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Spring - wrecovery.com
g n i r p S 2010 Fine Art Supplies AMSTERDAM STANDARD ACRYLICS AMSTERDAM EXPERT off ACRYLICS % 50 % $2.68 60 $6.74 AVAILABLE IN 150ml TUBES LIST PRICE FROM $16.85 AVAILABLE IN 75ml, 120ml and 500ml 75ml TUBE - LIST PRICE FROM $5.35 tubes from just off FINEST QUALITY HIGH VISCOSITY ACRYLICS AVAILABLE IN 60ml, 120ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1000ml and 5000ml tubes from just FINEST QUALITY LIQUID ACRYLICS %off 60 AVAILABLE IN 60ml, 120ml, 250ml and 500ml BOTTLES 60ml TUBE - LIST PRICE FROM $7.35 tubes from just $2.94 TRUE COLOUR ACRYLICS RHEOTECH ACRYLICS AVAILABLE IN 60ml ,150ml, 500ml and 1000ml %off 70 AVAILABLE IN 60ml and 150ml TUBES, 120ml, 150ml, 500ml and 1000ml JARS 60ml TUBE - LIST PRICE FROM $5.50 tubes from just $1.65 %off 5S0p2r0i1n0 g LIQUITEX BASICS Fine Art Supp 4oz TUBE LIST PRICE FROM $8.45 now just $4.23 AMSTERDAM STANDARD ACRYLICS FINITY 50ACRYLICS % AMSTERDAM EXPERT %off ACRYLICS RHEOTECH ACRYLICS AVAILABLE IN 60ml ,150ml, 500ml and 1000ml TRUE CO ACR AVAILABLE IN 60ml and 120ml, 150ml, 500ml an % 60ml TUBES 0 off$8.75$1.6 $6.74 PRICE7 FROM $2.68 60 LIST AVAILABLE IN 75ml, 120ml and 500ml 75ml TUBE - LIST PRICE FROM $5.35 tubes from just AVAILABLE IN 150ml TUBES LIST PRICE FROM $16.85 off 60ml TUBE - LIST PRIC tubes from just tubes from now from just $4.38 60 FINEST QUALITY HIGH VISCOSITY ACRYLICS AVAILABLE IN 60ml, 120ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1000ml and 5000ml FINEST QUALITY LIQUID ACRYLICS %off AVAILABLE IN 60ml, 120ml, 250ml and 500ml BOTTLES 60ml TUBE - LIST PRICE FROM $7.35 tubes from just SPECIALS ARE VALID UNTIL MAY 31ST, 2010. WHILE QUANTITIES$2.94 LAST! LIQUITEX BASICS 4oz TUBE LIST PRICE FROM $8.45 now just $4.23 50 F ACR LIST PRIC now from $4.3 SPECIALS ARE VALID UNTIL 2010. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! WOOLFITT’S ART ENTERPRISES • 1153 QUEEN STREET W. • TORONTO, ONTARIO • M6J 1J4 • T: 416-536-7878 x29 • 1-800-490-3567 •MAY F: 31ST, 416-536-4322 E: contact@woolfitts.com • www.woolfitts.com WOOLFITT’S ART ENTERPRISES • 1153 QUEEN STREET W. • TORONTO, ONTARIO • M6J 1J4 • T: 416-536-7878 x29 • 1-800-490-3567 • F: 4 E: contact@woolfitts.com • www.woolfitts.com SO-385 *** Permanent Yellow Light Jaune Permanent Clair Series B PY14; PY53; PY97 SO-384 *** Permanent Yellow Med Jaune Perm. Moyen Series B PY14 PY53 SO-383 *** Permanent Yellow Deep Jaune Permanent Foncé Series B PY14;PY53; PY139 SO-387 *** Perm. Lemon Yellow Jaune Citron Series B PY53; PY81; PY167 SO-390 *** Naples Yellow Jaune de Naples Series B PY37; PY42; PW6 SO-391 *** SO-652 ***** Indian Yellow Jaune Indien Series B PY110; PY128 SO-653 ***** Yellow Ochre Jaune d’Ocre Series A PY42; PY43 SO-411 **** Chrome Tone Light Ton de Chrome Clair Series B PY155; PY42; PG17 SO-410 **** Chrome Tone Deep Ton de Chrome Foncé Series B PY35; PB15:3 SO-651 *** Flesh Incarnat Series B PO20; PW6 SO-382 *** Permanent Orange Orange Permanent Series B PO34; PY14; PY53 SO-367 ***** Permanent Red Medium Rouge Permanent Moyen Series B PR188; PO69 SO-369 **** Brilliant Scarlet Écarlate Brillant Series B PR188; PR48 SO-347 **** Carmine Carmin Series B PR122 SO-364 *** Vermilion Hue Vermilion Tiente Series B PR188; PO69 SO-346 **** Madder Lake Dark Laque de Garance Series B PR221 SO-366 ***** Permanent Crimson Cramoisie Permanent Series B PR177 SO-575 *** Rose Violet Violet Rose Series B PR122; PW6 SO-489 *** Indigo Indigo Series B PB29; PB27 SO-481 ***** Cobalt Blue Light Bleu de Cobalt Clair Series B PB28 SO--483 *** Cobalt Blue Hue Bleu de Cobalt Tiente Series B PB29; PB15; PW6 SO-480 ***** Cobalt Blue Deep Bleu de Cobalt Foncé Series C PB28 SO-485 ***** Royal Blue Deep Bleu Roi Foncé Series B PW4; PB29; PB15.3 SO-486 **** Royal Blue Light Bleu Roi Clair Series B PB15:3; PW4; PW6 SO-488 **** Prussian Paris Blue Bleu de Prusse Paris Series B PB27 SO-491 **** Ultramarine Deep Bleu Outremer Foncé Series B PB29 SO-492 **** Ultramarine Light Bleu Outremer Clair Series B PB29 SO-404 *** Permanent Green Light Vert Permanent Clair Series B PY14; PY53; PG7 SO-403 *** Permanent Green Med Vert Permanent Moyen Series B PY14; PY53; PB15 SO-402 *** Permanent Green Deep Vert Permanent Foncé Series B PY14; PB15 SO-415 *** Sap Green Vert de Vessie Series B PY128; PG7 SO-413 *** Emerald Green Vert Émeraude Series B PW6; PG7 SO-407 **** Viridian Hue Guignet Tiente Series B PG7 SO-400 *** Yellow Green Vert Jaune Series B PG74; PG42; PG7 SO-416 **** Chrome Oxide Green Vert Oxyde de Chrome Series B PG17 SO-417 *** Olive Green Vert Olive Series B PY128; PG7 SO-660 ***** Raw Sienna Terre de Sienne Naturelle Series B Py43 SO-661 ***** Burnt Sienna Terre de Sienne Brûlée Series A PBr7 SO-665 ***** Raw Umber Terre d’Ombre Naturelle Series A PBr7 SO-666 ***** Burnt Umber Terre d’Ombre Brûlée Series A PBr7 SO-668 ***** Sepia Sépia Series A PBk7; PBr7 SG-667 ***** Vandyke Brown Brun Van Dyck Series A PBr7; PBk9 SO-782 **** Payne’s Grey Gris de Payne Series B PBr7; PBk11 SO-780 ***** Ivory Black Noir d’Ivoire Series B PBk9 SO-781 ***** Lamp Black Noir de Fumée Series A PBk6 SO-103 **** Titanium Opaque White Blanc de Titane Opaque Series A PW6 SO-105 ***** Titanium White Blanc de Titane Series A PW6 SO-102 ***** Zinc White Blanc de Zinc Series A PW4 SO-650 ***** Trans. Orange Oxide Orange Oxyde Trans. Series A PY119; PBr7 SO-654 ***** Trans. Yellow Oxide Jaune Oxyde Translucide Series A PY43 SO-487 ***** Translucent Cyan Cyan Translucide Series B PB15 SO-348 *** Translucent Magenta Magenta Translucide Series C PV19; PW6 SO-576 ***** Trans. Violet Oxide Violet Oxyde Translucide Series A PR101 SO-573 **** Translucent Violet Violet Translucide Series B PV23 SO-365 ***** Translucent Red Oxide Rouge Oxyde Translucide Series A PR101 mantegna studio oil colours Couleur À L’Huile Atelier Brilliant Yellow Jaune Brillant Series B PO20; PY42 Lightfastness Rating: *** Permanent Colours **** Highly Permanent Colours ***** Absolute Permanent Colours Swatches are approximate and limited by the printing process e mantegna ! w e N studio oils 40 These vibrant and intense colours resist yellowing and feature excellent lightfastness, guaranteeing the colours stay powerful and brilliant over time. The buttery texture allows smooth brushwork in thick application or glazing. The 56 colours in this line are formulated with no compromise of quality. Perfect for those who use a lot of paint or are looking for a good oil colour for educational purposes. %off 60ml Tubes List Price from $5.45 NOW AS LOW AS $3.27 A TUBE! 40 40 %off %off mantegna studio acrylics 75ml tubes List Price from $3.10 NOW AS LOW AS $1.86 150ml tubes List Price from $5.55 NOW AS LOW AS $3.33 250ml Jars List Price from $10.50 NOW AS LOW AS $6.30 mantegna artists’ acrylics 60ml tubes List Price from $5.55 NOW AS LOW AS $3.33 250ml Jars List Price from $15.10 NOW AS LOW AS $9.06 500ml Jars List Price from $16.25 500ml Jars List Price from $23.05 NOW AS LOW AS 1000ml Jars List Price from $29.00 $13.83 NOW AS LOW AS 1000ml Jars List Price from $45.05 $9.75 $17.40 4000ml Pails List Price from $88.50 NOW AS LOW AS $53.10 NOW AS LOW AS NOW AS LOW AS $27.03 FREE IN-STORE ACRYLIC DEMOS WITH DONNA RASMUSSEN EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON FROM 1PM-5PM Each Saturday afternoon at Woolfitt’s, Donna Rasmussen, Artist & Interior Designer, offers free informal painting demos! Currently, she will be focusing on Mantegna acrylic paints, fluids & mediums. Showing off its versatility and how they can enhance your painting experience! Come in this Saturday and learn about our exciting new lines!!! 33 %off mantegna fluid acrylics 100ml Bottles List Price from $6.75 NOW AS LOW AS $4.52 500ml Bottles List Price from $22.35 NOW AS LOW AS $14.97 Buy 2 bottles and get 1 free 100ml bottle of Titanium white! WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! mantegna 33 all mediums % off from 60ml-2000ml acrylic mediums Mediums are a growing and integral part of the acrylic system. Acrylic mediums form the backbone of acrylic painting technique, providing the artist with the vehicle needed to achieve an endless variety of effects and expanding the boundaries of acrylic painting. Mantegna acrylic mediums were developed specifically for use with Mantegna Acrylic colours and are suitable for artists whose painting style benefits from extended working time. They can be used for a wide range of techniques, including portraiture, plein air painting, monoprinting, and screenprinting. Acrylic Gesso (FINE) Acrylic Gesso (MEDIUM) 100% Acrylic Gessoes offer the artist a range of options for their priming needs with superior saturation, covering power and flexibility. These gessos dry to a semi-gloss finish, can be applied to a variety of surfaces such as paper, canvas, wood, fabric and ceramics and can easily be sanded to obtain smoother ground. Mantegna Acrylic Gessoes will impove the expansion and performance of the acrylic paint, while ensuring a long, brilliant life-span and can be used directly or may be diluted with water. List/ea. 14.65 27.75 52.70 125.15 SALE 9.82 18.59 35.31 50.06 Modeling Paste (HEAVY) Matte Heavy Gel Made of natural sand, plaster and lava, modeling paste is an indispensable material for producing three-dimensional effects, and creating dramatic peaks and textures in your painting. Mantegna modeling paste is available in four types: HEAVY modeling paste is made of tiny particles with heavy density and can create smooth, delicate, yet heavy textures. SHARP is delicate and produces sharp boundaries and peaks in your painting. EXOTIC modeling paste is made of rough particles and it is an ideal material to produce rough textures. Matte Super Heavy Gel Reduces the gloss of the acrylic paint, while maintaining viscosity and strength. It effectively binds the paint with the painting surface and increases durability. Great as the last layer of your painting and dries to a satin finish. This product includes silica, which dries to a translucent finish when applied in thick coats. To achieve high transparency with a Matte finish, apply Matte Gel Medium as a final layer to a surface that has had Gloss Gel Medium applied to it. Matte Gel Medium can also be used as collage adhesive. 60ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. 4.50 21.10 40.15 76.25 190.60 SALE HEAVY; 250ml HEAVY; 500ml HEAVY; 1000ml HEAVY; 2000ml HEAVY; 5000ml Description SHARP; 250ml SHARP; 500ml SHARP; 1000ml SHARP; 2000ml SHARP; 5000ml Gloss Super Heavy Gel gloss soft, heavy and super heavy gel medium Formulated without pigment and can be added to Mantegna Acrylic in order to increase its viscosity without negatively affecting the saturation of the colours. When mixed with acrylic paint, the gel enhances the glossiness of the top colour layer as well as prolonging the drying time. It can be used as a polish on the final layer and won’t leave brush or palette knife traces. Will dry to a highly transparent, glossy finish, and can be diluted with water. It can also be used as collage adhesive. Description 60ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. 4.50 21.10 40.15 76.25 190.60 SALE 3.02 14.14 26.90 51.09 76.24 SALE Description List/ea. SALE 8.25 13.35 21.20 33.95 84.75 5.53 8.94 14.20 22.75 33.90 LIGHT; 250ml LIGHT; 500ml LIGHT; 1000ml LIGHT; 2000ml LIGHT; 5000ml 10.35 16.50 26.65 42.60 105.95 6.93 11.06 17.86 28.54 42.38 List/ea. SALE 12.60 20.25 32.45 42.65 128.90 8.44 13.57 21.74 28.58 51.56 Description List/ea. SALE 10.70 17.20 27.70 44.25 110.05 7.17 11.52 18.56 29.65 44.02 EXOTIC; 250ml EXOTIC; 500ml EXOTIC; 1000ml EXOTIC; 2000ml EXOTIC; 5000ml Mantegna’s Acrylic Gloss Medium is used to mix colors and dilute acrylic paints to increase the luster, transparency and fluidity of the paints, and provide transparent watercolor effects. It dramatically increases the glossiness of the paint. Acrylic Gloss Medium can be applied with a brush as a final coat, or mixed in with the paint during the creative process. Dries to a clear, even, and glossy finish. It can also be diluted with 10-20% water. Acrylic Gloss Medium has a longer open time because of added retardant material, and dries to a soft coat finish with a slightly cool tint. 3.02 14.14 26.90 51.09 76.24 Gloss Heavy Gel List/ea. acrylic gloss medium Description Gloss Soft Gel Medium Modeling Paste (SHARP) Modeling Paste (EXOTIC) LIGHT modeling paste is made of light density materials and can achieve a light texture effect. It is suitable for large paintings. matte soft, heavy and super heavy gel medium Description Modeling Paste (LIGHT) modeling paste Description Matte Soft Gel all 5000ml pails Acrylic Gesso (COARSE) acrylic gesso fine, medium & coarse Description 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml 60 % off 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 10.15 16.05 24.50 49.80 126.95 6.80 10.75 16.41 33.37 50.78 acrylic matte medium Matte Medium can be combined with Mantegna Acrylic paints to produce a matte and toothy finish which can also act as a protective layer. With the consistency of a heavy cream, It can be applied with a brush as a final coat, or mixed in with the paint during the creative process and can be diluted with water. Dries to a clear finish with a slight tooth, making this an excellent ground for drawing and pastels. This product includes silica which can settle at the bottom of the container, so please shake it evenly before use. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml List/ea. 10.15 19.25 24.50 65% 6.80 12.90 16.42 NEW! glass bead texture gel Glass bead texture gel is colored with opalescence similar to glittering snow or crystals. It is made of tiny glass beads, which add a delicate appearance to a painting. After drying, glass bead texture gel becomes transparent, and can be used alone or with acrylic paint. For most dramatic reflective effects, mix with transparent or translucent colors or apply straight from container over dried paint. Can also be used as a material for decorative craftwork. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 11.10 17.25 27.75 44.40 111.00 7.44 11.56 18.59 29.75 44.40 NEW! opaque flakes texture gel Formulated with irregularly-shaped translucent mica, which can create a beautiful vitreous luster for your painting. Mica is a layered silicate mineral, which gives it strong corrosion-resistant, non-aging and adhesive properties. It can be mixed with acrylic colors, or used on its own to create effects. It can be applied as a base to a painting with a spatula or sculpting tool. Once the base is well dried, colors can be added to it to provide a unique, white flaky texture and increase the sheen in your work. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 10.85 17.25 27.75 44.40 111.00 7.27 11.56 18.59 29.75 44.40 NEW! ceramic stucco medium - medium & fine NEW! coarse acrylic pumice gel This thick, rough, and opaque paste is formulated with pure, natural pumice powder. Acrylic Pumice Gel can be used as a unique primer before painting, or it can be mixed with paint to produce crumbling sand effects as well as pebble dash or rough stucco walls on buildings. It dries to a matte finish, and can be used on paper, canvas, wood and pottery, and can be applied with a stiff brush or can be carved with a spatula or sculpting tool to create a wide range of effects. Once the base layer is well dried, acrylic paint can be used to add colors to it to present a natural sandy mixing color. Its drying time greatly depends on the thickness of the layers applied to the painting. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 12.70 20.35 32.55 52.15 130.30 8.51 13.63 21.81 34.94 52.12 NEW! resin sand texture gel This product is formulated using a mixture of silica sand and resin sand texture in a gel. It is very dense and is highly textured like sand. It can be mixed with paint, or colour can be applied to it once it is completely dry. It can be applied with a brush or palette knife in thick layers. While this product is highly textured, its actual weight is light, and can be applied generously to your painting without weighing it down. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 10.85 17.25 27.75 44.40 111.00 7.27 11.56 18.59 29.75 44.40 NEW! crackle agent (gloss) Ceramic Stucco Medium is processed from natural ceramic powder. The paste is thick and can be used for modeling effects, as a textured background, or as an experimental element to your painting. When dry, this product is very durable and can withstand numerous layers of paint applied to its surface. A perfect ground for acrylic and oil paint, oil pastel, oil bars, pastels, and graphite. Creates unique crackle effects and texture in paintings when poured on in thick layers. The crackling ability increases as the layers applied become thicker. It can be applied with a spatula. When it dries to a film, crackle agent will crack and provide the effect similar to that of cracked gypsum. The drying time of Crackle Agent depends on the thickness of coatings. When it is well dried, paints can be used to add color to it to create an effect similar to that of aged mural paintings. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE Description 10.85 17.25 27.75 44.40 111.00 7.27 11.56 18.59 29.75 44.40 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 17.35 28.70 47.60 79.05 197.55 11.62 19.23 31.89 52.96 79.02 acrylic gloss varnish acrylic retarding medium Description Acrylic Retarding Medium is designed to slow down the drying time of acrylic paints. This gives the artist a longer “open-time” in which they can manipulate paint. It can be used with Mantegna acrylic paints and won’t change the fundamental characteristics of the pigments. Acrylic Retarding Medium allows the paint to dry to a smooth, even, and glossy finish, and can be used to cover broad surface areas or for detailed work. Apply as a final coat to create a long-lasting and vividly shining effect that will provide added protection to your painting. Can also be used to mix colours and dilute acrylic paints. When mixed, the paint becomes more lustrous and transparent, and the paint’s adherence and endurance is enhanced. Dries to a hard finish with a slightly warm tint. 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 7.45 14.10 26.75 50.85 126.95 4.99 9.45 17.92 34.07 50.78 Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml painting size Painting size acts as a primer of support materials, and is particularly used on surfaces that are unconventional. It transforms porous material into a surface ready to be painted on. It can be used on cloth, board, and paper, and it acts as a primer which prevents the material from the damaging effects of water, oil, and pollutants. Painting size dries clear and increases the glossiness and durability of the material. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 24.50 39.20 98.00 16.42 26.26 39.20 10.15 16.05 6.80 10.75 NEW! uv stabilizing gloss medium Mantegna’s UV stabilizing medium has superior light fastness and weatherability compared to conventional polymer mediums. When acyclic paintings and tempera paintings are fully dried, this product can be lightly applied with a soft brush to cover the surface of paintings. As the medium dries, a layer of even and durable film will form to protect the surface of paintings and prolong the life of art work. UV Stabilizing Medium can also be mixed with acrylic colors in any proportion to provide UV protection. Dries to a gloss, weather-permanent film. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 17.35 28.70 47.60 79.05 197.55 11.62 19.23 31.89 52.96 79.02 List/ea. SALE 10.15 16.05 24.50 6.80 10.75 16.42 acrylic painting solvent Mantegna’s Acrylic Painting Solvent is the best medium to use for airbrush painting. It can be used as a solvent medium for acrylic paints, and to dilute the paint, control its drying time, and increase its adhesion, transparency and glossiness. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml List/ea. SALE 10.15 16.05 24.50 6.80 10.75 16.42 crystal varnish Goes on clear, stays clear, and provides a durable finish to protect your paintings. Crystal Varnish is a tough, water-based, crystal clear varnish that won’t yellow with age and adds a smooth luster to your work. Permanent, water-resistant, and quick-drying. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 17.25 27.70 44.25 70.80 177.00 11.56 18.56 29.65 47.44 70.80 NEW! acrylic flow aid Mantegna’s Acrylic Flow Aid is a solvent-free, polyurethane- Specially formulated mediums made to mix with Mantegna Studio Acrylics! studio acrylic gesso This gesso will impove the expansion and performance of the acrylic paint, while ensuring a long, brilliant life span and can be used directly or may be diluted with water. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 6.10 7.85 15.35 30.00 75.00 4.09 5.26 10.28 20.10 30.00 studio modeling paste Made of natural sand, plaster and lava, modeling paste is an indispensable material for producing three-dimensional dramatic effects and textures in your painting. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 9.70 12.45 24.40 47.80 119.40 6.50 8.34 16.35 32.03 47.76 studio gel medium This Gel Medium effectively binds the paint with the painting surface and increases durability. Works great as the last layer of your painting and dries to a satin finish. This product can also be diluted with water. Description 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml 5000ml List/ea. SALE 10.30 13.15 25.80 50.55 126.40 6.90 8.81 17.29 33.87 50.56 based medium which improves the flow, absorption, and blending of any water-soluble paint, medium, ink, or dye. It minimizes brush marks by reducing the friction of paint, resulting in an even, glossy, level, and water-resistant finish. It helps in covering large areas with smooth colour, and on non-absorbent surfaces, it increases the fluidity and drying time of acrylic paint. Description 75ml List/ea. SALE 8.00 5.36 Mantegna Acrylic Mediums make it easy to create stunning texture, glazing & colour effects! Acrylic Painting Detail by Ben Woolfitt digital & photo papers somerset enhanced Somerset Enhanced is a beautiful artist paper designed for inkjet printing. The paper has an invisible coating on one side, which allows the creation of stunning prints with a wide colour gamut. Made from 100% cotton using a traditional mould machine, this is an authentic artist paper capable of producing outstanding results with a quality inkjet printer. This paper is made using quality materials to give an archival sheet and buffered with calcium carbonate to help protect prints against attack by atmosphere pollutants. Somerset Enhanced is ideal for fine art reproduction and fine art photography, making prints look like original pieces of artwork. Somerset Enhanced is available in 3 attractive surface finishes, in a fresh radiant white colour. They all have a distinctive grain, varying from Satin, which is the smoothest, followed by the extrememly popular Velvet that contains slightly more tooth to its surface, and Textured, which is the roughest of the series. 50 % off Special Intro Offer somerset photo satin enhanced satin Somerset Photo is designed for use in the photographic and fine art markets. It is a surface coated product that is engineered to be compatible with all good quality inkjet printers. Size Weight Pk List/Pk. SALE 8.5 X 11" 13 X 19" 16.5 X 23.4" 225gsm 225gsm 225gsm 25 25 25 60.95 128.65 227.85 30.47 64.32 113.93 enhanced velvet Size 8.5 X 11" 13 X 19" 16.5 X 23.4" Weight 225gsm 225gsm 225gsm Pk 25 25 25 List/Pk. 60.95 128.65 227.85 SALE 30.47 64.32 113.93 Size Weight Pk List/Sheet SALE 44 X 35" 255gsm 50 16.65 8.33 ENHANCED VELVET ROLLS 44" X 11yd 60" X 11yd 255 gsm 255 gsm enhanced textured 365.45 471.75 182.73 235.88 Size Weight Pk List/Pk. SALE 8.5 X 11" 13 X 19" 16.5 X 23.4" 225gsm 225gsm 225gsm 25 25 25 60.95 128.65 227.85 30.47 64.32 113.93 www.inveresk.co.uk Somerset Photo is made from 100% cotton, which contains a very high percentage of alpha cellulose, the purest form of cellulose. It is made on a traditional Mould Machine, using woollen felts to impart a delicate texture to the surface of the sheet. The resulting sheet has a high whiteness value, without resorting to excessive use of optical brightening agents. The paper is buffered with calcium carbonate, giving the sheet archival properties that will aid in combating acid attack from airborne pollutants. Suitable for use with all good inkjet printers. For fade resistant prints, pigment inks are advised. Size Weight Pk List/Pk. SALE 8.5 X 11" 13 X 19" 16.5 X 23.4" 300gsm 300gsm 300gsm 20 20 20 71.70 151.35 268.05 35.85 75.68 134.03 17" X 11yd 44" X 11yd 60" X 11yd 300 gsm 300gsm 300gsm 174.20 429.90 555.00 87.10 214.95 277.50 PHOTO SATIN ROLLS bockingford inkjet Bockingford Inkjet is the answer for artists who wish to create their own limited edition prints. Fantastic prints can be reproduced to look like the original, when using a quality inkjet printer. Artists familiar with the original Bockingford watercolour paper will recognise the same beautiful surface on Bockingford Inkjet. It is made in the same timehonoured fashion as Bockingford watercolour paper using a traditional mould machine. Unlike other artist inkjet papers, Bockingford Inkjet has an ink receptive coating on both sides of the sheet, allowing limited edition books and portfolios to be created. Made from 100% photographic woodpulp, of archival quality, 190gsm, 20 sheets per pack. Size Weight Pk List/Pk. SALE 8.5 X 11" 13 X 19" 190gsm 190gsm 20 20 26.70 62.05 13.35 31.03 62.5 %off PACK OF 25 SHEETS List Price - $99.75 Now for just Get it while it lasts!!! Light Gray $24.75! Cream MAIDSTONE Now Just $3.41! MULTI-PURPOSE PAPER Wheat 30 x 44" HEAVYWEIGHT SHEET / 320gsm 22 X 30" sheets List Price - $3.95 NOW JUST .99¢ A SHEET! 100% cotton • Acid free Made with no optical brighteners LIST PRICE - $9.10 MAIDSTONE MULTI-PURPOSE PAPER Artists love Maidstone!!! IDEAL FOR: LITHOGRAPHY • SCREENPRINTING BLOCK PRINTING • DRAWING • EMBOSSING • ETCHING CALLIGRAPHY • LETTERPRESS PRINTING • LASER PRINTING AND MORE! 100% RAG • ACID-FREE • NEUTRAL pH • VELLUM FINISH 2 DECKLED EDGES • AVAILABLE IN WHITE & WARM WHITE IN 245 OR 320gsm Printmaking Paper MOULD MADE / ACID FREE & ARCHIVAL 100% COTTON / DECKLED EDGES AVAILABLE IN: 22x30", 30x44"; 47x35" IN 6 NEW COLOURS: BUFF, ANTIQUE, NEWSPRINT GRAY, BLACK, CREAM & RADIANT WHITE Now as low as $4.97 a sheet $4.99 Ripple BUY 4 22 X 30" SHEETS FOR JUST WATERCOLOUR PAPER 100% RAG ACID-FREE BUFFERED COLD PRESSED Now Just $1.50 a sheet artist acrylics By combining our world-beating colour making experience with the latest developments in resin technology we have taken ‘brilliance’ to a new level. And that’s not all. Not only are our colours brilliant when wet but they remain as bright when dry - so what you see is what you get. 60ml tubes Now as low as $9.69 Envirotex Lite Pour-On High Gloss Finish check out www.eti-usa.com for great finish and craft ideas! 50 Atyou Spica %off %off 20 From the makers of COPIC markers comes the Spica glitter pen. This pen comes in 13 transparent colors and contains pigment based, non-toxic, acid-free ink. It is archival and has a no-clog tip. Best of all this pen will write for over 360 yards- twice the length of other writing pens. It is perfect for adding sparkle to your scrapbooks and craft projects. Available in Lavender, Pink, Red, Orange, Lemon, Melon, Olive, Turquoise, Sky Blue, Black, Gold and Silver. Now available in 11 NEW colours; Baby Blue, Buttermilk, Garnet, Peach, Sand, Mint Green, Lilac, Blossom, Lipstick, Pitch Black and Chocolate!!! • Non-Toxic List price: 4.95 • Acid-Free Now for just • Archival • Transparent • No-Clog Tip • Pigment Based • Twice the writing length of other pens (Over 360 Yards) $2.48 4oz sample kit NOW JUST $7.84 LOTS MORE SIZES AVAILABLE! EX-74 High Gloss Coating EX-74 is an extremely clear, tough, high gloss surface coating formulated to produce a deep glass like appearance in a single layer on a sealed surface. Two or more layers are often applied for added depth and protection. Formulated for improved UV resistance to reduce yellowing and surface degradation. EX-74 has an extended “open time” which allows up to 5 minutes in the mixing container at 70º F and up to one hour working time on the surface being coated. EX-74 is waterproof, heat & alcohol resistant. check out www.eti-usa.com for great finish and craft ideas! 5000ml bottle of hardener 5000ml bottle of resin Both bottles FOR JUST $149 Intense bold lightfast colors. Extremely Fluid, no need to dilute for airbrushing or calligraphy. Superior water resistance. Non-Clogging, Fast drying. Ideal for watercolor effects, color blocking and under painting 40 $5.01 %off 30ml bottles List Price - $8.35 now for just IKEN ART CHARCOAL %off Specially made for the art materials connoisseur! 60 High quality stick charcoal made with techniques aquired from traditional Japanese charcoal procedures and made from the finest raw materials. $2.58 a pack! Now as low as Incredible Spring Savings only at 60 %f of Q archival canvas panels NO WARPING! THICK AND STURDY! #CP1620 - 16x20" PANEL These archival canvas panels are comprised of a rigid acidfree board (thicker than regular canvas panels). They are extraordinarily sturdy to resist warping, these canvas panels are an incredible value. They are crafted to our exacting standards from 100% cotton duck that is double acrylic titanium primed and adhered with an acid-free adhesive. LIST PRICE - $7.60 now just $3.04 #CP1824 - 18x24" PANEL LIST PRICE - $9.90 now just $3.96 Their acid-free core is made from a cellulose by-product that is an ecologically renewable resource. Each panel is approximately 1/8” thick and come in cartons of 36. %off 33 Sketch box & palette Conte Carré Crayons KB38B H:14.5 X W:10.5 x D: 3.5 List Price - $38.65 The Q Seal stands for Quality! %off 40 NOW JUST $25.90 Q Sketch Boxes travel compactly, and are approximately the size of a laptop computer. Their sturdy construction, compact size, and very reasonable price make Q Sketch Boxes an ideal choice both for travel and for tight home workspaces. 12 PACK SANGUINE NATURAL Item# 2450 List Price - $25.00 NOW JUST $15.00 A SET Prismacolour Set of 12 Warm Grey Markers Item# 7073503623 List Price - $56.50 NOW JUST $28.25 %off 50 Bienfang Graphics 360 Marker Pad List Price - $24.60 NOW JUST $12.30 %off 50 14 x17" / Top Tape bound 50 sheets CS-300v ADJUSTABLE CRANK STUDIO EASEL CL-22 ADJUSTABLE LYRE STUDIO EASEL CS-20 ADJUSTABLE STUDIO EASEL CA-7/ve COLOURS BOX Exquisitely constructed easels exclusively Made in Italy! CS-100 BASIC ADJUSTABLE STUDIO EASEL CS-200 EXTENDABLE STUDIO EASEL %off 55 CP-16bis ADJUSTABLE FOLDING COUNTRY EASEL CT-8 TABLE TOP EASEL CL-5v STUDIO DISPLAY EASEL; H:59" W:23" 12/3 LIST SALE COLOURS BOX; LACQUERED WALNUT; LEATHER FITTINGS ; 9”X12” 68.60 188.40 CT-8 BASIC ADJUSTABLE STUDIO EASEL; BEECH WOOD H: 69-96" BASE::21x19" MAX CANVAS H: 53" TABLE TOP EASEL; BEECH WOOD; H:19" W:9"; MAX CANVAS H:14" 30.87 84.78 CS-20 ADJUSTABLE STUDIO EASEL; BEECH WOOD; H:75-98" W:22" MAX CANVAS H:55" 325.50 CS-200 EXTENDABLE STUDIO EASEL; BEECH WOOD; H: 100" BASE: 21-27" MAX CANVAS H: 56.5" 362.55 CL-22 181.50 1709.20 769.14 CP16BIS 13/1 ADJUSTABLE LYRE STUDIO TIZIANO EASEL; BEECH WOOD; H: 65-91" W: 23" MAX CANVAS H: 51" ADJUSTABLE CRANK STUDIO EASEL; WALNUT; H:83-150" BASE:27x26"; MAX CANVAS H: 91" ADJUSTABLE FOLDING COUNTRY EASEL; BEECH WOOD; H:72"; W:35"; MAX CANVAS H:43" OVAL PALETTE WITH HOLE; 20 x 30CM 14.18 146.48 163.15 81.68 149.95 67.48 10.05 12/3 RECTANGULAR PALETTE WITH HOLE; 30 x 40CM 4.52 4.21 ITEM# DESCRIPTION CA-7/ve CS-100 CS-300V 13/1 31.50 9.35 List Price - $99.50 NOW JUST $69.65 %off 30 Cappelletto Sketch boxes CA-1 - 8x12” List Price - $27.40 NOW JUST CA-2 - 11x15” List Price - $32.50 CA-3 - 13x17” List Price - $38.30 NOW JUST NOW JUST $19.18 $22.75 $26.81 MAIDSTONE g n i z a Am ces! i r P MUSEUM MAT BOARD Low BUFFERED WITH CALCIUM CARBONATE • 100% COTTON • NEUTRAL pH BLEED, SCUFF & FADE RESISTANT • NO RESIDUAL METALS OR ALUM MUSEUM MAT BOARD Item# White Description LIST NET MM3240N-4 Natural 32 x 40" 4 Ply 13.55 3.99 MM4060N-4 Natural 40 x 60" 4 Ply 25.40 8.99 MM3240C-4 Classic White 40 x 60" 4 Ply 13.55 4.99 MM3240Z-4 Zinc 32 x 40" 4 Ply 13.55 5.00 MM3240W-2 White 32 x 40" 2 Ply MM3240W-4 White 32 x 40" 4 Ply 6.65 3.70 MM3240W-8 White 32 x 40" 8 Ply 41.60 17.50 MM4060W-2 White 40 x 60" 2 Ply MM4060W-4 White 40 x 60" 4 Ply 14.65 14.65 MM4060W-8 White 40 x 60" 8 Ply PM3240-4 White UNBUFFERED 32 x 40" 4 Ply 14.50 MM3240WW-4 Warm White 32 x 40" 4 ply 13.55 MM4060WW-4 Warm White 40 x 60" 4 Ply 13.55 12.45 78.10 Warm White Zinc Classic 7.60 6.25 26.18 6.05 Natural Antique 5.95 25.40 10.95 37.80 16.00 OVERSIZED BOARD *PM4872-4 MM60104W-4 White 48 x 72" 4 Ply White 60 x 104" 4 Ply 110.40 60.00 PRE-PACKED MAT BOARD MM1620N Mat Board 4 PACK - 16 x 20" 4.67 MM1620 6.49 IN NATURAL Mat Board 4 PACK - 16 x 20" In White, Black, Warm White and Gray WOOLFITT’S GOING GREEN! STORE HOURS MON - FRI - 9AM - 7PM SATURDAY - 9AM - 6PM SUNDAY - 11AM - 5PM * Available in limited quantities Most museum board is packed in 25 sheet packs but we will mix and match any quantity you desire! Oversized board must be ordered in full packs of 10 due to packaging considerations We have new & improved Gift cards! WE’RE READY TO DO OUR PART FOR THE ENVIRONMENT BY GETTING RID OF ALL THAT PAPER PROMO AND SENDING EVERYTHING TO YOU IN DIGITAL FORMAT ONLY! WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTERS AND SEASONAL FLYERS BY EMAIL? IF SO, DROP US A LINE WITH YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND EMAIL TO: contact@woolfitts.com WITH THE SUBJECT “WOOLFITT’S GOING GREEN” The perfect gift for the artist you love! Available in any denomination! SPECIALS ARE VALID UNTIL MAY 31st, 2010. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! WOOLFITT’S ART ENTERPRISES • 1153 Queen Street West • Toronto, Ontario M6J 1J4 TEL: 416-536-7878 x30 • 1-800-490-3567 • FAX: 416-536-4322 contact@woolfitts.com • www.woolfitts.com