BioGaia AB May, 2016
BioGaia AB May, 2016
BioGaia AB May, 2016 1 BioGaia – a healthcare company working with probiotics Mission: BioGaia performs research and development to provide clinically effective, healthful and user friendly probiotic products. Vision: BioGaia aim to be the groundbreaking leader in probiotics through: - Innovative research - Unique formulation and packaging - Strong brand recognition - Excellence in IP - Global outreach - Attractive workplace - Social responsibility 2 BioGaia AB • Founded in 1990 The founders Peter Rothschild and Jan Annwall • 101 employees • Offices in Stockholm, Lund, Eslöv, Raleigh, Hiroshima, Shanghai • Contract manufacturing (TwoPac AB 100% owned) • Listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Stockholm 1998 • Products in 90 markets through distributors • Holds 440 patents in 31 families • A leading probiotic company when it comes to clinical trials 3 Clinical trials supporting the use of BioGaia Probiotics Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis, Prodentis and Gastrus 155 completed clinical trials in 13 022 individuals • • • 110 randomised, double-blind / blind, placebo-controlled studies in 10 000 subjects 45 open studies in 3 000 subjects 54 studies in 0-3y in 6 800 subjects 136 scientific articles and 9 doctoral theses Updated February, 2016 BioGaia’s global network BioGaia Partners Pharma and Health Food companies Product development, product strategies, research, Quality, market support Research Pre-clinical and clinical studies in hospitals and universities BioGaia Universities and hospitals where research is conducted. Manufacturing and Production Partners selling component products Partners selling finished goods 5 Suppliers Contract Manufacturing Distribution partner network Local distributors with medical representatives who promote to health professionals Dietary supplement BioGaia BioGaia brand Sales through Pharmacies 6 BioGaia partner support • • • • • • • • • • Clinical trials Marketing and PR support BioGaia Academy Workshops Participation in medical congresses Speakers at symposiums Education of sales representatives Social media Customer support 24/7/365 7 Bran Brand • Branding for Health professionals • Sold in 55 countries • 60% of sales 2015 of finished products (incl. co-branding) • Build value, less dependence on distributors and patents 8 Clinically Proven Probiotics 9 Efficient BioGaia probiotics • Functional gastrointestinal disorders – Colic – Regurgitation – Constipation – Functional abdominal pain • Acute gastroenteritis • Support of gastrointestinal health • Antibiotic-associated side-effects • Hp-infection • Eradication treatment associated side-effects • Gingivitis • Periodontitis 10 L. reuteri Protectis in infantile colic summary Five treatment studies showing beneficial effects (next slide) Eight meta-analyses with the same conclusion – L. reuteri Protectis is the only probiotic proven effective in infantile colic One treatment recommendation Two prevention studies in healthy infants – Significant reduction of daily crying time – Fewer pediatric consultations – Reduction in both public and private costs for managing functional gastrointestinal disorders Savino et al. (2007, 2010, 2014a,b), Szajewska et al. (2012, 2014), Indrio et al. (2014), Sung (2013), Anabrees (2013), Urbanska & Szajewska (2014) 11 Effect of L. reuteri Protectis in colic confirmed by five studies Change in colicky outcomes* Mi 2015 Chau 2014 Savino 2007# Szajewska 2013 Savino 2010 J Pediatr. Pediatrics Pediatrics A. van Leeuwenhoek J Pediatr. Reduction in crying time by day 7 YES YES YES NS YES Reduction in crying time by day 21 YES YES YES YES YES Responders by day 7 NA NS YES YES NA Responders by day 21 YES## YES YES YES YES## *Significant compared to placebo #Significant compared to simethicone ##On day 28 NS: Non-significant Responder: infant with ≥ 50% reduction in average duration of crying an fussing compared to baseline 12 NA: Not analysed 84% reduction in diarrhoea incidence with L. reuteri Protectis compared to placebo • Adults in hospital given a course of antibiotics were supplemented with • L. reuteri Protectis or placebo for 4 weeks • L. reuteri Protectis reduced incidence of diarrhoea by 84% compared to placebo 13 Cimperman et al, 2011 Bowel movements per week (mean) L. reuteri Protectis effective in constipated adults p=0.023 6 5 5,3 4 3,9 Placebo (n=20) 3 2,9 L. reuteri Protectis (n=20) 2,7 2 1 0 Week 0 Week 4 L. reuteri Prodentis 15 Adjunctive treatment of periodontitis with long-term results 47% follow-up showed sustained effects on pocket depth with L. reuteri Prodentis compared to placebo 180 days fewer sites in need of surgery with L. reuteri Prodentis compared to placebo mm 6 4 2 0 0 Teughels 2013, J Clin Perio 30 60 90 Days 120 150 180 Tekçe M, et al.2015. J Clin Perio. Ince G et al. 2015. J Perio. Prevention? 17 Gutierrez - Diarrhea in Preschool Children and L. reuteri Protectis L. reuteri Protectis (n=168) Placebo (n=168) 18 Study outcomes confirm previous results Reduced number of days: • with diarrhoea • with antibiotic use • with fever • absent from day care • with respiratory tract infection Gutierrez, 2014 (n=336) Weizman, 2005 (n=128) Agustina, 2012 (n=250) NA NA NS NS 19 Indrio - Act and not React: Prophylactic use of L. reuteri Protectis in the Prevention of Colic, Regurgitation and Functional Constipation L. reuteri Protectis (n=238) Placebo (n=230) 20 Conclusions Ø Preventive use of L. reuteri Protectis in healthy newborns reduces onset of colic, regurgitation and constipation Ø Preventive use of L. reuteri Protectis reduces direct costs for both family and community Ø Preventive use of L. reuteri Protectis is proven to be valuable for both infants, parents and the society 21 Indrio 2014. BioGaia current products ProTectis ProDentis Gastrus Digestive Health Oral Health Stomach Health ProTectis ProTectis D3 ProTectis ProTectis Baby Baby Junior Baby/Junior Drops Drops Tablets ORS ProTectis Tablets ProDentis Drops ProDentis Gastrus Lozenges Tablets 22 Attractive and unique formulations and packaging solutions 23 Cooperation with Nestlé • Agreement 2008 (Infant formula) • New licence agreement infant formula 2012 (EUR 50.8 million) • Drops in U.S and UK • Growing Up Milk for children above the age of one (Royalty agreement 2013, launch end of 2014) • Extended collaboration (Royalty SEK 92.0 million over three years from q2 2014) (New segment) • Other ongoing development projects 24 (90.1% owned by BioGaia) • Providing innovative packaging solutions allowing the development of new unique beverages • Exclusive LifeTop™ Cap and LifeTop™ Straw supplier MetaboGen (27% owned by BioGaia) is creating new opportunities for novel therapeutics and next generation probiotics. We use the microbiome to understand more about health and disease. TwoPac AB (100% owned by BioGaia) The Market 28 Probiotic supplements global market Probiotic supplements – historic global sales and projections (in billions $) 5,0 4,3 4,5 4,0 3,5 2,8 3,0 2,5 Probiotic supplements global sales 1,8 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 2007 2012 2017 29 Euromonitor International 2013 Competitors Culture suppliers • Chr Hansen • DuPont (Danisco) • Institut Rosell Lallemand (France) Probiotic strains • Valio (Finland) • Probi (Sweden) Functional Foods • Danone • Yakult Pharma • Merck (Germany) • Novartis • Sanofi Aventis • Ferrosan (Pfizer) • Bayer (USA) Other • P&G • Local competitors 30 Five years development and 2015 31 Sales development – 5 years Average growth: 15% Sales 600 +25% 500 +22% 400 +33% 300 -8% +9% Sales 200 100 0 2011 2012*) 2013 2014*) 2015 *) Excluding licence revenue from Nestlé of 356 MSEK / 95,4 MSEK 32 Sales and result per year (MSEK) (excl licence revenue from Nestlé 2012 and 2014) 600 500 Total sales 400 Gross profit 300 Operating expenses (cost of goods excluded) Operating result 200 Profit before tax 100 0 2011 2012*) 2013 2014*) 2015 *) Excluding licence revenue from Nestlé 33 Sales per business unit Pediatrics Adult health Other 2015 389,6 74,7 19,0 Total sales 483,2 Change Change 20142) % % 1) 301,2 29% 19% 69,4 8% 2% 15,7 21% 21% 386,4 25% 16% 1) Excluding currency effects 2) Excluding licence revenue of SEK 95.4 million 34 Sales per geographical market (MSEK) (excl. Licence revenue) Europe USA and Canada Asia Rest of world 2015 284,8 35,2 52,1 111,1 2014 Change 257,8 27,0 30,3 4,9 38,8 13,3 59,5 51,6 483,2 386,4 96,8 Change % 10% 16% 34% 87% 25% Europe 59% (67) USA and Canada 7% (8) Asia 11% (10) Rest of world 23% (15) 35 Income statement 2015/2014 Excl. Licrevenue 2014 Change 301,2 29% 69,4 8% 15,7 20% 386,4 25% -131,3 2015 389,6 74,7 19,0 483,2 -146,7 2014 301,2 69,4 15,7 95,4 481,7 -131,3 336,6 70% 350,4 73% 255,0 66% 32% -165,4 -20,6 -0,1 1,7 -154,6 -6,6 7,7 -154,6 -6,6 7,7 7% 152,2 31% 36% 196,9 51% 42% 101,5 26% 28% 50% 5,1 0,1 -6,6 2,2 -6,6 2,2 Profit before tax Profit margin 157,4 33% 192,5 40% 97,1 25% Tax -36,1 -44,5 -23,5 Profit after tax 121,3 148,0 73,6 Net sales Paediatrics Net sales Adult Health Net sales other Licence revenue Total sales Cost of goods sold Gross profit Gross margin Operating expenses BioGaia Operating expenses IBT Participattion in assosciated companie´s result Exchange gain/loss on operation Operating profit Operating margin Operating margin excl IBT Exchange gain/loss on forward exchange contracts Interest income 62% 65% 36 Excl currency effect: 19% 2% 20% 16% 34% Quarter 1 2016 37 Sales during the quarter and rolling 12 months per business unit Pediatrics Adult health Other Total sales q1 2016 108,1 21,1 4,7 q1 2015 115,2 19,8 3,8 133,9 138,8 Change Change % % 1) -6% -6% 7% 7% 24% 24% -4% -4% Apr 15Mar 16 382,3 76,0 19,9 478,2 Apr 14- Change Change Mar 15 % % 1) 339,8 13% 6% 74,2 2% -1% 18,0 11% 11% 432,0 1) Excluding currency effects 38 11% 5% Sales per segment (business unit) rolling 12 months (MSEK) (excl license revenue 2014) 450,0 400,0 350,0 300,0 250,0 Pediatrics 200,0 Adult 150,0 100,0 50,0 0,0 q4 2013 q1 2014 q2 2014 q3 2014 q4 2014 q1 2015 q2 2015 q3 2015 q4 2015 q1 2016 39 Gross margin per business unit and product area, during the quarter and rolling 12 months Pediatrics Adult health Other Total sales q1 2016 71% 64% 94% q1 2015 69% 71% 96% 71% 70% Apr 15- Apr 14Mar 16 Mar 15 69% 66% 68% 67% 96% 96% 70% 67% 40 Sales per geographical market (MSEK) Europe USA and Canada Asia Rest of world q1 2016 93,3 9,9 13,5 17,2 q1 2015 92,0 6,1 13,6 27,1 Change 1,3 3,8 -0,1 -9,9 Change % 1% 62% -1% -37% 133,9 138,8 -4,9 -4% 12 mån Mar 16 286,0 39,0 52,0 101,2 478,3 12 mån Mar 15 Change 279,0 7,0 33,6 5,4 41,9 10,1 77,5 23,7 432,0 46,2 Europe 60% (65) USA and Canada 8% (8) Asia 11% (10) Rest of world 21% (18) 41 Change % 3% 16% 24% 31% 11% Income Statement quarter 1 Total sales Cost of goods sold Gross profit Gross margin Operating expenses BioGaia Operating expenses IBT Participation in associated companie´s result Exchange gain/loss on operation Operating profit Operating margin Operating margin excl IBT Exchange gain/loss on forward exchange contracts Interest income q1 2016 q1 2015 Change Excl. currency effect: 133,9 138,8 -4% -4% -39,1 -41,0 94,8 97,8 71% 70% -42,3 -44,9 -5,2 -3,6 -0,2 - -1,0 3,3 46,1 52,6 34% 38% 38% 41% -0,5 3,2 0,0 0,1 Profit before tax Profit margin 45,6 55,9 34% 40% Tax -12,0 -12,6 33,6 43,2 Profit after tax -3% -6% -12% -12% -19% -22% 42 Income statement rolling 12 months Excl currency Change effect: 11% 5% q1 2016 478,2 -144,7 q1 2015 432,0 -140,6 333,5 70% 291,4 67% 14% -162,9 -22,1 -0,3 -2,5 -166,9 -8,8 10,0 -2% 145,7 30% 35% 125,7 29% 31% 16% 1,4 -0,1 -3,5 1,6 Profit margin 147,0 31% 123,8 29% Tax -35,4 -29,5 Profit after tax 111,6 94,3 Total sales Cost of goods sold Gross profit Gross margin Operating expenses BioGaia Operating expenses IBT Participation in associated companie´s result Exchange gain/loss on operation Operating profit Operating margin Operating margin excl IBT Exchange gain/loss on forward exchange contracts Interest income Profit before tax 19% 18% 43 2% Balance sheet (MSEK) March 31 2016 83,7 7,7 138,9 221,5 451,8 Dec, 31 2015 16,2 83,9 8,0 138,2 226,9 473,2 Equity and liabilities Equity attributable to owners of the Parent company Non-controlling interets Total equity 380,0 380,0 395,9 395,9 Deferred tax liability Other provisions Interest-free current liabilities Total equity and liabilities 0,3 71,5 451,8 0,3 77,0 473,2 Assets Intangible assets Tangible assets Shares in Associated companies Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Total assets Proposed dividend: SEK 5.00 per share 44 Cash flow (MSEK) Operating activities Operating profit Depreciation Other non-cash items Taxes paid Realised forward exchange contracts Interest received and paid Cash flow from operating activites before changes in working capital Changes in working capital Cashflow from operating activities Cashflow from investing activities Cashflow from financing activities Cash flow for the period Cash at beginning of year Exchange difference in cash Cash at end of year q1 2016 q1 2015 46,1 1,7 0,6 -12,3 -0,3 0,0 52,6 1,3 -1,2 -14,5 0,4 0,1 35,8 -1,5 34,3 -1,5 -37,6 -4,8 38,7 4,7 43,4 -5,6 37,8 226,9 -0,6 221,5 210,7 1,5 250,0 45 Key events first quarter 2016 Separate listing of IBT New meta-analysis confirms effectiveness of BioGaia ProTectis for infant colic Meta-analysis confirms effectiveness of BioGaia ProDentis in periodontitis Key events after first quarter 2016 Agreement with BioWellTech for the sales of BioGaia ProDentis in Hong Kong Another meta-analysis confirms effectiveness of BioGaia ProTectis in infantile colic BioGaia guarantees rights issue in IBT 46 Board of Directors 2015 Paula Zeilon Stefan Elfving Chairman David Dangoor Ingrid Holmström Anthon Jahreskog Jan Annwall Ewa Björling Brit Stakston 47 Major Shareholders 31 March, 2016 A B shares shares Annwall & Rothschild Inv. AB Banque Öhman Fjärde AP-fonden Handelsbankens Fonder AB David Dangoor (inkl bolag) Livförsäkringsaktiebolaget Skandia CBNY Norges Bank Mingdale Company State Street Bank & Trust com., Boston Swedbank Robur fonder Other shareholders Total: Share capital No. of votes Capital Votes 000's 741 000's 759 1 111 1 018 586 569 526 520 462 436 395 10 214 000's 1 500 1 111 1 018 586 569 526 520 462 437 395 10 214 000's 8 166 1 111 1 018 586 569 526 520 462 436 395 10 214 % 8,7% 6,4% 5,9% 3,4% 3,3% 3,0% 3,0% 2,7% 2,5% 2,3% 58,9% % 34,0% 4,6% 4,2% 2,4% 2,4% 2,2% 2,2% 1,9% 1,8% 1,6% 42,6% 741 16 596 17 336 24 002 100% 100% Total number of shareholders 31 March 2016: 7,625 Foreign owners: 46,9% of capital (33,9% of votes) 48 Present focus • Japan, US, UK, China and India • Extend product line with partners • ProDentis and Gastrus roll-out • Launch of Easy Dropper • Review of activities, priorities and strategy while driving current business 49
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direct costs for both family and community
Ø Preventive use of L. reuteri Protectis is proven
to be valuable for both infants, parents and the