February 2014 - Centreville Baptist Church VA
February 2014 - Centreville Baptist Church VA
C e n t r e v i l l e Ba p t i s t Ch u r c h 1 5 1 0 0 L ee H i g h w a y Centreville, VA 20120 GO GO GAZETTE February 2014 Date Published: January 25, 2014 GOGO’S ENJOY PIZZA We generally have a large turnout for our traditional pizza party celebrated in January.(1-18-14) And so it was! Over 40 GOGO’s and friends came together to begin the New Year. In Lucille Morton’s (President) absence, Jodi Danko “took the reins” with a welcoming address. Bob Lee began the event with an appropriate blessing. Happy Birthday 02/08—Shirley Mauck 02/12—Judy Lee 02/16—Carmen Torres There were 14 pizzas from PAPA JOHNS. Many choices were offered, accompanied by salad, soft drinks, coffee, fruit and dessert donated by members. Marie Wright coordinated this annual affair and always does a great job. 02/25—Joe Cooper Inside this issue: Who We Are and What We Do 3 Monthly Meeting Information 4 Activities 5 Prayer and Praises 7 CBC News and Notes 8 In Case You Missed It 10 Monthly Devotional 12 Calendar 13 Jeff Riddle, GOGO photographer, presented “The Year in Review.” This video showcases all of our activities for the year 2013. You recognize it was a wonderful year when you view all the smiling faces. Over dessert we were able to reflect on the historical sites, theatre trips, and delicious lunches that we shared. Jeff also captured our 20th anniversary and our celebratory Christmas party that concluded our eventful year. We enjoy the fellowship and look forward to 2014 with continuing joyous and blessed friendship. Lenore Blackburn PAGE 3 G O G O G AZ ET TE V O LU M E 1 , ISSU E 1 Who We Are and What We Do President Lucille Morton 703-830-1393 Vice President Ernest Pearce Secretary Margaret Boone Treasurer Orrin Wright Budget & Finance Ernest Pearce Activities Fran & Tom Blair Coffee Orrin Wright Communications Marie Wright Hospitality Margaret Dicus Newsletter Jeff Riddle Photographer Jeff Riddle Publicity Barbara Pearce Service Jackie Beach Transportation Howard Morton, Ernest Pearce Year in Review Jackie Beach GROANERS She was only a whisky-maker, but he loved her still. A rubber-band pistol was confiscated from an algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption. V O LU M E 1 , ISSU E 1 G O G O G AZ ET TE PAGE 4 February 10, 2014 February 24, 2014 AM Meeting PM Meeting Devotion Marie Wright Restaurant of the Month TBD Will decide at Meeting On-Call Devotion Feb 2—Janet Schroeder Sharon Hall Feb 9—The Morrisons Feb 16—Dan Cramsey Feb 23—Jackie Beach Refreshments Julie Riddle PAGE 5 G O G O G AZ ET TE V O LU M E 1 , ISSU E 1 Pot Luck Dinner Saturday, February 15, 2014 12:30 pm Zone 7—CBC March 29, 2014 Fredericksburg, VA Tour Cost: LUNCH Bus Leaves CBC at 8:30 AM POC: Linda Cherry A Look Ahead April 15, 2014—Salvation Army Family Store Tour, Manassas, VA May 17, 2014—B&O Railroad Museum Baltimore, MD V O LU M E 1 , G O G O G AZ ET TE F E BR U ARY 2 01 4 PAGE 6 Prayers and Praises Continued prayers for Kelly Ross (Pastor Billy's brother) A Prayer For Valentine's Day from Out of the Ordinary by Joyce Rupp Praise to the One whose love stirs the ancient embers sparks the breath of prayer Praise to the One whose love entices the wandering beckons the confused Praise to the One whose love grows wings on the weary dreams hope in the discouraged Praise to the One whose love soothes with the ointment of mercy transforms with the touch of compassion Praise to the One whose love threads the energy of friendship stitches the strength of fidelity Praise to the One whose love tickles the soul with laughter urges the heart toward joy Praise to the one whose love embraces the untamed dances with the passionate All praise to this Gracious One All gratitude to this Beloved All love to this Mentor of Friendship All devotion to this Shaper of Hearts. FOR BETTER OR WORSE CLUE: We’re All Married Couples FACT or 1. After we gave a little money to the apostles and put some more in our pockets, we fell on the floor, so to speak. 2. We moved from Italy to Corinth and made tents with Paul. 3. We traveled a lot and started our very own nation. 4. We first met in a grain field, cold feet and all. 5. Our first son died as a baby, but our second son was a royally smart guy. 2) One of the Bee Gees became deputy Prime Minister of Australia 6. We had three children with funny names, and after a short separation, rejoined at an auction block. 3) Alexander Graham Bell never called his mom...because she was deaf 7. We ate quite often and were the end of that nasty Haman. 4) Electric eels were once used for electric shock therapy 8. We ran for our lives at the warning of two angels, but one of us didn’t quite make it. 9. We prayed to God for a son, and he gave us Samuel. 10. John the Baptist thought we shouldn’t be married, so we snuffed him out. Answers on Page 9 Fiction! 1) Ho Chi Minh once worked at a hotel in Boston as a baker 5) Ray Charles recorded an album of country music Answers on Page 9 PAGE 8 Host a Missionary or Meal with a Missionary Our 2014 Missions Conference will be held February 22-March 2. One of our major goals of the conference is to create opportunities for our congregation to get to know our missionary guests personally. With this goal in mind, we would like to give you the opportunity to host a missionary in your home during the conference or invite a missionary to a meal (lunch or dinner) during the conference. If you are interested in doing this, please contact Bill Hatcher at bill.hatcher@cbcva.org. G O G O G AZ ET TE V O LU M E 1 , ISSU E 1 Baby Bottle Campaign for Care Net Pregnancy Resource Centers You can change a life by participating in the Care Net Baby Bottle Campaign. Beginning today through February 16, pick up a baby bottle in the foyer, take it home and fill it up with spare change, cash, or a check made payable to Care Net PRCs. Return the filled bottle to the foyer table on Sundays or to the main office during the week.Your contribution helps pay for medical care, doctor’s visits, and baby items. The First Impressions Team (FIT) Needs You! Come help create a special environment for worship and fellowship by providing an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality. This dynamic team has openings in all areas. Positions include: Greeters, Welcome Desk, Guest Reception Hosts, Ambassadors, Ushers, and Parking Lot/Traffic Control.Visit www.cbcva.org/serve for more details or contact Stephen & Dawn Gomillion at dawn.gomillion@comcast.net. OPERATION SERVE May 2 - 3, 2014 V O LU M E 1 , ISSU E 1 G O G O G AZ ET TE PAGE 9 VALENTINE’S DAY Saint Valentine's Day (commonly shortened to Valentine's Day) is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Valentine and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 500 AD. It was deleted from the Roman calendar of saints in 1969 by Pope Paul VI, but its religious observance is still permitted. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. Modern Valentine's Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards. THE HAPPY COUPLES 1. Ananias and Sapphira. Acts 5:1 ff FACT or Fiction! Answers 1) ker House Hotel in Boston as a baker between 1912 and 1913 2. Aquila and Priscilla. Acts 18:23 3. Abraham and Sarah. Genesis 12:1-2 4. Ruth and Boaz. Ruth 3: 7-8 5. David and Bathsheba. 2 Samuel 12:5-24 6. Hosea and Gomer. Hosea 1-3 7. Esther and King Xerxes. Esther 5-7 8. Lot and His Wife. Genesis 19 9. Elkanah and Hannah. 1 Samuel 1:2 10. Herod and Herodias. Matthew 14:3 FACT—Ho Chi Minh was employed by the Par- 2) Fiction! 3) FACT—No, but it was her deafness that persuad- —The Bee Gees were apolitical. They did support a number of worthy charities, but avoided politicians ed Bell to study acoustics 4) FACT—Electric eels and fish currents were used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to treat headaches, depression, epilepsy and gout 5) FACT—In his1962 album Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music. “You Win Again” Jan 13, 2014 Meeting was called to order by Lucille Morton with 15 present. Devotion and opening prayer was done by Tom Blair. Went over reports and prayer request. Christmas Party for 2014 – we will see if Dec. 11 will be available We have had 75 prayer shawls made and available to date. Question of the day: From a list that was offered: traits that are important to teach our children. Answers were: Independence, so that they can make their own decisions –Tom Blair Good manners – Sharon & Lucille Obedience – Doris & Marie Tom went over the activities. Jan 18 - Pizza Party – 12:30 Feb 15 - Valentine Pot Luck – 12:30 Mar 29 – Fredericksburg Tour & Lunch – bus leaves at 8:30am April 15 – Salvation Army Visit – tour & lunch – bus leaves at 9:30am Lucille closed with prayer. Lunch at Sino. Submitted by Lucille Morton OOOPS! One birthday recognition was omitted from the January 2014 Gazette. Rita Cooper celebrated her birthday on January 5th. The Thursday morning ladies bible study began a new study on December 5th, 2013. It is called CELEBRATE - Discovering Joy in Life’s Ordinary Moments. The theme of which is to celebrate the blessings of God. Each lesson encourages us to find the joys in life that may be hiding in plain sight. We are challenged with the questions that test our contentment. Our attention is drawn to Proverbs15:1517 which use the metaphor of a feast to show the difference between contentment and discontentment. Armed with that knowledge we learn how to define the gift of contentment when it enters our lives. We also learn that God desires us to discover the gift of gratitude in our lives - a gift, like contentment truly keeps on giving. Judy Lee, our teacher, has provided us with journals. We are instructed to record specific things for which we are grateful… the intent is to recognize that we should be bubbling over with Celebration every day. There will be exercises where we will be expected to share specific ways to meet someone else’s needs and note the joy & thankfulness that we might feel in our own hearts. We will search these chapters for the invitation to celebrate the strength of GOD’S power to infuse us with hope, not for today, but for always. Lenore Blackburn V O LU M E 1 , ISSU E 1 G O G O G AZ ET TE PAGE 12 God’s Pattern Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. Psalm 119:133 NIV Linda’s face twisted with pain when she wrapped in tissue paper the baby blanket her grandmother had knit. “Why, Lord?” Linda laid the blanket on top of the crib sheets in the cardboard carton. The pink and blue yarn showed through the thin paper. Not knowing the sex of the baby, Grandma had used both colors for her gift. “It could have been all blue, Grandma,” Linda whispered. “James was a boy.” She stopped to wipe her eyes, almost surprised they could produce any more tears. She had done little else bu cry since the miscarriage a month ago. Unable to bear any more regrets, she fled the nursery and ran down the stairs. Without thinking, she punched the phone’s automatic dial button for her mother. “I can’t do it.” Linda’s words were garbled by her sobs. “Everyone says I need to pack all the baby stuff away and get on with living. I tried, but I can’t stand it.” In record time Linda’s mother wheeled her car into the driveway and let the screen door bang her as she entered the house. “You don’t need to do this all by yourself. I’ll help you.” With their arms wrapped around one another’s waists, they climbed up the stairs and entered the silent nursery. “Do I need to paint over the rocking horse paper border Joel and I hung? Is that part of putting it all behind me?” “Of course not. You’ll have another baby some day, but you don’t want dusty clothes so we’ll store these things in the attic in the meantime.” “How do I know I’ll ever have another baby? Nothing makes any sense.” Linda sank into the rocking chair. She leaned forward to pull the brown teddy bear from behind her back and threw it across the room. “My life is out of control. There is no reason for anything.” “Life feels like that sometimes,” Mom said. “I have an idea of what will help. There’s a new quilting class starting at the fabric shop in the mall. Nothing like making a quilt to give you a sense of purpose and control.” Desperate for distraction, Linda took the class. She concentrated on cutting the sizes accurately. Planning for the progression of colors from light to dark in her Log Cabin quilt seemed to restore her sense of order. To ensure an attractive overall appearance, she had to design and plan ahead. As she decided which colors to use for her short and long strips, she thought about God, who knew ahead when dark patches would cloud her world. If she could use her dark strips to the best advantage in a small thing like a quilt, she knew God would use the dark places in her life to make a pleasing pattern even if she couldn’t see it or understand it yet. Linda began to trust Him as the Perfect designer even if she never did understand the “whys” of her experience. “When life feels out of control to me, God is still there,” she reassured herself. As she sewed, she found she could pray again. “Order my steps, Lord. Don’t let my heartache overpower my love for You.” Each added strip built a pretty blend of colors that created an overall pattern beyond the individual design of each block. Linda was delighted with the results. As her satisfaction grew, she found her joy returning. While she began to enjoy the process of quilting, she began to delight once again in her God and trust Him with her hopes and disappointments.. GOD’S PATTERN If we keep our heart focused on the goodness of God, the Master planner, we can find hope and encouragement to weather our storms. Mary Tatem – THE QUILT OF LIFE – A Patchwork of Devotional Thoughts PAGE 13 G O G O G AZ ET TE V O LU M E 1 , ISSU E 1 February 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Shirley Mauck Janet Schroeder (ON-CALL) 9 The Morrisons (ON-CALL) 8 10 11 12 13 14 Judy Lee 15 POT LUCK CBC—12:30 pm 10:30 am Meeting 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 Jackie Beach 7:30 pm Meeting Joe Cooper Carmen Torres Dan Cramsey (ON-CALL) (ON-CALL) 22 GO GO GAZETTE February 2014 C E N T R E V I L L E BA P T I S T CH U R CH 1 5 1 0 0 L E E HI G H W A Y CENTR EVILL E, VA 20 12 0