WHAT’S ON MARCH WOW 2016 ANNIE LENNOX, CAITLIN MORAN AND GEMMA CAIRNEY ALSO THIS MONTH THE WONDERCRUMP WORLD OF ROALD DAHL Go on a magical tour through the imagination Annie Lennox © Mike Owen CHORUS Get together and sing URBAN 2016 Celebrate street culture Architect’s impression of the newly refurbished Hayward Gallery upper gallery. LET THE LIGHT IN Help us raise £3 million to Let the Light In Queen Elizabeth Hall, Purcell Room and Hayward Gallery are currently being refurbished and restored to their former glory. Please support Let The Light In today and help us transform these much-loved buildings for everyone to enjoy. To donate online, to Name a seat or for more information visit southbankcentre.co.uk/letthelightin To give £10, text LTLI01 £10 to 70070 Your gift will make a real difference. Thank you. #SCLetTheLightIn Southbank Centre is a charity registered in England and Wales number 298909. For a full calendar of events see page 24. Image credits: Urban © Belinda Lawley Welcome to Southbank Centre. HIGHLIGHTS MARCH 2016 WOW 2016 When we started WOW: Women of the World six years ago, we could never have predicted how many people – women, men, girls and boys – would support it. Now the festival is in 15 countries and nine UK regions and still growing. We’re thrilled to be back this year with the likes of Caitlin Moran, Annie Lennox, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, and the world premiere of Eve Ensler’s Fruit Trilogy. Also back are two more of our great festivals: Chorus, a celebration of the many different choirs and ensembles in the UK; and Urban, the best of the music, dance, sport and visual culture born from the streets. Jude Kelly CBE Artistic Director, Southbank Centre 2016 Supported by WOW: Women of the World returns for another year of passionate debate, heartfelt storytelling and fun. See pages 2 – 6. URBAN Our annual celebration of city culture is back, bigger than ever, and the fun begins on Easter weekend. See page 11. CONTENTS PAGE THE WONDERCRUMP WORLD OF ROALD DAHL WOW: WOMEN OF THE WORLD��������������2 – 6 CHORUS������������������������������������������� 8 – 10 URBAN 2016������������������������������������������ 11 CLASSICAL MUSIC�������������������������� 12 – 13 GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC������� 14 – 15 PERFORMANCE & DANCE����������������������� 15 LITERATURE & SPOKEN WORD��������� 16 – 17 HAYWARD TOURING������������������������������� 17 EAT, DRINK & SHOP������������������������� 18 – 19 SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS������������������ 19 SUPPORTERS CIRCLES EVENTS�������������� 19 BIG WEDDING WEEKEND����������������� 20 – 21 FORTHCOMING HIGHLIGHTS������������������� 22 BOOKING INFORMATION������������������������� 23 An interactive exhibit shedding light on the life and work of ever-popular author Roald Dahl. Ages 7 – 12. Until Sunday 3 July. See page 16. CHORUS Experience the power of gathering with your fellow humans and raising your voices as one, at our Chorus festival – a celebration of singing. See pages 8 – 10. 1 This month: WOW 2016 See pages 4 – 6 2016 Supported by WE CAN BE HEROES Whether it’s a boss, a celebrity, a relative, an artist, a friend or a fictional character, most people can think of a woman who inspires them. Ask your friends about their personal heroines and you might hear about women who’ve been famous for a while – Elizabeth I, Joan of Arc, Rosa Parks, Elizabeth Bennett – newcomers to the hall of fame, like J K Rowling and Beyoncé, and women who have only recently become celebrated for their achievements, like 19th-century computer programmer Ada Lovelace, or scientist Rosalind Franklin. This year’s WOW festival packs in plenty of events looking at historical heroines alongside our personal inspirations. Multi medal-winning Paralympian Tanni Grey Thompson talks about her sporting idols, and a panel of heroic women talk about the women they aspire to be like in our WOW Schools event. We asked some of the participants in WOW 2016 about their own personal heroines. WOW 2016 TAKES PLACE FROM TUESDAY 8 – SUNDAY 13 MARCH 2 Music legend Annie Lennox is known for decades of recordbreaking hits, and her work for social causes, such as awareness of HIV as it affects women and children in Africa. Who is your historical or contemporary heroine and what did she achieve? There are countless contemporary heroines in the world today who mostly go unseen and unnoticed, but if I were to name just one, then Eve Ensler would be at the top of my list. Eve is an absolute champion feminist campaigner. Besides writing the groundbreaking play, The Vagina Monologues, she went on to create V-Day, a global activist movement which has raised over $100 million and educated millions around the world on the issue of violence against women and girls. As well as V- Day, she established One Billion Rising, the global day of action which galvanises women and men towards ending gender-based violence. V-day has funded over 13,000 community-based anti-violence programmes and safe houses in countries such as Haiti, Kenya, Egypt, Iraq and the Democratic Republic of Congo. There are 757 million adults who cannot read or write a sentence – two out of three of these are women. What battles do you think remain for today’s heroines? PS - of course men can be heroic feminists too! There are 757 million adults who cannot read or write a sentence – two out of three of these are women. In Africa, 28 million girls are not in education and will never step inside a classroom. Women around the world aged 15 – 44 are more at risk from rape and domestic violence than from cancer, car accidents, war and malaria. Annie Lennox appears in conversation on 12 March as part of WOW 2016. southbankcentre.co.uk 0844 847 9911 Image credits: Annie Lennox © Mike Owen Gemma Cairney © Rhodri Jones Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. Mari Hannah is the author of the Kate Daniels series of detective novels. Who is your historical or contemporary heroine and what did she achieve? Why do you admire her? The one that stands out for me is aviation pioneer and author, Amelia Earhart, a woman of true courage who fulfilled her destiny as the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. This relatively young woman from a small town in Kansas became a legend worldwide, an inspiration to all. I admire her spirit and strength of character. Not content with her achievements in the air, she went on to campaign for women’s acceptance in the field of aviation. Do you have any fictional role models, and if so, who are they? Asking me that question is like asking if I need oxygen. DCI Kate Daniels is on my list, of course, but I’m guessing you’re after someone else’s creation. We can all look up to Agatha Christie’s kindly, sharp and logical Miss Marple; PD James’ young, intelligent and dynamic Cordelia Gray; Lynda La Plante’s clever DCI Jane Tennison, forced to fight hard against sexism in the workplace. Mari Hannah headlines Polari, London’s leading LGBT literary salon, on 9 March, as part of WOW 2016. Author and sociologist Michael Kimmel is an expert on masculinity and advocate of male support for women’s rights. Who is your historical or contemporary heroine and what did she achieve? Why do you admire her? Sojourner Truth, the first intersectionalist, who spoke the simplest of words, ‘ain’t I a woman?’ and changed everything forever. Edna St Vincent Millay, a brilliant poet, unafraid to go for it, emotionally, sexually, poetically. Gloria Steinem, a clear-eyed visionar y who has always given credit to others for building this movement. Anita Hill, who named something that had been going on for decades (sexual harassment of working women) and withstood so much filthy vitriol thrown her way. Her courage enabled women all over the country to tell others what they had experienced. What battles do you think remain for today’s heroines? What needs to change for women in 2017? Freedom to live authentically, to experience life fully, to make choices and be agents without obstacles related to circumstances of birth (class, race, religion, gender, sexuality). Obstacles? Those experiences that inhibit our ability to live more authentically: women’s fear of violence, lack of adequate policies to enable balancing work and family and overt discrimination. Michael Kimmel speaks about why gender equality is important for men too as part of WOW 2016. Nimco Ali is co-founder of Daughters of Eve, an organisation that campaigns against female genital mutilation and supports women who have undergone FGM. Who is your historical or contemporary heroine and what did she achieve? Why do you admire her? My heroine right now is my four-year-old niece Sofia. In her is the strength and self belief that she can do and be whatever she wants to be. The freedom and fearlessness in her reminds me of Arawelo, who ruled over what is today known a Somalia/ Somaliland. Like many female rulers, Arawelo fought for female empowerment and was one of the earliest rulers in the world who was also a figure of female empowerment. But unlike Arawelo, I hope Sofia’s fierceness is celebrated as she grows up and not feared, mocked and written out of history. I want girls and young women to know that they are always enough and no act of violence against women and girls defines them. How would you hope to inspire other women yourself? I hope I give other women the faith in themselves that our society seems to want to knock out of them. I want girls and young women to know that they are always enough and no act of violence against women and girls defines them. Nimco Ali speaks about social activism as part of WOW 2016. Radio presenter Gemma Cairney has tackled a range of tricky issues in award-winning TV documentaries. Who is your historical or contemporary heroine and what did she achieve? Why do you admire her? I remember learning about Boudica in history class at school and being captivated of wild warrior men. by her courage, and her leadership els, and if so, mod role Do you have any fictional ? they who are and has good hair. I dig Lisa Simpson. She’s sharp, fun a role model? What qualities do you look up to in anyone but themselves. Someone who doesn’t seem to be t subtle confidence mos the There is a boldness in even self. in your iring the next generation Gemma Cairney speaks about insp . 2016 of women as part of WOW 3 For a full calendar of events see page 24. WOW: WOMEN OF THE WORLD Caitlin Moran (pictured) launches her latest book, Moranifesto, at this year’s WOW: Women of the World. 4 southbankcentre.co.uk 0844 847 9911 Image credits: Caitlin Moran © Mark Harrison Bridget Christie © Mark Harrison Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. * No transaction fees for in-person bookings or Southbank Centre Members and Supporters Circles. For other bookings transaction fees apply: £1.75 online; £2.75 over the phone. FRIDAY 11 – SUNDAY 13 WOW: WOMEN OF THE WORLD DAY & WEEKEND PASSES Along with our ticketed and free evening events, we present a packed, three-day programme of talks, seminars, workshops and mentoring sessions. Buy a day pass, or make a weekend of it with a three-day pass. Read on for a taste of what to expect, and check our website for more details. southbankcentre.co.uk/WOW TUESDAY 8 – SUNDAY 13 WOW 2016 LITERATURE SOCIALS Throughout WOW, you’re invited to join our socials featuring innovative, dazzling contemporary writers. Rising stars and legendary figures from the worlds of poetry, graphic novels, fiction and nonfiction read in a friendly and informal environment. Tuesday 8: The Perfect WOW Crime Social Thursday 10: Life’s Work: WOW Memoir Social Friday 11: Kapow! WOW Graphic Novels Social Saturday 12: Free Verse: WOW Poetry Social Sunday 13: Laughing Matters: WOW Fiction Social Spirit Level at Royal Festival Hall on Thursday 10, Level 5 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall on all other dates, 6.30pm £10* TUESDAY 8 CAITLIN MORAN’S MORANIFESTO WOW FRIDAY We focus on power, politics and women in the workplace. Network with women from across the career spectrum and hear from a range of female entrepreneurs and professionals on issues including gender equality in business, how to get elected and the impact of austerity. Southbank Centre 10am – 6pm, £20* for a single day pass or £45* for a weekend pass, giving access to all three days TUESDAY 8 WONDERWOMEN WOW SATURDAY & SUNDAY The festival continues with talks, debates, workshops, seminars and performances to nourish your soul and quench your thirst for knowledge and ideas. Join us as we present the very best of recognised and emerging female talent and explore subjects such as body image, sex, criminal justice, race, disability and childcare. THROUGHOUT THE FESTIVAL WATCH, LISTEN, SHARE Many of our performances, talks and debates are available to watch and listen to again online. Keep an eye out during the festival – and use the #WOWLDN hashtag to take part in the conversation. youtube.com/southbankcentre Southbank Centre 10am – 6pm, £20* for a single day pass or £45* for a weekend pass, giving access to all three days WEDNESDAY 9 POLARI: WOW WOMEN OF THE WORLD SPECIAL Hear from women depicting queer life in contemporary literature and spoken word, including Polari First Book Prize winner Mari Hannah, whose latest novel is The Silent Room. Hosted by Paul Burston. Ages 18+. THURSDAY 10 – SUNDAY 13 ACTS OF LOOKING: DIGITAL PROJECTION SERIES Weston Roof Pavilion at Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £5* A day for secondary school girls aged 11 – 18 exploring and celebrating heroines and International Women’s Day, through talks, workshops, dance and music. WEDNESDAY 9 – SUNDAY 13 EVE ENSLER: THE FRUIT TRILOGY, WORLD PREMIERE Experience extraordinary largescale imagery created by women, projected onto the exterior of Royal Festival Hall throughout the festival, alongside an online project space. Schools can bring a maximum of 60 students aged 11 – 18. Contact groups@southbankcentre.co.uk to book, or call the group bookings line on 0844 875 0070. £2 per student Festival Terrace at Royal Festival Hall, 6pm – 11pm and at actsoflooking.tumblr.com BRIDGET CHRISTIE: A BOOK FOR HER Caitlin’s new book Moranifesto is a compelling and amusing rallying call for our times. She launches it at this event, reading her favourite bits and discussing why women and humour are central to change, with Jude Kelly, Artistic Director of Southbank Centre. Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £20* £15* £10* Following her award-winning shows A Bic For Her and An Ungrateful Woman, and her first book A Book For Her, comedian Bridget Christie brings her new show to WOW festival. Marie Rambert Studio at Rambert, 7.30pm £15* FREE From Eve Ensler, the Tony Awardwinning writer of The Vagina Monologues, comes the world premiere of a new trilogy of short plays, exploring the lives of four extraordinary, ordinary women and themes of migration. Avocado, Pomegranate and Coconut all reveal, with dark humour and powerful emotion, the humanity behind headlines. Presented by West Yorkshire Playhouse, in association with Southbank Centre. Marie Rambert Studio at Rambert, Weds 9, Thurs 10 & Fri 11 at 7.30pm, Sat 12 & Sun 13 at 7pm £15* HELP US TAKE WOW TO THE WORLD WOW has positively shaped the lives of thousands of women, men, girls and boys around the world, but there is still so much to do. Help us to ensure we can continue to grow and involve as many people as possible. Text WOWS01 £5 to 70070 or call 020 7921 0995 for more information about how you can get involved. Thank you. 5 For a full calendar of events see page 24. FRIDAY 11 – SUNDAY 13 WOW NEAR SPACE PROGRAMME Image credits: Annie Lennox © Mike Owen WOMEN ON THE MOVE AWARDS 2016 Celebrate and be inspired by the leadership and contributions from migrant and refugee women to UK society. Hosted by Samira Ahmed. SATURDAY 12 AN EVENING OF CONVERSATION WITH ANNIE LENNOX UNDER 10S FEMINIST CORNER: GIRLS See Saturday 12. Level 3 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall, 4.45pm FREE (TICKET REQUIRED) Royal Festival Hall, 6pm £10* MIRTH CONTROL: COMEDY AND MUSIC INSPIRED BY GREAT WOMEN, HOSTED BY SANDI TOKSVIG SATURDAY 12 – SUNDAY 13 SPEED MENTORING See Friday 11. Level 5 Balcony Bar at Royal Festival Hall, 11.30am – 12.30pm, 1.15pm – 2.15pm & 3pm – 4pm FREE (TICKET REQUIRED) A celebration of creative technology and the contribution of women to scientific discovery, in partnership with Raspberry Pi’s Skycademy, and Queen Margaret’s School and Longcroft School. Level 2 Foyer at Royal Festival Hall, 10am – 6pm FREE FRIDAY 11 HOLLY MACVE Friday Lunch Recently signed by indie record label Bella Union, Holly Macve’s siren songs tell lyrical stories to haunting melodies. SATURDAY 12 UNDER 10S FEMINIST CORNER: GIRLS & BOYS Join other young feminists for an workshop exploring what being a girl means, and get tips on how to start a campaign in your bedroom. This is a mixed session for all genders aged 6 – 10. Accomanying adults are asked to wait outside on our comfy sofas. Also on Sunday 13. Award-winning singer-songwriter Annie Lennox shares her experiences over the last decade as a prominent activist and campaigner for HIV/AIDS. Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £20* £15* £10* FREE (TICKET REQUIRED) SUNDAY 13 UNDER 10S FEMINIST CORNER: GIRLS & BOYS UNDER 10S FEMINIST CORNER: GIRLS Level 3 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall, 10am Level 3 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall, 10am See Saturday 12. An electrifying night of comedy and music inspired by great women, hosted by Sandi Toksvig. Join us for an evening of fun for women and men. Directed by Paulette Randall. Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £40* £30* £20* £15* FREE (TICKET REQUIRED) Central Bar at Royal Festival Hall, 1pm FREE MASS SPEED MENTORING Name a Seat Meet experts from many fields at our 15-minute mentoring sessions. Share challenges and exchange ideas and stories with theatre directors, journalists, scientists, campaigners and artists. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 2.30pm – 4pm FREE (TICKET REQUIRED) YASMIN KADI Join other young feminists for an interactive workshop exploring what being a girl means, and get tips on how to start a campaign in your bedroom. This is a session for girls aged 6 – 10. There are comfy sofas outside for accompanying adults. Also on Sunday 13. In Queen Elizabeth Hall and Purcell Room as a gift this Mother’s Day. Level 3 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall, 4.45pm FREE (TICKET REQUIRED) Friday Tonic Sierra Leonean singer and Mary J Blige collaborator Yasmin Kadi comes to Southbank Centre. Her sound draws on her African and Lebanese descent. Central Bar at Royal Festival Hall, 5.30pm FREE * No transaction fees for in-person bookings or Southbank Centre Members and Supporters Circles. For other bookings transaction fees apply: £1.75 online; £2.75 over the phone. 6 LET THE LIGHT IN To name a seat as an unusual and lasting gift visit southbankcentre.co.uk/letthelightin email nameaseat@southbankcentre.co.uk or call 020 7921 0801 Marin Alsop Image credits: Vladimir Ashkenazy © Roman Gontcharov SOUTHBANK CENTRE IS THE PROUD HOME OF OUR FOUR RESIDENT ORCHESTRAS: LON DON SINFONIET TA Ilan Volkov conducts and curates an evening of collaborations, DJ sets and sound installations, featuring the music of Fausto Romitelli. Sun 3 Apr, Coronet Theatre LONDON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA The LPO’s Shakespeare400 celebrations continue with excerpts from Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet. Plus a guitar concerto from Miloš. Fri 15 Apr, Royal Festival Hall ORC HESTRA OF THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT Vladimir Jurowski conducts the orchestra’s first-ever performance of Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony. Tue 12 Apr, Royal Festival Hall PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA Hear the newly-crowned winners of the Menuhin Competition 2016 in this gala concert, alongside 1995 winner Julia Fischer. Sun 17 Apr, Royal Festival Hall 7 For a full calendar of events see page 24. CHORUS Chorus celebrates the power of the human voice and the experience of gathering together to sing. Join a workshop or watch a performance, and explore all that singing has to offer! THURSDAY 17 VOICELAB: SCHOOLS’ SING-IN SHOWCASE FRIDAY 18 CHORUS SCHOOLS SINGING DAY Hear children who’ve participated in our Schools’ Sing-in performing the songs they’ve learned. For students aged 7 – 14, spend the morning exploring your voices in singing workshops before watching a performance of The Rattler. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 1pm FREE 8 Across the Southbank Centre site, 10am – 2pm £5* students (accompanying teachers go free) THE RATTLER: PREVIEW MELISSA JAMES Friday Lunch Watch a preview of Mahogany Opera Group’s The Rattler, a retelling of Rumpelstiltskin, as part of Chorus Schools Singing Day. Ages 7+. Friday Tonic Stripped Back is the intimate and bold new release from singersongwriter Melissa James, and she performs this evening as part of Chorus and Friday Tonic. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 1pm Central Bar at Royal Festival Hall, 5.30pm FREE FREE southbankcentre.co.uk 0844 847 9911 Image credits: Melissa James © Christina Jansen Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. * No transaction fees for in-person bookings or Southbank Centre Members and Supporters Circles. For other bookings transaction fees apply: £1.75 online; £2.75 over the phone. SATURDAY 19 PRAM JAM: SINGING FOR EARLY YEARS This singing workshop for you and your child is led by Naomi Hammerton. Expect songs in different styles that appeal to children and parents alike. Ages 5 and under. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 10.15am £5* (admits two children and one accompanying adult) SOUTH AFRICAN SONG WITH JOYCE MOHOLOAGAE THE RATTLER WORLD PREMIERE: THE TRUE AND ORIGINAL STORY OF RUMPELSTILTSKIN Learn South African songs in this two-hour workshop for singers of all abilities, led by Joyce Moholoagae, the UK-based South African singer. Ages 18+. St Paul’s Roof Pavilion, 11am – 1pm £8* TWITTER CHORUS WORKSHOP CHORUS PLATFORMS AND CHORUS UNPLUGGED Hear choirs of all styles perform across four stages as well as pop-up a cappella performances throughout the festival. Check website for details of the programme. The Rattler is a new interactive retelling of Rumpelstiltskin by Mahogany Opera Group. It begins with workshops in The Clore Ballroom and a pageant, before it enters Royal Festival Hall. As the festivities unfold with lively folk-inspired music and puppetry, you are invited to help bring this age-old tale to life. Ages 7+. 2pm, Gathering and Pageant, The Clore Ballroom and Level 2 Foyers at Royal Festival Hall; 3pm, Performance, Royal Festival Hall £10* In and around Royal Festival Hall, From 11am Non-ticket buyers are invited to join song workshops and Pageant for free at 2pm. FREE SONGS FOR MY FAMILY Join hundreds of other singers and learn to perform artist Tamsyn Challenger’s artwork Twitter Chorus, then perform it at 5pm. No experience required. Ages 18+. JAZZ, SOUL AND R&B WITH MIKE KING TWITTER CHORUS Level 5 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall, 11am – 1pm (workshop), 1pm – 4pm (rehearsal) £10* CHORUS SONG SHARES Join a creative singing workshop for families and explore your voices together. Working with singersongwriter Abimaro, learn new songs and create something together. Ages 7 – 12, accompanied by an adult. Weston Roof Pavilion at Royal Festival Hall, 11am – 1pm £6* (adults) £3* (children) The UK’s leading choir directors give audiences the chance to learn signature songs, fresh material and unique arrangements in these informal Song Shares. Level 3 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall, 11.30am – 5.15pm FREE Explore the harmonies of jazz, soul and R&B with Mike King, vocal coach on the BBC1’s The Voice and musical director of the Mike King Collective. For singers of all abilities. Ages 18+ Hear artist Tamsyn Challenger’s new artwork Twitter Chorus performed by hundreds of singers. The work is made up from a fabric of current tweets, from the banal to the heartfelt. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 5pm FREE St Paul’s Roof Pavilion at Royal Festival Hall, 2pm – 5pm £10* 9 For a full calendar of events see page 24. Image credits: Bach Choir© Sim Canetty-Clarke * No transaction fees for in-person bookings or Southbank Centre Members and Supporters Circles. For other bookings transaction fees apply: £1.75 online; £2.75 over the phone. SATURDAY 19 CHOIRS REMIXED SUNDAY 20 PITCH BACH: BACH CHORALE SINGING WORKSHOPS FOR ALL BALINESE KECAK EXTRAVAGANZA Learn a Bach chorale in just 45 minutes as part of an instant choir. Led by Mark Austin, each workshop teaches a different chorale. Sung with English translation and taught by ear, these are accessible workshops for all levels of ability. Ages 12+ MMM HMMM: VERITY STANDEN IN ASSOCIATION WITH TOBACCO FACTORY THEATRES The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 10am & 1pm FREE Enjoy a night of alternative choir collaborations, featuring Andreya Triana and hosted by Shlomo. With ensembles including Some Voices, London Contemporary Voices, the Mike King Collective, and a new all-male choir Beyond the Bassline formed by Southbank Centre’s Voicelab. Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £15* £10* GOSPELOKE: A CEREMONIAL AND EUPHORIC KARAOKE NIGHT A CAPPELLA WITH VERITY STANDEN Join Verity Standen, creator of Mmm Hmmm and HUG, for an a cappella workshop. Verity’s work as a composer, musical director and performer explores the human voice and how it can be celebrated and transformed through live performance. Ages 18+. Spirit Level at Royal Festival Hall, 11am – 3pm £12* CHORUS PLATFORMS AND CHORUS UNPLUGGED See Saturday 19. In and around Royal Festival Hall, From 11am FREE Join those who’ve taken part in the 1pm kecak workshop for a performance, with the chance for you to join in with this Big Sing. Suitable for all ages. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 3.30pm SUNDAY ASSEMBLY Sunday Assembly is a secular congregation that celebrates life! Hosted by co-founder and comedian, Sanderson Jones, take part in singalongs and hear moving stories by passionate speakers. With a focus on singing and its role in wellbeing. Mmm Hmmm is a playful, poignant musical journey shaped by three exceptional female voices jumping between sound worlds and lyrical styles. Verity Standen’s original a cappella songs evoke awkward, heartrending and hilarious moments of everyday life. Spirit Level at Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £12* The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 4.30pm – 5.45pm FREE BALINESE KECAK WORKSHOP Have you always dreamed of singing on a stage and unleashing your hidden diva with a live gospel choir backing you up? If you have this event is for you. Hosted by Eleanor Conway, and organised by Jonny Unknown. Explore a communal vocal tradition from Indonesia with expert tutor Andy Channing. Participants sit in circles and recreate the rhythmic effect of the gamelan with interlocking voices and simple movements. No experience is necessary. Ages 10+. Spirit Level at Royal Festival Hall, 1pm – 3pm £10* Weston Roof Pavilion at Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £12* SUNDAY 20 J.S. BACH: ST MATTHEW PASSION David Hill conductor Toby Spence Evangelist Matthew Best Christ Sophie Bevan soprano Jennifer Johnston mezzo-soprano Nicky Spence tenor Brindley Sherratt bass The Bach Choir The Bach Choir performs St Matthew Passion in English, an annual tradition dating back to 1930. Please note, there is a long lunch interval between Parts I and II. Part II begins at 2.15pm. Royal Festival Hall, 11am £52* £44* £37* £30* £24* £17.50* £10* 10 SPONSOR A PIPE Looking for an unusual gift? Why not sponsor a pipe in the Royal Festival Hall organ. Pipes are available from one foot to 32 feet long, or £30 to £10,000 and in return, you will receive a certificate, badge and details of the pipes you have sponsored. To find out more email pulloutallthestops@southbankcentre.co.uk or call 020 7921 0984 southbankcentre.co.uk 0844 847 9911 Image credits: Tango © India Roper-Evans Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. URBAN Our annual celebration of culture inspired by the city is back, bigger than ever, with free workshops, performances and more. The fun gets underway on the Easter Bank Holiday weekend and runs until Sunday 10 April. * No transaction fees for in-person bookings or Southbank Centre Members and Supporters Circles. For other bookings transaction fees apply: £1.75 online; £2.75 over the phone. FRIDAY 25 TANGO SATURDAY 26 SOUTHBANK CARNIVAL Southbank Centre presents a day of events and workshops to get you into the carnival spirit. Take part in dance hall and Soca classes, carnival costume and decor workshops before the Southbank Carnival parade and club night. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 12 noon – 4pm FREE Join us in Queen Elizabeth Hall Roof Garden as it opens for the spring and summer. Take part in planting workshops and meet our team of gardeners. Roof Garden at Queen Elizabeth Hall, 12 noon – 5pm The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 11am – 10.30pm FREE FREE TUESDAY 29 PINEAPPLE COMMUNITY DANCE SHOWCASE SUNDAY 27 B:SUPREME WORKSHOPS Join this popular Argentine tango social dance, with host and DJ Tony Walker (of Tango on the Thames), live music, a taster dance class, and a chance to dress to impress! MONDAY 28 URBAN SPRING Pull on some comfortable clothes and footwear and join one of our free, hourlong dance workshops. There are classes in break dance, popping and locking. B:SUPREME BATTLES FREE The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 1pm – 6pm FREE Join dance film maker Simeon Qsyea from BirdGang Dance Company for a workshop on how to get the best angles, edits and how to inspire and collaborate with dancers. Bring your smart phone or camera for the session. Ages 12+. FREE The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 3pm – 6pm Vicki Igbokwe, Creative Director, Choreographer & Empowerment Specialist, takes over The Clore Ballroom with her company Uchenna Dance. Join a workshop, or observe her in creative labs as the company rehearses and devises new work. THURSDAY 31 HOW TO MAKE A DANCE VIDEO ON YOUR PHONE The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 11am – 2pm B:Supreme programme an afternoon of top level battles where breakers from across the UK compete for the title. WEDNESDAY 30 – THURSDAY 31 UCHENNA DANCE RESIDENCY Pineapple Studio’s community dance programme gets more of the wider London communities up and dancing. Come and enjoy an afternoon of performance and workshops led by local dance champions. Level 3 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall, 10.30am – 1pm £6* The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 2pm – 6pm FREE 11 For a full calendar of events see page 24. CLASSICAL MUSIC A grand tradition continues this Easter, as Bach’s St Matthew Passion is performed by The Bach Choir (pictured) – as it has been every year since 1930. On Sunday 20 March. This symbol denotes our R Resident Orchestras. TUESDAY 1 PINCHAS ZUKERMAN CONDUCTS THE ROYAL PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA * No transaction fees for in-person bookings or Southbank Centre Members and Supporters Circles. For other bookings transaction fees apply: £1.75 online; £2.75 over the phone. THURSDAY 3 PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA: MARTIN MUSICAL SCHOLARSHIP R FUND A recital by cellist Margarita Balanas, winner of the Philharmonia Orchestra’s Martin Musical Scholarship Fund award. Royal Festival Hall, 6pm FREE R PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA: RACHMANINOV PROJECT Olga Kern piano Glinka Overture, Ruslan and Lyudmila; Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1; Rachmaninov Symphony No.2 Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £40* £30* £20* £10* Premium seats £50* 12 Vladimir Ashkenazy conductor Esther Yoo violin Rachmaninov The Rock; Sibelius Violin Concerto; Rachmaninov Symphony No.3 Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £42* £33* £27* £22* £17* £14* £11* Signature Seats £50* FRIDAY 4 GRAND ORGAN GALA Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Andrew Greenwood conductor Stephen Disley organ Ania Jeruc soprano Goldsmiths Choral Union Join the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra to celebrate the power and majesty of the ‘king of instruments’. Featuring some of the most famous organ repertoire, including works by Bach, Richard Strauss, Saint-Saëns and Handel. Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £47.50* £39.50* £32.50* £24.50* £19.50* £16.50* SATURDAY 5 OAE INSIGHT MORNING: PARIS IN THE CLASSICAL ERA R Following the OAE’s Sunday 14 February concert of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and the Chevalier de Saint-Georges, take an in-depth look at the historical and social context – as well as the music itself. Level 5 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall, 10am – 1pm £12* students £4* FOYLES FUTURE FIRSTS: R LONDON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Shakespeare400 Ben Gernon conductor A feast of chamber music celebrating Shakespeare’s life and works, including Oliver Knussen’s Ophelia Dances and Brett Dean’s Wolf-Lieder. Royal Festival Hall, 6pm FREE LONDON PHILHARMONIC R ORCHESTRA: ANNE SOFIE VON OTTER SINGS ZEMLINSKY Vladimir Jurowski conductor Elżbieta Szmytka soprano Anne Sofie von Otter mezzosoprano Andrzej Dobber baritone London Philharmonic Choir Tchaikovsky Symphony No.3 (Polish); Zemlinsky 6 Maeterlinck Songs , Op.13; Szymanowski Stabat mater Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £39* £33* £27* £21* £16* £12* £9* Premium seats £65* southbankcentre.co.uk 0844 847 9911 Image credits: Bach Choir © Beau Photography Pinchas Zukerman © Fred Cattroll Bach Choir© Sim Canetty-Clarke Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. SUNDAY 6 PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA: FIRST WORLD WAR COMMEMORATION R CONCERT WEDNESDAY 9 R LONDON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA: JUROWSKI CONDUCTS RACHMANINOFF AND ZEMLINSKY Vladimir Jurowski conductor Marc-André Hamelin piano Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.3; Zemlinsky Die Seejungfrau (The Mermaid) - fantasy after Hans Christian Andersen Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £39* £33* £27* £21* £16* £12* £9* Premium seats £65* THURSDAY 10 R ORCHESTRA OF THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT BACH: SECULAR & SACRED José Serebrier conductor Jennifer Pike violin Sol Gabetta cello Javier Camarena tenor Ashley Riches baritone Philharmonia Chorus Vaughan Williams The Lark Ascending; Elgar Cello Concerto; John Powell A Prussian Requiem (World premiere) Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £42* £33* £27* £22* £17* £14* £11* Signature Seats £50* HARMONIC SERIES: TIRZAH AND ELYSIA CRAMPTON A double bill, featuring sound artist and writer Elysia Crampton, whose music ranges from transevangelical synthopian R&B edits through to epic collage; and Tirzah, a beguiling vocalist from London whose work riffs on aspects of club culture, R&B, improvisation and wonky pop. Spirit Level at Royal Festival Hall, 8.30pm £8* John Butt director Mary Bevan soprano Meg Bragle mezzo-soprano Thomas Hobbs tenor Ashley Riches baritone David Blackadder trumpet Rachel Beckett recorder Bach Sinfonia from Cantata No.42; Mass in G minor, BWV.235; Brandenburg Concerto No.2 in F; Mass in G, BWV.236 Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £35* £30* £25* £20* £15* Join Alleyn’s School, Dulwich College and James Allen’s Girls’ School for a special performance of Verdi’s Requiem. FREE Royal Festival Hall, 6pm R Susanna Mälkki conductor London Sinfonietta Enno Poppe Speicher (UK premiere) Coronet Theatre, Elephant & Castle, 7.30pm £15* FRIDAY 11 CHOPIN PIANO COMPETITION WINNER: SEONG-JIN CHO FREE R PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA: JAKUB HRŮŠA Jakub Hrůša conductor Jonathan Biss piano Mendelssohn Overture, Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage; Beethoven Piano Concerto No.1; Brahms Symphony No.1 Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £42* £33* £27* £22* £17* £14* £11 Signature Seats £50* FRIDAY 18 LONDON PHILHARMONIC R ORCHESTRA: BRIEF ENCOUNTER SCREENING WITH LIVE ORCHESTRA David Charles Abell conductor Jayson Gillham piano The LPO presents a screening of David Lean’s classic film Brief Encounter with live orchestral accompaniment. It is preceded by Rachmaninoff’s Second Piano Concerto, the music at the heart of the soundtrack. Certified PG. International Piano Series Seong-Jin Cho piano Chopin Nocturne in C minor, Op.48 No.1; Fantasia in F minor, Op.49; 4 Mazurkas, Op.33; Polonaise in A flat, Op.53; Ballade No.2 in F, Op.38; Sonata No.2 in B flat minor, Op.35 (Marche funèbre); Scherzo No.2 in B flat minor, Op.31 St John’s Smith Square, 7.30pm £28* £15* £10* Premium seats £35* The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 10am & 1pm FREE J.S. BACH: ST MATTHEW PASSION THURSDAY 17 PHILHARMONIA CHAMBER R PLAYERS St John’s Smith Square at 5.45pm. Pre-concert talk. LONDON SINFONIETTA: POPPE – SPEICHER Learn a Bach chorale in just 45 minutes as part of an instant choir. Led by Mark Austin, each workshop teaches a different chorale. Sung with English translation and taught by ear, these are accessible workshops for all levels of ability. Ages 12+ Royal Festival Hall, 7pm £40* £30* £25* £20* £15* Schubert String Trio (Allegro & Andante fragment) in B flat, D.471; Mozart String Quartet in C minor, K.406 transc. Humbert Lucarelli for oboe & strings St John’s Smith Square, 7pm £50* £39* £24* £10* Children £2.50* MONDAY 7 HIGHGATE CHORAL SOCIETY: RONALD CORP 65TH BIRTHDAY CONCERT New London Orchestra Ronald Corp conductor Rebecca Evans soprano Roderick Williams baritone The London Chorus New London Children’s Choir Britten 4 Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes; Ronald Corp New work (World premiere); Vaughan Williams Symphony No.1 (A Sea Symphony) WEDNESDAY 16 EDWARD ALLEYN’S GIFT: THE FOUNDATION SCHOOLS’ CONCERT SUNDAY 20 PITCH BACH: BACH CHORALE SINGING WORKSHOPS FOR ALL Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £39* £33* £27* £21* £16* £12* £9* Premium seats £65* David Hill conductor Toby Spence Evangelist Matthew Best Christ Sophie Bevan soprano Jennifer Johnston mezzo-soprano Nicky Spence tenor Brindley Sherratt bass The Bach Choir The Bach Choir performs St Matthew Passion in English, an annual tradition dating back to 1930. Please note, there is a long lunch interval between Parts I and II. Part II begins at 2.15pm. Royal Festival Hall, 11am £52* £44* £37* £30* £24* £17.50* £10* MONDAY 21 A BRIGHTER SOUND 2016 This concert showcases the musical achievements of children and young people from the Wandsworth Music Hub. Listen to around 1000 young musicians as they perform with members of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Philharmonia Orchestra and mezzo-soprano Katie Grosset. Royal Festival Hall, 7pm £17.50* £15* £12.50* £10* TUESDAY 29 CHARLES DUTOIT CONDUCTS THE ROYAL PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Charles Dutoit conductor Gautier Capuçon cello Respighi Fountains of Rome; Dvořák Cello Concerto; Stravinsky Petrushka (1911) Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £40* £30* £20* £10* Premium seats £50* 13 For a full calendar of events see page 24. Image credits: Clint Mansell © Ivan Bideac Dragon Babies © Alx Leeks GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC Clint Mansell (pictured) is joined by his band and guests to perform music he has composed for films including Moon and Black Swan, on Thursday 24. * No transaction fees for in-person bookings or Southbank Centre Members and Supporters Circles. For other bookings transaction fees apply: £1.75 online; £2.75 over the phone. WEDNESDAY 2 BABES IN ARMS: A RODGERS & HART MUSICAL IN CONCERT FRIDAY 4 KENTUCKY COW TIPPERS Friday Tonic Get the weekend off to a great start at this free performance by the Kentucky Cow Tippers, whose unique approach to bluegrass draws on their deep appreciation of the genre. Expect improvisation, witty stage banter – and brown corduroy jackets. MONDAY 7, MONDAY 14 & MONDAY 21 DRAGON BABIES: GAMELAN FOR 3- TO 5-YEAR-OLDS Central Bar at Royal Festival Hall, 5.30pm FREE Don’t miss this rare concert performance of the fabulous musical comedy Babes in Arms. Its songs include ‘My Funny Valentine’, ‘The Lady Is A Tramp’, ‘Where Or When’ and ‘I Wish I Were In Love Again’, and it was written by the team behind smash hits like Pal Joey and On Your Toes. Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £75* £62.50* £54.50* £39.50* £32.50* 14 Experience the sounds of our beautiful gamelan (Javanese orchestra) and introduce your Dragon Babies to creative musical play through singing, movement and percussion. No experience is needed, just a willingness to take off your shoes, sit on the floor and have fun! Ages 3 – 5 years. Spirit Level at Royal Festival Hall, 11am £5* (for one child with accompanying adult) Image credits: Bridget Christie © Idil Sukan southbankcentre.co.uk 0844 847 9911 Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. TUESDAY 15 JUNIOR & SENIOR CONTEMPORARY ENSEMBLES SENIOR ORCHESTRA AND ENSEMBLES CONCERT A showcase of the contemporary side of classroom music making. Percussion groups, jazz and rock bands, singer-songwriters and instrumental ensembles from Lambeth primary schools perform. PERFORMANCE & DANCE The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, Juniors at 1pm & Seniors at 5pm FREE WEDNESDAY 16 SMALL & LARGE PRIMARY CHOIRS CONCERT Hear some of Lambeth’s finest young voices sing a mixture of traditional, gospel and pop songs, arranged by singing leader Kirsty Keogh. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, Small choirs at 1pm and large choirs at 5pm FREE TUESDAY 22 INFANT & JUNIOR SINGING CONCERT Witness 900 infant pupils perform a concert inspired by the theme of Power or Power. Conducted by singing leader Kirsty Keogh, hear them raise the roof of Royal Festival Hall with the energy and passion of their voices. Royal Festival Hall, Infant at 1.30pm & Junior at 5.30pm FREE (TICKET REQUIRED) WEDNESDAY 23 JUNIOR ORCHESTRA AND ENSEMBLES CONCERT Some of Lambeth’s finest senior orchestras perform a mix of classical and contemporary repertoire. The highlight of this exhilarating concert sees all participating ensembles joining together to perform a newly commissioned piece. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 5.15pm FREE THURSDAY 24 SENIOR CHOIR CONCERT Lambeth schools bring their finest senior choirs to sing a mixture of classical, gospel and popular songs. The concert also includes a spectacular performance featuring all the participating choirs singing together, led by singing leader Kirsty Keogh. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 5.30pm FREE UNEASY LISTENING: AN EVENING WITH CLINT MANSELL Comedian Bridget Christie (pictured) performs her new show, A Book for Her, on Tuesday 8 March. * No transaction fees for in-person bookings or Southbank Centre Members and Supporters Circles. For other bookings transaction fees apply: £1.75 online; £2.75 over the phone. WEDNESDAY 2 BABES IN ARMS: A RODGERS & HART MUSICAL IN CONCERT See page 14 for details. Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm£75* £62.50* £54.50* £39.50* £32.50* TUESDAY 8 BRIDGET CHRISTIE: A BOOK FOR HER WOW: Women of the World Following her award-winning shows A Bic For Her and An Ungrateful Woman, and her first book A Book For Her, comedian Bridget Christie brings her new show to WOW festival. Marie Rambert Studio at Rambert, 7.30pm £15* A celebration of the vibrant symphonic work delivered in Lambeth primary schools. Featuring orchestras, brass bands and wind bands, the highlight sees all participating ensembles joining together to perform a newly commissioned piece. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall, 1.30pm FREE An evening of film music from composer, Clint Mansell. He has been recognised with Grammy and Golden Globe nominations and worked on films including Black Swan and Moon. Mansell’s band, pianist Carly Paradis and the Sonus Quartet, join him on stage to perform his work. Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £29.50* £25* £19.50* WEDNESDAY 9 – SUNDAY 13 EVE ENSLER: THE FRUIT TRILOGY WOW: Women of the World From Eve Ensler, the Tony Award-winning writer of The Vagina Monologues, comes the world premiere of a new trilogy of short plays, exploring the lives of four extraordinary, ordinary women. Avocado, Pomegranate and Coconut all reveal, with dark humour and powerful emotion, the humanity behind headlines. Presented by West Yorkshire Playhouse, in association with Southbank Centre. Rambert, Marie Rambert Studio, Weds 9, Thurs 10 & Fri 11 at 7.30pm, Sat 12 & Sun 13 at 7pm £15* 15 For a full calendar of events see page 24. LITERATURE & SPOKEN WORD Roald Dahl is not just one of the world’s favourite authors – he led a fascinating life, as revealed in The Wondercrump World of Roald Dahl, now open at Southbank Centre. * No transaction fees for in-person bookings or Southbank Centre Members and Supporters Circles. For other bookings transaction fees apply: £1.75 online; £2.75 over the phone. WEDNESDAY 10 FEBRUARY – SUNDAY 3 JULY THE WONDERCRUMP WORLD OF ROALD DAHL TUESDAY 26 JANUARY SUNDAY 6 MARCH FRANK O’HARA: WHY I AM NOT A PAINTER Spirit Level at Royal Festival Hall daily, £11* Adult (supporter ticket) £10* Adult (standard ticket) £9* Child (supporter ticket) £8* Child (standard ticket) The Poetry Library at Royal Festival Hall, 11am – 8pm (closed Mondays) Did you know that Roald Dahl was a spy, a fighter pilot, an inventor and historian of chocolate? Learn about his life and the surprising inspirations for his most famous stories. The tour features items from the Roald Dahl Museum & Story Centre as well as interactive installations. Ages 7 – 12. School tours available, check online for details Supporter tickets include a small voluntary donation, to go towards our Let The Light In campaign. If you are a UK taxpayer and are able to Gift Aid your donation, we can reclaim the tax you have paid on the whole ticket price, not just the donation. 16 This exhibition celebrates Frank O’Hara – one of the most original and compelling poets of the 20th century. Drawing on the library’s extensive holdings, it reveals the collaborative energy and speed of his creative output and gives you the rare chance to see a signed O’Hara book. FREE THURSDAY 17 MARCH – SUNDAY 8 MAY ENCHANTMENT WILL FIND ME This is an exhibition about the poet Alberto de Lacerda’s relationship with London, and the power of art. His life can be traced through fragments, letters, artworks and ephemera from the collections that he left behind. On display are works by Paula Rego, Ceri Richards, Rory McEwan and Vieira da Silva, photographs taken of him with Jorge Luis Borges and Octavio Paz, original signatures by Walt Whitman and Federico Garcia Lorca and letters from Edith Sitwell. The Poetry Library at Royal Festival Hall, 11am – 8pm (closed Mondays) FREE WEDNESDAY 2 CREATIVE WRITING: ‘HEROINES’ OR ‘FEMALE HEROES’ WOW: Women of the World Join creative writing teacher Greg Mosse, for a class focused on great stories for female protagonists. Writers working across all genres and forms are welcome. Sunley Pavilion at Royal Festival Hall, 6.30pm £15* Image credits: Creative Writing © Beverly Fry Frank O'Hara © Renate Ponsold Rachel Maclean, Feed Me (detail of film still), 2015 © Rachel Maclean 2015. Courtesy the artist and Film and Video Umbrella WEDNESDAY 2 WOMEN POETS FOR THE PLANET TUESDAY 8 – SUNDAY 13 WOW 2016 LITERATURE EVENTS The Poetry Library at Royal Festival Hall, 8pm See pages 4 – 6 for details. WOW: Women of the World Five women poets from very different backgrounds present poetic perspectives on the natural world.With Jemma Borg, Helen Moore, Myra Schneider, Kay Syrad and Adele Ward. To book, email specialedition@poetrylibrary.org.uk Image credits: Linder, Diagrams of Love: Marriage of Eyes, 2015 © Linder 2015. Installation view: British Art Show 8, Leeds Art Gallery, 2015-17. Photo © Leeds Museums and Galleries 2015 southbankcentre.co.uk 0844 847 9911 Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. WOW: Women of the World Don’t miss our great programme of literature events at this year’s WOW: Women of the World. There’s a series of socials, appearances by Caitlin Moran and Bridget Christie and a special edition of the famous LGBT literary salon Polari, featuring Mari Hannah. FREE (BOOKING ESSENTIAL) FRIDAY 4, FRIDAY 11 & FRIDAY 18 RUG RHYMES: WHAT RHYMES WITH RUG? THURSDAY 17 ENCHANTMENT WILL FIND ME: LAUNCH EVENT Celebrate our new exhibition Enchantment Will Find Me at this launch event. Join us to view the works with a glass of wine and to hear readings from poets Christopher Reid, Anthony Rudolf and Luís Amorim de Sousa. Email specialedition@poetrylibrary.org.uk to book. The Poetry Library at Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm HAYWARD TOURING FREE (BOOKING ESSENTIAL) THURSDAY 24 NOVEL WRITING: YOUR TIME & PLACE Under-fives and their carers are invited to join The Poetry Library puppets, Federico and Firebird, for a short session of nursery rhymes, poems and rhyming stories. Where does the action take place? When does it occur? In the third of 12 monthly workshops, Greg Mosse explains how to situate your novel in time and space. The Poetry Library at Royal Festival Hall, 10.30am – 11am Sunley Pavilion at Royal Festival Hall, 6.30pm £15* FREE MONDAY 7 THE POETRY LIBRARY BOOK CLUB: FRANK O’HARA: SELECTED POEMS TUESDAY 29 LOCAL TRANSPORT SATURDAY 13 FEBRUARY - SUNDAY 8 MAY BRITISH ART SHOW 8 IN EDINBURGH British Art Show 8 is now in Edinburgh, the second city on its tour. Curators Anna Colin and Lydia Yee have selected the work of 42 artists who have made a significant contribution to contemporary art in the UK over the past five years. The result is a wide-ranging exhibition encompassing film, performance, sculpture, installation painting and design. Inverleith House, Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art and Talbot Rice Gallery, University of Edinburgh britishartshow8.com WEDNESDAY 30 BRITISH ART SHOW 8: CHILDREN OF THE MANTIC STAIN To mark what would have been Frank O’Hara’s 90th birthday our book club looks at verse from his Selected Poems, edited by Mark Ford. Come early to view our Frank O’Hara exhibition. To book, email specialedition@poetrylibrary.org.uk The Poetry Library at Royal Festival Hall, 6.30pm FREE (BOOKING ESSENTIAL) The live arts cabaret Local Transport begins its residency at Southbank Centre with three immersive works by leading artists, writers and thinkers that explore what anonymity means to us now, and how it protects us. Level 5 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall, 7.30pm £10* Visual artist Linder presents a new ballet, Children of the Mantic Stain, choreographed by Kenneth Tindall and Northern Ballet, with costumes by Christopher Shannon and a score by Maxwell Sterling. The performance is inspired by and features Linder’s artwork in British Art Show 8, a wool rug titled Diagrams of Love: Marriage of Eyes. Dovecot Studios, Edinburgh, 6.30pm & 8.30pm northernballet.com HAYWARD PUBLISHING BRITISH ART SHOW 8 Pick up your copy of the British Art Show 8 catalogue, an illustrated publication designed by Fraser Muggeridge studio, featuring essays by curators Anna Colin and Lydia Yee and round table discussions with artists Andrea Büttner, Patrick Staff, Melanie Gilligan and Ciara Phillips. Special exhibition price £16 (RRP £20). southbankcentre.co.uk/shop 17 For a full calendar of events see page 24. EAT, DRINK & SHOP WEEKENDS IN MARCH SOUTHBANK CENTRE FOOD MARKET ACROSS THE SITE RESTAURANTS AND CAFES Find some of London’s most interesting, most delicious food and drink at Southbank Centre’s celebrated food market. Pick up the ingredients to make a great meal at home or enjoy something to eat while you’re here. As well as a huge choice of street food, the market sells fantastic tea, coffee and cakes, locally brewed beers and cocktails. We’re always adding new stalls, so make a visit part of your Southbank Centre experience. We have a huge variety of food and drink on offer at the cafés and restaurants dotted around Southbank Centre. From Italian and Mexican to Japanese, Belgian and beyond, you’re spoilt for choice. All of our cafés and restaurants are family-friendly too. Southbank Centre also offers a range of cocktails, beers and wine across a range of bars open until late every day. Southbank Centre Square, Fridays 12 noon – 8pm, Saturdays 11am – 8pm, Sundays 12 noon – 6pm (Sunday 27 12 noon – 8pm), Monday 28 12 noon – 6pm 18 ACROSS THE SITE SOUTHBANK CENTRE SHOPS Make a statement with the ‘Je suis feministe’ tote bag during the WOW: Women of the World festival, available in our Festival Terrace shop for £25. southbankcentre.co.uk/shop southbankcentre.co.uk 0844 847 9911 Image credits: Southbank Centre Market © Gaztronome wagamama © Belinda Lawley Jakub Hrůša © Zbynek Maderyc Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. SPOTLIGHT ON LAS IGUANAS AT SOUTHBANK CENTRE We have a fantasic range of cafés, restaurants and bars on-site offering tasty food and drink from around the world. This month we turn the spotlight on Las Iguanas. From modest beginnings in a Bristol back street to a national success story 25 years on, Las Iguanas invites guests to help celebrate their Silver Jubilee throughout 2016 in what they have dubbed their ‘Best Year Ever’. Celebrate with Happy Hour from 12 noon – 7pm daily and Sunday and Monday all day and the Havana Lounge every Wednesday to Saturday from 10pm. Treats and competitions will continue all year, with a special spotlight on the Rio 2016 Olympics. To find out more about Iguanas25 follow Las Iguanas on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. SUPPORTERS CIRCLES EVENTS A K O BO R OF TOU THBA NK SOU TRE CEN THROUGHOUT THE MONTH BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR Venture backstage at Royal Festival Hall, into the areas of this historic building that are ordinarily restricted. No two tours are quite the same. Meet at Ticket Office at Royal Festival Hall, Tues 1, 8 & 29 at 6pm, Tues 22 at 6.30pm, Thurs 10 & 31 at 2pm, Thurs 17 at 1pm, Sat 12 & 26 at 11am, Sat 19 at 5pm, £8.50* ARCHITECTURE TOUR Join a tour exploring our exceptional Brutalist architecture. It traverses our entire site and uncovers the stylish functionality of the design of Southbank Centre’s buildings. Ages 8+. Meet at Ticket Office at Royal Festival Hall, Thurs 3, 10, 24 & 31 at 6pm, Thurs 17 at 5pm, Sat 5, 12, 19 & 26 at 2pm, £8.50* Tours run approximately one hour. THURSDAY 17 REHEARSAL BY THE PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA WITH JAKUB HRUSA Supporters Circles are invited to a rehearsal of Mendelssohn, Beethoven and Brahms with an introduction over breakfast by Director of Music Gillian Moore. Sunley Pavilion at Royal Festival Hall, 10am Please note, our tours include areas of the building that do not have step-free access and some that are several storeys up. If you require specific access arrangements or suffer from vertigo or claustrophobia, please let us know when booking so that alternative routes can be arranged. * Transaction fees applicable, £1.75 online, £2.75 over the phone, no transaction fee for in-person bookings at Southbank Centre Ticket Offices or for Southbank Centre Members and Supporters Circles. 19 Coming soon: Big Wedding Weekend A WEDDING LIKE NO OTHER Are you popping the question this Valentine’s Day? Did you put a ring on it under the mistletoe? Or do you wish you could? It can be a long journey to achieve that magical walk down the aisle, but this summer, lucky couples have the chance to make their big day effortless in a massive celebration at Royal Festival Hall. Usually, betrothed couples have to reckon with seating plans, bouquets, the perfect white dress or dapper suit, and the cost of getting everyone together to celebrate. But at the Big Wedding Weekend we can help organise everything for as little as £2,450. For £2,450, enjoy • A ceremony • Photos • A band • Entertainment • Flowers • Up to 40 guests* And for £3,450, enjoy all of the above plus • A sit-down meal We’re inviting happy couples to get married together on the famous Royal Festival Hall stage, before enjoying a spectacular party. It’s a chance to feel like a star as you enjoy your big moment on the stage where legends like Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Nicks and Miles Davis performed, in a building loved by millions of Londoners. THE BIG DAY Big Wedding Weekend takes place on Saturday 27 August 2016, as part of Southbank Centre’s dazzling Festival of Love. *Extra guests can be invited at additional cost Over 100 couples have got married with us to date. We asked some of them about the experience… Jon and Sinéad Caroline and Simon ‘Our two sisters, who lived in a shared house in Camden, thought we'd be perfect together so they cunningly devised a ruse to set us up on a blind date. Despite Caroline tripping on her heels 20 yards along the road (and literally falling for Simon) we took a chance on a second date in Brighton where Simon romantically held Caroline's hand on the roller-coaster – well actually, to be honest, it was fear! ‘Seventeen years later, we wanted to celebrate our partnership with a really grand gesture and what could be more spectacular than [to do it] on the stage with a choir and an organist at one of London's most iconic 20 venues. There were so many memorable moments, from the morning preparation through to the speeches and the evening reception. However, walking down the aisle followed by our three children to the fanfare of music and the cheering of the crowd really did set the heart soaring.’ ‘We had our son, Levi, in March and time (and money) was always going to be an issue when planning a wedding. The package that the Big Wedding Weekend offered was fantastic and the price was excellent too. Plus we got to get married at a world-famous music hall in a fantastic and different way! We had known each other for a few years but bumped into each other on a night out and it was pretty obvious there was something there straight away. Sinéad texted her friend that night to say she had met the man she was going to marry... and she had! ‘The ceremony was magnificent. The music, the setting, the atmosphere, seeing all the other couples and their guests and being able to share our special moments together… it was truly incredible.’ ‘To be on the great stage was truly memorable... It was such a special moment for both of us and our friends and family.’ Rita and Rob Since 1951, Royal Festival Hall has seen the best artists in the world take to its stage. Here are just a few of the famous names who have stood in the spot where you’ll say ‘I do’. Kate Bush Miles Davis Bob Dylan Stevie Nicks Joni Mitchell Daniel Barenboim David Bowie Jacqueline du Pré Patti Smith Rosie and Sara Rita and Rob ‘It was Rita's birthday and I, Rob, had just moved to the area. I spotted Rita walking past me in the local pub and jumped up to buy her a drink. We couldn't stop smiling at each other and nearly three years to the day, we were smiling again on stage at the Royal Festival Hall. auditorium, music, art and views were amazing. ‘We wanted to do something special and we love the South Bank. When we found out that there was going to be a wedding weekend, we jumped at the chance. Coming in for the rehearsal, we knew straight away it was the venue for us. The staff, ‘To be on the great stage was truly memorable. When we were signing the register, the choir sang 'It must be love', and as we turned around, the whole audience were on their feet singing to us! It was such a special moment for both of us and our friends and family.’ ‘We met courtesy of DIVA magazine! For two years we spent weekends alternating between Southampton and Aberystwyth. Rosie kept telling Sara that moving to mid Wales would be the best thing she ever did and eventually Sara agreed with her. ‘Our first meeting was at Waterloo station, so getting married at Southbank Centre, 14 years later, felt like completing the circle. The whole day was fabulous. If I had to choose a favourite bit, walking down the ‘aisle’ at the start was pretty amazing!’ To book your place at Big Wedding Weekend, find out more or attend a free open evening email weddings@southbankcentre.co.uk 21 For a full calendar of events see page 24. Image credits: KLIP © Malle Madsen Angela Gheorghiu © Ionut Macri U rban © Belinda Lawley FORTHCOMING HIGHLIGHTS THURSDAY 7 APRIL – SUNDAY 17 JULY UDDERBELLY FESTIVAL Udderbelly presents another moo-vellous programme of rib-tickling comedy, sensational circus and charming children’s shows as well as one of London’s largest outdoor bars. The fun gets underway next month with Close Up by internationally acclaimed circus company CIRCA, starting on Thursday 7 April. FRIDAY 25 MARCH – SUNDAY 10 APRIL URBAN 2016 Our annual celebration of street culture is back, bigger than ever. Join us to experience a feast of urban arts, including free dance workshops, family events and great performances. 22 THURSDAY 7 – SUNDAY 17 APRIL MENUHIN COMPETITION 2016 The Menuhin Competition returns to London for the first time in 12 years. To celebrate the centenary of Yehudi Menuhin’s birth, international soloists and 44 of the world’s best young violinists star in an 11-day festival of concerts and events for all ages. THURSDAY 21 APRIL – SATURDAY 23 APRIL KLIP See a live performance collage that draws inspiration from sources including Dada and Monty Python. Livingstones Kabinet combines music, song, sound, dance, poetry and imagery with surreal humour to create the award-winning KLIP. Part of A Nation’s Theatre. WEDNESDAY 31 AUGUST – SATURDAY 3 SEPTEMBER MANDELA TRILOGY WITH CAPE TOWN OPERA & CHORUS Don’t miss this epic operatic tribute to Nelson Mandela. It starts with his tribal initiation rites and heady and rebellious jazz-fuelled days in Sophiatown, to incarceration and finally liberation. southbankcentre.co.uk 0844 847 9911 Image credits: Guy Garvey © Thomas Butler Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. BOOKING & ACCESS HOW TO BOOK southbankcentre.co.uk* Tickets 0844 847 9911*† 9am – 8pm (daily). *Transaction fees applicable. No transaction fees for Members and Supporters Circles. Southbank Centre always welcomes MasterCard, and exclusive cardholder offers are available around the site. Visit southbankcentre.co.uk/priceless for more information. We also accept Maestro, Visa, Visa Delta, Visa Electron, Solo, Amex. IN PERSON Royal Festival Hall Ticket Office 10am – 8pm daily. CONCESSIONS A limited allocation of half-price tickets is available for recipients of Universal or Pension Credit, full-time students and ages 16 and under. Tickets are sold on first-come-first-served basis, and once sold, no further tickets are available by any method of booking. Appropriate cards to be shown. Please note discounts cannot be combined. GROUPS Groups of ten or more may be eligible for discounted tickets, although the saving varies according to the performance booked and the size of the group. Groups are also eligible for up to 20% off coach hire with 1st 4 Coaches Ltd. Phone the group booking line on 0844 875 0070† for details. ACCESS Join our access list to book companion tickets, arrange seating requirements and receive info on accessible performances. Also request accessible publications and ask any questions you may have about your access needs. Relaxed performances are designed to give people on the autistic spectrum or with learning difficulties a calmer environment to enjoy a show. accesslist@southbankcentre.co.uk Phone: 0844 847 9910† Fax: 020 7921 0607 Visit: southbankcentre.co.uk † Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. VISITING WITH CHILDREN Children of all ages are welcome at Southbank Centre and babychanging facilities are available at Royal Festival Hall. Some performances may be unsuitable for children or disallow babes in arms, please check when booking. southbankcentre.co.uk/visitor-info GETTING HERE PUBLIC TRANSPORT Southbank Centre is located on the Thames Riverside between the Golden Jubilee and Waterloo Bridges. Underground: Waterloo & Embankment Buses: Waterloo Bridge, York Road, Belvedere Road & Stamford Street Mainline rail: Waterloo, Waterloo East & Charing Cross B E F I R ST IN LINE GUY GARVEY’S M E LT D O W N The highly anticipated line-up is announced in early Spring Join as a Member today PARKING Hayward Gallery Car Park is closed until further notice. The Hungerford Bridge Car Park will also close at certain times. Every effort is being made to keep the provision of Blue Badge spaces near the entrance of the Hayward Car Park but there could be interruptions. A drop-off point at Royal Festival Hall has been created for visitors who are unable to walk from alternative car parks. southbankcentre.co.uk/ visitor-info/parking TELL US WHAT YOU THINK Email customer@ southbankcentre.co.uk, Tweet us @SCFeedback or ask at a Southbank Centre Ticket Office for a feedback form. Name a Seat Royal Festival Hall and help support our classical music programme JOIN THE CONVERSATION Join in, share and win prizes. facebook.com/southbankcentre twitter.com/southbankcentre youtube.com/southbankcentre flickr.com/southbankcentre Add your photos of Southbank Centre to our Flickr group: flickr.com/groups/ mysouthbankcentre To name a seat as an unusual and lasting gift visit southbankcentre.co.uk/nameaseat email nameaseat@southbankcentre.co.uk or call 020 7921 0801 Colin Currie 23 MARCH 2016 AT A GLANCE THROUGHOUT THE MONTH TUESDAY 1 TUESDAY 8 LITERATURE & SPOKEN WORD CLASSICAL MUSIC WOW: WOMEN OF THE WORLD 28 Jan – 6 MarFrank O’Hara: Why I Am Not a Painter Freep.16 10 Feb – 3 JulThe Wondercrump World of Roald Dahl p.16 17 Mar – 8 MayEnchantment Will Find Me Freep.16 7.30pmPinchas Zukerman conducts the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra p.12 10amWonderwomen 6.30pmThe Perfect WOW Crime Social 7.30pm Caitlin Moran’s Moranifesto 7.30pm Bridget Christie: A Book for Her SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS 6pmBehind the Scenes Tour p.19 WEDNESDAY 2 7.30pmBabes In Arms p.14 LITERATURE & SPOKEN WORD 6.30pmCreative Writing: Heroines or Female Heroes p.16 Freep.16 8pmWomen Poets for the Planet CLASSICAL MUSIC 7.30pmLondon Philharmonic Orchestra CLASSICAL MUSIC THURSDAY 10 6pmPhilharmonia Orchestra Martin Musical p.12 7.30pmPhilharmonia Orchestra p.12 CLASSICAL MUSIC p.19 CLASSICAL MUSIC 7.30pmGrand Organ Gala p.12 GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC Freep.14 LITERATURE & SPOKEN WORD 10.30amRug Rhymes 7pmOrchestra of the Age of Enlightenment p.13 7.30pmLondon Sinfonietta p.13 WOW: WOMEN OF THE WORLD SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS 2pmBehind the Scenes Tour 6pmArchitecture Tour p.19 p.19 FRIDAY 11 CLASSICAL MUSIC Freep.16 SATURDAY 5 7.30pmChopin Piano Competition Winner p.13 WOW: WOMEN OF THE WORLD CLASSICAL MUSIC 10amOAE Insight Morning p.12 6pmFoyles Future Firsts: London Philharmonic Freep.12 Orchestra 7.30pmLondon Philharmonic Orchestra p.12 SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS 2pmArchitecture Tour p.19 10amWOW Near Space programme p.6 5.30pmYasmin Kadi Freep.5 6pm Acts of Looking Freep.5 6pm Women on the Move Awards 2016 p.5 6.30pmKAPOW! WOW Graphic Novels Social p.5 7.30pmThe Fruit Trilogy p.5 LITERATURE & SPOKEN WORD SUNDAY 6 10.30amRug Rhymes CLASSICAL MUSIC SATURDAY 12 7.30pmPhilharmonia Orchestra 8.30pmTirzah and Elysia Crampton p.13 p.13 MONDAY 7 CLASSICAL MUSIC 7.30pmHighgate Choral Society p.13 GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC 11amDragon Babies p.14 LITERATURE & SPOKEN WORD 6.30pmThe Poetry Library Book Club p.5 p.5 6pm Acts of Looking Freep.5 7.30pmThe Fruit Trilogy p.5 FRIDAY 4 5.30pmKentucky Cow Tippers p.13 WOW: WOMEN OF THE WORLD 7.30pmPolari: WOW Special 7.30pmThe Fruit Trilogy 6pmArchitecture Tour p.19 WEDNESDAY 9 THURSDAY 3 SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS 24 SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS 6pmBehind the Scenes Tour GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 Freep.16 Freep.16 WOW: WOMEN OF THE WORLD 10amUnder 10’s Feminist Corner: Girls & Boys p.6 10amWOW Near Space programme p.6 4.45pmUnder 10’s Feminist Corner: Girls p.6 6pm Acts of Looking Freep.5 6.30pmFree verse: WOW Poetry Social p.5 7pmThe Fruit Trilogy p.5 7.30pm An Evening of Conversation with Annie Lennox p.6 SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS 11amBehind the Scenes Tour 2pmArchitecture Tour p.19 p.19 southbankcentre.co.uk 0844 847 9911 Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. SUNDAY 13 SATURDAY 19 WOW: WOMEN OF THE WORLD SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS 10amUnder 10’s Feminist Corner: Girls & Boys p.6 10amWOW Near Space programme p.6 4.45pmUnder 10’s Feminist Corner: Girls p.6 Freep.5 6pm Acts of Looking 6.30pmLaughing Matters: WOW Fiction Social p.5 7pmThe Fruit Trilogy p.5 7.30pmMirth Control p.6 2pmArchitecture Tour 5pmBehind the Scenes Tour MONDAY 14 GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC 11amDragon Babies p.14 TUESDAY 15 GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC THURSDAY 24 GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC p.19 p.19 CHORUS 10.15amPram Jam p.9 11amChorus Platforms Freep.9 11am Songs For My Family p.9 11am South African Song with Joyce Moholoagae p.9 11amTwitter Chorus Workshop p.10 11.30amChorus Song Share Freep.9 2pm Jazz, Soul and R&B with Mike King p.9 3pmThe Rattler p.9 5pmTwitter Chorus Freep.10 7.30pm Choirs Remixed p.9 7.30pmGospeloke p.9 5.30pmSenior Choir Concert Freep.15 7.30pmUneasy Listening: an evening with Clint Mansell p.15 LITERATURE & SPOKEN WORD 6.30pmNovel Writing - Your Time & Place 6pmArchitecture Tour URBAN 12 noon Tango Free p.11 SATURDAY 26 SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS 11amBehind the Scenes Tour 2pmArchitecture Tour WEDNESDAY 16 CLASSICAL MUSIC URBAN CLASSICAL MUSIC 11am Southbank Carnival 10am & 1pm Pitch Bach Chorale Workshop p.13 SUNDAY 27 11amJ.S. Bach: St Matthew Passion p.13 7pmEdward Alleyn’s Gift: The Foundation Schools’ Concert p.15 p.15 p.13 1pmSmall Primary Choirs Concert 5pmLarge Primary Choirs Concert Freep.15 Freep.15 THURSDAY 17 CLASSICAL MUSIC 6pmPhilharmonia Chamber Players Freep.13 7.30pmPhilharmonia Orchestra p.13 11amChorus Unplugged Freep.10 11am A cappella with Verity Standen p.10 1pmBalinese Kecak Workshop p.10 3.30pmBalinese Kecak Extravaganza p.10 4.30pm Sunday Assembly Free p.10 7.30pm Verity Standen: Mmm Hmmm p.10 MONDAY 21 LITERATURE & SPOKEN WORD 7pmA Brighter Sound 2016 7.30pmEnchantment Will Find Me Launch Freep.16 GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC p.19 SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS 1pmBehind the Scenes Tour p.19 CHORUS 1pmVoicelab: Schools’ Sing-in Showcase Freep.15 Freep.15 6.30pmBehind the Scenes Tour Freep.8 1.30pmJunior Orchestra and Ensembles Concert 5.15pmSenior Orchestra and Ensembles Concert 7.30pmLondon Philharmonic Orchestra p.13 CHORUS Freep.8 Freep.8 LITERATURE & SPOKEN WORD Freep.17 p.19 WEDNESDAY 23 CLASSICAL MUSIC B:Supreme Workshops B:Supreme Battles Free p.11 Free p.11 MONDAY 28 URBAN 12 noon Urban Spring Free p.11 TUESDAY 29 7.30pmCharles Dutoit conducts the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra p.13 7.30pmLocal Transport p.17 SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC 10.30amRug Rhymes p.14 GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC 1.30pmInfant Singing Concert 5.30pmJunior Singing Concert 11am 3pm LITERATURE & SPOKEN WORD 11amDragon Babies FRIDAY 18 1pmThe Rattler 5.30pmMelissa James p.13 TUESDAY 22 10amRehearsal of the Philharmonia Orchestra with Jakub Hrůša Free p.11 CLASSICAL MUSIC CLASSICAL MUSIC SUPPORTERS CIRCLES EVENTS p.19 p.19 URBAN CHORUS GIGS & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC p.19 FRIDAY 25 SUNDAY 20 1pmJunior Contemporary Ensembles 5pmSenior Contemporary Ensembles p.17 SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS 6pmBehind the Scenes Tour p.19 URBAN 2pm Pineapple Community Dance Showcase Free p.11 WEDNESDAY 30 URBAN 1pm Freep.15 Freep.15 Uchenna Dance Residency Free p.11 THURSDAY 31 SOUTHBANK CENTRE TOURS 2pmBehind the Scenes Tour 6pmArchitecture Tour p.19 p.19 URBAN 11am 1pm How to Make a Dance Video on your Phone Uchenna Dance Residency Free p.11 Free p.11 25 To receive publications in alternative formats and further information: Email: accesslist@southbankcentre.co.uk Phone: 0844 847 9910† Fax: 020 7921 0607 WATERLOO CONCERT HALL APPROACH LONDON EYE JUBILEE GARDENS RAMBERT FESTIVAL TERRACE HAYWARD GALLERY ROYAL FESTIVAL HALL WATERLOO BRIDGE HUNGERFORD BRIDGE RIVERSIDE TERRACE QUEEN ELIZABETH HALL QUEEN’S WALK CHARING CROSS EMBANKMENT FESTIVAL RIVERSIDE AMENITIES SKATE SPACE Cafes & restaurants Toilets SOUTHBANK CENTRE BOOK MARKET Baby change Information Wheelchair access (lift) OUR SITE EAT & DRINK Southbank Centre occupies a 21-acre site in the midst of London’s vibrant cultural quarter on the South Bank of the Thames. Southbank Centre includes Royal Festival Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall, Purcell Room, and Hayward Gallery. 1882 020 7921 9339 Strada 020 7401 9126 Canteen 0845 686 1122 Central Bar Topolski 020 7620 0627 wagamama 020 7021 0877 We also curate the outdoor spaces along the river front and around our venues providing free art for millions of people every year. On our site there are also restaurants, cafes, bars and shops to enjoy – but everyone is welcome to bring their own food and soft drinks onto our site. OUR VENUES ROYAL FESTIVAL HALL Spirit Level The Mercers’ Company Gamelan Room St Paul’s Roof Pavilion Weston Roof Pavilion Sunley Pavilion Level 3 Function Room Saison Poetry Library Central Bar Level 5 Function Room The Clore Ballroom Members Bar QUEEN ELIZABETH HALL (CLOSED UNTIL 2018) Purcell Room The Front Room Festival Village HAYWARD GALLERY (CLOSED UNTIL 2018) Hayward Gallery Project Space Download the Live Beacon app to enhance your Southbank Centre visit with offers, helpful information and the odd surprise. Southbank Centre is a registered charity no. 298909 Listings correct at time of going to press. Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. † ADDRESS Southbank Centre Belvedere Road London SE1 8XX Queen Elizabeth Hall, Purcell Room and Hayward Gallery closed for refurbishment and will reopen in 2018. We continue to present a packed programme of festivals and shows across our site while these buildings are closed. FSC Logo Central Bar Terrace EAT. 020 7401 2989 Feng Sushi 020 7261 0001 Giraffe 020 7928 2004 Las Iguanas 020 7620 1328 Le Pain Quotidien 020 3657 6925 Level 5 Cafe ping pong 020 7960 4160 Riverside Terrace Cafe Skylon 020 7654 7800 Southbank Centre Food Market See page 18 Wahaca 020 7928 1876 YO! Sushi 020 3130 1997 SHOP Royal Festival Hall Vintage gifts, homeware, jewellery and toys. Festival Terrace Shop Designer concessions, unusual gifts, furniture, jewellery and more. Foyles Extensive selection of books and gifts. Southbank Centre Book Market Iconic second-hand bookstall under Waterloo Bridge. southbankcentre.co.uk 0844 847 9911†