Kokopelli Group Home, LLC
Kokopelli Group Home, LLC
Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Participant Packet Table of Contents Rules at a Glance-A quick synopsis of our rules. Not the complete set. The Program Participant Agreement. You will accept and sign this agreement. Your Manager has the Kokopelli Copy, This is your Copy. Instructions for Life. A 2 page document that has informative maps and locations. Note: Paz de Cristo currently does provide a voucher for you to get your State ID. You must be at their Office by 1:00 PM on Tuesday. You can get your ID on Wednesday. We suggest you be early. Meeting Tracking Form. This is to be turned into your Manager each Friday. The Manager will copy and return to you. Kokopelli Management will review. My Budget Plan. This is a tool you can use to track your budget so you can be more efficient with your finances. If you claim you cannot pay your fees, this document will be the first step to review your finances. Keep this form handy, because you may need it. This is to be turned into your Manager each Friday, until you get a job. The Manager will copy and return to you. Kokopelli Management will review. My Day Timer. This is another tool to help develop your time keeping skills. If you are wasting your time this will be a great tool for you to use to bring your time into a more reasonable point and may just give you a good measure on your productivity. This is to be turned into your Manager each Friday, until you get a job. The Manager will copy and return to you. Kokopelli Management will review. Goals and Objectives. We all need to identify Goals and then find how we can meet those Goals through Objectives. Most employers use this tool for the annual reviews. . Job Search Report. If you are unemployed, then this tool is a requirement. You may be requested by your manager to provide this form. The form will be copied and returned right away. This is to be turned into your Manager each Friday, until you get a job. The Manager will copy and return to you. Kokopelli Management will review. Kokopelli Clothing Boutique. This is a very good place to get some clothes. No payment is required, but donations are accepted. Many people have taken advantage of the Boutique and returned later to make a donation, when they get financially stable. Letter. Kokopelli refers to this as the DES and all purpose Letter. KEEP IT. Take it to DES. It has everything they need to process your DES application. Have your Manager fill out the Letter and SIGN IT. Jobs List-This is a comprehensive list of Employers that have hired Kokopelli Program Participants. Food Box List-This is a listing of potential Food Box Organizations. Call First. Not Included with the Participant Packet, but available is the Reduced Fare Bus Application. If you need this, then request the Manager print it and complete the application. Kokopelli Management will then sign it when they make the weekly rounds. The Valley Metro Application fee is $5.00. You will take the package to their office, as indicated on the Application Package. The advantage of the Reduced Fare is 50% off the retail price of the Bus Passes. The monthly Bus Pass is the most economical fare. Until you receive the Reduced Fare ID Card, you must pay Full Fare. There are heavy fines if you try to cheat the system, and your PO will be notified by the Valley Metro Security. KokopelliGroupHomeParticipantPacketTOC Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Rules at a glance. To be complemented by the full agreement. Any criminal activity (on or off the facility) is not acceptable and will result in discharge. If you have a warrant from a legal authority, you must disclose this information immediately. NO ALCOHOL OR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES are permitted while you are in our program. All medications, including pain pills, psych meds, aspirin, Advil, cold, flu, sinus, etc. must be disclosed to Kokopelli. Kokopelli can test any Program Participant at any time for alcohol or controlled substances. Television, Computer, Radio, and Telephone are for you and the other Program Participants to enjoy, and must be acceptable by the other Program Participant's. Do not have the noise levels loud to disturb the other program participants and limit your use so other participants can enjoy. NO FIGHTING, THREATENING, or COMMITTING VIOLENCE against another. STEALING AND LYING will not be tolerated. Go get a Job and Food Box. VANDALISM AND INTENTIONAL PROPERTY DAMAGE will not be tolerated ALL PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS MUST SIGN OUT AND SIGN IN. It does not matter if you are on parole, probation or not. ALL Visitors and Guests must register with the Manager and Sign In / Out, before access. FAILING TO COME TO THE PROGRAM FACILITY WITHOUT NOTICE IS A DIRECT VIOLATION. KOKOPELLI MAY ISSUE A PASS for extended absence. Fees must be paid, the pass must be approved in advance and be on file with Kokopelli. Your Legal Supervisor (Parole/Probation Officer) must also Approve all Passes. Final approval by Kokopelli Management is required. THERE IS A CURFEW THAT MUST BE ADHERED TO and is recommended by the local authorities. Additional curfew restrictions may apply. You must have a curfew extension if you work late or have a unique situation requiring you to stay out past the curfew. THERE ARE NO FIRES OR SMOKING IN THE FACILITY. NO ADDITIONAL APPLIANCES ARE PERMITTED IN THE ROOMS. No program participant is permitted to enter the area of another program participant. All vehicles must be in running condition and have current registration and proof of insurance. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO HELP WITH GENERAL HOUSEHOLD UPKEEP AND CLEANING. This includes cleaning up after yourself and doing the ASSIGNED CHORES. Maintain good personal hygiene. Only current paid Program Participants are permitted use of the Telephone and Computer. All Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Program Participants must have a job or work community service. No Participant is permitted to stay at the house and become sedentary. You must review your integration or recovery program with the house manager at least one (1) time per week. Kokopelli Group Home, LLC requires a minimum of a one (1) week (7 Days) written notice to leave the program. If you do not the Deposit may be Forfeited. If your Legal Supervisor gives you permission to Leave the Program, you should take the 1 week notice in account. Limit your personal property to what will be accommodated by your assigned area. Secure your valuables. Your property is your responsibility and if you do not assume that responsibility then any loss is your burden. Kokopelli Group Home, LLC nor its agents are responsible for any loss or damage to your property. Kokopelli_Group_Home-Rules_at_a_Glance 7/26/2012 KOKOPELLI GROUP HOME, LLC. PROGRAM PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT By this agreement, made and entered into on _________________________________________[date], between _________________________________________, referred to as “program participant,” and Kokopelli Group Home, LLC (KGH) aka Kokopelli Recovery Program, demises and permits to Program Participant by KGH, the Admission to a Program solely for the purpose of transitioning into society and advanced recovery from an alcohol or substance abuse located at a facility known as Kokopelli Group Home, LLC, in Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona. This is not an agreement for occupancy or tenancy. The facilities are solely for the purpose of a transitional recovery program service for the participant, to be used by program participant during the period the participant is allowed in the transitional recovery program and for no other use or purpose whatever, for a term of a minimum of 90 days beginning on _________________________________________ [date] at a program fee of $130.00 per week (plus any applicable taxes or surcharges), or $563.34 per month (plus any applicable taxes or surcharges), or prorated at $18.58 (plus any applicable taxes) per day if necessary, payable in advance, during the entire term of this agreement, to KGH in Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona, or to any other person or agent and at any other time or place that KGH may designate. Program participation is Friday through Thursday. If the Participant begins the Program on a day prior to Friday, the Program Fee will be prorated to Friday. The Program Fee is due on each Friday or, the first day of the month if paid monthly, by 8:00 pm, unless prior arrangements are approved by KGH. The normal week is from Friday to Thursday. Any payments after that time will be considered delinquent and a late fee of up to five percent (5%) per day or termination of this agreement may apply. All payments are to be by “Money Order”, with the Payee designated as “Kokopelli Group Home, LLC”. Kokopelli does not accept Personal Checks or Cash. All Participants are required to complete the Kokopelli Budget Form, Day Timer, and Job Search Form, to turn into the Manager, on a weekly basis, until they have a full time job. You are also required to have the Meeting form completed and signed to turn into the Manager on a weekly basis. Participants that get behind in the Program Service Fees will be required to provide the Manager with their Pay Stub, and may be required to accept a Power of Attorney to have their paychecks turned over to Kokopelli Group Home, LLC and a budget amount will be administered to the Participant, until the Program Service Fees and Security Deposit are paid in full. If the Participant refuses to accept the Power of Attorney, then this agreement is automatically terminated and the Participant must leave the Program immediately. Kokopelli Group Home, LLC can only accept persons that are American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Qualified and are fully ambulatory. Kokopelli cannot accept non-ambulatory individuals, all individuals must be capable of self-preservation and selfevacuation in the case of an emergency. It is further mutually agreed between the parties as follows: SECURITY DEPOSIT On the execution of this agreement, program participant deposits with KGH $130.00, receipt of which is acknowledged by KGH, as security for the faithful performance by program participant of the terms of this agreement, to be returned to program participant, without interest, on the full and faithful performance by program participant of the provisions of this agreement. The Participant must clean the bedding and room area, and insure that all Kokopelli Property is accounted for. The Security Deposit is not the last program fee payment amount and will be returned after all Kokopelli property is accounted for, including all bedding, hangers and other property. The bedding must be cleaned, the bed made, and the room in clean condition when the participant leaves the program, after the 90 day commitment. The deposit is not refundable if you relapse, detained by a legal authority, discharged for violating the rules, or do not fulfill the commitment. KGH requires one week (7 days) written notice. by the program participant to leave the program or the security deposit is forfeited. This Security Deposit of $130.00 is in addition to the monthly Program Fee. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT The Program Participant shall abide by all rules and policies of Kokopelli Group Home, LLC. If the Program Participant violates these rules and policies then the Program Participant agreement is subject to termination and the time is expired, immediately. The Program Participant agrees that upon termination of this agreement to immediately vacate the premises of Kokopelli Group Home, LLC and remove the Program Participant’s personal property immediately. All Kokopelli Group Home, LLC property is to remain on the premises and unauthorized removal of Kokopelli Group Home, LLC property is considered a violation of the prevailing laws of Arizona. The Program Participant agrees that the Recovery Program is a service and is not an occupancy or tenancy agreement and therefore the Program Participant has no rights under the Arizona Landlord Tennant Act (Arizona Revised Statutes Title 33, Chapter 10) or any other provisions for occupancy or tenancy. If this agreement is terminated by Kokopelli Group Home, LLC, the time is expired and the Program Participant must vacate the facilities immediately or be in violation of ARS 13-1504 Criminal Trespass in the First Degree or 13-1502 Criminal Trespass in the Third Degree or both. Any supervisory authority will be notified immediately of the termination and discharge. You are responsible to immediately process a mail forwarding with the US Postal Service upon the Termination of the Agreement. Kokopelli will not hold mail, all mail will be “Returned To Sender”. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING Program participant shall not assign this agreement to another person. There is no subletting as the Kokopelli Recovery Home is not a rental, but a service to assist the program participants to transition into the community and continue in their recovery. ENTRY FOR INSPECTION, REPAIRS, AND ALTERATIONS KGH shall have the right to enter any area of the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC facility and all rooms therein for inspection at all reasonable hours and whenever necessary to inspect, make repairs, alterations or clean of the Kokopelli Home facility. UTILITIES/SERVICES Electricity, gas, telephone service, digital antennae, cable or satellite TV, and other utilities are furnished as a part of this agreement. Any issues with any service will be resolved by Kokopelli Group Home, LLC. You are expected to conserve the resources. Do not open any windows or block any doors open, without the notification and approval of the manager or Kokopelli Management. There are to be no long distance phone calls or acceptance of collect calls. There is to be no pay television programs. The laundry facilities are to be __________ Participant Initial KokopelliProgramParticipantAgreement 6/9/2014 Page 1 of 8 © 2004-2013 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC conserved/ Use only the proper amount of High-Efficiency (HE) liquid detergent (only liquid detergent is permitted at all Kokopelli Facilities), proper washing machine setting, and use the “clothes line” for drying your clothes, whenever possible. Note: The Dryer will become coin operated at the facility to encourage using the free Clothes Line. You must take reasonable length showers and not run the water for lengthy periods of time. Any violation of this conservation effort may result in having services restricted or termination of this Agreement. FURNISHINGS Refrigerator, washer, dryer (clothes line), couches, chairs, dining table, toaster, bed, chest, television, computer, and other furnishings are a part of this agreement. No furnishing is to be added or moved without the express permission of Kokopelli Group Home, LLC. There is to be no personal refrigerators, heaters, heating blankets/pads, etc. in the rooms. Personal small fans and small TV’s are permitted and are to be turned off when not in the room. Any damage to the furnishings will be assessed. Do fold your clothes and do not overfill the dresser drawers. Place all dirty clothes in a laundry basket or bag. Do Not place your clothes loose on the floor and no property is permitted under the bed. You can acquire a plastic bin that can be sealed to store your property. Do not place uncovered food in the refrigerator, your assigned area or other shelves. There are Tower Fans placed in strategic locations. You are NOT permitted to move them to your personal area or any other location. REPAIRS, REDECORATION, OR ALTERATIONS KGH shall be responsible for repairs to the interior & exterior of the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC facility, provided, however, repairs required through damage caused by program participant shall be charged to program participant as an additional surcharge. It is agreed that program participant will not make or permit to be made any additions, improvements, or facility changes. ANIMALS Program participant shall keep no domestic or other animals (aka pets, dogs, cats, birds, fish, lizards, etc.) in or about the facility or on the premises. This means that no pets are allowed on the premises at any time. This policy excludes qualified Service Dogs, per HUD definitions. WASTE, NUISANCE, OR UNLAWFUL USE Program participant agrees that he will not commit waste on the premises, or maintain or permit to be maintained a nuisance on the premises, or use or permit the premises to be used in an unlawful manner. Any bug infestation must be addressed immediately. Kokopelli has provided each facility with the components to combat these conditions. The program participant is expected to cooperate in the elimination of the pests. Kokopelli did not bring in the pests, a participant probably did. The program participant further agrees to abide by all sections of this agreement, clean up after themselves, and perform the assigned Chore List as a part of the agreement. PARKING SPACE Program participants use parking space on a first come- first served basis, No Reserved Spaces. The vehicle must be properly licensed and insured. Kokopelli must have a copy of your current registration and verify insurance. If you are restrained from operating a vehicle, you must inform Kokopelli Group Home, LLC of this restraint and provide proof of reinstatement prior to your operating any vehicle and keeping the vehicle on KGH Property. PROGRAM PARTICIPANT RIGHTS You may submit grievances without restraint or retaliation and have grievances considered in a fair, timely, and impartial manner. If you are discharged for a flagrant violation, your request will be reviewed and a decision rendered within 72 hours of Kokopelli receiving the written grievance. Your information and records will be kept confidential to Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Management. You will have the right to have privacy in correspondence, communication, visitation, and financial affairs. You have the right to review your own information record. You will be free from abuse and exploitation. You may associate with individuals of the Program Participant’s choice, receive registered visitors, and make telephone calls during the hours established by Kokopelli Group Home, LLC as outlined and described in this agreement. Note: All visitors are required to be approved by Management, register and sign in and to follow the same guidelines as outlined in this agreement. No visitor is permitted the use of Kokopelli facilities (i.e., Computer, phone, etc.). If any visitor is under legal supervision, they must immediately disclose this information to Kokopelli Group Home, LLC management and are not permitted on the premises as that presence is a violation of the supervisory authority. If a visitor is found not to be in compliance with this agreement, the visitor will be discharged from the facility, and further action may result in Criminal Trespass Complaint being filed with the police department. DEFAULT If program participant defaults in the payment of program fees or any part of the program fees at the times specified above, or if program participant defaults in the performance of or compliance with any other term or condition of this program agreement or of the regulations attached to and made a part of this agreement, which regulations shall be subject to occasional amendment or addition by KGH, the agreement, at the option of KGH, shall terminate and be forfeited, and KGH may reenter the facility premises and retake possession and recover damages, including costs and attorney fees. Program participant shall be given verbal or written notice of any default or breach. Termination and forfeiture of the agreement shall not result if, within one (1) day of receipt of such notice, program participant has corrected the default or breach or has taken action reasonably likely to effect correction within a reasonable time. If the program participant is late in paying the program fee, there is up to a five percent (5%) per day late charge or termination of this agreement. The program participant must make arrangements with the KGH to continue the program past the 3 day time period. Any default will forfeit the deposit to the benefit of KGH and may terminate this agreement. If there is a temporary short term situation that you need an “approved” Payment Plan, the late fee is not waived and the late payment is considered Delinquent and due immediately. DESTRUCTION OF FACILITY AND EMINENT DOMAIN In the event the facility is destroyed or rendered unusable by fire, storm, or earthquake, or other casualty not caused by the negligence of program participant, or if the premises are taken by eminent domain, this agreement shall be at an end from such time except for the __________ Participant Initial KokopelliProgramParticipantAgreement 6/9/2014 Page 2 of 8 © 2004-2013 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC purpose of enforcing rights that may have then accrued under this agreement. The program participant may transfer to another KGH facility to continue in the recovery program, if available. The program participation shall then be accounted for between KGH and program participant up to the time of such injury or destruction or taking of the facility, program participant paying up to such date and KGH refunding the program fee collected beyond such date. Should a part only of the facility be destroyed or rendered unusable by fire, storm, earthquake, or other casualty not caused by the negligence of program participant, the program shall abate in the proportion that the injured part bears to the whole program premises. The part so injured shall be restored by KGH as speedily as practicable, after which the full program fee shall recommence and the agreement continue according to its terms. Any condemnation award concerning the premises shall belong exclusively to KGH. PEST CONTROL Per Arizona Revised Statute 33-1319, the Program Participant will not knowingly move materials into a Kokopelli Group Home, LLC facility that is infested with bedbugs or any other pests. A Program Participant who knows of the presence of bedbugs or other pests shall provide Kokopelli Group Home, LLC. and the facility manager written or electronic notification of the presence of bedbugs or other pests. The Quality Control Manager shall have unlimited access to the Participant’s area and property for the purpose of detecting the presence of bedbugs or other pests. The Program Participant will abide by the Kokopelli Bedbug and Pest Inspection and Treatment Program posted in the Common area in the facility and will assist in the elimination of any pests. New Program Participants are to insure their property is free of any pests prior to bringing into the facility. All Participants are to inspect their bedding, dressers and clothing on a continual basis. Weekly the bedding should be removed, inspected. Any tears in the plastic wrap must be repaired and the inspected bedding replaced. The participants and property are to be inspected for pests each time they enter the facility. Any pests must be reported to the manager immediately, in writing. Pest infestation is a serious issue and any participant that does not comply will be discharged immediately. CRIME FREE PROGRAM PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT In consideration of the execution of a program participation agreement of the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Program Participant Agreement, Kokopelli Group Home, LLC and program participant agree as follows: 1. Program participant, any members of the program participant's household or a guest or other person under the program participant's control shall not engage in criminal activity, including drug related criminal activity, on or near the said premises. "Drug related criminal activity" means the illegal manufacture, sale, distribution, use, or possession with intent to manufacture, sell, distribute, or use of a controlled substance (as defined in Section 102 or the Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S. C. 802)). 2. Program participant, any member of the program participant's household or a guest or other person under the program participant's control shall not engage in any act intended to facilitate criminal activity, including drug related criminal activity, regardless of whether the individual engaging in such activity is a member of the household, or a guest. 3. Program participant or members of the household will not permit the dwelling unit to be used for, or to facilitate criminal activity, including drug related criminal activity, regardless or whether the individual engaging in such activity is a member of the household, or a guest. 4. Program participant, and member of the program participant's household, or a guest or another person under the program participant's control shall not engage in the unlawful manufacturing selling, using, storing, or giving of a controlled substance as defined in A.R S. 13-3451, at any locations, whether on or near the dwelling unit premises or otherwise. 5. Program participant, any member of the program participant's household, or a guest or another person under the program participant's control shall not engage in any illegal activity, including prostitution as defined, in A.RS. 13-3211, criminal street gang activity as defined in A.R.S 13-105 and 13-2308, threatening or intimidating as prohibited in A.R.S. 13-1202, assault as prohibited in A.RS. 13-1203 including but not limited to the unlawful discharge of firearms, on or near the dwelling unit premises, or any breach of the program participant agreement that otherwise jeopardizes the health, safety and welfare of the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC or other program participant or involving imminent or actual serious property damage. 6. VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE PROVISIONS SHALL BE A MATERIAL AND IRREPARABLE VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT AND GOOD CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OF THE PROGRAM. A single violation of any of the provisions of this added addendum shall be deemed a serious violation and a material and irreparable non-compliance. It is understood that a single violation shall be good cause for immediate termination of the agreement. Unless otherwise provided by law, proof of violation shall not require criminal conviction, but shall be by a preponderance of the evidence. 7. In case of conflict between the provisions of this agreement and any other provisions of the program participant addendums, the provisions of this agreement shall govern. If you have conditions ordered by a legal entity, you must provide a copy of those conditions to Kokopelli Group Home, LLC. 8. This CRIME FREE PROGRAM PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT SECTION is incorporated into the PROGRAM PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT executed or renewed this day between Kokopelli Group Home, LLC, Program Participant, and the Mesa Police Department. KOKOPELLI GROUP HOME, LLC FACILITY RULES The purpose of the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC is to provide a safe and healthy environment to participate in a clean and sober transitional recovery program, and achieve a self-fulfilling lifestyle. The following rules are necessary to achieve this purpose and still promote personal responsibility: There are "Flagrant Violations" that can result in IMMEDIATE termination of Program Participation at the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC. Reporting violations to any of these rules to Kokopelli Management, is required. You may report the incidents by verbal or written notification. A method to notify Kokopelli Group Home, LLC of a violation is sending the Administrator a message on the Registry computer. Please enter the Facility Name so we will know where to perform an investigation. If you know of a violation and do not report the violation, you become an accessory to the violation, and therefore may suffer consequences. These rules are in effect to comply with the City of Mesa and to maintain a safe recovery home. __________ Participant Initial KokopelliProgramParticipantAgreement 6/9/2014 Page 3 of 8 © 2004-2013 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Violating the Crime Free Agreement Section is reason for Immediate Termination of the program. This agreement will be Rigidly Enforced. If you have a warrant from a legal authority, you must disclose this information immediately to Kokopelli Group Home, LLC. You are required to check with any potential jurisdictions to determine your legal status. If the warrant is for a fine that you have not paid, then you must make payment arrangements with the legal authority. No Alcohol or Controlled Substances are permitted on the premises, inside or outside. If you have a prescription for a drug, you must disclose to the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC management with proof of the prescription. If the prescription is to be dispensed and you would like the prescription controlled, please discuss and arrange with Kokopelli Group Home, LLC management. All information will be documented to eliminate any misunderstandings. If you bring alcohol or a controlled substance on the facility, expect to pack your belongings and leave the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Program immediately. If you are aware of someone violating this rule, you are expected to report the incident to Kokopelli Management. All medications, including pain pills, psych meds, aspirin, Advil, cold, flu, sinus, etc. must be disclosed at intake and during the program participation. All medications will be kept, and secured (preferably in a lockbox). All medications must be dispensed according to the instructions on the prescription bottle. There is to be no alteration of the medication for consumption. Any Rx or "over the counter" medications that have unreadable labels will be disposed of. Failure to disclose medications during intake or during your continued program participation will cause you to be discharged. If you over medicate you may be required to go to a detoxification center or medical facility until you are at a normal status, and released by a medical attendant. Kokopelli may then determine your return into the Kokopelli Program. You will be required to attend substance abuse or other related counseling and provide KGH proof of attendance. A medical release form may be required for some cases where the medications appear to be excessive. Kokopelli can test any Program Participant at any time for alcohol or controlled substances. Any substance that is suspected to be hallucinogenic, whether legal or not, is not permitted at Kokopelli. This includes “Spice”, Marijuana and such medications as opiates. If someone in the program feels you are using or misusing, we may test you, unless it is obvious, and we may inspect your property. Kokopelli will always ask you if you have been using. If you affirm, then we will recommend you go to the detox center. If you refuse, we will dismiss you from the Program. If you deny then we will test you with a $20.00 fee up front. If you test positive you will owe us the cost for each test and you must go to a detoxification center or be discharged. If you are negative then you will not owe the fee and the issue is closed. In any case the test should be viewed as a positive resolution, not a negative issue. All program participants and staff are subject to random breath and urine tests. Refusal to test is subject to immediate Program termination. Television, Computer, Radio and other entertainment are for you and the other Program Participants to enjoy, and must be acceptable by the other Program Participant's. Do not have the noise levels loud to disturb the other program participants. Do not Hog the TV Programming. When your program is complete, let another Participant select the program If you are requested to lower the noise level, you must do so immediately. You might need to get a pair of headphones for your personal enjoyment if the noise disturbs other program participants. In general, these noises should not be permitted beyond 30 minutes past the curfew and should remain off until the next day at a reasonable time but Kokopelli Group Home, LLC's management may approve if it does not disturb the other Program Participants. This rule includes the Kitchen and other common area usage. You may have a personal TV, computer, radio or other entertainment, provided you follow the rules and policies within this paragraph. The rooms are prewired for a digital signal for TV’s. If you have an older analog TV, you will need to acquire a Digital to Analog converter. Newer digital TV’s can connect without issue. There will be no loud music played inside or outside, abusive noise, or obscene language or gestures inside or outside the Kokopelli Facility at any time. If you are not working, then the Computer, TV and radio is off limits. You will not be allowed to sit at the house and watch TV while you are not employed or performing community service. NO FIGHTING, THREATENING, or COMMITTING VIOLENCE against another. If there is a dispute, bring to Kokopelli Group Home, LLC's attention. All disputes will be resolved, PEACEFULLY. If you violate this rule, you will be dismissed immediately. Stealing will not be tolerated. This includes any KGH or other participant’s property and food. Stealing is grounds for IMMEDIATE Termination of the Program Agreement. If you have valuables or money, you are responsible to secure your property. Kokopelli is not responsible for your personal property. If you need food, do not steal it. You can get over to a food box location almost every day and get a food box. All you have to do is get up and go get it. Lying will not be tolerated. Lies found on your intake paperwork or otherwise during the course of your Program Participation are grounds for IMMEDIATE Termination of the Program Agreement. Vandalism and intentional property damage will not be tolerated, and is grounds for IMMEDIATE Termination of the Program Agreement. Nothing is permitted to be placed on the walls or ceilings (taped, stapled, or nailed). There are no markings of any kind to be made on the walls or ceilings. There may be a bulletin board/marker board for each program participant. All decorations must be approved by the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC and if they become fixed to the facility, they are to become the property of Kokopelli Group Home, LLC. Any criminal activity (on or off the facility) is not acceptable, and is grounds for IMMEDIATE Termination of the Program Agreement. Signing Out and In (Registry Workstation)- All program participants must sign out and sign in. This rule must be applied to all program participants whether or not they are on legal supervision. The time signed out (including AM or PM), intended location, expected return time (including AM or PM), and actual return time, when you get back, must be completed. If you are going to be returning beyond your expected return time, you must call the manager to inform of the new return time. The __________ Participant Initial KokopelliProgramParticipantAgreement 6/9/2014 Page 4 of 8 © 2004-2013 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC manager must approve this return time. This condition is absolute to maintain accountability. No Exceptions. Forgetting to Sign In or Out is not an excuse, and is a Dischargeable offense. Your location is important to be accurate. If you sign out for family it should be for a relative, not a friend. Messages are on the Registry Workstation. You must read your Messages. They provide valuable information. Failing to return to the program facility without notice is a direct violation, and is grounds for IMMEDIATE Termination of the Program Agreement. If you are detained in a medical facility or a law enforcement facility, you must provide proof of the detention when you return. You must also make all efforts to contact Kokopelli Group Home, LLC to notify of the detaining. There is a curfew that must be adhered to: Sunday through Thursday 10:00 pm. Note: 8:00 PM for new Participants for the first week. 8:00 PM if the Program Fee and Security Deposit is not current, or Not Working. Normal departure time is no earlier than 4:00 AM daily for the purpose of curfew, and for work only. Friday and Saturday 12:00 am. Note: 8:00 PM for new Participants for the first week. 8:00 PM if the Program Fee and Security Deposit is not current, or Not Working. • If the curfew is not adhered to, then this agreement is subject to immediate termination. You must insure that you have the ability to return to the Kokopelli facility in a timely manner before you leave the facility. If you do not have a return plan and do not return by the expected time, you will be in violation of this agreement. • You must make prior arrangements with Kokopelli Group Home, LLC management and any Legal Supervision for any extended absences. If you must be away from the facility for more than 12 hours, or beyond the curfew, you must notify Kokopelli Group Home, LLC, your Legal Supervision, and be approved, not by just calling and leaving a message. All arrangements will be documented to eliminate any misunderstandings. • Curfew can be changed on a case by case basis. After 30 days participation, an overnight pass may be requested. If you have been released from prison or jail and your family is not from the area, one 24 hour pass may be requested with your Legal Supervisors written permission to Kokopelli. The first pass is limited to 24 hours. Future requests may be made for up to 48 hours. There may not be more than three (3) overnight passes per month. You must leave a contact number and your assigned chore must be completed before leaving on any overnight pass. If you have a job that the work hours are beyond the curfew hours, then a Curfew Extension request must be completed and approved by Kokopelli Group Home, LLC management. Note: All passes and curfew extensions must be pre-approved by the applicable parole, probation, legal supervision and Kokopelli Management. There are no exceptions even if not on active legal supervision. If you are not working, your curfew is 8:00 PM daily. You must also perform Community Service, curb the TV access during the day. A Kokopelli Job Search form will be required to submit to the Manager on a weekly basis. There are no Fires or Smoking in the Facility. This includes candles, incense, and smoking anywhere in the house. Smoking is permitted on the Back Patio no closer than 10 feet from the door entrances. The Ash Trays must be used; no cigarette butts or other tobacco products are to be thrown or discharged in the yard. No program participant is permitted to enter the area of another program participant unless accompanied by another program participant occupying that room, and notification to the Developmental Advocate. Other than the Developmental Advocate, being in another program participant’s area is grounds for immediate termination of the program agreement. Rooms with Kokopelli installed key locks. Selected Kokopelli rooms have key locks. These are special keys that only you and your roommate have (The manager has a complete set in case of emergency). The doors can only be locked from the exterior. You must carry your key with you and not lock the room unless you have verified that your roommate has the key. There is a $5.00 deposit for the key, which will be returned when the key is returned to Kokopelli. All room occupants must have paid the key deposit, if not, then no key can be issued to the participant. If you are locked out of your room then you must wait for the manager or your roommate to open the door. Do NOT make a forced entry No keys will be issued to anyone who is not current with the Program Fees and the privilege may be revoked. There are no weapons of any kind, including simulated weapons or religious items, are permitted on the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC facility. This is grounds for immediate termination of the Program Agreement. You must comply with any and all community and facility (Kokopelli Group Home, LLC) association Rules. Be a Good Neighbor. If you see a neighbor that may need help, please ask if you can help, and expect no more than gratitude in return. All vehicles must be in running condition and you must present current registration and proof of insurance for our files, or be immediately removed from the property. Any vehicle repairs must be minor, and the work area cleaned each day, if the repairs take more than one day. No extensive repairs are permitted on the facility or Public Street in the proximity of the facility. There is to be no car washing, or use of Kokopelli supplies to wash a car, on the KGH facility. You must use a local car wash facility, and your own supplies, or other location. All driving must be safe and courteous. All speed limits must be followed (The Neighborhood speed limit is 25MPH or less) Careless and reckless driving is not permitted. Violation of this could result in immediate termination of your Program Agreement. Littering on the Kokopelli Facility or surrounding neighborhood is not permitted. Put cigarette butts in the ashtrays that are provided, not on the ground. Do not put your cigarettes out on the building structure. Loitering around the Kokopelli facility or neighborhood is not permitted. This may cause concern for our neighbors, and you may be subjected to trespassing charges by the local authorities. Loitering in the front area is generally not permitted. We want to be good neighbors and not disturb our other neighbors. __________ Participant Initial KokopelliProgramParticipantAgreement 6/9/2014 Page 5 of 8 © 2004-2013 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC You must be properly and appropriately dressed when you are outside of the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC facility. When inside the facility you must wear a shirt (pants or shorts too, not just undergarments) while in all common areas. Display of your boxer shorts is not permitted; keep your pants pulled up. If you are relaxing on a couch or chair, please put a towel behind your head. There is to be no eating of meals or snacks in the assigned rooms. All liquids must be clear (i.e., water) in the assigned rooms. Any colored liquids (i.e., coffee, tea, soda, etc.) must be consumed in the common areas (i.e., kitchen, living room, etc). Food storage in the assigned room must be in the original packaging or proper storage container. Be a Good Program Participant. Please consider your fellow program participants for all actions and activities. Clean up any messes you make, immediately, this includes dishes and cups. Keep your personal area and the facility clean and provide a quality environment for yourself and the other program participants. Be courteous and respect other program participants. Keep your use area neat and orderly, and make up your sleeping quarters every day. All dirty clothes are to be placed in a clothes hamper or plastic bag, and all trash picked up. No clothing is to be on the floor and all shoes must be in the closet, not under the bed. Use an air freshener if needed for your shoes and other unpleasant odors. You must sleep in your assigned space. Using any other space (i.e., couch, for sleeping is not permitted, as other participants may want to utilize that space for the intended activity (i.e., Watching TV). You are expected to help with general household upkeep and cleaning. You must check your bed, dresser, and room for any pests on a daily routine and resolve and report to management any issues immediately. Your room must be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis. All clothing must be hung up or in the dresser. Laundry must be in a a Laundry Basket or bag not loose on the floor. Nothing placed under the bed, unless in a sealed heavy plastic storage bin. Chores will be assigned to each program participant. These chores must be performed and the Chore Sheet signed off DAILY.. Kokopelli Management may request additional cleaning. Refusal to clean up after yourself or do any assigned chore in a timely manner may result in termination of the program agreement. If you spill something you must clean it up immediately to equal or better than the condition it was. This includes you cleaning kitchen items immediately. Do not stare at the mess and walk away, clean it up. If you break something, Fix It or have someone who knows how, fix it. It’s all about being responsible. Maintain good personal hygiene. You are expected to be clean and take a shower regularly. Guests are permitted to visit at the facility in only the common areas and not in the program participant's use area. Guests must register with the Manager, be approved, and are required to present a valid picture ID (which may be copied and attached to the registration). If the visitor denies this process, then the visitor will be denied access and required to leave the facility premises immediately or be charged with Criminal Trespassing. All guests must Sign In and Out. Overnight guests are not permitted. In general a guest can visit for 3 hours, 2 times per week. Any longer or more frequent visitations must be approved by the Manager. The number of guests should be no more than 2 at a time for the Facility, and the guest(s) should be an occasional visitor, not a daily visitor . All guests that do visit are required to follow all rules and agreements that the program participant is obligated to follow. All guests must leave by the curfew time and not arrive prior to 7:00 AM. There are no exceptions. The program participant is responsible for any guest's actions and activities. This rule and policy is enforced to protect all Program Participants and the Kokopelli facility. Sexual or Pornographic activity is not permitted on the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC facility, including the computer. Tracking or Scanning Devices are not permitted in the Kokopelli Facilities. This includes any technology equipment such as police, fire or other emergency services tracking mechanisms to monitor emergency or government official’s activities. Telephone use. Only current paid Program Participants are permitted telephone use. Please limit your call length to 5 minutes and limit the number of calls. If someone is waiting to use the telephone, please make your call short so the other person can use the telephone. If another call comes in, you must “click over” and answer that call. If the call is for another program participant while you are on the phone, please ask if the call is urgent. If the call is urgent then let your party know and turn the phone over to the other program participant. If the call is not urgent, then please take a message for the program participant. The house phone is to remain in the interior common areas at all times. Do not take the phone outside or in your room. If you violate the phone use rule, you may be restricted from use of the phone. There are no telephones outside of the common areas permitted to be connected to the Kokopelli phone system. You may have a personal cell phone, but there are to be no phone usage (whether a personal cell phone or the facility phone) beyond the 30 minute curfew limitation. This rule is in effect to prevent disturbing other program participants, and is not to be violated or phone privileges will be suspended, and personal cell phone prohibited. Computer use. Only current paid Program Participants are permitted computer use. The computer is available for your personal use. There are training programs installed to help you learn how to use a computer. Please limit your use. If another program participant is waiting to use the computer, please complete the task you are doing and allow the other program participant to use the computer. There may be a sign-up sheet for the computer use. No pornographic, gaming, or illegal activity is permitted on the computer. The computer is for personal use, business use is NOT Permitted. There is to be NO downloading of music, documents, or video files without the express written authorization by the authors. This is in violation of Federal Laws (U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act). Printing should be limited to 2-5 pages per day. This is a privilege and will not be abused. Follow the computer usage rules. Do not give the User ID and Password to any other person. Violation of any computer rules will result in suspension of your computer access. The computer use is limited to only those Program Participants that are current with their fees and are not on restriction. You may have a personal computer, provided your Legal Supervisor approves in writing to Kokopelli, and the program fees are current, but there are to be no computer usage beyond the 30 minute curfew limitation. This rule is in effect to prevent disturbing other program participants, and is not to be violated or computer privileges will be suspended. You must get the Access __________ Participant Initial KokopelliProgramParticipantAgreement 6/9/2014 Page 6 of 8 © 2004-2013 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Codes from Kokopelli and have your Legal Supervisor provide Kokopelli permission for your Personal Computer. The computers are maintained after curfew and access may be unavailable. All information can be stored on a “DATA” designated drive (Normally Drive K). All other information may be removed during maintenance. KGH may install a tracking program to trace Internet access, by individual user, and store in a hidden file, by either general user or by a “logged” user. This information will be provided to the Legal Authorities upon request. Report Crime. If you see a possible criminal activity, please report to the police immediately and / or Kokopelli Group Home, LLC management. You may call as a Silent Witness if you are uncomfortable, but do report the criminal activity. New program participants may be required to attend the Kokopelli Asset Mapping and Substance Abuse Therapy beginning with the next available class, plus a minimum of three (3) meetings per week for the first 4 weeks and 1-2 meetings per week thereafter. Program participants should find a sponsor or support person (i.e., clergy) within 30 days. This is a minimum requirement. All meetings must be verifiable and a Meeting Form is provided in your packet to document the activity. Kokopelli will provide your Legal Supervisor with periodic reporting. New participants are expected to arrange for counseling at a behavioral health clinic. Continuing participants may also be requested to enroll in behavioral health clinics, as deemed necessary. Kokopelli may offer Moral Reconition Therapy (MRT) on a periodic basis. This counseling may have a fee for materials. Your Legal Supervisor will be notified of the class schedule and associated costs. All program participants may be “required” to attend a Kokopelli Group Home, LLC meeting as scheduled by the Kokopelli facility management. Refusal to attend these meetings without Management Approval may make the Participant subject to Dismissal, and termination of this agreement. All Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Program Participants must have a job or work community service. No Participant is permitted to stay at the house and become sedentary. You are required to be employed full time, and you are not permitted to quit a job without first discussing it with the house manager and Kokopelli Group Home, LLC, (employment status will be verified periodically). There are certain types of employment that are not allowed (i.e., cab driving, working in bars, clubs, or places that sell alcohol). You must speak with the KGH manager prior to accepting employment with any place. You are not permitted to stay at the facility if you are unemployed. You must actively seek employment and bring back proof of your Job Search and Day Timer activity to the KGH manager. If you become ill and claim that you cannot work or perform community service, proof will be required by Kokopelli Group Home, LLC management, and you may need to relocate to another program. You must continue to maintain the Program Fees as current. Illness or physical inability is not an excuse for not maintaining the Program Fee. Relocation to a charitable facility may be required. Any Kokopelli Group Home situation that requires police involvement must be discussed with the KGH manager and/or Kokopelli Group Home, LLC before the police are called, (any police involvement without KGH manager approval will be grounds for discharge). Any medical conditions and/or injuries must be brought to the attention of the KGH manager and/or Kokopelli Group Home, LLC. If there is an emergency, call 911, and then notify the KGH manager and/or Kokopelli Group Home, LLC immediately. There is no sharing of clothes, personal property, loaning money, borrowing vehicles, including automobiles and bikes by either staff or program participants permitted at any Kokopelli Group Home, LLC facility. Normally if you “loan” money, you just gave the person the money and you alone must accept the consequences. This rule is in effect to prevent issues for loss or damage to property. If someone needs money or cigarettes, then insist they work. You must review your integration or recovery program with the house manager at least one (1) time per week. This review does not count as a visit to discuss your program while paying the fees, unless the KGH manager chooses to do so. Kokopelli Management will review the weekly status to insure that you are in compliance with any conditions that may be in effect by either Kokopelli or the legal system. Kokopelli Group Home, LLC requires a minimum of a one (1) week (7 Days) written notice and you must clean your area and bedding, if you intend to leave the Recovery Program. Be responsible and courteous to us and others, and not just walk off your job or leave your program. This notice will insure the refund of your deposit and the best possible references for future programs. If you leave the facility without the required notice or there is a discharge for flagrant violation of this agreement or the rules there is no refund of the deposit. PERSONAL PROPERTY We are a recovery facility for those that desire to make a new start on their life. When you begin participating in our program you will probably bring your personal property with you. Please limit the property to what will be accommodated by your assigned area and put your identification on your property. If you have an extensive amount of property, you must make arrangements to have it stored at another location. Do not leave valuables unattended. This includes jewelry, money, laptops, cell phones, cameras, identification, bus passes, etc. Kokopelli is not responsible for your property, you are. If for some reason, your participation agreement is terminated, you relapse, or incarcerated and do not return to our facility, Kokopelli management will immediately pack your property and store it for a maximum of 30 days. You will be charged a packing, cleaning, and storage fee, to retrieve the property. If you decide to leave the Recovery Program, you are required to give KGH written notice so we can make arrangements for someone to fill your vacancy in our program. If you leave without notice you will be assessed for the day you left the facility and the security deposit will be forfeited. There is a packing fee of $20.00 or more, depending on the amount of property, and a minimum daily storage fee of $3.00 per day, beginning with the first day of storage, for any reason including relapse or arrest. You will also be assessed a fee for cleaning your area and bedding (approximately $10.00 or more). These fees must be paid prior to your claiming your personal property. If you do not claim your personal property within 30 days, then the property will be donated to a charity or other institution or agency. If any other fees are due to Kokopelli Group Home, LLC (i.e., Program Fees, etc) then those fees must be paid in full prior to your moving back into __________ Participant Initial KokopelliProgramParticipantAgreement 6/9/2014 Page 7 of 8 © 2004-2013 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC a Kokopelli facility. We will attempt to collect from those fees via the legal system, if you do not make arrangements and keep the arrangements. We will also post the debt with a credit agency or on the Internet until the debt is paid in full. Kokopelli Group Home, LLC nor its agents are responsible for any loss or damage to your property. Your property is your responsibility to be removed immediately, and if you do not assume that responsibility then any loss is your burden. By signing this Program Participant Agreement I agree that Kokopelli Group Home, LLC is not responsible for my personal property. I will be responsible to pay any packing and storage fees before I can claim my property. BINDING EFFECT The covenants and conditions contained in this agreement shall apply to and bind the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of the parties to this agreement, and all covenants are to be construed as conditions of this agreement. GOVERNING LAW It is agreed that this agreement shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of Arizona. A FINAL NOTE This is a Recovery Program service for assistance in “transitioning” into the community and for recovery from substance abuse, and not an agreement to occupy the facility and premises of Kokopelli Group Home, LLC. Our business is to provide a positive lifestyle program for you and other participants to become responsible, assume a positive role in society and recover from an addiction. This program includes you following our rules, regardless if you are on parole, probation or other court or legal status, and paying the applicable service fees. Kokopelli will require that you present valid identification to insure your identity. This identification Social Security, State ID, etc. must be visibly inspected and documented. If there is any refusal or the documentation is unacceptable, then you will not be permitted to remain in our program. Kokopelli also requires that you provide other information including Conditions of Parole/Probation (Including Business Cards), Contacts (Medical is required), Employment , Legal Status, Health Information, your contact access, verification of your legal status, etc. If you refuse or attempt to misinform Kokopelli then you will be subject to immediate discharge from the program. You must be serious to apply for participation in our program and agree to all terms and conditions. If you violate this agreement, the time is expired and the Program Participant must vacate the facility immediately or be in violation of ARS 13-1504 Criminal Trespass in the First Degree or 13-1502 Criminal Trespass in the Third Degree or both. I certify that I am ADA Handicapped Qualified, and I am fully ambulatory, and if I do become non-ambulatory I will notify Kokopelli Group Home, LLC immediately and relocate to a facility that does maintain ADA non-ambulatory compliant facilities. If you do not agree with any of the requirements that are contained within this document, or do not plan on recovery, please do not sign this agreement, and leave our program immediately. * DISCHARGE: Once you are discharged from Kokopelli Group Home, LLC (whether voluntarily or by termination of the agreement) you are not permitted to return to the facility or any other Kokopelli facility, without the Manager escorting you. The Manager may refuse admission. Any violation will result in Criminal Trespass Charges being filed. This is to protect the facility and you. * SPECIAL NOTATION: The Program Service Fees, Daily Prorating of the Service Fee and Security Deposit may require adjusting on a periodic basis. If the fees are to be adjusted, Kokopelli will give the Program Participant a minimum of 30 days written notice. There may be a necessary temporary surcharge to be assessed. Kokopelli will provide a seven (7) Day notice for the surcharge. Additional Rules and Policies may be required or existing rules and policies revised to enhance the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC. Program. In witness, each party to this agreement has caused it to be executed in Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona on the date indicated below. Program Participant READABLE Printed Name Program Participant Signature/ Date Kokopelli Group Home, LLC / Date Initial location of Kokopelli Group Home, LLC: 1463 E Diamond, Mesa, AZ 85204 2210 W Cabana, Mesa, AZ 85202 758 N Cholla, Mesa, AZ 85201 2223 W Edgewood, Mesa, AZ 85202 552 N Temple, Mesa, AZ 85203 1942 S Emerson, 141, Mesa, AZ 85210 Note: The program participant may relocate from one facility location to another with the approval of any required supervisory authority. This agreement will remain in force until such time that the program participant is no longer participating in the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Recovery Program Service. __________ Participant Initial KokopelliProgramParticipantAgreement 6/9/2014 Page 8 of 8 © 2004-2013 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Instructions for Life Well not really, but some things you may need to do. Report to your Parole or Probation Officer (PO). Have them FAX us the “Consent to Place” form. Our FAX is (480) 275-3040, if they have not already done so. Kokopelli also requires a copy of your Conditions for Parole / Probation. Bring those documents and provide to the manager. The Parole Office, for Mesa Regional, is located just North of University and on the West side of Mesa Drive in a 2 story building. The address is 460 N Mesa Dr, second floor, Mesa, AZ 85210. The Phone is (480) 610-1751. The Phoenix Central PO Office is located at 801 S 16th St, Phoenix, AZ 85035. The Maricopa County Probation Office, for Mesa, is located at 245 N. Centennial Way, Mesa, AZ. 85201 and the main phone number is (602) 372-5300. The Phoenix Probation Office is 2445 W Indianola Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015 main phone number (602)372-2301. Don’t forget to ask your PO for some bus passes. They will come in very handy. While you are reporting to your PO, take an empty suitcase or backpack with you. This is so you can go to the Salvation Army and get a food box. The Salvation Army is located just North of the Parole Office and North-East of the Mesa Probation Office. The address for the Salvation Army is 241 E 6th St, Mesa and the phone number is (480) 833-8322 Now you need to probably get your ID. The State ID is located at the AZ Department of Motor Vehicles. The closest office is probably 1840 S. Mesa Dr., Mesa. You will need some money to get the ID. If you have no money, then a charity named Paz de Cristo might be able to help. They are located at 424 W Broadway Rd, Mesa, Arizona, (480) 464-2370. That is across from the U-Haul on the N side of Broadway and Country Club. You can also get a meal in the evening there at 5:45 PM. Then just South of the AZ DMV is the United Food Bank, 358 East Javelina Avenue, Mesa. Their phone is (480) 926-4897. You can get a food box there (on Fridays from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM-Be Early) for $17.00 (This amount may change, you can use your Food Stamp Card), and it is pretty good. Anything to get you started. Now you probably will need to get a Social Security Card. As a note, no employer is supposed to pay you unless you have proof of residency. You can work, but just not get paid. The closest Social Security Office to get an ID is in Phoenix. The closest address is the Downtown Phoenix office, 250 N. 7th Ave, Phoenix. When you apply they will give you a letter and mail your card. Keep the letter with you until you receive the card. Most companies will access eVerify for employment. OK. Now you have your ID, Got some food, and Checked In with you PO. Gotta get a job. There a many places to go. Start first on the Kokopelli Website under Community Links. We have listed a lot of possible job locations, day labor and contract. Do not get discouraged. Day Labor has been tough lately, so I would suggest a couple of things. Check with your church. They will have some connections. All of the Kokopelli facilities are located close to transportation. Oh Yes Transportation. Ask your Manager for the Handicapped Bus Certificate Application. Fill it out with your information. Only Dorothy or Steve can approve the application. You can then take the application to the address noted on the application. You will need a picture ID, the Application Certificate and $5.00. You will Instructions_for_Life receive the application back to take to one of the bus terminals indicated on the application They will take your picture and give you a Handicapped ID Card. This enables you to pay half fare to ride a bus. You will want to get a month pass or a multiple day pass. Don’t forget to get an appointment for DES Food Stamps, WorkForce Connection (Jobs), and AHCCCS Insurance. AHCCCS may reject your application. KEEP the Rejection letter, as you may be able to receive reduced or free Medical assistance with the letter. See the Kokopelli Website for Medical facilities for low income persons. You will want to do that right away, like NOW! The main DES phone that I called was (602) 542-9935. Always call to verify the office location and then go to the office FIRST and get an application and make an appointment. There have been many changes to the office locations. The DES Office Location website is: https://egov.azdes.gov/eol/EOLSearch.aspx. For Zip Code 85201 (Cholla) you would go to 5038 S Price Rd Tempe AZ 85282. The phone number is (480) 890-7300. For Zip Code 85202 (Cabana & Edgewood) and 85204 (Diamond) you would go to 2288 W Guadalupe Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85233. The phone number is (480) 777-1168. For Zip Code 85203 (Temple) you would go to 1619 E Main St, Mesa, AZ 85203. The phone number is (480) 834-4066. For Jobs. Kokopelli has tried to gather many places that offer jobs. Thos are listed on our website http://www.kokopelli-recovery.org. Go to Work/Jobs, then Job Searches and Placement. There are also Meetings listed, Food Boxes, Transportation and a bunch of other stuff, within Community Links. GOOD LUCK! PS: Please do yourself a favor right away. Go register for as many Day Labor Companies as you can. Then start hitting the companies that are close to your facility. Jobs are tough, but you can get out to work. We have put an asterisk (*) next to companies on our list that have been favorable to our program participants. Also do another thing for yourself, Go apply at Goodwill, Savers, and Deseret Industries. You might call the Mormon Church and request to talk to the Bishop. They can possibly give you a work ticket for Deseret Industries. Kokopelli will provide you with a Job Search Form, a Meeting Form, and a Daytimer Form. We expect these be completed and turned in to your manager. At the end of the week, your manager will complete an interview with you for your weekly status. This status will be maintained in our files. If you do not get a job and follow through with paying your fees, Kokopelli will place you on restrictions. These restrictions include additional chores, no visitations off or on the property, more meetings, counseling, limited TV and computer, limited use of laundry facilities, increased supervision. Be responsible and it will pay off. If you want, go out and visit other group homes. If you find one that is better, then please plan on moving there right away. We want responsible people that really do want to turn their lives around not just give us “Lip Service”. Once you do get a job, don’t just stop considering other possibilities. You should plan on working 60 hours per week to pay your bills, pay your fines, buy things for yourself, and even save a little. In today’s society 40 hours per week does not “cut it”. If you work on a job that “stops” when the boss goes on vacation, then get another job, as this one is really a hobby. Don’t quit one before you are ready to start another. If you do get as job and it does not start for a few days, then get out to somewhere to make a few bucks. Do not plan on lying around the house. That will not pay your bills. Instructions_for_Life KOKOPELLI HOME Meeting Tracking Form ______________________________________ Program Participant Name Please have this form Signed by the Meeting Host. Present this form on a weekly basis to your Developmental Advocate. (Note: To document Meetings, Church, Counseling, Etc.) When Signing Out on the Registry Computer, you must designate an accurate destination. Date Meeting Meeting Host Signature KOKOPELLI_Meeting_Documentation 01-17-2012 © 2012 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC My Budget Plan Name Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Item / Date Planned Income Actual Income Planned Program Fee Actual Program Fee Planned Program Deposit Actual Program Deposit Planned Food Actual Food Planned Transportation Actual Transportation Planned Court Fees Actual Court Fees Planned Testing Fees Actual Testing Fees Planned Child Support Actual Child Support Planned Other Bills Actual Other Bills Planned Savings Actual Savings Miscellaneous Notes My_Budget 2/1/2015 Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Name Time 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 Quick Legend DayTimer My DayTimer Date: From To: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday W=Work M=Meeting S=Sponsor C=Charity L=PO,Court,Etc D=Dr, Medical O=Day Off 2/1/2015 Name: Date: Goals and Objectives GOALS: Goals are statements of direction. They are guidelines for choosing tasks. In order to know if your ship is on the right course, you need to know the destination. How you get there may be the series of objectives you identify, but the purpose of the journey is expressed through the goals. OBJECTIVES: Objectives are measurable tasks that are developed to achieve the goals. Objectives may have a quality and/or quantity dimension that may be part of the way in which achievement will be measured. Individuals can set personal goals. The difference between a dream and a goal is that a dream is simply a fantasy, something you daydream about, but never actively pursue. A goal, on the other hand, is a concrete thing in which you set into motion the steps in which to obtain it. Managing goals can give positive returns in all areas of personal life. Knowing precisely what one wants to achieve makes clear what to concentrate and improve on, and often subconsciously prioritizes that goal. Goal setting and planning promotes long‐term vision and short‐term motivation. It focuses intention, desire, acquisition of knowledge, and helps to organize resources. Efficient goal work includes recognizing and resolving all guilt, inner conflict or limiting belief that might cause one to sabotage one's efforts. By setting clearly defined goals, one can subsequently measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. One can see progress in what might have seemed a long, perhaps impossible, grind. Success requires forgoing excuses and justifications for poor performance or lack of adequate planning; in short, success requires emotional maturity. The measure of belief that people have in their ability to achieve a personal goal also affects that achievement. Long term achievements rely on short‐term achievements. Emotional control over the small moments of the single day makes a big difference in the long term. A couple of examples are: •Sending out appreciation cards to those in your life that matter to you. •Smoking one less cigarette a day or drinking one less soda per day. •Finally getting your credit report to see where your credit stands. •Making sure to tell your kids you love them at least once a day. •Taking your lunch instead of going to the drive‐thru at least once a week. These are just a few examples, but you get the idea. Just remember setting personal goals doesn’t have to be a big deal, start small and slowly make progress. It’s getting started that is important. All goals are smart goals. What is important, is that the goals you are setting need to be important to you. If they aren’t, then you will not be motivated to attain those goals and if you don’t attain your goals then you will stop setting goals and then what? You guessed it. You’re nothing but a dreamer who doesn’t make anything happen. A smart goal is a goal that is important to you, that you can get motivated to achieve. Goal (what do you want to do) KokopelliGoalObjective Objective (how will you get there) 01‐17‐2012 Achievable Date Name Date Job Search Report Employer Name Address City Probable Result ‐ Comments ‐ Follow‐up Employer Representative Phone Kokopelli Clothing Boutique Kokopelli has established a Clothing Boutique. We have donated hundreds of pounds to Goodwill, Savers, and Deseret but they do not donate back. We purchased several high quality clothing racks and have set them up at 2210 W Cabana, Phone (480) 907-6428. The plan is to gather more clothing and offer for all Kokopelli Program Participants. There are sport coats, Golf Shirts, Shorts, and more. We need shoes, and pants. I have passed out many flyers to my neighbors soliciting more Business Casual Clothes, and they help us out. The clothing is FREE. You can make a completely voluntary donation. The only thing we ask is a small donation. This can be a dime, quarter, half-dollar, dollar or whatever. Just give to the Cabana Manager or put in the Donation Jar on the clothing rack. The donation will be accumulated for us to be able to provide Gift Cards to Participants who need clothing that we do not have (i.e., Steel Toe Shoes, Etc). If you have clothing items that are still usable, please launder and leave for me to pick up on Saturdays. Please put in a White Kitchen Bag and Mark on the outside Donation. Thanks a BUNCH! Steve & Dorothy Kokopelli Group Home, LLC 1825 S Cholla St Mesa, AZ 85202 (480) 820-2121 Office (480) 620-2036 Mobile Steve (480) 620-2039 Mobile Dorothy (480) 275-3040 Fax Date: To Whom It May Concern: I am the Director/Manager of the Kokopelli Group Home, LLC located at: 2210 W. Cabana, Mesa, AZ 85202 (480) 907-6428 758 N. Cholla, Mesa, AZ 85201 (480) 584-6583 1463 E. Diamond, Mesa, AZ 85204 (480) 219-2768 2223 W. Edgewood, Mesa, AZ 85202 (480) 219-1374 552 N Temple, Mesa, AZ 85203 (480) 474-4050 1942 S Emerson, 141 Mesa, AZ 85210 (480) 214-5303 ____________________________________________________ Mr. _____________________________________ is in the home indicated above and is following all facility rules, procedures, and protocols. He may not have established mailing, due to his recent enrollment in the program. The Program Fee is $132.29 per week, including taxes and utilities. Kokopelli Group Home, LLC is registered with the City of Mesa. Each program participant must provide and prepare their own food and meals and store in their personal assigned storage area in the refrigerator and food pantry. Kokopelli Group Home does not provide nor prepare food. This is to certify that he is a resident, participating in our program. Please accept this statement as proof of residency. Sincerely, ____________________________________________ Signed by Manager or Director Kokopelli_Group_Home_Residency_Letter_Agency August 31, 2012 © 2012 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Employer Name 1130 The Restaurant 21st Century Health Care Inc. 24/7 Auto Glass 3‐G Construction Co. Inc. 4G Steel Erectors Inc. 5 & Diner 911 Cooling and Heating System A.S.P. STAFFING AAA Landscaping Abercrombie ABODE AIR Abode Air Heating & Air Accutemp Ace ace Air Conditioning Experts ace ind. supply Ace industrial supply Action Golf Cart ADESA Adobe Air Adobe Fire Protection Affinitas Agate Steel AIP Solutions Air Care Air Cold Cooling & Heating Al Tech Energy Management Alaskan Quality Services Alaskan Quality Services Allen Brothers Electric Allied Forces Allied Temp Service Allstar Moving & Storage Allstar Moving & Storage Inc. Allstate Cab Company Alpine Valley Bread Always Professional in Moving Always RV Amberg Construction AME Southwest Inc. American Home Maintenance American Metals American Tree Masters America's Best Coupons, LLC AMF Distributing Andrew's Refigeration Anytime Auto Glass,LLC Applebee's Appreciated Graphics Arby's Arizona Auto Glass Arizona Auto Glass Company Employer Report Work Type Restaurant Manager Auto Svc Tech Construction Construction Restaurant Plumber Labor‐General Landscaping Retail Telemarketing Telemarketing HVAC Retail Store HVAC Retail Store Retail Labor‐General Driver Telemarketing Labor‐General Labor‐General Welding Technology Telemarketing Telemarketing HVAC Telemarketing Electrician Mechanic Driver Driver Driver Labor‐General Labor‐General Construction Landscaping Telemarketing Labor‐General Tree Trimmer Telemarketing Retail HVAC Auto Svc Tech Restaurant Labor‐General Restaurant Auto Svc Tech Telemarketing Office Phone Fax Phone (602)368‐3046 (602)368‐3052 (480)966‐8201 (480)927‐9300 (480)232‐3212 (480)962‐1565 (602)569‐0900 (602)569‐0999 (480)772‐8289 (480)641‐1958 (602)738‐1020 (602)501‐3518 (602)437‐2690 (480)970‐7616 (480)379‐1000 (480)379‐1002 (602)957‐3745 (602)220‐0128 (480)893‐6081 (623)848‐9552 (480)893‐6065 (480)345‐1406 (480)649‐5529 (480)325‐3329 (480)390‐3582 (480)379‐1000 (480)539‐8868 (480)539‐8437 (480)768‐2700 (480) 994‐9455 (602)297‐9200 (480)238‐2273 (623)217‐3562 (602) 258‐7037 (480)446‐7788 (480)446‐7711 (480)985‐9866 (480)649‐6004 (602)431‐6642 (480)786‐6781 (480)786‐6781 (602)225‐2733 (480)483‐2774 (480)483‐0190 (480)633‐5555 (480)633‐5557 (480)984‐3111 (480)986‐8021 (480)747‐4141 (480)982‐5214 (480)558‐3160 (602)906‐0111 (480)389‐1936 (480)200‐3331 (602)449‐1008 (602)438‐6600 (602)763‐1004 (480)430‐4597 (480)988‐2950 (623)544‐0368 (480)649‐2642 (480)732‐9325 (480)732‐9325 (480)600‐3259 (480)245‐3824 Employer Website www.21stcenturyvitamins.com az247autoglass@yahoo.com 3‐construction.com www.aaalandscape.com www.abercrombie&fitch.com N/A AccuTempAZ.com www.actiongolfcartrentals.com Adobeair.building.officelive.com aipsolutions.com aircareaz.com alaskanqualityservices com alaskanqualityservices.com www.easymoveaz.com www.easymoveaz.com www.alpinevalleybread.com alwaysprofessionalinmoving.info rkhrvs2u@msn.com ambergconstruction.com www.amcrecycling.com thejokerinc.com http://www.arizonaautoglass.org 1 of 9 Address 455 N. 3rd Street Suite 1130 2119 S. Willson St. 1801 S.Jentilly Lane 1820 E. Deer Valley Rd. 1302 N.67th.St. 6353 S. Southern 4530 S. Alma School Rd. 2659 W GUADAULUPE 3747 E. Southern Ave. Scottsdale fashion sq. 1630 E APACHE BLVD. 1630 E. Apache Blvd. 3231 E washington 6501 W Fry, #16 6501 W. frye 1631 E. Baseline 3057 N.Norfolk St. Kyrene & Chandler Blvd 1630 E.Apache Blvd. #109 723 E.University Dr. Alma School 2607 N Country Club Dr 333 E Osborn rd 535 E. Iron Ave.#117A 3929 E. Main St. #14 21402 North 7th Avenue 640 S River Dr 640 S. River Dr. 3932 E. Presidio 1119 S. Mesa Dr. #102 City Phoenix Tempe Tempe Phoenix Mesa Mesa Mesa Mesa Phoenix Scottsdale TEMPE Tempe Phoenix Chandler mesa Chandler Tempe Mesa Chandler Tempe Mesa Mesa Scottsdale Phoenix Mesa Mesa Phoenix Tempe Mesa Mesa State AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 550 E.Elliot Rd. #3 550 E.Elliot Rd.Suite 3 4008 E Air Ln 550 W Southern 1730 W.Sunrise Blvd.Ste.103B 104 S. 92nd Way 5301 S. Superstition Mountain Dr. 1403 W. Scott Ave. 2922 S. Roosevelt 740 W.Broadway 1025 E.Garnet ave. 1969 E Broadway Rd. Ste 104 3218 S. Fair Lane 4202 E. Elwood 2659 W. Guadalupe Rd. Ste.202 13756 W. Bell Rd. 1601 w. Broadway 2110 N. Ariizona Ave. 90th St and Via Linda 1540 E. University Drive Chandler Chandler Phoenix Mesa Gilbert Mesa GoldCanyon Gilbert Tempe Mesa Mesa Tempe Tempe Phx. Mesa Surprise Mesa Chandler Scottsdale Mesa AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ Zip 85004 85282 85281 85024 85205 85206 85203 85040 85258 85281 85281 85034 85226 85081 85215 85281 85203 85201 85012 85210 85205 85027 85281 85210 85225 85225 85034 85211 85233 85207 85118 85233‐3046 85281 85210 85205 85282 85282 85202 85374 85202 85224 85203 2/7/2015 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Arizona Catering Arizona Corrigated Container Arizona's Best Equipment Arrow Property Management ASI Staffing Group Auto Glass Company auto glass shop Auza Contracting Az Hot Tee,s AZ Telesales AZPack.com Baggage Inc Bank Of America Barrel House BASS Cabinet Manufacturing Inc Bazzill Basics Paper BCS Enterprises Bella Foods Best Movers in Town Beutiful Closets & More Big Company Big Lots Bill Johnson's Big Apple BJ Landscape Brenda's Kitchen Bresee Group Brooks Bros. Utility Contractors Brothers Mason Inc. Brown & Brown Chevrolet Bruinwick Builder Supply Bulldog Traffic Safety LLC Burton Courier C.L.C. Enterprises Inc Cardinal State AC.Heating Carefree Recycling Caretaker‐Mother carpet cleaning Cavalry Staffing Caveman const Certified A/C &Htg.Inc chaos Const Chilis Chili's Chompies Baking Company Cimmaron Design cj custom homes Classic Car Spa Clean Air Cab Climate Pro Collage Bound Network Community Bridges Employer Report Restaurant Warehouse Construction Labor‐General Auto Svc Tech Construction Labor‐General Telemarketing Labor‐General Restaurant Driver Warehouse Construction Warehouse Labor‐General Carpenter Warehouse Retail Store Restaurant Landscaping Restaurant Telemarketing Construction Construction Auto Svc Tech Retail Store Labor‐General Construction Driver Construction Technology Driver Community Service Labor‐General Auto Svc Tech Construction HVAC Construction Restaurant Restaurant Labor‐General Construction Labor‐General Driver HVAC Community Service Community Service (602)492‐0944 (480)890‐0539 (602)320‐6455 (623)577‐5187 (602)801‐1867 (480)245‐3824 (480)244‐1010 (602)870‐6679 (480)967‐4391 (877)812‐7689 (480)449‐7770 (602)541‐0953 (800)756‐3333 (480)857‐9444 (480)962‐5249 (480)558‐8557 (602)762‐5451 (602)415‐1882 (480)823‐8000 (480)980‐0428 (480)888‐7676 (602)404‐9938 (480)969‐6504 (480)497‐8200 (623)977‐2631 (480)276‐5797 (602)266‐9499 (602)499‐6348 (480)833‐3456 (480)833 3456 (480)545‐3804 (480)897‐1387 (602)499‐9115 (480)621‐8475 (480)898‐7218 (480)277‐6798 (480)202‐3947 (480)926‐3928 (480)228‐6395 (602)687‐9439 (602)284‐6756 (480)966‐1068 (480)586‐2926 (480)633‐2900 (480)633‐2900 (602)765‐7136 (480)295‐5182 (480)694‐9629 (480)496‐8558 (480)777‐9777 (480)600‐0362 (646)862‐3325 (602)273‐9999 (480)668‐2781 www.calbox.com (602)944‐0516 www.auzacontracting.com (480)966‐4056 http://azhottees.com/index.htm plusservicescompany.com (480)888‐7677 http://www.BigCompany.com www.billjohnsons.com (480)802‐4458 www.breseegroup.com (602)266‐9507 www.bbuc.net (602)323‐5203 rhutson@bulldogtraffic.net (480)898‐0212 www.carefree‐recycling.com cavalrystaffing.com (480)641‐2488 phoenixarizonacooling.com BrinkerNation.com www.classiccarspa.com www.CleanAirCab.com collageboundnetwork.com (602)225‐2409 www.communitybridgesaz.org 2 of 9 1716 E. Main 225 S. Dobson Rd. 13068 W. McDowell 1300 N. Fiesta BLVD. 1540 E. University Drive 4006 S 23 St 5163 W. Latham 4610 S. 33rd Place 4220 N. 19th Ave. Suite 205 7303 S. Kyrene 1210 W Alameda Dr Suite 120 2727 S. 48th St. 2050 S Alma School 503 W 3rd Ave 7001 W Erie St 1275 Houston Ave. 420 N. 52nd Ave. 1308 S. Spur St. 2456 E Southern 4727 E. Bell Rd. 590 E. Main St. 1240 N. Mondel Dr. 13200 N. 113th Ave. 16150 N Arrowhead Fountians CTR DR Suite 135 1921 W. 1st. Ave. 3621 38th street 145 E.Main St. 1140 s. gilbert 460 N Mesa Dr 4350 S.18th. Avenue 6720 E. Encanto St., Unit # 73 PO Box 8911 210 North Lindsay 449 S. Lebaron 833 E. Sanangllo 3230 E Broadway Rd #C150 30 S.65th. Street 1637 S. Stapley Dr. 1637 S. Stapley Dr 220 S. 9th St. 5415 E. McKellips Rd 550 w McKellips Rd. 9969 S. Priest Dr. 1600 W. Main St. 535 W. Iron Ave Ste. 110 1200 South Avenue Suite 202 2770 E. Van Buren Mesa Mesa Phx. Avondale Gilbert Mesa phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Tempe Tempe Tempe Mesa Mesa Chandler Gilbert Phoenix Mesa Mesa Tempe Phoenix Mesa Gilbert Youngtown Peoria Mesa mesa Mesa Gilbert Mesa Phoenix Mesa Mesa Mesa Mesa Gilbert mesa Phoenix Mesa Mesa Chandler Mesa Mesa Phoenix Mesa Mesa Tempe Mesa Mesa Stanton Island Phoenix AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ NY AZ 85201 85202 85392 85233 85203 85040 85043 85040 85013 85283 85282 85283 85201 85210 85226 85043 85204 85281 85032 85203 85233 85363 85382 85202 85201 85296 85210 85041 85205‐6072 85214 85213 85210 85234 85040 85206 85224 85204 85204 85034 85202 85201 85281 85201 85210 10314 85008 2/7/2015 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Connect To your Home Contract Sweeping Service Contractors & Builders Telemarketing Driver Construction Contractors&Builders Core Motion CoreStaff/Shutterfly Corrossion Engineering Crandells Upholstery Cresent Crown Distributing Crum Plumbing CSG Custom Signs & Graphics D&O contracting D.C.Nicoll Fine Homes, LLC Dallas Alexander Danny's Car Wash Danny's Family Car Wash DEG Construction Delta Technology, Inc. Denny's Desert Builders Supply, Inc. Desert Glen Desert Powder coating Desert West Builders DHM Landscapeing Direct Alliance Direct Marketing Media/Health Discount Auto Dish network DNS Auto Glass Doughnut Peddler Dreamers Travels DSD Partners DSE Excavting/Contracting dunkin donuts Durger Dog E & K of Phoenix E & S marketing Eagle Alarm Eagle Alarm co. Eagle Alarms Earl Clark Earthscapes East Side Marketing East Valley Sheet Metal Elite Wholesale auto LLC Emergency Heating and Air EMT Medical Entrust Bankcard Entrust Companies, LLC. Eragon Metal Works &Restoration Erickson Construction Construction Employer Report (602)926‐7392 (602)340‐0593 (602)253‐9205 contractsweeping.com (602)437‐3355 (602)437‐3366 contratorsandbuilders.com (602)437‐3355 (480)292‐5364 Computer Professional (602)659‐4782 Labor‐General (480) 890‐0203 Upholstery (480)969‐2855 Driver (480)685‐2106 Plumber (480)464‐5854 (480)396‐4065 Construction (623)463‐0555 Construction (480)629‐8400 Telemarketing (480)436‐8073 Labor‐General (480)751‐3060 Labor‐General (480)326‐6654 Construction (480)926‐3450 Technology (602)243‐1514 Restaurant (480)839‐9392 Telemarketing (480)897‐1387 Landscaping (480)993‐8968 Labor‐General (602)253‐7875 Construction (480)894‐6488 Landscaping (480)250‐6311 Telemarketing (480)446‐1840 Telemarketing (480)213‐0026 Auto Svc Tech (480)649‐5363 (602)740‐1939 Retail (877)494‐5277 Warehouse (480)985‐1038 Auto Svc Tech (602)305‐6414 Driver (909)947‐0364 Construction (480)854‐1188 Restaurant (480)813‐1342 Restaurant (480)832‐0009 Construction (602)269‐8566 Manager (602)265‐3622 Telemarketing (888)848‐0072 Telemarketing (888)848‐0072 Telemarketing (888)848‐0072 Construction (602)769‐1261 Landscaping (623)242‐0273 Telemarketing (480)240‐1391 Welding (480)969‐8999 Mechanic (602)399‐5377 Telemarketing (480)351‐8554 Telemarketing (800)891‐7636 Telemarketing (888)815‐1676 Telemarketing (888)815‐1673 Labor‐General (480)216‐8812 Construction (480)627‐1100 (602)437‐3366 www.contractorsandbuilders.com Core‐Motion.org www.corestaff.com (480) 890‐0589 corroeng.com (480)685‐2196 (480)396‐4085 www.ucgcenter.com (602)243‐0598 www.DeltaTechInc.com (602)253‐7860 (602)305‐6421 (480)854‐1199 info@diversfiedcompanies.com durgerdog.com eandsmarketing.com eaglealarmusa.com (602)244‐9452 (480)969‐1565 www.evsm1@aol.com www.entrustbankcard.com (480)627‐1152 www.ericksoncompanies.com 3 of 9 423 N Country Club 156 E Mohave 2113 S. 48th St. Mesa Phx Tempe AZ AZ AZ 2113 S. 48th St. Suite 108 10812 E. Second Water Trl. 4410 E.Cotton Center Blvd. 148 S. Nina Circle 431 S. Stapley DR. 1640 W. Broadway 1410 W. Houston Ave. 1478 N. Tech Blvd. #101 7591 North 74th ave 2220 E. Laurel 127 W. Juanita Ave Ste. 210 2090 E. Rio Salado Parkway 2870 S. Market St. 735 W.Commerce Ave 4619 S.33rd Street Rural and SR 60 460 N. Mesa Dr., Ste. 116‐A 898 W Cullumber 4409 S. 35th Ave 22201 S. McClintock 3036 Oriole Dr. 8123 S. Hardy 4350 W. Chandler BLVD, #10/11 560 W. Broadway 8200 s fairroad 3230 E.Broadway 4807 E Indigo st 830 E. Sherman St 139 S. Country Club Dr. 301 S.Westwood St. 1230 E. baseline 2235 S Power Rd., #120 4010 N. 27th Ave. 2601 N. 3rd st 432 N.Country Club Dr. #13 432 N.Country Club Dr.#13 423 N Country Club Tempe Gold Canyon Phoenix Mesa Mesa Mesa Gilbert Gilbert Glendale Mesa Mesa Tempe Gilbert Gilbert Phoenix Tempe Mesa Gilbert Phoenix Tempe Gilbert Tempe Chandler Mesa Tempt Phoenix Mesa Phoenix Mesa Mesa mesa Mesa Phoenix Phoeinx Mesa Mesa Mesa AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85252 85118 85040 4640 E. Cotton Gin Loop 423 N. Country Club #41 226 S. Date St. 375 E Elliott #9 2451 W. Broadway Rd. # 110 2155 E University Phoenix Mesa Mesa Chandler Mesa Tempe Mesa Mesa Mesa Chandler AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85040 85201 85210 1255 W. Baseline, #200 1232 S Merino 250 N. Beck Ave. 85004 85282 85203 85202 85233 85233 85303 85213 85202 85281 85296 85233 85040 85282 85201 85041 85297 85284 85226 85201 85282 85040 85205 85034 85201 85210 85209 85017 85004 85201 85201 85201 85201 85210 85202‐5820 85226 2/7/2015 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Essco Wholesale Electric, Inc. Ever‐Ready Glass Expert Mechanical Express Fitness Express Personal Famous Dave's Farnsworth Wholesale Farnsworth Wholesale Company Fiat INC Fiesta Plastics Inc. Five Guys Burgers Francis & Sons Car wash Francis and sons Francis and Sons Carwash Fry's Fry's Marketplace Full Circle Auto Wash Full Circle Autowash Full merchant funding Galexy Builders Gallery Distribution GC Services General Labor Temp Services Geno's Cheesesteaks & Deli Gentle Care Transport Gleeson Mobile Home Service Glendale Pallets Global Fortune Network, LLC Gold Canyon International, Inc. GPS Magazine Renewal Grand Prix Car Wash & Lube Green Alliance Groundskeeper Handyman Contractor LLC Hardin Service Group (480)892‐6713 esscous.com Retail Warehouse Telemarketing Retail Store Telemarketing Landscaping Construction Telemarketing (480)892‐7200 (520)954‐7284 (480)244‐0391 (480)963‐0024 (480)820‐3700 (480)615‐1444 (480)282‐5900 (480)497‐2222 (601)254‐0456 (480)921‐2105 (480)807‐7967 (480)926‐1177 (480)857‐0188 (480)705‐0416 (602)431‐8610 (480)657‐6400 (480)633‐7778 (480)633‐7778 (585)284‐8162 (480)612‐0650 (623)533‐0499 (480)615‐3040 (480)898‐1924 (480)804‐1111 (928)428‐3135 (480)497‐5435 (928)304‐6577 (602)366‐0070 (888)546‐5365 (888)546 5365 (480)414‐1799 (480)964‐0370 (800)871‐2341 (480)545‐0456 (480)363‐9932 (480)469‐2000 Harte Inc Hobby Lobby Holiday Inn Hony Baked Ham Houston Inc Hubbly Bubbly Hookah Lounge Hungry Howies #1842 i Pace Setters ICE Enterprise Icenow Technology Retail Store Labor‐General Restaurant Driver Restaurant Restaurant Telemarketing Telemarketing Driver (602)254‐6952 (480)705‐9003 (602)595‐4444 (480)854‐3300 (480)306‐5070 (480)968‐2625 (480)844‐0900 (480)784‐2270 (888)320‐4234 (602)288‐8357 (602)268‐1407 IHOP INCREDIBLE DIRECT Intermountain Staffing International Sports Sciences Ipacesetterrs Iqor Restaurant Telemarketing Labor‐General (480) 610‐0792 azihop3086@romulusinc.com (720)270‐3581 (480)962‐3946 (805)745‐8111 (805)745‐8119 www.ISSATrainer (480)784‐2270 (480)722‐7831 Employer Report Warehouse Auto Svc Tech Retired Warehouse Restaurant Warehouse Warehouse Labor‐General Restaurant Labor‐General Labor‐General Labor‐General Electrician Retail Store Labor‐General Labor‐General Construction Labor‐General Telemarketing Labor‐General Restaurant Driver Construction Telemarketing (480)615‐5975 www.fwcaz.com (480)503‐1644 www.fwcaz.com (480)829‐1204 www.fiestaplastics.com francisandsonscarwash.com francisandsoncarwash.com (480)615‐3075 (480)898‐7624 GeneralLabor.com (480)497‐5376 948 E. Isabella Ave. 2525 E. Indian School Rd. 55 W. Hoover 3133 S. Lindsey,Rd 1660 Alma School Rd. 1011 North Dobson Road 1265 S. Pima 27 W. Baseline Rd. 438 N Moreno 216 S. Alma School Rd. #10 1229 S. Power Rd. # 110 1560 S.Gilbert Rd. 1244 S. Arizona ave. 6605 W. Chandler Blvd. 865 W. Thomas Pima & Via Linda 1140 E. Baseline 1140 E. Baseline Road 910 E Main St 2938 N. Norfolk 6451 W. Bell Road 7307 E. Hampton Ave. Ste. 101 1454 W Main St 829 S. Rural Rd. 931 E. Impala Ave 4750 N. Black Canyon Hwy. 6205 South Arizona Ave. 2121 S.Mill Avenue 808 S. Alma School 1625 W University Suite119 620 N Golden Key St P.O. Box 4709 2135 E University Dr. Suite 110 4631 S 35th Place Ray/48th (602)595‐4011 www.holidayinn.com/phx‐downtown 212 West Osborn Rd. Power Basline (480)633‐3458 633 W 2nd Ave 1400 S. McClintock Dr 1863 N. Stapley Dr. #102 ipacesetters.com 1280 S Country Club Dr Ste 110 15501 N. Dial Blvd. (602)288‐9032 icenowaz.com 505 S. Country Club Dr. 4 of 9 913 N Dobson Rd MORGAN CHASE MILL & RIO SALADO 1110 S.Southern Ave.Ste.11 1015 Mark Ave. 1280 S. country club ste. 110 1330 W. Southern Ave Ste 301 Mesa Phoenix Mesa Gilbert Mesa Mesa Mesa Gilbert Mesa Mesa Mesa Mesa Chandler Chandler Phoenix Scottsdale Mesa Mesa Mesa Mesa Glendale Mesa Mesa Tempe Safford Mesa Glendale Phoenix Chandler Tempe Mesa Tempe Gilbert Cave Creek Mesa AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85204‐6643 85016 Phoenix Chandler Phoenix Mesa Mesa Tempe Mesa Mesa Scottsdale Mesa AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85040 85044 85013 85201 85210 85281 85203 85210 85260 85203 Mesa TEMPE Mesa Carpinteria mesa Tempe AZ AZ AZ CA AZ AZ 85201 85296 85210 85201 85210 85233 85204 5210 85206 85204 85013 85204 85204 85203 85215 85306 85209 85201 85281 85546 85204 85017 85248 85282 85201 85327 85213 85210 93013 85210 85282 2/7/2015 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Ironco Welding (602)243‐5750 (602)243‐5764 www.ironco.net 1025 E. Broadway Rd. Phoenix AZ 85040 Jack in the Box James Gerard foods JD Steel Jersey Mike's Sub's Jiffy Lube Jim Needham Jimmy & Joe's Pizzeria Kaplan College Kart Kare of Arizona KDC Bindery Kelly Fields Kempton Transportation Inc. KP Kustoms KRM Flooring L & J Tire and Wheel Labor Force Labor Max Labor Max Staffing Labor Ready Labor Ready #101 LaborMax Lawn & Order of Arizona Legacy Industral Lemme Engineering Leon Mikinka Lexcor Liberty Tax Service Liberty wire & cable Liberty wire & cable Logans Road House Logan's Roadhouse Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon Lowes Lucille's Smokehouse Macayo's Mexican Restaurant MAGNUM CRUSHING Main Street Auto Mainstream Magazine Manuel's MARC Center Marc's Glass Maricopa Steel LLC Maxon Security MCC McDonalds McDonalds #24530 MDS Communications Meineke Auto Center Mekong Palace Mekong Supermarket LLC MekongMarket Mesa 5 and Diner Restaurant Warehouse Construction Restaurant Auto Svc Tech Labor‐General Restaurant (480) 962‐1938 (602)243‐3700 (602)288‐0815 (602)268‐7411 (480)233‐3234 (602)622‐2683 amy@jimmyandjoes.com (480)398‐4848 www.kc‐phoenix.com (602)548‐1955 KTWOFEATHERS@AOL.COM (480)671‐9648 (480)784‐4948 (480)238‐9901 (480)988‐9110 (480)988‐0180 440 E Southern Ave 3310 E Corona Ave 2117 W. Jackson St. 891 E. Baseline rd 2014 S. Rural 2023 W. Peralta 1960 W. Baseline AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85204 85040 85009 85204 85282 85202 85201 644 E.Southern Ave.#201 459 N. Gilbert Rd. 1340 E Broadway Rd 4170 N. 35th Ave. 43402 W. Desert Fairways Drive 2211 S 48Th St 3608 W. Bethany Home Rd. Mesa Phoenix Phoenix Mesa Tempe Mesa Mesa Phoenix Apache Junction Tempe Tempe Mesa Mesa Mesa Phoenix Tempe Apache Junction Mesa Gilbert Tempe Phoenix Maricopa Tempe Phoenix 1139 S Dobson Rd# 102 4219 E Broadway suite 102 4219 E Broadway suite 102 945 N. Dobson Rd. 945 N. Dobson Rd. 918 W. Southern Ave Scottsdale Mesa Phoenix Mesa Mesa Mesa AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ Employer Report Labor‐General Warehouse Mechanic Driver Mechanic Construction Labor‐General Labor‐General Labor‐General Labor‐General Landscaping Retail Store Driver Construction Labor‐General Labor General Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Home Improvement Restaurant Restaurant Construction Labor‐General Retail Restaurant Labor‐General Construction Retail Telemarketing Landscaping Restaurant Restaurant Telemarketing Auto Svc Tech Restaurant Retail Store Retail Store Restaurant (480)206‐8130 (602)273‐6866 (480)774‐0764 (602)358‐9034 (480)983‐3600 (480)545‐1769 (480)839‐4350 (602)682‐7855 (480) 231‐9424 (602)361‐3203 (602)841‐6904 (480)238‐0181 (480)732‐1414 (480)461‐9930 (602)438 7100 (602)438‐7100 (480)668‐5900 (800)815‐9056 (480)896‐7507 448 N Sunset Rd 406 S. Rockford 336 S Roosevelt # 1 P.O. Box 50667 505 W 8th Ave, Ste 16 5014 E van Buran mesa@labormaxstaffing.com (480)839‐4319 www.LaborReady.com (602)682‐7703 (602)841‐6351 lexorcontracting@gmail.com (602)437 1182 (602)437‐1182 www.logans road house.com www.facebook.com/raise.steaks lowes.com (480)966‐7424 (480)214‐2949 lucillesbbq.com (480)820‐0237 (480)820‐2476 www.macayo.com (602)920‐7781 (480) 610‐2222 www.mainstreammagazine.com www.ManuelsAZ.com (480)897‐0025 (480)969‐3800 (602)257‐4329 (602)768‐2554 (480)396‐5399 (480)626‐5102 (877)762‐0890 (480)461‐7485 (480)460‐4334 (480)897‐3512 (480)752‐8140 (480)752‐8144 (480)969‐5433 (480)962‐0493 (480)363‐9009 (480)833‐0095 mesa5&diner.com (480)641‐1958 5 of 9 2030 E. Rio Salado Pkwy. 1920 S. Dobson Rd. 3536 E. Tremaine 310 E. Main Street 2350 E. Southern Ave 924 N. Country Club Dr. 3123 E. Thomas 5062 S. Penny Place 916 E. Baseline, Bldg 2, Ste 116 1255 E. Chandler Blvd. 1429 W. Baseline 545 W. Juanita Ave. 2035 W. Broadway Rd 66 S. Dobson Rd. Ste.120 88 S Dobson Rd Suite 132 66 S. Dobson Rd. 6353E. Southern Ave. Tempe Mesa Mesa Mesa Scottsdale Tempe Mesa Phoenix Apache Junction Mesa Mesa Chandler Tempe Mesa Mesa Mesa Mesa Mesa Mesa 85119 85281 85208 85210 85205 85008 85282 85204 85233 85282 85017 85138 85252 85019 85202 85040 85202 85202 85210‐4904 85281 85202 85201 85282 85201 85013 85220 85202 85283 85210 85202 85202 85202 85202 85206 2/7/2015 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Mesa Community College Mesquite Landscape Services Mimi's Cafe Mintie Corp Monty Brothers Landscaping Move You Movers of the Valley M‐Power Electric LLC MyphoneRoom National Van Lines Nationwide Tools native environmental Night Sweep Nite Sweep North Phx. RV Park Now Plumbing O&S Building & Remodeling Oil Can Henry's Old Chicago Omega Auto Glass On Call Staffing Ono HawaIIan BBQ Otto Logistics Outback Steak House P.C.C. P.S.I. Pacific Refrigeration Services Palm Harbor Homes Paradise Bakery & Cafe Paradise Bakery & Cafe Paradise Promotions Pardise Southwest Cleaners Park & Swap Patriot HVAC PD Sales and Service PES Phoenix battery service Photovoltaic Resources Pima plastics Pizza Hut Pizza Pit Planet Earth Satellite (Dish Direct) Pleasant Valley Air Political Call Center, LLC Precious Metals,LLC. Precision Deburring Corp Premier Auto Glass PrimeBar Pro Logistics Pro Ranch Market Professional Exterior Services Pros Ranch Market Pro‐Sweep Employer Report mesacc.edu Landscaping Restaurant Labor‐General Landscaping Labor‐General Driver Electrician Telemarketing Labor‐General Labor‐General Construction Labor‐General Labor‐General Labor‐General Plumber Construction Auto Svc Tech Restaurant Telemarketing Labor‐General Restaurant Labor‐General Restaurant Telemarketing Telemarketing Driver Carpenter Restaurant Telemarketing Labor‐General Labor‐General HVAC Mechanic Labor‐General Auto Svc Tech Technology Labor‐General Restaurant Restaurant Telemarketing Telemarketing Telemarketing Telemarketing Driver Labor‐General Restaurant Warehouse Retail Labor‐General Retail Store Labor‐General (480)615‐0103 (480)899‐5612 (602)509‐7488 Mintie.com (602)684‐4652 (480)529‐6804 (480)834‐8000 (480)844‐1329 moversofthevalley.com (602)373‐4501 (480)786‐6641 (480)269‐1796 (480)398‐4422 (480)238‐6515 (480)254‐0122 (602)373‐2030 (602)441‐8188 (480)802‐2775 (480) 420‐4439 oandsremodling.com (928)776‐9677 (480) 838‐8118 (480)838‐2222 (480)838‐2256 (602)258‐3525 (602)268‐8889 OnoBBQ.com www.outback.com PoliticalCallCenter.com (480)615‐7667 (480)603‐3792 (480)219‐1450 (480)733‐1775 (480) 967-4007 (480)751‐2387 (602)475‐6236 (480)830‐8292 (602)273‐1250 (480)388‐3100 (602)957‐3532 (480)921‐7080 (602)765‐9144 (480)216‐5906 (480)966‐8984 (480)844‐9916 (480)755‐7555 (602)889‐8450 (866)258‐7973 (480)603‐3792 (480)276‐5797 (602)278‐6604 (480)570‐9293 (480)822‐6200 (602)794‐8500 (480)844‐3666 (480)921‐7080 (480)844‐3666 (480)464‐8050 1833 W. Southern Ave. 1043 S. Lewis 2800 W. Chandler Blvd 1434 E University Dr 7001 W. Sundust Road Mesa Mesa Chandler Phoenix Chandler AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85202 85210 85224 85034 845 S.Broadway Rd.#501 705 E. Val Vista Dr. 49 S Sycamore #7 1940 N. Rosemont 2222 S. Dobson Rd. 2435 university drive 1750 N. Country Dlub Dr. 1750 N Country Club 2601 W. Louis Dr. 3050 Country Club Dr 668 N.44th. St. #224 439 Miller Valley Rd 1656 S. Alma School Rd. 135 E. Chilton DR. 2050 E University Dr 2415 E baseline Rd Suite 121 1564 N. Alma School Rd. 1860 E. McKellips Rd. 49 S. Sycamore #3 1855 W.Baseline Rd. #190 1619 S 31st Ave AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85210 85296 85201 85202 1946 S Signal Butte Road Suite 109 1946 S. Signal Butte Road Suite 109 5024 S. Ash 6024 E Mckellips Rd #4 3801 E. Washington St. 730 E. Brown Rd. #106 1930 W.Durango St. 1971 E. 5th St.#102 2249 E Rose Garden Loop 1440 W. Meseto Ave. 828 W. 24th St 1140 S Country Club 1954 S. Dobson #5 3210 South Fair Lane 1901 E. Univerisity Dr. 49 S. Sycamore, Suite 3 16150 N Arrowhead Fountains CTR DR Suite 135 3442 W Wilshire Dr Suite 8 Mesa Gilbert Mesa Mesa Mesa tempe Mesa Mesa Phoenix Mesa Phoenix Prescott Mesa Chandler Phx Phoenix Mesa Mesa Mesa Mesa Phoenix Tempe Mesa Tempe Mesa Phoenix Mesa Phoenix Tempe Phoenix Mesa Tempe Mesa Mesa Tempe Mesa Mesa Peoria Phoenix 15037 N. Scottsdale Rd 3809 E. Watkins Rd. 1118 E. Southern Ave 1971 E. 5th St., Ste 102 E. Southern & S. Stapley Rd. 2333 W. Broadway Rd. Scottsdale Phoenix Mesa Tempe Mesa Mesa AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 410 S Perry Ln promos in paradise.com (480)388‐3110 www.patriotAZ.com (480)921‐7081 www.pes‐az.com Pizza Hut . com (602)889‐8488 Pleasantvalleyair.com (480)603‐3791 LibertyPreciousMetals.com primebaramerica.com (480)961‐1787 maribel.tovar@employbridge.net (480)954‐7081 pes‐az,com (480)844‐8157 6 of 9 85201 85202 85008 86301 85210 85228 85034 85042 85201 85203 85202 85210 85009 85281 85209 85282 85215 8503 85009 85281 85024 85202 85282 85202 85282 85203 85202 85382 85009 85254 85040 85204 85281 85204 85202 2/7/2015 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Protection Now Security Pruitt"s Plumbing Publishers Processing Center Pulte Homes Purcell Tire Pure Fitness Quaity Image Production Quality Landscape Management Quality Stucco Quick N Clean Quiznos R & K Building Supplies R and R Images Ranch Market Rango Reconditioned Systems Recovery Computers By Sparky Red Hot Prospects Red Mountain Cafe REMX Staffing Rex & Restorations Right Away Disposal Rigid Industries LED Lighting Robot Underground Ronald McDonald House Rotolo"s Ruinard Industries RWC Building Products S&H Steel Co. Sabarros Pizza Sadona Pines Safety Sam Inc. Safety Services Co. Safeway Scaffolding Salt River Materials Group Sams Club San Carlos Cattle Association SASR Satellite Visions Schade Distributing Schlotzsky's Deli Schuff Steel Scottsdale Community Collage SCS Group International Inc. SDB Contracting Sean Garcelon Sears See's Candies Serrano's Service Link Service Link Commercial Service Link Commercial LLC Employer Report Telemarketing Plumber Telemarketing Construction Retail Labor‐General Telemarketing Landscaping Construction Labor‐General Restaurant Carpenter Computer Retail Construction Labor‐General Computer Technology Restaurant Warehouse Auto Svc Tech Mechanic Labor‐General Labor‐General Restaurant Labor‐General Construction Retail Labor‐General Telemarketing Carpenter Labor‐General Labor‐General Labor‐General Labor‐General Labor‐General Driver Restaurant Welding Construction Construction Retail Store Restaurant Driver Labor‐General Driver (480)427‐4779 (602)944‐8777 (602)476‐2449 (602)476‐2449 (602)252‐3500 (480)491‐4600 (602)318‐3247 (602)332‐3776 (480)215‐4905 (972)679‐9371 (480)968‐0601 (480)892‐1200 (602)437‐4545 (480)844‐3666 (480)729‐6537 (480)968‐1773 (480)361‐5245 (602)367‐6282 (480)832‐2448 (602)954‐2045 (480)557‐3637 (480)983‐9100 (855)760‐5337 (602)312‐6504 (602)354‐3324 (480)246‐8547 (480)203‐6713 (480)833‐0703 (480)926‐6062 (480)926 6062 (480)898‐1470 (480)217‐0236 (602)639‐4602 (888)705‐5825 (602)723‐2770 (480)330‐1987 (480)926‐9006 (928)475‐2541 (866)867‐5571 (480)588‐9494 (602)462‐9015 (480)966‐7672 (480)892‐4257 (480)686‐9947 3120 N Arizona Ave ste 108 11029 N.24th Ave., #801 2121 s. mill (602)252‐9006 www.purcelltire.com quicknclean.net (480)968‐0611 quiznos12677@gmail.com (480)892‐5909 trusses @ randkaz.com (602)437‐3553 Randimages.com (480)894‐6367 resy.net (480)983‐9102 www.rigidindustries.com 2310 W. McDowell Rd. 3029 N Alma School Rd 404 W. Broadway 16838 Fairview 1346 N. 66th Pl. 243 N. Power Rd. 100 W. University Dr. #118 25 W. Baseline 3602 E. La Salle St. 1118 E. Southern Ave 2128 E. Rio Salado Dr. 235 S. 56th. Street 244 N Country Club Drive 1815 W.1st.Ave 4410 E. University 500 N. 54th St. 1846 E 3rd St, Ste 102 1755 S. Toyal Palm Rd. 779 N. Colorado St. Chandler Phoenix Tempe MESA Phoenix Chandler Tempe Chandler Mesa Mesa Tempe Gilbert Phoenix Mesa Tempe Chandler Mesa Mesa Mesa Chandler Tempe Apache Junction Gilbert AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85210 85281 85233 85040 85204 85281 85226 85201 85202 85205 85226 85281 85119 85233 2225 W. Southern Ave. 1641 S Stapley Mesa Mesa AZ AZ 85202 85204 Mesa Gilbert Mesa Sadona Tempe Tempe Phoenix Mesa Gilbert San Carlos AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85210 85233 85203 86336 85282 Mesa Mesa Tempe Gilbert Scottsdale The Woodlands tempe Scottsdale Paradise Valley Mesa Mesa Tempe Tempe Tempe AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ TX AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ http://ruinardindustries.com/info.ht (480)834‐7137 www.rwc.org 1345 S. Center St. 620 W. Commerce Ave. Fiesta Mall www.highlandsresorts.com 6701 W. SR 89A safetyservicescompany.com 2626 S. Roosevelt St. Suite 2 2526 S. Roosevelt Ave. www.samsclub.com (928)475‐2884 www.satellitevisions.webs.com (602)462‐5536 schade_distributing@hotmail.com (800)392‐4727 (855)472‐7329 scsgroupintl.com (480)967‐5810 (480)249‐8425 (602)953‐7182 (480)962‐4693 www.serranosaz.com (480)649‐3503 (480)921‐7080 (480)921‐7081 www.svclink.com svclink.com (480)921‐4131 www.svclink.com (480)921‐7080 7 of 9 P.O. Box 728 1225 N.Gilbert Rd. POB 159 20S. Power Rd Ste 106 139 S. Country Club Dr. 1401 W. Southern Ave. 619 N. Cooper Rd 9000 E. Chapperal Rd. PO Box 133271 810 w 1st street PV Mall 1810 W Southern Ave. 1964 E. McKellips 1971 E fifth St. 1971 E. 5th St. #101 1971 E. 5th St. Ste 103 85225 85018 85322 85233 85009 85211‐0728 85234 85550 85206 85201 85282 85256 77393 85282 85202 85203 85281 85281 2/7/2015 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Shamrock Foods Shirttail ShutterFly Sierra Signs So‐Cal Excavating Sonic South Valley Recyclers Southwest Auto Glass SpaceData Corp. Special Moments SPECIALITY INSL. Specialty Graphics Inc. Staffing Company Staffing Services Starz Karaoke Stellar Graphix Inc. Steve's Bar and Grill Subway SUMO MAYA Sunmex Super Cleanse Janitorial Superior Grout Service SVBS Group Inc Swiss Port Fueling Swissport TCM Masonery Teramar Staffing y p terry lewis enterprises Texas Roadhouse The Alarm Center The Car Wash The Club The Groundskeeper Outside Solutions Titan Framing TNS Enterprises Top Leaf Townsel contracting TR Landscape & Irrigation Trade Force Staffing Trish Tri‐State Air Conditioning Tv Dish & Everything Ultimate Plumber Union Cab Co. Unique Auto Upholstery Universal Contarctors University of Phoenix UPS UR Entertainment US Online America Group Employer Report Labor‐General Warehouse Warehouse Computer Construction Restaurant Labor‐General Computer Restaurant Construction Telemarketing Telemarketing Restaurant Restaurant Driver Labor‐General Construction Labor‐General Driver Driver Welding Construction Telemarketing Labor‐General Restaurant Landscaping Carpenter Telemarketing Tree Trimmer Construction Landscaping Labor‐General Labor‐General HVAC (480) 264‐5087 (480)833‐6900 (602)659‐4782 (480)835‐0168 (480)241‐0566 (480)649‐5651 (602)272‐7796 (480)233‐1969 (601)722‐2100 (480)730‐1114 (602)493‐2462 (602)441‐9659 (480)835‐3001 (480)969‐8553 (480)227‐2488 (480)786‐8876 (602) 252‐2742 (480)779‐1336 (480)835‐0005 sierrasignsaz.com southvalley Recyclers@yahoo.com (480)403‐0021 www.spacedata.net (470)839‐8471 www.specialmomentsaz.com www.sgi.com (480)302‐0809 (480)397‐9520 (520)882‐2658 (866)646‐0175 (480)632‐2534 (602)249‐2804 (480)730‐1516 (602)273‐3662 (602)273‐9211 (602)769‐1443 (480) 844‐4989 ( ) (602)541‐0161 (480)539‐0240 (480)966‐8911 (602)725‐6895 (602)274‐3425 Plumber Driver Upholstery Telemarketing (480)545‐0456 (480)899‐2827 (888)255‐0341 (480)833‐6465 (313)970‐1716 (480)834‐9065 (800)564‐4014 (480)620‐1778 (480)610‐5691 (480)797‐0702 (480)986‐7586 (480)303‐9999 (480)998‐2380 (480)921‐1403 Labor‐General Labor‐General Telemarketing (480)921‐2191 (480)363‐1133 (800)237‐9354 Various Locations INFO@SUMOMAYA.com www.sunmexusa.com SVSJobs.com http://teramarstaffing.com (480)545‐0016 www.groundskeeper.com (480)539‐1208 www.jadeseek.com (480)664‐0027 topleaftree@yahoo.com www.tradeforcestaffing.com (480)610‐8584 8 of 9 1326 W. Fairmont Dr 149 W. Main Street 4410 E.Cotton Ctr.Blvd. 830 E. Southern 3009 N. Rockwell Dr. 618 W. Southern 3663 W Lower Buckeye 750 West Warner 2535 W. Fairview, Suite 101 1845 E Baseline Rd. AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85282 85201 85040 85204 85002 85210 150 S. 51st. St. 525 South Gilbert Rd, Ste 4 525 S. Gilbert Rd. Tempe Mesa Phoenix Mesa Casa Granda Mesa Phx Chandler Chandler Tempe SCOTTSDALE Phoenix Mesa Mesa 3050 S country club ste.22‐23 139 E Adams St Mesa Phoenix AZ AZ 85210 85004 6560 N Scottsdale Rd 4855 W. McDowell Rd. 1755 S Windsor 2709 W. Lincoln St. 960 West Elliot Rd. st#108 4200 E Air Lane 4200 E Airlane Scottsdale Phoenix Mesa Phoenix Tempe Phoenix Phoenix AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85253 85035 230 W Baseline Rd 3945 e. broadway rd. y 1605 S. Stapley Dr. 1833 W Main St 3839 S. 7th St. 3432 E.ILLini Tempe mesa Mesa Mesa Phoenix Phoenix AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 620 N. Golden Key St. PO Box 1395 648 S. 48th St. 1485 N. McQueen ste2 19421 Chapel St. 2621 N. Mesa Dr. 4350 SW Scholls Ferry Rd. STE 304 Gilbert Gilbert Phoenix Gilbert Detroit Mesa Portland 501 W. 8th Ave #14 Arizona Mills Mall #1 713 N. 96th Place 2225 Broadway Rd. 8260 E Raintree Dr Suite 2 1761 W. University Ste 139 1620 S.Stapley Dr. 1975 E. Wildermuth 5801 W. Geronimo St. 404 W Broadway Rd #107 Mesa Tempe Mesa Mesa Scottsdale Tempe Mesa Tempe Chandler Tempe AZ AZ AZ AZ MI AZ OR AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85225 85224 85283 85034 85204 85204 85009 85284 85034 85034 85283 85206 85204 85201 85040 85233 85299 85008 85233 48219 85201 97225 85210 85242 85207 85210 85260 85281 85226 85282 2/7/2015 Kokopelli Group Home, LLC Usher Construction Valley Auto spa Vector Marketing Venezia Bakery Victorois Ind. Villa Morian VIP Cab Walmart watson roofing Wendys Wendys 1677 Wendy's Store #1809 Werner Partners,LLC West Business Services West Communactions West Communications West Corp Western Roofing Western States Home Services Western Vents & Curbs Western Vents and Curbs Westside Supply Wild Card Bar World Triathilon Corp Yellow Express Younger Brothers Companies Employer Report Construction Driver Retail Labor‐General Warehouse Labor‐General Driver Retail Construction Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Manager Telemarketing Telemarketing Telemarketing Carpenter Telemarketing Labor‐General Labor‐General Telemarketing Restaurant Labor‐General Driver Construction (480)748‐3741 2033 W University Dr (480)649‐5000 1921 S. Alma School, Ste. 312 (480)213‐9708 207 S. Siesta Ln. (480)967‐3730 128 W.Boxelder (480)797‐8945 1503 W.Missouri (602)266‐0695 2710 E. Washington (602)286‐6727 #2482 (480)962‐0038 (916)496‐6982 4902 E. Ray Rd. (480)893‐8806 1810 E. Ray Rd. (480)893‐8806 (480)838‐5388 1810 W. Elliot Rd. (480)634‐5050 (480)634‐4811 wernerpartners.com 1910 S.Stapley Dr. Ste. 127 (480)333‐4012 (480)333‐4091 (928)257‐5721 (480)333‐4000 1906 E Main 436 W. Mahoney Ave. (480)967‐8073 (480)967‐2273 westernroofingaz.com 350 W.Elliot Rd. (480)892‐8144 731 W. Commerce (480)926‐1125 731 W. Commerce Ave (480)926‐1125 (480)926‐7450 (602) 368‐1700 3204 S Fair Ln Arizona Ave & Ray Road (480)857‐3088 70 W Rio Salado Pkwy (303)961‐7228 530 N. Fraser (480)217‐5505 8525 N. 75th Ave. (623)979‐1111 (623)486‐2082 ybcco.com623 Use the lines below to document any companies that you found outside of this list, to help you track the businesses. 9 of 9 Mesa Mesa Tempe Chandler Phx. Phoenix Mesa mesa Phoenix Phoenix Tempe Mesa Mesa Mesa AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ Mesa Mesa Chandler Gilbert Gilbert Tempe Chandler Tempe Mesa Peoria AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 85201 85210 85281 85225 85202 85201 85044 85284 85204 85203 85203 85210 85286 85233 85233 85282 85203 85345 2/7/2015 Other Employers Employer Name Goodwill Career Resource Goodwill Career Resource Local Goodwill Stores Local Goodwill Stores Local Goodwill Stores Local Goodwill Stores Local Goodwill Stores Local Goodwill Stores Adecco‐Tempe Adecco‐Mesa Workforce Connection Workforce Connection Contractors & Builders * General Labor Temp Service Labor Express * Climate Pro * Fiesta Plastics * Labor Finders Able Body Labor * Allied Forces * Temporary Services Associated Staffing Comforce Staffing Service Excel Staffing Services Teramar Staffing Solutions * Trade Star Construction Services Alaskan Air * Conditioning & Heating Dial America Marketing Inc MDS Communication * Political Call Center‐PCC * American Home Maintenance * American Pacesetters * Affinitas * On Time Staffing Pro Sweep ** Jiffy Lube Address 805 East Guadalupe 930 North Alma School Road 1046 S Country Club Dr 2039 W Guadalupe Rd 106 E McKellips Rd 575 W Warner Rd 3122 S McClintock Dr 805 E Guadalupe Rd 1204 E Baseline 931 E Southern Ave 735 N Gilbert Rd 163 North Dobson Road 2113 S. 48th Street Ste 108 1454 W Main St #2 303 S Arizona Av 535 W. Iron Ave. Ste 110 216 S. Alma School Rd 470 W Ray Rd 851 E Main Street 1119 S Mesa Dr 1660 S Alma School Rd 1855 W Baseline Rd 540 W Broadway Rd 5066 S Price Rd 227 E Baseline Rd 640 S River Rd 123 E Baseline Rd, Ste 201 545 W Juanita Ave 1201 S Alma School Rd 2922 S Roosevelt St 1280 S Country Club Dr 1220 S Alma School Rd 919 N Stapley Dr 2333 W Broadway Rd http://www.jiffylubearizona.com/locations.htm City, State Zip Code Tempe, Arizona 85283 Chandler, Arizona 85224 Mesa, AZ 85202 Mesa, AZ 85202 Mesa, AZ 85201 Tempe, AZ 85284 Tempe, AZ 85282 Tempe, AZ 85283 Tempe, AZ 85283 ‐ 1454 Mesa, AZ 85204 Gilbert, AZ 85234 Mesa, AZ 85201‐6066 Tempe, AZ 85282 Mesa, AZ Chandler, AZ 85225 ‐ 7524 Mesa, AZ 85210 Mesa, AZ 85210 Chandler, AZ Mesa, AZ 85203 Mesa, AZ 85210 ‐ 8710 Mesa, AZ 85210 ‐ 3072 Mesa, AZ 85202 ‐ 9000 Mesa, AZ 85210 ‐0902 Tempe, AZ 85282 ‐ 7468 Tempe, AZ 85283 ‐ 1284 Tempe, AZ 85281 Tempe, AZ 85283 ‐ 1270 Mesa, AZ 85210 ‐ 6033 Mesa, AZ 85210 ‐ 2008 Tempe, AZ 85282 ‐ 2042 Mesa, AZ 85210 ‐ 5128 Mesa, AZ 85210 ‐ 2068 Mesa, AZ 85203 Mesa, AZ 85202‐1103 Phone 1 (480) 838‐1233 (480) 792‐0758 (480) 844‐0906 (480) 777‐3440 (480) 835‐8900 (480) 893‐7575 (480) 755‐4092 (480) 456‐8715 (480) 755‐0733 (480) 497‐2260 (480) 497‐0350 (480) 962‐7678 (602) 437‐3355 (480) 898‐1924 (480) 821‐0974 (480) 600‐0362 (480) 921‐2105 (480) 786‐5000 (480) 833‐4076 (480) 649‐6004 (480) 838‐5358 (480) 345‐1900 (480) 835‐5311 (480) 844‐4989 (480) 755‐7827 (480) 446‐7788 (480) 345‐9509 (480) 752‐8140 (480) 603‐3796 (480) 517‐3580 (480) 898‐7006 (480) 768‐2600 (480) 962‐4302 (480) 464‐8050 Phone 2 (480) 752‐2640 (480) 461‐8900 (480) 731‐3520 The following Food Box/Pantries are charity organizations to help the needy. Call before going to the location. Take something to carry food (back pack / suitcase) Maybe volunteer to help. Bring your ID & Letter dated within the last 30 Days. St Vincent de Paul Wayne Unruh Memorial Dining Room 67 W. Broadway Road Mesa, AZ 85210 (480) 649-0081 Continental Breakfast 7 days/week, 7 AM- 8:30 AM Lunch, 7 days a week, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. United Food Bank 358 E Javelina Ave Mesa, AZ - 85210 (480) 926-4897 Purchase Pantry 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM Current fee is $17.00 and can use Food Stamps St Peter Lutheran Church-Lord's Pantry 1844 E. Dana Mesa, AZ - 85204 480-833-4251 Pantry hours: Mon, Wed 9:00-11:00 Paz de Cristo Community Center 424 W. Broadway Mesa, AZ - 85210 480-464-2370 Dinner from 5:30p-6:45p Mail Service at 4pm & 6pm Water stations available ALL day St Mark's Episcopal Church 322 N. Horne Mesa, AZ - 85203 480-964-5820 Pantry hours: Tue 10:00-11:00 Paz de Cristo Community Center -Continued Pantry hours: Supper 365 Days/Yr; 5:00 Food Boxes '2nd Tues of Month 11:00-2:00; 4th Sat of Month 11:00-2:00 Food box orders at 10am, pick up at 1pm Bus passes for Dr. appt and employment $5 Walmart gift card for prescriptions Pueblo de Dios - Community Distribution 59 S. Horne Mesa, AZ - 85204 602-309-5898 Pantry hours: Thu 8:00-11:00 Seventh Day Adventist Church - Mesa 27 N. Lyn Rae Drive Mesa, AZ - 85213 (602) 258-9951 Pantry hours: Sat 1:00-3:00 Lutheran Social Service of Southwest 5946 E. University Dr. Mesa, AZ - 85205 480-654-4539 Pantry hours: Mon,Wed,Fri. 9:00-11:30 Manna Food Bank - Without Walls Christian Center 756 W. Main St. Mesa, AZ - 85234 480-838-2587 Pantry hours: Mon-Tue 7:00 am; Wed 6:30 am; Fri 8:00 am; Sat 6:30 am; 8:00 am Guadalupe Iglesia Cristiana El Buen Pastor 950 W. 8th Ave Mesa, AZ - 85210 480-964-0014 Pantry hours: Sun 1:00 Foundation Home 756 W. Main Street Mesa, AZ - 85201 480-242-1813 Pantry hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-5:00 Christ the King Catholic Church-Hope Program 1616 E. Broadway Rd. Mesa, AZ - 85204 480-964-1719 Pantry hours: Tue 10:30-12:00; Thu 5:00-6:30 Red Mountain United Methodist Church 2936 N. Power Road Mesa, AZ - 85215 480-981-3833 Pantry hours: Mon,Tue,Thu 9:00-4:00; Wed,Fri 9:00-3:30; Salvation Army - Mesa 241 E. 6th St., building 3 Mesa, AZ - 85201 480-833-8322 Pantry hours: Mon-Thu 8:00-11:00, 1:00-3:00; Fri 8:00-11:00 Holy Cross - Society of St Vincent de Paul 1244 S. Power Rd. Mesa, AZ - 85206 480-985-9315 Pantry hours: Mon-Sat 9:00-11:30 First Presbyterian Church 161 N. Mesa Dr. Mesa, AZ - 85201 480-964-8606 Pantry hours: Fri 10:00-12:00 CARE Partnership Opportunity Center 466 S. Bellview St. Mesa, AZ - 85204 480-833-8987 Pantry hours: Mon-Fri 6:30-5:00 Life's Destiny Christian Bible Church 2601 E. Brown Mesa, AZ - 85213 480-600-2777 Pantry hours: Tue 11:30-2:00; Call Anytime Gateway Bible Church 1621 N. Pasadena Mesa, AZ - 85201 480-834-9091 Pantry hours: Monthly 3:00-6:00 East Mesa Food Bank (Ministry of East Mesa Baptist Church) 752 S. Ellsworth Mesa, AZ - 85208 480-986-9827 Pantry hours: Sun 4:45 pm at the Church Food Pantries 9/4/2012 Page 1 of 2 Canaan Missionary Baptist Church 931-2 S. Stapley Drive Mesa, AZ - 85204 480-835-6320 Pantry hours: Every 3rd Tues 9:00-11:00 Broadway Christian Church 7335 E. Broadway Mesa, AZ - 85208 480-807-1668 Pantry hours: Mon-Tue-Wed 9am to 12pm St Mary's - Society of St Vincent de Paul 230 W. Galveston St. Chandler, AZ - 85225 480-814-7778 Pantry hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 9:00-11:30 Food Bank at Matthew's Crossing 1368 N. Arizona Ave Chandler, AZ - 85225 480-857-2296 Pantry hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00 Chandler Christian Community Center 345 S. California Chandler, AZ - 85225 480-963-1423 Pantry hours: Mon 1:00-3:00; Tues-Wed-Thu 9:00-11:00; Fri. Supplemental Food Boxes 9:00-10:30 Open Arms Care Center 522 N. Gilbert Rd. #103 Gilbert, AZ - 85234 480-539-0175 Pantry hours: Mon and Wed 1:00-3:00; Tue and Thu 9:00-11:00 and 6:00-8:00 pm; Sat 9:00-11 Salvation Army - Tempe 714 S. Myrtle Tempe, AZ - 85281 480-967-8649 Pantry hours: Mon -Fri 9:00-11:00 and 1:00-3:00 Food Pantries Calvary Free Lutheran Food Pantry 590 N. 96th St. Mesa, AZ - 85207 480-981-3993 Pantry hours: Sat 10:00-12:00 Voyage Church 670 N. Arizona Ave Suite 11 Chandler, AZ - 85225 480-707-1592 Pantry hours: Sat 10:00-2:00 Salvation Army - Chandler 85 E. Saragosa Chandler, AZ - 85224 480-963-2041 Pantry hours: Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri 8:30-11:30 & 1:00-4:00 Compassion in Action 4525 S. McClintock Chandler, AZ - 85244 480-220-0602 Pantry hours: Third Fri 9:30-11:00; Third Sat 8:00-9:30 Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation 2145 W. Elliot Rd. Chandler, AZ - 85224 480-838-6556 Pantry hours: Tue, Wed, Fri 9:30-12:00; 1:00-5:00 Divine Word Food Ministry 2115 W. Guadalupe, #103 Mesa, AZ - 85202 480-820-0224 Pantry hours: Sat 8:00-3:00 Trinity Christian Fellowship 50 S. McQueen Chandler, AZ - 85225 480-963-7698 Pantry hours: Sun 10:00-12:30 Living by the Word Community Distribution 319 N. 6th St. Chandler, AZ - 85225 480-786-0165 Pantry hours: Thu 9:30-12:00 New Life Family Church 202 S. Gilbert Rd. Gilbert, AZ - 85234 480-456-9200 Pantry hours: Mon-Thu 10:00-5:00 Tempe Community Action Agency 2150 E. Orange St. Tempe, AZ 480-350-5880 Pantry hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel St Vincent de Paul 2121 S. Rural Rd. Tempe, AZ - 85282 480-966-1974 Pantry hours: Mon-Sat 9:00-11:00 Abiding Savior / Shepherd's Warehouse 455 E. Continental Dr. Tempe, AZ - 85281 480-945-5250 Pantry hours: Wed and Fri By Appt Only 9/4/2012 Chandler C.A.P. 650 N. Arizona Ave Chandler, AZ - 85225 480-963-4321 Pantry hours: Mon-Fri 7:00-4:00 Vineyard Community Church 601 S. Cooper Rd. Gilbert, AZ - 85233 480-892-5828 Pantry hours: Tue-Thu 9:00-12:00 – Food Co-op Once Per Month Page 2 of 2