
UPDATE from the Olivia Newton–John cancer centre appeal – Spring 2006
Olivia’s message
for their involvement and commitment to ROCKINC.
Thank you to everyone who attended, and congratulations
to all those who won amazing prizes, whether through
their bands performance or as a winner of one of the
fantastic raffles on the night.
I want to send a special thanks to my friends within the
music industry from all around the world who donated
their signed memorabilia which raised funds for our
Cancer Centre.
Olivia and Jon Stevens performing
‘You’re the one that I want’ with L’Austin Rock
My heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined me at
ROCKINC for a night of spectacular entertainment.
The bands were just fantastic and it was a really tough
competition to judge.
The night was a great success and I am pleased to
announce that you helped to raise a profit of almost a
quarter of a million dollars for the Appeal.This was only
possible thanks to the vast corporate and individual
support provided on the night. In particular, I would like to
acknowledge the support of our Presenting Sponsor,Telstra
A special note of thanks to so many Australian celebrities
who attended the event as table hosts, to Tottie, Paul and
Marty who hosted the event, Mel and Paul who brought
a sparkle to the red carpet arrivals, and of course to my
friends Brian Cadd and Jon Stevens who joined me in the
arduous task of judging at the event.
Of course, the real winners will be the many individuals
who will use the Cancer Centre and wellness programs
once the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Centre has been
created. I am proud to lend my name to this Centre and I
thank you for your generosity in supporting what will be an
extraordinary Cancer Centre.
Thank you.
ROCKINC. rundown
Twelve corporate bands lived the rock star dream
performing at Rod Laver Arena, in front of judges Olivia,
Jon Stevens, Brian Cadd, and a large
voting audience.
carpet by Paul Khoury, the voice of Family Feud, and
Channel 7 presenter Mel Kotsos prior to the show.
Olivia’s niece, Tottie Goldsmith did
a fine job as a glamorous co-host
on stage working with Paul Khoury
and Marty Rhone. The presenting
ROCKINC sponsor, Telstra went
the extra mile with their Chief
Financial Officer John Stanhope
performing an impressive drum solo
as part of the show opener.
Olivia wanted to thank all involved
– including sponsors, the bands,
the audience, and the 90 staff from
Austin Health who volunteered on
the night. The Visy Band set the
pace for ROCKINC with their
opening bracket which instantly had
the audience “in the mood”. Olivia
Austin Health’s competing rock
was delighted that Richard and
band, L’Austin Rock, was a favourite
Olivia with Brian Cadd and Marty Rhone with both judges and the crowd,
Jeanne Pratt and Heloise Waislitz,
Chair of the Pratt Foundation,
taking out third place. Olivia
joined the Visy Band at ROCKINC. Visy and the Pratt
specially requested that L’Austin Rock accompany her
Foundation are key supporters of the Olivia Newtonwhen she performed the Grease hit ‘You’re the One
John Cancer Centre Appeal.
That I Want’ with Jon Stevens on the night.
ROCKINC celebrity guests, including Olivia, Sigrid
Thornton, Jon Stevens and Tara Moss were interviewed
in front of a screaming crowd on ROCKINC’s red-
The Winner Is: Cambridge
The winning ROCKINC band, Suit Tie Hi-Fi, representing Cambridge Integrated Services, a workcover
claims and risk management specialist company, scooped the pool by taking out both the People’s Choice
and the Judges’ Awards.
‘It was an unorthodox yet innovative approach to getting out into the community and promoting safety,
wellness, and care for those suffering injury or disease’, said Cambridge CEO, Paul Serong.
Lead Singer Mark Potter
performs like a pro
L-R: Mike Papuga, Brian Cadd, Jon Stevens, Steven Petridis,Taraia Brown,
Olivia, Mendo Kundevski, Zoe Storey and Mark Potter
Judged by Australian music legends Olivia Newton-John, Jon Stevens
and Brian Cadd, Suit Tie Hi-Fi beat contenders from some of the
largest organisations in Australia. According to judge Jon Stevens
(former lead singer of Noiseworks), Suit Tie Hi-Fi was the ‘real deal’.
Our thanks go to all the bands who participated on the night –
you were brilliant! Your enthusiasm and the spirit in which you took
on this challenge was just fantastic. Many putting in enormous hours
rehearsing for the big event. So thank you to each and every band,
Alcatel – Alcatel Broadband
Austin Health – L’Austin Rock
Ernst & Young – Tall Order Jones Lang LaSalle – Sound Advice
Visy – Visy Recycled and The Visy Birds
PricewaterhouseCoopers – EQ
William Buck – Sole Traders
AMP Capital Investors – The Amplifiers
Cambridge – Suit Tie Hi-Fi
Goldman Sachs JB Were – The Outperformers
OneSteel – OneSteelers
RACV Insurance – The Storm Chasers
Telstra – One Click One Touch Band
Many bands received enthusiastic support from their own companies who purchased additional tables and
seats at the event to cheer them on. A number of bands held pre or post event fundraisers to further
support the appeal. Thank you so much!
As the winner of ROCKINC, Suit Tie Hi-Fi has been invited to represent Australia in the FORTUNE Battle
of the Corporate Bands, held at the famous Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland Ohio in October.
We wish them well.
What a night!
Tottie Goldsmith
Olivia meets with Tara Moss
on the red carpet
John Stanhope drums
up a storm on behalf of
Presenting Sponsor Telstra
Olivia with Lauren Newton
and Matt Welsh
Olivia and Brendan Murphy
(Austin CEO) share their dreams for
the Cancer Centre with State Minister
for Health,The Hon Bronwyn Pike MP
at the ROCKINC VIP function
Our VIP Winner
As a winner of the ‘Lets Band Together’ competition,
Helen and Laurie from Williamstown, were thrilled
to be attending ROCKINC and staying at the
luxurious Langham Hotel (ROCKINC sponsor) for
the night. “The event was a real treat,” explained
Laurie. “If we had not won the VIP tickets we would
have never had the chance to stay at such a lovely
place. We walked to and from the ROCKINC
event – right along the river.”
Laurie commented on the great standard of the
bands saying that a number of them could have won
on the night. He and Helen enjoyed the chance to
mingle with the celebrities and witness such great
talent. “There were great people on our table,”
Laurie said. “And we were all like minded - all there
to support a great cause.”
Thanks to all donors who contributed to our ‘Lets
Band Together’ appeal in June. Even though there
was only one competition winner, your support
really does ensure the Olivia Newton-John Cancer
Centre will be a winning team!
Photography by Andrew Raszevski and Wil Gleeson
Thank You
Special thanks to sponsors
Presenting Sponsor: Telstra
Gold Sponsors: Yamaha, Zilzie Wines, Tooheys
Silver Sponsors: Triple M, 3AW, Langham Hotel
Melbourne, Legion Interactive, Manchester Lane,
GT Graphics, Neon Press, Fragile Design
Major Prize Donors: AFL, Orpheus Island, Hayman Island, Small Luxury Hotels, Gaia Retreat
& Spa, SAKS, Lyall Hotel, Estate Licencing,Visy,
Weekend Warriors
Two simple words, but they mean so much: Thank you.
Putting on an event such as ROCKINC is a mammoth task
and takes an enormous amount of effort. There are so many
people to thank, and it’s simply not possible to list them all.
Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to
make ROCKINC a success, particularly the ROCKINC
Committee and our corporate sponsors.Your dedication and
effort has been greatly appreciated.
Many of you may not be aware that Olivia gives enormously
of her time in so many ways
to ensure the Olivia NewtonJohn Cancer Centre Appeal
is successful. Her sincerity,
enthusiasm and personal
involvement on numerous levels
is extremely heartening.
Thank you Olivia.
Terry Campbell AO
Chairman Appeal Executive
Terry & Christine
Chairman & CEO
Campbell with Olivia
Goldman Sachs JB Were
Special thanks to so many more generous supporters.
Thanks to the Committee
Max Campbell, Peter Court, Colin McLeod,
Marty Rhone, Sue McIntosh, Robert Pradolin,
Barbra Ward, Peter Dalton and staff
Special thanks to celebrities
Brian Cadd, Tottie Goldsmith, Derryn Hinch,
Paul Khoury, Mel Kotsis, Chong Lim, Suzie Wilks
Bridget McIntyre, Tara Moss, Lauren Newton,
Olivia Newton-John, Amanda Pelman, Jon Stevens,
Sigrid Thornton, Bud Tingwell, Matt Welsh
An important step forward
Thanks to Table Hosts
ROCKINC was a fantastic event, bringing us closer to our
goal. Olivia’s dream is to build a world-class Cancer Centre
that will treat the whole person, taking care of not only the
body but also the mind and spirit. The Olivia Newton-John
Cancer Centre will combine the best of all worlds – a centre
for excellence of clinical treatment, undertake leading edge
research into all types of cancer, and a place of support and
healing through it’s Wellness Centre.
Platinum Record Tables: Capital Finance,
Mr Terry Campbell, NAB, Nortel Australia,
Pan Urban Corporation, Plenary Group,
Mr Bill Stewart, Mr Greg Winn,
Michael L Yates & Co Pty Ltd
Gold Record Tables: Australian Football League,
KPMG, Pfizer Pty Ltd
Silver Record Tables: 3 Point Motors,
Austhos, Barkly’s Hotel, Dynamic Training,
Eli Lilly, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research,
Macquarie Bank Foundation, Tattersall’s,
WG Miles & Co Pty Ltd, Robe-John & Associates,
Sanofi-Aventis, Snowball Group Ltd, Streetscope
ROCKINC certainly provided a great step towards building
the new Cancer Centre, but the need for funds continues. If
you would like to pledge your support towards the appeal,
simply return the coupon below along with your contribution,
or call us on 03 9496 5753 to discuss how your company can
become more involved.
Thank you, in anticipation of your support.
Yes, I’d like to band together with Olivia
Please accept my donation of:
Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms: _______________________________
$_________ my choice
Enclosed is my cheque/money order payable to Austin Health for the amount
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I am already an Olivia Newton-John Cancer Centre Appeal
OR Austin Health Supporter.
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ABN 96 237 388 063
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For regular monthly donations
I authorise The Olivia Newton-John Cancer Centre Appeal to make automatic
monthly deductions from my credit card until further notice
Monthly value $
Signature _________________________
Automatic deduction on the following date:
Commencing (month) _____________________
Please send me information about: Joining Olivia’s Circle
Making a bequest to the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Centre Appeal in my Will
If you do not wish to receive any further fundraising communications from us, please write to us or phone.
Olivia Newton-John Cancer Centre Appeal, Reply Paid 67079, Heidelberg West Vic 3081
Web: Email:
All donations over $2 are tax deductible