Scientists - Ministry of Environment and Forests
Scientists - Ministry of Environment and Forests
Curriculum Vitae of Scientists Ministry of Environment and Forests Government of India, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 510 December 30, 2009 INDEX Sl. No. Name Page No. Scientist ‘G’/Scientific Adviser 1. G.K. Pandey (Dr.) 1-7 2. G.V. Subrahmanyam (Dr.) 8-27 3. Nalini Bhat (Dr.) 28 4. R. Mehta (Shri) 29-31 5. S.K. Sharma (Dr.) 32-40 Scientist ‘F’/Director (Scientific) 1. A . Mehrotra (Dr.) 41 2. A. Duraisamy (Dr.) 42-50 3. A.B. Harpanhalli (Dr.) 51-54 4. Abhiraj Singh (Dr.) 55-59 5. Bharat Bhushan (Shri) 6. Brijesh Sikka (Shri) 61-63 7. Chhanda Chowdhary (Dr.) 64-65 60 8. E.V. Muley (Dr.) 66-74 9. Hussain Ahmad (Dr.) 75-77 10. J.R. Bhatt (Dr.) 78-82 11. Jag Ram (Dr.) 83 12. K.K. Garg (Dr.) 84-85 13. Lalit Kapur (Shri) 86-90 14. M. Subba Rao (Shri) 91-95 15. M.A. Haque (Dr.) 96-99 16. Manoranjan Hota (Dr.) 17. N.L.N.S. Prasad (Dr.) 104 18. Naseem Ahmad (Dr.) 105-108 19. P.B. Rastogi (Dr.) 109-117 20. Premlata Ahujarai (Dr.) 118-120 21. R. Dalwani (Dr.) 22. R.K. Rai (Dr.) 122-124 23. R.K. Sethi (Dr.) 125-132 24. Ranjini Warrier (Dr.) 133-139 25. Rashid Hasan (Dr.) 140 26. S. Kaul (Dr.) 141-147 27. S.K. Aggarwal (Dr.) 148-151 28. S.K. Susarla (Dr.) 152-154 29. Saroj, (Dr.) 30. Sujata Arora (Dr.) 156-165 31. Sunita V. Auluck (Dr.) 166-170 32. T. Chandini (Dr.) 171-173 33. V.P. Upadhyay (Dr.) 100-103 121 155 174-184 Scientist ‘E’/Additional Director (Scientific) 1. A. Senthil Vel (Shri) 185-187 2. 3. 4. 5. B.B. Barman (Shri) C. Kaliaperumal (Dr.) K. C. Rathore (Dr.) M. Salahuddin (Dr.) 188-189 190-191 192-195 196 6. Manju Raina (Ms.) 7. Madhav Dawre (Shri) 198-199 8. R.K. Suri (Dr.) 200-210 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. R.N. Jindal (Shri) Rajiv Sinha (Shri) Rita Khanna (Ms.) S. Bhowmik (Dr.) S. Kerketta (Shri) 211-212 213-216 217-219 220-221 222-230 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. S. Satpathy (Dr.) S.C. Garkoti (Dr.) S.V. Reddy (Dr.) Sanchita Jindal (Ms.) Sujata Khaparde (Ms.) Surendra Kumar (Shri) 231-243 244-245 246-250 251-255 256-259 260-270 20. 21. 22. Tashi Wangadi (Dr.) U. Sridharan (Dr.) Usha Subramaniam (Dr.) Scientist ‘D’/Joint Director (Scientific) 271-273 274-275 276 1. L.K. Bokolia (Shri) 2. 3. 4. Madhumita Biswas (Ms.) 278-279 Ram jee Srivastava (Shri) 280-282 S.C. Katiyar (Dr.) 283-285 Scientist ‘C’/Deputy Director (Scientific) 1. Ajay Raghava (Shri) 286-287 2. 3. 4. E. Thirunavakkarsu (Shri) Neeraj Khatri (Shri) Om Prakash (Shri) 288-289 290-291 292-293 5. P.S. Rawat (Dr.) 294-295 6. 7. 8. Pankaj Verma (Shri) R. Sridhar (Shri) S.K. Srivastava (Shri) 296-297 298-299 300 9. Sanjay Kumar Singh (Shri) 301-302 10. 11. 12. Sharad (Shri) Shruti Rai (Mrs.) W. Bharat Singh (Shri) 303-305 306-307 308-309 13. Yogendra Pal Singh (Shri) Scientist ‘B’/Scientific Officer Ashok Kumar (Shri) Chandan Singh (Shri) D.B.D. Marak (Shri) Rubab Jaffer Dr. (Ms.) 310-311 1. 2. 3. 4. 197 277 312-315 316-320 321 322-328 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: Dr. G.K. Pandey 2. Father‘s Name: Late Shri S.P. Pandey 3. Post Held: Adviser, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, New Delhi 4. Address: Office: Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003, India (Tele-fax: + 91 - 11 - 2 4360467) e mail: (1) pandey @ menf. delhi. nic. in (2) Residence: D-I/91, Rabindra Nagar, Amrita Sher Gill Marg, New Delhi-110003 India (Tele. + 91-11- 24652951) 5. Date of Birth: 15.1.1950 6. Nationality: 7. Educational Qualifications: (i) Academic: M.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D. Indian Topic of Ph.D. Thesis: (ii) Professional: - - 8. Employment Record: 9. Professional skills/ Expertise/ Experience: Monitoring and Abatement of organic pollutants in the industrial work Environment. Post Graduate Diploma in Water Quality Management from IHE, (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering) Delft, Netherlands. Two weeks certificate course on Environmental Impact Assessment organized by University of Aberdeen, U.K. Two weeks course on Environmental Management organized by University of Bradford, U.K. One month course on Industrial Pollution Control organized by ETSI, USA under the World Bank Program. Details of employment are given in Annexure-I More than 40 years of environmental experience in the following fields, including international experience/exposure: Developing Strategies and evolving policy for various issues pertaining to environmental pollution control and protection of human health. Well conversant with wastewater treatment technologies including recycling and re-use. Having experience of appraisal of projects pertaining to Sewage and Industrial Effluent Treatment Plants. Also, R and D Proposals referred to Ministry for funding are appraised and technical inputs are provided to the processing division. Environmental impact assessment of Thermal power plants and industrial projects including issues related to emissions of carbon dioxide and hazardous wastes and its impact on natural resources, land use and livelihood and bio-diversity. Air and water quality monitoring including coastal waters and control of marine pollution; 1 Rehabilitation issues of affected people due to developmental projects namely, mining projects, industrial projects, coal-based thermal power plants etc.; Industrial Hygiene and Safety; Formulation and Review of Environmental Standards; Appraisal and monitoring of projects being funded by the World Bank, WHO and other bilateral agencies such as GTZ, NORAD etc. World Bank project on capacity building on Environmental Standards and Ambient Air Quality Monitoring has recently been completed.. Well conversant with the issues pertaining to the International Conventions on Stockholm Convention on POPs, Rotterdam Convention on PIC, and SAICM. Rendering technical assistance to formulate and undertake programs with International Agencies like World Bank, ADB,USEPA, WHO etc.; Having administrative and technical experience of guiding and supervising the scientific, technical and secretarial staff in evolving policies and programs including budgetary and financial matters. Possessing ability to organize new programs; Brought out a National Document on Vision Statement on Environmental Health in 2003 indicating strategies and programs for protection of human health against environmental pollution and degradation. Well conversant with the issues pertaining to clean technologies, waste minimization, hazardous & bio-medical waste management, ISO 14000 & voluntary compliance of environmental standards. 10. Languages known: Having proficiency in writing, speaking and reading English language. 11. Publications: Presented a number of papers (27) in the National & International Conferences, seminars etc. in the field of environment (AnnexureII). 12. Participation in international meetings: Participated and represented India in a number of national and international meetings organized by WHO, UNEP, World Bank, UNDP, USEPA, European Commission etc. on the various environmental issues. 13. 14. Memberships: I am Member of Delhi Pollution Control Committee. I am also chairing the 2 Task Forces on Chlor-Alkali Plants and Fertilizer Industries constituted by GOI/MOEF. Remarks: Involved in formulation of policy and programs for environmental impact assessment of developmental projects, especially coal mining, thermal power plants, building construction projects. Being involved in handling oversees projects for the last over 25 years, I am well acquainted with the working and the requirement of the international funding organizations specially the World Bank, GTZ and WHO including formulation of project proposals, monitoring & review aspects. Involved actively in interaction with the various missions sent by the World Bank, ADB, WHO, USEPA etc.; Actively involved in planning and organizing meetings/workshops/conferences pertaining to various aspects of environment at the national and international level including publication of proceedings. Having experience in the field of environmental legislation and implementation of various environmental acts & standards through the implementation machinery. 2 At present I am also the Project Director of the World Bank Project on Capacity building on Industrial Pollution Management dealing with hazardous and municipal solid wastes and institutional strengthening of regulatory bodies. I am handling MEAs (Rotterdam Convention, Stockholm Convention and SAICM). In fact, I have been able to protect the interests of the Country by actively participating in UNEP meetings pertaining to Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. Also, I have been involved in the Mercury issues being discussed at UNEP level including the recent decision to have LBI for mercury by 2013. In respect of chlor-alkali sector with respect to phasing out of mercury cell process, we are on the top of the World. ………. 3 Annexure-I Details of Employment Post Period Department Nature of work Policy matters, strategies for environmental pollution control and health impacts. Involved in EIA process of developmental projects including post monitoring of projects granted environmental clearances. Also, I am actively involved in the bilateral discussions and other international meetings pertaining to different aspects of environment including handling of MEAs (Rotterdam, Stockholm & SAICM). I was also actively involved as a member in the National Committee on Auto Fuel Policy, under the chairmanship of DG, CSIR. I am in the NPCIL Board of Directors. Environmental impact assessment of developmental projects, industrial pollution control, vehicular pollution control, appraisal of projects for funding, development and review of environmental standards, environmental health programs etc. Appraisal and implementation of projects of WHO, World Bank, USEPA, GTZ etc. Adviser 1st July, 2000 – still continuing Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, New Delhi Director 11th August, 95 – 30th June, 2000 Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Addl. Director 3.8.1990- 10.8.1995 -do- Environmental impact assessment of developmental projects specially power plants and industrial projects including impact on air quality based on meteorological conditions, likely emissions, topographical features etc. Predictions of ground level concentrations by applying mathematical models were also undertaken. Organized and conducted a number of seminars and workshops. Played an active role in bringing out a notification in 1994 on Environmental Impact assessment of Developmental Projects. Funding of projects including their monitoring of progress. Supervising the work of junior staff. EIA of Thermal Power Plants, formulation & review of environmental standards. -do- -do- Central Labor Institute, Bombay, Ministry of Labor, Govt. of India Planning and conducting of industrial hygiene surveys in the industrial work environment and suggest control measures. Organizing and conducting of training programs and workshops in the field of -do- Principal Scientific Officer Sr. Officer 2.8.1984- 2.8.1990 Env. Asstt. Director (Chemicals) 15.9.1981-1.8.1984 13.12.1975-14.9.1981 4 industrial pollution, occupational health and safety and other related environmental issues. Asstt. Chemist etc. 18.5.1968-12.12.1975 Regional Labor Institute, Kanpur, Ministry of Labor, Govt. of India 5 Ambient air and biological monitoring of various pollutants present in the working environment and to prepare report suggesting mitigative measures. Rendered technical assistance in organizing a number of training programs/workshops in the field of industrial hygiene and occupational health. Annexure-II LIST OF PAPERS PUBLISHED/PRESENTED 1. Pandey, G.K. and Gupta, V.P. - hazards in the handling of Benzene, Chemical Industry News May, 1977. 2. Pandey, G.K. and Pandey, G.N. - Monitoring and Abatement of Pollution in the Industrial Environment - an over-view, Chemical Age of India, Vol. 30, No. 3 March, 1979. 3. Biswas, D.K. and Pandey, G.K. - Air Pollution Problems in Thermal Power Plants, presented in a seminar on Air Quality Control held on 14.2.1982 at Hyderabad. The seminar was organized by Institution of Engineers. 4. Pandey, G.K., Khan, M.M.A and Pandey, G.N. - Relevance of Biological Monitoring to evaluate the extent of exposure of workers in Industrial Environment, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India) Vol. 61, Pt. EN-1, October, 1980. 5. Pandey, G.K. and Ramanathan, N.L. - Plant Air Contamination and its Control, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol. 2, No. 2, April, 1982. 6. Pandey, G.K. and Ramanathan N.L. - Control of Particulate Contamination in Industry in India, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol. 3, No. 2, April, 1983. 7. Pandey, G.K. and Ramanathan, N.L. - The siting controversy of a refinery in India - a case study, presented in a National Industries held at Madras from 9-13th February, 1983. 8. Pandey, G.K. Ramanathan, N.L. and More, V.S. - Environmental Management at Oil Refinery in India, paper presented in the 4th International Conference on ―Chemistry for Protection of Environment‖ held at Toulouse, France from 20-23rd September, 1983. 9. Pandey, G.K. and Pandey, G.N. - Estimation of Toluene and Benzene in Urine by Microdiffusion Technique, paper presented at the 4 th International Conference on ―Chemistry for Protection of Environment‖ held at Toulouse, France from 20-23rd September, 1983. 10. Ramanathan, N.L. and Pandey, G.K. - Exposure to Organic Chemicals in the working environment in India, paper presented at the Symposium on ―Biological Monitoring of Organic Chemicals‖ held in Birmingham, U.S.A. from 11 th 12th April, 1984. The Symposium was organized by American Chemical Association and University of Alabama, Birmingham, U.S.A. 11. Pandey, G.K. : Modified turbidimetric method for estimation of urinary ethereal and total sulfate - presented at the international conference on Role of Chemistry in Development held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 21-24th August, 1984. 12. Pandey, G.K. Etal - Accidents due to chemicals - An Indian Scenario, paper presented at Intercountry workshop on Chemical Safety in South-East Asia Region Countries, organized by World health Organisation, New Delhi - 29-31st October, 1984. 13. Biswas, D.K. Pandey, G.K. and Ahujarai, P.L. : Tall stack and its Impact on Air Quality, paper presented at the National Seminar on Tall Reinforced Concrete Chimneys held in New Delhi from 25-27th April, 1985. 14. Pandey, G.K. and Maudgal, S : Role and Approach of the Deptt. Of Environment, Forests and Wildlife in the clearance of Thermal Power Projects, , paper presented in the workshop on ―Environmental Issues related to Thermal Power Projects‖ organized by NTPC from 25-27th February, 1987. 15. Pandey, G.K. and Maudgal, S. : Country paper on ―Environmental Impact Assessment of Development Projects‖ presented in the Expert Group Meeting of ESCAP held at Bangkok from 15th to 19th August, 1988. 6 16. Pandey, G.K. and Chakravorty, B.B. : Environmental problems and status of cleaner production in India - An over view - paper presented in the UNEP Workshop on Country Specific Activities to promote cleaner production, 17-19th September, 1991 held at Paris. 17. Pandey, G.K. : Presentation was made on ―Management of Industrial Pollution in India‖ in the UNEP/SACEP meeting on ―Environmental Management Seminar for Countries of South Asia‖ held at Islamabad, Pakistan from 28th September, 1998 to 2nd October, 1998. 18. Delivered key note address in the workshop on ―Rains Asia Model‖ organized by Tata Energy Research Institute, Delhi on 15th March, 1999. 19. Addressed the participants of the International Workshop on ―Air Pollution and Health Issues in South Asia held at Hyderabad from 16-18th August, 1999, which was inaugurated by his Excellency, the Hon‘ble Governor of Andhra Pradesh. The workshop was organized by UNEP/SACEP. 20. Presented a paper on ―Environmental Pollution and Health Implications‖ in a workshop held in November, 1999 at ITRC, Lucknow on ―Environmental Epidemiology‖ organized jointly by WHO & MoEF. 21. Gave a presentation in the ―International seminar on Waste Water Treatment‖ held in Hyderabad in March, 2000. 22. Presented a country paper on ―Vehicular Pollution Control‖ in an ―International Roundtable for Transportation Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development held at Cairo, Egypt from 5-7th December, 1999. The Roundtable was organized by U.N. 23. Presented a country paper on ―Environmental Epidemiology Health Initiatives‖ in the UNEP AP Workshop on Male Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely Transboundary Effects for South – Asia, 1-3 March, 2000, held at Kathmandu, Nepal. 24. Presented a country paper on ―Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution-an Indian Scenario‖ in the International Conference on Policy Approaches on Prevention and Control of Pollution, 25 - 26 April, 2002, Seville, Spain, organized by the European Commission. 25. Presented a paper on Air Quality Management in Delhi in Better Air Quality Workshop held at Hong Kong from 16-18 December, 2002. The workshop was sponsored by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, WHO, USEPA etc. 26. Presented a paper on Initiatives taken in India on Environmental Health in WHO workshop on Children's Environmental Health, 3-5 February, 2003, held at Bangkok. 27. Presented a paper on Control of Mercury Emissions from Chlor-Alkali Plants in India in an Aquatic Toxicity Workshop held from October 24-27, 2004 at Delta Prince Edward, Charlottetown, Canada. 28. Attended a Conference on Achieving Mercury Reduction in Products and Wastes : Coordinating National & Local Government Initiatives organized by USEPA and UNEP at Portland, USA from May 23-25, 2005 and gave a presentation to USEPA, Washington DC on May 26, 2005 regarding mercury related issues pertaining to chlor-alkali plants in India. 29. Initatives taken for estimation and control of mercury from various sources in India—paper presented in BAQ 2006,Dec,13-15,atYogyakarta,Indonesia. 30. Presented a joint paper on management of thermal power plants in India in BAQ-2006,Dec,1315,at Yogyakarta,Indonesia. 31. Participated in the Workshop on Mercury organized by UNEP and WCC in Mexico,March,2931,2006 and presented a paper on Status of Chlor-alkali plants in India. 7 CURRICULAM VITAE 1. Name in full : DR. G.V. SUBRAHMANYAM 2. a) Father‘s name : LATE SHRI SURYAPRAKASAN b) Mother‘s name : LATE SMT. G. KAMESHWARI 3. Date of Birth : 15.06.1953 4. Sex (Male/Female) : MALE Marital Status : MARRIED 5. Nationality : INDIAN 6. Type of Present Employment, if employed (Central/State Govt. /PSU‘s/University/ Recognized Research Institute/ Departmental/Others) : 7. Address for correspondence (with pin code) : (Tele No. Mob. No., Fax & e-mail : 8. Permanent Address (with pin code) CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Dr. G.V. SUBRAHMANYAM ADVISOR MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS, PARYAVARAN BHAWAN, CGO COMPLEX, LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI – 110 003. Tele/Fax 24364594 Mobile : 9868886156 : 8 C-22, SECTOR - 51 KENDRIYA VIHAR, NOIDA, U.P. 9. Educational Qualifications : S.No Exam. Passed University /Board (i) B.Sc. (Hons) A.M.U. Aligarh (ii) M.Sc. A.M.U. Aligarh (iii) M.Phil. A.M.U. Aligarh Botany (Cytogenetics) 1978 (iv) Ph.D** A.M.U. Aligarh 1982 (v) German Lang Course ERA Approved Advanced Environmental Management System Auditing Course (UK) CDG Germany Botany (Cytogenetics) German Language Advanced Environmental Management System Auditing (vi) Subject D.N.V., New Delhi Year Division %age of Marks 63.25 Botany 1973 First Botany 1975 First (Stood 3rd in order of merit) First 69.25 74.0 1990 60 1999 80.7 **Worked at National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow under the supervision of Dr. T.N. Khoshoo, the then Director of NBRI and Ex-Secretary, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India. Title of the thesis : ―Cytogenetics of some ornamentals with special reference to Nymphaea and Costus‖. 9. Work Experience & Significant Achievements : Please see Annexures-I & II 10. Professional Training : Please see Annexure-III 11. No. of Papers / Books Published : Please Annexure – IV 12. Areas of Specialisation / Research : 13. Employment Record Cytogenetics, conservation of biological diversity, Policy, Planning and coordination for environmental protection, promotion of research in environment, pollution prevention and control and environmental impact assessment of developmental projects. Sl.N o. Office/ Instt./Org. Post Held From To (i) NBRI Lucknow Junior Res. Fellow 1976 1978 (ii) NBRI Lucknow Senior Res. Fellow 1978 1980 9 Scale of Pay & Basic Pay Rs.400/p.m.fixed. Rs.600/p.m fixed Nature of Duties (in detail) Research Research (iii) NBRI Lucknow MoEF New Delhi Jr.Res Associate Sc.SD 1980 (v) -do- (vi) (vii) (iv) June 1983 May 1983 July 1988 Rs.700/p.m fixed. Rs.11001600 (Rs.30004500 after revision) Research Sc. SE Aug. 1988 June 1993 Rs.3700/5000 -do- Sc.SF July 1993 Aug 1998 Rs.45005700 (Rs.1430018300 after revision) --do-- -do- Sc.‘F‘ (Director) Sept., 1998. Till date Rs.1640020000 (Rs.20,000) Policy planning and coordination for environmental protection including promotion of research, pollution prevention and control and environmental impact assessment Policy Planning and Coordinator for environmental Protection including promotion of research, pollution prevention & control. -do- 14. Nature of present employment i.e. regular or ad-hoc or temporary or quasi-permanent or permanent : PERMANENT 15. Date of retirement under Central Government Rules : 10 June, 2013 Annexure-I Work Experience Research Work Done at NBRI, Lucknow Worked as Junior and Senior Research Fellow and Research Associate of CSIR at National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow from 1975-1983. During this period actively engaged in research work relating to plant cytogenetics and worked on Doctoral Thesis ―Cytogenetics of some ornamentals with particular reference to Nymphea and Costus‖ under the guidance of late Dr. T.N. Khoshoo who was the then Director of NBRI. These studies had lead to the understanding of genetic evolutionary race history of garden nymphaeas. This work also resulted in evolving new varieties of garden nymphaeas through the techniques of hybridization and induced polyploidy. These studies have been of tremendous help in conservation of genetic resources of garden nymphaeas. The work has been published in both national and international journals of repute. During the period also worked on the research project ―New Energy Sources coordinated project on screening and cultivation of potential petro crops and their conversion to petroleum hydrocarbons‖. These studies have been of considerable help in conservation of plant genetic resources and also in identifying botanical sources for the purpose of energy and amelioration of environmental degradation. Work Done / Being Done at MoEF, New Delhi Since May 1983, has been working in the Ministry in various capacities as Environmental Officer, Joint Director, Additional Director and Director. Since then actively involved in policy planning and coordination for environmental protection including promotion of research, pollution prevention and control and Environmental Impact Assessment. Also actively involved in implementation of the Policy Statement for Abatement of Pollution through schemes such as environmental audit, adoption of clean technologies in small scale industries, environmental statistics and mapping, zoning atlas for siting of industries, abatement of pollution in critically polluted areas, incentives for pollution control, environmental epidemiological studies, environmental pollution monitoring and analysis, green belt for abatement of pollution and environment improvement in selected cities/towns, setting up of CETPs in cluster of SSIs etc. Also involved in implementing programmes relating to vehicular pollution control, noise pollution control, waste minimization/cleaner production in small scale industries. Also interacted with Central and State Pollution Control Boards for implementation of pollution control programmes including enforcement of various standards notified under the Environment (Protection) Act. Actively involved in promoting the concept of waste minimization in small and medium scale industries through establishment of Waste Minimisation Circles, organizing training and awareness programmes and bringing out sector specific manuals on waste minimization. Also actively assisted in developing the Ecocity concept and launching the Ecocity scheme in selected cities/towns through interaction with various concerned agencies at State Government. To implement the above programme, schemes have been formulated including budgetary requirements for approval under EFC/SFC. To implement the above-mentioned programmes effectively, field level activities had been undertaken including visits to Pollution Control Boards, industries and other concerned agencies such as industry associations, State Environment Departments etc. As Director in C.P. Division, visited many industries to ascertain the implementation of pollution prevention and control programmes and compliance of emission and effluent standards. During the visits interacted with the entrepreneurs to get to know the difficulties being faced by them while implementing the pollution control programmes and also to suggest measures for continual improvement of environmental performance. This feedback has been put to use while preparing the pollution prevention and control projects/programmes for their effective implementation. Some of these programmes include Environment Audit, Waste Minimization/Cleaner Production in Small Scale Industries, Environment Management Systems for Indian Industry, National Action Plan (NAP) for pollution control and prevention, zoning atlas for siting of industries, preparation of urban environmental management plan, launching of eco-city project, green belt for abatement of pollution and environmental improvement in selected cities/towns etc. Since September, 2002 has been working in the Impact Assessment Division dealing with the subjects relating to appraisal and compliance monitoring of industry sector projects. Serving as Member- 11 Secretary to the Expert Committee (Industry Projects). Interacted with the project authorities and the concerned SPCBs while appraising the projects for environmental clearance. The other subjects dealing with relating to amendments to EIA Notification, matters relating to SCOS Meetings, proposals for FIPB and EPZ Committees, streamlining of environmental clearance procedures, ecologically sensitive areas etc. In all these matters interacted with the concerned Ministries and participated in the meetings to provide views of the MoEF on issues pertaining to environment. Site inspections are being carried out wherever necessary in respect of certain new/expansion projects while considering for appraisal and also to evaluate compliance of environmental clearance conditions in respect of certain projects which were accorded environmental clearance. Deputed to attend the First Regional Consultative Meeting on Environmental training at Tertiary Level in Asia & Pacific held at Bangkok, Thailand from 13-14 December, 1993 in the capacity as National focal Point of NETTLAP for India. In this meeting, I had participated and elected as ViceChairperson of the Committee and conducted the proceedings of the meeting. Deputed to attend the Second Regional Consultative Meeting on Environmental training at Tertiary Level in Asia and Pacific held at Bangkok, Thailand from 20-22 November, 1995 in the capacity as National Focal Point of NETTLAP for India. Elected as Chairperson of the meeting and conducted the proceedings of the Agenda and helped in finalising the recommendations and report of the Meet. In this meeting, a Presentation on ‗Tertiary Level Environmental Educators‘ Training – Some considerations in the context of NETTLAP‘ was made. In this Presentation, the approach suggested was to set up a National Network for Partners in Environmental Training (NPET) at Tertiary Level. The strategy suggested was to adopt the stakeholder initiated bottom up approach as a method of strengthening universities and training curricula so that the community and the local needs for environmental training are recognized and addressed. Based on this Presentation, the Consultative Committee at its meeting suggested that a Project Proposal for the establishment of National Partnerships on Environmental Training be prepared by India for funding by the interested agencies/organisations by convening a National Consultative Forum with the financial support of UNEP/ROAP Bangkok. As a follow up of this, a National Consultative Forum was convened at the Centre for Environmental Studies, Anna University, Chennai during 1-2 February, 1996. Subsequently, a detailed project proposal for establishing National Partnership in Environmental Training – NPET, India has been prepared for funding by UNDP. Deputed to attend the Third Regional Consultative Meeting on Environmental training at Tertiary Level in Asia and Pacific held at Pattaya, Thailand on September 2-3, 1997, in the capacity as National Focal Point of NETTLAP for India. The meeting was to identify and develop ways in which Regional Initiatives such as NETTLAP can assist developing countries of the Region to establish and sustain National Level Activities in Environmental training at Tertiary Level Institutions. The proposal ‗National Partnerships in Environmental Training (NPET) – India prepared by us served as a model to other member countries of NETTLAP to follow. ****** 12 Annexure – II Significant achievements to the various works associated with included:1. Environmental Policy planning and coordination for prevention and control of pollution Actively involved in policy planning and coordination for environmental protection including promotion of research, pollution prevention and control. Involved in implementation of the Policy Statement for Abatement of Pollution through various schemes such as environmental audit and management systems, waste minimization, environmental statistics and mapping, zoning atlas for siting of industries, abatement of pollution in critically polluted areas, monitoring of control of pollution in 17 categories of heavily polluting industries, implementation of the scheme on Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) in clusters of small scale industries, environmental epidemiological studies, environmental pollution monitoring, green belt for abatement of pollution and environmental improvement in selected cities, vehicular pollution control, noise pollution control, environmental impact assessment of industry sector projects etc. Associated with the preparation of National Action Plan for pollution control and prevention and its implementation through respective SPCBs. Actively involved in various policy issues relating to urban air pollution including pollution from vehicles. Involved in policy issues relating to environmental clearance process including its reengineering. Coordinated with the Central and SPCBs in implementation of various programmes relating to pollution prevention and control. Coordinated with the concerned Ministries, Central and SPCBs for effective implementation of various measures for control of vehicular pollution in major cities. Coordinated the negotiations with various bi-lateral and multilateral and also external aid agencies for various projects relating to environment protection including pollution control and prevention. Coordinated with the World Bank, CPCB and I.C. Division of MoEF for Zoning Atlas sub-component of the EMCB Project. Coordinated the work relating to Loss of Ecology (prevention and payment of compensation) Authority for the State of Tamil Nadu, administrative matters pertaining to CPCB and National Environmental Appellate Authority, financial assistance to the SPCBs/PCCs under the scheme ―Assistance for abatement of pollution‖ and reimbursement of water cess collection to the SPCBs/PCCs. Coordinated with the work relating to preparation of X th Five Year Plan proposals pertaining to CP Division and the budgetary requirements of CP Division and CPCB including preparation of annual action plans and budgetary allocations. 2. Environmental Audit: - Sectors specific environmental audit reports in respect of sugar, distillery, aluminum, copper and zinc smelter, cement plants, sulphuric acid plants, thermal power, tannery, pulp and paper, drugs and pharmaceuticals were got prepared through concerned expert 13 institutions and the same were disseminated to the concerned industry associations and SPCBs and also through sector specific environmental audit training programmes/workshops. - Sector-wise environmental audit training programmes were got conducted through expert institutions and concerned industry associations. - A publication ―Environmental Audit update‖ was brought out through Waterfalls Institute of Technology Transfer for dissemination information relating to various success stories on environmental audit and thus promoting environmental audit as a self regulatory mechanism and help the concerned industries to have information on the latest developments on the subject. - An action plan for effective implementation of environmental audit as a management tool in Indian industry was prepared. - A project ―Comprehensive approach for environmental audit‖ was prepared and sponsored to CPCB for conducting analysis, evaluation and assessment of information given in the environmental statement sector-wise in the 17 categories of highly polluting industries. This project aims at bringing out information relating to inter and intra-firm comparison of consumption of resources, waste generation and thus evolving a bench marking based on better performing industry. 3. Waste Minimization in Small Scale Industries - Served as Nodal Officer for implementation of the project ―Waste minimization in small scale industries‖ through the National Productivity Council as nodal agency under the Industrial Pollution Prevention Project of the World Bank. The aim of this project was to empower the industry to take on waste minimization on their own without any external help on a continual basis through group efforts. - Promoted waste minimization initiatives in Indian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) through the concept of Waste Minimization Circles (WMCs) under the cleaner production policy framework of the MoEF. - Successfully established the WMC concept as a viable participatory mechanism for adoption by small and medium scale enterprises and thus deriving economic and environmental benefits simultaneously. - Waste minimization capacity was built through conduction of IO WMC Facilitator Training Programmes. A total of 168 personnel from 112 organisations were imparted training. Of these, 103 numbers of organisations were selected for establishing WMCs and of these 45 organisations were involved in establishing WMCs. Further, over 1500 participants from WMCs were trained through awareness and training workshops. Also another over 3000 participants from non-WMC number industries have gained insights on these concepts through the awareness and information dissemination workshops. - A total of 118 Waste Minimization Circles (WMCs) were established covering 41 sectors across 17 States benefiting more than 500 SMEs participating in the project as WMC member units. - A Training Package for WMC facilitators has been prepared as a comprehensive package. - A total of 15 issues (quarterly) of WMC Newsletter have been published for wider dissemination of project related information and technical case studies to the project participants and various institutions. - The development of audio-visual film on the WMC concept has been undertaken. 14 - The WMC website has been launched. It is accessible at the URL: This serves as a suitable medium to spread the message on WM and WMC for the benefit of SMEs and other professional and stakeholders. - A total of 35 WMC Achievement Fact-sheets developed and these indicate financial and environmental benefits being realized by industries participating in the project. - The unique mechanism of public – private and industry partnership lead to widespread process improvements, equipment modifications and technology up gradation initiatives in the participating industries in different sectors. - Over 450 Waste Minimization options were identified by the members of WMCs in different sectors. Of these, over 250 WM options were implemented. This resulted in economic gains of approximately Rs.9.0 crores per annum as savings and yield improvement etc. to the project participants as against their voluntary investment of over Rs.10.0 crores for implementing WM options and undertaking technology modifications. This also resulted in environmental benefits and resource conservation. The aggregate environmental benefits from the WMCs include reduction in water consumption (10-35%) reduction in electricity consumption (15-20%), reduction in fossil fuel consumption (10-20%), reduction in raw material and chemical consumption (10-20%), reduction in waste water generation (10-30%), reduction in air emissions (510%), reduction in solid waste generation (5-20%) and yield improvement (2-5%). - Training and awareness programmes and short duration educational workshops for personnel in small industry development organization (SIDO) and for entrepreneur in selected sectors were conducted through DC:SSI. - General guideline manual on waste minimization from waste to profits, sector specific manuals on waste minimization in respect of pulp and paper based on agricultural residue, pesticide formulations and electroplating were got prepared. - Studies on waste minimization and demonstration in selected sectors viz., tanneries, edible oil industry, dye and dye-intermediate industries, bulk drug industries, textile processing units etc. were got conducted. These studies led to sector-wise guidelines for conducting waste audits and thus leading to resource conservation, reduction in waste generation and accruing economic gains. 4. Environmental Statistics and Mapping : Environmental Atlas for the metro cities and major cities in the country depicting pollution data relating to air, water, soil and noise along with their trends was got prepared by the CPCB. The atlas was helpful in understanding the trends of environmental quality in the metro cities in the country and served as an information base. Studies on Geochemical base line mapping for environmental management in the Cauvery basin was initiated through NGRI, Hyderabad. A project on ―Integrated Coastal Environmental Management Plan for the zones located in east Godavari and Visakhapatnam district was successfully completed through EPTRI, Hyderabad. 5. Coal Beneficiation A Notification on use of beneficiated, raw, or blended coal with an ash content not exceeding 34% by the thermal power plants based on the distance criteria was brought out under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. 6. Critically Polluted Areas Interacted with the CPCB and SPCBs for preparing status reports and action plans for the identified 24 critically polluted areas. Also participated in Review Meetings of 15 the CPCB to review the progress of implementation of the action plans in respect of identified critically polluted areas. 7. Vehicular Pollution Control Coordinated the work relating to vehicular pollution control with the CPCB and the concerned Ministries/Departments. Following are the major achievements : Emission standards for on-road vehicles and mass emission standards for new vehicles have been notified. Lead in gasoline has been phased out from I st January, 1999 in the entire NCR Delhi and in the entire country from 1.2.2000. Diesel with 0.25 per cent sulphur maximum content is supplied from 1.1.2000 in the entire country. Low sulphur fuel (petrol and diesel) with 0.05 per cent sulphur content maximum has been introduced in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chhennai. Petrol with 1% benzen maximum has been introduced in NCT of Delhi with effect from 1.11.2000 and 1.1.2001 in Mumbai. Bharat Stage-II norms for private non-commercial vehicles are effective from 1.4.2000 in Delhi, from 1.1.2001 in Mumbai and from 1.7.2001 in Kolkata and Chennai. Bharat Stage-II norms for vehicles with GVW exceeding 3500 kg have been made effective from 24.10.2000 in Delhi and Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai from 31.10.2001. Emission norms for CNG driven vehicles have been made effective from 9.2.2000. Mass emission standards for LPG driven vehicles have been notified. A road map for implementation of vehicular emission norms and auto fuel quality in the country as recommended by Mashelkar Committee has been accepted. 8. Zoning Atlas Spatial environmental planning has been introduced with an objective to incorporate environmental aspects in the planning stage of the developmental activities. The project is being implemented by the Central Pollution Control Board. As a Nodal Officer dealt with the component of zoning atlas for siting of industries under the Environment Management Capacity Building Technical Assistance Project from 1998 to September 2002 which covered the following sub-components: i ii iii. iv. v. Zoning Atlas for siting of industries – District-wise Industrial Estate Planning Guidelines for siting of industries – State wise Environmental Planning of urban areas Establishment of Environment Planning Studios/Infrastructure /Centres. vi. vii. Human Resource Development in Spatial Environmental Planning Project planning/coordination The activities in connection with the above project included coordination with the IC Division of this Ministry, CPCB and the World Bank and release of grants to CPCB and participating in review meetings. The major achievements under this project include the following: 16 (a) Infrastructure Strengthening - A Centre for Spatial Environmental Planning with full-fledged GIS facilities and infrastructure has been set up at CPCB. Similar Centres at selected SPCBs and other executing agencies involved have been set up. - Funds to the extent of Rs.3.5 crores have got earmarked for the construction of a separate building for Environmental Planning Centre at the premises of CPCB. - A model centre was constructed at Himachal Pradesh with GTZ support based on CPCB design inputs. Designs for centres were also provided by CPCB at the Pollution Control Boards of Bihar, Orissa and Maharashtra. - High end PC, printer, colour printer-cum copier, UPS, CD writer, LCD projector, internet connections, digitiser, plotter and GIS software (Arc Info, Arc view) were installed in different SPCBs/executing agencies involved in the project. - Facilitated in continuation of the scheme Spatial Environmental Planning during the 10th Plan with an outlay of Rs.30.0 crores. (b) Human Resource Development (i) A comprehensive Human Resource Development Programme with the support of CDG, Germany (Grant of Rs.3.5 crores) was prepared. This is for catering to various target groups relevant to spatial environmental planning in India. (ii) A Spatial Environmental Planning network (SEP-net) has been formed with nine training institutions in India for undertaking the identified training programmes. A logo for the HRDP and a brochure were developed. (iii) A website on the programme has been launched ( and each training institute has a web page which is maintained by themselves. (iv) Three Training Programmes were conducted with SEP-net. Teams in SPCBs of Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Orissa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, EPTRI were fully trained on GIS. (v) Several awareness programmes and workshops were conducted. (vi) Overseas training in Germany for three teams from CPCB/SPCBs/MoEF/training institutions/development authorities etc. were conducted. The teams included officers working at middle as well as senior levels. About 30 people were trained. (vii) A Quality Assurance Manual has been developed. (viii) The course evaluation methods were worked out and tested. (c) Environmental Atlas of India Environmental Atlas – A compilation of all the environmentally related Environmental information presented in the form of maps and texts including statistical data was published by CPCB. (d) State-wise Mapping of Environmentally Sensitive Zones and Industrial Sites. Work has been completed in 18 States of Bihar, Meghalaya, Kerala, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Assam, Manipur, Maharashtra, Jammu & Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu. Studies in Punjab and Rajasthan are in progress. (e) Zoning Atlas for Siting of Industries 17 Preparation district-wise zoning atlases for siting of industries in 142 districts covering twenty one States and one Union Territory has been taken up by CPCB. Of these, Zoning Atlas for 86 Districts completed. Draft Reports for 34 Districts completed and for 21 Districts the reports are at final stage of completion. (f) Industrial Estate Planning Industrial Estate Planning Studies in 22 sites covering sixteen States have been taken up. Studies in respect of 12 sites have been completed. A pilot programme for developing 5 sites as Eco-Industrial Estates with the technical support of GTZ was taken up. A manual outlining the concept and preparation of industrial estate planning maps was prepared. (g) Regional Planning Studies Regional Planning Studies for Jalpaiguri District of West Bengal and the entire State of Tripura have been completed. (h) Environmental Management Plans for Urban Areas Environmental Management Plan studies for Kanpur, Agra, Indore, Bhubaneswar, Chennai and were completed. (i) Environmental Management Plan for Mining Areas Studies on environmental management plans for Korba coal mining area (MP), and Satna limestone belt (MP) were completed. (j) Environmental Management Plans for Tourism Areas Studies on preparation of EMP for Bakel Fort (Kerala) and Macleodganj (HP) were completed. (k) Environmental Management Plan for Environmentally Fragile Areas Preparation of EMP for Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve located in Madhya Pradesh was completed. (l) Mapping of Polluted areas A pilot study to create an inventory of industries in the State of West Bengal based on GIS was completed. (m) Urban Environmental Information System Urban environmental information system (urb-envis) for providing information in the form of local environment report covering the status of socio-economic, development and environment has been taken up. These reports are being prepared by the participating municipalities viz., Chennai, Bhubaneswar, Indore etc. (n) Contribution of Zoning Atlas programme towards India - Pollution Control in The project lead to significant awareness on the need for using environmental planning and mapping as an important decision-making process on planning of developmental activities and protection of environment. 18 - Several SPCBs have issued internal orders to ensure usage of Zoning Atlas for issuing NOCs/site clearances (Bihar, Orissa, Tripura, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh etc.). 16 NOCs for siting of industries from environmental angle were refused for unsuitable industries by the Kerala PCB. NOCs were also refused in Orissa, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh based on zoning atlas. The Zoning Atlas was used in Himachal Pradesh, Orissa and Tripura for identifying candidate sites for hazardous waste disposal. In East Godavari District (AP), a new site (other than that already acquired) identified based on the zoning atlas studies by the AP Industrial Infrastructure Corporation. Significant environmental improvement was achieved by implementing the ―Environmental Management Plan – Kanpur Urban Area‖ by the Kanpur Development Authority. The State Industrial Policy brought out by the UP Government includes Zoning Atlas as a strategy for ensuring transparent, speedy and reliable decision on site clearances. The site suitability assessments were done for Kutch for the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation by the Gujarat SPCB, using the Zoning Atlas techniques. - - - - 9. Green Belt for Abatement of Pollution Coordinated the project ―Green Belt for Abatement of Pollution‖ in five corporations and 102 municipalities in Tamil Nadu sponsored to the Tamil Nadu Government, attended the Steering Committee Meetings as Member of the Committee and ensured the successful completion of the project. About 2,94,000 saplings in five corporations and about 3,00,000 saplings in 102 municipalities were planted. 10. Environmental Management System Prepared a scheme ―Environmental Management System for Indian Industry‖. This included applicability of the scheme to selected categories of industries, requirements for certification of industries, certification body requirements, registration requirements of certification bodies with MoEF and MoEF functions in implementation of the scheme. The aim of the scheme was to combine the system improvements with effective legislative and regulatory compliance including effective monitoring of compliance of environmental clearance conditions. 11. Eco-city Programme (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Actively associated in developing and launching of the eco-city scheme in selected towns/cities for sustainable development on sound ecological principles. A separate scheme ―Eco-cities‖ with a budget of Rs.15 crores got included in the Xth Plan as one of the plan schemes of CPCB. Involved in preparing a strategy paper detailing the concept, its scope, criteria for selection of towns to be covered, projects to be covered, execution mechanism and the work plan for 2002-07. As a Member of the Eco-city Advisory Committee constituted by the CPCB, attended the meetings and contributed towards preparation of the implementation strategy document. A project formulation workshop with the municipalities of the selected towns, SPCBs and a few financial institutions was conducted through CPCB on 25th July, 2002 for identifying the potential environmental 19 improvement projects to be covered under the eco-city scheme and finalising the eco-city project implementation strategy. 12. (vi) To begin with 12 towns have been included under the scheme and projects have been identified for taking up implementation in order to achieve environmental improvement. (vii) Launched Kottayam – Kumarakom Ecocity Project with MOU signed between the Government of Kerala, MoEF, ECOSMART INDIA LTD., and Kottayam Municipality. This project was to serve as a pilot project to undertake similar projects in other parts of the country. This programme envisaged conduct of detailed studies to identify components of an environmental management plan and then implement them professionally through a mix of public and private participation. Environmental Impact Assessment Presently, dealing with environmental impact assessment of industry sector projects from September 2002. This work interalia involves appraisal of industry projects requiring environmental clearance under the EIA Notification, 1994 and monitoring compliance of conditions to the projects to which clearances have been granted. Also serving as Member-Secretary, Expert Committee (Industry Projects). In addition to regular work relating to appraisal of industrial projects, special attention is devoted to streamlining of environmental clearance procedures and improving the quality of appraisal. Also involved in bringing amendments to EIA Notification, 1994. Dealing with the subjects relating to Special Economic Zone/Export Promotion Zone, approvals of FIPB, subjects relating to SCOS Meetings and policy issues relating to environmental clearance process. Also dealt with the subject relating to ecologically sensitive areas. The major achievements include: - Participated extensively in the discussions for re-engineering of environmental clearance process. Also participated in the meetings of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion for preparing the road map on the subject. A Draft Environment Impact Assessment Notification was inviting objections/comments from affected individuals was published in the Gazette of India on 15 th September, 2005. Actively involved in further follow-up on finalization of the draft notification based the comments/objections received. - A notification declaring Matheran and its surrounding region covering an area of 214.73 sq. km. As ecologically sensitive zone was issued under the EP Act for regulating developmental activities. - Streamlined environmental clearance process by making amendments to EIA notification, 1994 and by internal administrative order. These include : - RE-Engineering of Environmental Clearance Process Contributed significantly in bringing out the New EIA Notification dated 14 th September, 2006 to make the environmental clearance process more efficient transparent and to de-centralize. Appreciation of Work 20 Appreciation by Network for Environmental Training at Tertiary Level in Asia and Pacific (NETTLAP) of UNEP – ROAP, Bangkok for having worked as National Focal Point of India for NETTLAP Programme. Also, appreciation by the World Bank Group for successfully designing implementing and evaluating the study on Waste Minimization circles programme under the World Bank added Industrial Pollution Prevention Project (copies enclosed). ****** 21 Annexure - III Professional Training 1. Deputed to the then Federal Republic of Germany for Advanced Professional training in the field of Industrial Pollution Prevention during the period from 4.5.1990 to 5.5.1991. This included German Language Course of 4 ½ months and actual training of 7 months which was inclusive of theoretical and practical aspects of the training. The practical training included visits to various industries, waste recycling units, solid and hazardous waste disposal sites, solid waste treatment plants (incineration) and hazardous waste sorting and treatment with testing and Research Laboratories and air pollution monitoring equipment manufacturing units. 2. Deputed to the Regional Technical Workshop on the protection of the Marine Environment and Related Ecosystem held at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok during 20-28 February, 1984. Presented a country paper ‗State of Marine Environment and Related Ecosystems.‘ 3. Deputed to the Asian Regional Workshops on Mangrove Ecosystem held at Manila during April 30th May to 2nd June 1984. Presented a Country Report on ‗Mangrove Ecosystem‘. 4. Deputed to participate in the UNDP/UNSTAT Workshop on Natural Resources & Environmental Accounting held in Beijing on 22-23 April, 1993. Presented a Paper on ‗Natural Resources Accounting – A Framework for India‘. 5. Deputed to attend the First Regional Consultative Meeting on Environmental training at Tertiary Level in Asia & Pacific held at Bangkok, Thailand from 13-14 December, 1993 in the capacity as National focal Point of NETTLAP for India. In this meeting, I had participated and elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Committee and conducted the proceedings of the meeting. 6. Deputed to attend the Second Regional Consultative Meeting on Environmental training at Tertiary Level in Asia and Pacific held at Bangkok, Thailand from 20-22 November, 1995 in the capacity as National Focal Point of NETTLAP for India. Elected as Chairperson of the meeting and conducted the proceedings of the Agenda and helped in finalising the recommendations and report of the Meet. In this meeting, a Presentation on ‗Tertiary Level Environmental Educators‘ Training – Some considerations in the context of NETTLAP‘ was made. In this Presentation, the approach suggested was to set up a National Network for Partners in Environmental Training (NPET) at Tertiary Level. The strategy suggested was to adopt the stakeholder initiated bottom up approach as a method of strengthening universities and training curricula so that the community and the local needs for environmental training are recognized and addressed. Based on this Presentation, the Consultative Committee at its meeting suggested that a Project Proposal for the establishment of National Partnerships on Environmental Training be prepared by India for funding by the interested agencies/organisations by convening a National Consultative Forum with the financial support of UNEP/ROAP Bangkok. As a follow up of this, a National Consultative Forum was convened at the Centre for Environmental Studies, Anna University, Chennai during 1-2 February, 1996. Subsequently, a detailed project proposal for establishing National Partnership in Environmental Training – NPET, India has been prepared for funding by UNDP. 7. Deputed to attend the Third Regional Consultative Meeting on Environmental training at Tertiary Level in Asia and Pacific held at Pattaya, Thailand on September 2-3, 1997, in the capacity as National Focal Point of NETTLAP for India. The meeting was to identify and develop ways in which Regional Initiatives such as NETTLAP can assist developing countries of the Region to establish and sustain National Level Activities in Environmental training at Tertiary Level Institutions. The proposal ‗National Partnerships in Environmental Training (NPET) – India prepared by us served as a model to other member countries of NETTLAP to follow. 8. Deputed to attend the Regional Conference ―Professional Development of Environmental managers : A Vision for the 21st Country‘ at Pattaya, Thailand from December 10-13, 1996. 22 Participated actively, chaired one of the Sessions and presented a Paper entitled ‗Partnerships in Environmental training – Indian Approach.‘ 9. Deputed to attend the Training Workshop on Environmental Audit for Waste Minimisation – held at Bangkok from 2-4 December, 1997 organized by ESCAP. Elected as Chairperson of the Workshop and conducted the proceedings and helped in finalising the recommendations. The draft audit manual prepared by the ESCAP was reviewed in the Workshop and the same was finalized by the ESCAP in the light of the comments made in the Workshop. 10. Deputed to participate in the Workshop on cleaner production in Pulp and Paper organized by Network for Industrial Environmental Management (NIEM), UNEP/ROAP, Bangkok during April, 1997. Participated as Resource Person and shared the Indian experience of promoting Waste Minimisation/cleaner production in SMEs. 11. Deputed to participate in the OECD Workshop on Development Assistance and Technology Cooperation for Cleaner Industrial Production in Developing Countries held at Hannover, Germany during 28-30 September, 1996. Presented a Paper on ‗Cleaner Technologies of Industrial Production‘. 12. Deputed to participate in the training-cum-visit on Environmental Management and land based Natural Resource Planning in Germany from 16.11.1998 to 11.12.1998 under the Zoning Atlas Component of the Environment Management Capacity Building Technical Assistance Project of the World Bank. Participated as Leader of the Group. 13. Deputed as Group Leader of the Indian Delegation of the U.S. Study Tour to selected U.S. Environment Protection Agency Laboratories during 9-24 August, 2002. As part of the study tour also attended the 18th Annual Waste Testing & Quality Assurance System Conference held during 11-15 August at Airlington, U.S.A. Also attended One Day Workshop at the World Bank office on 16.8.2002 to review and finalise the Laboratory Guidance Manual for Pollution Control Boards prepared under the IPP Project of the World Bank. 23 Annexure - IV Publications 1. Eco-development of arid lands in India with non-agricultural economic plants – A holistic approach. Plants for Arid Lands. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, 243-265, 1985. (with T.N. Khoshoo). 2. Conservation of Biological Diversity, In Dr. B.P. Pal 80 th Birth Day Felicitation volume, ICAR, New Delhi, 1986. (with T.N. Khoshoo). 3. State of Marine Environment and Related Ecosystems – Paper presented at Regional technical Workshop on the Protection of the Marine Environment and related ecosystems. Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, 20-28 February, 1984. 4. Mangrove Ecosystem – A Country Report presented at Asian Regional Workshop on Mangrove Information, Manila, Philippines, April 30 – May 2, 1984 (with P.K. Banerjee). 5. Breeding System in Guayule (Parthenium argentaum Gray). Paper presented at ―Consultation on Biomass Production‖. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow 23.04.1982. 6. Guayyule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) – Rubber Plant for Semi-arid lands. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, 1983 (With G.S. Srivastava). 7. Air Pollution and Plants – A State-of-Art Report, Department of Environment, New Delhi 1985. (Edited with D.K. Biswas, D.N. Rao and C.K. Varshney). 8. Evolution of Garden Nymphaeas, Curr. Sci. 53 : 360-365, 1984 Khoshoo). (With T.N. 9. Cytogenetics of Cultivated Nymphaeas II.Induced Hexaploidy and Restoration of Fertility in a Sterile Triploid. The nucleus, 24, 56-60, 1981 With T.N. Khoshoo). 10. Meiotie behaviour in Nymnphaea x daubeniana Hort. Indian J. Hort., 1980. 11. A trisomic Nymphaea Hybrid, Curr. Science, 48:34-35, 1979. 12. 13. 37:314-315, Intraspecific Polyplidy in Costus Speciosus Sm. Curr. Science, 47:434-436, 1978. Cytological studies in the genus Costus L. Cytologia 51:737-748, T.N. Khoshoo). 1986. (With 14. Chromosomal Polymorphism and morphological diversity in Garden races of Phlox drummondii Hook Cytologia, 47:6371, 1982 (With K.J. Madhusoodanan, and M.A. Nazeer). 15. Translocation Heterozygosity in Phlox drummondii Hook, Cytologia 46:301-305, 1981 (With K.J. Madhusoodanan and M.A. Nazeer). 16. Intraspecific variation in chromosome Phenotype and meiotic system in Lathyrus odoratus L. Cytologia 47:287-293, 1982. (With M.A. Nazeer and D. Ohri). 17. A case of Trisomy in Lathyrus Odoratua L. Curr. Sci., 48:1086-1 087, 1979. (With M.A. Nazeer and D. Ohri). 18. Triploid Ageratum hybrid Curr. Sci., 50: 97-98,1981. (With M.A. Madhusoodanan and D. Ohri). 24 Nazeer, K.J. 19. Cytology of Pentapetes Phoenicea Linn. Cell and Chromosome News Letter, 3:48-49, 1980. (With M.A. Nazeer and D. Ohri). 20. B-Chromosome in Lineria bipartite Wild. Curr. Sci., 49:448-449, 1980. Nazeer and D. Ohri). (With M.A. 21. Natural Tetraploidy in Calecolaria hyesopifolia HBK. Cell and Chromosome News Letter. 5:30-31, 1982. (With R.M. Pandey). 22. Noise Pollution – A State–of-Art Report, Department of Environment, Forests and Wildlife, New Delhi (Edt.) 1988. 23 Natural Resources Accounting – A framework for India. Paper presented at UNDP/UNSTAT Workshop on Natural Resources and Environmental Accounting held in Beijing, 22-23 April, 1993. 24. Cleaner Technologies of Industrial Production. Paper presented at OECD Workshop for Cleaner Industrial Production in Developing Countries held at Hannover during 28-30 September, 1994. 25. Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes Management – Opening Address delivered at NETTLAP Resources Development Workshop for Education and Training at Tertiary Level in the Management of Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes. UNEP/ROAP, Bangkok, NETTLAP Publication No.9, 1994 pp.32- 26. Waste Minimisation circles – A novel approach by MoEF to promote pollution prevention in Small Scale Industries. In Green Business Opportunities, Confederation of Indian Industry, 1995. 27. Cleaner technologies for industrial production. In Resource Volume for Tertiary Level Education and Training in the Management of Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Waste. UNEP, NETTLAP, Bangkok, Thailand. Publication No.12, pp 89-98, 1995. 28. Two Course Units : Unit 424-6: Indian Environmental Legislation and Regulatory Agencies. Unit 424-7:Environmental Audit. Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Education & Management, Centre for Distance Education & Management, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, 1995. 29. Industrial Audit for Waste Minimisation. In proceedings of the Workshop on Industrial Audit for Waste Minimisation, ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand, 1997. 30. Indian Environmental Legislation and Pollution Prevention In study material for Sri Lankan Team, NPC, New Delhi, 31. Promotion of cleaner technologies of industrial production and the concept of waste minimisation – Government Policies and Initiatives. Proceedings of the Workshop on Cleaner Production in Pulp and Paper Mills. UNEP/ROAP, Bangkok and CPCB, New Delhi, 1997. 32. Partnerships in Environmental Training – Indian Approach. In Professional Development of Environmental Managers: A vision for the 21st Century. Hay, J.E., Ponniah, W. and M. Pradhan (eds) Network for Environmental Training at Tertiary Level in Asia and the Pacific (NETTLAP), Report No.19, UNEP/ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 219-225, 1997.(With Dr. K.R. Ranganathan). 33. Promotion of waste minimisation/cleaner production – Government Policies and Initiatives - Paper contributed for resource material on Training Package for 5 Day Training Programme of facilitators development for waste minimisation circles 25 Initiatives in 1996. India. organized by NPC under the prevention project, 2002. 34. World Bank assisted industrial pollution Waste Minimisation Circles in SSIs-Future Strategies–Paper presented in the workshop on strengthening of waste minimisation circles project under Industrial Pollution Prevention Project of the World Bank, organised by the National Productivity Council, New Delhi on 8th August, 2002. Academic achievements, CERTIFICATE AWARDED Awarded certificate of training for successfully completing the EARA approved Advanced Environmental Management System Auditing Course (U.K.) and achieved 80.7% of marks. PAPERS PRESENTED IN SEMINARS/CONFERENCES 1. Environmental Audit – Government perspective – Paper presented at two day training programme on environmental audit and waste minimisation in pesticide industry. Organised by FICCI at New Delhi during 26-28 February, 1998. 2. Industrial audit for waste minimisation – Paper presented at 3 day training programme on environmental audit and improvement of environmental performance in pulp and paper sector. Organized by Indian Agro Paper Mills Association at Aurangabad during 6-8 March, 1998. 3. Industrial audit for waste minimisation – Paper presented at 3 day training programme on environmental audit and improvement of environmental performance in pulp and paper sector. Organized by Indian Agro Paper Mills Association at Rajahmandry during 11-13 January, 1999 and at Vapi during 28-30 January, 1999. 4. Promotion of Cleaner technologies of industrial production and the concept of waste minimization – Government policies and initiatives – Paper presented at the workshop on Cleaner Production in Pulp and Paper Mills organized by UNEP and CPCB at Nagpur during 14-16 Feb., 1999. 5. Environmental Audit and Waste Minimisation – Government Policies and Initiatives – Paper presented at 3 day training programme on environmental audit and waste minimization in pulp and paper mills organized by Indian Agro Paper Mills Association during 29-30 January, 2000 at Coimbatore. 6. Environmental Management System for Indian Industry – Key Note Address delivered at One Day Seminar on Environmental Management System organized by the Centre for Environmental Sciences, Anna University at Chennai during 18th February, 2000. 7. Participated in the panel discussion of One Day Appreciation Programme on Integrated Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (ISO 14001/OHSAS – 18001) and experience sharing on ISO 14001 organized by Environmental Quality Management Systems Ltd. at New Delhi during 14 .3.2000. 8. Promotion of cleaner production and the concept of waste minimization in small and medium scale enterprises – Some initiatives - Paper presented at the workshop on Technologies for treatment of waste water from textile, dyeing industries – Limitations and future scope for improvement. Organized jointly by the Ministry of Environment and Forests and Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi on 26th Aug., 2000 at New Delhi. 26 9. Environmental Management System (EMS) – GOI Initiatives – Key Note Address delivered at Workshop on ISO-14000 series on environmental standards organized by the PHD Commerce and Industries at Bhopal on 9th August, 2000. 10. Participated as a resource person in a three day planning workshop on Human Resource Development Programme in the field of Spatial Environmental Planning organized jointly by the MoEF, World Bank, CDG, GTZ and CPCB during 5-7th December, 2000 at New Delhi. 11. Promotion of waste minimization/cleaner production – Government Policies and Initiatives – Paper written for resource material – Training package – 5 day training programme of facilitators development for waste minimization circles organized by NPC under the World Bank Industrial Pollution Prevention Project. 12. Industrial Pollution Control and Prevention – Government Policies and Initiatives – Paper presented as resource person in three five day training programmes for development of facilitators for establishing and running waste minimization circles under the World Bank assisted Industrial Pollution Prevention project organized by National Productivity Council during July 2001. 13. Waste Minimisation Circles in SSIs – Future strategies – Paper presented in the workshop on strengthening of waste minimization circles project and industrial pollution prevention project of the World Bank organized by the National Productivity Council on 8 th August, 2002. 14. Participated as Team Leader of the Indian Delegation of the US Study Tour to selected US Environmental Protection Agency Laboratories during 9-24 August, 2002. As part of the study tour attended the 18th Annual Waste Testing and Quality Assurance Systems Conference held during 11-15th August, 2002 at Airlington, USA. Also attended one day workshop at the World Bank Office on 6.8.2002 to review and finalise the Laboratory Guidance Manual for Pollution Control Boards prepared under the IPP Project of the World Bank. 15. Environment Impact Assessment – Lecture delivered to Post Graduate Students in TERI, New Delhi and to Teachers‘ from Colleges of Delhi University and Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi organized by Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi-2005. 16. Revised Environmental Clearance Process – presentation made in the Seminar organized by CII, New Delhi-2005. 17. Environment Impact Assessment and sustainable development – Paper presented at the National Seminar held in New Delhi organized by the Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad – 2005. 18. Re-Engineered Environmental Clearance Process – Presented in a series workshops organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry in association with the Ministry of Environment and Forests during 2006 – 2007. ****** 27 Curriculum Vitae NAME : DR. NALINI BHAT DESIGNATION : Adviser Ministry of Environment and Forests Government of India New Delhi EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND : TRAINING : M.Sc.(Physics), Ph.D in Environmental Sciences Asian Institute Of Technology (AIT), BANGKOK AND International Institute for Applied System Analysts (IIASA), Vienna, Austria She has to her credit National and International publications relating to environmental matters. WORK EXPERIENCE : Working in the Ministry of Environment and Forests for last more than 20 years. She has handled assignments in the areas relating to Environmental Impact Assessment, Control of Pollution, Setting up of Environmental Standards, Air Quality Management, Source Apportionment Studies etc. ……. 28 CURRICULUM-VITAE 1. Name : Rajinder Mehta 2. Date of Birth : 27.05.1952 3. Designation : Advisor 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order) : Name of the Certificate/ Diploma/Degree along with subjects 1. Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University (BHU) Year Class 1973 I 2. PG Diploma in Journalism (Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Delhi) 1981 II 3. PG Diploma in Environmental Science and Technology (IHE, Delft, The Netherlands) 1983 Distinction 5. Statutory Qualifications : 1. Second Class Mine Manager‘s Certificate of Competency for Metalliferous Mines 2. First Class Mine Manager‘s Certificate of Competency for Metalliferous Mines 6. Area(s) of Specialization : Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management of Mining Projects 7. Working Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Designation Environment Education Advisor Period Items of works handled / being handled From To 08.01.2008 till date Entire work of EE Division 15.12.2005 08.01.2008 Entire work of EE and RE Divisions 18.11.2004 15.12.2005 Entire work of EE and RE Divisions and Environmental Economics Cell including Trade & Environment 12.03.2004 18.11.2004 Entire work of RE Division, Trade & Environment, Following work of EE Division : - World Bank aided project on Environment Education - Other Awareness Programmes - GLOBE 01.01.2003 12.03.2004 29 Trade & Environment, Following work of EE Division : - Environment Education Environmental Information Director Environment Education 8. January, 1996 August , 1995 31.12.2002 Addl. Director October, 1991 August, 1995 EO, SEO & PSO EO January, 1982 to October, 1978 September, 1991 December, 1981 Addl. Director January, 1996 World Bank aided project on Environment Education - Other Awareness Programmes - GLOBE Entire work of EE Division (i) Centres of Excellence on Mine Environment and Ecology of Western Ghats (ii) 5 ENVIS Centres (iii) GLOBE Project (i) NEAC (ii) Paryavaran Vahini (iii) Eco-clubs (iv) Media (v) Grants-in-aid to Professional Societies (vi) Formal Education Environmental clearance of Mining Projects Environmental problems related to Mining & Metallurgical Industries Training undergone : In India : Date From 14.01.02 To 22.01.02 Duration Name of course Institution / Organisation 9 Days Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment(GLOBE) International Training Workshop Training conducted at New Delhi by International Team of Master Trainers from GLOBE Headquarters in USA Duration Name of course Institution / Organisation 26 Days UNEP/USSR Training course on Microbiological Leaching of Metals from Ores Centre of International Projects, USSR State Committee for Science & Technology, USSR & Bulgaria Abroad : Date From 24.05.82 To 18.06.82 9. Achievements : Publications (i) Compiled a book titled ―Environmental Management of Mining Operations‖. (ii) ―Mining and Environment‖ published in the souvenir brought out by Geological survey of India on the occasion of inauguration of a seminar on ―Earth Resources for Goa‘s Development‖ in 1981. (iii) ―Environmental Planning for Mining Operations‖ published in the proceedings of National Mineral Convention, 1981. (iv) A paper on ‗Laboratory Study of the Design of optimum rock-bolting in bedded strata‘ in proceedings of International Symposium on rock-bolting in Abisko, Sweden, August/September, 1983. (v) ―Reclamation in Abandoned Limestone Mines – A Case Study‖ presented at Indo-British Workshop on Mined Area Reclamation 30 held at New Delhi on March 19-20, 1986. (vi) ―Environmental Impact Assessment in India‖ presented at Workshop on Environment and Development at Oslo, Norway October 20-26, 1986. (vii) ―Suggestive Approach for Developing an Environmental Management Plan for Mining Operations‖ – presented at the National Workshop on Environmental Management of Mining Operations in India in 1987. (viii) ―Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure for Surface Mining Projects in India – A Status Review‖ – published in the Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, June, 1987. (ix) ―Importance of Environmental Impact Assessment – A Note‖ published in the book titled ‗Environmental Management of Mining Operations‘ edited by Dr. B.B. Dhar, Professor of Mining Engineering, BHU. Special Awards & Appreciations received (x) ―Environmental Awareness and Education – Strategy and Policy‖ presented at the International Workshop on Environmental Public Awareness and Education – Strategy and Policy held at Bangkok in June, 1999. (xi) ―Environment Education : Policies and Initiatives of the Ministry of Environment and Forests‖ presented at the Conference on Environment Education for the New Century held at Chennai in March, 2000. (i) Elected Regional Representative for Asia Pacific Region in the GLOBE International Advisory Committee(GIAC) in 2006. Elected Chairman of GIAC in 2008 for 2 years. (ii) 10. Membership of Professional Bodies : (i) (ii) Member of Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India Member of Mining Engineers‘ Association of India. 11. Any other relevant information, if any : Worked for five years in the Mining Industry (Pyrites Mines) in different capacities starting from Management Trainee to Manager of a Mine. Duties during this period included : 12. - Mine Planning & Design - Mine Management - Environmental Planning, - Environmental Monitoring, - Environmental Impact Assessment, - Air & Water Pollution Control - Industrial Work Study Address & E-mail Residential Official E-mail D-II/111, West Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi – 110 023. Room No. 543, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003., 31 CURRICULUM VITAE Name : SUBODH KUMAR SHARMA Date of Birth : MAY 14, 1950 Present post : Adviser & National Project Director (India‘s Initial National Communication to UNFCCC), Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003 Education Qualifications : B.Sc. (Hons.) 1971 Major Botany, Minor Chemistry and Zoology, University of Delhi M. Sc., 1973, University of Delhi Ph. D., 1979, University of Delhi LL.B., 1994, University of Delhi Areas of Specialization Please refer Item IV I. POSITIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS Presently serving as Adviser in the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India National Project Director, India‘s National Communication (Project) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. While serving as National Project Director, completed preparation of India‘s Report to United Nations (India‘s Initial National Communication to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). Coordinated the work of 131 research teams involving R&D institutions, Union Ministries and Departments, Universities, non-Governmental organisations across the country. Prepared a National Report which was submitted to United Nations towards fulfillment of India‘s obligations under the Climate Change Convention. Served as Advisor, National River Conservation Programme – a country wide national programme in India. Serving as National Focal Point for the IPCC. Serving as National Focal Point for the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research. II. POSITIONS HELD SO FAR Senior Scientific Officer (Gr. I) (March, 1982-June, 1983), Deptt. of Science & Technology/Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (now MNRE) Senior Environmental Officer (June 1983-1986) Principal Scientific Officer (1986-1991) Additional Director (1991-96) Director (1996-2001) Advisor (January, 2001- to date) During the above postings several schemes/programmes were assigned/dealt by the undersigned, important among those are : National Eco-development Board, Environmental Impact Assessment, Research and Development, GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change (served as a member of the IPCC Bureau during 1992-97); National Project Director – Asia Least Cost Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy (ALGAS) Project. III. CURRENT ASSIGNMENTS AND ACTIVITIES 32 Serving as Adviser and National Project Director for India‘s Second National Communication (NATCOM-II) to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). NATCOM-II is being prepared to fulfil India‘s commitment, being a party to the UNFCCC to furnish information relating to implementation of the Convention and inter alia involve preparation of information at the national level on inventory of greenhouse gas emissions from anthropogenic sources and removals by sinks; assessment of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. The four year activity was launched in 2007 and shall culminate in 2011. The NATCOM-II will require to be submitted as a report to UNFCCC Secretariat after due approval by the Union Cabinet in 2011. The work relating to preparation of NATCOM-II is underway and has completed two years of operations of the work programme involving countrywide network of research institutions, universities, non-governmental agencies with appropriate interface with various Ministries and Departments at the national level. A collaborative research project on climate change impacts and adaptation has been devised and has been launched on April 28, 2009. This is a collaborative research effort between the Government of UK and GOI. Serving as a Coordinator and Co-Chairman of the Joint Review Committee – the overseeing body for implementation of the research project. Serving as India‘s National Focal Point for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The IPCC is currently engaged in development of the contents of the Fifth Assessment Report on Climate Change inter alia on physical science basis; impacts, vulnerability and adaptation; and mitigation of climate change. Targeted to be brought out in 2014. IV. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE : 36 YEARS Associated with Research, Policy Planning, Coordination and Research and Development in the areas of multidisciplinary aspects of Climate Change, Environmental Protection, Conservation and Development. My major contributions have been in the areas of Research, Promotion of Research and Development, Teaching, Policy Planning, Coordination, Monitoring, International Cooperation in Science and Technology, etc. while serving in different capacities during 1973 – till date. CLIMATE CHANGE: Have wide experience of more than 15 years in multidisciplinary aspects of climate change inter alia greenhouse gas emission inventory, impacts, vulnerability assessment and adaptation; Represented Government of India as a member of Indian delegation for negotiations to Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, meetings of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advise and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since 1992; Represented India on the Bureau of Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a specialized UN-Body (1994-97); Co-Chairman of Sub-group of Working Group–II, Sub Group A of IPCC Second Assessment Report (1992-97); Elected Member from South Asia on the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) for National Communications from Parties not included in Annex-I of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – a technical group of experts appointed under the aegis of UNFCCC to assist developing countries in the preparation of their national communications. Served as Coordinator and Co-Chair of the Joint Review Committee of the Research Project wherein 8 R&D institutions participated in the assessment of impacts of projected climate change. The Climate Change and Energy Department of the Govt. of U.K. (erstwhile Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - DEFRA) is the nodal department in the Government of United Kingdom. Served and continuing as National Focal Point for IPCC. The work involves reviewing the reports of the IPCC received by the GOI for government review, besides 33 coordinating the work at the national level and also serving as an interface with the international level. Guest Editor for the special issue of Current Science 90; Climate Change and India containing 10 research papers from leading national and international scientists. Contributed to the work of the Expert Committee on Climate Change under the Chairmanship of Dr. R. Chidambaram, Principal Scientific Adviser to Government of India in the capacity as a Special Invitee to all its meetings. Assisted and contributed to the work relating to the Prime Minister‘s Council on Climate Change. Contributed to the development of the programme content of India‘s National Action Plan on Climate Change. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Have wide experience in Policy Planning, Coordination and Promotion of Research and Development in multidisciplinary aspects of S&T, Environmental Management – Protection, Conservation and Development. Served in various capacities in Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of New and Renewable Sources of Energy, Ministry of Environment & Forests in various areas such as Research & Development, Renewable Energy Sources, Technology, Environment Protection, Conservation and Development and climate change. Undertook formulation, development, implementation, coordination and monitoring of projects in the area of Bio-energy (Biomass) dealing with production and availability of Biomass, conversion of Biomass and Utilization of Biomass. Developed and coordinated implementation of research project on Conservation of Endangered Plant Species of high herbal/medicinal value, occurring in hill areas, with the objective of their sustainable utilization through Seed Biology and Tissue Culture Approaches.. Experience in handling problems with special reference to Population Biology of wild relatives of pulse crops and conservation of genetic resources. Was a Member of Agricultural Research Service (ARS) under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research) and posted at the Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, (December 20, 1978 –March 27, 1982) wherein acquired first hand knowledge of the Arid Land Ecosystems and problems of desertification. Conducted field research on Pasture Development for enhancing productivity of arid lands, especially drought prone areas. Have experience in dealing with problems related to Range management - primary and secondary productivity. Also conducted studies on identification, evaluation and introduction of fodder species in arid region. Associated with transfer of technology for adoption in the Rural ecosystems in arid lands especially for soil conservation and pasture development in various agro-climatic region of arid lands. V. TEACHING Associated with teaching and practical classes of Post Graduate level in Botany at University of Delhi, Delhi especially relating to Ecology and Plant Taxonomy during 1974-77. Taught under graduate B.Sc (Hons) level courses at University of Delhi, Delhi - Taxonomy, Economic Botany, Ecology, Genetics and lower plants during 1973 and 1977-78 while serving as Lecturer at Delhi College (now Zakir Hussain College). Served as guest Faculty at Department of Environmental Biology, South Campus, University of Delhi for teaching of M.Sc. (Environmental Biology). VI SPECIAL AWARDS Awarded a Citation by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for contributing to the award of NOBEL PEACE PRIZE for 2007 to the IPCC Awarded a citation signed by the Hon'ble Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, recognizing the contributions of the undersigned to the work of IPCC during 1992-2007. 34 Recipient of appreciation by Hon'ble Minister of State of Environment Shri Namo Narain Meena for contributors as a negotiator at the 13 th Session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held during December 1-13, 2007. VII. OTHERS Elected President and Vice-President of Delhi University Botanical Society. Undertook field trips to Eastern and Western Himalayas, Western Ghats, Central and Eastern India for exploration of wild population of Phaseolus and Vigna and other interesting leguminous plants of potential use. Accompanied trekking expeditions under the auspices of Delhi Mountaineering Association to Western Garhwal Himalayas, Valley of Flowers, etc. and Eastern Himalayas (Darjeeling, Gangtok, Kalimpong). VIII. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Published original Research Papers in International and National Scientific Journals; Prepared Monograph and contributed papers in Books/Seminar/ Conferences/Workshops held in India and abroad. Select list of Publications is given below: Sharma, Subodh K. 1973. Phyto-chemical evaluation of some taxa of the family Cyperaceae.(M.Sc. Thesis) University of Delhi. Sharma, Subodh K., Babu, C.R. and Johri, B.M. 1976. Population biology of Phaseolus sublobatus Roxb.(Leguminosae Papilionoideae) – phenotypic variability. J. Cytol. Genet. II : 101-106. Sharma, Subodh K. and Babu, C.R. 1977. Status of Plant Taxonomy in Indian Universities. In All India Symposium on Floristic Studies in India, Present Status and Future Strategies Survey of India, Calcutta, pp. 29-30. Babu, C.R., Sharma, Subodh K. and Johri, B.M. 1977. Phyto-chemistry: A perspective tool of systematic and Evolutionary biology. In Seminar: Progress of Botany during last decade (1965-75). Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. pp. 56-58. Sharma, Subodh K., Babu, C.R. and Johri, B.M. 1978 SEM studies on seed coat patterns of Phaseolus mungo radiatus sublobatus complex. Phytomorphology 27(1): 106-111. Johri, B.M., Babu, C.R. and Sharma, Subodh K. 1978. Population biology – an aid to study evolution in plants. Abstract to India Science Congress 1978. pp. 33-34 Johri, B.M., Babu, C.R. and Sharma, Subodh K. 1978. Tropical ecosystem – the need for study and conservation. Sci & Cult. 44: 12-14. Sharma, Subodh K., Babu, C.R. and Johri, B.M. 1981. Fruit dimorphism in – Phaseolus sublobatus Roxb. (Leguminosae – Papilionoideae) and its evolutionary significance. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 137: 67-72. Sharma, Subodh K., Babu, C.R. and Johri, B.M. 1983. SEM seed coat polymorphism in Phaseolus sublobatus – radiatus mungo complex. and its evolutionary significance. Proc.. Indian Natn. Sci. Acad 49B(1) : 41-49. Sharma, Subodh K. 1984. Enhancing Oil Production by Increasing Area under oil Palm Plantation – Environmental Aspects – Proceedings of National Seminar on Strategies for Increased Production of oil Seeds and Edible Oils. National Productivity Council, New Delhi. Sharma, Subodh K. 1984. Enhancing Oil Production by Increasing Area under Oil Palm Plantation – Environmental Aspects. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Strategies for Increased Production of Oil Seeds and Edible Oils. National Productivity Council, 1984. 35 Sharma, Subodh K. 1984. Biomass Production – Environmental View Point. In Proceedings of the National Convention of Bio-energy Society of India (BESI) on Bio-energy from waste and Wasteland. October 14-16, 1984. BESI, 1985. Sharma, Subodh K. and Babu, C.R., Johri, B.M. 1985. Systematic studies on Indian Phaseolus Linn. and Vigna Savi (Leguminosae – Papilionoideae). In ‘Flora of India’ Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta (Bull Bot.) Survey 27(1-4): 1-28. (Date of Publication : 30.4.87). Babu, C.R., Sharma, Subodh K, Chatterjee, S.R. and Abrol, Y.P. 1985 Relationship among yield components, protein content and aminoacids in the seeds of natural populations of Phaseolus sublobatus Roxb. (Leguminosae – Papilionoideae). Economic Botany 42: 54-61. Sharma, Subodh K. 1985. Forestry for Energy: Some Promosing Fuelwood Species. Monograph Indian Associations of Advancement of Science, New Delhi. Sharma, Subodh K. 1985 Biomass Production – Environmental Point of View : In Proceeding Bioenergy Society First Convention‘ 84, October 14-16, 1984. New Delhi. Deep Printer, New Delhi. Sharma, Subodh K. And Babu, C.R. 1986 Genetic Divergence and Population differentiation in Phaseolus sublobatus (Leguminosae – Papilionoideae) and its cultigens. Curr. Sci. 55(9) : 453-57. Environmental Research Vol.I. 1991. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi. Environmental Research Vol. II 1994. Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, New Delhi. Containing 243 Executive Summaries of completed research projects under different R&D schemes of the Ministry. Sharma, Subodh K. 1998. Climate Change – a Global Issue. The Botanica 48 : 110-123. Sharma, Subodh K. 1999. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change : A commentary on issues and concerns. (pp 261-288). In Biodiversity, Taxonomy and Ecology (Eds. Tandon R.K. and Prithipal Singh). Scientific Publishers (India). Shukla, P.R., Sharma, Subodh K. and Venkata Ramana P. (Eds) 2002 Climate Change and India : Issues, Concerns and Opportunities. Tata Mc Grah Hill. New Delhi. Bhatt, J.R. and Sharma, Subodh K. 2002 : Impacts of Climate Change on India and Climate Change related activities pp 110-172. In Climate Change and India : Issues, concerns and opportunities. Shukla, P.R., Sharma, Subodh. K. and Venkata Ramana, P (Eds). Tata Mc Grah – Hill, New Delhi. Shukla, P.R., Sharma, Subodh K., Venkata Ramana, P. and Garg, Amit, 2002 Development and Climate (pp 277-304) ‖A‖. In Climate Change and India : Issues, concerns and opportunities. Shukla, P.R., Sharma, Subodh. K. and Venkata Ramana, P (Eds). Tata Mc Grah – Hill, New Delhi. Sharma, Subodh K., Bhattacharya and Garg, Amit 2003. India‘s Initial National Communication (NATCOM) to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Forestry sector. The Indian Forester. Vol.129.No.6 June 2003. pp.673-681. Shukla, P.R., Sharma, Subodh K., Garg, Amit, Bhattachayra, Sumana and Ravindranath, N.H. 2003. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation; The Context. In Climate Change and India : Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Eds. P.R. Shukla, Subodh K. Sharma, N.H. Ravindranath, Amit Garg and Sumana Bhattacharya. Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad. pp 1-28. 36 Shukla, P.R., Sharma, Subodh K, Garg, Amit, Bhattacharya, Sumana, Ravindranath, N.H. 2003. Vulnerability and Adaptation : Challenges Ahead. In Climate Change and India : Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Eds. P.R. Shukla, Subodh K. Sharma, N.H. Ravindranath, Amit Garg and Sumana Bhattacharya. Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad. pp 389-432. Sharma, Subodh K., Garg, Amit and Bhattacharya, Sumana, 2004. Climate Change and India : a brief overview of issues and concerns. In Environment, Ecology and Natural Resource Management. Eds. Mary Tahir and Tahir Hussain. Jawahar Publication and Distributor, New Delhi, January, 2004. Shukla, P.R., Sharma, Subodh K., Amit Garg, Sumana Bhattacharya and K. K. Sharma (Eds) 2004. Proceedings of the Workshop on Scenarios and Future Emissions. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi. Gosain, A.K., Sharma, Subodh K., Sumana Bhattacharya, Amit Garg and Sandhya Rao (Eds) 2004. Proceedings of the Workshop on Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation due to Climate Change on Indian Water Resources, Coastal Zones and Human Health. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi. Ravindranath, N. H., Sharma, Subodh K., Amit Garg, Sumana Bhattacharya and Sudha, P. (Eds) 2004. Proceedings of the Workshop on Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation due to Climate Change on Indian Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Ecosystems. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi. Mitra, A.P., Sharma, Subodh K., Sumana Bhattacharya and Amit Garg (Eds) 2004. Proceedings of the Workshop on Uncertainty Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi. Sharma, Subodh, Sumana Bhattacharya and Amit Garg, 2006. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from India: A Perspective. Current Science 90 (3): 326-333 Sharma, Subodh, Amit Garg and Sumana Bhattacharya 2006 : Climate Change : A Global Environmental Challenge in Perspectives in Plant Ecology and Environmental Biology (Ed. Prithipal Singh), Scientific Publisher (India), Jodhpur, India IX. PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS (SELECTED LIST) REPRESENTED GOVERNMENT OF INDIA AT THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS/ WORKSHOPS/ CONFERENCES OF INTERNATIONAL AND INTER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES : Workshop on Biomass Waste Utilisation held at Singapore jointly organised by Committee on Science and Technology for Developing Countries (COSTED) and International Development Research centres, as a nominee of the Department of Science and Technology from April 27-29, 1982. Seventh Annual Conference on 'Energy from Biomass and Wastes-VII' held at Lake Bueno Vista, Florida , USA from January 24-28, 1983 as a member of the Indian Delegation from the Department of Non- Conventional Sources. First International Symposium and management of International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) held at Royal Nepal Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal during December 2-5, 1983 . Consultative Meeting on Asia and the Pacific Region Activities on Tropical Forests organised by United nations Environment Programme Bangkok, Thailand during December 19-21,1983. Meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) , held at Kathmandu, Nepal during May 3-9,1984. 37 Meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) , held at Kathmandu, Nepal during November 23-27, 1984 South Asian Regional Cooperation (SARC) seminar on Biomass Production organised by Ministry of Science and technology, Government of Bangladesh and held at Dhakha, Bangladesh during April 15-20,1985. Regional Meeting of the South East Asia Man and Biosphere Programme Committee held at Islamabad, Pakistan, during October 13-17, 1990. UNESCO‖s International Advisory Committee on Biosphere Reserves Meeting held at Unesco Headquarter during April 25- 29, 1991 at Paris, France ( as a member in personal capacity) UNESCO Workshop on ‗ Bridging the gap between science and decision making in Global Climate Change mitigation‘ organised by UNESCO in Venice , Italy during May 6-7 , 1993. Eighth Session of Inter- Governmental Negotiating Committee (INC) for Framework Convention On Climate Change in Geneva, Switzerland during August 16-27,1993. Second Workshop on Asia pacific Network for Global Change research organised by Government of Japan, held during January 20-21,1994 , in Tokyo, Japan. Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Bureau Meeting held during February 3-5, 1994 in Geneva, Switzerland . The Ninth Session of the Inter Governmental Negotiating Committee (INC) for Framework Convention on Climate Change held during February 7-18, 1994 ( up to February 11,1994) in Geneva, Switzerland. Tenth Session of the Inter Governmental Negotiating Committee for UN Framework Convention on Climate Change held during August 22- September 2,1994 in Geneva, Switzerland. Fourth Plenary Session of the Working Group I of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change held during September 13- 15,1994 in Masstricht, Netherlands. Inter-Governmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Article 2 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) held during October 17-21, 1994 in Fortaleza, Brazil. Tenth Session of Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) held during November 812,1994, in Nairobi , Kenya. Meeting of the Convening Lead Authors (CLAs) of the Working Group II of the InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) held during January 9-11, 1995 in Geneva , Switzerland. Eleventh Session of the Inter-Governmental Negotiating Committee (INC) for Framework Convention on Climate Change held during February 16-17, 1995 in New York, USA. First Conference of Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Berlin, Germany during March 28- April 7, 1995. Lead Authors Meeting of Working Group II of the Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) held in Charleston, South Carolina, USA during June 5-9, 1995. 38 Participated in the Meeting of the Bureau of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change held in Geneva, Switzerland during March 27-29, 1996. Participated in the Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change Bureau Meeting held in Geneva , Switzerland on June 18,1996 as a member of the Search Committee for the new Chairman IPCC. Participated as a Member in the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change Bureau Meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland during November 7-8,1996. Participated in the 12th Session of the Bureau of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a Member held during February 3-5 ,1997 held in Geneva, Switzerland. Participated in the Interim Results Workshop of the Asia Least Cost Green House Gas Abatement Strategy ( ALGAS) Project held during February 23-28, 1997 at Manila, the Philippines. Meeting of the Bureau of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change held during July 8-12, 1997 in Geneva , Switzerland. Meetings of the Subsidiary Bodies of the Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Bonn, Germany during July 28- August 7 , 1997. 13th Session of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) held during September 21 –28 ,1997 in Bandos Islands , Maldives. The Final Results Workshop of Asia Least Cost Green House Gas Abatement Strategy Project (ALGAS) held during November 12 –14 ,1997, Manila , Philippines. Third Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held during December 1 –11, 1997 in Kyoto, Japan. Workshop on Landuse, Landuse Change and Forestry held during September 24 –26, 1998 in Rome, Italy. Fourth Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held during November 2 –13, 1998 in Buenos Aires , Argentina. Regional Conference on Activities Related to Climate Change in Asian Countries : Potential for Regional Cooperation after COP 4 held during February 11-13 , 1999 in Bangkok and Pataya , Thailand National Communication support programme workshops on greenhouse gas inventories and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions during May 10-14,1999 held in Manila , Philippines. Sixteenth Session of the Inter-Governmental panel on Climate Change ( IPCC) held during May 18, 2000 in Montreal , Canada. Regional Exchange Workshop on Climate Change for the Asian Region held during September 26-29, 2000 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Asian Regional Workshop of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Non- Annex I Parties held during October 16-20,2000 in Bangkok, Thailand Meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention held during April 8-10, 2002 Bonn, Germany. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Workshop on Revision of guidelines of National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held during April 11-14,2002, Bonn, Germany. 39 Meetings of the Subsidiary bodies to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held during June 5-14,2002 , Bonn, Germany. Eighth Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held during October 23- November 1, 2002, New Delhi, India (Member of Indian Delegation) UNFCCC Workshop on Insurance and Risk Assessment and on Insurance and Insurance related actions due to adverse effects of Climate Change held in Bonn, Germany, May 10-15, 2003 Ninth Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held during December 1-10, 2003 , Milan, Italy (Member of Indian Delegation) Meetings of the Subsidiary bodies to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held during June 21-25, 2004 , Bonn, Germany. Second Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Inventories in Asia Region held during February 7-8, 2005 at Shanghai, China 4th Meeting of Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) on Non-Annex I Parties‘ Communications to UNFCCC held during April 13-14, 2005 at Maputo, Mozambique. 22nd Session of Subsidiary Bodies/UNFCCC and Seminar of Government Experts held during May 16-21, 2005 at Bonn, Germany 11th Conference of Parties to UNFCCC and meetings of the Subsidiary Bodies to UNFCCC held during December 5-9, 2005 at Montreal, Canada 25th Session of Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change held during April 26-28, 2006 at Port Louis, Mauritius 24th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC held during May 15-26, 2006 at Bonn, Germany The plenary meeting of Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change held during April 2-5, 2007 at Brussels, Belgium. The plenary meeting of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change held during April 30-May 3, 2007 at Bangkok, Thailand. 13th Session of the Conference of Parties to UNFCCC held during December 3-7, 2007 held at , Bali, Indonesia. Meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies to the UNFCCC held at Bonn, Germany during June 1-7, 2008 29th Session of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change held at Geneva during August 30September 4, 2008 Meeting of the Ad-hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action and Ad-Hoc Group on Kyoto Protocol held in Bonn, Germany, during March 29-April 9, 2009 30th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change held in Geneva, Switzerland, during April 20-24, 2009 Meetings of the Subsidiary Bodies of UNFCCC and Ad-Hoc Groups (AWGLCA and AWGKP) held during June 6-13, 2009. Contact : Telefax (Office): 91-11-24360861 Phone (Residence) 91-11-26874633 E-mail: 40 41 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name : Dr. A. DURAISAMY 2. Date of Birth : 02.10.1957 3. Designation : Director (Scientific) 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): Ph. D. – M. Sc. – B.Sc. - Special Botany (Morphological and Physiological Responses of Estuarine Diatoms to Salinity Stress) University of Madras Special Botany (Biochemistry, Pathology, Mycology and Algology) University of Madras Botany (Chemistry, Zoology and Botany) University of Madras 5. Area(s) of Specialization: Special Botany 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Designation Period From To November, 2004 to till date Ozone Cell Director Impact Assessment Director August, 2002 to November, 2004 Environmental Education Additional Director/Director July, 2000 to August, 2002 Environmental Information Joint Director/ Additional Director February, 1989 to July, 2000 42 Items of works handled/being handled Implementation of Vienna Convention for protection of the ozone layer and Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)of Thermal/Nuclear Power Projects received for site/ environmental clearance and its compliance monitoring. Mass Awareness Programme; Centres of Excellence; Seminars/ Symposia/ Workshops; National Environmental Awareness Campaign etc. Appraisal and Grants-inAid for Remote Sensing Research Projects; Publication of Quarterly abstracting Journal ―Paryavaran Abstracts‖; Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar; Management of Library; ENVIS Centres etc. 7. Training undergone: In India : Date Duration From To 19th to 23rd 5 Days September, 1987 Name of course Institution/organization Refresher course involving theory and practicals in ―Cathodic Protection systems & Devices and Anodic Protection‖ Central Electro-Chemical Research Institute, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. Workshop on ―Corrosion for NonCorrosionists‖ Indo-Dutch Workshop on ―Environmental Impact Assessment‖ Training Programme on ―Capacity Building on Environmental Research Management‖ M. S. University, Baroda, Gujarat. Duration Name of Course Institution/Organization From To 5th Feb. to 3rd May, 1996 3 Months Training on ―Planning of Projects for Biodiversity Conservation‖ 23rd March to 3rd April, 1998 10 Days Course on ―Senior Environmental Management‖ 21st April, 2002 to 13th May, 2002 23 days Training Programme on ―Capacity Building on Environmental Research Management‖ Development and Project Planning Centre, University of Bradford, Bradford, U.K. Development and Project Planning Centre, University of Bradford, Bradford, U.K. (i) Sweden : Ministry of Environment; Stockholm Environmental Institute, etc. (ii) London : Ministry of Environment; National Research Council, etc. (iii) Washington: The Centre for International Science and Technology Policy of the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, etc. 23rd to 27th February, 1988 10th to 15th April, 1989 5 Days 7th to 11th January, 2002 5 days Abroad: Date 6 Days Water and Land Management Institute, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. (iv) New York: Emission Trading Centre, etc. 28th June to 2nd July, 2004 5 Days Regional Workshop on Managing Regional Public Goods: Health, Labour Mobility, Water and Environment 8. Achievements: (I) Publications : (i) Scientific/ Technical Papers : 1. Asian Development Bank Institute, Singapore. Relative concentrations of Na, Ca and Mg for growth of some diatoms, 43 Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Plant sci.), 90(2): 169-175 (1981) (with V. N. R. Rao and V. Kannan) 2. Growth behaviour of some diatoms to changes in the concentration of K, Ca and Mg of the medium, Phykos, 22: 136-140 (1983) (with V. N. R. Rao and V. Kannan) 3. Progressive cell size decrement and auxospore formation in culture of diatoms, J Mar Biol Ass. India, 29 (1 & 2): 310-328 (1987) (with V. N. R. Rao) 4. Tomorrow‘s Environmental Concerns, Seshaiyana,4 (2):198-200 (1996) 5. Need to conserve the coastal ecosystem, Yojna, 40(12):6-7, (1996) (with K. Kathiresan) 6. The coastal environment: Concerns and challenges, Indian Ocean Studies, 6(1):29-34 (1998) (with L. Kannan, T.T. Ajith Kumar and R. Natarajan) 7. Need for revolution in biodiversity conservation?, Biogeo chemistry and environmental law (ENVIS News Letter), 4(1) : 2-6, (1998) (with K. Kathiresan) 8. Muthupet Mangrove Forests – sending out an ―SOS‖. In: An Anthology of Indian Mangroves, Seshaiyana 5 (2) pp. 30-36 (1998) (with L. Kannan and T. T. Ajith Kumar) 9. Remote sensing for mangrove forest management. GIS @ Development, July-August, (1998) pp. 12-14. (with Kannan L. and T.T. Ajith Kumar) 10. Conservation of Indian Marine Biodiversity. In Living on the Edge. (Eds.) L. Kannan & R. Kannan, 98-102 pp. (1998) 11. GIS in Marine Research. Seshaiyana, 7(2): 13-14 (1999) (with R. Seenivasan and T. T. Ajith Kumar) 12. Microbial diversity: A poorly understood serious global issue. In Globalisation and Sustainable Development (Eds. G. V. Rajamanickam et al.) Indian Geog. Soc., 1, pp 395-402 (2002) (with K. Kathiresan) 13. 14. 15. Microbial diversity: an ignored aspect Seshaiyana 12(1) : 1-6, (2004) (with K. Kathiresan & N. Rajendran) Effects of tsunami on the coastal and marine biodiversity of India. In : Tsunami: The Indian context (Eds. S. M. Ramasamy and C. J. Kumanan) pp. 261-266 (2005) (with Kannan, L. and T. Thangaradjou) Current issues of Marine Microbiology. Microorganisms and Environment Management 44 (ENVIS Newsletter), 4:3-5, (2006) (with K. Kathiresan) 16. Utilisation of thermal power station waste (Fly Ash) for betterment of plant growth and productivity. Poll Res. 25(1): 119-122(2006) (with R. Sridhar, L. Kannan and M. Ghouse Basha) 17. Road Map for phase-out of HCFCs in India to meet the stage I targets. Eco-Cool, 21: 27 (2009) 18. Technology Transfer – Good servicing practices, recovery, recycling (R & R) and Retrofit options. Eco-Cool, 21:9-10 (2009) (with R. S. Agarwal) (ii) Journals/Newsletters 1. PARYAVARAN ABSTRACTS – a quarterly Abstracting Journal on all aspects of environment. Edited and Published from Feb., 1989 to August 2002. (Published by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India.) 2. VATIS UPDATE – Ozone Layer Protection – A bimonthly journal, Editer since November, 2004 to till date (Published by Ozone Cell, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India and Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology, ESCAP, New Delhi). 3. Eco Cool – Bulletin for Refrigeration Technicians – a periodic publication, Editer since November, 2004 (Published under contract with UNEP for NCCoPP). (iii) Books/Proceedings 1. Proceedings of the National Workshop on “NGOs on Environment and Development” (organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India), May 11-12, 40 pp [1992]. (with Harjit Singh) 2. Handbook on Environmental Procedures and Guidelines, 102 pp [1994] (with Harjit Singh, Usha Subramaniam and Debabrata De) (iv)a Presentation of Technical and Policy Papers in National and International Seminars/ Symposia/ Workshops/ Conferences etc. 1. ―Progressive cell size decrement and auxospore formation in culture of diatoms‖, Presented in National Symposium on Estuarine Biology, held during 26-28 October, 1986 at Centre for Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu. (with V. N. R. Rao) 2. ―Scanning Electron Microscope Studies on the diatom, Achnanthes brevipis v. intermedia (Kütz) Cleve‖, Presented in International Symposium on Recent Advances in Phycology on the occasion of Prof. T. V. Desikachary‘s 75 th Birthday Celebrations held during 11-15 July, 1994 at Centre for Advanced Study in Botany, University of Madras, Madras. (with V.N.R. Rao) 3. ―Distribution of Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co and Cd in Parangipettai and Cuddalore marine environs, Southeast Coast of India‖, Presented in National Seminar on Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Resource’s held during 14-17 December, 1994 at Department of Marine Sciences, Berhampur University, Orissa. (with G. Ananthan, R. Kannan, L. Kannan) 4. ―Remote Sensing and Aquaculture‖, Presented in a Seminar on Problem and Prospects of Aquaculture held during 23-25 February, 1996 at Nagerkoil, Tamil Nadu, India. 45 5. ―Need for Revolution in Bio-diversity conservation?‖ Presented in International Workshop on Environmental Legislation and Management for SAARC Countries held during 23-25 October, 1996 at School of Environmental Science, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi. 6. ―Wetland conservation – A need for Information System in India‖, Presented in User’s Workshop on Wetlands of Uttar Pradesh held on 15th May, 1997 at Remote Sensing Application Centre, Lucknow, U.P. 7. ―Marine benthic diatoms of the East Coast of India (West Bengal, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh)‖, Presented in National Symposium on Recent Trends in Marine Algal Research in India, held during 27-29 December, 1999 at Centre for Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu. 8. ―Distribution of benthic diatoms in different Marine Biotopes at South East Coast of India‖, Presented in National Symposium on Recent Trends in Marine Algal Research in India, held during 27-29 December, 1999 at Centre for Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu. 9. ―Implementation of Country Program for Phase-out of ODS in India‖, in a meeting held on 1112 January, 2005 at Bhutan. 10. ―India‘s experience on Implementation of Montreal Protocol, Border Control of ODS Trade‖ in the National Stakeholders Workshop held on 13th January, 2005 at Bhutan. 11. ―Implementation of Montreal Protocol in India with specific reference to Foam sector‖ in the Regional workshop on Foam Sector Phaseout Plan held on 26th February, 2005 at Bangalore. 12. Status paper on ―Implementation of National ODS Phase-out Plan‖ in an Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting held on 7th March 2005, at New Delhi. 13. ―Strategy for CFC Production Sector Phase-out‖ (2005-2007) in the Implementing Agencies Meeting held on 8th March, 2005, at New Delhi. 14. ―Strategic Approach to Phase-out CFC in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Service Sector‖ in a Conference on Meeting Challenges in phase out of CFCs from India’s RAC Servicing Sector” held on 9th March, 2005 at New Delhi. 15. ―Status of Implementation of the Trade in Ozone Depleting Substances and Implementation of Sector Plans in India‖, in the Meeting of the South Asia Network of ODS officers and Workshop on SEAP-SA Customs-ODS Officers Cooperation held during 20-27 April, 2005, at Beijing, China. 16. ―Making Sustainability Reporting More Attractive and Acceptable‖ in Sustainability Reporting : Public Policy Trends Workshop on 30-31 May, 2005 at Paris, France. 17. ―Implementation of Montreal Protocol in India with specific reference to Foam and Refrigeration sectors‖ in the Regional workshop on Foam Sector Phaseout Plan on 9 June, 2005 at Mumbai. 18. ―Implementation of Montreal Protocol in India with specific reference to Foam and Refrigeration sectors‖ in the Regional workshop on Refrigeration (MFG) Sector Phaseout Plan held on 14 June, 2005 at Ahmedabad. 19. National Report on ―Ozone and UV Research and Monitoring‖. Presented at the 6th WMO/UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting held during 19-21 September, 2005 at Vienna, Austria. 20. ―Status of Implementation of the Montreal Protocol‖ in the Second Meeting of the South Asia Network of ODS Officers held during 3-6 October, 2005 at Kathmandu, Nepal. 46 21. ―Implementation of Montreal Protocol in India‖ in the Workshop on Environmental Challenges in the RAC Sector – Economy of Emission Reduction Measures held during 31st October – 6th November, 2005 in Hannover, Germany and Switzerland. 22. ―Implementation of the Montreal Protocol and ODS Phase-out Programme in India‖ as a Resource Person in a Workshop for Enforcement Officers on Monitoring of Ozone Depleting Substances held on 24th – 25th February, 2006 at Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 23. ―Implementation of Montreal Protocol in India‖, Presented in National Conference on Biodiversity related International Conventions: Role of Indian Scientific community, organized by Delhi University and Indian National Science Academy, during 8-10 March, 2006 at New Delhi. 24. ―Status of Implementation of Montreal in India‖ in Policy and Customs Training Programme for State Level Enforcement Officers held on 12-13 May, 2006 at Ahmedabad. 25. ―Implementation of Montreal Protocol in India with specific reference to Foam and Refrigeration sectors‖ in the Regional workshop on Refrigeration (MFG) Sector Phaseout Plan held on 3rd June, 2006 at Chennai. 26. ―Implementation of Montreal Protocol in India with specific reference to Foam and Refrigeration sectors‖ in the Regional Workshop on Foam and Refrigeration Sectors Phase Out Plan held on 23rd January, 2007 at Kolkata. 27. Technical Paper on ―Consumption trend of HCFC in India‖ in the Third Meeting of the Stockholm Group to Strengthen the Montreal Protocol for Protection of the Stratospheric Ozone Layer held on 6th - 7th February, 2007 at Hague, Netherlands. 28. Technical Paper on ―Consumption trend of HCFC in India‖ in the Informal Meeting on Accelerated Phase-out of HCFC Production and Consumption held on 15th September, 2007 at Montreal, Canada. 29. ―Implementation of Montreal Protocol in India with specific reference to Foam and Refrigeration Sectors‖ in Regional workshop on Foam and Refrigeration Sectors held on 29th February, 2008 at Ahmedabad. 30. “Key Meeting of the Parties (MOP) and Executive Committee (Ex-Com) Decisions Related to HCFCs” in the Initial Stakeholder Meeting of HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) for India held on 4th June, 2008 at New Delhi. 31. ―Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Phase-out Policies and Regulations – Current Situation and Expected HCFC Phase-out Controls‖ in the Workshop on ODS Phase-out in Military Applications held on 13th - 14th October, 2008 at New Delhi. 32. ―HPMP : Challenges in India‖ in the side events of the 56 th Ex-Com on 9th November, 2008 at Doha, Qatar. 33. ―Status of CTC Phase-out in India‖ in the National Workshop on National CTC Phase-out Plan - Emerging Scenarios in Power Sector Industries held on 5th December 2008, at New Delhi. 34. Status Paper on ―Phase-out of ODS in Refrigeration, Foam and Solvent Sectors‖ for UNDP’s Energy and Environment Program : Partners Meet held on 8th and 9th January, 2009 at Sohna, Gurgaon. 35. Salient features of Essential Use Nominations (EUNs) for CFCs for manufacturing of Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs) in India to the Members of the Medical Technical Options Committee (MTOC) during Consultative Meeting on EUNs for CFCs for MDIs Manufacturing in Article 5 Countries beyond 2009 held on 19th - 20th January 2009 at Bangkok, Thailand. 47 36. ―Implementation of the Montreal Protocol in India‘‘ in the Workshop on ODS Phase-out in Defence Applications held on 29th April, 2009 at New Delhi. (iv)b Compilation, Lay-out, Designing, Editing, Printing, Publication and Dissemination of the following publications:- 1. Selected Statements on Sustainable Development by Shri Kamal Nath, pp 140 (1993). 2. India‘s Environmental Concerns by Shri Kamal Nath. pp 264 (1995). 3. Ministry of Environment and Forests – 125 days of New Government : New Programmes and Initiatives. pp 50 (1998). 4. Ministry of Environment and Forests – New Initiatives, New Programmes : First 300 days of Government pp 68 (January, 1999). 5. A Silent Revolution for Environment Conservation – One year of achievement, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, pp 58 (May, 1999). (II) Special Awards & Appreciations received (i) The United Nations Environment Programme, on the occasion of 20 th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, Conferred ―The Montreal Protocol Implementers Award, 2007‖ to the ‗Ozone Cell of India’ in recognition of extraordinary contributions in the effective implementation of the Montreal Protocol and the global effort to protect the Ozone Layer. (ii) ―The Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award, 2008‖ to Dr. A. Duraisamy in recognition of his exceptional contribution to global environmental protection and for leadership in Ozone Layer protection by United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. (iii) 9. Several Appreciation Letters have been received from the Ozone Secretariat, UNEP; Multilateral Fund to the Montreal Protocol; World Bank etc. Any other relevant information, if any: The major achievements made from November, 2004 to till date as Director, Ozone Cell : - Developed and implemented regulatory and fiscal measures, evaluated and monitored the implementation of the Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) phase-out projects. Contributed significantly towards strengthening the regulatory frame work for implementation of Montreal Protocol in India. The Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulations and Controls) Rules, 2000 and its amendments were fully reviewed and amended in September, 2007 to make them more compatible with the requirements of the Montreal Protocol. Dissemination of information and creation of awareness among the stakeholders for phasing out the ODS in the country. More than 200 Customs and State Government officers were trained under the policy and customs project. Participated in various Montreal Protocol meetings and made contributions to arrive at important decisions including stockpiling and HCFC accelerated phase-out. 48 Actively participated in the negotiations of replenishment of the Multilateral Fund (MLF) for the trienniums 2006-2008 and 2009-2011 during the MOP. Organized the 18th MOP, 50th Meeting of the Ex-Com and its related meetings of the Montreal Protocol in 2006 at New Delhi, India and made the events a grand success. Implementation of National Carbon Tetra Chloride (CTC) Phase-out Plan and the National CFC Consumption Phase-out Plan in the year 2005 were initiated. Achieved successfully the important milestones of 85% reduction in CFC and CTC production and consumption targets respectively during 2005-2007. A total of 299 projects have been successfully implemented involving MLF funding of about US $349 million for phasing out production and consumption of 25,000 ODP tonnes and 23,000 ODP tonnes respectively. The Country Program was Updated in 2006 to include the relevant policy decisions and alternative technologies to ODS. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), on the occasion of 20th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, conferred the ―The Montreal Protocol Implementers Award, 2007‖ to the Ozone Cell of India in recognition of extraordinary contributions in the effective implementation of the Montreal Protocol and the global effort to protect the Ozone Layer. In addition to this, his continued encouragement to industries for phasing out the ODSs has been recognized through the Montreal Protocol Exemplary Project Recognition Awards by the UNEP. Conferred The Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award, 2008 to Dr. A. Duraisamy in recognition of his exceptional contributions to Global Environmental Protection and for Leadership in Ozone Layer Protection by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). In 2008, India took a proactive step to accelerate the phase-out of production and consumption of CFCs. The production of CFCs in India has ceased as on 1st August 2008, 17 months ahead of the Montreal Protocol schedule. Sufficient supply of pharmagrade CFC was ensured for the years 2008 and 2009 for manufacture of Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs) to cater the needs of Asthma and COPD patients in the country. The National Strategy for Transition to Non CFC-MDIs and Plan for Phase-out of CFCs in the Manufacturing of MDIs in India was approved by the Ex-Com of the MLF to completely phase-out the CFCs in MDI manufacturing by 2013 and is being implemented. A number of awareness-cum-demonstration workshops were organized on recovery and reclamation of CFCs to cater the servicing needs in organizations like Indian Railways, Defence Forces etc. A Roadmap has been developed describing the long term vision and action plan including the policy instruments for phasing out of production and consumption of HCFCs in India in pursuant to the decision of the 19th MOP to accelerate the phase out of HCFCs. An Action plan on implementation of the Roadmap has also been developed assigning the responsibilities and the timeline to the Implementing Agencies for its smooth and effective implementation. As head of Indian delegation at the 20th MOP and on behalf of Article 5 Parties, played a key role during the technical and political negotiations of the replenishment of the MLF for the triennium 2009-2011. 49 HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) submitted by India was approved by 56th Ex-Com to the MLF held in November, 2008. The HPMP preparation is in progress. Chaired the Asia and Pacific region meeting to nominate the Members of various committees viz. Ex-Com, Implementation Committee (Imp-Com) and Presidents for 8th Bureau of the COP and 20th MOP. Co-chaired the Essential Use Nomination (EUN) and Campaign Production contact group during the year 2008 in the OEWG and 19 th MOP. Played a vital role especially on the proposed amendment to the Protocol to bring HFCs under the ambit of the Montreal Protocol at the 29 th OEWG held in July 2009 and raised various technical and policy issues for better understanding of the proposal and legal issues involved in the amendment. 12. Address & E-mail Residential Official E-mail A-163, Pandara Road, New Delhi – 110 003 MoEF 50 CURRICULAM - VITAE 1. Name : Dr. A. B. HARAPANAHALLI 2. Date of Birth : 11.3.1956 3. Designation : Scientist – F (Director (S)) 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order) Degree Ph.D M.Sc B.Sc Subject Impact on Water Pollution due to Thermal Power Station. Bio-Chemistry Division year 1995 University/ Institution Barkatullah University, Bhopal First class with Distinction 1978 Karnataka University, Dharwad Chemistry, Botany, Zoology First class 1976 Karnataka University, Dharwad : - 5. Area(s) of Specialization : Chemistry ( in Bio-chemistry) 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (In descending order) : Name of the Division Scientist ―SF‖ (Director) Designation Ministry of Environment and Forests, Regional office(SZ) Bangalore. Period from To Working since _ 19/7/2005 Items of works handled/being handled Environmental monitoring of developmental projects. Follow up of pollution control measures taken by industries, local bodies and Government undertakings. Collect and furnish information relating to environmental impact assessment of pollution control measure taken by industries. Liaison with various Central /State offices, project authorities, NGO etc. coordinating for organizing seminars/ workshops. Working as Head of the Office and looking after office Administration. Scientist ―SE‖ (Additional Director) Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office (WZ) Bhopal and 31/3/2001 18/7/2005 . 51 Environmental monitoring of developmental projects and Recycling units of waste oil and lead acid batteries. Bangalore Follow up of pollution control measures taken by industries, local bodies and Government undertakings. Collect and furnish information relating to environmental impact assessment of pollution control measure taken by industries. Joined Ministry of Environment and Forests, Regional office Bangalore on 3rd November 2003 on transfer from Bhopal. Liaisoning with various Central /State offices, project authorities, NGO etc. Evaluation of IGPP nominations coordinating for organizing seminars/ workshops. Worked as Head of Office and DDO in Regional office (WZ) Bhopal. Presently working as head of the office in Bangalore office. Scientist ―SE‖ (Joint Director) Ministry of Environment and Forests, Regional office, Bhopal . 01/7/1994 30/3/2001 Environmental monitoring of developmental projects and Recycling units of waste oil and lead acid batteries. Follow up of pollution control measures taken by industries, local bodies and Government undertakings. Collect and furnish information relating to environmental impact assessment of pollution control measure taken by industries. Liasioning with Central/State offices, authorities, NGO etc. Scientist ―SD" Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office (WZ) Bhopal 30/8/1989 30/6/1994 various project -Evaluation of IGPP nominations coordinating for organizing seminars/ workshops. - Worked as Head of the office and DDO. Handled office administrative and accounts matters. Environmental monitoring of developmental projects. Follow up of pollution control measures taken by industries, local bodies and Government undertakings. 52 Collect and furnish information relating to environmental impact assessment of pollution control measures taken by industries. Liasoning with various Central /State offices, project authorities, NGO etc. Constitution of Paryavarn Vahini‘s and organizing seminar/work shops to paryavaran Vahini members and State Governments. Assist in Environmental Awareness programmes conducted by local Bodies. 7. Training undergone : In India : Date To 12/2/1983 Duratio n 12 Weeks Name of the Course Institution /organization From 22/11/1982 Power Station Chemistry for Chemists 18.06.1984 29/6/1984 2 Weeks Application of Meteorology to Air pollution Control 26/2/1996 09/3/1996 2 Weeks Management of Natural Resources And Environment 30/8/2000 08/9/2000 10 Days 19/11/2001 08/12/2001 3 Weeks Equipping The Enforcers In Environmental Law Integrated Coastal Zone Management Power Engineers Training Society. Nagpur. (GOI Organisation) Indian Meteorologial Society. Pune. (GOI Organisation) The Indian Institute Of Public Administration. New Delhi. National Law School Of India University. Bangalore School Of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Abroad : 21/3/1994 17/6/1994 12 Weeks Environmental Management. 13/5/2002 14/6/2002 5 Weeks Environmental Assessment 8. Achievements Publications Impact Birmingham university, U.K. (Out of the total period of course India Component wa conducted between 21.03.1994 to 15.04.1994 in Jamshedpur) Scandia Consultants, Stockholm, Sweden. : Book, ―A-Z Environmental Audit‖ (Published in 1995) Book (Ed) ―Recent Trends in Fly Ash Utilization‖ (Published in 1998) 53 Special Awards Appreciations received 34 papers/articles have been published. Nil 9. Any other relevant information, if any : _ 10. Address & Email Residential Official E-mail No.5, Type -V, MoEF Colony, ―Suparna‖, Vinayak Nagar, J.P.Nagar, Vth Phase, Bangalore -560 074. PH : 080-26493529 Ministry of Environment and Forests, Regional Office, (Southern Zone), 4 th Floor, E&F Wings, Kendriya Sadan, 17th Main, IInd Block, Koramangala, Bangalore-560 034.(Karnataka State), PH : 08025635906, Fax :080-25537184 54 Curriculam Vitae 1. Name : Dr. Abhiraj Singh 2. Date of Birth : 15.01.1950 3. Designation : Scientist ‗F‘ 4. Educational Qualifications: (from degree level and above in descending order) Exams passed 5. Year of passing Subjects Division Percentage of marks obtained Awarded NA Ph.DZoology (Entomology) Agra Agra University, 1987 Entomology Master Science (M.Sc.) of Agra Agra University, 1973 Zoology II 48 Bachelor Science (B.Sc.) of Agra Agra University, 1971 Chemistry, Zoology, Botany II 52 Area(s) of Specialization: - 6. Name of the University Control of Chemical Pollution by Biological Control. Environmental Monitoring. Environmental Management Environment Impact Assessment Air and Water Pollution Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Office Designation/Grade From Ministry of Environment & Forests, Lucknow Scientist ‗F‘ Ministry of Environment & Forests, Lucknow Scientist ‗E‘ Ministry of Environment & Forests, Lucknow Scientist ‗SF‘ Period To 31.01.2001 Till Date Env. Monitoring and Environment Impact Assessment. 01.01.1996 30.03.2001 Env. Monitoring and Environment Impact Assessment. 23.01.1995 31.12.1995 Env. Monitoring and Environment Impact Assessment. Director Joint Director Addl. Director 55 Type of Duties & Functions 7. Ministry of Environment & Forests, Lucknow Scientist ‗SE‘ Central Biological Control Station, Shriganganagar 11.01.1990 22.01.1995 Env. Monitoring and Environment Impact Assessment. Asstt. Director 04.09.1989 10.01.1990 Biological control of crop pests and weeds. Parasite Multiplication Unit, Bangalore Tech. Officer 28.01.1984 03.09.1989 Multiplication of Bio control agents to control pests and weeds. Plant Quarantine Station, Chennai Plant Quarantine Inspector 01.03.1975 27.01.1987 Implementation of Destructive Insect Pest Act, 1914. Joint Director Training undergone: In India: Year Duration Name of Course Institution/organization 1986 One Month Biological Control of Crop Pest & Weeds Indian Institute of Resources, Bangalore. 1988 One Month 1994 Two Weeks Mass Production of BioControl Agents. Management of Natural Resources. Tamilnadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore. Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. 1995 One Week Management of Chemical Accidents. Disaster Management Institute, Bhopal Three Months Environment Impact Assessment and Auditing University of Bradford, United Kingdom Horticulture Abroad: 1996 8. Achievements: Undersigned have been working at a fairly senior level i.e. Jt. Director onwards right from the very beginning at RO, Lucknow in the field of environment management including pollution control for major industrial, mining, power plants and other developmental projects. There are a number of significant achievements to my credit. These includes publishing of scientific papers based on my field experience and a number of assignments carried out by project authorities as per my guidance. However, few of these are listed below for your kind consideration. (A) Installation of effluent treatment plant (ETP) at Kakri, Khadia and Dudichua coal mines of M/s Northern Coal Fields Ltd., Distt. Sonebhadra, U.P. is my achievement because this matter was vigorously pursued by me and non-compliance was repeatedly conveyed to them. Presently each of these mines have separate ETP which can be seen even today. 56 (B) Technical and Biological stabilization of overburden (OB) dumps was closely and regularly monitored by me in respect of Kakri, Khadia and Dudichua mines of M/s Northern Coal Fields Ltd. Distt. Sonebhadra. Project Authorities informed that angle of slope of OB dump to 280 will require large area. Presently dense plantation on OB dumps and reduction in normal angle of repose can be seen at project site. (C) Continuous online monitors for monitoring of stack emissions in the stacks of cement plant of M/s Ambuja Cement Ltd. at Rabriawas, Distt. Pali, Rajasthan is my achievement this matter was repeatedly followed with project authorities, today these online monitors can be verified in the cement plant. (D) Systematic green belt all along plant boundary of fertilizer plant of M/s Tata Fertilizer, Babrala, Distt. Badaun, U.P. is the result of my regular follow up with project authorities. This can be verified at project site. (E) My efforts in monitoring have resulted in development of green belt in a difficult terrain of Rajasthan at Rampur Agucha Mine of M/s Hindustan Zinc Ltd. Bhilwara. This can be seen at project site even today. (F) Rain water harvesting structures and ground water recharge wells at project site of Lakshmi cement plant of M/s J.K. Cement, Sirohi is the encouraging result of my regular monitoring of this project. This can be verified at project site. (G) My quality of work at Regional Office, Lucknow has been judged as excellent by my Head of the Department. (H) Leading scientific papers published in different generals, proceedings of International/ National Convention/ Seminars. 9. Any other relevant information, if any: Innovative Activity undertaken 1. To strengthen the existing environmental monitoring system, undersigned have described a universally acceptable system of Environmental Monitoring which was very well recognized and published in the year 2000, as a chapter in Oxford and IBH publication book entitled environment management in hydropower and river valley projects. This work has resulted in improved compliance of environmental safeguards in various sectors of development. 2. Undersigned have described Strategic Environmental Assessment as a tool for sustainable development & presented in National & International Seminars during 1996 and 2007. This work is also published as a chapter in the book entitled Issues of Environment and Sustainability by Dr. V. P. Upadhyay. Presently regional EIA adopted is a part of SEA. 3. The first innovative activity carried out by me was on economics of mass rearing of Rice moth. I have reared Rice moth on ten different diets and found Ragi and Maize Mixer (50 : 50) as most suitable. The successes of rearing egg parasites in our country depends on rice moth as host. My work was very well recognized and published in Nutri. Ecol. Ins. & Env., pp. 39-45, 1989. Presently Rice moth is reared on the low cost grains in biological control stations. 4. Undersigned have first time recorded a new Species of genus Nomia Latreille from India. My work has been recognized and published in The Kerala University Journal, Entomon, 1988, Vol. 13.No. 3 & 4, pp. 327 to 329. 57 5. Undersigned have described Caste Differentiation in Halictus ducalis Bingham and important pollinator and is of economic importance. This work is also published in J. Adv. Zool. 1988: 9(1) : 74-75. 6. Undersigned have described natural enemies and nest structure of Halictus (seladonia) lucidipennis, Smith from India. This work is also published in J. Adv. Zool. 1989 : 10 (1) : 70-72. Besides, my day to day environment management related work Undersigned have also written and presented a number of scientific/technical papers in National/International Seminars, Workshops etc. at leading institutes of this country. Research Paper Important research/scientific paper published in various journals in the country and abroad are as follows. 1. Singh Abhiraj, Bahuguna N.C., 2007, Strategic Environmental Assessment a tool to prevent environmental Crisis. In: Proceeding international convention on environmental Crisis, P.B.K.I Vishwa vidyalaya and the Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation Mt. Abu. pp. 52- 61. 2. Singh Abhiraj, 2006 Environmental Compliance in developmental projects. In: Proceeding workshop on legal awareness and youth participation in environmental compliance and enforcement. IIM, Lucknow. 3. Singh Abhiraj and Bahuguna N.C., 2004, Overview of Environmental Legislation In: Proceeding National Seminar on Environmental Imbalances, Hazards & Our Role. B.B.D National Institute of Technology and Management. pp. 17-20. 4. Singh Abhiraj, 2002, Environment Development in India In: International Exposition & Business Summit. World Expo & Convention Management on the occasion of 89th India Science Congress. 5. Singh Abhiraj, 2001, Environment Management of Mining Sector In: Proceeding National Symposium Role of Earth Science in Integrated Development and Related Societal Issues. Geological Survey of India, Lucknow. pp. 217-222. 6. Singh Abhiraj and Singh B.K. 2001, Managing Biological Diversity Strategies for Sustenance in Book Conservation and Management of Biological Diversity by A. Mehrotra. 7. Singh Abhiraj, 2000, Environment Development In: Proceeding of Public Hearing on Environment and Development. The People Commission on Environment and Development India. pp. 250. 8. Singh Abhiraj, 2000, Environmental Monitoring System In: Proceeding National Workshop Assessment and Management of Environmental Impacts in Hydropower and River Valley Development. pp. 193-202. 9. Singh Abhiraj, 1999, Environmental Monitoring System in National Seminar on Environmental Management in Hydro Electric Projects. Institute for Resource Management and Economic Development, Delhi. pp. 99-108. 10. Singh Abhiraj, 1997, Strategic Environmental Assessment as a tool for sustainable development. In: Proceeding Symposium on Earth Science in 58 Environmental Assessment and Management. Geological Survey of India, Lucknow. pp. 219-228. 11. Singh Abhiraj, Powar A.D. & Keshva Murthy K.R., 1989, Dietary Preference of Corcyra cephalonica Stainton In: Nutri, Ecol. Ins.& Env., pp. 39-45. 12. Singh Abhiraj and Tiwari V.K., 1989, Natural Enemies and nest structure of Halictus (Seladonia) Lucidipennis Smith (Hymenoptera: Halictidae from Bharatpur, Raj, India. J- Adv. zool, (1) 70-72. 13. Singh Abhiraj and Tiwari V.K. 1988, Cast differentiation in Halictus ducalis Bingham (Hymenoptera : Halictide) J-Adv. zool. 9 (1): 74-75. 14. Singh Abhiraj and Tiwari V.K., 1988, A new species of genus Nomia latrille from India. (Hymenoptera : Helictidae), Entomon. Vol. 13, No. 3&4: 327329. 15. Singh Abhiraj, Ansari M.A., Power A.D. & Arun Kumar, 1987, Importance of Natural Enemies of Spodoptera litura F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae.) P.M.U. Ann. Rep.pp. 88- 89. 16. Mathur P.N., Samathanam G.J. & Singh Abhiraj, 1984, Coconut Leaf miner beetle Promecotheca cumingi Baly. Plant Protec. Bull. 36 (2) & (3): 91-93. Chapters Written in Books 1. Book entitled ―Environment Management in Hydro Power and River Valley Projects,‖ Oxford and IBH Publication 2000 – Written a chapter on ―Environmental Monitoring Systems‖. 2. Book entitled ―Issues of Environment and Sustainability‖ 1997 – Written a chapter on ―Strategic Environmental Assessment as a tool for Sustainable Development. Scientific Articles written in Hindi Ten (10) scientific/technical articles have been written in Hindi for “Paryavaran Patrika” & Others. 10. Address & E- mail: Residential 3/56, Bahar-B, Sahara States, Jankipuram, Lucknow 226021 Official Ministry of Environment and Forests, Central Regional Office, Kendriya Bhawan, 5 th Floor, Sector- H, Aliganj, Lucknow- 226024 E-mail 59 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name : Bharat Bhushan 2. Date of Birth : 8-10-1951 3. Designation : Director(Scientific) 4. Educational Qualifications : B.Tech (Architecture) 5. Area (s) of Specialization : 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) : Name of the Division Impact Assessment Designation Period Items of works handled / being handled Director(S) April, 2007 to till date - Construction projects - Coordination of parliament related matters, compilation of information for Senior officers‘ meeting and expenditure statement. 60 CURRICUL UM VITAE 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Date of birth Designation Edu. Qualifications 5. Area of Specialization 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) Name of he Division NRCD Designation Director - BRIJESH SIKKA 24th December, 1958 Director (Scientific) M.E. (Environmental Engineering) B.Sc. (Civil Engineering) Conservation of rivers & lakes Technologies for sewage treatment Period From To April, 2005 Till date Works handled/being handled Project management of river pollution abatement works under the NRCP in various towns in Punjab, Haryana, U.P. and Rajasthan. This includes technical and financial appraisal of DPRs, monitoring of schemes, release of funds and coordination with the State Govts. and their concerned agencies. Also, looking after the States of H.P. and J&K. Project management of Dal Lake Conservation Project in Srinagar, J&K under the NLCP. NRCD Additional Director March, 2001 April, 2005 Counterpart from the Indian side, including coordination for the ongoing JICA aided project relating to ―Capacity Building of Sewerage Works in India‖ Project management of river pollution abatement works under the NRCP in various towns in Punjab, Haryana, U.P., Uttaranchal and Orissa. Handling the Dal Lake Conservation Project in Srinagar, J&K under the NLCP. NRCD Joint Director July, 1994 March, 2001 61 Counterpart from the Indian side, including coordination, for the ongoing JICA aided Development Study focussing on preparation of Master Plans and Feasibility Studies for sewerage works in towns of Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi and Lucknow. Project management of river pollution abatement works under the NRCP in various towns in Punjab, Haryana, U.P. and Karnataka. NRCD Deputy Director May, 1989 June, 1994 Coordination with Government of Netherlands and DFID, UK for projects taken up with their assistance under GAP-I and GAP-II in UP. Project management of river pollution abatement works under GAP-I and GAP-II in towns in Bihar and U.P. Coordination with Government of Netherlands and World Bank for projects taken up with their assistance under GAP-I and GAP-II in UP. 7. Training Undergone (last five years) In India: Date Duration Name of course Institution/Organization - - - - Date From To 7.6.2006 to 8.7.2006 Duration Name of course Institution/Organization 4 weeks (Japan) 1 week (Australia) 2 weeks (USA & Canada) Management of sewerage systems Study Tour on Integrated Water Resources Management Sewerage systems, sewage treatment & water quality management Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Organised by Asian Development Bank Training organised under the JICA assisted YAP-II project From To Abroad: 22.11.2008 to 29.11.2008 18.3.2009 to 31.3.2009 8. Achievements: Publications 1. Aquatic Weeds and their Uses: An Overview of Perspectives for Developing Countries – Published by Environmental Sanitation Information Centre, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, December, 1986. 2. Environmental Measures in the Tannery Industry – A Case Study of Jajmau, Kanpur – Paper presented at the Consultative Workshop on Tannery Effluent Treatment organized by World Conservation Union (IUCN) at Karachi, Pakistan on 12th – 13th May, 1992. 3. Environmental Measures in the Tannery Industry in India – Two reports prepared for the Netherlands Government as the Indian member of a three member Joint Indo-Dutch Mission, January 1991 & September, 1993. 4. Environmental and Health Improvement in the Jajmau Area, Kanpur – Lessons & Experiences for Wider Replication – Co-authored a paper prepared for HUDCO/IHS, Rotterdam on the theme ‗Capacity Building for the Urban Environment‘ presented in Habitat-II Conference held in June, 1996 in Turkey. 62 Special Awards & Appreciation received 9. 10. Email Institutional and Community Development Phase-II project for KanpurMirzapur – Report prepared for the Netherlands Government as the Indian member of a three member Joint Indo-Dutch Mission, March 1997. 6. Water Quality Management Plan for Ganga River- Collaboration between Government of Japan and Government of India – Paper presented in the 2nd APHW (Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources) Conference held in Singapore in July, 2004. 7. Ganga Action Plan in India: An Overview – Presentation made at an International Seminar on ―Basic Sanitation and Development Challenges‖ held in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 6th to 8th November, 2006 8. Municipal Sewage Treatment in India – Presentation made at the 1st AsiaPacific Water Summit held in Beppu, Japan on 3rd & 4th December, 2007 9. Pollution Abatement of River Ganga in India under Ganga Action Plan – Approach & Initiatives Adopted – Presentation made at the International Symposium on ―Science & Practice of Basin – Scale Water Policy for Population Upsurging in Asia‖ organized by University of Yamanishi and Japan Science & Technology Agency in Tokyo on 25 th & 26th September, 2008. 10. Presentation on National River Conservation Plan made at an International Symposium on ―Sewerage Systems‖ organized by Japan Sewerage Works Agency to commemorate the International Year of Sanitation in Tokyo, Japan on 29th September, 2008 1. Letter of Appreciation by Shri Namo Narain Meena, Minister of State for Environment & Forests, Govt. of India for the outstanding work done during the 12th World Lake Conference (TAAL 2007) held in Jaipur, Rajastan from 28th October to 2nd November, 2007. Any other relevant information, if any: Address & Email: Residential Official 5. Nil B-603, UNESCO Apartments, 55, Patparganj (I.P. Extension), Delhi 110 092 Room No. 122, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003. 63 Curriculum Vitae 1. 2. Name: Date of Birth : Chhanda Chowdhury 21st Sept, !954 3. Designation : Director 4. Educational Qualification (from degree level and above in descending order): Area(s) of Specialization : 5. 6 M.Sc –Organic Chemistry Ph. D (Chemistry) Chemical Safety: Onsite/Offsite Emergency Planning, Waste utilization , Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Designation From 7. Period To (i)H. S. M. Director 02.08.2007 Till date (ii) HSM Addl Dir Sept 2002 July ,2007 (iii) Research Division Addl Director March 2001 August 2002 (iv) Research Div . Joint Dir July 1994 March, 2001 (v) Research Div. Deputy Dir. June , 1989 July , 1994 Items of works handled/being handled Details at Annexure Training undergone: In India: Date From To 1-5th July, 2002 Duration Name of course Institution/organization 5 days Training on Capacity Building on Environmental Research Management under the World Bank Assisted EMCB Project Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad Abroad: Date From Duration Name of course Institution/organization To None 8. Achievements: Publications Special Awards & Appreciations received 4 papers published/ 8 presented None 9. Any other relevant information, if any: --- 10. Address & E-mail: Residential Y- 23 HUDCO PLAVE, ANDREW‘s GANG New Delhi 110049 Room No.-741, Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, Tel: 24360662 (IC741) Official E-mail (Signature of officer) 64 Annexure items of works handled/being handled HSM Division Chemical Safety i. Implementation of Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Response) Rules, 1996 ii. Implementation of Manufacture, Storage Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989, 2000 iii. Activities related to chemical safety iv. Work related to National Disaster Management Authority on Chemical Disasters v. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants vi. Preparation of National Implementation Plan of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. vii. Matters related to Bhopal Gas Disaster viii. Toxic Toys Research Division i. work related to Ecosystem Research Scheme ii. Technical Evaluation of the reports iii. Financial Monitoring of the Scheme iv. Developed the Pririties of the Ecosystem Research Scheme 65 Preparedness and Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. Eknath Vishnupant Muley Designation Director (Scientific) Address(Office) Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex,Lodi Road, New Delhi –110 003, INDIA. Address (Residence) # 63, Anandvan, Maharashtra Co-op Group Housing Society A/6 Paschim Vihar, New Delhi –110063 Phone No. Office: TeleFax: +91-11-24364593 Residence: +91-11-25256815 Mobile: 9810033288 Email Date of Birth 03rd January, 1950 Place of Birth Mantha, Dist. Jalna, Maharashtra, INDIA Nationality Language Known Computer Knowledge Marital Status Indian Marathi, Hindi, English, German, Russian (Working Knowledge) MS Office: Word, Power Point, Excel, Outlook Express Developed Database of Indian Coral Reef Monitoring Network (ICRMN) .Handled IT and e-governance activities of the Ministry of Environment & Forests Married Academic Qualifications: B.Sc. 1970 Govt. Arts & Science College, Aurangabad M.Sc. Zoology 1972 Marathwada University, Aurangabad Ph.D. Zoology PG Training Course in Limnology 1979 PG Training Course on Environmental Management 1975 Marathwada University, Aurangabad Sponsored by: UNESCO Organised by: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria 1994 Sponsored by: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Organised by: Centre for Environmental 66 Management, Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA Training Programme on Management of Research in India 2003 Sponsored by: World Bank Organised by: Administrative Staff College of India India (ASCI), Hyderabad Professional Experience: Institution From ONR PL –480 Project Department of Zoology, Marathwada University Aurangabad, Maharashtra 1972 1974 Research Fellow Research on Biological and Chemical Control of Snails of Agricultural and Veterinary importance Zoological Survey of India Western Regional Station Pune, Maharashtra 1974 1978 Zoological Asstt Faunastic Surveys and identification of animals Research on Limnology Zoological Survey of India, Desert Regional Station, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 1978 Zoological Survey of India, Freshwater Biological Station Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh To 1979 1979 1989 Designation Nature of Duties Asstt. Zoologist Asstt. Zoologist Project formulation and implementation, supervising and guiding research on biodiversity with specific reference to freshwater fauna in Rajasthan. Research in Limnology, bio-monitoring of inland water, biological indicators of water quality, wetland conservation and lake management. _________________________________________________________________________ Institution Marine Aquarium cum Research Centre Digha, West Bengal From To Designation 1989 1990 Project Officer Ministry of Environment & Forests , (Govt. of India), New Delhi. 1990 1994 Establishment of Marine Aquarium Deputy Director 67 Nature of Duties Research Centre Coordination of activities of Environmental Education and Information Division. Coordination of INFOTERA activities of Focal Point and Regional Service Centre, Monitoring activities of ENVIS Centres, Centres of Excellence, Co-ordination of activities of NGOs on Environment, National Environmental Awareness Campaign, Organisation of Seminar,Symposia,Conference s, Workshops and Training Programmes on environmental related subjects. Co-ordination of Eco-clubs in Schools, Policy formulation and implementation. Preparation & publication of Annual Report and other publications of the Ministry Production of Films & AudioVisuals on Environment. Ministry of Environment & 1995 Forests, (Govt. of India), New Delhi. 2000 Joint Director Co-ordination of Conservation & Survey Division. Issues related to Policy formulation and of Schemes on Conservation & Management of Wetlands, Mangroves and Coral Reefs. Coastal and Marine Biodiversity. National Co-ordinator Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network(GCRMN) International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), Coral Reef Degradation in Indian Ocean (CORDIO), UNDP-GEF Projects on Management of Coral Reefs in Andamans and Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu. IndiaAustralia Training and Capacity Building Project (IATCBP). Co-ordination of activities of Zoological and Botanical Survey of India. ________________________________________________________________________________ Institution Ministry of Environment & Forests, (Govt. of India), Delhi. From To Designation 2000 2007 Additional Director United Nations Development Feb.,2005Programme (UNDP) July,2005 Nature of Duties Co-ordination of Environmental Impact Assessment (I A) Division New with specific reference to Infrastructure Development Projects viz. Ports, Harbours, Jetties, Roads, Highways, Buildings, Industrial Estates and issues related to Coastal Regulation Zones (CRZ). Policy formulation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and National Policy on Environment and Development. Member Secretary, Expert Committee on Infrastructure Development Projects and National Coastal Zone Management Authority. Member Secretary Expert Committee on Review of CRZ Notification. Impact Assessment (I A) Division New Delhi. Advisor Formulation of Guidelines and 68 Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) with specific reference to implementation of World Bank assisted Cyclone Risk Management Project in 13 Coastal States/UTs of India Ministry of Environment & 2007 Uptodate Director CS Division: Matters related to Botanical and Zoological Survey of India and e-governance activities Research Experience: 33 years of research experience in the fields of Limnology, Eco-toxicology & Environmental Biology, Coastal and Marine Biodiversity, Integrated Coastal Resources Management Guided 12 Research Scholars for Ph.D. Published several Research Papers in reputed National/ International Journals. Authored books, monographs and edited & published proceedings. Research Projects: National: Successfully completed several research projects in limnology, bio-monitoring of inland waters, biological indicators of water quality, investigation on fish kills in Lake Hussain Sagar Hyderabad, and studies on selected wetlands like Kolleru (Andhra Pradesh), Chilka (Orissa), Kabar (Bihar), Sambhar Lake (Rajasthan) and Dal Lake (Kashmir). National Database of Indian Coral Reef Monitoring Network (ICRMN) covering 4 identified Coral Reef areas in the country. National Database on Mangroves. National Policy on Conservation and Management of Mangroves and Strategy for its implementation. Concept paper on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity . National Coordinator: All India Coordinator Project on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan for Kerala – Project sponsored by Asian Development Bank. Status of Coral Reefs in South East Asia. Status of Coral Reefs in India. Status of Mangroves in India. Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) with specific reference to Cyclone Risk Management in 13 Coastal States/UTs in India 69 Vulnerability Assessment and Disaster Management Plan of Lakshadweep Islands International: National Coordinator: Coral Reef Degradation in Indian Ocean (CORDIO). National Coordinator: UNDP/GEF PDF-B Project on Management of Coral Reefs in Andamans. National Coordinator: UNDP/ GEF PDF-B Project on Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu. National Coordinator: DFID Project on Sustainable Livelihood Options for Coastal Communities in Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshdweep Islands National Coordinator: India-Australia Training and Capacity Building Project (IATCBP) on Management of Coral Reefs in India. National Coordinator: Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN). National Coordinator: International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI). Recognised Supervisor/ Guide for Research leading to M. Phil. and Ph.D. Degrees: Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati Andhra Pradesh; Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh; Andhra University, Waltair, Andhra Pradesh. Examiner for M. Sc., M. Phil. and Ph.D. Degrees: Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh; Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh; Andhra University, Waltair, Andhra Pradesh; Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra; Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra; Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra; Bombay University, Mumbai, Maharashtra; Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra; Dayal Bagh University, Agra, Uttar Pradesh; Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh; Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu; Delhi University, Delhi. Calcutta University, Calcutta Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE), Dehradun, Uttaranchal. Editing and Publishing Scientific Journals/ Proceedings and Reports: (Selective List) Initiated publication of Journal of Aquatic Biology – an International Journal of Life Sciences as an Executive Editor, since 1983. Executive Editor, Journal of Environmental Research, Published quarterly by International Society for Environmental Protection, Gorakhpur since 1991. Editor, Paryavaran Abstracts – Quarterly Journal published by ENVIS Focal Point of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. 1991-1995. Annual Report of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, 1991-1995. Edited proceedings of 1st All India Conference on Limnology held at Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. 70 Edited proceedings of the 10th Annual Session of the Academy of Environmental Biology. Member Editorial Board: Paryavaran Patrika – Hindi News Letter Published by Ministry of Environment and Forests. Participation in Seminars/ Symposia/Conferences/Workshops: (Selective List) National: Participated and presented Research Papers as well as Chaired various Sessions as Chair person, and acted as resource person/ Member Advisory Board, for various Seminars/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Workshops and Training Programmes at National and International level. Participated in ZSI – Pavan Terra Mission to Study Pollution of Dal Lake in Srinagar, Kashmir using Remote Sensing Techniques. Organised Training and Capacity Building Programme on Database Network on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity at National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa. Coordinating Environmental Management Programme at Administrative Staff College of India(ASCI), Hyderabad. Convenor, National Workshop on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity, NIO, Goa Convenor, Review Workshop of Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), NIO, Goa. Organisation of monthly meetings of the Infrastructure Development and Miscellaneous Projects of the Ministry of Environment & Forests for consideration of project proposals for environmental clearance. Organisation of several meetings of Media Committee, Committee on Seminar/Symposia/ Conferences, Committee on Grants-in-aid projects of the Ministry of Environment, Committee on National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC), Eco-clubs, Environmental Education, and Environmental Information System (ENVIS). Organisation of Meetings of the National Committees and Research sub-committees on Wetlands, Mangroves and Coral Reefs as well as Coastal and Marine Biodiversity for consideration of Management Action Plans and Research Projects for funding. International Participated in series of meetings of Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, (GCRMN), held in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, Gaudeloupe, France and South Africa, as National Coordinator of GCRMN, South Asia. Participated in series of meetings of International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), held in Gaudeloupe, France, Mozambique, Indonesia and Philippines. Participated in series of meetings of Coral Degradation in Indian Ocean (CORDIO) held inSri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia and France. Participated as Discussant at the US-Japan Conference on Environmental Policy, organised by the Centre for Global Change, Maryland University, Maryland and held at Washington D.C., USA during December, 1994. Presented case studies on Management of Urban Lakes in India, at Centre for Environmental Management, Tufts University, Boston, M.A., USA during November, 1994. Presented case study on Management of Wetlands in the International Workshop on Application of Geographical Information System (GIS), held at School of Architecture and Planning, New Delhi, sponsored by USAID. Participated in series of meetings held at Port Blair and Chennai in connection with the UNDP-GEF Project on Management of Coral Reefs in Andamans. Participated in series of meetings held at Port Blair and Chennai in connection with the UNDP-GEF Project on Management of Coral Reefs in Gulf of Mannar. Participated in series of Meetings of India –Canada Environment Facility (ICEF) Project on Mangrove Wetlands of East Coast. Participated in the International Tropical Marine Ecosystem Management Symposium (ITMEMS), Manila, Philippines, 2003. Participated in 9th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS), Bali, Indonesia, 2002. Visits to Research Institutions/ Organizations Abroad: (Selective List) 71 Institute of Limnology, Vienna, (Austria). Natural History Museum, Vienna, (Austria) British Natural History Museum, London, U.K. Natural History Museum, Paris (France). Department of Zoology, the Free University, Amsterdam (Netherlands). Limnological Institute, Munich, (Germany). Institute of Limnology, Milano, (Italy). Division of Vector Biology and Tropical Communicable Diseases, World Health Organisation (WHO), Geneva, (Switzerland). Ecology and Fisheries Section, Commonwealth, London, (U.K.). Man & Biosphere Programme (MAB), UNESCO, Paris, (France). Freshwater Biological Association (FBA), Winderemere, (U.K.). Centre for Environmental Management (CEM), Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York, USA. Woodshole Oceanographic Institute, Woodshole Masachusetts, USA. Global Development and Environment Institute, Cabot Centre, Tufts University, Medford, USA. Bio-diversity Support Programme, WWF, Washington. The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D.C. World Resources Institute, (WRI), New York. World Watch Institute, New York. US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington, D.C. Centre for Global Change, University of Maryland at College Park, Maryland, USA. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA. Masschusetts Water Resources Research Centre, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA. Environment, Infrastructure & Agriculture Div., the World Bank, Washington, D.C., USA. Office of Global Environmental Facility (GEF), the World Bank, Washington, D.C. Office of the Director, India Country Department, the World Bank, Washington, D.C. USA. United Nations Organisation (UNO), New York. International Tropical Marine Ecosystem Management Symposium, Manila, Philippines. International Coral Reef Initiative Gaudeloupe, France. International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), Bali, Indonesia. International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), Mozambique. International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), Manila, Philippines. Queensland Natural History Museum, Queensland, Australia. Australian Institute of Marine Sciences (AIMS), Australia. Marine Aquarium, Atlanta, USA Dolphin Museum, Orlando, USA Led several Delegations of Indian Experts to Australia, Philippines, Bali, Indonesia, Maldives and Sri Lanka as representative of the Government of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests. Advisory Role in Establishment of Research/Academic Institutes: Freshwater Biological Station, Zoological Survey of India, Hyderabad (1979). Marine Aquarium-cum-Research Centre, Digha, West Bengal (1989). National Institute of Coastal and Marine Biodiversity, Kanyakumari (2003). National Institute of Coral Reef Research, Port Blair, Andamans (2003). Membership of Expert Groups/Steering Committees: (Selective List) Member, Andhra Pradesh State Steering Committee on Conservation of Mangroves. Member, Andhra Pradesh State Steering Committee on Conservation of Wetlands (Special Invitee). Member, Bihar State Steering Committee on Conservation of Wetlands. Member, Expert Committee on Environmental Impact Assessment of Nagarjuna Fertilizers, Kakinada. Member, Expert Committee constituted by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh for Environmental Clearance of Visakhapatnam Steels Project. 72 Member, Committee on Beautification of Lake Hussain Sagar, Hyderabad, (Committee constituted by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh). Coordinator of the multidisciplinary, multi-institutional Research Project on Investigation on Fish Kills in Hussain Sagar, Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh Coordinator, Project on Biological Indicators and Indices of Water Quality in Hyderabad. Coordinator, Management of Fresh Water Lakes in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Member, Committee on Networking of ENVIS Centres in India. Member Secretary, ENVIS Advisory Committee, Ministry of Environment & Forests Member Secretary, Committee on Seminars, Symposia, Conferences, Ministry of Environment & Forests. Member, Committee on Development of Global Information Data Base (GRID), System in the Ministry of Environment & Forests. Member, Committee on Establishment of Sustainable Development Network Programme (SDNP), in the Ministry of Environment and Forests. Project Officer for establishment of Marine Aquarium-cum Research Centre, Digha, West Bengal. (August-December, 1989). Convener, Workshop on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity, held at NIO, Goa, Dec., 1996. Member Secretary, National Steering Committee on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity. Member Secretary, Media Committee, Ministry of Environment & Forests (1992-1996). Member, Committee on Bio-prospecting of Biological Wealth using Biotechnological Tools Biotechnology (Constituted by Govt. of India, Dept. of Biotechnology (DBT). Member, Task Force on Conservation of Bio-diversity. Member Secretary, National Committee on Mangroves and Coral Reefs, Ministry of Environment & Forests. Member secretary, Expert Committee on Infrastructure development Projects, Ministry of Environment & Forests. Member Secretary, Dr.M.S. Swaminathan Expert Committee on Review of CRZ Notification. Member, Review of 9th Five Year Plan and Plan Coordination of 10 th Five Year Plan off the Ministry of Environment & Forests. Several proposals received by India MAB Committee, Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests for financial assistance have been examined as an Expert. Prepared State of the Art Reports on Kolleru & Kabar Lake Wetlands in India and presented the case studies at a review meeting on Conservation of Wetlands and Mangroves in India sponsored by Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment and held at Puri (Orissa) and Kakinada (A.P.). Member, Task Force on Assessment of Super Cyclone in Orissa, October, 1999. Member, Disaster Management Committee, Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs. National Coordinator, Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), India. National Coordinator, International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) Focal Point. Member, Medini Puraskar- Committee for consideration of Award for publications on Environment in Hindi Membership of Academic Societies/ Associations National Coordinator, Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), India. National Coordinator, International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) Focal Point. International Society of Limnology (SIL). Freshwater Biological Association, U.K. Unitas Malacologia (International Society of Malacologists). Indian Association of Aquatic Biologists (IAAB), -Founder Secretary. Indian Association for Environmental Management, NEERI, Nagpur Indian Society of Ichthyologists, Chennai Forum for Protection of Environment,Hyderabad Academy of Environmental Biology, Muzzafarnagar International Society for Environmental Protection, Gorakhpur. International Society for Conservation and Management of Coral Reefs, Australia. Teaching Experience: 73 Environmental Biology to M. Sc. Students of Osmania University,Hyderabad (1981-1983) Environmental Biology to M. Sc. Students of Delhi University Delhi (1992-1995) Delivered Series of Lectures on Environmental Education under UGC–COSIP Programme at Nutan Mahavidyalaya, Sailu, and M.Sc. Biotechnology students of Marathwada University, Nanded, Pune University, Pune, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwara University, Aurangabad. Delivered series of Lectures on Environmental Education in several universities and academic institutions. Acted as Guest Faculty in Nizam College, Hyderabad for P.G. Course on Environmental Biology. Acted as Guest Faculty in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. Delivered extension lectures on Environmental Education, Biodiversity, National Conservation Strategy and National Environmental Policy. Establishment of Eco-clubs in more than 700 schools in the country. Acted as a Resource Person for a Orientation Training Programme in Environmental Biology, held at College of Education, V.V. Education Society, Hyderabad. Delivered talks on ―Freshwater Biology‖ on All India Radio (AIR), Hyderabad. Member of Selection Committees: Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi; Zoological Survey of India Kolkatta; Botanical Survey of India, Kolkatta; Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad; Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education(ICFRE), Dehradun, Uttaranchal Affiliation with Educational, Cultural, Social Organisations: Chairman, Delhi Maharasthriya Educational & Cultural Society, New Delhi Executive President, Maratha Mitra Mandal, New Delhi Chairman, Marathwada Institute of Technology, New Delhi Contributed for academic Development of Vivek Vardhini College, Hyderabad Member Board of Studies, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded. Member review of Special Assessment Programme (SAP) on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Centre of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. 74 Curriculum Vitae 1 Name: Dr. Husain Ahmad 2 Date of Birth: 08/07/1950 3 Designation: Director 4 Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): Examination/ Degree Ph.D. M. Phil M. Sc. B.Sc. 5 University Year Subjects Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi 1976 Physical Polymer Chemistry Physical Polymer Chemistry Physical Chemistry 1973 1971 1969 Physics ,Chemistry & Maths Division I I Area(s) of Specialization: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Management Information System (MIS) Report related to Physical and Financial progress of projects under National River Conservation Plan Monitoring and Control of Industrial Pollution along rivers and lakes Administrative Experience: a) Preparation of Performance Budget of the Directorate b) Preparation of Annual Action Plans for the Directorate. c) Preparation of Annual Report of the Directorate. d) Appointed Chairman for the Sub Committee to Ghaghar Standing Committee to suggest effective and remedial measures to control effluent into the river. A report on pollution in river Ghaghar was prepared and place before the Government. Replies to CAG queries, Reports and Action Taken Notes on Ganga Action Plan. Preparation and compilation of various queries raised by the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament on Ganga Action Plan. Assessment of proposals for the Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar. Assessment of proposals received from various University/ Educational Institutions for organizing their Seminars/ Symposia, World Environment Day etc. R & D Specialization a) Studied ―solubility, absorption, permeation and diffusion of solvents in the polymeric materials‖ which are commonly used in various industries. b) Worked out the theoretical calculations for the determination of the solubility parameters of a large number of petroleum products and acryl amide series polymers. c) Developed a new technique for the determination of the molecular weights of polymers using solubility parameter and intrinsic viscosity. d) Established a new technique for the determination of solubility of parameters of polymers through its components and group contribution techniques. e) Worked on fiber glass reinforced plastics which have got wide engineering applications. f) Worked on Science & Technology Policy studies pertaining to Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry in India. 75 6 Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Designation NRCD Director Period From To Items of works Handled/being handled i) May, 1999 to Continuing Worked as Member Secretary of Editorial Board for improvement of Management Information System (MIS) Report related to Physical and Financial progress of projects under National River conservation Plan. ii) Monitoring and Control of Industrial pollution along rivers and lakes. Administrative Experience: iii) Preparation of Performance Budget of the Directorate iv) Preparation of Annual Action Plans for the Directorate. v) Preparation of Annual Report of the Directorate. vi) Replies to CAG queries, Reports and Action Taken Notes on Ganga Action Plan. vii) Preparation and compilation of various queries raised by the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament on Ganga Action Plan. EI Division Addl. Director 1992 to 1999 viii) Assessment of proposals for the Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar. ix) Assessment of proposals received from various University/ Educational Institutions for organizing their Seminars/ Symposia, World Environment Day etc. HSM Division Joint Director Sept. 1987 to Aug. 1992 x) Policy, Planning & Legislation related to Management of Hazardous Substances. 7. Training undergone: In India: Date From Duration Name of Course Institution /Organization Duration Name of Course Institution/ Organization 3 Months Approx. Environment Policy, Planning, Legislation & University of Bradford (UK) & Centre for Industrial To Abroad: Date From 9th Jan. 1995 To 31st March 1995 76 Management 4th Feb. 2008 8. 15th Feb. 2008 2 Weeks Country Focused Training Programme on Sewerage Works Management related O & M Commercial Training at Middlesbrough, England Sewerage Management Centre (Japan) organized by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan Achievements: 9. Publications 10 Special Awards & Appreciations received Technical Papers- 20 Technical Report- 2 Book- 1 1. 2. Won Dr. Husain Zaheer Memorial Award–1979 Instituted by Oil Technologists‘Association of India One of My Technical Paper was appreciated by the Editor of Journal (Journal of Coatings Technology), USA as to be the valuable addition in the industries literature on the subject. 9. Any other relevant information, if any: Appointed Chairman for the Sub Committee to Ghaghar Standing Committee to suggest effective and remedial measures to control effluent into the river. A report on pollution in river Ghaghar was prepared and place before the Government. 10. Address & E-mail Residential Flat No.- 201, Mustafa Lodge Apartments, Gaffar Manzil, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi- 1100 25 Official Room No.- 123, NRCD, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi1100 03 E-mail 77 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name in full (in Block Letters) : Dr. J.R.BHATT 2. Date of birth : 22.03.1960 3. Designation : Director 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): Year of Passing Subjects taken Class/ Division/ Percentage of Marks Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat 1985 Botany M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda University of Delhi, Delhi 1981 Botany 1979 Botany Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi 1976 Biology The University does not awards any grade, division or marks for Ph.D. First (60.1%) High second (57.78%) First (62.67%) Examination passed University/Board Ph.D. M.Sc. B.Sc.(Hons) Higher Secondary 5. Area(s) of Specialization: Up to Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral = Gums & Resins, Forest Ecology Tree Biology, Medicinal Plants, Plant Tissue Culture (from 1981 to 1989) Government Service = Management of R&D projects, handling of Climate Change issues(from 1990 to 2003), Impact Assessment of Infrastructure & Development Projects (2004) Mangroves, Corals, Coastal & Marine Biodiversity, Capacity Building in Taxonomy, Medicinal Plants & Traditional Knowledge(from 2005 to till date) 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Designation From To Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi Director 4.4.2005 Till date - do - Additional Director(S) 7.9.2000 3.4.2005 - do - Joint Director(S) 1.1.1995 6.9.2000 - do - Deputy Director (S) 15.1.1990 31.12.94 78 Items of works handled/being handled Mangroves, Coral Reefs, Coastal & Marine Biodiversity, Capacity Building in Taxonomy, Medicinal Plants & Traditional Knowledge. Handling of R&D Projects, Impact Assessment of Infrastructure & Development Projects. Handling of R&D projects and Climate Change issues. Handling of R&D projects and Climate Change issues. 7. 8. Training undergone: In India: None Abroad: None Achievements: A. Publications: a) Books & Documents Coauthored ―Biology – A Text Book for Senior Secondary Schools (Class XII, Parts I & II, 1989) brought out by National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi. Also co-authored following government documents: Environmental Research : Executive summaries of Completed Projects – vol. I, 1990 pp.142 Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi. Environmental Research: Executive summaries of Completed Projects vol.II, 1993 pp. 352 Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi. India‘s Report to Fourth Session of Commission on Sustainable Development. 1996, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi. National Biodiversity Action Plan of India 2008. pp.66 Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi. Contributed, as a member secretary of the technical advisory committee, to the drafting of India‘s first initial national communication to UNFCCC. Prepared and presented ―India: Country Report on Climate Change‖ at he Fifth Asia Pacific Seminar on Change (January 23-25, 1996), Sendai City, Japan. Prepared and presented a ―Country Paper on Climate Change‖ at ESCAP‘s Expert Group Meeting on Regional Cooperation on Climate Change (May 6-8, 1996), United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand. Prepared and presented a ―Country Report on Climate Change‖ at the Regional Conference on Activities related to Climate Change in Asian Countries: Potentials of Regional Cooperation after COP-4 (11-13 February, 1999), Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand. Contributed a Chapter on ―Impacts of Climate Change on India and Climate Change Related Activities‖ (Pages -110 to 172) in the book ‗Climate Change and India‘ published by Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. Research Papers: Published several primary research papers on Plants with Gums and Resins and other popular articles. Special Awards & Appreciations received: YOUNG SCIENTIST SCHEME from Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi. Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Medal and Award for YOUNG SCIENTIST in the year 1992. Professor L.S.S. Kumar Memorial Award 1992 instituted by Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. 9. Any other relevant information, if any: 79 A) I possess considerable field experience as given below: My Doctoral and Post Doctoral work from 1981 to 1989 was primarily based on field work in different Forest types of India. This resulted in acquiring first hand field experience in Forest Ecology, Tree Biology, Medicinal Plants and Non-Timber Forest Products including Gums and Resins. Work as Deputy Director and Joint Director in Research Division of MOEF from 1990 to 2000 also entailed several field visits to the Eastern & Western Ghats region in connection with formulation, monitoring and evaluation of research projects. Work as Additional Director from 2000-2004 in the Conservation & Survey Division of MOEF involved extensive field visits to Mangrove and Coral Reef areas as well as for identification of new Wetland areas in Eastern & North-western regions. Between 1990 and 2003, I was involved in Climate Change Work for which I was deputed as ‗government nominee‘ in over 35 important UN/ADB Meetings/Seminars in different parts of the World. Participation in these meetings broadened my mental horizon, improved my understanding of international environmental issues and provided me with an opportunity to discuss and share my experiences with others. Current duties as Director in the Conservation & Survey Division of MOEF also involve considerable field work including liaison with State/UT Governments, NGOs, International bodies, etc. as well as ample Desk work in the Headquarters. B) Participated as Nominee of Government of India in the following important international meetings: Biotic Feedbacks in the Global Climate System(October 25-29, 1992) at Woods Hole Research Institute, Massachusetts, USA. Workshop organized by Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva. Ist session of re-organized Workshop Group II of Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (8-12 February, 1992), Geneva, Switzerland. 7th session of Inter-Governmental Negotiating Committee for Framework Convention on Climate Change (12-20 March, 1993), UN Headquarters, New York. Inter-Governmental Meeting on World Climate Programme ―Climate Change‖ (14-16 April, 1993), Geneva, Switzerland. Ist session of re-organized Working Group III of Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (3-7 May, 1993), Montreal, Canada. The Third Asian Pacific Seminar on Climate Change (March 28-30, 1994), Osaka, Japan. International Conference on National Action to Mitigate Global Climate Change (June 7-9, 1994), Copenhagen, Denmark. The second session of Working Group III of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (27-28 September, 1994), Geneva, Switzerland. A study of least cost greenhouse gas abatement strategy for Asia (ALGAS): Project Initiation Meeting(6-7 February,1995), Asian Development Bank Hedquarters, Manila, Philippines. First Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (March 28 – April 7, 1995), Berlin, Germany. ALGAs ―Approach and Methodology Workshop‖ and ALAS Project Review Board Meeting(June 5-9, 1995), Asian Development Bank Headquarters, Manila, Philippines. Third Session of Working Group-III of Inter-governmental Panel on climate Change (July 25-28, 1995), Geneva, Switzerland. Fourth Session of Working Group-III of Intergovernmental Panel on climate change (October 11-14, 1995), Geneva, Switzerland. The Fifth Asia Pacific Seminar on Climate Change (January 23-25, 1996), Sendai City, Japan. ESCAP‘s Expert Group Meeting on Regional Cooperation on Climate Change (May 6-8, 1996), United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand. 80 The Sixth Asia Pacific Seminar on Climate change (November 4-8, 1996), Suva, Fiji. ALGAS Regional Training Workshop on preparation of GHG Mitigation projects held on February 17-21, 1997) at Manila, Philippines. ALGAS Final Regional Workshop on November 12-14, 1997, Manila, Philippines. Eighth Asia Pacific Seminar on Climate Change (June 22-25, 1998), Phuket, Thailand. Meetings of the there Working Groups and the Fourteenth Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from September 29 to October 3, 1998 at United Nations Office, Vienna, Austria. Regional Conference on Activities related Climate Change in Asian Countries: Potentials for Regional Cooperation after COP-4 (11-13 February, 1999) Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand. Thematic Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Inventories & Mitigation of GHG emissions (10-14 May, 1999) Manila, Philipines. Regional Inception Workshop on Institutional Mechanisms at the UK Conference Centre, (October 12-14, 1999), Bangkok, Thailand. Sixth Session of Working Group III of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC) at Accra, Ghana from 28.2.2001 to3.3.2001. Informal meeting on cleaner energy at Calgary, Canada during October 3-5, 2001. UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment sponsored workshop 10. on climate change and on Sustainable Development and Climate Change at Paris, France from October 24-25, 2001. 20th Session of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris from February 19-22, 2003. FAO sponsored Project Appraisal Workshop for Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME) project at Bangkok, Thailand from 18-19 June, 2007. IMOSEB: Asian Regional Consultations at Beijing, China from 24-25 September, 2007. IUCN-UNFCCC sponsored Training Workshop on ‗Developing Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change‘ at Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 30th October to 2nd November, 2007. IUCN‘s Project ‗Mangroves for Future (MFF): 2 nd Regional Steering Committee Meeting at Bangkok, Thailand from 3-4 December, 2007. IUCN-Mangroves for Future Initiative: Review Forum to be held at Heritance Hotel, Ahungalla, Sri Lanka from 21-24 April, 2008 at Sri Lanka from 21-24 April, 2008. G-8 Environment Ministers Meeting at Kobe, Japan from 24-26 May, 2008. Third Regional Steering Committee (RSC-3) of IUCN-MFF Project at Pranburi, Thailand from 9-10 June, 2008. Fifth Regional Steering Committee (RSC-5) of IUCN-MFF Project at Mahe, Seychelles from 6-10 July, 2009. Address & E.mail Residential Official: E.mail: : W-10, HUDCO Place, New Delhi-110049 (Phone: 26263961). Room No. 546, Ministry of Environment & Forests Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 (Phone: 24363962) (Signature of the Officer) 81 Special Awards & Appreciations received A letter of appreciation was received from the Hon‘ble MOS (Env.) for outstanding contribution towards organization of the 12th World Lake Conference at Jaipur in Oct-Nov, 2007. 9. Any other relevant information, if any: 10. Address & E-mail Residential Official E-mail 25937555(R) 24368526 (o) 82 Curriculum Vitae 7. Name : Jag Ram 8. Date of Birth : 14-01-1956 9. Designation : Director 10. Educational Qualifications : M.Sc. (Zoology), Ph.D. 11. Area (s) of Specialization : 12. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) : Name of the Division Research in Environment (RE) Control of Pollution (CP) Designation Period Items of works handled / being handled Director February, 2009 to till date - Research proposals under National Natural Resource Management Director Before February, 2009 - 83 Abatement of pollution through preventive strategies Eco-cities Bhure Lal authority Loss of Ecology Authority National Environment Appellate Authority Awards Court Matters CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name : Dr. Kamal Kumar Garg 2. Date of Birth : July 3, 1956 3. Designation : Director 4. Education Qualifications : Exam. Passed M. Sc. University Year of Passing Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi -do-do- M. Phil Ph. D Subject Division 1978 Environmental Science 1980 1984 -do-do- 5. Areas of Specialization 6. Work Experience in the Ministry : I have been working in the Ministry for last 25 years as per details given below: Name of the Office Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office, Lucknow -do- : Designation Environmental Impact Assessment Environment Management Air and Water Pollution Director Period From To Feb, 2008 onwards Additional 2003 Feb, 08 84 1st with 1st Rank 1st - Items of works handled/being handled Environmental clearance to major developing projects/ activities such as Hydel and Thermal Power Plants, Industrial and Irrigation projects etc. is accorded by our Ministry subject to certain conditions/ safeguards. Regional Offices have been involved by the Ministry in this major assignment almost at every stage as enumerated below: Selection of appropriate site from environmental angle among two/ three alternative sites. Examination of EIA/EMP reports. After accordance of environmental clearance to a project the conditions/ stipulations laid down by the Ministry are being regularly monitored through project site visits to observe implementation progress. To conduct on the spot field survey of the industries/ activities/ sites in view of complaints/ environmental degradation aspects. -do- Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office, Chandigarh -do-doMinistry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, New Delhi 7. Director Additional Director Joint Director Deputy Director Pool Officer 2001 2003 -do- 1994 2001 -do- 1989 1993 -do- 1984 1988 -Worked in Environment Impact Assessment Division in the Ministry and dealt cases pertaining to environmental clearance of mining project. -As Editor of ―PARYAVARAN ABSTRACT‖ quarterly journal published by the Ministry. - Collection and compilation of environmental statistics for two major disciplines (1) Land Resources and Forests (2) Air and water pollution. Training Undergone In India: Date From To 16 to 21 March, 1992 Duration 5 days 01 to 15 March, 1993 15 days Name of Course Institution/Organization EIA for water resource projects. Management of Natural Resources and Environment Organized by MoEF, New Delhi IIPA, New Delhi Name of Course Institution/Organization Environmental Impact Assessment & Auditing University of Bradford United Kingdom Abroad: Date From To January to March, 1997 8. Duration 3 Months Address and Email : Residential Address C-46, Sector E, Aliganj Lucknow – 226024 Ph: 0522-2324461 Mobile: 9935866388/ 9815105273 Official Address Central Regional Office, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India. 5th Floor, Kendriya Bhawan, Sector ―H‖, Aliganj, Lucknow – 226024 Ph: 0522-2323850 (Telefax) Email 85 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: LALIT KAPUR 2. Date of Birth: 27.07.1958 3. Designation: Director 4. Educational Qualification(from degree level and above in descending order) Name of University/Board/Institution Degree/Equivalent Examination Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi University Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi University Master of Civil Engineering Bachelor of Civil Engineering C.B.S.E., Delhi. Higher Secondary Division/ % of Marks/ Distinction obtained 1st / 73.4% 1981 1st / 62.3% 1979 1st /69% with distinction in Maths & Geom & Mech Drawing 1974 5. Area(s) of Specialisation: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Enforcement of Environmental laws Monitoring of air pollutants at the source & in ambient air Air and water pollution control from basic industries Treatment of Municipal Sewage Management of Bio-medical waste Year of passing Subject including topic of Ph.D Public Health Engineering Structures , Public Health Engineering Science, Maths 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order):Name of Designation Period Items of works handled/being handled the Division From To National River Director 2-01-2009 to Appraisal of the Detailed Project Conservation till date Reports for core works such as Directorate, Ministry of interception & diversion works and Environment & Forests sewage treatment plants and Non core works such as river front development, crematoria, afforestation and public participation & awareness. Monitoring the Physical and Financial Progress of the On-going sanctioned works. As member of the Thermal Power appraisal committee of MoEF reviewed a number of Impact Assessment Studies of coal oil and gas based Power Stations. In many cases the project sites were also visited and inspection reports prepared. The job includes reviewing the effectiveness of proposed source and fugitive emission 86 control systems, waste water management system, the impact of the Project on the surroundings, such as settlements, national parks monuments Sanctuaries and Crops, Suggestions for better technological options, more effective pollution control systems, environment friendly fuels and effective green belts are also provided to the project proponents. National River Conservation Directorate, Ministry of Environment & Forests Additional Director 8.5.03 to 2.1.09 Appraisal of the Detailed Project Reports for core works such as interception & diversion works and sewage treatment plants and Non core works such as river front development, crematoria, afforestation and public participation & awareness. Monitoring the Physical and Financial Progress of the On-going sanctioned works. Central Pollution Control Board, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi10032 Senior Environmental Engineer 13-6-95 to 7-5-03 - do - Environmental Engineer 17-3-86 to 12.6.95 Initiated and executed the projects for the Development of industry specific comprehensive industry documents (COINDS) and National Environmental Standards by devising the scope of work, terms of reference, collection of reference material, international standards and practices etc. 1. Implementation of emission and effluent standards in the following categories of industries: using the mechanism of National Task Forces and enforcement of environmental laws. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) 87 Thermal Power Plants Integrated Iron and Steel Plants Copper, Lead and Zinc Smelters Aluminum Smelters Cement Manufacturing Industries Gas based Power Plants / Turbines Battery manufacturing industries Lime and Brick Kilns Stone Crushers Carbon Black Industries Calcium Carbide Industries Hot Mix Plants Boilers and D. G. sets Coke Oven Batteries Asbestos based industries Induction and Electrical Arc Furnaces Reverberatory Furnaces & Re-rolling mills - do - 7. Assistant Environmental Engineer Training undergone: In India: Date From to 23rd August,1982 to 18th September, 1982 24-8-81 to 16-3-86 Duration Name of Course 3 weeks Attended a four week training programme on industrial instrumentation and process control at Instrumentation Ltd., Kota Institution/Organisat ion Instrumentation Limited, Kota Abroad : Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. Organization Southern University Carbondale U.S.A. IIE/USAEP, U.S.A. Period Details of Training Illinoise (SIU) Illinoise, 21st June 1984 to 21stSeptember,1984 1. Washington, 19th October,1998 to29th October,1998 Attended a train the trainers prgramme on BioMedical Waste Management, in USA. The programme was organised jointly by IIE and USAEP a) The program included lectures by well known experts on proper management of biomedical waste with emphasis on 1. Segregation 2. Safe Handling 3. Storage 4. Recycling 5. Collection and 6. Treatment Technologies, such as : i) Incineration ii) Microwave and iii) Plasma Torch The programme also included visit to hospitals 88 Attended a course as WHO fellow on Special Investigations in Engineering under Prof.Howard E.Hesketh. The course comprised of i) Lectures on Air and Water Pollution Control by the Senior Professors of the Department of Thermal & Environmental Engineering at SIU. ii) Visit to facilities of EPA at RTP, North Carolina Cincinnati, Chicago, Sanfrasisco and Los Angeles. iii) Visit to pollution control equipment manufactuers, such as Wheelberator Inc. at Pittsberg. iv) EPA course on stack sampling techniques for particulate and gaseous pollutants. v) Visit to effluent & emission control facilities of big industries like the chambers works of M/s. Dupont and M/s. Caterpillar at Indiana. 4. WHO / USAEP, Washington, U.S.A. Two weeks programme in June, 2001 5. USSR Academy of Science, Moscow 10-29 January,1990 6. JICA , TIC, Tokyo, Japan 08June, 2006 to 07 July, 2006 8. Achievements: Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Special Awards & Appreciations received having provided commendable facilities for the management of bio-medical waste. The hospitals visited were Fletcher Allen Health Care, Burlington, Vermont, New England Medical Centre, Boston. Organized and attended a training prgramme on Bio-Medical Waste Management, in USA with the help of WHO & USAEP The program included lectures by experts on proper management of bio-medical waste with special emphasis on Treatment Technologies and visit to hospitals having good facilities for bio-medical waste management. In January, 1990 as part of Indian Delegation of Scientists and Engineers undersigned visited Moscow and Leningrad in the erstwhile, USSR. The main objective of the visit was to explore the areas of research in the field of environment. During the visit a number of reputed institutions of USSR were visited and discussions were held with the Scientists working there. A report in this regard was submitted to the Government of India. JICA Counterpart Program for Management of Sewerage System including advanced technologies being employed for sewage treatment & technologies used for fecal coliform removal in Japan Manual for Bio-medical waste management Vehicular air pollution Delhi – A preliminary study Air Pollution control areas : Union Territory of Delhi Control of air pollution from coal-fired reverberatory furnaces Status of air quality around Dhanbad Technologies for control of NOx emissions Comprehensive industry document on lime kiln industry Comprehensive industry document on Carbon black industry Comprehensive industry document on brick kilns Comprehensive industry document on Gas-based power plants National ambient air quality statistics of India – 1987-88 Comprehensive industry document on asbestos products manufacturing industry Guidelines for development of green belt Optimization of Combustion efficiency and control of air pollution from small boilers Development of environmental standards & comprehensive industry document for Battery Industry Union Territory of Chandigarh : Preliminary Report Monitoring of human exposure to air pollution in an industrial area Development of Emission factors for large cement manufacturing industries Development of standard methodology for conducting environmental auditing in a Cement manufacturing industry. A letter of appreciation was received from the Hon‘ble MOS (Env.) for outstanding contribution towards organization of the 12th World Lake Conference at Jaipur in Oct-Nov, 2007. 89 8. Any other relevant information, if any: 9. Address & E-mail 10. Residential Official E-mail 25937555(R) 24368526 (o) 90 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name : Shri M. Subba Rao 2. Date of Birth : 10.3.1952 3. Designation : Director (Scientist ‗F‘) 4. Educational Qualification : (1) M.Phil. (Environmental Science) (2) M.Sc. (Chemistry) (3) B.Sc. (Chemistry, Physics, Maths, English, Telugu) 5. Area(s) of Specialization : (1) (2) (3) Coastal Regulation Zone/Impact Assessment of Developmental/Infrastructure Projects Hazardous Waste Management Bio-Medical Waste Management 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) : Given at Annexure-I 7. Training(s) undergone : Given at Annexure-II 8. Achievements : Given at Annexure-III 9. Any other relevant information, if any : Diploma in International Environmental Law 10. (a) Residential Address : W-15, Hudco Place, Andrews Ganj, New Delhi110049. (b) Official Address : Ministry of Enviornment & Forests, Room No.738, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. (c) E-mail : 91 Annexure-I Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) Name of the Division HSM Designat ion Fro m To Types of duties & functions. Director (Scientist ‗F‘) 8/20 07 Till date Presently working in Hazardous Substance Management Division (HSMD). In this Division my responsibilities as Director are given below: Addition al Director (Scientist ‗E‘) 8/20 02 7/20 07 Matters relating to implementation of Supreme Court directions relating to Hazardous Waste Management (HWM) and the Supreme Court Monitoring Committee (SCMC) on HWM as its MemberSecretary. Matters relating to Supreme Court case in respect of Bichhri Village (Udaipur, Rajasthan) regarding ground water and soil pollution. Matters relating to contaminated sites in the country. Matters relating to hazardous waste management and coordination with the CPCB and the States/UTs, Central Ministries and other concerned agencies in this regard. Matters relating to implementation of Bio-Medical Waste (BMW) Rules and coordination with the CPCB and the States/UTs in this regard. Matters relating to Ship Breaking Activities. Matters relating to Supreme Court case on Ship Breaking Activities. Matters relating to recycling of hazardous wastes including waste/used oil. Matters relating to Parliament and Parliament Committees. Coordination Work of HSMD, including staff discipline and staff control of HSM Section. Matters relating to Ship Recycling Convention of International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Matters relating to GEF-UNDP Project on Demonstrating and Promoting Best Techniques and Practices for Reducing Health Care Waste to Avoid/Minimise Environmental Releases of Dioxins and Mercury‖ in U.P. and Tamil Nadu. Matters relating to GEF-UNIDO Project on ―Environmentally Sound Management of Medical Waste in India‖ in Karnataka, Punjab, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. Evaluation of HSMD Scheme Amendment of BMW Rules. Matters relating to RTI. Matters relating to High Court cases on BMW and HW. Matters relating to VIP References. Budget related matters of HSMD. Annual Action Plan of HSMD. Performance/Outcome Budget of HSMD. During this period, worked in Hazardous Substance Management Division (HSMD). In this Division my responsibilities as Additional Director were as follows: Dealing with Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules. Dealing with Hazardous Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules. Handling of Court Cases relating to violation of Hazardous Waste Rules and Bio-Medical Waste Rules. Dealing with the ship recycling matters. Implementation of the Directions of the Supreme Court/High Courts. Handling of Parliament matters, VIP References, etc. 92 IA Addition al Director (Scientist ‗E‘) 3/20 01 7/20 02 During this period worked in IA Division. In this Division my responsibilities were the same as that of a Joint Director (as indicated below). 1/94 2/20 01 Worked in IA Division. follows: Joint Director (Scientist s ‗D‘) CP Deputy Director (Scientist ‗D‘) 10/8 7 12/9 3 Appraisal of infrastructure projects including the proposals in Coastal Regulation Zones for environmental impact assessment. Examination of coastal zone management plans of coastal States/UTs for according approvals. Handling of court cases relating to violation of Coastal Regulation Zone and Environment Impact Assessment Notifications. Handling of Parliament matters, VIP references, etc. Worked in CP Division. follows: My responsibilities in this Division were as My responsibilities in this Division were as Activities involving notification of environmental standards under E(P)Act. Recognition of environmental laboratories under E(P) Act. Review and evaluation of research projects. 93 Annexure-II Details of Foreign Visits S. No. Place of Visit Duration Name of the Course 1. Geneva (Switzerland) 30th March to 2nd April, 2004 2. Nairobi (Kenya) 4th October to 8th October, 2004 3. Dakar (Senegal) 1st March to 4th March, 2005 4. Thimphu (Bhutan) Berlin (Germany) London (U.K.) 31st October to 3rd November, 2005 8th May to 12th May, 2006 7. London (U.K) 9th July to 13th July, 2007 8. Beijing (China) Bali (Indonesia) London (U.K.) Tokyo (Japan) 8th October to 12th October, 2007 23rd June to 27th, June 2008 Study Tour regarding National Implementation Plan (NIP) relating to POPs Convention (Funded by UNIDO) To attend 9th meeting of the COP Basel Convention. 30th Sept, 2008 to 10th Oct., 2008 12th March to 13th March, 2009 To attend the 4th International Working Group Meeting and 58th Session of the MEPC meeting held at London. To attend First UNEP Global Mercury Waste Management Partnership Area Meeting 5. 6. 9. 10. 11. 9th October to 13th October, 2006 Thematic Workshop on Synergies for Capacity Building under International Agreements addressing Waste and Chemicals Management Second Session of the Preparatory Committee Meeting for Development of Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) International Inception meeting organized by UNDP to initialize the PDF-B phase of the Global Demonstration Project – ‗Demonstrating and Promoting Best Practices in Reducing Medical Waste to Avoid Environmental Releases of Dioxins and Mercury from Health Care Practice‘ To attend Green Customs Sub-Regional Workshop To take part in the Study Tour to share the experiences of Germany on Assessment of Hazardous Waste Dumpsites 55th Session of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of International Maritime Organisation (IMO) with regard to International Convention on Recycling of Ships To attend the 56th Session of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) with regard to recycling of ships. 94 Annexure-III Publications in National Seminars/Conferences (i) Regulatory Measures for Waste Management in Textile Industries in: International Conferences on Polymers and Textiles in the New Millennium – An Integrated approach, February 15-16, 2002 at IIT, New Delhi (pp.167-174). (ii) Regulatory Framework for Environmental and Safety Management in Fats and Oil Industry in: OTAI-JOCS Asian Conference – 2002, December 6-8, 2002 at New Delhi. (pp.124-126) (iii) Hazardous Waste Management in India in: Proceedings of the Conference and Exhibition on Safety, Health & Environment, 26th-28th June, 2003, at Cida De, Goa, organised by Greentech Foundation, New Delhi (pp.60-64). (iv) Role of Industry and NGOs in Environmental Protection and Improvement in: Proceedings of the Conference and Exhibition on Environment Management, 10-12 December, 2003 at Khajuraho organised by Greentech Foundation, New Delhi (pp.4446). (v) An Overview of Implementation of Bio-Medical Waste Rules in India in: Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition on Environment Management, 21-23 June, 2004 at Cida De Goa, organised by Greentech Foundation, New Delhi (pp.190-194). (vi) Management of Solid Waste in India in: Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition on Environment Management, 4-6 November, 2004 at Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad, organised by Greentech Foundation, New Delhi (pp.101-107). ****** 95 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: : MOHAMMED ASRARUL HAQUE 2.. Father‘s name : LATE MOHMMED MOUDUDUL HAQUE 3. Present Postal Address: : 4. 5. Dr. M.A.HAQUE , E-25, Type 5B Quarters. HUDCO Place ANDREWS GANJ NEW DELHI- 110049. India email: & Nationality: : Indian 6. Date of Birth: : 28-04-1950 7. Educational Qualifications (Starting from the last degree ):Sl. No. Exam.Passed Year Univ./Board Main Subjects Class/Div. 1. Ph. D 985 J.N.U*. Environmental Science NA. 2. M. Phil. 1981 J.N.U. Environmental Science C.G.P.-A 3. M. Sc. 1971 Bhagalpur Univ. Botany Ist Class Ist 4. B. Sc.(Hons.) 1969 Bhagalpur Univ. Botany (Hons.) Zoology, Chemistry & G.K Ist Class Ist 5. Matriculation 1963. B.S.E Board. Chemistry, Ist Division Physics, Maths, English, M.I.L. & S.S. * Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 8. Other Qualifications:a) Certificate of proficiency (One Year, part time ) in German Language from J.N.U. b) Certificate of Proficiency (One Year, part time) in Arabic Language from J.N.U. c) Three months and one week duration training programmes in use and application of computers. 9. Professional Trainings:a) ‗National Training Seminar on Environmental Education for Educational Planners & Administrators‘, conducted by NIEPA, 1991. b) UNDP Workshop on ‗Environmental Management‘, November, 1993. c) British Council International Seminar – ‗Environmental Education: Policy to Practice‘ at London and Shropshire (U.K.) for two weeks in 1995. 96 d) Four Week Programme on ‗Environmental Education and Communication‘ at Field Study Centre, Shropshire (U.K.) in 1995. e) ‗Environment & Development Education‘: Course of eight weeks at the I.C.C.E (U.K) in 1995. f) Two weeks training course: ‗Senior Environmental Management‘ at the University of Bradford, U.K.- March, 1998. g) Management Development Programme on Strategic Cost Management, conducted by National Institute of Financial Management, 2003 10. Employment records (Starting from the present employment):- Sl No. Post Held Employer Period Responsibilities 1. Director(Scientific) Ministry of Environment and Forests (Govt. of India) January, 2000 to Present 2. Coach/Advisor UNDP July 2007 to July 2008 3. Additional Director(Scientific) Ministry of Environment and Forests (Govt. of India) September 1994 to December 1999 4. Joint Director (Scientific) 5. Scientist ‗C‘ Central Pollution Control Board (Govt. of India) April 1987 to May 1989 6. Lecturer & Reader – Biology Assistant Professor – Biology L.N. Mithila University, Darbhanga, India Salahdeen Univ. Iraq. April ‘74 to April‘87 Oct‘81 – June‘85 Overall coordination of programmes at National level related to Conservation of Biodiversity, Medicinal Plants, NBSAP. DANIDA, UNDP, GEF Projects as National Director. Interaction with UN bodies and International delegations. Capacity development of Afghan officials in the area of Natural resource Management. Coordination of Programmes related to Environmental Education, Conservation, Management of Hazardous Wastes. Coordination of Programmes related to Environmental Education and Communication. Coordination of all activities related to Survey, Media, Publications. Preparation of Technical Reports and Documents. Teaching, Research and Research supervision Teaching and Research 7. 11. - Do - June 1989 to Sept.1994 Job experience:- a) Teaching and research experience of about 15 years in various Universities in India and abroad. b) Divisional in-charge at Central Pollution Control Board for all activities related to communication, media, public relations, awareness etc. for more than two years. c) Experience as Scientist ‗C‘, Joint Director, Additional Director and Director for about seventeen years in CPCB and Ministry of Environment and Forests ( Govt. of India). The responsibilities included national level coordination, supervision, monitoring, evaluation of various programmes and projects including the ones being implemented with international cooperation i.e. UNDP, DANIDA, GEF etc. The responsibilities handled from time to time included those related to 97 Pollution Control, Education, Awareness, Communication, Media, Management of Hazardous Substances, Conservation of Biodiversity etc. 12. Experience in other areas:- a) Extensive experience with print and electronic media. Published more than 250 research papers, review articles, general articles and reports in journals, magazines and periodicals of high repute. b) A series written on Indian trees appeared for about two years in the Indian airlines-Alliance Air magazine ―Swagat‘. The articles were widely appreciated and attracted attention of large number of people from different areas of expertise. c) Written a number of papers/ articles for the Management Journal ‗Paradigm‘ . d) Editing of ‗Quarterly Magazine – Paryavaran‘ of the Ministry of Environment and Forests for last about twelve years. This work is being done in addition to normal duties. e) Visiting faculty and resource person for renowned universities/ educational institutions viz. AMU, Delhi Univ., NCERT, IGNOU, CIET, IIPA, IGNFA, SPA, AIR, NMNH, IILM, ITBP etc. f) Experience of reviewing books, manuscripts etc., for publishers, journals of high repute. g) Devised, written and/or participated in more than 300 radio and T.V programmes of AIR, BBC, Iraq Television, Doordarshan, DAVP etc. h) Scripted eight video and six audio programmes for Indira Gandhi Open University (IGNOU). Two films based on my concept and script won international award and are included in World Open University curriculum. i) Written several Course Units for IGNOU. j) Written one chapter (Population, Resources and Environment) for a Source Book on Population Education) to be brought out by U.G.C. k) Authored the book: Our Valuable Heritage- The Biodiversity for NCSTC, Government of India for the Year of Scientific Awareness (2004). First the book was published in English. Ten thousand copies were printed. On account of its popularity the book was published in Urdu as well. Urdu version was also prepared by me and 5000 copies were printed. l) A photographer of high repute. My photographs are used in various publications, in India and abroad. 13. Membership of Committees :- a) Member of Inter Media Publicity Coordination Committee of All India Radio. b) Member of Expert Group on Environmental Sciences curriculum of UGC. c) Member of the Committee of Ministry of HRD for ‗Environmental Orientation to School Education.‘ d) Member of the Committee of Ministry of HRD for ‗Improvement of Science Education in Schools‘. e) Member of the Committee for Implementation of Communication Strategy for National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board. 98 f) Member of the Committee for Media of the National River Conservation Directorate. g) Member of Project Advisory cum Approval Committee of Vigyan Prasar of DST. h) Member of the Advisory Committee for the feaature: ‗ Srote‘ of NCSTC. i) Member of three Negotiating Committees on behalf of Govt. of India for UN Conventions on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). j) Member of the Committee constituted by Ministry of Home Affairs (Govt. of India) for evaluation of books for national award. The Ministry awards Rs. 100,000/- as first prize. 14. Awards, Prizes, Medals etc. :- a) University Gold Medals for securing Ist position in Ist class in B. Sc. (Hons.) & M. Sc. Exams. b) National Merit Scholarship for three years. c) Cash Prize and Certificate from Govt. of India for original writing for the book – ― Jal Pradooshan‖ (Water Pollution). d) Letters of appreciation from the Ministry of Environment & Forests and dignitaries from outside the Ministry for contributions made in official work and other activities. 99 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: Dr. Manoranjan Hota 2. Date of Birth: 06 February, 1958 3. Designation: Director 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): (Form the Degree level) Name of the Certificate/ Diploma/Degree along with Subjects Ph..D. M.Phil. M.Sc. (Botany) B.Sc. (Hons) Subject Year Class Environmental Assessment of a caustic-chlorine industrial effluent on an estuarine ecosystem. Ecology, toxicology. Environmental Biology (Spl. paper) Botany, Zoology, Chemistry 1985 - 1981 1979 1977 1st 1st with Distinction Subject Year Class Training and Dialogue Programme on ―Managing Global Governance‖ 2008 Certificate Environmental Assessment, Management & Eco-auditing. Post Graduate Training on Environmental Epidemiology. 1997 Certificate 1995 Certificate Other Educational Qualifications: Name of the Certificate/ Diploma/Degree along with Subjects Certificate on Training and Dialogue Programme on ―Managing Global Governance‖ Certificate [EARA (Environmental Auditors Registration Assn.UK)] Certificate (Environmental Epidemiology) (University of Basel, Switzerland) 5. Area(s) of Specialization: Capacity Building on Biosafety Capacity building on waste management. 100 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division HSM Division Designation/ Grade Additional Director Period From To Since December20 08 till date Type of Duties & Functions Municipal Solid Wastes Management Plastics Solid Wastes Management Chemical safety including Classification, Labeling, packaging of chemicals Public Liability Insurance Act Environment Relief Fund Poison Control Center Import of waste paper Environmentally sound management of mercury Rotterdam Convention SAICM Coordination of Bioasfety capacity building project. Coordination of World Bank Waste Management Project CS Division Additional Director 2004-2008 CS Division and Environmental Health Cell (EHC) Joint Director 2000 - 2004 Coordination for the Bioasfety capacity building project. Biosafety issues Coordinator for the Environmental Health programme. Environmental Health Cell (EHC) Deputy Director 1995 - 2000 HSM Division/ CP Division Scientist SC 1989 -1994 World Bank aided Pollution Control Project Coordinator for the Environmental Health programme. Member Secretary for the Committee on Environment and Health. Coordinator for the bilateral programmes on pollution control. Coordinator for the World Bank aided Pollution Control Project On-site & Off-site management plan for the hazardous waste. 101 7. Training undergone: Sl. No. 1 2009 2 2009 3 2008 4 2008 5 2007 6 2005 7 2004 8. Year Name of course 2nd International Conference on Chemicals Management Mercury Storage Programme Training and Dialogue Programme on ―Managing Global Governance‖ Conference of Parties (CoP) on Biosafety Regional meeting of the GEF biosafety projects Training on Biosafety Capacity Building on Biosafety. Certificate/ Meeting Conference of Parties Institution/organisation SAICM Secretariat, Geneva Meeting of Asian region Certificate SAICM Secretariat, Geneva Meeting in Bonn CBD, Secretariat, Montreal Meeting in Lusaka UNEP-GEF regional meeting of the biosafety programmes Training of UNEP-GEF Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) Project at Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia. Second Focal Points Meeting on ―Capacity Building on Biosafety of GM Crops in Asia‖ held at FAO Bangkok (10-11 March, 2004). Training Participation in the meeting InWEnt, Bonn, Germany Achievements: Publications of Dr. Manoranjan Hota 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. [Global] Environmental Governance and Global Environmental Facility – an analysis submitted to InWent, Germany (2008). Biosafety Capacity-Building: Experiences from India: In: Biosafety Protocol News; Volume 3(5);December 2008 Biosafety Information Kit; Ministry of Environment and Forests;(2006-2007) Documentary on GEF – World Bank Capacity Building Project (2007) Capacity Building on Biosafety: Training Needs Assessment; Ministry of Environment and Forests (2006). Biosafety : Issues and Challenges (Edited); Ministry of Environment and Forests (2007). Biosafety News Letters (Edited) Ministry of Environment and Forests; (2006-2007). Biosafety Framework and capacity building in India; In: Biosafety: Issues and Challenges; Ministry of Environment and Forests (2006). Science mass media confluence: A case for ensuring safer future for educating masses on biosafety: In: Biosafety: Issues and Challenges; Ministry of Environment and Forests (2006). Biosafety and Mass Media (Edited), Ministry of Environment and Forests; (2006). Presented a country paper on ―Biosafety of GM Crops in India‖ at the FAO Second Focal Points Meeting on ―Capacity Building in Biosafety of GM Crops in Asia‖; Bangkok (2004). Contributed for the Vision Statement on ―Environment and Human Health‖ of the MoEF (2003). Contributed for the project preparation of the national capacity building on Biosafety for the GEFWorld Bank project. (2003). Presented a paper ―Environmental Health: Indian Perspective‖ in the International Conference on environmental health. New Delhi (2002). Contributed and written the Report of the Committee on Environment and Health being the member-secretary of the Committee constituted by the MoEF (2000). Environmental Health Impact Assessment- an Approach: presented in International "consultation on methods for Health Impact Assessment in Environmental and Occupational Health", Geneva, organized by WHO & ILO on 09-11 July, (1997). Presented a paper in the workshop on Environmental Health Impact Assessment, New Delhi (2002). Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of tin plate & polypropylene containers: In. PIRA International report (under confidentiality agreement), U.K. (1993). 102 9. 19. Ecomark: A Country paper presented in the International Training programme on Environmental Assessment and Management, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.(July-August,(1992) 20. Membrane permeability results in accumulation and distribution of mercury in tissues of fishes: Int. Conf. on Bio-membranes in Health and Diseases.Abs. no.161, Lucknow, India (1988),. 21. Mercury dynamics in the Rushikulya river estuary, Orissa, India, In:Heavy metals in the Environment, International Conference, Athens, Sept. 10-13, (1985). 22. Eco-physiological effects of mercurial effluent on the primary productivity of the Rushikulya river estuary, Orissa, India, In:Heavy metals in the Environment, International Conference, Athens, Sept. 10-13, 1985. 23. Effect of Chlor-alkali industrial effluent on the ATP-ase activity of Cylindrospermum sp;In National seminar on Assessment and Management of Pollution (1984). 24. Bioassay of Industrial waste: A prelude.In Proceedings of the Seminar on Environmental and Natural resources management; Bhubaneswar (1983). 25. Toxicological effects of an inorganic mercury(HgCl2) on blue-green alga, Cylindrospermum sp. Abs. Status and Impact of Heavy Metal Pollution in India, Madras, 1982; pp28. 26. Primary production in a tropical creek at Gopalpur, Orissa Comp.Physiol. Ecol.8(2):96-100 (1983). 27. Diurnal variation in the dissolved oxygen of a brackish water creek at Gopalpur, Orissa, Abstract, Proc. Ind. Science Congress (1982) pp192. Special Awards/Appreciation received: Appreciation form MEF for sincere work in the 2nd International Conference on Chemicals Management held in Geneva from 11-15 May, 2009. 10. Held a German Development Cooperation Fellowship to work in various institutions in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France on Managing Global Governance. Special appreciation from Minister of Environment and Forests for the work during the 2nd International Conference on Chemicals Management in Geneva and being elected as the Regional Focal Point for Asia-Pacific Region. Special appreciation form UNEP-GEF on the research study on global environmental governance. Held a WHO fellowship to work in WHO (HQ) Geneva, Harvard University and Johns Hopkins University, USA, in the field of environmental and Public Health. Held a British Council Overseas Development Assistance Fellowship to work in various Institutions in the United Kingdom in the field of environmental management, audit and assessment. Special appreciation for writing the Report of the ―Committee on Environment and Health‖ a Committee constituted by the MoEF. Special appreciation for preparing the GEF-World Bank project on the Capacity Building on Biosafety, which has been approved by the GEF and concluded successfully. Any other relevant information, if any: I have participated in the international negotiations, as a part of the Indian delegation, in the meetings of the Conference of Parties (CoP) for Biosafety, international meetings in Chemicals etc. 11. Address & E.Mail: Residential Official E-mail S-52, HUDCO Place, Andrews Ganj New Delhi-110049 Additional Director Ministry of Environment & Forests Paryavaran Bhawan, C G O Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003 103 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name : N.L.N.S. Prasad 2. Date of Birth : 29.11.1954 3. Designation : Scientist 'F'/Director (S) 4. Educational Qualifications i)B.Sc. - Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, 1974, Andhra Loyola College, Vijaywada. ii) M.Sc. Zoology (Animal Physiology Spl.), 1976, Andhra University, Waltair, iii) Certificate in Wildlife Biology (6 months special training programme in Wildlife Biology), 1978, IISC, Bangalore, iv) Ph.D. - Zoology, (Wildlife Biology), 1981, OSmainia University, Hyderabad. 5. Area (s) of Specialization i) Ecology and behavior of Blackbuck, ii) Ecological impacts on bird species of Idukki HEP, iii) Behavior of wildlife and cattle at waterholes in different grazing systems (USA), iv) Survey of wildlife populations in Sanctuaries and National Parks (A.P.), v) Wildlife Management, vi) Environmental Impact Assessment of Developmental Projects, vii) Coastal Zone Management. 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) : Name of the Division Regional Office, Bhubaneswar Designation Period Items of works handled / being handled Scientist 'F' / Director (S) 02.02.2007 Regional Office, Bhubaneswar Scientist 'E' / Addl. Director (S) Scientist 'D' / Joint Director (S) Scientist 'SD' / Dy. Director (S) Scientist 'SD' / Dy. Director (S) 27.09.200801.08.2007 i) Monitoring of projects and site inspection ii)Matters related to CRZ, Thermal Power Plants & Coal mines Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly & Annual reports As above. Regional Office, Bhubaneswar Regional Office, Bhubaneswar Regional Office, Shillong 7. E-mail As above. 27.06.199431.12.1994 As above. 29.03.199010.06.1994 As above. Address & Email Residential Official 01.01.199526.09.2001 Dr. N.L.N.S. Prasad, Plot No. 15, 1st Floor, Madhusudan Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751001. Director (S), Ministry of Environment & Forests, Eastern Regional Office, A/3, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751 023. 104 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: DR. NASEEM AHMAD 2. Date of Birth: 30.09. 1955 3. Designation: Director 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): Name of the Degree Ph.D. Zoology M.Phil. (Zoology) M.Sc (Zoology) B.Sc (Hons.) Zoology Year of Award 1980 1977 1975 1973 5. Area (s) of Specialization: 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division RE Division PT Division Animal Welfare C.P. Division Zoology (Nematology) Designation Director(S) Period From To 2007 - till date Additional Director(S) 2002 - 2007 Additional Director(S) 2000 - 2002 Joint Director(S) 1998 - 2000 Joint Director(S) 1995 2001 Deputy Director(S) 1991 1995 Deputy Director(S) 1990 1991 105 Items of Works handled/being handled Technical examination, evaluation and processing of the research proposals relating to Ecosystem Research and Eastern/Western Ghats Programmes and annual review of the progress of the ongoing/completed projects, work relating to Pitambar Pant and B.P. Pal awards, constitution of Expert Group on Conservation, release of funds to ongoing/completed projects, Coordination work relating to RE Division, Parliamentary and budgetary matters etc. Coordination and supervision of implementation of World Bank aided India Eco-development project, attending to World Bank Mission, processing of Annual Plan operation (APO of project States), Release of funds to project States, award of consultancies, procurement of equipments, Budgetary and Parliamentary matters, submission of reports and returns etc. Release of funds to Animal Welfare Board of India for various schemes/activities of the Board, amendment to PCA Act, 1960, work relating to CPCSEA, processing of the proposals and release of funds to Central Zoo Authority, Exchange of animals, NZP, Delhi and Padmza Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park, Darjeeling, Budgetary and parliamentary matters. Work relating to Environmental Standards, critically polluted areas and recognition of laboratories etc. 7. environmental Training Undergone: In India: Date From To 19.4.2000 23.4.2000 Duration Name of course Institution/organization 4 days Training programme ―Equipping the Enforcears in Environmental Law‖. Calcutta University Abroad: Date From To 18.3.1996 to 21.5.1996 Duration Name of course Institution/organization 64 days Edinburah University, Scotland, UK 21.8.2000 6.10.2000 45 days Environmental Policy, Planning, Legislation and Enforcement Systems Attended Training Programme in Community Forestry at Bangkok 8. Achievements: 20 publications. (Annexure) Nil Publications Special Awards & Appreciations Received 9. Kascsat University, Bangkok, Thailand Any other relevant information, if any: Nil 10. Address & E-mail House No. V-182, Street No. 23, Vijay Park, Delhi110 053. Ministry of Environment & Forests Residential Official E-mail 106 ANNEXURE 1. AHMAD, N. and JAIRAJPURI, M.S., Statistical analysis of variability in the population of Rarahadronchus shakili (Nematode,) Nematol. Medit., 9, : 163-173, 1981. 2. BAQRI, Q.H., DAS, P.K. and AHMAD, N., Nematodes from West Bengal (India) X. On a new species of Anatonchus (Cobb, 1966) De Conninck, 1939 (Mononchoidai : Nematode), Bull, Zool, Surv, India 4 : 209-211, 1981. 3. BAQRI, Q.H. and AHMAD, N., Nematodes from West Bengal (India) VII. Morphometic and Allometric variations of Tylenchorhynchus nudu, Allen, 1955 (Tylenchorhynchidae: Tylenchide), Bull, Zool, Surv, India 3 : 239-247, 1981. AHMAD, N. and JAIRAJPURI, M.S., Detailed studies on the morphology and intraspecific variations of Parahadronchus shakil (Jairajpuri, 1969) Mulvey, 1978 with some observations on its juvenile stages. Rec. Zool, Surv, India 80 : 27-46, 1982. 4. 5. AHMAD, N. and JAIRAJPURI, M.S., Observations on the development of juveniles and adults of Parahadronchus shakil (Jairajpuri, 1969), Rev. Nematol, 5 : 79-91, 1982. 6. AHMAD, N. and JAIRAJPURI, M.S., Pollution fluctuations of a predatory nematode, Parahadronchus shakil Jairajpuri, 1969 (Monochides), Proc, Symp, Ecol, Anim. Population, Zool, Surv. India. Pt. 3 : 1-12, 1982. 7. AHMAD, N. and JAIRAJPURI, M.S., Effect of pH mineral salts and fatty acids on the survival of adults and juveniles of Parahadronchus shakil (Jairajpuri, 1969) Mulvey, 1978, Indian J, Nematol, 12 : 22-30, 1982. 8. BAQRI, Q.H., JANA, A., AHMAD, N. and DAS, P.K., Nematodes from West Bengal (India) VIII. Qualitative and Quantitative studies on plant and soil inhabiting nematodes associated with paddy crop, Rec. Zool, Surv, India 80 : 331-340, 1983. 9. BAQRI, Q.H. and AHMAD, N., Nematode from West Bengal (India) XVI. On the species of the genus Helocotylenchus Steiner, 1945 (Hoplolaimidae: Tylenchida), J, Zool, Soc, India, 35 : 29-48, 1983. 10. AHMAD, N., DAS,P.K. and BAQRI, Q.H., Evaluation of yield losses in rice due to Hirschmannislla gracilis (De Man, 1880) Luc & Goodey, 1963 (Tylcnchidae: Nematode) at Hooghly, West Bengal, Bull. Surv, India 5 : 85-91, 1984 11. DAS, P.K., AHMAD, N. and BAQRI, Q.H. The study on seasonal variation in the population of Hirschmannislla gracilis (De Man, 1880) Luc & Goodey, 1963 (Tylcnchidae: Nematode) at Hooghly, West Bengal, India. Indian J. Helminth, 1: 17-23, 1984. 12. AHMAD, N. and JAIRAJPURI, M.S. Studies on the variability of Parahadronchus shakil (Jairajpuri, 1969) (Nematode: Monochides), Indian J. Helminth, 2 : 47-39, 1985. 13. AHMAD, N. and BAQRI, Q.H., Nematodes from West Bengal, India XXIII, Studies on the species of the subfamily Tyulenchorhynchinae: (Tylenchorhynchidae: Tylenchide), Bull, Zool, Surv, India 8: 135-142, 1987. 14. AHMAD, N. and BAQRI, Q.H., The species of the genus Xiphincma Cobb, 1913 (Xiphinematidae : Derylaimida) from Malaysia, Bull, Zool, Surv, India 8: 143-148, 1987. AHMAD, N., The effect of Solar UV-B radiations on Biological System International National Conference Tropical Ozone and Atmosphere change held at Pennang, Malaysia, 2023 Feb. 1990 (Abstr). . 15. 16. BAQRI, Q.H., AHMAD, N. and DEY, S., Nematodes from West Bengal (India) XXIV. Qualitative and quantitative studies on plant and soil inhabiting Nematodes associated with Paddy Crop in Coochbehar District. Rec. Zool, Surv, India 88 : 63-39, 1991. 107 17. RAO, M. SUBBA and AHMAD, N. Present status of effluent standards in India. Proceedings of the Workshop on Industrial Pollution, 1995. 18. BAQRI, Q.H. and AHMAD, N. Qualitative and quantitative studies on plant and soil inhabiting Nematodes associated with Rice Crops in Sikkim, India, Rec, Zool, Surv, India (Accepted). 19. BAQRI, Q.H. and AHMAD, N. Nematodes from West Bengal (India) XXV. Qualitative and quantitative studies on plant and soil inhabiting Nematodes associated with crops in Malda and Jalpaiguri districts. Rec, Zool, Surv, India (Submitted). 20. AHMAD, N. Reduction in the usage of Nematicides – The newer approaches (under preparation). 108 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name : DR. P. B. RASTOGI 2. Date of Birth : 12th June, 2009 3. Designation : Director 4. Educational Qualifications : S. N. Degree University / Institution Year of Passing Subjects I B. Sc Agra University 1975 Chemistry, Zoology, Botany II M. Sc Rohilkhand University 1977 Zoology III i Ph. D Allahabad University 1984 Environment Toxicology IV Post-Doc University of Massachusetts, U.S.A. 1985-86 Microbial Genetic Toxicology V Post-Doc Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A. 1986-87 Mammalian Genetic Toxicology VI Study Fellow University of Bradford, Manchaster, Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinburgh, U.K. 5. 6. S. N. I 1994 Environment Impact Assessment and Auditing Area(s) of specialization: (i) Environmental toxicology involving histopathology, haematology, cytogenetics, mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, microbiology, molecular genetics, genetic engineering. (ii) Environmental appraisal and monitoring of all kind of developmental projects at the site including Iron & Steel projects including Sponge, Pig Iron, Ferro Alloy; Smelters; Automobile; Cement; Asbestos; Fertilizers; Dyes; Chemicals; Synthetic Rubber; Caustic Soda; Paints; Printed Circuit Boards (PCB); Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC); Drugs; Sugar; Foundry; Electroplating; Foundry; Pulp & Paper; Petroleum Storage Projects; Integrated Pprojects including Mining, Coal Washery and Captive Power Plants, River Valley, Thermal Power Stations etc. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Office / Division Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi Designation Director Period From -To 09.02.08Contd. Items of work handled/being handled Appraisal and processing of diversified category of industrial projects for environmental clearance (EC) and according environmental clearance by stipulating environmental safeguards / conditions. Field monitoring of industries to assess the compliance of EC in respect of projects accorded EC and also undertaking field units of selected industries before 109 considering for EC to assess the existing pollution control measures. Policy matters including clarifications to the EIA notification, 2006 etc., constitution of SEIAA/SEAC, Quality Council of India, Regional EIA, Carrying capacity etc. Follow up of Court cases / legal matters with the Hon‘ble Supreme & High Courts, National Environmental Appellate Authority (NEAA) at appropriate levels, preparing and filing necessary affidavits etc. Attending Parliament Questions, VVIP / VIP / Cabinet references, PIB, DIPP, Right to Information Act cases etc. Maintaining liasoning & linkage with Central / State Govt., NGOs and PAs. Participation in Seminars / Symposia / Conferences / Workshop / Trainings etc. II III IV V MoEF, New Delhi MoEF, Regional Office (North), Chandigarh Additional Director Additional Director 26.08.0508.02.08. 15.10.0325.08.05 MoEF, Regional Office (Central), Lucknow, U.P. MoEF, Regional Office (Central), Lucknow, U.P. Joint Director 01.01.9530.07.02 Additional Director Any other work assigned time to time. -doField visits for monitoring of pollution control measures of developmental projects, CSS, Impact assessment, Linkage & liasoning with Govt. & NGOs in Northern Region viz. Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, H.P., J & K and Chandigarh. Field visits for monitoring of pollution control measures of developmental projects, CSS, Impact assessment, Linkage & liasoning with Govt. & NGOs in Central Region viz. U.P., Uttarakhand and Rajasthan 31.07.0224.10.03 27.10.8931.12.94 Deputy Director Field visits for monitoring of pollution control measures of developmental projects, Centrally sponsored schemes (CSS), Impact assessment, Linkage & liasoning with Govt.& NGOs in Central Region viz. U.P., Uttarakhand and Rajasthan 7. Work Experience before joining Ministry : S. N. VI Name of the Office Designation National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad Gujarat Senior Research Officer Period From -To 01.07.8825.10.89 VII National Institute Immunology New Delhi Research Scientist 12.03.8829.06.88 Toxicological evaluation of vaccines in rats using histopathological, haematological, cytogenetic and mutagenic methods. VIII Jawahar Lal Nehru University New Delhi Pool Officer 27.04.8712.03.88 Geno-toxicity of epileptic drugs in mice & teaching to M.Sc. Classes. of 110 Items of work handled/being handled Toxicological evaluation of Pan Masala & Methyl isocynate in rats. IX X XI Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge U.S.A. University of Massachusetts, Amherst U.S.A. Cytology Research Centre, (Institute of Oncology & Preventive Medicine), New Delhi Visiting Scientist 01.04.8619.03.87 PostDoctoral Research Associate Research Officer 19.03.8531.3.86 Geno-toxicity of human cells to food colours, flavonoids, antioxidants. Molecular genetics and genetic engineering. Microbial & mammalian geno-toxicity of flavonoids & food colours. 16.09.8412.03.85 Cyto-diagnosis of different types of the cancers in human beings. 8. Trainings undergone : In India : Date From- To Dec. 21-25, 2005 Duration 3 days Name of the Course Institution / Organization 3-Day Training Programme on Green Buildings : Sustainable Design, Energy Efficiency and Best Practices Workshop on EIA Training of Trainers MoEF, GTZ, INVENT and TERI at TERI, N. Delhi June 2002 6-8, 3 days June 2002 24-29, 6 days One-Week Training Programme for Enforcers in Environmental Laws. Centre for Environment Education Research and Advocacy (CEERA) at National Law School of India University, Bangalore, Karnataka June 2002 24-29, 5 days One week Training Programme for Enforcers in Environmental Laws. Centre for Environment Education Research and Advocacy (CEERA) at National Law School of India University, Bangalore, Karnataka Nov. Dec., 2001 1814, 26 days Indo-British Course on Indian Coastal Zone Management MOEF, N. Delhi, India and University of New Castle-upon-Tyne and University of Bath, U. K. sponsored by the Department of Foreign International Division (DFID), U.K. at School of Oceanographic Studies, University of Jadavpur, Kolkata, W.B., India Nov. 2000 29-30, 2 days Training on Management Hazardous Chemicals. of Human Resource Foundation (HRD) at the India International Centre, New Delhi, India Feb. 1998 10-12, 3 days Indo-US Workshop on Lead and other Heavy Metals: Sensitive Population at High Risk. Industrial Toxicology Research Centre (ITRC), Lucknow, U.P., India Feb. 1997 1-3, 3 days Training on Waste Disposal in Engineered Landfills. Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India Mar. 1996 26-27, 2 days Training Course on Management of Chemical Accidents-III: For Top Executives. Disaster Management Institute, Bhopal, M.P., India Oct. 1995 11-12, 2 days Workshop on Waste Treatment and Disposal. Central Pollution Control Board, Regional Office (North), Kanpur, U.P., India 111 Chemonics International Inc., Washington, U.S.A. & MOEF, New Delhi at the India International Centre, N. Delhi, India Jan. 1995 23-28, 6 days Risk Analysis, Safety, Planning and Management. Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India Jan. 1994 19-20, 2 days Indo-UNEP Hands-on Training for the Database on Chemicals. National Informatics Centre, New Delhi, India Sep. 1993 20-24, 5 days FASAS seminar on Global Environmental Chemistry and Workshop-cum-Training Course on Methane Emission National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India Feb. 1993 8-11, 4 days Indo-UNEP/UNITAR Regional training on the Implementation of London Guidelines and National Register for Potentially Toxic Chemicals (NRPTC). MoEF, N. Delhi, India and UNEP & UNITAR, Geneva Oct. 1992 12-17, 6 days Indo-Dutch training on EIA of Industrial Siting and Landuse Planning. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, India. April 30 May 5, 1990 5 days Indo-Dutch training on EIA of Water Resource Projects. Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune, India 7 days 8th International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Environment at Cape Town, South Africa. United Nations 3 days South Asia Regional Workshop cum Training Programme on Negotiators of Multi-national Environmental Agreements (MEAs) South Asia Co-operation Programme (SACEP) in collaboration with UNEP at Colombo, Sri Lanka Training on Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing. University of Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburgh, U.K. Abroad : April 5-11, 2008 October 5-7, 2005 September 19 - Dec. 12, 1994 9. Scientific & Technical Achievements : Publications : (1982-2009) 2009 1. Rastogi, P. B. and Rastogi, N. (2009) Climate Change and its Impact of Bio-diversity-A Critical Appraisal. Proceedings of the Symposium on Functional Diversity and Eco-physiology of Animals‖ organized by the Centre for Advanced Study, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (21st–23rd February, 2009), pp. 11-25. 2008 2. Rastogi, P. B. (2008) Statutory Requirements for Environmental Clearance for Mining & Allied Projects. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Environmental Management in Mining & Allied Industries [EMMA-2008] organized by the Department of Mining Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P. (7 th–8th November, 2008), pp. 475-478. 2007 3. Rastogi, P. B. (2007) Environment Management and Strategies: Recent Policies and Planning on the Environmental Issues. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Environmental Issues as Human Rights and Duties – Need for Value Education at Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Varanasi, U.P. In Press 112 2006 4. Rastogi, P. B. (2006) Environment-Friendly Technologies vis-`a-vis Environmental Conservation. Plant Response to Environmental Stress (Eds. : by R.D. Tripathi, K. Kulshreshtha, M. Agarwal, K.J. Ahmad, C.K. Varshney, Sagar Krupa and P. Pushpagandan, IBD Co. Publishers, Lucknow, U.P., pp. 335-345. 2005 5. Rastogi, P. B. (2005) Environmental Legislations in India in the Proceeding of the Workshop on Monitoring and Implementation Environmental Safeguards organized by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office (North) at CII, Chandigarh on 5th March, 2005, pp. 248270. 6. Rastogi, P. B. (2005) Environmental Safeguards for Development Projects: Monitoring and Implementation Aspects. Proceeding of the Workshop on Monitoring and Implementation Environmental Safeguards organized by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office (North) at CII, Chandigarh on 5th March, 2005, pp. 199-245. 7. Saini, R.S., Prasad, B. and Rastogi, P. B. (2004) The Access Initiative: A Guide to Indian Laws Pollution Control; An Access to Information, Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters (Supported by World Resource Institute, Washington, U. S. A.) published by IDMA Foundation for Sustainable Development, Chandigarh, pp 1-16 8. Rastogi, P. B. (2004) Legislations on Management of Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes. Proceeding of the Training programme on Creating Culture of Responsive and Preventive Management of Chemical Accidents and Emergencies organized by HRD Foundation and sponsored by the MoEF, N. Delhi at SCOPE Complex, New Delhi, pp. 1-21 9. Rastogi, P. B. (2004) Environmental Laws related to Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes. Proceeding of the Training programme on Creating Culture of Responsive and Preventive Management of Chemical Accidents and Emergencies sponsored by the MoEF, N. Delhi organized by HRD Foundation at Chandigarh, pp. 1-19 10. Rastogi, P. B. (2003) Integration of mining activity and environment in the Thar desert environment. In : Mining and Environment in Thar Desert (Eds. : P. Narain, S. Katju, A. Kar, M.P. Singh and P. Kumar) published by Arid Zone Research Association of India at Central Arid and Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur, Rajasthan, pp. 167-177. 2004 2003 Rastogi, P. B. (2003) Environmental legislations for waste management in India. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Hazardous Waste Management: Law and Practice in India organized by Banaras Hindu University Law School under Environment Law Management Capacity Building Project sponsored by the World Bank and Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, N. Delhi during March 23-24, 2002, pp. 55-71. Rastogi, P. B. (2003) An integrated approach for environmental managemrent in mining industry. Proceedings of the Workshop on Environmental Management Capacity Building in the Non-Coal Mining Sector in India sponsored by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India and organized by the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad to be held at the India International Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi during January 22-24, 2003. 2002 11. Rastogi, P. B. (2003) Environmental laws and acts for mining and allied and industries. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Status of Environmental Management in Mining and Industry (SEMMI-2003) organized by the Department of Mine Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P. (January 19-20, 2003), pp. 283-294. 12. Rastogi, P. B. (2002) Environmental legislations for waste management in India. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Hazardous Waste Management: Law and Practice in India organized by Banaras Hindu University Law School under Environment Law Management Capacity Building Project sponsored by the World Bank and Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, N. 113 Delhi during March 23-24, 2002, pp. 55-71. 2001 2000 13 Rastogi, P. B. (2002) Policies and programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Plants and Environmental Pollutions organized by International Society of Environmental Botanists at the National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, U.P. during February 4-9, 2002, pp. 20. 14 Rastogi, P. B. (2002) Environment-friendly technologies vis-à-vis environmental conservation. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Plants and Environmental Pollutions organized by International Society of Environmental Botanists at the National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, U.P. during February 4-9, 2002, pp. 85. 15 Rastogi, P. B. (2002) Impact of mining activities on the Thar desert environment. Proceedings of the Symposium on Impact of Human Activities on Thar Desert Environment organized by Arid Zone Research Association of India at Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI), Jodhpur, Rajasthan during February 15-17, 2001, pp. 30. 16 Rastogi, P. B. (2001) Strategies for waste management in India. In : Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management jointly organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P. and Indian Association for Environmental Management, NEERI, Nagpur, Maharashtra during February 23-25, 2001, 3-15. 17 Rastogi, P. B. (2001) Role of clean technologies in the abatment of pollution. In : Proceedings of the National Sysmosium on Combating Pollutants Accumulation in Ecosystem for Sustainable Agriculture (Eds. F. M. Prasad and A.K. Gupta) organized by Department of Chemistry, Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Allahabad, U.P., India during October 27-28, 1998,21-31. 18 Rastogi, P. B. (2001) ISO-14001: A new approach to integrate environmental management issues. Proceedings of the Role of Earth Sciences in Integrated Developmental and Societal Issues, G.S.I. Special Publications, 65, 1, 23-26. 19 Rastogi, P. B. (2001) Geo-environmental reclamation of hazardous waste disposal sites. Proceedings of the Role of Earth Sciences in Integrated Developmental and Societal Issues, G.S.I. Special Publications, 65, 1, 205-209. 20 Rastogi, P. B. (2001) Mining and environment: Policy issues in India. Proceedings of the Second Mines Environment and Mineral Conservation organized by Hindustan Zinc Ltd., Udaipur, Rajsthan, India, 75-83. 21 Rastogi, P. B. and Rastogi, N. (2000) Pollution vis-a-vis biodiversity. In; Environmental Stress: Indication, Mitigation and Eco-conservation (Eds. M. Yunus, N. Singh and L.J. deKok) Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 73-88. 22 Rastogi, P. B. and Lal, M. B. (2000) Guidelines for obtaining environmental clearance for Water Resources Development (WRD) projects in India. In : Proceedings of All India Seminar on Environmental and Social Issues in Water Resources Development (Eds. J. Mohan, R.K. Khanna and Nirupama) organized by the Institution of Engineers (India) at Lucknow, U.P., during June 5-6, 2000, 77-86. 23 Rastogi, P. B. and Lal, M. B. (2000) Environmental legislations related to water resources in India. In: Proceedings of All India Seminar on Environmental and Social Issues in Water Resources Development (Eds. J. Mohan, R.K. Khanna and Nirupama) organized by the Institution of Engineers (India) at Lucknow, U.P., India during June 5-6, 2000, 87-94. 24 Rastogi, P. B. (2000) Environmental impacts of mining operations: Some practical solutions. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geo-environmental Reclamation organized by International Society for Geo-environmental Reclamation at S.R.K.N. Engieering College, Nagpur, 114 Maharashtra during November 20-22, 2000, 431-436. 25 Rastogi, P. B. (2000) Environmental legislations related to metallurgical industries. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Management in Metallurgical Industries (Ed. R.C. Gupta) organized by Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Centre of Advance Study in Metallurgy, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P., India during December 14-16, 2000, 385-390. 26 Rastogi, P. B. (2000) Legal requirements of public participation in environmental protection. In: Environmental Protection (Eds. V Chaudhary, K. Singh and B.L.Kakralaya) Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, Rajsthan, 8-19. 27 Rastogi, P. B. and Rastogi, N. (1998) Impact of growing population and human resource consumption on the biodiversity. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Biodiversity Conservation in Managed Forests and Protected Area, Agrobotanica Publishers, Bikaner, India, 201210. 28 Rastogi, P. B. and Rastogi, N. (1998) Impact of habitat loss and habitat fragmentation on the biodiversity. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Biodiversity Conservation in Managed Forests and Protected Areas, Agrobotanica Publishers, Bikaner, India, 156-165 29 Rastogi, P. B. and Singh, B.K. (1997) Statutory requirements for the environmental clearance for hydropower projects in India. Proceedings of the Seminar on Hydropower Development in Uttarakhand and Adjoining Himalayan Region. (organized by the Institution of Engineers at Dehradun, U.P., India on February 7-8, 1997) 67-74. 30 Rastogi, P. B. and Singh, B.K. (1997) Impact of hydropower projects on the environment. Proceedings of the Seminar on Hydropower Development in Uttarakhand and Adjoining Himalayan Region. (organized by the Institution of Engineers at Dehradun, U.P. India on February 7-8, 1997) 75-81. 31 Rastogi, P. B. (1997) Environmental impact assessment: Current deficiencies, possible remedies and recommendations for further improvement. Proceedings of National Workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment - Policy, Practice and Prospects for India (organised by the Centre for Environmental Education at Lucknow, U.P., India on March, 4-5, 1997) 47-52. 32 Rastogi, P. B. (1997) Environmental Auditing: A legal binding or a management tool? Proceedings of the National Symposium on Earth Sciences in Environment Assessment and Management, (organized by the Geological Survey of India at Lucknow, U.P., India w.e.f. April 911, 1996) 48, 2, 229-232. 33 Rastogi, P. B. and Levin, R.E. (1996) Metabolic activation and inactivation of metanil yellow and orange II in the Salmonella typhimurium his- reversion assay. J. Food Protection, U.S.A. , 58, 4, 1-6. 34 Rastogi, P. B. and Rastogi, N. (1996) Biodiversity : Present situation and future strategy. Journal of Environmental Research, India, 6, 2, 63-69. 35 Rastogi, P. B. (1996) Waste Management in India. Journal of Environmental Research, India, 6, 2, 76-81. 1995 36 Rastogi, P. B. (1995) An overview of national and international Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) guidelines. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, India, 15, 4 , 297-301. 1994 37 Rastogi, P. B. and Rastogi, N. (1994) Ash can be encashed. Paryavaran, 6, 3, 21-23. 1991 38 Rastogi, P. B. and Rastogi, N. (1991) Effect of gulf war on the environment, Paryavaran, 3, 8 10. 1998 1997 1996 115 39 Rastogi, P. B., Thilly, W.G. and Moore, L.S. (1991) Long term low dose mutation studies in human cells: metanil yellow and orange II. Mutation Research, U.S.A., 245, 285-273. 1990 40 Rastogi, P. B. (1990) Toxicological evaluation of Pan Masala. National Institute of Occupational Health (ICMR), Ahmdabad, Gujarat, Annual Report, 1989-90, 60-66. 1989 41 Rastogi, P. B. and Prasad, O. (1989) Histopathological changes induced in the liver and gonads of albino mice by feeding a common food color orange II. In : Proceedings of the Symposium on the Harmful Effects of Common Environmental Toxicants (Ed. Om Prasad), Advanced Graphic Services, Allahabad, U.P., India, 101-116. 42 Oller, A. R., Rastogi, P. B., Morganther, S. and Thilly, W.G. (1989) A statistical model to estimate variance in long term x low dose mutation assay : Testing of a model in human lymphoblastoid mutation assay. Mutation Research, U.S.A., 216, 149 - 162. 1987 43 Rastogi, P. B. and Levin, R.E. (1987) Induction of sperm abnormalities in mice by quercetin. Environmental Mutagenesis, U.S.A., 9, 1, 79 - 86. 1986 44 Prasad, O. and Rastogi, P.B. (1986) Histopathological changes induced by a common food color metanil yellow in albino mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, 56 (B), II, 118 - 123 45 Prasad, O. (1986) Induction of dominant lethals by the nonpermitted food colours, metanil yellow and orange II, in albino mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, 58 (B), IV, 343 - 345. 46 Prasad, O. and Rastogi, P. B. (1983) Haematological changes induced by feeding a common food color metanil yellow in albino mice. Toxicology Letters, U.S.A., 18, 103 -107. 47 Prasad, O. and Rastogi, P. B. (1983) Haematological abnormalities induced by prefeeding a common food color metanil yellow in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, 53(B), I, 1 - 9. 48 Prasad, O. and Rastogi, P. B. (1983) Metanil yellow induced cytogenetical changes in albino mice. Mammalian Chromosome Newsletter, U.S.A., 24, 213 - 220. 49 Prasad, O. and Rastogi, P. B. (1982) Orange II induced cytogenetical changes in albino mice. Experientia, Switzerland, 33, 10, 1240-1242 50 Prasad, O. and Rastogi, P. B. (1982) Effect of feeding a commonly used nonpermitted food colour orange II on the haematological values of Mus musculus, Journal of Food Science and Technology, India, 19, 4, 150-153. 51 Prasad, O. and Rastogi, P. B. (1982) Carcinogenic effects of a common food colour matanil yellow on albino mice. National Academy Science Letters, India, 5, 6, 205 - 208. 1983 1982 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 51 papers published/accepted in National / International Journals / Books in the field of Environmental Toxicology, Environment Impact Assessment, Environment Auditing, Waste Management, Biodiversity, Clean Technology, Mining, Environmental Legislations etc. 50 papers presented in National / International Seminar / Symposia / Conferences. Participated in 62 National / International Seminars / Symposia Conferences / Workshops. Attended 19 Professional Training Programmes at the National and International level 20 invited lectures delivered. 116 10. Special Awards & Appreciations received : (A) Awarded Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship by the Ministry of Education & Culture, Govt. of India in 1984 for higher studies at the University of Massachusetts and M.I.T., USA. (B) Selected as a ‗Study Fellow‘ by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India in Collaboration with British Council, U.K. in 1994 for training on ‗EIA and Auditing‘ at the University of Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburgh, U.K.. (C) Nominated for South Asia Regional Workshop cum Training Programme on Negotiators of Multi-national Environmental Agreements (MEAs) organized by South Asia Co-operation Programme (SACEP) in collaboration with United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) at Colombo, Sri Lanka. (D) Nominated for International Conference on Environment Monitoring and Compliance at Cape Town, South Africa. Nature of work assigned is directly related to the public. Quick disposal of proposals for ‗Terms of References‘ & ‗Environment Clearances‘ and superb efficiency is well appreciated by all concerned time to time. 11. Any other relevant information, if any : Due to the background knowledge of ‗Environmental Toxicology‘ and ‗Occupational Health‘, it was easy and quick to assess the anticipated impact of particular pollutants and monitor the same during site visit and stipulate relevant environmental safeguards. This has also helped to communicate likely impacts of anticipated pollutants to Project proponents directly during the site visit and to take necessary precautionary/remedial measures to avoid any damage to the surrounding environment or any occupational health hazard to the workers. Persistent enforcement for installation of air pollution control equipments (APCS), treatment of waste water, recycling and reuse of treated wastewater, ‗zero‘ discharge, minimization of solid waste through reutilization, enforcement for noise control measures, rain water harvesting has not only reduced health hazards to the workers, reduction in fresh water consumption but also in pollution load in air and water bodies. Similarly, during monitoring of recyclers / reprocessors, continuous persuasion to install APCS, adoption of safety measures by the workers and good house keeping lead to the significant change in the altitude of PAs as evidenced during the next surprise visits. Field visit experience is helping today in stipulating practically feasible stringent environment conditions for all category of development projects while according environment clearances. 12. Address & E-mail : Residential : 377, Khel Gaon (Asiad Games Village) New Delhi – 110 049. Official : Ministry of Environment & Forests Paryavaran Bhavan CGO Complex, Lodi Road New Delhi 110 003 E-mail 117 CURRICULAM VITAE 1. Name Dr. Prem Lata Ahujarai 2. Date of birth 08.04.1954 3. Designation Director 4. Educational qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): i. Ph.D (Environmental Sciences- Title of Thesis ―Liver Toxicity and its interaction with Nutritional factors, environmental and other factors‖ ) from School of Environmental Sciences, Jawahar Lal Nehru University 1982 ii. M.Phil (Environmental Science) -Title of DESERTATION: ―Responses of Normoglycemic, Hypoglycemic and Hperglycaemic rats to Thermal Stress‖.) from School of Environmental Sciences, Jawahar Lal Nehru University 1979 iii. M.Sc. (Zoology) with specialisation in Endocrinology 1976 from Delhi University B.Sc (Botany, Zoology, Chemistry), Punjab University, 1974 Chandigarh iv. 5. Area(s) of specialisation: Environmental Impact Assessment 6. Work experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the office Designation Period From 1. Ministry of Environment and Forests Director July, 2005 to till date Environmental Impact Assessment of industrial and Mining projects; constitution of State Environmental Impact Assessment Authorities/State Environmental Appraisal Committees; Policy matter related to industrial and mining projects, Parliament matters and RTI 2. -do- Additional Director September, 2000 till June, 2005 Environmental Impact Assessment of Industrial projects and Policy matter regarding Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 1994. 3. -do- Joint Director Jan, 1994 to August, 2000 Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining projects and Conservation of Wetlands and Mangrove programme 3. -do- Deputy Director January, 1989 to December, 1994 Preparation of National Conservation Strategy and Policy 118 To Items of works handled/being handled Statement on Environment and Development. Monitoring of development projects. Biosphere reserve programme 4. -do- Environmental officer July 1987 to December, 1989 Evaluation, coordination mangroves programme 5. -do- April, 1984 to June,1987 Pool officer Environmental Impact Assessment of Thermal power projects and pollution control. 7. planning and of Wetlands and conservation Training undergone: In India Date From to 1st March to 13th march, 1993 Duration Name of course Institution /organisation 13 days Training programme on Management of Natural Resources and Environment Indian Institute of Administration, Delhi Date From to 1. from 2nd August to 27th August, 1993 Duration Name of course Institution /organisation 25 days International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal. 2. 2nd March, 1998 to 9th April, 1998. 35 days Training programme on Geographic Information System for the Management of Natural Resources. Training programme on Environmental Impact Assessment 3. from 27 -31st March, 2006 5 days Environment Management Tools School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand Public Abroad: 8. Environmental Impact Assessment Centre, University of Manchester, U.K. Achievements: Publications i. Dr P.L. Ahujarai etal, Cold tolerance in rats following administration of streptozotocin, glucose, insulin and glucose Int. Journal of Biometerology, 1979. ii. Dr. P.L. Ahujarai etal. Heat tolerance in rats following administration of Streptozoticin, Glucose and insulin. Int. Journal of Biometeorology, 1979 Vol 23 (3) p.219-230. iii. Dr. P. L. Ahujarai Cold tolerance in CCl4 induced rats and its modification by administration of garlic oil and Glucose Int. Journal of Biometeorology, 1984 Vol 28(2) pp. 93-99. 119 iv. Dr. P.L. Ahujarai, Effect of Pure garlic oil (Allium Sativum) on the protection against 3methyl chloantharacene indued uterine Tumerogenesis, Journal Res-Edvc. Indian Medicine Oct-Dec, 1990. v. Dr. P.L. Ahujarai etal. Heat tolerance of CCl4 induced-treated animals and its modification by some agents Int. J Biometeorol, 1984 Vol 28(2) pp.85-92. vi. Accidents due to chemicals. Indian Scenario. P.L. Ahujarai, G.K. Pandey, R.R. Khan, D.K. Biswas, 1989 published in workshop held on Chemical Accidents‘ from 29 th October to 2nd November, 1984. vii. Dr. D.K. Biswas, Dr. G.K. Pandey and Dr. P.L. Ahujarai Tall stacks and its impact on air quality-Urja, November, 1985. viii. Actively involved in bringing out ‗National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and Development, 1992 under the Chairmanship of Dr. M.S. Swaminathan. ix. Dr. P.L. Ahujarai, paper presented for ‗Regional Meeting on the Role of Women in environmentally sound and sustainable Development in Asia and Pacific Rayong, Thailand. Octo-27-30, 1992. x. Preparation of the National report on the implementation of the Convention on wetlands of International Importance especially as water fowl habitat (Ramasar 1971) India. xi. Concept paper-Conservation and Management of wet lands for the ‗Asian Regional Meeting of the Contracting parties of Ramsar Convention‘ held in New Delhi from march 23-25, 1995. xii. Country paper - Conservation and Management of Wet lands for the Asian Regional Meeting of the contacting parties held in New Delhi from March 23-25, 1995. xiii. Country Paper -Conservation of Corals and Coral Reefs in India for‖ International Coral reef Initiatives‖ south Regional Workshop held at Maldives form Nov 29 to 3 rd December, 1995. xiv. Comparative study of environmental policies and procedures and legislation relating to Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining projects in India and United Kingdom, 1998. xv. Country Paper on Environmental Impact Assessment of developmental projects and policy initiatives of the Ministry of Environment and Forests presented on 27 th June, 2006 during the training programme held at Thailand. 9. Address and E mail: Residential 147 B, New Colony, Gurgaon, Haryana Official Room no.1029, 10th Floor, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003 E mail: 120 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name : Roop Rekha Dalwani 2. Date of Birth : 8-12-1956 3. Designation : Director (S) 4. Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. (Environmental Science), M.Phil, Ph.D (Water Pollution with Environmental Sciences) 5. Area (s) of Specialization 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) : Name of the Division National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD) Designation Director (S) : Period Items of works handled / being handled - 7. Official NLCP Coordination and works of NLCP for all States other than J&K, Uttarakhand & West Bengal. R & D Projects. Water Quality Monitoring of Rivers under NRCP including sediments and Analytical Quality Control. Performance Monitoring of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) Address & Email Ministry of Environment & Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O.Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 1100 03. 121 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: Dr. R. K. Rai 2. Date of Birth: 15th February 1953 3. Designation: Director 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): Ph.D (Zoology) MSc. (Zoology) BSc (Botany Zoology Chemistry 5. Area(s) of Specialization: Zoology 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Details of Postings (in descending order) Posting Designation Division CS Division Director (Scientist-F) w.e.f 01.07.1996 till w.e.f. 30.06.2008 till date date Additional Director (Scientist E) w.e.f. 31.3.2001 29.06.2008 Joint Director (Scientist D) w.e.f. 1.1.94 to 30.3.2001 RE Division w.e.f. 01.07.1982 to 30.06.1996 7. Deputy Director (Scientist C) W.e.f. 23.01.89 to 31.12.93 Junior Environmental Officer (Scientist B) w.e.f. 20.03.84 to 22.01.89 Research Asstt. w.e.f. 1.7.82 to 19.3.84 Items of Works handled /being handled. Assistance to Botanic Gardens; Centre of Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, United Nations Development Programme Assistance to Botanic Gardens; Centre of Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Convention on Biodiversity; Biological Diversity Act, 2002 , National Biodiversity Authority and United Nations Development Programme Processing of proposals pertaining to Management Action Plans and Research in Biosphere Reserves, Assistance to Botanical Gardens and Centres of Excellence. Promotion of research monitoring and dissemination of study results. Promotion of research monitoring and dissemination of study results Promotion of research monitoring and dissemination of study Training undergone: In India: Nil Abroad: Date From To 9th Aug to 30th August 2002 6th October to December 1993 8th Duration Name of Course 21 Days IATCBP Training 63 Days Environmental Economics and Policy 122 – MPA Institution /organization Australia: James Cook University, Townsville Australia: Sydney – Macquarie University 8. Publications: Books edited. (i) (ii) (iii) J.K. Sharma, P.S. Easa, C. Mohanan, N. Sasidhran and R.K.Rai (ed.) (2002),― Biosphere Reserve in India and their Management‖, published by KFRI & Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, Delhi, India. P.S. Ramakrishnan, R.K. Rai, R.P.S. Katwal and S. Mehndiratta (ed.) (2002), ―Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Management of Biosphere Reserves in South and Central Asia‖, 2002 pg. 1-536 ( UNESCO publication), published by Oxford & IBH Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. D.D. Verma, S. Arora and R.K. Rai (ed.) (2006), ―Perspectives on Biodiversity‖– A vision for Megadiverse countries‖ (p-1-455) published by Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi, India. Articles written (i) Rai, R. K. (2002). Management of Biosphere Reserves in India: Present status, future Prospects and Constraints. In: J.K. Sharma, P.S. Easa, C. Mohanan, N. Sasidhran and R.K.Rai (ed.), ― Biosphere Reserve in India and their Management‖, pg 15-20, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Kerala and Ministry of Environment and Forests, Delhi, India. (ii) Rai, R.K. (2002). Role of Biosphere Reserves in Conservation of Representative Eco systems in India. In: P.S. Ramakrishnan, R.K. Rai, R.P.S. Katwal and S. Mehndiratta (ed.), ―Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Management of Biosphere Reserves in South and Central Asia‖, pg. 337-389, UNESCO publication, New Delhi, India. (iii) Rai, R.K. and Ramakrishnan, P.S. (2002). Indian Biosphere Reserves at a Glance. In: P.S. Ramakrishnan, R.K. Rai, R.P.S. Katwal and S. Mehndiratta (ed.), ―Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Management of Biosphere Reserves in South and Central Asia‖, pg. 325-335, UNESCO publication, New Delhi, India. (iv) Rai, R.K. (2002). Dryland Biosphere Reserves in India. In: C. Lee and T. Schaaf (ed.), ― Proceedings of the International Workshop on Combating Desertification-Rehabilitation of Degraded Drylands and Biosphere Reserves held in Aleppo, Syria‖, pg. 43-46, UNESCO- MAB Dryland Series No.2, UNESCO, France. (v) Rai, R.K. (2003). New Biosphere Reserves from India with special reference to Augasthyamalai. ―South and Central Asia MAB Network Newsletter-SACAM‖. Environment Research Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs and Environment, Republic of Maldives. (vi) Rai, R.K. (2003). Management Issues in Indian Biosphere Reserves with special reference to alternate livelihood options for dependent population. ―Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka- special issue‖, 31 (1&2): 99-103. (vii) Rai, R.K. (2003). New Biosphere Reserves from India with special reference to Augasthyamalai. ―Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka- special issue‖, 31 (1&2): 313-315. (viii) Rai, R.K. and Verma, D.D. (2006). Legal and institutional mechanisms to compliment genetic resources conservation and regulating exchange of genetic resources associated traditional knowledge in India. In: D.D. verma, S. Arora and R.K. Rai, ―Prospectives on Biodiversity – A vision for Megadiverse countries‖, pg. 93-97, Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi, India. 123 10. Any other relevant information, if any: 11. Address & E-mail Residential Official E-mail Z-5 HUDCO Place , Andrewj Ganj Ext. New Delhi-110049. Room no. 605, 6th Floor, Paryawaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003 124 Curriculum Vitae Rajesh Kumar Sethi Director (Climate Change) Ministry of Environment and Forests Government of India 135, Paryavaran Bhawan CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi – 110 003 India Tel (Off) Tel (Res) Email +91 11 2436 2252 + 91 11 2552 9703 Educational Qualifications: 1. Bachelor‘s in Electrical Engineering, from Delhi College of Engineering, University of Delhi, in 1980. Specialization: Power Plant Technologies and Engineering. 2. Master of Technology (Energy Studies) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi in 1985. Specialization: Renewable Energy Technologies including Low Carbon Technologies. 3. Masters in Business Administration (MBA) with specialization in Financial Management from Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi in 2001. Employment details (Chronologically from present position backwards) Name of the Employer/ Organisation Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India Full Address of Employer/ Organisation Secretary (Environment Forests) Government India Secretary (Environment Forests) Government India Post held & of & Director (Climate Change) Senior grade of Director from February 2007 Deputy Secretary (COP8, Climate Change) of 125 Period From – To (with dates) October 2002 – continuing February to October 2002 Nature of duties/ experience Providing inputs for formulation of policies related to Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Government, consistent with national interests for negotiations at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and related international conventions/ workshops. Member Secretary Indian DNA. Regarding experience please refer to Statement I at the end of this table To take care of all logistic arrangements including liaison with UNFCCC Secretariat and ITDC for smooth conduct of COP-8. Regarding experience please refer to Statement - II at the end of this table. Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power, Government of India Chairman, Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power, Government of India Deputy (Thermal Design) Director Electrical June 1991 to February 2002 Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power, Government of India Chairman, Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power, Government of India Assistant (Thermal Design) Director Electrical March 1983 to June 1991 Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) Chairman, BHEL, Corporate Office, Sri Fort, New Delhi Commissioning Engineer January 1981 to March 1983 GEC of India Ltd. (now Alstom Power Ltd) New Delhi House, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi Management Trainee June 1980 to January 1981 126 Introduction of new Technology and Systems in Thermal and Gas based Power Projects. Overall coordination for setting up of the 4 x 21 MW Simple Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant at Agartala, Tripura. Regarding experience please refer to Statement - III at the end of this table. Detail design and engineering of main plant of Gas Turbine based power projects and Electrical Auxiliaries of various Thermal Power Projects. Performance Guarantee tests & factory Inspection and Testing of Gas Turbines and electrical equipment before dispatch to site. Regarding experience please refer to Statement -IV at the end of this table. Commissioning of 210 MW Turbo Generator & Auxiliaries at Badarpur Thermal Power Station, New Delhi. Regarding experience please refer to Statement - V at the end of this table. Assist Project Manager in planning of resources. Regarding experience please refer to Statement - VI at the end of this table. STATEMENT – I Professional Experience Since December 2002 (till present), as Director (Climate Change) in the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India have been engaged in activities relating to Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism. With effect from February 2007 was placed in the Senior grade of Director (Scientific). Salient items of work and experience include: I. Climate Change i) Providing inputs for formulation of policies related to Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Government, consistent with national interests for negotiations at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and all international conventions/ workshops. ii) Preparation and contribution to development of Approach Papers/ Positions on Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) for use by official Indian delegation to the Conference of Parties/Meeting of Parties (COP/MOP) of the UNFCCC and related meetings. iii) Participating in the various Conference of Parties (COP), Meeting of Parties (MOP) Subsidiary Body of Implementation (SBI) and Subsidiary Body for scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA) meetings of UNFCCC with individual focus on Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Transfer of Technology and Capacity Building. Earlier coordinated the G-77/China group position on CDM. Presently I am focused on all issues related to AWG-KP in particular CDM. iv) Preparation/ Vetting of Statements/ MOUs/ Joint Declarations that are to be signed between Government of India and foreign governments on Climate Change, CDM and issues related to Power, Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) and Energy. v) Focal Point for the Asia Pacific Partnership activities in India and regularly participate as member of the Indian delegation in its Policy and Implementation Committee (PIC) meetings. Coordinate domestically all the eight task forces set up under the Partnership. vi) Member of the Indian delegation in bilateral meetings on Climate Change and CDM with various foreign governments. vii) Examined World Bank proposals including inter alia on Low Carbon Growth, Energy Efficiency Indicator Project, Carbon Partnership Facility, Clean Energy Investment Fund etc. UK Government proposal on Environment Transformation Fund and Climate Change Innovation Projects (CCIP) were also examined recently. Also, participated as a panelist in a few workshops held by Bank including for Low Carbon Growth. viii) Presently serving as member of the Steering Committee of Methane to Markets Partnership and on behalf of my Ministry would be organizing a major expo in 2010 in New Delhi, ix) Nominated in various Inter Ministerial Committees on subjects related to power, energy, CCS and climate change. x) Project Director for Japan Technical Cooperation for promoting Low Carbon Technology Transfer between Japan and India. The project is in the initial stages and being firmed up. xi) Coordination of Climate Change experts‘ consultative group and various subgroups meetings including CDM in the Ministry. 127 xii) II. III Recently organized successfully the Delhi High Level Conference and International Exhibition on Climate Change: Technology Development and Transfer in New Delhi on 22-23 October 2009. This was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) i) Setting up India‘s Designated National Authority (DNA) called as the National Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Authority. Process involved extensive consultation with various stakeholders, Ministries and preparation of the ‗Note for Cabinet‘. Since its inception, I am the Member Secretary of the Authority and am responsible for overall coordination and effective decision making based on informed judgement. ii) Examine all CDM project proposals submitted to the Authority and regularly organize DNA meetings. Prepare recommendation reports for Host Country Approval. Till date 1482 eligible project proposals have been approved by the Authority. iii) Nominated by the Government of India in December 2004 at COP-10 in Buenos Aires to represent Asia on the CDM Executive Board of the UNFCCC. Playing an active role in the Board meetings since then for making the whole CDM process fast, transparent and user friendly, besides reducing the transaction costs. The Executive Board meetings are web cast live by the UNFCCC. Presently I am the Member (Alt.) of the CDM Executive Board. Earlier served as Chairman of the Board in 2008, Vice Chairman in 2007 and Chairman of the Meth Panel in 2006. iv) Was instrumental in getting the Unilateral CDM project concept approved as well as the approval of ‗Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for new grid connected fossil fuel fired power plants using a less GHG intensive technology‘ by the Board. In the 49th CDM Executive Board meeting convinced the Board to form an Appeals Procedure against the DOEs. v) Instrumental in preparing the website of the National CDM Authority ( including format of Project Concept Note (PCN). Presently I am revising the website to enable electronic filing of Project Design Documents by the Project Proponents and make the DNA a paperless office. The first phase of the site has been commissioned ( and the final phase is expected to be commissioned shortly. Significant Positions held i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Chairman of the CDM Executive Board of the UNFCCC (January 2008 – January 2009) Vice Chairman of the CDM Executive Board of the UNFCCC (January 2007 – January 2008) Chair of the Meth Panel of the CDM Executive Board (January 2006 – January 2007) Member of the CDM Executive Board (January 2005 – Continuing) Member Secretary of The National CDM Authority (December 2003 – Continuing) Secretary of the Host Country Committee of the Prototype Carbon Fund of the World Bank 2004. Chairman of the CDM Executive Board of the UNFCCC – 2008 Vice Chairman of the CDM Executive Board – 2007 Chair of the Meth Panel - 2006 Served as Chairman of the CDM Executive Board in the year 2008. Major achievement during my tenure as Chair included inter alia the preparation and release of Validation and Verification Manual (VVM), Guidance on investment analysis and calculations of internal rates of return in determining additionality; Guidance on project starting date; Guidance on the evidence required to support a claim that CDM was considered in a decision to proceed with a project. Timelines were set for the Board and Secretariat, and initiated for DOEs, that were agreed to this year. 128 Initiated the work on expanding the applicability of methodologies and the Board approved an emissions baseline and monitoring methodology for projects that achieve supply-side energy efficiency improvements, through projects covering everything from compact florescent lamps, to refrigerators to transformers. An innovative methodology that makes use of benchmarks to determine baseline and additionality was also approved for the first time. To give a kick start to Programme of Activities, call for public inputs was made and the work on simplification of the guidance was completed this year. Similarly work was started on Accreditation Standards and Procedures which has been completed this year. Recommendations aimed at improving regional distribution of CDM projects were also made to COP/MOP. Earlier, served as Vice Chairman of the Board in the year 2007 and prior to that as Chairman of the most important Meth Panel of the Board in the year 2006. As Chair of the Meth Panel actively contributed to power generation and transmission related methodologies and interacted with Meth Panel experts on equal footing. IV Seminars/ Workshops Actively participate in a number of Seminars/ workshops organized by various Industry Associations, NGOs, Embassies and Government‘s in India and abroad. This included inter alia the International Conference on CDM organized by Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources at Riyadh in Saudi Arabia in September 2006, and India Carbon Market Conclave organized by our Ministry in collaboration with FICCI, World Bank and IETA at New Delhi in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Instrumental in making the India Carbon Market Conclave an annual event in New Delhi. Recently also organized a CDM Workshop for SAARC countries (Regional Association for South Asian Countries) on 01 September 2009. V. Capacity building programmes As part of capacity building initiative on CDM, had commissioned UNDP, GTZ and ADB in mutually exclusive areas. Was responsible for overall coordination of all the three programmes. i) UNDP–MoEF Umbrella project: Capacity building of the selected state level agencies for small scale CDM projects through ‗learning by doing‘ route. The key objectives included, creation of CDM cells in five states and were asked to develop PCN/PDDs of three small scale projects in different areas with an initial grant of US$ 20,000 each. On successful completion of the first phase of US$ 100.000, UNDP and the Government of India commissioned the second phase of the programme covering thirteen more states with a financial layout of another US$ 300.000. The programme has since been completed. ii) GTZ Capacity building programme : This three years capacity building Programme is under the Indo German Energy Programme, in partnership with Designated National Authority, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. Its objective is to foster high quality CDM projects that successfully complete the project cycle and provide experience through 'learning by doing'. Capacity building and support to public and private sector institutions for preparation and implementation of internationally acceptable projects under the Clean Development Mechanism is its primary aim. The DNAs website was also prepared under this programme. The overall financial layout of this programme is Euro 1.2 million. iii) ADB Technical Assistance : The Project provided broad-based institutional development, technical, and training support. It built capacity of various stakeholders including urban local bodies in selected states for assessing, evaluating and developing potential CDM projects and project design documents (PDDs) A limited number of best practice CDM methodologies and PDDs were also developed. Prepared the following tool kits and 129 action plans (i) How to implement Small Scale CDM Projects - A Guide and Toolkit, (ii) Promoting Solid Waste Management in India (iii) A Guidebook and Toolkit for Indian Financial Institutions. The project also provide targeted training to domestic financial and insurance sector in the area of appraising and structuring CDM projects. The financial layout of the programme was US$ 700.000. VI Other assignments i) ii) iii) iv) v) Coordinator of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of the National Strategy Study (NSS) on CDM, which had been commissioned by the World Bank for India. Secretary of the Host Country Committee of the Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) of the World Bank in 2004 and the member of the Steering Committee of the Host Country Committee and CER Pricing committee in 2005. Member of the Steering Committee of the ‗CDM - Biomethanation project‘ commissioned by UNDP-India. Commission research studies on Mitigation and other areas of Climate Change. Awarded studies to Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA), The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and few other institutes. National Project Director - for the following projects, which were funded under the GEF programme of the UNDP. Energy conservation in small sector tea processing units in South India. ETRACS: Energy efficiency measures in Municipal Street lighting. Energy efficiency improvements in the Indian brick industry. STATEMENT – II Professional Experience i) From February to October 2002, as Deputy Secretary (COP-8, Climate Change Division) was engaged in organisation of Eighth Conference of Parties (COP-8) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). ii) I was assigned as the key officer with the responsibility of organization of the Eighth Conference of Parties (COP-8) to the UNFCCC at New Delhi from 23 October to 1 November 2002. The Conference attracted more than 4000 foreign delegates including Ministers from various countries. The budget handled for organizing the conference was approximately US$ 4 million (INR 180 million). Meeting the exacting organizational standards of UN was quite a challenge that was successfully accomplished. An appreciation letter was received from UNFCCC for making efficient and elaborate arrangements. STATEMENT – III Professional Experience Salient items of Work and Experience as Deputy Director (Thermal Electrical Design) in the Thermal Consultancy Wing of Central Electricity Authority under Ministry of Power: 130 i) Complete Coordination work relating to setting up including tendering and evaluation of the 4 x 21 MW Simple Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant at Agartala, Tripura in North East India. ii) Selection of sites, preparation of Feasibility Reports and Detailed Project Reports of Gas Turbine based Simple and Combined Cycle power plants based on Natural Gas and Liquid fuel. iii) Introduction of heavy duty and aero-derivative Gas Turbines machines for utility power generation. iv) Operating Norms for Gas Turbine based Simple and Combined Cycle power plants. v) Improvement in the Availability and Heat Rate (Efficiency) of power stations and meeting the environmental norms. vi) Limited involvement in Techno- Economic Appraisal of Gas based Simple and Combined Cycle Power Projects. STATEMENT – IV Professional Experience Salient items of Work and Experience as Assistant Director (Thermal Electrical Design) in the Thermal Consultancy Wing of Central Electricity Authority under Ministry of Power: i) ii) iii) Associated in the detail design and engineering of main plant of gas turbine based power projects and electrical auxiliaries of various thermal power projects. Conducted a number of factory Inspection and Testing of Gas turbines and electrical equipment before dispatch to site. Performance Guarantee tests with the suppliers of main plant before accepting the plant for commercial operation. STATEMENT – V Professional Experience Salient items of Work and Experience as Commissioning Engineer in Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL): Associated in the commissioning of Unit V of 210 MW Generator and auxiliaries at Badarpur Thermal Power Project, New Delhi. STATEMENT – VI Salient items of Work and Experience as Management Trainee in GEC of India Ltd. (now Alstom Power Ltd): Assisted the Project Manager in planning of various resources for the successful execution of Power distribution projects. Computer Proficiency Word processing, spreadsheet, power point presentations and finding relevant information from internet. Linguistic Competencies 131 English (Written and Verbal – Excellent); Hindi (Written and Verbal – Good); Punjabi (Verbal – Good). Personal Information Date of Birth Martial Status Extra Curricular - 30 June 1958 Married Reading, Badminton, Table tennis 132 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: DR. RANJINI WARRIER 2. Date of Birth: 13.05.1956 3. Designation DIRECTOR 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order) Name of the Certificate/Diploma/Degree along with subjects Year Masters in Applied Earth Science, (integrated course), IIT, Powai, Mumbai 1981 PhD from IIT, Powai, Mumbai: Environmental Engineering 1986 ― Adsorption / Desorption Studies on Uptake of Heavy Metals by Sediment Components to assess the ― Self Purification‖ potential of Clays and Geo-polymers under various physico-chemical condition‖. 5. Area(s) of specialization: a. Biosafty Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms. b. Environmental Impact Assessment for sitting of developmental projects c. Regulatory Reforms. d. Capacity Building. e. Implementation of externally aided projects. 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): 133 Name of division the Designation Period Items of works handled/being handled From to Conservation & Survey (CS-III) Director & Member Secretary, GEAC and National Focal Point for Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) Nov 2006 Till datea) Implementation of ‗Rules for Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and Storage of Hazardous Micro Organisms/ Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells 1989‘. b) Implementation of obligations under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB). c) Implementation of phase-II capacity building project on biosafety with GEF-UNEP support. CS-III Additional Director & Member Secretary, GEAC Aug 2000 Nov a) Implementation of ‗Rules for 2006 Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and Storage of Hazardous Micro Organisms/ Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells 1989‘. b) Implementation of obligations under the CPB. Impact Assessment (IA) Joint Director Aug 1994 – Aug 2000 a) Appraisal of Industrial Projects for environmental clearance under EIA notification. Project Director World Bank Assisted EIA Capacity Building Project. April 2000 August 2003 b) Management of externally aided projects for capacity building. - Implementation of the World Bank Assisted EIA Capacity Building Project. - Coordinating the ADB technical assistance project on Environmental Management at the State Level (TA CLUSTER 3423) Impact Assessment (IA) 7. Deputy Director July, 1989 July, 1994 Appraisal of industrial projects for environmental clearance under EIA notification. Training undergone: In India Date From - Nil Duration Name of Course To Abroad 134 Institution / organization Date From January, 1993 Duration Name of Course To March, 1993 Three months Lake Water Management at Japan February, 1998 October 17, 2004 April, 1998 Three months October 23, 2004 7 days February 24, 2004 February 26, 2004 3 days EIA Training Program, University of Manchester Biotechnology, Biosafety and Trade program at Winnipeg and Vancouver, British Columbia Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop at Kuala Lumpur September 8, 2007 September 22, 2007 15 days 8. Institution / organization Quality Kyoto, Short term course on Agricultural Biotechnology at MSU, USA in September 2007. International Lake Environmental Committee jointly with UNEP Office, Japan University of Manchester, U.K. under Colombo Plan. Canadian International Grains Institute Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal jointly with UNEP Michigan State University jointly with USTDA. Achievements: Publications 1. Enhanced level of Pb, Cu, Cd in Soil Root and Fodder Grass due to Vehicular Emission (1981) – M. SC. Thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. 2. K. C. Sahu, Ranjini Warrier & B. C. Prusty (1984): Some cultural impacts on a lake environment. Seminar on Environmental Impacts, Geological Society of Ind. & CESS, Abs. 3. K. C. Sahu and Ranjini Warrier (1985): Lead, Cadmium and Copper Contamination of Soil and Vegetation due to Vehicular Emissions along Powai road in North Bombay, India. Ind. Jour, Earth Sci. 12 (1) 50 – 57. 4. Ranjini Warrier et all (1987): The Night After (The Bomb). Science Today, May, 1987. 5. Dr. G. D. Agarwal and Ranjini Warrier (1989) : Environmental Legislation in India – Critical Review Proceedings of Symposium on Environmental Management Organized by Ministry of Environment & Forest in Goa. 6. Dr. Ranjini Warrier et all (1989), Environmental Management Plan for Limestone Mining in India- Proceeding of Symposium on Environmental Management Organized by Ministry of Environment & Forests at Goa. 7. Data processing and Compilation of Report on ―KRISHNA BASIN‖ for Central Pollution Control Board – Assessment and Development Study of River Basin Series : ADSORB /21/89-90. 8. Conservation of Wetlands in India-Chilka Lake (A case study), (1992) – Country Report for Group Training Course in Lake Water Quality Management at Kusatsu, Shiga prefecture in Japan. 9. Integrated Approach for Development of Narmada Basin (1993), Final 135 Study Report for Group Training Course in Lake Water Quality Management at Kusatsu, Shiga prefecture in Japan. 10. ―Coastal and Marine Environment in India‖ at ESCAP/ADB/UNEP Workshop On Coastal And Marine Environment at Bangkok, March, 1995. 11. ―Comparative Study on Legislation and Legal Action in India and U. K.‖ at University of Manchester, March, 1999 as part of EIA Training under Colombo Plan. 12. Country paper on Biosafety of GM Crops in India was presented in the first regional consultative meeting organized by FAO at Bangkok in June 2003. 13. Country Paper on Capacity Building needs and initiatives was presented in the second regional consultative meeting organized by FAO at Bangkok in March 2004. 14. Country Paper on GM policy in India in light of the Cartagena Biosafety Protocol was presented in the third regional consultative meeting organized by FAO at Bangkok in March 2005. Special Awards and Appreciations received Awarded the ‗Cochran Fellowship‘ for participating in the short term course on agricultural biotechnology at MSU, USA in September 2007. Certificate of Attainment for successful completion of Agriculture Biotechnology, Biosafety & Trade Program during 7-22 October 2004 at Vancouver, British Columbia, by Canadian International Grains Institute. Certificate of Attainment for successful completion of the Biosafety clearing-House Training Workshop during 24-26 February 2004 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by UNEP. Invited as a resource person for making a detailed presentations on ―Biosafety Regulations in India vis a vis Implications of Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety‖ and at ―Development of GM crops in India‖ in several technical training programs organized by National and International organizations. Achievements Streamlining of the biosafety regulation in India Commercialization of Bt cotton in India Biosafety assessment of Bt brinjal Implementation of World Bank assisted EIA capacity project. 9. Any other relevant information, if any: A. Significantly contributed to the preparation of the following documents: 1. Revised Environmental Clearance process prepared by ERM under the EIA capacity building project, August, 2003. 136 2. Background Document on biosafety Issues related to transgenic crops with specific focus on Bt Cotton, January, 2004. 3. Base paper on streamlining the enforcement mechanism in respect of illegal sale of Bt cotton seeds, February 2004 for inter-ministerial and State Govt. consultation. 4. Report of the Task Force on Applications of Agricultural Biotechnology under the Chairmanship of Prof. M. S. Swaminathan, May, 2004. 5. Base paper on streamlining of the biosafety regulatory framework in India, December 2004 for inter-ministerial consultation. 6. Background Document on Liability and Redress in the context of the Cartagena Biosafety Protocol, March 2005 for National consultation. 7. Report of the Task Force on r-pharma constituted by MoEF under the Chairmanship of Dr R A Mashelkar DG-CSIR, August 2005. 8. Preparation of Interim First National Report on Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety under Article 33, January, 2006. 9. Preparation of negotiating document on Liability and Redress Regime under Article 27 of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, 2007-08. 10. Preparation of First National Report on Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety under Article 33, 2008. 11. Guidelines and SOPs for the conduct of Confined Field Trials of Transgenic Plant, August, 2008 12. Guidelines for the Safety Assessment of GM Foods, August, 2008 13. Protocol for Safety Assessment of Genetically Engineered Plants / crops, August, 2008. 14. Draft Guidance Document Data Generation and Documentation For Safety Assessment Of Regulated, Genetically Engineered (GE) Plants, January, 2009. 15. Draft FSP document for GEF-UNEP Phase-II Capacity Building Project on Biosafety, June, 2009. B. International meetings / workshops attended: 1. Environmental Specialist to the National Environmental Commission, Royal Government of Bhutan during November – December 1994. 2. ESCAP/ADB/UNEP Workshop on Coastal and Marine Environment Management, Bangkok, 2729 March 1995. 3. As a national project coordinator, I have attended the Contract Negotiations for ADB funded TA cluster (TA 3423 – IND: Environmental Management at the State Level) in Manila in February 2001, August 2001 and April 2002. 4. Consultation Workshop on Liability and Redress Workshop under Cartagena Biosafety Protocol, December 2002 at Rome. 5. Meeting of the Inter-governmental Committee on Cartagena Protocol (ICCP) as member of the ICCP Bureau, at Montreal, March 2003. 6. Meeting with the Netherlands EIA Commission and International Training Centre at The Hague, Netherlands in April 2003. 137 7. First Consultation Meeting on Biosafety of GM Crops in Asia. – Capacity Building organized by FAO as Member of the Technical Expert Group, June 2003 at Bangkok. 8. First meeting of COP-MOP of Cartagena Biosafety Protocol as a part of the Indian Delegation, February 2004 at Kuala Lumpur. 9. Second Consultative meeting on Biosafety of GM Crops in Asia. – Capacity Building organized by FAO as Member of the Technical Expert Group, March 2004 at Bangkok. 10. Workshop on Agriculture Biotechnology, Biosafety & Trade Program during 7-22 October 2004 at Vancouver, British Columbia, by Canadian International Grains Institute. 11. Third Consultative meeting on Biosafety of GM Crops in Asia. – Capacity Building organized by FAO. as Member of the Technical Expert Group March 2005 at Bangkok. 12. Second meeting of COP-MOP of Cartagena Biosafety Protocol, 30th May –3rd June 2005 at Montréal. 13. Third meeting of COP-MOP of Cartagena Biosafety Protocol at Curitiba Brazil 13-17 March 2006. 14. Third Meeting of the Ad Hoc 0pen-ended Working Group on Liability and Redress in the Context of Cartagena Biosafety Protocol (Article 27) from February 19-23 2007 at Montreal, Canada. 15. Workshop on ‗Implementing Biosafety Regulations to Release and Commercialize GM Crops in Vietnam‘ 25 April and 27 April 2007 at Hanoi, Vietnam. 16. Fourth Meeting of the Ad Hoc 0pen-ended Working Group on Liability and Redress in the Context of Cartagena Biosafety Protocol (Article 27) from October 22-26, 2007 at Montreal, Canada. 17. Presentation on India‘s experience on ―Biosafety regulation in India- a Paradigm shift‖ at the Biosafety Workshop (Regional Implementation system) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during 5 th November, 2007. 18. Annual meeting of States Parties (MSP) to the Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention (BTWC) from 10-14 December, 2007 at Geneva. 19. Fourth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizations Implementing or Funding Biosafety Capacity Building Activities (11-13 February, 2008) in New Delhi (hosted by India jointly with ICGEB). 20. Fifth Meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity Building for Biosafety (14-15 February, 2008) in New Delhi, India (hosted by India jointly with ICGEB). 21. Friends of the Co-chairs on Liability and Redress under Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety at Bonn Germany 7-9 May 2008. 22. Fourth Meeting of COP-MOP to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety at Bonn Germany 12-16 May 2008. 23. Meeting of Experts to the Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention (BTWC) - Preparatory meeting from 18-22 August, 2008, Geneva. 24. Regional Workshop on BCH at Daejong, Republic of South Korea, 10-14 December 2008. 25. Group of the Friends of the Co-chairs on Liability and Redress under Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety at Mexico City, 23-27 February 2009. 26. Fifth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizations Implementing or Funding Biosafety Capacity Building Activities ( 9-11 March 2009 ) at San Jose, Costa Rica. 138 27. Sixth Meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity Building for Biosafety (12-13 March 2009 San Jose, Costa Rica C. Capacity Building Initiatives: A series of awareness workshops and training programs (about 33) was organized on several thrust areas such as biosafety awareness, biosafety regulation, management of confined field trials etc. In addition, about four national consultations regarding IRM strategy, Liability and Redress in the context of Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Meeting with the State Government for enforcement of Rules, 1989 and Phase-II GEF-UNEP Capacity Building Project on Biosafety were convened. Three international meetings on Biosafety aspects have also been organized. As part of the capacity building initiative the undersigned has significantly contributed in the preparation of various awareness documents. The preparation of Full Scale Project Document has been recently completed. During my tenure in IA division, organized a series of stakeholder consultations to review the outputs from the World Bank assisted EIA Capacity project. 10. Address & E-mail Residential Official E-mail Telephone 103, 77/West, Silver Oaks Apartment, DLF City, Phase-I, Gurgaon -122002, Haryana Room No. 530, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, 24363964 (O) 0124-2560337 (R) 9818421364 (Mob) 139 Curriculum Vitae NAME FATHER‘S NAME DATE OF BIRTH MARITAL STATUS RELIGION ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE : : : : : : RASHID HASAN PEER BUKHSH 12TH OCTOBER, 1956 MARRIED ISLAM RASHID HASAN, DIRECTOR MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS, PARYAVARAN BHAWN E-MAIL ADDRESS RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : : LANGUAGES KNOWN : CGO COMPLEX, LODI ROAD, NEW DELHI-110003 TELEFAX: 0091-11-2436 0734 Mobile: 9891370656 #428- SATYAM, SECTOR-19, VASUNDHARA, GHAZIABAD, PIN- 201012 (UP), INDIA PHONE NO.0091-120-2885893 ENGLISH, HINDI AND URDU ACADIEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: EXAM PASSED BOARD/UNIVERSITY YEAR CLASS HIGH SCHOOL B.Sc. (HONS) M.Sc. M.Phil Ph.D U.P. BOARD (ALLAHABAD) A.M.U. (ALIGARH) A.M.U. (ALIGARH) A.M.U. (ALIGARH) A.M.U. (ALIGARH) 1971 1975 1978 1980 1984 I I I AWARDED AWARDED EXPERENCE: (i) RESEARCH AND TEACHNING: (ii) GOVERNMENT SERVICE: (iii) WORLD BANK PROJECTS (iv) UNEP CONSULTANT 10 YEARS (DOCTORAL, POST DOCTORAL) 20 YEARS (CONTROL OF POLLUTION, WILDLIFE, ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, PLANNING, ENVIRONMENT EDUCATION) WORKED IN THREE WORLD BANK PROJECTS ON CAPACITY BUILDING, RURAL LIVELIHOOD & ECO-DEVELOPMENT DURING 1991-2005 WORKED AS CONSULTANT FROM FEB.2002APRIL 2002 AT BANGKOK, THAILAND 140 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: Dr. Sidharth Kaul 2. Date of Birth: 13-09-1952 3. Designation: Director 4. Educational Qualifications (from Degree level and above in descending order): Name of the Certificate/Diploma/Degree along with subjects M.Sc. Experimental Biology Ph.D Aquatic Ecology/Limnology Post doctoral fellow on project on Ecology of Himalayan lakes Post Graduate diploma in Environmental Management Protection and UNESCO (Germany) Co-investigator in a project on Ecology of HP lakes, Himachal University, Shimla Academic guest, Geobotanical Institute, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, worked on conservation of wetlands in that country getting extremely significant results 5. Year 1973 1980 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 Area(s) of Specialization: I am involved in the field of conservation and management of aquatic water bodies and am a limnologist by profession. I have undertaken various assignments which are focused towards conservation and management issues alongwith R&D development. I have also worked on biosphere reserves, mangroves, coral reefs, environmental education and as such have immense experience on conservation of natural resources with particular reference to conservation and management of aquatic water bodies. My over all experience in the field of wetland conservation including research development is more than 38 years both at National and International level. 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Designation Period Scale of Key Responsibilities Office /Grade From Pay To Ministry of Director 2001- till 16400 Coordination of the National Wetland Conservation Environment & date 20000 Programme of Government of India under Forests At present implementation in 23 states drawing Formulation and implementation of management 20000/action plans of identified wetlands in collaboration basic from with the state government agencies April, 2006 Fulfilling Government of India‘s obligations to Ramsar Convention Organizing training workshops for senior bureaucrats and industrial managers on environmental aspects, specifically on values and functions of wetlands. Coordination of programmes relating to water, particularly rainwater harvesting, wetland conservation, conservation of high altitude lakes, coastal wetlands Organization of training programmes in the field of hydrology, R&D, conservation and management aspects Collection, retrieval and dissemination of information on various aspects of environment, particularly wetlands biosphere reserves, and national heritage sites -doAddl. June, 14300 Coordination of National Lake Conservation Programme Director 1994 - 18300 Constitution of State Steering Committees for 2001 conservation of freshwater wetlands, mangroves and corals Organizing collection, retrieval and dissemination of information on various aspects of environment, particularly wetlands, mangroves, corals, biosphere reserves, and national heritage sites 141 -do- Joint Director -do- Scientist ‗SD‘ May, 1989June, 1994 May, 1984June 1989 1200016500 Coordination of Ministry of Environment and Forests‘ programmes on Conservation and Management of freshwater wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs 1000015200 3000 Swiss francs/ month Rs. 1500 /month Research Associate Coordinating MoEF‘s programmes wetlands and environmental education and organizing training courses for Senior Administrators from various state governments and managers from industries at Administrative staff, Hyderabad thrice a year Conservation and Management of Mid Swiss Peatlands Geo Botanical Instt. Zurich, Switzerland Department of Biosciences, Himachal University, Shimla Technical University of Dresden, Germany Department of Bio-sciences, Himachal University, Shimla Academic Guest in ETH Coinvestigator of a project on Himachal Lakes Postgraduate Diploma 1983-84 1981-82 Marks 800/ month Environmental Management UNESCO (Germany) Post Doctoral Fellow Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 1981 Rs. 900/ month Conservation of freshwater lakes in Himachal Pradesh Botany Department, Kashmir University, Srinagar Sr. Research Fellow, Botany in a project from Science & Technology Department Junior Research Fellow, UGC project 19781980 Rs. 600/ month Conservation and Management of Dal Lake and Neelnag Lakes in Kashmir 1974-78 Rs. 500/ month Analysis of some wetland ecosystems of Kashmir with special reference to Biogeochemical cycling -do- 1982-83 Total Field experience along with details (entire career) Conservation and Management of fresh water lakes in Himachal Pradesh in India and Protection, : Have 38 years of field experience right from post-graduation level to this stage which can be divided into following two parts: A. Before joining Ministry: - - From 1971, did research work on ecosystem of Lal Pari Talab at Rajkot and wrote thesis which was highly appreciated. Did Ph.D. on Ecosystem Analysis and Biogeochemical cycling on Kashmir Wetlands and Dal Lake which was instrumental in publication of number of scientific papers. Nutrient Dynamics of Emergent Macrophytes was investigated and a model was prepared for nutrient dynamics in typical wetlands of Kashmir. Worked on conservation of Dal and Neelnag project in Kashmir as a post-doctoral fellow. 142 - - - During 1981, was selected for the post-graduate diploma course in Environmental Management & Protection by UNESCO and worked in Technical University of Dresden in Germany for various environmental management problems and was awarded post-graduate diploma in Environmental Management and Protection. During this time, also published many papers which are not given in the present resume as only achievements during the review tenure have been asked for. Worked as post-doctoral fellow of CSIR in Himachal University on conservation of Khajiar and Revalsar Lakes. Worked on conservation and management of Himachal lakes in a project through Ministry of Environment & Forests where all the Himachal lakes were reviewed from different environmental aspects. Was invited as an academic guest to Geobotanical Institute, ETH, Zurich to work on conservation of Swiss wetlands and worked for one year on different wetlands of Switzerland and got very significant results to same these peatlands from nutrient influxes. B. After joining the Ministry in 1984 - - - - Was instrumental in collection, retrieval and dissemination of information on various aspects of environment, particularly wetlands, mangroves, corals, biosphere reserves, national heritage sites, SACON, environment education, national lake conservation plan, etc. Organized many training programmes for senior bureaucrats and industrial managers on environmental aspects at Administrative Staff College, Hyderabad thrice a year and brought out number of proceedings in association with Administrative Staff College, Hyderabad. Made skeleton management action plans for wetlands/mangroves/corals for convenience of State Govts. Constituted Steering Committees in different States for conservation of wetlands, mangroves and corals. Visited number of wetlands/mangrove/coral areas to advise State Govt. on various environmental issues and attended various State Steering Committee meetings in different States. Was made a member of UNESCO Advisory Committee on Biosphere Reserves as an expert and attended its meeting in Paris. Was member International Lake Environmental Committee (ILEC) Foundation for three years and brought out number of books on survey of world lakes. Was a member of Scientific Management Committee for Sixth World Lake Conference held in Japan and chaired one technical session. Was nominated as a member on Wetlands International Governing Board based in Netherlands. Was made a focal point for activities pertaining to Ramsar Convention on Wetlands to represent India. Presented various papers at national and international levels and was made Chairman of Technical Research Committee on Loktak Lake where ICEF funded project was executed in collaboration with Wetlands International, South Asia. Conducted various training programmes for managers/planners/experts in the field of wetland management. Taking into consideration above details, I have been continuously involved in field for various conservation activities besides training programmes, international meets where policy issues are discussed and in the concerned wetland areas where various field issues are discussed and remediation measures are accordingly sought. Main field activities involved: - - - Identification of various wetlands under National Wetland Conservation Programmes after visiting the site physically and seeing the feasibility of wetlands being undertaken for conservation on the basis of its ecological characters, Biodiversity, usage on the basis of criteria selected for identification. Since I am nominated on various State Steering Committees, Draft management action plans are discussed and suggestion are given to State Govt. for fine tuning their plans to yield desirable research in the field. Am member of various Advisory Committees to guide State Govt. for taking up appropriate management activities in field. 143 - - Organized various capacity building workshop in the country for training people in various conservation activities. Organized Training Programmes for wetlands managers to execute management activities in field in a better manner. Various training programmes have been proposed for various regions during the current financial year. Conducted participatory rural appraisal programmes with communities in the field to involve people in decision making and blending traditional knowledge with latest technical know how. Visiting various wetlands to review and monitor management activities being undertaken there. Made Guidelines for submission of management action plans in dominant components of wetland management. Made priority area of research to supplement management action plans which are now application oriented. This was also done at International level and discussed these issues at various foras. Visited various wetlands abroad to see their management interventions and research aptitudes visited various countries like Spain, China, France, Japan, England, Netherlands, Nepal & Uganda etc in this connection. Academic achievements: During the period under review (These may include any degree/diploma awarded, publication or research papers in the standard journals, presentation of papers in international seminars/conferences etc.) (a) Title of presentations: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) Presented a paper on Conservation and wise use of Himalayan high altitude wetlands, 30th august- 1st September, 2003, Nepal. Wetland conservation programme, 9-11 February, 2003, Gandhinagar (Gujarat) in western region. Presented a paper on overall wetland conservation programme in India. Regional workshop for Southern Region, 4-6 November, 2003, Kerala and presented a paper on Wetland Conservation Scenario. Regional workshop for Eastern Region, 15-17 December, 2003, Bhubneshwar and gave presentation on Capacity Building Programmes in wetland management. Regional workshop for North-Eastern Region, 26-28 February, 2004, Manipur Regional workshop for Central Region, 15-17 June, 2004, Bhopal and gave presentation of National and International programme on wetland management. Consultation on conservation of high altitude wetlands, 25-27 may, 2004¸ Gangtok (Sikkim). Presented a paper on status of High Altitude Wetlands from India. Workshop on Ramsar sites of the northern region: present status and future potentials Shere Kashmir international conference centre Srinagar, 25-27 June, 2005, held in Srinagar (J&K). Presented a paper on wetland regulation Regional workshop on Ramsar sites of southern region : present status & future potentials main theme of the workshop : water management Wetland conservation and wise use in Himalayas – Hindu-Kush Pamir-Alay and Mekong river basin, 1-5th November, 2004, France and presented a paper on High Altitude Wetlands. Asian wetland symposium, 2005, training needs for wetland management, 6-9 February, 2005, Bhubneshwar and gave presentation on needs for wetland management. Workshop on Ramsar sites of the northern region: present status and future potentials, 19-21 April, 2005, Agra (UP) presented a paper on Capacity building for Wetland Conservation. Workshop on Ramsar Sites of Southern region, 5-7 October, 2005, Lakshadweep and presented a paper on integrated approach to Wetland management through river basin initiative Consultative group meeting to discuss our country position for cop9 held at Uganda during November, 2005, 10.10.2005, Stakeholder meeting/workshop on ‗support for the conservation of high altitude wetlands through application of Asian wetland inventory approach & stakeholders participation. Bhutan, China, India and Nepal‘ participated in this conference held on 26 June, 2006. Presented India‘s stand on High altitude wetlands. National training course on integrated water resource management and wetland conservation, 7-11 august, 2006. Presented a paper on our approach to wetland conservation. 144 (xvii) Conservation of high altitude wetlands (haw) capacity building workshop ICIMOD 2007, 30th march,2007, Nepal (xviii) Workshop on some Ramsar sites of northern India in regard to their present status and future potentials, 11-13 April, 2007, Chandigarh (xix) Himalayan initiative forum, 9th-13th July, 2007, Korea. Gave Presentation on role of India for Himalayan Initiatives. It was highly appreciated by all countries. (xx) Presentation given to Special Secretary, Conservation on Wetland conservation programme achievements and Ramsar Convention, September, 2005. (xxi) Presented a paper on Wetland conservation programme national scenario with emphasis on current status of high altitude wetlands (haw) 13th -14th august, 2007 national workshop on mountain & forest ecosystems: challenges, issues and way forward held in Dehradun (H.P.) (xxii) 12th World lake conference 28th October to 2nd November, 2007, Jaipur (Rajasthan) and chaired a session and gave presentation on Regulatory Regime for wetlands conservation in our country. (xxiii) Organized meeting of members of wetlands International board of meeting in Manesar, Jaipur India from 2-5 October, 2004. Chaired this meeting which was attended by 23 countries. India‘s role in wetland management was highly appreciated by all the participating countries. (xxiv) Organized training programme for wetland managers of Northern region from 16-20 June, 2008 at Centaur Hotel, Srinagar. (xxv) Organized Training workshop for wetland management for Central region‖ from 7-11 July, 2008 at Bhopal. (xxvi) Organized Training workshop for wetland management for Western region‖ from May 2-6, 2008 at Gandhinagar, Gujarat (xxvii) Organized workshop in Amity University from 24-26 June, 2009 at Noida. (xxviii) Represented India in 37th supervisory Council meeting in Netherlands from 7-10 June, 2009. 7. Training undergone: In India: Date From Duration Name of course Institution/organization To -- -- -- -- Abroad: Date From Duration Name of course Institution/organization To -- -- -- -- 8. Achievements: (a) Details of Books: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) Mangroves of India, status report December, 1987 (P-1-157) Wetlands, Mangrove and Biosphere Reserves proceeding of the Indo-U.S. Workshop, New Delhi, 4-7 January, 1989 (P-1-269) Conservation of Wetlands in India, 1989 (P-1-165) Conservation of Mangrove in India, 1990 (P-1-157) Wetlands of India, A Directory, 1990 (P-1-150) India‘s Wetlands, mangrove and Coral Reefs in Collaboration with WWF October, 1992 (P-1-61) Conservation of Wetlands in India, 1992 (P-1-48) Data books of World lake environments - A survey of the state of world lakes, Africa and Europe, International lake Environment Committee, UNEP programme Kusatsu 1994 – Chief Editor Branch Tatuo Kira (P-1-852) Data book on The Americans 1995 (P-1-868) ILEC, Japan Data book on Asia and Oceania 1995 (P-1-672) ILEC, Japan Directory of Water Related International Cooperation --- (P-1-256) ILEC, Japan Humadales, zones Humides wetlands - Our wetland heritage in collaboration with Ramsar Secretary Ministry of Environment Spain and Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forest and Landscape (SAFEL) (P-1-231) Low cost waste water treatment technologies- R.K. Trivedi and S. Kaul , Sep. 2000 (p. 1-181) 145 (xv) (xvi) (xvii) (xviii) (xix) (xx) Indian Ramsar sites – 13 facts sheets of Ramsar siters from India which are wetlands of International importance in collaboration with WWF-2002, Spain. Report of the regional workshop on wetland conservation and wise use in the Himalayan High Mountains (30 August –1st September, 2003, Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 89-92) Proceedings of the regional workshop on wetland conservation strategies and issues of western region (9-11 February, 2003, pp.1-77) Kashmir Ecology and Environment, new concerns and strategies , edited by Dr. S. Bhatt, 2004 (P-1-305) Conservation of Wetlands in India, (P-1-191-199) Asian Wetland Symposium 6-9 February, 2005 on community based management of the wetland ecosystems- Innovative approach to sustainable livelihood Conservation of wetlands in India – a profile, approach & guidelines, February, 2007 (P1- 42) (b) Publications : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Wetland Conservation : An Indian scenario in Vistas of India Oracles in Tourism edited by Kamalesh Dekna in two volumes (2001) pp.69-91, vol. I -2002 Chilika Newsletter, December 2003 Vol. 4 in collaboration with Chilika Development Authority and Wetland international-South Asia - Wetland conservation and management – a national perspective (pp. 4-6) Newsletter March, 2004 in collaboration with Loktak Development Authority Vol. 3 (pp. 116) Paper on wetland conservation and wise use in the Himalayan High Mountains (30 August – 1st September, 2003, Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 89-92) National & International Initiative in Wetland Management (pp. 3-13), Padamshri M.K. Kurup Memorial Lecture Kerala Environment Congress 2007 (8 th-10th May), Thiruvanathapuram proceedings, Centre for Environment & Development in collaboration with Tokyo Engineering Consultants Col. Ltd. Japan in 2007. (c) Reports: (i) 9. National Reports prepared for India for Conference of Contracting Parties Meetings: CoP6Australia in 1996. CoP7- Costa Rica in 1999, CoP8- Valencia, 2002 & CoP9-Uganda, 2005, CoP Korea, 2008. Any other relevant information, if any: 10. Address & E-mail: Residential Official E-mail 23/IV, Type 5, Lodhi Road Complex, New Delhi-110003 Room No. 602, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, 146 Annex-I Membership of Professional Societies International Country Representative, Board of Members, Wetlands International ,The Netherlands Member, International Lake Environmental Committee Foundation (ILEC), Japan Member, UNESCO Advisory Committee on Biosphere Reserves, Paris Country Focal Point, Ramsar Convention Country Focal Point, Communication , Education and Public Awareness, Ramsar Convention, Switzerland Vice Chairman, Working Group on Agriculture and Wetlands, Ramsar Convention Country focal point Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) Member of standing committee and Judicial Ramsar Convention (1971) Switzerland for CoP 2002 Member of International Scientific Committee for sixth world lake conference held in Japan in 1995. Supervisory council Wetland International nominated for another term of three years from 2008-2010. Members of India delegation for Ramsar Convention meeting in Costa Rica (1999), Valencia 2002 and Uganda (2005) Members of various National, International and Scientific committees for world lake conference in 2007 held at Jaipur Chaired one session on regulatory regimes of wetlands and was a member of International drafting Committee for Jaipur declaration in World Lake Conference held in Jaipur from 25 th October to 2 November, 2007. National Member Secretary, National Committee on Wetlands Member Secretary of Research Advisor Committee Member, State Steering Committee on Wetlands (15 States) Member, Governing Body, Chilika Development Authority Member, Governing Body, Loktak Development Authority Member, Governing Council, Salim Ali Center for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) Member, Research Advisory Committee, Salim Ali Center for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) Chairman , Expert Group, Preparation of Action Plan on Chilika , Loktak and other identified wetlands Member, Technical Advisory Committee, Loktak Member, National Lake Conservation Plan (1996 -98) Member, National Biosphere Reserve Committee (1987 -93) Coordinator ( Training), Administrative Staff College, Hyderabd ( 1992 – 97) Member Secretary, Environmental Education Committee (1984-87) Chairman technical Advisory Committee on Loktak Lake for making management action plan Member of scientific Advisory Committee for ICEF project of Loktak lake Country Director for UNDP project Inland Wetlands of India – Conservation Priorities executed by SACON Membership of professional Journals Associate editor Journal of Pollution Research. On Editorial board of Lakes and Reservoirs research and management ILEC Japan Editorial board. Associate editor Journal of Industrial Pollution, India Member, Advisory Committee, Journal of limnology, India Papers Published over 50 research papers in leading National and International journals Technical Reports -Over 100 technical reports on Conservation and management of wetlands/Limnology. ******* 147 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: Dr. S. K. Aggarwal 2. Date of Birth: 26.07.1952 3. Designation: Director 4. Educational Qualification (from degree level and above in descending order): Degree and Division Obtained Ph.D M.Sc. 1st Division B.Sc (HONS) 1st Division 5. Area(s) of Specialization: Name of University Year Course of Study Delhi University 1979 Delhi University 1973 Physics (Study of the lower atmosphere using acoustic echo sounder in India Physics Kurukshetra University 1971 Physics Physics, Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Physics, Impact Assessment, Environmental Appraisal of Projects. 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Designation Period Items of works handled /being handled From To Impact Assessment Director February, 2009 – till Environmental Appraisal of Mining date Projects and Nuclear Power Projects and issues relating to EIA Notification and its amendments. Impact Assessment Director February, 2008 – Environmental Appraisal of Mining February, 2009 Projects, Thermal Power Projects, Nuclear Power Projects and issues relating to EIA Notification and its amendments. Impact Assessment Director April, 2005 – Environmental Appraisal of Mining January, 2008 Projects, Thermal Power Projects and Nuclear Power Projects Impact Assessment Director April, 2004 – April, Environmental Appraisal of Mining 2005 Projects, Infrastructure Projects and CRZ Clean Technology Director September, 2002 – Implementation of the scheme on Clean March, 2004 Technologies and to develop demonstration projects and monitoring of compliance of EC conditions. Impact Assessment Director/ January, 1997 – Environmental Appraisal of Infrastructure Addl. September, 2002 Projects and CRZ Director Impact Assessment Addl. April, 1994 – Environmental Appraisal of Thermal Director / Jt. January, 1997 Power Projects Director Impact Assessment Jt. December, 1990 – Environmental Appraisal of Nuclear Director/Dy. March, 1994 Power Projects Director Impact Assessment Dy. Director July, 1990 – Environmental Appraisal of Thermal December, 1990 Power and Nuclear Power Projects Environmental Dy. Director June, 1985 – July, Environmental Information System Information and 1990 (ENVIS) and Environmental Education 148 Education (EI) 7. Training undergone: In India: Date From To August 25-29, 2003 Duration One Week June 19-23, 1996 One Week October 12-17, 1992 One Week December 4-22, 1989 Three Weeks Name of Course Public Private Partnership (PPP) Strategies: Promoting efficient and cost effective public services delivery in South Asia Training Programme on Planning for Sustainable Power Development Indo-Dutch Workshop on Industrial Siting and Land use Planning Regional Training Course for Environmental Scientist of South and Central Asia on Micro Computer based Applications of Statistical Programme Package Institution/ Organization Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad Organized by TERI at Shimla NEERI, Nagpur ISI, Calcutta Abroad: Date From To April, 1980 – June, 1982 Duration Name of Course 2 Years and 3 months Research Associate October -December, 1996 November 8-21, 1998 10 Weeks July – August, 2000 10 Weeks Training Programme on Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Study tour to U.K. and Germany as part of ADB Project for Strengthening of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Legislation in India Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICOZMAT) August 9 -30, 2002 3 Weeks July 10-15, 2006 1 Week 8. A. B. 2 Weeks Achievements: Publications Special Awards & Appreciations received Training Programme on Marine protected area under India – Australia, Training and Capacity Building Project on Coral Reef Cooperative Staff Development related to Environmental Governance and Mine Rehabilitation – Visit of the Indian Delegation to Perth, Western Australia as part of MOU between Govt. of Western Australia and Govt. of India. Institution / Organization University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada University of Bradford, U.K. Germany and U.K. University of New Castle and University of Bath, U.K. Townsville, Australia Perth, Australia Western 35 Papers in various National and International Journals (i) NPL Award for the year 1975 for setting up a SODAR system in India. (ii) C.V. Raman Award for the year 1987 by Acoustical Society of India for the paper entitled ―Monitoring Sea Breeze Circulation at 149 Tarapore using Acoustic Sounding‖ published in JASI, 15(1), 1987. (iii) 9. J. Das Gupta Award for the year 1993-94 by Indian Meteorological Society for the paper entitled ―Doppler Sodar and Measurement of Atmospheric wind‖ published in Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers Technical Review Vol. 11(4), 1994. Any other relevant information, if any: Participated in 5th International Symposium on Acoustic Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Oceans held during February 6-9, 1990 at New Delhi. I was reporteur for the Symposium. Participated in Expert Group Meeting on Regional Cooperation in Management of Coastal Zones and non living marine resources development held at Bangkok, Thailand during February 23-26, 1997 and presented a country paper on ‗Brief Overview of CRZ implementation in India.‘ Participated in Workshop on Environmental and Social Aspects of Road Projects held on October 6, 1997 organized by World Bank. Participated in Workshop on Carrying Capacity, organized by Government of Gujarat on January 27, 1999 at Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Participated in State Road Project Workshop held on March 10-11, 1999 at CRRI, New Delhi organized by World Bank. Worked as member of the Site Selection Committee constituted by Ministry of Civil Aviation for selecting sites for second airport at Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and Goa. Worked as member of the Committee to develop terms of reference for the carrying capacity study for promotion of sustainable tourism in Andman and Nicobar Islands. Symposium on Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution: Legislation, Impact Assessment and Management held on 9th July, 1999 organized by Environment Monitoring, Training and Research Centre (EMRTC) and presented a paper ―Coastal Regulation Zone Notification: An Overview of its Features.‖ Participated in the Annual Meeting of Chief Engineers, Border Road Organization on November 5, 1999 at Pune and gave a talk on ―Environmental Appraisal of Road Projects focussing on Environmental Issues and Procedures.‖ Participated in the Khajuraho Millennium Environment Seminar held on November 23-24, 1999 and presented a paper ―Sustainable Tourism – Environmental Policy and Guidelines.‖ Expert Group Meeting to facilitate the preparation for the first inter-Governmental review of the status of the implementation of the global programme of action for protection of marine environment from land based activities held in the Hague, Netherlands, during April 26-28, 2000. Worked as member of the Task Force to make in depth study of aspects involved in coordinated development of major and minor ports. Worked as member of the Working Group for preparation of 10th Plan document in respect of port and road sectors. Participated in Workshop on Application of Environmental Safeguard Policies in World Bank assisted transport sector project in India held on June 15, 2000 at New Delhi. Participated in National Seminar on Eco-Tourism held on January 25, 2001 at New Delhi and presented a paper on ―Sustainable Tourism Development.‖ Participated in Workshop on EIA Studies for developmental projects at New Delhi during April 45, 2002 and presented a paper on ―EIA of Infrastructure Projects.‖ Participated in two Workshops on Financing Cleaner Production held on September 13 and September 20, 2002 at New Delhi and Bangalore respectively. Participated in the Expert Group Meeting on ―Environmental Technology Assessment‖ organized by United Nations at Bangkok during October 16-17, 2002. Delivered Lecture on: o Environmental Impact Assessment during seminar on Environmental Laws organized by NCR Chamber of Commerce and Industry, May 14, 2005. 150 o o EIA Process and Procedure in Mining Projects during All India Professional Development Programme organized by Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad, September 13-15, 2005. Environmental Clearance to Projects – Technical Consideration during Training Course on Groundwater Management (Regulation and Control) organized by Central Ground Water Authority, March 6-10, 2006. 10. Address & E-mail: Residential Official E-mail B-34, C.C. Colony, Opposite Rana Pratap Bagh, Delhi-110 007. Ministry of Environment & Forests, Room No. 545, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003. 151 CURRICULUM - VITAE 1. Name : Dr. S. K. SUSARLA 2. Date of Birth : 12.05.1956 3. Designation : Director (S) 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order) : ................................................................................................................................................ 1. PG Diploma in Environmental Law 1992 2. Post Doctoral Fellowship- Marine Pollution Oct.1987-June 1990 3. Ph.D - Water Pollution Effects 1983-1987 4. M.Sc - Botany 1979 Awarded 17th Oct. 1987 Ist Class 5. B.Sc. - Chemistry, Botany, Zoology 1977 Ist Class ............................................................................................................................................... 5. Area(s) of Specialization : Water Pollution, Water Quality testing of Estuarine, Riverine & Marine Systems, Productivity Assessment, Effect of Water Pollution on Phytoplankton physiology with Special reference to Heavy Metals 6.Work Experienced in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Designation/ Period Items or works handled/being handled Office Grade From To Ministry of Scientist ‗SG‘ 2.8.2007 till date 1. Monitoring of projects Environment & Director (S) 2. Site Inspections, Forests 3. Reporting violations of E(P)Act and F(C)Act and enquiring into the same as and when referred by Ministry 4. Legal/Court matters related to E(P)Act 5. Attending to Parliamentary Questions 6. Assessment of nominations for IGPP 7. Functioned as Hindi Officer 8. Maintaining Laision with State Pollution Control Boards and Govt. Depts. Ministry of Scientist ‗SF‘ 30.3.2001 to 1. Monitoring of projects Environment & Additional 1.8.2007 2. Site Inspections, Forests Director (S) 3. Reporting violations of E(P)Act and F(C)Act and enquiring into the same as and when referred by Ministry 4. Legal/Court matters related to E(P)Act 5. Coastal monitoring 6. Attending to Parliamentary Questions 7. Special monitoring reports (sectorwise) foundries and mining 8. Represented Regional Office as a member of Karnataka CZMA. 9. Worked as Member Secretary of Expert Committee in Kerala, ICZM. 10. Actively participated in Parliamentary Committee Meetings 11. Assessment of nominations for IGPP 12. As Hindi Officer 13. Worked as Head of Office and Drawing and Disbursing Officer. Ministry of Scientist ‗SE‘ 1.7.95 - 30.3.2001 1. Monitoring of projects 152 Environment & Forests Joint Director (S) Ministry of Environment & Forests Scientist ‗SD‘ Deputy Director(S) 4.6.90 - 30.6.95 2. Site Inspections, 3. Reporting violations of E(P)Act and F(C)Act and enquiring into the same as and when referred by Ministry. 4. Legal/Court matters related to E(P)Act 5. Coastal monitoring 6. Paryavaran Vahini related work 7. Attending to Parliamentary Questions 8. As Hindi Officer 1. Monitoring of projects 2. Site Inspections 3. Reporting violations of E(P)Act and F(C)Act and enquiring into the same as and when referred by Ministry 4. Legal/Court Matters related to E(P)Act, 5. Coastal Monitoring 6. Paryavaran Vahini related work 7. Training undergone : In India Date From To During 2001-2002 Abroad Date From To 24.3.1996 to 3.5.1996 Duration Name of course Institution/Organisation 4 Weeks Integrated Coastal Zone Management Anna University, Chennai Duration Name of course Institution/Organisation 6 Weeks Rural Environmental Management Indo British Programme, University of Wales, Bangor, U.K. 1 Week Rural Environmental Management KRIBHCO, Rajastan, 3 weeks Rural Environmental Management 6.5.1996 to 12.5.1996 13.5.1996 to 2.6.1996 Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubhaneshwar 8. Achievements : Publications 1. Primary production in Kuttanad ecosystem- proceedings of seminar (1985) 2. Physiology of Phytoplankton in relation to heavy metal concentration water air and soil pollution , vol-38(1988) 3. Physiological response of Diatom Nitzschia palea to subleathallevels of copperIndian Journal of Marine Sciences , vol-17(1988) 4. Physiology of Scenedesmus bijugatus exposed to subleathal levelsof copper Indian Journal of Environmental Health , vol-33(1) (1991) 5. Primary productivity measurements of polluted waters – Need forcaution proceeding of 2-day all India seminar on Estuarine Pollution Institution of Engineers , Bangalore 6. Marine and Coastal Pollution , National and International Regulations governing its prevention & control- proceedings of National seminar organized by IWST , Chennai (May 2000). 7. Clean Technologies & Pollution Control proceedings of National Workshop ,Bangalore University (2000) 8. Mangroves Protection and Marine /Coastal Regulations (2001) Proceedings of National Workshop published by IWST. 9. Legislation Governing Marine and Coastal Pollution Proceeding of National Workshop on Mangroves published by IWST, Bangalore. 153 10. Mangroves protection policies and programmes 7-9 Feb.2008 Proceeding of National Seminars published by IWST This is also being included in Management and Conservation of Mangroves in India published by ZSI. Special Awards & Appreciations received Nil 9. Any other relevant Information, if any : (a) Worked on the following two UNESCO projects. Kuttanad Ecosystem, Cochin – a low lying river basin in Western Ghats Productivity Potential of Cochin Backwater Systems (1990) (1984) (b) I have interacted with various Governmental and Non-Governmental organisations at National, Regional and Local levels and as Resource Person and as Participant during Seminars, Workshops and Conferences. (c) I have also coordinated Seminars and Workshops. These interactions have been beneficial in increasing the environmental awareness in general and also on specific issues. (d) Co- organising Inter Active Meetings at Regional level. 10. Address & E-mail : Residential Official E-mail Quarter No.3, Type-V, "Suparna", MOEF Residential Colony, J.P. Nagar Vth Phase, Vinayakanagar, Bangalore - 560 076. Ph : 080-26493483 Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office (SZ), Kendriya Sadan, 4th Floor, E&F Wings, IInd Block, 17th Main, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560 034. Ph : 080-25635907, Fax : 080-25537184 154 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name : Dr. Saroj 2. Date of Birth : 19.2.1953 3. Designation : Director(S) 4. Educational Qualifications : M.Sc. (Chemistry) Ph.D 5. Area (s) of Specialization : Hazardous Waste Management Industrial Pollution Control 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) : Name of the Division Hazardous Substances Management (HSM) 4. Official E-mail Designation Director (S) Period Items of works handled / being handled - Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules - Basel Convention - Import Export of Hazardous Waste including DGFT matters. - E-waste including task force on e-waste - Lead Acid Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules Address & Email Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 1100 03. / 155 CURRICULAM VITAE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Designation 4. Education Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order) : : : : 5. Area of Specialization : Sl No 1. Dr. Sujata Arora 24th Oct 1959 Director Ph.D. M.Phil. M.Sc. B.Sc. (Hons) Biodiversity policy and law 5. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Designation Period Division From To Conservation Additional Nov. 04 to date Division Director 2. Impact Assessment Division 3. Conservation Division 7. Training undergone Additional Director Joint Director (from 7.9.2000 to 11.8.04) Joint Director (from 7.9.2000 to 11.8.04 ) Deputy Director (from Jan. 1994 to 6.9.2000) Scientist SC (from Feb. 1989 to Dec. 1993) Aug. 02 to Dec. 04 Feb. 1989 to Aug. 02 Items of works handled/being handled - Convention on Biological Diversity (From Nov 04 to date) - National Biodiversity Action Plan (from Dec 07 to date) - Secretariat of Like Minded Megadiverse Countries (from Nov 04 to 2006) - Thermal power projects (Aug 02 to Jan 04) - Industry sector projects - Monitoring - Re-engineering of environmental clearance process - Biosphere Reserves - Assistance to Botanic Gardens - Convention on Biological Diversity - All India Coordinated Project on Capacity Building in Taxonomy - National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan - Development and enactment of Biological Diversity Act - Negotiations for Biosafety Protocol - Genetic Engineering Approval Committee : --- 6. Achievements Publications : May see Annexure-I Special awards and : Have been given in ACRs appreciations received 9. Any other relevant information, if any: --7. Address & E-mail Residential : Official : Email : 630, Vikas Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110058 Tel: 45660670, 32910385, Mobile:9313502400 Room No.737, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. 156 Annexure-I List of publications, articles etc. of Dr.Sujata Arora 8. Papers published 1. Kapil, R.N. and Anand, Sujata, 1982. Review of book – Jain, S.K. (ed.) 1981. Glimpses of Ethnobotany. Oxford and IBH Publishing. Phytomorphology 32 : 116-117. 2. Arora, Sujata, 1985. Pollinia of two tropical Orchids. A scanning Electron Microscope Study. Phytomorphology 35: 161-165. 3. Kapil. R.N. and Arora, Sujata, 1985. Scanning Micrographs of Orchid Pollinia. Pages 11-12 In ―National Seminar on the Biology, Conservation and Culture of Orchids‖, held in Chandigarh on April 3-4, 1985. 4. Arora, Sujata, 1985. Water Relations : 168-173. In R.N. Kapil (ed.) Basic Biology – A textbook for Secondary Schools (Class IX), NCERT, New Delhi. 5. Arora, Sujata and Kamra, Komal, 1985. Transport : 174-183. In R.N. Kapil (ed.) Basic Biology – A textbook for Secondary Schools (Class IX), NCERT, New Delhi. 6. Arora, Sujata, 1986. Anther and Pollen of some Indian Orchids : Scanning and Light Microscopic Investigations (Ph.D. thesis), University of Delhi, Delhi, India. 7. Arora, Sujata, 1988. Some Observations on Pollinia of two species of Calanthe Br. In ―International Conference on Research in Plant Sciences and its Relevance to Future‖, held in Delhi, India, on March 7-11, 1988. 8. Arora, Sujata and Kapil, R.N. 1989. Some Observations on Pollinia of Two Species of Calanthe R. Br. The Journal of the Orchid Society of India 3 : 1-10. 9. Arora, Sujata and Kapil R.N. 1989. Comparative Study of Pollinia of Two Species of Pholidota Lindl. Phytomorphology 39: 343-352. 10. Kapil R.N. and Arora, Sujata 1990. Some fascinating features of orchid pollen. The Journal of Orchid Society of India 4: 9-28. 11. Arora, Sujata. 1994. ―The Convention on Biological Diversity : Follow-up Action‖, in ―Biodiversity Conservation : Whose resources? Whose Knowledge?‖ Edited by Vandana Shiva, INTACH. 1994. 12. Chauhan, K.P.S., Sarat Babu, G.V. and Arora Sujata. 1997. ―Rights of Local Communities and Implications of the Convention on Biological Diversity‖, in ―Intellectual Property Rights and the Tribals‖ – Edited by Bhupinder Singh and Neeti Mahanti. Inter-India Publications. 1997. 13. Arora, Sujata. 1998. India and Biodiversity. Biodiversity News. Bratislava, Slovak Republic. 4-15 May 1998. 157 14. Sarat Babu,G.V. and Arora, Sujata. 1999.Hotspots of Biodiversity. Environews 3: 1-7. 15. Sarat Babu, G.V. and Arora, Sujata. 2000 Biodiversity and IPRs. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights 5: 76-79. 16. All India Coordinated Project on Taxonomy : Environews. Vol. 3. August 1999. 17. Negotiations for Biosafety Protocol : Environews Vol. 4. February-March 2000. 18. ‗National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) Project‘ : Environews. Vol. 4. February-March 2000. 19. Janaki Ammal National Award For Taxonomy – Article for Environews Vol. 4. February-March 2000. 20. Arora, Sujata and Ahuja, Vibha.2006. ‗Biodiversity Conservation in Megadiverse Countries: A Profile‘, in ‗Perspectives on Biodiversity: A Vision for Megadiverse Countries‘. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. Edited by Desh Deepak Verma, Sujata Arora and R.K. Rai. 21. Arora, Sujata.2006. ‗United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity: A Profile‘ in Abstracts of National Conference on Biodiversity Related International Conventions: Role of Indian Scientific Community. 22. Ahuja, Vibha and Arora Sujata.2006. ‗ Biosafety Regulations and Status of Research on GMOs in Megadiverse Countries‘, in ‗Biosafety: Issues and Challenges‘. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. …. 158 II. National documents prepared/edited 1. National Policy and Macrolevel Action Strategy on Biodiversity. 1999. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (May be accessed at CBD‘s website ). 2. India‘s Second National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity.2001. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (May be accessed at CBD‘s website ). 3. India‘s Thematic Report on Access and Benefit Sharing. 2001. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (May be accessed at CBD‘s website 4. India‘s Thematic Report on Mountains.2001. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (May be accessed at CBD‘s website ). 5. India‘s Third National Report to the Convention on Biodiversity. 2006. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (May be accessed at CBD‘s website ). 6. Executive Summary of India‘s Third National Report to the Convention on Biodiversity 2006. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (May be accessed at CBD‘s website ). 7. National Biodiversity Action Plan.2008. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (May be accessed at websites and ). 8. India‘s Fourth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2009. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (May be accessed at websites and ). …… 159 III. Papers/presentations made/presented 1992-2004 1. Conservation of Biological Diversity in India. Paper presented in a Seminar organized by the British Council on ―Maintaining Biodiversity : Planning for Sustainable Development‖ held in Oxford and London. U.K. from November 8-18, 1992. 2. ―Conservation of Biological Diversity in India‖. Country paper for Asian Regional Meeting CoP3. October 1996. 3. ―Biotechnology and Biosafety – The Indian Scenario‖. Country paper presented in the SAARC Workshop on Biotechnology and Biosafety, Sri Lanka. November 1997. 4. Biodiversity, Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights – Position paper for the WIPO Expert Meeting on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources. 2000. 5. Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing – Position paper for fifth CoP to the CBD. 2000. 6. Evaluation of Bt Cotton – Issues and Perspectives. IUCN Regional Workshop on Biosafety. 2000. 7. Arora, Sujata and Sarat Babu, G.V. Biological Diversity Bill 2000 – Issues and Perspectives. Paper presented in the Annual Session of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences Workshop held in November 2001 8. Convention on Biological Diversity – Broad overview, relationship between UNCCD and CBD. National Workshop on Desertification. Bangalore. February 2002. 9. Protection of traditional knowledge – Indian experiences. International Seminar on Traditional Knowledge of Ministry of Commerce and UNCTAD. March 2002. 10. Bioprospecting and Biotechnology for Sustainable Development. India‘s presentation for the Meeting of the Megadiversity Countries. Mexico. February 2002. 11. Genetically modified organisms and environmental regulations – Detailed technical paper prepared for the 13th meeting of the Consultative Committee of Members of Parliament held on May 15, 2002. 12. Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety – A perspective. Workshop on Biosafety issues related to GMOs. September 5-6, 2002 at New Delhi. 13. Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing – India‘s experiences. Paper for the Expert Panel meeting on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing under the aegis of the Convention on Biological Diversity. 2004-2005 160 1. Re-engineering of Environmental Clearance process for Secretary (E&F)‘s presentation in the PMO. 2. Reforms in Environmental Clearance process for the new MEF. 3. Environmental Clearance process for State Environment Ministers Conference. 4. Re-engineering of Environmental Clearance process for the State Governments. 2005-2006 1. .‗United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. A profile‘, during the National Conference on Biodiversity Related Conventions, organized by Delhi University Botanical Society, held on March 8-9, 2006. 2. Outcomes of first meeting of PAWG held in Montecatini, Italy from 13-17 June, 2005, before Consultative Group on Biodiversity Issues on 16.9.2005. 3. Agenda for 8jWG4 before Consultative Group on Biodiversity Issues on 23.12.2005. 4. India‘s brief for 8jWG4 before Consultative Group on Biodiversity Issues on 13.1.2006. 5. Convention on Biological Diversity, for Indian GEF National Dialogue Workshop held in Mussoorie on 16.2.2006. 6. Convention on Biological Diversity and Like Minded Megadiverse Countries, before new AS (Cons.) on 24.2.2006. 2006- 2007 1. Outcomes of CoP-8 to the CBD held in Curitiba, Brazil, from 20-31 March, 2006, before Consultative Group on Biodiversity Issues on 5.5.2006. 2. Decisions of CoP-8 to the CBD on Access and Benefit Sharing, before the Consultative Group on Trade and Environment on 14.6.2006. 3. CoP-8 decisions on ABS, before the Workshop on International Regime on ABS held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 12-13 Aug 2006. 4. Policy on ABS in India, for the Japan-India Workshop on ABS and TK in the context of CBD held on 8.12.2006. 5. Convention on Biological Diversity, before new JS (Cons.II) on 19.12.2006. 2007-2008 1. Implementation of CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas, Workshop on PAs held in Dehradun from 2-4 April, 2007. 161 for CBD‘s Sub-regional 2. India‘s brief for SBSTTA-12, before Consultative Group on Biodiversity Issues on 4.5.2007. 3. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), before Secretary (E&F) on 19 . 6.2007. 4. National Biodiversity Action Plan (NBAP), before Secretary (E&F) on 26.6.07. 5. Briefing by MoEF on its Policies and Programmes for the Estimates Committee of MPs (2007-08) on 14.6.2007. 6. Agenda for ABSWG-5 and 8jWG-5, before Consultative Group on Biodiversity Issues on 17.8.2007. 7. India‘s experience in ABS legislation and protection of traditional knowledge, for the International Workshop on ABS and Traditional Knowledge held on 4-5th September, 2007 in Beijing, China. 8. Outcomes of CBD‘s ABSWG-5 and 8jWG-5 meetings held in Montreal in Oct.07, before the Consultative Group on Biodiversity Issues on 28.11.2007. 9. Historical overview on development of ABS legislation and protection of traditional knowledge in India, for the Workshop on India‘s Experiences on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing December 17-18, 2007, New Delhi. 10. CBD for IFS Probationers - 2006 batch, on 3.1.2008. 11. NBAP, for the Thirteenth Meeting of the Consultative Committee of Members of Parliament attached to the MoEF on 4.1.2008. 12. Country presentation for the Regional Workshop for South, South-East and East Asia on Capacity Building for NBSAPs held in Singapore, 14-18th January, 2008. 13. CBD for IIFT trainees on 12.2.08. 14. ABS negotiations: Process and update, before Secretary (E&F) on 4.3.08. 2008-2009 1. ‗BMC and PBRs – Some issues for consideration‘, in the Orientation-cum-Review meeting of SBBs held in Ooty on 28-29 April, 2008. 2. ‗Fourth National Report to the CBD‘ , in the first meeting of National report Coordination team on 21st July 2009. 3. ‗Conservation on Biological Diversity and National Biodiversity Authority‘ in the Senior Officers meeting held on 6.10.2008. 162 4. ‗India‘s FNR to the CBD: Process and Status‘, in the Regional Workshop on. 5. FNR held in Tsukuba, Japan on 2-4 Dec 2008. 6. ‗Implementation of PoW PA in India: Challenges and Opportunities‘, the Regional Workshop on FNR held in Tsukuba, Japan on 2-4 Dec 2008. 7. Presentation on FNR for the meeting of the Consultative Group held on 28.1.2009. 8. ‗Negotiations on ABS: An update‘ for the meeting of the Consultative Group held on 28.1.2009. …….. 163 IV. Contributed to development of documents/papers etc. 1. ‗Conservation of Biological Diversity in India – An Approach‘. India‘s report to the CoP-1, 1994. 2. Chapter on ‗Conservation of Biological Diversity‘ in India‘s report for second session of CSD. 1994. 3. ‗Common Approach for Conservation of Biological Diversity in Asian Countries‘ – Country Paper for ESCAP Meeting. 1994. 4. ‗Conservation of Biological Diversity in India‖. Country paper for Asian Regional Meeting CoP-2. 1995. 5. ‗Biodiversity National Action Plan for India – Programmes and Priorities‘ for the International GEF Workshop. April 1996. 6. ‗Issues in Capacity Building in Taxonomy‘ for the National Workshop on Taxonomy. February 1997. 7. ‗Issues in Biosafety Protocol‘ for International Workshop. March 1997. 8. ‗Draft National Action Plan on Biodiversity‘. 1997. 9. ‗Draft outline of Biodiversity Legislation‘. 1997. 10. Chapter on ‗Conservation of Biological Diversity in India – Sustaining Development‘. Report prepared for GEF Assembly. 1998. 11. ‗Conservation of Biological Diversity in India – Problems and Prospects‘ for the International Workshop of IUCN Plant Specialist Group. January 1998. 12. ‗Conservation of Biodiversity in the Indian Himalayas‘. Country paper for the Himalayan Ecoregional Workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal. February 1998. 13. Implementation of Article 6 of the Convention on Biological Diversity in India. India‘s First National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity. 1998. 14. EFC Memo for the All India Coordinated Project on Taxonomy (AICOPTAX), 1998. 15. Sustainable Development in the Indian Context. 1999. 16. Biosafety Issues Related to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Background document prepared for six regional awareness workshops held in 2002. 17. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan : A Call for Participation. April 2000. 164 18. NBSAP India: Guidelines and Concept Papers. June 2000. 19. Proceedings of the Inaugural National Workshop on NBSAP held on June 23-24, 2000. 20. Papers of Mid Term National Workshop on NBSAP held on June 13-15, 2001. 21. Proceedings of the Midterm National Workshop held on June 13-15, 2001. 22. NBSAP News (14 issues from October 2000 – December 2002). 23. Hindu Folio. A Special Issue on Biodiversity. May 2001. 24. Securing India‘s Future : National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. 2002. 25. Three discussion papers on traditional knowledge, access and benefit sharing and IPRs, for the Expert-cum-Ministerial level meeting of Like Minded Megadiverse Countries (LMMCs) organized by India in its capacity as President of LMMCs, in New Delhi in January, 2005. 26. New Delhi Declaration of Like Minded Megadiverse Countries on Access and Benefit Sharing, 2005. ….. 165 Curriculum vitae 1. Name : Dr. Sunita V. Auluck 2. Date of Birth : 14th February, 1950 3. Designation : Director (S) 4. Educational Qualification : Name of the Institution Department of Sociology, Punjab University, Chandigarh Department of Sociology, Punjab University, Chandigarh Government College for Women, Punjab University, Chandigarh 5. Title of Qualification Ph.D. . (UGC Fellow) – 1976 Urban Ecology. Masters of Arts - 1970 (First Class) Sociological Theory, Research Methodology, Social Psychology, Urban Sociology, Dissertation – Impact of Planned city Chandigarh on a neighbouring village Berhari, Rural Sociology and Community Development English, Sociology, Political Science Bachelor of Arts - 1968 (Distinction in Sociology) Areas(s) of Specialization 9. Major subjects : Urban Ecology Work Experience in the Ministry : Name of the Division IA Division Designation CP Division Additional Director Director (Scientist ‗SF‘) Period From To March, 2007 till date. Items of works handled / being handled Incharge of Monitoring & Evaluation Cell. The overall responsibility for the scientific evaluation of the monitoring reports submitted by the Regional Offices; action is initiated for noncompliance of the stipulated conditions depending upon the level of violation as per the environmental laws; in worst cases, project is closed down; scientific appraisal of the biannual reports received from project proponents; coordination activities, including the interactive meets at national and regional levels, Monitoring of the functions of State level Authorities, Monthly D.O. for the Cabinet, RTI, etc. August, 1995 Nodal Officer for taking up the policy measures and its implementation in the areas of air and noise pollution in the country. I also coordinate the various programmes in the area of Spatial Environmental Planning, which include Zoning Atlas, Industrial Estate Planning, Environmental Feb. 2007 166 Policy & Law and CP Division Principal Officer Scientific Jan. July, 1986 1995 CP Division Sr. Environmental Officer August Dec. 1982 1985 7. Management Plans, URBAN-ENVIS, SEPNET, Action Plans to control pollution in the metro cities and bilateral issues in the area of urban environment Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Rules thereunder, Conservation Strategy; Noise Pollution; Industrial pollution, especially with reference to implementation of the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Public participation for abatement of pollution; Non-Governmental Organisation Cell & Public Grievance Redressal Cell. Initiated the area of noise pollution, Women & Environment, Sociocultural Aspects of Environment, Conservation Strategy. Training Undergone : In India Duration Name of Course Two weeks Urban Environment May-June, 1995 10 days Project, Planning Monitoring & Control System In 1999 10 days Equipping the Enforcers in Environmental Laws Abroad Date Duration Name of Course Institution/ Organization Two months Environment Policy Planning, Legislation and Enforcement System Poverty Focused Rural Development University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK From In 1994 From In 1996 Date To To In 1996 Two weeks 2001 15 days 2002 Two weeks 8. Institution / Organization Human Settlement Management Institute (HSMI) Indian Society for Training & Development in collaboration with Planning Commission. National Law School of India, Bangalore. Achievements Environmental Management Strategies for Pollution Control and Implementation of Standards in Pesticide Manufacturing Industries Train the Trainers (Senior level) on Spatial Environmental Planning. : Publications : Details in Annexure. 167 Institute of Rural Development & Poverty Alleviation, Comilla, Bangladesh Organised through a German Consultant. -do- 9. Any other relevant information, if any : 10. Address & E-mail : Residential Official E-mail -- AO-37, Kala Kunj Society, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi. Room No. 538, Paryavaran Bhavan, Lodi Road, New Delhi. 168 ANNEXURE LIST OF PUBLICATIONS : S.No. 1. Year of publication 2004 Title of the Paper Name of the publisher DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: INDIAN APPROACH Selected for publication in an edited book by Dr. Behnamta‘I for which the name has yet to be finalised. 2 2004 COMMUNITY NOISE – LAWS & REGULATIONS Presented as keynote during the National Symposium on Acoustics (NSA 2004) held at Mysore. Presented during the meeting of the Experts to Strengthen Environment Management Infrastructure in SAARC Countries. Presented during the National Symposium on Acoustics & Workshop on Automotive NVH organised by Automotive Research Association of India at Pune. It is published in the proceedings of the Workshop. A paper presented in India during a Seminar on Ecological Performance of cities : Policies and Action Plans, organised by School of Planning, Delhi. A paper presented during International Training Programme for Overseas professionals organised by Human Settlement Management Institute Presented during the Workshop on Noise Pollution Control, organised by Central Pollution Control Board. Published in SHELTER, a journal of Human Settlement Institute – Issue of April, 2000. Published in the proceedings of World Congress on Sustainable Development held at Calcutta. Published in the proceedings of National Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment of Urban Development projects held at Mysore. Published in the proceedings of International conference of Habitat, New Delhi. 3. 2004 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT IN INDIA 4. 2003 NOISE REGULATION CONTROL. 5. 2003 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS OF METROPOLITAN CITIES IN INDIA 6. 2003 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES – GOVERNMENT STRATEGIES 7. 2002 8. 2000 9. 2000 NOISE POLLUTION CONTROL – A LEGAL FRAMEWORK NOISE POLLUTION IN METRO CITIES CONTROL OF POLLUTION IN METRO CITIES 10. 2000 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 11. 1997 12. 1997 ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT : URBAN/ RURAL INTERFACE ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT – A REVIEW 13. 1997 POVERTY ENVIRONMENT INTERFACES 14. 1996 QUALITY OF ENVIRONMENT 15. 1995 LAND USE PLANNING : A POLLUTION AND URBAN 169 In an edited book entitled ―International Conference on Industrial Pollution and Control Technologies:, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Hyderabad- published by Allied Publications, Hyderabad. Regional training programme on poverty focussed rural development programme, Comilla. Environmental quality : Human Settlement – A workshop organised by School of Planning and Architecture, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi. Towards the goal of sustainable society : CASE STUDY OF INDIA. 16. 1995 WOMEN ENVIRONMENT AND measures for changing consumption pattern, workshop at Seoul, South Korea by Korean Environmental Technology Research Institute. Environment and People : Vol. II My Ph.D. thesis was published as a reference book entitled ―INTRACITY RESIDENTIAL MOBILITY IN AN INDUSTRIAL CITY‖; Concept Publisher Company, New Delhi; 1980. Since it was the first study of its kind on an Indian city, Indian Council of Social Science Research has provided financial support for its publication so that it is available to the students of Urban Geography, Town Planning, Urban Sociology and Urban Eco Systems. At present it is available in the leading Universities of the world. 170 Curriculum-Vitae 1. NAME : DR. (Ms.) T. CHANDINI 2. DATE OF BIRTH : 02-08-1960 (Second-August-Nineteen Sixty) 3. PRESENT POST : Director, Coal Sector Projects, Impact Assessment Division, Min. Env. & Forests, GOI, New Delhi. : B.SC (Hons.), M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D, M.SC. (U.K), and Graduate in LEAD (Leadership in Environment & Development), USA 4. & 5 ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS & AREA OF SPECIALISATION Degree Univ. Graduate LEAD International, Environment & in LEAD USA Year 1997-1999 Grade Passed Area of Specialisation 2-year Course on Development funded by Rockefeller Foundation, USA (Annexure-1) M.Sc. UK Control Dept. of Fuel & Energy, 1992-93 64% Univ. of Leeds, UK Air and Environmental Pollution (subjects included Water Poll. Control engineering, Atmospheric pollution such as ozone depletion, climate change, acid rain, etc., analysis of env. pollutants, env. legislation, etc.) (Annexure-2) Ph.D Ecotoxicology Delhi 1982-87 M.Phil Delhi Ecotoxicology – 1981-82 Specialisation in 68% Specialisation in subjects – Ecology, Toxicology & Biostatistics M.Sc including Delhi 1979-81 62% Zoology with subjects Ecology, Limnology, etc. B.Sc (Hons.) Delhi 1976-79 171 61% Zoology (Main), Physics, Chemistry, Botany, etc. Schooling 1965-1976 74% CBSE (Delhi Board) 10. WORK EXPERIENCE Post Year Details 1. Director MOEF. 2006-todate Coal Sector, Impact Assessment Div., 2. Additional Director 2002-2005 Non-Coal Mining, IA Division, MOEF. 3. Additional Director 1998 (Aug.) - 2002 Div. of Cons. & Survey 4. Joint Director 1993 (Oct.) -1998Div. of Control of Pollution (Automobile Pollution and Pollution in Delhi) 5. Deputy Director 1987-1993 6. Senior Sc. Officer* 1986-87 Bhopal Gas Commission, Cabinet Secretariat, GOI. 7. Sr. Res. Fellow 1985-86 Bhopal Gas Commission, Cabinet Secretariat, GOI. * I submitted my doctoral thesis in October 1985 and joined the Bhopal Gas Commission in Nov. 1985) * Div. of Control of Pollution (Air and Water Pollution, Industrial Pollution, etc.) 11. TRAINING PROGRAMME Has not participated in any training programme short-term (less than 15 days) or long-term (more than 15 days) over the past 11 years. 12. ACHIEVEMENTS/ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS 13. Awarded the National Senior Science Talent Scholarship in 1976 by the National Council for Educational Research & Training (NCERT), New Delhi, which I utilised until the award of M.Sc degree. 14. Awarded the Junior and Senior Research Fellowship by the NCERT for completion of M.Phil and Ph.D. 15. Awarded Certificate of Distinction for 1st Position (1st Year) and the Book Prize in B.Sc (IInd) year and Prizes in Science Exhibition, debates, projects, etc. iv. Secured First Position in M.Phil, university of Delhi in 1983. v. Selected a Fellow of British Council and awarded an M.Sc degree on Environmental Pollution Control in 1992-93 with 5 subjects above 75%. 16. Four years research experience in Ecotoxicology. 17. About 24 years of experience in Government as a scientist. 18. A number of scientific publications in national and international journals and paper presentations in National & International Symposia, Workshops and Conferences. 172 9. ANY OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Nil 10. ADDRESS & E-MAIL: Residential E-121 PRAGATI VIHAR HOSTEL, LODI ROAD, NEW DELHI-110003 OFFICIAL 1027, MIN. ENV. & FORESTS, PARYAVARAN BHAWAN, CGO COMPLEX, NEW DELHI-110510. E-mail 173 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name : Dr. VEERENDRA PRATAP UPADHYAY 2. Date of birth : 10th July, 1958 3. Designation : Director (S): Scientist ‗F‘ 19. Educational qualification : (from degree level and above in descending order) Exam passed Board/Institute Univ./ College Year Subjects Division/ class % Marks/ OGPA Certificate Ph.D CIEFL Kumaun University, Naini Tal 2004 1985 Ist - 62.2% M. Sc. B. Sc Kumaun University, Naini Tal MBPG, College Kumaun University, Naini Tal 1980 1978 German language Botany (Forest ecology) Botany Zoo. Bot. Chem. 1st IInd 63.7% 51.1% 5. Area(s) of Specialization : 6. Work experience in the Ministry (in descending order) Name of the division Forest Ecology (Ph. D level) Designation Period From To Items of handled works handled/being Ministry of Environment & Forests Eastern Regional office, Bhubaneswar Ministry of Environment & Forests Eastern Regional office, Bhubaneswar Ministry of Environment & Forests North Eastern Regional office Shillong Ministry Environment & Forests Eastern Regional office Bhubaneswar Director Scientist ‗F‘ AUG. 07 Till date Environmental Impact Assessment. Monitoring, Additional Director (S) Scientist ‗E‘ Additional Director (S) Scientist ‗E‘ Additional Director (S Scientist ‗E‘ MAR 06 AUG 07 Environmental Impact Assessment. Monitoring, OCT 2003 MAR 06 Environmental Impact Assessment. Monitoring, MAR01 OCT03 Environmental Impact Assessment. Monitoring, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Eastern regional office, Bhubaneswar Ministry of Environment & Forests, Eastern Regional office, Bhubaneswar Joint Director(S) Scientist ‗D‘ Scientist ‗C‘ Jan‘95 MAR01 Environmental Impact Assessment. Monitoring, Jan‘90 DEC04 Environmental Impact Assessment. Monitoring, 174 7. Training undergone: In India : From 23.03.95 Date To 28.03.95 Duration Name of course 6 days Environmental Impact Assessment of developmental projects. Management of Natural Resources and Environment Modelling and Monitoring of Coastal Marine Processes (MAMCOMP-99) Equipping the Enforcers in Environmental Law at W.B. University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. 28.02.95 11.03.95 12 days 15.11.99 26.11.99 12 days 19.04. 2000 23.04.2000 5 days Institution/organiza tion IIM, Calcutta. IIPA, New Delhi. IIT, Delhi. CEERA, NLSIU, Bangalore. Abroad: Date to 01.04.96 From 03.01.96 8. Duration Name of course Institution/organization 3 months Environmental Impact Assessment University of Bradford (ODA), United Kingdom Achievements: Publications Special Awards Appreciations received & A complete list of publication attached 1. Fellow of International Society of Tropical Ecology (FTE) 2. Fellow of National Institute of Ecology (FNIE) 3.Two Ph. D students awarded degree from Utkal University under my supervision 4. Environmental Conservation Awareness Award by Orissa Environmental Society (2007) 20. Any other relevant information, if any: During my posting at North East Regional Office, Shillong, I made chemical inventory of all the industries of North East Region as per objective of National Chemical Management profile being taken up by the Ministry of Environment and Forests and Central Pollution Control Board. The report was sent to the Ministry by the Chief Conservator of Forests (Central) vide letter No.106-9/EPE dated 9th July, 2007. This was first ever compilation of 150 pages in the field. 21. Address & E-mail Residential Qrs. No. IV/1, Ministry of Environment and Forests Colony, Eastern Regional Office, A/3 Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751023. Official Ministry of Environment and Forests, Eastern Regional Office, A/3 Chandrasekharpur, PO : Rail Vihar, Bhubaneswar-751023. E mail 175 PUBLICATIONS OF DR. V.P. UPADHYAY ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 1. Upadhyay, V.P., 1984. Leaf litter decomposition. In: An integrated ecological study of eastern Kumaun Himalaya with emphasis on natural resources (eds. J.S.Singh and S.P. Singh) .Project Report, Dep. Science and Tech. New Delhi. pp. 227-268., 1984. 2. Bargali, S.S., V.P. Upadhyay and R.P. Singh. 1988. Biomass, productivity and nutrient cycling of some energy tree plantations in sub- tropical and temperate regions of Kumaun Himalaya. DNES annual Proj. Report, Dep. Forestry, Kumaun Univ. Naini Tal. 20p. 3. Upadhyay, V.P., R.P. Singh and S.P. Singh, 1989. Central Himalayan Forests: An Ecological Research. In: Advances in Forestry Research in India (Ed. Ram Prakash), International Book Distributors, Dehradun. 197-204. 4. Tripathi, S. K., K.R. Verma and V. P. Upadhyay,1989. Analysis of forest vegetation of Kasar Devi hill of north west Almora division in Kumaun Himalaya. Proc. Indian Acad.Sci (Plant Sci) 97: 265-276. 5. Upadhyay, V.P., Jeet Ram and R.P. Singh, 1989. Analysis of herbaceous vegetation under Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus, forests in Kumaun Himalaya. Res. J. Plant Env. 5: 4146. 6. Chandra, R., V.P. Upadhyay and S.S. Bargali, 1989. Analysis of herbaceous vegetation under oak and pine forests along an altitudinal gradient in central Himalaya. Env. and Ecol. 7: 521-525. 7. Chandra R., and V.P. Upadhyay, 1989. Phytosociology of herbaceous vegetation in foothill forests of central Himalaya. Res. J. Plant and Env. 5: 35-42. 8. Tripathi, S.K., R.S. Singh, V.P. Upadhyay and R.P. Singh, 1989. Population structure of Pinus roxburghii and Quercus leucotrichophora forests of Almora hills. J. Tree Sci. 8: 78-80. 9. Pande, P., S.K.Tripathi and V.P. Upadhyay, 1989. Epiphytic Bryophytes on certain tree species of Aberfoyle mixed oak-conifer forest in Naini Tal. Vegetos 2: 127-133. 10. Rikhari, H.C., B.S. Rana, L.S. Lodhiyal and V.P. Upadhyay, 1989. Population structure of chir pine (Pinus roxburghii Sarg. forests in part of Kumaun Himalaya. Indian J. Forestry 12: 205-209. 11. Upadhyay, V.P., Jeet Ram and R.P. Singh, 1990. Ecology and environment of part of western Himalaya. In: Advances in forestry research in India (ed. Ram Prakash), International book Distributors, Dehra Dun. pp. 205-11. 12. Singh, S.P., P.K. Ralhan, V.P. Upadhyay and G.C.S. Negi, 1990(April). Seasonal changes in stem diameter and leaf development in a tropical montane forest. J. Veg. Science. 1: 165-172. 176 13. Upadhyay V.P., 1995. An ecological analysis of Himalayan Forest Ecosystems. In: Environment, change and Management (Ed.R.C.Mohanty), Kamla Raj Publishers, New Delhi. pp.62-69. 14. Upadhyay V.P., B. S. Rana and R.K., Mishra 2003. Fine root productivity of two central Himalayan forest ecosystems. Plant Science Res..25:21-25. 15. Mishra R.K., V. P. Upadhyay, S. Bal, P. K. Mohapatra and R.C. Mohanty, 2006. Phenology of species of moist deciduous forest sites of Similipal Biosphere reserve. Lyonia 11(1):5-17 16. Upadhyay, V. P., P. K. Mishra and J. R .Sahu 2008. Distribution of Mangrove species within Bhitarkanika National Park in Orissa, India. Trees for Life Electronic Journal 3:1-5. 17. Upadhyay, V. P., P. K. Mishra and J. R .Sahu 2008. Population status of Mangrove Species in estuarine regions of Orissa coast, India. Tropical Ecology 49: 183-188. 18. Upadhyay. V.P. ,P. K. Mishra and J. R. Sahu 2008. Vegetation structure and species distribution pattern of mangrove species in Bhitarkanika ecosystem, Orissa, India. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 5(4): 69-76. 19. Mishra, R.K., V.P. Upadhyay and R.C. Mohanty 2008. Vegetation ecology of Similipal biosphere reserve, Orissa, India. J. Applied Ecol. and Env. Research (in press). 20. Upadhyay, V. P., and P. K. Mishra 2008. Phenology of Mangroves Tree species on Orissa Coast, India. Tropical Ecology (Revised submitted). 21. Upadhyay, Shekhar, S. K. Sahu, G. K. Panda and V.P. Upadhyay 2008. Linkages between Agriculture and Forest: Case study from three tribal villages in biosphere reserve of India. (communicated). BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION 22. Tripathi, S.K., V.P. Upadhyay and K.R. Verma, 1989. A comparison of different indices of diversity in tree species in Kasar Devi forests in Kumaun Himalaya. Vegetos 2: 86-93. 23. Tripathi, S.K., V.P. Upadhyay and K.R. Velma, 1989. Diversity of shrub species at Kasar Devi forest in Kumaun Himalaya. Env. and Ecol. 7: 1989, 537-542. 24. Upadhyay, V.P., and R.C.Das, 1998. Biodiversity conservation and sustainable development In: Biodiversity conservation: Problems and Prospects (ed. H.K. Patra) Orissa Environment Society, Bhubaneswar. pp.16-28. 25. Mishra, R.K., V.P.Upadhyay and R.C.Mohanty, 2000. Niche width, diversity and distribution pattern of tree species in Similipal Biosphere reserve. J. Indian Botanical Society 79: 61-65. 26. Upadhyay, V.P., 2002. Sustainable utilization and conservation of biodiversity. Proc.NATCUB-2002 pp.414-419.Allied publishers Pvt. limited New Delhi. 177 In: 27. Upadhyay, V.P .2002. Mining in Orissa: Impact on Biodiversity. Sabujima, 15-20. 28. Mishra R.K., V.P.Upadhyay and R.C.Mohanty, 2003. Vegetation diversity of Similipal Biosphere reserve. E-planet 1 (1): 4- 9. 29. Mishra, R.K., Mohapatra, P.K., Upadhyay, V.P., BAL, S., and R.C. Mohanty, 2003. Diversity and Structural Composition of Trees of Buffer Areas of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Orissa. Proc. XII National Symposium on Environment. BARC, Mumbai. Pp.485-492. 30. Mishra, P.K., J.R. Sahu and V.P Upadhyay, 2004. Ecology of Bhitarkanika mangroves Orissa .In: National Seminar on Ecology and Environmental Management: Issues and Research needs. Department of Botany Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.22-23. 31. Mishra, P.K., J.R. Sahu and V.P Upadhyay, 2004. Population structure of dominant mangroves forest species in Bhitarkanika Ecosystem, Orissa. In: Management of coastal ecosystem. Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.pp.132-140. 32. Mishra, P. K., J. R .Sahu and V.P.Upadhyay 2005.Species diversity ecosystem in Orissa, India. Lyonia 8:73-81 in Bhitarkanika mangrove 33. Upadhyay.V. P., P. K. Mishra and J. R. Sahu 2007. Biodiversity Resources of Bhitarkanika Mangrove ecosystem. E-planet 5(1):12-15. 34. Mohanty R.C. R.K. Mishra, S. Bal and V.P. Upadhyay 2005. Plant diversity assessment of shorea robusta dominated forest stands of Similipal Biosphere Reserve. J. Indian Bot. Society 84:21-29 35. Upadhyay, V. P. 2006. Gaps in biodiversity inventory in Indian EIA. Abstract. In: Global Environmental Change: Regional Challenges. ESSP open science conference, Beijing, China. 36. Mishra, R.K., S. Bal, P.K. Mohapatra, R.C. Mohanty and V.P.Upadhyay2007. Turnover rate of forest floor litter and biodiversity aspects of Similipal Biosphere Reserve. In: Biodiversity for sustainable Development. (Ed: P.C. Trivedi) Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur.pp.163-179 RESTORATION ECOLOGY 37. Reddy, V.S., V.P. Upadhyay and R.P.Singh 1988. Soil and vegetation analysis. In: Recovery of damaged forest ecosystems in Kumaun Himalaya (Eds. J.S. Singh and R.P. Singh) Dep. Forestry, Kumaun Univ. Naini Tal. Dep. Environment, Govt. Of India, New Delhi. pp. 5-37. 38. Loshali, D.C., V.P. Upadhyay and R.P.Singh 1988. Hydrologic responses in certain landslide affected areas in Kumaun Himalaya. In: Recovery of damaged forest ecosystems in Kumaun Himalaya (eds. J.S. Singh and R.P. Singh) Dep. Forestry, Kumaun Univ. Naini Tal. Dep. Environment, Govt. of India, New Delhi. pp. 38-61. 178 39. Chaudhary, Smita, V.P. Upadhyay and R.P.Singh1988. Ecology of certain pioneer and other promising species relevant to recovery of landslide damaged sites In: Recovery of damaged forest ecosystems in Kumaun Himalaya (eds. J.S. Singh and R.P. Singh) Dep. Forestry, Kumaun Univ. Naini Tal. Dep. Environment, New Delhi. pp. 62-99. 40. Chaudhary Smita, V.P. Upadhyay & R.P. Singh, 1990. Landslide site characters and their recovery through suitable tree species in central Himalaya. In: Agro forestry, its present status and scope for future development in farming systems (Eds. R.K.Singh, A.K.Saxena and I.S. Singh), N.D.Univ.Faizabad. pp. 228-237. 41. Loshali, D.C., V.P. Upadhyay, R.P. Singh and J.S. Singh, 1990. Overland flow and soil movement from forests in Kumaun Himalaya. Can. J. Forest Res. 20: 606-608. 42. Upadhyay, V.P., R.P. Singh and B.S. Rana, 1997. Soil respiration in disturbed of central Himalaya. Indian Forester 123: 77-81. forest ecosystems 43. Rajiv Ranjan and Upadhyay, V.P., 1999(Nov). Ecological problems due to shifting cultivation. Curr.Sci. 77: 1246-1250. 44. Upadhyay, V.P., Rajiv Ranjan and J.S. Singh, 2002. The Human Mangrove Conflicts-The way out. Current Science. 83: 1328-1336. 45. Upadhyay, V.P., T.K.Mishra and Rabindra Mishra, 2003. Improvement in ecological attributes by vegetation development in a fly ash disposal area. In: Proc. National seminar on Environmental influence on soil response and structural behaviour. Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, pp.5051. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 46. Upadhyay, V.P. and S.P. Singh 1987. Environmental background and concept of ecodevelopment (S.P.Singh ed.), Gaula catchment eco development project, Final Project Report, Dep. Env. Govt. of India. pp. 1-24. 47. Upadhyay V.P., 1997. Issues of Environment and Sustainability (ed.) Nandi Ghosh Print Media, Bhubaneswar Publ. P. Upadhyay, 148 p. 48. Upadhyay, V.P. 1997. Environmental Auditing. In: Proc. Seminar Paper National Seminar on Green Purchasing and Eco labelling. IIMM, Delhi. pp.25-30. 49. Upadhyay, V.P., U. Sridharan and N.L.N.S. Prasad, 1997. Environmental considerations in infrastructure projects with particular reference to Mineral development. In: Seminar Proc. Infrastructure in mineral development. SGAT, Bhubaneswar pp. 85-90. 50. Upadhyay, V.P., 1998. Khanan Ke Sath Bhumi Ka Paryahitaishi Punarvas. In: Proc. Natl.Seminar, CMRI, Dhanbad. Pp.44-46. 51. Upadhyay, V.P., 2000. Phasing out of Ozone depleting substances in India. In: Tech. Brochure. Phasing out of Ozone Depleting Substances, SISI, Cuttack, pp: 24-38. 179 52. Upadhyay, V.P. & Debashish Roy. 2000. Environmental considerations in Metal Mining projects of Eastern Region, In: Proceedings of SGAT Workshop on Developments in Underground Metal Mining Practices, Bhubaneswar. Pp.122-130. 53. Upadhyay, V.P., 2000. Indoor Air Pollution and Human health. In: Souvenir Inter city meet on Domestic Pollution, Rotary Club, Bhubaneswar, Toshali, pp: 16-18. 54. Upadhyay, V.P., 2001. The environmental appraisal and management of mining operations. Proc. SGAT, Bhubaneswar pp 38-45. 55. Upadhyay V.P., 2002. Considering environmental inputs as bench mark for viability of mining projects. In: Proceeding International Seminar on Value addition in Mineral Industry as viability of mining projects. Society of Geoscientists and Allied Technologists, Bhubaneswar. pp. 135-140 56. Srivastav, Ajay, Prasad M.R., and Upadhyay V.P., 2002. Environmental Concerns for Sustainable Industrial Development. Sankalpa Vol. X, No.2. 63-70. 57. Upadhyay, V.P., 2004. Environmental issues in large dams and hydro power. In: Proc. Conference on large dams and hydro power development. CBIP, New Delhi. pp. 81-88. 58. Srivastav, Ajay and V.P.Upadhyay 2004. Integrating environment and development: History of environmental consciousness. Sabujima 12:40-44. 59. Upadhyay, V. P., M. Rajeswar Prasad, A. Srivastav and Khazan Singh 2005. Eco tools for urban waste management in India. J. Human Ecol.18(4): 253-269 60. Dutta, Shantanu K., V. P. Upadhyay and U. Shridharan 2006. Environmental management of industrial hazardous wastes in India. J. Env. Sci. Engg. 48:143-150 61. Malviya, H. S. and V.P.Upadhyay 2006. Environmental Strategies for Sound Development of NorthEastern Region, India. In: Proc. National seminar on Environmental Planning and Coordination Organisation, Bhopal (Abstract). 62. Upadhyay, V.P., 2006. Orissa: Sustainable Development. In: Proceedings of 10th Orissa Bigyan Congress, Indian Science Congress Association, Bhubaneswar Chapter. LP1 - LP9. 63. Behura, S., R. K. Mishra, Shantanu K. Dutta and V. P. Upadhyay 2006. Implementation of Environmental management options in chromite mining region of Orissa, India. J. Indian Assoc. Env. Manage. 33:17-23 64. Upadhyay, V. P. and D K Rout. 2007. Ecological strategies for Biodiversity Conservation. In: Proc. National Seminar Dep. Environmental Sciences Sambalpur University Sambalpur (Abstract) 65. Upadhyay, V. P. and S R K Rao 2007. .India‘s water resources: Conservation and management. In: Proc. mitigating the challenges of water scarcity. Andhra University Visakhapatnam. 28p. 180 66. Upadhyay V.P. and M.R. Prasad, 2008. The Climate change and our Responsibility. Sabujima 16:80-84. 67. Prasad, M.R. and V.P. Upadhyay. 2008. Legislative Tools for Management of Water Resources in India. In: M. Kar and P K Mohapatra (eds.) Prevention of surface water pollution: Programmes and Policies. Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar (in press). 68. Upadhyay, V. P. and M R Prasad 2008. Ecological importance of abiotic factors in reclamation and management of mining wastes. In: H K Patra (Ed) Utkal University Bhubaneswar. NUTRIENT DYNAMICS IN ECOSYSTEMS 69. Upadhyay, V.P., and J.S. Singh 1985. Nitrogen dynamics of decomposing hardwood leaf litter in a central Himalayan forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 17: 827 - 830. 70. Upadhyay, V.P., and J.S. Singh 1985. Decomposition of woody branch litter on an altitudinal transect in central Himalaya. Vegetatio 64: 49 - 54. 71. Upadhyay, V.P. U. Pandey and J.S. Singh, 1985. Effect of habitat on decomposition of standard leaf litter species. Biology and Fertility of soils 1: 201 - 208. 72. Upadhyay, V.P. 1987. Leaf litter decomposition and Calcium release Himalaya. J. Tropical Forestry 3: 242 – 245. in forests of Central 73. Bisht, Jeevan S. V.P. Upadhyay and J.S. Bisht, 1988. The role of soil nutrient and termites in decomposition of branch wood litter of Shorea robusta in sub-tropical Sal forest. Geo Eco Trop. 12: 115 –123. 74. Upadhyay, V.P., 1988. Effect of relative humidity and substrate moisture content on the decomposition pattern of standard leaf litter species. Env. Ecology 6: 672-675. 75. Upadhyay, V.P. 1988(June). Pattern of immobilization and release of nitrogen in decomposing leaf litter in Himalayan forests. Proc. Indian Acad Sci. 98: 215-226. 76. Upadhyay, V.P. and J.S. Singh 1989(March). Patterns of nutrient immobilization and release in decomposing forest litter in central Himalayas, India. J. Ecol. 77:127-146. 77. Upadhyay, V.P., J.S. Singh and V. Meentemeyer, 1989(March). Dynamics and weight loss of leaf litter in central Himalayan Forests: abiotic versus litter quality influences. J. Ecol. 77: 147161. 78. Upadhyay, V.P., and J.S. Singh, 1989. Nitrogen release pattern in decomposing oak and pine litter in Naini Tal Hills, India. Indian Forester 115: 320-326. 79. Upadhyay, V.P., 1990. Decomposition of oak leaf litter in a pine-mixed broadleaf forest in Himalaya. Indian J. Ecol. 17: 25-28. 181 80. Singh, S.P., K.Pande, V.P. Upadhyay and J.S. Singh, 1990. Fungal communities associated with the decomposition of a common leaf litter (Quercus leucotrichophoraA.Camus) along an elevational transect in the central Himalaya. Biol. Fertl. Soils 9: 245-251. 81. Upadhyay, V.P. and Y.S. Rawat, 1991. Changes in sodium content during decomposition of forest litter in Himalaya. Trop. Ecol. 32: 1991, 287-295. 82. Rawat, Y.S., V.P. Upadhyay & R.P. Singh, 1991. Decomposition of oak, pine and oak+ pine leaf litter in oak forests of Kumaun Himalaya. In: Recent researches in ecology, environment and pollution (ed. G.S. Rajwar), Today and Tomorrow publishers, New Delhi. 6: 113-129. 83. Bisht, Jeevan S., V.P.Upadhyay and J.S. Bisht, 1992. Importance of termites in soil and nutrient turnover in sub-tropical Sal forest. In: Advances in forestry research in India (ed.Ram Prakash) International Book Distributors, Dehra Dun. pp. 95-106. 84. Upadhyay, V.P. 1993. Effect of initial litter quality on decomposition rate of tree leaf litter in Himalayan forest ecosystems. Trop. Ecol. 34: 44-50. 85. Upadhyay, V.P., and R.P. Singh, 1997. Comparative rates of leaf litter decomposition of central Himalayan hardwood and conifer species. J. Tree Science 16: 1-8. 86. Singh, Lalji, Anshu Singh, S.S. Bargali and V.P. Upadhyay, 2007. Leaf Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release Pattern in Multipurpose Tree Species of Central India. Journal of Basic and Applied Biology. 1(4) :14-21. ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS 87. Upadhyay, V.P., U. Sridharan, N.L.N.S. Prasad, B.N. Mohanty, Rajiv Ranjan and S. Kerketta, 1997. Important Acts and Guidelines relating to Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Eastern Region, Bhubaneswar. 208p. 88. Upadhyay, V.P., and D Gouda 2001. Regulations for reclamation and restoration of mined out areas. Proc. Of Workshop on Reclamation and rehabilitation of Mined out areas. SGAT, Bhubaneswar, pp.16-17. 89. Upadhyay, V.P., 2000. Environmental regulations for cleaner productivity. In: Proc. Training programme on Waste Minimisation and Cleaner Production in different industries in small scale sector. SISI, Cuttack, 8-20. 90. Upadhyay V.P., R.L. Sanga, H.S. Malviya, S.C. Katiyar and B.S. Laitthma, 2006. Regional Conference: NE Regional office, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Shillong. Compilation on Important Acts and Guidelines relating to Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests, North Eastern Region, Shillong. 143p. 182 91. Upadhyay, V.P., 2003. Regulatory mechanisms for management of hazardous wastes in India. In: Mitigation of environmental hazards(eds. S P RATH and P K Mohapatra) Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.pp.37-49 92. Laitthma, B., V.P. Upadhyay and S. C. Katiyar, 2004. Relevance of Regional Environmental Impact Assessment in mining projects. In: Vistas in Geological Res. Utkal Univ. spl. Publ. 3:71-81. 93. Upadhyay, V.P., 2004. Legal framework for coastal area management in India. In: Management of coastal ecosystem. Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.pp.186-193. 94. Upadhyay V.P., B.Laitthma and B.S. Kharmawphlang 2004. Environmental regulations for mining projects in India. In: Proc. National symp. on Environment, BARC and NEHU, Shillong. Pp.408414 95. Upadhyay, V.P., 1998(Dec). Regulation and control of ground water management and development. Curr. Sci. 75: 1287-1288. 96. Upadhyay, V.P. 2007. Evolution of international Environmental regulations in mining sector projects. In Seminar Proceedings of 7th International Mining History Congress and SGAT Bhubaneswar pp. 177-194 POPULAR ARTICLES 97. Upadhyay, V.P., U. Sridharan and S.Ramakrishna Rao, 1994. Vriksharopan. Paryavaran 6(4): 48. 98. Upadhyay, V.P., & N.L.N.S.Prasad. (Hindi). Paryavaran 9:33-35. Green house Prabhav Evam Andaman Evam Nicobar Dweep Samooh Mein Jan Jeevan 99. Upadhyay V.P., Sudhakar Kar and S.Ramakrishna Rao, 1992. Hamari Prakritic Sampada-Chilika. Paryavaran 4: 27-29. 100. Upadhyay V.P., U. Sridharan and S. Kar, 1993. Bhitarkanika - Ek Adarsh Paristhitikiya Tantra. Paryavaran 5: 70-71. 101. Upadhyay, V.P., 1997. Orissa Me Vanya Praniyon Ka Paristhithikaya Star (Hindi). Paryavaran 102. Upadhyay, V.P., S. Kerketta and Rajiv Ranjan, 1998. Environmental awareness, education and eco-development. Sabujima 62-69. 103. Upadhyay,V. P.,and U.Sridharan,1999. Environmental Scenario of Bhubaneswar city.Ori-Forest V 98-103. 104. Upadhyay, V.P. and M.R. Prasad, 1999. Current Environmental Issues and concerns. Sabujima 7586. 105. Upadhyay, V.P.2000.The Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem of Andaman.Sabujima, 69-80. 183 106. Upadhyay V.P .2003. Restoration of habitats: From seed to plant. Sabujima, 11: 50-53 107. Upadhyay V.P., B.S. Kharmawphlang and B.Laitthma 2005. Plants and people in Meghalaya. Sabujima, 13:108-115. 108. Upadhyay, V. P. 2007. Five keys to be green and healthy. Sabujima. 15: 12-15. 109. Upadhyay, V.P. and M.R. Prasad, 2008.The climate change and our responsibility. Sabujima 16: 8084. 110. Rajiv Ranjan and Upadhyay, V.P., 2008(Jan). Kaziranga udyan mein Gainda. Paryavaran Urza Times 10(12):19-20. 111. Prasad, M.R., and V.P. Upadhyay, 2009. Man, mangroves and management. Sabujima 17:64-67. 184 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name : Dr. A. SENTHIL VEL 2. Date of Birth : 29th November, 1964 3. Designation : Additional Director 22. Educational Qualifications (From degree level and above in descending order): (a) Ph. D. from Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai, titled ―Policies and Framework for Coastal Management in India‖. (2003-2006) (b) Masters in Fisheries Science, College of Fisheries, Mangalore, University of Agricultural Sciences Karnataka.- 1987-89 (1987-89) (c) Bachelor in Fisheries Science, College of Fisheries, Mangalore, University of Agricultural Sciences, Karnataka. – 1983-87 (1981 -87) 23. Area(s) of Specialization: 24. Fishery Sciences and, (ii) Coastal Zone Management 25. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division IA –III Division Designation Regional Office, Bangalore Joint Director Additional Director From 1998 Period To 2009 1996 1998 185 Items of works handled/being handled 2008-2009 – Work related to Coastal Management Zone Notification and World Bank project on Integrated Coastal Zone Management 2004 to 2008 – Alongwith the above subject was also nominated for Member Secretary for Infrastructure Development and Miscellaneous Projects including the work of Coastal Management Zone Notification From 1998 to 2004 – Policy issue related to CRZ Notification, court cases, research projects in the areas of Coastal Zone Management which included preparation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plans for Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Karnataka etc. Monitoring of projects accorded environmental clearance under Environment Impact Assessment Notification by the Ministry. Monitored projects in Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. CP Division Deputy Director 1991 1996 Implementation of the World Bank assisted project on Pollution Control and Pollution Prevention 26. Training undergone: In India: Date From NIL Aboard: Duration Name of Course To Date From To 13th September – 25th November, 1996 Duration Name of Course 3 months Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Auditing Institution/organizati on Institution/organizati on University of Bradford, U.K. 27. Achievements: (i) Published paper on ―Valuing Ecosystem Services of Coastal Zones‖ in Environment Matters at the World Bank, pp.8-9. (ii) Was the Member Secretary of the High Power Committee under the Chairmanship of Prof. M. S. Swaminathan which reviewed the CRZ Notification, 1991. (iii) Based on the recommendations of the Prof. M. S. Swaminathan Committee Report drafted the Coastal Management Zone Notification, 2008. (iv) Published a paper on ―Coastal Zone Management in India : Fishing Industry‖ in the Report of Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem, FAO Bangkok, 2004. (v) Published paper on ―Ecological Impact after tsunami in Nicobar Islands‖ in Current Science, Vol.89, No.1, pp.48-55. (vi) Formulated the Notification constituting 14 Coastal Zone Management Authority for the Country. (vii) Presented an approach paper in the meeting of the Consultative Members of Parliament attached to the Ministry of Environment and Forests on ―Coastal Ecology and Environmental Protection of Islands.‖ In Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar on 23/1/2002 (viii) Published a paper of Coastal Zone Management in India in the book brought out by Association of Indian Scientists: 2003. (ix) Presented a paper on ―Integrated Coastal Zone Management for India‖, University of Newcastle, U.K., 16th September, 1998. (x) Presented a paper in ―Emerging trends in the Coastal Management in India‖ in the UNEP conference in Bangkok, April 20, 1998. Special Awards and Appreciated by Prof. M. S. Swaminathan for the work rendered during the working Appreciations received of the Expert Committee under the Chairmanship of Prof. M. S. Swaminathan which reviewed the CRZ Notification, 1991 Publications 186 28. Any other relevant information, if any: I have been involved in the marine and the coastal sector since, 1980‘s when I entered into the Bachelor in Fisheries Science from College of Fisheries, Mangalore. Later I completed Master‘s in Fisheries Sciences and after a short tenure in the Coastal Aquaculture Farms at Nellore, I joined the Ministry and worked in the CP Division. To get on the ground experience I moved to Bangalore Regional Office where I worked for two years. After my return back to Ministry of Environment and Forests I have been involved in the Coastal Zone Management till today. For the last 11 years in the area of Coastal Zone Management, I have learn not only the various social, political and administrative issues related to Coastal Zone Management but also the international scenarios related to this area. During this tenure I have also completed my doctorate from Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai, titled ―Policies and Framework for Coastal Management in India‖. During these period of work in the Coastal Zone, I have observed that the traditional communities especially the fishermen are the most affected and are living in the same or if not worst conditions that prevailed about 20-30 years earlier. The fishermen and their communities are exploited by wealthy influential people. The Governments have not been able to address the issues comprehensively. Lack of a proper fishing regulations, insufficient onshore facilities such as jetties, workshops, post harvest processing facilities, marketing facilities etc., lead to very less economic return for the catch. In addition, the scientific data of the resources are not made available to the communities. Further, catch per unit effort is also declining due to uncontrolled fishing, pollution, depletion of coastal ecosystems like mangroves, mudflats, corals, coastal vegetation etc. The Governments are concentrating on developing infrastructure, tourism on the coast, housing projects etc., while the issues of the fishermen and local communities are not addressed. Hence, in my opinion while there is a need for a strong regulation/legislation, the Ministry has to get to the grass root level and make aware the coastal communities of the rights and develop the Panchayat/local institution that can address the problems at the local level itself. The other major achievements in the area of Coastal Zone Management include,(a) For the purpose of demarcation of Vulnerability Line the methodology has been firmed up in consultation with National and International Experts. The vulnerability line shall be the line which will be demarcated on the ground for regulating activities so that the loss of life and property is minimized during natural hazards. This is one of first of its kind undertaken in the World. (b) Based on the international practice and scientific principles, the Integrated Coastal Zone Management studies were initiated for the islands of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep, stretches of Orissa, Kerala, Karnataka and West Bengal. The Integrated Coastal Zone Management for the islands had been recognized as a way forward for sustainable development and conservation of the ecosystem. The Integrated Coastal Zone Management is in the process of implementation by means of a notification. 29. Address & E-mail Residential Official E-mail House No: 216, Plot 8, Chandanwari Apartments, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Room No.744, 7 th Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. 187 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: BIDHU BHUSHAN BARMAN 2. Date of Birth: 21st MAY, 1966 3. Designation: ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): (CIVIL), M. Tech, Environmental Engineering & Management. 5. Area (s) of Specialization: Engg. and Project Management. 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division BE Environmental Engineering & Management., Public Health Designation Period From To Items of works handled/being handled (i) Assistant Director 1990 1995 NRCP works (ii) Deputy Director 1996 2001 -do- (iii) Joint Director 2001 2005 -do- (iv) Additional Director 2005 to date NRCD 7. NRCP &NLCP Training undergone: In India: Date From To Duration Name of course Institution/ Organization 2001 5 days Environmental Law Indian Law School, Bangalur. 5 days Environmental Economics Madras School of Economic. 2003 Abroad: 188 Date From To Duration Name of course Institution/ Organization Oct., 93-Dec,93 10 weeks EIA & Management CE MP, Aberdeen, UK. Apr., 98-May,98 5 weeks Project Management Project styrning Sweden. Water Supply Engineering Jan, 1999 1 week AB, Stockholm, Nee Ann Polytechnique, Singapore. Sewage Management Japan Sewerage. Jul,06-Aug., 06 5 weeks Jul.,08-Aug,08 2 weeks 8. Sewerage & Sewage treatment works Env. Deptt., Canada Toronto University, Citi College of Engineering, New York and Japan Sewerage Deptt. Achievements: 9. Publications River conservation program in India, a sustainable approach Published in the Journal of NIE. 10. Special Awards & Appreciations received 9. Any other relevant information, if any: (i) Has completed M. Tech in Env. Engg. & Mgmt from IIT, Delhi while in service. Done dissertation on Bench marking on sewage treatment plant in India, a very relevant topic. Such study has not been done world over on STP by the time the Project was under taken. 30. Prior to joining Ministry, worked in a reputed consultancy organisation namely Consulting Engineering Service. Was associated in planning & designing of water supply, sewerage & Drainage projects. Detailed EIA study of thermal power plant. Dust suppression and extraction system of Coal Handling projects. Representation of Master Plan etc. 11. Address & E-mail: Residential U-37, Hudco Place, New Delhi-110049. Official E-mail 189 CURRICULUM - VITAE 1. Name : Dr. C. KALIYAPERUMAL 2. Date of Birth : 20.08.1962 3. Designation : Additional Director (S) 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order) : ................................................................................................................................................ 31. Doctorate 1994 : Ph.D Environmental Aspects (Inter-relationship between Phyto plankton & Zooplankton in the waterways of Pichavaram Mangroves, Tamil Nadu, India. 32. Degree 2006-2008 : M.E. ,(Environmental Engineering) 33. Diploma courses 1994 : P.G. Diploma in Environmental Science & Disaster Management 1994 : Diploma in Industrial Pollution & Control Studying : Diploma in Chemical Engineering ................................................................................................................................................ 5. Area(s) of Specialization : Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management, Environmental Auditing, Pollution Control etc., 6. Work Experienced in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Office Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office (SZ), Bangalore Designation/ Grade Scientist ‗E‘ Additional Director (S) Period From To 14.1.2008 to till date Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office (SZ), Bangalore Scientist ‗D‘ Joint Director (S) 31.3.2001 13.1.2008 Ministry of Environment & Scientist ‗SD‘ Deputy 1.7.1994 to 30.3.2001 190 Items or works handled/being handled 1. Monitoring of projects 2. Site Inspections, 3. Reporting violations of E(P)Act and F(C)Act and enquiring into the same as and when referred by Ministry 4. Legal/Court matters related to E(P)Act 5. Coastal zone monitoring 6. Attending to Parliamentary Questions 7. Assessment of nominations for IGPP. 8. Liaison with SPCB and others 1. Monitoring of projects 2. Site Inspections, 3. Reporting violations of E(P)Act and F(C)Act and enquiring into the same as and when referred by Ministry. 4. Legal/Court matters related to E(P)Act 5. Coastal monitoring 6. Attending to Parliamentary Questions 7. Assessment of nominations for IGPP. 8. Functioned as Drawing and Disbursing Officer 9. Liaison with SPCB and others 1. Monitoring of projects 2. Site Inspections Forests, Regional Office (SZ), Bangalore Director(S) Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office (SZ), Bangalore Scientist ‗SC‘ 25.4.1989 to 30.6.1994 3. Reporting violations of E(P)Act and F(C)Act and enquiring into the same as and when referred by Ministry 4. Legal/Court Matters related to E(P)Act, 5. Coastal Monitoring 6. Liaison with SPCB and others 1. Monitoring of projects 2. Site Inspections 3. Reporting violations of E(P)Act and F(C)Act and enquiring into the same as and when referred by Ministry 4. Legal/Court Matters related to E(P)Act, 5. Coastal Monitoring 6. Paryavaran Vahini related work 7. Liaison with SPCB and others 7. Training undergone : In India Date From To 14.5.1990 19.5.1990 3.1.2000 12.1.2000 Nov 2001 Abroad Date From During 1996 Duration Name of course Institution/Organisation 6 days Effluent Treatment and Control 13 days Environmental Law 4 weeks Integrated Coastal Zone Management Electro Chemical Society of India at IISC, Bangalore National Law School of India, Chennai Indo British Programme, Chennai Duration Name of course Institution/Organisation Six months Environmental Management University of Tasmania, Australia To 8. Achievements : Publications Two research articles on Estuarine and Mangrove Eco -System Special Awards & Appreciations received (a) Always exceeded the fixed target by the Ministry (b) The report on EIA was appreciated during the training period by the Director, University of Tasmania, Australia. 9. Any other relevant Information, if any : (a) Interacted with various Statutory authorities at National, Regional and Local levels (b) Attended and Coordinated many Seminars, Workshops and Conferences. 10. Address & E-mail : Residential Official E-mail Quarter No.6, Type-V, "Suparna", MOEF Residential Colony, J.P. Nagar Vth Phase, Vinayakanagar, Bangalore - 560 076. Ph : 080-26493513 Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office (SZ), Kendriya Sadan, 4th Floor, E&F Wings, IInd Block, 17th Main, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560 034. Ph : 080-25635909, Fax : 080-25537184 191 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of the Officer : Dr. KAILASH CHANDRA RATHORE Date of Birth : 27.05.1954 Designation : Scientist ―E‖, Additional Director Whether SC/ST/OBC : No Date of Appointment in the present grade: 08.05.2003 If appointment in the present grade is on direct recruitment, whether probation period has been completed satisfactorily: Not Applicable Date of Completion of the Normal Residency period in the grade: 7.5.2008 Educational qualification: S. No. 1 2 3 9. Name of the certificate /Diploma/ Degree along with subject B.E. (Civil Engg.) M.E. ( PHE) Ph. D., IIT Delhi Year Class/Division 1976 1978 1986 61%, II 55%, II Awarded in 1986 Experience (In chronological order): Name of the Office NRCD and Impact Assessment Division ,MOEF, New Delhi Designation Impact Assessment Division , MOEF, New Delhi Period Basic Pay (Scale of Pay) Rs. 44,470/Rs 3740067000(PB-4) From 20.7.2009 To Till date Additional Director 17.7.2006 20.7.2009 Rs. 42,920 (PB-4) National River Conservation Directorate, MOEF, New Delhi Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi Additional Director 8.5.2003 16.7.2006 Rs.15,900 (14,300-18,300) Senior Environmental Engineer 1.5.1997 07.5.2003 Rs.14,225 (Rs.12,00016,500) Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi Environmental Engineer (Zonal officer at Bangalore) Environmental Engineer 27.10.88 1.5.1997 Rs.10000/(10,000-32515,400) 12.7.88 26.10.88 Rs.10000/(10,000 -32515,200) Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi Additional Director 192 Type of Duties and functions Implementation of NRCP in Tamilnadu, Rajasthan and HP; Monitoring of Environmental clearance accorded to projects under EIA Notification 2006 Environmental clearance to Building construction projects and industrial estates/SEZ Appraisal of DPR and project evaluation (Rajasthan, AP and Haryana) Implementation of Standards in Sugar and Distilleries Co-ordination with Southern State Pollution Control Boards Preparation of Inventory of Industries and Class-I and II city report Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi Asstt. Env. Engineer 03.12.85 11.7.88 Rs.2275/(2200-75-4000) I.I.T. Delhi Sr. Research Assistant Research Scholar 23.02.81 02.12.85 09.7.80 22.02.81 Rs. 625/(550- 25-900) Rs.500/- Asstt. Engineer 04.11.78 08.7.80 I.I.T. Delhi M.P. Pollution Control Board, Bhopal 10. 11. 12. 13. Total field experience along with details (entire career) Total 19 years and 8 months field experience (for details pls. see annexure –I Academic achievement if any during the period under review( These may include any degree/ diploma awarded, publication or research paper in the standard Journal, presentation paper in international seminars/ conference etc.: Nil Area of Specialisation: Environmental Engineering Details of books, Publication, Article etc written by the officer - 14. 15. Rs.450/(425-700 Consent Management under water Act and Air Act Research on Bio gas generation Research on Bio gas generation Consent Management under water Act Document published by CPCB on ―Distillery Waste Water Management‖ Details of Study leave/ Deputation etc. if any: Nil Special Award/ appreciation of works (if any): Nil Officers own Assessment of his work during the period under review (separate sheet): (for details pls. see annexure –II) 193 Annexure-I Details of field experience i. ii. iii. Consent management under the Water Act 1974 (December 1985 to July 1988) During the period mentioned, I was looking after consent management work pertaining to South Delhi area. The consent application (form 13, the Water Act ) was processed after conducting field investigation by visiting the industry and verifying the waste water treatment facilities installed in the premises by the industry. The industry was required to install septic tank for the treatment of sewage and soak pit whereas for industrial waste water treatment, primary treatment was necessary which included oil & grease trap, neutralization tank and settling tank. Headed Zonal office of CPCB at Bangalore (July 88 to May 97) During this period following work was conducted in the five southern States: a). Performance study of waste water treatment Plants of Industries b). Noise pollution survey in cities c) Vehicular Pollution Survey in cities d) Ground water quality monitoring. e) Environmental Auditing in Industries f) Environment Status Report of Bangalore, Chennai g) Monitoring of Common effluent treatment plant of tanneries h) monitoring of ETP to check compliance with Stipulated standards. Monitoring of Sugar and Distilleries (July 1997 to May 2003) a) iv. Conducted monitoring of ETP installed by sugar and distilleries Member of following Committees a) Technical Advisory Committee Constituted by Karnataka State Pollution Control Board b) Site Appraisal Committee constituted by State Govt of Tamilnadu under Fatories Act c) Site Appraisal Committee constituted by State Govt of Kerala under Fatories Act 194 Annexure II SELF ASSESSMENT OF WORK DURINGTHE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW (YEAR 2003-09) Evaluated technical feasibility, design criteria & Cost estimate of projects pertaining to core and non core schemes received from Rajasthan, Haryana and Andhrapradesh. Revised Cost estimates of core schemes were processed for approval. Extensive field visits, interaction with State Govt. Officers and various agencies were under taken for completion of schemes in time. Visited Core and non core schemes and processed Completion reports of the schemes received from implementing agencies of Rajasthan, Haryana and Andhrapradesh for approval of completion cost of the scheme. Project proposals pertaining to construction sector and Industrial Estate/ Special Economic Zones etc. received in the Ministry for Environmental Clearance were processed as per procedure laid down in EIA Notification 2004 and 2006. Work pertaining to Environmental clearance to projects received from Haryana, Maharashtra, UP, Delhi, Rajasthan, Gujarat, M.P. Chandigarh and Uttrakhand were carried out. Till date close to 800 Environmental clearances issued to the construction sector projects and SEZ etc. Implementation of National River Conservation Plan in Tamilnadu, Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh *** 195 Curriculum Vitae Dr. M. Salahuddin Additional Director Clean Technology Division Qualification: Doctorate of Philosophy in Ecological Anatomy (Botany). University, Aligarh Aligarh Muslim Master of Science in Botany (Ecology), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Bachelor of Science Botany (Hons.), Aligarh Muslim University, Experiences: Aligarh. Worked as Research Officer in a CSIR Project on Pollution Control. Worked as lecturer in Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh since 1987 to June 1989. Worked in Pollution Control Division since 1989 to 2001 as Scientist C and Deputy Worked in Plan Coordination Division since September 2002 to June 2005 Worked in Clean Technology Division since July 2005 to till date as a Additional Director. as Joint Director. Director. Publications: Published Ten Research Papers in International journals. Published Booklets on different topics of Environmental Management Technology. Trainings: 5 days training programmes on Hazardous Waste Management organize Germany in 2005. Language known: English, Hindi, Urdu and Partially Arabic. Address for correspondence: Ministry of Environment and Forests Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex Lodi Road New Delhi – 110 003. Permanent Address: Muzzammal Manzil Complex, near Dr. Zakir Husain School, Dodhpur Road, Civil Lines, Aligarh – 202 002. (U.P.) Contact No.: 24364595 (O) 9899627484 (M) 196 and by GTZ in RESUME NAME Dr. (Ms.) Manju Raina DATE OF BIRTH 3rd November, 1955 PRESENT ADDRESS C-15, Pamposh Enclave Greater Kailash-1 New Delhi-110048 QUALIFICATIONS B.Sc. (Hons) 1975 M.Sc. (Hons) 1976 Ph.D. (Organic Chemistry) 1980 Panjab University Chandigarh RESEARCH TOPIC “ Syntheses of some Modified Steroids” GENERAL Certificate Course in German Certificate Course in Urdu EXPERIENCE 30 years PRESENT ASSIGNMENT Working since 1989 till date in MoEF First First 1978 1980 Director Ministry of Environment and Forests New Delhi PAST ASSIGNMENTS 1984-89 Senior Scientist in the Research & Development Centre of Indian Oil Corporation, Faridabad. Job responsibilities were assignment based & related to Planning & Execution of R&D Projects of the Company. During my tenure in IOC, worked on instruments like Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy, Ultraviolet (UV) Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy and interfaced Techniques like GC-FTIR, HPLC- FITR etc. 1982-84 Lecturer in Chemistry Gargi College, New Delhi 197 1981-82 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi as Pool Officer of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR). Worked on ‘Study of interactions of model drug receptor systems’ using NMR Spectroscopy. 1980-81 Post Doctoral Research Fellow of CSIR, Department of Chemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh. OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Was part of the Indian delegation sent to UK for River Basin Management course in collaboration with Thames River Authority, UK in 1992.for 3 months 2. Went to Japan in 1996 and again in 2002 as a UNIDO sponsored delegate on Investment and Technology Promotion Programme and spent 3 months visiting various sites across the country and holding talks with the relevant companies specializing in pollution control equipments and systems. 3. Went to Korea to attend 4th International Training Course on Environmental Policies conducted by the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea in May 2008 for 3 weeks. 4. Participated in the Second meeting of the Regional 3R Forum in Asia on “3Rs for Green Economy and Sound Material-Cycle Society” held from October 4-6, 2010 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. PUBLICATIONS: 1. Raina, Manju 1989. GC-FTIR Analysis of Amine Type Antioxidants in Petroleum Products and their Influence on Environment published in the Indian J. Environmental Protection, Vol. 9, No.2, February 1989. 2. Raina, Manju 1995. Insecticides Pollution of Indian Rivers published in ‘The Environmentalist’, Vol. 15, No.1 3. Raina, Manju 2003. Regulatory Measures for Environment Management in Paper and Pulp Industry for PAPEREX – 2003 – International Technical Conference on Pulp & Paper Industry during December 5-7, 2003. 4. Raina, Manju. 2004. Health Effects of Noise Pollution for the 3rd Annual Health, Safety and Environment Conference, organized by Greentech Foundation during June 21-23, 2004 at Goa. 5. Raina, Manju 2004. Wastewater Management in India for the 5th Annual International Conference & Exhibition on Environment Management, organized by Greentech Foundation during November 4-6, 2004 at Hyderabad. 197.a 6. Raina, Manju 2005. National River Conservation Plan – Issues, Concerns & Achievements for International Seminar / Global Eco-Meet – Prithivi 2005, organized by Swadeshi Science Movement during February 22-23, 2005 in Trivandrum, Kerala. 7. Raina Manju 2006. Protect the Ozone Layer; Save Life on Earth, Our Earth,, Vol 3, No.3, September2006, A Quarterly Magazine Devoted to Ecology and Environment Management 8. Raina, Manju 2008. Revised Guidelines for Recognition of Environmental Laboratories under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 9. Raina Manju 2008. Country Paper on Recycling and Waste Treatment 10. Raina Manju, 2009 Plants, MoEF Revised Guidelines for the scheme of Common effluent Treatment 11. Raina Manju, 2009 EI Nino Effect and its impact on Monsoon, Our Earth,, Vol. 4, No.4, December2009, Quarterly Magazine Devoted to Ecology and Environment Management. 12. Raina Manju, 2009 Study of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) dumping in a rain catchment area, Vol. 15, No. (4), 2009, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Quarterly International Journal. PRESENTATIONS MADE: 1. Greentech 2004. 5th Annual International Conference on Environment Management, Hyderabad, A.P. 2. Prithvi 2005. Global Eco Meet, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 3. Greentech 2005. 6th Annual International Conference on Environment Management, Goa. 4. Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, June 2003. Workshop on CostBenefit Analysis and the Environment. 5. Madras School of Economics, Chennai, December Environmental Economics for Government Officials. 6. Ministry of Environment and Forests, 2007. Guidelines on Recognition of Environmental Laboratories under Environment (Protection) Act 1986. 7. 4th International Training Course on Environmental Policies conducted by the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea in May 2008. Country Paper on Recycling and Waste Treatment. 8. Planning Commission, Delhi, 2009. Treatment Plants. 197.b 2004. Programme on Revised Guidelines for Common Effluent 9. Indian National Science Academy, Delhi, 2009. Activities of Indian Association for Air Pollution Control. 10. Protecting Planet Earth for Posterity; Environmental Monitoring Solutions by Millipore, India, Delhi 2009. 11. National Workshop-cum-Conference on Environmental Impact through Efficient Management of Solid Waste Technology Impetus and Policy Transformation by IIT, Delhi, 2009. 12. Country Presentation on “3Rs for Green Economy” in the Second meeting of the Regional 3R Forum in Asia held from October 4-6, 2010 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. MEMBERSHIP OF TECHNICAL COMMITTEES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Expert Committee for Recognition of Laboratories under E(P)A, 1986. Expert Committee on Common Effluent Treatment Plants. Committee constituted by DPCC for prescribing norms for the Total Organic Compounds (TOC) for STPs / CETPs of Delhi. Committee of Indian Association for Air Pollution Control, Delhi Chapter. Committee on Brick Kilns in TTZ area. Committee of Badli Industrial Estate, Delhi. Joint Monitoring Committee to review works under Brihan Mumbai Storm Water Drainage Project Agra Heritage Fund Committee. Green Chemistry Network Centre (GCNC) ******** 197.c 198 199 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name: Dr. R. K. Suri 2. Date of Birth: 19th February 1954 3. Designation: Scientist SE 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): 5. Area (s) of Specialization: B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry, M.Sc (Organic Chemistry), Ph.D Chemistry Environment Impact Assessment & Monitoring, Environment Information, Education & Awareness, Natural Resource Management, Medicinal& Aromatic Plants, Pollution Control, Green Chemistry Occupational Safety, Health &Environmental Management 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Designation CP Additional Director Period From To 17.2.2009 to Till Date Items of works handled/being handled -Financial, Administrative & Court matters related to National Environment Appellate Authority(NEAA) - Financial, Administrative Court matters related Environment Pollution Prevention and Control Authority –Bhure Lal Authority & to ( ) - Ecocities -Financial, Administrative & Court matters related to Loss of Ecology (Prevention & Payments of Compensation) Authority for the State of Tamil Nadu - National Award for Prevention of Pollution and Rajiv Gandhi Environment Award for Clean Technology -Critically Polluted Area - Industrial Pollution Abatement through Preventives Strategies 200 RE Division Additional Director 1st February 2006 to 17.2.2009 -Appraisal of Research Project under Natural Resource Management EI Division Additional Director 19th July 2005 to 31st January 2006 -Appraisal of Research Project under NNRMS Scheme Collection, Compilation and Dissemination of Information related to Environment, - World Environment Day Celebration. -Collection, Compilation and Dissemination of Information related to Environment, - World Environment Day Celebration. - Appraisal of Research Project under NNRMS Scheme. EI Division Joint Director 31st March, 2001 to 18th July, 2005 IA Division Deputy Director 1st July 1995 to 4th September, 1998 Environmental Impact Assessment and Monitoring of Developmental Projects Scientific Officer 3rd Jan, 1994 to 30th June, 1995 Environmental Impact Assessment and Monitoring of Developmental Projects Scientific Officer 31st July, 1990 to 2nd Jan, 1994 Environmental Monitoring Developmental Projects Regional Office (Western Region),Bhopal of 7. Training undergone In India: Date From To November-December ,1989 Duration 6 Weeks 12th -17th October, 1992 5 Days Name of Course Orientation Course in Forestry for Scientist of Indian Council for Forestry Research & Education Indo-Dutch Workshop on Environment Impact Assessment for Industrial siting and land use planning 201 Institution/Organization Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy New Forest, Dehradun248006. National Environmental Engineering Research institute, Nagpur-440020 and Geoplan the Netherlands 1st -13th March, 1993 13 Days Natural Resources Management Indian Institute of Pubic Administration, New Delhi 30th Aug-8th Sept., 2000 9 Days National Law School of Indian University (NLSIU), Bangalore. 13th -16 March, 2001 5 Days 04th -08th March, 2002 4 Days Equipping the Enforces in Environmental Law Environmental Economics, Market Based Instruments, etc. Noise Pollution & its Control 1st -5th July,-2002. 5 Days Management of Research Administrative Staff Collage of India ,Bella Vista, Hyderabad. 19th -22nd , August 2002 4 Days Tutorials on Remote Sensing and GIS (CARG-2002) Goa State Centre, Goa. Abroad : 26th -28th March ,1984 3 Days Management & Treatment of Wastes Rubber Research Institute Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. 25th March -31st May 1996 6 Weeks Rural Environmental Management Centre for Arid Zone Studies, University of Wales, U.K. 10-22 Nov, 2002 13 Days Environmental Research Management Sweden, UK and USA. 8. National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai Remote Sensing of Achievements: Publications Paper : 101(List attached) Books : 15(List attached) Awards & Honours Recipient of ―Dr.A.Purshotham Silver Medal‖ for outstanding work in Forest Sciences in (1981). R Recipient of Gold Medal from Essential Oils Association of India for best paper published in Indian Perfumer in (1991) Recipient of a Cash Prize of Rs. 15,000/- for the book entitled ―Shor Machaye Shor‖ in Hindi in 1998 under Medini Purskar Yojana, Ministry of Environment & Forests,New Delhi. Recipient of a prize for article titled Tel Avm Vasa Mai Aatamnirbharta Prapati Mai Vano Ka Yogdan under Akhil Bharatiya Vanaki Sahitya Purushkar Yojana (1986). Recipient of a prize for article titled Lakh Ke Lakhon Upyog under Akhil Bharatiya Vanaki Sahitya Purushkar Yojana (1988). Recipient of a prize for article titled Paryavaran Pradushan Vano Duvara Roktham under Akhil Bharatiya Vanaki Sahitya Purushkar Yojana (1990). 202 9. Any other relevant information, if any Developed an Enviro Edutainment game, namely, Green Tambola, (similar to HOUSIE GAME) which served as an environmental education and awareness tool for sensitizing various cross sections of the society. The first and only one of its kind, the Green Tambola contains numbers from 1 to 90 that covers several events/dates and important topics on environmental concern, i.e., energy, air and water pollution, land and water resources, forests, wildlife, seas and oceans, climate change, etc. Presented a paper on Edutainment (Climate Change Quiz and Tambola) - A tool for Education and Awareness on Climate Change in the Greentech 2008 - 9th Global Environment Conference at Goa during Sept 2008 which has been widely covered in electronic and print media. Flagged off ―Cyclothon‖ – An event organized on the occasion of World Environment Day, 2008 by the Fortis Hospital, New Delhi in collaboration with Reliance‘s FM 92.7 to inculcate environmental friendly lifestyle amongst the citizens of Delhi Chaired Technical Sessions in several Global/International Conferences on Environmental Management. Delivered several lectures to various target groups on Forestry, Environment, Occupational Health & Safety Education & Awareness. Membership of Professional Societies /Associations: National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad. Society of Indian Forester, Dehradun. Society for Forest & Environmental Management, New Delhi, Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun. 10. Address & E-Mail Residential Official E-mail R.K. Puram Type-IV 69, Nivedita Kunj, Sector 10, New Delhi 110022. Ministry of Environment & Forests Paryavaran Bhawan CGO Complex New Delhi 203 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF Dr. R.K.SURI 1. Antimicrobal efficacy of some essential oils in vitro, Indian Drugs, (1977), 15 (2), 30-32. 2. Mortality of Eucalyptus at Haldwani (U.P) and its relation with soil iron, Indian Forester, (1978), 104 (4), 240-245. 3. Utilisation of Eucalyptus hybrid oil from forest plantations, Indian Forester, (1978), 104 (12), 846850. 4. Geographic variation in the chemical composition of turpentine oil of chir pine (Pinus roxburghii Sargent), Indian Perfumer, (1978), 22 (3), 179-181. 5. Medicinal potentialities and economic importance of some aromatic grasses of genus Cymbopogon Sprengel, Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry (1978), 13 (6), 7-14. 6. Antibacterial activity of some essential oils, Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry, (1979), 13 (6), 25-28. 7. In vitro antimicrobial efficacy of essential oil of Eucalyptus citriodora, Indian Drugs and Pharmaceutical Industry, (1979), 14 (3), 35-37. 8. In vitro antifungal efficacy of four essential oils, Indian Perfumer, (1979), 23(2), 138-140. 9. Protection of sal seeds in storage against moulds, Indian Forester, (1979), 105 (11), 911-915. 10. Insecticidal, insect repellent and piscidal plants of Dehra Dun, Nagarjun, (1980), 23 (8), 177-181. 11. Medicinal potentialities and economic importance of some Ocimum species, Indian Drugs and Pharmaceutical Industry, (1980), 15 (6), 29-34. 12. Free iron oxide in relation to aggregation in lateritic soils of east Midnapur West Bengal, Indian Forester, (1981), 107 (1), 24-29. 13. Studies on oil of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook, grown at Dehra Dun, Indian Forester, (1981), 107 (4), 243-248 14. Studies on oil of Mentha spicata grown at Dehra Dun, Indian Perfumer, (1981), 25 (1), 127-128. 15. Chemical investigation on Cassia tora Linn. seeds, Institution of Chemists (India), (1981), 53 (5) 230. 16. Chemical investigation on Dysoxylum binectariferum Hook.F.seeds, Indian J. Phy.Nat.Sci., (1982), 2 (Sec A), 50-51 17. Biological application of essential oils, Indian Perfumer, (1982), 26 (2-4), 241-248 18. Some medicinal plants of Rudranath Bugyal (Distt. Chamoli, U.P.), Bull. Med. Eth. Bot.Res. (1982), III (1), 27-42. 19. Effect of storage of Eucalyptus hybrid leaves on their essential oils, Indian Forester, (1983), 109 (12), 926-932. 20. Chemical examination of essential oil of Roylea elegans, In: IX International Congress of Essential Oils, Singapore, 1983 (Book 4), 57-60 204 Forest Division, 21. Agro-forestry based Non-wood Cottage Industries, In: Proceedings of The National Workshop on Agro-Forestry (F.R.I. Dehra Dun), 1983, 373-400. 22. Chemical Industries based on Forest Products, In: Asian Chemical Conference , Kualalumpur, Malaysia , March,1984. 23. Ways to attain self sufficiency in oils and fats. In: Proceedings National Seminar on Chemistry, Industry and Citizen (Rohini Publishing House, Dehra Dun), 1984, 59-72. 24. Nutritive value of some fodder trees, Ibid., 82-93. 25. Chemical and antimicrobial studies of essential oil of Mentha citrata Ehrh., Ibid., 105-112 26. Studies on utilization of Eucalyptus hybrid oil., Ibid., 113-118 27. Wealth of aromatic plants in the Himalayas, Ibid., 119-128 28. Commercially important medicinal plants from Forests, Ibid., 129-140 29. Hydrocarbon yielding plants – An Alternative source of energy, Ibid., 296-308. 30. Soil and Vegetation study of the Machhlad sub-watershed of Pauri Garhwal (U.P) Van Vigyan, (1984), 22 (1 and 2), 36-46 31. Review of work done on essential oils at Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, Indian Perfumer, (1985), 29 (1-2), 93-98 32. Correlation of refractive index with pinene and cineole content in Eucalyptus tereticornis oil, Van Vigyan (1985), 23 (1 and 2), 5-9. 33. Some observations on processing and storage of Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn) seed, In: Oilseeds and Their Utilization (International Book Distributor, Dehra Dun) 1984, 173-176. 34. Comparative studies of leaf oil from Eucalyptus hybrid F.R.I. 4 and F.R.I. 5 and their parents, Van Vigyan, (1985), 23 (3&4), 75-78. 35. Significance of essential oil bearing plants for environmental conservation, In: Modern Trends in Environmental Conservation (Rohini Publishing House, Dehra Dun), 1986, 61-70. 36. Forestry Plantations in the Himalayan region for Environmental Conservation and economic development. Ibid., 71-90. 37. Chemical studies on Costus speciosus (Koen) Sm. seeds, Indian Forester, (1986), 112 (2), 135-138 38. Medicinal potentialities of some aromatic plants. In: Proceedings of Regional Seminar on Medicinal Plants (Northern Region), Himachal Pradesh, 1986, 80-89. 39. Fatty oil from oilseeds of forest origin as antibacterial agents, Indian Forester (1987), 113 (4), 297-299. 40. Fatty acid composition of Viburnum coriaceum seed oil, J. Eco. Bot. & Phytochem., (1990), 1 (1) 31-32. 41. Chemical examination of essential oil of Pavetta indica, Ibid., (1990) 1 (2-4), 23-24. 42. Scope of Utilization of oil seeds from the Garhwal Region, Ibid., (1990), 1 (2-4), 34-37. 205 43. Chemical Examination of oils of some Eucalyptus, Indian Perfuumer, (1991), 35 (1), 8-12. 44. Comparative studies on chemical and antimicrobial activities of fast growing Eucalyptus hybrid FRI -4 & FRI-5 with their parents. Indian perfumer, (1991), 35 (1), 30-34. 45. Manure from forests substitute to chemical fertilizers and environmental conservation- An overview, In: Diamand Jubilee Session of National Academy of Sciences, India ,Allahabad, February, 9-12, 1991. 46. Ecological security through Environmental Forestry, In: Seminar on Forest Administrative Change, Indian Institute of Forest Mangement, Bhopal, India, Feburary, 26-28, 1991. 47. CFCs in Environment- Global Issues, In: National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, Nutan College Bhopal, February, 23-24, 1991. 48. Environmental Management and Monitoring of Iron Ore Mines of Madhya Pradesh, India, In: Proceedings of International Conference on Mineral Development & Environment, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, November, 1991. 49. Role of Agaves in Social Forestry, In: National Workshop on Promotion of Non wood Forests Produce, Bhartiya Agro Industries Foundation, Pune, March 1992, 137- 142. 50. Forests & Water Resources, In: Seminar on Water Resource & Environment, Indian Water Society, Bhopal, April, 1992. 51. Amino acid composition of deoilded meals from oilseeds of forest origin, J OTA I, (1992), XXIV (1), 7-8. 52. Some observations on Environmental Management, In: Remote Sensing for Environment and Forest Management (Editors: A.Mehrotra and R.K.Suri),Indus Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1994 , 220-230. 53. Environmental Protection and Pollution Control in Oil Industry, In: Treatise in Fats, Fatty Acids & Oleo Chemicals, 1994. 54. Environment & Sustainable Development, In: Mining, Environment and Forest (Editors: R.K.Suri, O.N.Kaul and S.P.Banerjee), Society of Forest & Environmental Managers, Dehradun, 1996, 6-17. 55. Environmental and Forest Legislation Relating to Mines, Ibid., 1996,24-55. 56. Forestry clearance of Mining Projects, Ibid., 1996, 56-72. 57. Environmental Clearance of Mining Projects, Ibid., 1996,73-104. 58. Environmental Impact Assessment and Management, Ibid., 1996, 105-119. 59. Eco-restoration of Mined Areas – Environmental Management Perspective, Ibid., 1996, 226-234. 60. Important of Green Belt for Environment Protection, In: Proceeding Workshop on Technology for Green Belt Development, New Delhi, 4-6 December, 1997. 61. Ash Utilization and its Prospects in India – An overview, In: Recent Trends in Fly Ash Utilization (Editors: R.K.Suri and A.B.Harapanahalli), Society of Forest & Environmental Managers, Dehradun, 1998, 105-119. 62. Utilization of Fly Ash for Afforestation Purposes, Ibid., 1998,127-131. 206 63. Costal Zone Regulations in India, In: Workshop on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Mangalore, 24-25 November 1998. 64. People‘s Participation in Watershed Management, In: International Conference Watershed Management & Conservation, New Delhi, 8-10 December, 1998. 65. Procedure for Environmental Clearance of Mining Projects, In: Mining Challenges of the 21st Century (Editors :Prof.A.K.Ghose, Prof.B.B.Dhar), The Institution of Engineers, Calcutta , 2000, 389-396. 66. Environmental Management of Mining Projects: Socio-Economic Perspective, In: Mining Policy Initiatives, (Editors: B.B.Dhar, N.N.Gautam), The Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India (MGMI), Delhi Branch, 2000, 341-352. 67. Utilization of Fly Ash for Plantation Purposes, In: International Conference on Fly Ash Disposal & Utilisation, , New Delhi (Central Board of Irrigation and Power), 2-4 February 2000,Volume II, Session ,14-19. 68. Environmental Clearance of Developmental Projects: Focus on River Valley Projects, In: Environmental Impacts Assessment of Water Resources Projects (Editors: Radhey Shyam Goel), 2000, Oxford & IBH Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 357-364. 69. EIA: A Tool for Sustainable Development, In: International Workshop on Environmental Management and Pollution Control with Rapid Industrialization, 18-19 May, 2000, New Delhi, .27. 70. Environmental Regulations for Plastic Waste Management in India, In: International Conference on Plastic Waste Management and Environment, March, 2001, 3-14. 71. Management of Solid Wastes in India, In: International Conference and Exhibition on Environment Management, 30th November- 1st Dec. 2001, Agra, 30-35. 72. Regulatory Measures for Waste Management in Textile Industries, In: International Conference on Polymers and Textiles in the New Millennium – An Integral Approach, Feb 15-16, 2002, Indian Institute of Technology(IIT),, New Delhi, 167-174. 73. Regulatory Framework for Environmental and Safety Management in Fats and Oil Industry, In: OTAI-JOCS Asian Conference – 2002, December 6-8, 2002, New Delhi, 124-126. 74. Requirement of Environmental Clearance for Developmental Project, In: Green Tech-2002, Conference on Environment Management, 14-15 February, 2003, New Delhi, 9-14. 75. World Environment Day, Enviro News, (2003), 7(3),6-7. 76. Regulatory Measures for Environmental Management in Textile Industry. In: Conference on Environment Management in Textile Industry, April 11-12, 2003, Indian Institute of Technology (I IT), New Delhi, 11. 77. Hazardous Wastes Management in India, In: Safety, Health and Environment Conference and Exhibition, 26-28 June 2003, Cidade De Goa, Goa,.60-64. 78. Requirement of Environmental Clearance for Mining Projects, In: National Workshop on Implementation of Environment Legislation for Protection and Conservation of Environment, 1216 October, 2003 Bhopal, p.172-176. 207 79. Regulatory Measures for Environmental Management in Pulp and Paper Industry, In: 6th International Conference on Pulp & Paper Industry, December 5-7, 2003, New Delhi, 479-488. 80. Role of Industries and NGO‘s in Environmental Protection and Improvement. In: Greentech 2003 Conference on Environment Management, December 10-12, 2003, Khajuraho, 44-46. 81. Application of Remote Sensing in Environmental Management, In: National Seminar on Remote Sensing & its Application in Environmental Management, March 25-26, 2004, Bangalore,.4. 82. Health Effects of Noise Pollution, In: Health, Safety & Environment Conference and Exhibition, 21-23 June 2004, Cidade De Goa, Goa, p.24-31. 83. An Overview of Implementation of Bio-Medical Waste Rules in India, In: Health Safety &d Environment Conference and Exhibition, 21-23 June 2004, Cidade De Goa, Goa,190-194. 84. Management of Solid Wastes in India, In: 5th Annual Greentech 2004 International Conference & Exhibition on Environment Management, November 4-6, 2004, Hyderabad, 101 -107. 85. Regulatory Framework for Environment and Safety Management in Industrial Sector, Hariyali, (2004), 6(2)-12-17. 86. Green Cities: Plan for Planet, In: OHSAS INDIA 2005, 4th Annual International Conference on Occupational Health, Fire Safety & Security, 11-13 May, 2005 Hyderabad . 87. Application of Remote Sensing in Environmental Management, In: Application in Environmental Management, (Eds. R.K.Somashekar, M.A.R. Lyengar), Creative Graphics # 174, Akkipet Cross Road, Behind Laxminarayana Temple Bangalore, 2005, 19-31. 88. Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development, In: International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, St. Berchmans College, Changanassery, Kerala, August 2005. 89. Climate Change: Issues & Perspectives, In: Greentech 2005, 6th Annual Conference & Exhibition on Environment Management, 22-24 Oct. 2005, 60-66. 90. Regulatory Framework for Safe Management of Hazardous Chemicals, In :OSHA INDIA 2006 International Conference on Occupational Heath, Fires & Safety, Hyderabad 8-10 April 2006, (P 183-1) 91. Education and Awareness on Climate Change, In: Green Tech 2006, 7th International Conference on Environment Management, 31st Aug-2nd Sept 2006, Goa , 81-89. 92. Utility of Neem Tree , In: Trainers Programme on collection of Quality Neem Seeds & Selection of Plus Trees, The Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 5th July 2006. 93. Role of Education and Awareness in Wetland Conservation, In: Kerala Environment Congress 2007,, Thiruvananthapuram, 8th-10 May 2007, 205-213. 94. Regulatory Mechanism in Hazardous Waste Management, In: National Conference on Emerging Trends: Health Safety & Environment Practices in Upstream Petroleum Sector, Oil & Natural Gas Commission, New Delhi 27-28 July 2007. 95. Environment Edutainment (Wetland Quiz & Tambola)-A Tool for Education and Awareness on Wetlands, In: Taal 2007 World Lake Conference, 28th Oct-2nd Nov 2007, Jaipur. 96. Emerging Trends in Environmental Management in Paper Industry, In: 8th International Conference on Pulp & Paper Industry, December 7-9, 2007, New Delhi, 208 97. Edutainment (Safety Quiz and Tambola)-A Tool for Education & Awareness on Safety, In: 7th Annual Fire,Safety & Security, Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, 9-11 April 2008, 99-102. 98. Edutainment (Climate Change Quiz and Tambola)-A tool for Education and Awareness on Climate Change, In: Greentech 2008, 9th Global Environment Conference, Goa 5-7 Sept 2008, 89105. 99. Emerging Trends in Environment Management in Hydrocarbon Industry, In: Petrotech 2009, New Delhi, Jan. 2009. 100. Green House Gases Mitigation through Afforestation and Green Belt Development, In: Greentech 2009 10th Global Environment Conference, Kovalam, Kerala, 10-12 October, 2009, 36-45. 101. Emerging Trends in Environment Management in Cement Industry, In: 11th NCB International Seminar on Cement and Building Materials, New Delhi, 17-20 November 2009, 391-395. 209 LIST OF BOOKS WRITTEN / EDITED BY Dr.R.K.SURI 1. Suri R K (1974): Organic Chemistry (for B.Sc (Hons) & M.Sc students), S.Bros, 2266, Raja Park, Shakur Basti, Delhi 110 034, pages 92. 2. Suri R K and Rawat V K S (1984): Soil Science -Practicals (For IFS Probationers and SFS Trainees), FSVS, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun 248 001, pages 35. 3. Suri R K and Mathur K C (1984): Recent Trends in Forest Utilization, International Book Distributors, 9/3 Rajpur Road, Dehra Dun, pages 140. 4. Suri R K and Mathur K C (1986): Modern Trends in Environmental Conservation, Rohini Publishing House, 53, Moti Bazar, Dehra Dun, pages 90. 5. Suri R K and Mathur K C (1988): Oil Seeds and Their Utilization, International Book Distributors, 9/3, Rajpur Road, Dehra Dun, pages 176. 6. Suri R K (1989): Biological Application of Essential Oils: Annotated Bibliography, Society of Economic Botanists and Phyto-chemists, Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, pages 60. 7. Mehrotra A and Suri R K (1992) Paryavaran Vahini (in Hindi), Suraj Enterprises, 2/4, Nupur Kunj, Arera Colony, Bhopal, pages 206. 8. Mehrotra A and Suri R K (1994): Remote Sensing for Environment and Forest Management, Indus Publishing Company, FS-5, Tagore Garden, New Delhi, pages 229. 9. Suri R K, Maini P and Mehrotra A (1995): Fertilizers, Manures and Bio Fertilizers, Society of Forests & Environmental Managers (SOFEM), Dehra Dun, pages 70. 10. Chauhan Renu and Suri R K (1995): Kalp Vriksh Neem (in Hindi) Society of Forest & Environmental Managers (SOFEM), Dehradun, pages 130. 11. Singh M and Suri R K (1995): Shor Machay Shor (in Hindi) Society of Forest & Environmental Managers (SOFEM), Dehra Dun, pages 107. 12. Suri R K and Mehrotra A (1996): Neem – A Wonder Tree, Society of Forest & Environmental Managers (SOFEM), Dehra Dun, pages 62. 13. Suri R K, Kaul O N and Banerjee S P (1996) : Mining : Environment & Forests, Society of Forest and Environmental Managers, Dehradun, pages 281. 14. Suri R K and Rawat P S (1997): Glossary of Air Pollution Terms, Society of Forest & Environmental Managers (SOFEM), Dehra Dun, pages 111. 15. Suri R K and Chauhan Renu (2001): Neem the Virtuous Tree, Society of Forest & Environmental Managers (SOFEM), New Delhi, pages 133. 210 Curriculum Vitae R. N. Jindal Flat No. 50, Jai laxmi Awas Plot No. 59, I.P. Extension Delhi-110092 e-mail: Tel. :09868113036 (M)-Delhi 011-32528356,43053249 (R) 011-26433647 (O) Education : B.E.(Civil-1981): DCE (66.5%) M.E. (Environment-1986): DCE (69.3%) L.LB. (1990): Univ. of Delhi Present Post : Additional Director with the Ministry of Environment & Forests w.e.f. Sept. 2005 Present Assignments : Air and Noise Pollution, : Setting and notification of Environmental Standards : Source Apportionment Studies : Co-ordination of CREP : Implementation of Action Plan for Air Quality improvement in 7 cities : Legal Cases : Male‘ Declaration Work Experience Trainings Country visited : Policy Matters, Design of STP & ETPs, Performance evaluation of ETPs, Construction of PH works, Projects for Evolving Standards, Legal matter, Public Relation and Teaching (Total-25 years) : Ministry of Environment & Forests-3 yrs 8 months : Central Pollution Control Board- 17 yrs 06 months : Delhi Pollution Control Committee- 18 months : ACCPL/ IRCON in Iraq- 14 months : DCE (Teaching) - 6 months : CWC - 6 months : Trained in India (NEERI, DMI, EPTRI, etc.) and abroad (Germany & U.K.). : Germany, U.K., France, Switzerland, Srilanka, Thailand ,Bhutan and Iraq Professional Membership : Fellow (IPHE), Member (IE) and Member (IAAPC) Communication skills : Excellent Working capabilities : Can carry the team Can work in adverse conditions : Significant contitribution : Presented a national paper on Role of Self Monitoring Self Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements in Environmental Compliance in Bangkok, Thailand (organized by USAEP in August 2004) : Represented Govt of India in Inter – Governmental Meeting on Male‘ Declaration August 2008, Colombo, Srilanka (UNEP) 211 : Represented Govt of India in Inter Governmental Networks of Regional Air Pollution in Asia and Pacific Region, March 2008, Bangkok (UNEP) : Thesis on Physico-Chemical Treatment of Dye Industry Waste. : Paper titled Reforms in Law of Liability in India for Environmental Accidents – (April 2007). : Member Convener - MoEF Expert Committee to evolve Environmental Standards. : Member Convener - MoEF Committee for amendments in Notification on DG Sets. : Member –CPCB Peer &Core Committee on Standards. : Member – CPCB Task Forces on Steel Sector and Thermal Power Plants : Represented CPCB in Steering Committee for Proposal Environmental Tribunal Bill-2009 : MoEF Nominee in CPCB National Committee on Noise Pollution Control : Special invitee for Environment and Industry Group of Delhi Master Plan-2021 : Special Invitee for Environment Group of Delhi Master Plan 2021 Personal Profile : Member of Supreme Court Committee for Industries in Non-Conforming Areas of Delhi : Designed STPs and ETPs for Railway Projects in Iraq : Implementation of Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 in Northern Region of the country : Editor for CPCB Publications for 4+ yrs : Editor for Parivesh Newsletter for 4 years : Edited CPCB Annual Reports : Visiting Faculty for DCE, WWF and SPA, New Delhi : : : Date of Birth Languages known Nationality Place:Delhi Date: 212 : 9 th August, 1958 : English and Hindi : Indian CURRICULUM VITAE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name: Date of birth: Designation: Edu. Qualification: Area of Specialization: RAJIV SINHA 19.01.1954 Additional Director Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Environmental Engineering (Conservation of rivers/lakes) 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Designation Period Item of works handled/being Division handled From To NRCD Additional 21.6.2004 Till date As per Annexure-I attached. Director NRCD Joint Director 30.8.1996 20.6.2004 As per Annexure-II attached. 7. Training Undergone: In India: From 20.4.98 Date To 24.4.98 Duration Name of course One week Design and Operation & maintenance of Waste Stabilization Ponds Duration Name of course Institution/Organization Organized jointly by MoEF & DFID Abroad: Date From To 16.10.02 1.11.02 Two weeks Evaluation of ODA projects 27.8.06 Four weeks Operation & maintenance of sewerage facilities 8. 23.9.06 Institution/Organization Japan International Cooperation Agency Japan International Cooperation Agency Achievements: (i) Publications 1. Paper on "UASB Technology for Sewage Treatment in India: 20 Years Experience" authored in collaboration with others was published in November 2006 issue of 'Environmental Engineering and Management Journal' of Technical University of Iasi, Romania. 2. (ii) Special Awards & Appreciation received 9. 10. Paper on "UASB Technology For Sewage Treatment in India: Experience, Economic Evaluation and its Potential in Other Developing Countries" authored in collaboration with others was read by the Co-author in the Twelfth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC 12 2008 Alexandria, Egypt (March 27-30, 2008). 1. Letter of Appreciation by Shri Namo Narain Meena, Minister of State for Environment & Forests for the outstanding work done during the 12th World Lake Conference (TAAL 2007) held in Jaipur, Rajastan, India from 28th October 2007 to 2nd November 2007. Any other relevant information, if any: Address & Email: Residential Official Email Nil. J-4109, Gaur Greencity, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, U. P. 133, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003. (Rajiv Sinha) 213 ANNEXURE-I ITEMS OF WORKS HANDLES/BEING HANDLED BY RAJIV SINHA AS ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR IN NRCD FROM 21.6.2004 TILL DATE 1. Associated with project management and monitoring of implementation of the NRCP schemes in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand and Maharashtra covering 36 towns of these States. The job responsibilities relate to examination of the DPRs, processing for funding and eventually monitoring their progress as a technical person on various aspects of the schemes of the NRCP, which can be grouped into (a) core schemes and (b) non-core schemes. The core schemes comprise of I&D and STP installation with the purpose of treating the sewerage (i.e., municipal sewage pollution load) before it is discharged into the rivers or used for other purposes, while the non-core schemes are supplementary in nature and contribute to overall objective of the river conservation. 2. Formulated the guidelines for preparation of detailed project reports consisting of components of I&D, STP, Land Acquisition, Low Cost Sanitation, Municipal Solid Waste management, Afforestation, Improved Wood Crematoria, River Front Development. 3. Interacted/advised the State Govts. in adopting low cost sewage treatment technologies for various river actions. 4. Revised cost estimate of Musi River Conservation Plan at Hyderabad sanctioned at an estimated cost of Rs. 335.65 crore for creation of 592 mld sewage treatment capacity. The scheme was closely and regularly monitored, and 541 mld treatment capacity has been created by installation of 3 STPs within the stipulated period. There has been delay in case of the fourth STP (51 mld capacity) on account of litigation of land for the site. 5. Provided suggestions relating to the conservation of river waters for consideration in the regulatory framework for wetlands conservation. These suggestions were derived while preparing draft for regulation of river conservation zones. 6. Assisting the Ministry in carrying out "Baseline Studies of the Tons River Upper Catchment for Conservation of Yamuna with reference to potential for improvement for of river flow". 7. Preparation for ―Study to ascertain domestic & industrial pollution loads in major rivers in India‖. 8. Represented the Ministry in FIICI Task Force on Kosi River Management. 9. Technical Member of the Expert Group which considers the lake conservation proposals under the National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP). 10. Member of the Committee for technical evaluation of proposals for ―Project on Region-wise Study for Evaluation of Schemes/Projects under River/Lake Conservation Plan‖. 11. Member of the Committee for financial evaluation of proposals for the project on ―Institutional Strengthening & Capacity Building of NRCD‖ under Yamuna Action Plan Phase-II. 12. Representing the Ministry which is the Member of National Advisory Group on Urban Sanitation constituted by the Ministry of Urban Development to implement and institutionalize the various components of the National Sanitation Policy. 13. Representing the Ministry in the Sub-Committee on Technology Option under the National Advisory Group on Urban Sanitation of the Ministry of Urban Development. 14. Providing inputs for Steering Committee meetings, National River Conservation Authority meetings, Parliamentary Standing and Consultative Committees, Monitoring Committee meetings, Annual Action Plans. 15. Preparation of draft of the replies to the Parliament Questions pertaining to the NRCP works in the States dealt with. 16. Handled the legal cases in the Patna High Court and the Supreme Court relating to the river conservation. 214 17. External Examiner of dissertation for award of Master of Technology degree in programme of 'Conservation of Rivers & Lakes' being conducted by IIT Roorkee. 18. Being member of the Editorial Board constituted to bring out improvement in the MIS Report of the NRCD. 19. Processing the proposal for development of 'River Basin Management Plan for Ganga River' under pursuant to the Notification of National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) published on 20.2.2009. 215 ANNEXURE-II ITEMS OF WORKS HANDLES/BEING HANDLED BY RAJIV SINHA AS JOINT DIRECTOR IN NRCD FROM 30.8.1996 TO 20.6.2004 1. Associated with project management and monitoring of implementation of in 8 towns under Yamuna Action Plan of Uttar Pradesh, 5 towns under NRCP of Maharashtra, 13 towns under GAP-II of Bihar, 8 towns under Damodar Action Plan & 3 towns under Suvernarekha Action Plan including 1 town under GAP-II of Jharkhand, 1 town under NRCP of Gujarat, 3 towns under NRCP of Rajasthan, 1 town under GAP-II of Uttarakhand, 1 town under NRCP of Goa apart from Delhi. 2. Detailed technical and financial appraisal of DPRs of above mentioned schemes prepared by the implementing agencies of the State Governments, release of funds for the sanctioned projects on quarterly basis, advising the State Govts. on various aspects of formulation, implementation, operation & maintenance of the sewerage works. 3. CCEA approval of revised cost estimate of the scheme of Yamuna Action Plan (Uttar Pradesh segment) amounting to Rs. 250.23 crore, an externally aided scheme funded by JICA and closely monitored in the NRCD for implementation so as to complete by the closure of the loan agreement. 4. Helped the State Govts. in formulation of river action plans, which included advising/interacting with the State Govts., their implementing agencies & experts for carrying out survey & investigation and preparation of the proposal. 5. Scrutinized and appraised 84 DPRs and 16 revised cost estimates amounting to about 355 crore, and Rs. 199 crore released for the implementation of the projects. Completion reports of 22 projects costing Rs. 64 crore sanctioned for the purpose of closing of account of the respective sanctioned project. 6. Formulated the guidelines for preparation of detailed project reports consisting of components of I&D, STP, Land Acquisition, Low Cost Sanitation, Municipal Solid Waste management, Afforestation, Improved Wood Crematoria, River Front Development. 7. Interacted/advised the State Govts. in adopting low cost sewage treatment technologies for various river actions. 8. Provided inputs for Steering Committee meetings, National River Conservation Authority meetings, Parliamentary Standing and Consultative Committees, Monitoring Committee meetings, Parliament Questions, Annual Action Plans. 216 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: 2. Date of Birth: 3. 4. Designation: Additional Director Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): 5. Rita Khanna 08/05/1966 Name of the Certificate/Diploma/Degree Along with Subjects MASTER OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE BACHELOR OF LIBRARY SCIENCE(B. LIB. SC) Year Class 1990 1st Division 1989 1st Division M. SC. CHEMISTRY (MATERIAL SCIENCE) 1988 1st Division Area (s) of Specialization:Chemistry (Material Science) 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Designation Period Item of works handled/being handled Division From To (EE-Division) Additional July 2007 to till As Member Secretary of the Internal Screening Director date Committee chaired by the Additional Secretary (EE-Division) of MoEF, proposals under the Programme Seminars/Symposia/Conferences/ Workshops received by the Ministry were scrutinized and processed for partial financial assistance. As Member Secretary of the Screening Committee chaired by the Additional Secretary of the MoEF, proposals under the Programme – Grants-in-Aid to Professional Societies / Institutions and Financial Assistance for Publication of Resource Material were scrutinized and processed for financial assistance. All work related to National Green Corps/ Ecoclubs. Attended the meetings of the National Environmental Awareness Campaign (NEAC) in the capacity of Member Secretary. Processing of proposals for grant of financial assistance for other awareness programmes. Processing of proposals for grant of financial assistance for organization of training programmes. Managing the MoEF‘s Library. (EE-Division) Joint Director April 2005 to June 2007 (EE-Division) 217 Managing the MoEF‘s Library.. As Member Secretary of the Internal Screening Committee chaired by the Additional Secretary of MoEF, proposals under the Programme Seminars/Symposia/ Conferences/ Workshops received by the Ministry were scrutinized and processed for partial financial assistance. As Member Secretary of the Screening Committee chaired by the Additional Secretary of the MoEF, proposals under the Programme – Grants-in-Aid to Professional Societies / Institutions and Financial Assistance for Publication of Resource Material were scrutinized and processed for financial assistance. Attended the meetings of the National Environmental Awareness Campaign (NEAC) in the capacity of Member Secretary. Proposals received under the Programme Seminars/Symposia/ Conferences were scrutinized and processed for partial financial assistance. Technical and critical review of all episodes of ―Bhoomi‖ Programme before telecast. New themes and issues relevant to environmental issues were provided for incorporation in future episodes. Managing the MoEF‘s Library. Attended the meetings of the National Environmental Awareness Campaign (NEAC) in the capacity of Member Secretary. (EE & EIDivision) Joint Director April 2003 to March 2005 (EE & EI- Division) (EE-Division) Joint Director July 2002 to March 2003 (EE-Division) Managing the MoEF‘s Library. Rendering technical support in the library‘s computerization in the assessment of hardware and software requirements, review of technical features of the options available, selection and installation process, data inputting and post installation review. Conceptualization and facilitation in the renovation process of the library into a userfriendlier library. Extending technical backup for selection and acquisition of new books, technical reports etc. Proposing renewal of subscription of scientific journals, newspapers, magazines etc. Storing, retrieving and disseminating information. Attended the meetings of the National Environmental Awareness Campaign (NEAC) in the capacity of Member Secretary. (EI-Division) Deputy Director January 1997 to June 2002 (EI-Division) Managing the MoEF‘s Library. Rendering technical support in the library‘s computerization in the assessment of hardware and software requirements, review of technical features of the options available, selection and installation process, data inputting and post installation review. Conceptualization and facilitation in the renovation process of the library into a userfriendlier library. Extending technical backup for selection and acquisition of new books, technical reports etc. Proposing renewal of subscription of scientific journals, newspapers, magazines etc. 218 Storing, retrieving and disseminating information. Managing the MoEF‘s Library. Extending technical backup for selection and acquisition of new books, technical reports etc. Storing, retrieving and disseminating information. Proposing renewal of subscription of scientific journals, newspapers, magazines etc. (EI-Division) Scientist SC August 1996 to December 1996 (EI-Division) (National Afforestation and Eco Development Board, MoEF) Scientist SC June 1995 to August 1996 (National Afforestation and Eco Development Board, MoEF) (National Wastelands Development Board, MoEF) 7. Date From Abroad Date From 8. Scientist SC Training undergone: Nil Duration To Duration Monitoring the progress of technology extension programmes of the NAEB in which assistance was provided in the scientific and technical evaluation of the technology extension proposals and requests of financial assistance received from various State Forest Departments. Scrutinizing and processing proposals received from voluntary agencies, accredited with the NWDB, for issual of grants/financial assistance for afforestation projects. October 1990 to July 1992 (National Wastelands Development Board, MoEF) Managing the NWDB‘s Library. Name of course Institution / organization Name of course Institution / organization To Achievements: --- 9. Publications 10. Special Awards & Appreciations received 9. Any other relevant information, if any: ---- 10. Address & E-mail Residential Official E-mail E- 93, Greater Kailash, Enclave, Part one, New Delhi – 110048. Ministry of Environment & Forests, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003, 219 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: 2. Date of Birth: 3. Designation:Additional Director 4. Educational Qualification ( from degree level and in descending order ): 5. Subrata Bhowmik 15.01.1951 B. Sc. Hons. (Agriculture) University of Kalyani, West Bengal -1972 M. Sc (Microbiology), Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi -1977 Ph. D (Microbiology), Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi -1983 Area(s) of Specialization: Agricultural Science 6. Work Experience in the Ministry ( in descending order ) : Name of the Division Designation Period From: Items of works handled/being handled To: I A Division I A Division Joint Director Joint Director 9.12.1988 January 1994 1993 December 1994 Thermal Power Sector Co-ordination & Part of Infrastructur (Airport, Road) IA Division Policy & Law Div. Additional Director Additional Director January1995 August 2002 August 2002 11.3. 2004. I A Division Additional Director 12.3.2004 Till date River Valley Sector Trade & Environment & Legal Aspects. River Valley sector 7. Training Undergone: In India: One Energy related programme in Bangalore, Name and year do not remember. Date From: Duration Name of Course Institution/Organization: To: Abroad: Date From: 27.6.1992 To: 07.8.1992 Duration Five Weeks Name of Course Energy Planning & Environment 220 Institution/Organization: International Summer School, University of Oslo, Norway. 8. Achievements: Publications In 2004 a paper entitled ―Environment and some Hydroelectric projects in Kashmir‖, Published in the Book named – Kashmir Ecology and Environment, New Concerns and Strategies, Edited by Prof. S. Bhat, Published by A P H Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.-2 Special Awards & Appreciation‘s received: Appreciation letter from Lieutenant Governor, A & N Islands in 1991(Copy enclosed) 9. Any other relevant information, if any: 10. Address & e-mail:Residential: Office: e-mail: N – 7 / 2; M.S.Flats, Sector – 13, R.K.Puram, Sector -13, New Delhi -110022 MOE&F, Paryavaran Bhawan, C G O Complex, New Delhi -110003 221 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name of the Officer : SUNAMANI KERKETTA 2. Date of Birth : 14.06.1966 3. Designation : SCIENTIST ―E‖ 4. Educational Qualifications (From the Degree level and above in descending order): Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. Name of the Certificate/ Diploma Degree along with subjects B.Sc. (Engg.) (Mech.), National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Master of Engineering (Mech.), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Praveen, Hindi course Ph.D., Sambalpur University, Orissa Energy Auditor, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, NPC, New Delhi Year Class 1989 (May) FIRST 1991 (Jan) FIRST 1995 Continuing Appeared - 5. Area(s) of Specialization: Mechanical Engineering (Vibration & Noise Control) 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Sl. No. Name of the Office Designation/ Grade 1. Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office, Bhubaneswar Scientist ‗B‘ 2. 3. 7. Scientist ‗C‘ Scientist ‗D‘ Period From 1994 (January) 2000 (Sept.) 2005 (April) To 2000 (Sept) 2005 (March) Till date Basic Pay (Scale of Pay) 8000-13500 1000015400 Pay Band: Rs.1560039100/Grade Pay: Rs. 7600/- - Items of works handled/being handled Post monitoring of all the new/ developmental/ expansion projects accorded env. clearance under EIA Notification. Details provided in Annexure-A Training Undergone: In India: Duration Name of Course From 26.2.1996 Date To 09.3.1996 1 week 23.11.1998 24.11.1998 2 days Management of Natural Resources & Environment New Techniques on EIA 28.09.2001 30.09.2001 3 days 02.12.2002 10.01.2003 6 weeks Roster Re-writing for SC/ST/OBC and Dealing Assistant. Environmental compliance on Mining Industry EMCBTA project- Mining sub-component Date From To 09.08.1999 04.06.2000 Duration Name of Course Institution / Organization IIPA, ND Kalyan Univ., Kolkata NIPA, Bangalore ISM, Dhanbad Abroad: 10 months 222 Development of new Institution / Organization TNIRI, Sendai, materials and Environment protection process. 8. Achievements : Please see Annexure A 9. Publications : Please see Annexure A (3) 10. Special Awards & Appreciations Received : 1. 2. 11. 12. Japan (JICA programme) Appreciation letter received from the Development Commissioner and Additional Secretary, Orissa regarding presentation on legal provisions on MSW and plastic management in January, 20006. Appreciation letter received from the Development Commissioner and Additional Secretary, Orissa regarding presentation on Used Lead Acid Batteries in March, 20006. Any other relevant information, if any : NIL Address & E-mail : Residential and : S. KERKETTA, JOINT DIRECTOR (S), Ministry of Environment & Forests, Eastern Official Regional Officer, A/3, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar – 751 023. E-mail : 223 ANNEXURE – A During my tenure here, the duties and responsibilities assigned to me have been discharged to the best of abilities and satisfaction. The difficult areas like Car Nicobar, Katchal Island, Campbell Bay, Kathara areas of CCL, interior of KBK areas of Orissa, Fish landing Centers along the Coast of Orissa, the MCC areas like Lohardaga and Daltonganj, Jharkhand, Tulasidamar Mines, SAIL, Pakhar, etc have been visited to carry out inspection/monitoring of projects cleared under environmental clearance and also a part of VIP/Public representations. I have carried out all kind of work satisfactorily and to the best of my efforts as assigned time to time by the Ministry as well as Regional Office. The assessment work done is as follows: 1. Brief description of duties and performance: a. To follow up/monitoring progress of implementation of environmental safeguards following clearance of developmental projects: Based on the yearly monitoring targets fixed by the Ministry, individual target is fixed among the Scientists of this office according to project category, its activities and impacts on environment; ecological importance/significance of the project depending upon its location, 17 categories of industries and its last monitoring visit to the project site. The numbers of projects that have been assigned to me have been monitored at sites and successfully achieved the target every year. Based on the site visit of the project and the submission of six monthly reports to the conditions of environmental clearance letter to this office by the Project Authorities, feed back/comments on non-compliance of specific conditions, non-adherence to emission/discharge standards and nonimplementation of EMP have been communicated to the concerned Project Authorities for improvement of the status of compliance level and monitoring reports have also been communicated to the Ministry accordingly. Similarly, feed back/comments sent to the Ministry and also to the Project Authorities, based on the six monthly and annual reports on the status of implementation of the environmental conditions of those projects which have not been included for monitoring in that particular year. Status of compliance/non-compliance of all the projects which have been monitored at sites by all the Scientists has also been sent to the Ministry monthly, quarterly, six monthly and annually. b. To follow up pollution control measures taken by industries, local bodies, Govt. (Central/State) undertakings, etc: i. ii. iii. iv. v. c. Inspected the paper plant of M/s Ballarpur Industries Limited, Cuttack, Orissa in August, 1994 on public complaint about illegal discharge of effluent into the nearby river. Inspected the Fertilizer plant of M/s IIFCO (M/s Oswal chemicals & Fertilizer Limited earlier) Paradeep, Orissa in September, 1995 on public complaint on commencement of project work without environmental clearance. Inspection of Rourkela Steel plant, SAIL on the basis of News Paper reports about bursting of Blast Furnace in SMS Plant during November, 2001. Attended several court cases at High Court Orissa, Cuttack; High Court Calcutta, Kolkata and High Court Jharkhand, Ranchi. Attended court cases before the Hon‘ble Supreme Court, New Delhi. Specific Site Inspection being referred by the Ministry: The following violations have been reported to the Ministry of Environment & Forests with regard to EPA: 224 i. Inspected the plantation work raised by Sri B.B. Rout, Gania Block, Nayagarh, Orissa for IPVM Awars-1995. ii. Inspected the plantation work raised by Tagore Society for Rural Development in Orissa in Khurda district, Orissa for IPVM Awars-1995. iii. Inspected the plantation work raised by Integrated Rural Development of Weaker Sections (IRDWS) in Semiliguda, Koraput Orissa for IPVM Awars-1995. iv. Inspected the plantation work raised by Van Surakhyan Samiti (VSS), Jermal, Sundargarh district for IPVM Awars-1996. v. Inspected the plantation work raised by Nehru Yuba Kendra, Sundargarh, Orissa for IPVM Awars-1995. vi. Inspected the plantation work raised by Shri Ghanashyam Pattjoshi in Koksara, Bhawanipatna Orissa for IPVM Awars-1997. vii. Site inspection carried out on 05.07.1999 and 06.07.1999 to all those industries located at Haldia about illegal releasing of plant effluents without proper treatment into the sea in violation of CRZ. viii. Inspected a public complaint about illegal mining operations at village Chadri, Mayurbhanj district, Orissa on illegal mining of Magnesium Silicate rock (Pyroximite) at Chadri in March, 2001. ix. Inspected a proposal about granting a mining lease to M/s Navyug Minerals (P) Ltd at village Labanyasar, Kalahandi district and village Turia, Koraput district, Orissa vide Ministry of Environment and Forests‘ letter No. Z-11012/2/2003-IA.II (M), dated 07.04.2003 on the petitions of Sri Himansu Sekhar Meher, Minister of State (Ind.), Labour and Employment and Textiles and Handloom, Orissa and Sri Bidyadhar Sahoo, Journalist, Dharmagarh, Kalahandi Orissa on 26.5.2003 and 27.05.2003. iii. Inspected a proposal about granting a mining lease to M/s Devraj Meher at village Labanyasar, Kalahandi district, Orissa vide Ministry of Environment and Forests‘ letter No. Z-11012/2/2003-IA.II (M), dated 07.04.2003 on the petitions of Sri Himansu Sekhar Meher, Minister of State (Ind.), Labour and Employment and Textiles and Handloom, Orissa and Sri Bidyadhar Sahoo, Journalist, Dharmagarh, Kalahandi Orissa on 26.5.2003 and 27.05.2003. d. To gather information/comments on other projects: The following violations have been reported to the Ministry of Environment & Forests with regard to EPA: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Reported violation on the expansion and modernization work of M/s OCL India limited without environmental clearance in September, 1995. Reported violation on the stringing up of the TL work of Potteru Hydel Project, Balimela, Orissa by M/s OHPC without forest clearance in February, 1996. Reported violation on the illegal mining work carried out at Tara (East) Block near Asansol, West Bengal without environmental clearance in September, 1996 Reported violation about the mining activities of Sukinda Chromite Mine of M/s Indian Metals & Ferro Alloys Corporation Ltd at Kaliapani, Dist:- Jajpur, Orissa which was in operation without obtaining environmental clearance from the Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi vide this office‘s letter No.101-124/2000EPE,dated 8th March, 2002. Reported violation about the mining activities of the Sukinda Chromite Mines of M/s Ispat Alloys Ltd. Kaliapani, Dist:- Jajpur, Orissa which was in operation without obtaining environmental clearance from the Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi vide this office‘s letter No.101-124/2000-EPE,dated 8th March, 2002. Reported a CRZ violation carried out by M/s Reliance Engineering Pvt. Ltd about laying pipeline from Third Oil Jetty, Haldia Dock Complex to the Storage terminal site, Tentuliberia, Haldia. As the construction of the project was coming up within the CRZ limits, the Project Authorities were to take environmental clearance from the Ministry. Attended the Multidisciplinary Environmental Monitoring Committee meeting of Balimela HEP at Balimela in September, 2004. Reported violation on the setting up of a Thermal Power Project by M/s DLF at Dhanbad. 225 ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) Attended the Multidisciplinary Environmental Monitoring Committee meeting of Balimela HEP at Balimela in September, 2005. Accompanied the Delegation from Western Australia as a representative of ERO, MoEF and taken them to the Chromite mines of Sukinda Valley and Iron Ore mines of Daitari regions of Orissa in November, 2005. Attended a site inspection of Budge-Budge TPS of M/s CESC Ltd. alongwith the Sub-committee of the Expert Committee on Thermal projects in January, 2006. Attended a Multi-disciplinary Environmental Committee Meeting of Teesta Low Dam HEP Stage-III, NHPC at Siliguri on 13.4.2006 and 14.4.2006. Conducted surprise visit of M/s Lemos Cement Ltd., Khilari Cement Works, Khilari, Ranchi and Patratu Thermal Power station of Jharkhand State Electricity Department, Patratu at randomly selected industries under ESS Programme alongwith Zonal Office, CPCB, Kolkata on 26/27.03.2008. Inspected Calcutta Leather Complex of M/s M.L. Dalmiya on 17.01.2009 with Regional CCF (Central) to gather information on the compliance status on EC conditions of the project. Monitoring carried out to the projects accorded forest clearances under FCA. Reviewed EIA/EMP reports for the new/developmental projects prior to accordance of environmental clearance. 226 e. To maintain liaison and provide linkages with the concerned State Governments with Central Government agencies including Regional Offices of BSI, ZSI and the Central Pollution Control Board with State Pollution Control Boards and all nongovernmental organizations involved in implementation of programmes relating to environment. Interacted with various State Departments of Environment and Forests, PSUs and NGOs engaged in the environment and forests related matters, etc. Interaction with the State Departments of Environment and Forests has been taken place mainly on the delegation of power on CRZ Rules, CZMA, Hazardous Solid Waste Disposal Facilities, delegation of Powers to accord environmental clearance for certain categories of Thermal Power Projects, etc. Interaction with the PSUs has been made mainly on the applicability of EIA Notification for taking environmental clearance for new projects and expansion/and modernization of existing projects from the Ministry, applicability of Public Hearing, noncompliance of environmental conditions, submission of six monthly and annual reports to the status of environmental conditions, clarification of Gazette Notifications of the Ministry, etc. Interaction with the NGOs has been taken place mainly on the organization of NEAC programme and funds provision thereof, IGPP Awards, etc. f. Other Duties assigned by the Ministry: Assisted to prepare reply of Parliament questions, VIPs references, reports to quarries from Ministry, etc to the Chief Conservator of Forests (Central)/ Conservator of Forests (Central)/ Directors. Status of compliance/non-compliance of all the projects which have been monitored at sites by all the Scientists has also been communicated to the Ministry monthly, quarterly, six monthly and annually. Scrutinized/ verified the credentials/certificates of IGPP nominees for both individual and organization categories. Attended several Court Cases relating to environmental matters in the region and also action initiated on the complaints of NGOs, etc related to various environmental issues in their areas. Attended to the maintenance work of civil, electrical, horticultural and also looked after the security duties and sweeping work of this Office and residential complex. Acted as Liaison Officer for SCs/STs/OBCs and Physical Handicaps on the representation of SCs/STs/OBCs and Physical Handicaps, respectively. Acted Liaison Officer for Official Languages and organized ―PAKHODA‖ for the first time during Hindi Week. I also acted as a Store Verification Officer in this office. Now in-charge of HOO & DDO. 2. Scientific/Technical/Management Training Programme attended: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Attended a workshop on ―Environmental Pollution and its control‖, organized by Amritayan Society, Bhubaneswar in July, 1994. Workshop organized on: Biodiversity on 28.02.1994 & 01.03.1994 at Bhubaneswar. Organized 1st conference on Environment and Forest at Bhubaneswar on 27.11.1995. A training programme attended on ―Management of Natural Resources and Environment‖ at IIPA, New Delhi from 26.02.1996 to 09.03.1996. Organized 2nd conference on Environment and Forest at Bhubaneswar in November, 1996. Attended a workshop on : Interaction meet of NGOs of Eastern Region of India, Organised by Orissa State Pollution Control Board at Regional Science Centre, Bhubaneswar on 24.02.199. Attended the Special Monitoring Committee meeting for Naraj Barrage and Mahanadi Citrotpala Projects of Orissa Water Resources Department on 17.5.1999 at Cuttack, Orissa. Attended the Multi-disciplinary Monitoring Committee meeting for Bakreswar Reservoir and Bakreswar TPS at Bakreswar on 08.11.2000. Training programme attended on ―Development of New materials and Environment Protection Process‖ from 9th August 1999 to 4th June, 2000. Attended a multi-disciplinary Monitoring Committee meeting for Kalpong HEP on 06.12.2000. Attended a workshop on ―Rehabilitation of Mined out areas‖ on 16.02.2001 at Bhubaneswar Organised by Society for Geology and Allied Technology (SGAT), Bhubaneswar. 227 l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. aa. bb. cc. dd. ee. 3. Attended 44th meeting of National Environmental Monitoring Committee for River Valley Projects (NEMCRVP) for Subarnarekha Multipurpose Project of Jharkhand portion at Jamshedpur on 28.12.2001 Training attended on Roster re-writing/re-casting of SCs/STs/OBCs and Dealing Assistants from 28.09.2001 to 30.09.2001 at Bangalore organized by the National Institute of Public Administration, Bangalore. Attended a training programme on ―Environmental Compliance for Mining Industry Task-2, Activity IIB, Environmental Management Capacity Building Technical Assistance (EMCBTA) Project: Mining Sub-component‖, World Bank Aided Programme at CME, ISM, Dhanbad from December 02, 2002 to January 10, 2003. Attended a conference organized by Japan Chemical Society, Japan at Tokyo during my ten months training programme in Japan. Attended a training programme on: Development of New Materials and Environment Protection Process from 9th August, 1999 to 4th June, 2000 in Japan. Attended a programme: Evaluation of Students Project on Biodiversity, being conducted by Ministry of Environment and Forests, RMNH, Bhubaneswar on 28.05.2004. Attended a Project level monitoring Committee of Rengali HEP-II on 10.06.2004 at Samal, Angul, Orissa. Attended a Project Level Special Monitoring Committee of Balimela Extension Project on 19.11.2004 to 20.11.2004 at Balimela, Orissa. Attended a regional workshop on Biomedical Waste – Management, status, analysis and planning for the future in Bhubaneswar Organised by CEE, East, Bhubaneswar in 2003-04. Attended a Project Level Special Monitoring Committee of Balimela Extension Project in February, 2004 at Bhubaneswar, Orissa. Conducted programme to scrutinize/verify the credentials/certificates of IGPP in the Regional Office. Organized an Interactive Meeting – Mining at Bhubaneswar in March, 2005. Organized workshop on: Forest Act and new EIA Notifications, at Bhubaneswar in November, 2005. Conducted an interactive meeting with the representatives from the OPGC, MCL, Department of Environment, Government of Orissa and OSPCB to discuss the issue of filling up the mine voids with the fly ash in February, 2006. Conducted an interactive meeting at Durgapur with the representatives from DVC, ECL and CPCB to discuss the issue of utilizing fly ash in the abandoned coal mines of ECL in February, 2006. Organized a workshop on: Regional Interactive Meet on Environment at Bhubaneswar in September, 2007. Attended a workshop on coal and its management in India organized by Planning Commission at Indian Institute of Coal Management, Ranchi from 10-12. 01.2008. Attended ―Vigilance Week‖ organized by Vigilance Department, Government of Orissa on 10.11.2008 in Bhubaneswar. Organized workshop on: Interactive meet of Regulatory Authority on compliances at Bhubaneswar in March, 2009. Interaction held with the Director, NIT Rourkela and HODs and others faculty members of various departments in March, 2009 regarding various research work being carried out by them and possible linkage of the work in the industries. Technical Reports/Articles, etc, written: a. b. c. d. e. Compiled and prepared a book with important Acts and Guidelines relating to Environment and Forests for 3rd conference on environment and Forests held at Bhubaneswar in 1997. Upadhyay, V.P., S. Kerketta & Rajiv Ranjan: Environmental Awareness, Education and Eco-development, published in SUBUJIMA-1998. Kerketta, S. and M.R Prasad, 2002, Dyes from Nature, SUBUJIMA-2002. Published a paper in Science and Separation Technology, New York, USA on ―Retention Characteristics of Fluoride ion on the Zr (iv) Complex of the Chelating Resin Functional with Amino-Carboxylate Ligand‖ in 2002. An individual project entitled "Will Green Belt serve to control ambient noise? A Case study of M/s P.K. Ahluwalia, Iron Ore and Manganese Mines in Gonua village, Sundargarh district, Orissa" was presented during a training program on Environmental Compliance for 228 f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. 4. Mining Industry (Task 2: Activity IIB of EMCBTA project: Mining Sub-Component) Centre of Mining Environment, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad from December 2, 2002 to January 10, 2003. Published an article on ―Leaves for Life: Wild Edible and Medicinal plants" along with V.T. Darlong and N.L.N.S Prasad in Sabujima-2005, Plant Lovers Association, Bhubaneswar in 2005. Published a paper in a National Seminar on Waste management in Chemical and allied Industries: A Vision 2020, Organised by Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT, Rourkela on ―Retention Characteristics of Fluoride ion on the Zr (iv) Complex of the Chelating Resin functional with Amino-Carboxylate ligand‖ in 2005. Published an article on ―Air Quality Monitoring: A tool in the Environmental Impact Assessment‖ alongwith Dr. N.L.N.S. Prasad and M. Rajeshwar Prasad in a National Seminar on Monitoring on Environmental Quality held at Bhubaneswar in December, 2005. Management of Chemical & Allied Industries: Vision 2020, 115-131. Published a paper on ―Management of Plastics Waste and its Legal Provisions in India‖ in a Training-Workshop on Municipal Solid Waste Management and Plastic Management, organized by Multi Disciplinary Centre on Safety, Health and Environment at Puri, Orissa in January, 2006. Published a paper on ―Management of Used Lead acid Batteries and its Legal Provisions in India‖ in a Workshop on Legislation on Hazardous Management and Battery Management, organized by Multi Disciplinary Centre on Safety, Health and Environment at Rayagada, Orissa in March, 2006. Published a paper on ―Solid Waste Management: Implementation of Hon‘ble Supreme Court Order through Mass Media‖ in a Workshop on Legislation on Hazardous Management and Battery Management, organized by Multi Disciplinary Centre on Safety, Health and Environment at Bhubaneswar, Orissa in March, 2007. Acted as Expert Reviewer in the Journal of Environmental Biology, Lucknow and listed in the Reviewer‘s Panel-2008. Reviewed a paper entitled: Status of noise pollution in small town of India- A case study of Akluj of Maharastra State for Journal of Environmental Biology, Lucknow in October, 2008. Published an article on: Chromite Mining in Sukinda area- Environmental Problems and its managements published in Prakuti Vikash, Bhubaneswar, an environmental Magazine in October, 2008. Paper on: Statutory Compliance on new industries- A case study on noise level in M/s Arati Steel Plant published in a seminar entitled Industrial Resurgence in Orissa, Organized by NITRAAB (Old boys association of NIT Rourkela), Bhubaneswar in December, 2008. Paper accepted on: Present status of work zone noise levels at M/s Aarti Steel Plant, Orissa, India and its attenuation to the far fields, by Journal of Environmental Biology, Lucknow, India (To be published in December, 2009). Presentation of papers in Seminars, etc: a. b. c. d. e. Attended a conference of Japan Chemical Society in Tokyo, Japan during my 10 months training programme on ―Development of New materials and Environment Protection Process‖ from 9th August 1999 to 4th June, 2000. Presented a paper on: ―Environmental Laws‖ during a workshop on Industrialization: Strategies for environmental Management, Displacement and R & R Policy on 26.03.2001 organized by Council of Professional Social Work, Bhubaneswar. Presented a talk on "Control Measures of Noise: A scenario in Open Cast Non-coal mines of Eastern Region‖ in a training program on Environmental Compliance for Mining Industry (Task 2: Activity IIB of EMCBTA project: Mining Sub-Component) Centre of Mining Environment, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad from December 2, 2002 to January 10, 2003. Presented a paper on ―Use of Plastics and its Legal Provisions‖ in a Training-Workshop on Municipal Solid Waste Management and Plastic Management, organized by Multi Disciplinary Centre on Safety, Health and Environment at Puri, Orissa in January, 2006. Presented a paper on ―Management of Used Lead acid Batteries and its Legal Provisions in India‖ in a Workshop on Legislation on Hazardous Management and Battery Management, 229 f. g. organized by Multi Disciplinary Centre on Safety, Health and Environment at Rayagada, Orissa in March, 2006. Presented a paper on ―Solid Waste Management: Implementation of Hon‘ble Supreme Court Order through Mass Media‖ in a Workshop on Legislation on Hazardous Management and Battery Management, organized by Multi Disciplinary Centre on Safety, Health and Environment at Bhubaneswar, Orissa in March, 2007. Gave a talk on: Management of Plastics Waste and its Legal Provisions in India in a training programme to the officers of Municipal Authorities of Orissa organized by RMNH, Bhubaneswar in March, 2007. 230 Curriculum Vitae 1. 2. 3. 4. Name: Dr. SACHIDANANDA SATAPATHY Date of Birth: 05.04.1956 Designation: Additional Director Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): Name of the Certificate/Diploma/Degree alongwith subjects (i) Year B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Environment Science (Special Paper) Class II 1974-76 I (ii) M.Sc. Botany, (Environment Science) Specialization (iii) M.Phil Botany, Specialization (Stress Physiology) I 1980-81 - 1980-84 (iv) Ph.D. (Life Science) 5. 1977-79 Area(s) of Specialization: Post Graduate Work : A dissertation on ―Dissolved oxygen in relation to nutrients of a Brackish water creek at gopalpur, Orissa approved by Berhampur University (in 1979). M.Phil Work : A thesis on ―Toxicological effects of organomercurial pesticide (EMISAN 6) on a germinating mungo, Phaseolus mungo, Var Radiatus L.) and its reversal. Approved by Berhampur University (in 1981). Ph.D. Work : A thesis on ―Eco-physiological effects of industrial wastes of a Caustic Chlorine factory on some fishes with particular reference to effluent mercury approved by Berhampur University 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Designation/Gra Period from to Basic Pay Office de (Scale of Pay) 1. Climate Additional 27.12.08 37,400-67,000 Change Director (GP 8,700) Joint Director 2. Foreign Assignment in UNDP, New Delhi National Programme Manager 10.6.08 26.12.08 to Type of Duties & Functions Assisting in preparation of National Communication-II Analysis of the findings of IPCC Report 2007 Indo-UK Research Programme on Impact and Vulnerability Assessment of Climate Change in India Coordination of National Action Plan in Climate Change Assisting to Expert Committee on impacts of Climate Change Supervise the implementation of the Foam, Commercial refrigeration, Halon, Aerosol and Solvent sector phaseout plan 12000-16500 10.06.03 09.06.08 to 79000-120000 consolidated 231 Interface between UNDP, MoEF and other relevant organisation departments Development of National Sector strategies for Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) and Hydro Chloro fluoro Carbon (HCFC) National Phaseout Plan Supervision of Public Awareness and Information Dissemination Assist in Implementation and Enforcement of policy and regulacy Preparation of Technical Reports Technical Assistance to Industry 3.Desertification Cell, M/o Environment & Forests and Project Management Unit, Ozone Cell, MoEF Jt. Director and Project Coordinator Aug 2002 10.06.03 to 12000-16500 Review of Performance of the non-Ozone depleting Substances Activity related to Desertification Cell Implementation of the provisions of UNCCD Implementation of the National Action Plan to combat desertification Preparation of project on land degradation to combat desertification Activity related to PMU 4. Ozone Cell, M/o Environment & Forests Joint Director (Scientist ‗D‘) 01.03.01 01.08.02 to 01.09.94 01.03.01 to Dy. Director (Scientist ‗C‘) 232 Implementation of CFC phaseout project Technical evaluation of CFC production phaseout activities Technical studies relating to demand and Supply of ODS and Alternatives Awareness creation Training on ODS trade to customs and enforcements officer 12000-16500 Enforcements of ODS Rules Implementation of Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol 10000-15200 Preparation, processing and approvals of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODB) phaseout projects Implementation, monitoring and evaluation projects 5. Research Division, M/o Env. & Forests Dy. Director (Scientist ‗C‘) Scientific Officer (Scientist ‗B‘) 01.01.94 31.08.94 to 10.02.89 31.12.93 to 10000-15500 Research Assistant 6. Central Pollution Control Board, MoEF Apprentice Scientist 31.01.84 13.12.84 to 700 ODB Implementation of ODB (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 and its amendments Reviewing the non-ODB technology for fiscal incentive Developing and awareness activities Revewing the export and import application for ODB and recommending for issuance of license Participation in meetings related to the Montreal Protocol (Network Meeting) Preparation of various progress reports and data on production, import and export of ODB Reviewing measures Preparation of sectoral strategies Management of Environmental research Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Review of progress Desk study of the current issues on Environmental Development of coordinated project Review and identification of new research activities Information dissemination Publication of the summary of research findings undertaking existing 233 policy Formulation and Implementation of minimal national standards Monitoring of air and water pollution 7. Name of Course phaseout Training undergone: As in Annexe ‗A‘ In India Date Duration of Institution/Organization From To PLEASE SEE AT ANNEXE ‗A‘ 8. 9. Achievements: Please see Annexe ‗B‘. Publications: Please see Annexe ‗C‘. 10. Special Awards Appreciations: 11. Received 2007 Stratospheric Ozone Layer of received work (if any) Protection Award given by US-EPA on 1st May, 2007 in Washington for outstanding commitment to implementing the Montreal Protocol Any other relevant information, if any: (a) The undersigned has attended Workshops/Seminars/Meetings related to Montreal Protocol and UNFCCC. Details are given in Annexure ‗D‘. (b) Field Experience : Details are given in Annexe ‗E‘. 12. Address & E-mail: Residential 19/123, Satyam Gaziabad (U.P.) Khand, Vasundhara, Official 601, Paryawaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi. E-mail 234 ANNEXE ‗A‘ National Reports on Ozone and UV monitoring and research activities carried out in India. Presented in the WMO/UNEP Fifth Meeting of the Ozone research Manager of the Parties to the Vienna Conventions, Geneva 25-27 March 2002. Country Report on phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances in India. Presented in 2002 Main Meeting for the South Asia Network of ODS officers held from 1-4 April 2002, Bangkok, Thailand. Presented a paper on ―HCFC-22 Present Situation and Mid-long-term Strategy in India– Background on the Indian ODS Phase-out in the Refrigeration Sector‖ in Germany in 2005. Contributed the Scientific and Technical input for the following National Strategy to Non-CFC MDI and plan for phaseout of CFC in the Manufacturer of pharmaceutical Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) in India was prepared in 2007. Assessment to Assess the Extent of Current and Future Requirements for the Collection Disposition (Emissions, Export, Reclamation and Destruction) of Non-Reusable and Unwanted ODS in Article 5 Countries. Survey Report of HCFC production and consumption pattern was prepared in 2006. A Non-paper on strengthening the Montreal Protocol for protection of the Stratospheric Ozone Layer for Stockholm group meeting held on 6 th-7th February 2007 at Hague, Netherlands. A Non-paper on key future challenges to be faced by the Montreal Protocol for a meeting on Dialogue on future of the Montreal Protocol held in Nairobi, Kenya on 7 th June 2007. Technical input of various studies undertaken by TEAP including studies on replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the year 2000-2002, 2003-2005 and 2006-2008. 235 ANNEXE ‗A‘ Training undergone: 1. One year training as apprentice scientist in the Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi in the year 1984. 2. 15 days training on Administrative procedure in Government of India in 1986. 3. Deputed under ODA fellowship to United Kingdom for training on Environment management and Impact Assessment in the Developing Countries from 26 th March to 20th June 1994 in various Institutions and Universities in UK. Viz. Institute of Technology, Middles-borough, Environmental Agency, Liver Pool, Environment Management Barmimham, Bradford University, Salfard University, University of Sterling and University of Manchester. Sponsored by British Country. 4. Deputed for training on Clearing House, information exchange training review of documents and dissemination strategy used by the Ozone Action Program in UNEP-DTIE Paris, 26-27 April 1999. 5. 15 days training on Environmental Laws in the National Law School of India, Bangalore in the year 1999. 6. Deputed to attend the Training on ―Ozone Layer Protection and applied technologies‖ organized by JICA, Govt. of Japan, in Tokyo from 20 th January – 6th March 1998. 236 ANNEXE ‗B‘ Achievements National Reports on Ozone and UV monitoring and research activities carried out in India. Presented in the WMO/UNEP Fifth Meeting of the Ozone research Manager of the Parties to the Vienna Conventions, Geneva 25-27 March 2002. Country Report on phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances in India. Presented in 2002 Main Meeting for the South Asia Network of ODS officers held from 1-4 April 2002, Bangkok, Thailand. Presented a paper on ―HCFC-22 Present Situation and Mid-long-term Strategy in India– Background on the Indian ODS Phase-out in the Refrigeration Sector‖ in Germany in 2005. Contributed the Scientific and Technical input for the following National Strategy to Non-CFC MDI and plan for phaseout of CFC in the Manufacturer of pharmaceutical Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) in India was prepared in 2007. Assessment to Assess the Extent of Current and Future Requirements for the Collection Disposition (Emissions, Export, Reclamation and Destruction) of Non-Reusable and Unwanted ODS in Article 5 Countries. Survey Report of HCFC production and consumption pattern was prepared in 2006. A Non-paper on strengthening the Montreal Protocol for protection of the Stratospheric Ozone Layer for Stockholm group meeting held on 6 th-7th February 2007 at Hague, Netherlands. A Non-paper on key future challenges to be faced by the Montreal Protocol for a meeting on Dialogue on future of the Montreal Protocol held in Nairobi, Kenya on 7 th June 2007. Technical input of various studies undertaken by TEAP including studies on replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the year 2000-2002, 2003-2005 and 2006-2008. 237 ANNEXE ‗C‘ The following publications were made during the last 10 years from 1999-2009. National Reports on Ozone and UV monitoring and research activities carried out in India. Presented in the WMO/UNEP Fourth Meeting of the Ozone Research Manager of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva 28-30 April 1999. India‘s experience in the phase-out of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) from SME. Presented in 1999 Main Meeting for the South Asia Network of ODS officers 17-20 May 1999, Kathmandu Nepal. Country Report on phase-out of Ozone Depleting Substances in India. Presented in 1999 Main Meeting for the South Asia Network of ODS officers 17-20 May 1999, Kathmandu, Nepal. Country Report on phase-out of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and meeting freeze and other targets of the Montreal Protocol. Presented in 1999 Follow up meeting for South Asia Network of ODS officers 23-24th September 1999, Bangkok. Country Report on status of the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and meeting freeze and other targets in India. Presented in 2000 main meeting for the South Asia Network of ODS officers held in Nigambo, Sri Lanka during 19th to 21st June 2000. Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) phase-out in production sector in India. Presented in 2000 main meeting for the South Asia Network of ODS officers held in Nigambo, Sri Lanka during 19 th to 21st June 2000. National Reports on Ozone and UV monitoring and research activities carried out in India. Presented in the WMO/UNEP Fifth Meeting of the Ozone Research Manager of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva 25-27 March 2002. Country Report on phase-out of Ozone Depleting Substances in India. Presented in 2002 Main Meeting for the South Asia Network of ODS officers held from 1-4 April 2002, Bangkok, Thailand. Presented a paper on ―HCFC-22 Present Situation and Mid-long-term Strategy in India– Background on the Indian ODS Phase-out in the Refrigeration Sector‖ in Germany in 2005. Presented a paper on ―Ozone Regulation in India‖ in the Green Customs Training Program in 2007. An Article on INDIAN ENVIRONMENT: ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE appeared in the SINGG-E-Book Vol 7 News letter (Jan 2009) published by Network on Green Growth International Policy Research Center, ENVICO 404-170 General Environmental Research Complex, GyeongseoDong, Seo-Gu, Incheon, Korea. 238 ANNEXE ‗D‘ (a) Deputation for Meetings / Workshops/ Conference from period 1995 to 2000 1. Deputed to attend the Second Asian pacific workshop on Climate Change, 14-16 March, 1995, Bangkok, Thailand organized by ESCAP. 2. Deputed to represent India in the 3rd Ozone Research Manger‘s Meeting in Geneva, 19-21st March, 1996 organized by UNEP. 3. Deputed to attend the Regional Workshop on strengthening legal and Institutional Arrangements to implement Environment conventions and Treaty, 8th April – 6th April 1997, Male, Maldives. 4. Deputed to attend 1st Networking Meeting of ODS Officers in South Asia 13 th-14th May 1998, Delhi. 5. Deputed to attend the 6th Sub Group Meeting on Production Sector, 14 th Sub Group Meeting on Project review and the 25th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Montreal Protocol from 26 th July – 31st July 1998. 6. Deputed to attend the 2nd Network Meeting of ODS officers in South Asia, 21st – 23rd October 1998, Bangkok, Thailand. 7. Deputed to Fourth Ozone Research Managers Meeting in Geneva 28-30th April 1999. 8. Deputed as an expert to attend the workshop on Enforcement and compliance of MEAs in Geneva, Switzerland 12th-14th July 1999. 9. Deputed to the 1999 Main Meeting of ODS Officers of South Asia Network, held in Kathmandu, Nepal during 17-20th May 1999. 10. Deputed to the 1999 Follow up Meeting of ODS Officers of South Asia Network, held in Bangkok during 23-24th September 1999. 11. Deputed to the 2000 Main Meeting of ODS Officers of South Asia Network, held in Nigombo, Sri Lanka during 19th – 21st June 2000. 239 Annexe ‗C‘ (b) Deputation for Meeting/ Workshops/ Conference from 2001 to 2008 12. Deputed under ODA fellowship to United Kingdom for training on Environment management and Impact Assessment in the Developing Countries from 26 th March to 20th June 1994 in various Institutions and Universities in UK. viz: Institute of Technology, Middles-borough, Environmental Agency, Liver Pool, Environment Management Barmimham, Bradford University, Salfard University, University of Sterling and University of Manchester. Sponsored by British Country. 13. Deputed to attend the Second Asian pacific workshop on Climate Change, 14-16 March, 1995, Bangkok, Thailand organized by ESCAP. 14. Deputed to represent India in the 3rd Ozone Research Manger‘s Meeting in Geneva, 19-21st March, 1996 organized by UNEP. 15. Deputed to attend the Regional Workshop on strengthening legal and Institutional Arrangements to implement Environment conventions and Treaty, 18 th April – 6th April 1997, Male, Maldives. 16. Deputed to attend the Training on ―Ozone Layer Protection and applied technologies‖ organized by JICA, Govt. of Japan, in Tokyo from 20 th January – 6th March 1998. 17. Deputed to attend 1st Networking Meeting of ODS Officers in South Asia 13-14 May 1998, Delhi. 18. Deputed to attend the 6th Sub Group Meeting on Production Sector, 14 th Sub Group Meeting on Project review and the 25th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Montreal Protocol from 26 th July – 31st July 1998. 19. Deputed to attend the 2nd Network Meeting of ODS officers in South Asia, 21 st – 23rd October 1998, Bangkok, Thailand. 20. Deputed for training on Clearing House, information exchange training review of documents and dissemination strategy used by the Ozone Action Program in UNEP-DTIE Paris, 26-27 April 1999. 21. Deputed to Fourth Ozone Research Managers Meeting in Geneva 28-30th April 1999. 22. Deputed as an expert to attend the workshop on Enforcement and compliance of MEAs in Geneva, Switzerland 12th-14th July 1999. 23. Deputed to the 1999 Main Meeting of ODS Officers of South Asia Network, held in Kathmandu, Nepal during 17-20th May 1999. 24. Deputed to the 1999 Follow up Meeting of ODS Officers of South Asia Network, held in Bangkok during 23-24th September 1999. 25. Deputed to the 2000 Main Meeting of ODS Officers of South Asia Network, held in Nigombo, Sri Lanka during 19th – 21st June 2000. 26. Deputed to the 2001 Main Meeting of ODS Officers of South Asia Network, held in Tehran, Iran during 28th April – 1st May 2001. 27. Participated in the Indian mission to Beijing to discuss about CFC production sector phase-out program during 19th – 22nd June 2001. 28. Deputed to participate in the 2001 Follow Up meeting and South Asia Regional Workshop on ―Technology Choice to Replace ODS‖ from 17-21 September 2001 in Thailand, Bangkok. 240 29. Deputed to lead the Indian delegation comprising of 8 representatives of commercial refrigeration appliance manufacturing enterprises for training in Milan, Italy and Desoldrof, Germany from 20-30 October 2001. 30. Deputed to participate in the Fifth Ozone Research Managers Meeting held in Geneva during 25-27 March 2002. 31. Deputed to participate in 2002 Main Meeting of ODS Officers of South Asia Network held in Bangkok, Thailand during 1st – 4th April 2002. 32. Deputed to participate in the 37th Executive Committee meeting, 22nd Open Ended Working Group and Ad Hoc Working Group on Replenishment of Multilateral Fund for the year 2003-2005. 33. Deputed to participate in the 38th Executive Committee meeting and 6th Conference of Parties and 14th Meeting of Parties held in Rome, Italy during 15-29 November 2002. Participated in the negotiation for Replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the year 2003-2005. 34. Deputed to participate at the 40th ExCom meeting and 23rd OEWG meeting held in Montreal from 7th to 20th July 2003. 35. Deputed to participate at the 41st ExCom meeting held n Montreal from 15th to 19th December 2003. 36. Deputed to participate at the 45th ExCom meeting held n Montreal from 4th to 8th April 2005. 37. Deputed to participate at the 2005 Main Network meeting for South Asia from 19 th to 23rd April 2005. 38. Deputed to attend 46th ExCom and 25th OEWG and 2nd Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol 27th June to 8th July 2005. 39. Deputed to attend 47th ExCom held from 21st to 27th November 2005 in Montreal, Canada. 40. Deputed to attend combined 7th Conference of Parties and 17th Meeting of Parties held in Dakar, Senegal from 11th to 16th December 2005. 41. Deputed to attend Expert Meeting to Assess the Extent of Current and Future Requirements for the Collection Disposition (Emissions, Export, Reclamation and Destruction) of Non-Reusable and Unwanted ODS in Article 5 Countries held from 13th to 15th March 2006 in Montreal, Canada. 42. Deputed to attend 48th meeting of the Executive Committee held from 3rd to 7th April 2006 in Montreal, Canada. 43. Deputed to attend pre-inspection visit for solvent cleaning equipment held from 10th to 14th April 2006 in Shenzhen, China. 44. Deputed to attend Meeting on Policy Planning held from 19 th to 21st April 2006 in Bangkok, Thailand. 45. Participated in 49th meeting of the Executive Committee and 26th meeting of the Open Ended Working Group held from 3rd to 14th July 2006 in Montreal, Canada. 46. Participated in 18th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and 50 th Meeting of the Executive Committee held from 30th October to 10th November, 2006 in New Delhi, India. 47. Participated in 2006 South Asia Network Meeting of the ODS Officer held from 4 th to 8th December, 2006 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. 48. Participated in the Third Meeting of the Stockholm Group to Strengthen the Montreal Protocol for Protection of the Stratospheric Ozone Layer held on 6-7 February 2007 at Hague, Netherlands. 49. Participated in 51st meeting of the Executive Committee held from 19 th to 23rd March 2007 in Montreal, Canada. 241 50. Participated in Dialogue on key future challenges to be faced by the Montreal Protocol‖, 27 th meeting of the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) and 38th Meeting of the Implementation Committee under the non-compliance procedure for the Montreal Protocol held from 2nd to 9th June 2007 in Nairobi, Kenya. 51. Participated in the 52nd Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for implementation of the Montreal Protocol held from 23rd to 27th July at Montreal, Canada. 52. Participated in 39th meeting of the Implementation Committee under the Non-compliance Procedure of the Montreal Protocol held from 12th to 14th September, 2007 and the Informal Consultations Meeting on HCFC Phase-out held on 15th September, 2007, a Seminar celebrating 20 years of progress of Montreal Protocol held on 16th September, 2007 and the 19th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer held from 17 th to 21st September 2007 in Montreal, Canada. 53. Participated in Combined South East Asia and South Asia Network Meeting of ODS Officers held from 12th to 14th November, 2007 in Bali, Indonesia. 54. Participated in 53rd Meeting of the Executive Committee held from 26th to 30th November, 2007 in Montreal, Canada. 55. Participated in workshop in MDI and Network Meeting of ODS Officers held from 13 th to 19th March, 2008 in Langkawi, Malaysia. 56. Participated in the Technical Meeting on HCFCs held on 4 th and 5th April, 2008 in Montreal, Canada. 57. Participated in 54th Meeting of the Executive Committee held from 7 th to 11th April, 2008 in Montreal, Canada. 58. Participated in the Implementation Committee and Open Ended Working Group Meeting of the Montreal Protocol held from 2nd – 11th July 2008 in Bangkok. 59. Participated in training programme on Climate Change from 2 nd – 14th November 2008 in Seoul, South Korea. 60. Participated in Second Inter Sessional meeting on Greenhouse Gas Emission from 9-13 March 2009 at IMO, London. 61. Participated in 30th Session of IPCC held from 20-23 April 2009 in Antalaya, Turkey. 62. Participated in UNFCCC‘s Meeting in Bonn from 1-6 June 2009. 242 ANNEXE ‗E‘ Total field experience (i) 1 year in Central Pollution Control Board. visited chloro alkali, rayon, electro plating, paper and pharmaceuticals industries to study the performance and adherence to the minimal national standards prescribed by the Central Pollution Control Board. (ii) Air Monitoring in Delhi and water Monitoring in Jamuna River 1 year as Project Coordinator in PMU (i) Implemented CFC phase out project and monitored CFC Phase out activities at 4 CFC producing unit in India (ii) Surveyed all the CTC production facilities for preparation of the National CTC phase-out plan. 5years in UNDP as National Programme Manager As a National Programme Manager the field experiences were gained during the implementation of ODS phase out project in Foam, Aerosol, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Fire Extinguishing and Metal Cleaning Sector at enterprise level. 243 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: SATISH C. GARKOTI 2. Date of Birth: 15.02.1962 3. Designation: Additional Director(Scientific) 4. Educational Qualification (from degree level and above in descending order): Name of degree along with Subjects Year Division B.Sc. Botany, Chemistry & Forestry 1982 1st M.Sc. 1984 1st Botany Ph.D. Thesis entitled ―ASSESSMENT OF PLANT DIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION STATUS OF SANDEO RESERVE FOREST IN KUMAUN, WEST HIMALAYA‘‘ submitted to Kumaun University, Nainital. 5. Awaiting award of degree. Area(s) of Specialization: (i) M.Sc- Dissertation on ―Mycoflora and insect fauna associated with wheat during storage and their inter relationship‖. (ii) Ph.D. Thesis entitled ― Assessment of plant diversity and conservation status of Sandeo Reserve Forest in Kumaun, West Himalaya‘‘. 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Designation From 7. Period To Items of handled. Works handled/being IA Division Addl. Director April 05- to date Appraisal of mining sector projects under the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification. IA Division Joint Director Octo.01- to Mar.05 Appraisal of mining sector projects under the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification. IA Division Deputy Director May 2000 to Sep.01 Appraisal of mining sector projects under the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification. IA Division Deputy Director August 1998 to May 2000 CS Division Deputy Director August 1996 to August1998 Appraisal of irrigation and hydropower sector projects under the Environmental Impact Assessment Work related to United Nations Convention on Desertification (UNCCD). EI Division Scientific Officer Feb.1991 to August1996 Training undergone: 244 ENVIS and Library In India: Date From To 3-12 January, 2000 28th to 30th January 2003 Duration Name of Course Institution/Organization Two weeks Training programme equipping the enforcers in environmental law. Best Mining Practice and Environmental Management under EMCB-TA (mining sub-component), Activity II-C, Demonstration project, Task 1 ― Dump stabilisation visà-vis control of erosion, leachats and water pollution for iron ore mines of coastal region of Goa‖. Law School, Bangalore Duration Name of Course Institution/Organization Three and half months Training on Environment & Development Education under Colombo Plan. Programme on Industrial and hazardous waste management. International Center for Conservation Education U.K. Advance international training programme on mining and the environment (SIDA), Lulea, Sweden CENTEK, International Training and Development Centre at Lulea University, Sweden. Three days CMRI, Dhanbad Abroad: Date From To 12.03.1995 to24.06.1995 4-15 June 2001 September 16October, 11, 2002. 8. Two weeks 26days SCPTA/TCTP, Singapore Achievements: 9. Publications 10. Special Awards & Appreciations received 9. Any other relevant information, if any: 10. Address & E-mail Residential B-409, Pragati Vihar Hostel, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003 Telephone No. 24365062 Official Additional Director (Scientific), Ministry of Environment and Forests, Room No.551, Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O. Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003 Telephone No. 24360171 E-mail 245 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name : DR. S. VENKATA REDDY 2. Date of Birth: 1st July, 1958 3. Designation: Additional Director (Scientific)/ Scientist ‗E‘ 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): Degree Subject/s Ph.D., Subject of thesis: ―Studies on the effects of carbamate insecticide carbaryl on aspects of biology of silkworm, Bombyx mori, L‖. Biochemical and Neurophysiological evaluation of effects of pesticide pollution in terrestrial Arthropods with special reference to insects. Zoology with Environmental Biology as Special subject Botany, Zoology and Chemistry Public Policy & Sustainable Development Ph.D., (Written examination) M.Sc., B.Sc., M.A., (in service) 5. Class awarded 1982 First 1980 First 1978 2009 First Provisional certificate received Awarded Area(s) of Specialization: Environmental Biology Pesticide and Industrial Toxicology Microbiology (in service R&D work) Biotechnology and Sustainable Development (On duty programme) 6. Year of passing 1985 Special subject in M.Sc., (1978-1980) Field and Laboratory Research for the award of Ph.D., (1981-1985) Field-cum-research work in Silkworm Pathology laboratory, Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, Mysore, India. (1986- 1989) Major project report on ―Appropriate Bio-technology Regulations for Making Development more Sustainable‖ for partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of MA in Public Policy and Sustainable Development (2008-2009). Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Designation CS Division Additional Director (S) Period From 19.1.2008 Items of works handled/being handled To Till date CP Division TERI University, Additional Director (S) 6.1.2007 18.1.2008 246 Man and Biosphere Programme. The World Bank project on ‗Capacity Building for Industrial Pollution Management‘. Study of MA in Public Policy and Sustainable Development as on duty New Delhi. Ozone Cell C P Division EI &EE Division Joint Director (S)/Additional Director (S) 27.8.2002 5.1.2007 Deputy Director (S) / Joint Director (S) Scientific Officer/ Deputy Director(S) 14.8.1998 26.8.2002 11.10.1989 13.8.1998 programme. Implementation of the Vienna Convention on Protection of the Ozone layer; and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Control of Vehicular Pollution. National Campaign. Environment Awareness Eco-Clubs, Production and distribution of resource material Documentary films Tax exemption under 35CCB of Income-Tax Act, 1961 for natural resources conservation and afforestation. 7. Training undergone: In India: From 15.7.1991 Date To 20.7.1991 Duration Name of Course Institution/ organization 06 days Environmental Management for Manufacturing Industries Equipping the Enforcers in Environmental Law Understanding Urban Air Pollution and Role of Diesel Particles Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad National Law School of Indian University, Bangalore University of California, Center for Occupational and Environmental Health and Govt of NCT of Delhi at New Delhi Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad. 16.8.1999 25.8.1999 10 days 6.11.2000 11.11.2000 06 days 22.5.2006 30.6.2006 40 days Advanced TechnoManagement Programme for Scientists Abroad: From 21.3.1994 Date To 5.6.1994 6.6.1994 15.7.1994 11.5.1999 2.7.1999 Duration Name of Course Institution/organization 3 months 25 days Certificate of Conservation Biology in Bio-diversity & conservation, contemporary aspects of conservation and biodiversity management Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK The Planning of Projects for Bio-diversity Conservation Development and Project Planning Centre, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK Japan Automobile Research Institute, Tsukuba Japan. (organised by the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA), Japan. 53 days Group Training Course in ―Automobile Safety and Pollution Control Technology‖ 247 14.1.2003 28.2.2003 1 ½ month 25.6.2007 5.8.2007 1 month 12 days Group Training Course in ―Seminar on Policy Implementation and Alternative Technologies concerning to Ozone Layer Protection‖ Exposure to two US Universities as external model of MA (Public Policy and Sustainable Development) programme of the DoPT in TERI University, New Delhi. Tokyo International Centre, Tokyo. Organized by JICA, Japan. Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, USA; and School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, Connecticut, USA 13.4.2008 22.4.2008 10 days Executive Education Programme on ―Science, Technology and Innovation Policy‖ under the National Training Programme for Scientists and Technologists working in Govt. Sector. Sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology John F. Kennedy School of Government,Harvard University, Boston; and interactive area site visits to Genzyme Corporation, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, Broad Institute (Human Genome Centre) and MIT Technology License Office. 11.5.2008 19.5.2008 09 days US exposure programme for capacity building for Industrial Pollution Management in India. Maryland Department of Environment (Waste Management Administration) USEPA – Washington D.C. USEPA Region 5 – Chicago Indiana‘s Hazardous Waste Site Remediation Programme 8. Achievements: Publications Special Awards & Appreciations received 9. Kindly see Annexure The public in Delhi acknowledged the appreciable improvement in the ambient air quality after introduction of CNG/LPG as autofuels. Any other relevant information, if any: Nil 10. Address & E-mail Residential D-602, M.S. Apartments, Nivedita Kunj, Sector-10, R.K.Puram, New Delhi-110 022. Official E-mail Room No. 753, Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 003. 248 Annexure to Curriculum vitae of Dr. S V Reddy Publications and paper presentations: Endocrine modifications produced by Sumithion in the Grasshopper, Poecilocerus pictus. Proc. Symp. Resp. Anim. Pollutants 1982 pp 53-55. Studies on the effect of r-BHC on the bleeding rate and AchE activity in the haemolymph during larval stage of silkworm. Bombyx mori L. Indian J. Seric. 1984, Vol XXIII. 1-4. Effect of Sub lethal dose of BHC on oxidative enzymes of scorpion, Heterometrus fulvipes. Environment and ecology. 1985 3(3). High Cholestrol eggs by the poultry layers on earthworm meal. German J. Applied Zoology. 1988, Pp. 355-359. Carbaryl effects on the growth and silk qualities of Bombyx mori,L. Indian J. Seric 1989, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, pp. 182-190. Ionic imbalance caused by Carbaryl treatment in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori,L. Indian J. Seric, 1989 Vol. XXVIII No. 2, pp. 219-223. Role of disinfection of rearing appliances and sun light exposure on the inactivation of disease causing pathogen of silkworm, Bombyx mori, L. Indian J. Seric 1989, Vol. XXVIII No. 2, p. 200206. Efficacy of Asiphor as a disinfectant against incidence of disease of silkworm, Bombyx mori,L. Indian J. Seric 1989, Vol. 29 No. 1, p. 147-148. Carbaryl effects on total amino acid content in Haemolymph and posterior silk gland of silkworm Bombyx mori,L (PM x NB4D2). Indian J. Seric 1989, Vol. 29 No. 2, p. 300-303. Effect of Carbaryl on free amino acid content in Haemolymph and posterior silk gland of the silkworm, Bombyx mori,L (PM x NB4D2). Indian J. Seric 1989, Vol. 30 No. 1, p. 30-37. ―Medicinal plants in Industrial world – International ramifications‖, in the International joint training course on ―The Planning of Projects for Bio-Diversity Conservation‖ held at University of Bradford, Bradford, England, from 6.6.1994 to 15.7.1994. Presented country report on automobile safety and pollution control technology at Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI), Japan, for group training course in ―Automobile Safety and Pollution Control Technology‖, May, 1999. Presented technical report on Automobile Safety and Pollution Control Technology‘ at Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI), Japan for the group training course in ―Automobile Safety and Pollution Control Technology‖ as fulfilment of successful completion of the course in July, 1999. Presented country report on ‗Outline of Legislation on the Ozone Layer Protection, Statistics of Production and Consumption of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS),plan for reduction of ODS including Multilateral Fund (MLF) project and major techniques at each sector‖ at Tokyo International Centre, Tokyo during the training course ―Seminar on Policy Implementation and Alternative Technologies Concerning Ozone Layer Protection‘‘ from 14th January to 2nd March, 2003 organized by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) under the international cooperation programme of the Government of Japan. 249 Presented technical report entitled ‗Introduction of Alternatives and/Substitutes to Methyl Bromide in Developed Countries: Action plan for Field Evaluation in India.‘ during training course in ―Seminar on Policy Implementation and Alternative Technologies Concerning Ozone Layer Protection‘‘ from 14th January to 2nd March, 2003, at Tokyo International Centre, Tokyo. Presented project report on ―‗Lab and Land‘ Percolation of Nano-technology for Eco-Friendly Development‖ as a partial of fulfilment of Advanced Techno-Management Programme for Scientists organised by the Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad from 22 nd May to 30 June, 2006. ****** 250 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name : Ms Sanchita Jindal 2. Date of Birth : 27th January, 1957 3. Designation 4. Educational Qualifications (From degree level and above in descending order): Additional Director B.Sc. - Chemistry, Botany, Zoology University of Udaipur, Udaipur (Rajasthan) 1976 M.Sc. - Chemistry (Organic) University of Udaipur, Udaipur (Rajasthan) 1978 M.Tech. 5. : - Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis and Controls, IIT, Delhi, 1981 Area(s) of Specialization: Chemistry - by education Hazardous Substance Management and Environmental Impact Assessment – By Professional Experience 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): 251 S.No 1.. 2. Division CS Division HSMD Designation Additional Director Additional Director Posting (FromTo) From 4th December 2008 to till date 4th March 2008 to 3rd December 2008 Items of Works handled/being handled (i) GOI-UNDP-CCF-II Project on National Program on Promoting Conservation of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Knowledge for Enhancing Health and Livelihood Security (ii) GOI-GEF-UNDP Project on Mainstreaming Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plant Biodiversity in three Indian States. (i) Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) (ii) Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent Procedure for certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (iii) Public Liability Insurance Act (iv) Municipal Solid Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules 3. IA Division Additional Director 30th August 2006 to 3rd March 2008 (v) Recycled Plastic (Management & Handling) Rules. (i) Environment Clearance to Industrial Projects (ii) Policy Matters pertaining to EIA Notification, 2006 4. CP & IA Divisions Joint Director and Additional Director 11th November 2004 to 30th August 2006 5. CP Division Joint Director 25th April 2002 to 11th November 2004 6. EE Division Joint Director 20th June 2001 to 24th April 2002 (iii) Constitution of SEIAA and SEAC under EIA Notification, 2006 CP-Division (i) Environmental Standards (ii) Vehicular Pollution Control (iii) Industrial Pollution Control (iv) EPCA- Dr Bhure Lal Authority (v) Coal Beneficiation (vi) Slag Utilisation from Steel Plants IA Division (i) Environment Clearance to Thermal Power Projects (ii) Environment Clearance to Mining Projects through internal examination CP-Division (i) Environmental Standards (ii) Vehicular Pollution Control (iii) Industrial Pollution Control (iv) EPCA- Dr. Bhure Lal Authority (v) Coal Beneficiation (vi) Slag Utilisation from Steel Plants (i) National Environmental Awareness Campaign (NEAC) (ii) 252 Centre for Excellence (iii) World Bank Project on Capacity Building- Environment Education in Schools System (iv) Environmental Concepts in 7. Training Undergone: In India : Date From Duration Name of course To Institution/ organization Nil, However attended 90 Workshops and Seminars and Delivered 69 Lectures/ Papers Presented Abroad: Date From Duration Name of Course To Institution/ organization October 26November 7, 1989 15 days Training course in Measures to Reduce the use of Ozone Depleting Substances at Tokyo, Japan Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) March 3—April 10, 1992 10 Days UNEP/UNITAR December, 1993 15 days March-June 1994, UK 3-3-1/2 months 20-28 May, 1996 10 Days 24-28 May, 1996 5 days March, 1999 One Week 17 - 19 December, 2003 5 days Workshop on London Guidelines and National Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals, at Cha-Am, Bangkok, Thailand ASIA-PACIFIC Regional Seminar on Waste Management, Singapore ODA-TCT British Council Award for Technical Cooperation Training on Environmental Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal in Developing Countries Expert Meeting on Alternatives to the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Stockholm, Sweden Project Discussion on Global Information Networking on Chemicals (GINC), Geneva Asia-Pacific Regional Training on Hazardous Waste Management and Practices, Beijing, China Workshop on Better Air Quality - 2003 (BAQ - 2003) - at Hotel EDSA ShangriLa, Manila, Philippines 8. UNEP Colombo Plan , Ministry of External Affairs , British Council Award UNEP UNEP UNEP Clean Air Initiatives Achievements: Publications 1. Jindal. S. and Singh, R.C. , Comparative Study of Coagulation & Flocculation by Polyelectrolytes on Removal of Bacteria, Proceedings of International Conference on Water and Sanitation at Mid Decade, January 4-5, 1985, Calcutta. 2. Jindal. S. and Prasad. R. Studies on Environmental Aspects of Cook Stoves, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, special issue of Intonation Journal of Science, Technology and Health Monitoring and Policy, 1986. 3. Jindal S. & Prasad, R. Environment and Health Studies on Cook Stoves, Cook Stoves Letters December, 1 987, Published by CORT. 4. Sanchita Jindal, Bio Fuel: Environment and Health Studies, Antika, 253 August, 1988, Journal of DNES, New Delhi. 5. Jindal, S. and Prasad, R. Proposed Methodology for Testing of Emission Characteristics of Biomass Burning Unvented Stoves, Antika, II issue, DNES, New Delhi. 6. Jindal Sanchita and Chadrasekhran, I. Chlorofluorocarbons & Indian Scenario, Scientific report for Ministry‘s internal use. 7. Discussion paper on Scheme for Labeling of Environment Friendly Products for Ministry‘s internal use. 8. Jindal Sanchita, Amendments to the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on New Emerging Statutory Industrial Liabilities, March 28, 1992, organised by Environmental medical Association of India and Save New Bombay Committee. 9. Jindal Sanchita, Issue Concerning Management of Hazardous Chemicals, Proceedings of the Seminar on Industrial Environment, Occupational Health and Safety, September 26-27, 1991, organised by Center for Environmental and Management Studies, New Delhi. 10. An Approach Paper for the National Register for Potentially Toxic Chemicals, for Ministry‘s use. 11. Contributed two Chapters for Manual on Emergency Preparedness for Chemical Hazard, Published by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. 12. Background material for Regional meeting for implementation of Rules on Handling of Hazardous Substances, 1992. 13. Background material for the INDO-UNEP/UNITAR Regional Workshop on Implementation of London Guidelines and National Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals, 1993 14. A Guide for the Public Liability Insurance Act, as a Background material for State wise Workshops on PLI Act, 1994. 15. Sanchita Jindal, Environmental Policies for Zinc Sulphate Industry, Conference document of National Conference on Zinc in Health and Agriculture by India Lead Zinc Development Association, 20 th –21st February, 2001, New Delhi. 16. Concept Paper for Lead Acid Batteries Recycling –International Scenario. 17. Criteria for Hazardous Waste Landfills -February 2001- Coauthor in CPCB'S Publication No. Hazwams/17/2000-01. 18. Guidelines on Odour Pollution & Its Control , May 2008 , Central Pollution Control Board , Ministry of Environment & Forests- Served as Expert Member 19. Scheme for Environment Relief Fund under the Public Liability Insurance Act. OTHER PUBLICATIONS 20. Assisted in framing and promulgation of Rules for Manufacture, 254 Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals and Hazardous Microorganisms/Genetically Engineered Organisms and their amendments. 21. Amended Public Liability Insurance Act Four (4) Notifications of the Rule under the Act. Special Awards & Appreciations received 9. 22. Battery (Management and Handling) Rules- 2000. 23. Environmental Standards Amendment 2005 NIL Any other relevant information, if any: Was instrumental in bringing out Amendments to MSI Rules, 1989 and Public Liability Insurance Amendment Act. Brought out a number of Rules under the Public Liability Insurance Act. Initiated the work pertaining to the Ozone Depleting Compounds in the Ministry. Initiated work pertaining to the Persistent Organic Pollutant (POPs) in the Ministry. Initiated and promulgated ECO-Labeling Scheme. Was instrumental in bringing out the Registration Scheme for Recyclers and Environment Friendly Processing and Disposal Techniques for Recycling of Metals and used oils. Brought out Guidelines for Environment Friendly Processing of Zinc Ash and Skimmings, Lead Acid Batteries, Used Oils, Criteria for Landfill Sites and Guidelines for Odour Pollution Control and Developed Curriculum for Environmental Science in Management Institutions. Was instrumental in bring out the Battery (Management and Handling) Rules. Was Member of Menon Committee on Hazardous Waste Was instrumental in bring out many circulars for streamlining Environment Impact Assessment Process in the Country.. Was instrumental in setting up State Environment Impact Assessment Authorities (SEIAAs) and State Level Expert Appraisal Committees (SEACs) for many States. Instrumental in Notifying Scheme for Environment Relief Fund under the Public Liability Insurance Act. Reviewed, analysed and processed more than 500 applications for Environmental Clearance to Thermal Power Plants, Chemical Industries, Refineries, Sugar and Distilleries, Paper and Metal Industries, Oil and Gas Exploration Projects. 10. Residential Official E mail Address & Email: 96, Bakhtawar Singh Block, Asian Games Village Complex, Khel Gaon, New Delhi-110 049 Ministry Of Environment and Forests, 752, Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O.Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003, 255 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name : Mrs. Sujata Khaparde 2. Date of Birth : 29.05.1955 3. Designation : Additional Director 4. Educational Qualification (from degree level and above in descending order) 5. Area (s) of Specialization : : B.Sc, Delhi University, Delhi M.Sc (Zoology-Entomology), Bhopal University, Bhopal Environmental Research Management Environment Education & Awareness 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division RE Division Designation Period From To Scientific Officer(Scientist B) June 1989 to June 1994 256 Items of works handled/being handled (I).Promotion implementation and monitoring of following Eco regeneration Scheme: (i). Eco-Task Forces of exservicemen (ii). Field Demonstration Projects (iii). Eco-development camps (II).Promotion implementation and monitoring of following Environmental Research Schemes: (i). Integrated Action oriented programme on Eastern Ghats (ii).All India Coordination Project on Seed Biology and Tissue Culture (iii). Plan Coordination of RE Division. RE Division Deputy Director (Scientist C) July, 1994 to Jan, 2001 (I)Promotion implementation and monitoring of following Environmental Research Programme: (i) Integrated Action oriented programme on Eastern and western Ghats (ii) Environment Research Programme. (II)World Bank Project on Environment Management Capacity Building Technical Assistance Project sub Component on Environmental Research. (III) Plan Coordination of RE Division RE Division Joint Director (Scientist D) February, 2001, to July, 2002 (I) Promotion, implementation and monitoring of following Environmental Research Programme: (i) Environment Research Programme. ( EE Division Joint Director (Scientist D) August, 2002 To August,2005 (II) World Bank Project on Environment Management Capacity Building Technical Assistance Project sub Component on Environmental Research. (III)Plan Coordination of RE Division Promotion implementation monitoring of following: Schemes: and (I) Environmental Education & Training Scheme. (i) National Environment Awareness Campaign. (NEAC) (ii) Seminal /Symposia /workshop/ Conferences (iii)Grants for Professional Societies and Publication of Resource Material related to Environment (II)Centres of Excellence Setting up of New Centres of Excellence and administering two Centres of Excellence on Education EE Division. 257 EE Division RE Division Joint Director (Scientist D) September,2005 To June,2007 Additional Director (Scientist E) July.2007 To December,2008 Additional Director (Scientist E) January,2009 till date 258 Implementation and monitoring of following: Schemes: (I) Environmental Education & Training Scheme. (i) National Environment Awareness Campaign. (NEAC) (ii) Strengthening of Environment Education in School System (iii) Environmental Appreciation courses through IGNOU (v) Other awareness programme (II)Centres of Excellence: Setting up of New Centres of Excellence and administering Two Centres of Excellence on Environment Education Promotion implementation and monitoring of following: Schemes (I) Pitamber Pant National Environment Fellowship Award and Dr. B.P. Pal National Environment Fellowship Award for Biodiversity. (II)Environment Research Programme 7. Training undergone: In India Date From To 11-15 March, 2002 Duration 5 Days Name of Course Environmental Research Management Institution/organization Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad Name of Course Environmental Economics and Policy International Research Management Training Programme International Research Management Training Programme International Research Management Training Programme Institution/organization Macquarie University, NSW, Australia Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden. International Training Course on Environmental Policies (ITCEP) National Institute of Environmental Human Recourse Development (EHRD) Encheon, Korea Abroad: Date From To 1st October, to 30th November, 1993 21st April, to 26th April, 2002 Duration 29-30th April,2002 2 Days 3rd -9th May, 2002 7 Days 19th May, to 29th May, 2009 10 Days 8. 2 Months 6 Days Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), UK Elliott School of International, George Washington University, Washington Achievements: (i) Joint author in Divisional Publication of Executive Summaries of completed projects – Volume-I on Environmental Research.- 1990 1. Publications (ii) Joint author in Divisional Publication of Executive Summaries of completed projects –Volume-II on Environmental Research- 1993 (iii) Joint author in Divisional Publication of Executive Summaries of completed projects on Environmental Research In India-2003 9. Address & E-Mail Type V/1, NCERT Campus, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016 Ministry of Environment & Forest, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, New Delhi-110003 Residential Official E-Mail **** 259 CURRICULAM VITAE 1. Name of the Officer : SURENDRA KUMAR 2. Date of Birth : 01-07-1958 3. Designation : Scientist-‗E‘ (Additional Director) 4. Educational qualification (From the Degree level and above in descending order): Sl. No. 1. Name of the Degree along with Subjects B.Sc. Zoology, Botany & Chemistry 2. M.Sc. Zoology (Specialization with Entomology) 5. Area(s) of Specialization: a) b) c) Year Class/Division 1977 First (1st) 1979 First (1st) PRIMARY SKILL Relevant Qualifications 1. B.Sc Zoology, Botany, Chemistry 2. Zoology (Specialization in Entomology) M.Sc SECONDARY SKILL Basis 1. Biodiversity Conservation 2. Taxonomy, Flora & Fauna, Ornithology, Entomology. 1. M.Sc (Specialization in Entomology) TERTIARY SKILL Basis A part of duties during the tenure of post of Museum Curator at Gargi College, New Delhi (under University of Delhi) from 14/1/80 to 16/3/82 and during the tenure of posts as Technical Assistant (Wildlife) and Research Assistant (Wildlife) in the Ministry of Environment & Forests from 17/3/82 to 9/2/89. 1. Environmental Pollution Monitoring Monitored all kind of developmental projects viz. River Valley, Irrigation, Industrial, Mining, Gas & Coal Based Thermal Power Plants, Roads, Transmission Lines, Gas and Oil Pipe-lines, Fertilizer Plants, Bulk Drug Units, Paper Mills, Asbestos Units, Electroplating Units, Cement Plant, Expansion of Airports, Construction Projects Tourism Projects, Lead, Zinc and Waste Oil recyclers etc. during last 20 years at Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office, Chandigarh during the tenures of posts of Scientific Officer, Deputy Director(S), Joint Director(S) and now at Additional Director(S). 2. Impact Assessment & Auditing. Attended 5 ½ months foreign training course at Environmental Studies Centre, Department of Geography & Environment, University of Tasmania (Australia) from14/6/96 to 30/11/96 regarding Environment Impact Assessment & Decision Making and Environment Auditing and submitted a research project also on the topic ―Energy Scenario: Environmental Management and EIA Procedures on Hydroelectric Projects in Tasmania (Australia) and India‖ to Environmental Studies Centre, 260 Department of Geography & Environment, University of Tasmania (Australia) 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) : 27 years (Since March, 1982) S. N. Name of the Division Designatio n 1. Northern Regional Office, M/O Environment & Forests, Chandigarh Scientific Officer Period From TO 10.02.89 31.12.93 Deputy Director(S) Joint Director(S) Additional Director(S) Items of works handled/being handled (a) To follow up implementation of conditions and safeguards laid down for projects/activities when environmental clearance is given. 01.01.94 30.03.01 (b) To follow-up pollution control measures taken by industries, local bodies, Government (Centre/Stage) Undertaking, etc. 31.03.01 19.07.05 (c) To collect and furnish information relating to environmental impact assessment of projects, pollution control measures, methodology and status, legal and enforcement measures, till date environmental protection of special conservation areas like wetlands, mangroves and biosphere resources. 20.07.05 (d) To maintain liaison and provide linkage with the concerned State Govt. and Central Govt. Agencies (including Regional Offices of BSI, FSI and ZSI), with project authorities, with the Regional offices of the Central Pollution Control Boards and with non Govt. Organization involved in implementation of programmes relating to environment; and (e) To organize workshops for State Pollution Control Board and State Environment Department to acquaint with the application of Hazardous Management Rules and the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991. f) I have been working in the Northern Regional Office, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Chandigarh since 1989. The prime duty is to look after the compliance progress of the environmental safeguards laid down by the Ministry in respect of different developmental projects like River Valley Projects, Industries (Cement, Electroplating, Refinery, Bulk Drugs, Distillery and Paper etc.), Thermal Power Plants/Biomass based Power Plants, Transportation Projects, Tourism projects, Construction Projects and Recycler/reprocessor units dealing in reprocessing of Zinc ash/skimmings, Lead Acid Batteries and Used/Waste Oil etc. It involves site visits, discussion with concerned technical officers and joint visits along with sampling with team of officers from Central Pollution Control Board in respect of 17 type of highly polluting industries throughout the year. Discharging duties of Drawing and Disbursing Officer 261 in the Office since August, 1989 till date and Head of Office from August, 2005 till 21.12.2008 and from 15.07.2009 till date. Prepared BE/RE, detailed proposal for reappropriation order, supplied information of expenditure and financial matters and checked all Pay-Bills, office expenses bills, TA bills, etc. Supervised Administrative and Establishment related works in the capacity of Head of Office. Promotion of Hindi in the office and Coordination works. 2. Ministry of Env. & Forests, New Delhi 3. --do-- 4. --do-- 5. --do-- Technical Assistant (Wildlife) 17.3.82 to 03.02.1984 Research Assistant (ENVIS) Technical Assistant (Wildlife) Research Assistant (Wildlife) 4.2.1984 to 03.02.1985 Worked as Member Secretary of Hindi Implementation Committee, wrote more than 20,000 words in noting and drafting in Hindi and gained 1st & 2nd Prizes in few of the Hindi competitions organized in the office during Hindi Pakhwara and in Narakas,Chandigarh during last 4 years. 1. Framing of Import & Export Policy on Wildlife and its products. 2. Review and monitoring of the preparation and implementation of management plans on Wildlife Management in National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries. 3. Interpretation and implementation of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and Rules made there under. 4. To assist higher officers in preparing Agenda Notes & Minutes, holding meetings, Conferences, Seminars, Symposia and Workshops in respect and Wildlife Conservation and Environmental aspects. 5. Examination of Research Projects submitted by individuals/ Universities or Foreign Research Organizations in the filed of Wildlife and Nature Conservation. Data collection, compilation and publication work. 4.2.1985 to 25.10.1987 Same as mentioned against post of Technical Assistant (Wildlife) 26.10.87 to 09.02.1989 Same as mentioned against post of Technical Assistant (Wildlife) 262 7. Trainings undergone: In India: S.N. Date From To 1. 11.07.2009 Duration Name of course Institution/Organization One day One Day Workshop on Environmental issues on Highway projects held at PHD Chamber, Sector-31 A,Chandigarh. organized and attended one day Workshop/ Interactive Meet on Monitoring, Implementation of Environmental Safeguards and Constraints Faced by Project Authorities. Workshop on Resource Conserving Technologies for Shivaliks organized at Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute Research Center, Sector-27 A, Chandigarh. Workshop cum Training Programme on Management of Hazardous Chemicals, Prevention of Accidents in industries and Creating Environment Safety Culture sponsored by Ministry of Environment & Forests held at Chandigarh. Attended one day workshop on ―Combating Land Degradation for Sustainable Agriculture‖ held at CII, Sector-31 A, Chandigarh. Workshop on ONE DAY WORKSHOP/INTERACTIVE MEET ON MONITORING & IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS AND CONSTRAINTS FACED BY PROJECT AUTHORITIES at Chandigarh. IDMA Foundation, Chandigarh & PRBDB Delivered lecture on ―Hazardous Waste Management in Chemical Industries viz a viz implementation of Environmental Safeguards‖ in two days training programme/Workshop organized by HRD Foundation sponsored by MoEF, New Delhi at Chandigarh. Seminar on ―Monitoring, implementation and evaluation of government sponsored HRD Foundation sponsored by MoEF, New Delhi 2. 30.06.2009 One day 3. 19.03.2009 One day 4. 22-23.01.2009 Two days 5. 17.06.2008 One day 6. 16.05.2008 One day 7. 29-30.04.2008 Two days 8. 23.04.2008 One day 263 Northern Regional Office, MoEF, Chandigarh Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute Research Center, Sector-27 A, Chandigarh. Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi CII, Sector-31 A, Chandigarh. Northern Regional Office, MoEF, Chandigarh Punjab State Council Science & Technology. for 9. 18-19.04.2008 Two days 10. 11.03.2008 One day 11. 06.02.2007 One day 12. 03.02.2007 One day 13. 19.10.2006 One day 14. 23-24.09.2006 Two days 15. 03.04.2006 One day projects/schemes & accounting held at Chandigharh on 23rd April, 2008 organized by Punjab State Council for Science & Technology and delivered lecture on ―The schemes and awards by the Ministry of Environment & Forests and the implementation of environmental safeguards with reference to development projects‖. Attended Seminar on ―Green Building concept‖ at New Delhi and delivered lecture on ―Compliance status of environmental safeguards in reference to construction projects stressing the efficient implementation leading to Green Building concept‖. Workshop on the topic ―Problems and Prospects of Plywood and Panel industries in North Western Region held at CII, Chandigarh in the chairmanship of Secy(EF) organized by IPIRTI and NIPMA(Northern India Plywood Manufacture Association). Attended two Days Workshop on ―EHS- Prevention of Accidents and Management of Hazardous Chemicals‖ at Chandigarh organized by HRD Foundation, New Delhi sponsored by Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi. Organized and attended one Day Workshop/Interactive Meet on Monitoring, implementation of Environmental Safeguards and Implication of New EIA Notification, 2006. One day workshop new EIA notification dated 14th September, 2006 in the chairmanship of Shri Prodipto Ghosh, Secretary(EF) in MoEF, New Delhi. ‗Interactive Capacity Building Programme on Environment & Development-Air, Water & Land Pollution for journalists organized by Idma Foundation for Sustainable Development, Chandigarh and delivered invited lecture on Role of Regional Office, chandigarh. Workshop of Heads of Ministry‘s Organizations under eGovernance Project entitled 264 Search Foundation C/O JNU, New Delhi & MoEF, New Delhi IPIRTI and NIPMA(Northern India Plywood Manufacture Association). HRD Foundation, New Delhi & MoEF, New Delhi Northern Regional Office, MoEF,Chandigarh Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi Idma Foundation for Sustainable Development, Chandigarh Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi 16. 18.03.2006 One day 17. 06.03.2006 One day 18. 02.12.2005 One day 19. 05/11/2005 One day 20. 11.04.2005 One day 21. 05.03.2005 One day 22. 11-12/01/2005 Two days 23. 22-23/11/2004 Two days 24. 23-27/08/2004 One week 25. 12/03/2004 One day 26. 04/02/2004 One day 27. 22-23/01/2004 Two days ‖ENVISION‖ at 12 O‘Clock under the Chairmanship of Secretary(EF). Seminar on ‗Strengthening Environment Reporting in South Asia‘ organized by IDMA Foundation, Panchkula at CII, Sector-31 A, Chandigarh. Workshop on ‗ Changing Scenario in Plywood Industry— use of plantation timbers & related issues organized by Haryana Forest Deptt. at CII, Chandigarh. Workshop on ‗Rehabilitiation of Mines‘ organized by MoEF at Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi. Attended workshop on 1st Conclave meet of Hydro Power Developers on River Sutlej Basin at Shimla. Attended workshop on ―Clean Production by using clean technologies‖ at Deptt. of Chemical Engineering, Punjab University, Chandigarh. Organized and attended Workshop on Monitoring and implementation of environmental safeguards. Workshop on management of Hazardous Chemicals held at Hotel President, Chandigarh. National Workshop on Agroforestry organized by Haryana Forest Deptt. at CII, Chandigarh. One week training programme/workshop on scientific Record Management at National Archives of India, New Delhi. One day workshop on Capturing progress on implementing Access to Information, participation and justice in Environmental Structure in Pollution Control organized by Idma Foundation for Sustainable Development at Hotel President, Chandigarh. One day Workshop on ―Interaction Meet of NGO,s of Northern States‖ organized by CPCB, Kanpur region at Chandigarh. Workshop on ―Environment Emergencies (E2) & Chemical Safety and Preparation of a National Chemicals Management Profile for India‖ held at New 265 IDMA Foundation, Panchkula Haryana Forest Deptt. Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi H.P. Forest Department Chemical Engineering, Punjab University, Chandigarh Northern Regional Office, MoEF,Chandigarh HRD Foundation, Delhi & MoEF, New Delhi Haryana Forest Deptt. National Archives of India, New Delhi Idma Foundation for Sustainable Development,Chandigarh CPCB, Kanpur Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi 28. 18-19/12/2003 Two days 29. 17-19/07/2003 Three days 30. 20/03/2003 One day 31. 04/07/2002 One day 32. 17-21/06/2002 On week 33. 11-12/01/2002 Two days 34. 19-23/04/2000 Five days 35. 25-26/03/2000 Two days 36. 28.10.1998 One day 37. 21-22/09/1998 Two days 38. 24.02.1998 One day 39. 11-12/08/2005 Two days Delhi. Attended workshop on Management of Hazardous Chemicals organized by HRD Foundation at New Delhi. Training cum Workshop titled as ― Interactive Workshop on Strengthening of Institutions under Task 2, 3 & 5—Activity II-A, EMCBTA Project: Mining Sub-component held at Centre for Mining Environment, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad. Workshop on Web Management for effective environmental clearance process at New Delhi. Workshop to get user feedback to develop Web Management for environmental clearance process held at India International Centre, New Delhi. Attended training programme on incorporation of Spatial Environmental Planning into EIA studies and procedures organized by CPCB & TERI at New Delhi. Two days training programme on Management of Hazardous Chemicals sponsored by Ministry of Environment & Forests and HRD Foundation at Mohali Industrial Association, Mohali (Punjab). Training programme under the law component of India : Environment Management Capacity Building Project held at TTTI, Calcutta organized by National Law School of India University, Bangalore and W.B. National University of Juridical Sciences, Calcutta with a topic ―Equipping the Enforcers in Enforcement Laws‖. Attended 3rd Zonal Conference of Indian Association of Prevention and Social Medicines to discuss public health challenges in the New Millenium held at PGI, Chandigarh. National Seminar on Industrial Safety & Chemical Emergency Preparedness held at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Training programme on Stack Emission Dispersion Modelling at New Delhi. Seminar on Fly ash utilization held at Panchkula. Workshop on Environment 266 HRD Foundation at New Delhi Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad & MoEF, New Delhi Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi CPCB & TERI, New Delhi HRD Foundation at New Delhi National Law School of India University, Bangalore and W.B. National University of Juridical Sciences, Calcutta PGI, Chandigarh Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi & CPCB Environment Department, Haryana Punjab Science & 40. 27.10.1994 41. 21-22/09/1994 42. 23.09.1994 to 01.10.1994 43. 10-14/01/1994 Abroad: S.N. Date From To 1. 14.06.1996 to One day Two days Auditing held at Chandigarh. Workshop on Public Liability Insurance Act,1991 held at Chandigarh. Workshop on Paryavaran Vahini held at Chandigarh. Training course on Management of Natural Resources and Environment at Indian Institute of Public Administration. Five days National Training/Management Development Programme on application of Environment Laws and Impact Assessment in Ecosystem Management held at Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal. Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi and NRO, MoEF, Chandigarh. Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal. Duration Name of course Institution/Organization 5½ months Foreign training course at Environmental Studies Centre, Department of Geography & Environment, University of Tasmania (Australia) from 14.6.96 to 30.11.96 (Five and a half months) covering the following aspects, topics and research project: Environmental Studies Centre, Department of Geography & Environment, University of Tasmania (Australia) 30.11.1996 8. Technology Council MoEF, New Delhi & CPCB Environment Impact Assessment and Decision Making. Environmental Auditing. Sustainable Forest Development. A research project on ―Energy Scenario: Environmental Management and EIA Procedures of Hydroelectric Projects in Tasmania & India‖ consisting more than 150 pages book was submitted. Achievements: a) Publications (Details of books, publication, articles etc. written by the officer): b) Special awards and appreciations received: 1. Brought out detailed Resource material to be distributed among the participants on 30.06.2009 in ONE DAY WORKSHOP/INTERACTIVE MEET ON MONITORING, IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS AND CONSTRAINTS 267 FACED BY PROJECT AUTHORITIES and presented two articles as below:- 2. 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF REGIONAL OFFICE (NORTH ZONE), GENERAL FUNCTIONS, MONITORING OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS, SETTING UP OF TARGETS AND ACHIEVEMENTS, OTHER ACTIVITIES OF SCIENTISTS AND COPING UP WITH THE INCREASING WORK LOAD. 2. ENVIRONMENT LEGISLATIONS AND RULES IN INDIA AND SOURCE OF AUTHENTIC INFORMATION ON ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS AND WILDLIFE MATTERS. Brought out detailed Resource material to be distributed among the participants on 16.05.2008 in ONE DAY WORKSHOP/INTERACTIVE MEET ON MONITORING & IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS AND CONSTRAINTS FACED BY PROJECT AUTHORITIES and presented two articles as below:1. 3. MONITORING MECHANISM OF THE MINISTRY THROUGH REGIONAL OFFICES, GENERAL FUNCTIONS AND WORK INCREASE SCENARIO V/S DEVELOPMENTAL PROJECTS IN NOTRH REGION. 2. DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENT LEGISLATIONS IN INDIA, OTHER INFORMATION ON ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND WILDLIFE PROTECTION AND SOURCE OF AUTHENTIC INFORMATION. Made preparations to bring out detailed Resource material to be distributed among the participants in One Day Workshop/Interactive Meet on Monitoring, implementation of Environmental Safeguards and Implication of New EIA Notification, 2006 to be held on 3.2.2007 at CII Conference Hall, Sector-31, Chandigarh in the chairmanship of Shri Siddarth Behura, Special Secretary(Env.). and three articles as below:1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ESTABLISHMENT OF REGIONAL OFFICE (NORTH ZONE), GENERAL FUNCTIONS, MONITORING OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS, SETTING UP OF TARGETS AND ACHIEVEMENTS, OTHER ACTIVITIES OF SCIENTISTS AND COPING UP WITH THE INCREASING WORK LOAD. 2. DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENT LEGISLATIONS IN INDIA, OTHER INFORMATION ON ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND WILDLIFE PROTECTION AND SOURCE OF AUTHENTIC INFORMATION. 3. STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS - AREAS OF NON-COMPLIANCE. Organized and attended Workshop on Monitoring and implementation of environmental safeguards at CII, Chandigarh on 5.3.2005. For this workshop a Manual having more than 380 pages was compiled, prepared and edited for the use of participants which is having material on following topics: Environmental Legislation in India(1974 to 2004) along with standards for ambient air, source emission, noise, effluent water discharge and drinking water. Environmental safeguards stipulated for Developmental Projects— Monitoring and implementation aspects. Different edited presentations from the stake holders and participants. Submitted a research project thesis consisting more than 150 pages on the topic ―Energy Scenario: Environmental Management and EIA Procedures on Hydroelectric Projects in Tasmania (Australia) and India‖ to Environmental Studies Centre, Department of Geography & Environment, University of Tasmania (Australia) during my training in Australia. Delivered lectures on the topic ―Solid Waste Management and Environment‖ in different Teachers Training Workshops organized by the WWF-Nature, Chandigarh and gave my written topic to be published as resource material. Presented a scientific paper on ―Health and Environment‖ in the Seminar held at Deot Sidh, Hamirpur(H.P) under National Environment Campaign in 1994. Prepared a detailed paper on Environment Impact Assessment and the application of 268 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Environment Laws and submitted to Technical Teachers Training Institute, Chandigarh to publish in their booklet for the benefit of Polytechnic Teachers during their training programmes. Presented a scientific paper on ―Coservation of Natural Resources‖ in Teachers Training Workshop held at Hamirpur in 1199. Presented a scientific paper on ―Environment Conservation Strategies for the New Millenium‖ in National Seminar on Pest Control Administration and Environment held in 2000. Attended more than 10 State Level and Project Level Environment Monitoring Committee meetings as the representative of the Ministry of Environment & Forests and clarified various points/doubts related to Environment (Protection), Act,1986, its rules and various guidelines. Moreover, the interpretation prepared for the Rules in lucid way for general public was also given to the members for their use and understanding. A detailed comparative review of the implementation of Catchment Area Treatment Plans vis a vis funds allocated and utilized was prepared to represent the case to the Chief Secretary, Himachal Pradesh Govt. so as to expedite the implementation of Catchment Area Treatment Plans in the major river valley projects in Himachal Pradesh. A thesis was submitted to Environment Studies Centre, Department of Geography & Environment, University of Tasmania(Australia) on the topic: ―Energy Scenario: Environmental Management and EIA Procedures of Hydroelectric Projects in Tasmania & India‖ in 1996 during my official training programme in Australia. The thesis topic is being updated now to be published with updated figures. Ground water is the meager source in the areas like Gurgaon(Haryana) and Derabassi(Punjab) and with continuous industrialization and urbanization, the water table is depleting at a fast rate. Persistent persuation, minimum consumption and zero discharge policy has not only helped to save water but also has reduced the pollution load in the water bodies. There are about 250 no. of recycler/reprocessor units recycling Zinc ash, Waste oil/used oil and Lead Acid batteries in the states of our jurisdiction. The work of monitoring of these units was allocated to us in the year 2001. In the starting the implementation of Air Pollution control measures and House keeping was very poor. But with persistent guidance and eliciting awareness by us, most of the units have improved a lot by installing Fume Extraction System, better house keeping and improvement in worker health safety. I am working as the Member Secretary, Rajbhasha Hindi Implementation Committee in this office since last 4 years. During this period, I started using Hindi in scientific work and participated in various competitions. I wrote more than 20000 words in scientific letters/works since last 6 years. Not only this I got 1 st and 2nd prizes in Essay writing and consolation prizes in Words Meaning Competitions organized by Nagar Rajbhaha Karynavayan Samiti (NARAKAS), Chandigarh. I was also awarded 1 st prize in different competitions organized in my office during last 6 years. Since inception of the office i.e 1989, I am holding additional charge of Drawing & Disbursing Officer and Head of Office and not only looking after all Accounts and Cash related matters but related matters in Administration also. Thus in addition to scientific work, I am giving contribution to the smooth running of office by giving training to my subordinates and attending works other than Scientific work. In addition to scientific work, the work of Drawing & Disbursing work and Head of Office, I have been working other portfolios also as cited below: Working as Grievance Officer in the office. Working as the member of Stock Checking Committee. Working as Vehicle Controlling Officer at different times. Working as Head of Office for short duration. Working as Member Secretary of Rajbhasha Hindi Implementation Committee. Working as Store Officer. Working as Departmental Recording Officer in the Office. Working as the member of Purchase Committee in the office. Working as the member of Stock Disposal/Auction committee. Working as the Member Secretary of House Allotment Committee. Working as Member in the various Departmental Promotion committees for Group-C & B employees in this office. 269 9. Working as member of Interview Committee for selection of Group-IV employees in this office. Any other relevant information if any: Not applicable 10. Address & E Mail: Residential: H.No. 1118(Ground Floor), Sector-46 B, Chandigarh Tel. No. (0172)-2633291 Official: Northern Regional Office, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Chandigarh Tel. No. (0172)—2638994 E Mail: 270 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. 2. 3. 4. Name: DR.TASHI WANGDI Date of Birth: 02.10.1959 Designation: Additional Director Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order: i) Diploma in Human Resource Management (DHRM) ii) PhD (Cytogenetic) iii) M.Sc. (Parasitology) iv) B.Sc. (H) Zoology 5. Area(s) of Specialization: Cytogenetics 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division 7. Designation MoEF,Regional Office(NEZ) Shillong Scientist SC Period From To 1989 1994 MoEF,Regional Office(NEZ) Shillong MoEF,Regional Office(NEZ) Shillong Scientist SD 1994 Joint Director 2001 Since October,2003 in the MoEF,New Delhi RE Division Joint Director 2003 2007 PT Division Additional Director 2007 onwards Items of works handled/being handled Monitoring the implementation of environmental conditions and the management plan of the development projects.EIA,Pollution control,liaision and collation of the data on the development projects. 2001 - DO - Training undergone: In India: 271 2003 Monitoring the implementation of environmental conditions and the management plan of the development projects. Monitoring and clearance of forest diversion cases under FCA(1980),EIA,Pollution control,liaision and collation of the data on the development projects. Processing,examining,evaluation of the research proposal on pollution under ERP for financial grant. To organize the meeting to review,monitor and appraise the progress made in utilizing the fund and the output thereto. Coordinate and supervise the externally aided ―Biodiversity Conservation & Rural Livelihood Improvement Project‖ in two landscape sites viz.ASKOT(Uttarakhand), Little Rann of Kachchh(Gujarat)and three Field learning Centers viz.Periyar(Kerala),KMTR(Tamil Nadu),GIR(Gujarat)and the National Capacity Building in Wildlife Institute of India,Dehradun. The project is slated for launch in early 2010 and is estimated to cost US$31million and the duration of the project is six years. Date From To 17.12.2001 25.01.2002 Abroad: Date From To 14.06.2004 25.06.2004 8. 9. 10. Duration Name of course Institution/organization 32 days Environmental Management Capacity Building technical assistance project: mining Indian School of Mines,Dhanbad Duration Name of course Institution/organization Two weeks Training programme/study tour EMCBTAP Mining subcomponent. University of New South Wales,Sydney,Australia Achievements: 9. Publications 10. Special Awards & Appreciations received 11(ELEVEN) SEE ANNEXURE I Any other relevant information, if any: Coordinated and encouraged the industries in the North East to deal with environmental disasters by helping in preparation and upgradation of DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLANS and in organizing MOCK DRILLS. This resulted in the first ever offsite mock drills by IOC Refinery,Guwahati on 9th.May,1999 followed by AOD,Digboi and DLF power plant,Bankskandi(Assam). Participated as a team member in the implementation of Supreme Court order on timber and unearthing of the biggest ever Forest scam in the North East at Tinsukia Railway yard during October,1999. Address & E – mail Residential Official E-mail P-9,Second Floor, Andrews Ganj Extension, New Delhi-110 049 Ministry of Environment & Forests, PT Division(NTCA), Bikaner House,Annexe V, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110 011 272 ANNEXURE I PUBLICATIONS/ARTICLES ETC. WRITTEN: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Dey, SK & TW Fumafartsok (1994): Karyotypes of four species of Himalayan Black files (Diptera: Simuliidae). Entomon, Vol. 9, No.2, pp, 115-120. Dey, SK & TW Fumafartsok (1984): Supernumery chromosomes in four species of Black files (Diptera: Simuliidae) Cell and Chromosomes Research (India) Vol. 10 pp 28-30. Dey, SK & T Wangdi(1985): Meiotic chromosomes and sex mechanism in males of twelve species of Heteroptera, Entomon (India) Vol. 10, No. 4 pp, 327-328. Dey, SK & T Wangdi(1988): Chromosome number and sex chromosomes system in forty four species of Heteroptera. Chromosome Information Service (Tokyo) No. 45, pp 5-8. Dey, SK & T Wangdi(1990): Banding pattern of the Holocentric chromosome in some species of Heteroptera, Cytologic (Japan) 55, 181-186. Dey, SK & T Wangdi(1990): Induction of C bands in the holocentric chromes of Bothrogonia ferruginea (Homoptera): Cicadeliidae). La Kromosome (in press). Wangdi, T & VT Darlong (1992): Depletion to Environment in Meghalaya Guardian on 21 st June, 1992. Wangdi, T (1995): Buddhim and Ecological Conservation Religion and Society (Bangalore) Vol. 42, No.3, pp 101-103. Wangdi, T (1996): Solid Waste Management – An Environmental concern in the Shillong Times on 5.6.1996. Wangdi, T (1996): Importance of EIA in relation to Rat hole coal mines of Meghalaya presented at DPPC, University of Bradford, UK on December 20, 1996. Wangdi, T (1999): Invaders from Space in the leading daily ―The North East Daily‖ on December 4, 1999. 273 CURRICULAM -VITAE 1. Name : DR. U. SRIDHARAN 2. Date of Birth : 11.06.1960 3. Designation : Additional Director (S) Ministry of Environment & Forests Southern Regional office, Bangalore. : 4. Educational Qualifications Degree/Diploma Year University Class/Grade Diploma in Industrial Pollution & Control 1994 Annamalai University First Class Ph.D (Ornithology) 1991 Bombay University M.Sc (Wild Life Biology) 1982 Madras University Outstanding B.Sc (Zoology with Botany & Chemistry) 1980 Madras University First Class 5. Area(s) of Specialization : ORINITHOLOGY/ WETLAND ECOLOGY 6. Work Experience in the Ministry : Name of the Designation Division Ministry of Additional Director Environment and (S) Forests, South Regional Office Bangalore. from May 07 Period To Till now Items of works handled/being handled Presently involved in the Monitoring of the Projects for which Environmental Clearances are issued by the Ministry, Site Inspection for the collection of information for the cases referred by the Ministry and maintaining linkage and liaison with Government Departments, SPCBs, and other Organizations. Worked on Solid Wastes Management issues (Municipal Solid Wastes, Plastic Wastes) & Also Handled Works Relating to the Public Liability Insurance, SAICM, Slaughter Houses And the Poison Control Centers. Functioned as the Head of the Departments for Safeguarding the Environment and to increase the Science Awareness in the Union Territory of Pondicherry. Ministry of Environment and Forests New Delhi (HSM Division) Additional Director (S) Sep 01 May 07 Government of Pondicherry (on deputation) Director (DSTE) & Member Secretary of PPCC Sep 98 Sep 01 Ministry of Environment and Forests, Eastern Regional Office Bhubaneswar Ministry of Environment and Forests, Eastern Joint Director (S) Jan 95 Sep 98 Monitoring of the environmental safeguards taken for the projects cleared by the Ministry in the eastern region of the country. Scientist SD Feb 90 Jan 95 Monitoring of the environmental safeguards taken for the projects cleared by the Ministry in the eastern 274 Regional Office Bhubaneswar 7. Training undergone From Aug 95 region of the country. : Date To Oct 95 8. Achievements Duration Name of the Course 12 weeks Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing Institution /organization Bradford University UK : Publications Several papers written in Journals and presented in Seminar & conferences Special Awards Appreciations received Nil 9. Any other relevant information, if any: Nil 10. Address & Email Residential No.4, Type-V, MOEF Forests Quarters, "Suparna", Vinayaka Nagar, JP Nagar 5th Phase, Bangalore -560078, Ph:080-26493485 Official Ministry of Environment and Forests, Regional Office (Southern Zone) Kendriya Sadan, IV Floor, E & F Wings 17th Main Road, IInd Block, Koramangala, BANGALORE-560 034, PH :080-25532577. Fax: 080-25537184 E-mail 275 Curriculum Vitae 13. Name : Usha Subramaniam 14. Date of Birth : 1.6.1957 15. Designation : Addl. Director(S) 16. Educational Qualifications : M.Sc. (Botany), B.Ed 17. Area (s) of Specialization : 18. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) : Name of the Division Ministry of Environment and Forests 10. Official E-mail Designation Addl. Director (S) Period Items of works handled / being handled Matters relating to National Museum for Natural History (NMNH) Address & Email Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 1100 03. / 276 Curriculum Vitae 3. Name : Lalit Bokolia 4. Date of Birth : 5th July 1972 5. Designation : Joint Director 6. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order : (i) M.E (Environmental Engg.) (ii) B.E (Civil) 7. Area (s) of Specialization : Industrial Pollution Control 8. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) : Name of the Division NRCD Designation Period Items of works handled / being handled Dy. Director NRCD Joint Director 08.06.03 to 31.12.07 01.01.08 to till date River Conservation Programme in Tamil Nadu, Delhi and Kerala. - do - 7. Training undergone : In India : Date (From to) Duration Name of course Institution / organization Nil - Abroad : Date (From to) 26.01.08 to 10.02.08 Duration 14 days Name of Course Training course under Yamuna Action Plan, PhaseII 8. Institution / organization Project Management Consultant (PMC) for YAP-II. Achievements : 9. Publication 10. Special Awards & Appreciation received : Nil : Award and letter of appreciation by then MOS for outstanding efforts made in 12th World Lake Conference (TAAL , 2007) held in Jaipur during 28th October to 2nd November 2007. 9. Any other relevant information, if any : I have experience of CPCB for more than 6 six years. While working in CPCB I have dealt with the issue related to industrial pollution. Regular divisional Change is 10. Address & Email Residential Official E-mail necessary to get acquainted / experience of other divisions in MoEF. 2/5054, Sant Nagar, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 1100 05. Room No. 626, Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O.Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 1100 03. / 277 CURRICULAM VITAE 5. 1. Name: Madhumita Biswas 2. Date of Birth: 3. Designation: Joint Director 4. Educational Qualifications: M. Sc. – Geography Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): Degree M.Sc.. University Calcutta Univ. Calcutta, Subjects Geography Year 1984 B.Sc. Calcutta Univ. Calcutta Geography Honours 1982 6. Area(s) of Specialization: Environmental Management & Information 7. Work Experience in the Ministry: Name of the Division Designation Period From To 1989 - 1997 Items of work handled/being handled CP Division * Fiscal incentives on pollution control equipment. * Coastal monitoring. * VIP references & public complaints. CP Division Scientist SC (1989-94) Deputy Director EI Division Deputy Director 1994-2007 Joint Director 2007 to till date *Research ProjectNational Natural Resources Management System -NNRMS 1996-2001 *IGPP, *VIP references and related correspondences till 2007. *ENVIS Programme, *Enviro-News, * IGPP and * Annual Report , RTI matter and parliament question etc. 8. Training undergone: Abroad and India Date Duration From To 21/05/1993-10/06/1993 20 days 3/03/1995-8/06/1995 3 months Name of course Institute/Organization Environmental Management Programme Environment Informatio,Education& Management Dalhouse University, Halifax, Canada Conducted by British Council in different institute/organization in 278 18-05-1998 to 98 and 29-05- 4 Weeks Training in Information Management Tool U.K. National Informatics center(NIC) I&II 29-06 1998 to 10-071998 9. Achievements: Publications 6 Technical papers on Environment have been published so far. Special Awards & Appreciations received 10. Any other relevant information, if any: 11. Address & E-mail Residential Official E-mail --------- D-411,PV Hostel, Lodi Rd, ND-3 Room No.750, M/o. Environment and Forests, New Delhi-110003, Phone No. 24363960 279 Curriculam Vitae 11. Name : Dr. Ram Jee Srivastava 12. Date of Birth : 04-04-1955 13. Designation : Scientist ‗D‘ (Joint Director) 14. Educational Qualifications: (from degree level and above in descending order) Exams passed 15. Year of passing Subjects Division Percentage of marks obtained - - Ph.D. Forestry (Forest Research Institute), ICFRE in Deemed University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 2002 Forestry Master Science (M.Sc.) of Kanpur University, Kanpur 1975 Chemistry 1st 68.2% (4th Rank in Kanpur University) Bachelor Science (B.Sc.) of Kanpur University, Kanpur 1973 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics 1st 67.0% with distinction in two subjects Area(s) of Specialization: - 16. Name of the University Environmental pollution in factory‘s work place and its remedy Forestry and abatement of Environmental Pollution through Green Belt Development. Environmental Management Environment Impact Assessment Air and Water Pollution Forest Influences, Forest Soils and Productivity of Ecosystems. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Environment Wing, Central Regional Office, MoEF, Lucknow Designation Scientist- D (Joint Director) (on deputation) Period From To 20.01.2006 Till Date 280 Items of works handled/being handled To execute the work of environment wing in Regional Office, Lucknow., To monitor the implementation of conditions/ safeguards of developmental projects., To verify data/ information submitted by project authorities for obtaining environmental clearance., To maintain liaison with concerned State/ Central Govt. agencies, project authorities., To organize/ participate in workshop/conference/ seminar. To Verify nominations for Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puruskar (IGPP) To furnish reply for the applications received under RTI Act. To look after administrative/financial matters as Drawing and Disbursing Officer of the Regional Office. 17. Training undergone: In India: 18. Date From To 13.09.1978 30.09.1978 Duration Name of Course Institution/organization Three Weeks Forest Research Institute, Govt. of India, New Forest, Dehradun. 15.05.1993 10.07.1993 Two Months July, 1994 Dec, 1994 Six Months 05.01.1998 09.01.1998 One Week 22.02.1999 26.02.1999 One Week 14.02.2000 19.02.2000 One Week 30.10.2001 03.11.2001 One Week Forest Ecology, Plant physiology and Forest Influences Special Training in Computer Certificate Course in Computer Fundamentals and Application Diploma in Computer Software and Application Clonal Propagation Training on Economic Valuation of Environmental and Forest Resources World Bank Sponsored training in Multimedia Orientation Training in GIS/GPS Abroad: 01.08.1999 30.10.1999 Three Months FAO Training Programme in Tree Nutrition and Soil Remediation Techniques CSIRO Land and Water, Queensland, Australia IBM/ACE, Lucknow Comptech Centre, DOEAICTE (Govt. of India), Kanpur Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi. IIFM, MoEF, Bhopal. IBM/ACE, YMCA Building, Lucknow Andhra Pradesh Forest Academy, Dullapali, Hyderabad Achievements: Publications More than 75 research paper/articles published in National and International Journals/Periodicals. Bulletin/Lab to Land Leaflets : i) Role of trees in pollution abatement. 1999 281 ii) Management and Nursery technique of Bamboo. 2001. iii) Cultivation technique of Some Important Medicinal Plants in U.P. 2004 Special Awards and Appreciations received (I) SCILICH AWARD (International) 1995 for outstanding forestry research from Forest Research Institute (ICFRE), Dehradun (II) State Level Award from Hon‘ble Forest Minister Uttar Pradesh for outstanding contribution in Forestry Research during the years 2001 and 2002. (III) National Scholarship Award since High School (U.P. Board) to Master‘s Degree. (IV) Elected Life Member of National Academy of Science, India (M.N.A.Sc), Allahabad. (V) Life Member of Indian Society of Environmental Scientists since the year 1995. 19. Any other relevant information, if any: 20. Address & E- mail: Residential House No. – B-22, Sector- E, Aliganj, Lucknow- 226024 Official Ministry of Environment and Forests, Central Regional Office, Kendriya Bhawan, 5th Floor, Sector- H, Aliganj, Lucknow- 226024 E-mail 282 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name : DR. SARVESH CHANDRA KATIYAR 2. Date of birth : 7th June‘ 1960 (Seventh June Nineteen Sixty) 3. Designation : Joint Director (on deputation from Meghalaya State PCB since 18.08.2005) 4. Educational Qualifications : Name of Examination Passed B. Sc. Year of Passing Name of the University Division Subjects /Discipline 1978 Kanpur University, Kanpur, U.P. 1st Chemistry, Botany, Zoology M. Sc. 1980 -Do- 1st Chemistry Ph. D. 2002 North Eastern Hill University, Shillong - Chemistry (Air Pollution) Certificate Course in Proficiency in German Language 2005 Central Institute of English and Foreign Language - German Language *Topic of Research: Assessment of Breathing Level Ambient Air Quality in Shillong 5. Areas of Specialization : 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) Name of Division North Eastern Regional Office, Shillong Air pollution monitoring including aspects of particle size distributions of PM10,PM2.5 and toxic trace elements, elemental carbon, source apportionment studies Industrial pollution monitoring Environmental data analysis Establishment and management of Environmental Laboratories Environmental impact assessment of developmental activities (including rat-hole coal mines in Meghalaya) Environmental Audit GIS application for Environmental Planning Anaerobic treatment of solid wastes and wastewater using conventional and advanced anaerobic digesters Hazardous and Municipal Solid Wastes analysis and management Organization of environmental training programmes, conferences, seminars and workshops Monitoring of environmental clearances : Designation Joint Director Period From 18.08.2005 283 To till date Items of Works handled/being handled Monitoring of projects cleared under E (P) Act, 1986 Coordination with industries and academic institutions for development of need based environmental research projects Centrally sponsored schemes All matters related with NEC Bamboo Mission of NEC Parliament Questions and VIP references related to E (P) Act, 1986 Organization of interactive meetings, conferences, seminars Public Information Officer for all cases related to Environment, NAEB, monitoring of projects of Environment Wing Office Land & Buildings Hindi (Rajbhasha) Duties of Head of Office with Establishment Matters Functions of Drawing and Disbursing Officer Matters related with accounts and budget Vehicle Officer 7. Trainings Undergone : In India: 14 (fourteen) Date From To 14.04.2003 - 18.04. 2003 Duration Name of Course 1 week Policies and Strategies for Air Quality Management Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT, Mumbai 08.11. 2001 - 10.11.2001 3 days Utilization of Sodar / Meteorological Data in Air Quality Management Envirotech Centre for Research & Development, New Delhi 11.12.2000 - 22.12. 2000 2 weeks Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance S.J. College of Engineering, Mysore 22.09.1998 - 25.09.1998 1 week Chemical Accidents: Causes, Prevention and Management Disaster Management Institute, Bhopal 06.07.7998 - 10.07.1998 1 week Methodology for conducting Industrial Estate Planning studies Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi 16.02.1998 - 27.02.1998 2 weeks Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Environmental Planning National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad 13.05.1996 – 18.05.1996 1 week Preparation of Zoning Atlas for Siting of Industries Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi 09.01.1995 – 14.01.1995 1 week Environmental Management Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad 284 Institution/Organization 08.11.1993 – 12.11.1993 1 week Data Management and Environmental Statistics Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT, Mumbai 11.10.1993 – 15.10.1993 1 week Environmental Audit and Waste Minimization Confederation of Indian Industries, New Delhi 10.03.1993 – 14.03.1993 1 week Personal Computer and its applications C.M.C. Ltd., New Delhi 19.02.1992 – 22.02.1992 1 week Air Pollution Monitoring and Management Envirotech Instruments Pvt. Ltd.,New Delhi 18.03.1991 – 22.03.1991 1 week Environmental Impact Assessment of Thermal Power Plants Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 18.06.1989 – 30.06.1989 2 weeks Soil and Ground water Pollution Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi Abroad: 2 (two) Nov-Dec, 1998 4 weeks Environmental Management and Land Based Natural Resource Planning ECODEC and Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft e. V., Federal Republic of Germany Sept-Dec, 1995 12 weeks Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing University of Bradford, United Kingdom 8. Achievements : Research Papers- 33 (thirty three) No Reports 16 (Sixteen) Nos 9. Publications Received Best Paper Award for Research Paper entitled "Nagar Ek Paryavarniya Paripekshya” from Institution of Engineers, India 10. Special Awards Appreciation Received 9. Any other relevant information, if any - : Govt. Analyst, Govt. of India under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (April 90 till Aug 05), GOI Notification No S.O. 375(E) dated 26.04.90 (Gazette No. 248 dated 10.05.90) and No S.O. 889(E) dated 31.08.96 (Gazette Notification No. 738 dated 23.1296) Govt. Analyst, Govt. of Meghalaya under Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution), Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution), Act. 1981 (Sept.90 Aug 05) Notification No PHE: 235/90/7 dated 11.09.90 10. Address and Email : Residential C/O Shri Remington Pyngrope, Uplands Road, Laitumkhrah, Shillong-793003 Official Ministry of Environment & Forests, North Eastern Regional Office, Uplands Road, Laitumkhrah, Shillong-793003 E-mail 285 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name: AJAY RAGHAVA 2. Date of birth: 10.04.1971 3. Designation: Deputy Director 4. Education Qualification: 5. Area of Specialization: 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division NRCD CPCB 7. Designation M. Tech (Energy & Environment Management), IIT-D M. Planning (Environmental Planning), SPA, New Delhi PG Dip in Environmental Economics, Univ of Hyderabad Bachelor of Engineering(Civil Engg), MMMEC, Gorakhpur Environment & Energy Management, Environmental Engineering (Conservation of rivers/lakes), Industrial Pollution Control Period From To 1.12.2004 Till date Dy. Director Asst Env. Engineer/ Project Engineer 15.11.199 6 Item of works handled/being handled NGRBA, World Bank supported project on Ganga, CETP at Calcutta Leather Complex, Public Participation schemes of NRCD, coordination & Misc activities of NRCD, YAP-II activities pertaining to PP&A, Capacity Building, etc, NRCP schemes in Uttraranchal & Goa, NLCP works at Nainital (Uttaranchal) 30.11.20 04 Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs), Compliance & Enforcement Program of USEPA, Pollution Control in small scale industries viz. lime kilns, brick kilns, plaster of paris, soaps & detergents, starch & sago, tanneries, etc., promotion of cleaner technologies, development of environmental standards, H&S issues, legal matters relating to TTZ brick kilns, policy issues, etc Environmental Planning and Mapping activity under World Bank funded EMCB project (Zoning Atlas). Training Undergone: In India: Nil From Date To - Duration Name of course Institution/Organization - - - Duration Name of course Institution/Organization Abroad: Date From To 26.01.08 10.02.08 Two weeks 06.06.09 20.06.09 Two weeks Sewage Management under YAP-II Water Quality Monitoring under YAP-II 286 TEC, Tokyo at Japan, Australia TEC, Tokyo at Europe 8. Achievements: (i) Publications a) b) c) d) e) (ii) Special Awards & Appreciation received 9. Policy Document on ‗Pollution Control in Small Scale Industry sector of India‘ Guidelines for Health & Safety of workers in Wastewater Treatment facilities Environmental Atlas of India District-wise Zoning Atlas studies Paper publication & presentation on ‗CETPs: Concept & India‘s experience at World Water Week 2005, Stockholm, Sweden Letter of Appreciation by Shri Namo Narain Meena, Minister of State for Environment & Forests for the outstanding work done during the 12th World Lake Conference (TAAL 2007) held in Jaipur from 28 th October 2007 to 2nd November 2007 Any other relevant information, if any: (i) Recipient of British Chevening Scholarship for ‗Environmental Management‘ at University of Bradford, UK, 1999 (ii) Recipient of Fulbright fellowship on ‗Environmental leadership‘ program at USEPA, Washington DC and ICLEI, Berkeley, California, USA during 2003. Worked on civil enforcement provisions in the Clean Air Act and climate change issues addressed by urban local bodies in US. 10. Address & Email: Residential Official Email B-76, Pundrik Vihar, Pitampura, New Delhi – 110 034 125, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003, 287 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: E. THIRUNAVUKKARASU 2. Date of Birth: 31.05.1967 3. Designation: Deputy Director 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): Period 2003 to 2005 Institution Center for Environmental Studies, Anna University, Chennai. Annamalai University 1999 to 2000 1984 to 1988 Government College of Engineering, Salem, University of Madras 5. Area(s) of Specialization: Industrial Pollution Control 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division CS (BSI & ZSI) Division Designation Deputy Director Period From 09.07.2007 To 07.04.2008 Degree/ Diploma Master Degree in Environmental Engineering Diploma in Industrial Pollution Control Degree in Civil Engineering. Items of works handled/ being handled Works related to Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), Development of Botanic Garden of Indian Republic, Noida Works related to implementation of Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991; and Works related to scrutinizing infrastructure project proposals for issue of Environmental Clearance under Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006. IA- III (Coastal Deputy Regulation Director Zone ) 09.07.2007 Till date Works related to implementation of Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991; and Works related to scrutinizing infrastructure 288 project proposals for issue of Environmental Clearance under Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006. 7. Training undergone: In India: Date From Duration Name of Course Institute/organization To Nil Abroad: Date From Duration Name of Course Institute/organization From Nil 8. Achievements: 9. Publications ―Biosorption of hexavalent chromium from plating effluent using marine algal mass‖ ―Indian Journal of Biotechnology”, India. 10. Special Awards & Appreciations received Gold medal in Master Degree in Environmental Engineering, Anna University for scoring high in ―Industrial Pollution Control‖ Best paper award for paper presented on ―Biosorption of hexavalent chromium from plating effluent using marine algal mass‖ in a National Conference. 9. Any other relevant information, in any: Worked in Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Puducherry and looked after the works of Puducherry Pollution Control Committee for 18 years (11 years as Junior Engineer and 7 years as Environmental Engineer) 10. Address & E-mail Residential Official E-mail 17, H, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 1032, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex 289 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. GENERAL Name Present Assignment 2. : : Phone : Languages known Software Skills : : NEERAJ KHATRI Deputy Director, Ministry of Environment & Forests, N. Delhi 91 - 11 - 24365199 (O) E-mail: English, Hindi Working knowledge of MS Office EDUCATION Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering), Regional Engineering College (Now NIT), Silchar, Assam, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India. The main subjects were Civil Engg., Environmental Engineering, Soil Engg., Structural Engineering, Masters in Business Management with dual specialization of Marketing and International Business Masters of Engineering (Environmental Engineering), Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi, Delhi University, Delhi, India. Certificate course in Environmental Auditing, IEMA, UK 3. PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN DURING EDUCATION Design of multi storied residential building. Design of water treatment plant. Study of pollution control in cement industry. Design of treatment plant for dairy wastes. Study of demand potential and consumer analysis for ‗Pagers‘. Study of ‗Rail Transport‘ as a case of Logistics Management. Study of social organization ‗Help Age India‘ as a case of Social Marketing. Study of import feasibility of pulses, sulfur & timber for Ballarpur Industries S.W.O.T. analysis of consultancy services in environmental sector. 4. AREAS OF SPECIALISATION Environmental Management of Industries including Waste Water Treatment, Air / Noise Emission Control, Waste oil recovery, disposal & treatment. Solid waste management including hazardous waste. Overall Management of issues related to environment including energy, zero discharge, integration of management systems, Rainwater Harvesting, EIAs and Environmental audits, 5. EXPERIENCE: MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS, GOVT. OF INDIA, - September 2005 till date Joined as Deputy Director (Environment). The responsibilities include / included: Presently working on the Ecologically Sensitive Areas, Fly Ash, Environmental Health, Bioremediation of Contaminated Sites, Reclamation of Degraded Areas, Economic and Social Issues. (June 2008 to Till Date) Host Country Approval process for Clean Development Mechanism Projects and working towards mitigation of GHGs and in the measures of adaptation. (March 2007 to June 2008) Environmental Management and impact assessment studies of new construction projects and 290 industrial estates for the whole country. (March 2006 to Sept. 2006) Cleaning of rivers by designing of interception and diversion of sewage, sewage treatment plants, etc. Monitoring of river pollution. (Sept. 2005 to March 2006 and Sept. 2006 to March 2007) 6. TRAINING UNDERGONE : NIL 7. ACHIEVEMENTS Publications: Articles on Clean Development Mechanism, Green Buildings in magazines. Academic Distinction: National Scholarship in 10th, distinction in 12th and various awards during Engg. Extra Academic Attainments: Won Badminton championships at School/College level, Participated in Junior National Arm Wrestling and Judo championships. Significant role-played in social/cultural activities, organized various functions, exhibitions and seminars during college. Recently participated in National Open Squash Championship and represented Haryana State. Conducted various Workshops / seminars and participated in various National / International Conferences. Worked for marginal farmers in the State of Haryana by watershed management, rainwater harvesting campaigns, management of solid waste in residential areas and introduction of bins in a district, recommendations accepted in policy formulation in the area of sustainable development in India. 291 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: OM PRAKASH 2. Date of birth: 09.06.1953 3. Designation: 4. Educational Qualification (from degree level and above in descending order): S.No. Qualification Year 1. B.Sc.(Agri.) 1971 2. M.Sc. (Agri.) Agril. Botany 1973 3. LL.B. 1981 4. Certificate in Disaster Management 1999 (CDM) 5. Area (s) of specialization: Remote Sensing, Environmental Impact Assessment 6. Work Experience in the Ministry ( descending order ): DEPUTY DIRECTOR Name of the Division I.A. Designation E.I. & E.E. I.A. 7. R.A. Period From 1989 To 1992 Items of works handled/being handled R.A. R.O. R.O. Sc.Officer Dy.Director 1992 1995 1999 2002 2007 1995 1999 2002 2007 To date Work related to River Valley & Hydro –Electric Projects. NNRMS,IGPP Award, W.E.D.,IT Exemptions, Seminar Symposia, Eco clubs etc. Appraisal of Developmental projects i.e. Mining projects (coal & non coal), Thermal Power and Nuclear Power projects under EIA Notification, 1994 and EIA Notification, 2006 for grant/rejection of environmental clearance to such projects and other related works. Training undergone: In India Date From 30.8.2000 Duration Name of the course Institution/organisation To 8.9.2000 10 days 5.11.2001 23.11.2001 19 days Equipping the Enforcers in Environmental Laws Integrated Coastal Zone Management National Law School of India University, Bangalore Institute of Ocean Management,Chennai Abroad Date From 17.2.1997 Duration Name of the course Institution/organisation To 25.4.1997 2 months Environment education British Council Colombo Plan) -28. Achievements: Publications Special Awards & Appreciations received 9. Any other relevant information, if any: No 10. Address & E-mail Residential Nil Nil 386, Type IV, Laxmibai Nagar,New Delhi-110023 292 ( Under Official E-mail Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi- 110003 293 Curriculum Vitae 1. 2. 3. Name Date of Birth Designation : Dr. P. S. Rawat : 01.06.1954 : Scientist ―C‖ (Deputy Director) 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): Degree Ph.D. University HNB Garhwal Univ. Srinagar, Uttarakhand Subjects *Botany ( Tree Physiology) Year 1990 M.Sc. HNB Garhwal Univ. Srinagar, Garhwal Meerut Univ. Meerut Botany 1975 Botany , Zoology and Chemistry 1973 B.Sc. *Topic of Ph.D.Thesis: ―Physiological studies on growth development and dry matter production by Casuarian equisetifolia Forst.& forst. under energy plantation practices.‖ Research centre:– Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Thesis submitted to HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand 5. Area(s) of Specialization 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division : Tree Physiology and Ecology Designation Period From To 10 Years 7-5-1999 to till date (7-7-2009) Scientist ―C‖ 2-7-2007 Scientist ―B‖ 20-11-2002 to 1-7-2007 ENVIS scheme Research Officer 7-5-1999 NNRMS scheme (now the scheme has been transferred to RE-Div.). Environmental Information (EI) Division Impact Assessment (IA) Division to till date to 19-11-2002 Items of works handled/being handled Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar (IGPP), JNU Chair on Env. Law and some work of ENVIS scheme 10 Years 30-03-1989 to 6-5-1999 Research Officer 21-12-1993 to 6-5-1999 30-03-1989 to 20-12-1993 Impact Assessment of Mining Projects and other related work -----------do--------------- Research Assistant 7. Training undergone: In India: Date From To Duration Name of course 294 Institution/organization 19-11-2001 to 3 Weeks 08-12-2001 18-05-1998 to 05-98 and 29- 3 Weeks Integrated Coastal Zone Management Training Jadavpur University Kolkata Training in Information Management Tool National Informatics center(NIC) (In collaboration with University of Newcastleupon Tyne U.K. ) I&II 29-06 1998 to 10-071998 Abroad: 8. Date From To Duration Name of course Institution/organization 4-10-1993 to 20-12-1993 11 Weeks Extensive Training on Environment Assessment and Management Center for Environmental Management Planning (CEMP), University of Aberdeen, U.K Achievements: Publications Special Awards & Appreciations received 9. Any other relevant information, if any: 10. Address & E-mail 24 Research/Technical papers on Environment and Forestry has been published so far. -------------------- Residential 862-Laxmibai Nagar, New Delhi-110023 Phone No.- 24107666 Rom No.502, M/o. Environment and Forests, New Delhi110003, Phone No. 24360794 Official E-mail 295 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: PANKAJ VERMA 2. Date of Birth: 01-07-1977 3. Designation: DEPUTY DIRECTOR 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (B.E) IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING FROM UNIVERSITY OF MYSORE. MASTERS DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MDBA) FROM SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, PUNE 5. Area (s) of Specialization: 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division CONTROL OF POLLUTION. Designation DEPUTY DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. Period from To MAY 2008 TO TILL DATE. Items of works handled/being handled Items of Work: Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Noise Pollution, Industrial Pollution, CETP. Brief Description of Duties: To process files for sanction of Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) proposals, arranging Appraisal Committee Meetings of new CETPs, assisted for preparation of Minutes of Meeting. Revised guidelines for revisiting the scheme of CETPs. Disposal of miscellaneous references of industrial pollution from various sources, VIP references, Rule 377, Special Mention, PMO, Cabinet Note, President references, Parliament matters. Revision of National Ambient Air Quality Standards: Assisted in organizing the meetings for revisiting the Notification. Notifications of Environmental Standards: Assisted in organizing the meetings of Expert Committee to evolving the Environmental Standards. 7. Training undergone: In India: NO Date From To Duration Name of course 296 Institution / organization Abroad: NO Date From to 8. 9. Duration Name of course Achievements: 9. Publications 10. Special Awards & Appreciations received Institution / organization - Any other relevant information, if any: 10. Address & E-mail Residential Plot no- B-6, Flat no-3A, Parvatiya Vihar, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi-110096 Room No-506, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Official E-mail 297 Curriculum Vitae 11. Name: Dr. R. Sridhar 12. Date of Birth: 05 - 06 - 1979 13. Designation: Deputy Director (Scientist-C) 14. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): S. No. 1 Degree Ph. D. Year 2005 2 M.Sc. 2001 Subject Marine Biology (Topic: Evaluation of the Palk Bay bioresources through conjunctive use of conventional ground surveys and satellite remote sensing) Botany 3 B.Sc. 1999 Botany Institution/University Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu Bharadhidasan University, Tamil Nadu Bharadhidasan University, Tamil Nadu 15. Area (s) of Specialization: 6. Application of Remote Sensing (RS) techniques and Geographical Information System (GIS) tools in marine bio-resources (mangrove, coral reef and seagrass) evaluation. Coastal Zone Management Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Designation Period from To Division Hazardous Deputy Director Since April 2008 Substance Management (HSM) Division Conservation and Survey (CS) Division Deputy Director 7. Training undergone: In India: Date From To Abroad: Date From to April 2008-June 2009 Items of works handled/being handled Bio-Medical Waste Management and coordination works in HSM Division. Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) and Botanical Garden of the Indian Republic (BGIR) Nil Duration Duration 8. Achievements: Publications Name of course Institution / organization Name of course Institution / organization Six (6) research papers were published in the reputed national journal and international journals in the field of Marine Environment and Remote Sensing and GIS. - Special Awards & Appreciations received 298 9. Any other relevant information, if any: - 10. Address & E-mail Residential Permanent Address: 15/514-1A, Ramakrishna Nagar, Elambalur Road, Perambalur, Perambalur District-621212 Tamil Nadu Temporary Address: No. 1680, Laximbai Nagar, New Delhi. Room No. 544, 5th Floor Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 Official E-mail 299 Curriculum Vitae 19. Name :S. K. Srivastava 20. Date of Birth : 30.6.1966 21. Designation : Dy. Director (S) 22. Educational Qualifications: 23. Area (s) of Specialization 24. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) : Name of the Division Designation National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD) Dy. Director (S) BE(Civil Engineer), ME(Chemical Engineering) with Industrial Pollution Control, : Period Items of works handled / being handled - - - 7. Official NLCP Coordination and works of NLCP for all States other than J&K, Uttarakhand & West Bengal. R&D Projects. Water Quality Monitoring of rivers under NRCP including sediments and Analytical Quality Control. Performance Monitoring of STPs Address & Email Ministry of Environment & Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 1100 03. 300 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name: Date of birth: Designation: Edu. Qualification: Area of Specialization: SANJAY KUMAR SINGH 21.5.1962 Deputy Director B. Sc. (Civil Engineering) Environmental Engineering (Conservation of rivers/lakes) 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Designation Period Division From To NRCD, MoEF Deputy Director 30.4.2005 Till date NRCD, MoEF 7. Scientific Officer 27.5.1991 30.4.2005 Item of works handled/being handled Project Management & Monitoring of implementation of river pollution abatement schemes in U.P., Haryana and Punjab as well as NLCP works for Dal Lake in J&K Project Management & monitoring of implementation of river pollution abatement schemes in 8 towns under Yamuna Action Plan, 13 towns under Ganga Action Plan and 3 towns under Gomti Action Plan of U.P., 10 towns under Ganga Action Plan of Uttaranchal, 5 towns under NRCP of Orissa, 6 towns of Punjab under NRCP and 12 towns of Haryana under the Yamuna Action Plan of the Ministry. Training Undergone: Date From To September – October 1995 26.10.2003 to 23.11.2003 Duration Name of course Six weeks Urban River Corridor Management Sewerage Works Planning and Management Four weeks Institution/Organization British Council, U.K. Japan International Cooperation Agency 7.6.2006 to 8.7.2006 Four weeks Capacity Building of Sewerage Works in India Japan International Cooperation Agency 26.7.2008 to 10.8.2008 Two weeks Training on Sewage Management Tokyo Engineering Consultants 8. Achievements: Publication Special Awards & Appreciation received 9. 10. Nil Nil Any other relevant information, if any: Address & Email: Residential Official Email Nil. C-95, Rohit Apartments, Plot No-30, sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi 127, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003. (S.K. Singh) 301 ANNEXURE-I ITEMS OF WORKS HANDLES/BEING HANDLED BY SANJAY KUMAR SINGH IN NRCD Associated with project management and monitoring of implementation of the NRCP schemes in the States of U.P., Punjab, Haryana and NLCP work of Dal Lake in J&K. The job responsibilities relate to examination of the DPRs, processing for funding and eventually monitoring their progress as a technical person on various aspects of the schemes of the NRCP, which can be grouped into (a) core schemes and (b) non-core schemes. The core schemes comprise of I&D and STP installation with the purpose of treating the sewerage (i.e., municipal sewage pollution load) before it is discharged into the rivers or used for other purposes, while the non-core schemes are supplementary in nature and contribute to overall objective of the river conservation. 302 303 304 305 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name: Dr. Shruti Rai Bhardwaj 2. Date of Birth: 09th March 1976 3. Designation: Deputy Director 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): i) ii) iii) 5. PhD (Biotechnology), University of Delhi & GGSIP University, Delhi M. Sc (Environmental Biology), University of Delhi, Delhi B. Sc (Botany) Hons., Miranda House, University of Delhi, Delhi Area(s) of Specialization: i) ii) 6. Biotechnology Environmental Sciences Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): S. No. 1. Name of the Division CS Division Designation 2. CS Division Deputy Director 01.04.08- 07.06.09 a) b) 3. CS Division Deputy Director 18.02.08 -30.04.08 a) 4. CS Division Deputy Director 01.11.07 -30.03.08 a) b) 5. CS Division 15.03.07 -31.10.07 a) CBD 6. CS Division Deputy Director Consultant 01.08.06 -14.03.06 a) World Bank Capacity Building Project on Biosafety 7. CS Division Consultant 13.01.05 -31.03.06 a) b) c) CBD Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Genetic Engineering Approval Committee 7. Deputy Director Period From To 08.06.09- till date Items of works handled/being handled a) Wetlands Programme b) Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) c) Botanical Survey of India (BSI) d) Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) e) Botanical Garden of Indian Republic, Noida (BGIR) Wetlands Programme SACON Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) b) National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) c) UNDP-GEF project on medicinal plants CBD NBA Training undergone: In India: Date Nil Duration Name of course 306 Institution/ organization From To Abroad: Nil Date From To 8. Duration Name of course Institution/ organization Achievements: Publications Special Awards & Appreciations received Shruti Rai, K.K. Aggarwal, C.R. Babu (2008). Isolation of a Serine Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor from leaves of Terminalia arjuna.. Current Science. 94 (11):15091512. Shruti Rai, K.K. Aggarwal, C.R. Babu (2008). Effect of Pollarding on Foliar Chemistry of Terminalia arjuna and Rearing Performance of Tasar Silkworm. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 21(1):36-46. Arindam Bhattacharyya, Shruti Rai, C.R. Babu (2007). A trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitor from Caesalpinia bonduc seeds: Isolation, partial characterization and insecticidal properties. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 45:169-177. Shruti Rai, K.K. Aggarwal, C.R. Babu (2008). Influence of host plant (Terminalia arjuna) defences on evolution of feeding behaviour in the tasar silkworm. Current Science. 91(1):68-72. Shruti Rai, K.K. Aggarwal, C.R. Babu (2006). Tasar Sericulture: An Emerging Discipline for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources. The Vision RI View point. Qualified CSIR/UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lecturership. Qualified Agricultural Research Scientist (ARS), NET Exam in Environmental Sciences. 9. Any other relevant information, if any: 10. Address & E-mail Nil Residential 4/10, Second Floor, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi - 110056. Official Ministry of Environment & Forests, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110 003. Email Place: New Delhi Dated: 307 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. 2. 3. 4. Name: W. BHARAT SINGH Date of Birth: 27.11.1967 Designation: Deputy Director Education Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): Degree M.E (Environmental Engg.) B.E (Civil Engg.) 5. 7. Division 1st 1st Area(s) of Specialization: 6. College & University Delhi College of Engineering, University of Delhi Jalpaiguri Govt. Engg. College, North Bengal University Environmental and social issues in Mining Sector Environmental regulations on Noise Pollution Control Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Designation IA Division Deputy Director Period From To 01.05.2007 till date Items of works Handled/being handled Examination of project proposal received for environmental clearance (EC). Assist Expert Appraisal Committee (Mining) in its monthly meeting held for consideration of project for award / rejection of ECs and /or prescribe Terms of Reference for conducting EIA studies and preparation of EMP. Processing of files for ECs. Preparation of para-comments/replies on petitions filed in various High Courts/ Supreme Court for counter affidavit on behalf of MoEF. Formulate Model Terms of Reference for non-coal sector mining. Reply to RTI matters in non-coal sector mining. Preparation of answers to parliament questions in non-coal sector mining. Examination of applications for procurement of pollution control equipments for recommendation of tax exemption to Ministry of Finance. General correspondence including inter-ministerial issues in mining. Training undergone: In India: Date From Duration Name of course Institution/organization To Nil Abroad: Date From Duration Name of course To Nil 308 Institution/organization 8. Achievements: 9. Publication 10. Special Awards Appreciations received Environmental regulations on Engines for Generator Set application & Generator Sets. System and Procedure for compliance with noise limits for Diesel Generator Sets (upto 1000 KVA). System and Procedure for compliance with emission limits for New Diesel Engines (upto 800 KW) for Generator Set applications. & - 9. Any other relevant information, if any: 10. Address & E-mail Residential 155, Samachar Apartments Mayur Vihar Phase-I Delhi – 110 091. Official - E-mail 309 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: Yogendra Pal Singh 2. Date of Birth: 30th September, 1978 3. Designation: Scientist 'C' 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order): 5. AREA(s) of specialization: Ecotoxicology 6. Work experience in the ministry (in descending order): Name of division Designation Wildlife division Deputy Director 7. Training undergone: Nil In India: Date Duration From To Period From To 29/12/08-Til now Items of works handled/being handled Research in Wild Life, Parliamentary Assurance, Special Mentions and all other Parliament related matters, Vulture Conservation, Bird Flu, Monthly Do/PMO Reference/ Cabinet Secretariat Reference/VIP references, Senior Officer‘s Meeting , Awards/Fellowships, Inter Ministerial coordination,inter Divisional communication,filming proposals Name of course Institution /Organization Name of Course Institution /Organization Abroad: Date From Duration To 8. Achievements: nil Publications Special awards & appreciations received -------------------------------------------------------- 9. Any other relevant information, if any: Three year research work has been done on ―Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment of Detergent from Handloom Industry in eastern U.P.‖ during the research work an epidemiological survey was carried out among 1000 detergent exposed persons engaged in handloom industry and persons located nearby area to assess the health risk of detergent. 10. Address & E-mail: 310 Residential Plot No. 371 G-3 sector- 4 Vaishali, Ghaziabad U.P. Ph.09968931421 Ministry of Environment & Forest, Lodhi Road CGO Complex Paryabaran Bhawan New Delhi, India Room -103 Office e-mail Examination M.Sc. B.Sc. University Year Dr.R.M.L.Avadh University,Faizabad (U.P.) C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur(U.P.) Subject Environmental Sciences 2003 Botany, chemistry 2000 311 Curriculum Vitae 11. Name: Ashok Kumar 12. Date of Birth: 22-04-1965 13. Designation: Scientific Officer (Scientist ‗B‘) 14. Educational Qualifications (from Degree level and above in descending order): Name of the Degree along with subjects Year M.Sc. (Botany) 1986 B. Sc (Geology, Zoology and Botany) 1984 15. Area(s) of Specialization: I am involved in the field of development of forests and Monitoring and evaluation of various developmental projects/ schemes under the National Afforestation Programme Scheme and other scheme being operated by NAEB. I have been associated with various assignments which are mainly focused on development of the forests. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of division Designation NAEB Scientific Officer (Scientist ‗B‘) Period From 23.11.2007 Key Responsibilities To Till date 312 Matters relating to Monitoring and Evaluation of various projects / schemes under National Afforestation (NAP) Scheme i.e. concurrent evaluation of FDA projects under NAP and Sample checks of afforestation under 20 Point Programme. Preparation of Parliament Questions, Annual Action Plan, Performance Budget and Budget Estimate (BE and RE). To launch Mid-Term Evaluation of NAP, Support to Regional Centres and Grantsin-Aid for Greening India Scheme. All matters relating to Support to Regional Centre Scheme. Matters relating to Outcome Parameters. Matters relating to RTI, Act 2005 Collection, compilation and analysis of data received from various States in respect of Afforestation Projects. Scrutiny and examination of FDA proposals for release of funds under NAP Scheme in two States namely Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. To prepare analytical notes for release of funds under NAP Scheme for State of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Preparation of scientific and technical notes for various committees and meetings. To prepare data bank related to release of funds, Joint Forest Management Committees, area under plantation etc. of the State of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. To provide assistance for organizing Conference/ Workshop/Meetings and Media Plan for raising mass awareness among the people to increase forest and tree cover. Examination of Draft Cabinet Note/ Technical Notes and Misc. receipts of other Ministries/ Departments/ Divisions of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, and preparation of their replies. NAEB Research Officer Gr.1 (ENV) 30.10.2003 22.11.2007 Regional Office of Min. of Env. & Forests Research Assistant (Env) 15.11.89 29.10.2003 Project Himalayan Namads ― Tradition, Transition and Environme nt‖ Sponsored by Ministry Junior Research Fellow 15.03.88 14.11.89 313 Matters relating to Monitoring and Evaluation of various projects / schemes under National Afforestation (NAP) Scheme i.e. concurrent evaluation of FDA projects under NAP and Sample checks of afforestation under 20 Point Programme. Collection, compilation and analysis of data on Forestry. Scrutiny of the evaluation reports. To prepare Annual Budget Estimate of NAEB. To prepare reply of Parliament Questions and Monthly Reports to PMO / Planning Commission. Scrutiny and examination of FDA proposals for release of funds under NAP Scheme in two States namely Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. To prepare analytical notes for release of funds under NAP Scheme for State of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Monitoring of developmental projects of River Valley, Mining, Thermal, Industrial and other projects for implementation of safeguards in the State of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal. Collection, compilation and analysis of scientific data pertaining to multidisciplinary aspects of environmental management, protection etc. Maintain liaison and provide linkage with the concerned State Government with Central Government Agencies, with project authorities with Regional Office of the Central Pollution Control Board, with the State Pollution Control Board and Non-Govt. organization involved in implementation of programme relating to environmental. Scrutiny of environmental projects. To preparation of Technical Report Carried out research work on crop yield improvement and introduced successfully some high yielding and superior variety of potatoes eg. Kufri jyoti, wheat and Beans (Rajma). Evolved a new technique for cultivation of Mushrooms of the popular Agaricus bisporus variety and Plurotus sajarcaju Encouraged tribals to adopt the new technique of Mushroom cultivation for of Environme nt and Forests, New Delhi, at Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal. 16. Training undergone: Training Courses attended 17. their Socio-economic upliftment. Carried out survey to study the forest type and vegetation of Malari Valley of Garhwal Himalayas. Preparation of Detailed Project Report. Indo-British Course on Integrated Coastal Zone Management at School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata from 19.11.2001 to 8.12.2001. Orientation Course on Computer Application and Technology at Lucknow from 15.11.2002 to 03.01.2003. Training on BASICS of computer, DOS system, Wordstar and Dbase at Regional Office of MoEF from 05.09.2004 to 10.09.2004 Meetings/Workshops Participated in organizing the Workshops / Meetings Regional Seminar on Development and Environment Protection towards a lasting Harmony held at Lucknow on 27.09.2003. Workshop on ―Paryavaran Vahini‖ held at Lucknow on 19 th and 20th October, 1994. International Symposium on Sustainable Utilization of Biodiversity held at Forest Research Institute, Dehradun from 08.03.1997 to 10.03.1997. Workshop on Selected Medicinal Plants of India at Lucknow on 21.01.1997. Seminar on ―40th Public Hearing on Environment and Development‖ held at NBRI, Lucknow on 20.02.2000. Seminar on ―Environment and Social Issues in Water Resources Development held at Lucknow 05.06.2000 National Symposium on Role of Earth Science in Integrated Development and Related Social Issues held at Hotel Taj Residency Lucknow on 02.11.2001. Seminar on ―Environment Protection: Role of Media and Education held at Babasaheb B R Ambedkar University, Lucknow on 05.06.2001 Workshop on ―Management of Hazardous Chemicals‖ held at Hotel Clark Awadh, Lucknow on 19/12/2002. Seminar on ―Biodiversity and Poverty Alleviation Challenges for Sustainable Development held at Lucknow on 22.05.2003. Conference of the State Forest Ministers, Forest Secretaries, PCCFs and Chief Wildlife Wardens held at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on 5th and 6th August, 2004. One Day Interactive Meeting on Monitoring and Evaluation on NAEB projects evaluated held at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on 21.06.2006. One Day Interactive Meeting on Monitoring and Evaluation on NAEB projects evaluated held at Shillong on 14.09.2006. 314 One Day Interactive Meeting on Monitoring and Evaluation on NAEB projects evaluated held at Solan on 20.09.2006. One Day Interactive Meeting on Monitoring and Evaluation on NAEB projects evaluated held at IIFM, Bhopal on 14.10.2006. 18. Publications: Research Papers in credit Research paper published in National and International Journals. Ashok Kumar, C M Sharma & S S Rawat, 1990. Effect of Certain Growth Regulators on Sprouting and Rooting of Ficus neerifolia var. Nemoralis, Wall. Ex.Miq.(J.Tropical Forestry) April-June, 1990 Vol.6(II) p.p.143-145. C M Sharma and Ashok Kumar1992. Community Structure of some Natural Forest Stands in Lansdowne Forest Range of Garhwal Himalaya (J.Tropical Forest Science, Malaysia) 5(i) : 8-12 Ashok Kumar, C M Sharma and N P Baduni, 1994. Community Structure and Physical Environment : a case study of Temperate Mixed Coniferous Lata Forest in the Malari Valley of Garhwal Himalaya. (J.Tropical Forest Science, Malaysia 9(4):449-457(1997). Papers Communicated Ashok Kumar, C M Sharma and N P Badoni, 1995. Sustainable Development and Environmental Planning Models for a Rural Village Ecosystem in Garhwal Himalaya (J.of Environment & History, U.K.) 19. Address & E-mail: Residential Official E-mail AB-884, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi – 110023 Room No. 716, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 ******** 315 Curriculum Vitae 20. Name: Chandan Singh 21. Date of Birth: 15-11-1960 22. Designation: Scientific Officer (Scientist ‗B‘) 23. Educational Qualifications (from Degree level and above in descending order): Name of the Degree along with subjects Year M.Sc. (Botany) 1982 B. Sc (Chemistry, Zoology and Botany) 1980 24. Area(s) of Specialization: I am involved in the field of conservation and management of wetlands and biodiversity conservation by profession. I have been associated with various assignments which are mainly focused on conservation and management of wetlands alongwith R&D activities. I have also worked on mangroves, coral reefs and biosphere reserves. My over all experience in the field of wetland conservation including research development is more than 20 years in the Ministry. 25. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of division Designation CS Division Scientific Officer (Scientist ‗B‘) Period From 23.11.2007 Key Responsibilities To Till date 1. Wetlands Conservation Programme: - Evaluation and Monitoring of the Management Action Plans and Research Projects in the areas of wetlands. Processing of Management Action Plans and Research Projects for the release of grants to state govts. Convening of meetings of National Committee and Expert Group of wetlands. To undertake visits to new wetlands for identifying under NWCP and also to review the conservation activities under MAPs of identified wetlands where funds have been released. Collection and compilation of information and scientific data for the Parliament Questions in the field of Wetland conservation To prepare Annual Action Plan, Annual Report, Performance Budget pertaining to Wetland Conservation Programme To organize various Training Programme and Regional Workshops on wetlands Ramsar Convention Processing of proposals for the release of Annual contribution to Ramsar Convention and Wetlands International Processing of proposals for designation of Ramsar sites in India 2. National Biodiversity Authority, NBAP and CBD: - 316 To attend the works related NBA issues and biodiversity conservation. To process the proposals for the release of grants to NBA. Annual Report of NBA processing for laying in parliament. Budget matters pertaining to NBA and other 3. 4. - - CS Division Research Officer Gr.1 (ENV) 06.01.2004 22.11.2008 - Evaluation and monitoring of the Management Action Plans and Research Projects in the areas of wetlands Evaluation of progress reports of the completed and on-going research projects of Wetlands, Processing of Management Action Plans and Research Projects for the release of funds Convening of meetings of National Committee and Research Sub Committee on Wetlands To undertake visits to new wetlands for identifying under NWCP and also to review the conservation activities under MAPs Collection and compilation of information and scientific data for the Parliament Questions To prepare Annual Action Plan, Annual Report, Performance Budget pertaining to Wetland Conservation Programme To organize various Training Programme and Regional Workshops on wetlands Ramsar Convention: - - 2. - 3. - - 31.01.1990 05.03.2004 317 To attend the works related to RMAC, Career Assessment Committee and recruitment of Director of SACON including ACC‘s approval for the post of Director SACON To process the proposals for the release of grants to SACON. Wetlands Conservation Programme: - Research Coordination works related to wetlands, NBA, NBAP, CBD, ZSI, BSI, IT & GEAC etc. Compilation & dissemination of of information for Nodal Officers. Budget matters pertaining to CS Division SACON Issues: ( Till 31.3.08) 1. - CS miscellaneous works. Coordination works related to CS Division Processing of proposals for the release of Annual contribution to Ramsar Convention and Wetlands International Processing of proposals for designation of Ramsar sites in India SACON Issues : To attend the works related to RMAC, Career Assessment Committee and recruitment of Director of SACON including ACC‘s approval for the post of Director SACON. Dealing with the other miscellaneous works related to wetland conservation programme and SACON. - Processing of the proposals for the release of grants to SACON. 1. Wetlands, Mangroves and Coral Reefs Division Assistant (Env) Programme: - - - - 2. Evaluation and monitoring of the Research Projects in the areas of wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs. Examination of Management Action Plans in the areas of wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs. Evaluation of progress reports of the completed and on-going projects of Wetlands, Mangroves and Coral Reefs. Processing of management action plans and research projects for the release of funds. Monitoring work of Research projects regarding Wetlands. Mangroves and Coral Reefs. Convening of meetings of National Committee and Research Sub Committee on Wetlands. Biosphere Reserves: - Handled the work related to Research Projects in the field of Biosphere Reserves - Preparation of agenda for the meeting of Research committee of BR - Releasing of grants of Research Projects in the field of Biosphere Reserves AICOPTAX: - - Releasing of grant of Research projects in the field of Biosphere Reserves ( about 90 projects) Examination of reports of these projects. Total working experience in MoEF: 20 years - - - Main field activities involved: Identification of various wetlands under National Wetland Conservation Programmes after visiting the site physically and processing of management action plans of identified wetlands including releasing of grants to the concerned organisation. Organized various capacity building workshops in the country for training people in various conservation activities. Organized Training Programmes for wetlands managers to execute management activities in field in a better manner. Various training programmes have been proposed for various regions during the current financial year. Visiting various wetlands to review and monitor management activities being undertaken there. Made Guidelines for submission of management action plans in dominant components of wetland management. Made priority area of research to supplement management action plans which are now application oriented. Examination and processing the proposals received from various organisations for the release of grants in the field of biodiversity conservation. Coordination works pertaining to schemes being dealt under CS-I division. 26. Training undergone: In India: Date From To 6.5.2002 to Duration 5 days Name of course Institution/organization Computer STG, Defence Colony, New Delhi 318 Training 10.5.2002 Abroad: Date From To 21.3.1994 to 15.7.1994 Course on Productivity Enhancement Programme Duration 4 Months Office and Name of course Institution/organization Training Course in the Planning of Projects for Biodiversity Conservation. Various Universities in United Kingdom (UK) (a) Pre-attachment course held at University of Kent, University of York and University of New Castle form 21 march to 6 June, 1994. (b) Main Course on Biodiversity conservation held at DPCC, University of Bradford form 6 June to 15 July, 1994. 27. Publications: Books (1 No) Conservation of wetlands in India – a profile, approach & guidelines, February, 2007 (P-1- 42) Special Appreciation received From MOS (Env) for the work done during Asian Wetland Symposium 6-9 February, 2005 28. Any other relevant information, if any: Having total 5 years experience after post graduation and before joining the Ministry has been given below: (i). CDRI, Lucknow: (Senior Technical Assistant from 13.1.1987 to 30.1.1990) Analysis of samples of CDRI candidate drugs (drugs developed by CDRI) and outside samples of different drugs received from outside parties. Research work in analysis of samples of CDRI candidate drugs. Standardization and quality control of drugs by instrumental method and chemical analysis. To handle the UV spectrophotometer and other instruments used in analysis and standardization of drugs developed by CDRI. Publications in CDRI, Luknow: Research Papers (3 Nos) Research papers (3 Nos) (in CDRI before joining the Ministry in 1990) 1. Assay, Identification and Purity Tests of a new anti-malarial compound (80/53) N‘-3‘-Acetyl-4‘, - ‗5-Dihydro-2‘-furanyl N4 – (6-methoxy-8-quinolynyl-1,-4pentante damene) , R.K. Seth, A.K. Dwivedi, C. Singh, M. Choudhary and J.P.S. Sarin. The Eastern Pharmacist Vol.XXXII June, 1989 p.123-125. CDRI Communication No. 4363 2. Analytical and shelf life studies of a new anti-allergic compound. 7-methoxydeoxy vasicinone R.K. Seth, A.K. Dwivedi, M. Choudhary, C. Singh and J.P.S. Sarin Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. May-June 1990 p. 162-164 CDRI Communication 4620 3. U.V. Spectrophotometric and HPLC Estimation Methods of 16-Dehydro pregnenolone R.K. Seth, A.K. Dwivedi, M. Choudhary, C. Singh and J.P.S. Sarin. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. January- February 1991 p. 315-316, CDRI 319 Comm. No. 4648 (ii). 29. NICD, Delhi : (Technician from 21.11.1984 to 12.1.1987) Identification of fungi and bacteria and lab diagnosis of C. Diptheriaes. Testing, quality control, sterility, bio-ability and sensitivity tests of BCG vaccine. Collection of scientific data regarding BCG Vaccine Address & E-mail: Residential Official E-mail 402, Type-IV, Laxmi Bai Nagar New Delhi – 110023 Room No. 748, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 ******** 320 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name : Dinesh Berden D. Marak 2. Date of Birth : 17.2.1959 3. Designation : Scientist B 4. Educational Qualifications B.Sc (Hons.) (Botany, Chemistry, Zoology(Hons), M.Sc. ( Bio-Chemistry) specialized in Radiation Biology 5. Area (s) of Specialization At B.Sc. level Economic Zoology has been taken as specialized subject. At M.Sc. level Radiation Biology has been taken as specialized subject. 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order) : Name of the Division RE Division 7. Official E-mail Designation Period Items of works handled / being handled Scientist B 2005 to 2006 National Natural Scheme (NNRMS) Resource Management Address & Email Ministry of Environment and Forests, Regional Office (NEZ), Upland Road, Laitumkhrah, Shillong-793003. / 321 Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: Dr. (Mrs.) RUBAB JAFFER 2. Date of Birth: 12 December, 1959 3. Designation: Scientist ―B‖ (Scientific Officer) 4. Educational Qualifications (from degree level and above in descending order); S.No. Examination passed Ph. D. (Botany) Name of University Garhwal University Year of Passing 1987 2 M .Sc 1981 3. B Sc Lucknow University Lucknow University Chemotaxonomy(Botany) "Numerical Chemosystematics studies on some Indian Cymbopogons" Botany 1979 Chemistry ,Botany, Zoology 1. Subject 5. Area(s) of Specialization: Following are the Experience in Environment & Forestry Experience in examination of Monitoring reports of developmental projects for compliance, non-compliance/violation of environmental conditions by project proponent in R.O. Lucknow & IA Division (Monitoring Cell) in Ministry. Biosphere Reserve in ministry five & half Minor Forests Produce (MFP), Tissue Culture studies of Forest trees, Chemotaxonomy of Angiosperm (Aromatic grass), (For details see Annexure -I) 6. Work Experience in the Ministry (in descending order): Name of the Division Impact Assessment Division (Monitoring Cell) Designation Impact Assessment Division (Monitoring Cell) Research Officer Grade-I Period From To Scientist ‖B‖ 30.10.2004 to till date 30.10.2004 to till date 322 Items of works handled/being handled •Scrutinized /Examined (technically) more than1732 site inspection reports received from all the six regional offices of the ministry. •Reported non-compliance/violation for communicating project authority. •Handled cases of significance, Violation, modification of environmental condition referred by R.O. and decision taken in this regard communicated to concerned regional offices & project proponent. • Technically Examined six monthly compliance reports submitted to ministry by project authority. •Co-ordinated with all six Regional Offices of Ministry/SPCB/CPCB •Maintenance of database of SEIAA/SEAC •Maintenance of database of monitoring status of regional offices •Scrutinized/Examined site inspection reports of all the sectors submitted by all regional offices of ministry. •Reported non-compliance for taking action. •Handled cases of significance violation referred by R.O. •Co-ordinated with Offices/SPCB/CPCB Regional NFAP Div. (Forest wing) Research Officer Grade-I 30.10.2003to 30.10.2004 • Co-ordinated with State Govt. •Revalidated/released fund for •VIP references •Provided information for Parliament question. •Prepared draft cabinet note etc •Handled the work of Forest Policy Division also along with NFAP division work. Regional Office (Central) ,Lucknow Research Assistant 15.2.1990-29.10.2003 Biosphere Reserve division in ministry Research Assistant 30.05.89-15.2.1990 Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) Dehradun (Uttaranchal) Research Assistant Grade I •Assisted in Monitoring of development project in U.P. •Scrutinized / Examined project reports of all sectors viz.Industry, Mining, RVP, and Thermal Etc. •Collected, compiled and analyzed scientific data pertaining to multidisciplinary aspect to environmental. Management, protection etc. •Attended VIP complaints received from ministry. •Associated in establishment of ―Paryavaran Vahini" in UP and Rajasthan. •Processed nomination for "Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puruskar" in U.P. & Rajasthan. • Furnished information for Court cases, Centrally Sponsored Scheme etc • Prepared technical reports. • Associated with the setting up of North Andaman & Kanha Biosphere Reserve. •Scrutinized & evaluated proposals submitted to ministry by State Department, Institution & Universities. • Carried out research in Minor Forest Produce (MFP), •Survey. identification, propagation and conservation of medicinal and aromatic plants/ Forest trees • Field trial/experiment of forest trees like Eucalyptus etc. were also conducted. •Standardized the tissue culture technique for in-vitro propagation of forest trees in Radio Isotope Branch of ICFRE (For detail see Annexure I ) 323 7 .Training undergone: In India: Date Duratio n Name of Course 20.09.2004 to 01.10.2004. 10 Days Computer Training Course on "MS Office 2000" National Informatics Centre at STG South EX-1, New Delhi 19.11.2001-8.12.2001 15 Days "Indo-British Course on Integrated Coastal Zone Management" 9.10.1988-20.101988 12 days 12.9.1988-23.9.88 12 days (I)Tissue Culture Training in Botany Department of Delhi University, Delhi under guidance of Prof. H.Y.Mohan Ram , an eminent tissue culturist. (iii) Computer Training Course of "Programming in Basic" at ICFRE., Dehradun School of Oceanographic Studies at Jadavpur University, Kolkata(West Bengal) in collaboration with University of Newcastleleupon Tyne (U.K.) Botany Department, Delhi university, Delhi Nominated by ICFRE, Dehradun From To Institution/organization ICFRE,Dehradun Abroad: From Date To None Duratio n None 8. Achievements: 9.Publications 10. Special Awards & Appreciation received Name of Course Institution/organization None None 17 papers (Annexure II) (i)Received an appreciation prize of Rs. 200/- for the paper entitled "Note on Java Citronella grown in India" by Perfume and Flavors Association of India, Bombay in 1983. (ii) Received cash prize of Rs. 501/- for the paper entitled "Trend of Essential Oil yield and Citronellal content in Eucalyptus citriodora from Coppiced and Pollarded crop at different periodicity at Dehradun" by essential Oil Association of India in 31st Annual Convention in March 1988 (iii) Cash prize of Rs. 500 for the paper in Hindi entitled "Kitnashak Pradushan Evam Jaiv Niyantran" published in "Paryavaran Patrika" Paryavaran Evam Van Mantralaya, New Delhi in 1992 9. Any other relevant information, if any: see Annexure I 10 Address: Residential 402, Type IV, Sector VIII, R.K. Puram, New Delhi Official Dr.R.Jaffer,Scientist‖B‖ Room no 528,IA Division(Monitoring Cell) MOEF, Paryavaran Bhavan,C.G.O.Complex,Lodhi Road, New Delhi E-mail 324 Annexure- I WORKING EXPERIENCE IN RESPECT OF DR (MRS) RUBAB JAFFER, SCINTIST ―B‖ 1. CHEMOTAXONOMICAL PROBLEM FOR DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (D. PHIL) Worked on very important Taxonomical Problem related to the aromatic grasses (Angiosperm). The title is "Numerical Chemosystematics studies on some Indian Cymbopogons". A survey has been carried out to collect available strains of Indian Cymbopogons and introduced them successfully in the experimental gardens. Herbarium specimens also prepared and submitted. Herbarium specimens also studied where the live materials were either rare or not available and in this connection herbarium of Botanical Survey of India, Botany Branch of ICFRE and others institutions were consulted. Selected strains have been studied for the external morphological characteristics. All the strains under investigation have been studied for the presence of Flavonoids (phenolics) by Thin Layer Chromatography (T.L.C.) and also separated the different flavonoids on T.L.C. plate in Chemistry branch of I.C.F.R E, Dehradun (Uttaranchal). On the basis of morphological and chemical investigation carried out, the classifications of various species and varieties of Cymbopogon have been done and an identification Key Listing all varieties and species has been developed. Such type of study carried out may help in tracing out the phylogeny and chemical evolution in plants and grasses of Economic importance. Also established the validity of Java Citronella grass Cymbopogan winterianus on the basis of morphological characteristics. 2. 3. EXPERIENCE AT INDIAN COUNCIL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH EDUCATION (ICFRE) DEHRADUN. Research :( December1983-May1989) Possessing 5 and half years Research experience in various disciplines of Forestry. Important is to mention the experience gained in Minor Forest Product and tissue culture laboratory of Radio Isotope Branch. (i) Minor Forest Product (M.F.P.) : Having three and half years experience in carrying out research work on utilization, conservation, exploitation of various non wood Forest Products (gum resins, essential oil, medicinal & aromatic plants, tans, dyes, Bamboos & Canes etc.) Also having an experience in pharmacognosy dealing with the cultivation and exploitation of medicinal plants trees. Carried out various experiments e.g. Fertilizer, hormonal trials on commercially important medicinal plants/trees of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate region. Carried out survey to collect medicinal and aromatic Plants and introduced them in the experimental garden of M.F.P. Branch. Established the methodology for obtaining essential oils from grasses, Eucalyptus and other aromatic plants at different periodicity. (ii) Experience in Tissue Culture (Biotechnology) Having Research Experience in Tissue culture laboratory of Radio Isotope Branch. Tissue culture is an important field to accelerate breeding programme involving hybridization production of haploid viz author culture and mutation breeding. The methods of the in-vitro multiplication of elite clones of Eucalyptus citriodora, E. citriodora x E. torelliana have been standardize while the micro propagation of other forest tree species were carried out. Multiple shoots were obtained from mature nodal explants of trees. The plantlets have been raised under in-vitro condition and kept for hardening. Few Pheno variants of E. citriodora were also obtained. By micro propagation in Tissue culture, result is a high rate of multiplication and short generation cycle. Gained experience in this aspect can be very well exploited in multiplying species of desired genetic constitution. Some of the important endangered and vulnerable species of forest trees can also be conserved by applying the modern technique of tissue culture. Also involved in the establishment of tissue culture laboratory in Radio Isotope Branch of ICFRE, Dehradun. (iii) Laboratory Experience Expert in handling the modern technique of Thin Layer Chromatography (T.L.C.) for the identification of various trees and plants products. Beside above also capable of handling all modern equipment used in tissue culture laboratory. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FOREST, NEW DELHI:(May1989-till date) 20 YEARS (i) Biosphere Reserve Division (May 1989 -14th Feb. 1990) 325 •• While working at Biosphere Reserve Division of Ministry of Environment and Forest New Delhi, handled all the correspondence related to the North Andaman, Kanha and Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve independently and also maintained liaison with concerned state departments for setting up of North Andaman and Kanha Biosphere Reserve. •• Assisted in the finalization and publication of project document of Great Nicobar, North Andaman, Sunder bans, Manas, Kaziranga. •• Assisted in the preparation and compilation of Brochure entitled. "Biosphere Reserve in India" brought out by the Biosphere Reserve Division. •• Scrutinized and evaluated the various research proposals submitted to the Ministry by State Departments Institutions and Universities. •• Assisted in organizing a National Workshop on Biosphere reserve at Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) on June 26-27, 1989. (ii) .Regional Office (Central Region) Lucknow (U.P) ( February 1990-October 2003 Twelve and half year working experience in Environment Wing of above mentioned office of the ministry. •• Assisting scientists in the monitoring of various projects viz. Industrial, River Valley, Mining, Thermal, Infrastructure and others in U.P. and Rajasthan. •• •• •• (iii) Site inspections of few projects were also carried out in Uttar Pradesh. Examination of Reports submitted by project authorities and reported non-compliance. Assisted in dealing VIP complaints/reference received from the ministry in state of U.P. & Rajasthan. •• Associated in establishment of 'Paryavaran Vahini' in state of U.P. and Rajasthan. •• Also processed nomination for "Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puruskar" and referred selected cases from U.P. & Rajasthan to ministry. •• Associated in keeping co-ordination with the project leader for monitoring of the centrally sponsored scheme sanctioned by ministry. •• Assisted in indirect monitoring of unit registered with the ministry as a recycle and reprocess unit. (Hazardous waste) •• Assisted in furnishing information of court cases desired by ministry. •• Assisted in maintaining liaison providing linkage with the Pollution Control Board, Local Bodies, State Govt. •• Besides above experience, collection, compilation and analysis of scientific data, designing and planning of various projects and experiment and preparation of reports etc. also goes to my credit. Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi :(October2003-October2004) NFAP Division of Forest Division: carried out following work •• Scrutinized the project concept received from the state government. •• Co-ordination / correspondence with state government for revalidation/release of funds. •• Attended the matters related to NFAP and also provided information for answering parliament questions etc. •• •• •• Attended VIP reference and public complaint received in division. Also handled the work of Forest Policy Division along with NFAP. Preparation of draft note for the cabinet on 'Amendment of the Indian Forest Act 1927 in Andaman and Nicobar Island". (iv) Environment Impact Assessment Division (Monitoring Cell ) New Delhi November 2004-till date Since last five and half years working in monitoring cell of IA Division and carried out following work: •• •• •• •• Scrutinized/examined site inspection reports of all sectors e.g. industries, mining, river valley, thermal project received from all the six regional offices of the ministry and non-compliance reported. The cases of significance violation, closing of project, modification of environmental condition reported by regional offices have been processed and decision taken in this regard communicated to concerned regional office. Examination of report received from project authority in response of "Show Cause Notice" issued to them by ministry. Coordinated with all the six regional offices of ministry/ SPCB/CPCB 326 •• •• 4. 5. 6. Associated in organizing regional offices meeting held time to time in ministry. Besides above kept abreast of the development in the field of conservation and other related aspect by going through technical literature attending training workshop and knowledge gained used meticulously in day to day work. TRAINING / COURSES Successfully completed various training / courses at ICFRE, Dehradun / Ministry / other department. (i) Tissue Culture Training in Botany Department of Delhi University, Delhi under the guidance of Prof. H.Y. Mohan Ram, an eminent tissue culturist. (ii) Statistical Training Course at ICFRE,.Dehradun (iii) Computer Training Course of "Programming in Basic" at ICFRE, Dehradun (iv)Attended and completed "Indo-British Course on Integrated Coastal Zone Management" held at school of Oceanographic Studies at Jadavpur University, Kolkata from 19th November-5TH December, 2001 (v) Computer Training Course on "MS Office 2000" organized by National Informatics Centre at STG South EX-1, New Delhi from 20.09.2004 to 01.10.2004. PUBLICATION:16 research paper and one Management Plan (list enclosed as annexure II) AWARDS / HONOURS :(i) Received an appreciation prize of Rs. 200/- for the paper entitled "Note on Java Citronella grown in India" by Perfume and Flavors Association of India, Bombay in 1983. (ii) Received cash prize of Rs. 501/- for the paper entitled "Trend of Essential Oil yield and Citronellal content in Eucalyptus citriodora from Coppiced and Pollarded crop at different periodicity at Dehradun" by essential Oil Association of India in 31st Annual Convention in March 1988. (iii) 7. Cash prize of Rs. 500 for the paper in Hindi entitled "Kitenashak Pradushan Evam Jaiv Niyantran" published in "Paryavaran Patrika" Paryavaran Evam Van Mantralaya, New Delhi in 1992. MEMBERSHIP OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY:Life Member of the Society of Indian Forester (MSIF). 327 ANNEXURE II LIST OF PUBLICATION 1. GUPTA, B.K., JAFFER RUBAB (1982). On the rarity and Identity of some Indian species of the genus Cymbopogon. Indian Journal of Forestry, Vol. 5(1), 73-74. 2. GUPTA, B.K., JAFFER RUBAB (1982). A critical note of on the source and validity of Jammu Lemon Grass (R.R.L. 16). Indian J. Phy. Nat. Sci., Vol. 2, Sec A 40-41. 3. JAFFER RUBAB AND GUPTA, B.K. (1982). New or little known aromatic grass from Kotdwara ,Shiwalik. Ind. Journal of Forestry. Vol. (5) 4, 329. 4. GUPTA, B.K. AND JAFFER RUBAB (1982). A review of work done on Indian Cymbopogon with an emphasis on the need for more research. Pafai Journal, Oct-Dec., 11-19. 5. JAFFER RUBAB AND GUPTA, B.K. (1983). Note on the Java citronella grown in India. Pafai Journal, April-June, 30-34. 6. SURI, R.K., CHAUDHARY, D.C. AND JAFFER RUBAB (1984). Commercially important medicinal plants from forests. Published in proceeding of National Seminar on Chemistry, Industry and Citizen. Rohini Publishing House, DEHRADUN, 129-140. 7. SHIVA, M.P., SINGH, N.P. AND JAFFER RUBAB (1986). Medicinal potentialities of some aromatic plants - paper published in proceeding of Regional seminar on medicinal plants (Northern Region) held at Manali, Himachal Pradesh, 80-89. 8. SHIVA, M.P. AND JAFFER RUBAB (1986). Identification of Bamboos for various uses in different regions - paper presented in seminar on Farm Forestry cane and Bamboos held on November at Shillong. 9. SURI, R.K., CHAUDHARY, D.C. AND JAFFER RUBAB, (1985). Significance of essential oil bearing plants for Environmental Conservation - Published in Modern Trend in Environmental Conservation, 201-210. 10. SHIVA, M.P. AND JAFFER RUBAB (1987). Palms for solving oil crisis in India paper presented in the symposium on Advances in Technology of oil and oil seed product at HBTI Kanpur. 11. SHIVA, M.P. AND JAFFER RUBAB (1988). Trend of Essential oil yield and Citronellal content in Eucalyptus citriodora from coppiced and pollarded crop different periodicity at Dehra Dun. Indian Perfumer 22(1), 29-39. 12. SHIVA, M.P., OM PRAKASH, SURENDRA SINGH AND JAFFER RUBAB (1988). Role of Eucalyptus in Agro Forestry and essential oil production potential. Indian Forester Vol. 114 No. 11, 776783. 13. SHIVA, M.P. & JAFFER RUBAB (1990). Prospects and Models for raising aromatic plants in different forestry programmes for Economic uplift in North India. Indian Forester 116 (2); 168-176. 14. JAFFER, R. & ABHIRAJ SINGH (1991). Vayu Pradushan - Karan, Prabhav Evam Niyantran. Paryavaran Patrika, Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi. 15. JAFFER, RUBAB (1991) - Noise Pollution Causes, Consequences and Control Bio digest. 16. SINGH, ABHIRAJ, B.K. SINGH & RUBAB, JAFFER (1992) - Kit Nashak Pradushan Evam Jaiv Niyantran, Paryavaran Patrika, Paryavaran Evam Van Mantralaya, New Delhi. 17. PRASAD, N.L.S., RUBAB JAFFER & MADAN PRAKASH (2001) - Integrated Coastal Management Plant of Shankarpur & Digha (W.B.). 328