2014 Fall-2015 Winter - Kindred Souls Foundation


2014 Fall-2015 Winter - Kindred Souls Foundation
Paws in Hands
Kindred Souls Foundation
P.O. Box 88627
Steilacoom, WA 98388
In Loving Memory of Hobo
By Shawndra Michell
All of us at Kindred Souls Foundation (KSF)
love each rescue animal who enters our lives.
We remember their faces, names, and the way
they made us feel. Some animals teach us
important new lessons while others reaffirm
what we have always known.
A Holistic Approach
Our approach to the animals' care addresses all interdependent parts of his/
her being.
‘Hobo’ was an exceptional dog who we rescued
from a Lakewood parking lot back in 2006.
This experience had a profound impact on
everyone involved and paved the path for how
KSF would help animals. Hobo was the dog
who brought me into this foundation as a
volunteer, and I am grateful to him for that.
Chambers Creek Veterinary Hospital
(CCVH) provides the medical care needed
by an animal while in our care. Proper
nutrition and exercise are critical components of a healthy lifestyle. CCVH
provides each animal with a Well Pet
Exam and recommendations for proper
diet and physical activity.
Hobo was approximately 6 months old when
he was seen being dumped off by a man and
abandoned in a parking lot. He lived on the
streets of Lakewood and had been labeled
‘dangerous’ by authorities. They planned to
capture Hobo with the aid of a dart gun and
stated that they would likely put him down
due to his label. A local business owner who
To be accepted into social situations,
animals need to learn special skills. We
work with the animals on those skills to
help them with their interactions.
Hobo playing fetch at his foster home
was deeply concerned for Hobo
brought his situation to our
Our President, Kelly Nelson, went
to see Hobo and talk with some of
the surrounding businesses. She
shares, “Hobo had clearly defined
his territory and was well cared for
by people who brought him food
and clean water. Someone had even
made him a bed of straw. He had
no idea his life was in jeopardy.
Despite his physical and vocal
intimidation, there was something
more to Hobo than what we were
“Lisa and I had the pleasure of fostering Hobo for 5 months
on the surface. I knew I
after his rescue. We were told that we would never get him to
to consult with professionals
fetch a ball, but by the end of that first day Hobo was playing
forward with a rescue
fetch, running, and learning what it was like to be loved. It was
an honor and a privilege to be a part of his journey.”
Donna Kern & Lisa Nordberg with Hobo
Kindred Souls Foundation
provides sanctuary to
abandoned, abused, and
neglected cats and dogs of all
ages, a holistic approach to
their care, and education on
the rewards and
responsibilities of
animal companionship.
(Continued on page 4)
We want all animals with whom we come
into contact to feel special and loved. Oneon-one nurturing gives them confidence to
greet the world with a renewed sense of hope.
What makes your soul happy? We ask that
question of each animal who crosses our
path. We find that play tailored to the
individual animal brings them much joy!
F AL L 2014 - W IN T ER 2015
Inside this issue:
Letter from the Top Dogs
High Paws of Praise
A Rescue Story
Ask the Pharmacist
Holiday Gift Giving
Our Thanks to You
Happy Endings
Editor: Kelly Nelson
Layout/Design: Joyce Hansen
“Letter from the Top Dogs”
Dear Kindred Souls,
1/4 are adoptable animals who go on to
become the responsibility of their new
family. Additionally, we provide Trap/
Neuter/Return (TNR) services and
colony care to local feral cats.
The mission of Kindred Souls
Foundation is to provide sanctuary to
dogs and cats of all ages, a holistic
approach to their care, and education
on the rewards and responsibilities of
animal companionship.
Our generous supporters and
dedicated volunteers have allowed us to
help cats and dogs who would otherwise be put down due to their age,
medical needs, or other ‘non-adoptable’
Our goal is to provide basic needs and
special care services to cats and dogs so
that they can live out the rest of their
lives with joy, dignity, and love. Their
quality of life is overseen by the
compassionate veterinarians and staff
at Chambers Creek Veterinary Hospital.
We are always seeking new Kindred
Souls to help carry out our mission by
We do not define the success of our Foundation by how many adoptions we have in a year or how many animals to whom we provide a
specific service (such as spay/neuter). Our success is defined by each
individual animal who is given the opportunity to live a physically,
emotionally, spiritually, and mentally fulfilling life in a safe and
loving environment.
At any given time, approximately 3/4 of our Foundation animals are
in long-term KSF programs which means we are responsible for
providing to them for the remainder of their lifetime. The remaining
becoming a caregiver to one of the animals in our long-term care
programs. The animals in need have been abandoned or are coming
from situations of abuse and/or neglect. If you are interested in
learning more, please contact us. What a great way to start 2015!
We THANK YOU for your support of Kindred Souls Foundation’s
mission which allows us to ensure our Foundation animals receive the
care they deserve to live healthy and happy lives!
Brian & Kelly
High Paws of Praise!
By Janis Larsen
Cathy Blattner believes that the universe determines
the pairing of pets and people. She describes her
home as a ‘vacation place’ where the animals she
fosters can stay until their forever person comes
forward. Her resort has been a refuge for KSF foster
dogs since 2008.
Cathy has two pets of her own, Yuki and Dezi, who
are wonderful foster siblings to the newcomers!
On behalf of the many dogs to whom you have
provided sanctuary, THANK YOU, Cathy, for
opening your heart and home!
I had the pleasure of meeting Cathy
when I first started volunteering with
KSF and she took me with her to do
a ‘meet and greet’ with her foster
dog, Andy, a Belgian Shepherd. She
fostered Andy for approximately 9
months before he found his forever
home. She still gets to visit with Andy
and his adoptive family and says he
has blossomed.
Although Cathy has done a few short
term fosters, more of her fostering
efforts lasted for several months.
Bruno, a Rottweiller was her first
foster dog and stayed with her for 4
months. Loid, Lilly, Otis (of the Otis
Diaries), Jezzie, Andy, Amilee, and
Nike have all been guests in her home.
Page 2
Board of Directors
Kelly Nelson
Brian Nelson
Shawndra Michell
Chris Schiesl
Jane Taylor
Pete Yantorni, DVM
Andy, one of Cathy’s foster dogs, with his forever
Trevin Anderson
family Kyle and Erica
Kindred Souls Foundation
A Rescue Story
By Angela Rittinger
then return her to Kathy’s home as part
of our TNR (T)rap/(N)euter/(R)eturn)
program. We would find foster homes
for the kittens and adopt them out
when they were ready.
Kindred Souls Foundation received a
call from Kathy who was looking for
help in dealing with a feral cat and her
new litter. The resourceful Mom cat
found a small opening that led into the
basement of Kathy’s home. She
contacted us for help in placing the
kittens and having Mom cat spayed to
prevent more pregnancies.
As KSF volunteers were preparing to
mobilize, Kathy called to tell us that
Mom had moved the kittens. Sadly,
when Mom returned the next day to
eat, Kathy saw that she had sustained
severe injuries. Barely able to move,
Mom cat somehow managed to move her
four kittens back to the safety of the basement.
Dr. Erin Hicks with Liam
Mom’s injuries were so severe that she
was unable to overcome them. The veterinarian who treated Mom said the
only thing that kept her alive this far was
the determination to care for her young.
Without intervention, Mom would have
died in terrible pain and the kittens may
not have survived. Mom was no longer
able to produce milk and the kittens
would have potentially starved.
The tenacity Mom demonstrated should be a lesson to us all. The
kittens are all safe in the wonderful foster home of the veterinarian,
We immediately set up a humane trap in an attempt to catch Mom cat Dr. Erin Hicks, who oversaw their mom’s care. Some of them are still
and allow us the opportunity to assess and treat her injuries and allow available for adoption should you be looking to add a special addition
(or two) to your home. With an amazing Mama Kitty to start them off
us access to the babies.
in life, and a caring human ‘mom’ who stepped in to take over, you can
After a successful trapping, I rushed them to Chamber’s Creek Veteri- be sure these cats will bring you love, joy, and happiness for all their
nary Hospital for treatment. Our intent was to treat and spay Mom and years!
By Janis Larsen
We all want the best for our animal companions, and Pharmacy
Compounding Solutions (PCS) can provide just what the doctor
ordered when your pet is in need of a
compounded prescription.
sensitivities, since the medication can be reformulated to eliminate the
problem ingredient. Some medications are created in liquid form making them easier to administer than capsules or tablets.
Pharmacy compounding is the art and science
of preparing personalized medication for a
specific patient. Common medical problems
for animals include allergies, skin problems,
heart disease, kidney disease, thyroid problems,
and joint or back problems. Solving these
issues with the unique needs of a pet is often
why owners and veterinarians seek pharmacy
More often than not, it is very difficult to give
oral medications to our pets. PCS provides
more than 30 flavors that they can add to the
medication making the task easier. If you’re
uncertain which flavor your pet might prefer,
they will happily provide a taste test! The staff
works with owners, pets, and veterinarians to
determine the best course of action to follow.
PCS can easily alter strengths of medications.
Compounding works well for animals with
Paws in Hands
Front row: L to R: Bob & Sissy, Paul & Wallace, Lynn & Tia and Anne
Back row L to R: Alex and Mark
(Continued on page 7)
Page 3
In Loving Memory (Cont. from page 1)
We believe that every animal’s life is
valuable, but we must be responsible when
working with rescue animals. Some animals
are legitimately labeled ‘dangerous’ and we
are not equipped to handle them. Kelly
asked various professionals (i.e., trainers,
veterinarians, behaviorists, healers) to assist
in assessing the situation.
The professionals all donated their time
and expertise to help Hobo. Their support
and assistance prior, during, and after
Hobo with his forever family, Sue and Stefani
in Hobo’s successful life transition. Every
person stayed committed as we stood in
the pouring rain readjusting our tactics
multiple times.
Hobo with Shawndra Michell
Hobo’s rescue were essential to his success.
Their help allowed us to ensure we were
making responsible decisions on behalf of
Hobo and the community.
Our volunteer group who participated in
the physical rescue was just as instrumental
adoptive family. We will always remember
the effect Hobo had on our lives and how
he solidified the course of this Foundation.
To read more about Hobo’s story, his rescue, and the amazing team of professionals,
please visit our website:
The most valuable lesson this experience
taught us was to treat each animal as an
individual. Whether an animal has a physi- www.kindredsoulsfoundation.org/Hobo.htm
cal disability, a medical condition, or has
Toast Hobo’s memory by purchasing a
been misunderstood due to assumptions,
bottle of our ‘Splish Splash’ Pinot Noir
labels, or fear, we must evaluate them for
adorned with a label in honor of Hobo and
who they are as an individual. If an animal his love of swimming! See page 4 to order.
can be helped to
live a quality life, “Kim and I came with Chelsea, our dog, to help Hobo. It was an
then it is our job eventful conclusion to a powerful experience. Through animals we
learn that trust is the beginning of love and that like minds must
to work on their
come together with the purpose of bringing light and love to those who
have not had this in their life before. When someone is willing to try,
Hobo passed away then and only then, can we create new beginnings for the most
unexpectedly on
vulnerable in our communities.”
August 13, 2014.
Cindy Louie
He spent eight
wonderful years
being loved by his
"I met with Kindred Souls Foundation and explained that we
were able to get Hobo to take food from our hands, but not
touch him. An army of volunteers was recruited and the plan
was executed flawlessly. I can still see the sense of relief in
Hobo’s eyes after he was safely in his crate.
I was able to visit Hobo in his new home environment. We
played with toys in the backyard, and he wagged his tail
and came over for scratches. I stood in awe of just how happy
he was and how far he'd come, and had a sense of pride
knowing that I helped to change his life forever!”
Julie McCoy
Hobo with Julie McCoy
Page 4
Cindy Louie with Chelsea
Kindred Souls Foundation
This year give the
gifts that give twice!
Looking for a meaningful gift to give this holiday
season? KSF has some great options that extend your gift even farther
than it’s original intent. Choose any one of the options below for your
gift giving and KSF animals will benefit, too!
Great idea #4
Sponsor an Animal for a gift that stretches well beyond just the holiday.
Our long-term care programs allow vulnerable populations the chance to
have a quality life. A monthly financial commitment to support Kindred
Souls Foundation will help us continue our work.
$25 a month will cover food for one animal companion
$50 a month will cover food and basic supplies (i.e., cat litter, potty
pads, supplements) for one animal companion
$100 a month will cover the medications for 3-5 animals
$150 a month will cover the needs of one senior or medically fragile
$__________ will humble us all
Great idea #1
Find our Sponsor Form on page 7
Give our Wine. ($6 per bottle goes to KSF):
Great idea #5
Make a monetary donation in cash, by credit card, or via PayPal direct
to KSF and we will send the gift recipient an acknowledgement card
featuring a KSF rescue animal on the front!
Great idea #6
Shop online and, at no cost to you, donations are generated from the
shopping you already do! Remember - You must select KSF as your
charity for us to benefit.
Great idea #2
Give our Cookbook (100% of the proceeds go to KSF)
Great idea #3
Buy Rescue Apparel (up to $10/item goes to KSF)
Great idea #7
Shop at Fred Meyer using your Rewards Card and
KSF will receive a donation and you will still get your
rebates, reward and fuel points! You must link your
Rewards Card to Kindred Souls Foundation for us to
benefit (#93561)
Paws in Hands
Page 5
A big thanks to our generous donors in the last half of 2014
Robert & Susanne Adamson
Twyla Eddins-Worthy
Joleen McDowell
Summit Veterinary Referral Center
Carol Aldrich
Lynn Edwards
Kimberly McDowell
Paul Swinehart
American Lake Credit Union
Kevin Engelbart
Angi McGee
Mike Sylvanus & Melisa Evangelos
Marie & Allen Andersen
Kristina Evanoff
Jackie & Peter McLaughlin
Tacoma Boys
Anne Anderson
M. Earlene Fantz
Kolleen Anderson
Fran, Tim, Parker & Watson
Jim & Jane Taylor
Paula Fendler
Daniel Bannon
Beth Foley
Heather Melton
The Ram
Elizabeth Bailey
Fay Forman
Michael J. Giesy, DMD, PLLC
Transmark Logistics, Inc.
Gayle & Bruce Baurichter
Rick Gaida & Carla DuBois
Mud Bay
Trevin Anderson Real Estate
Jean & Rick Bazal
Joan Gilbert
Kevin & Norine Mullen
Sue Turner
Cheryl Beeson
Lori Goff
Robin Munson
Kaitlyn Ugelstad
Robin & Richard Beeson
Sonja Gross
Muscle Milk
Geri & Art Uhlmeyer
Christa Bellefleur
Laura & John Guenthard
MVP Physical Therapy
Ultima Replenishment
Dan & Joyce Hagen
Michael & Dawn Nanfito
Vazka, LLC
Cathy Blattner
Jana Hanford
Ann Nicholson
Christa M. Von Appen-Rider
Bob & Monica Brown
Elizabeth Hansen & Robert Mazzoli Brian & Kelly Nelson
Tash Blackburn
Bruce W. Gilpin Memorial
Amanda Heimbigner
Lisa Nordberg & Donna Kern
Becky Hibbs
Hannelore & Loyd Novlan
Libby & Glenn Buelt
Nadine Hibbs
Natalia Oxford
Cindy Burbank
Dianne Hitt
Jennifer Palancia
Paula Burchatz
Maria Horne
Nancy Parkinson
Canopy Cat Rescue
Kathleen Hulen
Ann & John Peppers
Lori Carroll
Debra Huntley
Ann Percival
Tiffany Casto
James & Judith Joy
Roberta & Mike Reesman
Nancy Charlton
Toni Keefer
ResQthreads LLC
Stefani Christensen & Sue Meister
Bertina & Brian Kelley
Angela Rittinger
Concrete Technology Company
Lynda Keyes
Bernd & Ginger Rittinger
Debra Conn
Michele Lafontaine
Connections Fine Jewelry
Lakewood Appliance
Enrico Rittinger &
Marcos Cu Sarmiento
Andrea Corwin & Ralph Thompson Theresa Langdon
Kenneth & Regina Rittinger
Costco Wholesale - Vancouver
Cheryl Larsen
Kathy Robinson
Debbie & Wendy Curtis
John & Janis Larsen
Sanskrit Healing
Lara Cushing
Graham & Julie Le Grove
Chris & Darrow Schiesl
Lisa Dabalos-McMahon
Liz Leske
Candice Schwartz
Sara Daley
Marion Leyrer
Jean Scott
TiffAnne & Jay Davis
David Little & Michelle Gray
Dwayne & Claudia Seaver
Lisa Deck
Sheri Locke
Matthew Shaw
Clementine & Jesse Delgado
Mariana Mason
Steven Shaw
Tina Delgado
Mary Mason
Gail Silverman
Linda Devereaux
Mikaela Mason
Spare Space
Gayle Dorman
Mason Coatings
Len & Barbara Spector
Bill Driscoll & Lisa Hoffman
Charl Matteson
Doris Stuart
Bert & Wendy Dybdahl
Joan McDonough
Frances Stuart
Page 6
Tenex Health, Inc.
D.P. Zelley, COL RET.
Kindred Souls Foundation is a recognized 501c3 charity to which you
can donate at work.
FEIN (501c3) #38-3707806
WA Charity #22783
Combined Fund Drive (CFD)
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
Microsoft Giving Program #357152
King County Employee Giving
Program #9359
Bank of America Giving Program
City of Seattle Employees Combined
Charities Campaign #45040
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Matching Gifts Program #5446
The Cambia Employee Giving
Program #8766
(formerly the Regence Employee Giving
State Farm Good Neighbor Program
Symetra Gives #2125
United Way of Pierce Co #114127
United Way of King Co #4228924
Be sure and ask at work if your employer
matches donations! If they do, please
consider choosing Kindred Souls Foundation when selecting your charity.
Kindred Souls Foundation
Look who’s been adopted!
Congratulations to these new families Ask The Pharmacist (Continued from page 3)
A growing problem in the United States is that certain
medications are no longer being made, or are simply unavailable
for a wide variety of reasons. PCS can make medications that are
unavailable or discontinued by manufacturers.
Mattie adopted by Russell & Sharon Lunau
Amelie adopted by Mica Wilder
Artemus & Sirius adopted by Sherry Marshall
Lynn Irwin-Sallander is an animal lover, and a generous, caring
and compassionate pharmacist with more than 37 years of experience and education in the field of veterinary medicine. She was
the owner of a veterinary hospital for over 15 years, and all other
staff members at PCS share her commitment, dedication, and
passion for the well-being of pets and their owners.
Caesar adopted by Kiley & Max Wentler
Bailey adopted by Nadia Van Atter
Missy adopted by Michele Martin & Jerry Culpepper
Willem adopted by Jamie Roberts & Josh Simons
All new patients receive 10% off the first Rx fill if you provide a
photo of your precious pet to display in their lobby. Additionally,
PCS is very graciously offering a 25% discount on medications
for Kindred Souls Foundation rescue animals for their lifetime!
Toby adopted by David & Joan DiRito
Fuhrey adopted by Joan Shalikashvili
Carson adopted by Michael Rice
Take some of the stress out of having to give medication to your
pet by letting the staff at Pharmacy Compounding Solutions
provide the exceptional quality and care you expect and deserve
from a veterinary pharmacy.
Charlie adopted by Ralph Johnson
JoJo adopted by Nancy Parkinson
Elliott adopted by Cathy Nau
Visit Pharmacy Compounding Solutions at:
Chopsticks adopted by Jay Yazzie
Noodles adopted by Dwayne & Claudia Seaver
2310 Mildred St W Suite 138; Tacoma, WA 98466
Phone: 253-564-2323 | Fax: 253-564-3131
Victoria adopted by Donn & Suzanne Hutchinson
Inky adopted by Cora Wells
Website: www.pharmacycompoundingsolutions.com/
THANK YOU, Pharmacy Compounding Solutions!
Sponsor an Animal - Project Homeward Bound
Kindred Souls Foundation (KSF) has been a
unique organization since we formed. In
addition to finding homes for highly adoptable animals, we have focused our efforts on
the animals who are frequently overlooked;
the old, the sick, and the misfits.
These populations of animals are often
labeled ‘unadoptable’ and they are not
afforded the same opportunities as those
deemed ‘adoptable’; no space at shelters, no
medical care beyond basic needs, no special
considerations, and consequently, no chance
to live out their lives.
month- $1800 a year- for medical services,
food, and supply costs. These animals see the
regular vet and specialists more frequently,
and require on-going medications and
KSF will continue to focus on these highmaintenance animals; it is where our hearts
are drawn. This choice has consequences. It
is expensive. Each of our medically fragile
or senior companions accrues about $150 a
A consistent monthly financial commitment
to support KSF will allow us to continue
helping these animals in need. KSF is a 100%
volunteer-run organization, a 501c3 nonprofit, and a WA registered charity.
Yes! I want to sponsor PROJECT HOMEWARD BOUND
$25 / month
$50 / month
$100 / month
$150 / month
$____________ / month
Name: ______________________________________________ Phone: ______________________ Email: ____________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________ City: ______________________________ State: _________ Zip: ________________
(if paying by credit card—please use billing statement address)
Specify Method of Payment:
American Express
Name as it appears on card: __________________________________________Signature ________________________________________ Date: _____________
Card Number: ___________________________________________ Expiration Date _________________ CVC/CVV (3-digit code on back of card) ______________
Additionally, you can sign up on our website at: www.kindredsoulsfoundation.org/Project Homeward Bound.htm
Please check your sponsorship level choice. Return the completed form along with payment to
Kindred Souls Foundation, PO Box 88627, Steilacoom, WA 98388 or Fax to 253-584-4332
Paws in Hands
Page 7
Just cut along dotted line and mail completed form along with your donation today!
PLEASE DONATE ! Kindred Souls Foundation's mission is realized by the kind and generous donations of fellow
Kindred Souls! If you would like to help us continue our mission, please fill in the following form and send in today!
I would like to donate $25
I would like to donate $50
I would like to donate $100
I would like to donate $____________
Kindred Souls Foundation
PO Box 88627
Check enclosed (payable to Kindred Souls Foundation)
Please bill my Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express & DiscoverCard accepted)
Steilacoom, WA 98388
Name as it appears on card: __________________________________________________________________________
Card Number: ______________________________ Expiration Date _____________ CVC/CVV code ____________
(3-digit code on back of card)
Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Name: ______________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________
Address: ______________________________________________________ City: _____________________________
State: _________ Zip: _________________ Email: __________________________________________________
Your donation is tax deductible under section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code.
Kindred Souls Foundation does not release your personal information to third parties.
Kindred Souls Foundation
PO Box 88627
Steilacoom, WA 98388

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