Alcoa Smithville FairHaven Atlanta AtlanticCity BellowsFalls Pocatello Longdale Friendship Sandusky Herrick Madison TX TX IN PA TN MS NY GA NJ VT ID OK NY OH IL WI Algoma Kingston NewOrleans WI NY LA PortJefferson Yonkers Milwaukee Sawyer Reading Franklin Milwaukee NY NY WI WI PA NJ WI Hafstrom Hagaman Hagan Hagan Hagan Hagee Hageman Hagen Hagen Hagenberger Hagens Hager Hagerbeis Haggar Haggarty Haggett Hagler Haglund Hagman Hagman Hagmann Hahle Hahn Hahn Haig Haigash Haigler Haile Haimbaugh Haines Haines Hairel Hajek Hajjar Hakala Hakes Halberg Halberg Halderman Hale WilliamE JohnC CharlesN JohnJ RobertW LowelG JosephH GeorgeE RobertW RobertP GuntherA WilliamE George Al DanielJ ClarenceG BruceG Dwight JamesM KennethA AlfredH JohnT HermanA WillardH RobertJ LawrenceJ Elijah KarlT MauriceJ FrederickC WilliamJ GordonT Tony JamesG RobertW EdwardJ AbrahamH ClarenceM JamesF Chester Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc T/5 1Lt SSg T/5 Sgt Pvt Pfc 399-E 398-E 397-3B 397-M 399398-B 325-EB 398-M 399-H 398-H 397-HQ 375-C 374-SV 397-1B 398-D 399-G 398-B 399-CN 375-C 399-M 399-D 397-L 375-C 100-DA 373-SV 399-3B 397-D 100-DA 399-D 397-K 398-K 398-I 399-F 398-1B 399-C 374-HQ 398-MD 398-E 397-C 925-B Butte Highlands KansasCity PacificBeach MT NJ MO CA Gallatin NewVienna Jamaica Bronx Holbrook PaloAlto Utica MO IA NY NY NY CA NY Philadelphia Manchester Huntersville Minneapolis EauClaire Youngstown PA NH NC MN WI OH Riverside Ortonville Ciccinnati Brooklyn NJ MN OH NY Charlotte Lancaster BelleFourche Brooklyn Baltimore FtPayne Oakes Methuen NC SC SD NY MD AL ND MA Adams Bronx Glidden Dayton Coldwater MA NY WI OH MS WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA Hale Hale Hale Hale Haley Haley Haley Haley Haley Halgash Halikias Halka Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall DanielR Martin ThomasW WilliamC DelbertC JackR RonaldD WaldronB WilburO LawrenceJ PeterJ FrederickJ Albert ArthurH ArthurW CharlesA CharlesC EllisJ ChesterL Frank ClarenceH George DwightW ElbertJ ClarenceD ClaudeL EarlF GeorgeE GeorgeM Harris HarveyW HomerH HowardA WilliamR JamesW RobertJ RobertT OlenA StuartE Pittman Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pvt Pfc TSg Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt 2Lt 399-B 925-C 398-C 399-1B 397-MD 398-C 399-H 100-BD 398-E 399-L 375-A 397-C 373-C 374-B 373-B 375-A 325-EH 397-H 398-H 399-I 399-F 100-MP 397-F 399-D 397-K 398-K 399-D 398-2B 398-C 397-K 800-OR 399-D 399-G 399-B 325-MD 398-L 398-C 399-F 398-CN 397-1B KIA KIA KIA KIA WIA POW WIA MIA WIA Alexandria Milton Omaha Glendale Baldwinsville TerreHaute Melrose Barrington Chilicothe Shamokin DeKalb PortChester Trenton PhenixCity Zanesville Bedford OrangePark GraniteFalls AttleboroFalls Clifty Marshalltown Manawa Miller Leakesville Lawsonville ScottCity Plattsburg Brooklyn NewBloomfield Evington King Colfax Eugene Morton Roxbury Racine Baltimore Crossville Philadelphia Gaffney TN MA TX CA NY IN MA NJ OH PA IL NY NJ AL OH IN FL NC MA KY IA WI SD MS NC KS NY NY MO VA SC IA OR PA MA WI MD IL PA SC Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hallahan Hallenback Hallenstein Haller Haller Halliwell Hallman Hallman Hallman Hallner Hally Halprin Halsey Haltom Halver Ham Ham Ham Haman Hamann Hambric Hambrook Hamburg Hamburg Hamby Hamby Hamel Hamell Hamer Hamer Hamill RobertC LloydR PhilipJ RaymendC SymourV ThomasJ TravisD WilliamA JordanC MichaelF EdwardR RalphH ChristianR EdwardA Harry AllanH Uno WilliamE Lester CharlesA BurtonZ DaileyW MaxG JohnE JamesA RichardW ThomasO CliffordL CarlE JohnW LelandV LeeR Morton GlennM JohnD PhillippeL ThomasW RobertV SpencerD JamesP Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc T/4 Sgt Pfc Pfc TSg 1Sg Pvt Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Mjr Cpl Pfc T/5 Cpl Sgt Pfc Sgt Sgt 399-MD 399-B 325-EB 399-D 397-CN 100-MP 397-A 397-AT 397-I 399-K 399-C 399-AT 398-H 398-D 325-EB 398-B 399-M 399-D 373-C 100-SG 800-OR 325-EH 397-A 399-F 398-M 399-I 397-I 375-SV 397-C 399-A 397-A 100-HQ 100-HQ 399-B 397-CN 398-AT 375-SV 399-L 399-F 325-EB WIA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA NBirmingham ColonialBeach Southfield Kalamazoo SharonSprings Norton Hamilton Snohomish Pulaski NewYork Jamaica Joliet StAlbans Lewiston Kearny Barnesboro Norwood Aiken LosAngeles NewYork Norfolk PineyCreek Rosedale Woodinville Staunton Lynwood RedBay SBrookings Chicago Elane Jasper AL VA MA MI NY VA AL WA VA NY NY IL NY PA NJ PA MA SC CA NY VA NC IN WA VA CA AL SD IL AR MI Brooklyn Ottawa Greer Lincoln Taylorville CedarRapids Columbia Astoria NY KS SC NH IL IA MS NY Hamill Hamilon Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamlett Hamlin Hamm Hamm Hamm Hamm Hamm Hammac Hammack Hammer Hammer Hammerel Hammerling Hammock Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammonds Louis RobertE AndrewD BabyR BasilR CalvinF CharlesS DavidA EdgarR EdgarW GeraldW HaroldE HughC James RichardD RonaldA WestonG Henry GardinerW AlvinE Clyde GeorgeA JamesA RichardF OffieA GilpinI CharlesL GeorgeT JohnC RolandL JohnE AvisD BobbyB DonaldJ EmmittT FloydH GeraldE MaxC WiltonS HuhT Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt T/5 Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc T/4 Sgt Pfc SSg 2Lt Pfc T/5 399-K 100-MP 398-C 399-F 399-C 399-A 398-3B 398-B 399-E 925-A 398-L 399-D 325-MD 397-A 398-3B 374-A 398-C 325-MC 375-SV 399-F 325-EB 397-H 399-M 397-I 398-G 398-C 374-SV 398-I 100-HQ 325-EC 397-K 397-E 397-K 397-D 100-SG 399-K 399-B 374-HQ 398-M 398-1B WIA WIA WIA Bronx McKinney Brooklyn West MillGrove NY TX NY MS MO Sheridan Flinton StoneLake Frewsburg Belton Clinton Detroit Ironton Roanoke NewLondon Champaign Bainbridge Hartford Leakesville KansasCity Milladore WY PA WI NY TX MA MI OH IN CT IL NY CT MS KS WI EWilliston Brewton Martinsville Heiskell NewOrleans Minneapolis Pattison Glenville Fayetteville Newman Clay Ashburn Meridale HudsonFalls Stillwater NY AL IN TN LA MN TX GA AR GA NY GA NY NY OK Sycamore AL Hammonds Hamper Hampp Hampton Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hand Hand Handa Handfield Handke Handley Handloser Handy Handy Handzlik Haney Haney Hanford Hanford Hanifin Hanigan Hankey Hankins Hankins Hankl Hanks Hanley Hanlon Hanlon Hanly Hanna RobertM ClarenceE FloydE JamesE FrankE JD JohnM JosephH Louis RaynerB RichardA RichardC WayneE WillisR DoryalW WalterC CharlesJ HenryW JerryL JosephG RobertC ArchL ArvaJ JosephE FrankR JamesF EdwinC JohnH WilliamT HaroldR FloydE Kenneth RichardE Harold WilliamJ HerbertH JohnW LawrenceD PaulR GuyJ Pfc Pvt Pvt SSg Sgt T/4 Mjr Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg SSg Pfc 1Sg Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt TSg Pvt Cpl Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt 397-G 397-A 398-A 374399-M 374-SV 397-HQ 398-SV 397-B 397-K 100-SG 398-D 398-E 398-I 397-C 398-3B 399-2B 925-B 399-M 399-MD 373-C 398-2B 399-C 373-A 925-HQ 399-G 399-G 398-E 399-1B 373-C 399-L 398-K 100-SG 100-HQ 399-I 374-A 399-G 399-C 397-G 399-G KIA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Wickliffe Cleveland Circleville Detroit Baltimore BigWells Macon HighPoint Beckley Dahigren Kankakee Jamaica Tekanon Hightstown JohnsIsland FtWadsworth NewYork Poultney LosAngeles Maplewood Jackson Abingdon Kismet Sharpsburg Clarksdale Cedartown Yalesville Danbury Binghamtom NTarrytown Malone Harrison Vincennes ENassau Cora Chicago Springfield Gallitzin SPortland BuliedsCreek KY OH OH MI MD TX GA NC WV VA IL NY NE NJ SC NY NY VT CA NJ MI MD KS PA MS GA CT CT NY NY NY AR IN NY WV IL OH PA ME NC Hanna Hanna Hanna Hanna Hannah Hannah Hannan Hannan Hannewald Hannigan Hannon Hanrahan Hanrahan Hansbury Hansbury Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansford Hanshaw Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanss Hansson Hanus Jefferson JohnD JohnH OscarA ForrestL RoyL GeorgeJ WilliamG CarlR JackP RobertH JohnV RichardK LeoR LeoR AlfredC AmbroseJ CarrollM FrederickD GeorgeJ JosephA MelfordE PaulM RobertG RobertG RobertM ThomasJ PercyO FrankW ByronG CarlE EH Hilmer OleB RobertV RoyC WilliamC GordonB Niels EdwardJ Pfc MSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 2Lt T/5 Pfc 2Lt T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pvt 2Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc 2Lt Pfc 1Lt Cpt T/5 Sgt Pfc 399-G 398-SV 925-HQ 398-1B 397-E 398-E 398-1B 925-HQ 399-HQ 398-2B 325-MA 397-C 397-C 375-HQ 375-HQ 398-L 398-C 397-I 399-E 398-I 399-MD 100-DA 397-2B 399-I 397-3B 375-HQ 398-I 398-L 399-1B 398-CN 397-M 399-G 398-E 398-3B 397-K 374-HQ 398-1B 399-K 397-L 397-MD POW KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Brighton Danova Amsterdam Blakeslee Urbana SanDiego LongIsland NewYork Stockbridge NantyGlo Cambridge Dorchester EElmhurst Danvers Salem StonyLake LeMars Shafter Minneapolis Eureka BowlingGreen Brooklyn NPlatte Muskegon Berkeley Madison Pittsburgh Marlinton Decatur Wallace Chicago Columbia Hanska SierraMadre Coopersville Oakland Spartanburg Irondequoit Brooklyn Utica NY PA NY PA IL CA NY NY MI PA MA MA NY MA MA MI IA CA MN UT KY NY NE MI CA WI PA WV GA MI IL SC MN CA MI CA SC NY NY NY Hanway Hanzel Happel Haralson Harbaczewski Harbaugh Harbin Harbin Hardage Hardee Hardee Hardeman Harden Harden Harden Harder Harder Harderson Hardin Hardin Harding Harding Harding Hardister Hardisty Hardwig Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hare Hargadine Hargman Hargrave Harkins Harkins Harkins Harkis Harkleroad Harkness PaulS PaulC JosephH SharonB MichaelJ AllenN CharlesA WoodrowW VanD LewisC LutherE JohnF Carl GradyR Vincent PaulR RobertK AltonV GeorgeD TheodoreM AldenH RalphH WilliamK JamesM LaurelM HerbertW EverettJ JackG JohnH LamarV ArthurD ClaudeB AlfredE RobertD JamesE JohnS Kenneth David ClydeT HarryG Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt 397-I 398-C 399-E 399-B 399-SV 399-E 398-K 399-HQ 398-G 397-F 925-B 100-QM 398-F 397-B 397-C 397-G 398-K 398-G 397-C 398-G 399-AT 397-B 398-I 399-K 397-A 399-B 100-MP 398-A 325-EA 397-1B 397-I 398-CV 399-D 399-E 397-AT 399-F 397-M 374-HQ 397-I 398-A WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA RidgefieldPark Pittsburgh Baltimore Pampa NewYorkMills Medora BradburyPark Marianna Malvern Loris Kaplan Langley BowlingGreen Bishop Brooklyn Utica Rochester Hanover Slaughters Henryetta Eugene Detroit NewYork Easley Bloomfield InternationalFall Pueblo MtAiry Farmington Houston Tishomingo PrettyPrarie ParkRidge Flora HallsQuarry Philadelphia Ridgewood NewRochelle Bristol Peabody NJ PA MD TX NY IL MD AR AR SC LA SC IN TX NY NY NY AR KY OK OR MI NY SC IN MN CO NC ME TX OK KS IL IL ME PA NY NY TN MA Harlamon Harlan Harlan Harleman Harley Harley Harley Harlin Harlin Harlow Harm Harman Harman Harman Harmer Harmitz Harmon Harmon Harmon Harmon Harmon Harmon Harms Harner Harnois Harp Harpen Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper,III Harpin Harpool Harra JohnL RobertG RobertM RobertL DavidL RichardD RichmondJ RobertB Rudolph JohnN JohnV DonaldG HermanV JohnS David StanleyS AugustusH GeorgeW JohnE JosephW Sidney ThomasK WilliamS KermitI Sylva AlbertE CharlesA AlanA BufordO EdgarR EdselJ FloydM JamesL JosephH NormanT SamuelV ThomasB Charles Stanley KemwoodL Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 2Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-B 397-K 399-I 397-F 398-E 398-B 397-K 925-B 397-D 399-G 399-B 397-L 398-2B 397-L 325-MD 925-HQ 100-CR 397-C 399-1B 399-HQ 374-C 397-F 397-L 397-2B 397-F 398-C 398-K 397-G 375-C 397-B 399-D 397-B 399-AT 397-C 399-3B 398-C 399-1B 398-K 398-C 398-C WIA KIA Springfield Longview Jeffersonville Dayton Abington Bartlesville NewYork Lebanon Roanoke Nevada Belleville Osage Waco Attica Burlington Brooklyn Jonesville Baltimore MA WA IN OH VA OK NY TN AL MO NJ IA TX IN NJ NY SC MD Tyrone Justice Boldman Savannah ValleyView Princeton FtLauderdale Forestville Brooklyn Thomaston Joppa Flint Nixon Evansville Blackwood Cullman Blountsville Philadelphia Forestville Springfield KansasCity PA WV KY GA PA ME FL MD NY GA MD MI TX IN NJ AL TN PA MD MO MO KIA WIA WIA Harrell Harrell Harrell Harrell Harrell Harrell Harrell Harrelson Harrienger Harriger Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris CalvinE Charles HenryS JackB JonasB NoahG RobertI EarlG DavidC ForrestC AubreyH CarlB LeighW WilfredM WilliamJ AlfredS Bert EarlL ClaudieF ErnestH CliffordA FrankW CurryN DempseyB ClellanJ ClydeV DempseeJ GeorgeM HarleyH JamesC JamesO JamesW RogerL John WilliamE WilliamM Leroy WisemanR MarcusL RobertG Pfc T/4 1Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpt Pfc TSg Sgt Pvt Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-K 399-F 398-MD 399-A 325-MD 399-M 398-G 398-HQ 397-F 399-M 398-1B 397-MD 398-D 398-F 397-G 399-AT 399-M 397-SV 397-A 399-L 325-EB 398-3B 398-K 325-EH 925-HQ 397-K 398-C 100-HQ 398-M 398-G 399-MD 398-I 399-G 399-A 398-1B 100-QM 398-G 398-G 398-D 398-E WIA Jarratt VA FL KIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Macclesfield Eure Memphis Pontiac Louisville Mendon Henderson LosAngeles NC NC TN MI NY MI NC CA Warrensburg Cambridge Freeport NY MA NY Vandalia Columbus Eros Jamaica RockHill Moscow Ayden Williamston Herrin CedarFalls Ghent Okmulgee Danville Nashville Frankfort Kenaston Sunrise IL MS LA NY SC TN NC SC IL NC KY OK VA TN KY ND WY StLouis HickoryGrove Gaffney WAsheville Nashville MO SC SC NC TN WIA WIA WIA Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrod Harrod Harrod Harrs Harry Harry Harshman Harshman Harstad Hart Hart Hart Hart OrvilleR RichardB RobertA RobertE PaulE RobertL JohnF JosephL LonoO NormanD LewisN Albert EarlJ BealieJ CharlesH CharlesS DanielB BennieE ElmerF GM JW JamesP LorenC MarvelJ Michael Nowh RobertE JosephG RobertA SanfordN WilliamE DexterR HermanW CharlesG JosephW ErwinA CarlW CecilH EldredS EverettH T/5 Sgt 2Lt T/4 Pfc 2Lt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg 2Lt SSg Pfc T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Sgt 373-HQ 397-L 397-K 325-EH 397-K 397-3B 398-HQ 397-C 398-C 397-HQ 399-L 399-AT 397-SV 374-HQ 397-H 325-EA 398-HQ 800-OR 399-F 397-K 397-A 397-H 397-E 397-H 100-SG 399-CN 398-G 375-HQ 397-K 373-B 398-C 398-1B 399-G 399-B 399-MD 398-L 397-E 398-B 399-E 399-C WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA MIA Columbia Norfolk Watertown ParkRapids Dornsife Dallas Westminster Marlin Danville Pocatello TN VA MA MN PA TX MD TX VA ID Ontario Weldon GroveHill Sissonville LittleSilver Detroit Geronimo Cleveland Tula StarCity Portland Toledo Dayton EHemstead Kingsron Nahunta LittleFalls Prividence Kendallville QueensVillage Bluefield Glenn Trenton Trenton Morrisc Wilkinsburg OklahomaCity KansasCity KansasCity CA NC AL WV NJ MI AZ OH MS AR OR OH OH NY NC GA NY RI IN NY WV GA NJ NJ MN PA OK MO MO Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Harte Hartford Harthun Hartkopf Hartley Hartley Hartley Hartley Hartley Hartley Hartline Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Harton Hartson Hartwig Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey LloydW FredB LouieW IgnatiusW RaymondA JohnM GarrettJ JamesA JamesC RobertC RobertW RussellL JamesJ RexW KennethC William CarrollS ErnestJ FrancisE JamesP JohnJ RobertW KennethW CharlesH HenryE JosephM RJ RobertE WilliamH FrankS BrianJ DavidJ HaroldL Herbert JamesC John JohnE JohnJ PeterJ RalphE T/5 T/5 Pfc T/5 Sgt T/4 SSg 2Lt Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt TSg Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 2Lt T/5 Pvt 2Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Sg SSg T/3 Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt 399-B 398-MD 397-D 374-A 397-3B 373-B 397-M 375-HQ 373-B 398-F 397-A 399-F 399-C 399-F 398-I 373-B 397-I 399-AT 397-1B 397-P 373-HQ 397-K 397-3B 399-E 397-B 398-C 397-E 397-1B 399-C 397-MD 399-M 398-I 398-I 397-H 374-A 398-L 398-K 399-F 398-C 397-A KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Shrevport Titusville Memphis Lawrence Trenton Kearny Norfolk Greenville Summit Memphis Hamilton Adams Philadelphia WPoint LA NJ TN MA NJ NJ VA SC KY TN MD MA PA NE Irvington Greenview Ghinnston Andyville Miami Westwood HighPoint Akron Toledo Laurel ECleveland Lavergne Barberton WillowSprings JerseyCity Olmstedville Butte SWhitley NewYork Concord Jenkintown Jonesville Wethersfield LittleNeck Elma NJ IL WV KY FL NJ NC OH OH MS OH KY OH IL NJ NY MT IN NY TN PA SC CT NY WA Harvey Harwood Hase Hasenkamp Hasenoehrl Hasenohrl Haser Hash Haskell Haskell Haslam Hass Hass Hass Hasselschwert Hassenfratz Hassenplug Hasson Hasson Hasten Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hatch Hatch Hatch Hatch Hatch Hatchette Hatem Hatfield Hatfield Hatfield Hathaway Hathaway Hatley Hatley Hatmaker Hatt WarrenG RobertL EdwinH FriendA FrancisJ GeorgeJ PaulG LomaM CarlyleB RoswellC HoraceJ AlbertH HaroldW Samuel JamesL JosephF RussellB IsaacR JamesP JonathanF ClydeB GeorgeD Jimmie MarionC AndrewC CliftonO DavidB EdwardS EdwardW WilliamP AlphonseT EllisH GeneL LeslieE JohnD CharlesC ClaytonB RaymondB Charles AnselmJ Pfc T/3 Sgt Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg 2Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 398-K 399-MD 398-G 100-DA 398-D 399-F 397-I 398-C 399-A 399-HQ 399-1B 397399-B 399-L 399-I 399-AT 100-QM 399-AT 398-H 399-F 399-F 399-E 398-K 397-C 374-C 325-EA 375925-B 398-C 397-3B 399-3B 398-L 399-K 398-B 375-A 399-A 397-M 398-H 399-F 100-MP KIA WIA WIA WIA MIA WIA KIA WIA MIA KIA Shaft Fairfield Chicago Greely Culdasac Cleveland NewKensington KansasCity DeerLake Norwich Adams MD IA IL CO ID OH PA MO ME CT MA Cleveland Bronx Defiance Buffalo Milton NWoodmere Maysville Dallas Salisbury Covington KansasCity Hollywood PointPleasantBch Brockton Saylesville Brdgeton VirginiaBeach Vicksburg Methuen Chariton Conway Stahl DaytonaBeach Manchester Albermarle MtPleasant Knoxville Detroit OH NY OH NY PA NY KY TX MD KY MO CA NJ MA RI ME VA MS MA IA AR MO FL CT NC SC TN MI Hatteberg Hatter Hauck Hauck Hauer Hauer Haught Haugk Haulenbeek Haun Haupt Hauser Hausler Hautala Hauther Havekotte Havens Haverly Haves Hawes Hawes Hawkey Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawn Haworth Hawthorne Hawthorne Hawthorne Hay Hay Hayden Hayden Hayden Marvin JamesL ElwoodD GlennW EdwardJ Jack WarrenE WalterV JohnM LewisF MelvinG EdwardR JohnH GeorgeE CecilR RobertO GeorgeJ WilliamR AdamA HerbertB JosephW JosephH Eugene JamesR Kenneth RayJ RobertF VernonR WalterL WilliamM VincentJ StanleyC EmilF HerbertR RobertE RollinW Tommy JamesG MurrayP PrestonA Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc TSg SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl SSg SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc 397-H 399-A 399-I 397-2B 398-SV 374-B 398-E 100-SG 397-HQ 399-M 398-B 325-EC 398-C 325-EA 398-A 398-E 399-L 397-SV 397-C 325-EH 399-B 397-K 399-F 399-L 398373-C 100-HQ 398-K 399-G 399-I 397-C 397-F 325-EB 399-C 397-C 398-I 397-L 399-SV 398-L 399-L Mapleton Martinsville Philadelphia Chicago Philadelphia Brooklyn Rochester Stapleton Pennsauken Sharpsville Veedersburg Tulsa RoyneFalls MN IN PA IL PA NY PA NY NJ PA IN OK MI WIA MIA KIA Knoxville Pittsburgh Philadelphia Greenville Jackson Terryville Revere Owosso Cincinnati Vonore TN PA PA NY MS CT MA MI OH TX WIA Harrisburg IL Middletown CoveCity Gladys KansasCity Lexington Syracuse Jena Decatur Oxford Nicholasville Kilmarnock HorseCave Eros NY NC VA MO NE NY LA IL IN KY VA KY LA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA KIA WIA Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayfield Hayhurst Hayman Hayner Haynes Haynes Haynes Haynes Haynes Haynie Haynie Hays Hays Hays Hays Hayward Hayward Hazard Hazeldine Hazen Hazen Hazen Hazuka Head Austin ClarenceW DouglasA EdisonT FrancisP RobertS JohnT SigridS LeonardP ThomasE RichardK JosephV MBrooks RaymondC ThomasJ William WillieH JohnF EugeneC Clifford ClarenceW Leon RobertA RoyL ThorntonK McDonaldC WakelinW CarlE ClayR Joseph KennethA ChesterE FrancisM RobertE Joseph BernardL JamesB JohnC BernardV AbnerL Pfc Pfc 1Lt SSg Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Cpt T/5 SSg T/4 Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Sgt Pvt SSg Pfc Cpl Cpt Sgt Pvt T/4 Sgt Sgt Pfc T/4 100-QM 399397-3B 325-EH 399-C 397-M 398-M 399-C 398-M 398-A 399-B 925-A 399-E 100-DA 399-M 397-H 375-HQ 397-I 398-C 399-CN 399-1B 399-L 397-H 925-HQ 397-I 398-A 399-K 325-EB 397-M 100-BD 399-H 374-HQ 375-HQ 398-B 373-B 373-HQ 398-G 397-1B 397-L 325-MB WIA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA CentralFalls RI Everett Whallonsburg Philadelphia Buffalo Baltimore MA NY PA NY MD Pukwana Tampa Asheville NewYork Brewton Buechel SD FL NC NY AL KY Tully Greenville Brooklyn MtSterling Albany Haletsville Oakland Washington Eastaboga Norfolk Augusta Alfonso Pascagoula Smithsburg NY SC NY OH NY TX KY DC AL VA GA VA MS MD NewHarmony Burlington Saugus Earlville Rahway Burlington Hudson Douglas NewYork Cottondale IN MA MA NY NJ VT MI WY NY FL Head Head Headley Headley Headrick Heady Heady Heagney Heal Heald Heald Healey Healey Healy Healy Healy Healy Hearell Hearn Hearn Hearn Heath Heath Heaton Hebb Hebenstreet Hebert Hebert Hebert Hebert Hebner Hebrard Hechtkopf Heckel Heckman Heckman Heckt Hedberg Hedges Hediger RobertJ WilliamJ JamesC PhilipJ LutherH JamesT PerryF WilliamD WallaceH RobertJ WalterC James RichardV JohnH John OrvilC WilliamI MarvinB Brantley EarlD WilliamJ ElmoR WilliamE James GeorgeD WilliamR ElwinC Ernest OscarE WilmerJ HowardF ClintonM FabianS. LeonA JohnA Joseph Julius ArthurJ EdwinM PaulL Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Sgt Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc TSg Cpl T/4 Pfc Cpl Pfc TSg Pfc Sgt Pvt SSg T/5 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc TSg 399-2B 398-B 398-L 399-C 397-L 399-K 399-F 325-MA 398-K 100-QM 397-I 397-I 398-G 100-HQ 399-AT 399-MD 399-H 398-C 100-SG 100-SG 375-HQ 100-QM 399-AT 100-QM 398-G 397-F 373-HQ 398-E 397-M 399-G 398-E 397-C 399-P 325-EC 397-G 399-C 397-2B 397-A 399-M 398-K WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA Muskogee AvonPark Pittsburgh Essington Sevierville Rockport Gainesboro Rochester Camden NeedhamHeights Detroit Dallas Detroit Malden OK FL PA PA TN IN TN NY ME MA MI PA MI MA Unionville WestPoint Columbus MarryOaks Dalton MI VA KS NC MA Grimesland Rochester RoanMountain Detroit Schenectady Lacassine Houston Holyoke Westwego Baltimore Norway PortChester Toledo Sterling Bentleyville StLouis Brooklyn Denton ERutherford NC NY TN MI NY LA TX MA LA MD SC NY OH IL PA MO NY TX NJ Hedin Hedlund Hedrick Hedricks Heersema Hefferman Heffernan Heffin Heffler Hefley Heflin Hefner Heft Hefter Heggem Hegger Hehman Heiberg Heiby Heidbrink Heidecke Heidegger Heidenthal Heider Heikkila Heilman Heilmann Hein Hein Heinbaugh Heinemann Heinsohn Heintz Heintz Heinzmann Heiret Heise Heiser Heiser Heisey SamuelS RichardJ RalphH LeonardW GeorgeS JosephJ RobertJ RobertR AbeW RaymondC RobertR EdwardJ DaleE HaroldA HowardW RichardC TheodoreH ArthurJ EugeneS Edwin FrankF EdwardT FrederickP William ToivoJ EdwardA DavidB AlbertG PaulR MauriceJ EdwardW FrederickC CharlesA RichardE Frederiock RobertL WilliamJ ArthurC WilfordC RichardB SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl LtC Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pvt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc TSg T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc T/4 399-L 398-F 399-B 398-AT 399-E 397-F 100-SG 398-D 325-EB 100-HQ 398-D 398-A 397-SV 374-B 925-C 100-DA 397-AT 399-B 397100-SG 925-C 397-C 399-C 373-C 398-3B 398-G 100-SG 398-D 398-D 399-D 399-3B 397-MD 100-MP 398-C 397-E 399-C 398-H 398-C 399-A 100-HQ WIA WIA Wilmington MtVernon Belmont Jacksonville Chicago Roscoe Bayonne Boaz Brooklyn Hammond DE WA NC AL IL TX NJ KY NY IN LostCreek DesMoines Chicago HotSpringsVillag StLouis StBernice Littlefork WV IA IL AR MO IN MN Malcolmb Warwick Chicago Johnstown OzonePark Quincy Brooklyn Johnstown LongBeach Minneapolis NE NY IL PA NY MA NY PA CA MN EProvidence LongIsland Brookline Wapakoneta Hoboken Everett RI NY MA OH NJ WA PortMurray Raleigh Denver NJ NC PA WIA WIA WIA WIA Heitkamp Heitman Heitzmann Heivly Heize Hejney Helfrich Helgen Helie Hellard Heller Heller Hellman Hellman Hellstrom Hellwig Helm Helm Helman Helmers Helmich Helmick Helmicki Helmke Helmly Helms Helms Helms Helms Helms Helms Helmuth Helsley Helton Helwig Hema Hemingbrough Hemingway Hemingway Hemmel FrederickB FredF HaroldA ElwoodM CharlesH Harold AllenB CDavid NormanR BenH HomerJ RobertB GilbertE MelvinH AlfredJ GeorgeW DavidH GeorgeF PaulJ HenryH MelvinJ RonaldW StanleyJ FrederickJ GeorgeL CharlesE HaroldL HenryJ JohnR JulianC KennethR JohnW Javis FredD Robert ThomasF JohnF AlbertW LyleC RobertG Cpl Cpt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg Cpl 1Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpt T/3 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt T/4 Pvt Pfc 397397-G 399-F 398-B 925-A 399-D 398-K 397-K 399-B 399-D 399-8 325-EC 397-I 374-A 399-A 397-AT 399-C 397-MD 397-E 398-L 925-C 100-MP 925-HQ 925-B 399-C 375-HQ 398-C 374-SV 398325-MD 925-HQ 397-G 399-I 398-I 374-HQ 399-A 374-C 375-HQ 397-C 398-K WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA RockHill Brooklyn Williamsport Oradell PineCity Jenkintown Northfield Keene Byington Lebanon Rockville Baltimore Ramondville Waukegan Washington Baltimore Verona Chicago Buffalo Richmond Morgantown Rochester Bronx Rincon Dallas Pattonsburg GrandRapids SC NY PA NJ MN PA MN NH TN PA CT MD TX IL DC MD NJ IL NY IN WV NY NY GA TX MO MI Charlotte Winnesboro Claxton Harrisburg Dallas Murphysboro Honolulu AsburyPark Murrell'sInlet Ansonia HasbrouckHeights NC SC GA PA TX IL HI NJ SC CT NJ MIA WIA WIA KIA Hemmerly Hemp Hempe Hempel Hempleman Hendershot Hendershot Hendershot Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Hendrick Hendricks Hendricks Hendrickson Hendrickson Hendrix Hendrix Hendrix Hendrix Henington Henke Henkel Henley Henline Hennessy Hennessy RichardE MarvinJ DonaldH WilliamJ EdgarW EdgarA JamesL JamesW AllenT CH JamesW DavidJ JohnH GeraldR JohnP HarveyA JamesR FrederickL GradyL HowellC KennethL RobertM WayneM WilliamO HenryC HollisL RobertB GeorgeH OscarT GarlandF JesseP LucisC WilliamA BruceE SylvesterF Adolf John WalterH GeorgeR JohnW SSg Sgt Pfc Sgt T/4 Sgt Pfc Cpl 2Lt Cpt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg 1Sg Cpl Cpl Pfc MSg T/5 Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt T/4 Pfc Cpl Cpl 375-A 399-G 398-3B 397-F 397-C 397397-K 399-A 398-B 399-M 397-H 397-D 398-E 399-1B 325-EB 398-C 374-C 398-B 397-C 397-2B 398-E 397-F 397-G 373-HQ 925-A 397-G 397-SV 925-HQ 325-MA 398-K 398-C 398-CN 397-I 397-E 397-B 397-L 100-HQ 398-K 397-AT 925-HQ KIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Kenton Bemidji Milwaukee Ridgewood Spokane OH MN WI NJ WA Chatham Detroit Clute Gadsen Lumberton Auburn Delmar Scranton GlenRidge Philadelphia Lafayette Alameda Montgomery Decatur MtJewett Bridgewood Canton Newark Shelby Birmingham Ottumwa Brooklyn Zumbrota DawsonSprings Carrolton Hartaville Bridgman WolfeCity Broawater Maplewood NJ MI TX AL NC AL NY PA NJ PA AL CA AL GA PA NJ NC NJ NC MI IA NY MN KY GA SC MI TX NE NJ CulverCity UnionCity Brooklyn CA NJ NY Hennessy Hennigan Hennigar Hennings Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Hensarling Henschel Hensel Hensen Hensen Hensley Hensley Hensley Hensley Henson Henson Henson Henson Hentschell Henze Hepner Hepp Herb Herber Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbst Herbst Hercko WilliamL PatrickC HowardW FerdinandG AlfredM CarlE CharlesR CharlesV DolanE GeorgeW RoyL StanleyC UlyssesS WilliamC WilliamE Herbert WilliamA RobertE DonaldL WalterA Fredrick HarryC JamesD RalphE WarrenH WesleyA WilliamC WilliamG CarlJ WilliamG HarryR IverH JohnL KennethR CecilL DanielW RaymondW Adolf Sylvester AlbertS Pfc Cpt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt 1Lt T/3 T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt T/4 T/5 Pvt 397-HQ 399-HQ 397-B 398-A 325-EA 399-G 398-G 399-G 398-M 399-SV 397-E 399-MD 399-I 325-EA 325-EH 397-D 397-I 397-3B 397-3B 374-HQ 397-MD 398-K 398-AT 925-SV 397-H 399-C 398-A 800-OR 100-HQ 397-MD 399-C 375-SV 398-B 397-L 397-L 397-E 397-A 925-B 397-SV 325-MA KIA KIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA KIA MIA WIA KIA Chicago Dunmore NewRochelle Burlington Blackwell Binghamton Norwood Baltimore Dayton Crowder PineGroveMill Lexington Knoxville Kannapolis Winchester Hattiesburg Bathgate Albany StLouis Bracketville Wartburg Kingsport Augusta Parrotsville LinnCreek Greenville McIntosh McIntosh Queens EOrange NewFlorence Matthews SpringGlen Fleetwood Carrollton Hagerstown JerseyCity NewYork LongIslandCity Youngstown IL PA NY NJ OK NY MA MD OH OK PA KY TN NC KY MS ND NY MO TX TN TN GA TN MO SC AL AL NY NJ PA NC PA PA MS MD NJ NY NY OH Hering Herklotz Herland Herlihy Herman Herman Herman Herman Herman Herman Herman Herman,DDS Hermance Hermanson Hermes Hernak Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Herndon Hero Herold Heron Heron Heroux Herr Herren Herrera Herres Herrick Herrick Herring Herring Herring Herring Herrington Herrington Herrington Herrle Herrman NormanR EdwinH. Jack RobertE AnthonyF Charles ErnestC HermanV RichardP RobertE WilliamR Sidney SamuelW RoyA VincentJ MilanG Franl ManuelS Victor WilliamL ThomasE WarrenC EdwardW JohnJ HenryA EugeneW PerryG NatividadM NicholasA BayardB EbenW CharlesD EdwardL WilliamH WilliamS AdelbertL FloydZ HaroldS JackN FrancisH Pvt T/3 Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl 2Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Sgt T/4 398-B 399-D 398-MD 399-M 100-MP 374-A 399-A 398399-2B 397-A 398-C 398-MD 399-B 399-K 398-I 397398-G 399-K 399-D 375-C 925-HQ 398-P 374-B 399-G 398-3B 397-D 398-C 399-G 397-E 100-CR 398-K 399-E 399-F 399-E 374-HQ 399-A 398-C 398-C 398-I 374-HQ KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Westwood Hays NewYork Salem Baltimore Fairlawn Camden NJ KS NY MA MD NJ NJ EMauchChun Galena Buffalo Indianapolis Rosendale EProvidence DePere PA IL NY IN NY RI WI Whorton VanHorn TX TX Franklin Providence GreensFarms Newark RedCreek Cohoes StLouis Doyline ElMonte Hollywood Cleveland Gloversville NewtonGrove Pasadena ELumberton Memphis Brownsville Boatman Waterviliet Brooklyn Westmont GA RI CT NJ NY NY MO LA CA CA OH NY NC TX NC TN PA OK NY NY NJ Herrman Herrman Herrmann Herrmann Herrmann Herrmann Herrmann Herron Herron Hersberg Hersey Hersh Hersh Hershberg Hershberger Hershkowitz Hershkowitz Hersom Hertel Hertl Hertzberg Herz Herzberg Herzfeld Herzog Heskett Heslop Hesprich Hess Hessa Hesse Hesseling Hester Hester Heth Hetzer Heubach Heuberger Heuer Heuermann LeslieE NormanW AlfredE CarlF FranklinJ JackA Norman VLee WilliamR WesleyC StanleyH LeoM WallaceS Leonard HaroldL Milton SaulM MyronL Alfred Paul Louis HeinzL WesleyC RobertC JohnC AlbertW DermontD DonaldM JohnR ST Robert LeoW TruxtonJ WilliamA Henry Harry HaroldH NewtonJ FrancisF EdwinJ Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl SSg Pvt 1Sg Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Cpl SSg Pfc Sgt T/5 TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Cpt Pfc TSg 398-F 398-A 399-F 397-SV 397-3B 398-G 398-A 399-A 399-K 398-A 397-C 373-A 397-A 399-A 397-H 100-SG 397-G 397-H 397-M 398-I 398-P 397-F 398-A 399-B 373-C 398-D 373-HQ 397-AT 399-K 399-3B 398398-D 100-HQ 397-1B 398-E 399-C 398-I 399-F 398-I 397-I WIA StJoseph Philadelphia JerseyCity LosAngeles Hagerstown Amarillo MI PA NJ CA MD TX Baxter Philadelphia Clarinda Dover Irvington Kokomo TN PA IA NH NJ IN Canton Brooklyn Brooklyn Exeter NessCity Landsdowne Oakwood Detroit OH NY NY NH KS PA GA MI Milwaukee MiddleVillage Belmont Seattle Milwaukee Mishawaka Nashville WI NY OH WA WI IN TN Delphos Lincoln Milwaukee Blacksburg Cheltenham Vauxhall CenterHill StPaul Peoria OH NE WI VA PA NJ FL MN IL POW KIA POW WIA Heusel Heusser Hewetson Hewines Hewitt Heyes Heyliger Hiatt Hice Hichak Hickerson Hickey Hickey Hickman Hickman Hickman Hickmott Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hiers Hietkamp Higbie Higdon Higdon Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins VernonW KennethO HenryH Albert WilliamM JohnR DonaldG JamesS RobertW William FredH JohnM WilliamA ErnestE FrancisW BerkeleyM JohnT Carl ClydeW DonaldM PeterJ TroyL WilliamF HowardE FrederickB PaulF EdwinL OswaldK FrancisJ FrancisW HoraceA JamesC JohnF JohnT ThomasJ LouisW Trobridge OswaldK WillardL RichardP Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt Sgt T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pvt TSg Cpl Pvt Pfc Pvt T/5 T/4 Cpl SSg Pfc Sgt 2Lt SSg Pvt SSg Pvt 399-C 399-E 397-P 397-C 397-C 397-3B 375-C 925-A 397-SV 375-B 399-A 399-L 925-SV 398-K 397-L 399-E 398-HQ 399-B 398-M 397-2B 399-SV 397-A 398-3B 398-AT 397-B 397-A 398-G 397-3B 100-QM 375-SV 398-A 399-1B 399-G 397-CN 398-2B 399-H 325-MB 397-I 325-EA 397-K WIA WIA WIA WIA Rutland Wilcox Watertown Trenton Waterbury Newark Schnectady Denver LowGap Yonkers Portland Bronx Maspeth EGrandRapids Baltimore NLogan Kalamazoo Bristol Newcomb ELynn Brooklyn Elizabethtown Granville Newberry NewYork Madison Harstelle IL AZ NY NJ CT NJ NY CO NC NY OR NY NY MI MD UT MI TN TN MA NY IL ND SC NY IN AL Brooklyn Brooklyn Dardanville Canisteo Chicago Maynard Lakeville NY NY AR NY IL MA CT Greenwich Stocksville RochellePark FtDodge CT NC NJ IA WIA WIA Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgs High Highsmith Higley Higtgins Hilburn Hildebrand Hildeman Hildenbrand Hileman Hilfer Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill RollandL MarionM PatrickM RobertL WilliamR WinstonM JohnA JosephO RichardL JohnS ThomasC WilliamR JohnT DonaldL CharlesR Rogbert AdolphP AlvaW CarlR CharlieR CurtisS EdwardL ElwinA FrankW Gordon SamuelS HaroldC ThomasB JackM TommieL JamesC WallaceM JosephH WesleyM LloydR WilliamJ RichardW RobertL RoyN SamuelL Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Mjr SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt 2Lt Cpt 397-F 398-3B 399-D 397-B 375-A 399-A 398-1B 398-F 399-B 325-MD 374-A 397-K 397-G 397-E 399-G 399-G 397-3B 375-C 375-A 398-C 399-H 373-HQ 398-E 399-D 398-C 100-CR 374-B 399-D 399-I 397-B 397-A 399-D 397-H 397-L 397-G 397-3B 373-B 397-M 399-M 399-C KIA KIA POW WIA MIA Elyria Denver Sunnyside Lincoln Indianapolis OH CO NY NE IN CedarGrove Jacksonville SanFernando Asheville Mobile Philadelphia Hoboken Baltimore Uniontown NewYork Nashville Norwood Oxford Columbus MaplePlain Cincinnati Philadelphia HamiltonBeach Birmingham Asheville StLouis Sedalia Bloomington Porter Darlington Erie Danville SenecaFalls Rayne Buffalo NHaledon Charleston Elmhurst NJ FL CA NC AL PA NJ MD PA NY TN OH ME GA MN OH PA NY AL NC MO MO NE TX SC KS VA NY LA NY NJ WV NY Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hillabrandt Hillard Hilleary Hillebrandt Hiller Hillers Hilley Hilliard Hilliard Hilliker Hilliker Hillis Hillis Hillman Hillman Hillstrom Hilstad Himebaugh Himelfarb Himes Himmelberger Himmelfarb Himmler Hinchcliff Hinckley Hind Hinds Hindsley Hine,Jr. Hines Hines Hines Hines Hines HowardG JamesB JoeV JoyceH RalphR RobertB JamesH WilliamE HaroldW FredE RobertD HarryF CharlesJ JohnW OrvilleK StanleyB WillardR ErvinJ WilliamT AlanE Ernest StanleyH Conrad GrantS Sam AlfredC JohnJ Louis EdwinA VincentJ LouisR AlfredF Walter HughD JohnA ClarenceE EdwardH JosephW LeonardW VernonC Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 TSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg T/3 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt Cpt Pfc SSg Pfc Cpt 399-K 399-I 325-EC 375-C 399-H 399-B 397-MD 398-E 397-B 397-M 398-E 397-HQ 399-M 100-SG 397-3B 398-L 398-1B 397-SV 397399-2B 399-E 100-HQ 397-H 397-3B 399-MD 399-G 399-M 398-D 398-C 398-E 398-C 399-3B 398-A 399-G 397-B 398-M 398-SV 399-M 397-3B 375-C WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA LaGrange Isabel WhitePine BallGround Revere Tulsa Fonda IL SD TN GA MA OK NY Lima Nye PortMonmouth Jamaica Rochester BoeersVille Lengby Gilboa Swanton HickoryPoint OH WI NJ NY NY GS MN NY VT TN Ottawa Rosedale Brockton Fargo Chicago Brooklyn Broadview SinkingSpring NewYork NewYork Kinsington Marlboro Jacksonville IL NY MA ND IL NY IL OH NY NY CT MA FL WoldCity NewYork Brainerd MtAiry Hartford TX NY MN NC CT KansasCity MO Hink Hinkle Hinkle Hinman Hinojosa Hinojosa Hinrichs Hinson Hinson Hinte Hinton Hinton Hintz Hintzel Hipkins Hipple Hirons Hirsch Hirsch Hirsch Hirschhorn Hirsh Hirst Hirt Hirtman Hiruns Histed Hitchcock Hites Hitt Hitzelberger Hively Hix Hix Hixon Hoagland Hoak Hoalt Hobbs Hobbs RobertH AbnerG MarvinF FrederickC Francisco Jose GlenW RoyV WilliamF RobertE Phil RoyceA ElzaC AndrewP JohnH JohnR JohnL Eugene Jerry Milton Herman IrwinH LewisT FranklinS Theodore JohnL HarryT Carlton HarveyJ LouisC AndrewA RonaldH ClarenceR EdwinC GeorgeR WilliamK CharlesW CecilR DelbertD JamesL T/4 Cpl Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl Pvt Sgt T/4 T/5 Pvt SSg T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt 1Lt Cpl 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt 925-HQ 397-E 397-I 100-SG 399-F 397-L 398-M 398-H 398-B 399-L 397-D 399-2B 375-B 398-F 374-HQ 375-HQ 398-G 397-MD 100-SG 100-SG 397-B 397-B 399-F 399-D 398-SV 398-G 398-I 397-F 398-B 325-EB 397-A 398-G 398-1B 373-HQ 100-HQ 373-HQ 399-C 399-I 398-3B 373- KIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA Cleveland Reading Erie Andover Snyder Mercedes KansasCity Concord Marshville Montrose Mannford Fisher Furnace ElwoodCity Syracuse Columbus OH PA PA MA TX TX KS NC NC MI OK IL MA PA NY OH NewYork Bethesda Brooklyn Bronx Philadelphia GreatNeck Fremont SanFrancisco MrOrab Munger Flint Kenton Bryan Chicago Charleston Pullman Omaha NewYork Ridgewood Hunker Vincennes Holden NY MD NY NY PA NY OH CA OH MI MI OH OH IL WV WA NE NY NJ PA IN WV Hobbs Hobbs Hobel Hobson Hobswon Hochevar Hochheim Hochschild Hochstein Hock Hock Hockaday Hockaday Hockelman Hocutt Hodel Hodge Hodge Hodge Hodge Hodge Hodges Hodges Hodges Hodges Hodgkins Hodosh Hodowal Hodul Hoeft Hoelscher Hoerl Hoey Hofer Hoff Hoff Hoff Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman JohnG StephenR MiltonH James George HenryF EdwardW RGeorge SidneyJ FredrickD JohnD CarlD FrancisG JamesW JamesO Franklin ArchieG BurdetteM Everett FrederickG GlenC EdwinM GeorgeJ GlenM PaulG PaulS George WilliamL Sam Arthur RoyH WalterJ HarryP AugustF. ClarenceK Hoppi RaymondR ArthurR BelvinA BernardA Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 Cpl Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc 398-L 399-E 399-D 374-A 398-MD 398-G 399-HQ 100-HQ 100-SG 399-I 399-I 397-K 397-K 397-E 398-H 397-I 399-K 398-1B 399-G 398-K 398-B 399-M 399-F 397-A 399-MD 397-H 374-B 399-G 397-2B 397-M 397-C 399-H 397-H 399-F 399-G 800-OR 398-L 399-A 398-MD 399-E Chicago IowaCity Buffalo PalmSprings NewBedford Ambridge Bronx IL IA NY CA MA PA NY WIA Brooklyn Steelton York Statonville RoanokeRapids Richmond Berry Crawford Salinville Middletown Bloomington Quincy Toledo Stillwater Charlotte EagleRock ForrestCity LivermoreFalls Providence Centerville Chicago Adell Lott Beloit Auburn NY PA PA TN NC VA AL TX OH CT IN MI OH OK NC CA AR ME RI IN IL WI TX WI NY WIA Clinton IL Mason LongBeach Burlington ColdSpring OH CA NC KY WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffmann Hoffmeyer Hofmann Hofmann Hofsass Hofstatter Hofstetter Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogberg Hogeboom Hogerhuis Hogg Hogg Hoggatt Hogue Hohn Hohn Hoialmen Hoiby Hoisington Hoisington Holbert Holbrook Holbrook Daniel EricK John JohnJ ThomasL JohnL ThomasW LinwoodR WilliamJ Morris RudolfW LemoreE MauriceE NormanG EdwardM GlenE JosephA KarlE HaroldA Solomon EdwardG AlvieJ RichardE Robert RobertA CharlesP Frank RussellR RussellR JohnE ArthurR HarryS MatthewH RussellS EugeneS RichardJ StanleyD EdwinT JamesR RichardL Cpl Pfc Sgt Cpl Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 398-L 373-HQ 397-D 100-HQ 325-EB 399-A 399-H 399-AT 398-B 398-A 373-B 399-G 399-CN 925-HQ 398-1B 398-B 399-1B 399-I 925-SV 399-MD 397-B 399-M 397-K 399-1B 399-A 399-2B 374-SV 325-EA 325-EA 398-E 398-3B 397-G 397-L 399-B 397-I 375-B 325-MC 398-D 100-CR 397-HQ WIA WIA Brooklyn UnionCity NY NJ Drums Dayton Madison Glendale Millersburg NewYork Lyndhurst Drums Chicago MountHolly PA OH PA NY OH NY NJ PA IL NJ Detroit MI Johnstown Irvington NewYork Pittsburgh Tullahoma Bethany Farmington Kingman FtLauderdale MidlandPark Homestead Homestead MtEverett Portlad Latrobe Greensburg Fosston Detroit Windsor GrossePoint Honesdale Redlands SaltLakeCity PA NJ NY PA TN IL NH AZ FL NJ PA PA WA OR PA PA MN MI VT MI PA CA UT KIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Holck Holcomb Holcombe Holcombe Holden Holden Holden Holder Holder Holder Holder Holder Holder Holderfield Holdren Holdsworth Holdy Holesapple Holic Holiday Holl Holl Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Hollander Hollander Hollander Hollar Hollaran Hollas Holleman KennethL RoyL Billy FrankS James JamesJ NelsonA CharlesE EdwardV Ernest FredC JamesC RudolfT AllenC JohnR VernonK GlennW WilliamL RobertR ClaytonL HaroldH RichardL CharlesJ DonaldW HarveyL HenryG John JohnG JohnP JosephT RayL RobertE WalterM DonaldN HaroldJ Leo Russell JackA WilbertF RGordon Pfc Pvt T/5 T/4 Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 T/5 Sgt SSg Pfc 1Lt T/4 Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt 398-K 397-B 397-SV 399-1B 399-CN 325-MB 325-EC 398-B 398-L 397-1B 397-K 399-F 100-HQ 397-E 397-2B 398-L 399-I 325-EB 397-L 398-D 399-C 399-HQ 398-A 397-E 398-L 398-AT 397-HQ 399-H 925-SV 399-B 397-1B 399-F 325-MD 399-B 399-I 397-A 374-SV 397-M 398-C 397-A WIA WIA WIA KIA POW KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Britt Canton Westminster Marietta Andover Philadelphia FairHaven Thomaston Brooklyn Cressmont Pickens Houston Fayetteville Palestine Anderson Manilla Elyria Renick Binghampton Covington Reading Lakewood McAllen Gastonia Yantis PowderSprings Cranston LittleRock Medford Baltimore Indianapolis IA GA SC GA MA PA VT GA NY KY SC TX NC TX IN IA OH WV NY KY PA OH TX NC TX GA RI AR MA MD IN Midland Bethesda NewYork Detroit Passaic Utica LaSalle Pasadena GA MD NY MI NJ NY TX CA Holleran Holleran Holley Holley Holley Holley Holley Holliday Holliday Hollingsead Hollingsworth Hollingsworth Hollis Hollis Hollis Hollister Holloman Hollowan Holloway Holloway Holloway Holly Holm Holman Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holohan Holsapple Holsclaw Holser Holsonback Holstein Holstein EdwardJ RobertC Carl EarlD Foist RobbieC RussellA John RobertL WilburF Christopher SamuelW ErvinJ JohnnieE WilliamT ElwoodD SamE Jack BradfordW JackH JamesH EarlD AlbertE EdwardH AlanD Albert ErnestB HowardJ JamesA JamesC JohnR RichardA RobertC JamesA EdwardP RaymondG HowardD HarrellE HerbertC PaulL Cpl Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 T/5 TSg Cpt Pfc Mjr Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 325-EA 398-A 325-EA 399-M 398-B 398-I 398-B 925-C 398-2B 399-SV 397-F 399-G 397-SV 397-L 397-1B 398-HQ 399-A 399-M 397-L 398-I 398-G 397-L 399-D 397-CN 399-A 399-AT 100-QM 925-A 925-HQ 398-CN 398-1B 398-G 325-EH 100-SG 397-HQ 398-CN 399-SV 100-HQ 399-A 397-M KIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA Pittsburgh Chicago Colwuitt Carrol Milton Hamilton Syracuse Campbell Sherrard Decatur Spicewood Philadelphia PA IL GA IA FL MS NY KY IL IL TX PA Vernon Galena Cohoes Farmville Utica Crowell Corsicana LittleCreek Allen Louisville Erie OakPark Bronxville Salisbury Nemaha Bennettsville MuskegonHeights YazooCity Washington Waterbury Dorchester Albany Reading SanFrancisco Calhoun Deming Uneeda TX KS NY NC NY TX TX MO MI KY PA IL NY NC NE SC MI MS DC VT MA NY PA CA GA NM WV Holston Holstrom Holt Holt Holt Holt Holt Holt Holthusen Holtom Holzman Holzman Holzner Hombirg Hommerding Homoki Homsany Honcharuk Honeycutt Hongsermeier Honig Honig Honrath Hoo Hood Hood Hood Hood Hood Hooker Hooks Hoon Hooper Hooper Hooper Hooten Hooven Hoover Hoover Hoover ThomasP VincentW ArthurE CharlesH ClarenceL FelixT GradonL HaroldJ Henry JohnA AaronH Raymond Henry ErnestL GeorgeA Nicholas EdmundF George William DaleW Ben Henry NorbertG PaulS DelosC JamesM JohnnieO VanceC WilliamO OlenP WilliamR Emory JamesE RichardH RobertL SamD UrlinD AlvinH CarlA Robert Pfc Pvt T/5 2Lt Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Pvt T/4 Pfc T/4 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 TSg Pfc 1Sg Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 2Lt 397-I 398-CN 325-EC 397-K 398-K 398-2B 398-K 398-K 398-CN 399-2B 399-C 399-F 398-F 399-F 397-MD 397-K 397-F 398-AT 398-C 398-L 399-I 398-HQ 398-L 374-C 397-A 398-G 398-B 925-HQ 398-B 398-L 925-C 399-L 375-HQ 398-MD 397-E 397-D 398-M 398-1B 397-2B 399-F WIA Pasadena Brooklyn Butler Dallas Newport MD NY NJ OR TN Hilham Youngstow FtWorth BeaverFalls Brooklyn ForestHills LongIslandCity Galconda StCloud Stocketown Brooklyn Brooklyn Rockingham GrandIsland Brady Lynchburg Milwaukee Oxnard Corvallis Lenoir StPaul Westbrook MtAiry Waterford Chandler Butt Waverly Albany Westminster Waco Lorain Jeffersontown NewCastle TN OH TX PA NY NY NY IL MN PA NY NY VA NE TX VA WI CA OR NC MN ME MD CA AZ MI TN TX MD TX OH KY PA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Hoover Hopf Hopkin Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopper Hopper Hopper Hopper Hoppmann Hopwood Horan Horan Horbiz Horlacher Horler Horn Horn Horn Horn Horn Hornak Horne Horne Horne Horner Horner Horner Horner Hornicek Hornick Horning Hornor Hornstein Hornych Horobik RobertD. KlausD BenjaminF ArnoldM GeorgeA JamesR JohnD MaxL TravisV ArthurE JamesP VirgilD WilliamA FrederickP Jack ClaudeD JohnC StanleyA DonaldK ThomasW AlvinC HarryS HerbertC JamesP MelvinD MilanG IvanW MarvinD RobertE GeorgeE LouisJ NormanE' VictorA FrankA StephenJ WilliamA LouisH Murray EdwardE ValentineW Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpt Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc 2Lt T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc WOJ Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc 1Lt Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc 325-EH 398-HQ 325-EA 397-C 100-SG 397-G 800-OR 397-A 399-L 925-SV 373-HQ 398-L 325-MD 397-AT 100-QM 399-MD 925-C 397-L 100-SG 398-F 100-SG 397398-G 399-AT 374-HQ 397-G 325-EB 398-A 397-HQ 397-C 375399-M 397-I 397-SV 397-G 398-B 375-HQ 397-E 398-G 399-M WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA Dearborn Chicago Herminie BirchTree Arlingon Richmond Meridianville Clnton HickmanMills Ellsworth Dresden Springfield Monsey Brooklyn Brockton MI IL PA MO MA CA AL IN MO ME TN IL NY NY MA VanDyke Brooklyn Poughkeepsie Unionvile Philadelphia MI NY NY NY PA Rowe Payson Bronx StLouis VA UT NY MO Moultrie SBend Riverton SanAntonio ELiverpool Fresno NewYork Cumberland LosAngeles SanAntonio Bronx OregonCity Chicago GA IN NJ TX PA CA NY MD CA TX NY OR IL Horowitz Horowitz Horowitz Horowitz Horowitz Horrigan Horswill Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horvath Horvath Hosetosavit Hoshaw Hoskins Hoskins Hoskins Hoskins Hoskins Hospod Hosse Hossler Hosterman Hotaling Hoth Hotinger Hotkowske Houck Houghton Houlihan House House Householder Houser Houser Daniel Joseph Leon Morris Victor HaroldS HughD BenR Bert ClarenceF DaleA Glenn IraJ ThomasR WilliamA FrankL Steve LeviW WilburM CarlM Colman Herbert Luther RobertS FrankP Robert MonroeE Leet ByronL RobertC CWalton StephenJ JacobR GeorgeH MichaelJ Oscar WarrenL EarlS ClarenceF John Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg TSg 1Sg Pfc Sgt Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc TSg Pvt Pvt SSg 1Lt Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 397-K 399-AT 397-F 325-MC 399-MD 398-MD 399-1B 399-F 100-DA 399-E 398-E 397-F 925-B 100-QM 925-HQ 398-A 398-G 397-A 399-C 399-MD 398-A 397-L 398-E 397-K 399-3B 398-H 397-K 398-B 398-I 399397-G 375-A 398-2B 397-CN 374-A 397-HQ 800-OR 325-EA 373-MD 399-M WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA Shenandoah Bronx Brooklyn Bronx Larrelton YorktownHeights Neillsville Dallas Louisville Bemidji Chicago Elkland Peekskill Grenada Hackensack Athens Waltz Mescalero CrownPoint LakeCity Haskins Pineville Oaks Memphis Bronx GlenBurnie Frederick Brooklyn JacksonHeights PA NY NY NY NY NY WI TX KY MN IL PA NY MS NJ GA MI NM IN TN KY KY KY TN NY MD MD NY NY Hopkins DeepRiver Perry Franconia WAlbany Hamilton Oneida Huntinton Charlotte SC CT FL NH NY OH NY IN NC Houser Housler Housman Houston Houston Houston Hoven Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howarth Howarth Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell RobertC Paul EugeneJ ChesterE HenryL PaulD GilbertL Alva Arnold CoolidgeH DavidG DonaldJ DwightL JS JamesS JohnB JohnR KeithL LelandL LeoM Leroy MertonT RichardF SamuelK ThomasL WesleyB WilliamW NormanH RaymondS EugeneJ HenryB JohnW KennethJ RobertE ClaytonW ClydeM CurtisO DarelW GeraldW GordonB Pfc Sgt SSg Pvt Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt 1Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Cpt Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 T/4 Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc 399-K 399-H 399-MD 397-A 100-MP 925-HQ 398-AT 398-B 397-F 398-E 397-K 399-I 325-EH 399-H 374-C 398-E 100-SG 399-L 398-A 325-EA 398-G 397-3B 399-2B 397-I 399-F 397-B 100-DA 398-H 399-B 399-G 399-K 399-L 397-G 399-CN 374-SV 925-MD 399-C 399-L 398-F 398-G WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA KIA WIA KIA KIA Hollywood Vermontville Ringoes CollegePark Newell Boonville Luverne Twila Lackey Oxford Omaha Meridian Otway ValleyMills SaratogaSprings Denver Dorchester Dover Mitchell Dorchester Tyler Limestone Boothwyn Tyler Bellefonte LittleRock Atco Trenton Magna StLouis Decatur Weehawken Rochester Bath Marshalltown Covington Corning Kokomo Trenton Stagler CA MI NJ GA NC IN MN NY KY NC NE TX OH TX NY CO MA GA IN MA TX ME PA TX PA AR NJ NJ UT MO GA NJ NY MI IA KY CA IN NJ OK Howell Howell Howell Howell Howells Howerton Howes Howie Howill Howington Howland Howsmon Hoxie Hoyhtya Hoyle Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hroncich Hrvszko Hubbard Hubbard Hubbard Hubbard Hubbard Huber Huber Huber Huber Huber Huberdeau Hubert Hubler Hubley Huck Huck Huckaby Hucke Hucko Hudak HyromO LeeF LindseyE RobertF JohnA BennettL RichardL WilliamL ThomasJ RobertA ElmerM WilfredB EdwardW NormanJ WalterF EarlD LeonG NathanielS AnthonyJ Amil CharlesC ClintonR DewainB EdwardL JohnW EdwardA JamesE PaulE RobertC WilliamW LionelE George OrvieW HarryB FrederickL RaymondE CecilE LyleF Joseph GeorgeJ SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Sg T/5 Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc 2Lt Pfc SSg Cpl Sgt SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 100-QM 398-C 397-I 399-M 374-HQ 398-D 925-C 398-G 397-A 399-H 397-H 397-B 925-A 397-K 398-A 398-D 397-3B 398-C 398-F 100-HQ 399-I 325-EA 398-1B 399-G 398-L 100-DA 399-H 399-AT 399-H 374-B 397-1B 399-CN 325-EC 399-I 397-3B 397-C 398-H 397-E 925-C 399-M WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Pelham Petrolia Leoma Fristoe Gerard Covel Chelsea Swannano Nanticoke Deallas Hudson Dayton ESandwich DeerCreek Bronx MenloPark Summit Meredith WNewYork NewYork Montgomery Matamoras Cleveland Oakland Ridgefield SOzonePark EMauchChunk Palisade Hamilton Pittsburgh Haverhill Brooklyn Morrisdale Middletown Newark Collinsville Woodruff Hemongford Leicester McKeesport GA TX TN MO OH WV MA NC PA TX NH OH MA MN NY CA NJ NH NJ NY AL PA OH CA CT NY CO OH PA MA NY PA PA NJ OK SC NE MA PA Huddleston Hudec Hudgins Hudgins Hudgins Hudgins Hudock Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudspeth Hudzik Huebner Huegle Huelskamp Hueston Huff Huff Huff Huff Huffenberger Huffman Huffman Huffman Huffman Huffman Huffmire Hufford Huffstetler Huffstickler Hufnagel DavidB JohnJ ArthurW LaurenceB MackA RobertLee MichaelW CharlesT HenryO JamesM JeffersonW JohnB JohnD Norton OrloK RobertL RobertW RobertW Willis RalphC JohnJ WalterE EdwardC EugeneJ AlexanderV BarnettT Floyd Frank GlennM LesterA BelvinA LloydB MelvinB RobertR YaleK GeorgeC GlendeneE Linwood WilliamL AndrewD Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt 2Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt T/4 Sgt Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 399-G 399-L 399-K 925100-HQ 399-AT 925-SV 325-MB 399-F 399-K 100-HQ 398-F 398-C 397-C 398-3B 399-L 399-I 399-E 399-C 398-3B 398-K 398-A 398-E 397-K 325-EH 100-QM 399-G 397-K 325-MC 399-D 399-P 398-2B 398-HQ 398-F 399-B 399-E 399-F 399-K 397-D 397-1B WIA KIA WIA WIA POW KIA LittleRock Allentown Nashville AR PA TN Hartwell Chesnee Wilkes-Barre Unadilla GA SC PA GA Corry Covington BlueRidge Rochester Keithville SanAntonio Charlestown MtGilead ValleyStream OceanCity Sharon Holyoke Flushing Akron StLouis Brooklyn Epps BuenaVista Oneida Augusta Springfield PA KY GA NY LA TX WV NC NY MD PA MA NY OH MO NY LA GA WI GA OH Richmond VA Leesburg Bloomington Lafayette Lowell Cramerton Glendale OH IN IN NC NC NY WIA WIA KIA WIA Huggar Huggins Huggins Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughey Hughston Huiet Hujber Hulbert Hulett Hulett Huling Hull Hull Hulmes Hulmes Hulquist Hulsey Hulsey Hulsey Humbert Humbertson Hume Hummel Hummel Humphreville Humphreville Humphrey Humphrey Al JamesF Marvin AveryA BernardJ BusterB DeweyH FrancisB FranklinL JamesL JamesO RalphL WilliamJ WilliamT WilliamV ElbertF GeorgeF WilliamC FrankN RussellB Grady VernonL RichardI ClarenceF VirgilU HerbertS WilliamJ RobertR ET LelandS ThomasB EdwardJ Salem RollinD CharlesF RalphE JammesB ThomasE JohnG ThomasM Cpl Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt T/5 Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-A 399-L 398-G 325-EH 397-F 398-L 399-F 398-B 399-I 398-SV 398-M 397-2B 398-1B 397-L 397-E 397-M 399-CN 399-CN 373-B 100-SG 397-L 399-D 397-L 399-2B 399-M 397-E 925-A 397-L 397-B 325-EH 399-2B 399-L 397-H 397-F 398-I 399-3B 398-1B 398-I 399-2B 399-I WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA Detroit Pensacola Webster SanAntonio Birmingham Huntdale Yanceville Riceville KansasCity Whitewell Shenandoah Elwood Peekskill Muskogee OldFort ETallassee Fairforest Johnston Titusville Bronxville Jacksonville Arenzville Coraopolis MI FL FL TX AL NC NC IA MO TN VA IN NY OK NC AL SC SC NJ NY GA IL PA Keyser Philadelphia Kenville Laclede WV PA NJ ID Marietta WichitaFalls Sidman Cumberland Olympia Boise LongBeach Houston Whitewater Cleveland Fairfax GA TX PA MD WA ID CA TX CA OH CA Humphreys Humphreys Humphries Humphry Hunde Hunderfund Hundley Hunger Hunger Hungerford Hunka Hunken Hunsinger Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Huntington Huntley Huntley Huntley BernardC FredW LaVerneL James JohnE Fred ThomasC DonaldH Irving DonaldR FrankP FrederickJ GlenR Carl CharlesC ThomasG CharlesW WalterL HaroldA WilliamJ RaymondP TalmadgeH FrancisA RayM RichardB CharlesF FrankH GorrellO HowardCA JamesJ JohnF JohnM JohnM MerleL RalphC RobertH Charles RichmondA WilliamF WilliamF Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt SSg T/5 T/4 Sgt Pfc SSg T/5 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 SSg SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 374-B 398-MD 399-C 373-HQ 374-C 399-HQ 397-HQ 398-MD 398-MD 325-EB 375-HQ 397-SV 398-HQ 398-D 399-M 325-MB 398-L 399-L 398-E 374-A 398-K 398-F 398-B 100-HQ 398-1B 398-G 325-EA 397-L 397-F 398-MD 398-E 397-L 397-I 397-A 398-F 375-HQ 373-C 398-K 399-D 399-D WIA KIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA Baltimore NiagraFalls Pahokee Reading Springfield MD GA FL PA MA PineBluff AR NewYork Bethel Springfield Weehawkin Campobello NY VT VT NJ SC Calhoun Warrenton Glennwood DeFuniakSprings Danville NewYork GA NC IA FL IL NY MtCarmel Bronxville Cynthiana NewYork Cookesville LongBeach Ellerbe Missoula Brooklyn Pittsburgh Greenock Marceline Youngstown Metamora ForestPark BeaverFalls Charlotte Biltmore Biltmore IL NY KY NY TN CA NC MT NY PA PA MO OH IN GA PA NC NC NC Hupalo Hurd Hurd Hurd Hurey Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurrle Hursh Hurson Hurst Hurst Hurst Hurst Hurst Hurt Hurt Hurt Hurt Hurwitz Husack Huskey Huskey Huskey Huss Hust Husted Husted Huston Hut Hutchens Hutcherson Hutcheson Hutcheson Hutchins Nicholas FrederickF JamesE JamesW WilliamT AndrewF BorromeoW GlennC Harrt JosephJ RichardJ StephenM FrankB CharlesT BruceH FrederickV JohnG PryorE SamuelH ThomasB AlbertL DavidG Frank Ray RalphS PaulA FrankB ThomasH VernonF Marvin William DaleN RonaldJ ArthurJ Raymondl JessieD PaulH KierN WenfordE LelandR T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc 1Sg Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 325-MH 399-F 398-I 325-EA 397-I 398-AT 398-F 397-K 399-I 399-MD 397-3B 399-K 397-I 399-C 397-E 397-E 398-G 925-HQ 325-EC 399-G 398-E 397-I 398-I 397-G 325-MD 397-A 398-K 399-B 398-G 397-F 398-L 398-L 398-M 399-MD 398-G 398-AT 375-A 398-HQ 398-I 397-F KIA WIA TarponSprings Manchester Axton ChurchHill Haverstraw ChicopeeFalls NewYork McKeesport NewCumberland Boston FL NH VA TN NY MA NY PA PA MA Providence NewAlbany Tacoma Detroit StatenIsland Weaverville Tazewell Birmingham Asrion Shelbyville Webster Edmonton Russellville Petersburg Machias YanceyMills MarbleHill StLouis NewYork LosAngeles Utica Lake Branx Durham Lambert Landrum Keysville Dimmiit Allen RI IN WA MI NY NC TN AL OH TN KY KY AL IL NY MO MO MO NY CA NY MI NY NC MS SC FL TX MI WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA Hutchins Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchns Hutsell Hutto Hutto Hutton Hutton Hvizdak Hyatt Hyatt Hyde Hyde Hyman Hyslop Iabichella Iacovelli Iandoli Ianelli Iannaconi Iannelli Iannotta Ianuzelli Iarossi Ibel Icangelo Idell Ideus Idyle Idzik Igizi Iglowitz RalphG ClarG ClydeA EverettH HardyK JosephT KennethW SwansonD WilliamF WillieF LeoN WilburL Gavin HaroldS JosephL LouisD AndrewJ Edford KennethM JosephH PaulL Milton DouglasH ArthurC DominickH Raymond VincentT PerryA VincentT RudolphJ Frank JosephB CharlesJ Frank CharlesE VernonG Albert JosephJ Costantino MiltonD Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Cpt Pvt 2Lt 1Sg SSg Cpl T/5 SSg T/4 Pvt Pfc T/4 T/4 T/5 Pfc T/4 Pvt SSg 325-EA 397-B 398-3B 100-QM 397-MD 325-EA 100-MP 398-H 399-I 398-H 325-EC 398-A 397-A 399-MD 397-B 397-C 100-BD 397-M 397-G 398-K 375-HQ 398-MD 375-HQ 397-SV 397-E 397-F 325-EH 397-1B 325-EH 397-B 399-1B 399-G 100-HQ 100-SG 925-HQ 397-D 374-B 397-H 398-A 399-F WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Washington NBranch Parkersburg Brookline Chipley Camden Conesville Ingleside Lakeland Fayetteville Hydeville DC MI WV MO FL NJ OH WV FL NC VT Hattiesburg Arlington Nashville Millvale NewYork Dillon Brandon Neuvoo CloudChief Brooklyn Bradenton Brooklyn Camden Paterson MS TN TN PA NY SC MS AL OK NY FL NY NJ NJ JerseyCity Brooklyn Brooklyn Oldwick NJ NY NY NJ LongIslandCity Brooklyn Midway Clayton Arjay Chicago NY NY TN IL KY IL LongBeach NY Ignacio Ignatowski Igneri Igo Ihrie Ihrig Iiams Ikenberry Imbraguglio Imlen Impellizzeri Imperiale Imrek Inabinet Incao Incatasciato Inch Indenbaum Indico Infante Infelise Ingegneri Ingersoll Ingle Ingle Ingram Ingram Ingram Ingram Ingram Ingram Ingram Ingrassia Ingrassia Ingrum Inman Inman Interlandi Intranuovo Ioal WalterW Norbert JohnA VernonL DevonJ TheodoreM LloydA LloydA Mariano JackD SalvatoreN NataleJ Kalman HayneW JosephP NunzioJ HermanE JosephK Louis LawrenceJ FedeleP JosephJ AlvahE GeraldD Paul ArthurF ClarenceV DavidB HenryE RaleighC WilliamE WillieJ John Paul Ben FloydB GeorgeT Michael Michael GeraldF Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt 398-F 399-B 397-C 398-L 399-H 398-C 397-I 397-I 398-A 398-I 397-B 398-K 373-A 399-L 399-I 398-D 398-AT 398-1B 325-EA 399-G 397-MD 397-A 373-HQ 399-M 373-C 398-F 397-B 375-B 399-CN 397-F 398-D 398-M 399-CN 398-3B 397-SV 399-B 397-K 325-MA 399-HQ 399-I Ookla Milwaukee Brooklyn Biola Kendallville Seattle Chicago Chicago Chicago Telford Brooklyn SanFrancisco NewYork StMatthews Buffalo NewYork Wilkes-Barre Bronx Plainfield Niles Chicago Alpha Brooklyn Danville Jasper Shelby Lagrand HI WI NY CA IN WA IL IL IL TN NY CA NY SC NY NY PA NY NJ OH IL NJ NY IL AL OH OR WIA WIA Clarkdale Roston Lenoir Seminary Peoria Nanuet Pulaski Winslow GrantsPass Providence GA AR NC MS IL NY TN IN OR RI WIA Pittsburgh PA KIA KIA KIA KIA KIA POW WIA WIA KIA WIA Ippolito Ippolito Ippolito Irace Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireton Irevisian Irizarry Irmen Irvan Irvin Irvin Irvine Irvine Irvine Irwin Irwin Isaacs Isaacson Isabel Isenberger Isert Isham Ishman Isola Isola Isom Ison Isserman Iuso Ivers Iwah Iwanicki Iwanski Izant Izett Izzillio Izzillo Ben ClementA JamesV PatsyA EugeneF JohnW NelsonH RichardP NelloA John ClaytonR ArthurA ArthurA GeneE CharlesC KeithM LewisB DavidC JosephT CharlesT HaroldJ Dominique ElwoodC LouisJ RussellM RobertS RobertJ ThomasL JP CharlesE PhilipA LawrenceJ LouisG EdwardL AnthonyV RomanE JonathinG JimM EmilF DomenicoJ SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Mjr Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Sgt Sgt T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc 1Sg Pfc T/5 Pfc TSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt SSg T/5 SSg Pfc 2Lt Cpl SSg Cpl 925-B 398-I 397-F 397-D 399-HQ 100-DA 397-E 325-EB 399399-F 399-E 397-AT 397-AT 398-A 100-HQ 397-L 399-G 399-C 398-L 399-AT 399-I 398-A 373-SV 100-MP 100-SG 399-I 397-L 397-H 399-K 399-D 397-M 399-G 373-B 398-MD 399-3B 398-A 397-3B 397-E 100-SG 373-C WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Belleville Highland Hartford LaHabra Trenton Baltimore Moscow NJ IL CT CA NJ MD OH Minneapolis MN Brooklyn Whitefish Flushing Brooklyn Gloucester Altoona NewYork Donora NuMine Lewiston Dayton Louisville Middleton Summerville NewYork Brooklyn Hartwell Clearfield Newark Riverside OklahomaCity Bronx Wallington Detroit Hudson Spokane Brooklyn NewYork NY MT NY NY NJ PA NY PA PA ME OH KY MI PA NY NY GA KY NJ CT OK NY NJ MI OH WA NY NY Izzo Jabbo Jack Jackivicz Jackler Jackman Jackowiak Jacks Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jacob Jacob Jacober MichaelG Joseph CharlesR CharlesJ Nathan LevanL JosephM Basil CarlL CharlesF Clarence ClaudieC CoburnB DonaldR DonaldW ElmerW EnnisL JamesC FS JamesQ HaroldB Johnny HenryG JamesC FloydV Hayden HobertC KennethA KingA Lonnie OvidJC Richard RichardF SheltonC ThomasA ThomasP WilliamG BrunoF WilmerJ JohnJ Cpl 2Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/3 Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl 1Lt T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Mjr TSg 373-MD 399-2B 399-F 325-MA 397-MD 397-HQ 398-MD 398-L 397-SV 399-G 398-L 398-CN 398-B 800-OR 398-I 398-AT 397-C 398-G 399-K 325-MD 399-F 398-H 374-HQ 397-I 398-L 374-SV 375-B 325-EH 325-MB 399-G 373-B 397-M 399-C 397-2B 397-AT 398-F 397-E 398-P 100-HQ 399-E WIA KIA KIA PortChester Augusta NY GA Cambridge Brooklyn Guy Pontiac Brooklyn Washington Charleston FtPlain Olivehurst Frankford LoreCity BeachGrove MtClements Falkner Sunnyside MA NY AR MI NY GA SC NY CA MO OH IN MI MS NY Westfield NC Ashland Birmingham PhenixCity Waterloo Menard Danville StAlbans Pageland Osceola Columbia Bausman KY AL AL IA TX AL NY SC AR SC PA Alton Philadelphia Erwin Cowan Altoona DeSoto Philadelphia IL PA TN TN PA MO PA Jacobi Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobsen Jacobsen Jacobsen Jacobsen Jacobsen Jacobsen Jacobsen Jacobson Jacobson Jacobson Jacobson Jacobson Jacobus Jacobus Jacoby Jaconski Jacopi Jacott Jacott Jacques Jacques LeroyV AbrahamM AndrewP Ben BobK DanaH George GeraldJ Peter HaroldA RobertD JosephJ ThomasF PaulM Peter Irving JosephR PaulR ThomasW BernardH EdwardA GordonO HenryC MervinW RichardJ RobertI DavidA HaroldR JosephF NorbertF Robert EdwardW RaymondD RoyA Gus WilliamF Carlos CarlosM RolandG RolandJ Pfc Pfc T/4 Cpl Pvt TSg Pfc Pfc TSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc T/5 T/4 T/4 Pvt Pfc T/5 T/5 398-G 397-P 925-A 373-HQ 397-M 398-A 325-MB 398-I 399-HQ 100-BD 397-I 399-D 399-C 397-1B 399-F 398-F 398-3B 397-B 325-MC 398-E 398-B 397-D 399-M 397-C 399-SV 925-HQ 398-C 399-F 397-3B 397-K 399-F 398-2B 398-HQ 325-EC 397-F 398-H 397-MD 397-D 100-CR 100-CR WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA MIA WIA WIA Milwaukee Brooklyn Natrona Fairbury Celeste WBaldwin Thomaston NewYork Monroe NewYork JamaicaPlains Struthers Brunswick Cleveland Sterling WI NY PA GA TX ME CT NY CT NY MA OH GA OH CT Pittsburgh Philadelphia Saulabury Dubois Chicago Starkweather Wheaton Neligh Braham NAgawam JerseyCity Omaha NewYork JerseyCity PA PA TN PA IL ND MN NE MN MA NJ NE NY NJ Bloomfield Orange RedHook DicksonCity SanCarlos NewYork Miami Lowell Lowell NJ NJ NY PA CA NY AZ MA MA Jaeger Jagars Jagers Jaklitsch Jakowski Jamele Jamerson James James James James James James James James Jamison Jamnick Janater Jancar Janczyk Janecka Janes Janes Janicki Janikian Janis Janitz Janke Jankovich Jankowski Janner Jannotto Jannuzzi Janosik Jansen Janus Januszewski Jarboe Jarosz Jarrell WilliamJ WalterD JosephR ErnestJ ErwinH EdwinL EarnestF ErnestL GeraldB JohnA JohnR LewisE MaxwellR SamL ToxieH FredB WilliamJ WilliamM John Charles Adolph EdwardG ErnestL ChesterA CharlesG JosephJ HaroldR GeorgeW MichaelC AnthonyF Kurt AndrewJ PeterM JosephB WalterH JosephF LeonA JayT Joseph Charles T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pvt Pfc Pfc LtC 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc T/4 Pfc T/4 Pvt T/4 Pvt LtC T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 100-CR 397-I 398-C 397-G 398-C 397-I 398-I 398397-B 399-M 399-I 374-A 399-L 399-B 398-G 397-HQ 399-I 398-HQ 397-A 100-HQ 398-B 397-H 398-3B 399-A 398-L 399-3B 399-1B 398-L 397-I 397-HQ 397-1B 399-A 325-MB 398-K 398-1B 373-C 399-MD 100-SG 398-1B 399-AT WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA WhitePlains KansasCity Chicago Glendale Milwaukee Waterbury Dilwyn NY MO IL NY WI CT VA Lewisburg Vincennes Seneca Portsmouth Union Monticello Norene PoplarBluff Brooklyn SwarzCreek Putnam StLouis TN IN SC OH SC MS TN MO NY MI CT MO Sharpsburg Taylor Watertown Cleveland Indianapolis StLouis Cleveland Evanston Bronx Brooklyn Brooklyn Detroit YellowSprings NewYork Worthington Brooklyn Methuen Felton KY PA MA OH IN MO OH IL NY NY NY MI OH NY WV NY MA DE Jarrell Jarrett Jarrett Jarvie Jarvis Jarvis Jarvis Jarzynka Jasinski Jasper Jasper Jaurez Jay Jaycox Jean Jedele Jeffers Jeffers Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jelinek Jelks Jellinghausen Jelusic Jemison Jemmett Jempelis Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jennen Jennes Jennett Jennette DeanW CalvinC JohnD ThomasS CarlA JamesL JohnT VictorJ JosephJ AndrewW Walter RobertC HarryW MarionD AgapitH PaulW HerschelE HughF JohnH OtisH RodneyE JerryR ThomasO JohnW JohnL MRaymond Russell John CharlesA CliffordL Fred FrederickE HaroldW JohnM JohnM Roland HenryJ AdrianL Tommy JohnO T/4 Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Sgt Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 T/5 2Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc SSg TSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 T/5 Pvt 397-C 399-I 325-EB 398-L 397-K 397-D 374-C 399-MD 397-F 397-K 325-MD 399-2B 397-L 398-E 398-L 398-AT 397-K 397-3B 375-HQ 925-B 100-QM 398-3B 397-M 399-I 397-D 398-2B 397-E 398-G 397-B 397-E 373-HQ 375-C 399-C 399-I 374-C 399-D 374-C 800-OR 399-MD 397-I WIA KIA KIA WIA POW WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Uriah BaxterSprings Dravosburg Philadelphia Carbon Camden Bells Pittsburgh Detroit Humphrey MidlandPark AL KS PA PA IN NJ TN PA MI NE NJ NuttrrPort WV Epping AnnArbor Richmond Philadelphia Mobile Chester Providence NewYork Baltimore Duncan Bronx Mesopotamia Firth Bronx Omaha Detroit NH MI IN PA AL PA RI NY MD AZ NY OH ID NY NE MI Apponaug Wararen EdistoIsland Morganfield Rockingham NewYork Hoboken Franklin Detroit RI AR SC KY NC NY NJ TN MI Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennrich Jensen Jensen Jensen Jensen Jensen Jenson Jeppersen Jepson Jerding Jernigan Jerome Jeske Jeske Jesse Jessen Jessup Jester Jester Jetton Jewell Jewell Jewig Jex Jiles Jill Jim Jimenez Jimison Jinkins Jinks ArthurF DaleG DaleM George HughW JohnW LawrenceW OscarW TheodoreD EdwardW ChrisA Christian JamesL JohnH ThorkelH HermanD WayneS PaulN BernardP MarvinL LeemanN JohnF RobertE LeonardA HansF RichardL LloydE RobertL WilliamB ArthurL RobertH Guenther MelvinD DeweyV FrancisC TerryG TonyT CliffordH MerleW HaroldJ 2Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Sgt Cpl Sgt T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt T/3 Pfc 2Lt Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc 398-P 399-B 398-3B 399-AT 325-EA 925-SV 325-MC 397-L 397-F 398-MD 398-E 100-QM 398-A 398-SV 398-CN 399-F 399-HQ 398-B 399-G 398-A 398-M 399-A 399-L 399-K 398-L 398-L 397-E 397-I 399-M 100-SG 375-B 398-B 398-P 325-MD 325-EH 398-G 397-B 397-I 397-H 397-E WIA WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Oakland Hamilton Schenectady Haverhill Williamsburgh NewBedford Catonsville Speedwill Titusville Cleveland Kenosha Syracuse Pocatello NewHaven Reading CouncilBluffs BrighamCity Winnewood Chicago Summerland Schenectady Chicago SBend Ney Atlantic Wichita MtVernon SpringHill SugarCreek Detroit Caribou Augusta SpanishFork Cleburne FtLauderdale Jamestown Castroville McConnell Sedalia Olla CA MT NY MA IA MA MD VA PA OH WI NY ID CT PA IA UT PA IL MS NY IL IN OH IA KS IL LA RI MI ME GA UT TX FL NY CA WV MO LA Jobe Jobes Jochum Jock Jodion Jodts Jofstetter Johann Johann Johndro Johns Johns Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson FrederickA RonaldL SylvesterB LawrenceO DonaldE Julius EdwardG PeterJ WilliamD HermanJ MelvinW ThomasJ AlbertC AlbertS AlmusL ChesterH AltonM Clyde ArlieS DanielW ArthurJ DouglasK BernardM EarlR CarlA EdwardO CharlesA EdwardS CharlesR EdwardS CharlesW EdwinE ArthurC ElwinF BertW ElwynO CharlesE Arch Benjamin Charles Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 CWO Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpt 2Lt Pvt Pfc SSg Cpt SSg Sgt 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 397-1B 398-I 399-A 397-L 398-E 398-B 397397-A 398-I 399-B 398-L 325-EC 398-L 325-EA 399-B 800-OR 397-SV 397-3B 398-I 399-I 399-L 397-2B 399-L 399-K 397-HQ 397-1B 398-I 397-F 398-F 398-2B 397-3B 398-L 399-CN 325-EB 397-G 397-L 399-MD 399-K 398-H 800-OR WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA Rochester Uniontown Ferdinand FtCovington Lowell Detroit NY PA IN NY MA MI KansasCity Vanceburg Caribou Atlanta Indiaapolis Jackson Birmingham Akron Memphis NewYork MtAiry Bristol Alton Olean Midvale Colombe StLouis EdgewaterPark LaGrange Charlestown Tampa FtWorth MO KY ME GA IN MI AL OH TN NY NC TN MO NY UT SD MO NJ GA WV FL TX JerseyCity Waltham Toledo SiouxCity Rockford Orange Pocatello Bonifay Smithfield Ludlow NJ MA OH IA IL MA ID FL NC MA Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson CharlesR EricG Ernest ErnestE FrankA JosephM FrankO JosephV GeorgeA KennethF GeorgeC KennethG GeraldA KingG HaroldC LanderJ HarryE Larry HarryW LaVerneH Herbert LawrenceM Homer LawrenceW HowardE LeeG HowardL LelandW IvanL LeonardA JamesL LeslieH JamesWL LynnT JoeA ManfordE JohnW MattiJ GeorgeB Max Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg SSg 2Lt SSg Pvt Pvt Pfc 2Lt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 398-A 397-3B 373-HQ 398-F 399-L 375-SV 100-CR 399-C 399-H 374-A 100-HQ 375-B 399-C 397-2B 399-G 325-MD 398-I 398-HQ 399-L 397-A 398-F 100-HQ 398-C 398-1B 398-G 375-C 399-B 397-A 398-I 399-C 399-1B 824-TD 398-K 397-K 398-AT 100-HQ 399-A 397-SV 398-A 399-G WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA POW Headland Brooklyn Branford WJefferson Brooklyn Knoxville Antonito Atlanta Perry Cambridge Seattle Milwaukee AL NY CT OH NY TN CO GA NY MA WA WI WEnglewood Newark AlexanderCity NJ NJ AL NewRichmond Powell Glenmore Aberdeen Greenville EOrange Deveraux Memphis Norfolk Jamestown Oakaloosa Chicago FtWorth WI NE LA NC SC NJ GA TN VA NY IA IL TX Babylon Grassflat Love Asotin Sanford Fitchburg Curtis Andover NY PA MS WA NC MA NE IL Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Harold MelvinC HarryM MelvinM HermanS MorrisM HowardJ JamesE NathanH JanE NeilF George NilsA HaroldW OatherE HomerL OrvilleH JamesL GeorgeF HenryH IrwinW JohnA PaulL PaulT PaulW PaxtonB QuintonA WilliamW RalphA RussellW Samuel RobertE RobertE StawW RobertG SylvesterA RobertJ TO RobertS TheodoreJ SSg Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 397-G 398-D 325-EC 398-E 398-B 398-A 398-H 399-B 399-G 398-I 375-HQ 399-CN 398-HQ 397-F 398-I 397-D 100-CR 399-1B 399-A 100-HQ 325-MD 397-K 100-SG 397-G 325-MB 398-E 398-L 397-L 398-F 397-F 398-G 399-AT 397-L 375-A 397-K 397-C 399-C 399-F 399-C 100-CR WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Attleboro Davidson Pittsburgh Dorchester Roxbury Orlando Marshall Jasper SPortland Babylon Flint Elizabeth Worcester Westfield Corsicana TennesseeRidge Omaha Newberry Worcester Dorchester GrandRapids Pamplico Brockton Brookings Arlington BatonRouge EGadsden Fackler Reading Greenfield Madison Columbus Eugene Gastonia Homestead WBrownsville MA NC PA MA MA FL MN AL ME NY MI NJ MA NJ TX TN NE CA MA MA MI SC MA SD MA LA AL AL PA MA WI GA OR NC MT PA Brunswick Cranston ME RI Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnstone Joiner Joiner Jokinen Joling Jolley Jonas Jonas Joncas Ronald ThomasE RoyD WalterA RobertE WalterR RobertG WalterW RobertS RobertC RobertE RobertO RoyC WarrenL WilliamA WilliamE WilliamM RalphO AllenN JamesN John AndrewG RoyJ CarrollA CurtisR AlmonH BenjaminH CharlesC StanleyA WilliamG WilliamL RobertE Kenneth WilliamH WaitoJ BertusJ ClaudeE CharlesN FrancisJ RichardJ SSg Pfc T/4 SSg SSg Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc 2Lt 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 925-A 397-K 325-EB 925-HQ 925-SV 398-HQ 398-L 398-I 399-D 397-I 375-SV 399-L 398-1B 398-E 399-CN 925-HQ 399-2B 399-A 398-B 100-HQ 398-2B 100-SG 399-F 374-HQ 399-E 398-D 398-I 397-L 100-CR 398-E 397-MD 325-MH 397-M 398-F 399-K 375-A 397-MD 398-L 397-I 399-AT WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Rome Allons Manasquan Meridian Menominee Brooklyn Louisville GrandRapids Gloucester Montrose Pittsburgh Jackson Lakefield Cresbard Tyler LaurelSprings Pahokee Bluefield Murfreesboro Philadelphia Norwalk Cincinnati NY TN NJ MS MI NY KY MI MA SL PA MI MN SD TX NC FL VA TN PA CT OH Camanche Harrington Milldale OklahomaCity Harriman Buffalo StLouis Miami Newport Concord Mayfield Fitchburg NWisconsinRapids Oceanside Cincinnatti Buffalo SalmonFalls IA TN CT OK TN NY MO FL VT TN KY MA WI CA OH NY NH Jondro Jone Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones WilfredJ Fong AlbertR AlexanderC AlfredA AllisanS ArthurC ArthurT BartowC HowardL JD CharlesD JackK ChesterR JamesA ClaudeO JamesH CorneliusH JamesH CurtisM JamesO DelmarF JamesW EHanks JamesW EdwardL JasperA ElbertW JesseE ElmerL JessieL EnaifA JohnD FletcherM JohnD FrankJ JohnE GarlandG JohnR GeorgeE T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pvt Sgt Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt 2Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 1Lt Pfc T/5 TSg SSg Pfc SSg Pfc 397-HQ 374-HQ 100-MP 397-E 399-L 397-C 397-L 398-CN 399-M 397-B 375-A 399-1B 399-B 399-AT 397-C 399-I 397-A 325-EC 325-EB 374-HQ 397-E 398-K 399-L 399-HQ 398-L 398-G 397-K 397-2B 399-B 398-2B 398-F 374-A 375-HQ 100-HQ 373-A 397-HQ 397-C 325-MD 399-B 399-3B WIA WIA WIA WIA Seattle OzonePark Chandler Lawrence GarretHill SpringGrove WA NY AZ MA PA PA NewYork Canton Champaign Blossburg MauchChunk Weatherford SiouxCity Bessemer Escatawpa Edenton LincolnPark Prichard Fieldale MtAiry NewportNews Anderson GreatFalls GateCity Falkner Abernathy Mexico Smithville OilDale Montgomery Gaffney Haleyville Coldwater Tryon MoncksCorner Coeurd'Alene Shelby LongBeach Washington NY OH IL AL PA TX IA AL MS NC MI AL VA NC VA IN SC VA MS TX MO TN CA AL SC AL MS NC SC ID NC CA ME Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones JohnS CharlesH KennethJ ClydeF LeeR DarrellE LemuelJ EdwardC LeoA EldredC LeroyW EricE LevisF FrederickP LewisC CarlosH MansellL CurtisC MarionR EdwinC FloydC ClaudeH DennisD EmmettA GeorgeE NorvalE OthoS RalphC RalphJ RandolphL WalterB RichardA WalterE RichardJ WalterR RobertE WesleyE RobertW WilliamD ThomasA Cpl Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg SSg Sgt Pvt Cpl Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-E 399-K 398-1B 398-E 925-B 398-G 397-M 397-C 399-F 398-H 925-A 398-E 399-F 397-M 397-CN 100-HQ 398-I 397-K 399-C 397-AT 399-E 399-B 925-HQ 397-F 399-E 325-EC 397-B 373-C 398-B 398-K 397-2B 397-B 397-1B 399-B 397-G 399-A 398-L 398-M 397-H 399-E WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Narberth Beaumont Linden Chattanooga Mobile Yorktown Cullman GraniteCity Nicholasville Lawrence NantyGlo Monroeville PA TX NJ TN AL IN AL IL KY KS PA PA Whitesboro JarvisStore Pocatello Chewalla Detroit MtPleasant Danville Johnson Texarkana Hartford WoodRiver RoyalOaks Miamisberg Lawrence Mechanicville DadeCity Hephzibah NY KY IA TN MI PA VA VT TX NY IL MD OH MA NY FL GA Cedarville Kingsport Dewey Lynnhaven Greensboro Rome Warren Sutherlin StClairsville CA TN IL VA NC GA VT VA OH Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jonietz Joplin Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan WilliamD ThomasH WilliamH TorrenceV WilliamJ VincentP WilliamR RobertA WillieE SamuelT ThomasP VernonP RichardE RobertS ThomasC RalphJ CharlesE Bernard BerniceE Calvin DavidC ThomasR EdwardC Vernard ElmerD WalterA FloydC WalterL FredD WilliamC LesterS WilliamD MackJ WilliamM OscarW WilliamV RevesW WillieH EmmettD JosephA Pfc SSg Pfc 2Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc 1Sg Pfc T/5 325-EH 397-F 399-C 397-L 399-I 398-M 397-M 399-F 397-2B 399-CN 399-HQ 398-G 399-L 398-I 397-F 397-I 398-A 399398-M 399398-B 399-B 398-B 399-I 398-L 397-C 100-SG 398-I 397-I 399-B 398-I 399-SV 325-MA 397-AT 398-L 925-A 398-G 397-H 397-E 397-I WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Rushmore Detroit Bethlehem Williamsport Decatur Worcester Blairsville Riverside Edgefield Yonkers NewYork Dubois Springfield Charleston WhitePlains Independence Oakland VA MI PA PA IL MA GA CA SC NY NY IN MA IL KY WI CA Laurel MS Washington DC Madison Thebes DesMoines BrighamCity AlexanderCity Bennettsville Martinsburg Portsmouth Riverside Ashland Conway Springfield Atlanta Newark Castor Wilmington Clinton SaratogaSprings WI IL IA UT AL SC WV VA CA KY SC OH GA NJ LA NC IA NY Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jorgensen Josefsberg Joseph Joseph Joseph Jost Jost Joudrey Jourdan Jovenitti Jowers Jowers Joy Joyce Joyce Joyce Joyner Joyner Joyner Jozitis Jozwik Juarez Juarez Judd Judge Jukulen Julian Julian Julian Julian Julian Julian Julien Julius Juliussen ListonL MaxE PhilipN ElestonR FrancisL LawrenceE Leonard AlbertP DonaldL JosephR JamesD LouisJ HaroldE HaroldD FloydG CecilA EarlC ArthurC JohnP NormanF WalterP OrbrieW ThomasE WilliamS Michael Joseph AndrewG RobertC HaroldK William AlvinM Benny GabrielJ HowardE RaymondP TedC WilliamP RolandR JohnA LauritzM Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/4 Cpl Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt CWO 2Lt 2Lt Sgt Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc 397-H 398-K 397-C 399-CN 399-HQ 398-K 398-1B 397-G 397-E 373-B 399-K 398-F 374-HQ 375-MD 373-A 925-B 397-F 397-G 375-B 325-EB 325-MD 398-AT 397-E 399-G 397-C 925-B 399-I 399-H 397-C 399-F 325-EB 397-K 100-BD 397-A 925-HQ 398-L 397-K 397-CN 100-DA 398-I POW WIA MIA WIA WIA Pensacola Barberton Rensselaer Anderson SaratogaSprings Denver NewYork Cleveland Philadelphia Trenton StAlbans GrossePoint Worcester Omaha Johnsonburg Aimwell Waco Wichita Roxbury Oceanville BrownsMills Tampa BeeBranch Kernersville FL OH IN IN NY CO NY OH PA NJ NY MI MA NE PA AL TX KS MA ME NJ FL AR NC Hartford MountainView Riverside SacCity CT CA CA IA StJames Waterbury EOrange Salisbury Fiskdale Knoxville Hudson JackmanStation Brooklyn Newport MN CT NJ NC MA TN NC ME NY RI Jump Jurcec Jurcheson Jurek Jurgevich Jurofsky Juster Justice Justice Justice Justice Juwig Kabana Kachur Kacmarcik Kaczmaryn Kaczynski Kadison Kadora Kadri Kadzierski Kaehadurian Kaelin Kaercher Kaetzel Kafer Kahl Kahme Kahn Kahrs Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser Kakzmierski Kaladjian Kaldes Kaler Kaleschai Kalick Kalil LymanP AnthonyP George DenverM Martin CharlesJ Sanford ChalmerV JamesC LonnieL MilfordJ GuentherP StephenP NeilG JosephR Edmund RichardE RobertM Joseph RobertL JosephT Varshan KarlJ EdwardL LawrenceJ JohnA GeorgeJ Isadore AdolphR JohnA JacobM JohnW WalterC Anthony GeorgeA James Carroll CharlesJ Peter ThomasM T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt 2Lt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc TSg SSg Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 SSg Pfc Pfc T/3 T/5 Pfc T/5 2Lt Pfc T/4 T/5 399-SV 399-AT 397-L 397-A 397-A 375-B 373-B 397-3B 398-C 399-B 398-F 398-B 397-HQ 397-B 800-OR 399-CN 100-MP 399-I 925-A 397-D 399399-B 375-B 373-B 398-A 399-2B 925-HQ 325-EH 399-B 100-SG 373-A 375-C 399-SV 325-MH 399-A 100-SG 398-F 397-D 398-MD 375-A WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WallinsCreek Cleveland SwanLake Wharton Stoystown Brooklyn Levittown Portsmouth Tonawanda Columbia Newberry Milwaukee Tuscarona KY OH NY TX PA NY PA VA NY SC MI WI PA Chicago IL Dearborn Norwichtown MI CT Frederick Cleveland Cleveland NewYork Laredo MD OH OH NY TX Cromwell JacksonHeights Brooklyn CT NY NY Springfield NY Brooklyn NY Lawrence MA Kalko Kalkstein Kallai Kallai Kaltofen Kalvar Kaman Kamenar Kamholtz Kaminske Kaminski Kaminski Kaminski Kaminsky Kamp Kampf Kampmann Kanarek Kandybowski Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kanellos Kaner Kania Kania Kanter Kanter Kantner Kapher Kaplan Kaplan Kaplan Kaplan Kaplan Kaplan Kapp Kappas JohnP HermanB Frank LouisJ Albert SheldonD HaroldE JosephS JohnA Roy CasimirC FrankW HenryJ Abraham DanielW SidneyS GeorgeA Stanley Stanley JamesP JosephC PaulE WalterJ WilliamJ Charles Herman AnthonyS JosephJ GeraldS WilliamE ArchibaldC Irving AbrahamH Jerome Julius Martin MelvinL SheldonL George JohnA T/5 Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt SSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt 800-OR 925-B 399-SV 398-SV 374-C 325-EB 397-E 399-H 398-C 399-M 325-MB 397-B 100-BD 398-AT 399-F 399-CN 398-E 398-B 397-K 800-OR 397-1B 397-H 397-I 397-I 399-SV 100-HQ 397-B 398-E 399-K 398-F 397-K 398-L 398-MD 399-A 325-EA 325-MC 398-MD 398-AT 100-HQ 399-I Webster Brooklyn PA NY Joliet Louisville IL KY Tonawanda FairpointHarbor Chicago NY OH IL NewYork Hartford Philadelphia NY CT PA Brooklyn NY MtCarmel NewYork PA NY Elizabeth NJ NewYork Brooklyn NY NY NArlington Brooklyn NJ NY Cressona Bronx PA NY Brooklyn NY NewPort KY WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Kapsner Karaffa Karas Karbosky Karch Karcher Karcher Kardian Karibian Karius Karjala Kark Karkoski Karlan Karlocks Karlowicz Karlson Karmalita Karn Karp Karperos Karpinsky Karppinen Karpuk Karsian Karsis Karsten Karus Karuzich Karwowski Kasberger Kaschalk Kasen Kasista Kasney Kasperowski Kassel Kastner Kasun Kaszuba AlbyJ George RichardJ MichaelJ RobertJ EdwardE GeraldA CharlesJ Sarkis LeRoyA RobertW JohnH RalphA Joseph Charles Marion RaymondJ JosephG JoeE Solomon Andros Stanley August George RobertO MichaelJ RobertW JosephS HarryA CharlesJ JohnS JamesR MichaelG Frank JohnM StanleyM TheodoreS RexfordP JohnM AlexanderJ Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg T/5 Sgt SSg Pvt Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Sg T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Pvt SSg Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg MSg Pfc T/4 399-G 325-MB 399-B 397-AT 398-3B 399-B 398-C 397-AT 399-A 398-I 325-MH 399-3B 399-F 374-B 373-B 399-2B 398-3B 398-D 398-AT 397-A 399-L 397-M 925-B 373-SV 399-B 399-L 399-SV 399-I 399-M 375-C 398-F 398-HQ 100-SG 399-D 399-G 397-F 397-D 398-SV 398-B 398-SV KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Anaheim Trenton Chicago CA NJ IL Maywood Cleveland Bronx Baltimore NewYork Milwaukee Detroit NJ OH NY MD NY WI MI Maspeth Tampa NY FL Chicago Elkhart Brooklyn IL IN NY Brooklyn Fitchburg Williamstown NY MA NJ Philadelphia GreenBay Pittsburgh PA WI PA Bronx MtProspect Brooklyn NY IL NY JerseyCity Bellerose Westfield NJ NY MA Fayetteville NY WRutland VT Katavolos Katchmar Katich Katinsky Katsky Katsos Katt,Rev Katz Katz Katz Katz Katzenstein Katzenstein Katzer Kauffman Kauffman Kauffman Kauffman Kauffman Kauffmann Kaufman Kaufman Kaufman Kaufman Kaufman Kaufman Kaufman Kaufmann Kavanagh Kavarasw Kawicki Kay Kay Kay Kay Kay Kay Kayfish Kayser Kazelis,Sr Peter JackA EdwardR MichaelJ ErnestJ John AlvinA Benjamin CharlesW EugeneJ SeymourN Theodore Werner StephenP DonaldE EarlE IraW JamesR RomanF AlbertF Abraham Alex Bernard KennethM Peter RobertA William ThomasG KennethR JoeW VincentC AlexanderL Frank Harold KennethM MartinS WilliamT AnthonyF Eugene AlbertJ T/4 Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Mjr T/5 CWO Cpt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg SSg Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc Cpl TSg T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg 397-MD 399-A 397-2B 397-HQ 397-A 399-F 100-HQ 398-MD 398-HQ 100-HQ 398-HQ 398-3B 399-B 925-B 398-H 398-3B 397-E 397-K 399-B 399-F 325-MA 397-AT 800-OR 397-AT 399-E 398-M 374-SV 100-HQ 398-1B 397-K 398-L 325-MH 374-A 373-SV 374-B 399-CN 398-E 399-D 397-F 398-A WIA WIA Detroit MI Troy NY Brooklyn Brooklyn Chicago Albuquerque NY NY IL NM Garnett Shippensburg KS PA Martinsburg Hamburg EStroudsburg PA PA PA WPalmBeach Euclid FL OH Madison Chillicothe LakeWorth Brooklyn Bronx Cleveland Riverside WI OH FL NY NY OH NJ Garfield Lowell Groton Morristown Rome GA MA CT NJ GA McAllen TX WIA WIA WIA WIA Kazer Kazmerski Keach Keane Keane Keardo Kearfott Kearney Kearney Keating Keator Keblusek Keddie Kedves Kedzierski Kedzuch Kee Keech Keefe Keefe Keefer Keefer Keegan Keegan Keegan Keel Keelan Keeling Keeling Keen Keen Keenan Keene Keene Keene Keener Keener Keeney Keeton Keevan Joseph AnthonyS LawrenceJ Michael WilliamA JosephJ JohnL GeraldJ WilliamJ BernardM HarryJ LaddieJ JamesA Stephen JosephT JohnP WilliamA ArthurJ JohnF WilliamF OrpheusN RichardN EdwardL JamesJ JohnE RoyC JohnP EdwardA RollandO CarrollE JohnP HarryV Charles EulieE JohnB CareyA WalterM LewisH DudleyE John Pvt Cpt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt 1Lt SSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Cpt SSg MSg T/4 Pfc Cpt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-F 325-MB 100-QM 398-K 397-C 373-MD 398-L 397-AT 397-2B 398-AT 398-2B 399-M 398-E 398-K 399-I 398-D 398-A 925-C 100-QM 399-C 373-C 398-F 398-AT 375-HQ 399-H 398-F 397-I 399-M 397-1B 398-F 397-L 399-SV 100-BD 399-G 398-3B 374-MD 325-EB 399-G 399-AT 325-EB KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA Newington Charleston NewYork TN SC NY Springfield Wakefield Norristown OH MA PA Johnstown Trenton Johnstown Dyersburg PA NJ PA TN CedarRapids Ithaca Boston Tamaqua Northvale Bronx Devon Cumberland IA NY PA PA NJ NY CT MD Essex Plattsburg Pittsfield Soperton UK NY MA GA Logan Brooklyn Hartford Florence Brooklyn WV NY CT AL NY Kegans Keibel Keil Keilty Keim Keirniesky Keiser Keithly Keliher Kelleher Kelleher Keller Keller Kellett Kellett Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelling Kellison Kellogg Kells Kellum Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly PatrickR George EugeneC BernardJ ThomasG CharlesJ WilliamH ThomasG DanielJ CharlesP WilliamT FrankP RobertR JosephB RobertJ AlfredH EdwinR JohnE JohnW JosephT MarvinR RaymondD StephenJ WinfordR RollandO HubefrtE VernonW Russell JosephL Bartholome Billy Cleve DavidG DonaldP FrancisJ GeorgeR JamesJ JamesJ JamesP JohnJ Pfc Sgt T/5 T/5 Cpt Pfc LtC Pfc Pfc TSg Pvt Sgt T/5 T/5 1Lt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc TSg SSg Pfc SSg Pvt Sgt T/5 Pfc T/4 398-F 398-H 398-G 325-EA 398-SV 398-A 397-HQ 373-HQ 398-G 399-MD 399-B 399-F 399-M 325-EC 925-HQ 398-MD 325-MH 925-A 373-SV 399-G 398-I 398-L 397397-1B 397-1B 398-E 398-L 399-I 399-E 398-H 398-AT 325-EH 373-HQ 399-L 398-B 397-B 398-H 325-EB 399-1B 100-HQ WIA SanAntonio TX Waterbury CT Springfield Detroit Haverhill MO MI MA Irvington SealCove Swampscott Uniontown NJ ME MA PA Pasadena TX Nerkel Hillsboro Massena Laramie Albany TX IN NY WY NY Troy NY Perry NY Cincinnati NewYork Farmingdale OH NY NY NewYork NY POW KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelse Kelsey Kelsey Kelso Kelso Kelty Kembel Kemble Kemerling Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemper Kempf Kempthorne Kemy Kenapaske Kendall JohnT JosephF LeoJ WalterT LesterJ WilliamJ MartinJ Randall ThomasC ThomasG RaymondW RobertM StephenJ RaymondF Robert VincentQ Walter LouieT Paul RaymondD WilburT OrvilleE SevernL RobertR WilburT PaulT CalvinC Franklin AlfredL DerwoodA HarlatV JackS KennethO WilliamH RonaldV JohnD JohnE Harold CarlJ JosephF Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg SSg Pfc Pvt Cpt Cpl Pfc Pfc 2Lt SSg Pfc Cpl SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc Cpl Sgt T/5 Pfc LtC Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt T/4 TSg SSg Pfc 100-CR 399-AT 399-B 397-A 398-M 398-L 397-K 399-HQ 100-ST 325-EC 399398-2B 397-F 399-2B 397-B 399-G 399-2B 399-AT 398-H 398-L 397398-I 397-C 397-CN 397-I 325-MC 397-E 800-OR 399-F 398-K 399-F 925-HQ 397-B 399-L 100-DA 398-L 397-1B 399-F 399-K 397-MD WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA NewYork Paris NY MO Brooklyn Greensburg Wilcoe CountyClare Youngstown NY PA WV IR OH Philadelphia Adams Chicago NewYork CharlesTown PA MA IL NY WV Dayton Tulsa OH OK FtWayne Detroit IN MI Shippensburg Brooklyn PA NY MtCarmel PA Altoona PA Birmingham Weirton Salisbury Carmichael Newcomerstown AL WV PA CA OH Belmont MA KIA KIA Kendrick Kendrick Kendzierski Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kenner Kenner Kenney Kenney Kenney Kenney Kenney Kenney Kenney Kenney Kenney Kenning Kenning Kenny Kenny Kenny Kent Kent Kent Kentler Kenyon Kenyon Kenyon Keohane Keough Keough Keown Keown Kephart Keppner Bill JamesM ChesterS DonaldR FrancisT IvanE JohnA JohnG LeoE Orville Jack WilliamR AlbertJ BenjaminF CharlesW DanielA Fredrick JohnB JosephJ WilliamF WilliamF GergeS Robert JamesJ JamesT ThomasF EarlL JV RoyW DanielR GordonM RaymondF RobertS JohnJ JamesR ThomasH HarlandH HaroldL JohnF JohnJ SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc 373399-HQ 398-F 398-C 325-MD 399-D 398-CN 325-MA 325-EC 925-SV 374-C SSg Pfc CWO Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Mjr Mjr T/4 Pfc T/4 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc 397-AT 398-D 373-SV 397-K 399-I 398-I 398-A 375-HQ 375-HQ 398-K 397-D 375-A 398-I 325-MB 399-G 398-E 397-G 374-HQ 397-3B 397-A 397-E 397-CN 374-A 398-M 399-K 397-MD 398-B 325-MA T/4 Pfc Cpl Sgt Pfc Cpl Cpl WIA WIA KIA POW WIA WIA Pebworth Chicago KY IL Springfield Gorham Marion UnionCity Montreal Glomawn Franklin SanBernardino Springfield MA NH OH NJ CN KY TX CA MA Chambersburg NewYork Medford Newport PA NY MA RI Dorchester Dorchester Pittsburgh Chicago JerseyCity Bayonne MA MA PA IL NJ NJ LosAngeles LittleRock CA AR Brooklyn NY Elgin IL Belmont MA Phoenix Clinton Philipsburg AZ IN PA WIA WIA Keraly Kerekes Kerible Kermos Kerner Kernes Kernes Kerns Kerns Kerns Kerns Kerr Kerr Kerr Kerr Kerr Kerr Kerr Kerr Kerschbaume Kershaw Kershbaumer Kershisnik Kerstetter Kertel Kerwin Keserich Keseros Kesmar Kessel Kessenich Kessis Kessler Kesten Kestler Kestner Kestner Keston Ketchel Ketron Joseph Joseph AlbertP George RalphR JuliusA RufusE ChesterE EverettB JosephM RobertE CliftonR FloydE GlennA MerilH NelsonM PaulA RichardA William HenryJ HartleyD Henry FrankT GeorgeM Charles JohnE RudolphP JosephB JohnJ HaroldL AlbertW TheodoreA FrankD Milton George LeroyE MarionL Milton RudolphJ Clifton SSg T/4 Cpl Pfc Cpl Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg Sgt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Sgt Pfc TSg Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 325-EB 800-OR 398-MD 398-K 398-E 398-M 397-3B 397-B 399-F 398-L 397-L 100-SG 398-1B 373-C 398-L 399-C 397-M 399-G 398-F 375-SV 399-A 375-HQ 398-G 100-DA 397-C 100-SG 399-C 399-I 398-L 397-A 397-3B 397-E 398-C 397-A 397-L 398-E 398-G 397-1B 398-C 397-1B WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Mahwah Hammond Amsterdam Srjay EPrarie Chicago Rome Anaheim NJ IN NY KY MO IL GA CA Dover IL Durham Portage Youngdtown HighBridge NC OH OH WI Fresno Ickesburg CA PA Chicora PA Chicora PA Beallsville Carrollton PA OH Mansfield Chicago OH IL Windsor WI DuBois Brooklyn Ridgewood PA NY NY Abington VA Verda KY KIA WIA Kettler Keun Kevern Kevorkian Key Key Key Key Key Key Keyes Keyes Keyes Keys Khouri Khoury Kiburis Kiceniuk Kickey Kickham Kidaloski Kidd Kiddie Kiderlen Kidwell Kidwell Kiefer Kiehnhoff Kiekenapp Kiekland Kielbowicz Kielbowicz Kiele Kiernan Kiernan Kiessling Kight Kilawee Kilduff Kilfoyle WilburE Gustaf WilliamF EdwardG CharlesT DouglasJ EugeneE JimW VictorD WilliamA ThomasJ ThomasR William StephenA HenryP JohnM OswaldJ Taras AlfredL MichaelD ChesterA WilliamG JamesA RobertF OscarL TheodoreR Harold ElwinA WilliamT RobertL JosephP Thomas FrancisS JosephF WilliamA HaroldW RobertL MartinJ Thomas PaulV T/5 Pfc Pfc T/3 Pvt Cpl T/5 SSg Cpl Pfc T/4 T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Cpl Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc WOJ Pfc T/4 Pvt SSg 398-G 399-E 398-F 325-MD 375-A 398-1B 100-CR 397-M 925-HQ 398-A 398-SV 375-MD 398-I 925-C 397-C 399-L 375-SV 398-C 325-EB 399-A 397-AT 398-F 398-2B 398-I 397-H 325-EC 399-CN 399-H 374-HQ 398397-AT 397-HQ 399-MD 399-SV 398-1B 925-HQ 399-A 397-L 399-F 397-D Arugsville Camden Elmira Brooklyn SBend Sealy Knokville Berkeley NY NJ NY NY IN TX TN CA Dyersburg Vernon Hartford Jacinto Philadelphia Cranford TN NY CT CA PA NJ Brooklyn Elizabeth Hoboken NY NJ NJ OldForge Corbin Lynn PA KY MA Shoals OzonePark FranklinSquare Troy Hammond IN NY NY KS IN KIA OilCity PA WIA Livingston Nassau NJ NY StLouis Kaukauna MO WI MIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Kilgore Kilgore Kilgore Kilgore Kilgore Kilgore Kill Killeen Killette Killinger Killman Kilpatrick Kilts Kimbal Kimball Kimball Kimball Kimball Kimball Kimber Kimbler Kimker Kimm Kimm Kimmel Kimmell Kimmell Kimmey Kimmey Kincade Kindell King King King King King King King King King ArnoldL CharlesH GeorgeC VirgilM WalterS WilsonR MerrillH WilliamM RussellV DonaldD RussellJ NoleyB HarveyV NormanR CharlesA NormanR RalphH Robert WalterA Clyde CharlesS OttoJ HowardF JamesW Louis GlennE LeonardS HarryL RolandC GeorgeD BentonE CarolE CharlesE CharlesL CharlesR CharlesW ClaudeH ClaudeW DaltonD DelphD Pvt Pfc T/4 SSg Pfc Sgt TSg T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc T/4 Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-L 399-K 325-MD 397-E 373-SV 399-E 397-3B 398-SV 399-F 100-QM 397-I 100-SG 398-A 397-1B 397-SV 397-C 398-2B 397-B 397-D 399-D 399-I 373-C 399-B 399-B 399-C 399-D 399-MD 398-A 398-A 399-D 399-H 398-F 399-F 397-B 398-B 397-1B 399-B 398-F 398-K 397-K Chattanooga TN Windom ElDorado Leesburg TracyCity Maryville MN KS FL TN MO Clyde Delmar Haleyville OH MD AL Everett Newark MA OH Ashland SOzonePark KY NY DesMoines IA TellCity Jamaica Washington IN NY OH Billings UnionCity Bristol MT IN TN Arbuckle DesMoines WV IA DeerPark Smithville RedLevel Murphysboro MD AR AL IL WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA KIA King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King Kingery Kingon Kingsbauer Kingston Kingzett Kinkade Kinkade Kinney DonaldR EdgarL EdwardJ JamesL ElmerL JohnM FrankE JohnO FredL HerbertF EugeneJ FrankL FrederickC JosephA JosephR LeeL NorrisD RalphW RufusH StuartG RichardW ThomasF RobertC RufusA RayA Robert RogerP WallaceA WendellH WilliamF WilliamJ WilliamP ErnieB LeslieJ RobertT DouglasP JohnC HenryE GeorgeD JohnMS Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt Pvt LtC Pfc Pvt Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Cpt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc 397-L 399-E 100-SG 397-E 399-C 397-HQ 399-2B 397-B 397-I 100-SG 398-F 374-A 398-C 397-F 373-C 399-A 398-H 374-B 397-AT 373-B 100-DA 397397-B 398-I 399-AT 398-A 397-I 325-MB 398-F 398-L 397-G 398-3B 398-L 399-1B 399-3B 397-A 397-K 399-1B 399-D 398-2B WIA WIA Gadsden Malden Knoxville JohnsonCity Baltimore AL MA TN TN MD Macon Nashville GA TN Philadelphia NTonawanda Sedan Weis Severn Coffeyville Robarts Cramerton Huntington Sabael PA NY KS MS VA KS KY NC TX NY Milroy Memphis Poway IN TN CA Prichard Chicago AL IL Detroit MI DawsonSprings KY NewCanaan CT Billings Latonia MT KY KIA KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA KIA Kinney Kinney Kinney Kinney Kinnick Kinsey Kinsley Kinzie Kirby Kirby Kirchheimer Kirchman Kirchoff Kirk Kirk Kirkbridge Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland Kirkpatrick Kirkwood Kirsch Kirsch Kirschen Kirscht Kirson Kirton Kirven Kiser Kiser Kiser Kish Kishpaugh Kislak Kissamis Kissane Kissane Kissinger Kissman Kistenmacher JohnM JohnJ HarlanD RaymondF JamesW ThomasR ArthurL FrancisJ NevillW KennethS ErnestW FrankJ RichardW RobertL WalterS WilliamE JohnW OwenE RobertL John ErnestW EdgarC RobertE Solomon ArthurA Benjamin LawrenceL JulianL JohnR Joseph RaymondP George GeorgeR Nicholas GeorgeC BernardJ FrancisL JohnC JohnH WilliamH Cpl Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 374-C 398-F 100-QM 399-M 398-F 925-C 925-B 397-E 100-HQ 325-MD 397-D 398-F 374-B 397-E 398-E 398-G 398-2B 397-1B 398-E 100-HQ 398-E 925-C 397-CN 398-3B 398-B 375-SV 399-AT 399-M 373-C 399-F 399-H 399-G 397-MD 398-SV 399-K 397-D 397-D 100-DA 373-HQ 398-A Morristown LosAngeles Yeager NJ CA KY Canton Winona Bloomfield Seneca OH MN NJ SC Fairview Newark NJ NJ Zanesville OH Lindale Saluda SaratogaSprings GA SC NY Philadelphia HoodRiver Brooklyn PA OR NY Concord NC Sharples Milwaukee Millville Duquesne Chicago Inkster GardenCity WV WI NJ PA IL MI MI Manchester Hoboken CT NJ WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA POW Kistner Kiszka Kitchel Kitchen Kitchen Kitchens Kitchens Kite Kitterman Kittleson Kitzmiller Kiwior Kizerian Klaar Klann Klare Klauing Klauke Klausing Kleas Kleid Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Kleiner Kleinhans Kleinhans Kleinwaks WendellJ John Vincent AlbertS RichardJ BerylC JamesB AndrewJ Harry OrrisE DonaldE Henry Eugene Harry MarvinC HenryA KennethV FriedrichW KennethV RobertE Seymour ArthurJ Benjamin EugeneL FrederickM GeorgeA Harry SimonW HenryA WilliamA Julius Morris NelsonG Richard HenryF Ludwig Lawrence DonaldE TheodoreR Sidney Pvt Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt 399-SV 399-I 397-L 398-A 397-I 399-I 398-I 325-MD 399-A 398-L 398-A 399-A 399-CN 397-HQ 397-HQ 325-EA 399-1B 100-HQ 399-1B 397-B 325-EH 397-2B 397-MD 397-E 399-A 399-A 375-A 398-I 325-MD 397-3B 397-I 399-AT 399-H 399-E 100-HQ 399-AT 399-C 399-3B 398-A 398-3B WIA WIA MIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA Menomonie Cleveland WI OH Cleveland Ivor Miami Jackson Atlanta Ottumwa Hamburg OH VA FL GA GA IA ND Caldwell SaltLakeCity NJ UT RogersCity Middletown Chicago NewYork MI CT IL NY Bronx Beaumont Brooklyn Fredericksburg NewYork Baltimore Laurelton Brooklyn Bridgeville NY TX NY TX NY MD NY NY PA Brooklyn Bronx NY NY Laurence Hondo NY TX NewYork NY Lockport NY Kleissle Klemyk Klepp Klett Klevesahl Klickstein Klimek Klimis Klimkofski Klimon Kline Kline Kline Kline Kline Kline Kline Klinetob Kling Klingbeil Klingel Klingelheber Klingenstein Klinger Klinger Klinzing Klodowski Kloh Klohr Kloiber Klomp Klosowski Klubben Kluczewski Klueg Kluge Kluka Klump Klund Kment RaymondL JosephJ RaymondJ AlbertT FredC David ChesterD JohnM John WilliamP AdolphR CalvinR HowardC JohnS PaulG RobertH RobertL CarsonW AdamP Lawrence TerryA FredJ JackL FrankJ ThomasB RalphW Ervin HenryH FrankP ClydeF JohnL LouisM WilliamS StephenN GeorgeV Charles ArthurF EdwinL Ray WilliamJ Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Mjr T/5 T/4 SSg SSg Pfc Cpl 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-I 398-A 397-A 397-I 398-D 100-HQ 397-CN 100-SG 399-C 397-CN 399-A 399-I 925-C 397-MD 397-K 397-2B 399-AT 397-G 397-1B 399-1B 397-F 399-L 374-HQ 397-M 925-C 399-L 325-EA 397-C 398-B 398-C 399-A 398-CN 398-K 375-SV 374-C 398-K 398-K 397-F 397-F 397-L StLouis MO WIA Marblehead NewYork TarponSprings GloucesterCity Worcester Streator JerseyShore MA NY FL NJ MA IL PA KIA WIA Sturgis Mahaffrey MI PA Milwaukee WI ParkersPrarie Akron Bronx Chicago Bethlehem MN OH NY IL PA Pittsburgh Columbus Baltimore PA OH MD WIA Menomonie Forman Flushing Brooklyn Wheeling Detroit Philadelphia WI ND NY NY WV MI PA WIA Dallas SD POW WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Kmetz Kmiotek Knapp Knapp Knauff Knauff Knaus Knefle Knerr Knezich Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knighton Knisley Knobeloch Knop Knopp Knorrek Knoth Knotter Knowles Knowlton Knox Knox Knox Knox Knox Knudsen Knupfer Knyrim Kobasic Kobb Kobeck Kobetich JohnS CasimirE GeorgeH JohnW Edgar KurtW HerbertF HarlanA WilliamL SamuelR ArthurC AustinC GeddesR HaleM JackT RichardD WilliamA WilliamC OliverC FranklinN FrankW KennethG MarionW RobertW HowardW CharlesH WilliamH RalphL ClarenceK GeorgeW HerbertP LewisJ WilliamM RobertH WalterR CalvinW RobertA ArleyR JamesR EdwardA Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpt T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc SSg T/4 Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 399-SV 399-HQ 399-F 397-E 373-HQ 100-DA 398-L 399-MD 397-A 397-1B 399-D 397-A 398-G 399-F 397-MD 398-E 374-C 398-G 397-E 397-C 373399-B 398-A 397-L 399-1B 397-L 398-K 100-QM 399-C 397-3B 100-QM 397-I 397-A 398-C 399-2B 325-EC 398-H 399-AT 397-G 399-I JerseyCity NJ SOzonePark Chicago FtThomas NY IL KY Philadelphia PA SaltLakeCity Oxford UT NC Wichita Lansing Dallas KS MI TX WIA KIA Johnstown Oconto Baltimore PA WI MD POW Campbellsville KY NewYork Enid Schoolfield Sharon Birmingham Chicago Blythewood Pendleton Peoria Chicago NY OK VA PA AL IL SC SC IL IL Hazleton Lorain Akron Memphis Gibsonia PA OH OH TN PA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Kobler Kobrin Koch Koch Koch Kochan Koche Kochenderfer Kocher Kocher Kodweis Koehler Koehne Koelenbrek Koeller Koenig Koeppen Koepsell Koerner Koester Koetje Kofod Kohl Kohl Kohlbacher Kohler Kohler Kohlmeyer Kohn Kohn Kohn Kohn Kohner Kohut Koistinen Kokta Kolasa Kolb Kolbenstetter Kolibabek LesterA RichardC AloysiusJ Henry LynnC AdamW Clarence WayneE ClarenceW RobertC Walter MatthewC JohnL DanielR RichardW Sidney CharlesW LesterE GeorgeW ArthurW WilliamJ SheldonW AlfredM GeorgeJ GeorgeA JamesJ RichardH Harry GeraldN Henry HowardE Seymour Ferdinand Frank HaroldF Tony BrunoF EugeneF RobertW FrankS T/5 Sgt Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pvt SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/4 399-MD 398-C 398-K 375-B 397-D 373-B 399-B 325-EH 399-B 398-G 399-C 325-MD 397-M 398-C 398-1B 373-A 397-B 325-EA 397-G 399-2B 398-I 398-F 325-MH 925-HQ 399-B 398-E 397-A 373-SV 398-D 325-EB 374-SV 397-F 325-EH 398-E 399-L 100-QM 375-C 398-H 398-G 399-CN Marion Brighton Cincinnati Bronx Montoursville JerseyCity Indianapolis Ickesburg Indianapolis IL MA OH NY PA NJ IN PA IN Rochester Topeka NewYork Portland Chicago NY KS NY ME IL Chicago IL Clifton NY WIA Jamestown NY WIA Milwaukee WI Jamaica Bronx Albany Irvington Tucson NewYork Longview Baltimore CedarBrook Defiance Hamilton Yonkers NY NY NY NJ AZ NY WA MD NJ OH OH NY KIA WIA WIA WIA Kollman Kollman Kolodner Kolody Kolodziej Kolotkin Kolsouski Komar Komarow Komski Kondra Konieczny Konold Konzik Koons Koons Koontz Kopczyk Kopec Kopecky Kopek Kopkau Kopke Kopko Kopko Kopp Kopp Koppel Koppelman Kopsell Korchmar Korczynski Korda Kordys Korhonen Korich Korman Korn Korn Kornack BurtonW CharlesH Ernest John PaulJ Jack StephenM William RobertS HenryT Victor Theodore RobertD JohnH RaymondH WalterS GeorgeE FrankA ChesterJ DonaldH Stanley ArthurC HaroldH GeorgeA John RalphA StephenJ SidneyS Edward DonaldH Bennett JoeS Alexander FrancisE ThomasM JackN JackJ FrederickC RobertA RalphO T/5 Pfc Cpt Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt 2Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 1Lt 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl WOJ TSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc T/5 1Lt Pfc Cpl 397-MD 399-L 397-P 398-K 100-SG 399-SV 397-E 397-D 397-AT 374-B 399-3B 399-1B 397-F 398-SV 397-H 397-B 397-K 397-D 925-A 398-C 399-F 399-AT 397-SV 397-A 325-EB 398-3B 399-K 399-I 375-A 399-F 398-G 398-A 399-K 100-CR 397-AT 398-H 397-HQ 398-1B 398-D 375-B WIA WIA Twinsburg Longview Manatee Detroit RockawayBeach Brooklyn Baltimore OH TX FL MI NY NY MD Brooklyn Bridgeport Bristol NewYork Magna Gibbstown NY CT VT NY UT NJ Flora Trenton Westfield IL NJ MA Bronx Philadelphia NY PA Detroit MI Chicago Brooklyn IL NY Robston TX LosAngeles Bessemer Bronx Southington CA MI NY CT Chicago IL WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Kornacki Kornegay Korson Korutz Korzec Kosenick Kosinski Kosko Kosofsky Kostal Kostecki Kostoff Kostrick Koszarek Kot Kotapski Kotoun Kotulock Koumariaos Kourland Kouw Kovach Kovach Kovach Kovacs Kovacs Kovacs Koval Koval Koval Kovalsky Kovarsky Kovil Kowalczyk Kowalewski Kowalski Kowalski Kowalski Kowske Koy LeonardA HoraceR PeterJ George Raymond John WalterJ Michael SolN ElmerJ Henry SeymourA FredP ThaddeusJ EdwardJ Bronislaw HenryW PaulG AnthonyT Irwin RobertJ EdwardD JohnA LouisM EdwardR JamesP PaulS DennisE JohnA StephenJ JohnJ HaroldI Walter Leonard StanleyE Adam AdolfS WilliamT JosepA DouglasJ Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pvt Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc T/4 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt Pvt Sgt TSg SSg SSg Cpl Pfc T/5 T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-K 397-D 397-I 398-M 399-A 398-3B 397-AT 397-C 325-MA 397-MD 398-SV 373-HQ 398-B 399-HQ 399-AT 925-C 399-I 100-SG 398-E 100-SG 399-D 398-B 397-D 398-E 399-1B 375-SV 399-D 397-E 397-H 398-C 398-D 397-I 925-HQ 100-BD 398-D 100-CR 397-2B 398-A 397-MD 398-C WIA WIA WIA Reading Woonsocket PA RI Bronx Cicero NewYork Miami NY IL NY FL NAbington MA Gary NewportNews NewYork IN VA NY Bronx Erie Stamford Bayonne Chicago Chicago Hazleton Wilkes-Barre Phillipsburg NY PA CT NJ IL IL PA PA NJ Revere Cleveland MA OH Oakville Utica Newark Chicago Sealey CT NY NJ IL TX WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Kozacik Kozinski Koziol Kozlowski Kraegel Kraft Kraft Kraft Kraft Kragca Kragca Krahe Kraicovic Kraisky Krajcik Krajcovic Krajcovic Krakofsky Krakower Krakowski Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramkowski Krans Krappe Krasnp Kraszewski Kraus Kraus Krauskopf Kravets Kravitz Kravitz Krawchuk StephenJ DavidB FrankM StanleyC HowardP CarltonD DouglasF RaymondW RaymondW Geza Geza FrancisJ Rudolph Anthony DanielM CarlJ RudolphA HJ Raymond JonhK DonaldV ErwinW FrankH JosephH RobertA RudolphE WilliamH WilliamJ BenjaminJ ClarenceH JohnR Benny LeonardW EdwardO Eli Isadore Adolph Abraham Walter Walter Pfc WOJ Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpt Sgt Pfc 1Sg 1Sg SSg Sgt Cpl Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc SSg WOJ Pfc Pvt Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg 398-I 100-BD 399-D 397-I 399-A 397-2B 925-HQ 397-CN 397-M 375-C 375-C 398-G 398-1B 925-C 399-CN 397-B 398-AT 399-F 399-CN 373-A 399-L 374-HQ 800-OR 397-MD 398-A 399-AT 399-I 375-C 397-1B 397-F 397-G 100-SG 398-H 374-B 100-SG 925-B 398-A 925-C 398-D 375-B WIA POW Lakewood Wilmington ArlingtonHeights Pulaski Elmhurst Dedham Minneapolis UnionCity Niles NewYork RichmondHill OH DE IL WI IL MA MN NJ MI NY NY Bronx Stratford Farrell NY CT PA Brooklyn Lodi NY NJ O'Neill Annapolis Bronx NE MD NY Philadelphia RichmondHill Derby Minneapolis Norwalk Detroit PA NY CT MN CT MI Rochester UnionBeach NY NJ Chicago CityIsland Bethesda SAttleboro IL NY MD MA Krawiec Krebs Krebs Kreczmer Kreiger Kreis Kreitinger Krentzman Krenz Kreps Kresa Kresnak Kressler Kretsge Kreutstrager Krevor Kriaris Kribbs Krieg Krieger Krieger Krieger Kriener Kriesel Kriesel Krim Krinsky Kristiansen Kritsas Kritzer Krivoy Krizek Krock Kroeger Krofcheck Krokum Krolczyk Kroll Kroll Kronick JosephP GeorgeF GeorgeF WalterF DonaldE EdwardP AlbertT Louis HarryC RobertR Frank JosephJ RobertA LeonardR CharlesG HenryH KostasP MerleW Martin CDon HarryS Irving John EarlR EarlR LouisH Benjamin AlbertE HarryS JosephT HaroldL GeorgeF JohnA RudolfF JohnW MarvinE FrankJ DarrellR LawrenceG Ben Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt TSg Cpl Pfc SSg Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc 399-SV 925-B 925-B 397-K 399-A 399-F 397-B 399-C 398-E 399-K 397-I 397-A 397-B 399-I 397-2B 397-I 397-2B 398-L 375-HQ 399-1B 100-DA 397-C 399-F 399-H 399-H 397-MD 374-C 398-CN 375-B 374-C 325-EA 397-L 925-HQ 375-B 398-L 399-E 397-M 397-K 398-H 375-C Haverhill Lakehurst Trenton Chicago Rochester MA NJ NJ IL NY Milwaukee Greensburg Utica MuskegonHeights WI PA NY MI WIA KingofPrussia StLouis PA MO KIA Cleveland OH Brooklyn NY Brooklyn NY Minneapolis Brooklyn Brooklyn MN NY NY RichmondHill Avoca NY PA Milwaukee MiddleVillage Mercer DevilsLake Baltimore WI NY PA ND MD Oakarche LongIslandCity OK NY WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Kronman Kropa Kropp Kropp Krosting Krout Krowka Krudener Krueger Krueger Krug Kruger Krugley Krusemark Krusinski Krut Kruwel Krych Kubiak Kubicz Kucan Kucharonok Kucinski Kudlacik Kuduk Kuebler Kuebler Kuehner Kugelmeyer Kugler Kugler Kuhlman Kuhn Kuhn Kuhns Kuiken Kujawski Kujawski Kukulski Kukurin CarlV WilliamM EdwardF HerbertH RudolphG ChaunceyJ Walter RobertM DonaldR EdwardE GeorgeC DavidL Alexander HaroldE StanleyL RobertP ClintonH ArthurC GeorgeJ StanleyL CarlJ Nicholas AnthonyL AnthonyA LouisF AlfredE HermanP JohnW HaroldL JamesA MarkS EdwardF ArthurJ Jack RaymondS StanleyC AloysiusL BernardJ WilliamT WilliamJ Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg T/4 Cpl T/4 Pfc 1Sg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 925-C 399-CN 398-K 325-EH 325-EC 373-C 374-SV 397-HQ 399-I 399-K 375-C 373-C 397-M 375-C 397-E 399-B 397-E 398-B 399-A 398-3B 397-I 100-QM 925-HQ 100-HQ 375-SV 925-C 325-MD 397-H 399-B 397-A 399-I 397-A 397-CN 824-TD 100-CR 398-A 397-I 399-MD 397-K 374-SV Everett Springville Sanger Brooklyn Pendleton MA PA CA NY OR Hartford CT WIA Independence Tacoma Loretto Bronx Roxbury MO WA PA NY MA KIA Chicago Lynbrook IL NY Howell Somerville MI MA Milwaukee WI Passaic NY OzonePark Allentown FtThomas Newark Richmond Greencastle NY PA KY NJ MO PA Dorchester MA POW KIA Maurice Shenandoah IA PA KIA Chicago Wilmerding IL PA KIA WIA Kulas Kulas Kulesh Kulha Kulpan Kulyski Kummer Kump Kumpel Kun Kuncas Kundrat Kuninski Kunsnier Kunstman Kuntz Kuntz Kuntz Kuperstock Kupiec Kupka Kuppersmith Kuppin Kupstas Kurka Kurman Kurowski Kurtz Kurtz Kurtzrock Kurucz Kurzenski Kurzweil Kusterer Kuta Kutchera Kuth Kutzman Kuykendall Kuzminski EdwardJ EdwardM John Paul CharlesW Leo HugoJ BenjaminF WilliamS Steve FelixG Joseph HenryV AndrewE WilliamE AlbertJ GeorgeR JosephS AlbertD AnastazeW EugeneC Alex Bertram EdwardA TheodoreP Adam BenjaminJ CharlesF WarrenF AlexK JosephF WilliamJ Saul LutherM WalterJ RichardE MarvinL PaulJ MilfordT Benjamin Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpt Cpt 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpl SSg T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 SSg T/3 Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg T/5 Pvt TSg 397-F 398-H 375-B 399-A 375-SV 397-F 375-HQ 375-HQ 374-HQ 397-F 397-1B 398-C 397-B 399-K 399-AT 398-C 100-DA 399-K 399-K 325-MC 399-G 399-AT 398-A 397-MD 925-SV 100-HQ 399-F 325-EB 398-L 399-E 397-C 399-B 399-F 397-3B 925-B 399-M 397-1B 398-MD 398-A 398-F WIA Cheshire JerseyCity Elizabeth Bayonne Kingston Akron Palatka Charlottesville MountHolly Cheswick MA NJ NJ NJ PA OH FL VA NJ PA EChicago JerseyCity Massena Verona OliveBranch IN NJ NY WI MS WIA Moffit Pittsburgh Rome Ashland ND PA NY NY POW Pique OH Oxford Parlin Detroit NE NJ MI Detroit MI Hazleton PA NewYork NY Strattanville PA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Kvarnes Kvasnok Kvernes Kwiatkowski Kwolek Kyle Kyle L'Amoreaux L'Heureux L'Hommedieu L'Hote Laag Laakso LaBar Labar Labbate Labbe LaBelle LaBounta LaBounty LaBrake LaBrecque Labrecque Labriola Labrunski LaBuda LaBuda LaBue Labutta LaCasse Laccorn Lacey Lacey LaChance Lacivita Lack Lackert Lackey Lackey Lackey PaulE Thomas NorvalA SylvesterC AlexanderA ElmerR RobertF RayG EdmundL GeorgeG JohnD EdwardH. LeoH ChesterP Sherwood JohnJ RolandE CliffordW GeraldC MauriceJ StanleyD EdwardJ RolandW PasqualeP FrankV MichaelW LouisG Joseph FredM HilliareJ GeorgeH ThomasA ThomasA Frederick PhilipM MichaelF WilfredR HarringtonA HubertL PaulF Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt SSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc TSg Cpl Sgt Sgt Cpl 397-H 399-L 397-M 397-M 399399-L 399-A 375-HQ 397-1B 325-MC 100-SG 399-AT 398-G 397-C 398-A 100-SG 397-D 399-B 397-E 397-H 399-A 397-1B 399-I 399-L 399-I 399-I 325-MC 100-SG 397-SV 399-D 397-CN 398-1B 399-2B 398-SV 399-I 397-E 397399-K 373-A 398-K WIA WIA Hudson Cleveland Howard GlenLyon WI OH SD PA Elmira NY NewYork NY Lewiston Zion ME IL Detroit Malone Lincoln Manchester MI NY NH NH Rockford Wilpen Hicksville NewYork Johnstown Claremont Brooklyn CanobieLake BuenaVista Brooklyn IL PA NY NY NY NH NY NH PA NY Detroit MI Nashville Lebanon TN TN WIA WIA POW WIA Lackey LaComte Lacopulos LaCorcia Lacouture LaCroix LaCroix Lacy Lacy Lacy Lacy Lacy Ladehoff Ladic Ladith LaDuca Ladwig Lafargue Lafemina LaFevers LaFevers Lafferty Lafferty Lafferty Lafferty LaFlamme LaFleur LaFleur LaFluer LaFollette Lafon LaFratta LaGesse Lagg Lagomarsini LaGrant Lahert Lahman Lahren Lahti RobertG ConradM John AnthonyP EmileV LouisA RobertA VictorE Jack FinisG WilliamW AlbertT EugeneH Edward EdwardJ SamuelJ LyleW Elbert SalvatoreR GuyW JackD SamuelD JohnD JamesH CharlesE WalterH RichardH RaymondF WestlyC WilliamA IsaacN James FrancisR EdwardH PedroJ HowardP JosephC RichardW LesterJ RichardE Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt 1Lt Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 T/5 Pfc 2Lt 397-G 398397-K 399-MD 100-CR 399-HQ 397-B 398-L 100-SG 399-I 398-H 399-F 325-EA 397-D 398-C 398-C 374-B 398-HQ 397-M 325-MD 399-H 399-I 374-HQ 397-MD 399-F 399-MD 399-G 399-G 399-H 399-A 398-A 399-B 399-L 399-AT 100-SG 100-SG 375-HQ 100-CR 398-E 399-G WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA HickmanMills MO Philadelphia Chicago PA IL Willsboro NY Clinton Milwaukee Peabody Rochester DavidCity IA WI MA NY NE Brooklyn Healdton Morgantown Stevenson Olean Minotola NY OK NC MD NY NJ Superior Duxbury Spencer SBend Sunbury Oneonta WI MA MA IN PA AL NewYork Elizabeth Lee NY NJ MA Moorhead Philadelphia MN PA Lain Laird Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lakman Laky Laliberte LaMadelein Lamagna Lamanteer LaMarre LaMartina Lamascola Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambertini Lambrecht LaMere Lamirand Lamishaw CharlieD SamuelL JosephJ RichardM GordonF HuellF LelynD RaymondW WilliamA OmerA GerardA Leo JosephT HenryE AnthonyJ SteveA CharlesA GirardE Richard Theodore WilliamD ClarenceE DonaldM EarlA GeorgeR HarryD HenryI JohnT HaroldD SteveT TeddyC WalterH MelvinJ TheronM GeorgeW FrankG WilliamA EdwardC LloydE Murray Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg T/5 Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Sgt T/5 T/5 1Lt Pfc Cpl Pfc 398-E 399-I 397-E 397-HQ 373-SV 373-SV 397-F 398-C 397-E 399-I 398-E 399-L 398-CN 399-1B 397-B 397-A 399-F 397-C 399-A 398-I 398-H 399-H 399-H 397-A 398-CN 399-3B 399-A 325-EA 397-F 399-L 100-SG 398-AT 925-A 800-OR 374-HQ 399-K 398-P 375-MD 399-L 399-A KIA WIA Monticello AR Troy NY Flint Dublin DownersGrove Brookings MI GA PA SD Auburn SNorwalk Yonkers PortMorris MA CT NY NJ Philadelphia PA Lima StatenIsland OH NY Lorena TX Memphis Wakarusa TN IN Shiprock Fredericksburg NM VA Aurora Springfield Brooklyn Stayton IL VT NY OR Brooklyn NY WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Lamison Lamm LaMontagne LaMontagne Lamoreaux LaMotta Lampert Lampiasi Lamunyan Lancaster Lancaster Lancaster Lancer Land Land Landa Landahl Landau Landau Landeis Landel Landers Landers Landers Landers Landers Landes Landi Landis Landman Landman Landon Landon Landrum Landry Landry Landry Landry Lane Lane RogerW LonnieH GeorgeJ HenryE PeterS RudolphV HarryD JerryL WoodrowW IrvinH JamesJ WalterE Murray Allan SE Earl ClaytonE CharlesN GrahamH Anton RobertF DavidR FrankB HaskelK LelandR MalcolmC HenryES LouisJ RaymondB BurtonK WilliamH JohnC LutherE CJ EltonP HaroldU LionelA WilliamA CarlT CharlesE Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc 2Lt T/5 T/4 Pvt Cpt Pfc 2Lt 1Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl 1Lt Pvt Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc TSg SSg Pfc Sgt SSg 398-L 398-1B 397-M 399-I 397-MD 399-G 399-I 373-HQ 397-SV 398-B 398-P 398-M 397-3B 399-F 397-2B 399-G 398-C 399-C 399-3B 399-I 399-H 399-G 397-K 399-L 397-L 398-A 398-MD 325-EC 399-A 375-HQ 397-CN 397-AT 398-A 398-K 397-C 374-A 399-MD 399-C 399-K 397-K WIA KIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Wilson Derry NC NY Plymouth Hartford Hurst UnionCity PA CT TX NJ Oroville Melrose Seymour Brooklyn CA MA IN NY NewMarket Maywood AL IL Kenilworth Detroit NJ MI Tampa SanAngelo Tad Sundance Horton Tylersport Pleasantville Amherst Manchester FloralPark Crisfield Cleveland Lumberton BatonRouge Salem FL TX WV WY AL PA NY MA CT NY MD OH MS LA MA Lafayette LA Burgin KY Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Laneri Lanese Laney Lanfranchi Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Langan Langdon Lange Langelier Langen Langer Langer Langer Langley Langley Langley Langley Langlois Langlois Langridge Langston Langston Lanier Lanier Lanius CliffordE FrankS JackW NobleA PorterW RoyA WilliamJ PeterE ThomasR WilmerL LouisA Alvin WillardE JamesA JackB HenryP GeorgeH Berthold JuliusR RobertL ArthurJ RobertL HarloweR VictorE NormanW JohnT ClarenceA RobertJ AltonE JohnC JohnH Oral BernardI AlbertM JamesS LeonH LowellO AV HG HaroldJ Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/3 Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc TSg SSg Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc 397-I 397-K 398-B 398-G 399-B 398-A 399-I 375-C 397-1B 325-MA 397-D 397-CN 398-L 399-F 100-SG 399-2B 100-SG 100-DA 397-A 397-1B 800-OR 398-C 398-H 373-B 397-C 398-L 398-HQ 373-A 100-HQ 399-M 397-K 398-F 398-C 397-1B 399-A 100-QM 397-L 397-AT 325-EA 398-B KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Milwaukee WI StLouis MO MtAiry SanAntonio Haverhill NewYork Brooklyn Anniston Brooklyn NC TX MA NY NY AL NY Scranton PA Astoria Brooklyn StPaul Taft NY NY MN CA Scranton PA Amsterdam NY Carnegie PA NewYork Tuckahoe NY NY Greenville WisconsinRapids Toledo SC WI OH CorpusChristi TX KansasCity Shelby Wallace MO NC NC Lannen Lanni Lanning Lannon Lanpher Lansen Lansford Lantz Lanza Lanzarone Lanzer Lapa Lapenna LaPerla LaPiedra LaPietra LaPoint LaPointe LaPointe LaPorte LaPorte Lappa Lappe Lara LaRaia Larez Large Largent Larkin Larkin Larkin Larmouth LaRocca LaRocca Laroche LaRochell Larosse Larossi Larsen Larsen Robert ReinoE FrancisW HaroldJ GeraldR EdwardM LeonardC LoringL HerbertH CharlesW HaroldW AlexanderJ GeorgeA StephenJ WalterP Anthony LyleJ FrancisE ThomasR AnthonyJ HarveyA HenryT JohnG FrankM Joseph SuhianM CharlesB JamesH ClarenceC LawrenceD WilliamN JewellM Nicholas SalvatoreM GeralA GeraldE ArsenJ Joseph HerbertJ KennethB. Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/4 Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 CWO Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 397-E 397-F 925-A 399-F 373-B 800-OR 325-MC 397-G 398-F 397-SV 398-HQ 399-L 398-AT 398-I 397-G 398-F 397-D 100-SG 397-H 397-E 373-HQ 398-H 398-D 397-E 374-A 397-B 398-B 399-D 925-HQ 398-I 100-HQ 398-3B 397-H 399-H 398-HQ 398-H 397-C 399-G 100-QM 399-AT WIA Buffalo Embarrass NY MN Bristol CT RiverGrove Whipple IL OH Brooklyn NY Hartford Brooklyn CapeCoral Monroe Chicago CT NY FL LA IL Standish Utica Hartford Knoxville MI NY CT TN Victoria EBoston Cheyenne WPalmBeach Lansing Burlington Forestport Hamden Earlington Brooklyn TX MA WY FL MI VT NY CT KY NY Somerville Sundervill MA MA NewBritain CT WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA Larsen Larsen Larsen Larsen Larsen Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson LaRusso LaSagna LaScala LaSelva Lash Lashbrook Lashley Lashua Lasiter Laskey Lasko Laskowicz Laslo LaSouka Lassen Lassiter Lassman Lassonde Lastih LaTant Latendresse Lathrop Latimer Latorraca Latson KennethJ MarvinL CharlesA ErnestA WaldoW MarvinL NormanL OliverV WalterW KennethE GustaH DonaldW DonaldL ArthurB BruceO DanielJ LawrenceT LeonardL PatseyJ EdwardJ DonaldR CliffordL LewisP DoyleK Alec John JosephL FrankZ Michael EldonR JamesA Garry ArthurE EdwardJ MatthewH LouisM BertramC JayW MichaelC WoodrowW Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pvt Cpl Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc TSg T/5 Pfc Pvt SSg SSg 397-C 398-3B 399-I 399-CN 398-M 398-3B 397-E 398-C 397-A 398-AT 398-2B 397-HQ 397398-M 397-I 399-G 397-E 397-1B 398-3B 374-C 399-H 397-E 398-MD 397-A 397-C 397-B 398-M 100-SG 398-3B 397-K 397-B 800-OR 399-F 398-C 100-SG 374-HQ 399-L 373-B 398-SV 325-EA Chicago StatenIsland Madison JerseyCity IL NY WI NJ Monticello Bottneau IL ND ThiefRiverFalls MN Portchester Arlington NY CA Cleveland GardenCity Dadeville StLawrence OH MI AL NY Yonkers Lodi Newark JerseyCity NewYork Winona Weldon Syracuse NY NJ NJ NJ NY MN NC NY Peabody SandyCreek Mapleville Chicago Vineland MA NY RI IL NJ FtValley GA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA MIA WIA WIA Latvala Latwinas Laubach Lauber Lauber Lauby Lauda Laudato Laudene Laudenslager Laudicina Laudone Laufer Laughney Laundry Lauranzano Laurens Laurie Laurin Laurino Lauro Lauth Lautner Lauzon LaVair Lavalette LaValle Lavangie LaVatta Laverty Lavey Lavier Lavin Lavin Lavon Law Lawleass Lawler Lawless Lawrence ElnoR AlbertA RogerA ArthurG Irving JosephH EdwardC JosephR VincentA Charles Joseph VincentA MertonK Donald ChesterJ NataleR RichardG LouisG RichardK DanteA SArthur FrederickJ Ralph AugustA GeorgeW HaroldJ Carmine EphramJ ArnoldS WilliamC JosephF AlexF Louis MartinW FultonL WilliamJ John FrancisL HaroldD FrankJ Pfc Sgt T/4 Cpl TSg Pfc Sgt 1Lt SSg Pfc Cpt T/3 Sgt Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc T/3 T/5 TSg Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Cpt Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 397-D 399-H 100-HQ 373-SV 100-HQ 399-3B 397-A 397-B 397-H 397-B 397-F 397-H 800-OR 398-D 398-L 325-EB 399-G 399-G 398-CN 399-3B 398-HQ 100-QM 398-B 397-2B 399-H 397-G 374-HQ 398-2B 325-EC 399-I 374-HQ 398-2B 399-2B 399-C 100-SG 397-E 100-HQ 397-F 397-H 399-MD WIA WIA WIA WIA Tamarack MN WNewYork NJ LongIslandCity NY Carey Brooklyn OH NY Montpelier VT Atlanta Chelsea GA MA LongIslandCity NY Massena NY Bronx Portland NY ME UnionCity Cambridge NJ RI Chicago IL ElReno OK Ashland Lewiston WV ME Lawrence Lawrence Lawrentz Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Laxy Lay Lay Laycock Layman Laymon Layou Layton Layton Layton Lazare Lazarus Lazzarotti Lazzera Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leahy Leahy Leahy Leal Leardo JamesB RobertS TheodoreW AndrewF VirgilR AndyH WalterH CharlesT DonaldA EdwardM JohnH CecilJ CliffordA OttoL GordonB VernonI RichardD HerbertJ WarrenJC JosephJ HughO RyanC William Daniel ElliotJ FrankS Frank AldenV EugeneR FrederickG GeorgeH JosephV MarshallF PhilipR StanleyJ JohnE JosephM RussellP AugustinG JosephJ Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt 2Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 2Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt 2Lt TSg Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg T/5 2Lt Pfc T/4 398-F 398-F 325-EC 397-1B 398-L 399-F 399-F 399-A 399-C 800-OR 399-A 925-SV 325-EB 399-H 925-HQ 399-F 397-E 325-EB 398-F 397-K 397-2B 399-K 397-M 397-A 398-1B 397-F 100-MP 397-2B 373-HQ 398-K 399-2B 325-EA 397-D 325-EC 397-E 399-A 373-C 399-B 397-B 373-MD WIA Chicago Success Roselawn IL MO IN Edison TN Waterbury Weston Gainsboro SanBenito Chicago Resaca CT MA TN TX IL GA Roanoke Dallas Scranton VA TX PA Philadelphia Stelton Baldwin Brooklyn Brooklyn Plainville NHaledon PA NJ NY NY NY MA NJ Sellersville Brooklyn Baltimore PA NY MD WIA Passaic LaPorte NJ IN WIA WIA Alice Revere TX MA WIA WIA KIA POW Leary Leata Leathers Leavell Leavey Leavy Lebel Leber LeBlanc LeBlanc LeBlanc Lebrink Lebrun Leccese Lecco Lech LeClair Lecourt Lecrone,Rev Ledbetter Ledbetter Ledbetter Leddon Leddy Lederer Ledford Ledford Ledford Ledin Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee WilliamE PeterP OtisM GeraldL RobertN EugeneT RaymondL KennethJ FrankD LeoJ AlbertN VictorG WilliamH EdwardO JosephJ Frank EugeneP GerardL ClarenceL ErnestH JamesE WilliamR JamesE DanielA TheodoreH HubertH Ralph WilliamE WaldemarN AnthonyS ArthurH BusterBill CharlieC CliffordO ClydeW EllisS GeorgeA HerbertF Jack JackA Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Cpt T/5 T/5 1Lt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Cpl TSg Pvt Pfc Sgt Sgt Cpl SSg SSg Pfc 399-AT 398-2B 398-A 399-F 100-CR 398-HQ 100-SG 375-A 397-3B 100-SG 399-E 397-G 397-2B 397-HQ 397-K 925-A 374-C 398-G 398-HQ 397-F 397-E 375-HQ 399-I 398-M 398-3B 397-MD 398-E 398-F 399-L 399399-I 399-CN 399-1B 398-3B 374-A 925-SV 399-G 399-AT 399-I 397-3B WIA Glenville CT WoodHaven NY Bath UnionCity Fitchburg ME NJ MA Hoboken Baltimore EProvidence Brooklyn NJ MD RI NY Cambridge Chapmansboro Chatham Livingston Mumford Beaumont Rochester Brooklyn LongBeach Marietta MA TN NJ TN AL TX NY NY NY SC Cicero FL Grady AL NewCastle Nauvoo Dungannon WindsorLocks Oaks Elkhart VA AL VA CT KY IN WIA MIA WIA KIA WIA KIA Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Leedham Leehy Leeman Leening Leeper Leer Lees Leet Lefebvre Leff Leffler Lefkowitz Legassie Legault Legel Legend Leger Leger Leger Legere Legert Legg Leggett Leggett Legler LeGrone James LeroyC RoyM LewisJ SammieA OtisL Thomas RobertE RoyM OtisM RoyM WarnerL WilliamJ BernardF RobertA OsieE LyleR Kenneth FrancisF HomerL ArthurS GeraldD Les Max Coleman MurrayD RobertS FrancisN RobertJ Edmund WilliamC PaulB AlbertJ DenisA RobertA WalterP WallaceH WilliamH BrunoW HowardB Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc 2Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pvt Cpt T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl T/5 399-B 399-HQ 397-A 398-G 397-I 397-2B 398-I 398-H 397-M 397-F 399-A 397-D 398-I 399-A 399-3B 399-F 398-E 397-G 397-MD 375-HQ 399-C 373-HQ 398-MD 375-C 398-2B 398-E 398-D 397-D 399-E 397-L 100-BD 398-F 399-1B 399-L 399-B 398-G 398-C 375-B 398-1B 373-SV KIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA LosAngeles CA Moorhead Greensburg Scranton MN KY SC Haughton LA Walpole Littlefield Moorhead Florence MA TX MN SC St.Paul WebsterGrove MN MO Underwood NBergen SanAngelo Fairmount HomesteadPark MN NJ TX IN NJ CentralFalls Brooklyn RI NY Brooklyn Baltimore Malone CrystalLake Nanticoke Pitcarin NY MD NY IL PA PA Greenwood Waterviliet OakPark Jackson Slingerlands MA NY IL MI NY Tupelo MS WIA KIA Lehman Lehmann Lehrer Lehrer Leichsenring Leicht Leichtman Leidecker Leigh Leigh Leight Leight Leighton Leighton Leinbaugh Leiser Leisher Leist Leistyna Leite Leitner Leitner LeJava Lekich Leland LeLange LeMahieu Lemasters LeMay Lemcovitz LeMieur Lemire Lemity Lemke Lemlin Lemmond Lemoine Lemon Lemorande Lemorande HaroldR HermanC LintonR Robert Walter WalterG ElmerB Alfred ThomasL WilliamJ Edward WilliamF JacksonM WilliamT WymanJ HenryR HarryC SteveC Oscar WilliamP John Edward JohnB FrankA EarlH WalterH JamesR WalterH JosephE EugeneH HenryE BertrandJ DaleL EdwardF ThomasF LonnieH LeoR LeroyA RalphJ LeonardJ Pfc Pvt Cpt Pfc Sgt TSg Pvt T/5 LtC Pfc T/3 Pfc SSg Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg 2Lt Pvt T/5 T/5 TSg Sgt Col Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-B 325-MC 100-QM 398-E 399-K 373-HQ 397-B 399-2B 398-1B 397-MD 397-MD 399-K 325-EB 399-2B 398-MD 375-A 397-H 397-MD 397-L 399-I 397-SV 398-SV 398-L 397-HQ 397-E 100-DA 398-CN 375-A 397-E 398-I 397-B 397-HQ 397-D 375-A 373-HQ 398-MD 399-AT 397-3B 399-AT 399-AT WIA WIA KIA ColumbiaCity SanMarcos IN TX NewBrunswick WNewYork Egremont SBend NJ NJ MA IN Kirkwood Philadelphia Bronx Sykesville LongIslandCity MO PA NY PA NY Shamokin Baltimore PA MD Southold Fingal NY ND Marshfield Charleston WHarpswell StLouis Westminster Brooklyn Crooksville Providence Cranston Matthews Taftsville WI IL ME MO MA NY OH RI RI NC CT OcontoFalls OcontoFalls WI WI WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Lemr Lemyre Lena Lenartowicz Lendin Lengyel Lenhardt Lennerton Lennon Lentsch Lentz Lenz Leo Leo Leonard Leone Leone Leoniy Leontz LePage LePinto Lepone Leppo Lepski Lerner Lesch Lesh Lesher Leshin Leska Leska Lesko Lesley Leslie Leslie Leslie Less Lesta Lester Lester FredC MaxiamA Frank Sylvester WaldemarN NicholasM AlbertN GeraldF John ArthurJ BernardV JosephW AnthonyS JamesC RaymondF GaetanoS GeorgeP FrankS ThaynoE LeonJ Salvatore DominicJ MarionL EdwardJ MortimerM Ludwig AugustJ CarlF JuliusI JohnP John JohnE ClydeW JohnV LewisD PaulL GeorgeE PeterP CalvinC Harry 1Lt T/4 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl LtC Pfc SSg Pfc T/4 Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg SSg SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-M 325-EB 397-I 399-SV 399-L 397-K 398-K 399-E 399-F 398-AT 399-1B 399-A 399-A 399-H 325-EA 397-AT 399-L 399-B 399-F 325-EB 399-2B 397-HQ 397-B 399-HQ 399-2B 397-A 397-H 398-K 398-D 373-A 397-2B 397-F 398-B 397-G 399-L 375-B 399-E 398-HQ 398-F 397-A Freeport NY Brewerton Duluth Lorain NY MN OH StPaul Philadelphia Hartford MN PA CT Welcome Brooklyn NC NY Somerset NJ Hartford CT Youngstown OH Cleveland Indianapolis OH IN WIA Bridgeport Monessen Westville HollySprings Armagh Millville Superior Russelton CT PA IL MS PA NJ NE PA WIA Bud Cleveland KY OH WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA KIA WIA KIA Lester Lester Lester Lester Lester Lestuck Lether Letko Letrich Letsch Letterman Letterman Lettrich Letulle Levandowski LeVaugh Levens Leventhal Leventowski Leverentz Leverett Levesque Levesque Levesque Levesque Levesque Levesque Levi Levi LeVine Levine Levine Levine Levine Levine Levine Levine Levinson Levitsky Levy HarryA HomerMF JohnE WalterE DossL Charles DavidR PeterJ Joseph JamesQ HaroldL MarionW MichaelA AlvinJ LeonardJ WalterW WilliamM Jack Abraham EarlT CecilE PatrickA WillardJ WilliamJ LeoJ PatrickA AdelardR JamesE Eric MorrisJ AaronM HerbertJ Irving IsidorS Earl Nathaniel Leonard LawrenceM Walter Alle Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 TSg Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 SSg Cpt SSg Pfc 399-3B 397-I 325-MD 398-2B 398-SV 374-A 397-H 398-L 397-A 397-G 397-H 398-L 397-3B 398-A 397-L 398-C 398-AT 397-C 398-MD 398-C 399-I 397-1B 399-G 398-F 397-H 397-1B 399-G 325-MC 399-MD 397-2B 397-2B 100-SG 398-K 397-1B 398-M 325-MC 397-F 325-EH 399-E 398-A KansasCity Hornell Ansonia KS NY CT Vallonia PerthAmboy Holladay IN NJ UT Chicago Brooklyn Syracuse Candler Tarentum Union GlenLyon Moberly Chicago Brooklyn Brooklyn IL NY NY NC PA LA PA MO IL NY NY Liano NewLondon Lewiston TX CT ME SunCity Groton CentralFalls Osgood AZ CT RI IN Chicago NewHaven Newark IL CT NJ Brooklyn Cleveland Brooklyn MiddleVillage NY OH NY NY Bronx NewYork NY NY WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW Levy Levy Levy Levy Levy Levy Lewandoski Lewandowski Lewek Lewicky Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Jerome Leonard LouisE Nathan OscarJ WilliamJ JohnP StanleyB Alvin WalterH AlexanderL AlfredR BenjaminC BenjaminN ChesterR DanielW EdwardR Edwin FranklinE GerhardtJ GlennR GlynM GuyE PhilipE KennethL Raymond MaxV RichardL MillsD PaulR LawrenceE MaynardR NormanD RichardM RobertA RobertH WalterA WayneJ WilburA WilliamJ Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 2Lt Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc Pvt Sgt Cpt SSg T/5 Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 398-AT 399-G 399-3B 397-MD 399-A 398-3B 397-HQ 100-SG 399-CN 398-C 399-I 399-I 398-I 100-SG 397-3B 375-HQ 397-G 397-K 398-K 399-E 398-AT 374-B 397-D 397-F 398-E 398-D 374-HQ 374-A 397-A 399-F 398-A 375-A 100-HQ 397-G 925-SV 398-A 374-SV 398-L 398-3B 397-HQ MIA Bronx Brooklyn Bronx Brooklyn Brooklyn NY NY NY NY NY Toledo Milwaukee Cleveland OH WI OH Kingsland PellCity Bardstown Sidon GA AL KY MS SanJose Indianapolis Cato Hammondsport Fayetteville CA IN WI NY NC Springfield MA Covington Houston Nocogdoches Gadsden KY TX TX AL Hartley Lunenberg KY VT Detroit Cordova MI AL Maywood Comptition Pittsburgh NJ MO PA WIA MIA Lewis Lewis Lewitter Libbey Librach Libri Librone Libson Libuda Licalsi Licarione Licata Licht Lichtenhan Lichtenstadter Lichtwardt Licina Licthwardt Lieberman Lieberman Lieberman Lieberman Lieberman Liebsch Lied Liegey Lifschitz Lifshitz Liga Light Light Light Light Lightenhan Liguori Likanchuk Likly Liles Liljeberg Lillie WilliamP WilliamW Isador LeonardF BurtonA Paul Phlip HermanE JohnH RoccoJ HyacinthF VitoA FrederickJ CharlesE PaulS GordonR Nicholas Gordon AmosH BertH Morris Seymour WilliamL PaulA RobertC JosephA Abraham Seymour Joseph EdgarJ NorbertJ SamuelJ ThomasM CharlesE JosephJ Peter FrankG ClaudeM KennethM RichardH TSg Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt SSg Cpl Cpl T/5 T/4 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt SSg Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Cpt Sgt SSg Cpl T/5 Pfc LtC Pfc Pfc 399-2B 398-G 397-I 398-I 398-G 325-MB 397-E 375-A 399-B 397-AT 100-QM 397-F 100-SG 397-A 397-SV 397-H 397-B 397-2B 397-E 398-L 397-K 373-HQ 398-F 399-K 398-B 925-C 100-QM 397-G 397-A 399-I 398-C 398-1B 398-I 397325-EM 925-B 397-C 374-HQ 398-MD 325-EB KIA KIA Scranton Newburgh Newark PA IN NJ UniversityCity MO Philadelphia Brooklyn Ludlow Hoboken Washington PA NY VT NJ DC LittleFalls Germantown Brooklyn GrossePoint Wall NJ NY NY MI PA Philadelphia Philadelphia PA PA Springfield ParkRige Escanaba Kane Bronx Brooklyn NewYork Liano Killbuck IL IL MI PA NY NY NY TX NY Burlington VT Jacksonheights NY Beaumont Minneapolis TX MN WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA WIA Lillis Lillo Lilly Lilly Lilly Lilore Lilore Limata Limbaugh Liming Limke Lincis Lincoln Lincoln Lind Lind Lind Lindberg Lindberg Linder Linder Lindorff Lindow Lindquist Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey Line Linehan Liner Ling Linge Lingnofski Link Linkous Linsin CharlesW FrankJ DaleA PhilipE PhillipE RalphP RoccoR LouisV PaulJ LewisP RaymondG HarryJ PaulE RobertH BernardM OscarW RobertG Arthur JamesH JackH OscarE HaroldP WilburtA GusW AdrianL AdrianL BrownL JamesF OwenL RobertC ZachariahE RobertL DanielF AWayne DLeon GlenJ FrankA FrancisM. RoyE DavidK T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl MSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt T/5 T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 325-EA 399-A 325-EA 399-F 399-2B 397-M 399-E 925-C 398-F 373-B 100-HQ 399-H 399-L 397-I 397-C 398-E 374-HQ 399-G 399-C 800-OR 398-M 398-I 397-MD 397-G 397-E 397-E 925-C 325-EC 397-H 399-M 374-C 397-D 397-E 800-OR 397-K 397-SV 397-G 397-HQ 397-HQ 375-C NewYork Brooklyn BigSandy NY NY MT KIA WIA Belleville Flushing Springfield Woodside Collinsville ShakerHeights Shrewsbury SafetyHarbor Escanaba Tuscaloosa Millerton Racine Hurley Bardstown Chicago Henderson MarineCity Plainfield NJ NY IL NY OK OH MA FL MI AL NY WI WI KY IL MN MI NJ KIA Brady Concord Lexington Decatur TX NC TN GA Lynchburg Elyria Bronx Ruston VA OH NY LA Portland Menasha Arlington Bluefield Norwood OR WI IN WV NJ WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Linster Linstruth Linthicum Linzmayer Liotti Lipe Lipoti Lippart Lippart Lippert Lippman Lippy Lipschitz Lipscomb Lis Lischetti Liska Liss Liss List Liszka Litchfield Literas Litfin Litherland Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Littlefield Littlefield Littlejohn Littlejohn PaulN HarryB RussellE BerchmanH RudolphP BradyG Roy GeorgeF RaymondG Bernard Paul WoodrowB Henry ElmoreV Bronislaw JamesC RobertC EdmundG StanleyJ FredL StanleyJ RichardW Cristobal Julius ClarenceD AlvaE BernardR WilliamJN BobbieB WoodrowW ClaytonW HenryT LeavittW RaymondN CharlieF DW ChesterJ William ClaudeL Homer Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 SSg SSg SSg SSg Pfc Pfc 399-C 375-C 373-B 374-A 399-F 399-I 397-1B 398-F 397-L 399-1B 398-B 398-AT 397-MD 397-A 397-E 397-AT 398-G 399-AT 399-M 399-I 398-B 398-G 397-F 398-D 398-2B 397-SV 925-C 397-H 325-MB 925-HQ 399-HQ 397-MD 397-F 375-A 397-C 398-D 373-C 398-I 100-DM 399-I WIA WIA KIA POW Augusta Rome Camden Navesink GA NY NJ NJ Troutman JerseyCity NC NJ WBrownsville Brooklyn PA NY NewYork NY Romulus MI Canton Chicago IL IL Vincennes IN Gloucester Biloxi Baltimore Lexington Parker TarponSprings Wharton Gainesville Andalusia NJ MS MD TN AZ FL NJ GA AL Johnston Chesnee Indianapolis RI SC IN WIA WIA WIA WIA Littlejohn Littleton Littman Litton Littrell Liudahl Lively Livingston Livingston Livingston Livoti Lize Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lobell Lobner LoCascio Lockart Lockart Locker Locklear Lockman Lockwood Locsmandy Locurio Lodato Lodge LoDico Lodol LoDolce Loeble Loehding Loeher Loeper Loera ThomasH Clint JeromeR ArchieR EB ArdellA HowardL Aubrey Glenn JohnA VictorP JoeM DavidE HaroldL MauriceE OrvilleW RichardJ RobertR StanleyL MelvinJ JohnF AnthonyJ JackM LeslieS GeorgeR Marse StephenJ RobertJ LouisN DominicA PhilipJ LewisG Guisto RobertV GuidoJ JFred BenF LeonardC DonaldJ Gilbert Pfc Pvt 2Lt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc SSg T/5 Cpt Pfc 1Sg Pfc 1Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-I 397-K 397-3B 325-MD 373-B 399-K 399-1B 398-I 925-HQ 325-EA 397-E 397-I 399-AT 100-HQ 399-L 399-L 398-I 397-1B 399-AT 325-MC 398-B 374-SV 399-P 397-H 397-2B 399-D 398-AT 100-CR 397-D 325-MA 399-F 397-C 399-2B 397-G 399-I 399-D 398-C 397-C 399-G 398-I Oskaloosa Bourg ForestHills Charlotte IA LA NY NC Alderson OklahomaCity Newton North Yonkers Detroit WV OK NC SC NY MI Farrell RockIsland Coleman Wellsville PA IL MI OH Canastota NY Marshfield Corona Indianapolis Janesville WI NY IN WI Lumbeton Albany WEnglewood Chicago StatenIsland NC NY NJ IL NY Lodi NJ WIA Bethpage NY KIA Ekalaka Versailles Reading Austin MT MO PA TX KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Loes Loew Loewe Loewenstein Lofbloom Loftis Lofton Logan Logan Logan Logan Loglia Lohbauer Lohenitz Lohsen Lohss Lokey Lokken Lollo Lomas Lomascolo Lomasney Lombard Lombardi Lonas London London Loner Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long PaulF GeraldJ JohnH ErnestN SvenA OlinL DoranA BurtonB GeorgeW JohnJ Joseph Christopher ErvinR Michael John DavidP Michael Harold AlfredF WillieB SteveA EmmetW CyrusS ArthurA BernardL CharlesA Max RobertG Alvin AlvinJ EdgarA EdgarW ElbertL FranklynD HomerS JamesR JamesS WilliamF JohnD RayfordE 2Lt Pvt Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc TSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 399-C 397-L 398-E 398-E 399-3B 398-SV 398-G 398-MD 399-A 325-EB 397-2B 375-HQ 399-I 398-HQ 398-1B 399-AT 398-I 398-E 398-3B 399-SV 397-A 398-H 398-B 397-MD 399-3B 398-K 399-1B 373-B 397-CN 325-EH 373-C 325-EH 397-K 397-C 399-1B 374-A 397-K 397-B 398-D 399-SV WIA WIA McKeesRock Litchfield PA MN Mahwah Campobello Shelburn OklahomaCity Dallas RockawayPark Haddonfield NJ SC IN OK TX NY NJ York Spangler BeaverCreek LongIsland Reading Rome Urbana PA PA MN NY PA NY IL LittleFalls NY WareShoals Oswego Bayfield SC MT CO Allons Herrin TN IL Russellville KY Selinsgrove Macon PA GA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW Long Long Long Long Long Longacre Longfield Longino Longo Longo Lonsberg Looby Loomis Loomis Looney Loosier Loper Lopez Lopez Loph Lopinto Lopinto Lorber Lord Lord Lord Lorek Lorence Lorentz Lorenz Lorenz Lorenze Lorenzo Lores Loring Lorinightus Lorrens Loscmandy Losego Loskoch RichardO RobertE RobertW VernonA JosephJ EdgarT ReynoldsH MercerP DominicP Jerry JohnP EdmundJ George RonaldE JamesR ClydeM WilliamD FranciscoS Miguel AlmonC JosephA Salvatore ArthurD ErvingJ FrankE NPhilip WalterS RobertB HarryL IrvingH Robert GeorgeD LouisE JacintoJ WilliamJ John PeterA Louis OscarM AnthonyJ Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc LtC TSg Pfc Cpt 1Lt TSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Sgt SSg Pfc Pvt MSg Pfc 398-L 100-DA 399-E 399-K 100-HQ 397-CN 397-H 397-K 399-H 925-B 398-F 397-F 399-F 398-I 925-HQ 399-A 100-HQ 397-I 397-M 399-F 397-K 399-F 398-2B 398-F 397-H 399-C 397-H 397-AT 397-A 397-L 325-EC 399-A 397-HQ 397-M 397-SV 399-CN 397-G 397-D 375-HQ 397-A MIA Tampa Troy Minneapolis Buffalo FL OH IN NY Audubon Hamden NJ CT EHartford CT Bronx NY Ecorse NY Millville NY Bronx NY Windber Monouth PA OR PineLawn MO Oldbridge NJ Chicago Bridgeville IL PA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Lothian Lotito Lotz Louden Lougee Loughner Loughney Loukopoulos Loukx Lovallo Lovan Love Love Love LoVecchio Lovejoy Lovelace Lovell Lovre Lowder Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowell Lowenstein Lowers Lowery Lowry Lowry Lowther Loy Lozinski Lozzi Lubienski Lubin JamesR Fred WernerW. JosephI RobertV JohnI RobertD GeorgeP IvanC JohnJ JoeL CharlieE FreemanF WilfridE JohnA WilliamH CecilR DonaldS RobertJ AdrianC ClaudeC GlennC HaroldE JamesA JohnH OliverR SidneyG TrumanR DelosD ErnestN WilliamG JamesR LyleL RobertJ EdwardM HarleyB WarrenE DanteA CasimirA MorrisS 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc T/4 399-I 374-B 100-HQ 399-F 398-A 397-H 100-QM 100-HQ 397-A 397-CN 398-A 397398-L 374-B 398-M 100-QM 100-QM 399-M 399-I 398-SV 397-H 399-1B 100-HQ 397398-2B 398-I 399-I 325-MA 399-G 398-E 325-EC 397-K 398-E 398-SV 399-F 398-K 398-G 398-3B 397-H 397-SV Lyndhurst Lyndhurst Milton NJ NJ PA Jeannette RedLodge Corona Detroit PortChester WillowSprings MtAiry PA MT NY MI NY MO NC Detroit Chicago Sparta Houston Overton Trafford Aberdeen Campobello MI IL GA MS TX PA NC SC Okeechobee Delaware GoldBeach NewYork ELiverpool FL OH OR NY OH Vineland NJ Dudley MA Brooklyn NY POW WIA WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Lubkeman Lubrano Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucero Luciano Lucini Lucke Lucky LuConic Lucy Luddy Ludlow Ludlow Ludolph Ludrich Ludwick Ludwig Luebbert Luehring Luetjohann Luftman Lufty Luginbuhl Lugo Luhikhuizen Lujan Lukach Luke Lukehart Luker Lukianovich Lull Luna Luna Luna Lund Lund WilliamF JohnJ JosephH Luther Michael WilliamC Daniel MichaelN RobertJ WalterS RaymondW Andrew JermiahP GeraldF HenryF P EdwinF WalterA Fred Nicholas JohnF RaymondH Hugo Benjamin AlfredJ HerbertR BobS Marian EutiquioJ Andrew GeorgeE LoranD ElethM WilliamN Clyde Enrique LuisH. VictorP ElmerE HaroldS Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc CWO Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl T/5 1Lt Pvt MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Sgt TSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-H 397-G 925-A 397-CN 375-HQ 399-A 397-G 399-C 373-B 397-I 399-MD 398-SV 374-C 398-K 399-CN 399-F 398-K 397-K 399-F 399-HQ 399-B 397-CN 398-CN 100-HQ 399-K 399-A 399-K 398-HQ 398-L 100-DA 398-I 397-I 397-G 325-EA 374-C 399-C 398-F 399-L 397-B 397-B Antioch IL Aqua Wilson Rutland Montevallo Walcol VA NC VT AL WY Pawtucket SanAntonio Detroit RI TX MI UnionCity NJ LongBranch NJ Elizabethtown TN KIA Argyle Hanover NewHydePark MO KS NY WIA Brooklyn NY Waco TX Quadalupita NM LosAngeles Boise CA ID NewYork Prole Laredo NY IA TX Uvalde TX DaytonaBeach FL WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA Lund Lund Lundberg Lunde Lunderborg Lundgren Lundholm Lundquist Lundschen Lundy Lungo Lunsford Lunsford Lunt Lunz LuPriore Lurtey Lustua Luther Luther Lutkins Luttner Lutz Lutz Luxem Luzon Luzzi Lyden Lydick Lydon Lyerly Lykins Lyles Lyman Lyman Lyman Lynam Lynch Lynch Lynch WilliamO CarlM RobertW LeonardS CharlesE HaroldM RobertA GustaveC JamesG GlennA DominicP IveyO Walterp SamuelG Andrew AnthonyM JamesW SylvesterJ GeorgeH RussellJ WilliamJ RichardJ GeorgeE HerbertG ArthurJ RobertE JohnL ThomasM RobertA JosephF RalphH DavidO AlbertM CharlesJ FrederickE WilliamE RobertF DanielS EdwardD FrancisJ Pfc Mjr Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt T/4 T/5 Pfc Cpl 2Lt 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc MSg 397-L 398-AT 398-CN 397-3B 398-L 399-M 398-E 100-SG 398-CN 398-A 399-H 398-MD 398-AT 398-MD 397-K 399-AT 398-L 398-2B 397-D 800-OR 399-HQ 397-G 398-L 374-HQ 398-1B 398-B 325-MB 399-B 398-E 397-B 399-MD 399-I 399-F 397-F 399-C 399-D 100-CR 397-E 397-AT 100-QM KIA Fargo ND FtWorth Westwood Gibbon TX NJ MN NWildwood Lynn NJ MA Knoxville WhitePlains TN NY WIA Westport Rockland Cincinnati IN ME OH WIA Detroit FosterCenter Hartsville Brooklyn MI RI SC NY Lindenhurst Pennsauket Chicago NY NJ IL Guilford Portland CT ME Darby PA Vanceburg KY Claverack Humeston Lafayette NewYork NY IA IN NY WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynes Lynn Lynn Lynn Lynn Lynyak Lyon Lyon Lyons Lyons Lyons Lysakowski Lytle Lytle Maahs Maas Mabe Macaione Macario MacBride Macchi MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald FrancisJ FrankJ GeraldM GlennJ JackieM JamesV JohnJ JosephA JamesA MichaelW RichardH RobertA RobertE RobertW QuentonH EdmondB JamesA JosephC RichardF RaymondG ElmerR Myron FrederickF RobertE ThomasB EdwardW JoeA WilliamR EdgarG Leonard GeorgeJ James AntonioJ SamuelW ArthurJ HughJ MelvilleJ JamesC HughV WilliamR SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 Sgt T/3 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc TSg SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc TSg TSg Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pvt TSg 397-I 325-EH 374-HQ 398-C 397-HQ 399-M 398-B 399-C 100-HQ 399-F 399-A 100-HQ 399-HQ 325-EA 397-E 397-I 100-HQ 100-BD 397-G 100-SG 399-D 375-HQ 100-HQ 397-C 397-I 397-3B 399-CN 399-SV 397-L 397-SV 397-B 398-F 399-1B 397-1B 100-MP 100-MP 399-L 397-C 398-A 398-I WIA Philadelphia PA Astoria NY Bronx Missoula NewYork NY MT NY Baltimore MD Peekskil Bronx Eugene NewOrleans Oakland StateCollege Tamaqua Rutherford Massillon Concord NY NY OR LA OK PA PA NJ OH NH Chicago Butler PebbleBeach Commerce Medford IL PA CA TX NJ Venice MiamiBeach Minersville FL FL PA Milford MtClemmons MA MI Thomaston Ridgewood CT NJ WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA POW MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonnell MacDougal MacDougall MacDougall Mace Mace Mace Mace MacEachron MacGregor MacGregor Machado Machalik Machis Machlem Macias Macias Maciolek Mack Mack Mack Mack MacKay MacKay MacKay Macke Macken Mackenhausen MacKenzie Mackenzie Mackiewicz Mackin Mackinson Macklem DouglasE HarryE WilliamJ WilliamF AlexanderC ThomasG JRoderick JamesJ ADuncan JosephE Kenton PeterP EarlF DenverA AlexanderB LauchlinS MalcolmD ManuelA Michael Stanley WilliamH Mario VincentC PeterP AlfredE CharlesF RobertS WalterJ JamesA DonaldJ William WilliamB JosephS HaroldH RichardW DonaldC AugustP JamesA TedR WilliamH Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/4 Sgt T/5 1Sg Cpt T/4 Sgt T/4 Pfc T/5 SSg SSg T/5 Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc 2Lt Cpl Cpl 399-L 399-G 374-B 398-K 325-EC 398-F 325-EH 925-SV 325-MH 325-EH 398-F 100-SG 399-F 800-OR 375-A 398-1B 399-E 100-SG 399-F 399-AT 399-M 399-G 397-G 100-CR 397-HQ 397-K 398-B 399-AT 399-D 397-F 399-CN 397-HQ 399-E 398-B 397-SV 800-OR 397-SV 398-G 925-HQ 399- WIA WIA KIA Chicago Hubbard Cambridge Aurora Monson Jeannette IL OH MA IL ME PA Yonkers Groton Johnstown NY CT NY Brooklyn NY Akron OH Eugene Attleboro OR MA Benton Lexington LosAngeles AR MI CA Thompsonville CT Akron Winchester Needham Chicago OH IN MA IL JerseyCity NJ Merrimack MayfieldHeights NH OH KIA WIA Macklin Maclean MacLelland MacLeod MacLeod MacLeod MacLeod MacMillan MacMurry MacNay MacNeal MacNeil MacNeil MacNevin Maconaghie MacPhail MacPherson Macrea Macris Maculevich Macy Madden Maddock Maddox Maddox Maddox Maddux Maddux Mader Maderios Madero Madeux Madigan Madison Mado Madon Madren Madsen Madsen Madsen GeorgeM NeilJ NelsonH RichardA John JamesJ FrancesE DuncanA WallaceE JamesB Donald MilesA JohnE GurdonW WilliamL WallaceA IanA JamesP Theodore WilliamJ RobertS JosephD RobertJ JohnA MaxwellG WilliamF HaroldB HenryA AugustC AntoneB JosephC HowardH GeraldC LarryE Leo WalterL RobertLW FloydE HenryA RussellO Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc 2Lt Sgt Pfc TSg TSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl T/5 Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-2B 397-G 100-MP 397-G 399-I 398-K 397-K 397-A 925-HQ 398-B 397-H 100-MP 399-L 399-AT 374-HQ 399-L 397-MD 373-A 375-C 397-CN 398-B 399-H 398-K 397-I 398-HQ 100-MP 397-C 397-C 397-MD 398-H 374-B 374-B 397-C 397-B 398-E 399-A 397-L 397-L 397-G 398-K KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Helena Plantsville Gloucester Wilmington HoodRiver Dorchester Invernesshire MT CT MA DE OR MA SL Stoughton MA Haverhill Beechhurst Chelmsford Bonhill Philadelphia Brooklyn MA NY MA SL PA NY Winchester IN Northwood ND JohnsonCity Nashua Mooreland Mooreland Elmhurst Tenton Duquense Torrington TX NH OK OK NY MA PA CT Middlesex Pineville Graham VT KY NC ParkRapids MN WIA Mael Maffei Magazzu Magee Magee Magee Magee Maggiacomo Maggiacomo Maggipinto Magio Magliano Magnesales Magnuski Magnuson Magoffin Magoun Maguire Mahan Maharan Maher Maher Mahkovec Mahlamaki Mahloy Mahon Mahon Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Maiale Maier Maietta Maietta Maile Mailes Mailman Maio Seymour AnthonyJ LeoM AlbertE ClydeR RaymondL RobertD ChaunceyN ChaunceyN ThomasD Iggy John George RaymondA PaulE CharlesP CreightonF JohnO JosephA GeorgeD JohnA Joseph JosephA Wiljo JohnD BoydB WilliamG CharlesJ DanielJ JamesA RaymondF WilliamF AnthonyJ RobertE JosephR SalvatoreV Tony LilburnO Irving Frank Pfc Cpl T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc TSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Cpt Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc MSg Pvt T/5 Pfc Cpt Cpl T/5 Pfc 399-SV 925-B 399-G 375-A 399-B 397-F 397-C 100-SG 100-SG 325-MH 399-F 375-B 399-D 374-SV 397-H 100-HQ 100-HQ 398-B 325-EB 397-2B 397-K 398-E 397-AT 398-D 398-C 375-HQ 397-M 100-SG 397-MD 397-SV 397-A 375-SV 397-H 397-CN 100-DA 399-L 397-H 398-K 925-SV 397-CN KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA Astoria Philadelphia Hartford Bogalusa NY PA CT LA Pasadena CA Poughkeepsie NY Brooklyn NY StatenIsland NY ChapelHill NC Avon MA Paramus Joliet Thomaston HiltonVillage Louisville ClenEllyn Flushing Waltham Somerville NJ IL ME VA KY IL NY MA MA Jamaica Jackson NY NJ Seneca MO WIA WIA Maitland Majeski Majeski Majewski Major Makarevic Makarovich Makepeace Maki Malaczewski Malakowski Malandro Malanowski Malarchik Malavasi Malefyt Malen Maleno Malenski Maley Malie Malinguaggio Malinowski Malinquaggia Malitsh Maljan Mallak Mallam Mallard Mallas Mallepell Mallery Mallett Mallon Mallory Mallory Malloy Malloy Malloy Malone FredC Henry JosephA FelixL JamesH JosephF Walter JamesT IsaacE JohnS AugustC JohnL ZenonE Nicholas ArdilioN RudyD LeonardK JosephA Isadot RussellH PaulJ Joseph StanleyJ Joseph John JohnG MarshallL RobertA RobertH PeterG Jack JohnW LeonardC JamesP CarlR JohnW HenryJ JamesM RichardJ CharlesJ Pfc Mjr Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt 1Sg Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc T/5 T/5 Cpl LtC 2Lt 2Lt Cpl Pvt 2Lt Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc 399-B 399-C 399-C 399-SV 397-AT 397-1B 399-AT 398-K 399-H 397-SV 397-L 375-B 100-MP 398-I 398-A 374-HQ 375-HQ 397-MD 397-L 397-C 397-SV 375-C 399-AT 375-C 397-L 375-C 399-E 398-HQ 100-CR 399-HQ 325-EH 397399-F 399-M 397-AT 397-E 397-G 325-MD 397-I 397-I DiamondSprings VA Nassau Ashuelot NY NH IronRiver Toledo Waubun Bronx MI OH MN NY NBergen Ridgewood Millvale Greengield Posen Patchogue NJ NJ PA MA MI NY Hartford Albany FtMyers EPaterson Bressley CT NY FL NJ PA Altoona Monteagle NewRachelle SanAntonio PA RN NY TX Somerville MA Pressman'sHole TN Bronx Shamokin NY PA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Malone Malone Malone Malone Malone Malone Malone Maloney Maloney Maloney Malool Maloy Maloy Malstrom Maltese Maltese Malton Malumphy,Rev Mambretto Mammarella Manchester Manchester Manchio Mancine Mancini Mancini Mandel Mandel Mandracchia Maneri Manero Maness Manganaro Mangei Mangels Mangeot Mangiaracina Mangold Mangum Maniere DeeL FredA GeorgeF JamesE JohnA PaulW RoyT ArthurT EarlM EdwardJ Raymond AaronG RichardJ LloydD FrankS NicholasJ ChesterA CharlesP AngeloJ DanteP EdwinV George Anthony Emil DanielA MatteoM Emanuel LeoS VJ JosephA FrancisC OnnisH ClarenceJ Frederick WilliamC AdolphG Frank PaulB RobertE Gerald Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Col T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt LtC T/5 Pvt TSg Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc TSg Pfc SSg T/5 398-C 325-MD 397-D 397-I 399-H 925-SV 398-I 325-EB 399-K 399-HQ 397-2B 398-A 397-K 397-L 399-A 100-HQ 397-I 100-HQ 397-G 397-I 398-E 399-L 397-G 398-C 397-A 397-G 398-H 373-B 398-A 399-A 925-SV 399-A 399-G 399-F 397-2B 398-F 398-C 399-AT 398-G 398-A WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA PawCreek Haynesville Brooklyn Gary NC ME NY IN Utica Clay Bronx EBoston Amherst Brooklyn Kirkland NY KY NY MA MA NY TX Fargo NewYork WindsorLocks Pittsburgh Boston Harrison Astoria Franklin ND NY CT PA MA NY NY LA Philadelphia Warren PA OH Worcester Pittsburgh Brooklyn NewYork MA PA NY NY Philadelphia Chesterfield Verona PA TN PA Rutherford NJ MiddleVillage NY JerseyCity NJ WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW Manion Manis Maniscalco Manley Manley Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Manning Manning Manning Manning Manning Manning Manning Manning Mannino Manolis Manoogian Manor Manosh Manowiecki Manowski Mansell Mansell Mansfield Manske Manson Mansueto Mansur Mantell Manus Manwell Manzi Manzo Manzo HaroldJ MillerK FrankM BennieT WilliamD AlfredR Christopher HowardC RobertW RollandH SheltonW WalterG BasilJ DennisJ HerbertE JamesR JamesW Richard RobertF WillieH StephenA GusCey NTony WilliamR RobertF StanleyA EdmundH HenryB LawrenceE JohnJ HenryA EarlF PeterM FrancisA RobertL MillerK JamesM JohnP Anthony Emmett Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl 2Lt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg T/5 Pfc Cpl TSg Sgt Sgt 397-MD 398-L 397-E 374-C 399-F 398-M 399-I 375-B 398-K 925-HQ 925-HQ 398-E 399-K 375-B 398-C 397-F 325-EB 399-1B 398-F 374-A 800-OR 398-2B 399-L 399-G 398-B 375-B 399-E 397-K 399-F 398-G 397-I 399-D 398-2B 397-A 375-C 398-L 399-E 398-F 100-ST 375-A KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Tuscaloosa Rogersville AL TN Somerville Ashland Plymouth Waldwick Wetumpka ChapelHill TN TX IN NJ AL NC Jonesboro Charlottesville Columbus Annadale UpperLake FloralPark GayHead Fulton MiamiBeach Jesup NC IN MS NY CA NY MA MO FL GA Marlin Manchaug Passaic Detroit Yantis TX MA NJ MI TX BigFork EBridgewater Linden Detroit EBridgewater MN MA NJ MI MA Millbrook NY Koppel PA WIA WIA Mapes Maples Marable Maraffino Marandino Marandola Marano Marbery Marble Marble Marble Marcantonio Marce Marceau March March Marchbanks Marcheschi Marchese Marcheterre Marchinko Marchio Marcil Marcinkus Marco Marcoline Marcone Marcoux Marcoux Marcum Marcus Marczak Maretski Marez Margaris Margossian Margraff Marin Marine Marinelli LloydD JuliusLD YandalH JohnA JamesJ RaymondJ AnthonyJ Joseph CharlesA RobertL RolandC AlbertA DominicA WilfredA MichaelJ RalphJ HerbertF Charles Anthony JohnJ Joseph AnthonyF AlfredO JosephS DominicA Philip Natale GeraldJ HenryE JoeE Lloyd DimitriM AdamJ Pedro Fred CharlesS DonaldH ArthurE BrunoJ LouisJ Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 1Sg T/5 SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Sgt T/5 T/3 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg TSg 398-H 397-D 100-QM 399-K 325-EC 373-SV 399-D 399-F 398-CN 398-D 397-M 800-OR 399399-E 399-F 373-B 398-SV 398-L 397-I 397-E 800-OR 397-F 800-OR 325-EH 399-H 925-SV 325-EC 397-H 100-CR 398-F 325-MD 398-MD 398-L 397-E 399-B 397-I 100-CR 399-B 399100-SG Memphis FtLauderdale TN FL Hartford Providence Brooklyn CT RI NY Willoughby Gloucester OH VA Brodgeport CT Brooklyn NewYork NY NY Worcester Summerdale Chicopee MA MA MA Chicago Ilion Brooklyn Northampton Rollinsford Marvel IL NY NY MA NH KY Brooklyn NY ElPaso Paterson Somerville TX NJ MA Oshkosh WI WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA Marinello Mariner Marini Marinik Marinits Marino Marino Marino Marino Marino Marino Marion Mariott Mariotti Mark Markevich Markfield Markham Markiewicz Marko Marko Markowitz Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marlatt Marley Marley Marlin Marlow Marnick Maro Marolt Marone Marone Marone Maroney Maroney SalvatoreJ GroverR Joseph Charles OttoJ Alfred BrunoJ Eugene Frank HaroldP Salvatore MalcolmC HaroldL PeterJ William Mike IsraelN JayL Edward FrankS George Frank HallS HarryW Leonard LloydC Manuel Robert BenjaminW JohnF CharlesT RobertH Clifford EdwardR LouisW LouisJ NickP RoccoJ JosephC RobertW T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc SSg T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc 2Lt Pfc 1Sg Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl 1Sg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt SSg SSg 2Lt T/4 800-OR 397-L 398-A 397-K 397-D 397-A 399-M 925-C 397-HQ 398-HQ 399-I 399-H 397-1B 398-AT 800-OR 398-MD 399-3B 398-1B 375-B 397-D 397-G 925-HQ 399-E 399-A 399-K 397-B 325-MA 398-2B 100-SG 398-CN 398-G 399-L 398-H 398-3B 397-K 399-E 398-AT 397-G 375-HQ 398-SV Brooklyn Georgetown MtVernon Crosby Bronx NY DE NY PA NY OzonePark NY Buffalo NewBrunfels Concord NY TX CA AsburyPark Cleveland Greenbelt NJ OH MD Worcester Nanticoke Allison MA PA PA NJudson EHampton Brooklyn Bronx Wichita IN MA NY NY KS Portland FtWayne Ottemwa Riderwood OR IN IA MD WIA Cleveland Gilbert OH MN WIA KIA KIA Houston TX KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Marose Marques Marquess Marquis Marriner Marron Marrone Marrs Marsanico Marsch Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshburn Marsters Marston Marston Martell Martelli Martello Marten Martens Martin Martin Martin Martin NormanG Jack ArthurC ReneJ HarryF ThomasG VincentR CloidA AnthonyJ CharlesA LawrenceW Lee PhillipW ThomasF ChesterS GrahamJ HermanS JohnJ JohnT JosephG KarlL LloydB RichardM SamH ThomasN VernonL WilliamM RodneyE PercyR RaymondO ReginaldA ErwinH FrankP AngeloJ ReubenE KurtK AlbertR AlfredW ArthurA Charles Pfc 2Lt T/4 Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 2Lt Pfc T/5 TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt 397-A 397-H 397-3B 325-EH 398-K 373-C 374-MD 100-SG 373-A 325-MA 397-I 398-G 100-MP 399-F 397-A 100-SG 925-SV 374-HQ 100-MP 398-D 398-C 398-1B 397-D 397-C 398-H 325-EA 397-1B 325-MH 397-MD 374-HQ 375-B 397-3B 325-MA 399-HQ 325-MA 398-D 399-A 398-H 397-3B 399-SV WIA POW KIA Wayne Richmond NJ VA Lincolnville Brooklyn JerseyCity Aqua ME NY NJ OH Philadelphia Goshen PA NY Seekonk MA WhitePlains Melrose Windsor Terrell NC MA MO TX Wakefield Balkan Pioneer Hammond Randolph NewPhiladelphia Elizabethtown Portland Glastonbury Freeport Detroit MA KY TX IN AZ OH NC ME CT ME MI Wantagh Frankfort WStockbridge NY IL MA Bronx NY Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martindale Martinelli Martinetti Martinez CharlesD CharlesE JosephB Chester JosephR DonaldW Karl EdmundN LowellA FrancisP LynwoodT GeorgeM NormanC HarrisJ OscarH JamesL PoseyL JohnJ RayA EarlG RobertN FrankH RoyJ HarryJ DanielR EdwardL Harold JoeJ SilasP ThomasA ThomasP TigesJ WayneT WilliamD WilliamE Wilson WilliamW Domenic CharlesR GeorgeJ Cpl Pfc T/5 TSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc T/5 2Lt Cpl T/4 Cpl 2Lt Sgt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc TSg Pfc 399-E 399-3B 100-SG 397-AT 399-G 397-G 399-F 398-G 325-MA 397-F 398-K 397-H 325-MC 375-B 398-D 325-EC 925-A 397-A 399-H 398-K 397-CN 399-D 398-A 374-A 397-I 397-B 399-K 397-HQ 397-L 399-F 397-CN 397-I 399-MD 399-HQ 397-HQ 398-C 397-K 397-M 397-E 375-B WIA WIA WIA WIA Chicago Concord NewYork Carrollton Lawrence SAlbany IL NC NY GA MA NY Richmond London Blacksburg Orangeburg Detroit EOrange IN UK SC SC MI NJ Franklin TN Delanco NJ Connerville Lucas Pittsfield Troy OK OH MA NY Almogordo Islandton Talihina NM SC OK Portland Ironton Kenefic Paragould Jasper Providence ME OH OK AR TX RI Bronx NY POW WIA WIA KIA WIA Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinez Martini Martini Martino Martino Martinotti Martralli Marturello Marvel Marwin Marx Marx Marzion Marzolla Masciarelli Masdon Mashburn Mashuga Masi Masi Masiello Masloff Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Massa Massacci Masse Massell GilbertC JamesJ JoseG LorenzoC Margarito MikeA PedroA RobertE LeoG Luigi Frank WilliamF Charles JohnM Frank RaymondL EarlJ HenryP JohnF HenryF Nick NicholasJ Aubrey HarveyS JohnL FrancisS LawrenceJ JohnA HerbertS AbnerC DonaldE DonaldL JackC JackP JamesV WalterR Vito LodivicoN LaurierJ RichardC Pvt Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc TSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl TSg TSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg WOJ T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 2Lt T/3 Pfc T/4 Pfc 399-C 399-D 399-G 397-C 398-L 399-B 397-G 800-OR 399-C 397-MD 374-C 399-B 397-E 397-L 399-G 398-A 398-HQ 325-EA 399-L 398-A 399-K 397-M 397-H 100-HQ 397-G 399-H 325-EC 100-HQ 800-OR 397-K 398-G 399-I 398-K 925-C 800-OR 398-I 375-HQ 397-D 397-3B 375-HQ WIA LosAngeles Brooklyn LosAngeles LosAngeles CA NY CA CA KIA Denver Asherton NewYork Almeda Detroit Hartford CO TX NY CA MI CT NewYork Philadelphia DesMoines Dagsboro Mineola SanFrancisco Astoria NY PA IA DE NY CA NY Paterson Brooklyn Hogansville Hopkinsville Minneapolis Waynesboro NJ NY GA KY MN VA Paterson Danville Albany NJ VA VT Belleville Ashtabula Allgood Burlington NJ OH TN NJ Lewiston Newton ME MA WIA WIA POW WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Massey Massey,Rev Massicott Massucci Mastalerz Mastercola Masters Masters Masterson Mastracco Mastrocola Mastrogiovanni Mastron Mata Matarazzo Mateer Materniak Mates Matfus Matheny Matheny Mathes Mathews Mathews Mathews Mathews Mathews Mathias Mathias Mathis Mathis Mathis Mathis Mathis Matin Matinzi Matkin Matlack Matlosz Matousek RobertE Walter RobertF JohnA ThaddeusF August HarryE RobertA LesterL JohnM August RichardR KennethJ Teodule JosephG RobertI WalterE Israel Milton CharlesR GeorgeC HowardL CharlesP EldonW GeorgeC LawrenceJ RichardW JohnF MarionC ElsieP HiramM NorbertC PerryH VernonJ JamesL LouisF MarcusL HarveyF TadeusM RichardJ Pfc Cpt Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc T/4 Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc 2Lt Sgt 325-EB 399-HQ 398-CN 374-SV 398-M 399-2B 100-QM 399-K 398-L 397-A 399-2B 398-G 398-HQ 399-H 398-SV 397-G 373-A 100-HQ 397-B 398-F 325-EB 397-F 399-F 397-C 398-B 399-F 398-C 398-I 399-E 398-HQ 925-SV 397-M 100-HQ 399-AT 325-EC 397-F 398-F 397-G 399-F 399-C WIA Murphysboro Rhinelander Bristol Winooski ThreeRivers Brooklyn Steubensville EaglePass Fairfield IL WI CT VT MA NY OH TX IL Woodland NewYork Altoona CA NY PA Burlingame NewYork CA NY Mooresboro Erwin NC TN Springfield Gridley OH CA Ames ELiverpool Elyria UnionCity Bryan IA OH OH TN TX Cuthbert Yakima Franklin Plymouth TX WA TN MA Unity PA GarfieldHeights OH WIA MIA WIA Matrafallo Matson Matta Matte Mattei Matter Mattes Matteson Matteson Matteson Matthew Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Mattingly Mattiolo Mattison Mattos Matts Mattson Mattson Matula Matulionis Matusik Matz Mauch Mauchline Maunder Mauney Mauney Mauran Maurer Maurer Maurer PaulG HeinoO ArnoldA Eddison WilliamL JohnE DavidH CharlesA ErnestA WarrenF MelvinR Ben Clarence DennisT EdwardJ ElliottH MurphyN RobertE WilliamF WilliamW JosephA AnthonyA FrancisH AnthonyR Fred EdwardR FrederickJ StephensJ JoeA Lawrence HaroldL RichardE James LeslieG ClydeH JD IrvingW Abraham AlbertT Edward Pfc T/4 1Lt Pvt T/5 SSg Pvt Pvt Pfc Sgt 1Lt Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 399-B 100-HQ 397-P 397-I 399-MD 397-1B 398-L 397-B 398-A 398-D 398-H 399-D 398-K 398-A 398-K 397-F 100-HQ 398-L 399-G 325-EH 398-I 397-C 398-I 100-ST 374-HQ 397-SV 399-A 399-G 397-F 398-2B 398-E 397-A 398-B 398-K 374-C 399-H 398-L 398-C 397-H 375-C MIA WIA POW WNyack Gilbert Minneapolis ChurchPoint NY MN MN LA Joplin BrantLake Baltimore EGreenwich MO NY MD RI Scranton Detroit NewKensington Houston Raleigh Raleigh Rochester Baltimore Louisville SC MI PA TX NC NC NY MD KY Hartford CT Lucin Chicago Flint NY IL MI Milwaukee Detroit Laurelton Newton Shelby WI MI NY NC NC Brooklyn NY WIA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA Maurer Mauriello Mauro Maushardt Mavrakos Mavrinac Mawn Maxfield Maxon Maxon Maxson Maxwell May May May May May May Mayberry Maybow Maydak Mayer Mayer Mayer Mayer Mayes Mayfield Mayfield Mayhall Mayhugh Maylros Maynard Maynard Maynard Maynard Maynard Mayne Mayorga Mays Mays RaymondR AnthonyS StephenA RobertE HarryT AlbertA ThomasM WilliamE Edmonds SamuelE JamesE OrvilleE CarilesL DouglasO FrankJ GrantE JohnF SteveF RayE Nick John Ben ClydeW GlennE SamuelA ArchibaldR RaymondA WillieH CarlA WilliamB Michael CarrellL GeneR GordonJ Reaford VerneF FrankL FranciscoM GeorgeW JamesH Pfc T/5 Cpl TSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc 397-3B 397-MD 398-C 399-K 399-C 398-H 398-C 397-F 100-QM 399-G 397-C 398-H 100-CR 397-I 397-H 398-G 399-G 325-EC 399-B 398-M 397-AT 399-2B 398-L 399-E 399-MD 397-K 373-A 375-HQ 397-G 397-K 399-F 397-G 397-G 375-HQ 399-A 398-B 397-G 398-L 397-E 398-F WIA Schenectady Falconer NY NY Tyler FtWorth Baltimore Frankfort Leeds Wilson Paducah Detroit Concord Jonesborough TX TX MD IN NY NC KY MI CA TN Winona EPortChester Braddock Chicago Montclair Oxford Freeport Petersburg Atlanta MO CT PA IL NJ OH IL VA GA Vinemont Nokesville AL VA Tomahawk Beloit KY KS Zebulon SantaAna Halethrope Brownsville Bluestone KY CA MD TX WV WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Mays Mazalewski Mazer Mazey Maziarz Mazieka Mazue Mazur Mazure Mazzei Mazzola Mazzucco McAbee McAfee McAhart McAlexander McAlister McAlister McAllister McAllister McAlpin McAndrew McAndrews McAneny McAninch McArthur McAteer McAuliffe McBane McBean McBeth McBrayer McBreairty McBrearty McBride McBride McCabe McCain McCalla McCalley JosephT StanleyJ HenryJ PeteL EdwardA JosephJ Roman RudolphA HenryJ JosephA JohnJ PeterR AubreyA HaroldM Johnnie WallaceR FrankW GeorgeN AlexanderC JohnL JuliusD Joseph MichaelF GeorgeG EdwardM AlanD ThomasJ WilliamC LesterJ WesleyA WilliamV DonaldB Norman JosephF AustinD William TimothyJ RobertC CharlesF Gray Pfc SSg Pfc TSg TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Cpl Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc WOJ Cpl Sgt Pfc T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc 399-A 397-AT 397-HQ 399-G 399-K 800-OR 398-B 374-HQ 100-MP 399-H 373-B 399-E 925-C 397-I 100-HQ 399-K 397-1B 397-2B 325-EA 397-C 397-G 100-HQ 100-DA 399-I 398-E 100-HQ 925-C 100-CR 399-D 397-K 925-MD 399-HQ 325-EC 398-F 399-A 375-A 399-C 399-F 397-H 399-K WIA WIA KIA Charlotte Baltimore Bronx BelleVernon Duryea Worcester Boonville Ware Bronx NC MD NY PA PA MA MO MA NY NewYork NY Dallas Morrison GoldenPond HollySprings Bronx TX TN KY MS NY Raleigh Atlanta Amory NC GA MS Adams Lowell MA MA Bethesda Brooklyn Hamilton Barberton Humford Millerton MD NY CN OH ME NY Allagash Philadelphia ME PA Trenton Sanford NJ ME Columbia SC WIA WIA WIA McCallum McCallum McCallum McCallum McCammon McCann McCann McCann McCann McCann McCanse McCarney McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCartney McCarty McCarty McCaskill McCauley McCay McClain McClain McClanahan McClary McClead McClellan McClenahan McClinton McCloskey McCloud McCloud McCloy McClung McClure McClure McCluskey McComb McCombs BurtonG ClarenceT HubertL RobertF EarlM HowardD JohnJ LloydL RichardA RobertE WilliamW DaleE JamesC JamesM John JohnJ JamesH ClydeC WillardR LeonW MarcialW JamesW CharlieB TurnerB WilliamB JohnH JohnL WilliamT JohnM RobertA CharlesA HartleyF JamesL BernardF Wayne AlanC Clifford WilliamH DavidR ClarenceI Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Pvt Cpl Pfc T/3 Pfc 2Lt T/5 T/5 Mjr Pfc Cpt Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg 1Sg Pfc Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc 398-I 398-G 397-L 397-E 397-G 325-MD 397-AT 397-G 100-HQ 399-3B 397-3B 375-HQ 325-EA 100-QM 399-A 398-B 398-E 397-A 399-SV 397-L 100-HQ 375-SV 399-K 397-A 399-C 397-G 397-H 399-K 398-F 398-H 397-I 397-F 397-C 398-F 800-OR 398-E 375-HQ 325-EA 325-EA 399-H KIA KIA WIA KIA KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Sulphur Shillington Hastings Glasgow Bloomington Duryea Philadelphia Minneapolis LA PA MI SL IN PA PA MN Pomeroy Churdan NewYork Lawrence Waltham Bayonne ELansing LosAngeles Kosciusko Erwin Cynthiana Holladay Murray Pelly Grundy KansasCity Cario Blountstown WA IA NY MA MA NJ MI CA MS NC KY TN KY TX VA MO WV FL Brooklyn Covington Bogata NY KY TX Columbus OH Montgomery Chicago Hillside Roseville AL IL NJ MI McCommon McConnell McConnell McCord McCorkle McCormack McCormack McCormick McCormick McCormick McCourt McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCracken McCranie McCrary McCray McCreary McCreary McCreless McCrum McCullagh McCullough McCullough McCullough McCullough McCumber McCurry McCury McDaniel McDaniel McDaniel McDaniel EarlM PaulM RichardE CharlieA HenryV PatrickJ SterlingM JamesF JosephD WilliamF HughA ArthurW BusterM ChalmersW DanielA Floyd HowardC JohnD JohnT RobertG JohnR JohnnieW JohnL HermandD JohnP OscarM ClarenceJ RalphC WilliamH Francis George MarkM RaymondG ArchieF JohnH FredC AdrianA ArvelL EarlO HarvetT Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc TSg Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 TSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 LtC Mjr 1Sg Cpl Pfc SSg Pvt T/5 Pvt 2Lt Cpl Pvt Pfc 397-2B 398-HQ 397-B 397-C 397-H 325-MB 399-L 398-MD 399-M 373-HQ 397-K 398-C 399-2B 397-E 399-3B 397-F 398-MD 398-G 100-BD 397-G 375-HQ 325-MC 100-QM 397-H 399-B 398-G 398-CN 398-1B 100-HQ 398-C 925-C 398-2B 398-B 397-B 397-1B 397-G 398-P 397-A 397-G 397-F WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA ThePlains Prattville VA AL WBrighton Corvallis Hartford NY OR CT Burlington Albuquerque Lincoln Mann Rayland Rome WOrange Ardmore Lexington Quitman Etna Wilkinsburg Eastman Hendersonville LincolnPark NJ NM NE WV OH GA NJ OK NC GA CA PA GA NC MI NewHaven IL Brunswick ME NewYork NY Janesville Shelby Atlanta Memphis WMonroe Anniston Sallis WI NC GA TX LA AL MS McDaniel McDaniel McDaniel McDaniels McDarment McDarsent McDermid McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDoniel McDonnell McDonnell McDonnell McDonnell McDonough McDonough McDonough McDonough McDowell McDowell McDowell McDuffie McDuffie McDuffy McElhinney McElroy JK JamesT ThomasR Warren JamesA JamesA CharlesG BernardJ HughJ WarrenR WilliamJ WilliamJ Alex BernardJ Brown DanielJ DannieO FrankE Glenn JohnC LyleA RalphL TheronH JamesH Bartholome CharlesL EdwardJ ThomasE GeorgeJ GeorgeJ JohnT VincentJ ClintonL FrankH VernonK FeltonJ LouieH MartinM WilliamF StanleyE T/4 Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Sgt Sgt Cpt Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc 2Lt T/4 T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc 2Lt Pvt Pfc T/5 SSg Cpl Pfc 925-SV 398-I 397-K 399-2B 397-G 397-2B 397-K 100-HQ 100-MP 375-HQ 397-B 399-SV 325-EC 398-G 398-MD 397-E 397-G 325-MA 397-G 397-MD 398-I 325-MD 397-I 397-B 325-MA 399-E 398-CN 399-F 325-MA 325-MA 397-C 398-G 399-C 397-M 399-F 398-L 399-SV 399-L 397-M 398-CN KIA KIA WIA SanDiego TalkingRock Cleveland CA GA OH Napa Bronx CA NY Roxbury Alpine DobbsFerry Millinocket MA CA NY ME Dixon Needham Indianola StLouis MS MA MS MO Baltimore MD Batesville Torrington AR CT SLee SLee MA MA Otisville NY Rockingham NC Hollis Ouray NY CO WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA McElroy McElvain McElveen McElyer McEntee McEntire McEvoy McEwen McFadden McFadden McFadden McFaddin McFarland McFarland McFarland McFarland McFaull McFee McGaha McGarry McGarry McGarry Mcgaskill McGauley McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGeown McGhan McGhee McGhee McGhee McGill McGill McGill McGinley VirgilC StanleyR WilliamT CarlJ JamesLP ClarenceE JohnJ WalterD BernardJ Charles AWeems Douglas DonaldE DuardE Nelson StephenJ AlexanderA TomR CL EdwardJ JohnJ MartinC LeonG JohnF JackI JohnA RobertH Thomas WilliamC WilliamH WilliamJ WilliamJ ThomasM CharlesW CorneliusM SaylorJ JamesB RichardM RobertJ PhilipL Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc 2Lt Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 2Lt T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc T/4 Cpl Sgt SSg Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 397-1B 398-2B 373-C 397-G 925-SV 398-I 398-C 399-F 397-C 398-P 399-G 399-C 397-B 398-A 100-HQ 325-EA 398-E 397-3B 397-G 325-MD 399-F 800-OR 397399-HQ 397-1B 100-CR 100-SG 397-3B 399-G 397-MD 100-CR 374-C 397-H 399-I 399-C 397-CN 397398-E 398-K 397-L WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Hanceville AL Lynchburg Athens HasbrouckHeights Chattanooga SC AL NJ TN Brooklyn Baltimore Annapolis NewZion Ottowa Wichita NY MD MD SC KS KS Concord Kilbourne Archbald TN LA PA Columbia SC Peterson AL Memphis Detroit RockHill Brooklyn TN MI SC NY Manchester SaratogaSprings CT NY Lockhaven PA NewAlbany Bronx Philadelphia IN NY PA WIA McGinn McGinnis McGinnis McGinnis McGinty McGoldrick McGonigle McGorman McGough McGoun McGovern McGovern McGovern McGovern McGovern McGowan McGowan McGowan McGowan McGowan McGowan McGrade McGrady McGrail McGrath McGrath McGrath McGrath McGraw McGraw McGreary McGreevy McGregor McGregor McGrotha McGuffey McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire WilliamJ EverettD JamesR WilliamE JamesA JohnJ LawrenceP WilliamJ CharlesR RalphC CharlesJ DanielJ JamesI JohnJ LorenJ JamesA JamesJ JamesJ JohnH JohnJ ThomasJ WilliamA HaroldE JohnH JosephG JosephT MichaelT WilliamJ GeorgeW MarshallW JohnP FrancisP ErnestJ RobertC RossE CharlesW JamesM OlliceT RaymondT WalterR Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pfc SSg Pfc T/3 T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Cpt 397-C 325-MC 398-L 325-EB 397-C 398-M 397-I 399-3B 397-L 325-MA 325-EM 398-L 397-I 373-A 325-MB 398-A 397-AT 397-G 397-MD 373-A 325-MB 398-I 399-H 925-HQ 325-EC 373-B 397-M 397-AT 398-L 100-HQ 399-B 375-A 399-MD 375-C 100-DA 399-D 399-F 397-G 397-C 374-HQ WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA Centralia Oran Brunswick BigRock Arlington Brooklyn Pittsburgh Philadelphia Trenton Amherst Ridgewood Bronx Chicago Bethel PA MO GA TN VA NY PA PA NJ MA NY NY IL CT Woodside NY Bronx GreatCacapon LongIslandCity NewYork LongIslandCity NWilkesboro NY WV NY NY NY NC Washington DC Chicago Hadley Graydon Gaffney CollegeCorner Newark IL MA WV SC OH NJ Westlake Macon Dallas LA GA TX Detroit MI Asheville NC McGurk McGurn McHale McHolick McHughes McIlvaine McInerney McInnis McInnis McIntire McIntire McIntosh McIntosh McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McKay McKay McKay McKay McKay McKay McKee McKee McKee McKee McKee McKee McKee McKee McKeever McKegney McKeich McKell McKelvey Patrick DavidE WilliamJ WilliamJ WilliamB LeonardJ MartnT JamesR NeilC JohnO RaymondJ AndrewC John FrancisJ GordonM Jim KarlL StewartH StuartH TheodoreR WillisC DonaldC DonaldJ John LloydG RalphE WilliamE AlexanderB CharlesW DavidM Edward Mearl MelvinL NashD WalterE ThomasJ WilliamM RobertW JosephS JohnJ Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc CWO Pfc Pfc Sgt 1Sg Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc MSg T/5 Pfc 397-K 399-A 397-HQ 397-MD 397-H 397-1B 398-A 398-L 325-EC 397-C 399-A 325-EC 100-CR 399-C 373-C 373-C 399-I 399-H 399-H 398-L 399-1B 399-G 397-F 399-D 325-EH 399-C 397-K 374-SV 800-OR 399-E 373-SV 397-F 397-G 397-F 397-1B 399-F 397-E 100-SG 325-EB 398-L KIA KIA WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA LongIslandcity NY Hoboken Monitor Memphis HiltonHeadIsland Brooklyn NJ OR TN SC NY LittleRock SC Richmond Winchester Buffalo Chicago Chelsea Winston Kane Portland VA KY NY IL MA NC PA OR Monroe GA Washington Filer DE ID BayCity Gardiner Lemay Overbrook Dover Madeira OzonePark Cincinnati Marshall Charlotte MI MT MO PA NC CA NY OH OK NC Brooklyn NY WIA WIA McKenna McKenna McKenzie McKeon McKeown McKibbon McKiddy McKie McKillop McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinney McKinney McKinnon McKinzie McKissick McKissick McKisson McKnatt McKnight McKown McLain McLallen McLane McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLean McLean McLean McLean CharlesE EdwardP ClarenceM JohnJ WilliamE AddisonR RichardL CecilR AllanA CharlesF HowardA John KennethE RobertL WilliamD HaroldL JackD JosephW JohnF ClaytonP RobertB EarlW KennethM RobertW DouglasI TurnerB CharlesP RobertR EdwardJ JamesF JohnF RaymondT RobertE Thomas ThomasK WilliamE AllenI RussellT AndrewJ William Sgt SSg Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Cpt Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Sgt TSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-K 398-G 397-G 325-EH 397-I 398-E 325-MB 100-QM 398-C 398-1B 398-L 398-3B 398-H 925-B 397-CN 399-AT 398-C 100-SG 399-C 398-F 399-B 397-I 925-B 398-L 397-G 397-A 398-D 397-F 399-HQ 397-G 398-3B 325-EB 398-A 399-I 374-B 397-L 397-I 398-G 374-B 375-B WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Pawtucket NewYork Cumberland Bronx RI NY MD NY Malta OH Hull GA Brooklyn NY Merom Westmont Charlestown OH NJ MA Auburn MtPleasant Indianapolis Charlton PhenixCity Clearwater WA TX IN MA AL FL Rochester Franklin NY NY Meadville PA Elizabeth GreatNeck Brockton Medford Harrisburg NewYork Clifton Okanogan SantaAna Brooklyn NewYork NJ NY MA MA PA NY NJ WA CA NY NY WIA POW WIA KIA POW McLean McLean McLean McLean McLean McLean McLendon McLeod McLeroy McLinden McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McManus McManus McMenamin McMenemy McMicken McMillan McMillan McMillen McMillen McMillin McMinn McMonegal McMullan McMullen McMurphy McMurray McMurray McMurray McMurray McNabb McNally McNally McNally McNally McNally HowardW JamesA PaulV Ronald EldonD JackN JosephL RichardT BrunsonL JamesI HaroldH JamesJ JohnE JohnJ RV John RoyL FrancisP Samuel JackieL RichardJ StephenL EverettF JamesD RobertA RobertJ JohnJ CorneliusJ DelmarC JohnD ArchieH EugeneP MorrisW WallaceE JosephV CorneliusJ JohnP LloydC PaulA RichardJ SSg Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc WOJ Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc 1Sg Cpl T/4 Pfc Pvt SSg Cpt Pfc Sgt 398-H 398-M 100-HQ 399-MD 399-C 397-I 398-CN 325-MA 399-M 398-I 397-L 397-HQ 325-MB 325-MH 398-G 397-D 399-HQ 397-L 397-SV 398-MD 397-B 925-HQ 398-M 100-QM 397-D 398-L 800-OR 100-QM 397-F 398-3B 398-C 398-B 398-K 925-HQ 325-MC 399-AT 399-SV 398-I 397-K 397-M Chicago IL EBraintree MA Okanogan WA Detroit MI Kirbyville Brooklyn TX NY Salem Crossville Charlotte MA TN NC NewYork Pelly Millry Dadeville Arago Nashville Wilkinsburg Aurora NY TX AL AL MN TN PA CO Decatur Hastings Yuma RockIsland GA NE CO IL Melrose Salem Houlton MA MA ME HoneyBrook Davenport NY IA WIA MIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA McNally McNamara McNamara McNamara McNamara McNaughton McNee McNeely McNeely McNeely McNeil McNerney McNew McNicholl McNiffe McNulty McNulty McNutt McNutt McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPhillips McQuade McQuay McQuay McQuilton McRaith McShane McShane McSoley McTaggart McTarnaghan McTiernan McTiger McTighe McVay McVeigh McVicar WarrenW EdwardD FrancisP JosephP ThomasR JohnC FrancisJ GuyH JamesE RobertM JohnJ KennethL James PatrickJ William JamesC StanleyA ErshellJ WilliamA EugeneW Robert ThomasA. ThomasJ FrancisJ EdwinH CharlesC WilliamJ JohnQ ThomasG JamesH JohnR GeorgeF Dwaine RobertB FrankJ ZebV ArthurD JamesL FranklinJ RoyW T/4 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc TSg TSg 1Lt T/5 Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 1Lt SSg 397-CN 800-OR 398-A 399-HQ 398-F 398-I 397-AT 397-E 399-C 397-G 397-E 397-B 398-3B 397-A 398-I 399-SV 397-H 100-HQ 398-K 325-MC 399-CN 100-MP 397-HQ 800-OR 374-A 398-1B 398-1B 373-HQ 399-MD 397-L 398-M 373-HQ 399-E 397-2B 399-E 325-EC 397-1B 398-M 397-I 399-D Albion Brooklyn MI NY Buffalo Whiteboro Norfolk NewYork WichitaFalls StJoseph Cleveland NY NY VA NY TX MO NC Carterville PortStewart IL IR Detroit MI Chicago IL Hackensack Bronx Belleville NJ NY MI Ladysmith Milton BellePlaine WI FL MN ELiverpool Providence BattleCreek OH RI MI Murphy NC Cudahy WI POW WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA McWhorter Meace Mead Meade Meade Meade Meade Meadows Meadows Meadows Meads Mealor Meaney Meaney Means Means Mease Mease Measor Measter Mechlin Meckel Mecom Mecus Medaglia Medaglia Meddleton Medeiros Medeiros Meden Medford Medley Medlin Medlin Medlin Medolago Medvin Medziak Meehan Meek WilliamR Montecello NormanW EverardK Joseph RaymondF SterlingH LouisW WilliamH WillieM AlfredH JamesC JohnC RichardV JamesP JamesR DonaldL RobertH RayK LeoC IvanG NelsonT BarneyR Joseph JosephA PeterA JeanE George Joseph StigO JohnC ClementE CharlieB DanD JuniorC Albert Ellis GeorgeH WilliamH DelmaR Cpl Pfc Sgt Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 1Lt Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 1Lt Pfc Pfc 325-EM 397325-EB 398-2B 397-C 373-HQ 398-A 399-F 397-A 398-L 325-MC 399-D 398-1B 325-MH 375-SV 399-I 398-L 100-MP 398-B 100-HQ 397-AT 397-2B 398-I 325-MD 374-C 398-H 397-3B 398-M 397-AT 100-DA 397-H 397-2B 399-K 397-B 397-I 373-A 398-MD 398-2B 398-I 399-F WIA Greenville SC BrentLake NY Dracut MA OklahomaCity OK MarinCity CA Tuscaloosa PuntaGorda Connellsville AL FL PA Wilmington NC Newburyport FairOaks SanAntonio MA PA TX Brooklyn Waltham Lorain NY MA OH Wayne FallRiver NBranch Bellevue Greensboro Hobbs MI MA NJ TX NC NM Springhope NC Rochester Coloma SanGabriel NY WI CA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Meek Meekma Meeks Meem Meer Meerbott Meese Meglio Megna Mehalik Mehlhaff Meholcza Meier Meier Meins Meisenzahl Meitz Mejia Mekita Meks Melancon Melchiorre Melchiorre Melebeck Melesky Melick Meliere Meliere Melillo Melkert Mellady Mellay Melle Mellen Melnichok Melnick Melnick Melnyk Melnyk Meltesen ErnestC August HaroldL Langhorne JosephF JosephA CharlesF AnthonyR MarkA WilliamJ HarryW AlexanderP JohnA RussellE HaroldL GeorgeT ErnestW SantiagoU John WillisE Kerney DanielJ John PurfyJ William AlbertP AlfredE WalterE Daniel CliffordL VincentP Frank JosephJ RobertE FrankJ EdwardF Martin JohnW Steve LesterB T/5 Pfc Pvt Cpt T/4 Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt 1Sg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pvt Sgt T/5 Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc T/5 TSg Pfc Pfc 398-3B 398-M 397-G 374-HQ 398-I 397-AT 398-G 398-SV 399-B 397-HQ 397-F 100-CR 397-K 399-HQ 399-3B 398-I 399-F 399-3B 397-HQ 398-I 397-I 100-HQ 399-2B 397-K 399-M 397-G 399-M 399-M 399-MD 397-E 397-A 375-HQ 398-H 397-MD 398-K 397-2B 398-SV 397-AT 925-C 325-MB Alligator Chicago Oaktown Lawrenceville Minneapolis MS IL IN VA MN Brooklyn Cecil Braddock NY WI PA Endicott Cleveland Columbiaville Morro Bronx NY OH MI AR NY LaVerne Ebensburg MountainView Welsh CA PA WY LA Abeville LA HowardBeach NY Berkeley Fowler LongIslandCity CA IN NY Everett UnionCity Chicago Brooklyn DesPlains Hartford Hollywood MA NJ IL NY IL CT CA WIA WIA KIA WIA Melton Melton Melton Melton Melton Melville Melzer Menard Mendel Mendelnwitz Mendenhall Mendoza Mendoza Mendoza Mendoza Mendoza Mendoza Mendoza Menefee Menerth Menken Menner Menshausen Menth Mentuch Mentzer Mentzer Menza Meola Merando Merari Mercado Mercer Mercer Mercure Mercurio Meredith Meredith Merenda Merideth AlvinW LonnieC Melvin Roger WilliamW PaulJ CarlA ElmerJ ArdenJ Abraham CarlN ArmandoG Arthur Ascension Jesus Joseph Mike RemediosS TurnerC EdwardF Martin JosephC JohnH JohnW Walter Donald WilliamF FrankP GaytonR PeterJ Nick Vinnie HaroldL JohnH SamuelC RichardE EugeneN WilburD JosephL KaylorB Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc TSg SSg T/5 T/4 T/5 TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Pvt SSg T/5 399-B 399-F 100-HQ 373-A 325-MA 373-B 398-M 399-C 375-B 100-HQ 397-M 398-AT 397-I 398-G 397-M 373-HQ 397-I 398-C 397-2B 397-SV 399-F 100-HQ 375-SV 100-SG 397-MD 100-SG 397-E 398-D 397-3B 325-EB 397-K 399-F 398-F 399-L 398-C 925-SV 375-HQ 399-A 397-F 100-SG Coffeeville MS Galax Dumont Detroit Newark SBend Brooklyn StPaul AlPaso VA NJ MI NJ IN NY MN TX Sheffield SanAntonio NewBedford Davenport VanNuys Gainesville Mountainside Jamaica TX TX MA IA CA VA NJ NY HollyRidge NC Brooklyn NY WIA Canton OH WIA Campbell OH NewHaven CT Bronx NY Jonesboro AR KIA WIA WIA WIA Merkle Merrett Merrick Merrill Merrill Merritt Merritt Merritt Mersesian Merson Merulla Merz Mesa Meschter Meskell Meskiewicz Messall Messerli Messick Messier Messina Messina Messina Messina Messina Messineo Messineo Messineo Messuri Metcalf Metcalf Metcalf Metcalf Metcalle Mete Metras Metro Metrus Metts Metzger EugeneC LynardL PaulH ChesterS ClarenceS DavidM FrancisL JohnB Simon JosephP FrankJ James Juan CharlesD RichardT StanleyC FarnumL MauriceR LyleP JohnA AnthonyC Carlo Frank JamesA SalvatoreT CharlesA Kenneth RobertT RalphW Edward NorwoodJ RalphH RobertN AldenT JosephT FernandR JackD George GeorgeC DonaldD Pfc T/4 2Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/3 Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc 1Lt Cpl T/5 Pfc T/4 Pvt Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt 399-L 399-G 398-1B 397-E 397-C 374-HQ 398-G 397-AT 375-HQ 373-B 800-OR 399-F 399-B 100-SG 399-D 397-MD 399-L 325-EA 397-M 397-H 399-1B 398-A 399-I 398-CN 325-EB 375-A 925-HQ 925-HQ 399-M 397-A 399-AT 398-B 399-E 397-1B 397-CN 375-SV 399-B 398-AT 325-EH 399-B Peoria OakGrove Portland Newtonville Bangor CenterHill RedondoBeach IL LA OR MA ME FL CA Bronx Roxbury Rochester NY MA NY NewYork NY Sweetwater Middleton Mitchell ChurchHill TN VA SD TN Mizpah Detroit NJ MI KIA Brooklyn Brooklyn Wurtsboro NY NY NY POW Astoria Gouldsboro NY PA JerseyCity Bridgeport Hartford Pitcarin NJ CT CT PA Shavertown PA KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA Metzger Metzger Metzler Meunier Meurer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyers Meyers Meyers Meyers Meyers Meza Mezzanotte Mibok Mican Micari Micatrotto Micciulla Miccoly Micek Miceli Micelo Michael Michael Michaels Michaelson Michalik FredR RobertC JosephJ NormanF RaymondR CharlesF CharlesL ClydeA EarlR EdwardC FrankA HerbertA HowardC JohnM Joseph MauriceM WalterE Werner WilliamJ CharlesH CurtisA GlennA JohnD MiltonJ Juan FontaineL Michael AnthonyB NicholasJ NickJ SamuelT JosephT StephenL Sal Anthony Anthony LesterF LloydO SamuelS Michael Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc TSg T/4 Cpl Cpl Pvt Pfc Cpl 1Lt 397-C 399-D 397-D 397-1B 397-K 325-EH 399-G 398-H 397-D 399-L 399-MD 399-E 399-MD 397-P 399-CN 399-L 373-A 398-D 398-M 397-C 397-P 397-K 397-E 325-EH 399-B 399-1B 397-3B 397-A 397-A 397-K 398-G 398-AT 399-B 397-D 375-B 397-M 397-L 399-3B 397-AT 399-F Fairfield Buchanan IA NY JerseyCity Norwalk Meyersdale NJ CT PA Sedalia Buffalo SaukCity MO NY WI FtWayne Chicago LongIslandCity SantaAna Fairlawn LongIsland RichmondHill IN IL NY CA NJ NY NY Indianapolis Driftwood Sumner IN PA MI WIA Laredo MtRainer TX MD KIA Brooklyn NY Middletown CT LasVegas RockawayBeach Booneville Tyrone NV NY MS PA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA Michalowski Michalski Michalski Michaud Michaud Michaud Michel Michel Michelena Micheli Micheli Michelli Michels Michi Michna Miciewicz Miciukiewicz Miciulla Mick Mickevicius Mickey Mickley Miculita Miday Middleton Middleton Middleton Midgley Midkiff Midlin Midline Miegl Miele Miele Miele Mielke Migdol Migliaro Miglino Migneco JamesA EdmundN Edmund BeecherC LeonardJ Leonide BurlynE Walter ThomasA AJulius Orlando WilliamV JosephV Rudolf JohnA FrankJ StanleyF SamuelT WalterC August Charles Warren Eli ElmerR FredE HughC JeanE FrederickW JWilliam Robert Coy KnakalA PaswualeV VitoL AnthonyJ MarvinW MichaelJ Gannara MichaelJ DominickA 1Sg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt TSg TSg Pfc TSg T/5 Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc TSg Sgt SSg SSg T/4 Pfc SSg Pfc 925-A 397-E 397-2B 397-D 399-K 399-G 399-F 397-E 397-MD 399-2B 397-D 398-D 399-D 800-OR 397-H 399-A 399-K 398-2B 399-G 399-M 325-MC 399-F 397-H 397-HQ 397-K 373397-I 399-HQ 399-F 398-M 397-H 398-A 397-H 399-2B 399-L 397-F 397-MD 398-CN 399-M 373-SV WIA WIA Natrona Cleveland Hartford UpperFrenchville FtKent PA OH CT ME ME PalosHills IL RioDell Bessemer Brooklyn SHarleyFalls Chicago Gardner Flushing CA MI NY MA IL MA NY Chicago IL McClellandtown PA Clarksville PA Yonkers NY NewHydePark McCullough Evansville Bronx Bloomfield NY AL IN NY NJ Boonton Hoboken Brooklyn NewYork NJ NJ NY NY WIA WIA KIA POW WIA WIA MIA Mignerey Mihalic Mihalik Mihalson Mika Mikels Mikola Mikolajski Mikorzewski Mikucki Mikula Mila Milam Milanese Milby Miles Miles Milewicz Miley Miliman Militan Milite Militti Millar Millard Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller HarryF Steve WilliamJ SteveC BernieL MeredithE ElmerF BrunoB Joseph JosephJ LeonardG EdwardH AaronB JosephA LutherW HaroldW LesterW MichaelJ CharlesH Phillip JosephP ArmandoI FrankP JohnJ RussellE AlbertJ AlbertR AlfredI Alvin AugustusG Ben DuncanE BenjaminJ EdgarR BernardS Edward ByronL EdwardW CharlesJ EdwinL Cpt Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc SSg SSg SSg Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc MSg Pfc T/4 Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 325-MD 399-F 398-H 100-QM 398-G 397-L 398-A 399-F 325-MB 398-M 375-C 398-F 325-MA 399-K 399-G 325-EB 399-I 399-L 398-3B 325-MA 325-EA 397-F 925-B 325-MH 399-C 325-MD 398-MD 398-I 399-CN 397-E 374-A 398-CN 397-G 397-K 399-G 397-G 398-L 397-B 925-C 399-F MIA Youngstown Witsett OH PA Toledo OH Chelsea Schenectady LemontFurnace Cicero Huntington MA NY PA IL TN Lobb Hattiesburg Priceville JerseyCity KY MS KY NJ VauxHall Bronx Philadelphia Cranford NJ NY PA NJ Brooklyn Cleveland Myerstown Covington Louisville NewYork NewportNews NY OH PA KY GA NY VA Portland Nameoki Lincoln Brookville ME IL NE OH WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller CharlesW Elmore ClaytonA ErnestM DeRondaT EugeneO DonaldW EvanM BillieG EvrettE CharlesM EwingG DavidH BernardH CarlW ClarenceL DonaldG FrankK FrankM HaroldE HenryJ HermanJ RaymondA HermanP RaymondL HowardG Reuben IsadoreJ RobertE JackE RobertE JamesH RobertF Jerry RobertR JohnA SamuelJ JohnC Theron JohnR Pfc Pfc T/4 SSg Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc TSg T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-E 325-MC 100-DA 397-H 398-C 399-F 397-K 399-M 399-F 399-D 397-K 100-MP 398-H 398-H 397-3B 397-CN 398-H 397-1B 397-B 397-E 398-B 800-OR 373-A 397-G 325-EC 398-H 398-L 397-I 398-A 398-AT 397-A 397-AT 325-MH 100-HQ 398-A 398-C 398-E 397-2B 398-A 397-L KIA Hummelstown Louisville Auburn Hartsville Toledo PA KY MA SC OH WIA Amherst MA Robertsdale PA Mansfield Jasper OH IN Catassuqua Freeport PA MI Columbus Marinette Cadillac VineyardHaven MS WI MI MA Russell EHampton NewYork Charlotte Newark Frankort KS NY NY NC NJ IN Bartonville RockbridgeBaths Buffalo IL VA SC SouthFork PA StPaul Furnace MN PA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Millering Millett Millette Millhoff Millican Milligan Millis Millman Millner VincentG LeamonL WarrenL LyleD WarrenT MauriceG WesleyB MorrisJ WillardJ WilliamA PaulJ WilliamH RalphK WilliamH Hugh WilliamH JamesB WilliamN JesseR WilliamT JohnE Ralph LeoC MauriceL MalcolmE Hollis JDN Jason JohnA JosephW HaroldN DelmarA GladstoneE ArmondC WilliamC KennethL EdwardH. Lewallen Philip RaymondB T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Mjr Pvt Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc T/4 Sgt 1Sg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt BG Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 100-SG 373-C 397-M 398-2B 373-C 100-HQ 397-G 399-E 925-A 398-E 398-M 325-MA 397-B 398-SV 100-HQ 399-A 397-D 397-MD 375-C 399-AT 398-F 925-A 397-HQ 100-HQ 397-B 325-EB 398-G 397-E 397-E 397-C 399-A 397-G 397-B 374-SV 397-MD 399-A 397-B 399-F 325-MA 398-B WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA RichmondHill Portland Fleetwood NY ME PA Lyndhurst NJ StPaul MtCarmel Brooklyn Batesville FtWayne Franklin Niles Philadelphia Birmingham Streator Rhine Florence Bakersville MN IL NY IN IN TN OH PA AL IL GA NJ NC Groves Roxbury Latrobe Oronocco Platteville Grimsley Bristol DeerPark Newburgh Jackson Flom ComstockPark Waltham Hartford TX MA PA MS WI TN VA NY IN TN MN MI MA CT Wichita CampHill KS PA Scottshill TN WIA Millraney Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Millsaps Millwood Milne Milne Milone Milsovich Miltimore Milton Minarelli Minchew Mincone Mindel Minecci Mineo Miner Minerva Miness Minge Mingie Mings Miniat Minick Minix Mink Mink JP ChesterC ErnestL FredW RichardH FrederickH George RobertA KennethF MiloS GarlandD JohnE LawrenceM SamuelL ShirleyN Clarence WinifredL JohnR NortonF JohnA Steve WilliamJ JamesB UgoG HubertJ JohnC Morris Vincent LudovicoJ ArnoldM ThomasP Sidney Sam RobertL RobertL EdmundM Edward RandolphM ElmerR VirgilH Sgt Pvt Pfc 2Lt Pfc Sgt SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Sgt SSg T/5 T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc 399-K 399-M 397-G 399-3B 397-D 100-MP 375-SV 925-HQ 100-CR 399-G 398-A 398-B 397-A 397-3B 399-H 398-F 325-MA 399-MD 374-A 397-D 397-G 398-1B 397-B 398-K 374-B 397-HQ 399-F 925-B 399-C 398-1B 398-MD 397-SV 398-AT 399-G 397-MD 398-G 374-SV 399-CN 399-K 397-AT WIA WIA WIA WIA McMinnville TN LeGrand Cumberland NWeymouth IA MD MA Elmhurst Salem FtWorth Reydon Johnsville Maryville Johnstone MtAiry NY MA TX OK TX TN SL NC Buffalo Pittsfield Troy Corona TurtleCreek Brooklyn Hoopeston NewYork BayMinett SC MA NY NY PA NY IL NY AL Bridgeport CT Guttenberg Brooklyn NJ NY Knoxville Raleigh TN IL Bridgeport Paulsboro Philadelphia Craborchard CT NJ PA KY WIA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Minke Minkin Minkler Minkoff Minks Minnis Minnon Minshall Mint Minton Minton Mintz Mioni Mirabel Mirabito Miraglia Miro Mirto Misenheimer Mishark Mishler Mishoe Miskelly Misseldine Misteri Mistrot Mitarnoski Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell ThomasH MyronH GeorgeW Max CliffordV JamesE MikeJ PaulE MichaelB JohnR Julius SamuelC John JosephT JosephP JosephM William PeterG CarlD JohnW Benjamin JD CharlesR AlvinL EzioS JohnL EdwardP Abe ChesterW CleveJ EdwinB EugeneA EugeneH Fred GeorgeE GlennE HaroldE JeromeJ JohnG JohnP SSg Pfc MSg Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg SSg Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt Pvt TSg T/4 1Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt 800-OR 398-2B 397-HQ 399-2B 399-I 399-L 398-G 398-C 375-SV 398-B 375-HQ 375-SV 399-CN 100-DA 397-A 398-K 100-QM 399-H 397-L 398-M 397-G 398-I 100-SG 397-1B 399-D 399-E 397-L 397-MD 397-AT 398-G 399-F 398-AT 398-L 100-SG 398-L 398-I 397-H 100-BD 399-F 397-G WIA NewYork Newberry Pendleton Grapeville NY IN OR PA Middletown Charlottesville OH VA Rockford Brooklyn IL NY NewYork Brooklyn NY NY Brooklyn Loris NY SC Teton Kensington ID CT WIA Nanticoke Paterson PA NJ WIA Newton WV Point Lumberport Plattsburg TX WV NY Curley Chrisman AL IL Dumbaronshire SL WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchem Mitchum Mitsakos Mittman Mixon Mixon Mizar Mizikowski Mlynek Mobbs Mobler Mobley Moccio Mochel Mochel Mock Mode Modlish Moehlenbrock Moeller Moeller Moesser Moffet Moffett Moffitt Moffitt Mohler Mohr Mohr Mohring JosephA Willard RayH WilliamO RichardE RobertV VincentC WalterE RegisW RichardJ HFoster HarryF Constantine Borris OdisL JesseD JohnJ PaulB JohnJ CecilJ SamuelR StoyE AnthonyL ArthurR HermanA EmilA ClydeW PaulB WilliamJ BernardH DanielW EdwardG RoyF JosephH GeorgeK KermitC SRobert ThomasJ WeldingL ClintonJ TSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/4 397-F 399-G 375-B 399-3B 925-HQ 397-A 399-1B 399-B 925-B 397-HQ 397-C 397-MD 399-I 399-2B 100-DA 399-A 399-D 375-HQ 397-L 397-L 398-K 398-I 325-EH 399-I 399-2B 397-B 399-E 399-D 325-EC 398-H 398-SV 397-G 399-G 397-B 399-MD 398-L 398-K 398-C 925-C 399-F WIA NewYork DeepRun Connorsville Oceanside Providence Cleveland Amston NY NC IN NY RI OH CT Spangler Hoboken PA NJ Columbia OzonePark SC NY Varnville Dallas Chicago Erie Bronx Gaylesville Hamilton Easley SC TX IL PA NY AL OH SC Marion OH Glendale Shelby AZ NC Maquoketa Compton Greenbriar Stratford IA CA AR CT Wallace ID WIA WIA WIA WIA Moisan Moitoza Mokosek Mola Molbegott Mole Moler Molesky Moley Molinaro Molinary Molinas Molino Moll Moll Moll Moller Mollica Mollise Molloy Molloy Mollura Molnar Molner Molokach Molyneaux Momany Mon Monahan Monahan Monahan Monceaux Monchino Moncure Monda Mondini Mondry Monella Monez Mongarella WilliamJ Anthony EugeneF William IrvingA SamuelA ByronL EdwinE GeorgeF BenaminV JessA LouisH FrankA AdrianW PaulR Walter Harry Joseph VitoJ DonaldG JohnM Paul ArpadA GeorgeE JosephB RogerS GeorgeA PaulG FrancisJ MatthewF Michael Noah DominickR ThomasS JackA SteveJ MichaelS Samuel JamesM Andrew Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg 1Sg Cpl Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc 398-G 399-K 398-K 399-E 325-EB 398-MD 398-L 925-HQ 373325-EB 397-G 398-A 397-F 397-B 397-E 100-MP 397-CN 398-I 399-MD 397-G 398-L 397-CN 325-MA 925-SV 398-K 373-C 398-G 399-H 398-A 398-I 399-F 397-F 398-F 398-HQ 399-HQ 398-F 397-C 398-B 325-EC 398-C POW SanFrancisco NatronaHeights Chicago Montclair Queens CA PA IL NJ NY Pleasantville NY WIA KIA NewYork Revere NY MA WIA Catasauqua PA Wyandanch NY RichmondHill Clearfield Winnsboro Passaic Rankin NY PA NC NJ PA Crowley LA Washington DC Holyoke DuBose MA PA POW KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA Mongill Monica Monical Monier Moninger Moniz Monks Monnett Monney Monogue Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monser Montag Montagano Montague Montalto Montana Montanari Montano Montecalvo Monteleone Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montie Montijo Montini Monza Moodey Moody Moody JosephP DonaldG EdgarH George CecilE GilbertB GeorgeF RaymondF ClydeA EdwardF AllenD ClintonL LymanF RobertS WilliamC WilliamM JohnR Bernard Michael RobertF Frank LewisS GiottiE Fulgencio JohnA Mike Edward ErnestW RichardW RobertM Russell WalterE WilliamH JayV EdwardR TulioA Raymond RobertR CharlesB Edward Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg SSg T/4 Cpt Sgt MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pvt 398-K 397-D 397-A 397-F 399-A 399-A 100-CR 100-BD 397-P 325-EC 925-HQ 399-CN 374-SV 398398-L 398-E 398-3B 397-HQ 398-MD 399-E 399-G 399-2B 375-B 397-MD 325-MC 800-OR 398-G 398-MD 399-A 398-F 397-M 100-BD 397-B 398-C 325-EH 374-HQ 398-G 325-EA 325-EA 397-A Ishperning NBangor Louisville Brooklyn Elizabeth MI NY IL NY PA Newton LittleFerry SanAntonio Haverhill Watertown Alton Providence MA NJ TX MA NY IL RI Sarasota Decatur Sonora FL MS CA WIA Sunnyside NY KIA Union Roy NJ NM Athens Cedartown FallsChurch Graham Audubon OwlsHead TN GA VA GA NJ ME OilCity Philadelphia Lee BeaverFalls Plainsville NiagraFalls Rowland PA PA MA PA OH NY NC WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Moody Moody Moody Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon,Jr Mooney Mooney Mooney Mooney Mooney Mooney Mooneyhan Moorad Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore EdwardR JamesE JohnP AllenL FloydW HarryJ JohnM RichardD ThomasP WilliamD ClydeA EdmundF JamesA JohnP RobertD RobertE HilliardA VincentJ AndrewJ ArnoldS AubreyW BernardO JohnH CharlesR JohnK DonaldR LamarH FrankH LewisL GeorgeF LloydA HaroldW LloydL JamesJ MinasT JamesW OwenC John OwenE Edward 1Lt Cpl Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt 1Lt T/5 T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Sgt Pvt SSg Pfc TSg T/5 Pvt SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-3B 375-C 399-M 398-H 375-SV 375-SV 100-MP 398-CN 397-MD 397-A 397-SV 325-EB 800-OR 399-M 375-MD 399-M 325-EA 399-MD 399-F 374-SV 397-I 399-K 397-3B 397-K 100-HQ 399-B 398-E 100-MP 398-H 325-MB 398-H 100-SG 397-AT 397-G 925-B 398-1B 399-3B 399-H 398-MD 100-CR KIA Memphis Cookeville TN TN KIA Baltimore MD Elberton GA Eastport ME Watsonville Rumford Spartanburg CA ME SC Auburntown Raleigh TN NC Wadley AL Cambridge SilverLake Elliot Oshkosh RockIsland Salisbury Detroit Birmingham Crawfordsville Norfolk NewYork MA NH MS WI IL MA MI AL IN VA NY MountHope Chicago Farmington EOrange KS IL ME NJ WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore,Jr Moorhead Moquet Morabito Moraga Moraitis Morales Morales Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran RageneM GlennE RalphN JamesR ClarenceE FredH HarryH JoelS RaymondL ReullB RichardC RobertJ RobertL WalterL RobertL WilliamH RobertN WilliamH RollieR ThomasC RobertL RobertP RoyW CharlesE WilliamT WilliamF SamuelE CarlosC Gerassimos Alberto JoseM DavidT FrancisE JamesF JamesJ JamesV JohnJ MarshallF PatrickA RaymondJ Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Mjr 2Lt Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpt 399-C 373-C 399-A 397-I 925-HQ 397-B 397-A 100-QM 375-HQ 398-B 398-MD 397-I 397-A 399-I 398-H 325-MH 397-A 397-HQ 397-E 325-EC 398-M 398-M 397-I 100-HQ 398-1B 374-HQ 925-B 397-A 397-H 397-B 398-E 399-E 398-E 399-M 397-B 373-HQ 374-MD 397-H 397-F 100-SG MIA WIA WIA Albion Grayville NE IL Atlanta GA TerraAtta Madison Brockton Byron Sunset EBraintree WV NC MA GA TX MA Greenville Bridgeport Durham Shamansville Columbus Quincy SC CT NC VA OH IL Beattyville Stlouis Atlanta KY MO GA Philadelphia WestHaven Auburn Albuquerque Bronx PA CT NY NM NY ElPaso TX Huntington IN Arlington Roxbury MA MA SanFrancisco Philadelphia CA PA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Moran Moran Moran Morano Moreau Moreau Moree Moreland Morelli Moreno Moreno Moretto Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgante Morgera RichardJ RobertE WilliamJ AnthonyL AdrienJ AdrienJ BennieC FrancisD Frank Eligio FrankJ Mito AlbertR EdwardW FrancisB GeorgeC HowardW JamesE JamesP JamesW JesseT RichardM JohnB ThomasE JohnF ThomasM KennethM RichardL JohnC JosephD RalphR WalterE William WilliamE WilliamI WilliamL WilliamL WilliamR Gino JosephF Cpl Sgt Pfc T/5 T/5 T/5 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl 2Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Cpl Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc 2Lt Pvt TSg T/5 T/5 925-SV 398-C 397-B 398-HQ 374-C 374-C 397-1B 398-AT 398-CN 397-L 398-B 398-H 398-C 398-H 398-E 100-SG 398-L 397-L 398-K 399-E 397-3B 398-H 398-2B 399-K 824-TD 399-1B 399-2B 325-EB 100-MP 398-H 397-A 398-B 325-EB 399-I 397-C 373-HQ 399-B 398-1B 800-OR 373-B KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA KIA StLouis JerseyCity Revere Sanford Sanford Columbus Waldorf MO NJ MA ME ME GA MD SanBenito LosAngeles Montcalm Taft TX CA WV CA NBergen NJ Culbertson NC Rogers TX Andersonville Shelby VA NC Newark Chatsworth WallaWalla NJ CA WA Roxbury Buffalo MA IA Bridgeton Whitman Burlington Bluffton Dayton NJ MA IA IN OH Yonkers Brooklyn NY NY Moriarty Moriarty Moricle Morin Morits Morlachetta Morlidge Morningstar Morof Morongell Moroski Morphew Morreale Morrell Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morrison Morrison Morrison LeoW PatrickJ IrvinZ VictorE TheodoreG DanielL GeorgeB KennethL Jack RaymondJ JosephA PrestonO Gaspare AnthonyJ AlbertF AustinP CAllan CharlesF EugeneE GeorgeC GeorgeW GradyF JackC JackC JohnF JohnJ JosephD MarlinW TheodorE Milton WarrenC PerryLee RobertA RobertE RobertP Othal RichardE AlvisC CharlesL ClydeE T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/5 Pvt Sgt Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt 398-MD 397-SV 397-E 100-QM 397-3B 397-K 397-E 398-A 399-1B 100-CR 399-SV 397-K 398-K 399-H 325-MB 399-L 397-E 397-L 399-A 399-SV 100-MP 373-B 100-HQ 398-B 397-B 399-L 398-2B 397-M 399-K 398-B 398-A 398-1B 398-C 398-3B 399-M 399-MD 399-MD 398-1B 397397-L WIA Fairview Holyoke MO MA Detroit MI Wynne AR Woodhaven Kirby Brooklyn Brooklyn Ripley Morgan NY AR NY NY OH TX Bayard Manistee Atlanta WV MI GA Griffin GA Atlanta Louisiana GA MO Portsmouth Jonesboro Philadelphia NewZion Waynesboro QueensVillage OH AR PA SC TX NY Gould Norwood Houlka AR MA MS SanPedro CA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrissey Morrone Morrow Morrow Morrow Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morth,Jr Mortimer Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Mosca Mosca Moscardini Moschel Moschetto Moseley Moseman Moser Moser Moser FrancisJ GeorgeC Harry HarryW James JamesA JamesH JuliusD RobertL SamuelS Joseph AndrewM Alton BillyM RichardE DonaldW GordonE GordonH JulianD LeonN LouisL RichardP JosephG GeorgeF Benjamin CarlyleK GroverL HerbertP HughB RobertA HerbertA William LouisG BryceL WilliamM WilliamH GeorgeH GlennP JohnA MiltonG 1Sg Pvt T/5 T/5 T/5 Cpl TSg Pfc T/4 Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Sgt LtC Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt SSg 1Sg SSg SSg Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc 325-EA 398-B 397-CN 397-B 925-B 925-HQ 397-MD 397-E 399-K 325-MH 374-C 399-AT 398-E 399397-B 398-E 398-L 325-EC 374-A 325-MA 100-HQ 399-C 397-F 399-E 325-EC 398-HQ 397-E 398-B 397-H 397-2B 399-C 399-D 398-L 325-MA 325-MC 397-G 325-EA 399-I 398-F 398-MD SOrange Highland NewSalem Brooklyn NJ NY PA NY Tomahawk Brooklyn Loveland Groveland E.Boston NewYork WI NY OH NY MA NY Brashear MO Nunda NY Rowley Orleans Kalamazoo MA MA MI JerseyCity NJ Ashland Urbana KY MO WIA Duquesne Portsmouth Maplewood PA VA NJ WIA Malden Hastings Herkimer MA NE NY WIA Detroit MI StLouis MO WIA WIA WIA Moses Mosher Mosher Mosher Mosher Mosher Moskin Moskovitz Mosley Mosner Mosoff Moss Moss Moss Moss Moss Moss Moss Moss Moss Moss Mosseau Most Moston Mothershead Motkya Motley Motley Mott Motzkus Moulder Mounsey Mount Mounts Mowat Mowbray Mower Mowery Moy Moyer WalterE HaroldL LanceD PaulF WalterL WilliamJ Arthur Horace Willie KennethF LawrenceE CecilE Cyril David JamesM John OliverD RichardH RobertE RobertG WalterH HenryW DanielM Leonard RobertC FrankV JulienC Leon Dominick RichardW HowellF JoeF JosephO JesseJ PhilipG CharlesS GeorgeR HughS HenryB JamesJ LtC T/5 Sgt Pfc T/3 Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pvt T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc T/4 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpl Pfc 398-HQ 100-CR 399-F 397-I 100-QM 800-OR 373-HQ 399-F 398-I 399-H 397-G 397-L 100-SG 399-G 399-F 397-3B 399-C 100-CR 397-MD 399-H 399-I 375-MD 398-D 925-HQ 399-G 397-G 399-G 398-C 397-K 397-2B 325-EB 397-2B 399-2B 398-SV 397-E 398-E 398-A 399-B 397-SV 399-C Athens TN LosAngeles CA Confluence KY Sandpoint Tulsa Lacona Monticello ID OK NY NY BumbleBee Washington Chicago OceanGrove AZ DC IL NJ Croswell Bridgeton NewYork NewYork Glendive Chicago Birmingham Geneva Paterson MI RI NY NY MT IL AL AL NJ Duluth Bluffton WallaWalla GA IN WA MIA Aberdeen SL WIA Knoxville Washington SanAntonio Lewisburg TN IN TX PA WIA WIA WIA Moyer Moyer Moyka Moylan Moynes Moynihan Moynihan Moynihan Mozzetti Mraz Mrazek Mroczka Mrozinski Msall Mucha Mudd Mudge Mudrick Muehlberger Muellemann Mufson Muha Muhs Muir Muir Muir Mujica Mulcahy Mulderrig Muldowney Mulherin Mulholland Mulkeen Mull Mullady Mullally Mullan Mullen Mullen Mullens JosephB Reed Charles RobertR OmerA CorneliusJ EugeneR PeterC JamesJ JohnJ FranklinG AlphonseS PaulA WendelJ EdwardT JosephP SewillL NicholasW EdwardC RobertE Bernard WalterA WilliamH ClarenceC OmerA WilliamH JuliusA PhilipG MichaelW DavidW DanielP JohnL FrankM WilliamR FrancisE JeromeV WilliamA RobertC ThomasJ JohnT Pfc Pfc Cpt Cpt Cpl T/4 T/5 2Lt Cpl Sgt 1Lt T/3 Pvt T/5 Pfc SSg T/5 Sgt T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc 1Lt 2Lt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt SSg T/4 SSg Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt 398-C 397-B 398-1B 325-MH 399-L 325-MC 399-SV 374-HQ 398-CN 399-HQ 397-1B 399-MD 398-F 398-G 397-M 397-E 375-HQ 375-SV 100-DA 925-C 397-HQ 397-C 399-1B 399-K 398-G 375-HQ 397-1B 399-2B 398-I 100-MP 397-E 100-SG 100-HQ 397-I 397-A 398-CN 399-K 398-K 399-L 397-I Perkasie PA Richmond Detroit VA MI Brockton MA Dupont Cleveland Webster PA OH MA LosAngeles Chautauqua CA NY Detroit Freeland Philadelphia WinthropHarbor Bronx Detroit TempleCity Burlington NewBdford UnionCity Irvington NewYork PearlRiver NAdams Wilkes-Barre CliftonHeights MI PA PA IL NY MI CA VT MA PA NJ NY NY MA PA PA WIA GraniteCity Rahway OceanGrove SanFrancisco IL NJ MA CA WIA Somersworth NH WIA KIA WIA WIA Mullens Muller Muller Muller Muller Muller Muller Muller Muller Mullett Mulley Mulligan Mulligan Mulligan Mullikin Mullin Mullin Mullins Mullins Mullins Mullins Mullins Mullis Mullis Mulloney Mulvaney Mulvey Mulvihill Mumbower Mummey Mummey Munde Mundell Mundew Munger Munguia Munley Munn Munson Munson WillieJ ArthurJ Edward FredO JamesV JohnW RichardD WilliamA WilliamJ BernardR JosephA JosephP KennethJ ThomasC EdgarJ WilliamJ WilliamJ EarnestE FredT JamesD JohnT RadeH DanL DouglasC William JeromeT JohnJ FrancisJ MurelG DanielP MiltonW MichaelE PaulR MillardE HerbertE Gilberto EdwardJ Joe FrankR FredF T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg T/3 SSg Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Lt SSg Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Cpl SSg Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 398-MD 397-H 100-CR 399-F 399-C 925-A 399-B 398-L 397-MD 925-A 375-SV 374-B 397-F 399-A 373-SV 398-L 325-MD 399-K 397-H 100-QM 397-3B 397-G 374-C 374-C 100-QM 398-A 375-B 398-L 399-A 397-2B 397-E 398-I 325-MC 398-I 100-CR 100-CR 325-EC 399-E 398-SV 398-I WIA MIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Calcasieu LA NewYork Bronx OrlandPark Cleveland Vineland NewHaven NY NY IL OH NJ CT NewYork NY Baltimore MD Bronx Accoville Evans Hazard NewYork NY WV KY KY NY Valdosta Valdosta Denver GA GA CO Bronx Bronx Matton NY NY IL Miami Mission FL TX Emmet Johnstown AR NY POW WIA Munson Munty Munz Munz Muranko Muransky Muras Muratore Murawski Murch Murdico Murdoch Murdoch Murer Murken Murn Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy RobertB JohnC RichardE RobertH GustavJ HermanL AlexanderE Nick HenryJ WilliamC DominickV LoyallE WilliamA Jerald RobertF ThomasG ArthurW BernardL CharlesJ EdmundR EdwardF EdwardJ EdwardJ EdwardT FrancisJ HilburnW JohnR HowardE JohnW JamesI JosephG JamesR JohnM HowardH JamesJ JohnB JosephJ JosephP JosephT JosephT Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc BG Pfc T/5 Cpt Pfc 399-CN 399-A 399-MD 397-HQ 398-L 397-G 325-MD 397-B 399-G 375-MD 398-MD 399-HQ 397-B 398-AT 398-H 397-B 925-A 373-C 325-EA 399-I 397-SV 398-CN 399-B 325-EC 399-MD 399-D 397-P 397-B 397-3B 925-B 397-I 398-F 397-SV 398-B 325-MA 100-DA 397-C 397-3B 397-HQ 398-D WIA WIA Erie PA SanPedro Kearny Scranton CA NJ PA Winona Newark Chicago MN NJ IL Amsterdam Norfolk NY VA Inman Flint KS MI NAdams Tecumseh MA NE ClearwaterBeach Brooklyn Dover FL NY NH Seekonk Pahokee Utica Virden Canton Webster MA FL NY IL OH NY Baltimore MD Webster Washington Astoria Attleboro Albany Salem NY DC NY MA NY MA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murrell Murrell Murry Murtagh Kenneth ThomasM LandonS WVernon MelvinE WilliamG OmerD RussellA TheodoreF RichardH RobertE RobertE RaymondH RichardW Thomas ThomasB LeonardT MelvinE RaymondF Alfred JosephD JosephS GeorgeD JamesP JeromeG CharlesW GordonD KennethR MartinJ PaulJ PeterJ RobertJ RobertL WilliamH WilliamJ WilliamR ArthurE WilliamH CarrollW ThomasJ SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl T/5 Mjr Pfc Sgt T/5 T/3 Pvt Sgt Cpl Pfc TSg Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg SSg Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt 398-AT 325-EC 398-B 100-SG 398-B 398-D 399-I 375-B 325-MC 398-K 375-C 100-SG 100-DA 397-C 398-G 100-SG 325-MC 398-B 399-E 398-M 397-K 398-G 398-F 399-MD 399-L 398-L 398-G 398-3B 397-G 399-B 399-I 398-2B 398-CN 399-I 397-G 398-MD 398-F 398-F 399-L 375-HQ WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Brooklyn MeEden NY KY Bronx Elme McKinley NewYork NY OK ME NY Bristol Shelton Hartford Dayton Brooklyn CT CT CT OH NY Ventura BackBay Chicago Brooklyn Milwaukee Portland Arlington Quincy StMarys Massapequa Crosswell CA VA IL NY WI ME NJ MA PA NY MI Motgomer Chicago Dover PA IL NH Brooklyn WRoixbury NY MA Lee GrandRapids MA MI Southold NY KIA Murtha Murton Muscarello Muscato Muschera Muse Muse Muske Musladin Musolf Mussari Musselman Mussino Mussler Mutascio Mutch Mutter Mutzberg Myatt Mycock Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myhre JamesF KennethA Salvatore RussellP Adolph GradyF GradyH Christopher JamesP LawrenceE FloydR RolandP EarlS LouisH JosephP RobertB BernardA ReinholdE WilliamJ EdwinS AlphonseJ EarlP ErnestW Eskel LloydS FlaviusL LowellE Gilford OdellS HoyleE JosephW GeorgeM HenryE JosephF RoyE RulonW StanleyD TracyA WilliamM LelandE Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 T/5 SSg Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc LtC Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Sgt 1Lt TSg SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Sgt 100-MP 397-E 398-H 397-H 397-L 398-1B 325-EA 397-M 398-I 397-G 398-I 325-MC 397-L 100-SG 397-AT 399-H 399-A 100-HQ 100-MP 397-P 397-M 399-D 397-MD 399-H 398-MD 374-HQ 399-CN 399-F 397-I 398-C 398-K 373-HQ 397-G 100-MP 925-B 925-SV 397-2B 399-D 398-B 397-A Brooklyn SBend NY IN Streator Brooklyn Woodside Jacksonville Brooklyn IL NY NY FL NY Sandpoint Carbondale GlenBurnieco ID PA MD Indialantic FL Jackson SomersetCenter Amsterdam TN MA NY LaCrosse WFairview ChippewaFalls Elkhart VA PA WI IN KIA FtMill SC WIA KIA Hnover Denison KansasCity NewYork PA TX MO NY Akron OH Irondale OH WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Mylonas Myres Myres Naas Nachemin Nadeau Nadeau Nadler Naess Nageotte Nager Nagle Nagle Nagrich Nagy Nail Nailor Nails Naimoli Naive Najarian Najuch Nale Nalepa Nally Nance Nance Nance Nance Nantz Napier Naples Napoles Napoli Napoli Napolitano Napolitano Napolitano Napper Nappi George EarlP TraceyA HenryE Herman Joseph Leo Charles SearleW JosephL Sidney GeorgeP JohnJ WilliamP Calvin GilmerJ EdwinS WilliamC FrancisX JohnH ArthurK Julian RochardL Paul WalterL JamesR JoeL WilliamE WilliamH Clarence RobertL John Henry Joseph Louis GeorgeH JosephA JosephM RobertG PeterP SSg SSg Pfc MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl 1Lt Cpl TSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc SSg Cpl Sgt Pfc Sgt T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 T/4 Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc 397-3B 399-D 399-D 925-SV 325-EC 399-2B 398-E 397-C 398-M 399-D 925-HQ 925-HQ 397-AT 100-SG 100-MP 375-B 399-G 399-A 397-K 399-2B 325-EA 374-A 398-L 397-L 374-B 397-E 398-D 397-K 397-1B 399-K 398-M 925-C 398-A 374-MD 399-SV 399-G 373-C 374-C 397-1B 398-G WIA Brooklyn Livingston Livingston NY TN TN NewBedford Clinton Buffalo MA MA NY Hoboken NJ Detroit NewBrunswick Galax Mechanicsburg Atlanta MI NJ VA PA GA StLouis MO Haverhill Weirton MA WV Easley SC GreenForest Concord AR NC Helton PacificGrove Vineland LosAlementos Brooklyn KY CA NJ CA NY Susquehanna Newark WNewYork Rockport Derby PA NJ NJ IN CT WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Naquin Narciso Nardi Nardone Nardone Nargi Naron Naron Narwick Nary Nash Nash Nash Nash Nash Nash Nash Nasif Nason Nassif Nastasia Nastaszewski Nastu Nasuta Natelli Naticha Natole Nattioli Naughton Naughton Naumchik Navatta Navejar Nay Nay Naylor Naylor Nayroz Nazario Nazione CliffordJ HenryS JerryS Dominick GeorgeA Michael JamesE VernonW HaroldW FrancisJ ArthurE CldeM GalenW H StephenF TrumanH VictorH MuradA CondeeC PhillipF GilbertH BronoT PeterJ JohnB VincentM JosephJ Frank Anthony JamesR Paul Paul JackA OscarS HowardR RobertE Arthur HarryR UmbertoA WiliamC Joseph Sgt SSg T/5 SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Mjr T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc 1Lt 1Sg T/5 Pfc 2Lt T/4 T/5 Pvt Pfc 397-I 398-3B 325-EA 397-G 398-B 399-L 100-QM 399-K 398-1B 100-HQ 399-E 373-HQ 399-HQ 397-E 925-MD 373-SV 397-E 398-E 399-D 397-E 325-MD 374-A 399-D 397-A 399-A 399-F 399-B 397-G 397-C 397-3B 325-MB 374-B 399-F 397-F 397-F 397-M 325-MB 325-MA 925-HQ 398-B WIA WIA Fray LA Springfield MA Bridgeport Greenwood Houston CT MS MS Rumson Oswego Green Joplin NJ NY ME MO Glendale Gallatin NY TN Vicksburg Sturgis MS MS LongBranch NewYork NJ NY Hartford CT UpperDarby RedBank Lyndhurst PA NJ NJ RichmondHill Townsend NY DE NewYork Detroit NY MI WIA KIA WIA WIA MIA Neace Neal Neal Neal Neal Neal Neal Neal Nealand Neaves Nebesney Necessary Nechamen Needham Neel Neeley Neeley Neely Neely Neese Neff Neff Negus Neher Neher Neibert Neiger Neighbors Neil Neil Neitzel Neitzel Nelimark Nelle Nelligan Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Monticello CarlE DonaldW GeorgeW Jack JohnS LloydE WillardV KarlF LloydR JosephP Stanley David JohnJ JohnS SamH WilliamL ArvellB CarlieC WileyH MaxE RichardH GeorgeW GeorgeE RobertL AlbertD EugeneS ArthurE MossM RaymondW August RichardJ LeslieM QuentonW WilliamJ AlfredG AllenB ArnoldM ArthurR BurdettL Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc 1Lt T/4 T/5 Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc SSg Pfc T/4 Pfc 2Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt T/5 Pfc TSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 2Lt Pfc 397-M 398-B 399-G 398-B 398-C 397-K 398-I 399-A 397-D 325-MB 398-MD 399-I 100-SG 397-1B 397-K 399-K 399-F 397-L 399-HQ 397-C 398-P 397-F 397-F 398-B 399-H 397-A 398-L 398-SV 800-OR 398-1B 397-H 398-C 325-MD 925-HQ 925-B 397-B 325-MD 399-M 398-1B 399-MD WIA WIA WIA KIA Leatherwood KY NewOrleans Kirklin TerreHaute Barboursville Lincoln SCharleston Cohoes LA IN IN WV NE WV NY Everson Cincinnati Brooklyn Roxbury PA OH NY MA Marshall TX Stillwel Indianapolis Newburg OK IN NY Temple PA NewYork NY UnionCity NJ Philadelphia Portland Embarrass Detroit Olean PA OR MN MI NY Brooklyn Jamestown NY NY WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA MIA Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nemchonick Nemecek Nemeseck Nemeth Nemetti Nemetz Nemetz Nemnich CarlM ChalesA FranklinL CharlesA JohnJ CharlesO JohnP DonaldE FrancisL CharlesJ DeanF EmeryD JohnR JohnW LelandH LeonV LesterA MartinC ThomasJ MarvinF ThomasS Robert ThomasS RobetO StanleyR PercyF RobertH RollaC TylerC WilliamA WilliamC WilliamE IsraelM FDean LouisJ LouisL Joseph HenryI John LloydE T/4 SSg SSg Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Cpt Sgt Sgt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Cpl 1Lt Pfc Sgt 1Sg 1Lt Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpt Pfc SSg SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt 100-QM 374-HQ 398-M 374-HQ 397-SV 399-M 325-EA 100-SG 373-B 374-SV 374-HQ 325-MA 375-B 399-G 397-H 398-G 325-EC 325-EH 398-H 100-SG 375-B 399-1B 325-MA 399-P 399-2B 398-MD 100-SG 399-HQ 397-A 397-K 399-E 398-L 925-B 397-E 399-A 397-L 399-G 399-B 398-D 375-C Philadelphia PA Sickerville Paterson NJ NJ RichmondHill Edmore NY MI Brooklyn Bronson StPaul Chicago Manteca NY MI MN IL CA Yankton Seaside StJames JerseyCity SD OR NY NJ Bergen NJ Ruston PointMarion SanDiego LA PA CA Baldwin NY KIA KIA BrighamCity Clinton Oshkosh Birmingham Brooklyn UT IA WI AL NY WIA NewYork NewBrunswick Syracuse Rockford Farrell Miltonvale NY NJ NY IL PA KS WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Nenni Neri Nerone Neseth Nesler Nesluson Nesmith Nesmith Ness Nesselson Nethercutt Nettleton Neubert Neubold Neuffer Neumaier Neumann Neumeister Neun Neuzil Nevedosky Neville Neville New New New Newberry Newbill Newbold Newbury Newcomb Newcomb Newcomer Newell Newgard Newhouse Newhouse Newlan Newlands Newlands Herman HermanJ JohnJ LloydR ArthurS John EmoryD Lamar RichardC Morton LloydL DavidC TheodoreA GeneK RussellW AlbertJO VictorJ HarveyC FredH RaymondF AlexanderA HaroldH JohnS CharlesW JohnT RoyC DonaldE LE GeneK HaroldA EverettW PaulM ErvalJ Phillip VernonH DaneF DonaldJ JosephR AdamS BenjaminH Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 398-D 100-SG 397-MD 397-H 399-L 398-D 325-EA 397-F 398-G 374-C 397-B 398-2B 397-MD 397-E 399-3B 397-K 398-M 398-E 325-EA 397-3B 398-AT 325-EC 399-B 397-C 397-B 399-C 399-2B 398-I 397-2B 925-C 398-L 399-K 398-F 398-I 399-F 399-I 399-F 397-B 398-L 100-SG Springfield Kenyon StLouis IL MN MO Cades Sneads SC FL Bronx RoyalCenter Hillside Astoria Halifax Chicago NY IN IL NY PA IL Cincinnati KewGardens Chicago Philadelphia Trumbull OH NY IL PA CT Greenbrier HighPoint Flint Jackson AR NC MI TN WIA Marysville Irvington Milwaukee Seattle Berkeley MI VA WI WA CA KIA Oaklandon IN DaytonaBeach Nashville FL TN KIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA KIA Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newmeyer Newport Newren Newsam Newsom Newsome Newsome Newton Newton Newton Newton Newton Newton Neyroz Ngor Nicely Nicholls Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols JamesC JoeL LeonardG Lloyd PhillipH RichardT RobertC RobertL SamuelM JackL WilliamM MerrillC John RichardA ElbertB Harry DavidW EllisW GeorgeE HerbertH JosephB Robert UmbertoA LewN DonaldL JohnJ ArlisM BernardA ClarenceF OlinE DavidM StuartW JamesE SumnerH JohnJ MeridaF FredH JamesW JohnJ WilliamW 1Sg Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Mjr 1Lt Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/4 Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg 399-F 325-MB 399-HQ 925-SV 397-F 398-C 397-A 399-D 375-B 397-I 398-K 398-HQ 398-K 399-F 398-B 398-L 399-E 374-C 325-MB 397-2B 398-3B 398-M 325-MA 398-L 399-C 397-G 375-A 100-DA 398-E 100-SG 398-E 399-G 397-I 397-HQ 397-CN 399-D 398-E 398-F 398-G 398-H Mexico Greensburg Dania Wilmette MO IN FL IL Madison Large Huntsville NC PA TN Savannah Edmeston Lanesboro Bronx GA NY MA NY Pinson Binghamton Piscataway NewYork AL NY NJ NY Glendale Ozark Cincinnati NY AR OH Columbia SC SanGabriel Rome CA GA Culpeper Kinston Mayo VA NC SC Franklin TN WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nichtern Nick Nickerson Nickerson Nickerson Nickerson Nicks Nickum Nicodemus Nicoletti Nicoletto Nicosia Nicosia Niederhoffer Niehaus Nielsen Nielson Nielson Niemas Niemeyer Niesgoda Niffenegger Nigg Nigri Nigro Nigro Niland Niles Nimiroski Nimrod Nimz Nipper Nipper Nisick Nist Allen ByronH CharlesA HaroldG JohnJ WilliamF BryanJ CharlesL GeorgeW IrvingJ IrvingJ DonaldM Simon JohnS JosephG PeteW George JamesV August DonR RolfE EdwardA Karl FrankS CharlesR StanislausA EugeneL WilliamG TheodaoreL JosephJ RobertE JohnF JohnL AndrewHJ Arthur FloydE HughC WilliamG NormanP ClaudeL Sgt Pvt 1Lt Pvt Pfc T/5 SSg 1Lt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt T/5 Pfc Cpl SSg Sgt T/5 T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc 398-K 398-K 399-F 399-L 398-1B 373-A 399-F 373-C 398-P 398-K 398-3B 375-SV 399-3B 398-G 397-3B 325-EB 399-AT 399-I 397-P 397-SV 399-L 100-CR 398-B 398-M 398-I 100-SG 399-I 399-L 325-MA 100-HQ 398-1B 399-I 397-1B 397-D 397-L 398-3B 399-A 397-L 397-I 399-C KIA WIA Waynesboro GreensFork MS IN Platteville NewYork StPetersburg WI NY FL Roxbury Waltham Scio MA MA NY Fairfax Piqua NewYork Madrid Muskegon Cincinnati Huntsville Doylestown Brooklyn Dayton Brooklyn Jamaica OH OH NY IA MI OH TX OH NY OH NY NY Detroit Monroe Chicago Astoria MI WI IL NY Washington Beverly DC MA Beloit BattleCreek Clinchfield WI MI GA JoneMills PA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Nitschke Nitschman Nix Nixdorf Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixson Niziolek Niznik Noah Noble Noble Noble Noble Noble Noble Nobles Nobut Nocella Nodine Noel Noel Nogaj Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Noland Nolen Nolin Noll Noll Nolte Noonan Noone RobertE HilbertO JohnE CharlesW AllanS CharlesA CharlesJ Earl FrankE AndrewS JohnJ JamesW AldenR DaleC GeorgeA JamesW RaymondE WilliamR CharlesJ Jacob JohnA DonaldC JohnC RoyC JosephC ArthurE ArthurN John JohnF JohnP LeoD RaymondA JTerry WallaceB RalphV CharlesP RalphC WilliamC DonaldC ThomasP Pfc Pfc TSg T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pvt Pfc T/5 CWO SSg Pfc Cpt SSg T/5 Sgt 2Lt 2Lt 1Sg Pvt T/5 SSg Pfc T/5 Cpt Pfc T/4 T/5 Pvt 399-K 100-HQ 398-A 325-EH 397-M 100-SG 399-K 399-M 399-G 375-C 325-EH 397-1B 397-A 397-I 398-F 397-A 399-H 398-C 374-C 399-HQ 374-B 373-C 397-2B 399-A 325-MA 398-K 373397-P 397-3B 398-C 397-H 374-B 398-H 325-MB 925-C 399-H 397-F 100-QM 925-HQ 397-I Fremont OH Carmi BigIndian NiagraFalls Brighton Winkeman Bridgeport Longview Chicago IL NY NY MA AZ WV TX IL Pittsburgh Mechanicville PA NY MapleHeights OH Lawson Detroit Hallsboro Plattsburg Everett KY MI NC NY MA Richmond Tazewell Owatonna VA VA MN NiagraFalls Newton Pittsburgh Davenport Amsterdam NY MA PA IA NY WIA Kinston Dracut Fairbury AL MA NE KIA Pittsburgh Cleveland Cochituate PA OH MA POW WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Noor Noppinger Nordang Nordenberg Norder Norman Norman Norman Norman Norman Normandeau Normandeau Norrgard Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris North North North North Northrop Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norwood Nosal Notaro Noto Nott JohnJ GeraldJ Ole HaroldM RobertJ CaldonR LawrenceT RobertS RussellW WilliamN ConradE LouisH KennethR DannieR FarrisG GeorgeL GordonW JohnH JohnP Lloyd Ror GeorgeK Paul RussellM WilliamF JuliusW CharlesW Clyde EdwardJ FrancisW Frank GilesO PatrickP RaymondE RobertG Howard LouisS ArnoldN AnthonyJ ClementC SSg TSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Sgt Pfc T/5 TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc 397-AT 397-F 399-K 399-2B 398-CN 398-A 100-ST 399-K 398-G 100-CR 100-DA 373-HQ 399-G 398-L 399-HQ 100-HQ 398-3B 398-E 399-SV 398-AT 399-MD 399-B 398-F 398-HQ 398-AT 100-MP 399-L 375-SV 100-DA 374-HQ 325-EB 375-A 399-G 399-F 398-A 399-A 373-SV 397-3B 325-EA 399-C WIA WIA Muskegon Baltimore GraniteFalls WPalmBeach GrandRapids MI MD MN FL MI Harris MO LithiaSprings GA Burlington Mahtowa Hegira VT MN KY Muncie IN Gadsden Bessemer Lubbock Newport NewYork AL AL TX KY NY RiverForest Wayne Dallas Jay Medford Millbury IL MI TX NY MA MA SBoston MA EHaven CT Phillipsburg NJ POW KIA WIA WIA WIA Nourse Novack Novak Novak Novak Novak Novak Novel Novetny Novick Novinsky Novosel Novotny Nowacki Nowak Nowak Nowak Nowak Nowicin Nowicki Nowlan Nowlin Nowocin Noyes Nuckolls Nuckols Nuemaier Nufrio Nugent Nugent Nugent Nugent Nugent Null Nulty Nunez Nunez Nunley Nunn Nunnaly HarveyE JohnF Anthony JohnF KennethJ RichardF Stanley FerdinandJ MarcelW William EdwardA PeterE MarcelW FrankJ AlfredF JohnA JohnL WilliamJ WalterJ AdamC Albert OdellE WalterJ CliffordW ZaneG SamuelG AlbertJ RoccoA AmbroseP JosephF JosephF JosephF WilliamF JamesV JohnC CarbosC RicardoO JohnB CliftonL FayG Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 2Lt Pvt 1Lt Pfc 2Lt Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc 1Sg TSg SSg 1Lt Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc 398-A 397-A 397-E 397-A 399-K 398-E 398-HQ 399-MD 399-K 325-EA 398-1B 398-AT 399-3B 398-A 397-K 397-H 397-A 375-HQ 399-3B 100-BD 397-K 397-E 399397-A 398-SV 397-1B 397-K 375-B 398-MD 374-HQ 100-QM 374-HQ 397-1B 397-L 399-L 100-DA 100-DA 398-K 100-MP 397-C POW WHartford EPittsburgh Cleveland Trenton CT PA OH NJ EOrange Radom NJ IL Brooklyn Carmichael NY CA KIA Yankton Norwich Revere SD CT MA WIA MIA Clifton Hammond NJ IN Loraine TX Norton Weehawkin Elizabeth NewYork VentnorCity Hoxie VentnorCity Baltimore Colt Yardville Brooklyn WV NJ NJ NY NJ RI NJ MD AR NJ NY TracyCity TN LittleRock AR MIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Nunya Nutter Nuty Nuzum Nyberg Nyberg Nycek Nye Nyiri Nyman Nyquist O'Beirne O'Berry O'Boyle O'Boyle O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Bryan O'Bryant O'Connell O'Connell O'Connell O'Connell O'Connell O'Connor Oscar DavidL JohnC Joseph AlexanderF HenryE RobertW WilliamF Alexander CharlesW CarlK JamesH CharlesW AnthonyJ JosephF DanielL DannyV EdwardG EdwardR HowardC JackS JohnE JohnG JohnJ RobertE RobertJ RobertL RussellM ThomasF VincentA WilliamH WilliamT JD DeweyC EdgarJ GeorgeJ JamesF JohnJ MichaelS JamesR Pfc SSg Pfc Cpt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc 2Lt 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 399-F 397-C 399-L 397-E 100-SG 373-HQ 397-C 925-A 397-CN 397-C 399-MD 399-HQ 399-L 925-B 397-CN 397-3B 374-B 925-C 398-E 398-AT 397-AT 373-A 399-3B 100-MP 397-I 399-I 398-K 398-A 399-M 398-M 399-E 399-B 398-H 397-C 399-AT 100-MP 100-HQ 398-F 398397-3B WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA Fayetteville Yardville Galena Cocoa Phillips Middletown Salem Roebling Greenville NEaston Bronx Trilby Bronx Scranton Topeka Mt.Pleasant FtPierce WV NJ OH FL NE CT MA NJ OH MA NY FL NY PA KS MI FL Stockbridge MA RidgefieldPark NJ EElmhurst GreenBay Buffalo SanJose NY WI NY CA Philadelphia KansasCity PA MO Washington Dunmore Rutland Brockton NewYork NewYork AR PA VT MA NY NY WIA WIA WIA WIA O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Dell O'Doherty O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donohue O'Down O'Drain O'Drisoll O'Gorman O'Gorman O'Hara O'Hara O'Hare O'Keefe O'Keefe O'Leary O'Leary O'Leary O'Loughlin O'Malley O'Malley O'Malley O'Neal O'Neal O'Neil O'Neil O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill JohnJ LeonardJ RoderickW StevenP ThomasJ WilliamH JohnP EdwardA FrancisT Henry JamesJ JohnF MauriceL EdwardW RichardJ ThomasA RobertP FrankW MichaelJ WilliamH WilliamH TimothyJ Herbert JohnW JamesE SBarry TimothyJ MartinA ClementC FrancisM JosephM Galveston JamesW HaroldF JamesR AndrewJ CharlesJ FrancisE HarryStA Joseph Pfc T/5 Cpl 1Sg Pfc T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc TSg T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt 1Sg 1Sg SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Mjr Cpt Pfc Pvt T/5 SSg Sgt 398-D 100-HQ 398-B 399-SV 925-B 100-CR 398-B 399-M 399-D 398-L 100-DA 397-F 374-B 374-SV 100-HQ 398-F 398-G 399-F 373-HQ 399-F 399-K 397-HQ 398-B 399-M 397-G 399-K 398-D 398-B 398-2B 399-1B 325-EC 373-C 325-EH 399-HQ 397-G 397-H 399-F 399-MD 399-L 399-K WIA Malone NY LongBeach SierraMadre Johnsoncity Carleston NY CA TN MA Baltimore EBoston Melrose Pittsfield Richmond FtWayne MD MA MA MA VA IN Milwaukee WI NewYork NY Weehawken Seattle NJ WA Wyandotte MI Somerville Dayton MA OH Chicago IL RisingFawn GA Chicago Hoboken IL NJ Schenectady NY WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Rourke O'Rourke O'Rourke O'Rourke O'Sullivan O'Sullivan O'Sullivan O'Sullivan Oabaya Oades Oakes Oakes Oakes Oakes Oakes Oakley Oakley Oakman Oakman Oaks Oaks Oats Obal Obely Ober Oberheim Oberlander Oberly Oberstadt Obersteadt Obert Oberweiser Obley Occhipinti Ochs Ocker Ocoboc PatrickH PaulW Thomas EdwardJ JamesF RaymondG VincentA DanielA FrankD JohnP WardD JoeR FrankE GroverC RichardS ThomasE WalterA WilliamH ParkerL RobertS WilliamF WilliamF GeorgeR Levi JohnP Alex FrankR ClydeE EdwardC ArthurW FrankR ErnestA CarlH WilbertN JohnC WillardL SaltoreT EdwardJ JohnJ HaroldF T/4 Sgt Pfc SSg Cpt Pfc T/5 T/5 1Lt T/4 Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt T/5 Mjr Pfc 1Lt 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl T/5 Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 373-HQ 397-CN 398-SV 397-E 397-MD 397-3B 374-HQ 325-EC 399-P 325-EC 325-MH 399-C 397-K 397-F 374-A 375-A 398-B 398-M 397-P 373-A 397-P 398-P 398-MD 397-AT 399-G 373-MD 397-2B 398-F 398-SV 397-AT 397-G 374-A 399-SV 397-AT 399-I 399-1B 398-B 398-M 399-F 399-A LongIslandCity EBoston Newark NY MA NJ Highmore Bronx NewYork ChestnutHill Brooklyn NewYork SanAntonio Plainfield Tarenton NewBritain Neosho Lncaster SD NY NY PA NY NY TX NJ PA CT MO KY Chicago IL Keene Petersburg NH PA Bulan Charleston Taylor KY TX PA Ridgewood Beulah Easton Newtown StJoseph NY ND PA CT MO Buffalo Wilkinsberg NY PA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Oczkowski Oddo Oddy Odell Odell Oden Odence Odette Odgis Odle Odom Odorizzi Oesterle Ogan Ogan Ogden Ogden Ogg Ogilvie Ogilvie Ogilvie,Jr Ogle Ogles Ohannessian Ohler Ohlrich Oikle Oister Olbrys Oldland Olechoveski Olejar Olejarz Olekszak Olesen Oleskow Olewiler Oliger Olin Olinsky WalterJ John NathanielT DorrisB ElmerE Clyde CharlesL GeorgeJ George RalphE FrankL AlbertP EricC HenryL IvanE DoyleL JackE AlbertA GranvilleG JamesW JamesW JuniorP GilbertD John MerleH JosephC HowardF FranklinM EdwardJ HarryT Alex John AlfredR RaymondM WalterL WalterM WilliamJ CharlesK Charles Louis Cpl Pvt Pfc Mjr SSg Pvt 1Lt Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc 397-CN 398-MD 398-L 398-1B 399-E 399-K 398-HQ 399-AT 399-F 397-2B 397-C 397-I 398-CN 397-E 399-G 399-E 399-A 399-L 325-EC 398-A 398-A 399-L 399-E 397-B 397-2B 397-E 800-OR 325-EC 397-H 325-MB 397-G 397-E 398-F 100-MP 398-D 397-H 398-A 398-I 100-HQ 398-F WIA WNewYork SaranacLake NJ NY KIA Peaksville Beckville NY TX WIA Keene NH Jefferson NC Vineland Woodstown Amarillo Akron StPaul Caro NJ NJ TX OH AR MI Orlando FL Marissa Milford Pittsburgh Erie Lynn Rochester Cleveland WLeisenring IL MA PA MI MA NY OH PA Garfield NJ England SilverSpring Newark AR MD NJ WIA WIA KIA POW WIA Oliva Olivarez Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Olivera Olk Ollis Ollis Olmsted Olsen Olsen Olsen Olsen Olsen Olsen Olsen Olsen Olsen Olsen Olsen Olsen Olsen Olsen Olshack Olshefski Olsian Olsinski Olsofsky Olson VincentJ Ruben CharlesE CharlesE Clifford ClydeM KennyH EarlK LeonardF GeorgeW Hyman JeffersonV Joseph EdwardJ HaroldC George GlenB LukeS RobertW JohnR ArnoldO ArthurR PaulE BenjaminT RichardC EvertG RobertJ OleA Clarence MackW Norman VernonH WalterH WilliamC JosephA JohnJ George Stanley Joseph AlfredE Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Mjr Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc 2Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg T/4 SSg 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt 2Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt SSg Cpt 399-B 397-B 398-AT 398-P 397-AT 398-K 399-K 399-B 100-HQ 399-G 397-CN 100-DA 397-SV 397-K 374-HQ 397-I 397-C 399-L 398-K 397-C 100-CR 397-F 399-K 397-G 397-I 374-MD 398-A 399-F 398-2B 397-2B 397-B 399-K 397-HQ 397-2B 100-QM 397-A 373-C 397-L 399-K 399-I KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA LongIsland Delmita NY TX Stockbridge Bristol Isolo DeQueen Chattanooga Greensboro Pelhem MA VA MS AR TN NC TN Concord NProvodence Philadelphia Indianapolis Warren Hamilton WSwanzey Springfield TN RI PA IN RI MT NH MO Binford Brooklyn Clearbrook Chicago Wayzata WCaldwell Portland ND NY MN IL MN NJ OR Stanton FtCollins MI CO Westchester NBergen Raleigh Washington IL NJ NC DC PerthAboy Detroit NJ MI Brooklyn NY Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olsowski Olstein Olszanski Olszyk Omdahl Ondrejca Ong Ongley Onofer Onofer Onofretti Onofrio Onorato Onorato Opalanko Ophaug Opperman Opuda Opulente Oquendo Orask Orbanus Ore Orel CarlF CarlR ClarenceE ConradE Eric GeraldD HarlanJ LeonardH LeonardH LorenM MarcusC MelvinO Obert PaulJ RalphB WillieF HenryF Clarence TheodoreE AlexV Bjarne LouisC WilliamT FrancisH Joseph JosephM Anthony BenjaminA Salvatore SalvatoreL Andrew OrvilleH Joseph Steven Salvatore VictorM JosephE Martin LeonD WilliamL MSg Pfc 1Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Mjr Pvt T/4 Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/5 Cpl SSg Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc TSg 399-HQ 397-2B 398-2B 373-SV 397-E 399-H 399-I 925-A 397-B 325-EC 399-E 397-E 398-MD 397-HQ 800-OR 399-E 399-AT 398-B 374-C 100-DA 398-2B 398-K 399-HQ 398-K 399-C 399-C 399-C 373-SV 398-B 398-B 397-2B 398-CN 399-HQ 375-B 373-SV 399-3B 397-H 399-G 399-A 398-F WIA WIA POW WIA POW WIA WIA Wakefield NE Worcester Selma MA CA Oakland Dawson Ironwood Minneapolis EGrandFork LakePark CA MN MI MN MN MN Donnolly MN Bronx Winsted Lilly Decorah Lorefield York GrandValley Creighton Springdale NewYork Hartford Bronx NY CT PA IA PA PA PA PA PA NY CT NY AlbertLea Solvay Garfield Brooklyn MN NY NJ NY ColoradoSptings Williamstown Bridgeton Trenton CO NJ NJ NJ Oren Orend Orenstein Orick Oringderff Orio Orisik Orlando Orlando Orlick Orlin Orlowski Ormond Orosz Orosz Orr Orr Orrell Orres Orris Orsak Ortega Orth Ortner Orum Oryszczuk Osborn Osborn Osborne Osborne Osinski Oslund Ostashen Ostby Ostenik Oster Osterberg Osterdahl Ostermiller Ostrander RaymondA JackF Henry Baylor SheltonD DominickJ Frank CharlesC JosephT WilliamE LouisL MartinA Lee Joseph VictorF CharlesW LeeP HowardO RaymondG LesterL JosephE Felix WilliamJ MyronC JamesC Steve ErnestJ Fred JohnP VernonE EugeneS EdwardA Stanley WalterR CharlesA Walter WilliamH CarlP VirgilR TheodoreR Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl TSg Sgt TSg T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg 397-I 100-QM 373-A 100-CR 398-M 373-B 398-A 100-SG 399-AT 325-EH 398-F 374-A 399-CN 397-C 398-B 398-I 398-CN 397-M 325-MA 399-E 397-F 100-SG 398-3B 100-SG 399-B 399-K 398-G 398-F 399-D 398-2B 325-MA 398-E 397-K 397-A 325-EB 925-HQ 399-E 397-B 399-G 325-EA WIA WIA Philadelphia Jacksonville NewYork Jonesville Littlefield PA FL NY VA TX Brooklyn NY Amsterdam Morgantown ForestHills NY WV PA Pullman WA Clarkfield MN NewYork Amsterdam NY NY McMechen WV Alpena Llano Anthras LittleRock MI TX TN AR Pittsfield MA Bibawik Dunellen Chicago Cincinnati Otisville Quincy UnionCity MN NJ IL OH NY IL NJ WIA WIA KIA Ostreim Ostrokolowicz Ostrov Ostrow Ostrowski Ostrowski Otiepka Otis Otner Otruba Ott Ott Ottenheimer Ottinger Otto Ouellette Oughstun Ouimet Ourada Outland Outlaw Outslay Overland Overman Overman Overstreet Overton Overton Overton Overzet Ovitt Owaski Owen Owen Owen Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens KermitH JosephT NormanN StanleyV CasimirJ WilliamJ StephenP KennethE BernardL JohnS DonaldD PatrickC EdwardP ChesterT HarryA HenryR Edmund BertrandD RobertA ArleyL LeonD Frank EdwardW JesseV PaulW AlfredH Hobson RoyE WilliamH JohnJ EveretteW Joseph ErastusH SamuelE WilliamA EarlM EdwardC Eugene FloydE HowardG Pfc TSg Cpt SSg TSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Mjr Pvt TSg Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 1Lt Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc 1Lt T/5 399-K 397-G 325-MH 398-E 397-G 397-2B 100-SG 399-C 399-SV 397-F 399-M 399-I 374-C 399-I 399-L 398-L 375-HQ 398-M 397-HQ 100-DA 397-M 397-E 100-CR 397-H 398-L 399-C 399-L 399-G 374-C 397-F 399-1B 397-M 399-M 397-1B 398-M 399-L 398-I 397-H 373-SV 399-SV WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA DevilsLake Saugus Mattapan ND MA MA Hicksville Brooklyn OH NY Springfield Burkbennett AtlanticBeach Vancouver Rochester OR TX NJ WA NY NewBritain Attleboro Riverside Wewoka MtOlive MidlandPark BoundBrook Burlington CT MA IL OK NC NY NJ NC FtSmith Baltimore Tacoma StJames Cicero IslandPond Brooklyn Lavonia Batesburg Cartersville AR MD WA NY IL VT NY GA SC OK Marietta MS WiltonJunction IA Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Oxtra Oyer Ozebek Ozimek Pace Pace Pace Pace Pace Pacelli Pacheco Pachman Pacholl Pachucy Paci Pacifico Pacion Pacion Packard Packett Pacyna Pacyna Pacyna Padawer Paden Padgett Padgett Padilla RalphL IvalE RossC JohnW ThomasC LawrenceW JohnP JosephF MaynardL ThomasF ThomasG VernJ LesterG LawrenceW Julius Edward JulianD MarioE RichardW RobertW ThomasL VictorA JosephP MorrisJ JamesJ JosephS Anthony AlexanderA HenryG HenryG RichardH ArrentsH Anthony ClementJ EdwardF JosephF MarkT AllenA Howell Ruben Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Pvt 2Lt Pfc T/5 Cpl Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Sg Cpl Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/4 SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc T/5 Sgt Sgt Pfc Pvt Pvt 397-SV 397-C 100-HQ 399-E 375-B 399-B 398-1B 398-G 925-A 399-MD 375-B 399-K 399-HQ 399-K 399-3B 375-A 375-HQ 399-MD 374-HQ 100-MP 398-I 398-AT 398-C 374-C 397-B 397-HQ 399-F 375-C 399-1B 399-1B 398-M 398-F 397898-AA 397-MD 397-AT 100-QM 397-M 398-MD 100-SG WIA KIA Seymour Mayville LosAngeles Huntsville Menno MO KY CA AL SD Baltimore MD Huntsville Qgden Ponsford Alden AL UT MN IL Irvington NJ Hartford Cranford Asheville Bridgeport Jeanette FallRiver Paterson CT NJ NC CT PA MA NJ Hamden CT Philadelphia Cincinnati PA OH Cleveland Rye Wallingford Richmond Smoaks Raton OH NY CT VA SC NM WIA WIA Padlovsky Paetz Page Page Page Page Page Page Pagh Pagliarulo Pagnotta Pagnozzi Pahikainen Paika Paiken Paine Pairrett Paisley Pait Paiva Pajak Pajak Pajewski Pakko Palangi Paleg Palenski Palka Palley Palm Palm Palmatary Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Oscar RichardJ AlbertJ FordE JosephT MarioE RichardD WayneH AmosC Philip George ThomasF MiloJS Francis Abraham JamesG JohnT Harold JamesT Julio HenryJ Leo HenryJ RaymondM CarlF Lawrence VictorJ JosephG Herman DavidE FloydM WilliamH AldenC RobertM CharlesT RoyA FrankJ ThomasL JohnJ RedmundH Cpl SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt 2Lt Sgt T/4 Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg T/5 1Lt Sgt Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt SSg SSg SSg Pfc Cpl 925-C 397-D 397-L 398-L 397-HQ 399399-3B 398-CN 397-3B 325-EH 325-MH 399-D 398-K 375-HQ 398-M 399-L 100-QM 100-HQ 325-MH 399-F 398-3B 398-3B 399-K 374-HQ 397-B 397-MD 399-K 397-MD 399-M 397-M 398-L 398-B 100-DA 397-D 374-SV 925-SV 375-A 398-H 399-G 100-SG KIA WIA WIA Clifton OzonePark Brooklyn Ashtabula Waterville NJ NY NY OH ME Omaha Copiague Newark JerseyCity NE NY NJ NJ Worcester MA Talladega Gilpin Bladenboro AL KY NC Chicago SBend Pittsburgh Nashwuak IL IN PA MN Bronx NArlington NY NJ McCoysville Warren PA OH Toccoa Lancaster Manchester Mechanicville GA OH GA NY Chicago IL WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmerino Pals Palumbo Palumbo Pampeno Panasiewicz Pandolfi Pandolfi Pane Panek Paneque Panizzoli Pankas Pannell Pannell Pannell Panos Panuzio Paolucci Paolucci Papa Papadonis Paparella Papas Papas Pape Pape Paper Papkin Papp Pappalardo Pappas Pappas Pappas EdwinH JamesB JosephP WilbertG WilliamA WilliamH HenryE RichardR JohnB Nicholas GeneA MichaelL RobertB WilliamJ William JohnJ Omar LawrenceR AngeloM LeviH OtisR WilliamL WilliamG AndrewF Domenic MichaelR JosephA James VincentJ JohnO JohnP CarlT StanleyH WalterW Stanley PaulR JohnL DanielJ GeorgeL JohnO T/4 T/5 2Lt Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 SSg Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc T/4 T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 100-SG 800-OR 398-F 325-EA 398-L 399-A 397-HQ 325-MD 399-K 374-A 397-A 399-L 399100-HQ 373-HQ 399-E 397-SV 397-L 399-D 399-A 399-B 398-G 399-H 398398-E 399-MD 398-SV 398-L 325-MC 399-A 397-G 398-I 397-2B 398-E 100-SG 397-1B 397-G 398-M 399-HQ 399-A KIA WCaldwell Memphis Shelton NJ TN CT NewYork NY Southbridge MA Philadelphia Pittsburgh Chicago PA PA IL Cleveland Astoria Detroit Cannonsburg NewAlbany OH NY MI PA MS RockIsland NChester IL MA Albany NBergen Somerville MtVernon Philadelphia Bronx NY NJ MA NY PA NY Brooklyn NY RichmondHill Elmsdorf Webster Pleasantville Philadelphia NY NY MA NY PA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Pappas Pappas Papulias Paquette Parasole Paraszczuk Paratore Parenteau Paris Paris Paris Parish Parisi Parisi Parisi Parissi Park Park Park Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker MichaelG Nicholas Alexander ReneJ John John CarmelloS RealL HughT JohnH JohnPB LesterO HaroldA JosephT SantinoM LewisA DanielH HowardO KennethR AldenC BenJ CarlM ChesterW CliffordF EarlW EdwardP EverettL EveretteE GeorgeA HaroldB HarrisonE HubertG LinusR JamesF PeterP JamesT SudieH JosephA LeslieT JamesR Sgt Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc T/5 Sgt SSg Mjr Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pvt T/4 T/4 Pfc TSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc 397-E 325-EC 397-K 397-A 397-A 374-SV 399-G 399-A 100-HQ 399-L 399-C 399-M 100-BD 398-M 375-A 325-EC 397-MD 397-M 399-3B 398-K 399-MD 399-D 399-G 399-M 397-HQ 397-1B 375-A 399-F 399-SV 399-L 100-QM 397-G 397-D 375-HQ 397-K 399-M 399-D 397-A 398-MD 399-K WIA Bronx Baltimore Fresno NY MD CA Babylon Guttenburg NY NJ Freeport NY WIA Headland Bridgeport AL CT WIA Providence Plymouth Springfield Buffalo RI NH MA NY KansasCity KS Lancaster Bellaire SC OH Maplewood Rahway Corryton NJ NJ TN WIA WIA Lowell Vestal Jasper BattleCreek Cleveland Newark VT NY IN MI OH NJ WIA WIA WIA Baltimore Maud MD MS WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parkes Parkin Parkin Parkinson Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parlato Parler Parmentier Parmentier Parmett Parnell Parnell Parquet Parr Parr Parr Parris Parrish Parrish Parrish Parrish Parrott Parrott Parrott Parry Parry Parry Pars Parsons Parsons JohnW LeoS Wesley WilliamP WilliamW RichardC CharlesF RobertJ FrancisJ FieldL FloydB HughR RayE RobertR RolandS GeorgeA WilliamM WilliamL WilliamR RichardB DanielE EdwinL Wilfred David JohnF ThomasR HarveyD AndrewA DonaldJ JackH JackW BillyJ LoyW WilliamF EdwardL Jack VincentP PeterG BradfordC EllisH Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpt Sgt Pvt Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 2Lt 398-K 399-SV 398-H 397-CN 398-E 399-SV 100-CR 397-G 325-MB 398-SV 325-EH 398-I 397-MD 925-HQ 399-I 925-SV 399-L 397-M 398-M 398-AT 325-EB 399-B 100-CR 399-1B 375-B 398-L 399-AT 399-C 398-K 399-D 397-L 374-HQ 397-CN 399-A 399-C 325-MC 100-HQ 399-A 397-E 397-C WIA WIA Alco Rosetta Carlisle LA MS AR Marion Bordentown NeptuneCity Winnetka Woodside NCharleston NC NJ NJ IL NY SC Krum Amarillo TX TX Baltimore Detroit NavyYard MD MI SC Glendale NY Abbeville Schuylkill SC PA Gayhead Pottstown NY PA Edenton Nicktown NC PA Marshall Chattanooga LaFollette Syracuse TX TN TN NY Poultney NewBedford Ancram VT MA NY WIA WIA WIA Parsons Partain Parten Partridge Partridge Partyka Paruszkiewic Pascal Pascale Pascerella Paschal Paschal Pasciuta Pascoline Paseur Pashal Pashley Pashoian Pasinski Paskey Paskiewicz Pasquale Pasquale Pasquale Pasquale Pasquinelli Pasquini Pasqusle Passalaqua Passantino Passarella Passero Passero Passero Passon Pasternak Pasternak Pastore Pastoressa Paszek GalenB GlenA CharlesP AllynB RalphA FrankJ LeonardJ GerardR MichaelA StephenE EdwardL WilliamD RenaldoG JackA JohnD WilliamB NormanW ThomasJ EugeneJ ErnestW Joseph AnthonyV AnthonyW AugustC JamesA SalV GilbertJ JamesA Cosmo John MorrisA JosephR Pietro SamP Walter GeorgeE Sidney AnthonyS FrankL LawrenceJ Cpl Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl Pvt Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Sgt 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc 397-F 397-I 398-I 398-D 100-QM 925-C 397-H 100-SG 375-HQ 399-G 399-D 397-G 398-F 399-A 398-AT 397-P 397-H 399-F 399-G 398-A 399-CN 398-1B 399-D 925-HQ 399-1B 399-MD 375-HQ 399-1B 325-MD 399-MD 325-EB 398-M 397-A 398-E 375-HQ 399-2B 925-MD 373-SV 399-C 399-A Lehigh RedondoBeach Pocahontas ERochester LivermoreFalls IA CA AR NY ME Detroit MI JacksonHeights Providence NY RI Corinth MS Syracuse NY Chicago WappingerFalls IL NY Southington CT SanJose CA NewYork Brooklyn NY NY Atco NewYork NJ NY Duluth Chicago Brooklyn Brooklyn Flushing Toledo MN IL NY NY NY OH KIA MIA KIA WIA Paszkewich Paszkiewicz Paszkowski Pataky Patch Pate Pate Patelli Paterakis Paterno Paterno Paterson Paterson Patonai Patrick Patrick Patricka Patron Patsores Patt Pattenaude Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patti Patton Patton JosephM PeterP AnthonyJ Edward Edwin MerrittR WilliamC Hugo Stanley FrankJ PeterP JackM WilliamA Joseph RichardN RoyceAnn Carl NickV Paul JosephM CharlesE Charles Junior CharlieB LewisJ EdmundT PaulM JackW JohnT DeweyM GeorgeN JoeC RobertR VernonW VincentA WesleyJ WilliamF Salvatore ShirleyL WilliamC Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Cpl Pfc Cpt Pvt Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt T/4 Pfc Pvt 399-C 100-CR 398-C 399-C 398-CN 399-E 100-MP 398-CN 397-G 375-B 100-CR 397-I 399-3B 399-B 399-F 397-M 399-G 398-H 325-EC 100-MP 100-QM 398-B 398-C 397-CN 325-EH 100-HQ 398-K 399-MD 398-K 399-D 399-D 399-3B 925-B 397-G 397-HQ 397-1B 399-3B 374-HQ 399-M 398-B KIA KIA MIA NewYork Kensington NY CT LosAngeles Ashland Roanoke Coronado CA VA VA CA Belleville NJ Detroit Barre Akron MI VT OH Washington Chicago DC IL Searcy AR RogersCity RichmondHill MI NY FtWayne Philadelphia NewPhiladelphia Ellijay FairPlay IN PA OH GA SC NewYork NY WIA Paul Paul Paul Paul Pauley Pauli Paulin Pauling Paulovitz Paulovsky Paulson Paulson Pauly Paura Pavalat Pavczik Pavignano Pavlik Pavoni Pavtas Pawl Pawlak Pawlak Pawlak Pawloski Pawlusiak Payeur Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payuayis Pazera Pazera FrancisJ HaroldJ JerryL LicourgasM ElwoodJ EdwinF EvarusteE JohnH BernardW ErnestP HowardK MarvinL DonaldP MichaelJ RobertK GustavR ErcoleJ JohnJ Anthony EdwardD JosephR EdwardJ JeromeF StephenJ LeonS MartinJ BenoitA BurnusL CarlD Reece ChesterM EugeneT JamesA JamesE JamesM PaulH ElwoodC Teofil AnthonyF ChesterW T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 1Lt Cpl T/5 Sgt SSg Sgt Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Cpl T/4 Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pvt T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/4 Pfc 375-HQ 397-L 399-K 399-3B 398-K 398-CN 399-K 397-MD 399-E 399-A 399-G 397-A 100-BD 398-G 100-CR 399-C 398-AT 398-MD 397-E 397-HQ 325-MA 399-M 397-C 398-K 399-B 375-C 398-2B 398-K 397-SV 397-C 399-C 100-SG 100-MP 399-1B 397-M 398-I 399-G 374-SV 399-HQ 925-A WIA KIA MIA Bridgeport CT Wichita KS Reading Ashland Waltham Greenwich PA VA MA CT StCloud MN Hyattsville PomptonPlains NewYork Chicago MD NJ NY IL Pittsburgh Cicero PA IL Buffalo Stratford ByronCenter WRutland AnnArbor Jonesboro NY CT MI VT MI AR Atlanta Brodhead Louisville Albany Baltimore Plains GA KY KY IN MD PA Chelsea MA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Pazik Pazinko Pazkowski Peabody Peace Peach Peacher Peacock Peacock Peaden Pearce Pearce Pearlman Pearlman Pearse Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Pease Pease Pease Pease Peaslee Peat Peaytt Pebley Pecca Pechilio Peck Peck Peck Peck Pecora JosephS Peter AnthonyJ HarryO ThomasL ClintonR RalphM John TomL AndrewG HarryW SidneyT Benjamin Bernie KingsleyR DavidL DonaldH HarleyM JamesE Kenneth MarvinW Raymond Richard RobertK WilburL JesterO LawrenceS RobertS RussellE Dana KennethF LeeO WilliamI AlbertR FrankA ArthurH MoeM OscarF EugeneG Salvatore Sgt SSg TSg TSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pvt Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc 397-H 100-DA 398398-2B 398-H 399-G 399-F 398-CN 397-B 399-K 398-E 398-I 925-C 325-MD 397-K 397-3B 399-A 397-HQ 397-H 398-K 397-E 399-1B 399-3B 399-G 398-L 398-E 397-B 399-2B 398-2B 100-QM 398-B 375-B 398-A 397-G 397-CN 397-A 100-QM 399-M 399-L 399-F WIA KIA WIA Westfield Olyphant MA PA Brunswick Shelby Dallas ME NC TX NewYork StLouis Fountain FtWayne Golden NY MO NC IN CO Greenville Lovell Athens Huntington SC WY MI WV HuntingtonStation Milwaukee Attica Roxbury Rossburg NY WI IN MA OH Gary Seattle Nicholson Wentworth SWeymouth Compton AlumCreek IN WA PA NH MA CA WV Riverside NJ Brooklyn NY Enid OK WIA WIA WIA KIA POW WIA Pecoraro Pecunas Pecylak Peddicord Peddycord Pedemonte Pedersen Pedersen Pedersen Pederson Pedigo Peek Peel Peeler Peeler Peeples Peeples Peet Peffer Pehling Peiffer Peirce Peitsch Pekosz Pelan Pelat Pelczar Pelissier Peller Pelletier Pelletier Pelligrino Peloso Pelowitz Pelty Peluso Pena Pencek Pencek Pender JamesH WilliamJ Peter BenjaminF RoyT AlexanderB EdwinG JamesR NeilJ EdwinG RobertD PaulE HaroldE GilbertL JohnC RussellC WilsonE LeslieL TrumanL GeorgeR AlfredG Ernest Gerhard StanleyJ JosephA Emery JosephJ EdwardR Harold JosephG LeonR JohnJ AngeloJ Joseph Harold JosephN Richard JohnA LeonardD JohnH Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt T/5 Pvt T/5 SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt 2Lt Pfc Sgt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 2Lt Sgt 397-C 399-E 398-F 397-A 397-E 399-K 399398-A 373-SV 399-A 399-C 325-EH 397-C 374-HQ 399-CN 399-M 399-B 374-B 397-F 398-A 397-HQ 397-SV 397-B 397-A 925-SV 399-K 397-L 398-AT 397-P 397-HQ 398-G 397-I 399-H 397-C 398-F 398-B 398-L 399-SV 398-3B 397-L KIA POW POW Lodi Sheppton MtVernon Baltimore Crete SantaCruz NJ PA NY MD IL CA EStanwood WA Vineland Nashville Asheville NJ TN NC Greensboro Burlington NC NC EarlyBranch Bridgeport Winchester SC CT VA Harrisburg PA Pittsfield Whiting MA NJ Lawrence Randolph Brooklyn Lawrence Haverhill MA MA NY MA MA Brooklyn Fresno NY CA Brooklyn NY Hartford Chicago CT IL WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Pender Pendergast Pendleton Pendleton Pendleton Pendolfi Penfield Penker Penl Penley Penn Pennell Penney Penney Pennington Pennington Pennington Pennisi Pennywitt Pensock Penwell Peo Peo Peoples Pepe Pepik Pepin Pepis Peplinski Pepper Pepper Peppers Pequette Perales Perceful Percifull Percy Perdue Perdue Pereira RoyG RobertA GeorgeC WarrenK WillisE RobertB NormanH FrederickE NormanJ HowardR RobertC FrankA LawrenceG WilliamH ArnelJ CarlM GastonW JosephF WilliamA RobertS JosephI JJames William DarlJ LouisV Michael GeorgeJ RalphG RayJ DaleE JamesH CharlesH Rene John Earl JamesT MorrisE HowardP LucasB Ellis 2Lt Pfc Pfc TSg Sgt Cpl TSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc 397-3B 397-M 399-E 399-B 397-I 399-F 325-MD 397-M 398-SV 399-D 397-D 397-3B 397-A 399-I 399-E 100-QM 397-C 397-L 925-C 399-I 100-SG 399-I 925-MD 397-I 398-G 397398-K 375-A 399-1B 925-C 325-EH 375-B 397-A 398-A 398-F 398-A 399-L 397-F 325-MA 100-HQ WIA WIA POW KIA Wilson Plainview Tampa NC NE FL WHartford RichmondHill Irvington Afton Dayton CT NY NJ TN OH FtDesMoines TX Leach Hartsville KY NC Glendora Manchester NJ OH Washington OH Trenton Clearfield Brooklyn NJ PA NY Winooski Brooklyn VT NY Sterling Berkeley Fairburn IL CA GA SanAntonio TX Dyersburg Proctorsville Redwood Louisburg Bronx TN VT VA NC NY Perez Perfetta Pergalske Perillo Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perla Perlino Perlstein Perma Perreira Perrenod Perrett Perrey Perrin Perro Perron Perrone Perrone Perrotti Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry EliseoM Alfred RaymondE GaetanoA ArthurJ CalebO DouglasH ElroyR ForrestN GeorgeC GeorgeT HenryP Russell George Joseph Emery Louis Manuel CharlesA AlbertV AlfredH HarryJ Frank EdmondJ JohnF Leo AlbertN AlbertM ClaytonM ColemanR Delbert EugeneT FrankJ George HaroldJ JoeH JohnG KermitG LesterC NorbertJ Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt WOJ T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 398-K 399-2B 398-H 398-C 398-M 398-K 398-I 397-L 397-C 397-C 398-F 397-I 100-CR 399-CN 925-B 399-AT 398-A 398-C 397-L 399-L 325-EC 398-MD 100-HQ 398-SV 399-C 399-2B 100-MP 397-M 399-C 397-E 399-M 399-F 399-2B 398-G 325-EC 398-K 399-M 375-C 399-D 325-MD KIA WIA Hutto NewHaven TX CT Maynard Dobson Millington MA NC TN Chittenango Mayfield MtVernon NY KY AL Glasgow Carthage Morristown Lynn KY MS NJ MA OzonePark NewBedford Philadelphia Philadelphia Freedom NY MA PA PA MO Brooklyn Salem Logansport Eureka NY MA IN CA Dansville Benton NY KY Rochester Bristol CentralFalls Birmingham Paragon Bastian Antioch Cincinnati NY TN RI AL IN VA IL OH WIA WIA WIA Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perryman Perryman Persan Persiani Personette Personeus Perssico Perugini Perutsakos Peruzzi Pesce Peschel Pesek Pesoli Pessina Pestana Pestrak Petch Peter Peterdi Peteria Peterman Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters PaulD Raymond RichardB TheophusT WilliamE WilliamJ ClaytonM KirbyD EdgarR ArmandoV HowardE ErnestE PaulF Anthony SotiriosJ LawrenceF JosephF Edward ClarenceT AnthonyP CharlesF Anthony ChesterS JamesE MarcelJ GaborF Andrew LesterE BasilM ClarenceE CliffordS DonaldC RedmondW EdwardE RobertW JamesE LairdW DonaldJ JosephA WalterH Pfc SSg SSg Pfc 1Lt Cpl Pvt Pvt Pfc SSg T/5 Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl SSg Pvt Pvt Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 398-G 925-HQ 398-I 374-C 374-HQ 397-C 399399-B 399-E 399-B 399-F 399-G 100-SG 925-A 397-CN 325-EB 325-MA 398-A 399-B 375-A 397-H 100-SG 397-F 398-3B 325-EC 800-OR 325-EC 398-E 397-C 100-HQ 399-G 397-AT 398-G 398-C 398-K 399-2B 399-G 398-I 398-CN 325-MH WIA WIA MIA WIA Philadelphia Providence Highwood Zebulon Warrenton NewYork PA RI IL NC NC NY Denison Brooklyn TX NY Hagerman NY StatenIsland Dover Greenfield NY NH MA Warwick StPaul Paterson NY MN NJ Somerville MA Garfield NewYork NewYork NJ NY NY Mashpee Evansville Brunsville ThunderHawk Chicago MA IN IA ND IL Evlanger Kittanning Cleveland KY PA OH Irvington NJ WIA POW Peters Petersen Petersen Petersen Petersen Petersen Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Petracco Petraccoro Petralia Petras Petrecca Petrell Petrich Petrie Petro Petroccione Petronaci Petronis Petrosino Petrosky Petrosky Petrovich Petruzelli WilliamG ClarenceA FrederickC JackW LeslieH NormanV Albert CarlA CecilV ClarenceW DeanR DeWayne EdwardM Edwinc ElmerJ JamesT JohnE PatrickJ RalphH RobertC SampsonC SigurdR WilliamG PeterP AnthonyV WilliamJ Milan GeraldP RoyH EdwardW ErnestA Paul JeromeJ AnthonyP AnthonyS JosephN AnthonyW CasimirR Paul JackJ Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpt Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc 2Lt Sgt Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/4 Cpl T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt 325-EC 398-B 325-EC 398-B 399-G 325-MH 398-G 374-B 397-3B 398-G 399-I 398-K 397-P 925-C 399-A 398-MD 325-EC 373-SV 399-G 397-1B 399-F 373-C 398-G 397-E 397-B 398-F 397-E 373-SV 398-F 397-A 398-2B 397-D 100-BD 373-B 398-1B 398-3B 399-MD 398-L 397-M 398-C WIA Chicago Bridgeport IL CT Correctionville Erie IA PA Hancock Poulsbo Malden Sheldahl Carey GrandForks Hartford Concordia IdahoFalls Jamestown Brooklyn Glenwood ColumbusHeights MI WA MA IA ID ND CT KS ID NY NY UT MN MIA KIA Defiance Wayne OH NJ WIA Boston Chicago Hamden MA IL CT WIA WIA MtHealthy OH Lynn MA Mechanicville Brooklyn NewYork Bronx McKeesport Buffalo NY NY NY NY PA NY MIA WIA WIA WIA Petry Pettee Petterson Pettet Pettit Petty Petty Petty Pettyjohn Petzold Pexton Peyser Pezza Pfaff Pfaff Pfeffer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfenning Pfiffer Pflying Pfund Pfunk Phaneuf Phelps Phelps Phelps Phenix Phidden Philips Philipson Philleson Phillip Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips JohnC DanielS HarryW CalvinD JohnW HaroldP HaroldR OrvilleL RoyT HerbertR Francis FrederickM BiagioJ GerardV JosephM LowellH LoganR Robert WilburG Robert WarrenK LoyallL ArthurF JohnE CliffordL DwightC FredO CharlesE Norman ArthurM Milton Raymond DwightE CarlJ Charles CharlesL CliffordL CurtisL DaleE StanleyW Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc 2Lt T/5 SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 397-3B 399-C 325-EC 398-C 399-L 800-OR 398-F 325-MH 397-K 397-E 397-E 398-G 374-A 325-MH 398-SV 399-D 397-M 399-3B 398-B 399-3B 398-I 397-E 398-AT 397-A 100-SG 100-DA 398-MD 399-I 398-K 100-HQ 374-HQ 399-D 397-HQ 398-A 398-F 399-M 397-2B 398-B 397-I 397-I WIA WIA MIA WIA Brooklyn NY Philadelphia Kewanee Fresno Waverly Henry Lawrence Camden PA IL CA MO TN MA NY Cranston Rochester RI NY Carton MO JerseyCity NewYork Monroe NJ NY MI Worcester Rockwell Richmond LosAngeles Peoria Corallis Richmond LosAngeles Lebanon Muskogee Bristol Uniontown MA TX VT CA IL MT WA CA NH OK TN PA Detroit GloucesterPoint Spokane Grafton MI VA WA NH WIA POW Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillis Philpott Phimister Phippen Phipps Phoenix Piacenti Pianka Piaszak Piatt Piazza Piazza Picard Picard Piccini Picella Pichacz Pichette Pick Pickens Pickens Pickett Pickle Picone Edward WilliamA EdwardJ LabonT Garland LavonF HowardE JohnF JohnJ HerbertF JamesJ MilesB PhilipD RoyL EdwardA EdwardM WaltonD RobertE JohnC ShirleyM BradleyC GeorgeB MarkA WalterJ MichaelJ HowardZ AlfredT SamuelS RalphJ WilfredE EdmundR LeonardS Michael ClaudeH SidneyA BenjaminR ShermanV LutherJ WilliamC JamesO Pvt Pvt Pfc T/4 Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 1Lt Cpt Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 SSg Pfc T/5 Cpl T/4 Mjr Pfc Pfc T/4 Sgt 399-G 398399-H 925-SV 398-I 398-G 397-K 398-MD 398-C 398-MD 398-D 925-HQ 374-A 399-1B 100-SG 398-SV 398-K 399-1B 373-B 325-EC 399-F 397-SV 399-M 399-1B 399-MD 373-HQ 325-EB 375-MD 399-1B 374-C 398-D 398-A 374-A 398-E 398-MD 399-HQ 373-B 925-C 398-CN 397-K WIA WIA WIA WIA Millvale PA WillisWharf Tarboro McCaskill Moscow EndRun Chicago FishingCreek Chicago BerlinHeights Amarillo OklahomaCity Brighton Miami Portland VA NC AR OH WV IL ME IL OH TX OK MA FL OR Willimantic CT Montvale Bodega Falconer Franklin Lowell Quincy Hannastown NewYork Detroit NJ CA NY NH MA MA PA NY MI Spartenburg Ecru Pasadena SC MS TX Brenham TX WIA Piculai Piekarz Piekos Pieper Pieper Pieratt Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pieri Pierpoint Pierro Piersall Pierson Pietrocarlo Pietryski Pietrzykowski Pietsch Pignataro Pigue Pike Pike Pike Pike Pike Pikna Pikolish Pilgrim Pilioglos Pilla Pillion Pillsbury Pine Pine Ferdinand EdwardA JosephJ GeorgeF WilliamH RobertS CecilJ ClarenceW FranklinK Jack JamesG JohnJ LucianM NealR WilliamD AmedeoJ NormanW AngeloG JohnE RobertL JosephL Walter EdwinB EdwardF JosephF BenjaminC BoydR CMilton FrankA JohnW WilliamC JohnF JohnJ JamesE GeorgeS JosephP DonaldJ RichardC DonaldD RaymondH Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc T/3 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc TSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpl SSg SSg T/4 Cpl Pfc 397-3B 398-A 100-CR 397-AT 398-B 325-MA 398-B 100-HQ 399-AT 397-G 397-B 397-I 398-L 398-B 398-H 397-2B 398-MD 397-C 100-DA 397-E 398-AT 397-K 397-B 398-E 398-B 397-F 399-B 397-F 399-M 100-SG 399-B 398-D 399-F 397-3B 100-CR 325-EB 399-L 397-HQ 374-HQ 399-3B WIA WIA WIA Lowell NewYork MA NY Chicago Louisville LaGrange Belmont Cameron IL KY TX NY NC Princeton Lenox WNewYork Dallasw Lickingville IN AL NJ TX PA Firebaugh Buffalo Bayonne Tulare StLouis CA NY NJ CA MO Chester NTowanda Chicago PA NY IL Humbolt TN Fryeburg ME Brooklyn LongIslandCity NY NY Marshall Helden IL MO WIA WIA WIA WIA Pines Pini Pinkerton Pinnell Pinson Pinson Pinson Pintabona Pinto Pioe Piombo Pion Piontkowski Piontkowsky Pionzio Piper Piper Piper Pipkin Pipkin Pique Pirhacs Pironti Pirotte Pirozzo Pirsic Pirtle Pisano Pisarski Pisciotto Pish Pisowicz Pistoia Pitman Pitnicki Pitt Pittari Pittman Pittman Pitts NewcombB AnthonyR RobertN SamuelW EarlD JamesR RoyalC AnthonyA ThomasM VirgilP Frank MarvinJ CliffordT JohnL AnthonyJ Davis LloydR WilliamH PaulW RaymondW BenjaminC JosephJ PascalA VincentJ DominickB AnthonyJ CharlesA FredV Alexander Jerome Frank EdwardJ Endri JosephL JohnJ MartinC BartolomeoA JohnW MerleJ AlbertF Pvt Pfc 1Lt T/4 Pvt Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpt Sgt Cpl T/5 Sgt Sgt Pfc T/3 2Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 1Lt Pfc Pvt 399-A 398-B 397-HQ 325-EC 398-2B 397-C 397-G 374-C 399-A 398-K 398-E 398-C 397-1B 399-K 397-K 100-DA 397-K 398-1B 100-CR 375-SV 397-2B 398-L 398-MD 397-1B 397-HQ 398-MD 399-H 925-B 398-F 399-F 100-HQ 399-B 397-K 398-F 397-L 397-F 397-SV 398-2B 397-E 399-D WIA KIA Newton Springfield MA OH Madison Brooklyn Middlesex Licking FL NY NJ MO Brooklyn NY Detroit MI Princeton BrokenBow IL NE Bonneau Broadview SC NM NewYork NY LosAngeles Philadelphia Glendale CA PA NY Clifton Gary NJ IN OldForge Pittsburgh Ogden PA PA UT Cambridge MA Brooklyn Kershaw KansasCity Ysleta NY SC MO TX WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA Pitts Pitts Pitzer Pivarnik Pizel Pizzano Pizzi Pizziketti Pizzo Pizzuto Pizzuto Place Place Placzek Plagge Plakowski Plamp Plante Planting Planto Platek Platt Plattus Pleasa Pleasants Plemmans Plemmons Plemons Plenge Plesa Plesher Pleska Pleszko Pletzer Plitt Plonski Plonski Plouffe Plourde Plourde EldonD WilliamT ThomasL Mike JohnW RobertN Joseph RobertG VincentL JosephR Michael CharlesH WilliamE JosephA LelandH Thomas JohnE ThomasE JohnE Morris StephenJ HerbertJ RobertA MichaelJ AlexanderH Frank ClarenceR EdgarJ JohnH MichaelJ CharlesJ StephenF MikeS Gottfried HarryA TaddeusV VincentE FrancisA LeonJ LudovicN Pfc T/3 Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Pvt Sgt SSg Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc 397-I 100-HQ 399-A 397-1B 399-A 375-A 397-3B 398-MD 399-M 375-SV 374-C 325-MH 100-CR 399-K 398-A 397-G 398-M 399-A 397-HQ 375-HQ 399-I 399-H 398-1B 398-H 399-H 398-2B 399-D 397-B 397-MD 398-H 399-A 397-B 397-B 398-E 100-HQ 375-C 100-SG 399-A 399-2B 397-AT WIA WIA WIA KIA POW KIA WIA WIA WIA Hazelhurst Cecil Bushnell Linden MS AL FL NJ Brockton MA Pleasantville Bronx NY NY Bronx NewRochelle NY NY Deerfield Union Louisville Brooklyn Pendleton SanAntonio IL NJ KY NY OR TX NewYork Syracuse HolidaysCove FredricksHall NY NY WV VA Canton Waco LosAngles NC TX CA EMononghelia PA Cleveland OH Ironton Glendale MS NY Worcester Dracut MA MA Plumley Plummer Pluta Pobereskin Poccia Poch Pocknett Podajski Podesta Podlaski Poe Poehlein Poeltizig Poggioli Pohl Pohlig Pohlman Pohlman Poindexter Poindexter Poindexter Pointer Poirrier Pokorny Pokorny Polack Polansky Polansky Polci Pole Polehronopou Polesky Polewchak Polhemus Poling Polio Polis Poliseo Polito Politte HarryR CliffordE JohnA Isadore AnthonyR EdmundE DouglasB TonyS JohnA EdmundE Elbert VincentW HaroldC Peter Maynard TheodoreA GeorgeH MelvinT FredJ HaroldG HarryE JackD JamesA FrankJ SvatoplukJ Nicholas Harry SeymourH RobertB FrankN LicourgasM TheodoreS Peter RichardR FloydC SalvatoreC Daniel RichardD SalvatoreE ClarenceA Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt T/5 SSg SSg Pfc MSg SSg T/4 Cpl Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg SSg Pvt Pfc Pvt MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl TSg Pfc Cpl Pfc 398-AT 399-B 325-EA 398-L 373-SV 397-E 398-I 100-QM 397-L 373-HQ 398-K 925-HQ 397-F 399-G 374-HQ 100-MP 398-2B 397-A 399-AT 399-C 399-D 399-G 398-G 398-L 100-HQ 398-K 399-C 397-I 398-CN 398-HQ 399-3B 398-D 399-H 397-E 399-F 399-A 398-CN 399-K 399-G 398-I Lawrenceville Pueblo Webster PA CO MA Utica Buffalo Masshpee Detroit FarRockaway Wilkes-Barre WPrestonsbe Winslow Thiensville Brooklyn Cambridge NY NY MA MI NY PA KY IN WI NY MD EBend NC ChippewaFalls WI Ellsworth TX WIA Rye Irvington Bronx NY NJ NY WIA Windsor Salem Bentleyville NJ MA PA OldGreenwich CT Fargo NewYork Brooklyn Sullivan ND NY NY MO POW KIA MIA KIA WIA WIA Poll Pollack Pollard Polley Pollitt Pollock Pollock,MD Polly Polmanteer Polnar Polochak Polson Polsonetti Polwin Polze Pomanteer Pomareiko Pomponio Poncik Ponder Pondo Pondrom Ponte Ponty Pool Poole Poole Poole Poole Poole Poole Pooler Poor Poore Poore Poovey Pope Pope Popelka Popik Ras JohnP HEugene FranklinH DonaldF RogerA ArthurE JohnM KeithE WalterF Paul WinfredN Agostino FrankM TheodoreW KeithE Paul Ermenegildo Sylvester CharlesM Nicholas WilliamA AugustP HermanP EGene AldenW Curtis DavidL ErnestR LeFoyH WillieB WardellC ClarenceR CarlosA OrvilleG JuniusG RogerB VernonL PaulE Michael Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Mjr TSg SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Sgt SSg SSg Pfc TSg Pfc SSg 1Lt Sgt Pvt Pfc Cpl SSg TSg Pvt T/4 Pfc Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 398-AT 397-I 397-F 398-D 398-H 397-K 398-HQ 399-AT 398-H 800-OR 397-I 399-E 398-AT 398-E 397-E 398925-C 397-H 398-G 399-I 398-F 399-A 398-M 398-2B 398-M 397-AT 399-L 374-A 399-D 399-HQ 399-I 397-H 398-G 399-D 398-I 397-C 399-1B 398-K 399-I 397-H MIA Tyler TX Hart MI Palmyra NY Freeport NY McDonald Roslin Boston PA TN MA NewYork NY Lafayette LA Texarkana NewBedford Madison TX MA WI Rockwood Eatonton Rockport TN GA MA Toccoa Waterville Wickliff Forbus Bristol Hickory Wilmington Lawrenceburg Chicago Newark GA ME OH TN TN NC DE TN IL NJ WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Popkin Poplawski Poplin Popo Poponiak Popovich Popovich Poppalardo Poppell Poppelreiter Poppiano Porcaro Porcelli,MD Porn Porpora Porpora Porri Port Porta Portale Portanova Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Portman Portman Portwood Porzio Porzio Posen Lew EdwinJ CarlE DominickA Joseph Alexander MichaelN John WilsonW DonaldJ CharlesE Emilio AnthonyJ EdwardC FrankA Salvatore JohnR WilliamC RalphF ElioJ NicholasP Andrew BenjaminW ChesterD Dudley GibsonC GordonS GuyR JackE JamieM PaulE RobertC RobertC WaylandL DavidF Julian Kenneth JohnA ThomasD HymanR Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpt SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl TSg TSg Pfc SSg T/5 SSg Mjr T/5 Pvt T/4 2Lt TSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt SSg T/5 Pfc 399-M 398-B 398-A 375-C 100-SG 397-SV 398-HQ 397-G 398-I 325-EA 373-A 399-2B 398-MD 397-G 100-MP 375-B 374-C 398-F 100-HQ 399-A 398-I 398-K 373-B 399-A 100-HQ 325-EA 399-C 397-SV 399-G 375-SV 399-H 399-B 399-3B 398-2B 398-I 398-G 399-B 398-HQ 325-EH 399-M WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA MIA WIA MIA Trenton Newport Kulpmont Daisytown Babylon Ossining Naranja Woodville OH DE PA PA NY NY FL PA EBoston MA Bronx NY Brooklyn Hartford Baltimore NY CT MD Brooklyn Throop LongBeach Lynn Hampton Memphis NY PA NY MA VA TN Arlington Gaffney MountainHome Middleton Jamaica NewProvidence YubaCity Saginaw FayetteCity Chicago Midway Clairton Brooklyn Washington VA SC AR TN NY NJ CA MI PA IL KY PA NY DC Posess Posey Poslusny Posner Posner Post Posthumus Postlewait Postlewait Poston Postorino Poswiatoski Poteate Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Pottinger Potts Potz Pouch Pouliot Poulos Pounds Pouvat Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Stanley VernonJ FrankJ Benjamin Bernard CharlesH ClausS ThomasJ WilliamN UlyssesL JosephJ JosephM EdwinB CarlH DonaldE ErnestE Harold JohnH RobertJ William Stanley Gerhardt HenryL GeraldL GeorgeC RichardV VincentA AlbertF Andrew CharlesK CloanN Edgar EdwardL GeorgeE GlennE HenryD JohnA Johnnie OttisD PaulD Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc TSg T/5 T/5 T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/4 SSg TSg Pfc Pfc SSg TSg 397-B 398-M 375-HQ 397-SV 398-C 925-SV 397-H 374-A 397-I 399-SV 399-G 398-1B 399-SV 398-A 325-EH 397-B 800-OR 399-1B 398-HQ 398-H 399-F 373-HQ 397-K 398-C 100-CR 398-MD 375-HQ 398-MD 399-B 399-E 398-3B 375-HQ 399-2B 800-OR 373-B 397-B 399-A 397-F 397-B 398-A WIA Miami Bayonne FL NJ Brooklyn MahanoyCity Portage Littleton NY PA MI WV Bergen Webster Yadkinville NJ MA NC Shortsville NY Neenah Louisville WI KY Quebec NewYork CN NY Astoria NY Schurz Atkins NV VA NewMartinsville Chicago Richmond WV IL IN NewMartinsville Fulton Eastman Summerfield WV AL GA TX WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Powell Powell Powelski Powelski Power Power Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Poy Pozner Pozzi Pozzi Prada Praley Pranio Prater Prather Prather Prather Prather Prather Prather Prather Prator Pratt Pratt Prazinko Preavy Prebor Prediger Predmore Predragovich Prefontaine PaulL RDale ElmerF StanleyR RaymondA WilliamK FrankN FrederickW JackieD JamesC JamesR JohnT NicholasD WilliamC WilliamJ Louis Irving JohnP PremoJ NorbertR JamesC JosephS VirgilE CharlesG HerbertD JohnG JohnJ JohnT MarionL RichardG LouisR LesterD RoyW Louis RaymondW CarlE GeorgeW LorenG Emerick HoraceC Sgt T/4 Cpl T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pvt Sgt Sgt T/5 2Lt Cpt Cpl Cpl Pvt Pfc Col MSg Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Cpl Pvt T/5 925-HQ 374-SV 399-L 397-SV 398-I 397-3B 399-G 397-G 398-I 397-A 399-MD 397-B 397-D 398-F 399-K 397-L 398-F 398-A 398-G 399-B 399-K 397-D 100-CR 399-F 399-D 399-M 100-HQ 398-B 399-B 100-HQ 399-SV 398-G 399-C 325-EC 399-C 397-F 375-HQ 925-MD 399-C 399-M Portland OR WIA Whitestone SanDiego NY CA KIA WIA Chattanooga Canton Skeston TN MA MO Chicago Gordon Lindale Dickerson StAlbans SanFrancisco WNewYork Carnegie Oxford Boston Severna IL TX GA MD NY CA NJ PA MS MA MD Murfreesboro OakPark Brighton TN IL CO Carlisle Dumont Lawrenceburg Hickman KY NJ IN KY WUnion Dayton WV OH Hartford NewYork CT NY Detroit Sanford MI ME WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA MIA WIA WIA Preli Prelozni Prenderville Prescher Prescott Presley Press Pressman Prest Presto Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Prestridge Prestwood Prevete Prew Preye Prezioso Pribble Pribulka Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price SylvioF StephenJ GeorgeR WalterE DavidB JamesR Lewis IrvinL HaroldP JosephJ CharlesF CharlesJ JRobert James JohnN JonP WilliamS WilliamA RayM JohnJ PaulM William SalvatoreV Luther AndrewB Arthur Billy Chappel CharlesH DanielM DonaldM HaroldA Harry Haskel HughP JMax JamesA JamesW JohnD MurlP T/3 SSg Sgt Sgt Sgt Pfc Pvt Sgt Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/3 Mjr Pfc T/5 Cpl TSg T/4 1Sg Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl MSg SSg Sgt SSg 1Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 100-SG 397-M 398-M 399-B 398-C 325-EC 399-B 398-D 397-L 398-M 397-AT 397-I 100-SG 375-B 100-SG 325-MD 397-3B 399-L 375-HQ 398-AT 325-MH 100-SG 100-CR 325-MD 325-MA 399-C 399-AT 399-L 373-HQ 399-B 397-M 398-D 397-1B 397-D 399-A 399-B 398-SV 398-L 399-HQ 398-L MIA WIA WIA Waukesha Brooklyn Estherville Dayton Fletcher Bronx Piedmont NewYork Hartford WI NY IA OH NC NY CA NY CT Detroit Sisco EBrady MI TX PA Hickory NC NAttleboro Lyndhurst MA NJ Rushville Bethlehem Youngstown IN PA OH Lackawanna SacketsHarbor Indianapolis Superior WNewYork Searcy Martin NY NY IN WY NY AR KY Conran MO RockyRiver OH WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Price Price Price Pridgen Priest Priest Priest Priester Prilop Primas Primavera Primm Prince Prince Prince Principato Principe Principe Prine Prisco Pritchard Pritchett Pritchett Prive Privitera Probstein Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proffitt Proft Prosser Proto Protor Prout Provencher Provencher Provencher ShermanS Steven WilliamD CarlA HughL RalphD RobertJ GlenE Joseph SiegfriedB JamesA JamesJ AltusE HilaryM KennethC RobertN CarmenM Nicholas EdwardD JosephF IdrisA HenryC Jack RalphW JosephS Irwin HaroldP JohnW LawrenceL RobertJ WilliamS Ulysses JosephE JoeF AlphonseL Hazel CharlesH AlphonseH EmileG HenryR Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Cpt 1Lt Cpt Sgt SSg T/5 Pvt SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc T/5 Cpt Pvt SSg Cpl 398-SV 399-F 398-D 398-2B 398-L 325-MC 399-P 398-AT 399-F 100-CR 399-H 398-CN 399-C 100-ST 373-HQ 397-2B 399-G 325-EA 397-K 398-B 100-BD 398-HQ 399-D 398-2B 399-SV 397-C 373-B 397-M 398-K 398-G 399-A 399-E 398-M 399-MD 398-K 397-H 100-HQ 325-MC 397-C 398-D WIA WIA MIA Waynesboro VA Mrrietta Nashville Columbus GA TN OH Saukville Quincy Irvington Philadelphia WI MA NY PA Shreveport LA NBergen NJ Chicago IL Poultney VT StLouis Malden MO MA SParis Gastonia ME NC Philadelphia PA NTarrytown NY Hamden Lebanon CT TN Manchaug Springvale MA ME WIA WIA WIA WIA Provenzano Provera Provonsha Prucha Prudhon Pruitt Pruneda Prunicki Prus Prysi Prysock Pseny Puckett Puckett Puckett Puckett Puckett Puderbaugh Pudlo Puffer Pugh Pugh Pugh Pugh Pugh Pugliese Pulchlopek Pulido Pulkas Pulliam Pulver Pumilia Punaro Pupin Purbaugh Purcell Purczinsky Purdy Purdy Purdy JosephP AldoP Eugene WilliamA EugeneA CharlesB Ernesto ChesterJ FredolinM HenryF RolandJ HermanR CeilB JosephK Raymond RobertR WilliamV CecilR EdmoundT DonaldM DavidE DelmarA EdgarW JohnL PaulE FrankR EdwardS Venustinao WalterW VirgilK AlbertW WilliamJ AngeloJ Michael WilliamJ WilliamC JuliusO Arthur HenryP JamesP Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 1Lt SSg Pfc SSg T/5 T/5 1Lt Pvt Pfc 2Lt T/5 T/5 Cpt Pvt MSg Pfc Pfc Mjr Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc 399-G 399-AT 399-A 398-K 398-B 398-A 399-C 399-AT 375-A 399-I 399-L 325-MA 398-E 100-SG 398-D 398-1B 397-MD 397-F 399-D 325-MD 398-3B 398-CN 397-E 397-M 398-2B 100-CR 100-SG 325-MD 399-B 100-HQ 397-B 399-CN 399-3B 374-HQ 397-L 398-L 399-B 399-AT 925-HQ 399-C Bronx NY ParkRidge NJ Mlvin Clifton Berwyn TX NJ IL Canton Philadelphia Atlanta Greenville OH PA GA SC Roseburg Vinemont OR AL Holyoke MA Renton WA WIA Crossville Richmond Glenmorgan TN VA WV MIA Ontonagan Patesville MI KY Norristown PA NewYork Meyersdale Lansdowne Lorena Elizabeth NY PA MD TX NJ WIA POW KIA WIA WIA WIA Purdy Purington Purington Purse Purvis Puskas Pusterla Putnam Putnam Putney Putrock Putt Puttman Puttre Putzer Putzu Puyper Pvedt Pych Pye Pyenta Pykonen Pyles Pyles Pyne Quabeck Quadros Quail Quails Quails Qualls Quantz Quast Quear Queen Quigey Quiggle Quigley Quigley Quimby WinfieldF GeorgeH GeorgeI WilliamG CharlesR SamJ HenryC HaroldL RichardB RichardL RalphJ LeroyL MillardJ FrankJ WilliamJ NicholasJ ByrnessE IrwinL WalterR AllenR JosephJ WilliamA GeorgeR JohnL GeraldJ HenryJ AlbertJ LeonardA JohnnieL WilliamT JohnM AlbertE CharlesA CharlesF PhilipH RockerL JamesW JamesB PeterF OtisC Pfc Pfc Cpt TSg 1Sg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl 398-I 398-B 397-2B 398-G 398-AT 399-MD 398-K 397-F 373-SV 397-K 925-C 397-2B 398-AT 398-SV 100-MP 398-A 398-I 373398-C 373-C 325-EC 398-F 399-SV 399-B 397-C 399-B 397-B 374-SV 398-L 397-E 397-M 398-A 100-SG 398-E 398-B 399-A 399-C 399-K 399-L 399-D KIA WIA WIA WIA EPoint GA Rathdrum Philadelphia Bogalusa Hudson WNewYork Corning Marlboro Marion Schenectady Clymer Murphysboro Glendale NewYork ID PA LA OH NJ NY MA OH NY PA IL NY NY Picayune MS Poultney VT SilverHill Milwaukee Newark Sacramento Littleton Linden Seattle MD WI NJ CA NH TN WA Lachine MI NewMiddleton Waynesville Lafayette Washington Villapark OH NC IN DC IL Springboro PA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Quindlen Quinlan Quinlan Quinlan Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinones Quintanilla Quiroz Quist Quitadamo Quitadamo Raatz Rab Rabinowitz Rabinowitz Rachuna Racke Racy Raczka Raczkowski Radcliff Rademacher Radice Radicella Radie Radin Rae Rafalka Rafferty Raffetto Ragan Ragan Ragan FrancisA MartinJ MartinV ThomasH ArthurJ FrancisX HarryA JohnF JohnH TerrenceR ThomasF WilliamN Anselmo RubenG SaturnioJ RichardL FrankD Matthew AlfredH ThomasP Leo Rubin MatthewJ ChesterA JuliusJ FrankJ StephenA DonaldF WilliamJ SebastianF Frank HubertC Jack RaymondL HenryF ClementJ EugeneF Herbert LenwoodB Walter Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt T/5 LtC Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpt 1Lt Pfc Sgt Pvt T/5 Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg TSg Sgt SSg SSg Pfc Pfc 398-A 397-E 399-F 398-MD 399-L 397-F 397-A 325-EB 397-C 925-HQ 374-SV 397-2B 325-EA 397-L 398-A 375-C 398-C 398-C 398-AT 397-MD 397-CN 100-HQ 399-C 399-G 398-F 397-AT 925-SV 398-3B 397-B 399-L 325-MA 399-F 399-M 397-A 397-M 399-B 373-B 398-K 325-MC 399-L POW WIA NewYork NY StatenIsland LosAngeles Seymour NY CA CT Pawtucket QueensVillage Gaffney RI NY SC Mercedes SanDiego Milan Tenafly Bergenfield Plainview TX CA IL NJ NJ MN KIA Bronx NY WIA Alexandria Brooklyn KY NY PortChester NY Mineola NY Campobello Nashville SC TN WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Ragel Rager Raggiani Raggio Ragione Ragle Ragno Ragonesi Ragsdale Rahl Rahlf Rahmer Rahn Rahn Raia Raichelle Railey Raimondi Rainault Rainear Raines Raines Rainey Rainey Rainey Rainey Raisfield Raithel Rajevich Rajotte Raker Raley Ralph Ralston Ralston Ralston Rambo Ramers Ramey Ramey JackW DonE John Joseph LuciusD Jack JohnT AnthonyM Ernest JohnB HarryJ ArthurD LeonN MarvinE Dominick Nathaniel WillieJ Gerard GeorgeG RussellF HarveyS HowardM AL DenmonL DonaldL JamesD Arthur ErnestJ NathanJ EdwinJ DavidT WalterD WilliamE ErnestG JamesA KennethR MarvinL KennethG RalphJ Raymond Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc 2Lt SSg 1Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc 398-F 399-G 399-I 399-SV 374-HQ 399-C 100-QM 398-B 399-I 325-MC 397-G 397-L 399-M 398-I 398-1B 325-MC 399-SV 397-E 399-1B 399-3B 397-D 398-2B 397-B 100-SG 397-M 800-OR 398-G 399-AT 398-M 398-K 398-CN 325-EB 398-HQ 397-MD 398-G 398-I 398-3B 397-C 397-SV 398-G WIA WIA WIA WIA Gordon Canton Brooklyn LosAngles NE MA NY CA Brooklyn NY Dallas Kingston Mayville Brooklyn TX PA WI NY Cucamonga CA LaGrange Newark NewBritain GA NJ CT Atwood Bernstadt Owensboro TN KY KY Brooklyn NY Wilmington Saybrook DE CT Callery Memphis LosAngeles PA TN CA Buechel Montgomery Fremont Appalachia KY AL OH VA WIA WIA Ramierez Ramirez Ramirez Ramirez Ramos Ramos Ramoska Ramsdell Ramsey Ramsey Ramsey Ramsey Ramsey Ramsey Ramsey Ramussen Ramynke Rancati Rancourt Rand Rand Randall Randazzo Raniere Ranieri Ranieri Rano Ransom Ranta Rao Rapanaro Rapp Rapp Rapp Rappold Rardon Rasberry Rasera Rasevich Rash LouisH Luis Phillip Trinadad JohnA ManoelD JohnA RobertW CharlesA ErwinH HarveyL JamesC RaymondD RobertD RogerA KayH PaulV FrankP JosephOA JosephD MaxK ThomasE JosephS CharlesJ Anthony Diodato FrancescoF GilbertT Elmer JosephW Salvatore Albert EdwardJ RoyW GeorgeJ RichardG HoraceL LouisA NathanJ ClemA Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Mjr T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc 397-A 399-MD 397-A 399-F 398-K 398-AT 399-K 397-L 100-HQ 325-EB 397-AT 399-B 925-B 399-H 399-HQ 100-QM 399-B 374-HQ 397-L 397-A 100-HQ 399-H 397-L 100-MP 398-MD 398-MD 398-E 100-ST 398-CN 399-A 399-F 100-QM 397-K 925-A 100-CR 375-A 397-G 373-B 398398-K NewYork SanDiego NY CA EHighland SDartmouth CA MA Marshall Chattanooga HotSprings Bedford Hamilton Sheldon LongIslandCity Watertown Cambridge Lewiston Rochester Garfield Hagerstown Brooklyn Albany NC TN NC IN OH IA NY SD MA ME NH NJ MD NY NY Hibbing Brooklyn MN NY KIA WIA PineHill NewHydePark Bethel Fairfax Monon Paris Albany NJ NY CT VA IN TN NY WIA Wilmington DE WIA POW WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Rasmussen Rasmussen Raso Rastatter Ratajczak Ratekin Rath Rath Rathbun Rathburn Ratoff Rauch Raughley Raulerson Raulerson Raunass Rautio Raveane Ravet Ravnaas Rawdon Rawlings Rawlings Rawlings Rawlinson Ray Ray Ray Raybeck Rayer Raymer Raymer Raymond Raymond Raymond Raynes Raynor Read Read Read JamesW OrvilleW Frank LeoH WalterT AlbionJ LawrenceW LouisF LawrenceF VernonL FelixW AlfrdE ClarenceE JamesW Woodrow BernardW OlliK Dino Emil BernardW AlvaW HEdward WH WilliamV DwightL Aaron BennieB CharlesM LeeR CharlesW DennisG JamesB DaltonJ LouisE TheodoreF KarlF EdwinG CWilliam KurvenalS WynnHG Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc T/5 T/5 Pvt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc LtC Pfc T/4 TSg Pvt Pfc WOJ Pfc SSg Pvt T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 375-C 398-E 397-CN 397-I 399-I 398-SV 375-A 397-HQ 397-B 325-MD 399-3B 399-K 100-HQ 398-F 398-F 397397-HQ 399-I 399-CN 397-B 397-G 398-A 374-A 100-HQ 399-K 373-HQ 397-A 399-I 325-EA 100-HQ 398-A 399-G 397-L 374-B 397-MD 398-B 397-C 399-H 397-1B 100-HQ WIA Brooklyn Hutchinson Bridgeport Erie Baltimore Rushville Pottstown SaddleRiver Chicago Moscow NY MN CT PA MD IN PA NJ IL VT Chicago Harrington IL DE Cloquet MN Hansville WA Capron Franklin Waco Brooklyn Lanett VA VA TX NY AL Horseheads Redwoodcity NY C Statesville Syracuse Athens Ronan Palmyra Muskegon NC NY PA MT PA MI Lafayette LosAngeles IN CA WIA WIA POW POW WIA WIA Read,Jr Reader Reader Reading Reading Reagan Reagan Reaman Reames Reamey Reams Reardon Reardon Reardon Rearick Reaves Reavis Rebele Rebello Rebolledo Rece Rechy Recktenwald Rector Rector Redd Redden Redding Reddington Redfield Redgrave Redlich Redman Redmon Ree Reece Reece Reece Reed Reed WilliamL CourtneyB PercyG George JamesE FrankM WilburnB LeroyA JackO KennethG RobertM JamesF JohnJ JosephA FrederickE JesseL LeonidasO GeorgeT Edmund RichardE DonaldA YvanA NorbertJ DonaldW WaltonD WalterL EdgarC WinardM WilliamJ DudleyW LewisA Norman OralL AlbertL JamesV Arthur CharlesE HomerL CharlesA CharlesW Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl T/4 Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-K 398-K 398-A 397-G 399-1B 325-MD 399-F 398-2B 399-L 397-L 397-AT 100-SG 397-E 397-AT 397-D 399-F 399-B 325-EC 397-E 398-F 398-C 397-H 399-3B 399-G 325-EH 397-F 375-B 398-CN 398-B 399-L 398-E 397-I 100-QM 397-K 397100-QM 398-F 397-K 398-E 325-EA POW Gibsonia Truman Detroit SanDiego Andrews PA MN MI CA NC GrantPark IL Norfolk Apex Brockton Westfield Bronx VA NC MA PA NY Manson Brooklyn Taunton NC NY MA ElPaso Ptiisburgh Muncie TX PA IN Moundville Miami AL FL NewYork NY JerseyCity NJ MountVernon Leavenworth VA KS NewYork NY Elkin Charlestown Mayfield NC NH KY WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reedy Rees Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reeve Reeve Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves Regan Regan Regan CharleyW ClydeM DonaldE EdmundA FlayE RobertF HE RoyL HaroldW WaldoF James PhilipE HaroldE HerrellE JosephM WalterG WilliamC WilliamP WindalB WilliamC NormanH AlbertC BillyD ClaudeV LeeS LewisH WalterL WilburC WilliamC LorenL PaulJ CharlesL DavidG JohnH RalphL RobertB SmithH GeorgeC JamesP PhilipJ Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl T/3 Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Sgt TSg Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 397-K 399-C 397-L 398-L 397-3B 397-1B 398-SV 397-SV 375-A 800-OR 399-B 397-I 100-QM 399-SV 325-MA 925-HQ 397-K 399-1B 374-B 397-K 398-G 399-A 399-I 373-HQ 398-A 399-AT 397-MD 397-MD 374-B 398-A 925-SV 397-I 397-HQ 398-C 399-M 398-2B 399-SV 398-K 397-L 398-L KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Phoenix NewCastle AZ PA Philadelphia Louisville Ontario PA MS CN CopperValley Whitman FallRiver Hazard NewportNews VA MA MA KY VA Temple TX Leo Newton Birmingham FtRitner Cleveland SC IL AL IN OH Escalon Carbon WestSalem Austin Windsor Bell Bell Lincoln Flint FtMyers CA TX VA TX CT CA CA NE MI FL WIA WIA WIA WashingtonHeights NY UnionCity IN Ridgeville SC ForestHills NY WIA Regenos Reger Regino Regnos Rehburg Rehehan Rehmar Rehmar Reich Reich Reichel Reichman Reichwein Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reidy Reidy Reidy Reigner Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reimer Reina Reinacher Reinecke JohnW DonaldC Frank JohnW Robert Edward PaulG PaulH Tobias TomasF ArthurF Harry JamesJ CarlosR GeorgeC Jack LeRoyE VictorP ArthurJ JosephM PatrickF Earl ArthurA FrancisL FrankJ GeorgeL JamesS JohnB JohnC JohnH JohnP JosephG PeterH PhillipP ThomasS WilliamF OttoM Baldemar ErnestA PaulS SSg Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc T/4 Cpl T/4 Cpl 1Lt Pfc Sgt Sgt T/4 1Lt Pfc TSg Pfc T/4 TSg Pfc Pvt T/5 T/5 Pfc MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc Pvt T/4 LtC 398-I 100-MP 397-K 398-I 399-CN 399-3B 100-HQ 398-1B 397-B 398-B 325-MB 374-C 398-M 397-K 100-DA 399-B 397-HQ 397-AT 398-L 375-C 325-EB 398-C 398-C 399-H 100-DA 397-E 399-1B 397-L 398-3B 399-MD 399100-HQ 373-B 398-F 399-B 399-MD 398-I 397-I 374-HQ 100-HQ KIA MIA WIA WIA POW Uniontown Brooklyn Bourbon Coraopolis Lynbrook OH NY IN PA NY Columbus PortRichmond NBergen Glendale Brooklyn Albany Tiffin OH NY NJ NY NY NY OH Pacoima Torrington Milwaukee Dorchester Amsterdam Niatic NewYork CrotonOnHudson Bronx NBergen CA CT WI MA NY PA NY NY NY NJ ConeyIsland Blakely Saugus NY GA MA Elizabeth DonganHills Brookline Brooklyn NewYork Sonora Hicksville NJ NY MA NY NY TX NY Reines Reinhard Reinhard Reinhardt Reinhardt Reinhart Reinwald Reis Reis Reis Reisbaum Reisdorph Reisor Reitz Reklinski Relyea Rembert Remior Remiszewski Remke Remoir Rencewicz Renda Rendos Reneau Renehan Renfro Renfroe Renfrow Reng Renn Renner Rennie Renninger Renninger Reno Renola Renton Renton Rentz Philip ClarenceC Robert Emil WarrenA FrankM JosephE JamesF RayH VictorP Herman RoyR BertisE AugustS EdmondF FredJ JamesD WilliamC StanleyP HowardA WilliamC HenryS Benjamin StephenF WilliamE EdwardJ VernonB Vernon JamesE JohnW JohnL Adam RichardC LloydC WilliamS James Raymond Archie RamonE EdwardH Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpl T/4 Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 TSg Pfc T/4 T/5 T/5 LtC T/5 1Lt Cpl 397-I 398-C 399-B 399-F 100-SG 398-1B 375-SV 399-C 399-L 397-AT 374-HQ 100-QM 399-H 325-EA 399-B 399-SV 397-E 399-G 373-SV 399-G 399-G 925-C 399-F 398-2B 398-M 399-3B 399-I 399-E 375-A 397-C 373-HQ 398-K 397-G 100-QM 398-SV 925-HQ 375-HQ 373-A 325-EH 397-SV WIA KIA WIA Fostoria OH KIA Livingston Northampton NewYork NJ MA NY UnionCity NJ NewYork NY Celeste Brooklyn NewburgHeights Union Orangeburg Washougal TX NY OH SC SC WA Cincinnati Washougal OH WA JacksonHeights Atlanta NY TX DrippingSpring Canaan Renfrow TX AR KY Pittsburg Dickinson Richmond KS ND VA Esterly PA Brooklyn Columbia NY SC KIA KIA WIA WIA KIA Renzullo Repass Repic Repka Reppert Resczenski Resnick Resnick Resnick Ress Ressler Restifo Restrepo Retta Rettstatt Retucci Reuter Revellino Revels Revere Revier Rex Reyna Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Rezzio Rhea EmilP Morris JohnR AlfredP MiltonE TerryK Jacob Norman SamL IrwinI WilliamG DominickC Mario HerbertS DaleR JosephA JosephF LouisW RaymondT EdwardX CharlesG GeorgeC IshmelF ArthurE Cleo CliffordF Dean RobertE JohnA RobertL JosephA RoyE RalphM RobertE JosephA LeonA RichardC WilliamC Louis GeorgeW Cpl T/5 Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 1Lt T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc SSg Pvt T/5 925-HQ 100-DA 397-E 373-SV 399-B 397-CN 397-I 398-AT 399-D 397-AT 374-HQ 398-E 100-SG 399-L 398-G 925-HQ 398-CN 397-HQ 399-G 399-M 374-A 399-L 399-B 399-K 398-A 399-1B 373-C 800-OR 398-G 399-B 100-DA 399-SV 325-EH 325-EH 399-CN 399-MD 397-HQ 398-F 925-C 398-SV WIA Torrington Marion Rankin Lancaster CT VA PA NY Reading Catskill Bronx Brooklyn Brooklyn Dalton PA NY NY NY NY OH NewYork Austin Brownsville NY TX PA Glendale NewYork SanFrancisco NY NY CA Minneapolis Lehighton LosAngeles Tenaha MN PA CA TX Pittsfield Gaffney QueensVillage MA SC NY OakPark Hartford IL CT Norwich Raymore Tuckahoe Warrensburg Milton Baltimore Pittsfield Moberly CT MO NY NY MA MD MA MO WIA KIA WIA POW WIA Rhea Rheault Rhen Rhin Rhinehart Rho Rhoades Rhoades Rhoads Rhode Rhoden Rhodes Rhodes Rhodes Rhodes Rhodus Rhomas Rhoney Rhoten Ribinsky Ribuffo Ricca Riccio Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Ricewick Rich Rich JackL WalterE JohnC Herman JamesE ThomasJ John JosephA DonaldC HarveyF PrestonH HarveyH John SamuelH WilliamG ErnestW RobertR EulanA RaymondC MichaelM JosephD AndrewT JohnA BlanchardF CharlesE Emmett EugeneC FloydE FrankB GarveyC GeorgeR HarryE HerbertD LewisI RobertL WilliamH WilliamL Samuel Gordon JamesE Cpt Cpt Sgt Pvt Pfc T/4 TSg T/4 Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc TSg Sgt SSg SSg T/3 T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc 1Lt SSg Sgt T/5 SSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc 398-3B 325-EH 397-A 100-MP 398-E 325-EB 397-F 398-B 398-F 399-L 373-A 398-B 397-2B 397-CN 925-C 398-A 374-HQ 397-L 375-B 398-I 925-HQ 100-HQ 399-C 325-EA 397-E 399-CN 398-K 398-L 398-K 399-MD 925-HQ 398-B 399-A 399-K 373-MD 399-F 100-SG 399-L 374-A 399-F KIA WIA WebsterGrove Racine Lancaster Flushing ESpringfield Hartford Oceanport Kent MO WI PA NY PA CT NJ OH Salem Miami OR FL Reidsville Luray Philadelphia Monson Hickory Gainesboro TireHill NC TN PA MA NC TN PA Jamaica Waterbury Birchharbor Bakersfield FtSmith Milaca McArthur Huntington Conroe NY CT ME CA AR MN OH IN TX LittleRock AR Norwich NY KansasCity Jere Byrdstown MO WV TN WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA Rich Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Riche Richer Richey Richey Richinelli Richko Richman Richmond JosephR EdwardE Edwin Howard LeonardC RogerA CharlesB JR LewisF MyronM NolanW ThomasS VirgilE AlbertD Clyde CurtisG DarrellF DonaldE EarlW ElmerA Garnett GeorgeE GeorgeE IraE WilliamR James JamesW JohnL WilliamE WilliamE WilliamF JamesE DonaldS Sidney JohnB RayE FrankJ Mike Howard Clarence Cpt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg SSg T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 398-P 399-F 398-K 398-1B 399-G 399-B 397-MD 399-L 399-L 100-HQ 375-C 399-HQ 397-K 397-A 397-C 374-SV 399-MD 397-G 399-B 397-E 398-D 399-SV 374-MD 398-1B 398-B 399-F 325-EC 397-G 373-A 373-A 325-EH 397-C 399-C 398-L 397-G 399-G 398-E 398-E 397-SV 375-SV MIA WIA KIA KIA WIA KIA ELiverpool OH Erath Philadelphia Waco LA PA TX Florence Indianapolis TX IN IslandPond VT EPeoria Topeka Upton Philadelphia Ruby Yale Neosho Gatesville Raven IL KS KY PA VA MI MO TX VA Brockton MA Passaic NJ Galena SocialCircle IL GA Macon Charlotte Gainesboro DesMoines RichmondHill GA NC TN IA NY BlackRock AR ESpringfield PA EBeckley WV Richmond Richolson Richter Richter Rick Rickabaugh Ricker Rickert Rickman Riddle Riddle Riddle Riddle Ridegway Ridenour Ridenour Rideout Rider Rider Ridlehuber Rieben Riechers Rieck Riedmatten Riedy Rieger Rielly Rieth Rife Riffle Rifici Rigby Rigby Rigelhaupt Rigelsky Riggins Riggins Riggio Rihan Riker MurrayJ OrvilleI GeorgeA GeorgeF RobertJ HaroldN Carroll JohnE Homer HughH JohnC Leonard RonaldC EdwardL SeldonS WilliamC WilliamS BernardF WillisB EddieP CarlJ Henry ErnstA RobertW RichardM RalphJ JohnP JosephJ StantonW AmosH Michael MerleL WilliamP Joseph JosephR Charlie JohnG NicholasJ GeorgeJ WilliamH Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 Cpl Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc T/5 Sgt Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc T/5 Pvt T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pvt T/5 397-F 399-A 398-B 398-L 397-G 397-SV 399-H 399-B 399-SV 399-F 398-H 398-C 397-H 397-CN 397-E 397-2B 399-F 398-H 399-B 100-CR 398-B 397-E 100-QM 397-E 399-H 397-K 399-3B 398-CN 800-OR 398-A 398-F 397-C 398-C 399-H 398-F 397-G 397-SV 397-MD 399-MD 100-CR WIA MIA Greensburg Ogallala PA NE Moberly MO UpperDarby Memphis PA TN Washington Greenville Bellville Woodstown RockIsland Frederickstown DC SC WV NJ IL OH Detroit Cincinnati Estelline Conway McHenery FtLoramie RockawayBeach MI OH SD AR IL OH NY Charleston Gassaway NewYork FtWayne Maud Newark WV WV NY IN OK NJ Blackshear Griffen Brooklyn GA GA NY Montrose NY WIA WIA WIA KIA POW WIA WIA Rikert Rileigh Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Rilovick Rimlinger Rimmer Rinaldi Rinaldi Rincker Ring Ring Ring Ringeisen Rink Rinker Riordan Rios Ripberger Rippel Ripper Rippert Ripple Riser Rishel Risi Risi Risinger Risnychok AllenF WalterA Albert AndrewJ FrankH FrankW RoscoeC JackE WalterN JohnJ MikeH NormanO RobertL JohnA MarshallF JohnA JamesL WilliamC AthonyN Frank ClarenceM DurwoodO ElmerD WallaceW Keith IrvingE RobertJ ThomasJ JoseI Robert HarryC JamesV FrancisE CliffordH RodneyT WarrenH AlbertS Armand WilliamJ WalterL Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/3 Sgt T/4 Sgt TSg Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Mjr Cpt Pfc T/5 Pvt Cpl T/5 Pvt SSg T/5 Pfc 1Sg Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 399-AT 100-HQ 374-B 398-I 325-EA 100-MP 375-MD 397-HQ 373-HQ 397-I 399-I 399-A 398-K 100-CR 399-G 399-2B 398-C 325-MH 100-QM 325-EA 397-H 925-MD 398-K 398-K 398-H 325-MH 100-HQ 397-CN 397-AT 100-QM 398-K 398-F 397-B 397-G 398-E 925-A 373-SV 399-L 399-CN 399-B WIA KIA WIA WIA Rhinebeck Arlington Summerville Sommerville Overal BattleCreek Newburg Detroit Hartford Seattle Whitehall Akron Springfield NY MA GA MA VA MI NY MI CT WA NY OH OH CapeGirardiau Boston Meridian Collingswood Brooklyn Brooklyn MO MA IA NJ NY NY WParis Columbus ME OH RedBank LosAngeles JerseyCity NewYork NewYork NJ CA NJ NY NY Eastport MD Marlinton Utica Brooklyn NewYork Paxton Philadelpha WV NY NY NY IN PA POW WIA Riso Ristrovic Ritari Ritch Ritchey Ritchey Ritchie Riti Ritt Ritter Ritter Ritter Rittinger Ritzert Rivas Rivera Rivers Rivest Rizzo Rizzo Rizzo Rizzo Rizzo Rizzo Rizzo Rizzolo Roach Roach Roach Robbins Robbins Robbins Robbio Robboy Roberson Robert Robert Robertella Roberts Roberts JuliusJ FrankJ RudolphC RussellB EdwardC LaVernR BalisW Michael Leo CharlesM WilburM WilliamH PaulJ BernardU RoyS RalphB EdwardE LeoG AlfedJ AnthonyM AnthonyR AntonioJ MarioR SalvatoreJ WilliamJ JosephV Garfield JohnR RaymondG CharlesL RaymondH VernonE Andimo Sidney Harold GeorgeW RolandR DominickA Andrew BillyT Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 1Lt Sgt Pfc 1Lt Cpl Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc 2Lt Sgt Sgt Sgt Pfc MSg Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Pvt 1Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc T/5 TSg T/5 Pfc 373-HQ 399-A 397-D 399-G 398-B 397-B 397-L 397-SV 398-1B 397-D 325-EB 325-EB 398-3B 397-E 398-B 398-C 373-HQ 398-A 398-K 397-K 375-C 399-F 398-E 397-F 100-HQ 398-L 397-F 397-K 398-K 399-F 397-K 100-ST 397-E 397-E 398-H 375-B 397-C 325-EB 398399-L WIA Independence CA Shabbona Viper Brooklyn Brooklyn IL KY NY NY Fairmont Jacksonwald Detroit WV PA MI WIA SanAntonio Nogales TX AZ MIA ChicopeeFalls LongIslandCity MA NY Baltimore MD Brooklyn PortChester NY NY WIA Garden GlensFalls Bronx VA NY NY KIA Ferndale MI KIA Worcester Philadelphia Cullman Rayville Pawtucket MA PA AL LA RI Lenoir NC WIA WIA Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robey CharlesS ClarenceD ClaudeE EdwardJ RalphL FrankL RichardH HowardG RichardK JackB TGordon JamesA ThomasB JamesG WalterC JamesT WalterG Malcolm WendellL OscarL WillardH Hubert WilliamS JamesC WinfredM JanesA GordonAF JamesA JamesP BasilP CharlieE DM ElmerK NolanC RexJ RobertE RobertH RobertJ WilliamW EdwardM Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pvt Sgt T/5 T/5 Pfc 1Lt Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Sgt Pfc Cpt Pfc 399-F 397-G 397-B 100-MP 398-B 397-K 399-F 399-K 398-F 398-B 398-I 397-D 399-SV 399-C 397-G 397-2B 325-MA 399-G 374-HQ 325-EA 398-B 398-M 398-C 399-C 398-AT 397-B 397-K 397-MD 399-K 399-G 398-K 398-2B 399-I 374-C 325-MD 397-D 399-F 397-2B 325-MH 397-1B WIA WIA KIA IowaPark Lubbock TX TX KIA KIA GarandRapids Springfield MI IL KIA Denver CO KIA Parsons KS WIA Harrodsburg Jacksonville Gary Weymouth Sharpesville Middletown Brooklyn Snyder Irmo Canton Youngsville Dragerton Gainesville Orange Bedford WRoxbury LosAngeles Durham Pierre Norlina Lumberton Louisville LosAngeles Urbane Kennesaw IN FL IN MA PA CT NY OK SC MS NC UT GA TX VA MA CA NC SD NC MS KY CA IL GA Springfield IL KIA KIA WIA Robichaud Robillard Robillard Robin Robinette Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robison Robison EugeneT ElmerG RobertE RolandA RollaD ArthurM BonselB CarlA CharlesW ClaudeO GeorgeM CornellN HermanE EdwardC Howard FultonP GeorgeE Edward ElmerW GaylordE JamesO JohnHC JohnJ JohnJ JohnM Joyce RoyL LesterE SamuelA OsarL ThomasF PriceR RobertP Marvin OscarL RobertD WillardJ WoodburyC BurlE GeorgeV Sgt 2Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Sgt Sgt 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc MSg Pvt 1Lt Pfc 2Lt Pvt Pvt Pvt Cpl T/4 Pfc Pfc 100-QM 397-1B 373-A 375-B 397-B 397-G 397-A 398-I 398-A 398-C 399-K 399-G 373-B 398-C 399-F 100-QM 399-M 399-CN 399-I 399-AT 397-F 925-SV 398-F 374-A 399-SV 100-QM 399-B 399-L 374-HQ 397-I 375-HQ 398-F 374-HQ 397-B 100-QM 397-H 925-C 100-QM 397-G 100-DA WIA POW KIA Shelton SWindham Pawtucket MountainGrove CT ME RI MO Deskins Mechanicville Cabot Putney Conoshocken HollyHill Binger Hanover VA NY AR VT PA SC OK IL Fayetteville NC Edgewood PA Escondido Allston CA MA Bronx Astoria Columbus Windom Palestine Warrenton Bowie Boston Albuquerque Smackover SiouxCity Amherst Chicago Troy Kingfield CrowsLanding Harrisburg NY NY GA NC TX NC TX MA NM AR IA TX IL VT ME CA PA WIA MIA WIA Robitaille Robles Robnett Robson Roby Rocco Rocco Roche Rocheleau Rochester Rochette Rock Rockafellow Rockey Rockney Rockwell Rockwood Rocque Rodden Rode Rodek Roden Roderick Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodin Rodkey Rodman Rodrigues Rodrigues Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriques Roe OrigeneL EdwardG JoeJ George WilliamE Domenic GuiseppeF ThomasW GerardP ReubenP GermainJ PaulE EliasR JL LeonardJ RobertH WilliamA MarcA JohnM JohnS RobertC EdwardJ ArthurM CedricW EdwardJ ErnestV LutherS RobertR AnthonyJ JosephE Sumner Jose LeeH EmilioN Felix JosephS MiguelA NasarioG Nicholas JamesV Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt T/4 TSg 2Lt Pfc TSg T/5 Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpt 398-F 399-I 375-HQ 397-B 398-MD 373-B 399-C 399-K 399-A 374-B 925-HQ 325-MH 398-L 397-MD 100-HQ 398-G 397-HQ 398-G 397-B 399-L 398-AT 397-CN 100-CR 397-F 100-HQ 399-B 399-I 399-K 398-D 399-MD 374-A 397-G 397-HQ 398-I 397-K 397-E 399-L 397-F 397-I 397-C MIA Lewiston SanAntonio ME TX Dallas ECleveland Philadelphia Bronx JerseyCity Lowell Whitmire Woonocket OR OH PA NY NJ MA SC RI Superior Chicago WI IL Greensboro Whitehall NewYork NC NY NY Brooklyn Nashua NY NH FarRockaway Buffalo Gainsville Edinburg SanAntonio NY NY FL TX TX NewYork Havanna NY CU Corona FallRiver CA MA WIA WIA WIA WIA Roe Roeder Roehl Roell Roemmele Roeper Roff Roffers Rogala Rogall Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogillio Rohall Rohmann Rohr Rohr Rohrbacher Rohrs VirgilD ConradR CarlF JeromeJ HenryF ArdvinF WilliamD RobertC StanleyJ ErichP AaronG AnthonyC ArthurP CarlT DonaldE EdgarB EltonB EstelG FrederickV HowardS James JohnB JohnJ LeonardP WilliamH LewisC WilliamS RalphE TheodoreM ThomasA WilliamC MaxN RichardF JoeB William CharlesH EugeneC HershelA JamesW RobertC Pvt T/4 Cpl Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc MSg T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc 2Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt 397-HQ 100-SG 398-K 398-SV 373-HQ 397-MD 100-DM 398-H 325-EH 325-MC 399-D 398-M 399-C 398-3B 100-HQ 800-OR 397-1B 398-E 397-B 397-1B 397-B 397-A 397-A 399-MD 399-F 398-L 325-EC 325-EH 398-E 398-K 325-MC 399-AT 398-1B 925-HQ 399-I 399-1B 397-G 100-SG 397-K 397-I KIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA ELiverpool Allentown Bellingham Harrison Wanamassa Millvale Lauren Ashland Tiffin NewYork Baltimore Pottsville Naples Blakely OH PA WA OH NJ PA SC WI OH NY MD PA ID GA KansasCity Hattiesburg Wortham Victoria NewBrunswick NewBedford MO MS TX TX NJ MA Pottstown Amsterdam PA NY Bloomfield Newburyport IA MA Lucedale Concord MS NC HasbrouckHeights NJ HolidaysCove Ehrenfeld Jamaica WV PA NY Toledo OH Roina Roisen Roller Rollerson Rollina Rollinger Rollins Rollins Rollins Rollins Rollo Romaine Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Romaniello Romano Romeo Romer Romero Romero Romero Romero Romero Romero Romine Romm Rommero Romond Ronan Ronan Ronkainen Rooney Rooney Rooney Root JosephF MaynardW IvoryE DarrellD Fred FrankM ErnestA FredE LouisB RaymondG FranklinP Andrew CarlP GeorgeC GeorgeV HarryT John LeonardJ GordonL Angelo LouisA AlfredF WilliamF CandelarioR EdwardV Emisete EnriqueM PaulV William WilliamT Morton PaulV VediceW EdwardF PatrickJ RaymondW FrancisA PatrickM WalterJ AllenH. SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg SSg 1Lt Pfc Sgt T/4 Cpl Pfc T/4 TSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt 2Lt Cpl Pfc SSg Pvt T/5 Pfc SSg 399-D 398-B 399-A 398-K 397-2B 399-G 397-B 397-2B 398-H 397-K 399-E 398-1B 374-A 399-M 325-EC 399-M 397-H 398-I 399-A 399-3B 375-HQ 397-F 925-A 398-H 399-B 399-F 399-K 398-3B 398-L 398-B 325-EB 398398-M 325-EB 398-H 399-M 100-QM 398-A 399-B 398-F WIA WIA Northwood McMinnville IA TN Jefferson SiouxFalls Columbus Jefferson SC SD GA SC Muskegon MI Flint MI Torrington CT NewYork Freemansburg NY PA Uniontown LongIslandCity Dallas Sterling PA NY TX CO Phoenix ElPaso FtMorgan AZ TX CO Brooklyn NY Brooklyn Yonkers NY NY Cambridge MA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Root Root Root Roper Roper Roper Roper Rosa Rosa Rosales Rosati Rosch Roscoe Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rosebrock Roseman Rosemann Rosemary Rosemond Rosen Rosen Rosenbaum Rosenbaum Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenberg RobertK RussellL ThomasM EzraL JohnA RobertE RobertM ErnestJ LeonardA RobertP WilliamJ MatthewP JackW ArlandW CharlesJ CliffordN Edward FrancisD FrankC StanleyB Joseph Louis RaymondM Robert RobertM LelandS RobertJ Martin LawrenceJ RalphA AlbertM IsaacJ Stanley JeromeA Oscar HerbertS HermanE Kuno Martin Marvin Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg SSG Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Cpl 1Lt 1Lt Pvt Pfc TSg Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc 100-MP 397-M 399-3B 397-3B 398-E 100-SG 399-A 399-3B 399-E 399-C 925-A 325-EA 398-H 397-H 373-HQ 399-H 399-MD 100-QM 398-3B 100-HQ 397-I 399-CN 398-E 399-AT 325-MH 800-OR 399-K 399-B 399-E 398-C 399-I 325-MB 375-B 397-D 375-HQ 397-F 100-HQ 397-AT 375-HQ 325-MA Winsted CT NewYork Kershaw NY SC Cranston Brookhaven Brooklyn RI GA NY Corona Wakefield Washington CA MA DC Mansfield JerseyCity StLouis Coeburn Natick OleanCutt PA NJ MO VA MA NY Brooklyn Newark NY NJ Brooklyn Manhasset Perryville Defiance Camden StLouis Plainfield NY NY KY OH NJ MO IN Paterson Bronx BelleHarbor Hoboken NJ NY NY NJ PortChester NewYork Chicago NY NY IL WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenberger Rosenblatt Rosenbluth Rosenburg Rosencutter Rosenfeld Rosenkranz Rosenquist Rosenstein Rosensweig Rosenthal Rosenthal Rosenthal Rosenthal Rosin Rosio Roske Rosner Rosolinsky Rososky Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross SamuelL SidneyG Sol GeorgeH Charles ReubenP Sol JohnFW Charles JohnJ WayneI SidneyR Hyman Charles Harry SidneyB Wallace JohnC RaymondJ FrankP JosephE Jacob Alton AlbertP LeonR BenjaminF LeonardA CliffordE LonnieM IraB LawrenceT ClaudeR HilliardT JamesT PaulD RobertE RobertG ThomasF WallaceR WalterS 2Lt Pfc Sgt SSg SSg Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl T/5 SSg Pvt Pfc Cpl T/3 Pfc SSg Sgt T/4 Sgt Pfc Cpl 1Sg Pfc Cpt 398-3B 398-K 398-K 397-M 925-HQ 374-B 398-I 398-M 398-AT 398-C 397-B 375-B 397-C 399-H 100-SG 398-MD 399-C 398-C 399-L 397-E 375-HQ 374-A 398-L 374-HQ 398-MD 399-M 399-E 398-K 399-AT 800-OR 399-M 398-L 399-I 374-HQ 399-G 399-H 397-E 397-HQ 398-A 100-CR KIA KIA WIA Pittsburgh Baltimore Rochester Baltimore ManhattanBeach NewYork NewYork PA MD NY MD NY NY NY Brooklyn Elizabeth NY NJ Brooklyn NY SiouxCity Cleveland IA OH NewHaven Brooklyn CoalPort Pawlet Bronx CT NY PA VT NY Clinton IA LoneFountain VA Atlanta GA Felton Greensfork Cleveland StLouis Weehawken DE IN OH MO NJ Tyrone PA WIA WIA WIA Ross Rosse Rossi Rossi Rossi Rossi Rossi Rossi Rossman Rost Roswell Roswell Roswell Roswick Roswurm Rota Rote Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Rothan Rothberg Rothblatt Rothe Rothfelder Rothgangel Rothstein Rotko Rots Rotundo Rough Rounds Roupe Rouse Rouse WoodrowV FrankJ Alden JohnV JosephJ JuliusG KennethA PeterH Martin EricM GeorgeW JesseL TulofL SeymourB DarrellL AlfredG FrankL Benjamin GeneF GeorgeJ JamesG Jerrold JohnN RichardG ThomasA RalphL HerbertS Albert JoeH Alphonse EdwardC Hyman Alex George JosephA RichardB Kenneth MarvinG HaroldT RobertL Sgt 2Lt T/4 T/5 Pfc SSg TSg Pfc T/4 T/5 SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc TSg Cpt Pvt Pvt Pfc TSg Pfc TSg LtC Pfc Cpl Pvt 398-E 397-F 325-EB 397-3B 399-I 398-G 399-A 925-HQ 399-B 398-3B 325-EC 399-K 399-G 398-MD 397-C 397-B 399-L 399-3B 399-F 397-K 399-L 399-E 399-I 398-L 398-A 398-G 399-K 373-HQ 100-ST 397-M 399-L 398-L 398-2B 399-F 925-B 398-G 397-F 397-CN 100-DA 397-B KIA Malden NewYork WHaven MA NY CT NewLondon Chicago Oakland NewYork CT IL CA NY LongIslandCity SBritain OakGrove Orangeburg NY CT IL NY Success Holyoke Johnsonburg Bronx MO MA PA NY Omaha Oley NE PA VanNuys CA Lexington KY Hondo Brighton TX MA NewYork Brooklyn NY NY Dalton Wilkesboro NewYork Charleston PA NC NY IL WIA WIA POW WIA WIA Roush Roush Rousseau Rousseau Routt Routzon Rovinsky Rovira Rovner Rowan Rowan Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowell Rowen Rowlett Rowley Roy Roy Royal Royall Roybal Royse Royston Rozell Rua Rubano Rubel Rubenfeld Rubenstein Ruberg Rubin Rubin Rubin Rubin Rubin CordonL LeoR GerardT HarryP DonH MerleD JosephN GeorgeR HerbertM GeraldE WilliamV ClaudeC GeorgeF JamesG JohnM RichardM Roswell FranklinF GeraldE PrestonF RobertR AlbertL RogerJ JohnW EarlW Ishmael WalterW DoyleE EarlD PeterA AldoT Jack Irving MorrisZ Lionel ArthurI HaroldR MarvinB Max Moses Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Cpl 399-A 398-E 373-SV 399-MD 398-B 398-E 399-D 100-HQ 398-CN 325-MA 398-K 397-H 398-G 397-K 398-CN 398-D 399-E 397-MD 325-MA 325-EB 398-C 397-C 100-SG 399-G 100-QM 397-I 398-F 100-QM 398-H 100-HQ 398-F 397-M 397-H 397-D 399-MD 397-F 398-I 399-L 325-EA 398-CN WIA Atlantic IA Bronx NewYork NY NY Detroit NewYork MI NY Philadelphia PA Norwood Hudson TellCity OH IN IN MilesCity Paintlick Woodford MT KY VA Piedmont Elkin Sacramento Canfield Royston Dillwyn Kingston NewYork MO NC CA OH GA VA NY NY GreatNeck NY Everett Philadelphia Brooklyn Bangor Brooklyn MA PA NY ME NY WIA KIA KIA Rubin Rubin Rubin Rubino Rubino Rubinstein Rubinstrin Ruble Rubolino Ruby Rudder Ruddy Rude Rudin Rudis Rudnick Rudolf Rudolph Ruegg Ruelle Ruf Ruf Ruff Ruffner Rugg Ruggerion Ruggero Ruggieri Ruggiero Ruiz Ruiz Rukovina Rulapaugh Rule Rummel Rundell Rundell Runey Runion Runkles MurrayN NormanN Yale AlfredJ FrankJ Max Julius RobertT MichaelF PhilipR JamesE JamesJ ErvinC SidneyS RalphR Robert AlbertF JosephA GeorgeJ RobertA BennettW EugeneP Stephen MelvinS StephenF Michael Michael Vincent MichaelV JoseR MatiasA Martin HenryH KennethO HarryL DavidH EdmundL EdwardJ EarlB TrumanH SSg T/4 T/5 Pvt SSg TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg T/4 Cpl SSg Pfc TSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpt Pfc T/5 Pfc 397-C 397-MD 325-MC 800-OR 399-C 800-OR 397-A 398-L 398-M 397-K 398-CN 800-OR 397-C 399-B 398-F 397-F 399-F 398-E 397-CN 398-L 399-B 325-EH 399-A 100-HQ 399-A 397-2B 100-QM 399-1B 397-2B 399-L 399-C 398-K 325-EH 399-A 397-A 100-CR 398-1B 399-I 398-C 398-I WIA CoconutGrove FL WIA Brooklyn NY Brooklyn Millington Burlington StatenIsland GrandForks NY NJ NC NY ND Bridgewater MA RichmondHill RiverRouge Riverdale NY MI NJ Washington Hartford DC CT Brooklyn NY Pasadena Saranaclake CA NY SanJose Chicago Owego Windsor Nokesville IL IL NY NY VA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Runyon Ruof Ruonala Ruopp Rupert Rupp Rupp Ruppert Ruppert Rurey Rusche Rush Rushbrook Rushing Rushmore Rushton Rusiniak Rusinovich Russ Russe Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell MauriceR George EliA WernerF RayM Anton DonK CharlesD RayM CarlW RichardC RobertH MelvinC JamesF JackF WilliamM William EdwardA WilliamH Nicholas CharlesL JamesD ClaytonL JamesK EbenezerK JohnE HenryF HoraceE DonaldE EdmonJ HenryM JohnH JohnL JohnR JosephT LeroyW WilliamN RichardM RobertA RobertG Pfc Pfc Sgt 1Sg Sgt Pfc Cpl 1Sg SSg Sgt 2Lt Pfc Sgt Cpl Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 1Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 397-M 399-F 325-EC 397-3B 399397-G 398-A 399-E 399-B 100-SG 399-L 398-G 399-2B 325-EB 397-C 398-CN 398-E 399-K 398-B 399398-E 397-E 325-EB 397-F 397-MD 325-EA 398-M 399-C 398-C 399-F 375-HQ 397-A 398-SV 397-K 325-EB 399-B 398-B 398-I 398-2B 373- WIA Olney IL Milford OakPark NH IL Ridgewood Fresno Easton Williamsport EWorcester NJ CA PA PA MA HasbrouckHeights Scotia Kalamazoo Wilkes-Barre Chicago NewYork WNewYork NJ SC MI PA IL NY NJ Booneville CerroGordo CostaMesa IN TN CA Chicago Sacramento Wakefield Manchester MichiganCity IL CA MA CT IN BowlingGreen KY WebsterGrove LongIslandCity MO NY Eugene Salinesville OR OH WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA WIA WIA Russell Russell Russell Russella Russie Russin Russo Russo Russo Russo Russo Russo Russo Rust Rust Rust Rust Ruston Rutella Rutger Ruth Rutherford Rutherford Rutherford Rutigliano Rutka Rutledge Rutledge Rutledge Rutter Rutters Rutz Ruzika Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan RobertL WilliamE OrvalL Joseph ElmerD JosephP John LeoN Louis Marty MatthewD Nicholas VincentC FrederickE MartinF RalphR RussellN WarrenL LouisF FGerald ErnestL BentonW HubertS JamesC Lawrence LeoJ AllenB AubreyR HenryE GoronL RichardC CharlesF KennethF GeorgeA GordonN HaroldH JamesJ JamesK JosephA Pat T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt T/5 TSg T/5 SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc 399-HQ 399-B 399-F 399-B 399-SV 398-L 398-B 398-AT 398-G 399-F 397-I 399-MD 100-HQ 325-EH 397-A 399-B 397-HQ 398-C 399-I 397-A 800-OR 398-G 397-L 399-3B 399-HQ 100-CR 398-C 325-EH 398-L 100-SG 925-C 399-G 325-EA 399-F 398-I 399-1B 399-L 399-M 397-A 399-F Greenwood IN Philadelphia BadNauheim Clifton Brooklyn NewCastle PA GM NJ NY PA OzonePark NY Astoria Pittsburgh PoplarBluff NY PA MO Tulsa NewYork OK NY Cleveland MillValley Corder Jenkins Tampa OH CA MO KY FL Elkport Brooklyn StLouis Hanover Broomall Chicago IA NY MO PA PA IL Newark NJ Bronx NY Roslindale MA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryans Ryba Ryba Ryba Rybiski Rychlik Ryder Rydlewski Rye Ryea Rykaceski Rykus Rykus Ryley Ryman Rymarowitz Rymszewicz Ryner Rynkiewicz Rywalski Saathoff Sabatie Sabattis Sabbagh Sabia Sablack Sabo Sabtovic Sachs Sackett Sacks Saden Sadilek Sadloski Sadowitz Sadowski PatrickH RobertT WilliamH WilliamJ RobertE CharlesK EdwardJ FrankH ThaddeusN DouglasW ThomasR WilliamP Floyd CarlC ThomasJ AlbertA Irving TheodoreR BurtonE BrunoJ WalterE ClarenceA AdamJ PeterP FRichard JohnP AdolphG George JamesV Mathew RobertJ George JosephM EdgarR Israel CliffordR NorbertA PeterJ EdmundM JosephF T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg SSg Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc SSg Cpl SSg Pfc SSg TSg SSg T/4 SSg 1Sg SSg SSg T/5 SSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc TSg SSg SSg 398-SV 398-I 398-D 398-E 398-C 398-M 375-HQ 399-M 399-A 399-3B 399-L 325-EC 397-E 397-B 325-MC 925-HQ 100-QM 397-2B 397-MD 398-E 325-EC 399-B 398-G 397-A 399-L 397-CN 397-M 398-L 398-B 375-SV 398-G 397-E 374-B 925-B 397-3B 397-H 398-F 399-2B 800-OR 398-C Pontiac Troy Wildwood NewYork Harriman StAugustine ECleveland IL OH GA NY TN FL OH Providence Abilene RI TX Brooklyn Clarksville NY TN Brooklyn NY WIA WIA Newark Chicago NewBedford NJ IL MA KIA Bridgeport CT WIA Olmsteadville NewProvidence NY NJ WMiddlesex Cleveland Brooklyn RichmondHill PA OH NY NY Brooklyn Elko Baltimore NY NV MD GreenBay JewettCity WI CT WIA WIA WIA POW Sadowski Sager Saila Saile Sailors Sainz Sainz Saitta Sala Salamo Salamone Salasky Salb Saldana Saldis Salem Salem Salen Saleno Salerno Salerno Salerno Sales Sales Salinas Salisbury Salisbury Salkowski Salley Salmi Salmon Salmon Salnelli Salopek Salsman Salter Saltsiak Saltzman Salus Salvato JosephF HarryE SaulB ArthurA WeldonF RichardR RussellJ VincentJ Vito AndrewJ LouisJ HarveyJ HarveyS ReynoldoC Benedict GeorgeA Joseph DarrellC KennethH Joseph Joseph JosephF James Samuel EnriqueZ RichardM WesleyF JohnF IraA FloydC JohnL OWebb Salvatore FrankT RaymondR LloydG WilliamJ Elmer Joseph MichaelA SSg CWO T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc TSg Pvt SSg T/5 Pfc T/4 398-C 100-DA 397-HQ 399-M 397-F 397-D 398-E 100-QM 398-A 399-MD 398-C 398-3B 398-1B 399375-A 397-A 399-F 325-EA 325-EA 397-B 399-B 397-D 397-A 398-2B 397-F 397-B 925-HQ 398-D 398-1B 399-A 100-CR 397-D 325-EA 398-C 397-B 399-B 374-HQ 800-OR 399-F 398-SV POW WIA WIA WIA JewettCity Somerville HopeValley CT MA RI Commerce GA Brooklyn Brooklyn Worcester Hoboken NY NY MA NJ Yonkers NY Bedford BattleCreek Providence Providence Clifton Fairview Bronx Harlingen IA MI RI RI NJ NC NY TX Brooklyn NY Waterville Superior ME WI EPittsburgh Stockton Ottuma Baltimore PA CA IA MD Brooklyn NY WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA KIA Salvatore Salvetti Salzman Samanich Samas Samborski Samford Sammartano Samorajski Samp Samperi Samplawski Samples Sampson Sampson Samsing Sanchez Sanchez Sandekian Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanderson Sanderson Sandler Sandler Sandlin Sandouk Sandoval Sandoval Sandridge Sands Sands AnthonyJ Americo RaymondR JosephA Abraham William WayneL PhilipG Thaddeus RobertJ CharlesR MarvinJ ErnestO HaroldL ReubenW Russell ArturoH Joe MatthewE CalvinM CharlesR EdwardJ GarnettB JackW Lynol MiltonJ TShirley WadeP Walter CarlW HarveyB Daniel WD RusselD EdwardT JesseR Leon RichardT DavidJ GeorgeO Pfc Cpl T/3 Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt SSg T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc 100-SG 397-D 397-B 398-MD 374-SV 100-SG 399-C 399-F 398-A 325-MC 398-C 399-A 398-I 373-HQ 100-HQ 397-B 398-C 399-I 399-L 374-A 399-AT 399-D 398-I 399-I 398-E 397-M 398-H 397-2B 373-B 397-I 397-K 925-B 375-A 399-M 399-I 399-K 100-DA 399-AT 399-E 398-K WIA Albany Stockton NY CA MIA Bronx Brooklyn Paterson Holland NY NY NJ MO WIA WIA Stanley Alapaha Sangerville Chicago WI GA ME IL WIA WIA WIA LaMesa Brownsville NM TX Renfroe AL Chicago IL Albuquerque Morrisville SheboyganFalls NM VT WI Charlotte Camden NC SC Berkley Miami Harrisville MI FL MS Utica Calton SanAntonio NY CA TX Philadelphia PA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Sands Sands Sands Sandstrom Sandvik Sanfacon Sanfilippo Sanfilippo Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sankowski Sannan Sanson Santa Santana Santarcangel Santer Santopietro Santora Santoro Santoro Santoro Santos Santucci Santus Sanville Sapien Saponari Sapone Sapp Sarace Saradnik Sardiello Sarfde Sargent Sargent Sarkisian Sarles GuyJ LloydH RobertW NormanE PhilipD Lewis JackJ StanleyA GlennG GordonS KlughW Leslie John CharlesR ThomasA CharlesJ LouisA Nicklien Mark WilliamM PaulJ MichaelJ Santino VincentJ James RalphP WilliamR GeorgeG Marcellino DominickA JosephD WilliamC GeorgeL Harry Cosimo Fred DanielB EdwinF Kapril GeorgeA Pfc Cpl 1Lt Cpl SSg T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 Cpl SSg Pfc Pvt 1Lt 397-B 398-E 375-HQ 397-A 397-A 399-A 399-D 397-D 399-M 373-SV 399-D 398-HQ 399-AT 398-E 399-D 100-DA 397-D 399-E 397925-B 398-B 925-SV 374-B 100-HQ 397-A 100-HQ 399-K 399-HQ 397-HQ 325-MC 399-C 399-B 399397-MD 398-D 398-CN 398-I 398-I 397-K 399-2B WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Dallas TX LongBeach Caribou Brooklyn CA ME NY Freehold Newberry Chicago Utica WMiddletown NewportBeach MartinsFerry NewYork Houston NJ SC IL NY OH CA OH NY TX Buckhurst Philadelphia NY PA Plainfield NJ CentralFalls Eldorado RI KS Schenectady Perkins NY GA Brighton MA Sanford Detroit Decatur ME MI AL WIA WIA WIA WIA Sarnelli Sarnelli Sarner Sarokin Sarosy Sartori Sarver Sarzynski Sass Sastrom Sather Satko Satoski Sauchelli Saucier Sauders Sauer Sauer Sauerbrei Saul Saum Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunier Sausman Savadove Savage Savage Savage Savarese Savi Savignano Savino Savino Savio Sawdy Sawliss Sawyer Sawyer Salvatore SalvatoreA JohnR Barney AndrewS RobertC MerrillC EdwardF AlfredC HowardA GeraldG Alfred JuliusM PasqualeJ Fergus ErnestA JosephP RichardW JessW JackH JamesH CalvinW ClevelandM GeorgeJ ErnewstL HarryM SylvanH HenryH JohnW RobertL FrankP JaloF James AnthonyJ LouisJ AldoJ RobertE WilliamD DwightL MarvinV 1Sg Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt TSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt TSg 1Lt SSg TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pvt Cpl T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt 325-EA 325-EA 399-E 399-F 398-HQ 399-1B 399-C 398-H 398-F 399-I 398-E 398-E 399-B 397-HQ 398-G 397-B 399-I 398-SV 397-1B 100-SG 398-G 399-I 399-A 397-A 397-B 397-M 397-L 399-F 399-A 399-MD 398-F 398-CN 397-AT 399-I 399-D 100-SG 397-K 398-I 398-HQ 399-I Eastchester Bronx Galveston NY NY TX ValleyStream NY Petroleum KY PortAngeles NAdams Elizabeth RochellePark Marksville Garrett WA MA NJ NJ LA IN Berea Dorchester OH MA SaleCity FtWorth GA TX WIA Alliance Addison Philadelphia OH PA PA KIA Tucson AZ NeedamHeights MA LongIsland NY Chicago Mojave IL CA KIA WIA MIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Sawyer Saxon Saylors Sayne Scaduto Scafidi Scalafani Scali Scalisi Scanio Scanlan Scanlin Scanlon Scanlon Scanlon Scanlon Scarafile Scarborough Scarborough Scarpa Scarpino Scarpitta Scarpone Scarshilli Scatamacchi Scateni Scauri Scavetta Scavuzzo Scepanskie Schacht Schaefer Schaefer Schaefer Schaefer Schaen Schaertel Schaewe Schafer Schafer RobertJ RayfordE ElixW RoyM AnthonyJ ADominick Joseph Angelo FrankJ AlfredP JohnC IraW JeremiahP JosephW Pappy TheodoreR VitoAnthony LelandD LeRoy DonaldA EmidioM Anthony Claudio DominickJ RalphL ArthurA PrimoJ Anthony JackJ JohnJ WilliamF ArthurJ Bernard CliffordA MatthewW Earl EdwardC RobertE BenjaminF Daniel Pvt 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 SSg T/4 Cpl Pfc Pvt T/5 Sgt T/5 Cpl Cpt Pfc T/5 SSg 1Lt SSg T/4 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc 1Lt SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 374-HQ 397-F 397-CN 397-E 399-F 373-HQ 398-H 397-AT 397-MD 375-B 398-I 397-H 325-EH 925-B 800-OR 399-MD 397-H 398-CN 397-I 399-HQ 397-K 398-P 397-HQ 398-3B 374-A 399-MD 373-HQ 397-M 397-E 399-B 925-SV 398-1B 399-M 397-SV 398-H 398-K 398-HQ 398-L 399-I 398-G MIA WIA Camden Meadville PoplarBluff Clermont NY MS MO GA Brooklyn NY Columbia SC AsburyPark Beverly Danforth Bronx NJ MA ME NY Bronx NY Minneapolis LakeCharles Brooklyn MN LA NY Parkville MD Brooklyn FarRockaway NY NY Hartford CT MarionHeights Detroit GrandRapids PA MI MI Woodhaven Brooklyn NY NY Roslyn Albion PA MI WIA KIA KIA KIA WIA KIA WIA Schafer Schaffer Schaffer Schaffner Schantz Schapiro Scharfetter Schaumberg Scheafnocker Schearer Schechter Schecter Schedeman Scheer Scheer Scheerer Scheetz Scheffler Scheffler Schehr Scheidt Scheiman Scheiner Scheinman Schellenberg Scheller Schellhammer Schenk Scher Scherer Scheriff Scherrer Schettino Schetzie Scheuermann Scheurmann Schiable Schiavo Schiavone Schiavone HowardC ArthurT KentN MelvinE WilfredL Henry AlfredG DonaldW WilliamE FranklinR Samuel George FrederickC FrederickE Irving RichardJ WilliamC HaroldC JohnW AndrewH RalphF Saul David SidneyC HoraceB JohnA ErnestL HowardG IrvingH Ishmael AnthonyJ ArthurC AdamA PaulS DanielG FrederickJ GeorgeH PeterJ JohnA Joseph Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg T/3 Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg Sgt SSg 2Lt Pfc Sgt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt 399-I 399-H 399-K 398-F 398-I 399-1B 100-CR 325-MD 397-H 398-MD 398-HQ 398-MD 925-B 375-A 325-EC 397-L 398-L 397-AT 397-D 399-MD 397-C 397-3B 374-SV 100-SG 100-HQ 398-E 398-F 399-SV 398-F 399-CN 374-A 397-B 397-B 397-M 397-1B 399-E 399-SV 398-1B 398-K 374-A KIA KIA Glenshaw Wichita Dayton PA KS OH Library Oakridge PA NJ NewYork Brooklyn NY NY BroadChannel NY Washington IL JerseyCity Halifax Reading NJ PA OH Chicago Brooklyn Ontario Pulaski IL NY CA NY Billinghm WA StGenevieve Maspeth StLouis Bronx Mulberry Jamestown Alameda Baltimore Brooklyn SOzonePark Newark MO NY MO NY IN ND CA MD NY NY NJ WIA KIA WIA WIA Schick Schick Schick Schielein Schiff Schiffman Schiffman Schilberger Schilleci Schiller Schillings Schindler Schindler Schirmer Schirr Schirra Schlacter Schlactus Schlechta Schleibaum Schleikorn Schleismann Schleissman Schlereth Schleuter Schlicher Schliessman Schlipf Schlitt Schlossberg Schlosser Schlueter Schlussel Schmeiser Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt HershelJ MauriceL RobertL Charles Allan Milton Phillip FrancisH SandenaA RichardJ AlvaL Leonard RudolphH PaulA RichardW DanielD AlfredJ Gerald IrvingC RollandF David BertrandF Charles KurtE Gene LynnT Charles HarveyT Robert Harry CharlesW GeneE Leonard Frederick AlbertJ CarlJ EarlD GeorgeA GeorgeL JohnJ Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt Cpl Cpl Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 MSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 1Sg 397-3B 399-G 925-A 399-CN 398-D 399-3B 398-C 399-F 399-I 398-B 397-A 397-L 399-1B 374-A 397-I 100-HQ 399-L 398-1B 399-I 398-K 398-E 397-E 399-1B 397-SV 399-G 399-SV 399397-3B 100-SG 373-MD 374-HQ 398-G 399-A 397-F 398-F 398-CN 399-A 399-A 397-A 397-2B WIA WIA WIA KIA Cannonsburg Grahamsville WHemstead Brooklyn PA NY NY NY NewYork NY Birmingham Malverne Center AL NY TX Buffalo NY Pittsburgh PA Milwaukee Seymour WI IN CollegePoint SpringHill Quincy Lansing NY FL IL MI RockyRidge Brooklyn OH NY Waterford PA Neptune NJ Guttenberg NJ Chicago Verona IL PA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmied Schmielau Schmieman Schmierer Schmit Schmitt Schmitt Schmitt Schmitt Schmitt Schmitter Schmittlein Schmitz Schmitz Schmuker Schnadt Schnall Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneiders Schnell Schnitzier Schnleders Schnupp Schnurmache Schnurr Schoch RalphR RichardE RichardP RobertE Stanley WilliamF KarlA Honannes GustavJ Joseph VincentM Hall JamesD MartinC Paul RobertJ EarlS FrankJ ArnoldM RaymondA LawrenceL GlennH Milton ArnoK Lonard Morris PaulA PaulR SolomonL Thompson WarrenT WilliamD RobertA HaroldE MarioC RobertA OliverT Lester FrankJ BrewsterA Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Sgt Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Cpl Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt SSg Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt 397-H 398-1B 397-2B 397-H 398-L 399-E 398-I 375-A 398-A 397-E 398-E 399-1B 397-F 374-HQ 399-A 397-K 398-M 399-C 397-CN 398-K 398-B 398-G 398-2B 325-EB 398-A 100-HQ 325-MH 398-AT 374-C 399-L 399-G 398-3B 397-G 399-E 398-2B 397399-M 398-E 397-A 399-A Plymouth Spearville WI KS Burbank CA NewYork NY Jamaica NY Erie WestNewYork PA NJ Hanover MD WIA Pittsburgh NewYork PA NY WIA Bartlett Bronx IL NY Bronx NY Paterson OakPark NewYork Philadelphia Delanco Kendalville NJ IL NY PA NJ IN Morrow Phoenix OH AZ Chicago NewYork IL NY WIA WIA KIA POW WIA WIA KIA WIA Schock Schoendorf Schoenly Schoenmetz Schoewe Schoffner Scholl Scholten Scholten Scholten Schomp Schonarth Schons Schoolman Schoonover Schoor Schornarth Schossberg Schott,MD Schottenfield Schoutith Schrader Schrader Schrader Schrader Schrader Schrage Schramko Schramm Schrecengost Schreffler Schreiber Schreyer Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder HerbertJ AnthonyA HarryM CharlesF RobertH RobertH GeorgeM HenryJ Hilbert MorrisJ DavidE JosephP ClarenceJ Donald FredA Oscar JosephJ Harry Jacob William EmileH DonaldP EugeneA IrvinW JamesJ WilliamH AlfredC ThomasJ GeorgeJ BernardR GuyC EdwardJ CharlesE AltonA HenryF LowellH RaymondP RobertA WillamA WilliamE Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Cpt T/5 T/5 1Lt SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc WOJ T/4 Pvt T/5 1Lt T/4 Pfc 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 398-H 925-A 399-L 399-B 398-A 398-1B 399-AT 398-2B 398-E 399-G 325-EH 397-I 397-M 100-HQ 397-D 325-MB 397-I 373-MD 398-MD 399-AT 399-SV 399-D 398-C 399-K 399-C 399-L 399-SV 398-H 325-MH 800-OR 397-C 373-HQ 397-D 100-SG 397-M 399-3B 399-AT 398-3B 397-F 397-F Ypsilanti MI Hull IA Dorchester MtPleasant Brooklyn Princeton Wilkes-Barre MA MI NY KS PA Brooklyn Brooklyn NY NY OzonePark Huron Brighton Sheffield Philadelphia Bellefontaine NY SD NY IL PA OH Johnstown PA Vandergrift Pillow Bronx PA PA NY Reedsburg JerseyCity Moorhead Veradale Brooklyn Yonkers Naperville WI NJ MN WA NY NY IL WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Schroll Schronce Schubert Schubert Schuchman Schuchmann Schug Schuler Schuler Schuler Schulman Schulte Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schulz Schulz Schulz Schumacher Schuman Schuman Schumuker Schuneman Schuster Schutz Schuyler GeorgeW CharleyD CarlD HerbertW Dennis RobertP ClarenceA EdmundP Herman WPresley Norman JosephH BenT CarlH Charles LawrenceF ClarenceA LeonW HerbertW LeroyJ JohnC JosephM GeraldW John JosephH Paul PaulG RobertL WalterJ HerbertH JosephH RobertL OttoR Burton RobertM Lawrence MerleL AndrewM EdwardR RaymondH Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Pvt Cpl T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl TSg Pfc Cpl 1Sg T/5 398-L 398-SV 398-H 399-B 325-EA 325-EC 399-F 397-D 398-AT 398-E 373-B 399-E 397-G 325-MD 399-F 398-D 398-M 397-1B 325-EB 374-SV 398-E 100-CR 397-CN 397-I 397-1B 398-L 399-1B 399-3B 398-I 398-C 397-B 398-I 925-B 100-HQ 399-B 398-B 398-E 100-SG 399-A 399-M WIA KIA KIA WIA Marion Winston-Salem OakPark Philadelphia OH NC IL PA Chicago IL Paramous Bayonne NJ NJ Dorchester StLouis IA MO BeaverDam WI NewBedford Broklyn Reading Lancaster OH NY PA PA Birmingham MI Saginaw Alexandria Irvington Hubbard RochellePark MI SD NJ TX NJ Detroit Muskegon Malius DrexelHill Houghton Manchester MI MI IL PA MI CT WIA WIA WIA Schvarczkopf Schwab Schwanke Schwartz Schwartz Schwartz Schwartz Schwartz Schwartz Schwartz Schwartz Schwartz Schwartzkopf Schwarz Schwarzschil Schweda Schweider Schweiger Schweikert Schweikhart Schweitzer Schweitzer Schwenck Schwendinger Schwind Schwoeppe Sciara Scicutella Scicutella Science Scilors Scioly Sciotti Sciretta Scirrotto Scism Scites Scobey Scocco Scoglio JohnG JohnC DonaldB Abraham DonaldE DonaldM Harold KennethA Louis Milton Sidney WarrenW RichardE FrancisJ Henry RufinL Edward IrvingL OttoE Lural HaroldJ WalterL WilliamA JohnW WilliamH EdwinR Vito PaulL VitoJ AlbertR WeldonF Frank NicholasS JosephA JohnF JohnnieG ArnoldW JamesR CarmelloF Frank Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc T/5 SSg Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-B 399-B 398-G 325-EC 399-D 100-SG 325-MA 399-B 373-SV 398-C 100-HQ 925-A 398-C 397-C 399-L 399-A 100-CR 397-D 397-HQ 397-H 398-MD 398-3B 398-MD 398-2B 100-CR 373-SV 399-G 399-M 399-M 100-QM 397325-EA 325-EM 397-H 398-CN 397-L 397-B 399-HQ 398-H 325-EA KIA WIA WIA KIA Massena NY Chicago BradleyBeach Houston SLima Bronx Brooklyn Brooklyn IL NJ TX NY NY NY NY Brooklyn Bronx Torrington FremontCenter NewYork Milwaukee NewYork Brooklyn FloralPark NY NY WY NY NY WI NY NY NY NBergen NJ Bergenfield NJ Rockport Akron IN OH Wethersfield CT WBarrington RI Belwood Hamlin NC WN Brooklyn NY Scolini Scollin Scorholtz Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scoville Scowcroft Scrafford Scranton Scrappa Scribner Scribner Scriffigaano Scroggs Scruggs Scruggs Scruggs Scupien Scutero Scyphers Seager Seagraves Sealey Sealey Sealey GilbertF WarrenR WarrenW ClaudeH CliftonT DavidA FlemingT FrankA GeraldR Harry JamesM Jimmie KennethE NolanE PaulA PaulH RalphW RichardC RichardP RoperO JerryA LouisC RobertG ArthurJ Frank HaroldK WalterE Samuel BoydO. CharlesW ClydeC JamesY CharlesA CharlesA WarrenS ReubenI JamesO EdwardJ EdwardV John T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt T/4 Pfc Pvt SSg T/5 Cpt T/4 Pvt SSg Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 397-I 399-2B 399-K 399-B 325-EH 399-I 399-H 399-C 398-C 399-A 325-EA 399-CN 398-F 397-E 399-SV 325-EB 397-3B 399-HQ 397-C 397-B 397-L 399-AT 398-M 399-AT 399-F 325-MB 397-CN 375-B 399-AT 399-A 373-HQ 397-HQ 399-G 325-MH 397-A 325-MD 399-1B 399-B 100-HQ 399-F KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA SanFrancisco NQuincy Melbourne Ringgold Kevil SOrange Abbeville Normal CA MA IA LA KY NJ GA IL Wichita Saco Billings KS ME MT Charleston SanFrancisco Fulton Portsmouth Swainsboro Saginaw Pauline Hadley IL CA KY VA GA MI SC NY Watchung Baltimore Newark Brasstown Washington NJ MD NJ NC IN RockHill PortHenry NewYork Holston Meyerstown Monroe Gloversville Hempstead SC NY NY VA PA GA NY NY Seals Seaman Seaman Seaman Seaner Searle Searles Searles Sears Sears Sears Searway Seaton Seaver Sebastian Sebastiao Sebilian Sebring Secard Secord Securo Sedele Sedilo Sedivy Sedlock Seebeck Seefried Seegers Seelbach Seeley Seeley Seelig Seeling Seelnacht Seely Seemer Sees Seever Sefing Segal ThomasJ Frank JosephE RobertF NormanI PhilipF EarlL GeorgeW HaroldE HaroldG WilliamG JohnF WillardF ArchibaldH WilliamC JohnC George MiltonB John EarlK JosephF Paul Stephen FrankR EdwardT HaroldJ DonN GlenA RayE RobertE Thomas CharlesJ BernardT RichardJ CharlesB RobertH RoyD JamesE RussellM JamesE Pvt Cpl Pfc SSg Cpl 2Lt Pvt Pfc T/4 T/5 T/4 Cpl Cpt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl 397-C 397-L 398-H 399-M 398-I 100-DA 100-CR 398-F 100-BD 397-L 373-HQ 397-D 325-MH 399-F 398-A 399-1B 399-L 399-M 399-F 325-MB 100-BD 398-AT 398-K 397-CN 399-H 325-MC 397-C 397-G 100-QM 399-AT 397-E 375-A 397-B 398-C 399-1B 399-D 399-L 399-D 399-K 399-L WIA Waynesboro Paradise Nebo TN CA NC Covington KY Brockton Oakwood Ashland MA GA ME WIA Rockwell TX WIA Brockton MA Utica NY Iselin Bayonne Youngstown Brooklyn NJ NJ OH NY Springfield IL Waterloo NewYork NY NY Rockdale TX SquirrelHill NewBrunswick PA NJ WIA WIA WIA Segal Seger Segit Segrin Segroves Sehleibaum Sehleismann Sehreyer Seibel Seiberg Seibert Seibert Seidel Seidel Seidler Seifer Seifert Seifert Seifert Seifried Seigan Seigel Seigel Seigle Seigler Seigneur Seijo Seiler Seiler Seinsoth Seipelt Seipp Seitz Seitz Seiver Sekely Sekerak Selesky Selewski Self MyerG RalphC JohnF JohnA ThomasR RollandF BertrandF CharlesE JosephJ HerbertW Chesterfield JohnT MaxC WalterP Mitchell HowardA Arno CarlA JohnF RobertC Alvin SaulM Sidney William GeorgeA BasilL VictorM AlfredJ FredJ JudsonH RolandL WilliamF PaulE RobertJ JohnP FrancisT JohnG HaroldF FrankW HomerD SSg Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc TSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc 374-B 399-I 373-C 325-EB 398-AT 398-3B 397-E 397-1B 397-K 399-H 398-I 100-CR 399-G 399-HQ 399-CN 398-L 397-G 100-HQ 397398-H 399-D 399-E 374-A 399-CN 399-AT 375-HQ 398-L 375-A 398-3B 399-B 397-SV 375-C 398-AT 399-E 399-AT 399-L 399-I 398-1B 399-I 397-F Needham MA Buffalo NY Shelbyville TN Husser Mamaroneck Brooklyn Jamestown Merrick Bronx LA NY NY NY NY NY Brooklyn Chicago Charlotte Baltimore FtHayes NY IL NC MD OH Chicago NiagraFalls Brooklyn Baltimore Beckley Morenci Brooklyn Gloversville Brentwood Monsey Hammersville Finksburg IL NY NY MD WV MI NY NY IN NY OH MD Buffalo Vandling NY PA WIA Cleveland OH WIA Detroit Leonard MI OK WIA WIA MIA WIA KIA KIA Self Selin Selko Selkowitz Sellars Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellew Sellitti Sells Sells Sellstone Selmi Selva Semenuik Semeraro Semingson Semmens Semmer Sena Send Senec Senf Senior Senitta Seniuk Senna Sensabough Senser Sentener Sepe Sepinski Seprish Seratt Seratt Serek Sereno Serg JohnieB EdwardC Fred Fred AndrewM AlexanderD JamesM LeonardL ThomasI RalphG AndrewJ CecilO ClarkM AxelI DominicJ JosephJ JosephA Anthony ElmenP WilliamG RobertD MichaelG WilliamA EugeneV DonaldA JohnR GeorgeL MichaelP DominickP GeorgeH RobertW JohnJ NicholasR MickieF JohnJ JamesS JohnO Frank PeterS EldonI Pfc Pfc TSg Cpl Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc T/4 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Cpl Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 925-A 399-AT 398-MD 398-MD 397-C 398-K 399-G 399-SV 397-I 374-HQ 399-F 399-2B 398-3B 925-B 399-B 397-SV 398-C 399-B 399-M 375-C 398-E 399-SV 398-I 374-A 374-HQ 373-SV 398-H 397-M 397-H 399-K 397-P 397-F 100-DA 398-K 397-G 398-F 397-B 325-EA 398-B 398- Charlotte Greer NC SC Brooklyn Smithfield Philadelphia Glenarm Mansfield FtWorth EastHampton NY NC PA MD OH TX CT TunnelHill Galesburg GA IL SanFrancisco CA Waterbury Strum Anaconda Pittsburgh CT WI MT PA TraverseCity Bayonne EPortchester Belleville MI NJ CT NJ WIA WIA WIA Richmond MtRanier Hartford VA MD CT WIA LittleFerry Williamsport Finger Dyersburg RochellePark Oswego NJ PA TN TN NJ NY POW WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Sering Serio Serra Serraco Serrano Servas Servello Servello Servidio Servino Sessions Sesslar Sessoms Setter Settimi Settle Sever Sevigny Sewell Seypura Sfeir Sgambellone Shade Shadoian Shafer Shafer Shafer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffron Shafran Shafran Shagwert Shakleford Shallenberger Shalley RussellM CarmellaP AndrewJ Anthony David AndrewJ Dominick DominickF JosephB AnthonyA RoyB ClairW RoscoeF RichardA SamJ GlennA JohnP GerardA ElbertK DonaldA AnthonyK GuidoV ThomasC Harry AlbertJ GeorgeF HowardC Benjamin Christopher DonaldK EllisW FrancisP SamuelI EdmondM Leo Max LeeP ArthurF Glen RussellW Pfc TSg Sgt T/5 Cpl Cpl T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc T/5 Cpl T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 399398-B 397-A 399-F 398-SV 374-HQ 925-A 925-A 374-A 100-MP 399-F 399-E 399-SV 397-D 398-F 397-H 399-AT 398-B 100-CR 399-B 100-QM 398-K 399-2B 398-3B 325-MB 325-EB KIA WIA NewRoads DonganHills LA NY Brooklyn Clifton Farmingdale Brooklyn Greenwich Brooklyn NY NJ NY NY CT NY Altoona WhiteOak PA NC Russell ForestCity VA PA Tupelo Schenectady Utica NewYork Ancram WNewyork MS NY NY NY NY NJ Stockton AL Nallen WV Kasson Shamokin WV PA Chicago Chicago Brooklyn Clifton Elizabeth Orville Lebanon IL IL NY NJ NJ OH PA KIA KIA 373-HQ 397-G 399-M 397-M 397-K 325-MC 397-I 399-B 397-MD 325-A 398-K 397-G 925-HQ KIA MIA KIA Shambo Shanahan Shaneberger Shaneman Shaneybrook Shanghnessy Shankle Shankles Shanks Shanks Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon Shanto Shapiro Shapiro Shapiro Shapley Sharar Sharer Sharib Sharon Sharp Sharp Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Shasko Shataka Shauger Shaughnessy Shaughnessy Shaulinski Shaver Shaver Shaw JohnH FrancisJ GeorgeS HaroldF EdwardC RobertW JamesF Granville JamesF JamesW Christopher EdwardJ GeorgeT JamesR VincentJ John Henry MiltonA Stanley JamesR RudolphS RolandE Samuel FrancisE HughesC JamesF ChesterM John LewisE LutherR LutherR Philip JohnJ HerbertA JohnF RobertW WilliamJ KennethJ RonaldD AlbertA SSg T/5 TSg Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpl Pvt Pfc Sgt SSg SSg SSg Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Sgt WOJ Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 374-HQ 397-AT 397-A 397-C 375-B 397-E 397-I 325-MC 397-H 398-2B 397-B 397-A 325-MD 398-HQ 399-F 397399-A 399-D 397-2B 397-3B 398-1B 325-EB 325-EA 397-L 375398-K 397-1B 397-C 398-I 397-G 399-P 399-I 399-F 397-HQ 100-SG 397-E 398-D 398-M 397-A 399-AT WIA WIA WIA Schenectady Bronx Easton Canton Baltimore Urbana Paris Fyffe NY NY PA OH MD IL TN AL Pickins NewHaven MS CT Sharon Washington PA DC Detroit Brooklyn MI NY Gary IN RockyRidge EBoston NewLondon MD MA CT Grange AR Robbinsville Brundige Savannah Larimer NC AL GA PA LakeHiawatha NJ MtCarmel LosAngeles PA CA WIA KIA WIA Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shawley Shea Shea Shea Shea Shea Shea Shea Shea Shea Sheaff Shearer Shearin Shearon Shearon Sheats Shedd Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheets Sheets Sheets Sheets BillieL DonaldE JamesM WilliamE JohnF WilliamH WilliamX RaymondB William KennethD PercyC RichardE GeorgeR BristJ HaroldM JamesF JamesH JohnD JohnJ JohnW MortmerJ VincentJ RobertW JohnR LawrenceR DanielF RobertE JohnnyL LeonardS AndrewM CharlesP EdwardB FrankC JohnT JosephF WilliamH JamesC JohnL RalphW WilliamE Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt T/5 T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 Cpt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 397-1B 397-L 399-C 375-C 373-HQ 325-MC 398-K 398-SV 397-H 398-H 397-A 399-F 325-EC 399-C 100-QM 100-DA 398-AT 399-I 399-I 399-1B 375-HQ 399-B 399-E 399-3B 397-F 399-L 100-DA 397398-E 325-MB 397-E 397-B 399-F 397-HQ 399-C 397-B 397-A 397-I 399-M 397-K Hoxie ParkRidge Felton Pittsfield EProvidence Brooklyn Brooklyn Atlanta AR IL GA MA RI NY NY GA Detroit MI Bittinger StClair Union Brighton Columbus Lawrence CrystalRiver MD MI NH MA OH MA FL NewYork NY Vinton PA Weingarten Philadelphia FtWayne MO PA IN Brooklyn NY WIA WIA Hartford CT MIA Philadelphia PA EBeckley WV Indianapolis Decatur IN IN WIA WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Sheetz Sheffer Sheffield Sheffner Shega Sheheen Sheinfield Shelby Shelhorn Shelley Shelor Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shemet Shemwell Shenker Shenkin Shenloogian Shepard Shepard Shepard Shepard Shepard Shephard Shephard Shephard Shepherd Shepherd Shepherd Shepherd Shepherd Sheppard Sheppard Sher Mack Ronald AbijahC RonaldW EdwardJ FredJ JonahS WilliamB RobertH BollingJ EwellB CarlP ClaudeE DwightO HenryC JohnC LouisH SamuelG TheodoreM BenjaminG ElwoodH Edward Lee Gregory AndrewJ Gilbert LutherG RolandW SackD JackV NormanD RobertF Doyle Gilbert HarryA HerbertL JackV CharlesE NormanD SamuelL Pvt Pfc 1Sg Pfc 2Lt Cpt Pfc Pfc 1Lt TSg Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 1Lt SSg T/4 Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt SSg Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pvt T/5 399-I 399-C 374-HQ 399-1B 399-C 100-QM 399-I 399-I 373-HQ 397-1B 925-A 397-B 399-1B 398-K 800-OR 399-D 397-D 398-A 374-B 399-B 399-A 398-I 925-HQ 397-C 398-K 397-1B 398-C 399-AT 397-CN 398-A 399-1B 398-B 397-2B 397-A 397-G 398-E 398-A 397-AT 399-B 100-BD WIA KIA WIA PeachBottom Wolcott Gaithersburg PA NJ MD Hibbing MN Roxbury Clarkesville Tracy MA TN CA Barretts JewellRidge VA VA Flagpond Tazewell TN TN Cullowhee NewOrleans Cicero WallaWalla Bronx Brooklyn UnionCity PebbleBeach Withers Waterloo Burlington Texon Galion NC LA IL WA NY NY NJ CA KY WI VT TX OH Hopkinton MA NewWashington Cincinnati Mansfield IN OH OH BayCity Brooklyn MI NY WIA WIA POW KIA WIA Sherbino Sherer Sheridan Sheridan Sherlock Sherlock Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherrets Sherriff Sherrill Sherry Shettleworth Shick Shick Shiechel Shields Shields Shields Shields Shields Shiffman Shifter Shiller Shilling Shimer Shinberg Shine Shingle Shinkle Shinn Shinn Shinn FloydR ArthurC MichaelJ PaulE GeorgeW JosephF EldenP HarryB Irving Keith KennethE Ralph Stanley StanleyB VernonL BurlE MelvinJ BL FredA RoyR HershelJ RayburnA MorrisB HenselW JamesP JamesR JohnA WilliamH Philip Joseph SamuelJ Ned RobertK JuliusS ArthurJ WalterJ WilburW MilfordE RaymondH RobertW TSg T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc MSg SSg T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 1Sg Cpl T/5 T/4 Pfc 397-MD 100-HQ 399-C 398-A 398-CN 399-I 399-I 397-H 399-C 375-HQ 398-K 398-F 397-2B 397-SV 398-F 925-HQ 397-C 399-I 397-I 399-I 397-L 399-SV 399-D 397-C 399-M 397-1B 398-C 397-F 398-1B 397-G 399-A 399-HQ 375-HQ 397-F 373-C 397-M 100-QM 325-EB 399-MD 925-A WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Hardwick Jasper Chicago Fulton VT AL IL NY NewOrleans Columbus Brooklyn LaMesa LA OH NY CA Saginaw Buffalo MI NY Omaha GraniteFalls Franklin Brooklyn Columbia Rimersburg NewBethlehem Marlboro ClayCity RanchoCucamonga Alexandria Chicago Philadelphia NE NC NC NY MO PA PA NJ IN CA VA IL PA Sparta DaCosta Logansport Carbondale Dresher Roxbury Temple Petersburg Bordentown WI TX IN PA PA MA PA KY NJ NArlington NJ Shinners Shipkey Shipley Shipp Shipper Shirkey Shirley Shirley Shive Shivley Shlay Shmeiman Shobe Shocke Shockey Shockey Shockley Shocko Shoemaker Shoff Shoff Shoffner Shofi Shoger Sholar Sholes Shondeck Shons Shont Shonto Shook Shook Shook Shooldis Shope Shope Shoppell Shore Shore Shores WilliamR FrederickE DavidW RobertE Charles DonaldE WilliamW WilliamW KennethR RobertN HowardA GustavJ DonaldN Julius Arthur HaroldR RobertN Julius WilliamE CharlesL MahlonJ JackP RobertA NortonA RaleighW RaymondA FrankR ClarenceJ LevonS John EarlW Edward ShermanE RobertF NileJ RaymondC NealI CliffordE SidneyR Willard Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc 399-B 398-HQ 399-K 397-B 800-OR 100-HQ 397-I 398-G 399-SV 399-M 398-2B 398-A 399-SV 397399-M 398-2B 399-M 397-MD 398-C 397-G 398-A 397-1B 399-L 397-A 398-K 399-A 100-QM 397-M 399-L 397-C 397-A 925-C 399-I 397397-H 398-K 398-2B 398-A 398-AT 397-I Salamanca Chadron StLouis NY NE MO NewYork Covert LakeCharles Jasper NY MI LA FL FtWayne IN Taulbee Freeport Taulbee Charlevoix KY IL KY MI PeachBottom Wilmington Liberty PA DE NC Aurora Wallace LongBeach Glassmere IL NC CA PA MIA NewYork Nemacolin Hickory Staatsburg Oblong NY PA NC NY IL KIA Lima Vandergrift FtWayne OH PA IN Jonesville NC WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW KIA WIA POW Short Shortell Shouldis Shovan Shovlowski Showalter Showfety Shreve Shrewsbury Shrieber Shrogin Shrout Shue Shue Shuford Shufro Shults Shults Shultz Shuman Shuman Shupe Shuster Shustz Shute Shwartz Sias Sibilia Sibley Sica Sica Sica Sica Sicard Sicco Sichta Sicko Sicutella Sidden Siders PaulC ThomasM RobertF GeorgeF Joseph PercyN AlbertE LloydE JamesW HarryH OreyY Mark ClaytonL HomerP EdwardM HarmonS HaroldA RobertL WilliamE Benjamin WilliamB JamesN Herbert JohnJ HowardC Rubin JamesA JosephG FrankW AustinB Domenic LawrenceR MatthewF VictorA WarrenJ CliffordJ Edward VitoJ OscarC RobertE 1Lt Cpl Pfc Pvt 2Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc 2Lt Pfc SSg Pfc 2Lt Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc T/5 WOJ Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 398-B 374-B 397-1B 399-I 397-3B 397-I 397-F 325-MA 397-B 398-A 100-HQ 398-AT 399-F 398-A 397-K 399-MD 398-CN 397-B 397-A 399-3B 399-A 399-B 399-3B 373-C 397-MD 925-HQ 397-F 398-SV 374-HQ 399-L 398-C 398-K 925-B 399-D 399-I 399-2B 397-HQ 399-C 325-EC 800-OR WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA NewYork Baltimore Maysville Holden Roseland NY MD MI MA VA Marshall IL Mechanicsburg PA ChinaGrove Fayetteville Gainesville Brooklyn NC NC FL NY KelleyStation Chelsea Bethlehem Nebo Philadelphia Castleton PA MA PA VA PA NY Bronx Salina NewYork Philadelphia NY KS NY PA Malden MA Carmel Lebanon JerseyCity Lanark Waterford Brooklyn Sparta Hillsboro NY MO NJ IL NY NY NC OH Sidorowicz Siebe Sieczkowski Siegel Siegel Siegel Siegel Siegleheim Siegler Sielawa Siemasko Siemeni Siemens Sieminski Siems Sienkewicz Sieperek Sier Sierakowski Sierocuk Sifing Sigl Sigman Signorelli Sikorski Sikorski Silan Silber Silberberg Silberman Silk Silkaitis Silkonis Siltzer Silva Silva Silva Silva Silver Silver Anthony KennethJ MathewC HaroldM Joseph Maurice SaulM StanleyJ GeorgeA JohnB AlphonseW Anthony RobertW AloysiusE PeterA EdmundR Edward MorrisM Edmund LawrenceM RussellM RobertL Morris JosephJ FrankC RomanF George Gustave Morris Max EdwardA SigmundJ AnthonyJ GeorgeS ArthurM GeorgeV John JosephA HermanB Isadore Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg 2Lt Pfc T/5 T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl SSg Sgt T/4 Cpl TSg MSg Pfc Pfc T/3 1Lt T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg 398-K 397-E 398-1B 397-HQ 375-B 397-3B 399-E 325-EB 399-AT 399-K 399-G 399325-MH 374-HQ 399-A 397-F 399397-HQ 399-A 399-I 399-K 398-K 398-MD 398-E 397-AT 325-MH 399-I 399-C 374-B 397398-E 398-1B 373-HQ 397-AT 398-F 373-HQ 398-F 800-OR 399-G 399-H POW WIA WIA WIA WIA HuntingtonStation NY Rutherford Bronx Brooklyn NJ NY NY Brooklyn NY Lancaster PA LosAngeles Lackawanna EPaterspn JerseyCity CA NY NJ NJ BeaconFalls Milwaukee CT WI Brooklyn Hammond Dover Norridge NY LA NH IL NewBrunswick Bronx NJ NY Johnstown PA Hudson MA Wollaston NewHaven Brooklyn MA CT NY Silver Silver Silverman Silverman Silverman Silverman Silvernail Silverstein Silverstein Silverstein Silvestri Silvestri Silvestro Silvia Silvoy Sima Simac Simano Simanski Simco Simek Simeone Simerman Simko Simko Simko Simme Simmerman Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simms Joseph MarvinF Albert HymanL Louis Stanford CharlesJ Bernard Jacob RichardM AngeloD GuidoS SalvatoreF GeorgeM Andrew Elward FrankR HarryP JohnF JohnF Steven ErnestV HowardE BertJ DonaldR RichardW DonaldF HowardE ArthurC ClydeJ FrederickW LeldonE MitchellW RichardF RobertC RoyE WarrenR WilliamL WinfieldH EugeneB Sgt Cpl Sgt TSg Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc T/4 T/5 Cpl Pvt T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/5 Pfc SSg Sgt 373-HQ 100-QM 397-I 398-I 397-I 100-HQ 100-SG 397-P 375-B 100-SG 398-D 397-L 373-HQ 398-B 399-B 399-M 398-2B 398-A 398-I 399-L 100-SG 398-L 398-MD 398-E 398-D 399-F 398-K 398-L 399-F 325-EA 925-B 397-L 397-H 398-G 399-I 399-L 398-M 325-EB 399-B 397-D KIA WIA WIA Brooklyn NY Toledo Pittsburgh Bronx Brooklyn PleasantValley Humbolt Bronx Bronx Branx Ironwood Brooklyn Portsmouth Bethlehem OH PA NY NY NY TN NY NY NY MI NY RI PA EagleRiver Derry WI NH Minneapolis Danbury Bronx MN CT NY Avon OH FtWayne IN Shiremanstown Staunton Groesbeck Sautee PA VA TX GA Randolph MA Marietta FlatRiver GA MO Simms Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simona Simone Simons Simons Simons Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sinacori Sinapi Sinchak Sinclair Sinclair Sinclair FrankB ArthurS JosephA Meyer MurrayM RichardC RobertB RoyC AngeloA RalphF CliffordJ RalphA Robert AlexanderD ArthurD CarlW EdwardA EdwinT WalterE ElmerR WalterE HerbertD WilliamJ IsaacC FrederickR HomerB Levern WilliamS LelandE AlfredE Elwood FrankB GeorgeE HaroldJ PeterT John GeorgeJ ClarenceB HughM JoeS SSg Pvt Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc 399-E 399-A 398-K 397-I 373-B 397-F 398-G 399-A 399-SV 375-HQ 399-K 398-A 399-HQ 397-M 397-3B 325-EH 325-MC 800-OR 397-CN 399-HQ 397-CN 398-1B 398-E 325-EB 397-MD 397-F 399-I 398-E 399-L 100-SG 399-K 399-E 399-B 398-AT 398-I 399-F 399-HQ 398-SV 398-L 399-B KIA Clarksburg LosAngeles Cincinnati Bronx Bronx WV CA OH NY NY WIA Shelby Napoleon OH ND Waco Riverside Roxbury TX CA MA Rome GA Buffalo NY Monroe NC StPetersburg FL Brookville Utica StPetersburg PA NY FL Danville Bonifay VA FL Hughes Phoenix Maspeth AR AZ NY Independence MO Louisville KY WIA POW POW WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Sinclair Sincler Sineni Singal Singer Singer Singer Singer Singer Single Single Singles Singleteary Singleton Sink Sink Sinko Sinofsky Sinopoli Sinquefield Sinsmeister Siperek Siraguso Sirk Sirockman Sirvetz Sisca Sisco Siske Sissions Sisson Sisznecski Sito Sitzberger Siuba Sivieri Sivigny Six Sizemore Sizemore Lewis MelvinL Anthony SamuelR Charles CharlesF JC JeromeR WilliamJ FrederickH GeorgeM Gordon JohnM RalphH BascomR JohnF Richard AlbertJ NicholasP RoyW GeorgeA Edward RalphC RoyG Michael MarshallH JosephS RussellW BoydenC RoyB GeorgeW StephenR FrankM StuartJ StanleyA LeandroA GeraldA LutherE Arnold BonaA Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpt Pfc 1Sg Cpl Pvt Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 399-A 100-CR 399-G 398-SV 100-CR 397-E 397-C 398-E 375-C 925-SV 399-E 397-P 100-CR 399-AT 398-I 373-B 399-CN 398-1B 399-CN 397-K 398-M 398-H 397-K 399-M 399-G 398-H 399-F 399-G 399-2B 399399-B 373-C 399-1B 375-C 398-F 399-D 398-B 399-F 398-I 397-G SouthFork Kalamazoo Coloma Roxury Bronx Louisville Nacona PA MI MI MA NY KY TX Evansville TomsRiver IN NJ Denver Morristown Indiana MtVernonSprings CO NJ PA NC Detroit Roxbury NorthArlington NewBrockton Brooklyn Detroit MI MA NJ AL NY MI KIA Bergton Donora Lynn VA PA MA MIA Nashville PleasantGarde TN NC Gallao Utica MO NY Cimmaron AnnArbor NM MI Lowell MA Lombard Marietta KY GA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Sizemore Sjolander Skabuk Skaggs Skaggs Skalin Skall Skalsky Skarupski Skawinski Skeen Skelly Skelton Skelton Sketi Skiba Skiba Skibek Skiddy Skidmore Skillings Skillman Skilton Skinger Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Sklar Sklar Skluth Skocz Skoda Skokan Skolnick Skolnik JohnnyS HerbertA Stephen HowardF LoraR DouglasA DonaldD Thaddeus Michael JohnJ HarlanD RogerS HBoyd WillardB Frank EugeneJ FrankP SigismundJ LawrenceJ PaulA VaughnL James DonaldK HenryR BenjaminA FrederickI GeorgeF HarryL HenryL HoraceF MarlinJ ThomasH Eugene Louis ElliotJ EdwardT CharlesT FrankM Nathan Alex Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc TSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg TSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Sgt 1Lt T/5 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 325-MA 399-P 397-E 397-F 925-B 398-AT 397-G 397-E 398-K 398-I 397-2B 399-C 398-I 399-B 397-HQ 399-D 398-F 397-3B 397-HQ 398-C 398-L 800-OR 398-F 399-I 397-L 399-F 398-F 397-1B 399-3B 398-K 399-B 397-SV 399-H 398-AT 399-F 398-A 399-F 374-B 325-MD 398-E WIA WIA Auburn Chicago Philadelphia GA IL PA Ansted Ogden WV UT Buffalo Bronx NewYork Brownville Hartford NY NY NY NE CT Cameron Cleveland Chicago TX OH IL Syracuse Waltonville Waterville NY IL ME WHazelton Charlotte Downs PennsGrove Pittsburg Memphis Wilson Keokuk RoyalOak Philadelphia Brooklyn PA NC KS NJ KS TN NC IA MI PA NY Atlanta Brooklyn GA NY WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Skoloda Skorets Skorupski Skotarski Skotnicki Skowronek Skrobot Skrovan Skulski Slack Slade Slade Slade Sladen Slasky Slate Slate Slater Slater Slatich Slaughter Slavey Slavinsky Slayline Slayman Sledz Sleigh Slepowronski Slifko Slifko Slimm Slipiec Sloan Slominski Slominski Slone Slone Slosek Slough Slover PhilipJ GilbertF AlexanderJ DanielJ Walter TedJ FrancisG John Leonard AlbertJ ArtieR JohnH WalterS FrankJ HarveyJ HowardF RobertW AustinJ JamesT Mario JesseH HomerW JosephM WilliamJ GeorgeK BernardS RobertO Edward Charles Joseph EllwoodH Joseph RobertW HenryW LeonardM Arvile Millard EdwardJ JohnnyE ClaudW Pfc Pvt Pvt TSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 1Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl 397-F 399-B 375-C 398-K 399-A 399-E 399-I 399-L 374-A 398-2B 397-M 397-2B 398-AT 398-G 398-I 397-A 398-AT 399-F 397-M 373-C 399-E 374-C 398-CN 374-HQ 399-I 325-EB 399-1B 398-F 397-A 397-H 398-3B 397-C 398-M 397-A 100-HQ 397-B 397-AT 100-SG 375-A 398-H KIA Latrobe Scranton Albany PA PA NY Pulaski Chicago NY IL Parma Paulsboro OH NJ Champaign Hawkinsville SWeymouth IL GA MA Cleveland OH Saugus NewYork NewportNews Louisville Garfield Dayton MA NY VA KY NJ KY Newark Newark Finleyville Haddonfield Schwenksville NJ NJ PA NJ PA Detroit Cleveland Inez Pippapass Oswego Concord MI OH KY KY NY NC POW WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA Slovitt Slowick Slowsky Sluder Slupsky Slusher Slusner Slusser Slutzkin Smajd Smalacombe Smaldone Smale Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Smallwood Smallwood Smallwood Smedbron Smelser Smelser Smeltzer Smerhovsky Smiddy Smigiel Smiley Smiley Smilie Smilovich Smit Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Hyman AlbertW JohnJ Ellahugh WilliamF JohnM RoyL LouisH ArthurD CarlF PhilipH JohnJ CharlesH AldenK Benjamin GeorgeE JohnB Julius LeonL RichardL ElmerR PaulM Vernon Ivan DeanJ RichardL LeroyM WilliamR PaulE WalterS JohnC NevinM ElwynJ ElwynJ MarvinT AdairA AlbertA AlbertH AlexJ AmousR Pfc SSg T/3 Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl T/4 SSg SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Cpt Pfc Sgt T/4 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc TSg TSg T/5 Pfc T/4 Cpt Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Pvt 397-H 325-MA 397-B 399-A 397-A 398-D 375-A 398-G 397-E 399-D 397-K 325-EB 397-A 100-HQ 398-AT 397-C 374-C 373-A 399-F 399-I 373-SV 325-EC 397-E 397-D 399-AT 398-G 397-AT 397-C 100-HQ 325-EB 800-OR 100-DA 100-SG 399-L 399-A 399-2B 399-K 925-SV 399-D 397-E Brooklyn Palmer BrynMawr Tookland Brooklyn Field Moneta NY MA WA VA NY KY VA NewYork NY Jermyn Brooklyn PA NY Worcester RedwoodCity NewYorkCity Brooklyn MA CA NY NY SiouxCity Fairmont IA WV Call TX WIA Celina OH KIA Camden Revere Ware Ridgetop NJ MA MA TN WIA Oakland Maurice Turpin Philadelphia Canton Scioto Tiptonville CA IA OK PA OH OH TN WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Andrew AndrewC AndrewJ AndrewM Anthony CarlR ArthurM CarrollL BaxterR Charles BernardF CarlG ArvinW BenR BurpyJ CharlesB CharlesE CharlesE CharlesE CharlesR ElmoreG CharlesS Elton CharlesW ElwoodJ ClarenceA EmilP ClarenceL ErnestR Clint EzraL ClydeO FacyE DavidH FrancisT DavidW FrankJ DewittT FrankP DonaldG Sgt Cpl Pfc 1Lt T/5 Sgt T/5 SSg Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc MSg T/5 Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Mjr Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt 398-B 397-M 398-F 399-1B 399-MD 397-C 925-A 100-HQ 397-B 399-H 399-2B 397-G 100-HQ 397-1B 399-M 100-DA 399-L 398-H 399-2B 325-EH 399-K 100-HQ 325-MC 399-A 397-E 397-D 325-EH 398-F 397-1B 100-HQ 399-M 375-HQ 398-C 398-I 398-K 398-F 398-L 399-SV 399-3B 397-H KIA Virden IL Clarion Charleston Chicago Muskegon Denver Lawrence PA SC IL MI CO KS Brockton Parkersburg MA WV FtWorth TX Chicago Atlanta Montezuma Hartford Tacoma StGeorge IL GA IN CT WA NY Bainbridge Clairfield Detroit Peoria RedBank GA TN M IL NJ ElCampo LasCruces TX NM Lincolnton NewtonGrove Yellowstone Rutland NC NC WY VT NewYork Conway Logan Cincinnati NY SC UT OH WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA POW WIA WIA Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Fred DonaldK FreemanR DwightC George EarlS GeorgeA EdwardE GeorgeH EdwinJ GeorgeL ElmerO GeorgeW CharlesW GillespieP ClaudeT GriffinD DanW GuthrieJ DavisO HO DonaldH HaroldF Dyer HaroldT EdwinD HarryJ CharlesT HarryL ClintonJ HarryL DonaldA HenryA Edward ClarenceI DavidM DonaldS ElmerC HenryA Herbert TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 2Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 T/5 Pvt Pvt T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc 399-H 399-L 398-MD 399-D 397-B 398-E 800-OR 325-MC 399-K 397-3B 399-K 325-MB 325-MC 397-MD 398-B 397-K 398-C 399-F 100-ST 373-B 399-F 399-2B 397-1B 397-3B 100-HQ 398-A 398-MD 397-G 397-E 925-HQ 398-F 375-C 399-M 397-B 399-3B 100-DA 399-F 397-SV 397-B 925-B KIA KIA Dallas Rockdale Schenectady Brookfield Jamaica ColonialPark Hollidaysburg WI IL NY OH NY NY PA Duncan Latta Antioch SC SC IL Clinchfield Scranton VA PA Columbia SC Burbank PeaceDale Wynnewood Annapolis CA RI OK MD Pawhuska Marengo OK IN Washingtonville NY Whitehall NY NCollegeHill Washington Maplewood London Adrian Union Rockaway OH DC NJ OH MI WV NJ WIA WIA WIA Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith HergertL Herman HomerM JonathanF HowardD JosephF HowardG JosephG HowardP JosephW KennethD JackH JamesC KennethW JamesE LawrenceB JamesH LawrenceW JamesL LeeE JamesO LeoA JamesR LeonardF JamesW LewisW JohnB LovernE JohnH LoyL JohnL LoydJ JohnP LynnH HowardH MarionE JPeter MarkA JamesE MarvinR WOJ Pfc Pfc Cpt Cpt Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Cpt SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 TSg Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 399-SV 397-C 373-B 925-HQ 398-F 397-K 397-C 397-AT 397-A 373-HQ 399-D 397-E 397-AT 398-B 399-3B 100-QM 397-K 399-L 397-B 399-H 397-H 398-SV 100-HQ 397-3B 399-2B 398-SV 398397-K 398-C 399-D 398-F 399-B 398-B 398-M 399-G 100-MP 398-B 398-D 399-C 397-K WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Denver Boguechitto Palestine CapeMay Sheffield Albany Detroit Detroit Lockport Roanoke CO MS TX NJ PA NY MI MI NY VA Lennon Pelion Cannelton NewAlbany Essington Wise Pittsburgh Spindale MI SC MD MS PA VA PA NC Cleveland Baldwinville Crossroads StJoseph OklahomaCity VA MA AL LA OK Beaver Murrayville PA GA Indianapolis Roscoe Kenosha IN PA WI Glasgow Nicholasville KY KY WIA MIA POW Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith JamesL MarvinR JamesR MarvinS JimT MarvinS JohnH MasonS HowardG MelvinF JamesA JamesL JohnD IshamB JamesF JamesW JohnP OrlaE OttoD Paul VeldonW PaulF VeloidE RalphA VerneE VernisT RaymondA WaldonL RaymondL WalterE RichardW WalterP RobertD WaltonB RobertO Warren RobertT WarrenJ RobertW WilbertC Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc WOJ Pfc T/5 2Lt Cpt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 398-A 325-MD 399-M 375-C 397-H 375-C 397-G 398-F 397-C 399-AT 399-SV 398-L 398-HQ 397-F 398-HQ 398-I 397-B 397-E 398-H 325-EB 399-K 325-MB 398-E 399-I 399-L 397-I 373-B 100-SG 399-SV 399-G 100-DA 398-H 374-HQ 397-B 397-D 397-B 398-D 399-AT 397-L 397-H Louisville SiotoFurnace Hays DeepRun Alton Rockingham KY OH KS NC KS NC Detroit Philadelphia Paris Andrews MI PA TN IN Plains GA Trenton NJ WIA WIA Oakwood Manchester Mayfield Malverne Fremonton KansasCity Milwaukee Frederick CentralFalls NewBuffalo Lowell Yonkers Rome Reading WoodRiver OK TN KY NY UT MO WI OK RI PA MA NY NY PA IL KIA Chillicothe OH FtWayne IN Cannosnburg PA WIA WIA Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smithson Smock Smoke Smolens Smolenski Smorol Smothers RoddyL William RoyA WilliamE RussellK WilliamJ Snuffy WilliamM ThomasE WilliamP ThomasJ WilliamR RalphD WilliamR RaymondG WilliamS RobertB WilliamT RobertR WilliamV RobertW WillieG RoyL TW ThomasJ REmory RaymondA RichardM RobertJ RobertV RoscoeV SamuelT RussellH CarlW Roy EJ DanielC WalterA RaymondJ HerberdD Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc TSg T/3 Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Sgt 1Sg Pfc Pfc T/5 1Lt T/4 397-F 374-B 397-L 325-EM 397-MD 397-C 800-OR 397-F 397-MD 399-E 397-I 399-G 398-C 398-2B 374-HQ 399-HQ 399-H 399-MD 398-B 397-F 398-A 398-C 399-HQ 399-C 397-K 398-A 100-CR 398-D 398-1B 399-HQ 397-F 398-I 399-F 398-D 398-AT 397-H 397-I 399-F 397-P 373-A WIA WIA WIA Riverton Sutherlin Syracuse WV OR NY Winnsboro Syracuse WhitePlains LA NY NY Brooklyn Barnsville NY OH PineHill NY Moundville AL Ralston RisingSun Dalton Helena Crossville Timmonsvile DeWitt OK OH KY TN TN SC NY Wellesley Rochester MA MN Bow Berwyn KY IL Franklin Justell Selma TN KY AL Rochester Greensboro NY NC WIA MIA POW WIA Smouse Smuda Smulski Smyers Smyth Smythe Snapkoski Snapp Snead Snee Sneed Snell Snell Snipes Snoddy Snodgrass Snodgrass Snook Snow Snow Snow Snow Snowden Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder JohnJ JosephS MichaelW. JamesH DouglasS WalterF RaymondF HowardM CliffordA RobertF RobertV JessW RaymondH JamesC ThomasH BoydB Harold OrvisF DonaldF FrancisC Michael OscarH ErnestL AdamH BenjaminM DennisL EdwardJ Frank Frederick GlennH HaroldF HaroldR HarryL RichardE IrvingJ RichardW JamesE VirgilL KennethA RayH Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc T/3 Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg SSg 1Lt SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc WOJ Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt 2Lt 399-3B 399-K 399-AT 397-1B 398-MD 399-B 800-OR 399-C 399-I 399-3B 398-E 325-EH 398-3B 399-L 397-3B 398-K 399-F 397-3B 397-H 399-1B 399-1B 397-A 398-F 925-A 397-A 398-SV 925-HQ 398-G 100-BD 100-BD 398-C 398-I 398-A 325-MC 325-EA 398-K 397-H 398-B 397-A 399-F WIA WIA WIA Frostburg MD Chicago Sharpsburg NewMilford IL PA CT GlennLyon PA Richmond VA Dothan Duluth Coats Memphis Wichita AL MN NC TN KS Windsor CentralSquare Superior NY NY WI Millerton NY CurtisBay Falconer Brooklyn MD NY NY Seattle WA Hagerstown Nutley Newark Brooklyn MD NJ NJ NY Goshen Freeport IN IL WIA WIA WIA WIA Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Soakie Soares Sobarnia Sobodacha Sobota Socha Sochor Sodano Soderblom Sodie Soechting Sofarelli Soffa Soffin Sohler Sohlman Sohns Soja Sojka Sojo Sokol Sokolowski Sokolowski Solberg Solchenberger Soldano Solga Solie Solie Solimine Solitt Sollinger Solomon Solomon Solomon IrvingR JosephA LouisW WilliamT Willie AndrewJ GeorgeS ChesterF JosephF JohnG JohnF FrankJ Nicholas KennethG HermanL ChesterH JohnV Harvey Harry JohnB LeonardA MelvinL StanleyM John Stanley Louis JohnJ Walter JohnW LyleD FrankJ AlexanderJ DewayneO HenryA AnthonyJ William OranE Gabriel Murray RoscoeL SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Sgt T/4 Pvt SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 1Lt T/5 SSg T/5 T/5 T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc T/4 397-MD 397-F 399-F 397-F 398-B 397-E 925-HQ 398-E 399-MD 398-E 398-A 800-OR 397-C 399-C 399-L 397-D 397-E 397-F 397-2B 399-H 399-2B 399-L 397-C 800-OR 397-1B 374-C 399-A 100-CR 100-MP 399-C 399-A 100-BD 398-HQ 397-2B 399-1B 325-EB 398-I 399-HQ 398-K 397-HQ WIA WIA WIA WIA Wantagh FtWinerte Dunbar EProvidence NY NM PA RI CentralFalls Latrobe Adams RI PA MA Baltimore Marion MD TX NewYork NY UnionCity LosAngeles Cleveland NJ CA OH Ithaca NY NewYork Brooklyn NY NY Bayonne NJ GaspeePlateau LongIslandCity Pittsburg RI NY KS Bronx Brooklyn WhitePlains NY NY NY WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Solomon Solovey Somers Somerstein Somerville Somerville Somes Sommer Sommerstein Sommerville Sondhaus Song Sonitsky Sons Soorholtz Sooy Soper Soporowski Soprano Soprych Sorell Sorensen Sorensen Sorenson Sorenson Sorenson Sorenson Sorg Sormrude Soroker Sorrell Sorrells Sorter Soucie Soucy Soucy Soulard Soule Southard Southard Sidney RussellW RobertR SaulS EdwardM JamesS Horace JohnG Jack AlexanderC CharlesA WongY Abraham GeorgeF WarrenW DonaldM DonaldH JohnT MichaelA EdwardJ HalB FrankW KennethM DonaldL FrederickD HaroldC RayV EldonI LewisM LouisH ArthurW CranfordM JacobL WillardJ JamesE ReneJ AlgerP Robert WarrenG WilliamL T/4 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 925-HQ 399-C 398-G 397-A 398-K 399-MD 375-HQ 397-F 100-HQ 398-K 399-HQ 399-K 398-I 398-B 399-K 100-CR 398-D 397-HQ 399-E 397-CN 399-1B 398-E 399-I 398-C 397-A 397-F 398-B 398-L 399-F 373-B 375-HQ 399-E 399-A 325-EC 325-EB 399-AT 325-EC 398-D 374-HQ 375-HQ POW KIA FarRockaway NY CrossHill Andover SC MA NewYork Jamaica SanFrancisco Brooklyn Revere Cayce NY NY CA NY MA SC SPlainfield Kalkaska Woodbridge Rochester Chicago Memphis Soldier NJ MI NJ NY IL TN IA KansasCity MO Axtell SpringGreen UT WI Brooklyn NY Covington Foster FtWorth Warren VA OH TX RI Detroit Keokuk NewHaven Athens MI IA CT AL WIA WIA KIA KIA Southerly Southgate Southworth Sovie Sowden Sowder Sowell Sowels Sowers Sowers Sowul Soyars Spada Spadaccini Spadorcia Spagnoletti Spahr Spahr Spaiser Spalding Spallone Spalter Span Spangler Spangler Spaone Sparks Sparling Sparr Sparrow Speaker Spear Spear Spear Spear Spearing Spearman Spears Speck Speck WilburF HowardF JohnJ KeithH RaymondJ HarryD SidneyJ WilburL ErnestB RobertW JosephE RichardF SalvatoreJ Louis JohnL Frank OliverJ WilliamL Benjamin ClaudeF ReynardJ Samuel Murray Jack NelsonF Tony RichardA ChesterE Rexford PaulE LorinC DavidA EdwardC Frank HanleyF RolandM ClarenceL MarshallC Alvin BryceE Pfc Sgt Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 T/5 Cpt Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 399-C 397-1B 399-1B 399-I 397-C 397-E 399-B 398-L 399-K 399-HQ 398-HQ 399-E 398-K 399-1B 398-F 398-B 399-H 397-SV 373-B 398-A 398-F 398-1B 399-CN 399-B 399-H 399-M 399-A 399-L 398-E 398-F 397-C 398-B 399-B 397-K 398-B 100-SG 397-MD 375-C 398-E 397-I KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Moorefield WV Schenectady LakeBenton Shawsville Sylvania Dallas Richmond Jacksonville Cleveland Muskegon Middletown Torrington Indianapolis Reedsville SpringLake NY MN VA GA TX KY FL OH MI CT CT IN PA NJ Evansville NewRochelle NewBritain Bronx Cleveland Harrisburg IN NY CT NY OH PA Teetersville KY Bellevue NE Midland Cleveland WBrooklyn McKeesport Hestand Bangor Spartanburg Carnesville Springfield Barberton MI OH ME PA KY ME SC GA AR OH Spector Spector Speedy Speer Spehel Speier Speir Speiser Speiser Speiss Speitel Spell Spell Spence Spence Spence Spence Spence Spence Spence Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencley Spenilla Sperling Sperling Sperlinga Sperry Sperry Sperry Spettel Speziale Sphar Sphar Spicciate BernardM Paul JohnC JamesM HermanL JohnR RobertE Irwin RaymondC RusselT KarlF Folly JamesA AlbertR AllenC ClarenceK EugeneV Mack VaughnW WoodrowW Archie DonaldR HenryN MiltonN ThurlowR WilliamD WilliamG JamesC Ross EdwardG Philip Guiseppi AL EdwinP WillisC Lyle Joseph ArthurF NormanD AlphonseR Pfc Pfc 1Lt Cpt T/5 Pfc Cpt 2Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 399-2B 399-H 925-HQ 373-HQ 100-BD 397-E 925-HQ 399-D 399-SV 399-M 325-EH 100-CR 399-M 399-F 100-DA 399-D 397-AT 398-D 925-SV 398-2B 100-MP 398-B 398-K 399-B 399-I 399-MD 398-I 399-B 399-I 398-M 325-MH 398-3B 399-M 397-C 397-G 397-K 375-B 800-OR 399-MD 399-MD WIA KIA KIA KIA WIA Philadelphia Chicago Youngstown PA IL OH Howard Louisville Decatur Philadelphia SanAntonio NY KY GA PA TX Darlington Cottageville SC SC Willis Springerville Lewisburg Swensonville VA AZ WV NC Omaha Floyd Coeurd'Alene StJoseph Bernie SweetHome Lynch Detroit HarborSprings NE KY ID MO MO OR NE MI MI Methuen NewYork Everett MA NY MA Ironton GardenCity OH KS Paterson Donora Charleroi NJ PA PA WIA WIA WIA Spicer Spiegel Spiegelberg Spiegleglass Spiegler Spiel Spielman Spiers Spiers Spies Spiess Spilios Spillane Spina Spinato Spinelli Spink Spinks Spinks Spinks Spinney Spino Spinosa Spiro Spital Spitler Spitzer Spitzer Spiva Spizziri Splain Splaine Splitstone Spoerer Spohr Sponder Spooner Spooner Sport Sposato WilliamL GeorgeF FredW Eugene Joseph WarrenF RichardM GeorgeF WilliamD WinfredR RusselT GusC LorenH Mario Nicholas DominickV JohnH ElmerL Ernest HenryC GordonE AnthonyR PasqualeM Avron Frank ClarenceL AlanB HaroldJ PaulE RaymondV ErdD WilliamJ JamesE Thomas JamesA SamuelS JosephW Loverne JamesH Juliusa 1Sg LtC Cpt T/5 TSg TSg Pfc SSg Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt T/5 SSg TSg T/4 TSg Pfc Cpl Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc MSg Pfc SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc 100-DA 399-2B 398-B 100-CR 399-L 398-K 398-1B 399-3B 397-A 399-I 399-M 398-G 399-I 399-G 399-1B 398-MD 373-C 399-MD 325-EB 397-AT 398-K 325-MH 397-CN 397-1B 374-SV 399-H 397-A 397-F 100-SG 397-D 399-H 373-HQ 397-3B 399-F 397-L 398-G 397-2B 398-L 398-I 398-I WIA Medford Bronx OR NY WIA Carriers BatonRouge StPaul Spokane Gary MS LA MN WA IN KIA Lyndhurst NewYork Hamilton NJ NY OH LosAngeles Chipley Winthrop Newark CA GA MA NJ Hillside NJ Ellenville Shoshoni Chicago NY WY IL Belmont MA Chicago Bronx Wayland Bristol Brantley Chicago IL NY MA CT AL IL WIA WIA KIA Spoto Spradley Spradlin Spradlin Spraggs Sprague Spraitzer Spratt Sprawls Spring Spring Spring Springgay Springs Sproull Spruit Spurgeon Spurgeon Squillante Squires Squires Sroka Sroka StAngelo StCyr StLaurent StLouis StMary StOnge StPeter StPeter StPierre Staab Staats Stabile Stacey Stach Stack Stackhouse Stackhouse PaulC HoraceT HaroldL HerrinE RobertH RichardD EdwardC DavidM Loraine Harold JamesG WilliamK JackE GeorgeL TheodoreW WilliamJ LloydP PaulJ Gaetano DonaldJ HarryE AndrewR JohnT Anthony RobertC OscarA EdwardO ErnestF ArnoldW AlveryJ LeslieW MorrisJ EdwardW CleoE AlbertA ClaytonD RobertK RichardE CharlesE EarlL Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc T/5 T/5 SSg Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg 1Lt 399-B 397-E 399-L 398-F 399-HQ 397-E 100-MP 399-H 375-A 925-B 398-I 399-I 397-A 374-HQ 399-C 399-L 397-I 397-A 399-B 398-D 925-C 398-M 399-H 325-MH 399-2B 398-F 373-SV 397-2B 398-D 397-G 374-B 325-EB 399-I 397-K 399-M 375-SV 398-2B 399-A 398-F 399-F MIA WIA Tampa Nacogdoches Portsmouth FL TX OH KIA Findley NBraddock Oxford Ringgold Bronx OH PA PA LA NY Worcester MA McCall SC LemonGrove Patoka Brooklyn Swanton Pawtucket Brooklyn Fayetteville Providence CA IL NY VT RI NY NC RI Johnstown NY Marquette Whitman Millnocket Hartford MI MA ME CT Charleston WV Brooklyn NY Brooklyn NY WIA KIA MIA WIA WIA WIA Stackhouse Stacy Stadtmueller Staffiero Stafford Stafford Stafford Stahl Stahl Stahlman Stahly Staib Stalbird Stalbird Stalcup Staleve Staley Staley Staley Stalikas Stall Stallard Stallworth Stambaugh Stambaugh Stamp Stamplin Stanbrough Stancavage Stanchfield Stancin Stanco Standifer Standiford Standige Standridge Standridge Stanfield Stanford Stanford RaymondH PeterN JohnW NicholasA JeffD JohnE RalphD LeroyH VictorD MitchellD RLory EdwardW MerrittEM WilliamL SethB SethB AlbertE GeorgeE HarryC Nicholas JoeC WalterC WilliamE HershelG JohnsonL RobertJ JohnJ CecilG HenryE EarlJ JosephS GeorgeJ Clayton WilliamD EdwardG Adell ThomasW CharlesH KennethG PerryF Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pvt SSg SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg SSg T/5 Pfc 2Lt T/5 2Lt Pfc Pfc Cpt Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl 398-A 399-1B 399-C 373397-B 399-K 399-3B 398-M 397-E 399-E 398-A 399-HQ 398-L 398-L 325-EH 800-OR 397-HQ 399-HQ 925-C 398-G 398-M 397-1B 397-F 397-SV 398-2B 397-HQ 925-C 398-L 374-A 373-A 398-M 397-CN 397-K 399-K 399-E 925-A 375-SV 397-A 373-A 925-C WIA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA WIA Coatesville Bridgeport PA CT LittleRock Memphis Townsend AR TN GA BrownsCity MI PhilCampbell Birmingham StMathews Plattsburg Brooklyn AL AL KY NY NY Bloomsburg PA SierraMadre CA Moodus Austin WHazelton StPaul Medina GlenCove Pound CT TX PA MN OH NY VA Gretna Commerce Clermont LA GA GA Keeserville Wauchula NY FL Stange Staniszewski Stankiewicz Stankus Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanton Stanwyck Staples Starbecker Stark Stark Starkey Starkweather Starling Starner Starnes Starnes Starr Starr Starr Starr Starr Starr Starshak Starsinic Starz Stately Station Statler Staton Staton Staub Stauffer Stawiecki Stayton RobertD TedV TheodoreA JuliusR CharlesE ChesterD DanielJ JohnJ JohnM MoseJ ClydeW Jacob JamesE StanleyW JesseF RobertB HowardB DavidC WilliamL LeoT DewittT WalterA HenryJ JosephJ KermitB LloydW MosesB WilliamC JohnJ StephenJ Anton Albert RobertL GeorgeE JamesR RobertL George JohnR BernardB FloydE Pfc Pfc T/4 SSg 2Lt Pfc SSg SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/4 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt T/4 LtC 375-B 399-G 373-SV 398-H 399-A 397-E 398-F 398-A 398-L 397-G 397-G 100-HQ 398-CN 399-L 397-F 399-CN 397-A 399-F 399-M 925-C 399-H 373-HQ 398-H 398-E 100-CR 399-3B 398-L 398-SV 398-MD 397-A 399-MD 399-A 800-OR 399-E 398-A 100-ST 373-HQ 397-AT 398-M 398-3B Columbus NiagaraFalls Brooklyn OH NY NY Kenosha MI Rosedale Rosedale BerchCreek GrandRapids Conemaugh SHill NY NY KY MI PA KY Canton Coram OH NY NewLexington Monroe OH NC LaGrange Clinton BelleValley Ottumwa GA MA OH IA Dorchester Chicago MA IL NewYork RedLake Tarboro Altoona Metropolis NY MN NC PA IL Washington Hammstown Webster Lawrence NJ PA MA KS WIA WIA WIA WIA Stead Stearns Stearns Stebing Steccato Stecher Stecik Steckler Stedronsky Steed Steed Steel Steel Steele Steele Steele Steele Steele Steele Steele Steele Steelman Steelman Steelman Steensen Stees Stefan Stefanczyk Stefanelli Stefani Stefani Stefano Stefanowicz Stefanski Stefanski Steffeck Steffen Steffen Stefinovec Stefurak RoemerD HerbertC WilliamM JamesE Pasquale Sidney GeorgeC MortonS JoeM BasilC CalvinE EdwinJ RoyN WilliamM BruceF DavidF ElmerD IraJ JamesP PaulV CharlesW Clarence DavisL Lige Henry HaroldJ WalterJ WilliamA Albert LawrenceJ WalterS JamesM FrankJ CasimirJ WalterA NormanJ GeorgeF MelvinR Gabrelle PaulS Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt T/5 T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt 2Lt 397-A 397-L 398-B 398-F 325-MD 399-HQ 397-H 397-K 397-A 399-F 398-F 399-2B 398-P 397-F 398-C 399-K 399-F 398-I 397-G 397-A 100-CR 399-C 397-C 398-K 398-F 398-G 375-A 398-2B 397-C 399-F 374-B 399-H 397-F 397-K 398-A 399-K 397-CN 398-G 398-H 399-1B WIA Chicago Fremont GreatFalls IL NH MT Bronx NY Whitaker Bronx PA NY Knoxville TN Kearny Paterson Indianapolis LosAngeles NJ NJ IN CA Graham Youngstown Amsterdam Belles VA OH NY TN Marks HighlandPark Mifflinburg Newark MS NJ PA NJ Belleville NJ Brooklyn MtVernon Plains Yorkville Hartford Merrill Woodford Blufton Dunmore LongIsland NY NY PA NY CT WI WI IN PA NY WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Stegall Stegeman Stegemann Stegmaier Stegora Stehlik Stehlik Steiger Steigman Steika Stein Stein Stein Stein Stein Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steiner Steiner Steiner Steiner Steinert Steines Steingrubey Steinle Steinman Steinmetz Stelly Stelmach Stenger Stenner Stensberg Stensrud Stephanofsky Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens PoseyM PaulA HeinzA RobertM RaymondP GeorgeJ RaymondW Louis Myer NormanA Bertil Joseph LewisA Martin WalterM LouisS Roy Sidney Ernest IrvingE Richard RobertA PhillipL DelbertL HarryB JohnR Rudolph FredL WhitburyJ John FrankN LyleE DonaldE HarveyG FrederickJ BenC MarvinL CliffordC NormanR DupointM Pvt T/5 Pvt LtC Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/4 Pvt Sgt Pfc Pvt T/3 1Lt T/5 Pfc Cpl TSg Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc 397-K 398-C 397-MD 100-HQ 399-M 399-H 399-L 800-OR 399-L 399-MD 399-A 399-L 399-I 397-F 925-C 398-E 397-CN 399-B 398-SV 398-G 397-A 398-CN 373-C 399-G 399-C 100-SG 399-D 100-SG 397-E 373-MD 399-SV 399-H 398-AT 398-1B 374-SV 397-H 398-L 399-L 397-1B 925-C WIA Fieldale Blackwell Chicago VA OK IL CoalCity Mountainville Boston MorrisRun Jamestown Bronx Brownsville Bronx IL NY MA PA NY NY TX NY Philadelphia Tomkinsville PA NY NewYork NY Bronx Calamus NY IA FtRecovery Chicago EOrange Opelousas Westchester OH IL NJ LA IL Boscobel WI Glenwood Seymour Bangs Franklin Dixon Carrollton Marietta MN CT TX TN IL MO GA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stepp Stepp Stepp Stergionis Sterk Sterling Stern Stern Stern Sternberg Sternberg Sternberg Sterner Sterner Sternlicht Stettner Stetz Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens RayJ JoeB JohnnieD CurtisW GlenardE JohnE RonaldE Sam VenC WilburG WilliamE BillF DavidR JohnL Sidney HarryAlan HoraceJ RobertW Marco Gerrit ThomasW JohnH Joseph Max Alfred HaroldE JosephB GeorgeW WilliamR Hyman JohnW StanleyJ ArnoldH CarlM Joseph LawrenceH RexR RobertH RobertL ThurmanL Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc SSg TSg Pfc Pfc T/5 TSg SSg 397-B 399-B 397-A 398-I 399-F 399-I 398-G 397-I 397-H 398-A 397-K 325-MB 398-K 397-L 100-HQ 397-K 398-1B 397-A 100-SG 398-MD 100-HQ 397-E 397-E 397-H 397-HQ 397-F 397-G 398-I 397-SV 398-L 399-2B 397-E 399-I 399-E 397-A 399-F 397-E 100-SG 399-3B 397-M WIA KIA WIA WIA POW KIA Milwaukee Alto Athens WI GA TN Lyndon Crawfordsville OH AR Bridgeport Staunton Pawhuska ECleveland Tulsa Fosston CT VA OH OH OK MN HighPoint Kosciusko NC MS Dedham Chicago Paterson MA IL NJ NewYork Elkton Bronx Listie NY MI NY PA NewYork Columbus NY OH CliffsidePark Lawton NJ OK Haverhill Macon Pernell MA GA OK WIA WIA KIA WIA Stevens Stevens Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stever Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Steyle Stibitz Stickel Stidams Stidham Stiegel Stiegler Stieglitz Stiever Stiffler WallaceL William DarellW FrankW JamesE JohnD WilliamH LawrenceW CarsonA ClarenE DeaneC DonaldM EarlM EdgyL ElliotB EnochE Fred FredE Homer Randee JamesT RichardL JosephB SheltonH NormanJ RalphL JohnW JosephH OwenD SidneyW LawrenceP NelsonA ThomasH Christie DenverI HarryL AlanL Alexander LawrenceW Eugene Sgt Pfc T/5 T/5 T/4 Pfc Cpl Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pvt T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt T/5 325-MB 399-MD 325-MA 398-F 398-SV 399-CN 100-QM 398-A 398-K 374-C 399-1B 100-DA 397-2B 397-1B 398-E 397-E 398-2B 399-AT 375-A 100-BD 397-L 397-M 325-EB 398-I 397-B 399-A 325-MD 925-SV 398-B 397-C 399-AT 397-G 100-BD 397-G 399-F 325-EA 397-HQ 325-EH 398-1B 373-HQ OaklandBeach Bridgeport Rossie RI CT NY Sutton Columbus Nashua Huntington Wildwood Rockview LagunaHills MiddleIsland MA OH NH PA FL WV CA NY Wingate TX Salmon ID Union Penland SC NC Middlefield Winston-Salem CT NC PoncaCity OK Dorchester NewBritain Rome MA CT GA Ithaca Dayton NY OH RichmondHill NY Brooklyn NY Hollidaysburg PA WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA Stiles Stiles Stiles Stiles Stiles Stille Stillman Stillman Stillwagon Stilson Stiltner Stilts Stimes Stimes Stimson Stinard Stine Stinehower Stinson Stinson Stinson Stinson Stinson Stirling Stites Stites Stites Stites Stitman Stitnicky Stock Stocker Stockey Stockman Stockman Stockmeier Stoddard Stoessel Stoewer Stoffel Charles GordonE JamesW JohnE LeonardH WalterT Eedgar HilbertA Thomas WarrenE ArthurH WilliamR AlfredC AlfredC RichardL AlfredR KennethE DouglasJ GilbertG JackE JamesS JosephC LaurenceR ThomasM CharlesP JosephE WilliamB WilliamF CharlesJ WiliamD SteveE JamesD Daniel CharlesE HarlanW FrederickC WilliamE EdwardP William WesleyW Pfc SSg Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/3 T/4 Pvt T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 2Lt 2Lt Pfc 397-E 374-C 399-D 399-G 325-MD 397-D 399-CN 398-H 397-1B 398-B 398-G 325-EC 399-G 399-2B 398-F 325-MB 898-AA 325-EH 397-C 397-1B 398-A 325-EB 397-CN 100-HQ 398-E 399-B 399-1B 399-2B 399-3B 399-E 398-K 325-MC 398398-L 100-HQ 375-A 398-F 397397-C 399-F WIA WIA Wheeling Spiro Cincinnati Cannelton Gainesville Chicago NewYork HighlandSprings MillRun Pasadena Breaks Delanco Capron WV OK OH IN GA IL NY VA PA CA VA NJ IL Brooklyn Yadkinville Bronx Nashville Lockport NY NC NY TN NY LittleFalls Jeffersonville Millville Millville NJ IN NJ NJ Chicago Shiner Brooklyn IL TX NY Erie PA Holgate Saginaw OH MI Baltimore MD WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Stofko Stohr Stoiber Stoica Stoio Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokley Stokley Stoldorf Stoll Stoll Stoller Stolper Stolz Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner WilliamP JohnW WalterJ Michael ThomasP ClydeD HenryF JasonC RobertP RussellV ToneyW GeorgeF MelvinA LeslieM EugeneE Gordon Morris RobertL RichardF Abraham ByronF CharlesR EarlF ElgieJ GeorgeP HarryM HowardA IrvinW JamesR RichardC RichardC RussellW Sylvester ThomasK ThomasM Willard CarlW EdwardR HoraceW PaulC Sgt Pfc 1Lt Cpl Sgt T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Cpt Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc 1Sg 399-A 398-H 399-3B 398-F 397-C 925-HQ 374-SV 398-B 399-AT 100-SG 397-K 397-AT 399-HQ 325-EB 325-EB 399-K 100-DA 398-D 398-M 398-I 398-AT 399-D 925-A 398-HQ 397-D 399-A 398-MD 100-CR 397-A 397-E 397-E 375-B 398-G 398-B 397-M 397-A 100-QM 399-I 398-A 398-I WIA WIA WIA Bethlehem Iola PA KS Utica Columbus Auburndale Greer Marietta Absecon Mobile Lexington Cromwell Morris Chicago Hazelton Pittsburgh NY MS FL SC GA NJ AL KY OK MN IL PA PA Bronx NY Athol McGregor McDonald Malone MA TX TN NY Baileysville Bassett WV VA Akron OH SWhitley Troy Noblesville BuchroeBeach IN OH IN VA WIA WIA WIA Stonkas Stookey Stophel Stoppel Store Storey Storjohann Storm Storr Storshak Story Story Stoudt Stout Stoutjesdyk Stovall Stovall Stover Stover Stover Stow Stoy Strain Strand Strandell Strange Strasser Strasser Strate Strater Stratmann Stratten Stratton Straub Straus Straus Strausberg Strauss Strauss Strauss CharlesW Daniel Roy EdwardA EdwardW JohnE JamesE FredW EdwardW JohnJ LeonardA ReeseN NormanB GeorgeJ John Earl RossH DencilD JamesH NathanR JohnH HerbertE GeorgeD ArnoldM HarryA HenryM CharlesG MaxL Charlie HernmanF CarrollW General Hal GeorgeL JohnR MiltonH Jack Bernard Heinz LeonF T/3 Cpl Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pvt SSg TSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 325-MC 398-D 325-EA 397-F 399374-B 399-E 100-QM 399-K 398-MD 398-2B 375-HQ 397-L 397-I 398-G 100-SG 397-F 399-H 399-E 399-M 397-MD 398-H 399-A 397-CN 325-MA 399-I 399-K 397-C 399-L 373-A 399-L 398-I 399-B 373-HQ 397-G 399-CN 398-A 325-EM 397-SV 397-AT Bridgeport Harristown Wilkinsburg Philadelphia CT IL PA PA Chicago IL Brooklyn Lynn NY MA Centerdale Urbana Runnemede Trenton GrandRapids Akron Willow Robertsburgh Fairburn Gallagher RI OH NJ NJ MI OH OK WV GA WV Ashley Clinton Becker IN IN MN Northville Buffalo MI NY KIA Charlotte Westville Wichita Harold Pasadena NC NJ KS KY CA POW Dillanvale NewBrunswick Princeton NewYork NewYork OH NJ NJ NY NY WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Strauss Strauss Strbrich Street Street Streiff Strenglein Strenk Stresser Strianese Strickland Strickland Strickland Strickland Strickland Strickland Strickland Strickler Stricklin Striedal Strife Strifler Strimmater Strobel Strobel Stroder Stroebel Strohbusch Stroli Strom Strom Strong Strong Strong Stroop Strother Stroud Strough Stroup Stroup Ludwig Milton RauelB Kyle LowellG ThomasR Frank Paul OscarE WilliamJ GeorgeL JohnnieE JosephR RichardC RobertW RudolfS ShairdL PhilipA JulianR WilliamL RichardL RichardD RalphE OscarK OttoD WilliamG OttoD WilliamC Mario ArthurL JohnA DavidL DouglasR OttoW James SamuelM FloydW DavidA OrvilleK RussellC Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/5 Cpt Pfc Cpl Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc 2Lt Cpl 2Lt Pvt Pfc T/4 2Lt SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc 397-AT 399-CN 398-2B 398-3B 399-H 398-C 374-B 398-MD 100-CR 398-E 398-E 397-C 398-K 397-M 398-H 399-MD 398-A 398-A 398-A 397-L 397-L 397-M 399-M 399-I 399399-G 399-P 399-SV 397-MD 399-SV 397-A 398-B 100-BD 398-K 399-CN 399-E 398-K 397-3B 398-A 399-HQ Philadelphia NewBrunswick PA NJ Hampton Barberton Dayton Eldred TN OH OH NY Edensburg BallstonSpa Columbus MtJuliet Shamokin PA NY OH TN PA Chicago Nashville Blackhear CanonCity IL NC GA CO Victoria Ilion Westmoreland TX NY KS Mexico MO Whitewater JerseyCity Horicon Bronx Valdosta MO NJ WI NY GA Freeport IL Kingstree StPaul Cottonton Nichols Erie Lapeer SC MN TN SC PA MI MIA KIA WIA MIA POW WIA WIA WIA POW Strozer Strozewski Strunin Strunk Struthers Strutz Struzik Strype Stuart Stubblefield Stubbs Stuckey Stucky Stuczynski Studley Stuhlmuller Stuler Stults Stultz Stumpf Stupak Sturbich Sturner Sturtevant Styers Styers Sucov Sudi Sue Suechting Sugerman Suggs Suggs Sukuskas Sulewski Sullinger Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan FredM RobertL Nathan Oakley WilliamJ WilliamJ EmilH Charles JohnP GasconM JamesJ JethroR OliverG RomanML EdwardJ EberhardH RobertC JackE NanceB RobertR RalphP RouellB JamesA HerbertA JamesA LouisC HenryF Frank Wallace WilliamG Lewis FelixL HarryL StanleyJ EdwardJ CharlesR CliffordE DanielB DennisJ EdmundR Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc T/4 Cpl Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pvt Pfc 375-A 397-MD 399-C 374-C 398-HQ 397-2B 398-B 398-M 399-L 397-E 325-MD 398-B 399-MD 397-3B 325-EC 397-1B 397-M 399-F 399-M 925-SV 398-3B 398-F 325-EC 398-1B 398-E 398-SV 399-F 325-EM 397-SV 397-CN 375-B 398-G 399-M 399-A 398-K 398-G 325-EC 373-C 397-L 399-B Bronx Warrens NewYork Bronx SanFrancisco SShore RoaringBranch NY WI NY NY CA SD PA KIA Troy CalicoRock Harrisville NC AR RI WIA Worcester MA Glendale NY Lancaster Lorraine Birmingham Bronx Notasulga Berwick Wolcott PA OH MI NY AL PA VT Trenton NJ Brooklyn Spencer NY NC HoosickFalls NY Dermott TX Leonia Chelsea Mattapan NJ MA MA WIA MIA WIA WIA KIA Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sulser Sumholtz Summerfield Summerlin Summerlin Summers Summers Summers Summers Summers Summey Sumner Sumner Sumners Elgie EugeneJ EugeneJ FrankW GeorgeF GlennA JamesT Jerome JerryJ MichaelJ JohnF JohnL RalphE JohnW LeroyH JohnF JohnR JosephJ RichardA RichardJ RobertJ ThomasA WilburE WilliamE WilliamG WilliamH RobertB Monroe SpencerE AaronC WillieM DonaldE EdmundA Gene JohnL PercyW NoahT CarlV JamesH WilliamA Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 TSg Cpl T/5 Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/4 Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 TSg Sgt Pvt 398-D 398-E 398-A 925-HQ 397-AT 375-B 398-M 925-HQ 398-G 399-MD 397-K 397-M 397-E 374-B 399-G 397-C 399-D 397-I 375-MD 374-HQ 398-K 375-A 397-C 399-B 397-C 399-K 397-HQ 397-SV 398-AT 397-D 398-K 399-MD 398-B 399-K 397-CN 398-M 100-BD 100-QM 100-QM 399-C WIA Rockcamp Brooklyn Chicago OH NY IL Batesville Springfield MS MA Chicago JamaicaPlain IL MA CrystalSprings Lynn Antwerp Buchtel Dorchester ME MA NY OH MA Salem Burlington Dorchester Wakefield StLouis SanFrancisco Stephenville Providence Portland Bronx GrassValley MA NJ MA MA MO CA TX RI OR NY OR ElmCity Tionesta Philadelphia TerreHaute Memphis Albany Greenville Donovan NC PA PA IN TN NY SC GA JunctionCity AR KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA POW KIA Sundberg Sundberg Sundeen Sundell Sunega Sungaila Sunnenberg Super Superstein Surbrugg Surman Surmanek Surniak Surratt Surrett Susanowiz Suski Susser Sussman Sussman Sussman Sussynski Sutch Sutherland Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutz Suvak Svenson Swager Swaim Swain Swain Swain Swallow LoyalR RobertL JohnD OlavH EdwardS VictorC JosephH TheodoreJ Sol Oscar StevenJ JosephM Joseph ThomasA HughH BrunoA CharlesT JeromeW Gerald MorrisR StuartL EdwardW RalphE RichardC Arthur ClarenceL EuriasC FrankS JohnB JohnR WilliamR William John WarrenT TheodoreL AlanD Cleophus GeorgeC WilmerB JohnM Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc TSg 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Cpl Pfc Pvt SSg Sgt T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-B 399-K 399-K 325-EB 398-AT 397-AT 374-C 398-F 397-F 397-B 399-C 398-F 398-A 397-CN 399-C 398-F 397-H 397374-HQ 399-1B 397-F 398-CN 398-G 398-A 397-C 399-A 398-G 397-A 397-A 925-HQ 398-G 399399-H 325-MB 398-G 398-G 398-A 397-H 397-2B 800-OR WIA WIA Detroit RedWing BonnersFerry NewYork Rockville MI MN ID NY CT Cincinnati OH LyonsFalls Duluth Wilkes-Barre NY MN PA Duluth Maspeth Reading MN NY PA Brooklyn NY Bridgeport Springfield Roanoke UnionCity Concordia Lansdale CT OH VA NJ KS PA Hillside Pittsburgh NJ PA TurtleCreek ElmwoodPark PA IL Kannapolis Danville Roper NC VA NC WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Swango Swann Swann Swann Swann Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson Swart Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swarzschild Swearingan Swedo Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweigert Sweitzer Swenson Swenson DonaldE GeorgeR RobertH ThomasM WilliamT AlbertA ClaytonO DonaldA HenryW RobertC WilliamS EugeneE ForrestW Jacob KennethE Louis MortonH Henry FrankO Stanley AubreyC FrancisA ThomasF GeorgeJ ThomasJ JohnJ LeeP RaymondA RobertT JamesD LawrenceD GeorgeE LeGrandW MerlinR RobertC ThomasG Arthur JohnT HermanC RobertD T/5 T/3 Pfc SSg Cpl MSg Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Pvt Pvt Pfc SSg TSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Sgt SSg Pfc Sgt 1Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc 100-SG 100-HQ 375-C 397-M 398-A 399-A 398-K 100-HQ 397-C 398-I 397-D 399-A 399-HQ 398-CN 397-M 100-HQ 398-M 100-ST 397-L 397-I 399-K 397-K 399-K 399-B 398-3B 398-SV 399-G 373-HQ 399397-HQ 397-A 397-1B 399-H 397-3B 399-K 398-2B 398-1B 399-M 397-AT 398-B KIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA WIA Dayton OH Breman Greenville Danville DuBois Omaha Jamestown Brooklyn StCloud Washington Freemont GA TX VA PA NE NY NY MN PA OH Mishawaka IN GalenaPark Johnstown Lewisburg Minneapolis TX PA TN MN SBoston MA Malden Hattiesburg Brooklyn MA MS NY Bowie MD PortHuron Crichton KansasCity MI WV MO Barrington RI WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Swesey Swett Swezey Swiattouski Swider Swift Swigert Swinyard Swinyer Swiridowsky Swith Switzer Switzer Swofford Swogger Swosinski Swoyer Sydor Syerson Sykes Sykes Sykulski Sylvester Sylvester Syma Symeou Symonds Symonds Sympson Syrek Syverson Syverson Szablewski Szabo Szafranski Szankin Szelagowski Szfranski Szklarski Szostorek VernardO GeorgeE JeromeM Ernest Edward DavidM Arthur ReginaldW PaulG PeterP JohnC JamesA JohnA WoodrowW JackK DanielR Fred EdwardJ CarlJ AllenT GeorgeW WalterJ ArthurJ JamesJ Sebastian Gus Irving RoyW WilliamP JohnA CarlL TheodoreE HarryW EmilD JeromeJ GeraldR AnthonyJ JeromeJ HarryA ClarenceF Pfc Pfc T/5 SSg SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg 1Lt Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt Pfc SSg 399-M 397-1B 100-SG 374-HQ 397-L 399-C 398-B 397-B 398-1B 398-C 398-B 397-K 397-K 397-M 398-H 399-L 398-K 397-HQ 398-B 399-I 398-A 100-CR 399-F 398-SV 398-L 398-C 399-B 800-OR 398-3B 398-A 399-B 399-K 800-OR 398-L 397-A 399-M 375-HQ 397398-C 399-K KIA WIA POW POW WIA WIA HudsonFalls ChicopeeFalls NewHartford Attleboro NY MA NY MA Oswego Gilman Waterbuty York Baltimore LittleNeck Chesnee BeaverFalls Milwaukee Lindfield Auburn Cranston Elizabeth CrystalSprings Westfield NY VT CT PA MD NY SC MN WI PA MA RI NJ MS MA Detroit MI NewYork Astoria London Clinton Chicago NY NY NH IL IL Alexandria Chicago Farrell VA IL PA JerseyCity NJ Milwaukee Erie WI PA WIA WIA Szott Szott Szwczlk Szymanski Szymanski Szymanski Szymula Taber Taber Tabia Tabisel Tableman Tabler Tabor Tabor Tachenko Tadros Tafoya Taft Taft Takach Talbert Talbert Talbot Taliafero Talkington Talley Talley Talley Tallyn Talton Tamayo Tambasco Tanana Tangeman Tanhoff Tanner Tanner Tanner Tannery JosephT Richard StanleyF BrunoF FrankA HenryW WalterF Alvatis WayneM Pelajio Solomon VergilE RalphC CharlesA GeorgeW LonnyR LouisN LeeJ AdonC RaymondL JosephJ CarrollR RobertH WilliamE EdwardG ArgelW GeorgeM LC RichardE MilfordG HowardF AndrewS Anthony WilliamB EarlC RobertF JohnH LawrenceG WadeE PaulJ 1Lt T/4 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc 925-HQ 100-HQ 397-3B 398-M 100-DA 100-SG 399-G 398-A 100-HQ 398-L 399-B 397-F 375-A 398-AT 399-B 325-MB 398-L 399-L 399-C 397-G 398-L 398-1B 399-K 397-F 399-F 397-MD 398-K 399-A 398-A 397-G 397-L 374-HQ 397-I 399-AT 398-C 399-E 399-HQ 397-K 325-EC 100-DA KIA Chicago IL Pittsburgh Camden Cleveland PA NJ OH Rochester Rosiclare Crookston Soham Bronx NY IL MN NM NY Prescott Hardinsburg Manchester GrasseyButte MichiganCity Raton Hyattsville Richmont Tresckow SanFranisco AZ KY CT ND IN NM MD VT PA CA Milwaukee WI Cooper TX Alton Keymar Houston Brooklyn Westland Dubuque Wegdahl IL MO TX NY MI IA MN NKansasCity Henry Greenville MO SC SC WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Tanory Tansey Tantillo Tanzer Taranti Tarantino Tarantino Taraskewicz Tarbert Tardiff Taris Tarpey Tarsel Tartaglione Tarter Tasch Tasuz Tate Tate Tate Tate Tatem Tavares Taveira Tayfoya Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor JoeG GeorgeF HarryJ HershalM Vincent FrancisJ Joseph Joseph CarrollE CharlesN JohnM Richard Anthony FerdinandA EdwinF Jesse ThomasW CharlesH HarryC RupertE WillieH JosephD Antonio Theodore LeeJ AlbertE DanielL ArchibaldH DonaldG BennettD CharlesE ClaytonH AubreyW CecilV CharlieG DoyleB EugeneE Frank Fred GarlandW SSg Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 T/4 T/4 TSg T/5 Sgt T/5 Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc 398-SV 399-HQ 398-3B 397-L 325-MB 100-QM 397-3B 100-QM 398-C 325-MB 397-L 325-MD 399-B 398-A 398-A 398-CN 398-MD 325-MC 398-B 398-A 374-C 397-C 374-B 397-G 399-3B 398-E 325-EB 398-G 399-C 399-L 397-F 397-E 399-A 399-K 397-I 399-HQ 399-L 397-3B 925-HQ 398-I WIA WIA POW KIA WIA Danbury Longview CT WA HudsonFalls Brooklyn Throop NY NY PA ShortHills NewYork Elmhurst Shamokin NJ NY NY PA Somerset Oakland Chicago Sedro-Woolley Reidsville Hudson Lexington Troy Bristol NFairhaven KY CA IL WA NC NY TN OH RI MA Lexington TX Glenwillard Glendale PA NY Arlington VA Richmond Charlotte VA NC Helenwood Houston FishersIsland Raven TN MS NY VA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Teague Teahan Teasdale Techar Techene Techiera Tedder Tedford Teel Tees Teeter Teeter,Rev Teichert Teiser Teitelbaum GeorgeS RobertL Harryp RonaldW JamesM JohnB RussellW JosephT SamC MiltonB WalterE PhillipG WilliamA WilliamA RobertE WilliamI John WilliamJ KendallD WilliamW RalphG HilbertR JohnnyW MiltonH RichardC CharlesF JohnH Fred Joseph Irvin TonyA DanielP ClarenceJ JohnE FredrickM ClydeE BonnerE Hans StanleyA Samuel Cpl 2Lt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Sgt TSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Sgt T/5 T/5 Pfc Cpl Cpl T/5 Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Cpt 1Lt Cpt 398-G 399-E 397-B 398-D 399-H 397-B 397-C 373-SV 399-B 375-HQ 100-SG 397-MD 399-MD 399-M 399-K 397-M 398-B 398-A 398-HQ 399-A 399-A 398-K 398-G 325-EH 399-A 100-QM 399-B 399-D 399-K 399-K 399-CN 397-E 397-D 399-F 399-I 397-2B 397-HQ 399-F 397-E 398-3B POW WIA WIA Daggett Alma MI MI GateCity Methuen Lizella Austin VA MA GA TX Absecon NewYork NJ NY Hudson Covington NC LA Hollywood Provo CA UT Watertown PA McKeesport Greer EStLouis Walden Hibbing Oraibi Stoughton PA SC IL NY MN AZ MA Detroit Eldon MI IA Henderson Brooklyn NC NY WIA POW WIA WIA WIA WIA Telford Telles Temafeew Temczyszyn Tempelen Temple Templeton Templeton Templeton Templeton Tench Tendick Tennant Tennis Tenuich Tepe Tepperman Teppich Terbovic Tercy Terebaiza Terjesen Terrian Terry Terry Terry Terss Terwilliger Terwilliger Tesoriero Tessier Tessmer Testa Tetla Tetla Tetmeyer Tetreault Tetterton Tetzloff Teves Clarence SolomonO JohnA AnthonyJ Constantino LandisM DolphusD HughE JohnF. RaymondL ClydeC ClydeC OrvalE LoganS WalterR JohnB Seymour John Nick JohnJ JosephH RoyE Clement JoeG JohnT LorenH RobertH CharlesM ElmerJ Vincent AlfredR RobertG JohnR Adam JosephP WalterF ARoland GeorgeR Frederick HowardR Pvt Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pvt T/5 1Lt Pvt Cpl Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 SSg T/5 Pfc Sgt Cpl TSg SSg SSg T/5 T/4 SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc 397-D 399-I 398-G 375-C 398-I 397-K 398-C 398-A 373-SV 397-L 325-EB 399-A 399-P 325-MC 398-C 375399-B 399-C 399-I 100-HQ 374-B 373-A 399-G 399-MD 100-QM 925-SV 399-H 399-L 399-K 374-B 925-HQ 397-I 398-G 397-A 397-A 398-C 397-E 399-G 397-A 397-E WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Manchester LaMese Brooklyn WEnglewood Pomona Sanford Rattan CT NM NY NJ CA NC OK UnionGrove NC Jacksonville Wivaux Plainville FL MT IL Covington Linden KY NJ KansasCity RichmondHill Glendale PortWashington Pawtacket Ingleside HotSprings UnionCity EStLouis FtSmith Stratford Brooklyn NewBedford Dearborn Southington LittleFalls KS NY NY NY RI WV AR TN IL AR CT NY MA MI CT NJ Ottumwa IA Pinetown GlenUllin Salinas NC ND CA Thacker Thackerson Thames Thane Tharpe Thatcher Thatcher Thayer Thayer Theim Theimer Thena Theobald Theobold Theodore Therrien Therrien Thiaville Thibault Thibault Thibodeau Thiel Thielemann Thiem Thole Thom Thoma Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas JohnC ClarenceB EarlG GeorgeV FelixG ArchieH GeorgeE ClevelandH RobertF Henry ErleK RobertH RobertL ArthurG Julius LeoF RaymondE Alphonse CharlesR JosephE Adrien BernardF JohnK Henry HenryC GeorgeW JohnE ArlM ArthurH BayneA BuddyG CarlM CarollE CarrollL CecilC CharlesD CharlesF CharlesG CharlesJ CharlesL Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 LtC Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt 1Lt 2Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt 1Lt Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Sgt SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Sgt Pfc 2Lt 397-D 397-M 397-F 397-SV 399-1B 398-M 397-A 100-CR 399-G 398-CN 397-H 397-E 100-SG 397-G 397-MD 325-EA 399-A 325-EA 399-C 397-H 398-I 399-B 373-SV 398-CN 398-B 398-E 397-E 397-1B 375-A 399-F 397-G 374-A 397-C 398-L 398-M 325-EA 398-HQ 399-L 397-A 325-EH WIA POW KIA WIA Burlington PellCity Brookhaven WActon NC AL MS MA RockHill SC Chicago RochellePark IL NJ Lakewood Alden Waterloo NewBritain Irvington Alburgh NJ MN IL CT NY VT ColonialHeights Newburyport Sanford VA MA ME Evanston IL Thorofare NJ EssexJunction VT Indianopolis Chicago Cleaton Broadway Louisville RiverRouge GladeSpring ID IL KY NC KY MI VA Washington DC WIA WIA Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas ThomasO Thomasson ClarenceB DanielE JamesT DavidE JohnE DupontW Joseph EnnisE JosephA EvanG JosephC GeorgeC KenvinR HaroldG LeonardL HermanO LeslieB JamesR LeslieJ EdwardJ LouisR FlakeA NathanielW HarryL DowningA Eugene GeorgeH IrvinC RayburnS RaymondD RichardL RobertS Sidney StanleyB Terry WalterC WarrenK WilliamR Baker GeorgeB SSg Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Sgt Sgt T/5 TSg Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 397-F 375-A 397-G 397-E 398-D 925-SV 373-A 397-K 397-2B 325-MA 398-L 399-A 100-CR 397-D 399-K 374-B 373-HQ 373-B 398-F 397-E 100-HQ 397-H 399-2B 398-I 397-L 373398-D 399-I 399-E 398-H 398-MD 398-F 399-C 397-E 398-H 397-2B 399-M 397-K 397-M 399-M Pasadena CA Mart Canton Brooklyn Springdale TX NC NY AR Hannibal Delanson Glendale StMichsels Andrews Fayetteville MO NY WV AZ SC NC Toledo OH Polkton Tallulah NC LA WIA LuptonCity TN MIA Dekalb Dennis Whitney Holsopple Boonesboro MS TX TX PA MD Jacksonheights Dupree Sipsey LongBeach ForestHill Columbus NY SD AL CA MD OH WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA KIA WIA WIA Thomerson Thompsoin Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson HughC OttoB BenjaminF BillieB BillyH CalvinM CliffordL DanielA DavidH GuyO DennisS Ivy EinarJ Jack EmmettA GradyL EarlG EldonL GlennO JamesA JamesD JerryD JohnG JosephW LloydD RobertF LloydF RoyK LymanC ThorvaldJ Troy Norwood WaltonR Oscar WilliamH PaulC WorthH RalphM RobertC Louis Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt 1Lt T/5 TSg Cpl Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc T/4 Sgt Pvt Pfc Cpt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Mjr 398-D 399-C 399-B 100-HQ 397-E 397-2B 398-SV 398-D 100-MP 397-H 325-MC 325-MC 399-AT 397-B 397-P 397-MD 399-M 397-E 397-M 398-K 397-3B 399-D 397-K 399-I 397-E 325-EH 925-B 398-M 398-SV 397-I 375-C 399-B 398-G 398-C 397-MD 398-F 399-A 398-HQ 325-MC 399-F KIA WIA WIA MIA WIA WIA MIA KIA Franklinton SaultSteMarie NC MI Nashville Hamilton Salem TN TX SC Durham NC Evanston Elkton Wilmington IL KY NC McArthur Roanoke Bladenboro OH TX NC Sheridan Seattle Inman Prichard Richmond Wallace Haughton OR WA SC AL CA WV LA Roanoke Farmingdale Cleveland Chicago MenloPark Oakman NewBern VA NY OH IL CA AL NC NewYork Linton NY GA Simoda Chicago Chattanooga WV IL TN Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thomsen Thomson Thomson Thomson Thony Thoreson Thorick Thorley Thorn Thornburg Thorne Thornsberry Thornsberry Thornsley Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thorpe Thorsted Threatt Thrift Throne Thrower Thruston Thuotte Thurlow Thurston Tibbets Tice Tichacek MatthewH OrbinV PaulA PaulJ RamonC William JamesK JosephH RobertT VavW HenryL Philip RobertF HowardW KarlS RalphY Ed Lawrence KennethD EverettF Herschel LloydJ LloydL RobertL RogerS SidneyP TrubyE Burgess RaymondC CliffordS MarcusP EdwardW ThomasP HaroldW GeraldJ SterlingE HowardS AlfredC LesterC FrankA T/5 Pvt Sgt Sgt Cpl 1Sg Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc T/4 Cpl 2Lt LtC SSg Cpl T/5 Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg 1Lt Pvt Pfc TSg Sgt Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl T/5 Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 1Sg 398-M 800-OR 325-EB 399-E 398-D 375-HQ 397-A 398-L 100-SG 399-E 398-L 399-L 398-L 398-C 398-P 397-3B 399-B 925-C 398-I 100-CR 398-I 398-A 398-G 399-C 399-B 397-D 398-E 397-K 399-C 399-K 397-G 397-HQ 325-EC 325-EA 398-B 399-B 398-I 399-I 325-EC 397-K WIA WIA KIA POW MIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Caro HolidaysCove StLouis MI WV MO Lawton Morgan Winnipeg EPaterson OK UT MA NJ Chicago Edwardsville IL PA Muncie Roxbury Rute Hollybush ELiverpool Nashua Pinckneyville Akron Canby Patterson Buffalo Iva Hardeeville Ashland Ogden IN MA KY KY OH NH IL OH OR GA NY SC SC AL UT Waycross Rochester Columbus GA NY GA Richmond Jackson Brooks Houston NewYork ME MI ME TX NY Tichota Tidswell Tidwell Tidwell Tidwell Tidwell Tidwell Tiernan Tiernan Tierney Tierny Tietze Tietzx Tiezzi Tigano Tigerman Tijerina Till Tillett Tilley Tillman Tillman Tilson Tilton Tilton Timco Timken Timkins Timko Timlinson Timmerman Timmins Timmons Timoney Timpanaro Tinkham Tinnell Tinnes Tinsley Tintle LumirR Scott CharlesE Howard JohnL JohnL Marvin FrancisE JohnJ VincentC JamesJ George RobertJ FrankP LeoM VictorS Jesus JsephRM ThomasJ EdwmanL BlaineF EugeneJ JA AllenS KennethL George Alexander Archie GeorgeT JohnA JohnF ThomasA ClydeE EdwardD Sebastiono RobertK Albert KennethA DavidK CorwinEH Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pfc TSg T/3 Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Cpt T/4 Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc SSg Pvt SSg Pfc Cpt SSg TSg Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc 399-B 399-D 399-AT 398-G 397397-D 399-L 100-QM 397-MD 325-EA 397-MD 398-I 397-HQ 397-F 397-G 398-M 100-CR 399-E 398-H 374-HQ 397-M 100-HQ 399-B 399-D 397-G 397-D 397-A 397-E 399-B 397-I 399-M 397-E 373-B 397-I 397-H 399-A 398-B 398-G 397-F 399-L WIA WIA WIA POW KIA WIA Howll NE Jasper NewAlbany AL MS KingstonSprings Aradia JacksonHeights VeroBeach Ossining Brooklyn SanAntonio Chicago NewYork TN FL NY FL NY NY TX IL NY Chicago Poteet Buff UpperDarby Beaver Belwood IL TX NY PA WV NC Erwin TN Louisiana MO Hoboken PortMatilda NJ PA Paris IL Englewood NJ LongIslandCity Hackensack Millinocket Gorman NY NJ MA TX Cleveland TN Tippery Tippie Tippins Tipton Tirado Tiratto Tirey Tirgrath Tirpak Tirpak Tirpak Tirpak Tirrell Tisdel Tishelman Tisher Tison Titko Titman Titone Titus Tkatch Tlumak Tobelman Tobias Tobias Tobin Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd Todeschini Tofani Tolberg Tolbert Tolbey Toleos RalphT CharlesR WilliamL George JoeJ Benjamin Willie HRobert Ernest Michael MichaelJ MichaelP Morris ByronE William ThomasE HerbertR William CecilM. AlfredJ CharlesR John Seymour JamesC RayW RichardC ErnestJ TalmondL CharlesJ GlenR JamesA LeithH OtisM DougaldB Charles AlfredJ WesleyE GarnetD CharlesM Thomas T/5 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pvt SSg 1Lt Cpl T/5 Pvt Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc T/4 Cpl T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Cpl Sgt SSg Pfc 399-A 325-EC 398-M 398-F 397-C 397-3B 398-E 374-A 374-B 399-3B 398-K 399-3B 399-CN 100-SG 398-D 399-E 925-HQ 925-A 398-CN 325-EH 399-B 398-2B 374-HQ 373-A 399-L 397-I 399-I 398-E 399-C 398-HQ 399-L 398-SV 399-I 398-C 398-F 397-AT 397-B 398-L 925-A 397-3B WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW KIA Stockton Burnet Fitzgerald Falco SanDiego CA TX GA AL CA Hamilton Lyndhurst Erie HomesteadPark Erie Homestead EastWindsor Fairmount OH PA PA PA PA PA MA ND Tampa FL Brooklyn Purcellville GlenLyor Brooklyn SOrange Lebanon NY VA PA NY NJ PA Yankton Hickory SD MS Utica Norman Modesto Crocherton Lumberton Brooklyn NY OK CA MD NC NY ForestLake Shelby Rand MN NC WV Tolisano Tolley Tolmasoff Tom Toma Tomaino Tomaiuolo Tomam Tomaszewski Tomczyk Tomik Tomling Tomlinson Tomlinson Tomlinson Tomlinson Tompkins Tompkins Tompkins Toms Tomsello Tomyanovitc Tona Toner Tong Tonkin Toole Toom Toomer Toomey Toomey Toon Torbett Tornello Torre Torres Torrez Torrice Torsey Tosh VictorF HerbertH JohnW AnthonyF Ralph JosephB PatrickG ThomasP EdwardJ StanleyA JosephJ NotleyD Edwin FrancisR PerryL RobertP ArchieG EdwardE GeorgeS RaymondW JohnJ ThomasF SamuelS WilliamF RussellT WilliamM MaxE John BenjaminT GeraldJ JohnJ AlecW ConleyC Philip FrankA NatividadA SalomeR GeorgeA JamesL JamesT Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Mjr Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg 1Lt Pfc Cpt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc 399-C 399-I 398-B 397-E 398-I 373-A 373-C 373-SV 398-I 399-B 399-C 325-MC 800-OR 399-G 373-HQ 399-G 397-2B 399-SV 397-G 925-HQ 398-I 398-I 100-CR 399-HQ 398-A 399-C 397-I 373-C 325-EB 399-F 325-EH 399-SV 398-2B 100-QM 397-L 397-A 397-A 100-BD 398-L 398-I FishingCreek LongBeach MD CA Newark NJ ENewark Toledo Newark NJ OH NJ Kingston Richmond Lebanon Carbondale NY CA TN IL Irvington NJ NewYork Akron Johnstown WWyoming NY OH PA PA POW Detroit MI KIA Yale MI NewOrleans LA Phoenix Bristol AZ TN LaHabra SanAntonio CA TX Richmond VA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA Toth Toth Toth Totter Touehton Tourangeau Touri Towensend Tower Tower Towers Towle Towne Townes Towns Townsend Townsend Townsend Townsend Townsend Townsend Trachtman Trachtman Tracy Tracy Tracy Traeb Trainito Trainor Trainor Tramel Trammell Trammell Tramutra Tranchina Trank Trant Tranter Tranthem Trantowski David JohnP WilliamA JosephF CurtisE RobertF FrancisJ HarvieE MyronN RonaldW CharlesM ElroyW EverettE CharlesM RobertM FredrickW HaroldE HubertC RichardC WarnerL WilliamR Jack LeonE FrederickJ GeorgeA GeorgeM StanleyE GasperoC CharlesF LeoJ OliverT HarveyE JamesB GerardA Frank ReginaldA HenryC RaymondJ JamesE EdwardJ 2Lt Pfc T/4 Sgt T/4 T/4 Sgt Pvt Pfc T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/4 SSg Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc 399-1B 397-D 373-A 397-CN 398-3B 373-B 399-L 397-F 397-F 399-M 397-A 925-A 325-EH 397-A 397-L 399-D 398-G 398-D 398-K 398-1B 375-A 398-I 397-2B 398-HQ 397-A 375-C 398-1B 398-HQ 397-A 397-G 398-L 397-I 100-CR 397-L 399-CN 399-B 398-E 397-A 398-D 398-H WIA KIA Williamsfield OH Bloomington LakePark Waterbury PortChester Greenville Buffalo IL GA CT NY FL NY Marion HydePark IA VT Utica Quick TribesHill Nashua Atlanta Hillsboro Brooklyn Brooklyn Lowell Raytown NY WV NY NH GA WV NY NY MA MO Woodstock Salem MtJuliet Cazenovia Springersville Brooklyn Brooklyn Burlington Rodessa Bayside Epworth IL MA TN NY AZ NY NY VT LA NY GA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA POW Trapani Trarbaugh Traughber Travaglini Travers Travis Travis Travis Trawick Traystman Treece Trefethen Trego Treible Treiman Tremain Tremko Trent Trent Trent Trevethan Trevey Trevisan Trexler Trexler Trice Trijo Trillin Trillo Trimboli Trimpe Trinea Trinque Tripani Triplett Trippler Tritle Trivett Trobbino Troiano Richard RobertG JamesH FredJ FrancisA HenryC JamesW LloydD RobertL Herman BurleyF LloydJ RobertR WilliamG Carl JamesB AndrewM CyrusA Grady MarvinB BenP NormanA NelloA BlairL GlennA CedricB ArturoG Milton WillieM Fortunato LaurenceL Angelo MariusN Richard WilliamH Alfred SethE MorgJ George AcheleU SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 2Lt Sgt Sgt CWO Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 SSg T/5 1Lt SSg Pfc Pfc Cpl 399-H 397-E 398-MD 397-L 925-HQ 399-MD 399-E 373-SV 397-B 325-MB 373-C 398-G 397-C 100-CR 398-AT 399-I 397-CN 397-F 399-SV 399-G 398-K 325-MC 399-D 374-C 399-1B 397-SV 397-B 398-E 398-L 397-MD 399-E 375-C 100-SG 399-H 399-G 399-3B 397-I 399-B 325-MB 374-C KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Muskogee Paducah OK KY Brooklyn Tullahoma Ethridge Magnolia Jacksonville GlenCove Salisbury DoverFoxcroft Berwick NY TN TN MS FL NY NC ME PA Greenbelt Iola Taylor Lester Pacolet Roadsville Wilson Roanoke Plainville Amsbry GranitQuarry Elmira Saginaw MD KS PA WV SC NC NC VA CT PA NC NY MI SanAntonio Brooklyn Seymore Brooklyn TX NY IN NY Brooklyn York Clifton NY PA NJ Mogadire BlueIsland Lee OH IL MA WIA Troiano Troike Trolio Tron Tropini Trostle Trotta Trotter Trottier Trouchton Troupes Troutman Troutman Trovato Trovato Troxell Troyer Troyer Truehl Truesdale Truitt Trull Trumbo Trunes Truschess Trustin Trutter Tryon Tsingkakos Tsouloufis Tuccillo Tuck Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker PaulA RolandC ErnestE AlbertE Richard William MauroJ DossieW RaymndA CurtisE GadaminP ErnestM JamesF Guiseppe Joseph EllisF DonaldD LeeH FredH DonaldE JamesK IshmealA IvanC GusT WilliamH NewellA EdwardH CharlesA Demetrios AndrewW JosephT EugeneA CharlesL Herman James JamesW MackA Mark McKendree RoyS Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 SSg SSg TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc T/5 1Lt Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc 2Lt Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt 397-G 398-M 399-CN 800-OR 399-H 398-I 397-L 399-B 399-E 398399-G 100-SG 100-CR 398-3B 399-HQ 399-I 399-H 397-AT 399-L 325-EC 398-2B 399-B 398-G 399-F 100-CR 398-L 398-K 399-B 100-SG 398-M 398-I 397-I 398-B 398-B 399-H 397-I 399-HQ 399-F 399-HQ 100-SG WIA WIA WIA MIA Portland ME Woodhaven Asheville NY NC Baltimore Phoenix Erwin ElCajon MD MD TN CA Worcester Stetesville Reading Detroit JacksonHeights Anderson Flint Glendale Erskine Appleton Bellingham Linden Maysville MA NC PA MI NY IN MI AZ MN NY WA TN KY NewYork NY Springfield Portland Harrisburg Chicago IL ME PA IL Philadelphia Groton Hamiltom PA CT MS Atlanta Stillwater GA OK WIA WIA WIA KIA Tucker Tucker Tufts Tuite Tularzko Tull Tully Tully Tully Tuma Tumidajski Tuohy Tupper Turbyfill Turchick Turco Turczynski Turechka Turk Turk Turley Turman Turman Turmelle Turnage Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Samuel WillieJ JosephA JamesJ VictorJ CarltonL EdwardJ JohnJ JosephW GeorgeJ JohnS PatrickJ ArthurW JohnJ JosephM JohnA ChesterG Nicholas EdwardM JosephV JamesA CleatusL WilliamW WilfredJ WH Albert CliftonR DonL Earl HerbertL ElmerC HerbertP EugeneT JamesW GeraldE HarryL Eugene GarlandB HaroldM JosephJ T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc MSg SSg 1Sg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc 1Sg Cpl SSg 2Lt 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc T/4 SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 325-MD 399-L 100-BD 397-3B 373-B 100-DA 325-EA 373-C 100-QM 925-C 925-A 397-M 399-2B 397-L 398-G 397-H 398-B 398-M 399-B 397-MD 398-K 397-F 398-A 398-H 398-I 398-B 397-D 398-E 397-1B 398-3B 397-B 399-CN 397-I 398-D 325-MD 398-D 373-HQ 399-C 325-EA 325-EH WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA KIA KIA Taunton Gretna MA VA Bronx NY Philadelphia PA Corning NY Stapleton NY Russellville Coalport AL PA Chicago IL Alliance OH Huntington MeadowsofDan Spray Springvale Jonesboro Brooklyn Manson Tulsa Highland WV VA NC ME AR NY TN OK IL Perris Stanton CA NC Hammond YorkBeach Magnolia Bessemer Fouke Albertville IN ME NJ AL AR AL Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turnipseed Turnquist Turpin Turrentine Turton Tussey Tutan,Jr Tuthill Tuttle Tuttle Tutton Tuzik Tvedt Tweddle Tweed Tweedle Twilling Twist Twitchell Twombly Twomey Twynham Tychsen Tyerind Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tylutki JosephT LutherP MarvinJ MitchellH OscarF RayF RoyA WayneL WilliamP WilliamW FredE EdwinC HaroldR JamesD RobertL ColemanR CharlesB ReginaldC GailL RolandE JosephH RaymondD IrwinL RobertE Jim DavidW ThomasG Ralph EldonR RobertW FrancisT TheodoreT AndrewC LouisV EdwardL FredJ JuliasH SamuelK WilliamA Joseph Pfc T/4 Pfc T/5 Pvt T/5 T/5 T/5 Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc WOJ Sgt TSg Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/3 Pfc Sgt T/5 Sgt Pfc BG Pfc SSg Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc 397-M 399-K 398-K 397-SV 398-F 398-G 800-OR 399-E 100-HQ 398-A 100-CR 399-MD 925-A 398-E 398-L 325-EB 397-A 100-HQ 398-F 399-M 399-A 398-C 373-A 398-L 325-EC 399-H 800-OR 397-C 325-EB 100-HQ 399-M 398-2B 100-HQ 399-F 325-EA 398-E 398-E 398-HQ 397-L 399-C WIA Crawfordville Franklin Danville Monticello Akron Maplewood Leakesille Marietta Easley GA OH VA GA OH MO MS GA SC Chicago WIrvine IL KY Chicago McKee IL KY Bronx NY Vernon Chicago FL IL Detroit Brasstown Mechanicville Tipton MI TN NY IN Hardin Bradford IL MA Athol MA Wellesley Wilmington MA DE POW WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Tyre Tyree Tyree Tyree Tyrell Tysinger Tyson Tyson Uccello Udahl Udin Ufen Ugland Ugorcak Uhl Uhl Uhler Uhren Uhrin Uibelhoer Ullman Ulrich Ulrich Ulrich Ulrich Umbach Umbarger Umbro Umstead Underriner Underwood Underwood Underwood Underwood Underwood Underwood Underwood Underwood Unger Unger JosephD GeorgeA KarlT SamuelJ ThomasA ShirleyC GeorgeF PearlB SalvatoreR RobertW SaulB CharlesH BernardC JohnP FrederickW RaymondW DonaldC EdwardL JohnJ CarlH Arthur CarlH CarlR FloydS HaroldR JuliusA ZebV JosephA RaymondE CharlesF Arnold Arnold DanielJ DavidJ HenryL HillardW HowardE LeeR ArthurW JohnD SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc 2Lt Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc 1Lt SSg SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Cpl Cpt Pfc 399-I 398-A 398-D 398-MD 373-C 398-3B 399-L 397-H 397-K 399397-E 399-C 397-2B 398-D 399-I 399-L 397-A 397-K 374-C 375-B 399-MD 399-B 398-I 325-EB 399-L 398-M 325-EC 399-A 325-EA 399-2B 399-C 399-C 399-B 397-G 100-CR 399-M 399-H 397-H 399-HQ 397-A WIA LakeCity FL KIA PortOrchard OR Thomasville NC Wadesboro NC Newtonville MA NewYork EStoudsburg NY PA Elizabeth Pasadena Brooklyn MichiganCity Stonerville Weatherford NJ CA NY IN PA OK Howland ME WIA Beverly Fayetteville Maysville Fulton Newton WV NC GA KY NC WIA Cunningham TN WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA KIA WIA Unger Unnold Unterberger Upchurch Upham Upham Upton Ura Urban Urban Urban Urbanek Urbanowicz Urbanski Urbanski Urbanski Urda Urdahl Urell Urkevich Urquhart Urresti Ursini Ursini Urso Uschin Usevicz Uss Utic Utieri Uzzo Vaclavik Vadasz Vahtzevanos Vaida Vaitekaitis Valday Valdez Valdez Valdez JohnL ThomasK RichardS JohnJ SidneyH WilliamP Robert EdwardT AnthonyR EdwinJ FrankJ JosephC JosephJ EdwardL JohnC Leonard FredJ RobertW JohnW Joseph JamesH Alfred John Vito Anthony StanleyE EdmondJ SigmundC DonaldE EoloL AnthonyB Milan FrancisE JamesA Mitchell FrancisJ RobertD Fermin FrancisP HenryJ Pvt Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Pvt Pvt SSg 399-1B 397-2B 399-A 325-EA 398-2B 397-C 399-A 397-I 399-SV 397-3B 398-D 100-HQ 399-L 399-K 398-B 399-G 397-H 399-I 374-B 397-L 800-OR 398-MD 374-HQ 398-A 800-OR 397-SV 398-B 398-F 399-I 397-B 397-K 399-HQ 399-I 925-HQ 398-L 100-MP 397-1B 398-K 399-C 398-D WIA WIA Williston Brooklyn SanDiego FL NY CA Johnstown PA SevernaPark Glendale JerseyCity Detroit MD NY NJ MI Mechanicville Charleroi NY PA EOrange NJ Black EBoston Providence AL MA RI Brooklyn NY Philadelphia PA Oshkosh NewYork Bronx WI NY NY Hartville OH Phoenixville Gilbertsville CT MA Portland NewYork OR NY WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA POW Valente Valente Valenti Valenti Valenti Valenti Valentine Valentino Valenzuela Valery Valice Valie Valient Valine Valiska Valkenaar Valleau Valley Valliere Valore Valtierra Vampotic VanAllen Vanardsdale VanArsdale VanAuken VanBellinger VanBenthuys Vance Vance Vance Vance VanCloun VanCott VanDaalen VanDamme VandeLune VandeWeerd VanDeGraff Vandelune JosephA Romeo AnthonyT HenryV JamesT LaChanceL GeorgeL Nicholas DarioA ChesterL JohnT DavidS JohnM HermanK JohnA Fred HaroldE JohnO ApphonseJ JosephA GabrielM AlbertF RichardD Russell WilliamR EdwardW GordonP KarylM WilliamH CarltonB DavidH RaymondS RomanW Emerson ErnestF JamesE MarvinW Nick Eugene MarvinW Sgt T/5 Pfc T/5 Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl SSg 1Lt Sgt Cpt Pfc Mjr Pfc Cpl 2Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-A 397-G 325-MH 325-EB 399-H 398-L 397-3B 325-EA 398-I 397-K 397-K 399-B 399-H 397-H 325-EC 399-I 397-B 373-B 399-2B 399-HQ 397-H 398-F 399-K 398-E 398-F 325-MH 397-F 100-HQ 399-1B 100-MP 398-L 397-H 398-A 397-HQ 399-HQ 397-I 397-G 399-C 399-F 397-G Bronx NY Kensington Athens NewHaven CT NY CT Detroit Appleton MI WI WIA Randolph LongIslandCity KS NY KIA Dearborn Babylon Concord Cleveland Deming MI NY NH OH NM KIA Savannah NewEgypt GA NJ WIA GreenBay DesMoines Yukon Marengo Memphis Baltimore Chaska WI IA WV IN TN MD MN MIA ProspectPark Phelps NJ NY Alton IA WIA WIA VanderSchaaf VanderTeems Vanderbeck Vanderbilt Vanderheyden Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof VanDervert Vandervort VanDetta VanDeusen Vandeventer Vandiver VanDrasek VanDuren VanDuyse VanDyk VanDyke VanEck Vanelli Vanette VanGelder Vanhoozier VanKirk VanLanen VanMaldergh Vann VanNorman VanNorman VanOpdorp VanOpdorp Vanover VanPatter VanPelt VanPelt VanScoder VanSloun VanSteenberg VanSteenberg LesterH Wilhelm AlfredG ByronM RobertJ LouisM LouisM RussellJ GeorgeW GeorgeW Clement RichardL Braden Eugene Anthony JackC ArthurJ RaymondW Henry LeonardF RobertF JasonL PaulD WilliamR LawrenceL CyrilP EdmundG RoyT DavidE LeslieM HaroldJ HaroldJ RobertL CharlesO GeorgeT WilliamJ EltonF RomanW DavidR RobertR Pfc Sgt 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc 1Lt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt Pfc TSg TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt 399-H 325-EB 373-HQ 399-I 397-HQ 397-L 397-L 398-MD 398-CN 398-C 398-I 397-F 375-HQ 399-E 398-MD 398-F 399-D 398-MD 100-DA 375-HQ 399-2B 399-L 397-K 397-MD 399-I 399-F 399-1B 399-E 399-A 398-I 397-A 397-A 399-M 397-L 398-3B 399-I 100-SG 398-A 397-F 399-D WIA Holland MI Paoli PA Spencer Spencer Indiana Gretna NewOrleand Mechanicville WI WI PA LA LA NY Bethany MO Chicago ProspectPark Lowell IL NJ MA Elkhart Ramsey Troutdale Blairstown IN NJ VA NJ Dallas Wharton TX NJ Geneva NY Oceanport NJ Amherst Jasper MA MN WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA KIA VanVeghel VanVlack VanWagner VanWinkle VanWinkle Varga Vargo Varieur Varjabedian Varnadoe Varner Varner Varney Vartan Varteressian Vartti Vasquez Vasquez Vastano Vaughan Vaughan Vaughn Vaughn Vaughn Vaughn Vaughn Vawter Veach Veatch Vechey Veghts Veith Velie Velsor Vencill Vender Venneri Venskus Ventimiglia Ventresca DonaldG GeorgeW EarlK Leroy WilburL EmilA James GustaveH John JamesJ JohnH RobertE RonaldE EdwardV LevonA JacobT Antonio FranciscoJ PatsyL JohnS TaylorG DonaldE FloydJ HughH JohnR WalterR VerneE RobertT WilliamP William CharlesR FredE DavidS EdwardL SamuelB Robert JuliusJ JosephN JosephJ Denetrio Pfc Pfc Pfc WOJ Pfc T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc 2Lt Pfc 2Lt SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pvt T/5 SSg Pvt 373-SV 100-SG 398-C 397-HQ 325-EA 374-SV 398-A 374-SV 399-M 399-K 398-I 398-F 398-I 100-DA 399-P 398-E 325-EC 399-G 399-C 398-K 398-CN 399-3B 399-K 399-H 397-2B 397-A 399-B 398-P 397-B 399-F 398-F 925-B 399-1B 397-F 397-H 399-B 397-G 399-3B 397-AT 397-B KIA KIA KIA WestAliss ELiverpool Rhinebeck Brooklyn Aurora Linden Chesaning Lewiston WI OH NY NY OR NJ MI ME Doerun Troy Jackson Dorchester Detroit Laurelton GA NC MS MA MI NY NewYork CorpusChristi Mineola Woodland Galax NY TX NY NC VA SantaBarbara BelAir CA MD Glendale Keanensville CA NC CedarBluff WBrighton VA NY Linden Brooklyn EBoston NJ NY MA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA Ventry Verastko Verbiski Verdi Verga Verheecke Verhotz Verhovsek Vermillion Vermillion Vermise Vermitte Vernava Vernazza Verner Verner Verni Vernold Vernon Verola Verrill Verrone Versiackas Vertucci Vesper Vest Vest Vest Vest Vetter Vetter Veza Vgue Via Viahov Viands Viani Vicari Vickers Vickery FrankV Steven JosephJ RalphW VitoV WalterP FrankJ Frank DanielO GlenE LyleP HaroldD William BronoF MarvinE WilliamF Orlando JamesV Paul JamesV HerbertS SamuelM JosephE GeraldJ DonaldL CarlA FrankE JamesH RobertA ErnestJ Raymond DanielT VincentG DavidM Mario WilliamR BrunoR JosephC EdgarH GeorgeL Pfc T/5 Cpl 1Sg Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Pvt Sgt SSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt SSg Pfc 325-EA 375-SV 374-B 925-SV 397-F 399-L 325-EA 399-B 398-E 397-E 399-I 100-QM 399-F 100-SG 398-C 100-SG 100-BD 397-G 399-G 925-A 399-2B 325-EC 399-H 325-EA 397-G 398-3B 325-MB 399-K 397-E 397-HQ 925398-1B 325-EA 399-F 399-K 398-M 399-I 399-AT 399-A 397-M Brockton Malden Brooklyn StLouis Barberton MA MA NY MO OH Louisville Lima Tomah Syracuse KY OH WI NY NewYork BlueRidge NY GA PortChester Binghampton PacificGrove NY NY CA KIA Westbrook Johnstown Cleveland ME PA OH KIA Lancaster NY WIA Turtletown Gilpin TN KY Kempsville IL Kittery ME Oakland Detroit CA MI Miami Brilliant FL AL WIA WIA WIA Vickery Vicory Victor Victor Vida Vidmar Vieira Viela Viele Vielhaber Viera Vierbicky Vieres Vigdor Vigeant Vignali Viles Villani Villari Vince Vincent Vincent Vincent Vincent Vincent Vincent Vine Vines Vineyard Vingiello Vinick Vinicor Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinterella Viola Violi RichardE RobertH AndrewA John George AlbertA JuliusJ ThomasA HowardJ WilliamA Antone HenryR WoodrowW SeymourS Raymond FrederickA VernonL JohnA ThomasJ Michael AlbertD CurtisW EltonM GeorgeA RichardG WillieJ RobertW OliverM MurrayK JosephA RichardT Alvin CarlR EltonM John RalphG ManleyC CarloC MichaelF CharlesF Pfc Pfc 1Lt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc 100-QM 398-D 399-H 398-AT 398-E 398-E 399-G 398-A 398-A 399-I 374-B 399-M 399-C 397-HQ 399-G 398-1B 398-MD 399-G 325-EB 398-K 399-F 375-B 398-1B 397-K 397-M 398-I 398-F 399-D 397-1B 399-H 100-DA 397-L 397-G 398-A 397-A 375-C 325-MB 399-E 925-SV 397-A Arco Dayton GA OH Tarrytown Oakland Rochester Akron FallRiver NY CA NY OH MA Monett Brooklyn NewBedford MO NY MA Topeka Milford Greenville Crabtree KS MA RI PA Kershaw SC Wilmington HeathSprings Fayette Aberdeen Knoxville NC SC OH WA TN Bronx NY Phoenix Greensboro Jonesville AZ NC SC Guttenberg NJ WIA WIA POW KIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Visalgo Visalli Viscecchia Viso Visser Vitale Vitali Vitello Vito Vitz Vladimer Vlasek Vocht Vodicka Voelker Voelker Voelpel Vogel Vogel Vogel Vogel Vogt Vogt Vogt Vogt Vogts Voirol Voiselle Vojtech Volanti Volin Volinsky Volk Volker Volle Vollers Vollkommer Vollmer Vollrath Volz WilliamG VincentV EdgarJ FrankM JohnE NickJ VincentJ SalvatoreJ FrankF Richard GlennI AnthonyJ Theodore RaymondW JohnE KennethH HaroldA Albert HenryE LeoW OttmarM AlvinB DonaldL GurneyW JacobH JamesE MarcelA LeMarJ CharlesJ Thomas WilsonN Albert UrbanG FrederickE KarlL CharlesD Richard Theodore GeneL ElmerW Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc SSg SSg Pfc SSg Pvt Pfc Sgt TSg Pfc Pfc 397-G 399-AT 325-MC 398-K 398-2B 398-1B 398-2B 925-C 397-M 397-G 399-MD 399-G 397-H 399-B 398-D 397-2B 399-F 375-SV 397-I 374-SV 399-E 397-G 398-2B 397-MD 399-I 398-K 398-HQ 100-HQ 397-B 100-SG 375-HQ 398-K 397-F 398-CN 397-I 398-I 399-HQ 100-HQ 399-K 399-K NewBritain CT WillistonPark Brooklyn NY NY Meridian Brooklyn Worcester Minneapolis CT NY MA MN Chicago Pasco IL WA StLouis MO Pittsburgh PA Oran Nerdheim PalmSprings MO TX CA VentnorCity Corydon NJ IN WCaldwell Simmesport NJ LA Dayton Pittsfield NewYork Newton OH MA NY IL Sandborn Holdenville IN OK Lindenhurst NY WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA KIA WIA VonHagen VonHegel Vonsberg Voorheis Voos Voos Vorbach Vorce Vorys Vosberg Voss Vought Voves Vrabel Vrabel Vranekovic Vranisky Vrba Vrooman Vugteveen Vukmaravich Vullmann Vultaggio Waal Waaner Wachtel Wachter Waddell Waddell Wade Wade Wade Wade Wade Wade Wade Wadler Wagar Wagenet Wager DanielW WilliamB JohnP RalphC ArthurA ArthurK JohnA RaymondB Nichols DonaldL WilliamM DavidL William Nick Nick JohnC JosephP AnthonyS DavidV WalterJ Lubar Christ AntonioL Walter MerleL LawrenceB HenryN WilliamE WilliamH EvanW FloydA FloydE GeorgeH HowardL JamesM RaymondB Marvin JamesM DanielF LaurenceA SSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc Cpl Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pvt Pvt Pfc 925-HQ 374-HQ 398-2B 397-SV 325-EA 375-C 100-MP 399-1B 399-L 399-D 399-E 397-C 399-HQ 399-L 399-L 399-G 398-H 100-QM 397-A 100-QM 397-D 398398-3B 397-L 398-I 398-G 398-C 399-3B 399-B 399-B 398-B 397-SV 399-A 397-D 398-F 399-K 399-MD 397-A 399-C 373-A KIA Holyoke StLouis AsburyPark Flushing Astoria MA MO NJ NY NY Lancaster Mankato OH MN WIA Windham LimesSprings Lilly PA IA PA KIA Haverstraw NY Clarinda IA Detroit Brooklyn Beacon MI NY NY KIA WIA Brooklyn NY KIA Raymondville NiagraFalls MO NY KIA Walland Scarsdale FtCollins Oakland Manlius TN NY CO CA NY KIA KIA WIA Waggoner Waggoner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagnon Wagnon Wagoner Wagoner Wagoner Waguespack Wahall Wahl Wahl Waid Waidelich Waiden Wait Waitches Waite Waite Waitkewicz Waitman Waits Waits FredC JoeA ArthurA ClaudeA DavidE DonaldD EdwardJ JackG JohnJ JohnL JosephA LeroyB OvnerR PaulW RobertK RobinR TrumanD WilliamB WilliamH WilliamJ LesterV SamuelL FredC LeonardC RobertB CharlesP John EdwardJ WillisH DavidD WilliamE WalterL RobertL LeonardA DonaldC KnightonV John Milton Kenneth Willie Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Cpl TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt T/5 SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpt Pfc Pfc T/4 Cpt SSg T/5 Pfc Pvt 398-H 398-2B 398-G 397-A 398-A 397-K 398-K 397-B 399-A 100-MP 399-I 398-M 397-G 397-3B 399-L 399-E 100-QM 397-G 397-E 399-B 399-I 925-B 398-H 398-A 397-AT 397-A 373-B 398-A 397-C 398-D 397-D 800-OR 398-1B 399-E 800-OR 325-MH 399-B 100-HQ 325-EB 925-A KIA Leipsic HarborBeach Tipton OH MI IA Lancaster Buffalo Baltimore OH NY MD Mulberry Brinkley Norwalk Culbertson AR AR OH NE KIA Elizabethtown TN KIA Cordell Ramhurst JameLew OK GA WV Thibodaux Bronx Milwaukee LA NY WI NewHolland Cleveland PA OH Chicago IL Pittsburgh NewBritain NewYork PA CT NY Borger TX WIA MIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA Wakefield Wakeham Walberger Walbert Walchli Walczak Waldecki Walden Walden Walden Waldie Waldman Waldow Waldrop Waldrup Walenski Walgamott Walgrove Walk Walk Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker JamesL StanleyE PaulA JohnJ WallaceS EugeneE WilliamB JamesG JosephH WalterL JamesR JohnM RichardC JamesR ClementJ StanleyJ ThomasE GeorgeR JohnH WillardL JamesD BillyL JamesL ColumbusM JamesL DennisR JamesW EdwardB JohnA EugeneW KennethG HenryD LaVaughn JackB LawrenceE Mack DaleP MarshallE ErwinR VL Pfc TSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt SSg Pfc Cpl Cpt 1Lt TSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc LtC Pfc 398-D 397-K 399-E 375-B 397-G 397-M 397-I 399-2B 925-B 800-OR 398-B 375-HQ 325-EC 398-C 375-A 397-L 397-D 398-L 398-E 398-F 100-HQ 397-A 399-K 398-L 399-H 398-B 397-E 399-E 375-HQ 398-G 399-I 399-SV 397-SV 397-F 399-K 398-B 397-K 397-E 100-HQ 325-EB Parrish SantaPaula Syracuse Mansfield Salmon JerseyCity Lorain Dahlonega Middletown Wrens AL CA NY OH ID NJ OH GA CT GA AlbertLee Atlanta McKenzie Pontiac Jerome Scarsdale Lorentz MN GA TN MI ID NY WV WPittston Dallas Columbia Columbia Langsville Yonkers Astoria CornwallBridge Seneca PA TX SC TN OH NY NY CT SC KIA Regina Brooklyn Chattanooga Benton NM NY TN AR WIA Franklinton Columbus Jewett Wilson Russell LA OH TX NC AR KIA WIA WIA KIA KIA Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walkiewicz Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallach Wallach Wallander Waller Waller Waller Waller Waller Waller Waller Waller Wallis Wallis Walloch Walls Walls Walls IvoE CarnieC DuaneR GordonP JackS WilliamA WilliamH EdwardC ElbertC HomerC RichardT Robert Walter WilliamE BillyJ ClaudeC GoldieH JBerry JamesE JosephC JosephE OliverG RichardJ Irving Murray EverettE WilliamL ChesterO GroverC JamesB JuliusW ThomasK Wayne EugeneW JohnP LutherG EugeneW ClydeB LiburnD RobertT Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc 1Sg Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl SSg Pvt TSg Pfc Pfc T/4 SSg Pfc Cpl TSg 2Lt 398-K 398-G 397-SV 397-2B 397-L 100-CR 399-M 399-G 100-MP 374-C 925-B 399-H 397-L 399-K 397-K 397-I 398-K 399-D 399-F 399-L 399-E 399-K 397-HQ 397-MD 325-EA 398-SV 399-D 397-D 100-CR 399-M 374-B 399-D 399-A 398-G 325-EC 325-EC 399-C 373-A 397-CN 325-EH WIA Dial CrescentCity GA CA CuyahogaFalls OH Newark Spartanburg Ehelby Henderson NJ SC NC NC Brooklyn Springfield Terrell Carthage BumpusMills NY IL NC NC TN Huntingtom SanAntonio Southington Brooklyn Brooklyn Decaterville WV TX CT NY NY MO WIA WIA WIA Salisbury NC Fairburn GA WIA Kemmerer Nashville WY TN Honordale AL OliverSprings Waynoka Wilmington TN OK DE WIA WIA WIA MIA WIA POW WIA WIA Walls Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walston Walston Walter Walter Walter,Jr Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Waltersdorff Walther Waltman RoyC CliffordW TomJ EdwardA VincentW EugeneF WilliamB JackC WilliamJ JamesF RobertL JohnC JohnM JohnW LawrenceM JohnF Stephen EdwardT HaroldJ JamesB JamesJ JonasW PercyA DonaldR StanleyS GeorgeE CecilJ ChristianA GeorgeF GeorgeJ JamesF Jim JohnJ LorneC NormanF RichardE William HermanG JohnH RobertG Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/4 Pfc SSg SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpt 1Lt Pfc T/4 Pfc Cpl Pfc SSg Pfc 2Lt Sgt T/4 Pfc Cpt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 398-AT 399-M 399-C 397-HQ 100-HQ 398-A 399-G 397-K 325-EA 397-B 375-HQ 397-H 398-I 398-F 375-A 398-A 374-C 399-F 399-G 399-P 399-2B 375-B 325-EC 399-G 373-B 398-G 398-B 397-E 398-M 397-E 325-MA 397-C 100-DA 399-2B 399-G 399-D 399-H 398-G 800-OR 373-HQ Coalwood VA WIA Bristol TN POW Woodside Elizabeth SantaFe NY NJ NM Philadelphia Dorchester NAndover PA MA MA Weehawkin Peckville Shirley NJ PA MA WIA Brooklyn Smock Astoria RockyMount Greenville HasbrouckHeights NY PA NY NC NC NJ WIA Gloversville NY SocietyHill Pittsburgh Detroit LosAngeles Legrange SC PA MI CA NC York PA Appleton WI WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Waltos Wandler Waninger Wannamaker Warchol Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Warda Wardell Warden Warden Ware Ware Ware Wareham Warfield Warfield Wargo Wargo Jerry JosephM LesterO RobertW SethR WilliamB MichaelW GeorgeF PaulW HarryC EdwardS AddisT DelmarR EldonC FrankE GerardJ JesseW JohnF JosephH KeithM KennethJ Murrall PhilipH RayE RaymondC TheodoreA WalterV WilliamH EdwardP LesterC BethelQ PhillipW ArchieL JoelB MarionE CharlesJ CarrollW EverettW StephenP William T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt TSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Cpl 1Lt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc TSg 100-CR 397-E 398-F 398-A 397-A 399-H 398-A 399-A 399-H 398-A 399-HQ 325-EA 398-A 399-I 398-L 397-A 399-SV 375-HQ 398-F 397-M 398-B 397-F 397-I 397-F 397-C 398-K 398-G 399-I 398-A 397-2B 925-A 399-K 100-DA 398-3B 397-SV 399-F 399-M 397-A 100-MP 398-C LosAngeles Coloma CA MI KIA WIA HotSprings WillsPoint AR TX POW WIA Lowell Coravallis MA MT WIA Wallington NJ WIA Augusta Meridan GA WV Glendale Dallas Hempstead NY TX NY KansasCity Chicago MO IL Benton IL BoxElder Gladstone Xenia SD IL OH Russellville Detroit KY MI Flossmoor Arkoe IL MO Kearny NJ WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Wargula Warlick Warlick Warnasch Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warona Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warrick Warrick Warson Wartman Warzocha Wasalaski Wascha Washburn Wasielewski Wasielewski Wasieloski Wasik Wasserman Wasserman Wassil LucianG SidneyH TravisA AlbertE AlvinR ArgilH Donald EdwardA EugeneG Fred JohnW LeonB RossB WillardA John WilliamDirk DonaldM WilliamW GeorgeE WoodrowW LeroyK RoyC EarlF KennethE RogerW DonaldE RichardA LeonardP Paul Benjamin BillyJ HenryJ LlewellynM HenryS StephenJ LeonardP WilliamT Harold Sidney EugeneA 2Lt Cpl Pfc T/4 Pfc TSg Sgt Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc SSg Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Sgt Cpl Pvt T/5 Pvt Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Pfc 397-3B 373-B 398-B 398-2B 398-L 399-L 399-2B 399-I 100-QM 399-L 397-H 398-K 397-E 325-EB 373-C 398-K 397-K 398-E 398-MD 397-G 399-G 397-G 398-A 374-HQ 397-K 399-B 925-C 397-G 398-F 397-SV 399-C 399-L 397-C 399-I 397-CN 398-E 398-A 399-E 325-EB 398-D WIA Sulligent Paterson NewYork Cumberland Philipsburg Mosby Butler AL NJ NY MD NJ MT PA Louisville KY Gary Gloversville Bronx IN NY NY Philadelphia Stuart Portland Laredo Springfield Morrisonville PA FL OR MO VT NY Portland ME WIA Barnesville Hartford Gregory Lawndale Paterson Saginaw OH NJ MI NC NJ MI WIA Castile NY Trenton Chicago NJ IL Bronx Bronx NY NY KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA POW POW Wasson Wasson Watcher Watcher Waterman Waterman Waterman Waters Waters Waters Watford Watins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watmuff Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson BentonT WalterL GeorgeW HenryN FredJ HarveyB JamesG Cecil George JohnE RobertF WillieJ AlfredR BernardL CharlesK CicilS CliffordW ForrestA FrankG JackS JamesD JosephR MauriceF Orville RichardH RobertW WalterA AlexanderM BernardJ ClarenceE DavidI HenryE HermanD JW JamesA JamesM JamesO JamesW RonaldE JohnA Pfc T/5 1Lt SSg Cpl Sgt Pfc Pfc TSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt T/5 Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc Cpt 1Lt T/5 Pfc 397-1B 100-QM 925-HQ 398374-A 325-MB 399-B 375-SV 398-F 397-SV 399-F 399-SV 325-EA 397-A 397-G 325-EB 399-I 399-B 100-HQ 399-B 397-D 325-EB 398-L 397-F 399-HQ 399-A 399-G 398-M 399-K 100-CR 397-E 399-B 397-1B 397-B 399-B 397-CN 325-MH 398-SV 925-A 100-CR KIA MIA WIA WIA Hatch LosAngeles Hoquiam NM CA WA NewYork NY Rome GA FloweryBranch Southboro Henderson GilmanCity Brooklyn Belingham Curtis Baltimore Toledo CA MA NC MO NY WA OK MD OH Morven Neuse Lerue FtWayne Gallup ProspectPark Philadelphia Tonasket Jackson NC NC KY IN NM PA PA WA TN ValleyStation KY Cleveland TX Kingsport TN Lagraqnge Madison NewYork GA CT NY Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Wattson Waugh Wax Wax Waxler Waxman Wayne Wayte Wbig Wean Weatherford Weathers Weatherspoon Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver RoyH JohnH WilliamC RichardW RolandG JohnE RalphE RobertM AubryV DonaldE DrapphuasA FredA MonroeH PrenticeR SamuelE WalterL WilliamB RaymondR Bernard StennisD AlfredJ DonaldA WilliamJ FrancisJ GlenD CharlesE CharlesT RoyE DixieL Morgan ArchieA RichardA. CorneliusA RoyF HobertJ JosephJ CharlesE HarryC HowardL ThomasW Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt 1Sg Pfc T/5 Cpt Pfc Pfc 2Lt 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt Sgt Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc 325-EB 397-MD 398-A 399-A 399-2B 398398-D 100-QM 397-3B 399-G 397-D 399-E 399-3B 375-HQ 399-L 397-B 397-E 398-L 398-C 398-C 399-2B 399-C 398-K 397-E 399925-C 397-E 398-D 399-M 398-M 397-M 398-L 399-G 925-HQ 398-L 397-M 398-D 399-E 397-B 397-M POW WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Pikesville TurtleCreek TN PA Leitchfield KY Malden Blandville Roanoke OakPark Candler MA KY VA IL NC Akron OH Detroit SilverBay Gaylord Ona NewYork MI NY MI WV NY Kearny NJ Cropsey StGeorge IL SC Bloomfield Shelby NJ NC Lewiston Laytham Oaklandon Chardon PA OH IN OH Richmond Akron Monroe VA OH GA WIA KIA Weaver Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webber Webber Webber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster WilliamO AlbertL AlvinB CecilL EdwinD JohnKilgo FentonH LindenA Harris PaulN Harvey JohnG GWalter HarryW JamesA RaymondA Roscoe WalterJ WilliamM JohnA JosephC Paul GeorgeF GeraldC HaroldF HubertA JackH JamesL JamesW Jerome John JohnF JosephF Nathan RobertF CharlesD CharlesL CharlesS LewisB RoyA Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Mjr Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt SSg Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 2Lt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc SSg 2Lt Pfc Pvt 398-C 100-QM 399-B 398-AT 399-F 325-MD 397-1B 100-HQ 398-CN 398-B 398-C 397-B 398-L 325-MC 800-OR 325-EB 375-B 399-I 398-G 399-A 399-A 374-C 398-E 398-3B 398-M 398-G 399-I 397-AT 398-CN 399-L 399-2B 399-G 399-F 800-OR 398-G 399-D 399-I 399-3B 325-EB 399-I WIA WIA WIA MIA KIA Sherrill Rickman Corvallis Washington AR TN OR DC TerreHaute Farmersville Maryville Maryville Wilson Pascagoula IN TX TN TN NC MS CrownPoint IN Reidsville CedarBluff KansasCity Noble Creston Baltimore Vinton Philadelphia NC AL MO LA OH MD VA PA Lyons Rochester Milwaukee Archbold NewBrighton NewYork Garnerville Dearborn NY NY WI OH PA NY NY MI Harmony LittleRock Castine Bluefield NC AR ME VA WIA WIA Weckenman Weddle Wedeen Wedmore Weed Weed Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weese Weger Wegg Wegg Wehring Weiand Weickel Weierstall Weigler Weigmann Weikert Weil Weil Weiler Weiler Weimer Weimerskirch Weinberg Weinberg Weinberg Weinberg Weinberger Weingarten Weins Weinstein Weinstein Weinstein Weinstein Weintraub JosephJ JohnR MarvinM KennethR EmmettS RichardF ArthurT EdwinJ GeorgeT RaymondD WilliamJ AlbertJ FrankA EugeneJ GeorgeW ArthurC EugeneF HaroldL GuntherJ CharlesD HenryV PhillipH HaroldL ShermanL AlfredH EdwardJ RobertD JohnT David LawrenceJ RobertJ SaulA ErnestF Eric RobertW Benjamin Daniel Isadore Leslie BenS TSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc SSg T/5 TSg Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Cpl Pfc T/5 398-K 399-AT 398-A 397-B 399-3B 397-SV 398-B 397-I 398-C 398-B 397-F 397-L 397-AT 925-B 398-G 375-HQ 399-M 399-L 399-E 373-B 399-D 398-E 398-B 399-H 397-L 399-E 397-A 397-I 399-I 399-C 398-I 397-A 399-L 397-C 398-L 925-B 398-3B 374-B 925-B 373-SV Maplewood Napa NJ CA Portland OR Auburn Arley Vienna GlenFalls NewMilford St.Albans Berkley ME AL VA NY CT NY MI JerseyCity Worcester StLouis NJ MA MO MiddleVillage NY WIA Dayton Connesville OH IN WIA WIA Erie IL Brooklyn Brooklyn Pontiac Hartford NY NY MI CT Burlington LosAngeles Brooklyn Brooklyn Hartford VT CA NY NY CT WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Weir Weir Weir Weir Weisberger Weisel Weisman Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weisse Weissenberg Weissfuss Weissing Weissman Weitemeyer Weitz Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welcome Weldon ClarenceD FrankE JohnJ WesleyE WilliamJ HarveyC NelsonN Alfred ArthurS BernardA DavidH HarryJ Irving Joseph JosephF LesterB LesterD MortonW RaymondH FredC Daniel RichardP Louis Walter WalterA DonaldG AlbertJ DonaldE Elwan JackB JohnC RalphB RichardL RobertE RobertJ William WilliamC WilliamJ JamesJ RaymondF Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc LtC T/5 Sgt Sgt Cpl Pfc 2Lt Pfc Pfc Cpt Cpt T/5 Pfc T/4 T/3 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt SSg Pvt Pvt Pfc Pvt T/4 Cpl SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pvt 397-D 325-EA 100-MP 325-EA 398-G 398-2B 375-A 398-1B 399-B 397-K 325-EH 397-C 398-B 397-L 399-F 325-MD 100-DA 100-QM 399-H 398-AT 325-MA 397-H 397-H 398-D 397-B 399-D 398-A 925-B 397-A 399-C 399-D 399-C 100-BD 397-I 397-B 399-A 398-B 398-B 397-F 399-2B Hartford CT WIA Chicago Puyallup Scranton IL WA PA WIA Brooklyn Nanticoke NewYork NY PA NY NewYork NY Brooklyn NY Philadelphia Chicago Clinton FarRockaway PA IL CT NY Brooklyn NY Cincinnati OH Toledo OH Warren Geneva LosAngeles OH NY CA Dorchester MA WIA WIA POW WIA WIA MIA Welenc Welke Welker Welker Wellenkotter Welles Wellman Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Welschmeyer Welsh Welsh Welsh Welsh Wendel Wendell Wendler Weninger Weninger Wenner Wennstrom Wenschof Wensley Wenstrup Wenstrup Wentz Wenzel Werner Werner WalterJ RichardA JoeC PaulL HarryW GeorgeO RobertE AugustL DoyleE FlemingE WelbornL FrancisG WilliamE LloydJ WilliamH TheodoreH ThomasN LeeA RobertP ThomasL VincentJ AlbertJ PeterM RalphB RobertA ArthurW HubertG WilliamH EdwardW PaulW RalphO JohnA RobertE OrvilleW JohnA JohnA. VincentP MortimerT Bruno WillardA Pfc Pfc Pfc MSg Pfc T/5 Pvt Sgt Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Cpl Pvt T/5 T/5 100-CR 399-G 399-M 399-SV 100-SG 100-CR 399-I 100-QM 397-F 100-HQ 399-K 399-L 397-H 375-SV 399-I 925-A 398-C 398-E 399-H 398-1B 397-B 398-A 397-H 398-2B 397-3B 397-M 397-E 399-B 397-E 399-H 399-H 325-EC 399-G 373-B 398-B 398-B 398-B 399-F 374-MD 399-SV WIA WIA WIA HighlandFalls NY Brooklyn Janesville Stratford Ownensboro SBend Turtle Semora Modesto Milton Marietta Durant NewYork NY WI CT KY IN MO NC CA VT GA OK NY Clay KY MtAiry NC Manistique MI Southfields NY LittleRock Anamoose Reading AR ND PA Gettysburg MtProspect PA IL Esmond ND UnionCity Mohnton NJ PA WIA WIA WIA WIA Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Wertz Wesley Wesolowski Wessel Wessel Wessells Wessels Wessinger Wesson West West West West West West West West West West West West West West West West West West West Westbrook Wester Westerlund Westerlund Westfall EdwinK FredD FrederickJ PhilipL RobertC RobertH ElmerT DonaldH JoeJ Bernard AlbertW RobertR WarrenG HaroldA PaulE WilliamT CharlesM DonaldR DonaldW GeraldW GlenD HoraceT HowardI JamesA JamesR JesseE JohnW JohnW LeeH Robert RobertF SteveW VernonC WarrenC WilliamE JacksonF AugustA LawrenceG MarvinD CarrollB Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Sgt 1Sg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pvt Pfc Pvt 2Lt Sgt Pfc Sgt Sgt Pvt Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 T/5 T/5 Pfc 398-B 397-L 325-MC 100-HQ 398-3B 399-C 399-AT 398-I 399-D 399-B 398-A 399-M 399-L 397-K 398-L 399-2B 397-C 398-I 398-H 399-C 374-HQ 399-L 399-D 398-D 397-A 100-SG 397-I 399-D 399-H 397-E 398-C 375-HQ 398-MD 397-A 925-HQ 399-C 100-BD 325-EC 374-A 398-C Hillman Iva NewYork Washington Richmond NPlymouth Troy PineGrove MI SC NY DC IN MA MI PA Washington Greencreek Spartanburg Elams Glendale York Roxbury WashingtonCH OilCity DC ID SC NC CA PA MA OH OK Sims Richmond AR CA WIA Ruline SC WIA Decaturville Moore Waynesboro Minot Kershaw TN SC MS ND SC Chelsea Albemarle Maplewood NBelmore RockHill Clarksburg MA NC NJ NY SC WV KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Westfall Westlake Westlake Westlund Weston Westphal Westphal Westrick Westrom Westrom Wetzel Wetzel Wexler Wexler Whalen Whalen Whalen Wharton Wharton Whatley Whatley Whatley Wheat Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Whelan Whelan Whelpley Whidden Whildon RoyF BernardP SpencerP GeraldB CurtisD EdwardP RobertL RobertE GeorgeB VeronoO ClarenceN DonaldF Louis RalphV FrankP HaroldM RichardJ JamesA PhineasC ElvinE EuriceE RaymondH DavisS CorwinD CyrusA DonaldW EllsworthM FrankJ GeorgeR JamesT JohnH JohnP JosephL KevinE RaymondA JamesF PhilipG DavidE WilliamL Linwood Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc T/3 Pfc Pfc Cpl T/4 Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt 398-C 373-B 398-B 397-D 399-D 397-SV 373-A 399-AT 398-3B 397-F 100-QM 399-H 398-2B 397-G 397-1B 399-F 399-K 398-2B 398-E 397-E 397-MD 397-B 397-M 397-3B 325-EA 398-I 398-B 325-MB 325-EA 397-MD 399-AT 397398-MD 398-F 398-M 397-L 397-HQ 398-AT 397-C 375-C BattleCreek Chicago Sacramento MI IL CA Ridgefield NJ ElbowLake Maddock Comderland GardenCity Chicago MN ND MD MI IL Grady Granitville Marietta Binghamtom Conneaut Morristown OK SC GA NY OH NJ JerseyCity Dorchester NJ MA Roswell GA KansasCity MO Norwich CT PleasantRidge Chicago Wauchula Woodlynne MI IL FL NJ WIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA Whipple Whitacre Whitaker Whitaker Whitaker Whitaker Whitaker Whitaker Whitaker Whitcomb Whitcraft White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White JohnG RoyL AndrewW CletisW HarryM HarveyR Herbert KennethD WilliamJ JohnO LewisN ClareE CarlA CharlesA ClintonM CharlesE CharlieM CecilP CharlesD CharlesH CurtisJ DouglasL EdwardT ElbertH RobertS ErnestL RommieC EugeneG RualL FrankL TheodoreE Gerald ThurmanW JohnE WalterB KennethH WilliamC LloydB WilliamG LloydH Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Sgt T/5 Pfc T/4 TSg Sgt Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg Pfc 1Lt Sgt 1Lt Pfc SSg Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pfc SSg SSg SSg 398-B 399-G 397-K 397-2B 399-M 375-HQ 397-B 399-SV 398-H 399-A 374-C 397-B 374-B 398-AT 325-EB 325-EB 925-SV 398-HQ 399-I 397-K 100-SG 397-A 399-1B 397-K 399-H 399-F 398-I 399-G 397-E 325-MB 399-K 397-G 397-I 325-EA 100-CR 397-G 399-L 399-E 398-F 399- Brooklyn KansasCity Owosso Whitesburg NY MO MI KY Moultrie Boonton Artesia Whittier Manasquan Youngstown Winamac Cleveland Hollandale Brooklyn Brewton Columbus Corinth Wigins GA NJ NM CA NJ OH IN OH MS NY AL OH MS MS Baltimore MD Louisville SouthBend Crowder Hunterville Rochester Sharon Sunflower Columbus Dillard Pasadena WPoint Lansdowne Fruitport KY IN MS NC VT MA MS GA GA CA TN PA MI WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA KIA WIA White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whitecotton Whited Whitehaus Whitehead Whitehead Whiteley Whiteley Whiteman Whitenburg Whitener Whitescarver Whitesell Whitesell Whiteside Whitesides Whitfield WilliamJ MarshallL RobertH RobertL MikeW RobertL PaulE EugeneB RichardD EverettG RobertA GeorgeD RobertD JamesS PaulC RichardG RobertB MaxA RichardC JohnM LacyP LloydG MarcusO MarvinL HowardL ClarkV ArthurE Carl JohnnieB HoraceW JohnM DonaldE ArthurL WilliamH OscarS ClarenceD HarryE RobertC JamesP AllanD Pfc Pfc T/4 Pvt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pvt SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt 1Lt Pvt SSg Pfc LtC Cpl Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc TSg Cpl SSg Cpl Pfc 399-K 399-H 100-HQ 397-A 398-K 399-2B 399-G 398-L 398-D 397-I 399-F 399-H 398-D 397-L 399-M 399-I 397-AT 398-CN 397-K 399-H 398-K 398-D 398-M 397-B 397-G 397-HQ 399-E 399-G 398-K 100-HQ 399-K 397-3B 397-L 398-B 398-D 398-3B 374-C 100-QM 397-M 398-D KIA Flushing Princeton Bloomfield Trenton NY WV NJ OH Tacoma Hopkinsville Fullerton Indiana Moira WA KY CA PA NY Watseka IL Schenectady Lawrence NY KS Erlanger HighPoint Wellville Indianapolis NC NC VA IN JudsonCity Pensacola TN FL Oakley ID Sylvania Columbus HighPoint EOrange TerreHaute Piedmont Gastonia OH GA NC NJ IN AL NC WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Whiting Whitley Whitley Whitley Whitley Whitlock Whitman Whitman Whitmarsh Whitmire Whitmore Whitmyer Whitney Whitt Whittaker Whitten Whittle Whittman Whitus Whoolery Whorton Wiacek Wichert Wichman Wickenden Wickens Wicker Wickham Wickstrom Wicykowski Wiczynski Widitz Widly Widmaier Widner Wiederrich Wiediger Wiedman Wiegert Wiehe VernonC BerryB JohnM RobertL WilliamL FrankL DonaldE Robert Lloyd WayneT JamesE ClarenceE LarnedS AlbertD OatherW ClettusV HowardS CletusV RobertH NicholasR CharlesW JosephJ Robert RayA AlfredA Austin CharlesF RalphJ CarlW EdwardF RalphR EliasA EdwardL George JohnD MaynardJ RichardC Norman EdgarD RobertW Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Mjr Cpl TSg 1Lt T/5 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc 1Sg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt 397-2B 399-E 399-K 375-A 100-SG 100-HQ 397-K 397-CN 399-H 399-F 397-AT 397-G 398-SV 100-SG 399-G 398-A 398-CN 398-1B 398-HQ 397-MD 398-E 399-HQ 100-SG 800-OR 399-L 398-H 373-C 100-SG 374-C 399-D 398-AT 398-I 399-F 399-C 397-I 397-M 398-G 397-F 397-F 100-DA WIA WIA KIA MtHolly NC Dover NC Galveston Omaha TX NE EagleRock Vandalia Chester Arlington Monterey Kannapolis Philadelphia VA MI CT VA TX NC PA Antioch Coraopolis Worcester TN PA MA Chicago AnnArbor Middlebury IL MI VT NewAlbany Lyndhurst Woonsocket Rockville MS NJ RI CT NewYork NY MapleShade Marysville Tripp NJ TN SD Brooklyn Chicago NY IL KIA WIA Wielan Wienczorkow Wiersema Wierstall Wierzbicki Wiese Wieselthier Wiete Wiezbicki Wiezbowski Wik Wikman Wilbanks Wilbur Wilbur Wilbur Wilbur Wilcos Wilcox Wilczynsky Wilczynsky Wild Wildanger Wilde Wilde Wildenstein Wilder Wilder Wilder Wildermuth Wildner Wilds Wileman Wiles Wiles Wiley Wilhelm Wilkens Wilkerson Wilkes OttoP ThomasF CharlesJ GuntherJ JosephS MiltonLJ Joseph ShirleyG WilliamS Edmund OswaldH RobertA BenjaminH DoranG FrancisE GeorgeE RichardA WayneK ThomasC Peter William GeorgeA EdwardG DonaldB PaulH JamesL CalvinL CharlesE WarrenA JosephA WernerO RobertH HaroldR LewisA RoscoeE LytleF JohnW George QD ElbertH SSg Pvt 1Lt SSg Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pvt T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt 2Lt Pfc 1Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc Cpl 2Lt 2Lt Pfc Cpt 398-F 397-C 397-A 399-E 399-M 399-E 398-L 398-C 399-SV 399-L 399-K 374-C 374-A 397-I 399-L 398-M 397-G 397-I 399-CN 100-SG 100-SG 397-H 397-H 399-D 397-MD 325-EA 325-MD 399-HQ 397-H 398-3B 398-M 373-HQ 397-A 397-D 397-MD 398-I 399-M 398-3B 399-M 375-HQ WIA WIA Providence Maspeth RI NY Weehawkin NJ OregonCity NewYork NewPoint OR NY IN Detroit Montevideo Bridgeport Chatsworth CastleRock Drexel Washington Gloversville Barnesville GreenBay Pattersonville Pattersonville MI MN CT GA WA MO DC NY OH WI NY NY Rochester KansasCity Oakland NBillerica Pontiac Quitman Kokomo NY MO CA MA MI TX IN Florence SharonSprings Orangeburg Lexington SanBenito LosAngeles Kingston SC KS SC WV TX CA PA DeQueen AR WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Wilkes Wilkie Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilklow Will Will Will Willans Willard Willard Willbanks Willeford Willens Willerson Willett Willett Willett Willette Willhelm Willhour Willi Willia Willia William Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams MarvinB JamesR ElmoreC GilbertV JamesW JohnA JosephM LeeB MelvinE KennethW LeonF RobertJ StanleyA AlbertW HarryG JosephB RichardC SamuelJ RobertB WilliamL BurnellZ Clure Joseph JamesB GStanley GeorgeS RichardD LouisA Bill RichardW JackC AlvinC GlennH JackL AllenG AltonG DexterD Ardell BillyJ DuaneB Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl T/5 SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Cpt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pvt 399-F 398-A 100-MP 397-B 399-D 398-M 399-I 398-2B 100-CR 399-L 373-HQ 398-C 925-HQ 373-A 397-H 399-G 399-2B 325-EA 399-2B 397-1B 325-MA 325-EB 100-BD 397-M 397-G 397397-C 373-HQ 397-AT 397-M 398-CN 100-HQ 398-K 399-E 100-SG 374-HQ 398-L 397-F 398-E 325-MD WIA WIA Griffing GA GroveCity Wilkinsburg IronRiver Norfolk OH PA WI VA ERochester NH Huntsville AL Hartford Torrington CT CT Berlin Chelsea PA MA DaytonaBeach FL Clayton Russellville NewYork Ooltewah GA KY NY TN Greenfield EHolden Silverton OH ME TX Owensboro Akron Springfield Indianapolis Petersburg Chattanooga Benton FtWorth Hillsboro KY OH OH IN VA TN AR TX NH KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams CharlesM CharlieM Ben CharlesE CharlesT EarnestJ Edward EdwardD EdwardJ EdwardL EugeneG NedB GeorgeN OrionL GordonT RalphO HenryL RichardE HewittE RobertA HowardL RobertJ Jack RobertM JackL SamM JamesH SamuelD JohnC StanleyD JohnT ThomasR Joseph Underwoood Major VincentG VincentL GT WalterS HenryB SSg T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg T/3 Pvt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl SSg T/4 Col Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc TSg Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 2Lt Pfc 397-K 375-SV 397-H 398-G 397-K 399100-MP 397-C 100-SG 397-H 100-MP 399-H 100-QM 100-SG 398-M 398-H 100-HQ 398-C 399-D 398-D 399-I 399-E 399-MD 398-3B 399-E 925-B 100-BD 399-L 398-3B 397-I 399-1B 398-CN 399-CN 373-HQ 397-H 398-3B 399-K 398-B 398-L 399-AT Galveston Charlotte Neeses TX NC SC Willoughby OH Chicago Wellsburg NewYork Wilsons Emporium Summerville Letohatchee Evanston Paterson SBend IL WV NY VA PA SC AL IL NJ IN Kayford Winfiels Ensley Irvington WV AL AL NJ Austin Springfield Nashville Atlanta Comanche Union TX OH TN GA TX NJ BordonSprings AL Butte Manchester Fayette Hartford Tacoma MT AL AL CT WA Baltimore Verona MD NJ WIA KIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williamsn Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williford Willing Willingham Willis Willis Willis Willis Willis Willock Willoughby WarnestJ Horace WesleyR JSanford WilburnL JamesE WilliamB JohnG WilliamF JosephC WilliamT ElijahJ WilliamW HenryL JackE JimmieO JohnnyG MarshallE GlennH IraJ ClarenceR DavidE DonaldC GeraldS HoraceP John KennethE MelvinN MerrillE PaulE RalphL HermanR TroyF FrankL JosephB RobertM RobertW WorthC DanielW FrankW Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt MSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl 1Lt Pvt Pvt T/5 Pvt Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 399-K 399-L 398-H 399-C 397-C 399-C 925-SV 398-2B 399-CN 399-I 397-1B 398-G 373-C 397-F 397-C 325-EB 398-E 399-K 399-F 397-MD 398-M 397-H 397-G 397-B 925-HQ 399373-C 398-F 398-1B 398-K 398-L 397-M 397-I 399-M 397-MD 374-HQ 398-L 398-A 399-1B 925-A Hatshorn BallGround Modesto MO GA CA WIA Maiden Springfield JohnsonCity Loris Bronx Philadelphia C IL NY SC NY PA WIA LemontFurnace Baltimore Homerville FtSmith Columbus Morganton PA MD GA PA AR GA NC TheDalles Whitmire Worcester Terrell Austin Anniston OR SC MA TX MN AL WichitaFalls TX Shennadoah StLouis Aulander IA MO NC Bryan TX Tahlequah Donalds Casper Lawndale Indianapolis AlexanderCity OK SC WY NC IN AL WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA MIA Willoughby Willoughby Wills Wills Wills Wills Willy Wilon Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson WilliamD WilliamG AlfredD GeorgeH HowardB RobertF Raymond JamesC AlfredB AlvinM ArlanF BertsellJ BlakeW BurlC CharlesS ChesterB ClarenceA CyrilD EdwardG FredD PaulA GeorgeJ PaulE HobertW RalphC JohnC RobertS JohnE Roderick JohnJ RolandW Joseph RudolphB Melvin ShermanG HaroldE TaulbeeE JohnC ThomasH JohnP Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc SSg SSg WOJ Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Sgt Pfc Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt 398-H 397-L 399-I 397-F 925-SV 399-M 399-CN 398-L 398-M 100-ST 399-F 100-SG 399-SV 399-1B 399-3B 399397-A 397-C 399-2B 375-A 397-HQ 100-MP 397-CN 397-B 398-L 397-B 397-M 398-H 325-EH 100-CR 398-G 399-I 398-A 397-H 399-M 397-H 397-3B 399-L 100-QM 397-G Scottsville Lumberton KY NC Dublin Mebane VA NC Galena Louisville IL KY AtlanticCity Canton NJ NC KingsMountain Fredericksburg FtWorth Benedict NewtownSquare Hawthorne Nampa Maywood Clermont ScienceHill Clinton Sullivan Mechanicsville NC VA TX KS PA NJ ID NJ GA KY MO IN VA Washington Dillner Lakewood Pleasantville Portersville DC PA NJ NJ AL VanDyke MI Bradford MineralBluff AR GA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA POW WIA Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wiltse Wiltsie Wimberly Wimmer Wimpee Winberry Winder Windham Windham Windham Windheim Windle Wine Wineger Wing Wing Winge Wingo Winit Winkelspecht Winkle Winkler Winkles Winn Winne Winoski Winslow Winston FredM James JohnH JosephL VernS WalterW WarrenA WarrenB WilliamF WilliamJ Woodrow WorthC EdwardW DavidP CliffordA ErnestJ LouisR GilbertC JohnF Arthur HonorC JamesH AlfredG Elden JordanH CharlesR JesseW WilliamJ CarlD LeroyC Martin LesterF MeekM VirgilA JesseE WalterA RossR JosephP HowardL EdwardR Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt SSg 2Lt Pfc Pfc SSg SSg SSg 1Lt TSg Pfc T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Sg T/4 Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc 399-L 397-E 398-C 397-H 398-G 398-I 374-B 399-I 398-AT 373-SV 399-A 100-DA 398-HQ 374-A 397-SV 398-2B 397-M 399-3B 398-L 325-EH 398-H 399-F 373-A 399-L 399-E 373-HQ 925-SV 398-L 397-HQ 325-EB 399-CN 398-A 399-F 399-I 399-M 399-E 398-B 399-AT 925-HQ 398-K Bridger Lockport MT NY Checotan NewLondon Chicago Kingston NewHaven Stlouis Woodside OK WI IL PA CT MO NY Hartwick Schenectady PhenixCity NY NY AL DevilsSlide UT Athens TN Oxford MS Torrington Washington Detroit CT DC MI Grimes Philadelphia Riverside OK PA NJ Hartwell MO Sunbury Springfield Northbridge Auburn Dallas PA MA MA ME TX WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Winston Winston Winston Winteers Winter Winter Winterfield Winterhalter Winterhoff Winters Winton Winton Wires Wirick Wirkkanen Wirth Wiscup Wisdom Wise Wise Wise Wise Wise Wisecarver Wiseman Wiseman Wisener Wishinski Wishmier Wishon Wisinger Wiskup Wiskur Wisniewski Wisniewski Witczak Witheers Withers Witherspoon Witherspoon JosephP Keith WilliamJ EstelleP LloydH William Edward WilbrtJ WernerF DanielJ BernardG JamesR JohnS JackieL EeroO GeorgeP LeonA WileyB GarlandM JohnnieT LawrenceC ThomasA WilliamS RaymondC FrederickG JohnF FrancisM AnthonyW JamesE MauriceZ HaroldH LeonA RobertL FrankC FrankJ VincentJ WoodrowW VanC ClarenceE RobertM T/4 Pfc Pfc Sgt Mjr Pfc Pfc T/5 T/5 Pvt T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc LtC Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pvt 1Lt Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pvt Pfc 100-CR 398-MD 325-EH 100-SG 100-HQ 398-C 399-1B 375-HQ 325-EC 325-EB 375-C 373-SV 397-MD 398-M 398-3B 397-E 399-A 397-2B 399-F 397-F 397-E 398-C 374-A 397-E 397-B 399-G 399-M 398-AT 397-L 325-EH 398-D 399-1B 397-K 373-C 399-I 398-MD 398-1B 399-E 374-B 397-AT Troy WestgatewHills LocustValley Paris NY PA NY TN Memphis TN MtLebanon PA Worcester OklahomaCity Albany MA OK NY Akron OH Detroit Bridgeport MI CT Elizabethtown OklahomaCity HighPoint Hannastown Mohawk Brooklyn Phoenixville KY OK NC PA TN NY PA Plainville Alexandria CT IN Holden Chelsea BayCity MO MA MI JohnsonCity NY Beach Beaufort VA SC WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA Withowski Witkowski Witkowski Witsman Witt Witt Witt Witt Witt Witt Witt Wittcoff Wittick Wittig Wittmer Wladecki Wloczewski Wobig Wod Wodaski Wodell Wodraska Wodzinski Wohlers Woiderski Woike Wojcik Wojner Wojtanowski Wojtowicz Wojtys Wolak Wolak Wolbeck Wold Wold Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf WallaceF Edward WalterJ WD JosephA LouisR MichaelF RogerF ScottJ VirgilR WymonL Irwin RobertA WilliamJ DuaneD WilliamB StanleyC GlenD ClintonG Edward RobertG MalvinE HenryV RichardW RayomndG ErvinR ChesterJ Stephen JosephL HenryF Walter FrankW JosephM EdmundK PeterG ReedS ArthurW Benjamin ClydeS DonaldO Sgt MSg T/4 Pfc 2Lt Pfc Sgt Sgt 1Lt Cpl Pfc Cpl Pfc T/5 Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Sgt T/5 Pfc SSg Pvt Sgt Pfc T/5 Pfc 399-E 397-HQ 374-B 397-F 397-2B 398-E 399-I 398-H 399-M 399-I 397-A 399-C 397-K 100-HQ 399-L 397-I 399-M 399-I 397-A 398-B 399-A 399-1B 397-L 399-H 399-I 398-E 399-M 399-E 325-EH 397-SV 399-I 397-M 397-CN 398-D 399-E 375-C 398-E 398-H 397-SV 398-I Tennent Worcester Clinton Kingman Bremerton NJ MA MA IN WA NewYork Chicago NY IL Evansville Lindavista IN CA Elmsworth PA Claremore WilkesBarre KansasCity Salem OK PA MO OR StatenIsland Cheboygan Harvey NY MI IL Lowell Holyoke Pittsburgh MA MA PA NewYork Middletown Mahnomen Brooklyn Mound WNewYork Detroit Wilkensburg NY CT MN NY MN NJ MI PA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolfe Wolfe Wolfe Wolff Wolff Wolff Wolff Wolff Wolff Wolfgang Wolfson Wolheim Wolicki Wolk Wolkin Wollstencroft Wolozen Wolpin Wolters Wolverton Womack Womack Womble Wommack Wondrak Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood GeorgeW Louis RaymondT JohnJ LT RussellD Adolph AllanE DonaldA Gunther PeterC PhilipJ RobertR EdwardA Elliot NormanA Gerald GeorgeC RussellE Frank AlbertL CarlR HughP MelvilleP Raymond GeorgeO RichardC JohnJ CharlesR CliffordJ GlenW DanaB HaroldJ EarlK HarryC ErnestR GeorgeE DonaldR EdwardT ExireO Cpl T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Sgt SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/4 T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt TSg T/5 Pfc TSg Pfc Cpl 1Sg 925-A 397-SV 398-G 375-C 374-C 398-A 397-G 373-C 399-I 325-EA 397-AT 325-EC 399-K 399-E 100-SG 399-1B 398-A 925-C 397-K 399-CN 399-L 398-F 925-C 397-MD 398-L 397-I 399-K 325-EB 398-L 100-MP 399-G 100-HQ 398-M 397-CN 399399-B 100-HQ 398-L 925-A 399-AT Lafayette Brooklyn IN NY Nipomo Cordova CA AL Butterfield Defiance NewYork Chicago MN OH NY IL StLouis Brooklyn MO NY Reading PA Bronx Pawtucket Sranton NY RI PA Skakic Meridian Marshall Franklin Gastonia Seattle Aurora Newport Westboro Unionville Hopkinton Providence IL MS TX NC NC WA IL VT MA MO MA RI Endicott Elmhurst NY NY Plattsburg NY POW WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Woodall Woodard Woodard Woodard Woodard Woodard Woodbeck Woodbridge Woodburn Woodbury Woodbury Woodenschek Woodhouse Woodman Woodman Woodring Woodruff Woodrum Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods HarveyR HowardE JamesR JohnR LakeA MilesC WallaceE MurielJ WilliamG RussellO WilliamH ThomasC TommieM OtisP SamuelI ThomasJ WilliamM GlennE CharlesW DouglasA HaroldE Luther WilliamL DouglasR HardyB MerlW FranklinT WalterW ArthurE RalphJ MeyerH RobertW HarryC StuartH CarlL BroadusR Grady James JosephE JosephT T/5 Pvt Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc 2Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt T/5 Sgt Pfc T/4 Pfc Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 397-A 399-D 397-A 399-D 375-C 398-CN 397-H 399-H 398-3B 325-MD 398-I 100-QM 398-B 397-F 397-HQ 325-EB 399-1B 325-EC 399-MD 399398-AT 399-3B 399-G 325-MD 398-E 397-L 374-HQ 325-MC 399-AT 397-A 100-BD 397-F 398-B 325-MC 397-B 399-M 398-H 397-CN 399-L 398-M WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA Campbell Pitman Norwood Matoaka Martin CA NJ OH WV GA Chicago Staunton Edgewood Richland Birmingham Gaffney Golden IL VA PA MO AL SC MS McKeesport Elizabeth Warren Boston Youngstown PA NJ OH VA OH Jeffersonville Dudley Detroit KY GA MI Ashtabula Salem Lynn OH NH MA Brooklyn NY StateCollege KewGardens Lorodo PA NY WV Scottsboro Wooten CorpusChristi AL KY TX Woods Woods Woods Woodside Woodson Woodson Woodward Woodward Woodworth Woodworth Woody Woody Woody Woody Woody Woolcock Wooldridge Woolever Wooley Woolheater Woolley Woolsey Woolsey Woolson Wooster Wooten Wooten Wooters Worden Worjciehowsk Worley Worley Worley Worley Worley Wornick Worrell Worrell Worsham Worth PaulA RobertA ThomasE HarryC JamesL WallaceE RichardP WilliamT RichardT WilliamF FloydP Foy GradyG JamesN JohnC EdwardE DwightW JohnA GlenV WarrenJ GlenV MartinE WilliamR CharlesS AlonzoL JamesK LouisE WalterM LawrenceC ChesterB CharlesE ErnestJ HerbertL RichardJ SamuelC James JohnB JosephV ThomasF ArthurW T/5 Cpl 2Lt Cpl Pfc Pfc TSg Sgt T/3 Pfc T/5 SSg T/5 Pfc T/5 Cpl Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc T/5 Pvt T/5 SSg Pfc T/4 2Lt Pfc 325-MH 373-A 398-G 399-F 374-HQ 399-C 373-B 397397-B 100-HQ 397-K 397-HQ 397-D 373-A 374-C 397-MD 399-F 398-G 399-K 373-B 100-HQ 398-L 399-A 399-F 399-D 399-K 100-QM 399-C 398-G 399-E 399-1B 399-G 397-I 399-C 397-HQ 399-L 398-B 100-SG 399-K 399-L FountainInn Chicago SC IL Portsmouth HotSprings Minneapolis NY AR MN Arcade NY Margret GA Danielsville WallaWalla GA WA SanFrancisco Smith Davenport FtSmith Dupuoin CA AR IA AR IL Crisfield Ottawa MD IL BayCity Manville Bradenton Dallas Memphis MI NJ FL TX TN Glenwilton Springfield Hillsville Youngstown VA VT VA OH Brooklyn NY WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Worth Worthington Wortman Wortman Worzek Woudstra Wounaris Wovkanech Wozniak Wrahtz Wray Wrede Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright FranklinJ MackB LloydT PaulJ WilliamJ WilliamR NickW Samuel AnthonyF Herbert Carl WalterH AndrewJ ArloseE Bernard BurieL LeeR CharlesE OmarC CliffordW Reid EverettE RobertC FreemanH RobertD GradyH SilasM HermanR StanleyG JesseC ThomasJ Julian VernonO DanielE WilliamH GeorgeA WilliamH JamesM Clarence EveretteL Cpt T/4 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 T/4 Pfc T/4 Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc T/4 Cpl Cpl Sgt SSg SSg Pfc 374-HQ 325-EH 398-C 398-F 100-MP 325-EC 399-H 800-OR 398-C 397-3B 397-CN 373-C 399-H 399-K 399-AT 325-MD 398-L 398-K 373-C 398-K 925-B 397-AT 398-HQ 398-1B 399-M 399-HQ 398-K 398-D 397-HQ 397-MD 397-F 397-I 374-A 397-C 397-M 375-SV 398-F 399-B 374-SV 374-B KIA KIA WIA WIA Switzerland SWilliamsport Caspar FL PA NC NewHaven Ceres Weirton CT CA WV Detroit Burlingame MtAiry MI CA NC MtAiry Melvin Chicago GreatFalls Detroit Westboro Caribou Greenwich Ferncliff NC IA IL SC MI MA ME NY VA Birmingham AL Rutherfordton Bracey Chester StLouis Centerville LittleRock NewYork Stratford PatrickSprings NC VA SC MO TN AR NY OK VA Buffalo GreatNeck Parkersburg NewYork Knoxville NY NY WV NY TN WIA KIA WIA KIA Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright,Rev Wroblewski Wuesteman Wullweber Wunderlich Wunderlich Wuralnick Wutke Wyant Wyatt Wyatt Wyatt Wyatt Wycech Wyckoff Wydra Wyeth Wylie Wyman Wyman Wynn Wynn Wynne Wynne Wynne Wynne Wynne Wynveen Wytas Xanthos Yablonski Yaccarino Yaffee Yager Yahn Yahner HenryL JohnC WilliamH WilliamV AlbertW LeoT AdelbertE BernardM CharlesC Henry Irving WarrenE DavidH AndrewJ CurtisB DoilJ JayN RaymondH DonaldR Walter IrvingR NallonJ JohnA StanleyC JoeB WalterA GarrettF JohnH JulianD RobertP WalterJ MarvinJ RaymondT HarryW JohnS CarmenJ MM StanleyA DonaldA RichardE Pfc Pfc SSg Pfc Cpt SSg Cpt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Cpt 1Sg T/4 SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc SSg SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc 325-EC 397-D 397-M 397-SV 100-DA 397-F 325-MH 399-C 399-M 398-AT 373-HQ 398-L 373399-H 399-B 399-K 398-AT 399-AT 397-H 397-G 100-HQ 399-1B 100-HQ 373-B 397-M 399-E 399-B 398-G 397-C 397-H 398-3B 397-CN 397-A 398-D 397-D 397-1B 397398-C 399-G 399-I WIA Brownsville Marion KansasCity Tyner TN VA MO KY Milwaukee Chicago Galena WI IL IL Brantley Harriman AL TN Chillicothe Newark OH NJ Emmett Hayward AR MN Jacksonville FL Yonkers Wayne Louisburg NY NJ NC Havelock CawkerCity Stratford NC KS CT Lyndhurst Hoboken NJ NJ Schenectady Schenectady NY NY WIA WIA WIA WIA Yahnke Yakabowsky Yakimetz Yakoski Yandersitz Yaney Yankoski Yannace Yannotti Yanz Yaramata Yarbrough Yarbrough Yarbrough Yardley Yarema Yaremko Yarum Yasko Yates Yates Yauch Yavorek Yazujian Ybarra Yeager Yeager Yeager Yeaman Yeamans Yearsley Yee Yehl,Rev Yeingst Yekenchik Yelton Yelverton Yeomans Yergeau Yerkey LouisC John William Joseph JosephS Stanley JosephJ Ernest SalvatoreA SamuelF ArthurB ClydeA DenzilA WilliamS RichardC Peter Andrew JoephM WilliamA CliffordT DaltonJ WilliamJ HenryG Garo Ramiro DeanM JamesH RobertF IlusQ JohnH EvenJ AddisonR AddisonR DanielA MichaelB DonaldW BillyH JamesR JEdgar DonaldR SSg SSg T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc T/4 Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 2Lt SSg Cpl TSg Pfc SSg SSg Pfc 1Lt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Cpl 1Lt Pfc Cpt Cpt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc 398-SV 399-F 398-F 325-MH 397-CN 399-CN 100-HQ 325-MB 374-A 325-MC 100-CR 397-M 397-K 374-B 398-K 100-HQ 925-A 399-G 397-K 398-E 397-G 398-C 398-L 397-E 397-L 398-C 325-EB 397-B 398-H 399-D 399-F 373-HQ 373-HQ 398-B 399-SV 398-C 398-K 397-D 800-OR 397-1B KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA Memphis TN Brooklyn Hudson NY PA Rockford WRutland Brooklyn Brooklyn Livingston Laven Lexington OH VT NY NY NJ AZ NC SanSala TX Washington Pittsburgh Irvington NewBuffalo DC PA NJ MI MountainView MO Eyron NewYork ElPaso Hartville Southgate PA NY TX MO CA Lodi Wallingford CA CT Olean NY Womelsdorf PA Laurel Colquitt MS GA Akron OH WIA MIA Yesh Yip Yoakum Yock Yoder Yoder Yoey Yonka Yonker Yonkers York York York York York York York Yost Yost Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young StanleyB QuanW WalterC WilliamO GeorgeL HtatenL LaWayne BenedictA JohnR FrendH Albert CharlesE CharlesT DonaldW Earnest FrankH JohnR HarryJ LeroyT BrittonD CardenA RobertW CecilM RoyH CharlesM RushF EddieB Russell FrankC SamuelR FrederickH StermanM GeorgeR ThomasD Harry WilliamH HerbertL RaymondD JoeR RichardC Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt TSg Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt T/4 Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pfc SSg Pfc Sgt Pfc Cpl Pvt 399-F 399-K 399-HQ 398-3B 375-C 398-3B 398-D 397-1B 397-F 398-2B 100-DA 373-HQ 375-B 399-L 374-C 100-DA 398-L 397-1B 398-2B 373-C 397-B 398-D 397-F 399-F 375-HQ 325-MA 398-D 397-F 397-L 397-H 100-SG 325-EB 397-M 398-G 397-D 399-L 398-G 398-M 399-I 397-C WIA Phoenix AZ Seattle Roverside Slem WA CA NJ Lionville PA Venice Ridgewood OldForge Whiteside CA NY PA TN Worthville NC Reading Norwalk PA OH BaldwinPark CA Roanoke Trenton VA NJ Rogers TX Eastover Bradenton Markley Weirton PoncaCity Rochester SC FL TX NC OK NY SPortsmouth Montclair NewBloomfield Masena KY NJ MO NY WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Youngblood Younger Youngfeldt Youngman Youngmark Youngson Younker Yount Yowell Yudin Yuhas Yuhas Yung Yuratick Yurcho Yurcisin Yurechka Yurick Yurko Yusavitz Zabora Zachmann JohnD RichardG JosephP RobertC KennethE Charles LesterD CharlesW OfaS JohnT LawrenceJ JohnD Julius FrankH FrncisJ HaroldW HerbertE JamesE JohnH StanleyE HaroldG HenryF EdwardE WilliamF WilliamF EmoryN RobertE Sidney JosephJ Michael Sing JosephJ MichaelJ Michael Nicholas Michael AndrewB CarlR TheodoreJ PaulT Pvt Cpt Pfc Pfc TSg SSg Pfc Pfc 2Lt Pfc Sgt SSg MSg Pfc T/5 2Lt Pfc Pfc 2Lt T/5 Pfc Pfc 2Lt Cpl Sgt T/3 T/4 Pvt Pfc T/5 Pfc Sgt Sgt T/4 Pfc Cpl SSg Pfc Cpl 397-C 399-A 397-M 399-L 399-I 397-F 100-MP 398-D 398-M 397-F 399-K 397-K 399-K 100-DA 399-HQ 374-B 399-H 399-3B 373-C 397-P 100-CR 397-SV 399-D 399-CN 373-B 399-K 397-MD 373-SV 398-D 398-MD 399-HQ 375-C 399-D 397-C 398-M 399-SV 399-L 399-AT 398-H 399-D Vallejo CA Pixley Geneva Trenton CA NY NJ Rhinebeck NY Brazil IN WIA Brooklyn BeverlyHills Cortland HydePark Haverhill Baltimore Greenville Nathalie QueensVillage Fresno NY CA NJ NY MA MD TN VA NY CA WIA Yonkers Boonville SantaAna Moberly Brooklyn Homestead NY IN CA MO NY PA NewYork Joliet Trenton NY IL NJ Webster Greenburg Mayfield MA PA PA RichmondHill NY WIA WIA WIA KIA Zachofsky Zaffee Zagha Zagurski Zahler Zahn Zahn Zahradnik Zaidorf Zakely Zakrzewski Zaleha Zaleski Zalewski Zamansky Zambarbien Zambrano Zampiva Zanelli Zangari Zanin Zann Zanoni Zarabet Zaremba Zarlenga Zartarian Zastarsek Zavatsky Zawisza Zazulak Zbihley Zborowski Zdrodowski Zdziarski Zebracki Zebrowitz Zecicikey Zederbaum Zeedyk AbrahamS MauriceM Marco Henry AdolphL WalterE JosephF AlbertS JackA ThomasS AlfonseJ Andy StanleyR FrankC IrvingI Eugene Giacomo Pete AlfredA DominickM Angelo LeeB BasilP Joseph StanleyL LucienA RobertZ CharlesM JosephM FrankA WaltersS Joseph MichaelJ JosephV EdwardJ JosephW Morris Leo Herman DanielW Pfc 1Lt Pfc TSg Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc Pfc Pfc 1Lt T/4 Pfc MSg TSg Pfc Pfc Pvt 1Sg Sgt Pfc SSg T/5 Pvt SSg T/4 Sgt Cpl SSg Cpl Cpl Pfc Mjr Pvt Pfc T/5 397-MD 100-HQ 398-MD 925-HQ 398-B 375-A 398-K 399-F 399-1B 398-A 373-B 399-MD 398-I 397-AT 100-SG 399-I 374-SV 398-B 399-CN 375-A 399-D 399-D 398-M 398-F 397-K 399-A 397-HQ 397-E 399-MD 398-MD 399-B 925-C 399-F 373-B 373-A 325-MA 397-P 399-H 325-EC 374-HQ Brooklyn NY Moosup HoodRiver Hyattsville Pittsburgh CT OR MD PA Somerset Hartford CO CT NewYork EHaven NY CT Brooklyn Haverhill NY MA WIA WIA POW WIA KIA Bremond Force TX PA Baltimore StLouis MD MO KIA Chicago Edwardsville Cleveland NewYork EPaterson IL PA OH NY NJ Bridgeport Jerseycity Detroit Bronx Wheeling Edison MidlandPark CT NJ MI NY WV NJ NJ WIA POW WIA Zehner Zehner Zeider Zeigel Zeigler Zeigler Zeiser Zeiter Zeitlin Zeleny Zellar Zeller Zeman Zemke Zemkosky Zenar Zendel Zenner Zensen Zent Zerby Zerfoss Zevitas Zicari Ziegele Ziegelstein Ziegler Ziegler Ziel Zierman Zierman Zieve Zill Zilliox Zilliox Ziman Zimdars Zimdars Zimek Zimm EleryM RaymondF ThomasR HenryL EdwardW JesseL GeorgeC LelandL ArthurJ JosephR HarlandJ ElwinH RobertA LeoR StanleyL OliverB MererJ ArthurE FrederickA KennethV WayneA KarlP LouisG PasqualeJ Wallace Robert EdwardW MiltonR HilbertM CharlesR RichardH Leslie DarrellH PhilipJ WilliamG Robert WalterL WalterL FrancisJ WalterR LtC SSg Pfc Pfc Pvt TSg T/5 Sgt Pfc Pfc Sgt Pfc Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Cpl Sgt Pfc Pvt Sgt Pvt SSg Sgt Cpt Pfc SSg Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 2Lt 399-1B 398-C 397-M 325-EC 399-I 100-DA 373-C 398-M 398-CN 397-H 397-G 398-F 398-G 398-A 925-B 399-B 399-G 399-K 398-M 399-D 398-L 397-HQ 325-EH 398-H 925-A 374-A 399-3B 397-I 397-L 399-2B 925-B 397-MD 325-EB 398-HQ 399-L 399-1B 399-F 399100-SG 373-HQ WIA KIA Washington Savannah RoyalCenter Boonville Wauseon DC GA IN MO OH Glendale NY Bronx Lisle NY IL WIA Cicero Merrill Clairton Brighton NewYork MtOlive Faribault Huntington IL WI PA TN NY IL MN WV WIA Chicago Dedham Rochester IL MA NY Bridgeport CT JerseyCity NJ CanalWinchester OH WIA FortBragg CA KIA WIA Winona MN Medford MA WIA WIA WIA KIA WIA WIA 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325-EB 399-1B 399-G 373-HQ 325-EC 399-F 399-A 399-SV Wantaugh NewCastle NY VA Tyrone HowardBeach JacksonHeights PA NY NY Philadelphia PA Arcanum Richmond Romulus Augusta Cleveland Millercity LomaLinda Laurelton PortRichey OH VA MI GA OH OH CA NY FL Brooklyn NY Pittsburgh PA VauxHall Louisville Hawthorne Ashland NJ KY NJ WI Irwin Baltimore Catskill PA MD NY Hazelton NewYork PA NY WIA KIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA WIA Zucconi Zuckerman Zuehlsdorff Zuewski Zugay Zuhars Zuis Zukauskas Zukoff Zumwalt Zunker Zunpancic Zuppardo Zurbinsky Zurbrugg Zurmehly Zustovich Zutter Zuvella Zweigbaum Zweisbaum Zych Zychowski Zygaj Zygmont Zygmunt Zypko William StanleyS MauriceL Joseph NicholasA CharlesW JohnJ BroniusM GeorgeP JamesP EdwardG Frank PeterA Sidney Oscar HarryC AnthonyR Kazmer TonyJ HaroldD HaroldD WalterJ EdwardA' EdwardS Henry WalterJ Andrew SSg Pfc Pfc 1Lt Pfc T/5 Pfc T/5 Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc Pfc Sgt 1Lt T/5 Pfc SSg Pvt Pvt Pfc Pfc T/5 Pfc Pfc SSg 398-K 100-BD 397-I 399-AT 398-3B 397-I 399-AT 325-EH 325-EC 397-G 397-H 397-L 397-G 398-H 397-B 100-HQ 375-SV 925-C 399-B 398-1B 398-C 397-B 398-MD 100-QM 397-F 374-C 398-SV WIA WIA WIA WIA KIA KIA KIA Brooklyn NewYork ElbowLake NY NY MN Wheelersburg OH Woodbury CT Wallston MO Cleveland Lima Brooklyn OH OH NY Lima NewYork OH NY Bellaire OH Hillside NFairhaven Cleveland Buffalo Hadley Plantsville Hartford NJ MA OH NY MA CT CT
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