Advertise in the Official AAPEX Product Plus
Advertise in the Official AAPEX Product Plus
1Event 3 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES November 1-3, 2016 Sands Expo Center Las Vegas, NV 2016 NOVEMBER OPPORTUNIT Y YOU WILL 11.1-3.2016 The Official Event Daily AD SPECS FOR aapex express aapex express Publication Dimensions: Trim Size: 6" wide x 10-7/8" deep (Same size as this brochure) Live Area: Full-page bleed: 1/2" inside trim add 1/8" all sides Keep all live matter 3/8" away from all trim sizes 1 aapexexpress is the official daily news source covering the annual Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo (AAPEX) in Las Vegas. It provides attendees with important daily schedules, education seminars, new products, celebrity schedules, news and information about the industry’s premier event. aapex express DISTRIBUTION 24,000 copies of AAPEX Express will be distributed during the three days (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) of the AAPEX show. AAPEX Express also will be distributed as an e-zine after the show. 1/2 Horizontal 5" x 5" 1/2 Vertical 2-1/4" wide x 10" 1 Page 5" wide x 10" non-bleed 2-Page Spread 11.5" wide x 10" non-bleed Advertiser Bonus 1 - Boldface listing in the AAPEX Buyer’s Guide • Alpha Section • Exhibitor Listing 1 - Logo with your Buyer’s Guide Exhibitor Listing Advertiser Bonus Logo Specs: Provide a 300 dpi jpeg, tiff or eps file of your company logo at 3" wide. Final logo size to be determined by publisher. aapex express AD RATES Babcox Advertiser Non-Babcox Adv. 1/2 Page $4,475 $5,210 Full Page $7,630 $8,950 Spread $12,595 $14,765 Space reservations due: Sept. 16, 2016 Materials due: Sept. 23, 2016 NOVEMBER OPPORTUNIT Y AD SPECS FOR Buyer’s Guide Exhibitor Insight Specs Publication Dimensions: Trim Size: Live Area: Full-page bleed: 2 The aapex Buyer’s Guide is the official event directory for all AAPEX attendees. This perfect-bound, four-color book contains the most complete listings of all AAPEX exhibitors, along with valuable information about show services, registration, hours and events. It also includes a listing of SEMA Exhibitors, Manufacturer’s Reps and Export Agents. 20,000 copies will be distributed to attendees in Las Vegas. Buyer’s Guide Exhibitor Listings All AAPEX Exhibitors (at press time) will be listed in the Buyer’s Guide in the following, standard manner: • Alphabetical listing of all Exhibitors. • Company name, city/state, telephone, website, general e-mail address and contact name. • List of company products and/or brands. • 100-character description of the company or product. • Option to purchase logo and boldface listing (see rates to the right). Buyer’s Guide Advertiser Bonus 1 Boldface listing in the AAPEX Buyer’s Guide. 1 Logo to appear with your Buyer’s Guide listing. 1 Matching space Exhibitor Insight (see box to the right). • 1/2-page article: 105 words, 1 photo, 1 logo 5" x 8-3/8" deep 1/2" inside trim add 1/8" all sides • 1-page article: 250 words, 1 photo, 1 logo We reserve the right to edit for style, clarity and space. 1/2 Page (horizontal only): 4-3/8" x 3-3/4" Non-bleed Full Page: 4-3/8" x 7-7/8" Non-bleed 5" x 8-3/8" Trim size 2 Page Spread 10" x 8-3/8" Trim size Tab Page 5" x 8-3/8" Trim size Advertiser receives ads on both sides of the tab page. New Product Showcase Section Logo and Photo Specs: Provide a 300 dpi jpeg, tiff or eps file of your company logo at 3" wide. Final logo size to be determined by publisher. Provide a 300 dpi jpeg or tiff file of your product at least 5 inches wide. Final photo size to be determinded by publisher. 1/4 Page $1,975 1/3 Page $2,850 Each will receive: 1 Product Photo, Company Name, Booth Number, Website Address and Phone Number 1/3 - 50-Word Description and Company Logo 1/4 - 35-Word Description Buyer’s Guide AD RATES Babcox Advertiser Non-Babcox Adv. 1/2 Page $4,475 $5,210 Full Page $7,630 $8,950 Tab Page $10,950 $12,675 Spread $12,595 $14,765 Logo and Boldface Listing $800 (net) Boldface Listing $500 (net) Space reservations due: Sept. 16, 2016 Materials due: Sept. 23, 2016 PRODUCT OPPORTUNIT Y AD SPECS FOR product plus Publication Dimensions: Trim Size: 7.7/8" wide x 10-3/4" deep Live Area: 1/2" inside trim Full-page bleed: add 1/8" all sides 3 Attendee surveys all indicate that new products are the highlight of the AAPEX show every year. The all-new AAPEX Product Plus publication provides attendees a road map to the latest products AAPEX has to offer. Look to AAPEX Product Plus for: • Details on the products displayed in the New Product Showcase; • Spotlights of new packaging on display in this year’s New Packaging Showcase; • New product demonstrations during the show; • And much more! Keep all live matter 3/8" away from all trim sizes Full Page: ½ page horizontal ½ page vertical ¼ page horizontal ¼ page vertical 7-7/8 x 10-3/4 7x5 3-3/8 x 10 7 x 2-1/2 3-3/8 x 5 Exposure to new products is the #1 reason Buyers attend AAPEX! product plus DISTRIBUTION More than 20,000 copies of the 2016 AAPEX Product Plus will be available to attendees at each registration location and inside the bins with the AAPEX Buyer’s Guide located in high-traffic areas along entrance hallways. Copies also will be handed out by AAPEX personnel at major entrances to the show. After the show, a digital version will be sent to more than 100,000 registered buyers, jobbers, WDs, retailers, independent repair shops, collision shops and tire dealers. Additional editorial in the post-show issue will include the 2016 winners of the New Product and New Packaging Showcases, more coverage of news and events from this year’s show as well as a photo section covering receptions and other highlights of the week. product plus AD RATES Full Page $4,925 1/2 Page $2,970 1/4 Page $1,735 Front Cover Product (4 available spots) $2,550 Back Cover $5,910 Space reservations due: Sept. 16, 2016 Materials due: Sept. 23, 2016 Format: PDF (Press optimized) Trapping: We process all ads through a workflow system that traps the ads (to SWOP specifications) for print – overriding application trap settings. Overprinting/trap settings within vector EPS files are maintained. Note: We recommend color type over any black or color background should be 8 pt. or larger. Electronic File Transfer: E-mail files accepted up to 10MB Using a web browser, go to First time only, click the RequestAcct button. Complete the form (both User ID and Company fields should be the Advertiser Name) and click the Save button. You will receive an acceptance e-mail and can then log in and upload files. Uploading files: 1. Create directory if you wish, otherwise files will just be placed in UserID folder. 2. Open directory you wish to place files in. 3. Type in comments – regarding ads, publication, etc. 4. Click Browse button and navigate to select the files you want to upload. 5. After the files are selected, click the Upload button to send. We will receive an automated e-mail that files have been uploaded and it will display the file name and any comments. ADVERTISING SERVICES: Tina Purnell 330-670-1234, ext. 243 Kelly McAleese 330-670-1234, ext. 284 OFFICES: CORPORATE 3550 Embassy Parkway Akron, Ohio 44333-8318 330-670-1234 Fax 330-670-0874 California: 805-845-1400 Fax 805-324-6015 PUBLISHER: Dean Martin 330-670-1234, ext. 225 SALES REPRESENTATIVES: Bobbie Adams 330-670-1234, ext. 238 Roberto Almenar 330-670-1234, ext. 233 Doug Basford 330-670-1234, ext. 255 David Benson 330-670-1234, ext. 210 Sean Donohue 330-670-1234, ext. 206 Jennifer Hazen 330-670-1234, ext. 224 Don Hemming 330-670-1234, ext. 286 Karen Kaim 330-670-1234, ext. 295 Doug Kaufman 330-670-1234, ext. 262 Jamie Lewis 330-670-1234, ext. 266 Andie Martin 330-670-1234, ext. 207 Jim Merle 330-670-1234, ext. 280 Scott Schumacker Glenn Warner John Zick 330-670-1234, Ext. 222 330-670-1234, 212 805-845-1400